Ideas for Master thesis projects in the department within Molecular


Ideas for Master thesis projects in the department within Molecular
Master Thesis Projects
Topics for master thesis projects available in 2015-2016
The Master’s degree programme in Department of Food Science
Food area
Table of content
Screening for Antioxidative Compounds from the Annatto plant
Difference between first and second harvest in the metabolic profile of the Annatto
Bioavailability of proteins – a peptidomic study
Protein co-precipitation between plant and animal proteins
Stability prediction of Emulsions
Characterization of metabolites and antinutritional compounds in white clover
Metabolomics on blood and feces from fish fed with different quality of feed
Multisensory Comparisons of Standard and Rapid Sensory Descriptive Methods in
Novel Product Development Senarios
Oxidative changes in fish feed and its effect on digestibility – Better proteins to feed
the world
10. Production of HQ Poultry Protein Concentrate from low grade MDM
11. Trans-differentiation of satellite cells into adipocytes by stimulation of PPAR-gamma
12. Designing food plants for the future
13. Influence of sensory interactions on sensory perception in new product development
14. Sensory interactions
15. Cross modal interactions perceived through human sense systems – the effect of
16. A pinch of salt- an exposure study
17. Fat crystallisation – Butter or chocolate
18. Fat bloom i småkager
19. Proteomics and peptidomics of protein-based foods
1. Screening for Antioxidative Compounds from the
Annatto plant
Main supervisor
Associate Prof. Trine Kastrup Dalsgaard, Department of Food Science, Aarhus
Faculty of Science and Technology, Aarhus University
Phone: +45 8715 7998.
Physical location of the project
Blichers allé 20, 8830 Tjele
Project start
August or September 2015
Extent and type of project
1 year master project
Main subject area
Natural occurring antioxidants for stabilizing pigments
Additional information
The master study will be in collaboration with two PhD studies, which are part of
the project “Annatto – a sustainable bio-factory for natural colors and health
promoting compounds for food”, a collaboration between Chr. Hansen A/S,
University of Campinas in Brazil and Aarhus University.
Short project description
The market for natural colors is approx. 700M€ with growth rates in excess of
10% annually. A main market driver is reports on adverse effects of synthetic
colours in children. Carotenoids are the preferred pigment group used for yellow
and orange shades, representing 60% of the market volume. The annatto crop
(Bixa orellana L.), that is endogenous to South America, can contain above 5%
carotenoids in the seeds. This is 100-1000 times the concentration normally
found in orange carrots, making Bixa orellana a promising production system for
such pigments. The major pigments in the annatto plant are cis-bixin (70-80%)
and minor constituents are trans-bixin and cis- and trans forms of norbixin. These
pigments are used as natural colours in e.g. cheddar cheese. The problem with
these pigments is that they bleach upon light exposure and heat treatment.
bleaching/degradation of the pigments.
The project will focus on 1) purification of bioactive compounds from the
Annatto plant 2) test purified fractions for antioxidative activity 3) finally
in collaboration with a PhD student try to stabilize the pigments bixin
and norbixin from the Annatto plant by the mean of antioxidants.
2. Difference between first and second harvest in the
metabolic profile of the Annatto plant
Main supervisor
Associate Prof. Trine Kastrup Dalsgaard, Department of Food Science, Aarhus
Faculty of Science and Technology, Aarhus University
Phone: +45 8715 7998.
Physical location of the project
Blichers allé 20, 8830 Tjele
Project start
August or September 2015
Extent and type of project
45 or 60 ECTS master thesis
Main subject area
Metabolomics of the annatto plant
Additional information
The master study will attached the project “Annatto – a sustainable bio-factory for
natural colors and health promoting compounds for food”, a collaboration between Chr.
Hansen A/S, University of Campinas in Brazil and Aarhus University.
Short project description
The annatto crop (Bixa orellana L.), that is endogenous to South America, can is
used for natural colour production and it contain above 5% carotenoids in the
seeds. The pigments are bixin and norbixin, which are used e.g. in Cheddar
cheese. The annatto plant can be harvest twice a year, but is normally only done
once (big harvest in July). The first harvest (January-February) is low in yield of
the natural colours but may yield other valuable compounds. The bixin content
has never been correlated with the metabolic profile of the Annatto seeds and in
order to understand the effect of harvest time in relation yield of bixin the
metabolome may help.
