Early Records of the Bailey Family of Andover
Early Records of the Bailey Family of Andover
EARLY RECORDS OP TBB BAILEY PAJIIIir 0., AND'" \ ) j \ \ I COMPILED BY CHARLO'l'TE BELElf ABBOft The BAILEY FA1tILY of ANDOVER BAILEYS WHO ENTER ANDOVlm LINES. James Ha1~e7. See page 5-Sam (4 ).oa 11e:-. 110m about 1812, was recorded in Rowley about 1640. He was brother to Richard Bail87 who oame to the Colon,. in 1638 in the ship" Bevis." In R1chard's will. made 1648, he mentions his brother, .lame•• and hi. hi. nephew, J'olm (2). In Rowley .. Jllmes and his wU'e, Lydia. held a good estate. James is listed as a ~opr1etor. Selectman and OVerseer ot the ,oor. ~e hame- stead was on the East side cd Pleasant street. Jenes died in Rowley, 16'7'7. leaving an estate valued at it 586. Lydia died in 1704. In add- ition to their tamily. they brought up an adopted daughter, Priscilla. the daughter ot Wm. Law ot Rpwle,-. John (2 >. lames and Lydia had:- b.1642; m• .:.1817 Mi~lll in 1668; she was dau. ot Thamas :.u.g - hill and wite, Ellen; they had 9 childl-en. John died. 1690 on a Canada hped1tion; ~ died 1693. Lydia (2), b. 1644; m. Abel.Platts ot Rowley. 1672. Jonathan (2), b. 1646; d. 1666. Damaris (2 >. b. 1648, m. Thomas Leaver wedding, d l;h ot Rowle,.. 1672, having a double 618ter Ly41a. Jame8 (2). b. 1650; m. Ellzabeth Johnson; he "aD d. 1715; wa8 called honest neighbor". by Perley; was Town Clerk: she d. 1743, over 80. Thomas (2), b.1653. Sam(2), b. 1655; d. 1657. Sam (2) 2nd., b. 1658. --- --- --- John (2) Bailey ( James (1) and w1.f'e, UIe.rz ~i-3hi11, had:- Jonathan (3), b. 1670; lived in Rowley; m. 1st, Hannah "alleen-, 1693; she d. 1702; le:tt 5 children; he- m. 2nd •• Sarah Jewett, dau.o1 Esek1el Jewett; she was b. 1675; d. 1730; Jonathan'. int. to m. 3rd.., i.1rs. JIaz7 (Barker) Gage, a widow, were published 1n Oct .1733, but they did not DlA1'r7. She d. in Nov. dently ill when banna were published; Jonathan d. oalled 80 was evi- 1'1~3; ...as Capt.dat dea~. ft Ann (3), b. 1673; d. 1690. Bath'l (3), b. 1675; lived in Rowley; m. 1700,Sarah Clark of IRswich; he d. 1722; ahe m. 2nd., 172'1, John Stewart. Thomas (3). b. 1677; lived in Bradford; Was a L1eut. ;m. Eunice Walker. 1700; ahe was sd. to be the grand.-daughter bury of o:t Humphr~ Wood- leverl,.; Thos. d. 1n Lverhlll,1764/ James (3), b. 1680; lived in Bradf'ordj m. 1702 Hannah Wood; ahe was dau. or a hou • ..rignt and Hannah d. in See p.a-A- am .... 1. . .1 John (2) Wood same :ear. :r~er on tine It ...as a d Hasen, b. 1681; James ...as ~eland March 1'133 and he m. 2nd., aide o~ smock marriage. d The bride was dressed was 'signed by witnea!1ea,to that e:t'reot. ent James being responsible for >. Bradford. widow ~ Bacon the in a sheet. Jame. bought all her wedding f'iner," Bacon. a and a paper '!he idea was to prev- any debt. or the deceased Mr. James d. 1769; having had 13 chlldren bT 1st w.liarmab d. Oct~1721/Perly ad. d. 1n Ro\Vl~;Bai1ey BIE.sd.BoIi It on Elizabeth (3). b. 1685; m.. Daniel ~enn,., of Newbul7. 1722. M&l7 (3 b. 1683; - Lydia (3),_. 1688~ in April; m. Daniel Ritter of Lunenburg.1715. John (3), b. 1691; m. ~~tabel---J he was a oordwainer; sd. to live in Boston. --- --- The BAILlY FAr/lILY -3- James (2) Ba11eI ( James (1) and wlfe, Elizabeth Johnson, had:James (3)~ bern and dled, 1681. Elisabeth (3), b. and d. 1682. JOhn (3), b. and d. 1686. E1lzabeth (3) 2nd., b. 1688; m. Sam Scott, 1718; d. 1768. Hannah (3). b. 1690; m. Moses Davla, 1711, in Nov" James (3). b. 1694; W8.8 d. 1743. a Lleut.; 11ved in Rowley on the hamestead, m. his oousin, Mary Bailey,1740; she waa dan. ot Nathan Ba11e~ and w. Sarah Clark, b. 1712. he d. 1768; ahe d. 1779. sam.l(3), b. 1701; d. 1754; no lssue. -- --- --- Jonathan (3) .Bailey (John(2 ).iames(l) and wlte, lianJl8h Walker, had:Jonathan(4). b.1696; m. 1st, Bridget Boynton 1n lAncaster 1734; he went to Lancaster about 1722 but went to Rowley tar his bride; she d. 1746, he m. 2nd., 1747. Ab1gail Wh1tney; she d. 1771: had no children, he was a aarm.er and carpenter: he d. 1770 and is burled 1n Byt'1eld. Shubal (4), b. 1696; he went to Lancaster wlth brothers Jonathan and iltosea and 1n 1727 th~ bouf#lt a tarm together: he m. Ar.na Hougnton, 1728, she was dau. ot----. Deaths not g1ven, John (4). b.1698; m. Elizabeth Croaby,1723, he aold out hls propert~ in Rowley, 1761; may have gone to Lunenburg. ,;nIl (4) ,b. 1701; m. lat, Thad. W1com, 1728, m. 2nd •• Daniel Tenny. Benoni (4) , b.1702 : d. 1703. bI 2nd wife. Sarah Jewett:Hannah (4 l, b. 1709; Sarah (4), b. 1712; 0. ~. John Stuart or. Rowley, 1732. Sam Dickonson of Rowley.1733. Moses (4). b.1713;went to ~ancaster with brothers; got the homestead in Rawley; d. 1787. Mary (4). b.1715;m. Amoa Jewett of Bradford,1735. Ezekiel(4). b. 171R; sd. to d.y. --- -4- The BAILEY FAMILY Nathaniel (3) Dailey(JOhn(2)J"amea(1) and wife, Sarah Clark, had:Joseph(4), b. 1701; was a potter of Rowley; m. Sarah Jewett 1725. Nathaniel (4), b. 1703; lived in Gloucester and Bradford; m. Mar'y -"orcester ot Bradford. 1726; he W811 a tanner. Josiah (4). b. 1705: m. Elisabeth Stevena 1728; he was a carpenterJ went to Woburn and Lu."'1enburg. David (4), b. 170'7; lived in Rowley in a house which still standslhe was a weaver; was also a Deacon, m. llary Hodgkina,172'7: she d. 1759: he m. 2nd •• ~tabel Smith,1759: she d. 1789;Davtd d. 1769. Sam (4). b. 1709; lived or m Rowley: was a chair maker, m. Jane Rogera Newbury,1733. she was b. 1712:(Pe r1ey sd. he m. dane Wyatt ot Newbury, 1734) Jane d. 1786: he d. 1796. Mercy (4), b. 1712: m. her cousin,James (4) Bai1ey(,. . .s(3»1740; he was b.· 1694; d.1768; she d. 1779. Sarah (4), b. 1719; waa alive in 1723. -- --- -- Thomas (3) Bailey(Jabn(2) James (1) and wUe, Eunice Walker, had:- John (4), b. 1702. M&r7 (4), b. 1704. Jane (4), b. 1706; m. John Harriman, ot Rowley, 1726J he was b.1703. Jeremiah (4), b. 1709: was a husbandman ot Haverhill: m. Mercy Burbank. 1741; he d. 1S02. Sarah (4), b. 1711; m. John Grt1tf'1n, 1732. Elizabeth (4), b. 1713;m. Deacon John Smith of" rtow1ey,1736. Mary or Mercy(4). b.1715;m. Elezir Burbank,l735. Susannah (4), b.l71S,m. Jonathan Emerson,l743. Humphrey(4),b.1719;yeoman of Haverhill :!~opk1nton.N.H. about 1771i.1801, m. Hannah Rust of .l:4ethuen about 174S. Hache1 (4). b.1721; ,Iath'l Clement ,Jr. ,1743. .:1. Jo~~na(4). b. 1723. The BAILEY FAMILY -5- James (3) Bailey (John(2) James (1) and wife. Hannah Wood. had:Abigail (4), b. 1703; m. Joseph Carleton 1729-, d. 1738. H Sam (4), b.1705; came trom Bradford to ANDOVER about 17:55; settled on a farm on the Merrimac River near the Tewksbury line, which later years held wa. in . ~ Hood; opposite the Dracut line at Bellevue she d. 'eb.1774, I ferr':!; he m. lst ... Mary RoUe. in' 1728;/. 2iit .ite waa Dorea. m Abbott. wham he m. l774r ane was b. 1736. Sam d. 1784. Hazmab (4), b.1706; m. James Bardy 1'72'7.( See Andove::- and Bradford linea) Joseph (4) , b . 1708,went to ~9Wksbury .·)out 1735; he ~s a musician and husbandm8D,- he m. 1st.Sarah Go8S; who was b. 1709, d.1754 at 46; she had 9 children. he m. 2nd •• 1755.Aph1a Bartlett. ,To::. Was < buried at Andover.1782. by So. Church records.Aphia oul1ved , ~hitabel (4), b.l'709; m. 1728, John Goes, called" Long John n • ~. the~ went to J..ancaater later. Edward (4). b. 1711;m. Elisabeth Burbank. 1732; lived in Bradf'ord. Ednah (4), b. 1713;m. Jonathan Gr1.t.f'1n, 1731; he waa of Newbury. (O~ the Andover ~e later.) Stephen (4). b. 1715; went to Amesbury about 1740; later to Newburyport where he was recorded as laborer.176'7; waa also in Gloucester, 176'7; he m. lat., Sarah Churd or NewbuI7 .. 1737; she d. 1739 in Bradford; he m. 2nd •• JUdith Varnum. in Amesbury. 1740; she d. before 1767; his 3rd m. Waa in Gloucester, 1767. to El1zabeth Woodbu~; his death is unknown. M1riam (4). b. 1716; m. Moses Tyler, 1734; d. in Thetford.Vt. Beulah (4). b. 1718 ;m.. DanAel Griffin of Newbuz-y ,1736. James (4). b. 1720; d. 1821. James (4), 2nd., b.1722J was a lawyer of Newbury,1760; wae a yeoman at New Gloucester,lle.,1769;1ater went to i1averh111, N.H.; was one of' the 1st set~ler8 of' P6acham,Vt.;during French war was taken to France, a prisoner and held 19 months;was exchanged to EnBlan~ and brought back to Lt'almouth; he m. Ist •• Rachel Berry,about 1745; ra. 2nd •• ~ry Kincaid af~er 1760;he d. in Peacham,Vt.,1807. ! -6- The BAILEY FAMILY Children of James (3) Bai1ex and wUe, Hannah Wood, ( cont.) :- Mepba1b&h(4), b. 1724; m. John Beale in Newbury, 1745. bI 2nd. wife, Mar: Bacon:- I W1l1iam (4), b. 1738; d. 1747. -- -- --- .1A .. .a e_ John (3) Ba11ez(John(2) Jar-es(l) gnd w1te,Mehitabe1 ',!Ul1am (4). b. about 1714 J was II z.lJ.aAA .. tallor o~ l1averh111; m. when he 11ved in Rowley. 