March 25, 2014 Board of Selectmen Agenda
March 25, 2014 Board of Selectmen Agenda
ARM UTH 28. SOUTH YARMOUTH. MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4492 Telephone 398-2365 1271. BOARD OF SELECTMEN TOVVN ADMINISTRATOR Winiam G. Hinchey PUBLIC MEETING Per Massachusetts General Law.: All town and school boards, committees, commissions, and authorities shall post a notice of every meeting at least 48 hours prior to such meeting, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. Notice shall contain a listing of topics/agenda that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting. BOARD OF SELECTMEN REGULAR MEETING MARCH 25, 2014- 7:00PM TOWN HALL HEARING ROOM Meeting Agenda 7:00PM Public Announcements & Comments 1. Barnstable County Airport Update- New Airlines 2. Standard & Poors Bond Rating The open meeting law discourages public bodies from discussing topics not listed on the agenda. The public should therefore not expect the Board to respond to questions or statements made during the Public Comment portion of the meeting. 7:15PM Licensing 1. Public Hearing New Class I & II licenses and service- Cl Auto Group, Inc. dba Cape & Islands Mitsubishi, 760 Route 28 South Yarmouth 2. Discussion Last Drink- Red Face Jack's 7:45PM Oil Spill Update [Board of Health] 8:05PM Board of Selectmen 1. Annual Town Meeting Article Assignment 2. Board and Committee Actions 3. lndividualltems 8:30PM Town Administrator's Items 1. Consent Agenda 2. Updates 8:35PM Adjourn All times are approximate and subject to change BOARD OF SELECTMEN TOVII'N ADMJ~J!STRATOR Wtl!iarn G. CONSENT AGENDA BOARD OF SELECTMEN MARCH 25,2014 APPROVED: 2014 Seasonal All Alcohol and Wine & Malt Liquor Licenses Donations 1 . Police Department • Sons of Erin Cape Cod, Inc. $250.00 $250.00 2. Fire Department • • • TOPS MA #0487 Harold and Karen Fuller Carolyn Bates, Daniel & Margaret Good and Joanne Jackson TOTAL $100.00 $25.00 $245.00 $370.00 AGENDA PACKET BOARD OF SELECTMEN MARCH 25, 2014 Licensing 1. Public Hearing New Class I & II licenses and service - CI Auto Group, Inc. dba Cape & Islands Mitsubishi, 760 Route 28 South Yarmouth Application Packet 2. Discussion Last Drink- Red Face Jack’s Letter from WGH to Red Face Jack’s, dated February 6, 2014. Re: “Last Drink” Discussion Oil Spill Update [Board of Health] Email from Dan Mills to Bruce Murphy dated March 7, 2014. Re: Monitoring Wells Rte 6 Barnstable Board of Selectmen 1. Annual Town Meeting Article Assignment Summary of Articles 2. Board and Committee Actions Memo from Appointments Chair Quirk to BOS, dated March 20, 2014. Re: Conservation Commission - Reappointment Town Administrator’s Items 1. Consent Agenda 2014 Seasonal All Alcohol and Wine & Malt License Renewal List Donations Memo from Chief Frederickson to BOS, dated March 14, 2014. Re: Donation Request 3 Memos from Chief Simonian to WGH. Re: Gifts TO\VN OF YARMOUTH 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4492 Telephone (508) 398-2231, Ext. 1271,1270 -Fax (508) 398-2365 BOARD OF SELECHvfEN TOWN ADMINISTRATOR ·william G. Hinchey March 6, 2014 The Register Attn: Mary Joyce Waite Would you please advertise the following as a Legal Ad in your newspaper on March 13, 2014. TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF SELECTMEN CLASS I & II DEALER AND SERVICE LICENSE HEARING The Licensing Authority for the Town of Yarmouth has received an application for a new Class I & II dealer license and service to vehicles from CI Auto Group, Inc. dba Cape & Islands Mitsubishi, 760 Route 28, South Yannouth, Ma., Steven E. Sewell, president. Hearing to be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014 at 7:15pm in the hearing room at Town Hall, 1146 Route 28, South Yannouth. The meeting begins at 7:00pm. Written comments will be accepted until4:30pmonFriday, March21, 2014 by the BoardofSelectmen at Yarmouth Town Hall. Verbal comments will be accepted at the hearing. f:yAf~MOUTH/CAPI; I~L~NDS MIT. · : SUBISHI · ·• · . · ·· . • • < ' •·· ·' & ·-. :_ . l'oJJ~'tNi~W6ttJ-( BOARD OF SELECTMEN •... . CLASS I & II DEALER AND ' · .. SERVICE LICENSE HEARING· L Please bill the applicant .)rheucen~in9·'A~ih~riiYtor:til9'r 9~r{ot._ ; Yarmouth. nas recerved an· apphcatron CI Auto Group ' Inc • Steven E. Sewell 760 Route 28 South Yarmouth, Ma. 508-529-6990 ;;tqr'a. n~VI( CJass I & I! dealer license and.. servrce to vehicles from Cl Auto Group "_~_;Inc_: dl5a Cape_~ Js_l!jfld_s Mitsq_b_ ish_TM760 ·,Rout_e 28'·-·south>Yarmouth, a. ·;. Stel,(en E: Sewell; president. •- .·. · · · ' fHearind'tobe held ci~ ru~sday, M~r~h ~~f'r~~~4H~Ip5p~i.nt~e?e~n~.~ro~m o1i1.4P:~dllt~.:~~:south,~ilr~pu~.~ l'~e ' rr1eetmg begrns at7:00pm, ·- •·.. , •. ,.· :!!'~··'i-i:, .. ~c./.y:,;; ,c,. ·;'· ';:·::· "' · • ·' bE{ accepted until tch2fr.2014b'. af"Yarii1out~:,A· rs'will" be" ·x, ~--.·~·.o,u:.;;.y;;: William G./ Hinchey Town A inistrator RECEIVED THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSET TOWN OF YARMOUTH . . . ApplicatiOn for a License to Buy, Sell, Exchange or Assemble V ehicles or Parts Thereof I LICENSES~ PERMITS . Seco~-etef---' I, the undersi&n$ duly authorize by the concern herein mentioned, hereby apply for a Class .I ~~nse, to Buy, Sell, Exchange or Assemble second hand motor vehicles or part thereof, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 140 of the General Laws. Date: d- - "}.__ S - \ L\ ------------------~--------- Business N arne: C. .l. (\ 0 +o Business Address: ---r~o G \C:l 0 ·R:r -z.. ~ Email Address: -------------------------------------------------------Telephone: ____,S=--O_'is=-----=5'-"Z-;.