SÖDERTÖRNS HÖGSKOLA - Utrikespolitiska institutet


SÖDERTÖRNS HÖGSKOLA - Utrikespolitiska institutet
Professor Johan Eriksson
Born 20 September 1967
Swedish Institute of International Affairs
Tel +46 (0)8 511 768 20
Box 27035
102 51 Stockholm
Ph.D. in Political Science, Umeå University, Sweden, 1992-1997. Dissertation: Partition and
Redemption: A Machiavellian Analysis of Sami and Basque Patriotism.
B.A. in Social Science, Umeå University, Sweden, 1988-1992.
Present Positions
Research Director, Swedish Institute of International Affairs, since January 2012
Professor of Political Science, Södertörn University, since November 2012
Other Positions Held
Chair, Department of Political Science, Södertörn University, August 2009 – July 2012
Associate Professor of Political Science (Docent), Södertörn University, July 2004 – November 2012
Parental Leave, September 2004—January 2005
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Södertörn University, 1998-2004
Research Associate, Swedish Institute of International Affairs, 1998-2000, and 2006-2013
Analyst, Swedish National Defence Research Establishment (FOI), 1991, 1992, 1998
Junior Lecturer and Research Assistant, Department of Political Science, Umeå University, 1992-1997
Army Officer in the Reserve (Captain). Gotland Regiment (P18), Armoured Corps, 1988-2005
Academic Assignments
Peer reviewer of journal articles and book manuscripts
British Journal of Politics and International Relations (2011)
Cambridge Review of International Affairs (2005)
Cooperation and Conflict (2009, 2013, 2015)
East-West Books (2005)
European Journal of International Relations (2010)
European Journal of Political Science (2004)
International Affairs (2015)
International Political Science Review (2007, 2012)
International Political Sociology (2014)
International Studies Quarterly (2014)
Journal of Information Technology & Politics (2010)
Global Affairs (2015)
Global Society (2006)
Millennium: Journal of International Studies (2012)
Public Administration (2014)
Public Policy and Administration (2013)
Review of Policy Research (2009, 2011)
Review of International Studies (2010)
Routledge (2004, 2005, 2009)
Security Dialogue (2011, 2013)
Security Studies (2007)
Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift (2011).
Peer reviewer of applications
Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, review of a research application, 2015
Tallinn University, assessment of applications for Professor of IR, 2015
Faroe Islands Research Council, review of a research application, 2015
Swedish National Defence College, review of application for promotion to Associate Professor, 2014
Swedish National Defence College, reviewer for faculty search committees, 2007-2009
National Science Foundation (U.S.), review of a research application, 2007
Swedish Emergence Management Agency, review of applications, 2002-2008
Södertörn University, PhD applications, and publications series, 2005-2008
Swedish Sami Parliament’s Cultural Committee, review of a research application, 2006
Visiting scholar
Visiting Research Scholar at Columbia University, New York, June-August 2002.
Visiting Research Scholar at the Crisis Research Center, Department of Public Administration, Leiden
University, The Netherlands, March-April 2002.
Councils and committees
Board member, Special Research Program at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, funded by
the Swedish Foreign Ministry, since 2012.
Member of the PhD Examination Committee for Magnus Lundgren. Dissertation: “International
Organizations as Mediators”, Stockholm, Department of Political Science, September 9, 2014.
Board member of the European International Studies Association (EISA), since 2013.
Member of the Steering Committee of the ECPR’s Standing Group of International Relations (SGIR),
Member of the Board of the multidisciplinary Graduate School “Politics, Economy and the
Organization of Society”, Södertörn University, 2010-2011.
Co-chair of Stockholm Forum for Security Studies, hosted by the Swedish Institute of International
Affairs, the Swedish National Defence College, and the Folke Bernadotte Academy, 2007-2009.
Member of the PhD Examination Committee for Mathias Zannakis. Dissertation: “Climate Policy as a
Window of Opportunity: Sweden and Global Climate Change”, Göteborg University, Department of
Political Science, February 12, 2010.
Member of the PhD Examination Committee for Mikael Blomdahl. Dissertation: “The Political Use of
Force: Beyond National Security Considerations as a Source of American Foreign Policy”, Stockholm
University, Department of Political Science, October 31, 2008.
