May 2016 - Grey Power Napier
May 2016 - Grey Power Napier
Grey Power Napier & Districts Quarterly Newsletter P O Box 4247, Marewa, Napier 4143 May 2016 The May 17 meeting is our Annual General Meeting, and also features guest speaker Gabriella James Orphans’ Aid When ? Tuesday, 17th May 1:30 pm AGM HIGHLIGHTS Reports: President (p2 of this newsletter) Treasurer (p 7 of this newsletter) ELECTION OF OFFICERS The following Executive positions will be elected at the AGM: President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary Publicity Officer Three committee members ************************ IS YOUR MEMBERSHIP UP-TO-DATE? If your membership card sticker is BLUE, then you are a current member. If not, then you have not renewed your Grey Power membership, and this is the last newsletter you will receive until you renew. PLEASE RENEW BY COMPLETING THE FORM ON PAGE 11 OR GO TO OUR WEBSITE OR RENEW AT MAY MEETING Where? St Columba’s Church, 176 Gloucester St, Taradale Gabriela was born in Romania and grew up under the regime of Nicolae Ceausescu – a man infamous for his population policies which saw a huge increase in orphaned and abandoned children in Romania. After his death, Gabriela threw herself into helping foreigners adopt Romanian orphans. After meeting a couple from New Zealand in 1992, Gabriela came here, made her life here and has since set up an Op Shop for Orphans Aid International. Gabriela lives in Hastings with husband Jamie and their three children, who all support her in her work. ALL MEMBERS BRING YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD TO VOTE AT THE MEETING YOU CAN JOIN OR RENEW MEMBERSHIP AT THE MEETING Raffles, freshly picked fruit all for sale; Bring an item for the Food Bank collection. Grey Power Committee Contacts President: Laurie Jenkin (06) 844 3734 Treasurer: Carol Brunton (06) 844 8970 Deputy Chairperson David George (06) 834 0711 Membership John Wuts (06) 844 4751 Secretary/Newsletter Editor Maxine Boag 021 024 70484 Page 1 Publicity Officer Jane Smart 027 459 5716 Committee June Graham 845 4353 Lillian Rennett 843 9522 Anne Mitchell 844 7011 Bruce Carnegie 844 5635 Isabel Wood 8430524 You can join on our website: Grey Power Napier and Districts Association Inc. The President’s Annual AGM Report * The 2015 – 16 year has continued the steady growth of our Association, reaching membership of 1,200, and expecting to celebrate the 1,500 target by the end of this year. Thank you to all members who have put in a good word for us, and encouraged friends to join. The new Discount Book has been a great success, thanks to the hard work done under the leadership of Bruce Carnegie. Another factor in our growth is Grey Power Electricity and Gas, which is still an attractive option for some of our members. A monthly page in the Napier Mail has brought in newcomers, and raised our profile across the city. Our colourful brochures, recently renewed, are still picked up in waiting rooms, libraries, and are a steady source of new membership. General meetings continue to be popular and well attended. Members tell us they like the interesting speakers, the easy atmosphere, the delicious afternoon teas provided by Carol, the generous raffles and the fellowship. We are very pleased with our current meeting venue, which is light and pleasant, and can seat a maximum of 265 persons. I think it will be a good while before we have to look for a bigger venue, as we generally have an attendance between 120 and 180. We scored a record 220 when Sir Michael Cullen spoke to us in the March meeting. From 2012 to 2014 we used All Saints’ Church Hall for our Christmas Party, but 2015 saw us hiring Pukemokimoki Marae, because of its capacity of 250. It proved to be a lovely venue, and our Maori hosts were wonderfully helpful. Our entertainment, put on by the Maraenui Bilingual Kura Kapa Haka group was one of the most polished performances I’ve ever seen! Our Mayoress, Shirley Dalton, completed the entertainment by ably leading a singalong. It was a splendid occasion altogether. We maintain strong, supportive connections with other Grey Power groups, and are meeting with four other Hawkes Bay groups later this month. As well, two or three committee Page 2 members attend Zone meetings, held quarterly in Palmerston North. Secretary Maxine Boag was our delegate to the Federation’s annual conference in Christchurch this year, and as part of a National Advisory Group, co-presented a workshop on Local Bodies. Just as we join up new members, every year we lose a number of our members who pass away, or transfer into care. Our sincere felicitations go to the families and friends who suffer such losses. As in past years, the committee has made a submission to N.C.C’s Annual Plan, this year mentioning bus stops, rates, Atawhai pedestrian crossing, the velodrome, Anderson Park improvements and the inaudibility of Council meetings (see p 8 for the summary). Our Association has been blessed to have a very stable, hardworking Committee for the past five years. There have been very few personnel changes, and we interact very well together. There is always a willingness to share the load, and get involved in the numerous different tasks. None of