Voice of our Clients - og velkommen til CGI Microsoft
Voice of our Clients - og velkommen til CGI Microsoft
Velkommen til: CGI Microsoft-dagen 2015 Torben Ryttersgaard Vice President, CGI Danmark © CGI Group Inc. 2015 Dagens agenda 1 09.00-09.15: Velkommen 2 09.15-10.00: Plenum-indlæg: PANDORA 3 10.15-11.00: Indlæg 1, 2, 3 og 4 4 11.15-12.00: Indlæg 5, 6, 7 og 8 5 12.00-12.45: Frokost i foyeren 6 12.45-13.30: Indlæg 9, 10, 11 og 12 7 13.45-14.30: Indlæg 13, 14, 15 og 16 8 14.45-15.30: Indlæg 17, 18, 19 og 20 9 15.30-16.00: Plenum-indlæg: Microsoft 2 Praktisk information • Mappe • Personligt program og evaluering • Lokaleoversigt • Guide til vores CGI Beacon-quiz (vind et hotelophold med middag for 2) • Evalueringsskema • Afleveres til en CGI-medarbejder ved udgangen, når du går hjem • Præsentationer • E-mail med link til ALLE præsentationer fremsendes efter arrangementet • Frokost • Buffet i foyeren • Lidt til hjemturen • Husk at få en goodiebag med, når du afleverer dit evalueringsskema • CGI-medarbejdere • Kend CGI-medarbejderne på de røde navneskilte – vi svarer gerne på spørgsmål Global og lokal Førsteklasses forretnings- og itrådgivning Servicerer over Mere end 140 førende IP-baserede løsninger 10.000 kunder globalt fra mere end 400 kontorer CGI er verdens End-to-endservices inden for itog forretningsprocesser Fokuseret knowhow inden for udvalgte brancher og aktuelle trends 68.000 10,5 mia. CAD$ medarbejdere; 85% er medejere* i årlig omsætning 37 års Nærhed succesfuldt partnerskab med vores kunder i kombination med vores globale leverancenetværk *Inden fusion m. Logica 4 5. største it-services leverandør CGI’s Voice of Our Clients program In 2015, we conducted 965 in-person client interviews to listen to their perspectives, refine our thinking, inform our investments, and evolve our strategy to best serve clients as a partner and expert of choice 10 Industries 4% 17 Countries Europe Canada 3%1% Americas 0% USA 6% 7% 7% 3% South America 34% 18% 6% Asia Pacific 7% 39% France 14% 20% Nordics 8% 59% UK 9% Central & Eastern Europe 21% 1% 14% 15% 0% 2% Benelux Government Financial Services Utilities Retail & Consumer Services Manufacturing Communications Health & Life Sciences Transport Oil & Gas Post & Logistics APAC Southern Europe Source: CGI Voice of Our Clients (2015) 5 44% 56% Business Leaders IT Leaders Globally, clients are focused on becoming customer-centric digital organizations Top Global Trends Change from 2014 1 Increased customer/citizen expectations 2 Digital transformation 3 Deliver regulatory compliance 4 Address cost / budget pressures 5 Protect through cybersecurity NEW Source: CGI Voice of Our Clients (2015) 6 Clients’ top IT priorities are aligned with the business to transform to customer-centric digital organizations Top Technology Priorities Transform and connect with all stakeholders to become a digital enterprise (customers/citizens, partners, suppliers) Drive IT Modernization to become more agile and reduce the cost of “run” to invest in “change” Develop the capabilities to deliver the benefits of big data & business insight Protect our stakeholders through enhanced cybersecurity Embrace new delivery models to align costs with revenue (SaaS, Cloud, Managed Services / Outsourcing) Source: CGI Voice of Our Clients (2015) 7 However, organizations are struggling to transform Revenue growth / budgets are under pressure & costs are rising Clients are challenged by their ability to fund transformation Only 18% of CapEx budgets are allocated to digital transformation “change” Revenue / Budget Investment to “Change” the organization 18% 82% Run costs include security, amortization, and all legacy systems $’s 65% have not been able to reduce “run” costs to invest in change Cost to “Run” the organization Time Source: CGI Voice of Our Clients (2015) 8 50% 35% 15% Increase Flat Decrease Vores kunder vil effektivisere for at kunne ændre virksomheden og blive digitale I dag Revenue / Budget Digitale katalysatorer Digital Customer Experience Internet of Things Drive growth… …by building a digital organization… Invest to “Change” Cost to “Run” Fremtidigt mål: At være en kundeorienteret digital organisation Digital Insights Human Capital Strategy Cybersecurity Cloud / SaaS Outsourcing IT Modernization Source: CGI Voice of Our Clients (2015) 9 …on a modern platform Prøv CGI Beacon - og vind et hotelophold med middag for 2! • • • • • • Hent app’en CGI Beacon i App Store Slå Bluetooth til (4.0 eller nyere/iPhone 4s og op) Start app’en med password cgidk Få ledetråde fra beacons Besvar de 4 spørgsmål Indsend og deltag • Besøg standen i foyeren og få mere at vide 10 Ha´ en rigtig god dag! Vil du vide mere: Torben Ryttersgaard Vice President, CGI Danmark Mobil: 25 18 87 51 E-mail: torben.ryttersgaard@cgi.com 11