Grand Jury Hands Down Gang-Related
Grand Jury Hands Down Gang-Related
Circulation 13,000 Free October 10, 2014 Grand Jury Hands Down Gang-Related Indictments By Linda Cicoira Two 21-year-old men were indicted Monday by an Accomack Grand Jury on charges of being members of the “Bloods” and committing crimes in association with the street gang while being inmates at the county jail. Tyvon Lyncurtis (Teddy) Smith, 21, of Diamond Spring Boulevard of the Parksley area and Sied Dontay Hopkins, 21, of East Main Street in Onley are accused of beating Patrick Wescott, 41, of Silver Thorne Road in New Church, who was also incarcerated at the jail, on Jan. 1. Wescott has since been moved to Eastern Shore Regional Jail in Northampton County, but he was brought to Accomac to testify against the other two during a preliminary hearing last month. Charges were not filed until July when another case against Smith fell apart because witnesses did not appear in court or couldn’t remember when asked about an incident in which Smith was accused of opening fire on a house in Rolling Acres last November. It was later learned that the witnesses’ house was hit by gunfire the weekend before the trial. At the preliminary hearing, Wescott testified that Smith and Hopkins “grabbed and stomped me,” Wescott said. “I had blurred vision from getting stomped in the head.” A State Police special agent identified Smith making gang signs and wearing team clothing favored by the Blood gang in several photos confiscated from Smith’s (Continued on Page 4) Perdue Refund Likely Significant Northampton Captures First Win Since 2010 In the top photo, taken by Post Sports Editor Bill Sterling, Dyshawn Beckett breaks loose — in a key play of Northampton’s first football win in 38 games — for a 55-yard touchdown run that sealed the 46-26 win over Middlesex Friday night. Beneath that, in another Sterling photo, Northampton principal Mike Myers congratulates the team after the historic win. At bottom left, Myers prepares to sleep on the roof of the school on Tuesday, as he promised the student body he would do if the team won. See a complete story on the game on Page 24. By Linda Cicoira Accomack County is being ordered to refund some of the taxes collected from Perdue Farms in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 and it could be as much as $650,000. Commissioner of the Revenue Leslie Savage said the state tax commissioner ruled that Perdue should be assessed as a vertically integrated manufacturer and not a processor, as it has been. “Nothing’s been resolved at this moment,” she added. The Board of Supervisors will have to approve the refund and decide from where the funds will come. Asked if Tyson Foods, Inc. also will get money back, Savage replied, “I’ve not heard a word.” 2 • Eastern Shore Post • October 10, 2014 Making a Difference Beetles Destroying Chincoteague Woods By Linda Cicoira what people are going to do. Throw it Some call them Southern Pine Bee- back in the woods somewhere and it’s tles while other refer to them as Pine going to be no end. All the bark falls off Bark Beetles. One thing is for certain: of them as soon as you test them.” There is no mistaking their fierceness “In Tom’s Cove we had six, in two or the devastation they are causing. weeks we had 60 some,” Howard reMore highly skilled providers, more specialized care for women of all ages and more Chincoteague IslandIt’sisRiverside losing Partners its ported. He Health said, with the problem should locations throughout the region. in Women’s fight,” Supervisor Wanda Thornton be addressed “once locations in Newport News, Williamsburg, Gloucester, and on the Eastern get more than told the Chincoteague Town Council two or three limbs” infested. “Just say In addition to the already extensive obstetrical, gynecological and surgical services Monday. “This is a tremendous issue goodbye.” we … currently provide, women now have access to the only fellowship minimally this is really extensive through the Thornton trained agreed, but is worried invasive gynecologic surgeon and one of the most well respected gynecologic oncologist island.” about the loss of the pines. “These trees in the area. Thornton asked the town to provide provide a service in case of a storm,” place to burnvisit as many as 1,000 trees she noted. “Assateague looked like you For amore information To schedule that need toplease comecall down stop the inan appointment, one oftothe locations listeddropped below. a bomb … when it devastated festation from continuing to spread. the area.” “We have our own property we can Town Manager Rob Ritter said the Newport Newson,” she said Gloucester Eastern Shore burn ours of her camp- town has to find out if enough room ground. “These other people don’t.” available after spoils that are William Irvin, M.D. Lisa A. Casanova, M.D. will beJennifer P. Reason, D.O. (GYN Oncology) M. Dent, H. John Reason, M.D.are moved. “We must act very Monilla quickly. ThisM.D. is being dredged nearby Jeffrey L. Henke, M.D. Elizabeth M. Reinoehl, D.O. (757) one594-4198 of the most important issues facing Mayor Jack Tarr said removing that Leslie Hurt, M.D. David R. Scott, M.D. us right now,” Thornton said.Khan, “They’re many trees would cost Jawwad M.D. Theresa G. Long, N.P.“a huge amount dying right now … weJoseph needK.toKing, inform of money. We have to get them down Williamsburg M.D. (757) 442-6719 Diane A. Maddela, D.O. and haul them … they do have an the public about how serious a situaKrystal Ainsley, M.D. Darine Moukalled, M.D. incinerator that they can bring in … tion Medicine) this is.” (Internal Karanvir Virk, M.D. Jill Jertson, M.D. Councilman John Henry Former there are other options out there, but Janet Dehoux, N.P. BethHoward Scharlop, M.D. attended the session to give there are costs.” (804) 693-2670 Karanvir Virk, M.D. his opinion since he is in the tree reThornton said she plans to get in Allison Butler, N.P. moval business. “Bunker Hill, ride touch with the county to determine if (757) 253-5600 down there. Not a pine cone or a sha. anything else can be done. Nothing on them. I’m talking about Howard said if the trees are cut into 1,000 trees,” Howard said. chips, they can be taken to the prison The beetles “took down 20 on Piney in Princess Anne, Md., for burning. Island,” he said. “They’re everywhere. But Public Works Director Harvey I’ve been on South Main. You’re eat Spurlock nixed that idea. He said they up with ’em right here in town. I can’t would not be allowed to transport the take that tree somewhere and get rid of debris across the state line. it because I’m going to infest someone In other business, Charles Chip else. It has to be burned. I don’t know Lewis, who lives on the mainland, Hospice and Palliative urged council to consider lowering sublease fees at the harbor for working Care of watermen who live on the island. He The Eastern Shore said the difference is about $1,200. “It wouldn’t help me,” but it would benefit young watermen from Chincoteague. A letter to Chincoteague officials (entire purchase with this coupon) from Town Attorney Jon Poulson also was referenced Monday. The lawyer Redeemable at all Three Hospice Thrift Stores wrote that he will retire, effective Dec. 31. “I have been trying to retire 165 Market Street, Onancock, VA for many months,” Poulson said. “The 3306 Lankford Highway, Exmore, VA only way to do it is simply do it.” Poul6516 Lankford Highway, Oak Hall, VA son has represented Chincoteague for October 1 thru October 31 more than 25 years. New Name. Same Compassionate and Highly Skilled Care. Partners Shore In Women’s Health Eastern Physicians & Surgeons Newport News Lisa A. Casanova, M.D. Monilla M. Dent, M.D. Barry Gross, M.D. Jeffrey L. Henke, M.D. Leslie Hurt, M.D. Diane A. Maddela, D.O. Maya Tyler, N.P. (757) 249-3000 Jawwad Khan, M.D. Joseph K. King, M.D. Darine Moukalled, M.D. James M. Mullins III, M.D. Stanley D. Yeatts II, M.D. Darlene Ewton, N.P. (757) 534-5700 John Snyder, Jr., M.D. My role as a family physician is to be the first line of medical care for our patients. We manage most medical problems right here in the office. Watch Dr. Snyder explain his passion for patient care. The Riverside Care Difference means having a physician who knows you and your family. Scan the QR code The most rewarding part of my job is making 30% OFF a difference by helping people live a better quality of life. I grew up on the Eastern Shore and came back because I wanted to practice medicine in our community. Riverside Eastern Shore Physicians & Surgeons 9524 Hospital Avenue Nassawadox, VA 23413 To select Dr. Snyder as your provider, call (757) 442-6600 or visit Same-Day Appointments. Medicare Patients Welcome. October 10, 2014 • Eastern Shore Post • 3 FALL INTO HUGE SAVINGS! ‘11 MITSUBISHI LANCER STOCK #P559 SHARP CAR ONLY 167 $ PER MONTH ‘10 CHEVY COBALT 2LT STOCK #R1501 LOADED ONLY ‘11 FORD FIESTA SE HATCHBACK STOCK #S571 40 MPG + ONLY 215 $ PER MONTH ‘10 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT STOCK #D14093A LOADED UP! ONLY 299 $ PER MONTH 183 $ PER MONTH ‘13 FORD F-150 274 $ PER MONTH ‘10 FORD ESCAPE XLT 4X4 STOCK #S673 SWEET ESCAPE ONLY $ 265 COOPER S STK #14172A SUPER LOW MILES! ONLY 192 $ PER MONTH ‘11 CHEVY STOCK #C14037B ONLY 7,000 MILES ONLY ‘07 MINI PER MONTH CRUZE 2LT STK #R1540 SPORTY SEDAN 226 ONLY $ PER MONTH ‘09 CHEVY MALIBU STOCK #P551 LT SPORTY SEDAN ONLY 197 $ PER MONTH ‘12 FORD FOCUS SE STOCK #S573 EXTRA CLEAN, 1 OWNER 230 ONLY $ PER MONTH ‘13 DODGE ‘13 TOYOTA SWEET RIMS! STOCK #14140A THE ORIGINAL HYBRID AVENGER SE STOCK #R1549 223 ONLY $ PER MONTH PRIUS 297 ONLY $ PER MONTH ‘10 TOYOTA COROLLA LE STK #R1527 ONLY 23,000 MILES! ONLY 199 $ PER MONTH ‘12 FORD FUSION SEL STK #R1544 SUPER CLEAN ONLY 256 $ PER MONTH ‘08 JEEP COMPASS LIMITED STOCK #S822 4 WHEEL DRIVE! ONLY $ 185 PER MONTH ALL PAYMENTS ARE BASED ON $1,500 PLUS TAX, TAGS, AND DOC FEE FOR 72 MONTHS @ 5.99% WITH APPROVED CREDIT. NO CASH VALUE. CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFERS. ALL BUYERS MAY NOT QUALIFY. OFFER EXPIRES 10/31/14. Hertrich of Pocomoke Ford Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM 1618 Ocean Highway • Pocomoke (888)652-4309 • Sales Hours: M-F 8:30am - 8:00pm Sat. 8:30am - 5:00pm Sun. Closed Service Hours: M-F 7:30am - 5:00pm Sat. 8:00am - 3:00pm Sun. Closed 4 • Eastern Shore Post • October 10, 2014 Court Postings By Linda Cicoira Northampton District Court A Virginia Beach man was charged with two sex offenses that allegedly occurred in Northampton County, according to general district court files. Thirty-one year old Taurino Duran Gonzalez is accused of object sexual penetration and aggravated sexual battery in connection with an incident that allegedly occurred on a bus traveling through Northampton County on its way to New York on Sept. 29. He was arrested that day. The charge was filed with the court on Oct. 6. A preliminary hearing was set for later this month. Accomack District Court Three Mappsville men are being held in Accomack Jail without bond on charges of causing bodily injury to a fourth man on Sept. 5, according to records filed in Accomack General District Court. Ryan K. Horsey, 35, of Williams Street and Keyontay H. Creekmore, 22, and Derimon Hargis, 21, both of Pettit Street, were charged with malicious wounding while in a mob. Horsey admitted to having an altercation with Maurice Fiddemon, the file states. There was no further information about Fiddemon. Accomack Deputy N.J. Bogan investigated. The three were arrested Oct. 4. December preliminary hearings were scheduled. In another case, Jonathan David Thornton, also known as Johnathan Dubois Thornton II, 27, of Carter Lane on Chincoteague was charged with property hit and run on Oct. 4, soon after the incident allegedly took place. According to the court record, Thornton “hit (a) fence, ran up on (a) property and left the scene,” causing approximately $5,000 in damage, with the nearby