Board member, Department of Political Science, Södertörn University, since 2007.
Steering Group for Research on Terrorism and Counterterrorism, the Swedish Emergency
Management Agency, 2005-2008.
Board member, the Nordic International Studies Association (NISA), 2005-2008.
Board replacement member, the Nordic International Studies Association (NISA), 1999-2005.
Publication Committee, Södertörn University, 2004-2008.
Scientific Advisory Council, Swedish Emergency Management Agency, 2002-2008.
Chairman of the International Politics Section of the Swedish Political Science Association, 2002-2006.
Board member, the International Politics Section of the Swedish Political Science Association, 19971998, 2001-2002, 2006-present.
Chairman of the Security Policy Council of the Swedish Institute for International Affairs, 2000-2001.
Member of the Faculty Board of the Social Sciences and the Humanities, Södertörn University, 20002002.
Member of the Faculty Board Research Committee for the Baltic Sea Area, Södertörn University,
Secretary of the Political Science Association in Umeå, Sweden, 1996-1998.
Faculty discussant
Faculty Discussant of Monica Svantesson’s PhD Thesis “Threat Construction inside Bureaucracy: A
Bourdieusian Study of the European Commission and the Framing of Irregular Immigration 19742009”, Department of Political Science, Stockholm University, 7 March 2014.
Faculty Discussant of Emma Björnehed’s PhD Thesis “Ideas in Conflict: The Effect of Frames in the
Nepal Conflict and Peace Process”, Department of Government, Uppsala University, 15 September
External Examiner of Madeline Carr’s PhD Thesis “The Irony of the Information Age: US Power and
the Internet in International Relations”, Department of Politics and International Relations, Australian
National University, September 2011.
Faculty Discussant of Peter Håkansson’s PhD Thesis “The United Nations Reformed: Responsibility,
Protection and the Standing of States”, Department of Managing and Engineering, Linköping
University, March 10, 2011.
Faculty Discussant of Maria Hellman’s PhD Thesis “Televisual Representations of France and the UK
under Globalization”, Department of Political Science, Stockholm University, May 5, 2006.
Faculty Discussant of Charles Parker’s Licentiate Thesis “Security Regime Significance in the Post Cold
War Context: The Case of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime”, Department of Political Science,
Stockholm University, February 1998.
Editorial journal assignments
Associate Editor of Global Affairs, a peer-reviewed journal published by Taylor & Francis and
European International Studies Association, since 2014.
Member of the Editorial Board of Defence Studies, a peer-reviewed journal published by Taylor &
Francis, since 2014.
Series Editor of UI Papers and UI Briefs, published by the Swedish Institute of International Affairs,
since 2012
Contributing co-editor of a special issue on the external-internal security nexus, Cooperation and
Conflict, 44(2009):3, with Mark Rhinard.
Contributing co-editor of Forum on “Who Controls the Internet?”, International Studies Review,
11(2009):1, with Giampiero Giacomello.
Co-editor (with Niklas Eklund) of Politologen – the Newsletter of the Swedish Political Science
Association, 1993-1996.
Accepted to and successfully completed “Tomorrows’ Academic Leaders”, a course for faculty in the
Stockholm region aiming for academic leadership positions (completed in February 2007).
Accepted to and completed a course on how to conduct planning and development talks with staff
members (October 2011).
Completed a business administration course on end-of-year accounting, September 2012.
Grants & Awards
Nordic Council, conference funding, 2014
Swedish Energy Agency, research funding, 2014-2016
Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet), conference funding, 2013
Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg’s Foundation, research funding, 2013-2014
Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation (RJ), conference funding, 2013
Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation (RJ), research funding, 2011-2014.
Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation (RJ), conference funding, 2009-2010.
Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet), conference funding, 2009-2010.
Stockholm University, conference funding, 2009-2010.
Södertörn University, conference funding, 2009-2010.
Swedish Institute of International Affairs, research funding, 1998-2000, and 2006-2009.
The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies (Östersjöstiftelsen), research funding, 20022005, and 2006-2008.
Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (FORMAS),
research funding, 2006-2007.
Swedish Emergency Management Agency, research funding, 2001, 2003-2005, and 2007-2010.
Social Science Research Council (U.S.), Fellowship Award on Information Technology, International
Cooperation and Global Security, 2002.