us has a personal agenda – except for the well-being of our Association. Our constitution allows us to co-opt people onto the Committee as the need arises, so we have tentatively set up three new portfolios --- Membership Secretary, Telephone Tree Coordinator, and Newsletter Folding and Delivery Co-ordinator. My thanks also to the teams who faithfully phone members re up-coming meetings; help with folding, and/or distributing our quarterly newsletters ; put out chairs and tables for afternoon tea; prepare and clean up after our lovely afternoon teas ---sponsored by our generous friends at Beth Shan Funeral Directors; the vacuumers; the Maori Wardens; those who transport others to and from meetings --- to all our wonderful volunteers, you are greatly appreciated, as you are the virtual lifeblood of our association! My grateful thanks also, to all the businesses who advertise in our Discount Book, and/or our quarterly newsletter; I urge members to make the most of the discounts they offer. Last, but not least, my thanks and appreciation to all our members, whether you are able to get to meetings or not. The interest and vitality you bring to our meetings are meritorious indeed. We appreciate the talents, skills and strengths you have developed over the years. May you continue to enjoy your interaction with our association into the future. Best wishes to you all Laurie Jenkin (President) * this will be moved as the President’s report at the AGM. Grey Power Napier and Districts Association Inc. Proposed Constitutional (Rules) Changes The Executive Committee would like the approval of two changes to our constitution, preferably done at the AGM. After the conclusion of the AGM, the President will open an Extraordinary General Meeting solely to gain approval of two changes to our rules. These will not take effect immediately as they have to be approved by the Federation and sent to the Companies Office after you have voted. The proposed changes: 1. Aligning our membership year with the Federation. Although our financial year ends on 31 December, same as the Federation’s, our membership year ends then also, whereas the Federation’s membership year ends on 31st March. This creates confusion and inconsistency, so the Executive recommends that Section 13 of our constitution (“an annual subscription shall become due and payable by each member on 1 January in each year for the year ending on the subsequent 31 December”) be changed by deleting the word Jan- uary and replacing it with April; and deleting the words “subsequent 31 December” and replacing them with “31 March the following year.” 2. Adding another officer and increasing the committee size One of the most vital members of our committee—the membership person—has no vote and no status in the constitution. So on top of the officers already in the constitution—the President, vice president, secretary, publicity officer and treasurer, we want to add another officer – Membership Coordinator. As well, to enable us to fully engage the actual numbers of committee members who now contribute to the increased workload which has come with our rise in membership, we would like to change the wording which says the committee will have: “Not more than three other members who shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.” to “Not more than six other members…”. These can be voted on with a simple majority. HOUSE & BUILDING WASH houses — units — sheds — patios — decks driveways — paths — fences — glass houses — etc 30% Discount BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL ALSO AVAILABLE: Window cleaning, gutter cleaning, waterblasting & storm water drain clearing. For More Information Phone: Lindsay Meuli - AAA Moss Away 835 3677 or Mobile 0272 555 769 Locally Owned & Operated AAA ROOF PAINTING Decramastic Corrugated Colour Steel Tiles Concrete Roofs Tiles Iron AAA MOSS AWAY Driveways 15% Discount Tiles Cobbles Fences 15% Discount Decks House Exteriors Lindsay Meuli Phone 835 3677 or Mobile 0272 555 769 Lindsay Meuli Phone 835 3677 or Mobile 0272 555 769 Locally Owned & Operated Locally Owned & Operated Page 3 Grey Power Napier and Districts Association Inc. Emergency Management in Napier By Isabel Wood Our speaker for April was Marcus Hayes-Jones the Napier Emergency Management Officer. This was very much an audience-participation meeting. Marcus sought from members what they thought were the five emergencies that we need to be aware of: earthquake; tsunami; volcanic ash; human pandemic and flooding. He displayed an up-to-date map showing the potential damage a tsunami the size of the Japanese tsunami would do to Napier and surrounds. The Napier area, excluding the hill, would be flooded right back to Taradale - a fact which astounded many members. "Make for the hills" as fast as you can was the advice of Marcus, but he pointed out that cars are not always a good option because of traffic jams. Members were given pen and paper and undertook two exercises involving finding jumbled up numbers in a short space of time. This highlighted the need for teamwork as those who worked together had much better results. The importance of having survival kits and a household plan was stressed and members