=-4__,__-_C...:..__!]'-q_,_o=----------------How the Business held? _______ Individual ______ Co-Partnership ____ Association / Corporation Please state the owner(s) name, home address(s), Phone# and Title L. 1. <:::,-\e_\je_(\ 2. ~~ MG (\.. d t Se..."~>L\\ \?:, v+l ~ C.. ( ---- --- 3. _____________________________________________________ 4. ------~------------------------------- 5. ______________________________________ Are you engaged principally in the business of, buying, selling or exchanging motor vehicles? ''-jl.~ If yes which applies; Sale of new motor vehicles buying and selling second hand motor vehicles >/ [.. S '-/ l..S motor vehicle junk dealer N0 Please give a complete description of all the premises to be used for the purpose of carrying on the business: \3.\JS\f\e.s:s (":\.·'-> -\-o fv'L'I:>+-\J \'""\-uv,.s e._ s"' \..e s, I~V\~~~~ "f'\..d s~ '\J \C..e__ ~ol"'-.-\'hvrS Are you a recognized agent of a motor vehicle manufacturer? __j--t->e~S,___ If so, state the name of the manufacturer \V\ \ -\· s "\, \ s ~ \ M. (:) ~ \ S -~~~~~~-=~~-~~~~=----- Have you signed a contract as required by Ch 140 Sec 58, Class I? ---'~--~-·_,e.,_S"""'--------- Have you ever applied for a license to seal in second hand motor vehicles or parts thereof? '/ -e. S If so, in what city or town we:> ..;,Ia o o;-c Did you receive a license _ _ '-1'---=e--'S:::..__ __ / 7 C\-0 ~ v r ~ IV\ A. For what years _.=::;)..._o.::.._::o=------.:-o=--__ --\.-:.._____,Z..::_·__;:o'-o-'----~-= Has any licensed issued to you in Massachusetts or any other state to deal in motor vehicles or parts there of ever been suspended or revoked? -----'-"-J""-'o""'---------If so, please e x p l a i n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - Home Address: j / , )clv..//,6oro Rr! IMPORTANT Every question must be answered with full information, and false statements herein may result in the rejection of your application or the subsequent revocation of your license if issued. Note: if the applicant has not held a license in the year prior to this application, he must file a duplicate of the application with the registrar. (see Ch 140 Sec 59) Office Use Only Application after investigation-----------,---(Approved or Disapproved) License# __________ Granted on _____________ Fee$ _ _ __ Signed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ u u u u SEJMCE DESK .... ro ' .... ) ; rt'---------------~~~~ ~ PARI DEPT I J" 0. ._-.s~----~-J B WAillNG- 1\ <g /?/' ti_ ~ ~----~-~-~y-----~~ -n ~--r---~ .• t 0 *'C1 , - \l:S'N..'2~---~MJ;;P.l..l ~ :~--~IJ-"F."~---...:"\i/,.·e;·_ll~ · - · ·· delki/L_· Jo:;.'-~.: I IZJ:li'jN.'\..""_2__ • --;...'---H-----·-·····--------------·--···-- --I ! l - V.U f \I,J\1-;)_1,..\ F; t? I .L . '? S'e·c. .ond JQ --_ ~Lo·. .. ~ l 17 - ·. t-· .. .. 0_·~-- -~ ·. :· . .. . I ---------------- . ) GRASS I.' ... <{ .•. . .· 2 ·' :c·-~ r.: ··:J . 0; ~ z ct:. <:( <:(. _J>- Q_I w .. l. i- ..... --.---.-~_,.-.- ................-~- .. - - I POL~. UTILI! Y l II GRASS '-.__ . i I . .. . ~ I II II 1-w (f)LL ~· .. FERGUSON · ENTERPRISES, INC, ------------------·-'!" ---------~._ . ~-·-- ·rl£lJt~::,~t\l:;0lji\~~~~l''·:f1:n•·'i :i]j;T~;.·...... ~I '· ·u:. .:~_-· ,. ~:2:;,~::~"~ ~;~;:;· ~7PF -~·~}. •:::: 1 .~~:~u , 'ft~:.·l ~· ·· -::;:;,... . . , ·-+--· i ' I · . . . . . ·-· 1 - ········--·· - - -· - ..__.,_ crT r"' 1 . .. 1 I - ( )"\ -•. ,:_ . I I ,\... :1.1 11 • I ~ l·f I,~ --n: . <. < I . -~ n ..~ '-· \': r••t• • '''j JJ.~. ·-.' TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT. 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836 ZONING DETERMINATION FOR BUSINESS CERTIFICATE APPLICATION The purpose of this form is to determine if your business complies with the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw. The applicant shall complete the top section of this form and file it with the Building Department. Once the Building Department has made a determination, it will be forwarded to the Town Clerk. The Building Department will render a determination based on the following factors: (a) The buriness/use, activity, (b) The zoning district in which the business is to be located. Allowed uses are based on Zoning Bylaw Tobie 202.5 and (c) pnrious or new zoning relieffrom the Zoning /kltDd of~ :2kiJ; >{. Date Telephone# 5Q.f,. c. Name of Applicant DBA C..~~ ~ Mailing Address ~ ~ Description of Business Activity ....., " a ~~(" -.J ~, Av "L -\7 I~ \ S s R :r 2..1> Business Address 7 <0 o a. " e. \<) d..<::.. !)':J9 ..- Yo..., M. s:. v ~ b f\1"- P\ G. \l- o ~.> t;> 3:."' c..¥\.\ -\ ~ ...., \a \ ~ ~ ~ (p ; 9 0 e> "'t.... c;,., c.. ':\ 't. c. e..- ~ e. IN --'9 \.2 ~·e. d f±v ~ The applicant acknowledges that a determination will be made by the Building Department based on the information provided on this date. Any changes in the bUSiness use and/or activity will require additional approval. The applicant agrees to abide by all conditions referred to below. Failure to do so may result in the revocation of the Business Certificate and/or appropriate Zoning Enforcement, mpliant. should it be determined that the cha Applicant's Signature / Date BUIT..DING DEPARTMENT DETERMINATION .J.L..._Approved: Comments and Conditions ?&~ r~.-F7 T7o-./ # 'I¥ 72 ___Dis.approved: Reasons for Disapproval,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Building Ollicial'sSignature a~ Steven E. Sewell WORK EXPERIENCE 2003- Present Westboro Mitsubishi Westboro, MA I am currently the President of Westboro Mitsubishi. Currently the# 1 volumn dealer in New England 2005- Present Midstate Auto Group Auburn,MA I am currently the President. I started the business in 2005 with my partner Raymond Butler. 