The project aim at developing a tool to understand the relation between harvest
time and the content of the natural pigment bixin. A metabolomics methodology
based on GC-MS metabolomics will be developed and used to reveal the effect of
harvest time on the metabolome of seeds from the Annatto plant. The results
combined with multivariate data analysis will clarify the impact of harvest time on
the metabolome of the Annatto plant and the content of bixin and potential health
promoting compounds in the Annatto plant.
3. Bioavailability of proteins – a peptidomic study
Main supervisor
Associate Prof. Trine Kastrup Dalsgaard, Department of Food Science, Aarhus Faculty of
Science and Technology, Aarhus University
Phone: +45 8715 7998.
Physical location of the project
Blichers allé 20, 8830 Tjele
Project start
August or September 2015
Extent and type of project
60 ECTS master thesis
Main subject area
The project is within the field of peptidomics and bioavailability
Additional information
The study will be part of a large project on bioavailability of milk proteins in
collaboration with Dept. of Animal Science at Aarhus University.
Short project description
An increasing world population demands increasing amounts of proteins. Proteins of
animal origin such as milk proteins are recognized as so called full proteins fulfilling
humans’ need for indispensable amino acids. Milk has two difference fraction of proteins,
the casein and the whey proteins. Caseins are coagulation proteins, which are taken up
solvely in the intestine whereas whey is quickly taken up. The two types of proteins has be
tested in ileum-cannulated pigs to assess the digestible indispensable amino acid score (DIAAS)
according to the recommendations given by the FAO Expert Consultation.
In the present project pigs juice from ilium from pigs fed casein and whey will be
analysed with LC-MS techniques to investigate the digestibility and uptake in the
small intestine. Database search, in silico digest and in vitro digested proteins will
be used to characterize the ilium juice for peptides and no-digested protein
4. Protein co-precipitation between plant and animal
Main supervisor
Associate Prof. Trine Kastrup Dalsgaard, Department of Food Science, Aarhus Faculty of
Science and Technology, Aarhus University
Phone: +45 8715 7998.
Physical location of the project
Blichers allé 20, 8830 Tjele
Project start
August or September 2015
Extent and type of project
60 ECTS master thesis
Main subject area
The project is within the field of metabolomics.
Additional information
The study will be part of a large project on protein extraction from green materials
in the interdisciplinary green protein platform at Aarhus University.
Short project description
An increasing world population demands increasing amounts of proteins. Proteins of
animal origin such as milk proteins are recognized as so called full proteins fulfilling
humans’ need for indispensable amino acids. Expensive proteins like milk proteins could
be complemented partly by plant proteins and still fulfil the need for indispensable amino
acids, and thereby help to fulfil the needs of proteins to feed the world. Anti-nutritional
factors (ANFs) in plant may reduce the bioavailability of the proteins. Co-precipitation of
plant proteins with animal protein is a novel technology applied to remove ANFs from
plant proteins and improve functional properties. It will improve bioavailability of the
plant proteins, making them candidates as proteins for human consumption.
The project aim at using a co-precipitation of plant proteins with milk or egg
proteins to obtain high quality protein with low level of ANFs. Protein quality will
be characterized with a variety of methods.
5. Stability prediction of Emulsions
Main supervisor
Associate Professor Lars Wiking
Department of Food Science
Aarhus University
Phone: 87157805
Contact person at Dupont:
Kaustov Bhattacharya, e-mail:, phone 89435012
Physical location of the project
Foulum and Dupont in Aarhus
Project start
Any time
Extent and type of project
Master, 45-60 ECTS
Main subject area
Additional information
The laboratory work will be at both at Foulum and Dupont in Aarhus.
Short project description
Effect of different emulsifiers and water phase components on emulsions measured by
light scattering technique under dynamic conditions
The migration behavior of an emulsifier from bulk oil phase to the w/o interface can be
measured by change in interfacial tension during cooling. However such measurements
are conducted under static conditions. Standard Tensiometer used for such
measurements cannot be used for dynamic/emulsification conditions where there is a
rapid subdivision of added phase creating new interfaces as a function of time.