were given Household Emergency Plans to take home, consider and action. A very interesting speaker who could have, if time allowed, spoken for much longer. END OF LIFE CHOICE PUBLIC MEETING Date Venue Time Cost Speaker Enquiries Wednesday 22nd June Theatre One, E.I.T. Taradale 10.00 am Koha Andrew Denton Australian broadcaster/commentator Suzanne on 842 1267 Andrew is a fantastic speaker who is now a global speaker on the issue of End of Life Choice. At end of his presentation there will be questions and answers from those present. Page 4 Grey Power Napier and Districts Association Inc. From Stuart Nash MP for Napier As the cost of living increases it is important to know about the help and entitlements that are available in our community. This is why we have updated a comprehensive Information Kit that sets out services and entitlements for the over-60s. If you would like a free copy of the over-60s Information Kit please call into my Electorate office at 155A Tennyson Street, in Napier, or you can pick one up from your local library. I am very much aware of the valuable contribution that older people have made and are continuing to make to New Zealand’s way of life. We owe our current prosperity and way of life in no small measure to the contributions of our parents and grandparents. I am working hard on your behalf to ensure that all superannuitants are guaranteed a better standard of living. My office is here to help you, the office hours are 9.00 am to 4.00 pm Monday to Friday and we are just a phone call away on (06) 835 6093. Stuart is our guest speaker for our June 21 Grey Power meeting. Do you have any questions you would like to ask him, or topics you would like him to speak on? If so, please put them in writing and send them to the secretary or phone them to Laurie at 844 3734 before 13th June. Page 5 Authorised by S. Nash 60 Milton Road, Napier Grey Power Napier and Districts Association Inc. Page 6 Grey Power Napier and Districts Association Inc. GREY POWER NAPIER & DISTRICTS STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE For the Year Ended 31st December 2015 2014 REVENUE Subscriptions Adv ertising Donations Meetings Discount Book Sundry Transfers Bank Adjustments $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 10,106 8,769 1,520 3,220 279 813 24,707 SUNDRY INCOME Interest Receiv ed $ 150 Total Income $ 24,857 Less Expenses 2015 Note $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 13,667 2,400 1,234 4,163 5,120 1,429 1,905 29,918 $ 2014 2015 808 3,857 350 5,678 366 4,673 2,897 1,199 8,324 3 500 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total Expenses $ 28,655 $ 27,252 -$ 3,798 $ 2,856 Page 7 *4 30,107 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ *1 *2 *3 *4 *5 *3 189 Adv ertising Capitation Fees Donations General Expenses Hall Hire Discount Book Meetings, Zone etc. Newsletter Postage Stationery Bank fees Honoraria Pertaining to last year Net Surplus (Deficit) *1 *2 1,919 5,594 200 4,477 788 2,430 5,339 2,789 1,172 2,471 12 60 *5 Notes Increase in membership Last year discount book adv ertisers were posted here This year the discount book adv ertisers were put here Transfer from sav ings to cheque account Change from Tamatea to St Columba's Grey Power Napier and Districts Association Inc. Our submission to the Napier City Council’s Annual Plan As an advocacy group for the older generation, Grey Power engages with both Central and Local governments in order to let them know how our members feel about issues affecting us. Every year we make a submission to the Napier City Council in their annual consultation cycle. It gives us the opportunity to express what our members feel about current matters affecting us. This year, we have commented on the following: Rates rises. While the rates are to rise 2.9 per cent this year, in following years the increases are significantly greater. Pensioners on fixed incomes struggle to pay these increased rates which are way above inflation and the increase we get in our pensions. Napier is not a rich city, with the Napier electorate sitting in the lowest quartile of median personal income nationwide. Lack of proper bus stops and shortage of seats and shelters in Napier. This is a chronic issue which affects all who use the buses. Only a fraction of Napier’s bus stops have signs, no- parking lines, and most are without seats, timetables and shelters. Some improvement has been made in the last year, but we are still far behind Hastings. The need for a safe crossing at Atawhai (see picture below tor an example of what this means). This is an issue we have raised before, and a concern we share with others. Recent observations demonstrated the heavy flow of traffic which stops people from safely crossing. More seating in Anderson Park Not being able to hear speakers in the Council meeting rooms. Planned expenditure on the Velodrome, which we consider an extravagance which will cost ratepayers dearly in its construction and running. Our submission will be heard by Council on 9th or 10th June; do come along and support our presentation and hear Council’s response. Laurie Jenkin, President THINK MR RENTAL FOR….. SOMETHING SHORT TERM – extra bed or fridge for