Norwegian Ministry for Local and Regional Affairs, publishing support, 2001
Indigenous Peoples’ Network, travel funding, 2000.
Letterstedska Association, travel funding, 2000.
Swedish Foreign Ministry, conference funding, 1999.
Nordic Council, travel funding, 1993.
Research Interests
International relations, security studies, foreign policy analysis, the politics of expertise, the politics of
technology (e.g. cyber, space), and territoriality in world politics.
Academic Conferences (selected)
Conference organization:
Head of the local organizing committee for the SGIR’s 7th Pan-European IR conference held in
Stockholm 9-11 September 2010. More than 1000 people participated, which made this the biggest
European IR conference to date.
Co-organizer of inter alia Swedish Political Science Association’s Annual Meeting (1994), Swedish
Political Science Association IR Section Symposium (2006 and 2008), Stockholm Forum for Security
Studies (2007 and 2008), and Chemical Risk Conference, Stockholm (2007).
Conference Participation (incl. acting as chair and/or discussant):
ECPR Joint Sessions (1994, 1998), SGIR Pan-European IR Conference (2001, 2004, 2007), ISA Annual
Convention (2002, 2004-2015), NISA (2007), Swedish Political Science Association (1994-2009).
News Media
Expert commentator in the news media (television, radio, newspapers, and online media), mostly
concerning security policy, politics of technology, and ethno-regionalism in Europe. I have appeared
approximately 15 times in Swedish television, 30 times in Swedish radio, and 30 times in Swedish and
foreign newspapers (May 2015).
Teaching & Tutoring
I have teaching experience from all levels of university studies, including the PhD program.
Completed PhD supervision:
Ludvig Norman (Uppsala University, Department of Government): “From Friends to Foes:
Institutional Conflict and Supranational Influence in the European Union”. Thesis defended on 20
December 2013 (assistant supervisor).
Sofie Bedford (Södertörn University and Stockholm University): “Islamic Activism in Azerbaijan:
Repression and Mobilization in a Post-Soviet Context”. Thesis defended on 27 February 2009
(primary supervisor).
Roxanna Sjöstedt (Uppsala University, Department of Peace and Conflict Research): “Talking Threats:
The Social Construction of National Security in Russia and the United States”. Thesis defended on 27
November 2010 (assistant supervisor).
Ongoing PhD supervision:
Niklas Nilsson (Uppsala University and Södertörn University). Thesis topic: Georgian Foreign Policy.
Thesis to be defended on 18 September 2015 (primary supervisor).
My total teaching load amount to more than 2000 “lecture hours”. Course subjects include inter alia
social science methodology, thesis composition, ethnic conflicts, nationalism and globalization, war
and peace, international relations, security policy, regionalism, the politics of expertise, and
European integration. I have also been the coordinator of the Master’s Program in Political Science at
Södertörn University. I have been the advisor for more than 120 honors theses (“c-uppsatser”) in
Political Science, and approx. 25 masters’ theses.
In the capacity of main instructor, I have given courses at Umeå University (5-6 courses), Stockholm
University (3 courses), and Södertörn University (2-4 courses every year, since 1998). I started
teaching in 1994.
Furthermore, I have been invited as guest lecturer at several universities, in Sweden and abroad:
Oxford University (2014), Armed Forces College of Malaysia (2008 and 2009), University of Bologna
(2006-2008), University of British Columbia (2004), University of Victoria (2004), University of
Manitoba (2004-2006), Åbo University (2015), Göteborg University (2003), Uppsala University (20002005), Swedish Defence University (2010-2015), Stockholm University (1998-2000), Karlstad
University (2000), Umeå University (2006 and 2009).
Pedagogical courses taken:
How to Advice PhD Candidates (Södertörn University, Spring 2008).
Oral Presentations (Umeå University, Autumn 1997).
List of Publications
Google Scholar citations (June 2015): 650
Most cited article, “Observers or Advocates”, Cooperation and Conflict, 34(3): 311-330. Most cited
article: http://cac.sagepub.com/reports/most-cited (130 Google Scholar citations, June 2015)
95 publications in total including 7 books, 13 peer-reviewed journal articles, 37 book chapters and
other publications.
Works in progress
Eriksson, Johan, Territoriality beyond the Nation-State. Book manuscript in prep.