2004- Present Dan's Jeep Chrysler Dodge Westboro, MA I am currently the executive Vice President, COO, and dealer principal. 2001-2003 Ragsdale Motor Group Kia Superstore Shrewbury, MA I was hired as the General Manager for this under performing Kia Superstore Dealership that was unprofitable since they opened. The first month I replaced the entire staff, hired 20 people and was number one in New England. I was then promoted to Executive Vice President and COO for all of Ragsdale's Dealerships. During my years with the Ragsdale Motor Group, I obtained many Customer Satifaction Awards from Pontiac, Chevrolet, and Kia. I left Ragsdale Motor Group to fulfill my lifelong dream of owning my own dealership. 1993-2001 Herb Chambers of Auburn Hyundai!Toyota Auburn,MA Started as GSM ofHyundai, bringing the store to number 1 in New England. For many years I ran the store then I was promoted to GSM of Toyota and Hyundai. I had seven Sales Managers and five Finance Managers. Two of the years with Herb Chambers I was the GSM of the year for the Herb Chambers Company, this was a very prestige's award to win considering that the company has over 1500 employees and many of the dealerships are number one in the country. After 1 'l2 years with the company I was promoted to General Manager ofHyundai. 1989-1993 Jim Carney's Auto Mall Framingham, MA Top Sales Person, selling an average of 40 cars per month. I was promoted to Sales Manager after 1 year in the business for Chevrolet and Hyundai. VOLUNTEER WORK Massachusetts State Automobile Dealers Association (MSADA}- Director Elected in 2011 for a 3 year term, and then re-elected for second full 3 year term The 200 Foundation- Director/Executive Committee Associated with board for over 20 years AWARDS Mitsubishi Motors North America- Diamond Chapter of Excellence 2006 -Present Worcester Business Journal- Top 40 business people under 40 Dealer of the Year National Finalist 2006 & 2007 Jeep Chrysler Dodge REFERENCES Upon request For:mat __ !nforma!_ X_Review SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENT SHEET Date: July9,2013 New Map: 33 · Applicant: Davenport Realty Trust Old Map: Location: 760 Route 28, West Yarmouth Zone: B-2 1\Jew Lot: 36.1 Old Lot: Persons Present· Karen Greene Kathy Williams Capt Jon Sawyer Carl Lawson Mark Grylls I Christian Davenport / Dewitt Davenport/\~:, Paul Rumul \L.(f~ /!~.\_I \ Ross Balboni I Project Summary Reestablish use as a car dealership. Comments !f-//i/ Building: Automobile dealership will require special permit from BOA (application filed with BOA already) Lot is not striped to indicate number of spaces, unable to determine the number of required trees per 301.4.6 which is 1 - 3" tree per 8 cars. Any construction will require a building permit per 780 CMR MA State Building Code. A Use and Occupancy permit will also be required. Signage will require permits and be compliant with the Zoning Bylaw. Will parking be delineated for employees and customers? Development: Occupancy of this now vacant building will positively impact this portion of Route 28. 1UJ._b~Community presented, new tenant will employ approximately 20 persons. As {?Planning: It is good to see this vacant building being utilized again. In general, the site has a goodtree buffer around the property, however, based on the site plan submitted with ZBA Petition #3257, there are a few missing trees. Please refer to the attached sketch plan. The Town has been working hard to beautify Route 28 and I would offer the following suggestions: • Replace the four missing trees in the interior islands and the three missing trees along the front buffer to the east of the entrance. Fill in gaps in existing landscaping beds along the front of the building. All replacement trees to be minimum 3" caliper. All plantings to consist of native species. • It would be advantageous to install at least one additional landscape island with two trees in the large front parking area. See attached sketch plan for suggested location that would help define the entrance and reduce the amount of pavement. The applicant shall confirm this location does not conflict with underground utilities. • As a rather large parking area is located in the front of the building, additional screening through the use of a short fence or shrubs along Route 28 would be desirable, especially east of the entrance where the trees are not as well established and appear to be further apart Conservation: Not present Design Review: Not present. Engineering: The applicant should consider site maintenance and repair. The pavement surface has many wide cracks with grass growing out of them. The lot doesn't have any line striping and the three drainage basins at the rear of the pavement area are covered with the encroachment of under brush, soil and bushes which block the lot's runoff from reaching the drains. At this time the shallow drain retention area is not accessible making inspection impossible. It is recommended that all drainage structures, pipes and the retention area be cleaned prior to the use of this property. M~. Fire: Any construction may trigger the need for a fire sprinkler engineer, 7 or more heads requires an engineers \~V ( plan. Be sure fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems are tested and up to date. Street numbers are required to be .J visible from the street. Health: Business must register for Health Dept. Hazardous Materials License. There must be 150% volume secondary containment for all toxic