house “occupied at the time. Sergeant called (the) accused and he returned after about an hour.” Secured bail was set at $2,500. Chincoteague Police Officer K.A. Reese investigated. Matthew Johnson, 19, of Gospel Temple Road in Keller was charged with distributing a controlled Schedule I or II substance on Oct. 2. H.F. Little of Eastern Shore Drug Task Force investigated. Secured bond was set at $5,000. Lamont Shawn Harmon, 28, of Savageville Road in Onancock was You are Invited to a Free Family Event DEDICATION: of the Eastern Shore Regional Training Center Burn Building ` DEMONSTRATIONS: Fire, EMS, Police, Public Works, and Others ` ACTIVITIES for Children ` FREE FOOD and Refreshments ` Saturday, October 18, 2014 11:00am - 3:00pm Eastern Shore Regional Fire Training Center 28598 Beacon Road Melfa, VA 23410 charged with transportation of a firearm by a felon on Oct. 2. He was arrested the same day. Secured bond was set at $5,000. Little investigated. Tia Michelle Harmon, 23, of Pearl ~ Grand Jury ~ home. There were also letters that had been sent between Smith and Hopkins and other incarcerated people using well-known gang phrases. The officer also tied Smith to other known Blood members. Hopkins is in jail on various probation and drug violations. Wescott is incarcerated for beating his wife and threatening her life. Also indicted by the Grand Jury was Desmon Douglas Corbin, 35, of 4th Street in Pocomoke, Md. He is accused of abducting Leslie McCabe in June. Corbin was arrested on June 27. Initially, he also was charged with strangulation, use of a firearm and assault and battery of a family member. Cpl. E.J. Nottingham of Accomack County Sheriff’s Office (ACSO) investigated the case. Claudia Lizeth Coto-Rodriguez, 20, of Hillcrest Drive in Wattsville was indicted on a count of felony destruction of a vehicle belonging to her former boyfriend, Rufus Beach III, on July 6. ACSO Deputy Mike McCready investigated. Coto-Rodriguez was arrested July 31. Felicia Marie Gaskill, 23, of Savageville Road in Melfa was indicted on a count of embezzling money in excess of $200 from Doughty’s Market in Melfa between Feb. 1 and June 30. She was arrested July 9. Investigator Pat Coulter of ACSO handled the case. Alisha Denise Herrmann, 24, of Myrna Lane in Chincoteague was indicted on a count of embezzling funds belonging to Rachel Patel of Days Inn on July 29. Although she is accused of taking less than $200, the charge is a felony because it is a third or subsequent offense of larceny. Herrmann was arrested July 31. Chincoteague Police Sgt. T.B. Hickman investigated. Noah Christopher Lamphier, 16, of Wishart’s Point Road in Atlantic was indicted as an adult on crimes that allegedly occurred May 8 and include assault and battery of Deputy Shane Henning, malicious injury of Henning, attempting to take a taser from Hen- Drive in Oak Hall was charged with six counts of forgery between Aug. 25 and Sept. 29. She was arrested Oct. 6. Chincoteague Sgt. T.B. Hickman investigated. Secured bond was set at $1,000. (Continued From Front Page) ning, attempting to take a handgun from Henning, attempting to intimidate or impede Henning by threats of bodily harm or force and attempting to intimidate Deputy Robert Watkins. Deputy Lennie Foxwell presented information about the case to the jury. Joshua Nathan Miller, 26, of Bethel Church Road in Bloxom was indicted on counts of breaking into his grandfather’s house on Lankford Highway in Hallwood and stealing cash on Feb. 17. Sgt. Anthony Bright of ACSO investigated. Miller also was indicted on a count of maliciously wounding Tommy Wall on June 1. Foxwell investigated. Joellyn Rice, 29, of Hopkins Road in Parksley was indicted on a count of abuse/neglect of a child younger than 18, occurring July 14. Rice was arrested the same day. Deputy Joshua Marsh investigated. Roderick Savage, 20, of Leslie Trent Road in Parksley was indicted on counts of malicious shooting at an occupied vehicle on July 27 and use of a firearm in that crime. Deputy D. Gladding gave information to the grand jury. Jeremy Michael Swift, 22, of Gene Wayne Lane on Chincoteague was indicted on counts of possession of mushrooms containing psilocin and possession of 25C-NBOMe, a hallucinogen, on March 23. Chincoteague Police Sgt. K.A. Reese gave information to the grand jury. Fontae F. Ayres, 34, of Piggen Road in Melfa was indicted on five counts of welfare fraud occurring between October 2012 and December 2013. Fraud Investigator Jack Thomas of the Department of Social Services said three of the charges involved the food stamp program; the other two were for fuel assistance. The total amount involved is nearly $3,475, Thomas said. Margaret A. Aye, 50, who was living in Oak Hall at the time of the alleged offense, was indicted on a count of welfare fraud. She is accused of getting nearly $380 in fuel assistance fraudulently on Nov. 5, 2013, Thomas said. October 10, 2014 • Eastern Shore Post • 5 Accomack Schools’ Enrollment Up, As Is Number of Non-English Speaking Students By Linda Cicoira Enrollment at Accomack County Public Schools is up by more than 100 students compared to last year; the largest portion is in elementary school. Assistant Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Hall reported Tuesday that there are 5,310 students in a recent tally. There are usually about 5,200. A breakdown showed 2,664 are elementary-school pupils — 573 at Accawmacke, 255 at Chincoteague, 626 at Kegotank, 653 at Metompkin, 530 at Pungoteague and 27 at Tangier Combined School. There are 1,147 middle-school students: 491 attend Arcadia Middle, 85 attend Chincoteague Middle, 561 are at Nandua Middle and 10 are at Tangier. There are 1,499 students registered at the county’s high schools. Arcadia has 590, Chincoteague has 206, Nandua has 675 students and Tangier Combined has 28. Of the 626 at Kegotank, 268 are designated as English as a Second Language (ESL) students. “We didn’t expect the influx,” Elementary School Coordinator Dr. Mary Beth Haines told the School Board. “We’ll hire more (language teachers) if you would like us to … everyone is not certified. Some are working toward it,” she added. School Board member Audrey Furness wanted to act immediately to hire more language teachers, but no action was taken. Custom Designed and Fabricated Window Treatments Draperies, Blinds, Shades, Bedding, Upholstery Cobb Island Interiors Beautiful Windows since 2005 757-621-5562 757-665-5705 CRANE OPERATOR NEEDED Bayshore Concrete Products is currently seeking a highly motivated and skilled Crane Operator Requirements • Knowledge of rigging and crane signals. • Friction and/or hydraulic crane operating experience (3 years). Ability to safely set-up and make picks as determined by the specified load chart. • NCCCO certification(s) preferred or capable of being achieved. • Strong focus ability, patience, vision, and attention to detail. • Mechanical background a plus. • Able and willing to climb up and down ladders to access equipment • Very dependable work history with regard to attendance • Good vision and hearing required • Willing to work 12 hours/day and 6 day work weeks Please contact Sarai for more information 757-331-2300 Join us in welcoming Dr. Jesús Sánchez to our dental family! Dr. Sánchez specializes in: •Extractions •Root Canals •Implants •Comprehensive Dental Care •and speaks Spanish! Call now to schedule an appointment with Dr. Sánchez! (757) 336-1260 4009 Main Street, Chincoteague BEEN THINKING ABOUT YOUR LOVED ONES? WHO SUFFERS WHEN YOU ARE INCAPACITATED? WHAT RESPONSIBILITIES ARE LEFT FOR YOUR FAMILY WHEN YOU ARE GONE? Don't leave your Family with the burdens that come at a time when they are already suffering. We are giving a FREE Seminar to learn about Basic Estate Planning (Wills, Power of Attorneys and Advance Medical Directives), the difference and need between a Will and a Revocable Living Trust and also learn about Planning for your Long Term Care Cost. Join us at: THE EASTERN SHORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (Melfa, VA) Wednesday, October 15, 2014 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Or: THE HERMITAGE ON THE EASTERN SHORE (Onancock, VA) Thursday, October 16, 2014 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Seats will be limited so please RSVP at 757-787-1998 or you can e-mail us at We hope you can join us! Presented by and Speaker: Virginia "Ginny' Brown, Esquire If you miss these dates, she will be back for another Seminar in November. 6 • Eastern Shore Post • October 10, 2014 October 10, 2014 • Eastern Shore Post • 7 Residents Voice Opposition to Proposed Motel By Ron West The applicant for a new motel that would be placed near the entrance to Kiptopeke State Park faced a less than receptive audience at Tuesday’s Northampton County Planning Commission session. At issue was a request by Kiptopeke Villas, LLC for a special-use permit (SUP) and zoning change to build a 12-unit motel at the intersection of Arlington Road and Kiptopeke Drive. The applicant requested that the property be rezoned from a hamlet to a commercial district to allow for a mass drainfield. Speaking for the applicant, Bill Parr noted that until the most recent zoning change, the property in question as well as much of the surrounding area, was zoned commercial. In the early 2000s, the supervisors rezoned the area to prevent commercial development along the Lankford Highway corridor. Parr stated that the motel could serve summer tourists and house off-season workers temporarily. Parr emphasized that this would not be a low-income housing unit as some opponents have suggested. The estimated cost for the motel is $750,000 and while the applicant has asked for a mass drainfield permit, Parr said that if the Health Department deemed it unnecessary, it would not be built. “It’s time to welcome development in Northampton Coun- ty,” he said. Speaking in support of the project, Deborah Hill stated that she did not see any problems with the small hotel being located near the state park. “We need more things in the area,” she said. Following Hill, nearly a dozen individuals spoke in opposition to the project. Speaking as a representative of the nearby subdivision, Terry Ramsey noted that their covenants do not allow for commercial development in the area. He noted that many of the nearby homes had been built in the last five years and that building a motel nearby would pose a risk to their property values. Ramsey said he owned property nearby and had hoped to build a retirement home. Thomas Carlyle said he enjoyed visiting the area and was looking at possibly building a home in the county, but was concerned about having a motel nearby. Justin Wheeler, said a motel would not fit in the area and worried that some of those who stayed there might pose a safety risk. Christine Snook stated that the motel belongs on the highway and could not be economically successful if it was off the road. Gary Gordon suggested that a motel would tend to increase crime and other problems to the area. Responding to those opposing the motel, Parr noted that Kiptopeke State Park rents properties and has more than 100 campsites. Statistics show that nearly half a million people visit the park annually. “A motel is no different than the park with regards to transients staying in the area,” he said. Commissioner Mike Ward questioned why the applicant did not just ask for a SUP to build a 10-unit structure, as allowed in a Hamlet District by the current Zoning Ordinance. He added that those who purchased property in the area should have been aware that until the early 2000s, the area in question had been zoned commercial and that as such, businesses could have been built in the area, Commissioner Dr. Mark Freeze said that everyone wants to see the county thrive economically, but nobody seems to want to have anything built near them. He added that it is not up to the Planning Commission to determine what makes good economical sense for prospective businesses. In the end, the commissioners voted to recommend that the Board of Supervisors deny the request to rezone the property as commercial, but to allow the property to be used as apartments and to support the request for a mass drainfield, if one is needed. The matter again will surface at the Oct. 14th meeting of the Board of Supervisors when another public hearing on the project will be held before the supervisors vote on the issue. 