1756, Ab1gaU Kilborn. of RowleYJ Wm. was drowned at Sable Island, 1760. aha d. 1814 at 80. Ben (4), b. 1716. wsa a shipwright at Boaton,1740. crohn (4). b. 1718; a twin; b. 1n Boston; was a cordwainer of HaverM.11 1740. b. 1718, a tw1..n; was a spinster of Woburn,1740. Sarah (4) Sam (4), b. 1721. -- --- --- James (3) Bailez (James '2-1) and his wUe, hrex ~lez. had:~ame. -- (4), b. and d. 1741. Ellzabeth (4), b. 1742, d. 1760. James (4), b. 1746, 7eoman of Rowley: d. unm. 1809. ~08es (4), b. 1747;.d. 1776; un=. Paul (4), b. 1751; d. 1752. Hannah (4), b , 1753; ~. Nelson Todd 1780 aa h1s 2nd wite; ahe d. 1804. The descendants were large land owners in Rowley • --- ...-- --- Jonathan (4) Ba11e;(Jonathan(3)Jn.(2)~as.(1) and Bridget BOynton,had:3rldget (5), b. 17 7; m. ~1neas Wilder of Lancaster. Jonathan(5). b.1738; d. unm. Shubal (~). b.1740;11ved in Lancaster and Sterl1ns-waw in the Prench War ~d Revolut1onJw~s shoe-maker and farmer;~'7 tall;we1ght 300; I:1. Hannah t,"lhltmore of Boston,1766jshe .as dau.of Jos. and Mirlam ·:Jh1t~ore or Sterling;she d. 1238 at 94;he d. l824iburled in Ster1ln(3. The 3AILE'".l FA:.1ILY -7- Children of Jonathan (4) Bailey and B11zabeth (.> ~1fe. Bridget Boyntonz(cont.):- b. 1742; made home with her brother Jonathanid. unm. Hannah (5). b. 1746; also lived with brother and sister El1z.;d.unm. .-... ~-- ~ .. SlnJb,l(4 )Bai1ez(Jona,(3) John (2 )tI as • (1) 3!ld ';"11!'etaAnna Hou$ton,had:- Joseph (5)" b.1730J :'ydia P&rltel' 1753. ::1. iIilnIlah (5), b.1732. Jonathan (5). b. 1733,} --- ~~ice -- Houghton of Lancaater,1760: d.1814. -- Jobn(4) Ba11eISJonathan(3) In.(2)Jaa.(1) and w1fe,El1sabeth Crosby:- Jonathan (5). b. and d. 1724. Elisabeth (5). b. and d. 1725. Hannah (5), b. 1726;sd. to be bapt. Elisabeth-and called Hannah. J eded1ah (5). b.1729; lived in Byf1eld-then a part of Rowley:m.Martha --Thurlow of Newbury,1756; ad. to 2.e8ve 1764; she d. 1790 at tor Lunenburg 54:- JOhn (5). b. 1732; :n. 1'156,llal7 Holman edt llewbU17; she d. 1'16'7; he m. Charity 2nd., . . Dodge ot Wenham, 1768 .( John the son of Sam -.'*" (4) is ad. to be the husband of Char1t,. Dodge.) Jonathan (5) 2nd., b. 1735: d. 1753. Elizabeth (5), b. 1738; - --- -- --- J'ose2h (4) Baile;,y(lath(3)Jn.(2) Jas,(l) and Sarah Jewett,had:. ~11zabetn(5). b.1725. Hath'l (5), b. 1726; waa a Capt.,~ Gloucester from Newbury, 1n War Service Records,1759j m. Mary Davia of Gloucester,174'1:d. David (5), b.1729j really Dan1elJ of ~ewbUrjportJ a potterJ / 1'160. m. 1st, ~11zabeth Denning of Glouc8ster,1750;abe d. ab:1765; he m. 2nd.# Sa~ah---, 1765; hi~ shop was near St. Paul'. Church in 1765; he d. 1792. --- --- --- - The Bailey F~ily -8- Nathaniel (4) Balley (lath(3) In.(2) ~as.(l) and Mart Worcester. had:"", BUldah(5), b. 1728. Timothy (5), b. 1730. Sarah (5), b. 1732. Eliphalet (5), b. 1734. Joshua (5), b. 1737. Nathan (5), b. 1740. BeD (5), b. 1746. --- --- --- Josiah (4) Bailey (Hath'l (3)Jn.(2) J as .(l) and Elisabeth Stevena,had:Iaaac (5), b. 1729;went rrom Lunenburg to Ja~frey, .... N.H.; m. 1752, Mar7 Lovejoy of Andover; he was in the Aevolution; d. l8l2.(He had Susan~ah;all a 2nd w1t'e, the cM1dren by 1st w1t'e.) Elisabeth (5), b. 1731. Josiah (5), b. 1734; was in the devolution; was at Battle ot' Bunker HU1;: m. Saran Carter,1762; she was b. 1736; d. 1818; he d. 1875. Ruth (5), b. 1741; m. Asa Car lton,1763. -- - --- --- David (4) Balley (Nath(3)John(2)Jas(1) and wUe,I4aq Hodskine,had;JOhn (5), b. 1728; d.y. Jacob (5), b.173l; grad. ot' ~rvardJ was a cler~Jtaught gr8Jlll'1ar sch.-.; . at Rownalooro,Jl&a1ne; wae a Loya11st; went to Hal1t'sx; a frontier missionary; d. 1808. ~apolis, N.S., 1818. He m. l76l-2,Sally Weeks; she d. in Sally WaS d&u. o~ Dr.Jn.Waeka and w. one o~ his pupils. J:Ilartha Wingate of Hampton,N.H. ':,rae Sarah (5), b. 1733; d. 1736. David (5), b. 1735;m. Hannah Kilborn of Rowley,1759. Pierce (5), b.1738; d. at Albany during Crown Point Exped.,1760, of small Amos (5), b.1740; a Lii.~ut,J a cooper; m. 1765,L:,'d1a Russ of IPSW1Ch{ d. 1797tage 57; he d. in Rowley ,1797. ih~-~ 'lhe BAILEY FAMILY Children o~ -9- David (4) Balley and wUe, hr: Hodgkins, ( cont.) :- Jahn(5), b.174l; Wns a baker;moved to lanchester, Maas.,1763;" waa 1n ... - the Revolutlon;m. Hannah Dresser 1760; . he d. on way home f"rOlll war, of amall-pox.She went back to Ips''';lch; d. 1807. aath'l (5), b. 1743; went to Pittstown, Me.,1762 and next year got about 1769&~" 200 acre. J he m./Sarah aoOd. ot Charlestown, dau. ot i4ajor Sam goodwin and w. Elaabeth Willard; ahe waa b. 1749;d.l~0; he d. J,832. -arr (5), b. 1744, d.J,748. Ezekiel (5), b.1747, •• Lola Brooklebank 1n Rowley. 1769: &he d. 1820 at 70; he d. 1n Rowley,1796. Kary (5) 2nd., b. 1752; d. 1713 • ••hitabel (5), b. 1767; d. 1783. -- -- --- --- Sam (4) Bailez (Nath(3)Jn.(2) Jaa.(l) and wlte,Jane R08!ra(or WYA~): Willlam (5), b.1734; a trader of Bewburyport,d. 1798. Sam (5). b. 1735; d. in Rowley ,1753. John (S), b.1736; d.y. Jane (5), b.1740, d. 1763. John (5) 2nd., b.174l; waa a great mechanic; lived 1n Rowley on North side of Common;m. Susan Lowell of Rowley.1764; she waa dau.ot Richard Lowell and w. Eliaabeth;ahe d. 1767; he m. 2nd., Charlty D6dge ot Tj"ienham; ah.e d.1812; sd. to m. 3rd,.11artha Richard- son, who d. 1816; m. 4th.Jlrs. Ellsabeth Chaplin Sa1r'1er. (A mixup with John (5) son ot John (4)l Thomas'(5). b.1742;cha1r-maker of" Newburyport; m. ~arah; he d. 1825;no Anne (5) b.1744; d.y. L children. Sarah (5~. b. 1746; d. unm. 1799. Mary (5). b. 1751; m. Jabez Ross,Jr.,ot Newbu~ort. Sam (5), b. l757;yeoman of Rowley. --- --- /0 Jeremiah (4)Ba.11'.,.(1boa. (3)J'n. (2)6.a.(1) and Meres: Burbank. had., ... Jo-nna(5)r b. 17"2; m. DaVid llerr1l1, m. 2Jld ••Bb_ JUtohell:-'" ( Be (5). b. 1'7.7; • Weat ~verh11~ ~ .tarmer nth o~ ~verh1ll, bU tathe, DI. -'r·· U".e4 1n Scotland D1abtot d' lat .eh1:l:abe'l.1GbDaOD~ ~ Pla1a- t - &bou:t ,1'7'7., ahe had I oJd,ldren; aile d. 1'7.,' he . . 1DIl•• J1iU7 r..ell. dasht.- ~ JobD LoWell . . w. JIQtha liut1Dsa,. me 4. '1 ahe 'hM ~ .. ".- a eS14reD, h.. cI. 18:50. --07 (8). b. ~50J 4. 1'711. Jonpb, (aj, b. 1'1• • . D_14' (8). b. l!186J' 4... 1'78a. ... (8). (5 >,,( >. -- ' . ' b.l7"_;_. Bo&b p . . .ona. b.i'7s1Jm. lat,bu. EJIIUlaon, 1'778, ahe 4. 1804, he m. 2nd •• lin. ~. ~ SUtton, 180.,he . .t to HopJdDtGll aD4 later to . . . ~ 'SUttee ( Doe.nft s.7 whether • .lI. or ..... l ~ bth(S). b.' 17M,•• ' Saa Cunier BopJd.n. .~ B••• SolGlllClll' (81~ b. 1'1&6; went 1:0 lIoplc1DteD a%I4 nJDlftisll, • .a:., w 1IDk. P.h1D... ~mb~]l (a).·b~ 1758. --- (.) Batin'J_. -Nil.... .. (a ).11k (, )J. . . ~l) .!!!L!.K!~!!2:..!!~!.a..'!!!!1.L, ~. Pfte. . Jreo4 ha, lI1ll.1'1'1Sr _. to be a Lt.".,Jla",., Saa, (a). b. 1.,.,.1a BNd.hft,11vK 1Zl •••• ADd.v.· _ k11le4 "17 (a), b. .* Bahl.. fd BaIIk_ 1'1~J m. .1... nttredae.· 1'1&0. Levi. US) , b. 1739. 4. b~ 1"'78'. ( --- --P --- --- -u- '!he BAILEY FAKILY ........,:)rJ_"17';_ Joseph (4) Ba11ez(James (3)John(2)J ames (1.) and .Ue, sa11iaoss:-~~-~ ,~ Joseph(5), b. 1736; m•. Elinor Barri. 1759J d. 1n Tewkabury,1761. Sarah (5), b. 1737; d. 1760 in Tewkab1u7. Ebenezer(5), b. 1739; waa a oordwainer ot Andover; 111. Elizabeth Trull. ot Bi11erioa,1762; she was b. 1740,dau. ot John Tral1; thq lived in Billerioa and Andover and Westmoreland, R.R. J she d. 1809; he d. 1815 in N.H. Jethro (5), b. 1741; was a husbandman ot Tewksbury when he m. Hannah DaVia, 1786 J went to Jaf~8"1 and Jrestmore1and. N.H. and to ah1l11cothe, Ohio. James (5), b. 1743; d. 1761. Luther (5). b. 1745; lived in ANDOVER; husband9an ; m. 1796 Experienoe Bailey ot Tewksbury; probe m. 2nd •• Mrs. Lydia Wooq.,here, d. 1n Ualden. 1f:30. L,-'~ ia ~ b. J enl{ir'...s .... m,~ 1st fl !,~r. Slanc'laro.. Obad· iall-:ood '.7as her 2nd.hl,csband; --Ut;.:l",r Ler .)rG. W11l1am (5). b. 1748; a yeoman ot ANDOVER; m. Rebecca Hildreth ot Dracut.~'l'71: she was b. about 17~2; d. 1805: he m. 2nd. ,Hannah Danforth, 1806: she d.181'7: he m. 3rd •• Hannah (Fr7e 0 Jonea, ,,1dow ot iathan Jones , in 1818; he d. 1834. Hannah (5). b.1750; ad. by Bailey Book, to m. a Mr. KnapP. T1mDthy (5). b. 1754; d. 1761. bZ 2nd wi~e, ApP~ Bart!ett:- Apphia (5). b. 1757; d. 1759. Tristram B. (5). b. 1759;d. 1763. id;ard (4) Ba11e,.(Jamee(3J~(1)-:d ., w1te,Elizabeth Burbank, moses (5). 1~.. 