One can study the effect of migration of different types of emulsifiers under dynamic
conditions onto the water-oil interface by monitoring the change in internal phase
properties and distribution using sub-surface laser scattering. Laser light can be used to
pass through the emulsion vessel and sub-surface laser scattering thus recorded can be
analysis to determine the performance of different emulsifiers. Effect of various water
phase components commonly used in the industry can also be investigated. The
emulsions thus formed can be studied using instruments such as Turbiscan, p-NMR,
microscopy to follow stability as a function of time and temperature.
The present methodology can in a simple and non-invasive way be applied to
characterize food emulsions, during production and to predict stability.
6. Characterization of metabolites and antinutritional
compounds in white clover
Main supervisor
Associate Prof. Trine Kastrup Dalsgaard, Department of Food Science, Aarhus Faculty of
Science and Technology, Aarhus University
Phone: +45 8715 7998.
Physical location of the project
Blichers allé 20, 8830 Tjele
Project start
August or September 2015
Extent and type of project
60 ECTS master thesis
Main subject area
The project is within the field of metabolomics.
Additional information
The study will be part of a large project on protein extraction from green materials
in the interdisciplinary green protein platform at Aarhus University.
Short project description
An increasing world population demands increasing amounts of proteins. Proteins of
animal origin such as milk proteins are recognized as so called full proteins fulfilling
humans’ need for indispensable amino acids. Expensive proteins like milk proteins could
be complemented partly by plant proteins and still fulfil the need for indispensable amino
acids, and thereby help to fulfil the needs of proteins to feed the world. Anti-nutritional
factors (ANFs) in plant may reduce the bioavailability of the proteins. Thus in order to
use vegetable proteins in blends with milk proteins for human consumption antinutritional factors (ANFs) factors needs to be characterized.
The project aim at developing new analytical methods for the analysis of ANF in
white clover. Both a target and untargeted approach may be used. A
metabolomics methodology based on GC-MS metabolomics will be developed and
used to reveal the effect of ANFs on the protein quality.
7. Metabolomics on blood and feces from fish fed with
different quality of feed
Main supervisor
Associate Prof. Trine Kastrup Dalsgaard, Department of Food Science, Aarhus Faculty of
Science and Technology, Aarhus University
Phone: +45 8715 7998.
Physical location of the project
Blichers allé 20, 8830 Tjele
Project start
August or September 2015
Extent and type of project
45 or 60 ECTS master thesis
Main subject area
The project is within the field of metabolomics.
Additional information
The study will be part of a bigger project “New physicochemical and technological
approach for High Quality and Sustainable Fish Feed production – ExiPro” a collaboration
between Biomar, DTU-aqua, KU and AU. A post doc is linked to the project.
Short project description
Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing sectors worldwide and counts for 49% of all fish
for human consumption. The sector is increasing by 8-10% each year and it is estimated
that in 2030 62% of the fish worldwide will come from aquaculture (Food and Agricultural
Organization of the United Nations, Fisheries and Aquaculture Statistics and Information
Service, 2014). An increasing world population demands increasing amounts of proteins.
Expensive proteins like fish proteins could be complemented partly by plant proteins and
still fulfil the need for indispensable amino acids, and thereby help to produce fish for
human consumption to fulfil the needs of proteins to feed the world. To understand the
how the fish metabolize different types and quality of proteins the metabolic profile can
be followed and correlated to the growth and utilization of the feed.
The project aim at developing a tool to understand the relation between fish feed
composition and quality and the growth performance of the fish. A metabolomics
methodology based on GC-MS metabolomics will be developed and used to reveal
the effect of proteins on the metabolome of the fish. The results combined with
multivariate data analysis will clarify the impact of fish feed composition and
quality on the metabolite profile of the fish.
8. Multisensory Comparisons of Standard and Rapid
Sensory Descriptive Methods in Novel Product
Development Senarios
Main supervisor
Professor Derek Victor Byrne
Department of Food Science
Aarhus Faculty of Science and Technology
Aarhus University
Phone: 28782840
Physical location of the project
AU Årslev
Project start
Extent and type of project
45 or 60 ECTS master thesis projects
Main subject area
Sensory method development in novel healthy food products
Additional information
Co-supervisor: to be determined
Short project description
Sensory methods in many respects are at a cross roads in their development, in the initial
phase methods were developed to be highly robust and repeatable, but had the
disadvantage of taking a long time and being expensive to implement. Subsequently
there was a movement towards so called ‘fast’ or ‘rapid’ methods such that cost and time
commitment could be minimised, but involving compromise in relation to statistical
validation and robustness.