8 • Eastern Shore Post • October 10, 2014 Community Notes During the past few months in the early morning, several local businesses have been broken into and ransacked. The suspects were looking for cash and resellable items that are easy to carry. Pocomoke City Police have initiated additional patrols. Noting that Pocomoke City is a quiet community and residents may become complacent about security, Police Chief Kelvin D. Sewell encourages business owners and residents to make sure they do not leave their doors unlocked after business hours and they do leave a security light on to deter individuals from trying to hide in the darkness. In addition, the installation of security alarms and cameras would be an added asset and deterrent for criminals, Sewell said, adding that these individuals are targeting businesses that are known to not have any cameras or security systems in operation. Pocomoke, Md. Cheriton Volunteer Fire Company will hold a community yard sale Cheriton Saturday, Nov. 8, from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the firehouse, rain or shine. The fee for a booth is $5, as is the cost for table rental. Refreshments will be sold throughout the day. For more information, call Sue R. at 331-4715 or Kellie at 757-761-0390. The Fifth Annual SPCA Eastern Shore Onancock “Best Friends Walk Together” Pet Walk will be held in Onancock Saturday, Oct. 18 (rain date Oct. 25). Registration will start at 8:30 a.m. at the Onancock Town Gazebo Park on Market Street. Participants can register and walk any time between then and 1 p.m., choosing either a onemile walk or a 2.5-mile walk, with rest and water stops along the way. The costume contest will start at 9 a.m. There will be awards for the Best Dressed Adopted Pet (open to adopted BUNDLE UP WITH TRANE AND END THE HOME TEMPERATURE BATTLES! BUY A COMPLETE SYSTEM AND SAVE UP TO 1,000 * $ BETTER TOGETHER B U N D L E OR ASK ABOUT SPECIAL FINANCING OFFERS AVAILABLE** Tired of fighting hot vs. cold temperature battles in your home? Trane invites you to solve this problem with a great deal on a bundled heating and air conditioning system purchase. Take control of your comfort and budget today … and make your home a more comfortable place to live for many years to come. pets only), Scariest Pet, Cutest Pet, Most Un-canine (dressed like another species) Pet, and Most Original Costume. Throughout the morning, Jim Leether will be at the park giving agility demonstrations with his dog Zada, an SPCA Eastern Shore alum who has become a therapy dog and AKC agility champion since finding her forever home. In addition, the public will have an opportunity to let their own pets try their skills on some of the agility equipment under Leether’s supervision. The 2015 SPCA Eastern Shore Rescue Pets calendar will be on sale, along with shelter T-shirts, hats, and tote bags. There is a $10 entry fee to participate in the walk, but that fee is waived for anyone who raises $25 or more in pledges. Prizes will be awarded to anyone raising $50 or more in pledges. Pledge forms are available online at or at the SPCA shelter in Onley. All pets must be leashed, and historically almost all have been dogs, but if you have a pet of another species who would like to participate, just leash him or her up and join in the fun. Onley’s Veterans’ Celebration will be held Onley Saturday, Nov. 8, with a parade of veteran organizations, military units, bands, antique cars, Corvettes, motorcycles, civic groups, police departments, and fire equipment. The parade kicks off at 11 a.m. from Onley Road and proceeds down Coastal Boulevard to East Main Street, past the Town Office and reviewing stand and ending at Forest Road. After the parade, the public is invited to join the mayor, council and Celebration Committee for a picnic and musical entertainment at the Onley Fire and Rescue building on Maple Street. Anyone interested in participating in the parade or volunteering their time is asked to call Jamye Salazar at 787-3985. Community News Items can be faxed to the Eastern Shore Post at 789-7681 or e-mailed to Atlantis Has the Perfect ’ Home for Entertaining. n i l z er Discover It Today! z i S mm Su ues “The Crockett” Val Starting at $75,900 INCLUDES HOME THEATER HOME PACKAGES FOR TRAILS END SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY! 888-743-4199 *See your independent Trane Dealer for complete program eligibility, dates, details and restrictions. Special financing offers OR trade-in allowances from $100 up to $1000 valid on qualifying systems only. All sales must be to homeowners in the United States. Void where prohibited. **Subject to credit approval. See dealer for details. Offer expires 11/15/2014. 742 Ocean Hwy., Pocomoke, MD 410-957-2820 800-946-2820 FREE TRADE-IN ANALYSIS • Serving DE, MD, VA, NJ, PA cannot be combined. Offer is subject to change. Until Oct. 31, 2014 Offer Contact housing consultant for complete details October 10, 2014 • Eastern Shore Post • 9 Exmore Focuses on Its Future By Ron West With an eye toward the future, Exmore Town Council began reviewing its Comprehensive Plan. Accomack-Northampton Planning District Commission (A-NPDC) regional planner Connie Morrison led a discussion of how the process could help town leaders develop a plan of action for the coming decade. Morrison noted that the existing plan is 10 years old and some residents in parts of Exmore added via an agreement with Northampton County a few years ago have never had an opportunity to take part in helping shape the town’s future. The 20 residents at the session reviewed a list of goals from the current Comprehensive Plan, selected those they still support and added new ones they believe should be pursued. Morrison and Mayor Doug Greer Sr. urged any resident who missed the session to pick up information on the planning process at the Municipal Building. Morrison noted that any resident can make comments and suggestions for the plan by completing a form available at the municipal building and emailing her at or calling her at 787-2936 (ext. 127). Town Manager Robert Duer reported that he is helping department heads cross train so when council selects his replacement, there will be a viable candidate. Duer said the town’s finances continue to improve as the town’s reserves continue to grow. Improvements to the Town Park continue to be made with the addition of public restrooms as well as plans to add an enclosed structure for use by the public for events such as family gatherings. Duer indicated that a small fee might be charged for use of the building once it is completed. Council reviewed a special-use permit (SUP) requested by Eastern Shore Outfitters to allow them to begin processing game for hunters. The SUP, which would allow the company to butcher and process game on the premises, was supported by the Town’s Planning Commission. Following a brief discussion, council voted unanimously to support the request. Utilities Director Taylor Dukes reported that the town’s water consumption is holding steady since repairs were made to the well. Just over 3 million gallons were pumped in September, well below the 5 million per month prior to discovery of problems with the older well. The changes should allow the town to meet the requirements of its water withdrawal permit. Police Chief Angelo DiMartino reported that revenue from fines continues to increase. DiMartino asked council to fund an additional video camera for one of the department’s vehicles. Council agreed unanimously to support the request. Wallops Launch to Space Station Set for Oct. 24 Orbital and NASA have announced the next launch of the Orb-3 cargo delivery mission to the International Space Station (ISS) for Oct. 24, with a targeted liftoff of 7:52 p.m. from Wallops Flight Facility. Orbital will launch the Antares rocket carrying the Cygnus cargo logistics spacecraft well ahead of the timeline necessary to accomplish a rendezvous and berthing with the ISS on the earliest possible date, Nov. 2. The launch schedule builds flexibility into the overall mission schedule in the event of an unexpected disruption, such as adverse weather at the launch site. Following its launch, the Cygnus spacecraft will remain in orbit for approximately eight days before embarking on a series of carefully timed thruster burns to maneuver it into close proximity to the ISS before it is grappled by crew members Reid Wiseman and Barry Wilmore, who will be operating the station’s robotic arm. The Orb-3 mission represents the fifth launch of the company’s Antares rocket in its first 18 months of operations. Orbital will deliver its largest load of cargo to date, carrying approximately 5,050 pounds (2,290 kilograms) of cargo to the ISS for NASA. 10 • Eastern Shore Post • October 10, 2014 Obituaries Retired Waterman Dies Mr. Clifton Curtis, 88, of Plantation Road, Onancock, passed away Thursday, Oct. 2, 2014, at Riverside Shore Rehabilitation Center in Parksley. Born in Clam, he was the son of the late Archie and Addie Annis Curtis. Mr. Curtis was a hard-working retired waterman and a member of Onancock Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife, Carolyn Watkinson Curtis; daughter, Brenda Thornton of Parksley; grandson, John Curtis Killmon (and wife, Krista) of Parksley; great-grandson, Jordon Connor Killmon; and several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by a son, Mark. Graveside services were conducted Saturday, Oct. 4, at Mount Holly Cemetery in Onancock by Rev. Andy Cobb. Memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of the Eastern Shore, 165 Market St., Suite 3, Onancock, VA 23417. To sign the guest book online, visit Arrangements were made by Thornton Funeral Home in Parksley. Onley Woman Dies Mrs. Ruby Dise Setaro, 64, of Onley died Thursday, Oct. 2, 2014, at home. A native of Piggin, she was the daughter of the late John W. Voyles and Ruby Fluhart Voyles Mears. Mrs. Setaro was predeceased by her husband, Peter Joseph Setaro. She is survived by her daughter, Ester Nicholson (and husband, Henry) of Parksley; goddaughter, Lois Burton (and husband, Joe) of Hebron, Md.; sisters, Shirley Anderson (and husband, Wayne) of Melfa, Irene Padilla (and husband, Felix) of Parksley, Ethel Schuster of Melfa, and Hazel Smack of Parksley; brother, John Voyles Jr. of Parksley; grandchildren, Allison Knight, Michael Ryan Williams, Chelsea Nicholson, and Sara Nicholson; great-grandson, Zachary Knight; and numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral services were conducted Sunday, Oct. 5, at Doughty Funeral Home by Rev. Elizabeth Freund. Interment was private. Online condolences may be offered at Husband of Former Onley Resident Dies Mr. John Terrell Byam, 57, husband of Elizabeth McMath Byam, formerly of Onley, passed away Thursday, Oct. 2, 2014, in Washington, D.C., where they resided. He was the son of the late Eleanor Schwind Byam and Seward (Tad) Groves Byam Jr. An honors graduate of the College of William & Mary, where he received two bachelor of arts degrees — in economics and philosophy, he earned his J.D. Degree in 1982 from Northwestern University, where he was executive editor of the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. Mr. Byam joined Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, LLP, an international law firm. He became a partner in 1991. He was recognized by Chambers Partners, Ltd. from 2007-11 as a leading merger and acquisition and private equity attorney. Mr. Byam retired as a partner in 2012 and remained senior counsel. He was a member of the Board of Trustees at Metropolitan Memorial U.M. Church and the board of the National Child Research Center. His family, friends and faith were most important to him. He also had special interest in physics, astronomy, sailing, travel and remote-controlled aircraft. In addition to his wife, survivors include his children, Elizabeth Danielle (Danni) Byam of Brooklyn, N.Y., and Zachary (Zack) Clarke Byam of Pittsburgh, Pa.; sister, Pamela Byam Tinsley; brother-in-law, David F. Tinsley; nephew, John Byam Tinsley (and wife, Kaitlyn Amelia); in-laws, E.A. and George McMath of Onley; and sisterin-law, Virginia (Ginny) Harlan McMath of Sherman Oaks, Calif. Funeral services will be conducted Saturday, Oct. 18, at Metropolitan Memorial U.M. Church in Washington, D.C. Memorial donations may be made to Heifer International, 1 World Ave., Little Rock AR 72202 or Birdsnest Woman Dies Mrs. Violet Virginia Smith Callahan Obert, 92, wife of George Marcus Obert and the late Francis J. Callahan, and a resident of Birdsnest, died Friday, Oct. 3, 2014, at her residence. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., and reared in Philadelphia and Birdsnest, she was the daughter of the late Charles Dalbey Lee Smith and Esther Buehler Smith. She was a homemaker, and member of Community Church of God. Other than her husband, survivors include her children, Francis J. Callahan III (and wife, Clarice), Violet V. DiGregorio (and husband, Andrew), Daniel Timothy Callahan (and wife, Joanne), Edward Charles Challahan, Kathleen Diane Gasperini (and husband, Russell Sr.), and Joseph John Callahan (and wife, Debbie); sister, Esther Shirley Louise Smith Aspas; brothers, Rev. Edward Lee Smith (and wife, Dorothy) and Charles Robert Smith; 18 grandchildren; 31 great-grandchildren; eight great-great-grandchildren; eight nieces; seven nephews; and special friends, Jack and Anne Beshak. A graveside service will be conducted today, Oct. 10, at 11 a.m. at Belle Haven Cemetery by Rev. Edward L. Smith, Rev. Judith Joness and Minister Anthony Coughlin. Memorial donations may be made to Hospice of the Eastern Shore, 165 Market St., Suite 3, Onancock, VA 23417; or Community Church of God, 9079 Birdsnest Dr., Birdsnest, VA 23307. Online condolences may be made to Arrangements were made by Fox and James Funeral Home, Eastville. Centenarian Passes Away Mrs. Helen Shrieves Sarsitis, 100, of Onancock passed away Saturday, Oct. 4, 2014, at the Hermitage on the Eastern Shore in Onancock. Born in Chesconnessex, she was a daughter of the late Edgar Robinson Shrieves and Rose Powell Shrieves. She was a graduate of Onancock High School, later employed by Sweetheart Bakers and C.D. Marsh Jewelers, and sold Avon. She enjoyed sewing and crocheting, and was a longtime member of Riverview U.M. Church in Chesconnessex. Mrs. Sarsitis was predeceased by her husband, Theodore John “Ted” Sarsiti; sister, Lena Shrieves Marsh and husband Gordon Coles Marsh; brother, Harold Edgar Shrieves and wife Betty; and nephews, Quinton C. Marsh and Clifton D. Marsh. Survivors include her nephew, William H. “Bill” Shrieves (and wife, Jean) of McDaniel, Md.; nieces, Debbie Moore (and husband, Prentiss) of East Point, Onancock and Joe Ann Marsh (wife of her late nephew, Clifton D. Marsh) of Onancock; great-nieces, Cherie Marsh Tapman (and husband, J.C.) of Onancock, Becky S. Hardner (and husband, Joe) of Norfolk, Va., and Heather C. Moore of Newport News, Va.; great-nephews, Coles Marsh and Gail, of Milton, Del., Dru Marsh (and wife, MaryEllen) of Onancock, Gordon Marsh (and wife, Kelly) of New Church, Tyler Marsh (and wife, Michelle) of Onancock, William “Will” Shrieves (and wife, Sonya)of Front Royal, Va., and Chris Moore (and wife, Courtney) of Salisbury, Md.; many great-greatnieces and nephews; several greatgreat-great-nieces and nephews; and her dear friends, Charles and Deanie Williams of On- Mrs. Sarsitis ley. A celebration of life will be held at the Hermitage on the Eastern Shore, Saturday, Oct. 11, at 2 p.m., with Rev. Joe McKnight officiating. Interment will be private in Fairview Lawn Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to Hospice of the Eastern Shore, 165 Market St., Suite 3, Onancock, VA 23417; or Riverview U.M. Church, 20469 Market St., Onancock, VA 23417. Memory tributes may be shared with the family at Arrangements were made by Williams-Onancock Funeral Home. Birdsnest Native Dies Constance Downing Corbin Keech, 84, died Saturday, Oct. 4, 2014. She was born in Birdsnest, the daughter of James William and Dorothy Ann Higbee Downing and grew up on Myrtle Grove Farm. She first married Dale H. Corbin in 1950 and then married William Dexter Keech in 1968. After marriage, she lived most of her life in Chesapeake, Va. She is survived by a son, James Stephen Corbin, grandson, Teddy, granddaughter, Tracy C. Quint, and greatgrandchildren, Clatyon R. 3rd and Sarah Lynn; daughter, Risė C. Carroll, and granddaughter, Kelly; daughter, Sandra C. Perkins, and son-in-law, John; grandson, Matthew Ray Perkins, great-grandson, Philip, and great-greatgrandson Kayden, and granddaughters, October 10, 2014 • Eastern Shore Post • 11 Lauren and Rebecca; grandson, Daniel Perkins, and great-granddaughters, Hailey and Danielle; grandson, Allan Perkins and great-granddaughter, Nicholle; daughter, Andrea Eve C. Robertson, and son-in-law, James; granddaughter, Raven Spruill, and greatgrandchildren, Aarrionna and R.J., grandson, Wesley Spruill, and greatgrandson, Dylan and Jamie Spruill, and great-grandsons, Lance and Brock; daughter, Irene K. Brown, and son-inlaw, Joseph, and grandsons Andrew and Caleb; and daughter, Jenifer Gwen Keech. She was predeceased by a son, Anthony Dale Corbin, and is survived by his daughter, Catherine Corbin, and great-grandchildren, Anthony, Robert, Jonathan and Tiffany. She also is survived by her sisters, Gwen D. Riggin, Delores “Bill” D. Bott & Ada Faye D. Wilson, several nieces and a nephew, many cousins and extended family. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday, Oct. 8, at Doughty Funeral Home in Exmore by Rev. Jonathan Carpenter. Interment was in Red Bank Baptist Church Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to the Alzheimer’s Association, Southeastern Virginia Chapter, 6350 Center Dr., Suite 102, Norfolk, VA 23502; or to Red Bank Baptist Church Cemetery Fund, c/o Mike Zodun, P.O. Box 564, Belle Haven, VA 23306. Online condolences may be sent to the family at her husband, Robert Dighton Taylor Jr.; step-mother, Mattie Wise Bell; and brothers, Bailey Thomas Bell and Frank Wise Bell. She is survived by her daughter, Margaret Bell “Peggy” Brown (and husband, Newton) of Onancock; son, Robert “Bobby” Dighton Taylor III (and wife, Suzanne) of Onley; grandchildren, Ginny Brown, Nanette Knapp, Newton Brown, Betsy Manning, Dyke Taylor, and Scott Taylor, and their spouses; and greatgrandchildren, Elizabeth Knapp, Whitney Knapp, Colin Brown, Eric Brown, Connor Manning, Adam Manning, James Taylor, Reed Taylor, Caroline Taylor, and Lauren Taylor. Mrs. Taylor A celebration of Mrs. Taylor’s life was held at the Hermitage on the Eastern Shore Tuesday, Oct. 7, with Rev. Joe McKnight officiating. Burial was private in Fairview Lawn Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to Hospice of the Eastern Shore, 165 Market St., Suite 3, Onancock, VA 23417; or Onancock Baptist Church, 1 Crockett Ave., Onancock, VA 23417. Memory tributes may be shared with the family at Arrangements were made by Williams-Onancock Funeral Home. Retired Teacher Dies Chincoteague Woman Dies Mrs. Margaret Elizabeth Bell Taylor, longtime resident of Onancock, passed away Sunday, Oct. 5, 2014, at the Hermitage on the Eastern Shore. She was 102. Born in Eastville, she was the daughter of the late Bailey Alfred Ames Bell and Frances Elizabeth Thomas Bell. Mrs. Taylor grew up in Birdsnest and graduated from Franktown-Nassawadox High School in 1929. A graduate of State Teachers College at Farmville (now known as Longwood University), she was a long-time driver’s education teacher for Accomack County Public Schools. Mrs. Taylor was a member of Onancock Baptist Church, Women’s Club of Accomack, and Daughters of the American Revolution. She enjoyed traveling and was an avid bridge player. Mrs. Taylor was predeceased by Mrs. Alice Frances Hudson, 84, of Chincoteague Island passed away Monday, Oct. 6, 2014, at Peninsula Regional Medical Center in Salisbury, Md. Born in Crab Orchard, W.Va., she was the daughter of the late Timothy and Polly Pittman. She worked with her husband as custodians of Chincoteague Elementary School for 16 years. Mrs. Hudson was a member of Union Baptist Church in Chincoteague Island and Accomack Chapter 62 Order of Eastern Star. She was a loving mother, grandmother, aunt, neighbor and friend. She enjoyed making the beaded bracelets for her church that were passed out at Pony Penning, along with a tract. She loved sitting on her front porch, with her two birds and little white cat, named Glorybound, reading, watching the cars and people pass by, and listening to Southern Gospel music. Mrs. Hudson was predeceased by her husband, Ira C. Hudson; a son, Daniel Joel Hudson; and a sister, Naomi Ruth Pittman of Crab Orchard, W.Va. She is survived by her daughters, Ruth Shrieves, (and husband, Wade) of Bloxom and Louella Sue Davis (and husband, Rick) of Chincoteague Island; sons, Ira Thomas Hudson (and fiancée, Debbie) and Randy Wayne Hudson (and wife, Phyllis) of Staunton, Va.; grandchildren, Weston Shrieves (and wife, Ashley), Lanae Shrieves (and fiancé, Bryan Schuster), Rachel Tate (and husband, Mike) of Chicago Ill., Rebecca Birch (and husband, Roger), Sarah Grey, and James Grey; six great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held today, Oct. 10, at 2 p.m. at Union Baptist Church, with Rev. Kevin Eley, officiating. Burial will take place in Downing’s Cemetery in Oak Hall. Memorial donations may be made to Union Baptist Church Widow Fund 6365 Church St., Chincoteague Island, VA 23336. Condolences may be made online at Arrangements were made by Salyer Funeral Home, Chincoteague Island. Retired LPN Passes Away Ms. Ellen Jean Peirson, 76, of Hacksneck passed away Tuesday, Oct. 7, 2014, surrounded by her loving family. Born in West Chester, Pa., she was the daughter of the late Orville L. and Sara Rose Coursey Peirson. Mrs. Peirson was a registered nurse, who very much valued her calling Ms. Peirson to help those in need. She proudly dedicated her life to others, serving as a missionary in Colombia for 14 years, and as an instructor for the LPN program at Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital for 18 years. She was a longtime member of Onancock Baptist Church. Survivors include her brothers, Donald Lee Peirson (and wife, Nancy) of Harrison Valley, Pa., Joseph Edward Honorary Chairs Pat and Robert Bloxom, Sr., Larry and Elouise Giddens, George and E.A. McMath, and Norman and Carla Savage-Wells invite you to join us in helping to make our new library a reality! I Love my Library Party Friday, October 24, 6:00 pm - until Mallard’s at the Wharf, Onancock Enjoy an evening of delicious food and champagne punch, with entertainment by Johnny Mo, the musical chef. Ticket price $50 per person (dinner included) Live and Silent Auctions • Cash Bar Ticket Outlets: Book Bin in Onley, Matthews Market in Mappsville, Rayfields in Nassawadox, Red Queen Gallery in Onancock, Mallards at the Wharf. More information at: Fund raiser for the Vote Yes for the Eastern Shore Public Library Committee. 