1733 1n Brad.:ford.. Elizabeth (5), b. in Andover, 1736. Hannan (5), b. 1740. Abigail (5). b. 1741. --- h:d~- stephen (4) Bailez( . and JameS(3)gohn(2)~a8.(1) wIfe,Sarah Church, had:- Abraham(5), b. 1739; m. Ruth Harris in Newbury,1763. hZ 2nd wIt'e,Judlth Farnum J- . R1chard(5), b. 1741; in AmesbUl7J m. 1765 wIdow 1Il1U7 BilUngs ot' Newburyport. Mary (5). b.1743; d. 1745. Charle. (5). b.1744; lIved 1n Harvard am Brookfield,Maasl m.Ab1gad1 Sat'f'ord in Harvard; she wae dau. ot' Daniel Saft'ord and w.Hannah . Hov~. b. 1744, she d. 1828; he d. in Hardwick, vt., 1835. Ann (5 )., b.1745; bapt. in Rowley, d. 1n Sept.l'745 age 2 montha. Ann (5) 2nd., bpt. in Rowley. Weat Pariah, 1746. Mary (5). 2nd •• bapt. 1748. -.. ---- --- ~ Jamea (4) B&11e,. (Jamea (3) John ( 2) James (1) and w1t'e,Rachel Berrz:Hannah (5) • b. 1'746,. in Bradt'ord. Rachel (5), b.l'748 in NewbU17Port; m. John :icP'arland. Jamea (5), b. in Newbury,1750; went to Peacham, Vt •• waa a Baptiat 'min1ster J aer"ad in the ltevolut10n; m. Polly B&11e,.; 2 chlldren l!;sther (5). b. 1753; m. Daniel Bailey,her kinsman; 11ved 1n Bath,Mie • Joshua (5), b. 1'755. Abljah (5). b.1758; in Newbury; was a t'amer: served in the ReVOlution; went to Peacham, ft. am. widow Mrs. .ary (Buttert'1eld) children b. in PeaChamA / 3 swyer;/went to Troy, J he d. 1842. vt., lao Ben (5), b. l760;'m. Polly Luther(5 -- >. Me Ca.ber; he was a farmer in .Peachsm,Vt. b.l'782;waa a f'armer of' Peacham. Vt. ;m.Ann Kincaid; he was a Capt. of' Mllitia. --- -- Ann was perhaps a dau. of' his step-mother. -- William (4) Ba1lel(John(3)(2)Jamea(1) and wif'e,Ab1gai1 Kilborn,had:Wi~~1am (5), b.l'758~ m/ Kitty Humh1ston of' newburyport. George (5). b. 1760. --- --- The BAILEY FAUILY Shubad(5) Ba11el(Jo~athan(4)(3)Jn.(2)James(1) and wite,Hannah Whittmores. Do11y (6~. b. 1767; d.1775. Paul (6), b.1769;was a tar.mer ot also a Civil Engineer; WaS Ste~l1ng; prominent and 1nf'luential; m. 1st. ,Lucy Derby of Westminster, about 1790; she waa b, 1770,dau. of Nathan and Abigail; she d. 1800, he m. 2nd., Cyntb.1a Pitoh; had 13 children- 6 by 1st ... ; he d. 1851. Enos (6), b.1771; went to Rutland and Pittstord, Vt. Sampson(6). b. 1774; m. 1804,Soph1a W1lder,dau. of Col. Jam.s, he d.1859 Jonathan (6), b.1776; lived in P1ttsford,Wt.; d.1854. Dolly (6), b. 1778; m. Sam Stuart of Sterling, fietay (ti), b. 1780;m. John Hobba of Princeton. Manassah (6), b. 1782; m. lat.,Betsy 31; ij.& m. 2nd., ot W1lbraham, who d. 1021 at AbigaJ.l King: ahe d. 1861; had 2 children by 1st wife; 3 by 2nd. Hannah ~dy He d. 1872. (6). b. 1784; m. Eliak1m Sawyer ·t Sterling;he was a br1ckla78r, and was tormerly ot Boston. polly (6), b. 1787; m. Ezra Pratt: he was b. 1787, d. to New York State; she d. 1883; they were in 183~J they went Sterling at the end • ....- ....... Joseph (5) la11e,.( Shubal(4)Joaeph'3)Jn.(2)ias.(1) and Ljdh Parker:~ Joseph(6), bapt. 1759. stephen (6), bpt. 1759, Shubal (6), b. 1761; was in the ftovolut1on at 18, in 1778. --- (This was the Lruteaater and Sh1l'le,. I1ne.~-- --- ---~~~-~-~-----------------~~---------------~-~-~--~---~----~----~~Jonathan (5 )~i1el(~ubal(4 ) Jona(3 )In. (2 )Jaa. (1) and Eunice Uoufl1ton:- Eunice (6 ) "" 1761. Zerv1ah (6). b.1762. Ben'6), b.1764. (Jolly \6), b.1767. Prudenc~(6), 0.1767- a tw~n. :l1chael ~6 ), b .1769;Sarah (6), b.1774; Dinah (6). b.1775 ; Hannab l(q, 1777. --- !he BAILBY PAKILY lede41ah(5') 8d.l.,.(JobnC")lonatlw1(3)Jn.(2)J••• (1) amI' JIal.tha Thurlow •• . . '. JematbaD (8), b. 1'15'1. 4. '1- _.- , r lema1:haD . (8). 1D4••b •. 1'758 in lalrle,-JP-up. a. Sarah Bob. c1au. ~ ~ !own.eDd.... s •• 1'1., laul. I ~, i.' ---- ...- (I) Bas.lez(Jn.(.).J. . . Ca)Jn.(a)i••• (l) !!!4 Wit. !g7 Ho~.h!4I.-'" BJlabeth, •• ). b. 17&'1 1n Row1.,. • ~ ". BllDnall (8). b. 1'7158. . .,... hs). b. 1'760• . Lh1tabel (8)., b. 1'761. PleNe (8). b.1.'186 •. SUuma (8) b. 17fff J thll . . . the lad Qi14 bJ' . Thn'e 18 ~ ClUWJ' whethu tile ~oll"'1D& ..-' lite . :J.7., oh1lclNa 'b7 Claar1t71kJ4se,.r j JIaIt7 Bol_D. .Ppal'ellt- tbe .lIi~ o~ lobnel).MII (.). ~ •• the hub8D1l ot 8&1_ (al. b. 1'7",' .. P1. . . . Ball.,..l'7•• 1'186. the . _ ~ "1e. . . Ian.,. Gba-t7. be .... ·b.1n Jlanohe.te.r.~~ aDII w. Bun.1I Dn••..,... "1e,, , Thom-. (61, b. 1,.,1. a. Sua_nnah Bobaon l'7.Jo1' RcIIrlQ. he 4. lSCHt at , ' .ea, ab.e ,4/ in Oe.geto1lJl,la1fs. ABae (8),'b."1.,;a. ~ (6), b. 1'7'7•• Jabn (8). b. l'7'7'TJ d. 1880. JIal7 Coomba, d. 1888, ahe d. 1D BoatOD, oh114re1l went 40wn ...t_ " Chari',. (8). b. 1'181J _. Iaa1ah fd lierm.1ker, B.Ll~Ol. Joa.ph (6), b. 17'70, . . "'am. Poll,. (6). b. 1'788, --- 1114 SUa. Crane o~ t,ml,. 1806, d. 1859• .-- -- -15The BAILEY FAMILY Nath'l (5) tlai1!Z(Jos.(4)Nath(3)Jn.(2)Jaa.(1) and kr:y Davis. had:- Bath(6). b. 1748. Mary (6). b. 175Q. twin. Sarah (6). b. 1753; a " " KO ••• (6). b. " Nanny (6). b. 1~55. : d. Elisabeth (6l. b. 17'91. Mo ••• (6), 2nd •• b. 1760. --- : --f-ll'!!"ew~bl!""u""r""'1~p!""'o"rt-r-:nn""'''''''!e~-~:;r--", ~ -- Daniel(5)~i1!l(Jo8.(4)~ath(3)Jn.(2)Ja•• ~1) and w. Elizabeth Denning:- Daniel (6). b. 1755; potter or , Newburyport :m.l7T7 Elisabeth JaClanaJ) ~ or ' Newb1.u7 J d. 1799. Elizabeth (6). b. ; m.Wm. William (6). b. 1766; a potter ~tace before 1792;lived in Newburyport. or Newburyport:m.Meh1tabel Hamilton or Row187,1787, he d. 1799. &he outlived h1a. ADna Thoma.(S). b. 1'169; m. Elijah Parker or Newbllryport,1795. Nath'1 (6 >. b. 1'7'71; a potter; m. Abigail PUstUl7 Mar:r (6). b. o~ 1few~ort.1793., : m. WUJ.iam Arthur, 1795 in Newburyport. --- --- ---- - Isaac(5 )Sa11ey(Josiah(4 )l'ta th(3 )In. (2 )Jas. (1) and !a.rz - LoveJ07,had :- . Molly (6). b. 1753; m. Jonathan Holt or Lunenburg,1782;went to Canaan,Me, Iaaao (6), b. 1757; lived with tather in Jaffrey; m.Bet*7 She WRS b.1769; d. 1801; he m. 2nd.,Han~ Stacy;she d. l838J Isaac ci.1826. John (6). b.l?60; m. Rebecca 'Nheelock 1797. Betty (6). b.l?62j m. Abel Hodgman. Hannah (6), b. 17~4; ~. Saw (6), b. 1771. Ruth (6), b. 17?5. Celv1n Russell; went ~o Wheelock~1789: maine. -lS .. The BAITJr.r FAMILY Josiah (5}Ba11ey{Josiah(4)Nath(3) In.(2) J mnes (1) and Sarah Carter,h&d:Joseph(6}. b. 1763; d.y., Ben (6), b. 1765; was a farmer; m. 1st, I~c1nda Carter in 1787; ahe d. 1821 at 52; her 10 children; he m. 2nd., Mrs. Houghton; m. 3rd. Mrs. Bl-yant; lived 1n Leomonater.La.."'lcaater, lIn Fane, Vt •• Dub- lin and J~rey, N.lt.; Harvard. Mass. and at last. Bolton.He d. 1852. Sarah (61, b. 1766; d.y. Josiah (6). b. 1'768;m. Ma:-garet Little Haaen; she was b. 17'79 in Sl'-..1r- l.ey; d. 1.85'7: he d. in Fitchburg, 1.858. Sarah (6), b. 1'7'70. Polly (G),b. 17'72. Joseph (6), b. 1.~4. Ruth (6), b. 1'777. Thadeua (6). b. 1779. --- .... - --- - Jacob(5)Ba1le'l(Dav1d(4)Nath'1(3)Jn.(2)~aa.(1) and w1.te,Sallz week.,had,-: Charl... 'erC7( 6 ), b. in Pwwnelboro; ld.l: ad 1.814 at Batt1.e o.t Ch1ppew;~·.: in u!!er Canada; lS14/prac caily 8dOptedby Duke of Kentl' who took him to cd.uca te him. He was •• hand.ane Rebecoa !:av1n1a (6 l. b. 1'781; d. in Aunapolu. Nova Scotia. Charlotte ~1a (6). b.- Thomas HenI7(,),.aa So William G1lbert (6): British ofttcerJ le~t 3 daughter •• a lawyer: le:tt chUdren. ; m. Jamee Whitman 1816; d. 1861; 1 child. Elizabeth AIm (6). b. ~~- ~-- A:r..os(5) l:Sa118y(ilav1d(4 )1Iath(3 )In. (2) Ja8. (1) and "Ni.fe,Lydia Ross t-"Abner Ross(S), b.17$7: d. 1845. (6), b.1767;d.1853. Lydia (6), b.1770. A*Gs child (6), b. 17~4. Lucy (6), b. 17 7 5; d. unm. in Rowley.1813. !~ath'l (6). b. 1781; d. in Rowley.18l7; BOC'k sd. he:n. Elizabeth B. ~,'v'atson,1804. --- The BAILEY FAMILY -17- aolly (6). b. 1750;d. unm. 1793. Mehitabel (6), b. 1763;d. 1807 in Manchester. Pierce (6), b. 1766 in ~ancheBter.( 3d. to m. Salome Balley,1793:dau. Elisabeth (6), b. 17'73; m.Reuben Howe;d. 1853,11'&8 his 3l'd wite. Pat~ (6), b. 1772; d.7_ John (6), b. 1777;d. 1778. - -- -- 1 •• - lath(5) 0aile;z:(Dav1d(4)Nath(3)Jn.(2)#••• (1) and wUe,Sarah Goodwin,hsd:-i .. ", I ,.,-" "I Nath'1(6), b.1771; lived in Pittston, Ue.;m.Deborah Colburn 1796:ahe d. l)avid saa G. 1851. >. b. 17'13; m. Kay Sm1th,1796. (6 >. b. 1'7'75, m. Mrs, Sarah ItIaaonJ (6 d. 1n New York State 1826. Thoma. (6 J, b. 177'1, d.1800. Abigail G. (6). b. 1'7'19; m. James Smith,1799. Sarah (6). b. 17Bl;m. Hath Hall 1B03; ahe was a sohool-teacher; She m. 2nd., a LIr. Johnson. o~ Deaden. Jacob (6), b. 1783; m. EliSa Barker,laIO. MAry (6), b. 1786; m. Stephen TWycro8s of Deeden. L:yCj.a H. (6), b. 1788: m. Ben Webr.ers; d. 18M. __- --... ~- .a-_ Ezek1el(5)bail!1(Dav~(4)Nath(3)Jn.(2)·aa.(1) and Lois Brooklebank:- Betty (6), :1.17'70;m. IU.chard Pnls1t'er,1801. Lois (6). o.17"2;!!1.T1m Hobson of Rowley,1795. Molly (6). b. 1775;:1. ~aPt. In.