Eriksson, Johan, “Dispersed Territoriality”, journal article in prep.
Eriksson, Johan and Aras Lindh, “Partition and Transborder Unification without Sovereignty”, journal
article in prep.
Newlove-Eriksson, Lindy and Johan Eriksson, “The Global Diffusion of Nanotechnology: Opening
Pandora’s Box?”, journal article in prep.
Newlove-Eriksson, Lindy and Johan Eriksson, “Converging Technologies and Global Governance:
Public-Private Relations and Accountability”, journal article in prep.
Eriksson, Johan (2004) Kampen om hotbilden. Rutin och drama i svensk säkerhetspolitik. Stockholm:
Santérus förlag.
Eriksson, Johan (1997) Partition and Redemption: A Machiavellian Analysis of Sami and Basque
Patriotism. PhD Dissertation, Department of Political Science, Umeå University.
Bröms, Peter, Eriksson, Johan & Bo Svensson (1994) Reconstructing Survival. Evolving Perspectives on
Euro-Arctic Politics. Stockholm: Fritzes.
Edited volumes
Eriksson, Johan, Michael Gilek and Christina Rüden, eds (2010) Regulating Chemical Risks: European
and Global Challenges. Dordrecht: Springer.
Eriksson, Johan & Giampiero Giacomello, eds (2007) International Relations and Security in the Digital
Age. London: Routledge.
Karppi, Kristiina and Johan Eriksson, eds (2002) Conflict and Cooperation in the North. Umeå:
Norrlands Universitetsförlag.
Eriksson, Johan ed. (2001) Threat Politics: New Perspectives on Security, Risk and Crisis Management.
Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing.
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Eriksson, Johan (2013) “On the Policy Relevance of Grand Theory”, International Studies Perspectives,
15(1): 94-108.
Newlove-Eriksson, Lindy & Johan Eriksson (2013) “Governance Beyond the Global: Who Controls the
Extraterrestrial?” Globalizations 10(2): 277-292.
Eriksson, Johan and Ludvig Norman (2011) “Political Utilization of Scholarly Ideas: ‘The Clash of
Civilizations’ vs. ‘Soft Power’ in US Foreign Policy,” Review of International Studies 37(1): 417-426.
Eriksson, Johan, Mikael Karlsson & Marta Reuter (2010) “Politics of Expertise in the European
Regulation of Chemicals: Technocracy, Politicization and Non-Involvement”, Review of Policy
Research 27(2): 167-185.
Eriksson, Johan & Mark Rhinard (2009) “The Internal-External Security Nexus: Notes on an Emerging
Research Agenda,” Cooperation and Conflict 44(3): 243-267.
Eriksson, Johan & Giampiero Giacomello (2009) “Who Controls the Internet? Beyond the Obstinacy
or Obsolescence of the State”, contributing co-editor of The Forum, International Studies Review,
11(1): 205-230.
Eriksson, Johan & Giampiero Giacomello (2006) “The Information Revolution, Security and
International Relations: (IR)relevant Theory?” International Political Science Review 27(3): 221-244.
Eriksson, Johan & Bengt Sundelius (2005) “Molding Minds That Form Policy: How to Make Research
Useful,” International Studies Perspectives 6(1): 51-71.
Eriksson, Johan (2001) “Cyberplagues, IT and Security: Threat Politics in the Information Age”, Journal
of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 9(4): 211-222.
Eriksson, Johan (2000) “Machiavelli and Critical Security Studies?,” Cooperation and Conflict 35(1).
Eriksson, Johan (1999) “Observers or Advocates? On the Political Role of Security Analysts”,
Cooperation and Conflict 34(3): 311-330. Most cited article: http://cac.sagepub.com/reports/mostcited (130 Google Scholar citations, June 2015)
Eriksson, Johan (1999) “Debating the Politics of Security Studies”, Cooperation and Conflict 34(3):
Eriksson, Johan (1995) “Security in the Barents Region: Interpretations and Implications of the
Norwegian Barents Initiative”, Cooperation and Conflict 30(3): 259-286.
Other scientific articles and book chapters
Eriksson, Johan (2015) “Frontier Politics: The Realm of Dreamers”, Editorial, Global Affairs 1(4).