visitors, latest technology for the grandchildren SUDDEN CHANGE IN HEALTH – exercise bike, treadmill, small TV, electric La-Z-Boy after surgery, in hospital or home REPLACING APPLIANCES – FREE installation, service, replacement, exchange or upgrade SUPERGOLD CARD – NO BOND & 10% DISCOUNT, totally FLEXIBLE (T&Cs apply) STILL NOT SURE – We do understand & pride ourselves on CARING PERSONAL SERVICE. GIVE US A CALL – at 0800 111 313 or check or pick up flyers from your Age Concern office. Page 8 Grey Power Napier and Districts Association Inc. Sir Michael Cullen talks to Napier Grey Power on the future of Super Compulsory KiwiSaver and a clawback tax of about 10 per cent upon payout, paid into the New Zealand Superannuation Fund, would cover the rising cost of superannuation, says former Minister of Finance Sir Michael Cullen. Speaking at a Grey Power Napier and Districts meeting yesterday, the "maturing" 71-year-old superannuate - a recent pacemaker and hearing aid recipient - said family sizes had halved since the height of the Baby Boom and people were living longer, putting pressure on remaining taxpayers. In New Zealand superannuation was primarily paid for by taxation but, with a general expectation taxes should fall, changing the age of entitlement was "almost the only variable. New Zealanders have persuaded themselves that taxes should go down rather than up." The current Government was "dangling the carrot" of tax cuts even though it was not delivering regular surpluses. "We have to find answers and these answers need to be fair." Means testing was ineffective and an incentive for people to leave the workforce. Lowering the amount paid would place a large number of elderly into poverty, especially with an increasing number retiring in rented accommodation. Changing the age of entitlement was an obvious solution but older people were more likely to vote so were a powerful political force. The rising cost of superannuation was already affecting government spending in other areas, including infrastructure, mental health and conservation. "The real issue from Grey Power's perspective is, will the welfare of young people be affected?" Treasury modelling showed his proposed tax on Kiwisaver pay-outs combined with compulsory KiwiSaver membership would cover future needs without the need for more general tax. The pay-out tax would target incentives paid to KiwiSaver members, not members' own savings, he said. More than 200 people attended Sir Michael's presentation at St Columba's Church in Taradale, which Grey Power president Laurie Jenkin said was a record turnout. Currently chairman of New Zealand Post, Sir Michael served as Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, Minister of Tertiary Education, Attorney-General and deputy leader of the Labour Party. He was architect of the New Zealand Superannuation Fund, colloquially known as the Cullen Fund, which was intended to pay for future superannuation costs, but the National Government suspended contributions in 2009. Patrick O’Sullivan HB Today WELLNESS MASSAGE 30 minutes: $35 45 minutes: $45 1 hour: LYN WHINCOP Dip Therapeutic Massage, Dip Nursing, Dip Midwifery $60 10% discount for Grey Power members Gift vouchers available Clinic: 116 Nelson Crescent Napier Or I can come to you. 06 8341927 0277137734 Page 9 Grey Power Napier and Districts Association Inc. Page 10 Grey Power Napier and Districts Association Inc. From John Wuts Membership Secretary What does Grey Power offer? The benefits of joining: FOR only $15 per year or $27 per couple, membership in Napier and Districts Grey Power enables you to access discounts across a range of local services and products, plus savings on power, as well as medical insurance. Power: Members can access electricity and gas at a lower price from Grey Power Electricity. Phone 0800 473 976 with your current bill and see how GP Electricity compares. Medical insurance: The Grey Power Board has approved a new deal for medical insurance for members. Through Partners Life Medical Insurance, members aged between 50 and 70 can get a permanent discount of 35%. Partners Life cover was the number one pick in Consumers’ survey of medical insurance packages in September 2015. Check them out at or phone 0800 283 782 during weekday working hours. If you have a look at the colour of your membership card, it will tell you if you are financial or not. If it is blue, you are doing fine, but if it is yellow and marked with the expiry date 31/12/2015 or 31/3/2016, then it is time for renewing. Options for this are: Post a cheque with completed membership form to Grey Power PO Box 4247 Marewa Napier 4143 Internet bank to Kiwibank # 38-9009-0434068-00 using your name & membership number as payee; Put your subs in an envelope with your name on it and hand it in at our next meeting Join online on website Reminder: subscription fee is $15 single or $27 double. Please let me know also if you have a change of internet provider so you can get your monthly meeting reminder. Accident Insurance cover: all paid up members Plumbing are offered a payout of $2000 to their estate in the case of sudden death by accident. Local Discounts: Members are able to access (formerly Rigby