~4ou.lton of \'1enham,180e. Eunice (6). b.ltfY7 S;'-.• a Mr. Pressy of Amesmtry. David (a), b. 1780; m. Ann Spiller, ley and i"; enham. ~ho d. in ~everlYlhe lived in Row- The BAILEY FAMILY -18- Children of Ezekial (5) Bailey and ~. L01s Rrooklebank, ( cont,) :- B1tty (6), b. 1784;m. 1804. JohL Flanders Davia. l815.o~ Ezekiel Pierce (6), b. 1789jd. 1859: m. Sally Hobson d. Rowley; she 1880. Jacob (6), bpt. 1791; d. 1792. Anna (6), b. 1793; m. Ben Potter o~ Ipsw1ch,lS17? 1n Middleton: lived 1D - Wenham.Salem.Danvers and ~'.rerl7: he d. 18'76. - --- -., Ab1ga1~ (6). b.~~74. Joseph (6), b. 1777;Eldley Bk .. sa1d b. 1n Lempster, Sullivan Co., B.R.; Perley ad. t. in 1!avet-h.Ulf m.Sally Saullders of Grafton,N.H. 1810; he d. in Springrield,N.H.,1880, she d. 1870. David (6), b. 1779. SUsanna (6). b . l'781. John (6), b.l7~J d. l844. Saraa (6), b. 1786. by 2nd _11'e, !I!n' Lowells- Phineaa(6) ac('ording to Bailey Book. Thomaa (6). rt tt PerleJ"J b. 1799; m. Pr1sc1.11a Perry; 11Ved. near h1s .tather. whose home was in the Scotland part o~ West Haverh1.ll; left .tor ~chester, N.H.J'" a wheelwright, bu1.1t railroads allover New England and other parts o.t lIcncheater,1856. U.~.; d.1n / UUH- Ben (8), b. 1803;m. Sarah Pe~J sister to P~1sc111a.h1s brother's wife; he was a b~ack~th; -BawellJl~ashU9. a1so lived West ~ver~lJ then te N.H. and Newbury.Vt. He was in R.R. bus1.neas- a contractor and overseer --- aw~e in --- o~ repairs • -- --- '!'he BAILEY PAlAILY -19(17'76-1790. ) Tom(3)Jn.(2)Jamea(1) and w1te,Eunice Emeraon:- Tom(5)~aile%(liumphr81(4) ; m. John Killer of Dunbarton,N.H. Eunice (6). b. ; m.Joaeph Clark of Hopkinton.N.H. Catherine(6), b. ; m.Dav~ Greely ot Hopkinton. Phebe (6 ). ftetay (6 ), b. :111. Sarah (6) , b. : m. J oa1ah 8mi th ot Hopkinton. .artha P • Sanborn of Hopkinton. b. 1790-# m. Jemima Smith of' Hopkinton and lived there; he Thomas (6), d. 1885; she d. 1865 at 74. by 2nd w1f'e, lira. Harvg:- John M. (6). b. 1806; m. Lucy Knowlton; lived in Hopkinton; he d. 1885. -.- -- - --~ -',,*, ~ Phineu (6). b. ; m. Mias Sa ave rna ot Compton,Quebec,had large tam- Harvey (6) ; had b. but 1 Ben (6), b. 2 wiv.a;several clUldren; Book ad. al~ (!f. d °""1 daughter, a Mra. Mirick ot Chels.. ~_aa.,1899. ; deaoon aDd .daptiat; lived on homestead at , Plymouth, N.H.; m. and had tam1ly; a daughter, Jlra. Plandera, lived in I Concord, N.H. Cprdel1a(6), b. ; m. ~apt. In. Adams ot Plymouth. Roxanna (6), b. ; m. James Stearna; lived with a daughter in Concord Rosella (6), b. ; m. Walter Buswell ot Compton, ~uebeo. Mary Holman (6). b. ; m. Capt. Joseph Hall; d. 1843. Pamela (6), b. ; lived on the homeatead;unm.;d. ~-----~-------------~~~~~~--~---~-~-~------~-~-----------~~~------- ANDOVER LINE next. 'fhe BAUEY FAMILY -20- The ANDOVER I1ne:- .. - Sam (5) 8ailez(Sam(4) .;james (3 )In. (2 )~a8. (1) and Hannah K1ttredge,had:Dorothy (6). b. 1755;m. ~av1d ~ailey,Jr.1776; he waa of' the line of' John ~iley o~ ~alisburyf the son o~ Dav~ ~ley and w. EliSabeth Dole , b. 1752;1ived in Tewksbury,1778; to Jarfre,r N.H. 1790; he w~:a a blacksmith. James (6), b. 1757; a yeoman;1ived on the homestead in AIIDOVER ; m.178e Lucy Brown o~ TewkaburJJ she waa b. 1766. the dau. o~ wm.J she d. 1843J he d. 1807. Hannah (6), b. 1759; m. tord, Stearna Ueedham 1782; BooIt lid. he was H.H'JnAnt~ar1an" o~ KU- said ot Hollia. N.H.; She d. 1857: he d. 1830. M~ (6), b. 1762; ad. to m. a Mr. Stlokner o~ Jaffrey, N.H •• 1787. Levi (6), b. 1766;m. Hannah ~lley, slster at his b1'Other-in-1aw,.lJav id, 1n 1791; she was b. 1764; d. 1822; lived in Putney, Vt. ;he d. 1850, Sam (6). b. 1768; waa a yeaman ot ANDOVER; m. Sarah Tru11,1794; she waa b. 1771; d. 18~ ot whooping cough while v1siting in f Waketield; he d. here 1831. Joshua (6), b. 1772; lived with grand-tather Sam Balley,. I because hi. father was k1l1ed in 17'75; he m. Harmah Boutwell; went west w1th the Kormons and took all the Clariasa. Arethusa (6), b. -- : d. UDm. before 1~84. --- t~7,except Abigail and , - --- Ebenezer(5) Ballez(Joseph(4)James(3)Jn.(2) Jaa.(l) and Ells. Trull:Molly (6), b. 1763 in B12ler1ca: m. lalvin Chamberlain 1782 1n~~est moreland,N.H.; d. in Kanchester,Vt.1824: he d. 1824. Ebenezer Tr18tram~6), b'-i d. 1778 1n Westmoreland. Betsy(6), b. 1767 in ANDOVER; d. unm. in Westmoreland,1821. i i I The Bailey Fam1+~ -21- Chi'dren ot E~enezer (5) Li1ez and wUe t Ellsabeth 'l'rul1, ( cont. ):<<It 1n Andover, 17'70; m. Sanial Merrian Sarah. (6). b. ton, / o~ •• Walpole,N H~ , 1795; he 1I'a& b. 1769. in Mex1n~1 L.a., he d. 1858 1n • Walpole; she d. 1855. Rhoda (6), b. 1771; Thirza\6), b. d. in Wastmoreland.,1797. 1774; m. Perkins Staples) d. 184'7 at Westmoreland; no cb. Ssm (6), b. and d. 1'7'77. Ebenezer (6), b. 1'781; oE Westmoreland and Pltchburg; d. 1825, 1n Westmoreland J Sam (6) 2nd., b. m. 1786, Lucy CIo1dsm1th ot Pltchburg, 1817. m. Crlsasma j;)rltton 1n Weatmoreland; ahe ... a b. 1790 1n Ral1lham Co., d. 1843 1n aaxtol1 River; he d. 1880 at Saxton River, Vt. Hannah (6), b. 1788J m. ~an1el Kingsbury Pla1nt1e1d, N.H. 1819 -- --- or Keene, N.H. 1797; he d. 1n at 52; she d. 1813 -- at Plainfleld. --- "ethro (5) l)a11!7 (Joaeph(4)"amea (3) I n .(2) ~. . . (l) and Hannah Davis :'ethro (6) 1I0aea (e) Aaron(e), b. ; m. Mary Wincheater or ~'leatmoreland;. ahe waa b. 1779, d. 1851; they went to Ill. Kelurah (6). daughter (6) - Luther (5) Lilez( -- -- --- Bailey: Joseph (4)James (3) In.(2) .las. (1) and Experience.&,- .. LI Exper~e (6), b. 1772; d. 1793. Luther (6), b. 1773; d. 1795. Anna (6), b. 1775; m. a Mr. Putnam; d. 1n Michigan, 1850. Hannah (6), b. 1777;m. David Putnam; d. 1n Malden, 1848. -22- The BAILEY FA14ILY ahildren of Luther (5)~ileI and wife, Experience, ( cont.) :Oa~v1n (6), b. 1778: d. 1808. Oharlotte (6), b. 1780: m. a Willard; d. 1848 1n Malden. sarah (6). b. 1782; m. a Lowell; d. 1n Haverhill. Joseph (6), b. 1784; lived in Boston and New York: m. Chanpney T~oth7 o~ ,xa.r,- Jane Boyd Oharleston, S.O. J he d. 1843. (6). b. 1785; m. 1st Eunice SWeetzer of So. Reading; m. 2nd •• Mary R. d. in Dingley of Waterville, lie. J m. 3rd, Nancy B. Dingl87; Me.l.4_, l8S8. Elisabeth (6). b. 1787; m. A.ndrew Olark of Methuen J d. 1849. --- -- --- William (5) Sa11ez(Joaeph(4)~a8.(3) In.(2)Jas.(1) and Rebecca H11dreth:,~ . Rebecca (6), b. 1774; m. T.bomaa Boynton, 1799. Hannah (6). b. 1'776; m. Jamea Ballard Lovejoy,l'799. Sarah (6), b. 1779; m. Dan1el Stevena,leo.,. William (6). b. 1'780; m. Roberta Gilson; he was 001. of Militia, he d. 1853; ane d. 1858. Persia (6), b. 1783; m. John Lovejoy 1811. Timothy (6). b. 1'786; m. Henrietta Blood --- ~-.. o~ Groton, 1811. _.. - ... - Charles (5) iiailey(Stephen(4) J ames (3)Jn.(2) J'u.(l) and Abigail aU-rord: Charles (6), b. 1'768; waa a mirU.ster; lived 1n Brookf'ield ar;d'. ~wick; m.; had no clUl.dren. IUah (6), b. 1770; grad. Dartmouth 1793; was Congregational minister at New Castle, Hardw~ck Me •• 1797-1823; Greenboro. Vt., 1825-9; went to Vt.;m. 1794 Abigail Goodhue, dau. Elizabeth, o~ George and ot Newbur:vPort; she was b. 1756; d. 1846; he was a prominent Anti-slavery man; he d. 185'7. Enoch (6), b. 17""'1; ;'1. 1794,Dnborsh Childs; she was b. 1784; d.~80l;he m. 2nd.,Susanna BanGS, b. 1784;d. 1858; went to JJa1uvan ~:1s.1839c The BAIrn FAMILY Children ot Charles (5) fta.11ey and wife, Abigail Safford, t cont.) :- W1ll1am (6), b. 17?~r d. 17?4. Whitfield (6), 1>. 1'7?5; m~ 1st 1'799 Sally ~a1iey. daughter of Webster ~alley; ahe was b. 1'781 in Vleet Newbury: d. 1828 in Hard- w1ck, Vt.; he m. 2nd., Pann1' Gravea, 1829; she waa b. 1n Athol, . . . s .... 1'790; d. in liardw1ok, 18'7ljhe d. 184'7 at Brookt'1eld, 1:4&8s.. william (6) 2nd., b. 17??; d. 1'7?9. Martha (6)., b. 1780;111. John Huntington of Brookfield, ".s. and 1!ar4- rick-, Vt; d. 1850. Ab1ga11 (6), b. 17~2; m. JaM CObb; lived 1n Brookf1eld and Peacham,Vt. d. 1855. W8.l'd (6). b. 1784; lived awhile in dro"'kf'1eld; !Il. Judith Hall who was b. in New Braintree. 1783; she d. in Hardwick, Vt.1851; he d. there 1867. Calvin Porter (6). b. 1792; lived in Brookf1eld and Perry, N,y.; d. 1860. --- ....... -~ .... - James (5) Ba11ey (.lames (4-3) In.(2) "all.(l) §Dd Polll Bailey. had:,.",.-- RUtherrOM. (6), b.--; 11.ved. 111 i'eaolwm. ft. ; or Flavel (6). b. - Peaohaa, l't. and Groton; m. Persay. Chamber- lain, a school-teaoher; he d. in Groton. -- !an' Abijah (5) BaU'l (James (4~) In,(2) Jaa.