or hazardous materials stored. Both underground holding tanks should be certified by a Massachusetts-registered professional engineer for compliance with current Massachusetts DEP /~ i regulations. Vehicle wash water must be captured by an approved system. Consult with the Town Plumbing \._...lrfrispector regarding floor drain requirements. Water: Not present. Read & Received byjApplicant(s) /j /i ,/ /~ ~0-22-20~3 & ~Ot03a TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS DECISION ~~ ~y FILED WITH TOWN CLERK: September 11,2013 PETITION NO: #4472 HEARING DATE: August 22,2013 PETITIONER: Davenport Realty Trust/DeWitt Davenport, Trustee PROPERTY: 760 Route 28, South Yarmouth Map & Lot#: 0033.36.1; Zoning District: B2 Book/Page: 17954/96 MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: Steven DeYoung, Chairman, Sean Igoe, Debra Martin, Bryant Palmer and Gerald Garnick. Notice of the hearing has been given by sending notice thereofto the Petitioner and all those owners of property as required by law, and to the public by posting notice of the hearing and publishing in The Register, the hearing opened and held on the date stated above. The Petitioner, Davenport Realty Trust, seeks a Special Permit in connection with property located at 760 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA The property consists of a single building used for commercial business consistent with the B-2 Zoning District in which it is located. The Petition is sought under Zoning By-law §202.5 in order to establish/reestablish uses consistent with H4 of the Table of Uses. The history of the site is as follows. Consisting of 4.29 acres, a single, two story structure was erected in 1988, according to the Petitioners representatives its use was initially consistent with an H4 designation, i.e. the sale of autos, boats, motorcycles, mopeds or other motorized recreational vehicles together with servicing of such vehicles/boats as accessory to their sale. This use continued at the property until approximately 2008 when a change of use was sought and allowed for retail sales and service to be conducted at the site in connection with plumbing and HVAC items. Since the close of this business, the site has been unoccupied. In presenting the Petition, De Witt Davenport, Christian Davenport and Ross Balboni all appeared and provided a well thought out presentation. This included submission of a "760 Route 28 Timeline" and accompanying photos of the site which were collectively marked as Exhibit 1. Of note, a site plan review was conducted prior to the Board's consideration of the Petition and which included several recommendations regarding changes at the site, mostly of an aesthetic nature. Prior to appearing on the Petition, the Petitioner had accepted and implemented changes entirely consistent with the site plan review recommendations. There was substantial discussion by the Board. Mr. Igoe expressed concern that the relief being sought was not in connection with any presently intended use by the Petitioner or a tenant of the Petitioner but, rather in advance of knowing what was precisely being proposed at the site .beyond that generally 1 described by the use table. However, other Board members disagreed \Vith this position, finding that the relief sought was reasonable and could be granted without resulting in any undue nuisance, hazard or congestion nor causing any substantial detriment to the existing or future character of the neighborhood orTown. Motion was made by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Garnick to approve the relief sought by the Petition upon the following conditions: 1) That the Petitioner is to maintain the plantings now in place and particularly consistent with those depicted in the submitted photographs; 2) That their be no painting or body work of vehicles, boats or any other authorized motor driven equipment on the site; and 3) That storage of boats for sale or repair be restricted to the lot area to the rear of the building and so as to be screened by the front plane of the existing structure to which the Petitioner represented there was no plan to alter the same. On this Motion, vote was taken as follows: .... - Ms. Martin Mr. DeYoung Mr. Palmer Mr. Garnick Mr. Igoe aye aye aye aye Nay and the Special Permit with the stated conditions was, therefore, granted. No permit shall issue until20 days from the filing of this decision with the Town Clerk. This decision must be recorded at the Registry of Deeds and a copy forwarded to the Board of Appeals. Appeals from this decision shall be made pursuant to MGL c40A section 17 and must be filed within 20 days after filing of this notice/decision with the Town Clerk. Unless otherwise provided herein, the Special Permit shall lapse if a substantial use thereof has not begun within 24 months. (See bylaw, MGL c40A §9) Steven D{Young, Chain 2 COIVJ:MONVVEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS TO\VN OF YARlv10UTH BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal #4472 Date: October 2, 2013 Certificate of Grantin2: of a Special Permit (General Laws Chapter 40A, section 11) The Board of Appeals of the Town of Yarmouth Massachusetts hereby certifies that a Special Permit has been granted to: Davenport Realty Trust/DeWitt Davenport, Tr1+stee 20 North Main Street South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Affecting the rights of the owner with respect to land or buildings at: 760 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA Map & lot#:0033.36.1; Zoning District: B2; Book/Page: 17954/96 