12 • Eastern Shore Post • October 10, 2014 Peirson (and wife, Kathleen) and Michael Peirson (and wife, Lee), all of Eastville. In accordance with her wishes, no services will be held. Memorial contributions may be made to New Tribes Missions, 1000 East First St., Sanford, FL 32771; or Onancock Baptist Church, 1 Crockett Ave., Onancock, VA 23417. Memory tributes may be shared with the family at Arrangements were made by Williams-Parksley Funeral Home. Obituaries can be faxed to the Eastern Shore Post at 789-7681 or emailed to EASTERN SHORE BEAUTY ACADEMY If you are interested in cosmetology or becoming a professional braider, we invite you to attend our OPEN HOUSE October 13, 2014 10am and 4pm You must be ages 16 and up to qualify. For more information, contact 757-442-2600 or 419-344-4831 Register now for our Fall Semester 4090 A1 Lankford Hwy., Exmore ar Hands-Free Care ≠ Safe W ith three out of four drivers believing that hands-free technology is safe to use, Americans may be surprised to learn that these popular new vehicle features actually may increase mental distraction, according to new research by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. The results, which build on the first phase of the foundation’s research conducted last year, suggest that developers can improve the safety of their products by making them less complicated and more accurate — a point AAA hopes to use in working with manufacturers to make hands-free technologies as safe as possible for consumers. While manufacturers continue their efforts to develop and refine systems that reduce distractions, AAA encourages drivers to minimize cognitive distraction by limiting the use of most voice-based technologies. “We already know that drivers can miss stop signs, pedestrians and other cars while using voice technologies because their minds are not fully focused on the road ahead,” said Bob Darbelnet, chief executive officer of AAA. “We now understand that current shortcomings in these products, intended as safety features, may unintentionally cause greater levels of cognitive distraction.” Using instrumented test vehicles, heart-rate monitors and other equipment designed to measure reaction times, Dr. David Strayer and researchers from the University of Utah ranked common voice-activated interactions So ...You’re Thinking About Buying A New Car! Have You Thought About Insurance? Immediate Coverage Flexible Monthly Rates Free Quotes Over The Phone USI INSURANCE Formerly Nottingham Insurance Agency Exmore Toll Free 442-6588 800-296-6589 Monday - Friday 9-5 based on the level of cognitive distraction generated. The team used a fivecategory rating system, which they created in 2013, similar to that used for hurricanes. The results show: •The accuracy of voice recognition software significantly influences the rate of distraction. Systems with low accuracy and reliability generated a high level (Category 3) of distraction. •Composing text messages and emails using in-vehicle technologies (Category 3) was more distracting than using these systems to listen to messages (Category 2). •The quality of the systems’ voice had no impact on distraction levels; listening to a natural or synthetic voice both rated as a Category 2 level of distraction. •The study also separately assessed Apple’s Siri (version iOS 7) using insight obtained from Apple about Siri’s functionality at the time the research was conducted. Researchers used the same metrics to measure a broader range of tasks, including using social media, sending texts and updating calendars. The research discovered that hands- and eyesfree use of Siri generated a relatively high Category 4 level of mental distraction. To put this year’s findings in context, last year’s research revealed that listening to the radio rated as a Category 1 distraction, talking on a hand-held or hands-free cell phone resulted in a Category 2 distraction, and using an errorfree speech-to-text system for emails or texts was a Category 3 distraction. NEW STREAMING SERVICE!! Listen Anywhere in the World... ...via the Tune In Radio App or on our website CTG’s Stream is powered by Lankford Hwy. Painter 757-442-5151 October 10, 2014 • Eastern Shore Post • 13 FRIDAY oct. 10 H10 a.m. - Duplicate Bridge - Sage Diner, Onley - 442-2474 H6 p.m. - Celebrate Recovery Group mtg. - Family Life Center, Onancock - Meal: $6/single or $10/family H7 p.m. - Life Teach Series - Rachel/Leah Covenant Ministries Center - 787-2486 H7:30 p.m. - AA mtg. - Downing’s UMC, 7291 Lankford Hwy., Oak Hall H7:30 p.m. - AA mtg. - Municipal Bldg., Exmore H7:30 p.m. - Texas Hold’em Tournament - Parksley VFC H7:30 p.m. - Bingo (doors open at 6:30 p.m.) - Exmore Moose Lodge, Belle Haven H10 a.m. - TOPS mtg. - Market St. UMC, Onancock - 787-3635 H11 a.m. - Children’s Story Hour Northampton Free Library, Nassawadox Hnoon - AA mtg. - St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Onley H5-6 p.m. - Al-Anon mtg. - Market St. UMC, Onancock H5:15 p.m. - Friends of Northampton Memorial Library mtg. - library, Cape Charles H6 p.m. - Bingo - Elks Lodge, Tasley H6:30 p.m. - Cub Scout Pack 300 mtg. - Grace UMC, Parksley H7 p.m. - Multiple Sclerosis Support Group - Hampton Inn & Suites, 4129 Lankford Hwy., Exmore - 442-7722 H7 p.m. - Northampton Cty. Parks & Recreation Dept. Line-Dancing Class - Indiantown Park, Eastville - 678-0468 H7:30 p.m. - Fall Revival (Oct. 13-16) - Jerusalem Baptist Church, Temperanceville H7:30 p.m. - AA mtg. - Emmanuel Episcopal Church, 26405 Horsey Rd., Temperanceville Monday oct. 13 H7:45 a.m. - Kiwanis Club of Accomack WEDNESDAY mtg. - Sage Diner, Onley oct. 15 H10 a.m.-noon - Accomack AARP mtg. - Sage Diner, Onley H10:30 a.m. - Alzheimer’s Caregiving Group - Grace UMC, 18484 Wilson Ave., Parksley - 787-2592 H11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. - Debedeavon Toastmasters’ mtg. - NASA/Wallops Base - Call Owen Hooks at 824-1941 for base access. Hnoon - AA mtg. - UMC, 75 Market St., Onancock H2 p.m. - Children’s Story Hour - E.S. Public Library, Accomac H5-7 p.m. - Soup Kitchen & Clothes Closet - Grace and Truth Ministries, 19 Boundary Ave., Onancock - Donations: 789-5369; Church: 787-2039 H5:30-6:30 p.m. - Free Meals for the Hungry - Epworth UMC, Exmore - 442-6391 H6-7 p.m. - Prayer Line Open (St. Matthew’s Church, Onley) - Call 665-7403, 387-7021 or 894-1521 w/prayer requests H6-10 p.m. - EMS Academy - E.S. Regional Training Center, Melfa H6:30 p.m. - E.S. Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #62 mtg. Market St. Grill, Onancock - 709-5212 H7 p.m. - Man to Man Prostate Cancer Support Group mtg. - Riverside Shore Cancer Center, Nassawadox H7 p.m. - AA & Al-Anon mtgs. - RSMH, Nassawadox H7:30 p.m. - Bingo - Painter VFC H8 a.m.-noon - Pastoral Council Yard Sale - St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church, Onley - rain date: 10/18 H8 a.m.-1 p.m. - Missionary Society Yard Sale - Gaskins Chapel AME Church, Onancock H9 a.m. - Zumba Class Chincoteague YMCA - $5 - 336-3535 Hnoon & 7:30 p.m. - AA mtg. Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Onancock H7:30 p.m. - Bingo - Eastville Vol. Fire Co. SATURDAY oct. 11 POST TIMES Oct. 10 – 16 H9:30 a.m. - AA mtg. - Cokesbury Church, 13 Market St., Onancock H1-10 p.m. - EMS Academy - E.S. Regional Training Center, 28598 Beacon Rd., Melfa H2:30 p.m. - Bingo - Vietnam Veterans’ Bldg., Main St., Onley H3 p.m. - First Baptist Church Gospel Choir Anniversary - First Baptist Church, Mappsville Sunday oct. 12 H9 a.m. - Al-Anon mtg. - Refuge Inn, Chincoteague H10 a.m. - Bingo - Accomack Sr. Village, Onancock - 787-3900 H10:05 a.m., 5:30 p.m. & 6:20 p.m. - POUND Fitness Class - ESO, Belle Haven - 442-3226 H5:30 p.m. - TOPS mtg. - Belle Haven UMC - 442-9776 H6 p.m. - Onancock Lions Club mtg. - Sage Diner, Onley - 787-2059 H6 p.m. - Rachel Leah Ministries - 787-2486 H6 p.m. - Bingo - Pocomoke Elks, next to YMCA H6:30-8:30 p.m. - GED Class - ESCC, Class A-51, Melfa H7 p.m. - NA mtg. - Jerusalem Baptist Church, Temperanceville H7 p.m. - Disabled American Veterans’ mtg. - Vietnam Veterans’ Hall, 25534 Main St., Onley H7:30 p.m. - Order of the Eastern Star (Acc. Chap. #62) mtg. - Masonic Lodge, Chincoteague H7:30 p.m. - Al-Anon mtg. - Atlantic UMC - 824-5386 H7:30 p.m. - Bingo - smoke free - Cheriton VFC H7:30 p.m. - AA mtg. - Atlantic Methodist Church, 10044 Atlantic Rd. TUESDAY oct. 14 H9:30-11 a.m. - Community Fellowship - Grace UMC, 18484 Wilson Ave., Parksley - refreshments, white elephant bingo, puzzles, games bring one or more prizes for the white elephant table & 1 can of food for the food bank - 665-4849 H10 a.m. - Tales for Tots Prgm. - Chincoteague Island Library - Ages 3 to 5 - Guardian must accompany child - 336-3460 H10:30 a.m. - Children’s Story Hour - library, Accomac H10:30 a.m. - Story Time - Cape Charles Memorial Library H2 p.m. - Children’s Story Hour - library, Nassawadox H4 p.m. - Chess Club - Cape Charles Memorial Library - all ages, levels welcome H5:30 p.m. - Shore Losers mtg. - Drummondtown Baptist Church, Accomac - $1 donation/week H6 p.m. - TOPS VA-550 mtg. - Zion Baptist Church, Parksley - 787-2903 H6:30 p.m. - AA mtg. - Trinity UMC, 109 Plum St., Cape Charles H6:30 - Kiwanis Club of Chincoteague mtg. - St. Andrew’s Catholic Church H6:30 - 8:30 p.m. - GED Class - ESCC, Melfa H7 p.m. - NA mtg. - Painter Garrison UMC H7 p.m. - Al-Anon mtg. - Atlantic UMC H8 p.m. - AA mtg. - Christ UMC, 6253 Church St., Chincoteague THURSDAY oct. 16 14 • Eastern Shore Post • October 10, 2014 Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital OPEN HOUSE EVENT OCTOBER 15 & 16, 2014 October 10, 2014 • Eastern Shore Post • 15 Awards s Birth Marriages ns o i t a radu G Mile POSTS ESCC Summer Honor Students Announced Eastern Shore Community College recognizes the following students for their academic achievement during the summer 2014 semester. Merit List (students enrolled in six or more credits with a grade-point average of 3.20 to 3.499) – Tiara Shardea Miller. Dean’s List (students enrolled in six or more credits with a grade-point average of 3.50 to 3.799) – José Alfredo Alvarado Jr., E’Wayna Charnise Anderson, Vincent J. Bailey, Paula A. Blackwell, and Rodney N. Parks. President’s List (students enrolled in six or more credits with a grade-point average of 3.80 or higher) — Naomi D. Campbell, Lucinda Marie Chandler, Kristin Ann Harlow, Joan Marie Loe- Teresa’s Quilts Fabrics, Notions & Gift Quilting Services & Classes Classes on Wednesday 1-3 Thursday Evenings 6-8 Bring this ad in for 10% off purchase! 