(l) and -- B. Saner, had:. Philander (6). b. 1780; at' Troy. Vt. Luther(6). b. 1782; of l~ol, Vt.; m. detay Abercrombie. sam (6), b. 1784; o~ Troy, Vt.; ~. Lydia Mary (6), b. 1ryS6; m. Reuben Ainsworth UL"1eS ParsoDa; was in War I!1. 1st ..ta17 Abercrombie; m.~ ' etsy !Tock; .,m. 3rd •• Rachel Burbank. Hannah (6), b. 1790, 1012. in Quebeo, (6). b. 1788; a flarmer of Troy, Vt.: J.J or m• .1."ath'l Hacmond o~ Troy, Vt.;- The BAILEY FAMILY Children ot -24- Abijah (~) Bailez and wif'e, Mary B. Sawyer, ( cont.) s- Solomon (6), b. 1792} was Do o~ tarmer 'J:roy, Vt. J m. 1st the widow his twin bPOt:":er,Hea:ton,-Clariasa ~arah (t! &rQ.1') .board,,: o~ m. 2nd., her sister, lieDrl" • Hea ton (S). b. 1792;, a twin. was a f'armer 1n Troy, Vt .,. was in War o~ 1812, m. Clarissa Hardy. Jonathan (6), b., 1794; a f'armer o~ Troy, Vt.: was in the War o~ 1812, later went to the Weat; let't descendants) m. Hannah Duf'er; he d. 1D No. ~erat, ~o, 1875. Achaah (6), b. 1797. Ira All en ( 6 ). b. 1799; a f'armer ot 'rI-oy, Vt.; waa a man ot prominence; m. Suaan Chamberlain J m. 2nd., Laura Tisdell. Betsy (6), b. 1803; m. Jease ~Y; m. 2nd., Dan Flo1d. -- -- Ben (5) 8aile: ( J amea (4)(3) In.(2) Jaa.(ll -- --- and Polly Mc Oawber,hadl.. Smith(S) : m. Stephen Moody. polly (6) Lambert (6). A1"a (6). ; m. Thomaa 'latta. Baney (6) ,b. Anna (6), b. gate, Jane ; m. John Rentrew, a Justice of' the Peace at Rye-V~. (a) Sarah (6), b. ; m. Thomas Watts, her brother-in-l. . a8 l"-18 2nd 'H1.f'e. --- --- --- , _,_.,... u_,I --- '!'he BAILEY FAMILY -25- Luther(5) !alley( James (4-3) In. (2) tas. (1) and w:2.f'e,.t\nna Kincaid:Rachel (6), h. 1784. Sarah (6), b. 1786. Charles Johnson (6), b. 1788. IsanC Newton (6)_ b. 1790. Dav1d (6), b. 1792. Jonathan ParsOJ18 (6), b. 1794. iarve'Y (6). b. 179'7. Anna (6), b. 1800 • . . . (6), b. 1802. Angelua (6)~ b. 1804. i'rankJ.1n (6). b • .l6O'T. - -- --- Betay (7) --.. .;;. ; m. Iaana Stratton; 4. lW13, had children 1n -- -- --- Nath'l (6) ltaileidAmoa (5)Dav1d(4}Nath(3).Tn.(2}Jaa.(1)and El.1z.B.Watsonr-: -- "'I JUliette Charlatt.~7), b. 1804; m. Jlark Newman o~ ANDOVER; she d. here 1n' Andover 1842. ~eodore S. (7), b. 1806. Edwin AUgustus (7). b. 1808, went to \';a11f'orn1a. Leonora AlmAra (7), 'b. 181.0. a.car Pinckney ('7 ). b. laUe Lucy Eveline (7). b. 1813;Oscar P1nckaey (7), 2nd., b. 1815; went to Calirorn1a. See note on page 43 in Bailey Book, on Wealth. chance tor heirs. Hath'1 (7), b. 1817. -- --- -- --- Juliette Char1otta(7) Fla1la;(Uath(6)AmOs(5)iSnvid(4} and ;,tark Ne~"mlan:..: Ed.Augustus(8). b.1830; d. in Andersonville prison during Civil' ~'ar; was in En~1neer Corps; a cabinet maker by trado. Henry Jewett(S), bapt.1830; 1-}e d. 1904 b~ in Ipswich l826Jm. Kate I., who d. 1858; at 78. ( I went to her funeral at South Church.) Charlotte Elisabeth (8). b.l83l;m. John Bell o~ Salem; :aJ.a 2nd wUe was Hattie Stevens, had,. Charle8 (9) Viola B. (9) Abb..... y Ann (8), b. 1833J m. a Mr. Crafts of liIanchester. Mass. Hannah iaskell(e), b.183'1J the West kept house for a c1erg:]1lUl!l named Dodge, in and m. h1t1 later. Lucy Sarah (8), bpt. l842, m. David Wrelldn o~ Leeds, lie. San . . . liaskell (8). bpt. here 1842; unm.J joined chUrCh here., ( :ark Newman IIvecl laet in the old Ballard 'Jardwell house on ~entJral street; he waa a joiner and cabinet - --- ~er. ) -- -- James (6) J:ia1lg(3am(5-4)J'amea(3)Jn.(2) -Tas.el) and wU'e,Lucl Brown;- Lucy (7), b.l787;m. Tam Hamlin o~ Lynn; d. 1916:Lucy Jane (8), b. lS14;m. Rev.Hol1ia Russell: he d. in Andover 1850 t ahe d. here 18S1; no children. . Sarah Ann(8).)h18l6; a teacher in AndoTer;d. 1866. <James (7) • b. l789,d. 1801. Rufus (7 >. b. 1792; d. unm. 182:5. Walter (7) • b. 1793;m. Sarah Brown Hannah (7), b. 1796;m. JAse9h was a Selectman 15 o~ Tewksbury, d. 1817. Shattuck ye~aJ or Andover,1826; he waa b.i792, Rep. 1838-9, held other town ofr1oeaj he d. 1873; she d. lS66.Joseph(S), b. 1827; m. Lxdia M. Cobh;11ved in Lawrence. George Otis (a>. b.1829J'~vard C.1351;Law School 1854; m. Emily Copeland; he d. 1897, 1 child. Charles Wal~er(a),b.l83l;m. Elisabeth Jen k1 na;in Winchester, Lucy Brown (8), b.1834; or Boston. Edward {a). b.l~7;m. Sam'l Jos.Croaby: 2 ch. in Andover. The BAILEY FAMILY Children or "amea (6) tia1.1sy rnd nt's, Lucy Brown, ( cont.) s- Charlea p1.ncknay("')_ b. 1..,99; d. unm. 1885, lived in the Bradstreet house! or otis Bailey. (No.Andover centre.>! -1 Esther Gillett or Tewksbury; d. 1861; no children.! Abigail Farmer Rogers ot' Tewksbury 1835; ahe was I with the children George (7), b. 180l,m. I Jamea (7), b. 1803, m. b. 1812; d. 1888; they lived on the old homestead and at Lowe]j he was for a long time, a deacon or Tewksb'uJ.l7' Cong. Church, d. at Lowell 1880.Jame'! Rogers(S), b.1836; m. Catherine C.(Blanohard) 1{agu1re or1Aarb,ehead ,1866 J m. Laura A.Dan. or I&t-. ernOD. lie. Jl1Jred. in Lawrenoe. Charl•• Watt a (8 ), b.1838, m. Abby Osbourne Sticla18y' 18..,3, she was or Lowell, b.1846; went to B.Sau- 2nd.. s'U8 • Frede!'"ick(8). b.1841:m. Carr1e Prances Moro~T 1889: he waa a druG 1st in Lowell. George (8). b. 1843: d. 1846. Edward (8). b. 1844; was with brother 1n drug store 1n J"owell, d. unm. 18~4. Abbie Iary(a i, b. 1846;m. Hon. Mart1n Dewel' Follett or Mart... etta,Olrl.o.187S; he was Judp or the SUpreme Court or Ohio. P!artha F1del1a(a). b.1850; m. Pt-anci8 jelson Chue, 1S'15;she d. 1875 in Lowell. Otis (7), b. 1806; m. in Pembroka.!!aas., Lucinda Alden Lor1ng,1833; she was dau. or Alden Loring and w. Lucinda Brigg8~ b. 1809 in Duxbury; she d. 1886 1n North Andover; he d. 1866. He was a Deacon or the Unitarian Church 1n No.Andover. '!'hey had:Sarah Lol'ing(a ), b. 1834;.as a teacher; author or "H1st- orical Sketches of Andov8r n ;d.unm. 1896. fJeorge Otls(S), b. 1836;m. Mary B. Blanchard o~ Detroit, 1867: she was dau.of' No:".lDllD and Hannah. b. in Na.":kin, Mich. ,1848 : lived 1n Skamokawa, Charlotte 08good(S), b. here 1838; teacher for yeara in Chicago; retired on a ~ension. Laura Alden (8), b. March 1. 1641; taught Mer~1mac Sch. in North Andover; lived at Bradstreet Ho. nlone after Sarah died. The BAILEY FAMILY Children of otis (7) Bailey ~d wife, Lucinda Alden Loring, (eont.):. ' . ~'. ·t':"\t'_·,r····;i Charles P1ncknay (8). b. 1843J lived 1n Alameda. Cal; m. Rose Leonard. Hannah Rogers (0). b. 1845; was a teacher in Lawrence, lived weekends w1th Laura. John Alden(e), b4 l849J was a dru88ist in DenversCol.; m, Delia Alden 1876; she was b. 1855J d. 1893; he m. 2nd.Jessica ,. Eliza ~ingate 1896J she was dau. of W. Wingate ot Torquay.England. . , Hollis Russell (8). b.1852; graduate - ot Pb1ll1ps·'AndoVer and ~vard; , Law Schoo1,187S; A.M. 1879; was a res. CambDidSe; m. Mary Persis Ohal"lea H. Bell end 1awye~ Bail, 1n Boston; dau. o~ Rx-Gov. w. 3 u rah Almira Gilman ot Exeter, N,H,. 1885. --- --- ~-- --~ Levi (6) Bailey (Sam(5~)J~es (3) In.(2}'Jas.(1) and Hannah Ba11eYI_ ......... Hannah (7 >. b. 1791, m. Dnn Furbush,lSll; d .. 1856 .. ',. ~ev1 "'~.•. ~ ,,".- :,",j . - (7), b. 1792; d. 1795. Sam (7), b. 1794J m. Dolly Newton 1819. Betsy (7), b. 1795} m. Joptha Shedd. 1818. Lev1 (7) 2nd ••. b. 1797Jin Reedy, Vt., m. Lucinda JOhnson. 1822 J she waa. b. 1795 in Shrewsbury! went to Lincoln: 00.; !U,sIIOUl'!.1839: . I to Ued~ Falls.I~aJ ' ahe d.-1872 in.Mo., ~ L~coln Thirza (7). b. 1799Jm. Oliver Ho1mesJ d. 1872 8&117 (7), b. 1800 ;m. Shubal Shedd, d •. 1888. 00 •• Ko. > Washington (7), b. 1803. d. 1803'. Rosamond (71, b. 1804, m. Ben P8.1'kel',1825. Rhoda (7). b. 1806, m. Asa Wa~ren. Plooma (7), b. 180SJm. Ben Franklin Kimball ot Lincoln Co.Mo.J,846,d. Xendall(7), b.1810, a.Emily Seton;went to Line.In CO.Mo lsa7~ 1839., • " t. .,.~ ;e The BAILEY FAMILY) -29- -~ ,te) Li1ez'Sam (5~4)James , (3)Jn.('2) 'Jaa • (1) ~d wite, ~arah Trull':- :, , ,' ' ' ' . her to1ks 11ved neal' Trow..' a H e 1.1Y\~ Sam('1). b. 1795Jm. Prudence Farmer 18237; she Was 6. I797; 1866) ,he .,~. Sam a. d. here in 1872 J the:>' had :Sam Gilman (8), b. 1827: m. Caroline Priscilla Gl1chrlst~ . . ' 1859, she was b. 1834. He owned pine grove at_ H~8p:ettts Pond. (noVi Braeloch).. Ma~ie E.Belknap,1863; ahe was Charles K. (7), b. 1830;m. ' b. near St. Lou!s, MO., 1846} lived 1n Stockton, Cal.;had _ children. John Brown (7), b. 1832 ·m. Hannah R. 