and the said Board of Appeals further certifies that the decision attached hereto is a true and conect copy of its decision granting said Special Permit, and that copies of said decision, and of all plans referr-ed to in the decision, have been filed. The Board of Appeals also calls to the attention of the owner or applicant that General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 11 (last paragraph) and Section 13, provides that no Special Permit, or any extension, modification or renewal thereof, shall take effect until a copy of the decision bearing the ce1iification of the Town Clerk that twenty (20) days have elapsed after the decision has been filed in the office of the Town Clerk and no appeal has been filed or that, if such appeal has been filed, that it has been dismissed or denied, is recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the county and district in which the land is located and indexed in the grantor index under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's certificate of title. The fee for such recording or registering shall be paid by the owner or applicant. StevenlSeYoung, Ch~an TO\JVN OJF YARI\10UTH 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1285, Fax (508) 398-0836 Town Clerk CERTIFICATION OF TOWN CLERK I, Jane E. Hibbert, Town Clerk, Town of Yannouth, do hereby certify that 20 days have elapsed since the filing with me of the above Board of Appeals Decision #4472 that no notice of appeal of said decision has been filed with me, or, if such appeal has been filed it has been dismissed or denied. All appeals have been exhausted. '•>t:' '· ~~;~A~~ :~':i'.t,· ···arie :§. Wpl?et'{i?CMC/CMMC ~{?~:W)l~!,f~~~g· ' .. t . . ~:~~)~) •;i)f:;~i~~~~:::~~~~· .~~:~ ·,:. TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 Route 28 South Yam1outh MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4492 Telephone (508) 398-2231, Ext. 268- Fax (508) 398-0836 rr~;;r:;;:;:-;::-:::-:::-- Class I and II and Vehicle Service License Hearing RECEIVED - March 10, 2014 APPLICATION FOR: I CI Auto Group, Inc. dba Cape & Islands Mitsubishi i NAME OF APPLICANT: L ICENSES & PERMITS - Steven Sewell, president Contact person: Same (508) 529-6990 ADDRESS: 760 Route 28, South Yarmouth NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER: Davenport Realty Application is for a Class I and Class II license to sell new and used vehicles and service vehicles on the site. Hours proposed: 7:00am- 8:00pm Monday- Thursday 7:00am- 6:00pm Friday and Saturday Noon- 5:00pm Sunday Date of Selectmen Hearing: Tuesday, March 25,2014 ** Please provide the board of selectmen with the new occupancy based on the Proposed Expansion/Addition of the premises including deck or terrace. ** 3·12·(~ Accessibility: Front door ramp: _Yes_No Wheelchair accessible bathroom Male: Alternate door ramp_Yes_No _ Yes_No Female_Yes No _ __ NEED COMPLETED FORM BY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014. TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4492 Telephone (508) 398-223L Ext. 268- Fax (508) 398-0836 RECEIVED Class I and II and Vehicle Service License Hearin{! March 10, 2014 APPLICATION FOR: ~~i~R ! 3 2014 , LiCENSES & PERII!llTS. CI Auto Group, Inc. dba Cape & Islands Mitsubishi NAME OF APPLICANT: Steven Sewell, president Contact person: Same (508) 529-6990 ADDRESS: 760 Route 28, South Yarmouth NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER: Davenport Realty Application is for a Class I and Class II license to sell new and used vehicles and service vehicles on the site. Hours proposed: 7:00am- 8:00pm Monday- Thursday 7:00am- 6:00pm Friday and Saturday Noon- 5:00pm Sunday Date of Selectmen Hearing: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 ** Please provide the board of selectmen with the new occupancy based on the Proposed Expansion/Addition of the premises including deck or terrace. ** Health Dept. Comments: The business must register for a Board of Health Handling and Storage of Toxic or Hazardous Materials License. All toxic and hazardous materials must have secondary containment of 150% volume per Health regulation. The concrete containment bunker in the rear of the building must have: (1) the cracks in the wall joints and floor joints repaired with mortar and (2) a new application of the epoxy coating applied. Vehicle repair bay floor drains are required per State Plumbing Code. Please consult with the Town Plumbing & Gas Inspector on this item. ::::ter and Recom The above floor drains must connect to a holding tank installed in compliance with 314 CMR 18, Industrial Hoi~Operation NEED COMPLETED FORM BY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014. Ke:~~~: R;;:~~~ TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth MASSACHUSETTS 02664-44 Telephone (508) 398-2231, Ext. 268- Fax (508) 398-0836 RECEIVED f1A R 1. Q~ ?""