Eriksson, Johan (forthcoming 2015) Book review: 'The Politics of Information. The Case of the
European Union', edited by Tannelie Blom and Sophie Vanhoonacker (Palgrave), Journal of Common
Market Studies.
Eriksson, Johan and Johan Lagerkvist (forthcoming 2015) “Cybersecurity and Political Systems:
Sweden and China Compared”, in Cyberwar: Strategic and Legal Perspectives, edited by Jens
Ringsmose and Karsten Friis. London: Routledge.
Eriksson, Johan (2015) “Think Tanks and European Foreign Policy: Transnational Politics of Expertise”,
in Sage Handbook of European Foreign Policy, edited by Knud Erik Jørgensen et al, Ch. 31, pp. 442457. London: Sage.
Eriksson, Johan (forthcoming 2015) “Diplomats in Brussels”, book review: Merje Kuus: Geopolitics
and Expertise (Wiley Blackwell), The Hague Journal of Diplomacy.
Eriksson, Johan & Giampiero Giacomello (2014) “International Relations, Digital Security, and Content
Analysis: A Constructivist Approach”, in International Relations and the Global Politics of Science and
Technology, edited by Maximilian Mayer et al. Springer: Dordrecht.
Eriksson, Johan (2014) ”Konstruktivism”, i J. Tallberg och J. Gustavsson, eds. Internationella
relationer. 3:rd edn. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Eriksson, Johan & Giampiero Giacomello (2013) “Content Analysis in the Digital Age: Tools, Functions
and Implications for Security”, in The Secure Information Society: Ethical, Legal and Political
Challenges, edited by Sandro Gaycken & Jörg Krüger. Springer: Dordrecht.
Eriksson, Johan (2012) Recension av doktorsavhandling: Peter Håkansson (2011) United Nations
Reformed: Responsibility, Protection and the Standing of States, Linköpings univ. Statsvetenskaplig
Tidskrift, 114(1).
Eriksson, Johan (2012) “Survival of the Fittest, Not the Strongest: Why the EU will prevail in the global
power game”, UI Brief, Nr 17.
Eriksson, Johan (2011) ‘Political Territories in a Global Era’, Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, 113(1): 37-43.
Gilek, Michael, Johan Eriksson & Christina Rüden (2010) ‘Introduction,’ in Eriksson, Johan, Michael
Gilek and Christina Rüden (eds) Regulating Chemical Risks: European and Global Challenges. Springer:
Eriksson, Johan, Mikael Karlsson & Marta Reuter (2010) ‘Scientific Committees and EU Policy: The
Case of SCHER’, in Eriksson, Johan, Michael Gilek and Christina Rüden (eds) Regulating Chemical
Risks: European and Global Challenges. Springer: Dordrecht.
Eriksson, Johan et al (2010) ”Råd och anvisningar för statsvetenskapligt uppsatsskrivande”
(contributing author of a compendium for thesis writing students. Södertörn University, Political
Science., Christopher and Johan Eriksson (2009) ‘Security Concepts in the European North: Swedish
and Finnish Security Policy in Comparative Perspective’, in Giampiero Giacomello and Craig Nation
(eds) Security in the West. Vita & Pensiero and Cornell University Press: Milano & Ithaca.
Eriksson, Johan & Giampiero Giacomello (2007) ‘Introduction: Closing the Gap Between International
Relations Theory and Studies of Digital Age Security’, in J. Eriksson & G. Giacomello, eds. International
Relations and Security in the Digital Age. London: Routledge.
Eriksson, Johan, Ralf Bendrath & Giampiero Giacomello (2007) ‘From “Cyberterrorism to Cyberwar,
Back and Forth: How the United States Securitized Cyberspace’ in J. Eriksson & G. Giacomello, eds.
International Relations and Security in the Digital Age. London: Routledge.
Eriksson, Johan & Giampiero Giacomello (2007) ‘Conclusion: Digital-Age Security in Theory and
Practice’ in J. Eriksson & G. Giacomello, eds. International Relations and Security in the Digital Age.
London: Routledge.
Eriksson, Johan & Ian Hosein (2007) ‘International Policy Dynamics and the Regulation of Dataflows:
Bypassing Domestic Restrictions’, in J. Eriksson & G. Giacomello, eds. International Relations and
Security in the Digital Age. London: Routledge.