'Smlth.18571~ Frank E. 8)~ b. 1862. ' t George S. (81, b. 1868, d. 1876. " AbbleO. (7)e b. 1837; m. Thos. Everett Perrin 1857, in Lowell, lived in Attleboro. Sally (7), b. 1796; m. George Batta, 1818; he was b. 1796, prob. in i .; Saugus, d. 1852; she d. in Wakefield, 1845;11ved aU 'Reading way. . i Phineas (7). b. 1800; m. Eunice Mansfield in So. Reading, 1824j she waa! b. in Lynntleld.1802; d.1n Oberlin Ohio 1873, the same' week he d1ed e Esther (7). b. 1802; d.y. Arethua& (7). b. 1803) m. 1838 W. MansfIeld of Andover and So. Readln~, as Us 2nd wlreJ ahe d. 1844, he m. 3rd. ,Phebe Sweetzer. Roderick (7 >. b. 1805; m. Charlotte Peabod,..1827, she was b. Sn Rutland,' Vt •• 1S01J d. at ,. Rlce Lake. Wis., he k~pt a celebrated road houae on the River Road beyond Hood'. (.now Francia- >t oan Seminaryhe d. 1879 in Eau Galle. W18~ Hannah P. (8). b. and d. 1828. ,"" R. (8), b. and 4.1829. , JamOD L. (8), b. 1831Jm. Ma~ A. All1con 1960. ahewa=~ Andrew e. Children of Sam(6) Qn page 30. Ill. in Wabasha, MSnn.183'1. b. 1n OUrre:r Co •.! Ohio,. they went to W1s. J lived all l'oun4 ;; the lot. The BAILEY FAMILY ( cont·l Rodex-1ck(7) &119 (Sam(6)(5)(4 E~.1a. )~ames(3)Jn • .c2) JaS.(l) and Charlotter_ peabody(!La. b.1832; m. Lucinda A.Alelend,. ln Eau OaJ.le,Wls.1S63; ahe wae b. in lUch.l848; he was Hepresentat1ve lS72;he d. 1881 in Knapp, .18. Walter Delmore(!la. b. 1835;m. Lucy Ellaa Klllott,lS58 1n Kalamazoo.Mich; ahe was b. lS35 in Bruce, JI1cb; he was in the C1vll War, recorded o~ Crookaton,M1nn.:_ Delmore(9}. b.185'7 in Andover: d. unm. at Reeds Landg Alva Wyman J!.!.. ft. b. 183'7, m. 1iaz.tha T. '.f.'1ce was b. 1839, he o~ Rose l.ake, W1s e ,1860, ahe in the C1v1l War. Andrew Ormond.!!U. b. lS42: m. Charlotte A. M1l1erj 1863; she "aa b. 1844i lived in Columbus, New lIexico. Roderick Omar (!l. b. IS43; d. 1862 at Eau Galle, W1s. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -t: ~~~O~~~d~~:!en!ige~:!:~t.·_-~S!-!!.!(6~)uiu~~~e~yua:!!D!d~w!::u!:!.!e~.....;Sar=~ah~.:!rI1~~ll~.~(-co:n~t~.:) • b. 1S06;m. Clarlssa Peabody 1n Andover, 1828; she waa b. in 8~.rd. " N.B., lS03, they went to Oberlin. Ohio in 1833; she d thee 1879. he d. lSSS.They had.:ai.rissa J. (8), b. here 1828; d •. 18~O. \.ieo Benson (8). b. in .Lowell,1830; ~ (8), b. 1832; to Sar.duaky, Ohio, 1889. Otla (8), b. 1832; a twin; d.y. .y. ~- Barna 1831:, went to Oberlin, Ohio;d.l879, EliSa (7). b. la08} m• .wo& no cMldren. 14, 1837 ; he waa b. in Clarinda (7), b. 1810 J m. Ed•• Kans.&.#1e Lynn~1eld. 1813; lived in Waket1eld; she d. 1884; he d. 189S. John Trull (7) , b. 1812 ,: c. arvilla Norcross 1836 in Lowell; ahe waa b. 1813 in Barre, vt; d. 1895 in West Andover; he d. 1888. ) b. 1815 -I in Andover-. m. Julia H11dr1ck of uterr1mac, AlVah Wyman (7. N.H., 1848; she was b • 1n New York state 1821; she d. in Andover,189S; he d. in Lowell 1874; no ch11dren. --- --- --- --- -31The BAILEY FAMILY John Trull(~) ~lay (~am(6-5-4)Jas.(3)Jn.(2) and d. 1837. iibert NororossCs). o. and w. arvilla Norcross: Edward Jlanst1eld(R), b. l83S;m. Ellen Hamblitt !,'?ebater,l863, she was b.in Andover,1841. dau. of John Webster and Elenor liamblett; ahe d. in Lowell, 1865 J he m. 2nd., Olara Bl11erica Elisa Da.s, 1867; ahe was b. 1n , . •• If She d. 00; in Lowell, 18'79; she was dan. or Calvin Days and w. 1IIary Ward; his 3rd wUe was Olara A.Freeman wh.... he 111.1879 at St. faul, 1I1nr1; ahe was b. 1n Waker1eld, dau. or Mrs. Clarence D. Freeman; he m. 4th, Gertrude Emily Thompson 1893 in Biller1ca; ahe was b. 1n Woburn 186'1. the dau. or Sam F~ci. Thompson and ~., -&1'7 Blodgett. He wax in the Clvil War wlth a vt. regiment. His son:- Edward (9), b. 1866, m. Martha M1l1er or Tewka- .... b1l17, 1S89; she was b. 1869 in Btlstol,R.I.: Duzton(lO). b. here W.Andover,lS90. Clara Ellen (lO), b. 1891. w. Irv1ng(lO) b. 1895 in No.Tawksbu17. Sarah Frances (8). b. 1840; d. in Andover, lS71. Caroline Augusta (S), b. 1841; d. 1865. Ellen Maria (S), b. 1843; on homeatead in Andover. John Thos. B. (8), b. 1n Lowell, 1846, m.Sarah McKennon lS75; lived And. 'fii7"=,; Charlotte Eliza (8), b. 1848; d. in Andover 1867. Al Norcross (8). b. 1854; m. ~y Prances Niles 1n Oxford, N.H.,lS75; she was b. 1853, dau. ot Ben Frankl.1n Niles and w. lia17 Newell; lived in --- ~akef1eld.Manchester --- and Qafordvllle,N.H. --- ,,' The BAILEY FAMILY Joshua (6) fklley(Sam(5-4)JameS(3) 111.(2) Jas.(l)and Hannah Boutwell:,• , '"'. I ... >II1II' Oren (7) ( All but 2 of" the family lett tOI' the " -;: ......... " Mormons .. ) Warren ('1) Orval (7) Betsy (7) Olar1ssa (7) did not go with rest ot family to join the Mormons, m~ 1st 'a Mr. Hook: m. 2nd. a Mr. ~attee. m&.l7 (7) Abigail (7), did not go with others; became insane; d. in almshouse." Joshua (7) f b. ) Hannah (7) Son (7) Jamea {7) ..-- -- --- --- Wm.(6) Bal1ey(wm.(.5)Jos.(4)"ames (3)Jn.(2" J a8 .(1) and Rebeccfl, Gllson,:-; Rebecca (7)_ b~1894Jm.J~8hua Holt 1829J 4. 1834. William (7). b. 1806, """ _ , ........ 'l'~ . . . . . d. 1807. Wm. (7) 2nd., b. 1808 in AndoverJm. lDleda Ames 1831, m. 2r,d'., Mrs.Hann- ah (Kendail')Gr1ff1n 1834; she waS 4ead: 1866, he Cie 18S7. l!ad:- Sarah Elizabeth(S), b. 1836,;m. James Estes 1864. Rebeoca Gilso1)(a}. b 1 A39,.d. 1886'. Hannah (7); b. 1813; m. Ezra aooo~t, 18~e. Joseph. (7). b. lSlOJm. Lucy Bailey 1836,. she was da~~ of 1.M. Bailey ot . ,: I the l!na ~t Richard(l)Jhe was thrown t~am a wagon 1n Tewks~ , bU17 'and kllled, 1859, ahe d. 1n Lawrence.Had:- . , " Luoy A., (S), b. an d. 183'1. Joseph (8),; b.- • d.y. . Chsl-1ea. B. (al b. 1841; o~ Lynn. George AbbotttS,)' b.1843, d~ 1864 in a battle' at W1n- . , ohes1;w.Va • .t1n C1vU Wal'!, 'UlUllo Mary Bllsabetli(S),b.184QJm.1866 AndJ;'ew,D.Hazelton. Luo., Elvu.'(a), b. 1849Jm.HeD17 Edwarda 18"13 as his , 2nd wUe, he \Va8 of Ando.e~. ; Joseph Warren(S) _ b. lB50i14oses EdWal'd'C81,b,_18S1 t OfLynlli,' HIram P. no, 6. 185~J 1A.el!ssaRosel1aH1_.t b.185'7pn. i, Chns. ---- 1875Jl'1ved, at rerry , opp. Glen F01'9at on River' Rd. ' < THe BAILEY PAMILY· . . " , ..... Children of Wm.(6) .balle:y·~d wlf'e, Rebecoa Gllson, ( cont.} :.Sam Gil.son (7)~ b. m. IBt.,Clar1~Ba Needh~.1842J she·d. 1852,. 181.5J m. 2nd., he Abigail Hardy:- Clarissa (al, b. 1843; m. Ist.,Gayton O. Ames, as 2nd,w •• 1874; She m. 2nd., George Fitzgerald. wl~.bro. Lucretia Ann (8), b. le45;unm.Jllved Sam H. Mary Louisa (e), b. 1846; d. 1856. Samuel He~ (8), b. 1848: rfl' 1874 Ad!'iance Carpenter J . She was of ·e., b.1856; d.Ju1y 24,1880; :. !?nd •• he m. 'J' Elizabeth B. Abbott,D eo.20. : 1882J ahe was b. 1850;they l1ved on the I Abbott place on,Borter Road. Children ' first wlte; o~ Adr~oo I~ Alma.RIChardson(9), b.1n West Andover.l876;m. a Hildreth Westford; d. 1916. o~ Clara Loulse(9). b.1878;m. Ralph Trull Jllved, in Tewksbury. by 2nd wlfe,El1zabeth Abbott •• Ralph Abbott(9). b.l~84:m.la ~flis~:Elnd~7jllved' , Abbot~ ~~estead. .'~ t~ . I ' . o~~ ; . )1'\.).., ~ P~-~. ~ d· . Belen Rl1z. (9). b.l888J m./Ml'. Cannon) 1916 • . ~.~ '~f"'II\- ~. ")j,t't§lUn,-,t'i'Q% Elbridge Gerr,. (8).- b. 1852; d. y. . Julla Faullme1" (9). b.1856J m•. P:rank AugueV.l8 Fltsg~l'ald o~Te\"lksburyj ~' 1874. --- --- --- Sam GilmAn(S) ; --- Bailel(~('1-6-5-4)Ja~.(3)JD.• (2)Ja~.(l~) ~d fal'ol1ne Gil- L1l.1a Eva (9 h· .. ' . . b. 1860) m. Edwin W. Oo()le}' or j i . , ~ .. gP!a,'t~ Winchester.laaS.·,_,.c; - ' ....~ . "' Cllarlea' L1n091AJ·9),:·~.:1S62.,·. -.. ' :'. - ' , J .j (91,:. b,;1866J. de;?-S,ea·.,>.".. . . 'Y'~';~:.f:'~.!~~:.".:;:.·\ . ,;, _ . ' ' ' , w. /- .... ':.' .l .- \ .:2 Kimball ___ C Sam'·' G. ($>.;wti•. aahOe~ake~·,.i:b.;. . ~.~:th.,·Te~~abur7 l~'hi .'..• ,j' •.• . '1861 h1srat~e~~,:bul1 ta '. hquae r.()~· M,Il:';' titter .;lrl;.·~1agetoy~r1a~:t.8 ellIa .G11chr!d;,(IIOU8$:.On.;.L¢",..ll.,· ·.··.·.ttee~>.th1a.a:lde,~1lts:~$ta~1011_:~. ;:.~;.;\ - ----~--- :.' ,•. was . bu11t. .1861.;}..·· .••.••.' ..... ;\:<fj);,;\(,(;i\;;:;t;$f~'~)~;;~~"3:';;;::iS';7§!;";" ·..:·.:i';(,~;ii'.':>'·· \9;:}~;\',,/.;;Xi;"·..<){;:;;~~;<.~.;,,:~~r~;: --- ~ --- - ~~- - - --- .- ~ - -- ~-~-- - a The BAILEY .'FAMILY ~1moth1 -34- ~. (7). b.1812; ................. ... .. Lucy Ann Stevena 1842; he d. 1851; she d. 1856.- James he~y (8), b. 1843: d. 1861, broke leg at Ft. Albany. ~~a~los W. (8) b.1845; was a soldie~ ot Civil War. recorded from Montana. Lucy Ann James (7), b. 1814: (a). b. IS51; d. 1853. ",- d~' out West. Henrietta (7). b. 1816; m. a Mr. Gilson. - Ebenezer (7), b. 1819; d. in Ballardvale. Warren A. (7), b. Rachel (7). b. 1821. RUfUs (7), b. 1823; m. Tryphena Walker ot Troy~ Vt. Tristram B. (7). b. 1830; m. Mary A. Townsend,186l. Rox~~a (7), b. 1833, a teacher:4arried Wes1y Abbbtt 1864. Henry H. (7), b. 1835: a soldier in Civil War; went Wut West .. /I##/lII##II####ll From the line ot John (1) Bailey ot NeWb1ll'%:- David(5)BaileZ (~avid(4)Isaac(3)Jn.(lf2-1) and wIfe.Elizabeth Dole:Oliver(S), b~1742J ,d. 1760 during the Fronch W~. o~' small pox:-- . . :D!"'.