MSc projects are invited under this area to focus on various methodological gaps between
these two schools of sensory l thinking. These methods will be tested via application in
the development of novel healthy food products. Thus, a consumer driven innovation
approach to ensuring novel products are developed with the end user directly involved
ensuring enhanced potential for success in the marketplace.
The project will partner Danish food companies in relation to applicable novel product
9. Oxidative changes in fish feed and its effect on
digestibility – Better proteins to feed the world
Main supervisor
Associate Prof. Trine Kastrup Dalsgaard, Department of Food Science, Aarhus Faculty of
Science and Technology, Aarhus University
E-mail: :
Phone: +45 8715 7998.
Physical location of the project
Blichers allé 20, 8830 Tjele
Project start
August or September 2015
Extent and type of project
45 or 60 ECTS master thesis
Main subject area
The project is within the field of protein quality and digestibility.
Additional information
The study will be part of a bigger project “New physicochemical and technological
approach for High Quality and Sustainable Fish Feed production – ExiPro” a collaboration
between Biomar, DTU-aqua, KU and AU. A PhD student is linked to the project.
Short project description
An increasing world population demands increasing amounts of proteins. Proteins of
animal origin such as fish, meat, egg and milk proteins are recognized as so called full
proteins fulfilling humans’ need for indispensable amino acids. Thus animal protein like
fish protein is a good source to fulfill some of our needs for proteins. Fish also needs
protein to grow and plant proteins are cheaper than proteins from e.g. fish meal but the
plant proteins do not cover all the essential amino acids for optimal growth. Expensive
proteins like fish proteins could be complemented partly by plant proteins and still fulfil
the need for indispensable amino acids, and thereby help to produce fish for human
consumption to fulfil the needs of proteins to feed the world. Furthermore, the processing
in the feed production is highly relevant to study to optimize bioavailability. It is of
outmost importance that the available raw materials are fully utilized by optimizing feed
process technology and protecting nutritional quality of the feed.
The project will focus on how the protein quality and the extrusion treatment in the
production of fish feed will induce oxidative changes in the proteins and reduce the
digestibility of the proteins. The student will learn many different techniques, including
mass spectrometry, to investigate oxidative changes and digestibility of different types of
11. Trans-differentiation of satellite cells into
adipocytes by stimulation of PPAR-gamma
Main supervisor
Senior scientist Niels Oksbjerg
Department of Food Science
Aarhus Faculty of Science and Technology
Aarhus University
Phone: 87157809
Physical location of the project
AU Foulum
Project start
Any time
Extent and type of project
Master project (60 ECTS)
Main subject area
Meat quality
Additional information
Post Doc Martin Krøyer Rasmussen
Short project description
The project aims at using natural compounds to induce trans-differentiation (change one
cell-type into another) of muscle stem cells into adipose cells.
In relation to the sensory perception of meat from pigs the amount of fat is low. The
intramuscular fat content of the muscle can be increased by trans-differentiation of
already existing muscle-cells (satellite cells) into adipogenic cells. The transdifferentiation is believed to be initiated by activating peroxisome proliferator activated
receptor-γ (PPAR-γ). In a series of experiments we want to investigate if PPAR activation
initiates trans-differentiation and next to identify natural occurring (e.g. from plants)
bioactive compounds that can activate PPAR.
The project includes isolation and culturing of primary muscle-cells from pigs; different
staining techniques to colour fat as well as analysis of gene-expression (qPCR).
12. Designing food plants for the future
Department and supervisors
Katrine Heinsvig Kjær, Katrine.kjaer@food., + 45 8715 8337, + 45 3029 6592
Morten Rahr Clausen,, +45 8715 8318
Department of Food Science
Faculty of Science and Technology
Aarhus University
Physical location of the project and students work
Department of Food Science, AU, 5792 Aarslev
Project start
Autumn 2015, Spring 2016
Main subject area
Plant chemistry
Plant physiology
Short project description
Plants produced in greenhouses are continuously exposed to changes in light intensity
and quality.