757-710-0644 3324 Main St. Exmore scher, Lakeva Eureka Mason, Aracely Meza, Fatima Paola Obando, Richard A. Parks, Lytanya A. Riley, Carolin Josephine Savage, Stephanie Marie Simpson, Angela Sturgis, Ashley Nicole Trotter and Kathleen Derio Turner. Paul Kim To Direct Shore Orchestra Conductor, composer, and violinist Dr. Paul S. Kim recently accepted the position of music director of the Orchestra of the Eastern Shore. He will begin rehearsals with the Orchestra this month, preparing for the Christmas Music Festival to be held at the Historic CokesDr. Kim bury Church in Onancock on Dec. 13 and additional concerts in 2015. Currently assistant professor of music at Old Dominion University The Inn & Garden Café The &St,Garden 145 Inn Market Onancock, Café VA 757.787.8850 145 Market St, Onancock, VA 757.787.8850 Open Tuesday thru Saturday from 5pm to 8:30pm NEW! “Jazzy” Open Tuesday thru Saturday Tuesday Evening from 5pm to 8:30pm Popular Wednesday Pasta Night Friday Attitude Adjustment Night NEW! “Jazzy” (Beer and Drink Specials) Tuesday Evening Our award winning Brunch every Sunday beginning at Pasta 10:30am Popular Wednesday Night ChefAttitude Neil’s October Specials! Friday Adjustment Night Oysters Your Way (Beer and Drink Specials) Various Homemade Sausages Dry Aged Ribeye Our award winning Brunch every Pumpkin Crème Brulee Sunday beginning at 10:30am Amaretto Cheesecake …and more! Chef Neil’s October Specials! A friendly reminder to reserve the Oysters Your Way Carriage House or Gazebo for your Holiday Celebrations, as as our Various Homemadewell Sausages Inn Rooms for Overnight Dry Aged Ribeye Accommodations! Pumpkin Crème Brulee Amaretto Cheesecake …and more! and director of the ODU Symphony Orchestra, Kim teaches violin and conducting and oversees the Department of Music’s string program. He previously served as assistant conductor and principal second violinist of the Piedmont Symphony Orchestra, and has been a guest conductor with the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra, Waynesboro Symphony Orchestra, and Charlottesville & University Symphony Orchestra. “I am excited about this opportunity to work with a group of dedicated amateur players who are eager to build their musical skills while bringing classical performances to the people of the Eastern Shore,” said Kim. Founded in 1999 by Dr. Peter Dundon, the Orchestra of the Eastern Shore is a string orchestra concentrating on classical repertoire, with musicians drawn from several Eastern Shore communities. For the past five years, the Orchestra has been under the baton of Professor Lee Jordan-Anders of Virginia Wesleyan University. Among his many accomplishments, Dr. Kim has composed more than 20 original works for small and large ensembles. His arrangements of Radiohead songs for string quintet have been performed on NPR’s Performance Today as well as at such venues as Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, and Aspen Music Festival. As a violinist, he is a member of the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra and former member of the Fairfax Symphony Orchestra and the McLean Orchestra. As Music Director of the Orchestra of the Eastern Shore, Dr. Kim will select the repertoire, conduct weekly rehearsals during the season, and lead all performances. Board Chairwoman Marion Naar said, “As we begin our 15th year of performing on the Eastern Shore, we are thrilled to have been able to secure the services of a musician as accomplished as Paul Kim. Our players are eager to begin what I’m certain will be a great season.” Milepost Items can be faxed to the Eastern Shore Post at 789-7681 or e-mailed to Need Real Answers About Home Ownership? Here’s Your Starting Line. Class Schedule Monday, October 20 (Part 1) Tuesday, October 21 (Part 2) 6:00pm - 9:00pm each night ESCC - Workforce Development 29300 Lankford Highway Part 1 - Personal Finance, Credit, The Loan Process Part 2 - Working w/Real Estate Agent The Home Inspection The Loan Closing Register Today - Patricia Connolly Grove 757-787-2936 16 • Eastern Shore Post • October 10, 2014 Marriage Licenses Issued Property Transactions •From Laura Lucero and Tivo Romero To Michelle and Tivo Romero Lot 46, Arlington Chase Rd., Cape Charles For $10,000 •From Robert Fleming To Darrell and Patsy Divito •Carle Elder, 42, and Temeko Leshea Walter, 30, both of Exmore •Steven Eric Wilson, 46, and Lisa Sparrow Weber, 45, both of Machipongo •John Christopher Perry, 28, and Toni Li An Strausbaugh, 27, both of Glenville, Pa. •Robert Jason Wagner, 37, and Danielle Ann Parks, 39, both of Parksley •Harold Lloyd Dixon Jr., 52, of Houston, Del., and Joyce Ann Rowley, 56, of Harrington, Del. •John Franz Pepper, 65, and Doris Ellen Reinartsen, 75, both of Greenbackville •David Daniel Smith, 56, and Christine Virginia Dowell, 55, both of Newark, Del. •Jess David Savannah, 24, and Cassandra Catherine Merscham, 22, both of Quinby 13449 Deerfield Trail in Machipongo For $410,000 •From Carol Hampton and William Wilson Jr. •Edwin Jesse Long, 45, and Vickie Lynn Atkinson, 41, both of Belle Haven •Cody Elwood Burdette, 22, and Morgan Leigh Scott, 20, both of Onancock •Arthur Lee Broadnax, 59, of Ft. Pierce, Fla., and Joyce Ann Robinson, 52, of Cheriton •George Robert White, 45, and Stacey Ann Hempel, 25, both of Parksley •James Lee Bishop Jr., 24, and Ariel Dawn Callaway, 20, both of Parksley •Preston Lashaun Johnson IV, 20, of Parksley and Ashley Marie Lilliston, 22, of Melfa •Andrew Robert Lefever, 25, of Schuylkill Haven, Pa., and Kelci Eveline Hornberger, 26, of Schuylkill, Pa. •Charles Leon Stewart, 30, and Patrice Maria Harmon, 28, both of New Church •Christopher Lee Stewart, 27, and Christine Marie Cantone, 26, both of To John and Vickie Tomlin Property in Cheriton For $42,000 •From Misty Properties, Inc. Chincoteague CENTER FALL INDOOR YARD SALE Saturday, October 18 8am—2pm TABLE $15 SHOP SELL EAT 10’ BOOTH ...all under one roof! (3 tables) $40 Admission $3 Call for your space today! 6155 Community Dr. Chincoteague, VA Painter •Christopher Dean Morman, 20, of Rutland, Ohio, and Jennifer Elizabeth Johnson, 19, of Wachapreague •Tyler Paige Ames, 30, and Regina Marie Cullen, 23, both of Belle Haven • Keith Christopher Reilly, 33, and Keri Elise Radimer, 25, both of Newton, N.J. •Michael James Finstad, 26, and Samantha Jo Aker, 24, both of Accomac •Jake David Bandy, 22, of Whiteford, Md., and Susanna Grace Doherty, 23, of New Park, Pa. •Kevin Lee Hardsock, 46, and Michelle Lynn Baker, 43, both of Fayetteville, Pa. •David Clifford Hall, 57, and Cheryl Ann Baldwin, 51, both of Lancaster, Pa. •Theutis Octavia Wharton, 42, and Melissa Denise Sample, 45, both of Nassawadox •William Russell Bennett and Jessica Lynn Bush, both 29, of Glen Burnie, Md. To Amy and Michael Plew Unit 25-809 Fairways II in Bay Creek For $175,000 •From Mildred Weathers To Charlotte Weathers Property in Jamesville For $12,000 •From Denise Beard To David and Linda Rogers Lots 166-166A in Vaucluse Shores For $82,000 •From Daniel Ewing To John Cox Lot 16 at Pine Meadows in Wardtown For $26,500 •From Joseph Esterly To Linda Chaplain Property in Wilsonia Neck For $8,000 October 10, 2014 • Eastern Shore Post • 17 Accomac, VA (757) 787-1305 (800) 989-5852 Onancock, VA (757) 787-1999 (800) 637-8202 Chincoteague, VA (757) 336-1999 (800) 989-5854 Cape Charles, VA (757) 331-3255 REDUCED REDUCED An Independently Owned and Operated Member of Coldwell Banker Residential Affiliates, Inc. REDUCED SAXIS: Darling 2BR/1BA Bungalow on ½ ac w/864 sq ft could be your home away from home. Deeded access to the waterfront and beach area with unobstructed views of the Pocomoke Sound. MLS#40089 $60,000 Stella Rohde 757-710-2025/Anne Kyle Doughty 757-710-3824 ONANCOCK: 2 for 1 deal. Each Bungalow offers over 1100 sq ft of living space and 2BR/1.5BA. Large open porch and screened porch on rear. Live in one and rent the other. MLS#39620 $120,000 Andrea Zember 757-710-2233 ONANCOCK: Make this 3BR/2BA Ranch w/1624 sq ft your home today. Modern open layout and split floor plan w/ attached 2-car garage & storage attic; sited on .87 acres. MLS#38862 $159,900 Stella Rohde 757-710-2025/Anne Kyle Doughty 757-710-3824 NASSAWADOX: Stately 4BR/1.5BA Colonialw/1500 sq ft on a mature landscaped ½ acre lot. Polished oak floors, family den w/built-ins, office & huge attic w/cedar closet. 18x18 workshop. MLS#39042 $99,500 Susan Mears 757-621-5562 PARKSLEY: Private location; 2BR/2BA ranch-style 1400 sq ft modular on 2ac. Open floor plan w/extra room that could be utilized as studio/craft place. Sunporch overlooks the gardens. MLS#39704 $129,000 Stella Rohde 757-710-2025/Anne Kyle Doughty 757-710-3824 BELLE HAVEN: Waterfront 2BR/2BA, home designed for carefree shore living. First floor offers workshop, bedroom and full bath. Enjoy family time in the great room, sun porch or out on your private dock. MLS#38652 $275,000 Jean DiDaniele 757-709-2292 ONANCOCK: Waterfront Ranch, one of the best buys in Schooner Bay; 3BR/2BA, 1740 sq. ft., back deck, Florida room, bulkhead and private dock. Be on the Chesapeake Bay in minutes. MLS#38955 $199,000 John Kluis 757-710-5249 ONANCOCK: The best of both worlds; property zoned commercial & residential. Great location improved with 3BR/2BA Farmhouse & 42’X42’ barn. MLS#40106 $251,000 Terry Bowling 757-710-0914 PARKSLEY: In need of some TLC, this Victorian offers 3BR/2BA & over 2700 sq. ft. of space ideal for entertaining family and friends. Enjoy all this historic railroad town has to offer. MLS#40105 $99,900 Terry Bowling 757-710-0914 ATLANTIC: Move-in-ready Bungalow with 2BR/1BA close to Wallops Island, Chincoteague and Assateague. Great for year ‘round living, rental investment or Eastern Shore get-a-way; priced to sell MLS#38363 $49,000 Willie Randall 757-710-2641 CAPE CHARLES: Rare opportunity available with this 3BR/2BA Eastern Shore style 1908 sq ft beach getaway. Beautiful front porch, original pocket doors in living room and inviting sunroom. MLS#40091 $249,000 Dave Griffith 757-647-2649/Randy Carlson 757-678-6395 BIRDSNEST: Come explore your creative side; this old church on ½ acre in the wildwood may be the art studio, workshop or maybe that spectacular home. New well/septic installed. MLS#40081 $63,500 Trina Veber 757-442-0797 CHERITON CROSSING: Check out this 3BR/1BA Cape Cod has over 1000 sq ft of living space. Eat-in kitchen has access to the back yard deck plus a large unfinished storage space. Just shy of ½ acre. MLS#38892 $134,900 Kathy Weiner 757-646-3199 NASSAWADOX: Charming 2BR/1BA Bungalow that is perfect for 1st buyer or seeking a retirement home w/980 sq ft. Sit on the screened front porch, relax in the sunroom or sit on the back deck. MLS#39290 $73,900 Christine Flye 757-286-3569 CAPEVILLE: Historic 4BR/1.5BA home w/3600 sq ft on ¾ acre has been lovingly restored and totally renovated. Finished attic can be used as an office or den. Ideal for family or someone with a home based business. MLS#38820 $239,000 Dave Griffith 757-647-2649/Randy Carlson 757-678-6395 CHINCOTEAGUE: 3914 Main St. Town living at its best. Blossom’s Retreat has 3BR/2BA w/ water views overlooking Chincoteague Channel. 1st floor BR en suite, hardwood floors & whirlpool tub. The list goes on. In town location. Great rental history. Sold furnished. MLS#38733 $299,000 Cindy Gillett 757-990-2526 CHINCOTEAGUE: 3BR/3BA waterfront home on Eel Creek. Fully equipped kitchen & screen porch. BRs with its own private balcony affording panoramic views with privacy. In-ground sprinkler system and outdoor showers. MLS#40115 $725,000 Cindy Gillett 757-990-2526 PARKSLEY: 13BR/3BA 6,000 sq. ft. LR w/ fireplace, updated kitchen and more room than you can find use for. Diamond in the rough, grand foyers on each level. Perfect for a B&B. 6 rooms w/ kitchenette. MLS#38441 $99,000 Anita Merritt 757-894-0108 CAPT. COVE: 3BR/2BA beach home close to all the community amenities that Capt. Cove has to offer. 