~1d (6). b. ~ d. 1740. --- .~ ,.' ! ' Jonathan (a),b. 1740, a twin,a ~ailor at Rowley 1761,Amesbury,1763, S. Greenland. N.B.,176,6J m. Sarah ---, hada-Jonathan' (7 )11763 . Ben (7). b. 765. Sen (6 lSI bdWd d. 1'144. Ellzaheth (6). b.and 4. 1748. Abraham (6 >. b. 1747;m. 1st Ruth ~dall d~u.o~EJS~a· lte~ali and w.M.1ss Chandler. 1'7'70: she waab.1750:d. 1791,he m. 2nd.,Sarah La1'll'snce,1793;she d. 1B03:m. .. 3rd •• Olive Lawrence of Papper!ll; . ahe, was b.1772 .1838,. he d. 1838. The BAUEY FAUILY -35- From line of John (1 ) Ba11e7 "ot Newbury. ~. . (cont.) ~. :- Oh11dl'en 01' DaVid(S) tfa11e;y and wl~e. 111zabeth Dole,· ( con~·.·l E11.sabeth(6), b. 1751;m. Phineas 8paldL"'lg c~ Chelmsford,i772;'" he d. 1814 1n Ja£!'rey. N.H. J she d. 1819. ~ Dav1d(6). b. l754Jm. Dorothy Bailey. 1776, she was dau. of S~ Ba!ley ot Andover and w.F.annah Kittredge. b. l758J they went tc Woodstock, Vt. Sarah (6). b. 1756;m. George Butter1ing, 1794; he was a c1othior at Brookline _ N.H.: she d. 1824.· EdnBh· 1. CG ), b. 1758: m. l$zra Adams .1775 J d. 1794: 11ved in Hartland _vti. .' I - Olive (6). b~1761jm. DaVid Baie of 'Nest Windsor. Vt. HaLnah (6)~b.·1764;m.1791 .Levi Ba11ey~ son of D~ Bal1ey end w. . **** i .' Haimah X1ttredge, b. 1766; he d.1850, ahe d.1822. . Oliver (6). b.1768;m •. Mollie Perkins 1791; she was b. 1771 in BGWton, ... _- Ma~s: she d.186l, he 4.1855. ---- . -- . -- I I --- Jonathan(5)pBa lle:(Davld(4 )IS8t:c(3 )In.~2-1) and wU'e,Susan !i:ru11:- Rebecca(6)~p'~1747 ,m. Joseph Mace, went to Greenfield. "< ' .1'. """rr-,: ,. Deborah (6). by records, b. 1747. Susannah (6), b. 1749; d. 1750. Jonathan (6), b. 1751, went to .Salem. N.H. Samuel, (6)~ b. 17.53. ( ) .~ l • John (.6 ),. b. 1755, m. SUsan Hunt l7S4,Poo~ ad. he lived in At1J>OVER. ...... Boah (6 ).,. b.1757Jllved 1n Francestown. H.B., posslbly' m•... a }farmer•· ... Daniel (6)., b.17S9jre.oorded in Tewkabu17. m.Mol1y StanlG7,d. hen July 3,1826. SUs annah ( 6) 2nd •• be,'· me' 'MaJOr' Jacob Btead17.Jr.. 1784. ". . 'amar (is) .. b~ 1'16.,•• Sam J'armel'~178e. ' . ' Jam•• (6)· .. b.l'166. m. 1791,Dot'bth7 WOl'ooste~. b.1?69J~~"'ecl·.1n T-'~• • • . .•.. . ... .'''::';'.•f'·.''':''-':; ~. ..•. ..... ,':r":':)" . bury,. moved to:. Green.tle14.:~~~Bilh~ 4·:§::1839tjahe· d:~;,;185a.·· c.!; (;,::" ".~; i The BAILEY FA~ILY , .-.,..... , Children of Jonathan (5) fia1ley ",nd "Ue,Suse.n Trull, (cont.)' 1- M~ (6). b •. 17~9:1 m. ~eremiah Baldwin. , Moses (6), h. 1774; lived in Francesto·.,rm. Raohel Norton (6) ..-- -- --- John (6) Ba11eZ(Jona(S)Dav1d(4)IsaaO(3)Jn.(2-l) and w1te t SUsan Hunt:Sarah(9)~ .-" b. 1785; m.Stephen Hardy) d. 1879} ,had:- ;m.~am G. Ba11e~,· as 2nd wife; he was son Abigail(S), b. otVIm. Ba1ley and w. ttebecca Gilson , Betsy (a)b. . ",-' 1809 J or J a8 .(1) line. m. ?1111ard Pike • Simeon (8), b. 1813; m. Mary Jeffereon. Rufus (8). I b. . Mary(a), b. m. 4 times; went to Gr~en1and,N.H • I unm.j1ived with brother Stephen. stephen(a), b. J m. ~843 Mary Ann Webster. Henry (a), b. l8l2j.m. Abigail Abbott;m. 2nd •• liam-ah &l1ey, ot the line or Richard (1) .Bailey. William (8), b. J m. Su~an RQbi:nson. J m,. 1411e8 ~1nt. '. Susan (7). b.1'786; m.M1cajah Hardy. J6hn (7). h. 1'789; d. unm. Abner (7). ,b. ,1790. Betsy (7). b.179l;d. 1807. 'Martha (7). b.1793J m. a Mr~ BakerJ moved West. ~tua-(7), b.1795. JerI7 (7). b.1797, d. unm. Rebecca (7). b. lS00Jm.Ben Hlll, d~ in Lowell •. --- -- --.. The BAILEY FAliILY Line of John (1) pan1el(6) Sailey ( J'Otld.(S) DE4'tt1d (~l) Isanc(3) I n .(2-1) a~~d Molly , , .:~.8tnnle:y:~ DJanj,~ (7) "lil.in T6·N;'~bury. Ma,. 9. 1785; m. Soyh1a Cochrane, Oct.30,1809;'~ ha d.Dea.S, IS15; she m. 2nd •• ROder Blood,or Andover,llved nesr tiepot. Polly (7), 'b. 1n 'l'swksbnry,Vct •11 ,1787: m. Bnsign Sam Oochrane,June 11,1807. Sam (7), b. Juno 7. 1'789; a ;aborer, m. M&ry Abbott, ~Bl'.18, she 1815J was b~ Ju.le 25, 1'l9l,dau.of Da~1d ~5) Abbott and w. ~rlsoi11a Chandler; he d. ~une lIaru'lah J 7 ), b. Jl:ne 13, 1791; 21, 1859. !!!. Asa. Abbott.t tiov. 21, 1811; she d. 1872 , at hoca of Alfred Abbott, her son-ln-la\1;, Asa d. ,11:1 West Par- . ish • ,- O~ah (7)_ b. EtIld Ab1S~11 d. May 9, ~793. (7), b. May 22, 1813J 1~94; m. John Smith of Conoord. N.n., JUne 24, ho ~aa b. in Hollis.' N.H., Oct.14, 1790; he d. in Exeter. N.E." S.gpt. 27. 1861; hero. Nancy (7), b. WRS bur1.ed 1n SO\!th Church '7'd.' They lived in TIne V!11RCe • John Was e. stone mason. Oct.g~ 1796; m. Asa Hears of Tewksbury; lived in Andover. Theodore (7). b. in Tewksbury, Oct.13, l7gS; a brlQkmaker; m. Lav1nia &~tt I r I t ' of Bennington, R.U q , 1825} he d. Doc.10, 1843. ( Daniel (6) tidley came lx-om 'l'ewksb't11'7, where all the children 1 .ere bern, and lIved in West Parish, in the house that Sam Pl1nt 1 buIlt on 11err'1 Lane. Sam Flint went to 'the . .laa.Merrill place near ' Capt. Joshua 0hanc11er'a. Danl1ved next. and then came Asa Abbott.) .i dBa11ez(Dan(5)Jona. (5)DaV8;'4)lluo(a )In.(2-1) Dlld, Mary Abbott ~ ilaaryt3a11197 (8), b. Bov.4,1815J'm. Andr~ ~r'fe ot' .An--aove~IAuB.?i1_1853""1 .......... same 7 ... .... , ': :' .. -_ .... ;" ""~"-.o.:t ....... l• HOlies (8 1j b.' Feb.? ,181g, DI. AnnN,~&DIl_,w.t 28,~S41J';",She·waS,. 4au •.· o~ .i en He~am or Tewksbury, b. 18J.6,JIo8e.,d. bet.• la40IshelB~ 2~, Dec .31, 1840, JOg. Olarko.t~ B.B4iJ'" aa,hi". ; 3M; '111te. . Phebe (a) I bU1'1ed~' b.1824 m. llen17 JOhnsonot'Br1dgGWo:~G~J:; ahtt,d. hel'tt::1S"l6" ' .. , , "., ,. • j j The BAILEY FAMILY Children ot S~(7) Salley and wIte, Mary Abbott, ( cont.) :- Almira (8), b.March 18, 1826) m. G1lman Moulton, b. in Banford, Me., he was Nov. 27, 1853; she was his 2nd wlfeJ7a son, ot wm.Mou~ton, res.ot Lawrence. Ethelinda (8). b. 1930; c. Charles Allen ot Haverhill, Dec.1l, 1853; he was son ot Joseph and Lucy. Hannah (8), b. atter 1820 and betore 1824: m. Alexander WIlson, 1850; he was a Flax dresner; native of Scotland.( Sam did not have Harm ah bapt.) Emdly Bean (8), b. Dec.27,l836; m. Nov.7,1875,James L. Cooley; he w~s b. in Montrose, Scotland. She was his 2nd wite ; he was 56 at marriage. They lived in Frye Village. ~er tolks had small pox and she lett town to care tor thIIm- got -it herselt and was badly scarred. Lived at the home ot John Smith torr~ 'fe_ars end cared tor the children. -...- --- --- .-- a~'(\"+ Theodore(7)Ba11ey(Dan(6)Jona (5)bave(I)Isaac(3)Jn.(2-l).an_d__L_a_v_1n __ ia~A~._h_a_d_:_- - ..... . .. -.-v--.~ Lucy Jane(s), b.Feb.23,1826t in Lynn; m. Riohard Kent, son or Amos; lived: on High street 10 Stevens' house, now Fl1ot'sf the barn stood' on the site ot Frank Gleason's. Theodore (8), b. Au·-. 31, 1827. Asa H. (8), b. June 12, l829;a shoemaker; m. June 26. 1853, widow Tamar AShton, age 26, b. in England, dau. ot Thos. Robinson and w. , Rachel; l'1ved in Ando''lor. Martha (8), b.1833; m. Oct.ll, 1851. James Standing,23, a wool sorter in , ' North Par1sh, b. in AmeslNry. son o~ James and Anna. Hester (8), b. March 29,1836J d.y. Warren Pranci. (8), b.Aug. 4, 1839. Thoma. (8), b.Aug. 24, 1843, in let Heavy Art. in Oivil War-61-65. Rich aycl Wm (9), b. Ocr.st, 1944-. ( Mrs. Oooley sa~ that the old house which the Chrls.0sgood heirs sold to the Town when the Poor Farm was buIlt,was moved to W.Par1sh and occup:~d.. by '1'heodor~ Ba1~_~"'lthen Pet8~s;T~~l~sJand theZ:l ~to].g tOl.ieq4 {j;F.«~_r: . !he BAILBY POILY ~ (\ \ _.J ~ .. Salome (8). b. Jan.25 1816; m. Th. . . . Shattuck. :oJm (8), b. Oot.83. iSl'71 m. Sarah Vlells of .Ames~,.Jan.lg.l8UJ Ihe was ais tea to Bannah. wUe o~ B.l'. Wutd1rell; Pierson St John and Wardwell had charge of.&.t...~_ B.& ••R.R. traoks rr. Be.tcm to-'.ter.johD left rorawrwnoe aDd lived 1n what .a. known •• the ~.,. Tavern, out at the en4 ot Allelo... stJIMt- DOW oalled Ball.,- ft. !'heN Plato"s . . . JIIIZIr1.-1. aDd lIliaabeth '&lPfl7. nlea. to John Bail.,., stood up with Plato aDd h1a bride. t-... IIaI7 AIm (8), b. Jul7 28, 1820J m. Jlart1D D. Bemllemray UMl.. lUi_beth (al~ b. Aug. '11. ISa,,: ot Lowell, Mar.S. m. llr. JI1ller; lived here until death. Seah Jane (8). b. Oest. 4, la8S; d. Aug. 2'1, 182"1'. Sarah Jane Cal. 2Dd •• b. April 23, 1829, m.Apr.a,1848.lielacm J. White. a maoh1nist; b. 1n Boaton. 182'7,son or Jolm aD1 lIllen; they lived in Lawrence. near Glen Forest. Gecn-se L. (a). b. l~J drowned .1an.16. IB38. ( -- - - --- Ab1eut",) Bau!%(])Q(6 )Jona. (5 )DaviA '4 )~aao (3 )la.(2-1) 8114 In.aD1tht- Sareh A. !Uokl. Deo.21 18;W,Jtept a atable ,) ~ in "'1!Y8 VUlage; abe - s b. 'eb.l.18i '7:movec:l to LaReDo•• LeODUd B.(Sl. b.Sept.2S, 1818; m. Bet.