The irradiance from the sun changes during the year, and the quality of the light from
greenhouse lamps is not always optimal for the production of plants. However, a new
technology of light emitting diodes (LEDs) is making it possible to design specific light
environments and to manipulate the quality of light in the greenhouse. In the future
these lamps will make it possible to design the light environment in order to reach
specific production goals in terms of size, form, taste and color of the plant food product.
However, there is still much to learn on how plants respond to changes in the light
This project will focus on how specific light environments affect primary metabolism in
food plants. Depending on your interests you can choose to focus on:
short term responses (hours) and/or long term responses (days)
changes in growth, appearance or taste of the plants
different methods for investigating plant metabolites
You will learn basic principles of setting up plant experiments in controlled environments
using the newest technology of LED lighting. You will learn how to analyze plant
physiology using standard methods and plant metabolomics using NMR and LC-MS.
Furthermore, the project offers an opportunity to learn multivariate statistics for
analyzing large datasets.
Extent and type of project
45 or 60 ECTS: Experimental theses in which the student is responsible for collection and
analysis of his/her own original data
13. Influence of sensory interactions on sensory
perception in new product development
Main supervisor
Associate professor Ulla Kidmose,
Department of Food Science
Aarhus Faculty of Science and Technology
Aarhus University
Phone: 87158293
Physical location of the project
AU Årslev
Project start
Extent and type of project
45 or 60 ECTS master thesis project
Main subject area
Sensory analysis in product development of foods
Additional information
Co-supervisor Post Doc Line Holler Mielby,
Short project description
The modern Western diet contains of many foods with a relatively high energy density
(fat and sugar) and low fiber content. These foods are believed to be major contributors
to the increasing obesity prevalence and therefore it is important to change the diet in a
more healthy direction. However, the replacement of the energy-dense nutrients from
these foods by nutrients with less energy dense alternatives may not be the optimal way
of reducing the prevalence of obesity. It seems that it is important to maintain the
nutrient quality and instead utilize the sensory aspects that ensure food satiety and
In this project, focus will be on the effect of enhancement and suppression (masking) of
sensory attributes or food components on peoples liking and intake to develop more
healthy food products. Especially, changes of texture and flavours in food products are of
interest. Besides, the interactions of the sensory attributes and food components in the
product will be investigated and correlated to the consumer’s perception of the foods.
 Sensory evaluations carried out by a trained sensory panel
 Flavour-flavour learning, flavour-nutrient learning and effect of texture flavour
 Interactions
 Conduction of consumer studies
 The data will be analyzed using multivariate data analysis
14. Sensory interactions
Main supervisor
Associate professor Ulla Kidmose,
Department of Food Science
Aarhus Faculty of Science and Technology
Aarhus University
Phone: 87158293
Physical location of the project
AU Årslev
Project start
As soon as possible
Extent and type of project
45 or 60 ECTS master thesis project
Main subject area
Sensory analysis
Additional information
Co-supervisor Post doc Sidsel Jensen, phone 87158292,
Short project description
The taste and flavour of food are determined by the composition of the product but also
the interaction between components. To understand and improve the taste of food it is
important to gain knowledge of the fundamentals of such taste and flavour interactions.
 To study the interaction between sweetness, bitterness and sourness as perceived
by human senses.
 Sensory evaluation carried out by a trained sensory panel
 Application of different taste compounds in food systems
 Data will be analysed by using multivariate data analysis
15. Cross modal interactions perceived through human
sense systems – the effect of colour
Main supervisor
Associate professor Ulla Kidmose,
Department of Food Science
Aarhus Faculty of Science and Technology
Aarhus University
Phone: 87158293
Physical location of the project
AU Årslev
Project start
Extent and type of project
45 or 60 ECTS master thesis project
What is crossmodal
How information from the
different sensory modalities such as
sight, sound, touch, smell, and
taste, may be integrated by the
nervous system and perceived by
Of importance in this thesis is how
different sensory modalities interact
with one another and alter each
other’s processing. For instance
how the addition of a tasteless
color can alter the sweetness
perception of a drink even though
the sweetness level of the drink is
not changed.
Main subject area
Sensory and consumer analysis
Additional information
Co-supervisor Line Holler Mielby,87154868,
Short project description
Aroma, taste, texture and colour are key factors that determine how we accept the foods
we consume. Though, their relative contribution to overall perception is difficult to show.