Eriksson, Johan (2006) ‘Power Disparity in the Digital Age’, in O. Knudsen (ed.) Security Strategies,
Power Disparity and Identity. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, pp. 123-147.
Eriksson, Johan (2006) Book review of: Anthony D. Lott (2004) Creating Insecurity: Realism,
Constructivism and US Security Policy (Ashgate), Australian Journal of Political Science 41(3): 490-91.
Eriksson, Johan (2004) ‘Research for Whom? Social Science and Public Policy’, Book review of Lisa
Anderson’s Pursuing Truth, Exercising Power (Columbia University Press), International Studies
Review 6: 333-335.
Eriksson, Johan (2003) Book review of: Jeffrey M. Togman’s The Ramparts of Nations: Institutions and
Immigration Policies in France and the United States, International Migration Review 37(3): 896-97.
Eriksson, Johan (2002) ‘The Construction of Sápmi: Towards a Transnational Polity?’, in Johan
Eriksson and Kristiina Karppi (eds.) Conflict and Cooperation in the North: States and the Saami
People (Umeå: Norrlands Universitetsförlag AB)
Eriksson, Johan & Kristiina Karppi (2002) ‘Introduction: Mapping State-Saami Relations’, in Johan
Eriksson and Kristiina Karppi (eds.) Conflict and Cooperation in the North: States and the Saami
People (Umeå: Norrlands Universitetsförlag AB)
Eriksson, Johan & Kristiina Karppi (2002) ‘Conclusion: Continuity and Change in State-Saami
Relations’, in Johan Eriksson and Kristiina Karppi (eds.) Conflict and Cooperation in the North: States
and the Saami People (Umeå: Norrlands Universitetsförlag AB).
Eriksson, Johan (2002) ‘Explaining Security Agenda Setting: Beyond the Domestic Realm’, pp. 81-92 in
Olav F. Knudsen (ed.) Cooperation or Competition? A Juxtaposition of Research Problems Regarding
Security in the Baltic Sea Region. Research Reports Nr 1, 2002. Stockholm: Södertörn University and
the Swedish Institute of International Affairs.
Eriksson, Johan & Erik Noreen (2002) “Setting the Agenda of Threats: An Explanatory Model”,
Uppsala Peace Research Papers Nr 6. Uppsala: Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala
Eriksson, Johan (2002) ‘Comments on Rikard Bengtsson’s Paper’, pp. 41-43 in Olav F. Knudsen (ed.)
Cooperation or Competition? A Juxtaposition of Research Problems Regarding Security in the Baltic
Sea Region. Research Reports Nr 1, 2002. Stockholm: Södertörn University and the Swedish Institute
of International Affairs.
Eriksson, Johan (2001) ‘Introduction’, pp. 1-17 in Johan Eriksson ed., Threat Politics. New Perspectives
on Security, Risk and Crisis Management. Aldershot: Ashgate Publications.
Eriksson, Johan (2001) ‘Securitizing IT’, in Johan Eriksson (ed.), Threat Politics. New Perspectives on
Security, Risk and Crisis Management. Aldershot: Ashgate Publications.
Eriksson, Johan (2001) ‘Conclusion: Towards a Theory of Threat Politics’, in Johan Eriksson ed., Threat
Politics. New Perspectives on Security, Risk and Crisis Management. Aldershot: Ashgate Publications.
Eriksson, Johan (2001) Book review of: Barry Buzan, Ole Waever and Jaap de Wilde’s Security: A New
Framework for Analysis, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 9(1): 61-63.
Eriksson, Johan, Eric K. Stern & Bengt Sundelius (2001) “Bridging theory and practice in crisis
management: The Swedish experience”, pp. 19-33 in G.P. Herd & J. Huru (eds.), EU Civilian Crisis
Management. Conflict Studies Research Centre, M22, The United Kingdom.
Eriksson, Johan ed. (2000) Hotbilder på dagordningen. Om ett breddat säkerhetsbegrepp i debatt,
media och politik. Occassional Paper 17. Stockholm: Utrikespolitiska Institutet.
Eriksson, Johan (1999) ‘Agendas, Threats and Politics: Securitization in Sweden’, Aberdeen Studies in
Politics, Nr 7.