~ Dol. 01 Haverh1l1.Jlar.3.18"2, JOIm (8l. b. Deo.20, 1816. m. ahe _s b. Sept.l? ,1812: d.Aug.28,l84""he m. 2n4._~ :m. 184.8: abe .... b. sept.l1. 1812. at stratham. B.B.,abe d. Ang.aa,lS;a. Fol.o~Jla7 Bdwa.rd A.(8). b.Jlay 1, lS20,m.lUu.1i1l1 •• -.,. 20. 1848;went to Dover_B.B• .ary Ann (a1. b.Jan.13. 1822; m. W.Pellow8,Aug.21, 1842. Debora (aj. b.~an.l. l8M; DI. Alben D. Drar.r ot l'a_SngtoD• •e •• lIa~ .,. l846: ahe atud1ed med101D. 1n Boatall and Penn.Mecu.aal. Inst. 0_ "ears, the,. back to Ando". . : retired 1D . and Uved with her B• • Albert. hi. w11'8, at praot1aecl 30 o14...&ge '13 waah1ngtOJl st. ,Sal_. and Sarah Jane (S). b.Jan.s. lS26; m. W. Oagood. Apr11 14. le~5. ,'\ \~ Hanna A. l Harr1et A.) twins. b. Jan.24,182S: Harriet d. 1830. Samuel E. (8). b. July 20. 1830. - --- --- --- ( '!'he Balle,. Pam111 o~ -40- Andover- Jcbn (1 JUne. Leonu4 Bau!l(S}Sldth(AbJ.ga1l Ball.,.<" Qbaa..l41fql4 (g). b. Dee."" au,- Kla.beth (e). 1842 : b. :reb.aa. I.11D I v. 2"l, 186'1, Bell Dar ..... 18M, m. Dr. heel in WleoouSD, _ Obi. II. Dan(6) and w. BetH Dol., had.. ~'OI~'" 8aa1th..... 18'11; 4. abS1d:reza. _s. ht). b. AprU I. 1848, •• .1. . . w, "llma, Oot. nora•• ( 101. b. 2, 18'15. Geol'se' ~ud eel. b. Ju17,28. 1&&7, d. Sept.". 184'1 • .., Blla (Il, b.8Dd d.7.', Add1e Bl1aa (8). b. Aprl1 16. 1863; m. Jobn .Howarth; no cb.lWNll~ haD••• B. ., ": <.. ~ ~.' - '8i. b. June 5. 1ea5, -, -' -- . .bel 1l. ( 101.. b. Oct.28j l8'f1. Oeoztse L. C 10). b. Aug. 30, 18'P6. Adela14e B. ( 10 J. b. Jan. S1'7. 18S1. -- - -- !he BAII3Y POILY court Bssex -4J.- Records,- ..r'0'. -- - - 1~8a240-241Jl~~9t-- -- -- -- -- -a s.. Bailey.sr•• sold to s..,Jr., ror t • • eto., land ~ homestead.,lane leada to hia house- wall that parts ".,. brother Joseph's laI14- the Cowl", Road. and. .robD Bar47 on bcla •• 15 aores, D8V Kerr1mao Hi..e , 1D 2nd lot, 25 aorea. tracts ( -- o~ Bbene... Batl..,. aella to young Sam lan4 on both a14e. WUe.Bl.1aabeth a1~•• ( SaIl ltlttreclge,8_ OrU.t1DJ witneasea. 1~69f- the lane. -- -- bel... o~ -- .r..es E1ttre4ge ••lls rop 60 it to Sam Balley, Jr/. 15 aores) R1eh Woocla 011 G14eon Fost ...D. . .OIl Jolm Deane ,In •••arr111.Bbene. . . Poor.Gee. Abbott. A. . Peat_ a.Us t. Sam Bailey. Jr •• 12 aorea 111 lIerr1mae Wooda, 1;:.Wood HUl (~!J=J!~e:unnt=rJ) 1t. -- 1"8 --- ---- or -- 1'''7Ih- l -- --- (w. . the away. the Concord -- Jolm . . .~Ul .ella 8 aoreA to . . . .Balleyf Jr. Eben••er ~l.,.,EbeD Spa d1ng.) -- -- traU?) - --- --- 1'7'70,- E11ak1n Butch1nsOl1 or Roxbury, ror 1~9 It ••lla to Sam Ba1lftJ.Jre .. 11'7 acr.a land on the Tewka'buPy l1l1e laid out to Sam Frost and ath c. Patte. or BUlerica;bda.on Jaoob Shedd and Wal. Brown. (M1ohael LongJ !bomaa X1dder.) 1~'73f- --- -- --- Riohard Wood.husbancbpn • .tor 16 it .el 1 • a lot to Sam J;a11ey.Jr. _John and peroy Wood.) --- -- !he BAILEY PA:lILY Be sex Oourt Record:8 1- (. ./ ·. \:',' \f111 o~ Sam("J .da11~ who· was b., 1705; d.17B4.H1a la' wUe was Mary RoUe; his aecond;Doroaa Abbott.- ne lived near the f_lalbtU',. line on the site o~ the pre.ent Pranc1 ••an Sem1nU7_ To hi...ue.~~raa. 'the u •• o~ the pasture or 20 &c.ea, which he bought or D.,,14 87. with the 1f14ow'. thift,. 1.t ahe .rema1ned uaarrl6.1 1/3 or the rum, "all. ~e gooda ahe brought 1D marr1age and what; Me baa prad.uoed b7 1nduab7 a1M. J. a pod rid1nS horae- aDd 1.t ahe deea" . . haYe one. TIq . . . . 1. to bay OIle tor her,; br1dlecl m4 Addled, 2 U, abe choo ••• , • ab..ep; wool aDd rlazr ooyer1e•• (2)... and to her aDd U. he1Jta to........ l8 aorea ot woocUot D8Q Bbee... BaD4 to be . . . oft to he. _ the South .14e ot the 10. at the ooat of my e.tate"whenao..... . ahe oboo..., when lI1ele o. 1nn.rm. , gI'al14.on.~Ja_ ••LeY1.a.. and Joshua ch1lclra fd Ja7 eOD. Baa. de.... gr. to prnide aui ta ble dooto.. tor her. aDd aDd P&:Y the lt1ttJl84ge., wUe ot . . .e... all the po4a 1Jl the hou.. that belonged. t . . ., when her ather.. (.11u7 RoUe) - . al.i.... ateh are u.eh1 toP WIllen••• '1'0 m7 aon-in-law,J.e•• Dl7 blaok ooat aDd jao.ke' and a. he haa a doub18 portion ot h1a tach. . . . eatate, DO m01'8. , . 1'0 grand.on Sa-. Kittredge, my blue great coat.••• t. 3 geOD••Leyi.Sa and J'oahua, the reat ot my cloth••• fo grand daughte. DOI'Oth7 • • 11'. ot Da,,14 Ba.11ey 5., to grand daughter. , H8UDa and. ~, i6." to 3 gra~.on ••. sou o~ Aa;, dee.. i l l the land. not diaposed o~. Gltand.on Da"id ailey. now re.ident 1D . Ando• • • • aole-exeautor. April 13. 1'18S.. (1Dl. l)ane,Wm.Clark;JoahUa Holt.) u.. t. . nur.... !O...,. 0." . . .' Probate Peb.2,.l'784. Abrahal !taUeY' and h . Balley bon4a_.. A Iood deal or 1an4 on the :p1.er,t1mber on the river bank I~ka on D1Y1nlt-y. a ".l".t jaoket and cotton sheets and ah1rte . . . in the 1nvent017'. . '. $li. A'bbottJArchelau. iial. and Joseph ~t,appra1.e... )· .liar. -,,14.·. -- -- wa. s..(sJ 2a1l8'J'. b. 17281 ldlled 1'1'75 at the Battle ot BlmkeJ'l B1lJ.. B. left a lIaJiriAh xs'ttredge) who. he m. 1753. She 1. adDl. Da.14 Abbott.Jr •• and J'Obn Patten are a •••• s~. Ihe 1nYeDtorJ.~ 4,1776 .. mow. an .tat. ~ 84'1 p-plen*J' ot eveJly'tb1ns bat DOt IIAD7 h.uloou. _ In 1778 .Hannah .as dea4 and. ~Y14 Bail.,. and ~v1d Abbott ba1&. . ~e aocount. aDd are adDl. -with Stepha Barker as bond_ _ • Rebecca oray., PNb&b17 an old hm1l7 ••rYant. ba. a good deal. Poor Jlarmah t • 11ttl. pl'op.rt)' 1nc1ud,,:. haU a S1'1ndatoneJ 1 dlllllaakgowa;l ~.sl.J 1 Qh1n~ 1 cettan,l Camble'J 1 Pla14Jl pr.stay., 2 RidinS hood, n . . aD4 oldJ a :;at1D Cloak• .Bonnet aDd llu.tr; .hUts,aprons. 1 gause blaek bdkt'.J3 lineD, 5 pro. SliPP••• frine cloth ot all k1n4. in ahoe.; 13 aap." R1bbmd.; 1 pr-. stone Jew.la- probably ear1nga) 1 haJ 2 pr.hoa.J vamp. tor ahOea! Cash. 29 it ,41 Ih. in pocket booq- 193 it . Sons en and Sam were under guardianship or Ben )(00&1' and PhU.. Chan41er;Jam,. and Joa~a., under Wm.Brown.~l.Chandler and Joa1a Abbott 1788 D1v1.1aa:. , Jame. Jot the hon.e .• barn,7 acres and 4 acresl..!!c:l:rothey G. and .Hanna -lieedham. 3 piecea; k1 tchen and 2 pea. to haa 9 acrea,Sam l~ acres,Jo.h 11 acrea. etc. ---,'I -- --- 11### --- ..... , ANDOVER /'V! .. \ /+-7 -L:.~ '~'1\ -Itt; a::.Y~c-" Teens' video captures:': . . teachers'influence '{$.e:, ~"i through the years ...,:-~ :', . More than 60 years·ago,Mary G. Bailey taught art to Punchard High students, tucked in a classroom on the lower floor of Andover's high school off Whittier Court. Filming a documentary about Andover's teachers, Andover High students found the teacher, now 88 years old, still sharing her skills. She was teaching art to senior citizens in the very same room, now a part of Andover Senior Center. "I've got a lot of respect for her," Adam Martin... 16, a junior at Andover High said. "The Senior Center was just the best ... and the thing I liked about (Ms. Bailey) was :hat she said, 'What you paint is vhat's inside.' She really puts you at lase.'" Interviewing Andover Hi(tt~:~ senior Joshua A. Hatch for;~:~ "Usten Live" , a cable ., ~I~ program honoring Andove~': teachers, is Andover High ~: junior Laura A. Selima, 16, .j: daughter of Barbara and . I ii ~ Walter Selima of Andover."%",. ...... . j., ~ ',':< ~ Ms. Bailey was only one of the special discoveries that Adam and ~ ther members of the Andover High Video Club uncovered while cre~:; jng a tribute to Andover's teachers. •. ~ :: j "In the spirit of the 3SOth anniversary, we wanted to work on SOlll&~ ling positive for the town," club adviser Harry J. Durso said. ::;.~ Their program, "Listen Live" will premiere tomorrow 7 to 9 p.m. oB ~ able channel 12. The program will feature candid, taped segment$~ rith Andover residents speaking about how the teachers of Andover:: mched their lives. There will also be a live, call-in portion of the sltowi~ "It's making people aware of the good teachers in Andover's publiC~ chools," said junior Laura A. Selima, 16. "It's good we're talking about: his. It lets people know how good Andover schools are, and I'm really Jsyched to do this project." The students handled all the interviews. camera work and editing. They also endured the added complication of having no studio. Andover High is undergoing a $29 million renovation project. The school's studio has been off limits because of construction all year long, and television courses have not been held. "I am just proud of these kids putting in this kind of quality time with the absence of a television production course." Mr. Durso said. "I'm extra proud. we all are, of the students working on this project."
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