? ~. u. t .. f Class I and II and Vehicle Service License Hearing : UCEf\lSES & PERMiTS March 10, 2014 APPLICATION FOR: CI Auto Group, Inc. dba Cape & Islands Mitsubishi NAME OF APPLICANT: Steven Sewell, president Contact person: Same (508) 529-6990 ADDRESS: 760 Route 28, South Yarmouth NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER: Davenport Realty Application is for a Class I and Class II license to sell new and used vehicles and service vehicles on the site. Hours proposed: 7:00am- 8:00pm Monday- Thursday 7:00am- 6:00pm Friday and Saturday Noon- 5:00pm Sunday Date ofSelectmenHearing: Tuesday, March25, 2014 ** Please provide the board of selectmen with the new occupancy based on the Proposed Expansion/Addition of the premises including deck or terrace. ** Building Dept. Comments: As per The Mass State Plumbing Code 248 CMR 10.09 (1) (a-h) it is required to have a completely dedicated interceptor system with drains, vents and holding tank. Accessibility: Front door ramp: _Yes_No Alternate door ramp_Yes_No _ Wheelchair accessible bathroom Male: No Yes Female Yes No- - - TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-24451 BOARD C ASSES SOI Telephone: (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1225 Fax: (508) 398-2365 ASSESSORS CERTlFICATfON FOR ABUTIERS UST Date: 0 wne r'N s arne: Property Location: Map/Pel: A-~ /l L-=h !:::iJf:tV L:Lvo u o I 7 &0 R ovre... ---..::<-2'4-~/--!..7+-,~-L-f-<f-- ..,- I .J- Oc. dlf --""""3~3L.Jf'-'..·3,..l...IG,(L! 0 ''-'-/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ To Whom it May Concem, This is to certify that the attached list is a complete list of abutters within the required radius of the subject lot. V ~ Number of labels Llst of direct abutters _ _ List within 300' radius __ Number of hard copies Other_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Respectfully. Matthew J. Zurowick Director of Assessing Date needed by: 3b:l/Jy 32/ 94/ PIRATES COVE EAST INC 728 ROUTE28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-5158 33/ 39/ DAVENPORT DEWITT P TRS DAVENPORT REALTY TRUST 20 NORTH MAIN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 33/ 38/ DAVENPORT DEWITT P TRS DAVENPORT REALTY TRUST 20 NORTH MAIN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 411 49/ TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4463 33/ 34/ YARMOUTH LODGE 2270 LOYAL ORDR POBOX 186 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 33/ 40/ DAVENPORT DEWITT P TRS DAVENPORT REALTY TRUST 20 NORTH MAIN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 33/ 35/ C1/ LEWIS BAY PROPERTIES INC POBOX 753 WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 BOARD OF SELECTMEN TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4492 Telephone (508) 398-2231, Ext. 1271, 1270 -Fax (508) 398-2365 TOWN ADMINISTRATOR William G. Hinchey CERTIFIED MAIL: 7010 3090 0002 72817207 February 6, 2014 Red Face Jack's Attn: Mr. Kerry Nealon 585 Route 28 West Yarmouth, MA 02673 Dear Mr. Nealon: The Attorney General's Office is now e-mailing Cities and towns information regarding licensed establishments where defendants convicted of operating under the influence had their last drink. Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 90, Section 24J, before sentencing a defendant convicted of operating under the influence of alcohol, the court is required to ask a defendant whether he/she was served alcohol at an establishment licensed under M.G.L. Chapter 138, Section 12, and the name and location of said establishment. Red Face Jack's is listed on the most recent list received from the Attorney General. The Licensing Board requests your presence at their meeting on Tuesday, March 18, 2014 to discuss the findings by the state. Please be prepared to present to the Board steps you plan on taking to insure that there will not be repeat offenses of patrons leaving your establishment while intoxicated and operating a vehicle. The meeting is at Town Hall, 1146 Route 28, in the hearing room beginning at 7:00pm. Please be reminded of the refresher courses offered by the Yarmouth Restaurant Association and the Police Department each year for TIPS training for all servers of alcohol. All servers should be current with intervention procedures. There are also multiple times throughout the year the Yarmouth Police Department offers free taxi service. You may obtain information about these available programs by contacting the Yarmouth Police Department at 508-775-0445 . Please let me know if there are any scheduling conflicts for this meeting and contact me if you have any questions. cc: Licensing Board/Board of Selectmen Police Chief Frederickson Ted Zambelis OIL SPILL Murphy, Bruce From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Mills, Dan Friday, March 07, 2014 9:26AM Murphy, Bruce Lawson, Carl; Damiecki, Gary; Simonds, John; Allaire, George FW: Monitoring Wells Rte 6 Barnstable Hi Bruce, I just received this and wanted you to have it. Dan From: Johnston, David (DEP) [] Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 3:55 PM To: Mills, Dan; Keijser, Hans Cc: McLaughlin, James M (DEP); Crafton, Daniel (DEP); Jones, Andy (DEP) Subject: PN: Monitoring Wells Rte 6 Barnstable Hans/Dan, The first round of groundwater sample data pulled from the monitoring wells installed around the spill site on Route 6 between the spill location and the municipal wells for Barnstable and Yarmouth have shown no detection of contamination related to the spill. Also, I have included a brief Q and A for your information anticipating that you would have additional questions. The responses to the questions were provided by the Responsible Party's Licensed Site Professional overseeing the cleanup. 1) Is the excavation complete? Yes the excavation is complete. 2) How much contaminated material was removed/disposed of? 1,360.19 tons soil were excavated and disposed 3) Has the area been backfilled? Yes the area has been backfilled with final grading and restoration in the spring. 4) Was there an estimate done of total loss recovery? Preliminary calculations indicated 2,478 gallons recovered in excavated soil. The calculations are currently being evaluated and a final determination will be presented in the IRA plan. 5) What, if any, additional remediation is anticipated? Monitoring only will be proposed in the IRA plan at based on current information. This is subject to change based on future testing and gauging. 