1st floor master suite. Nice freshly painted screened porch. One car garage, turn-key ready and sold furnished. Mature shade trees and landscaping provides privacy. MLS#39534 $153,800 Cindy Gillett 757-990-2526 CHINCOTEAGUE: 2ND floor unit providing waterfront views of Eel Creek. Queen BR efficiency w/ newly remodeled eat in kitchenette. Quiet area that provides kayak/canoeing, bird watching. Swimming pool, exercise area, meeting room w/ kitchen, pier, BBQ / picnic area. MLS#39293 $93,500 Cindy Gillett 757-990-2526 PUNGOTEAGUE: REDUCED … Located on a branch of Nandua Creek is this attractive and unique 1.5 acre site. Great views and rural location set the tone for a fantastic homesite. Enjoy boating, hunting, golf & a peaceful lifestyle. MLS#36874 $138,500 Bill Chandler 757-787-1305 FRANKTOWN: 5 acre waterfront parcel located on a bluff along Nassawadox Creek. Enjoy the Eastern Shore lifestyle on this property with a pond and spectacular creek views. MLS#39986 $299,000 George or Patty Ferguson 757-710-4770 ATLANTIC: Partially wooded, level 1 acre parcel close to NASA/ Wallops, Chincoteague and Assateague Islands. Bring the blueprints and live the serene lifestyle with wildlife out your back door. MLS#39864 $37,500 Susan Mears 757-621-5562 PARKSLEY: Hard woods and pine forest create a park-like setting on this ½ acre lot. Quiet location on paved road. Cert letter for 3BR on file and owner financing. Owner/Agent MLS#38141 $15,000 Stella Rohde 757-710-2025 MACHIPONGO: Exclusive building site w/good elevation on 2.7 acres on Jacobus Creek. Enjoy privacy and beautiful waterviews with out the high price tag of most waterfronts. Private boat ramp 300’ down the road. 4BR septic on file. MLS#34757 $99,500 Randy Carlson 757-678-6395/Dave Griffith 757-647-2649 CHINCOTEAGUE: Very nice building lot with 3BR gravity septic system in place. Mature trees providing shade and aesthetics to the property. Adjacent lot is also for sale. Walking distance to down town. Build your dream home or rental property and enjoy the Island life. MLS#39582 $87,500 Cindy Gillett 757-990-2526 CAPE CHARLES: Located in a quiet area near Kiptopeke State Park is one acre with a tear down. Purchase the lot behind it and really have the room to roam. Motivated Sellers, bring all offers. MLS#36520 $9,900 Christine Flye 757-286-3569 ACCOMAC: Cleared, level pond front 3 acre parcel with deeded access to Cedar Island. Life at Seaview, an upscale gated waterfront community, is simple, leisurely and easy. Take a stroll, ride the bike or splash your kayak, the choice is yours. MLS#33670 $110,000 Gil York 757-710-2948 PAINTER: Pristine waterfront farm w/recorded subdivision offers 9 waterfront lots on Curratuck Creek & 3 interior lots. High banked along the frontage & good soils throughout; includes tillable land, woodland & state road frontage. MLS#38015 $999,000 George or Patty Ferguson 757-710-4770 BAY CREEK: Perfect place to build that dream home, ½ acre on a cul-de-sac and back yard view of the Arnold Palmer Signature golf course. Owners are very realistic and offering it well below the assessed value. Enjoy the community pool tennis courts and or course the private beach. MLS#36714 $99,000 Kathy Weiner 757-646-3199 CHINCOTEAGUE: Beautiful 1.8 ac. leveled waterfront lot w/ 4BR septic installed. Wide water views of Little Oyster Bay. Private setting w/ a exceptional variety of birds. So much so it is known as Salt Meadow. Owner believes it’s possible to subdivide. MLS#38959 $319,000 Cindy Gillett 757-990-2526 MACHIPONGO SHORES: REDUCED..Grab this opportunity now and invest in this ¼ acre parcel close to the Quinby boat ramp. Imagine the life of fishing or boating anytime you choose, it just doesn’t get better than that. MLS#36857 $3,000 Gil York 757-710-2948 ONANCOCK: Build your Eastern Shore dream home on this 5.3 acre parcel, just outside the East Point subdivision. Enjoy views of Thickett Creek or take a short drive to all the in-town amenities. MLS#34626 $99,900 George or Patty Ferguson 757-710-4770 BIRDSNEST: Needing a solution for your storage needs? Check out this .04 acre parcel with a 3-sided pole 20x25 building. Easy access to the highway. MLS#39246 $4,500 Paige Boyette 757-650-8945 OPEN HOUSE Sunday, Oct 12th 12 - 2pm PAINTER: Well and septic already installed on this cleared building lot in Cedar View Beach. Enjoy the park-like community area or launch your boat from the community boat ramp. MLS#30712 $35,000 Terry Bowling 757-710-0914 ATLANTIC: .69 acre building lot w/ mature landscaping located in desirable subdivision of South Winds. Rear of the property is lined w/ trees. Septic certification on file and waiting for your new home. MLS#38969 $45,000 Cindy Gillett 757-990-2526 LAND ONANCOCK: 6.75 acre buildable lot just outside the town limits; build on the cleared spot where an old home once stood. A short drive will bring you to the downtown area w/ shops, restaurants, art galleries and public boat ramp/dock. MLS#33544 $47,500 Jean DiDaniele 757-709-2292 KINGS CREEK LANIDNG: Large, cleared .45 acre lot right next to the community pool and tennis court that comes with deeded boat slip providing access to the Chesapeake Bay via Kings Creek. Minutes away from so much enjoyment. MLS#33846 $35,000 Dave Griffith 757-647-2649 CHINCOTEAGUE: Bring your house plans and your boat to PARKSLEY: This lot in town would be good for a shop, garage one of the few canal lots left in Richardson’s Landing! Septic or boat storage or extra yard. MLS#38450 $15,000 Michael approved cleared and ready to build! Priced below tax assessment. Stephano 757-710-0803 MLS#38225 $199,000 Gladys Baczek 757-894-0098 18 • Eastern Shore Post • October 10, 2014 P A S T I M E S Last Week’s Answers October 10, 2014 • Eastern Shore Post • 19 T I D E unday, March 3 55 p.m. 7 a.m. 48 p.m. 2 a.m. 34 p.m. 6 a.m. 33 p.m. 4 a.m. 29 p.m. 6 a.m. 4 p.m. 53 a.m. 6 p.m. 49 a.m. 1 p.m. 01 a.m. 5 p.m. 21 a.m. 1 p.m. 5 a.m. 5 p.m. 5 a.m. 45 p.m. 5 a.m. 23 p.m. 4 a.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, March 4 March 5 March 6 H 9:57 a.m. H 10:45 a.m. March H 711:33 a.m. L 5:24 p.m. L 6:16 p.m. Assateague Beach L 4:34 p.m. H 12:56 p.m. H 2:01 p.m. H 3:11 H p.m. 4:17 p.m. H 10:01 a.m. 10:49Ha.m. H 11:37 a.m. L 7:19 Chinco. a.m. Channel L 8:23 a.m. L 9:29 a.m. L L 4:33 p.m. L 5:23 p.m.10:35La.m. 6:15 p.m. H 1:00 p.m. H 2:05 p.m. H 3:15 p.m. H 4:21 p.m. H 10:53 a.m. H 11:41 a.m. H 12:29 p.m. L 7:18 Gargathy a.m. L Neck 8:22 a.m. L 9:28 La.m. L 10:34La.m. L 5:13 p.m. 5:03 p.m. 6:05 a.m. H 1:52 p.m. H 2:57 p.m. H 4:07 p.m. H 5:13 p.m. H 10:46 a.m. 11:34La.m. H 12:22 p.m. L 7:58 Folly a.m. Creek L 9:02 a.m. L 10:08H L 4:58 p.m. L a.m. 5:48 p.m.11:14La.m. 6:40 p.m. H 1:45 p.m. H 2:50 p.m. H 4:00 p.m. H 5:06 p.m. H 10:32 a.m. 11:20La.m. 12:08 p.m. L 7:43 a.m. L 8:47 a.m. L 9:53 H a.m. 10:59Ha.m. L 5:32 p.m. L 6:24 p.m. Wachapreague Inlet L 4:42 p.m. H 1:31 p.m. H 2:36 p.m. H 3:46 p.m. H 4:52 p.m. H 10:31 a.m. 11:19La.m. 12:07 p.m. L 7:27 a.m. L 8:31 a.m. L 9:37 H a.m. 10:43Ha.m. Quinby Inlet L 5:00 p.m. L 5:50 p.m. L 6:42 p.m. H 1:30 p.m. H 2:35 p.m. H 3:45 p.m. H 4:51 p.m. H 10:27 a.m. 11:15La.m. 12:03 p.m. L 7:45 a.m. L 8:49 a.m. L 9:55 H a.m. 11:01Ha.m. L 4:42 p.m. L 5:32 p.m. L 6:24 p.m. Machipongo H 1:26 p.m. H 2:31 p.m. H 3:41 p.m. H 4:47 p.m. H 2:11 p.m. 2:58 p.m. 3:44 p.m. L 7:27 a.m. L 8:31 a.m. L 9:37 H a.m. L 10:43Ha.m. L 8:49 a.m. L 9:36 a.m. Tangier Sound Light L 8:03 a.m. H 4:58 p.m. H 6:06 p.m. H 6:54 a.m. H 8:09 a.m. 2:27 p.m. 3:14 p.m. H 4:00 p.m. L 11:20 a.m. L 12:28Hp.m. L 1:39 H p.m. L 2:46 p.m. Muddy Creek L 8:38 a.m. L 9:24 a.m. L 10:11 a.m. H 5:14 p.m. H 5:57 a.m. H 7:10 a.m. H 8:25 a.m. H 2:19 p.m. 3:06 p.m. H 3:52 p.m. L 11:55 a.m. L 1:03 p.m. L 2:14 H p.m. L 3:21 p.m. Guard Shore L 8:34 a.m. L 9:20 a.m. L 10:07 a.m. H 5:06 a.m. H 5:49 a.m. H 7:02 a.m. H 8:17 a.m. L 11:51 a.m. L 12:59Hp.m. L 2:10 H p.m. L 3:17 p.m. 1:54 p.m. 2:41 p.m. H 3:27 p.m. L 8:32 a.m. L 9:19 a.m. Chescon. Creek L 7:46 a.m. H 4:41 p.m. H 5:49 p.m. H 6:37 a.m. H 7:52 a.m. L 11:03 a.m. L 12:11Hp.m. L 1:22 H p.m. L 2:29 p.m. 2:08 p.m. 2:55 p.m. H 3:41 p.m. L 8:52 a.m. L 9:39 a.m. Onancock Creek L 8:06 a.m. H 4:55 p.m. H 5:38 a.m. H 6:51 a.m. H 8:06 a.m. L 11:23 a.m. L 12:31Hp.m. L 1:42 H p.m. L 2:49 p.m. 1:24 p.m. 2:11 p.m. H 2:57 p.m. L 8:06 a.m. L 8:53 a.m. Pungoteague Creek L 7:20 a.m. H 4:11 p.m. H 5:19 p.m. H 6:07 a.m. H 7:22 a.m. L 10:37 a.m. L 11:45Ha.m. L 12:56H p.m. L 2:03 p.m. 12:48 p.m. 1:35 p.m. H 2:21 p.m. L 7:00 a.m. L 7:46 a.m. L 8:33 a.m. Occohan. Creek H 3:35 p.m. H 4:43 p.m. H 5:31 a.m. H 6:46 a.m. L 10:17 a.m. L 11:25Ha.m. L 12:36H p.m. 1:43 p.m. 12:09 p.m. 12:56Lp.m. H 1:42 p.m. L 6:27 p.m. L 6:28 a.m. L 7:15 a.m. Nassawadox Creek H 1:45 p.m. H 2:53 p.m. H 4:09 p.m. H 5:23 p.m. L 8:07 a.m. L 9:15 a.m. L 10:26H a.m. 11:33Ha.m. H 10:58 a.m. 11:45La.m. 12:31 p.m. Cape Charles L 5:35 p.m. L 6:25 p.m. L 6:23 a.m. H 1:23 p.m. H 2:31 p.m. H 3:47 p.m. H 5:01 p.m. L 7:36 a.m. L 8:44 a.m. L 9:55 a.m. L 11:02 a.m. H 10:36 a.m. H 11:23 a.m. H 12:09 p.m. Kiptopeke L 5:04 p.m. L 5:54 p.m. L 6:45 p.m. T A B L E S 8 p.m. 18 a.m. Sunday, October 12 Seaside 03 p.m. 7 a.m. Monday, Saturday, October 11 Bayside 59 a.m. 8 a.m. Friday, October 10 3URYLGLQJ:DVWH %,&,1& 'LVSRVDO 0$5,1( &216758&7,21 'RFNV3LHUV 6ROXWLRQVIRUWKH %XONKHDGV (DVWHUQ6KRUH 3LOH'ULYLQJ <($562)(;3(5,(1&( 6(59,1*$&&20$&. 1:H&DUHIRUWKH6KRUH 257+$03721&2817,(6 2IÀFH )D[ Bundick Well & Pump Company Water & Sewage Systems Crane Service “We make our customers our friends” 442-5555 • Painter • 824-3555 Monday, Tuesday, October 13 October 14 Wednesday, October 15 Thursday, October 16 H 12:22 p.m. L 6:15 a.m. H 1:13 p.m. L 7:07 a.m. H 2:09 p.m. L 8:02 a.m. H 3:09 p.m. L 9:00 a.m. H 12:26 p.m. L 6:14 a.m. H 1:17 p.m. L 7:06 a.m. H 2:13 p.m. L 8:01 a.m. H 3:13 p.m. L 8:59 a.m. H 1:18 p.m. L 6:54 a.m. H 2:09 p.m. L 7:46 a.m. H 3:05 p.m. L 8:41 a.m. H 4:05 p.m. L 9:39 a.m. H 1:11 p.m. L 6:39 a.m. H 2:02 p.m. L 7:31 a.m. H 2:58 p.m. L 8:26 a.m. H 3:58 p.m. L 9:24 a.m. H 12:57 p.m. L 6:23 a.m. H 1:48 p.m. L 7:15 a.m. H 2:44 p.m. L 8:10 a.m. H 3:44 p.m. L 9:08 a.m. H 12:56 p.m. L 6:41 a.m. H 1:47 p.m. L 7:33 a.m. H 2:43 p.m. L 8:28 a.m. H 3:43 p.m. L 9:26 a.m. H 12:52 p.m. L 6:23 a.m. H 1:43 p.m. L 7:15 a.m. H 2:39 p.m. L 8:10 a.m. H 3:39 p.m. L 9:08 a.m. H 4:33 p.m. L 10:25 a.m. H 5:24 p.m. L 11:18 a.m. H 6:20 p.m. L 12:16 p.m. H 6:54 a.m. L 1:19 p.m. H 4:49 p.m. L 11:00 a.m. H 5:40 p.m. L 11:53 a.m. H 6:09 p.m. L 12:51 p.m. H 7:10 a.m. L 1:54 p.m. H 4:41 p.m. L 10:56 a.m. H 5:32 p.m. L 11:49 a.m. H 6:01 a.m. L 12:47 p.m. H 7:02 a.m. L 1:50 p.m. H 4:16 p.m. L 10:08 a.m. H 5:07 p.m. L 11:01 a.m. H 6:03 p.m. L 11:59 a.m. H 6:37 a.m. L 1:02 p.m. H 4:30 p.m. L 10:28 a.m. H 5:21 p.m. L 11:21 a.m. H 6:17 a.m. L 12:19 p.m. H 6:51 a.m. L 1:22 p.m. H 3:46 p.m. L 9:42 a.m. H 4:37 p.m. L 10:35 a.m. H 5:33 p.m. L 11:33 a.m. H 6:07 a.m. L 12:36 p.m. H 3:10 p.m. L 9:22 a.m. H 4:01 p.m. L 10:15 a.m. H 4:57 p.m. L 11:13 a.m. H 5:57 p.m. L 12:16 p.m. H 2:31 p.m. L 8:04 a.m. H 3:22 p.m. L 8:57 a.m. H 4:18 p.m. L 9:55 a.m. H 5:18 p.m. L 10:58 a.m. H 1:20 p.m. L 7:12 a.m. H 2:11 p.m. L 8:05 a.m. H 3:07 p.m. L 9:03 a.m. H 4:07 p.m. L 10:06 a.m. H 12:58 p.m. L 6:41 a.m. H 1:49 p.m. L 7:34 a.m. H 2:45 p.m. L 8:32 a.m. H 3:45 p.m. L 9:35 a.m. s(AUL/UT3TORAGEs"OAT2AMP s3HIPS3TORE#HANDLERY s4ON4RAVEL,IFT/PEN%ND s#OMPLETE-ARINE3ERVICE2EPAIR s-AST3TEPPINGAND&UEL 3URYLGLQJ:DVWH 'LVSRVDO 6ROXWLRQVIRUWKH (DVWHUQ6KRUH 3AFE3ECURE&ACILITY DCMARINA VERIZONNET .DUODQG$QGUHD:HQGOH\ 20104 Deep Creek Road, Onancock Phone: (757) 787-4565 .OWACCEPTING :H&DUHIRUWKH6KRUH 2IÀFH )D[ 20 • Eastern Shore Post • October 10, 2014 Best Prices of the Year on These Blowout Specials D L SO 2013 Ford F150 2007 Chevy New, Supercab, 2500 SD Loaded, Silver Crewcab, Diesel 200 Miles $16,974 $35,995 D L SO 2013 Ford C-Max SEL, Hybrid, 35+ MPG $21,995 2004 Toyota 2013 Ford Highlander E350 Xtra Clean, 15 Passenger, One Owner Van, 25k Miles $7,995 $23,995 D L O S 2013 Lincoln 2005 Mazda 2011 Ford MKZ Edge V6 Ecoboost, SEL, Loaded, Sport, Loaded, One Owner Leather $9,995 $34,995 $18,995 ALL Reasonable Offers Accepted 302-0313 2010 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer, 27k Miles $19,995 Kool Ford 2011 Ford Explorer Limited, Loaded $26,995 Interest Rates as low as 1.55% 787-1209 October 10, 2014 • Eastern Shore Post • 21 Trucks Trucks Trucks Certified Pre Owned 2000 Ford F250 2014 Ford Fusion Crewcab $12,869 Moonroof $19,995 7.3 Diesel One Owner Gotta Go Blowout Special Purchase 2014 F150 Everyone’s Credit Approved 2012 Ford Fusion ‘05 Mazda 6 SE, Clean $11,995 Sport, Red $9,695 T540 Every Option Crewcab, XLT, 2012 Ford Taurus ‘03 Buick Century 2001 Chevy S10 2014 Ford Fiesta Red $4,184 Black $15,595 4x2, SYNC, Certified $18,995 One Owner $3,995 Xtra Clean One Owner All Service Records Low Miles One Owner 2006 GMC Envoy 2013 Ford Escape 4 to choose from 2013 Ford Focus ‘08 Fusion SE $19,995 Under 12k Miles Hatchback $13,995 Local $9,995 Denali $11,970 Silver Every Option One Owner 2010 Ford Explorer 2007 Ford F150 Crewcab $14,850 One Owner $19,995 Reduced!! D L O EddieSBauer 2011 Ford Edge 2006 Ford F150 $18,995 Supercab $12,975 Loaded Reduced!! Take Your Pick Red, SE, 35+ MPG 30+ MPG 2013 Ford F150 ‘07 Ford Escape Crewcab $25,995 30+ MPG $10,495 D L O $28,750 XLT, S4x2 Limited White, Clean 2011 Ford Fiesta ‘01 Volvo S80 40+ MPG $9,995 One Owner $6,995 Get Ready for Winter Service Specials Coolant System Flush Includes up to 2 gallons antifreeze $89.95 gs gs Savin Savin of of $20 $20 1 coupon per visit Expires 11/7/14 $125 Off $25 Off $75 Off Spend $1000 and Spend $250+ and Spend $500 and get $25 off get $75 off get $125 off 1 coupon per visit Expires 11/7/14 1 coupon per visit Expires 11/7/14 1 coupon per visit Expires 11/7/14 Kool Ford in Keller Ford Authorized Service Center 787-1209 Kool Auto Body & Quick Lube Celebrating Our Fully Equipped 9th Year! Service & Body Shop 302-0313 22 • Eastern Shore Post • October 10, 2014 UNCLAIMED CAPITAL CREDIT CHECKS Listed below are the names of members who failed to claim capital credit refund checks that were issued in the year 2012. If your name is listed below, please contact the A&N Electric Cooperative Billing Department (option 2) at 757-787-9750 or 1-800-431-2632, Monday through Friday between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.” 