Further, the perceptions we have through our senses (taste, smell, vision, hearing and
touch) often don’t work independently of each other. This master thesis will primarily
focus on the effect of visual cues on the overall perception of foods.
The proposed master thesis project consists of two parts:
1) The student will study and work with how to measure cross modal interactions
between different modalities (in particular colour).
2) Further, the student will study and elucidate the effect that different colours and
aromas have on the perception of bitterness in bitter model solutions and in a real
product (tonic water).
16. A pinch of salt - an exposure study
Main supervisor
Associate professor Ulla Kidmose,
Department of Food Science
Aarhus Faculty of Science and Technology
Aarhus University
Phone: 87158293
Physical location of the project
AU Årslev
Project start
Spring 2015
Extent and type of project
45 or 60 ECTS master thesis project
Main subject area
Sensory and consumer analysis
Additional information
Co-supervisor Line Holler Mielby,87154868,
Short project description
Aroma, taste, texture and colour are key factors that determine how we accept the foods
we consume. Further, acceptance of product is known to change over time.
In general, the intake of salt is too high for the average Danish consumer. This is
expected to have a negative consequence on our health and initiatives to decrease the
salt content in foods are thus promoted. In the “A Pinch of Salt” project ongoing studies
are conducted to develop recipes for sensory acceptable low salt cheeses.
In relation to this, consumer exposure studies will be carried out on some of the model
low salt cheeses. Exposure studies are consumer studies where consumers are exposed
to products up to 10 times to see how their acceptances change over time.
In this project the student will be part of the planning process as well as the actual
conductance of the exposure study. Therefore the student will work closely together with
the supervisors and have the possibility to affect the study design and thus the overall
aim of the study.
17. Fat crystallisation – Butter or chocolate
Main supervisor
Associate Professor Lars Wiking
Department of Food Science
Aarhus Faculty of Science and Technology
Aarhus University
Phone: 87157805
Physical location of the project
Project start
Any time
Extent and type of project
45-60 ECTS
Main subject area
Food Technology
Additional information
Short project description
Several research projects within fat crystallization are going on at the Department of
Food Science. There are opportunities for the students with interest in texture of food,
microstructure and crystallization mechanisms to be connecting to one of these. The
projects deal with butter or cocoa butter alternatives.
As fat crystallizes it forms a three dimensional network that is of great importance for the
final texture and mouthfeel of the products. The structure of the fat crystal network will
depend on processing, which involves cooling, heating and agitation. It is important that
edible fat has an optimized melting profile and good taste release together with a
desirable texture. The industry, however, lacks knowledge of how different processing
factors affect the final structure and functionality of their products.
Rheological measurements will be conducted with rheometers and texture analyzers. The
microstructure can be analyzed by various microscope techniques. DSC and pNMR are
used for studying crystallization mechanism.
19. Proteomics and peptidomics of protein-based foods
Main supervisor
Associate professor Lotte Bach Larsen
Department of Food Science
Faculty of Science and Technology
Aarhus University
Phone: +45 87158049
Physical location of the project
AU Foulum
Project start
Aug. 2015 or according to agreement
Extent and type of project
45 or 60 ECTS master project.
Main subject area
Application of proteomics and/or peptidomics based methods for the characterisation of
protein and/or peptide profiles, respectively, in raw or processed foods by combinations
of protein chemistry-based techniques.
Additional information
Eventual involvement of co-supervisors according to the detailed subject. Eventual
collaboration with AU-Aarslev at Funen. Eventual collaborations with post. docs., PhDs
and other master or bachelor students at the department.
Short project description
Currently, I supervise master and PhD projects in the areas of bioactive peptides,
digestability of food proteins, milk oligosaccharides, fractionation and functional
properties of proteins from potato and in quality aspects of different dairy products. This
includes quality of whey based UHT products, of lactose-reduced UHT milk and overall
characterisation of protein composition of different fractions or dairy products prepared
from bovine milk. Furthermore, we look at milk quality, protein composition, proteolysis
and technological properties in relation to cow genetics, genetic variants of milk proteins,
somatic cell count and at prolonged lactation. It will be possible to discuss master project
ideas broadly in relation to these areas and eventually formulate a specific project within
these themes and techniques.