6) When will the next monitoring round be performed? Next sampling event will likely be in April, then July and quarterly until of travel passed through down gradient well. Sampling events subject to change based on obtained data. 7) How many more monitoring rounds do we anticipate and when will they be performed? Two or three more sampling events will be completed. 8) When do we expect the RAO? This is premature at this time and depends on data. Best case is early Fall 2014 Please advise of your intentions relative to reengaging your respective supply wells. Also, don't hesitate to contact me or Jim Mclaughlin if you have any additional questions. Thank you both for assisting in this coordinated effort to be maximally conservative in protecting drinking water supplies in the area of the spill. Dave Johnston 1 Local firefighters and other safety personnel work to remove hazardous materials in preparation for hauH ing an overturned tanker from the area around Route 6. PHOTO COURTESY OF TOM ELLIS, YARMOUTH FIRE DEPARTMENT~. AROUND BARNSTABLE Route 6 crash res~lts in spill A tanker truck carrying 9,800 gallons of home heating fuel overturned between Exits 6 and 7 of Route 6 shortly after noon on Friday, Jan. 31, closing both eastbound lanes throughout the afternoon and evening. No one was seriously injured in the crash, which involved the tanker and a sedan driven by a Centerville woman. A subsequent crash involving an SUV also resulted in no serious injuries. Fire Departments from Barnstable and Yarmouth responded to the scene of the accident, along with staff from several state and federal agencies. Hazardous materials teams worked for hours to remove some 6,300 gallons of oil from the overturned tanker. The remaining 3,500 gallons escaped into . the soil of the median where the tanker came to rest after the crash. DRAFT 3/20/2014 April 7, 2014 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING SUMMARY AND ASSIGNMENT OF ARTICLES ART. # TITLE ASSIGNMENTS BOS RECOMMEND FINCOM RECOMMEND 1 FY14 Supplemental (Snow & Ice, Police OT) 4-0 5-0 2 Operating Budget 4-0 3-2 3 DY Schools Budget Carol Woodbury 4-0 4-0-1 4 Cape Cod Tech School Budget Chris Greeley 4-0 5-0 5 Town Capital Lu Matrascia 4-0 2-3 6 Water Capital 4-0 5-0 7 Stabilization 4-0 5-0 8 Establishing a Stabilization Fund at Cape Cod Regional Technical High School 4-0 5-0 9 Close the Regional Transfer Station Enterprise Fund 4-0 5-0 10 Free Cash Grants 3-1 2-3 11 Tourism Revenue Preservation 4-0 5-0 12 Town Beautification & Promotion Revolving Account 4-0 5-0 13 CPA - amendment to Chapter 23 of the Town Code (Charge & Duties) Gary Ellis 5-0 5-0 14 CPA – FY14 Supplemental Revenue Reserves Gary Ellis 5-0 5-0 15 CPA – FY15 Annual Revenue Reserves Gary Ellis 5-0 5-0 16 CPA – Reappropriate Prior Year CPA Balances Gary Ellis 5-0 5-0 17 CPA – John Simpkins 134 Old Main St. Return Gary Ellis 5-0 5-0 18 CPA – MAHT General Deposit No. 8 (113) Tom Roche 5-0 5-0 19 CPA - Habitat for Humanity 5 & 9 Virginia St (115) Nate Small 5-0 5-0 20 CPA – Hands of Hope Rental Assistance - req. 2 (116) Tom Roche 5-0 5-0 21 CPA - Historic Assessor Record Valuations (118) Jack Mulkeen 5-0 5-0 22 CPA - Captain Bangs Hallet Roof (119) Nate Small 5-0 5-0 23 CPA - Cultural Center Shutters and Lamp Posts (120) Jack Mulkeen 4-1 5-0 Chris Greeley DRAFT 3/20/2014 ART. # TITLE ASSIGNMENTS BOS RECOMMEND FINCOM RECOMMEND Gary Ellis 5-0 5-0 24 CPA - New Church Finishes (121) 25 CPA - Historic Cemetery Fences (122) Dorcas McGurrin 5-0 5-0 26 CPA - Historic Tombstone Preservation (123) Dorcas McGurrin 4-0 5-0 27 CPA - Bass Hole Restoration & Preservation (124) Dorcas McGurrin 5-0 5-0 28 CPA - Flax Pond Phase II Changing Room, Gazebo, and Children’s Play Area (125.1) Dorcas McGurrin 5-0 5-0 29 CPA - Route 6A Playground Rehab (111.1) Dorcas McGurrin 5-0 5-0 30 Zoning – Registered Marijuana Dispensaries Bylaw Planning Board 4-0 5-0 31 Zoning – Extend the Temporary Moratorium on Registered Marijuana Dispensaries (if RMD Article fails) Planning Board 4-0 4-1 32 Zoning - FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) Planning Board From the Floor 5-0 33 Zoning - Temporary Commercial Outdoor Display Planning Board 4-0 5-0 34 Zoning - Zoning Map Housekeeping Amendment for R.O.A.D. Zoning District Planning Board 4-0 5-0 35 Zoning - Section 104.3.2(4) Modifications for Special Permit for Change in Use. Planning Board 4-0 5-0 36 Pet Waste By-law 4-0 2-3 37 Fingerprint By-law 1-4 5-0 38 Split Accountant/Finance Director Position 5-0 5-0 39 Cape Cod Rail Trail – 2 easements 5-0 5-0 40 Cape Cod Rail Trail – 100 year Lease from MassDOT 5-0 5-0 41 Finance Committee – 7 Members 5-0 5-0 42 PETITIONED – Repeal §104-3 (motor vehicle noise) 2-2 1-4 Petitioner TO: BOARD OF SELECTMEN FROM: Jim Quirk, Appointments Chairman SUBJECT: Conservation Commission - Reappointment DATE: March 20, 2014 OPENINGS: 1 Regular position (term to run through June, 2016) Number of Interviewers: Selectmen - - - - - - Commission/Committee Members Numerical Evaluation of Candidates **Maximum Score= 20** APPLICANT COMMISSION RATING SELECTMEN RATING AVG. RATING Edwin Hoopes RECOMMENDATION: To reappoint Mr. Hoopes as a regular member to the Conservation Commission. This appointment is for a three-year term which will run through June, 2016. 