Plumbing) local discounts through our Napier Grey Power 2016/17 Discount Book, sent free to current members. (USE IT PLEASE!) Offers 10% discount to Grey Power Members With over 1000 local members this year, Napier Grey Power is in a strong position to keep advocating for seniors at local and central government level, as well as negotiate new benefits and discounts. *Plumbing *Drainlaying *Gasfitting *Underfloor Heating *Solar Heating Members of Master Plumbers Association our work is guaranteed Join us and enjoy the benefits! Phone Murray Rigby 843 2474 Grey Power Napier & Districts—Membership 2016 Send this form to: Membership Secretary PO Box 4247 Marewa Napier 4143 Or email this information to AND Please tick: Renewal (Membership # __________ ) New member(s) Name: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr_______________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _________________Mobile:____________________ Email: __________ @ _______________ I/We prefer to receive newsletter by: post email (tick one option) Subscription Costs: Single $15.00 Double $27.00 Total amount paid: $__________ Direct Credit: Account 38-9009-0434068-00 Account Name: Grey Power Napier and Districts Inc Payment may be made by sending a cheque to the above address or by direct credit to the above Kiwibank account. If using the latter, please make sure you record your name and membership number in the deposit details, and send an email confirming your payment details to membership secretary John at and treasurer Carol at The discount book is free to members and will be sent with your membership card. YOU CAN JOIN ONLINE FROM OUR WEBSITE Page 11 Grey Power Napier and Districts Association Inc. Grey Power Conference report The most important part of any large gathering is of course the people—good, bad and ugly. My three days at the Federation Conference/AGM in Christchurch last month gave me an opportunity to experience all types, and enjoy the networking and bantering between new and old acquaintances, friends and foes. I shared a room with Sally Mayne, Grey Power Palmerston North secretary, office administrator and delegate—a good sounding board. In the conference room, populated with about 100 delegates, I sat next to ever-effervescent, switched on Marie Dunningham, Hastings president and fellow delegate Deborah Walsh. We supported each other’s speeches and debating points as the 39 remits were discussed and voted on. Trevor Daniells from Kapiti (our zone’s “father” of Age Friendly Cities) and I presented a workshop on Local Bodies; appropriate for the year of local body elections. President Terry King, who in the last year has had heart surgery plus cancer and chemo, managed to chair the meeting—his last as President—and be accorded Life Membership by the conference. His replacement is vice-president Tom O’Connor, from midCanterbury, a journalist, author, small-holdings farmer and a councillor on the Waimate District Council. He defeated the other candidate, Miles Jackson, with 79 votes to 45. And the politicians. Minister Maggie Barry bubbled her way cheerily through her feel-good update; Winston Peters got a standing ovation at his pre-dinner speech (reminding us how much he had done for oldies); Andrew Little sounded sincere and caring, answering more questions than the others; and Lianne Dalzell, welcoming us to her damaged-but-gettingrebuilt city. The Federation has had its problems dealing with personalities and egos, but I came away knowing that our strong, growing branch here in Napier is what Grey Power is all about for me. Maxine Boag Napier delegate Maxine Boag, with Hastings delegate and President Marie Dunningham, and newly-elected Federation President Tom O’Connor. Unpopular move to bulk fund bus subsidies Newly elected Grey Power Federation president, Tom O’Connor, is not convinced by Government assurances that free off peak public transport for SuperGold card holders is secure. Late last year the Ministry of Transport told local authorities that there would be changes to the scheme, in the interests of efficiency, to come into effect in July this year. “The efficiency was in fact nothing more than a cost saving scheme in drag,” Mr O’Connor said. In an efficiency drive, government funding will change from individual fare reimbursement to a bulk funding model capped at $28 million, for the next five years, with minor adjustments for inflation. Another unpopular change will be a requirement for SuperGold cardholders to buy a smartcard to travel free in offpeak times. “It did not take long for pensioners to realise what was happening and they are not happy about it. Minister Bridges would do well to ask some of his senior colleagues what happened when a previous Government tried to impose a surcharge on national superannuation 30 years ago,” said Mr O’Connor. “That was how Grey Power was born; we now have a membership of about 65,000. The surcharge proposal was abandoned and that is what should be done to any attempt to downgrade the SuperGold card off peak travel.” Sender: Napier & Districts Grey Power P O Box 4247 Marewa 4143 Page 12 Grey Power Napier and Districts Association Inc.
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