Eriksson, Johan (1997) ‘International Borders as a Sami Predicament’, in J.Å. Dellenbrant & U. Wiberg
(eds) Euro-Arctic Curtains (Umeå: CERUM).
Eriksson, Johan (1997) ”Att undervisa om laddade frågor”, in Umeå universitets pedagogiska
konferens 1997 (Umeå: Umeå universitet).Eriksson, Johan & P. Bröms & B. Svensson (1994) ‘Changing
Patterns of Euro-Arctic Survival’, in P. Bröms, J. Eriksson & B. Svensson, Reconstructing Survival:
Evolving Perspectives on Euro-Arctic Politics (Stockholm: Fritzes).
Eriksson, Johan (1994) ‘Coping with Insecurity’, in P. Bröms, J. Eriksson & B. Svensson, Reconstructing
Survival: Evolving Perspectives on Euro-Arctic Politics (Stockholm: Fritzes).
Eriksson, Johan (1994) ‘Euro-Arctic Security: The Polity Puzzle’, in G. Lassinannti (ed) Common
Security in Northern Europe after the Cold War: the Baltic Sea Region and the Barents Sea Region
(Stockholm: Olof Palme International Center).
Eriksson, Johan (1992) ‘Storbritannien i spelet om den Europeiska unionen’, CERUM Working Paper
1992: 10. Umeå: Umeå University, Centre for Regional Studies.
Popular science, newspaper articles, blog articles, etc.
Eriksson, Johan (2015) “Global Cyber Freedom Starts at Home”, International Voices (UI Blog), August
Eriksson, Johan (2014) ”Maktkamp i rymden”, Internationella studier, Nr 3, ss. 26-28.
Eriksson, Johan (2014) ”Teknologi och internationell politik: vad säger forskningen?”, UI-bloggen, 25
april 2014. Stockholm: UI (www.ui.se)
Eriksson, Johan (2013) “Fruktar översvämning mest: Terrorism har inte lika hög prioritet i London”,
Internationella Studier, Nr. 4, s. 40.
Eriksson, Johan (2013) ”Globalt maktskifte: inte bara en fråga om USA och Kina”, UI-bloggen, 26
augusti 2013. Stockholm: UI (www.ui.se)
Eriksson, Johan (2013) “Gränserna flyttas: Nu kan vi åka inrikesflyg mellan Dublin och New York”,
Internationella Studier, Nr 4, p. 48
Eriksson, Johan (2013) “The ‘Clash of Civilizations’ and Its Unexpected Liberalism”, e-International
Relations (http://www.e-ir.info/), March.
Eriksson, Johan (2013) “EU väl rustat för framtiden”, Internationella Studier, Nr 1: 58-59.
Eriksson, Johan & Lindy Newlove-Eriksson (2012) “Framtidens finns i stjärnorna”, Internationella
Studier, Nr 3: 12-13.
Eriksson, Johan (2012) ”Känslor och individer styrs världens öde”, UI-bloggen, 30 januari 2012.
Stockholm: UI (www.ui.se).
Eriksson, Johan (2007) ”Hur och när påverkar forskning utrikespolitik?” Internationella Studier (1).
Eriksson, Johan (2006) “Nationella nyhetsmedier i globaliseringens tidevarv”, Internationella Studier
nr. 4.
Eriksson, Johan and Erik Noreen (2006) ”Hur man säljer hot”, Axess, Nr 8.
Eriksson, Johan & Erik Noreen (2006) Hotbildsentreprenörens verktygslåda. KBM:s Temaserie 2006:6.
Stockholm: Krisberedskapsmyndigheten.
Eriksson, Johan (2003) ‘Sweden’s Commitment Problem,’ Foreign Policy, July/August, pp. 112-13.
Eriksson, Johan (2003) ”Myten om hemlandets säkerhet”, Internationella Studier, (2): 3-9.
Eriksson, Johan (2002) ”Misslyckad säkerhetsdoktrin”, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 21 februari.
Eriksson, Johan (ed. 2001) Hotbildernas politik. Stockholm: Utrikespolitiska Institutets
Säkerhetspolitiska Råd.
Eriksson, Johan (2001) ”Morgondagens hotbilder och den säkerhetspolitiska forskningen” Försvar i
nutid, nr 4: 70-73.
Eriksson, Johan (2001) ”Drömmen om en egen stat” Internationella Studier, (1).
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