2014 SEASONAL ALCOHOL/ENTERTAINMENT LICENSE RENEWALS FOR BOS APPROVAL _N_AM_E ____________________ A_DD_R_~~-S-___________ _ LICENSE NUMBER _LI_CENSETYPE ______ MANAGER LIQUOR ---------------- --- WEEKDAY ENTERTAIN MENT !SUNDAY ENTERT AINMEN T 1 ----------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----1-------- -------------------- X-Golf Blue Rock Club, Inc. __________ 39 Todd Rd., South Yarmouth All Alcohol Innholder 151800063 Ry__§_n_Q'!:-_o_LJ_g~h_li-:-n _ _,_--+__X__ __C_c___o_ur_s_e__ 1 Lobster Boat ____________ 681 Route 28,_Y\fest Yarmouth All Alcohol Resta'-=u"'ra=n-'-'t--1 ___:_15=--1'-'8=--=0'-"0_0=--4_1 _Nikolaos Asimakopoulas ___X_______ _ Olympia Fis_b_House _____ 1341 Route 28, South Yarmouth All Alcohol Restaurant 151800049 Demetre Skordas _ _X___ ----------+---Paisanos Pizza, Inc. dba Shark Bites 512_Route 28, South_Y,,=a,::_rm:::_:_::o-=ut-=-h'------+A--'-I"---1Alcohol Restaurant 151800152 Kristi Salvatelli --=--X,___1_ _ _ _ _-t-------Pancake Man Restaurant 952 Route 28, South Yarmouth All Alcohol Restaurant _1_5_1B00022 Marshall Farle'L _ _ X --~------------1----:---~--1--~~--t--~~-Red Jacket Beach Motor Inn 28 South Shore Dr., South Yarmouth All Alcohol Innholder 151800060 Thomas Mo_:_o,r-'e'-----+---=---X X ____ 0_ __ Riviera Beach Re_s_o_rt_______ __ 327 South Shg_re Dr., Sourh Yarmouth All Alcohol Innholder __ 15180005~_.John Ve_rityc---------f----=X-=--t--_:__X,____ _____ _ 1 Salty'§______ ____ 540 Route 2!32 West Yarmouth All Alcohol Restaurant 151800039 B.<!YI!l_Oild_R_gy ______1_ _X=--=----c-------I------Seafood Sam's 1006 Rou~ _28, South Yarmouth Wine & Malt Restaurant 151800149 Paul Colo nero X -----------~~-r-----r---1 Skipper Restaurant __ ________ _ 152 South Shore Q~,. South Yarmouth All Alcohol Restaurant 151!~00057 All'lY Delaney X Thuan Loi Restaurant ______ 1__:1_-=3-=-0CU~oute 28, South YarmoL:Jt'-'-h___1Wine & Malt Restaura_TlL _ _ 15_1_8Q0132 Tony_Anh ""[ran__ __ _ ___)(_____________ _ Tugboats Restaurant ________11_Arlington St., West ')"9rmouth All Alcohol Restaurant 151800004 Wa'lfl~_l5l:lr_k~r_ __________:__cX____ __________1 - - - - I 1 -------------------1----------1----1 - - - - 1 - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------ ---------+---------------------------1---------------- ------------------1---- -------f------ --------------------------------- --------1-----------1----~--------- -----1-------------------- ----------1------------1----t--------1------------- --------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------1-----------~---l--------l----l -----------------1--------------1------- ------------------ - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- --- ---------------------------1------ ------------------------------1-- -------------1------------------------- --------------1----------- -----------------------------1-----------f----- --------------- 1------------------1------------ ----------+---------1------------------------- ------------ -------1---------- --------------------1--------------------1---------------------1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------------- ---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l - - - - 1 - - - - - - l - - - - 1 YARMOUTH POLICE DEPARTMENT Office of the Chief of Police Frank G. Frederickson One Brad Erickson Way West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 Telephone (508) 775-0445 - Fax (508) 862-2721 TO: The Honorable Board of Selectmen FROM: Chief Frank Frederickson SUBJECT: Donation Request DATE: March 14,2014 MAK .I 7 !Ul4 -TOWN ADMINISTRATORJ NAME AMOUNT 250.00 Sons of Erin Cape Cod, Inc. TOTAL If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. cj Emailed: ehartsgrove, ffrederickson, nbohane 3/14 RECEIVED TOWN OF YARMOUTH $250.00 YARMOUTH FIRE DEPARTMENT 96 Old Main Street South Yarmouth, MA 02664 (508)398-2212/(508)760-4858 FAX MEMO CONSENT AGENDA TO: William Hinchey Town Administrator RECEIVED TOWN OF YARMOUTH CC: Irene Wright Treasurer's Office Board of Selectmen MAk ·1 7 t014 TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FROM: A/Chief Phil Simonian Re: Gifts DON'T STAPLE GIFT MEMO (2) TO DEPOSIT Email 1 to: .us Date: March 17, 2014 The Fire Department has received gifts totaling $100.00 A donation from TOPS MA #0487 for the appreciation to the Fire Department. The Fire Department requests that the Board of Selectmen approve this donation. YARMOUTH FIRE DEPARTMENT 96 Old Main Street South Yarmouth, MA 02664 (508)398-2212/(508)760-4858 FAX MEMO RECEIVED TOWN OF YAR MOUTH TO: William Hinchey Town Administrator MAR ·, 7 Z014 TOWN ADMINISTRATOR CC: Irene Wright Treasurer's Office Board of Selectmen FROM: A/Chief Phil Simonian Re: Gifts DON'T STAPLE GIFT MEMO (2) TO DEPOSIT Email 1 to: Date: March 18, 2014 The Fire Department has received gifts totaling $25.00 A Donation from Karen & Harold Fuller for the passing of Brian Homer of West Yarmouth for the appreciation to the Fire Department. The Fire Department requests that the Board of Selectmen approve this donation. YARMOUTH FIRE DEPARTMENT 96 Old Main Street South Yarmouth, MA 02664 (508)398-2212/(508)760-4858 FAX MEMO RECEIVED TOWN OF YARMOUTH TO: William Hinchey Town Administrator CC: Irene Wright Treasurer's Office Board of Selectmen MAR ., 7 tU14 "~J . SENT TOWN ADMINISTRATOR A~E NDA FROM: A/Chief Phil Simonian Re: Gifts DON'T STAPLE GIFT MEMO (2) TO DEPOSIT Email 1 to: Date: March 18, 2014 The Fire Department has received gifts totaling $245.00 A Donation from Carolyn Bates, Daniel & Margaret Good and Joanne Jackson for the passing of Brian Homer of West Yarmouth for the appreciation to the Fire Department. The Fire Department requests that the Board of Selectmen approve this donation.