1848 ISLAND MANOR HOUSE ABBOTT, FRANCES L. ACCOMAC FAMILY COUNSELING ADAMS, TOM AIGNER, JAMES A. ALLEN, GARY ALLEN, TIMOTHY AMDOR, JUAN F. AMES, JAMES M. AMES, JANET L. AMES, JULIA AMES, RALPH AMES, RUTH W. AMPAH, MONIQUE ANDERSON, CHARLES ANDERSON, KATHERINE ANNIS, EARL W. ANTRIM, CHARLES APPERSON, ROBERT ARBAN, FRANK ARENA, RICHARD ARMWOOD, BERNICE ARNOLD, NICEY E ASCENDED UP ON HIGH CHRISTIAN CENTER ASKEW, BENJAMIN ATKINSON, JG JR AUDAIN, THELMA W AYLING, DAVID AYRES, WINFRED BABB, MAUREEN D BACCHIERI, ROBERT C BAGWELL, RICHARD W BAILEY, ANGIE BAILEY, CATHERINE BAILEY, HOWARD T BAILEY, LUVEDA V BAILEY, ROBERT J BAILEY, ROLAND BAILEY, TRICIA L BAKER, THOMAS BALDWIN, SARAH S. BANDINI, NICHOLAS A BAPTISTE, KELVIN N BARCROFT, JAMES M BARFIELD, DAVID L BARNES, FJ 3 BARNETT, CARA M BARNHART, RALPH BARRIOS, AMILCAR BATTAGLIA, GASPARE F IV BAUER, JACOB R BAY STAR COMMUNICATIONS BAYER, GLORIA C BAYER, JAMES J BEALING, PHILIP C BEASLEY, BENTLEY B BEASLEY, BETTY BECKETT, AARON BELLE, WAYNE T BELOTE, NANCY E BEMIS, REGINA BENDIX, MARY BENNETT, ADA R BENNETT, CLAUDE BENNETT, VM BENSON, JOHNNIE W JR BENTON, AMBER L BENTON, RUBY L BERRY, EUGENE B BERRY, NIKKI A BEST, PATRICIA L BETHANY HOUSE #1 BEYERSDORFER, EDWARD BICE, DOUGLAS L BIRCH, GREGORY BIRCH, INDIA M BIRCH, JOSH BIRCH, MYRON BISHOP, JOHN E BLACKSHER-BAILEY SHANNON M BLANKENSHIP, CRYSTAL F BLANKENSHIP, PAUL BLOXOM, ANNIE M BLUE, CHRISTIAN A BOCHMAN, MARY T BOOKER CONSTRUCTION CORP BOONIN, NATHAN I BOOZE, ARTHUR JR BORDEN, ODESSA L BORNES, PATRICIA BOWDEN, HARRYETTE T BOWDEN, MITZI BOWEN, GRAFTON BOWEN, RICHARD BOYNUEYRI, MEHMET BRADY, MICHAEL H BRAGG, DIANE BRANN, PAULINE S BRAUN, ARTHUR H BRENT, RADFORD BRICKHOUSE, RICHARD BRIGHT, LATOYA BRISCO, SANDRA F BRITTINGHAM, JASON A BROADWATER, JAMES A BROOKS, ALVIN L BROOKS, FREDERICK BROOKS, SUSIE BROOKSHIER, PHYLLIS A BROOKSHIER, RICHARD E BROWN, ALEXANDER BROWN, CARL J BROWN, HAROLD BROWN, LATOYA BROWN, SUSAN L BROWNE WILLIAM H BRPH CONSTRUCTIONSERVICES, INC BRYANT, SHAWN M BUDENOS, AMANDA D BUELL, SARAH BULL, VIRGINIA E BULLARD, KATHERINE L BULMAN, P R BUNDICK, CHARLES E BUNDICK, LAURA W BUNDICK, LISA C BUNDICK, MICHAEL BUNDICK, ROBERT G BUNDICK, RYLAND BURCHETT, KATHLEEN R BURFORD, KYLE T BURGE, BRIDGETTE L BURKS, KAYLA M BURNETT, WALTER G BURTON, OSCAR L SR BUTLER, ASHLEY R BUTLER, GERTRUD BUYRN, DIANA T BYRD, CLEVELA CAFFERKY, SANTO W CANIZALES, CRYSTAL M CANNON, LAWRENC CANNON, LINDSAY N CAREY, CHARLES W CARNEAL, CYNTHIA L CARVER, ROBERT CASPER, MARIA L CASTIGLIA, JENNIFER CASTLE, MELISSA CATON, GRACE CHANCELLOR MEDIA/LAMAR CHAPMAN, EDWIN F CHAPMAN, LESLIE CHARNOCK, AZUCENA CHERRIX, LOUISE L CHES-ATLANTIC SEAFOOD INC CHESTER, CLARK N CHLEBO, ROGER L CHOPRE, ARVIND CHRISTIAN, SARGEON CLARK, VERNON CLARKE, RUTH C CLIFFORD, CHARLES CLOUGH, WILLIAM R COALSON, WILLIAM COALTER, SAMANTHA M COBB, MARGUERITE COBB, SCHENERIA D COLLINS, ARTHUR COLLINS, CHARLOTTE COLLINS, HELEN COLLINS, NELLIE J COLLINS, WAYNE L COLLINS, WILHEMINA L COLLISON, JOETTA J COLONA, AMANDA R COLONA, WALTER COLONNA, SHANNON L COMEGYS, ROBERT L COMER, LLOYD CONNERAT, SARAH K CONNORS, DAVID S SR CONQUEST, RALPH T CONROY, ALLAN C COOLEY, CHRISTIAN N COOPER, DAVID A IV COOPER, JOSEPH A CORBY, ROBERT B CORLEY, JOHN P COTTMAN, MILDRED COULBOURNE, JOHN H COUSINEAU, MARK S COUSINS, ROMAN COX, JAMES R CRAIG, JITIKIA CRAVEN, GEORGE CRIPPEN, TAMARA T CRIPPEN, TERRELL L CROCKETT, BERTHA L CROCKETT, JESSE L CROCKETT, LEWIS L CROCKETT, PETER CRONE, HARRY CROPPER, GERALDINE E CROSBY, TRACEY CRUM, ELLEN S CRUZ, MARTHA L CUMBERLEDGE, CHARLES L JR CUNNINGHAM, NAOMI CUNNINGHAM, NEAL CUNNINGHAM, ROBERT M CUSTIS, BERLIE CUSTIS, GARLAND CUSTIS, KATHY P CUSTIS, LARRY CUSTIS, ROBERT L CYPRESS, UNDEAN DAHLMANNS, MARCEL DAISEY, HERMAN DANA, VICTOR V DANIELS, COSTON DARURI, RANGANATH DAVE’S PETS & HOBBIES DAVIS, COLLETE M DAVIS, JAMISON T DAWSON, WALTER H DEGADO MERCED, JUAN C DEMARINO, JOSEPH A JR DEMETROS, KRISTOPHER R DENNIS AUTO SALES DEROCCO, RENA DERROSSETT, GLADYS P DEVASTO, MARIA E DEWAAL, ELIZABETH DEXAUS, WALAS DIAZ, TINA T DICKERSON, C D DICKERSON, MARSHENLKIA S DIX, EMILY O DIX, TAMARA DIX, TRACEY M DIXON, RUSSELL DODSON, KRISTI DOTSON, SHARON DOUGHTY, DOROTHT DOUGLAS, WILLIE M DOWNING, GENEVA D DOWNS, RICHARD E DRAHER, TERESA M DRESNER, DANIEL DREWER, J E DRIESE, CLARK M DRIFTWOOD GENERAL STORE DRUMMOND, DOUGLAS D DRUMMOND, EVELYN A DRUMMOND, LEANDER DRUMMOND, MARCELLA J DRUMMOND, MICHAEL C DUFFY, CAROL A DUNCAN, ARTHUR JR DUPREE, ERICA R E SHORE LAND LLC EASLEY, JOSEPH JR EASTERN SHORE HOSPITALITY LLC EASTERN SHORE PROPANE EASTERN SHORE RENTALS EASTERN SHR CABLEVISION EASTVILLE INN EDLER, FLOSSIE M EDWARDS, JENNIFER D EGUIA, ERNESTO EICHELBERGER, BEN JR ELEGANT INTERIORS, INC. ELING, ANTON ELLIOTT, JOHN ELPHAGE, IVOR C ELTINOR, JEAN R ENCARNACION-COLON, JESSICA ESHAM, CYNTHIA M ESTATE OF MARGARET SALAZ HAYNES ETHERIDGE, CHARLES EVANS, EARL EVANS, JEFF EVANS, RICHARD EVANS, STACY D EVANS, STEVIE C FADA ENTERPRISES LLC FAISCA, GIOVANI G FALLER, JOHN A FARLOW, CRYSTAL R FASHION FLAIR FLOOR INC FAST CASH OF VIRGINIA INC FEDDERMAN, JANET E FELICIANO, JOSEAN FI G FENN, JAMES D FERNANDES, CARLO FIGUEROA, PABLO M FINNEY, PHYLLIS A FINNEY, ROBERT FISH, NITON D FISHER, FORREST B JR FISHER, TONIEKO FLEISCHER, HOPE M FLEMING, DAWN M FLETCHER, ELRIDGE A FLETCHER, ERICA D FLETCHER, LEANER M FLEURY, WELSTRONG FLORA DAWN FLORIST FLORES COLON, JUAN R FLUHART, AMBER L FLUHART, FRANCIS V FLYNN, DAWN M FOOS, STACI A FOX, JEROL G FOX, NORINE O FRAZIER, BRANDON FRETTS, KELLY M FULGHUM, ARLENE G FURRY, TINA M GAITHER, WAYNE GALLUP, BRUCE B GARCIA, JOE JR GARCIA, RACHEL H GARNEAU, PAUL R GAUDET THOMPSON, LISA GAUTHIER, GARY B GAVARD, GERRY GEISINGER, JANELLE GEISS, EDWARD GENTRY, DAVID M GEORGE, MARYBETH A GERBER, DOROTHEA S GIBBS, JONATHAN L GIBIAN, CHARLES GIDDENS, ANNIE J GIDDENS, JAMES C GIDDENS, MARY GIDDENS, ROFAINER A GILLESPIE, JANE M GILMORE, HUGH GIOVINO, AMY M GIPSON, ADAM E GLENN, FRED GODWIN, JOHNNIE JR GONZALEZ, ADALBERTO GORDON, BRITTANY GRANT, BILLY D GRANT, DENISE GRANT, DORA GRANT, KIMBERLY A GRAVES, ANITA J GRAY, MELVIN E JR GREEN, ROBERT GREENWELL, CHRISTOPHER M GRISHINA, ALINA Y GUIDI, MARCO M GUNNINGS, WILLIAM GUNTER, EDITH HAGEN, HELEN S HALL, ALBERTA E HALL, RALPH M HAMILTON, BRIAN HAMILTON, CATHERINE W HAND, JULIA P HANEY, MATTHEW HANSCOM, BRADFORD E HARDIAL, LUCILLE HARDY, JAMES H HARGIS, ALBERT B HARGIS, CLARIBEL HARLOW, JEFFREY Y HARMON, RALPH HARMON, SARAH J HARRIS, BEULAH HARRIS, BRENDA HARRIS, FRED HARRISON, E J JR HARRISON, KEVIN HART, LELAND HART, PATRICIA A HARTLEY, PHILLIP H HARVARD, RALPH JR HASH, JOHN D HASTY, WILLIAM SR HAZAN, MARGARET HEADY, ANGELA M HELMANDOLLAR, LINDA A HENRY, SUSAN K HENSLEY, TRACIE A HERDT, DOUG HERNANDEZ, HUASCAR R HERTER, MARK E HETFIELD, ELSIE L HICKS, BILLY J HILL, JOHN K JR HILL, RICHARD HILLMAN, IRENE P HINES, MELISSA J HINMAN, EDWARD HINMAN, MILDRED HINMON, ANDREA D HINMON, FLORIA HINMON, VICKIE M HOFFMAN, MATT D HOLLINGSHEAD, JON D HOLLINGSWORTH, THOMAS HOPE, LOUVENIA E HOPE AND DRUMMOND HOPKINS, ANGEL M HOPKINS, JAMES H HOPPER, ADAM A HORNE, HUBERT S HOUSER, RUTH E HOWARD, STEPHEN R HOYT, AARON T HUDSON, ROBERT L SR HUFFMAN, GREGORY I HURDLE, CLEO HURDLE, LEAH HUTCHINSON, LOUISE M HUTTNER, JOHN H SR HYDE, ROBINSO HYNES, GLENNIS O IBARRA, TARA A INEUS, JEAN B INGRAM, LORRAINE ISDELL, MICHELE B ISHEE, DIXIE W J PRETTYMAN & TRI S FARMS JACKSON, ALISIN D JACKSON, KATHLEEN E JACQUES, LISA JAMERSON, WILLIAM D JAN & AUBREY MARSHALL JANSAN, ALAINE L JARBATH, ACELIA JEFFERS, DAVID A JENKINS, CHAD E JENKINS, EVELYN JESZ, DEVIN M JOHNSON, AVA JOHNSON, BATHRIENE JOHNSON, DALLAS JOHNSON, DAVID JOHNSON, DEBRA S JOHNSON, EDNA JOHNSON, EUGENE W JR JOHNSON, HENRY JOHNSON, HOWARD JOHNSON, LARRY SR JOHNSON, LORI JOHNSON, LOUISE JOHNSON, MARCUS JOHNSON, NANCY JOHNSON, OLGA N JOHNSON, SHEILA JOHNSON, VELMA S JONES, BETTY W JONES, CHARLES C JONES, HERMAN L JONES, MARGARET JONES, ROSENA JORDAN, ELIZABE JOYNES, NANNIE JUAREZ, ALBERTO L JUDGE, LISA JUSTICE, FLORA M JUSTICE, LUE JUSTIS, GEORGE JUSTIS, WAYNE C JUSTUS, JACK KAFANTARIS, JUDY S KAMARA, BARBARA E KANDEL, GREG E KANE, LEO A KARLI, CONSILIA KARLIK, STEPHEN I KASSNER, ROBERT KATES, CHARLIE J KATES, PHILISIA KATROBOS, LEE KATROBOS, MELODY A KAUFMANN, LANCE G KELDER, ANTHONY E KELLAM, ANNIE S KELLAM, GEORGE M KELLAM, GEORGE T KELLAM, JENNIFER KELLAM, JOAN KELLAM, NORMAN S JR KELLAM, PEGGY KELLER, JESSE J KELLEY, LYMAN KELLY, MAEZELL KELLY, RICHARD W KEMPSVILLE BUILDING MATERIAL INC KERSHOW, GAIL M KILLMON, MARY A KING, JAMES M KITE, JEFFREY KITE KOOP INC KNIGHT, TODD KNIGHT, WILLIAM R SR KNUDSEN, KRISTOPHER KOZLOWSKY, FRANK J KRATZ, DONALD L KRIEG, ALFRED KURTZ, GEORGE KYLER, JOHN L SR LAMACCHIA, HEATHER M LAMOCK, A R LAMPMAN, EDWIN D LANDON, EVERETT LANKFORD, CHRIS LAPLANT, MEGAN A LASALLE, WILSON R LATHAM, MARY H LBW TRAILER COURT LEA, H D LEAL, DENISE LEASE, JANET LEAVEY, SUZANNE LECATO, JERRY W JR LELAND, CHARLTON LENIGAN, KELLY LEWIS, EUGENIA LEWIS, WILLIAM F LILLISTON, NELL LINTON, ROMMIE LITTLE, LUKE J LONG, LEE LORD, ANDREW S LORD, RANDOLPH E LOVELAND, GEORGE LYMAN CHESAPEAKE ENTERPRISES INC LYNCH, EDWARD October 10, 2014 • Eastern Shore Post • 23 M & B LUNCHROOM MACEDONIA BAPT CHURCH MACIAS, SOFIA MACLENNAN, MARY MADDOX, LOU A MALDONADO, SONIA MALINDA’S BEAUTY SALON MALTESE, ERICA J MANNING, RONNELL R MANSFIELD, JOHN K MANZELLA, CARL MANZO, KRISTEN M MARSH, MARCIE L MARSHALL, PAULINE MARSHALL, RONNIE W JR MARTIN, ELIZABETH A MASCARIN, AGNES MASCHINO, RONALD MASERKA, MARY L MASON, ALLAN W MASON, ANNE T MASON, BROADUS L MASON, DAVID R MASON, GEORGE S MASON, H H MASON, WILLIAM T MASSON, IRENE MATTER, JOHN C JR MATTERN, SHAUN M MATTHEWS, BETTY E MATTHEWS, GONZALEE MATTHEWS, RICK L MATTHEWS, WILLIE MATUKICH, WALTER MCBRIDE, SHONDA D MCCLENNY, PHILLIP S MCCLOUGHAN, DONALD C MCCORMACK, MICHAEL H MCCOURT, KATHERINE MCCOY, ROBERT SR MCCREADY, DAWN M MCCUTCHEON, GERALD N MCDONALD, CHARLES MCDONOUGH, ERIC P MCWHITE, LORI L MEARS, CARROLL K MEARS, RALPH F MEARS, RENELDA V MEARS, SUSAN T MEARS, WILLIAM MEDINA, YAZMAN A MEILHAMMER, BRUCE E SR MEISSNER, MARTIN K MELENDEZ, OSCAR MERRILL, JUSTIN MERRITT, DEMETRIOU S MERRITT, DONALD MERRITT, HUNTER MERRITT, KATHIE C MESSICK, NANCY METZLER, GREY MEZA, JAIME A MICAND, LLC MIHALYKA, EUGENE E MILES, WILLIAM C MILLER, AVERIL MILLER, BARBARA H MILLER, DANIEL MILLER, JAMES H JR MILLER, MICHAEL A MILLER, ROBERT L MILLINER, JAMES R MILLINER, JAMES S MISTERONI, LUIZ MOFFATT, HELENE MOLES, EDWARD W MONCRIEF, CAROL J MONGELLI, DAMARIDE MOORE, JAMES T JR MOORE, JOHN E MOORE, MAUDE V MORALES, HECTOR M MORGAN, JUDITH E MORGAN, RANDALL MORRIS, CHARLES E MORRIS, DAVID A MOSES, CAULETTE D MOSES, NETTIE MOSSETT, BARBARA H MOTTER, STEPHANIE K MULVANEY, HOWARD MURPHY, CHRISTINE C MURPHY, DENNIS M MURRAY, LEIGH MUSSINGTON, MAUDE MYERS, JAMES M MYERS, JOSEPH J MYERS, RALPH E JR NAGY, EDITH NASON CONSTRUCTION, INC. NEAL, PAUL NEBEL, AMANDA E NEDAB, VIRGIE M NELL, CLAYTON R NEWSOME, TIFFANY N NICHOLS, ROBERT S NICHOLSON, ESTER B NICKS, MARY L NOBLES, ARCHIE R NOCK, TANEESHA S NORRIS, EDWARD L NORRIS, PEGGY E NORTHAM, EARLE R NORTHAM, LUEVESTHA H NORTHAM, WILLIAM L JR NOTTINGHAM, RICHARD NOTTINGHAM, WILLIAMA NOTTINGHAM BROS NOW AND AGAIN NYE, GLENN OATHES, ROBERT H OBANDO, MARLON R OBRIEN, DAVID OERTEL, GEORGE OJEDA, LISA M OLIVERAS, JACK J O’NEILL, PATRICIA ORTIZ, EVELYN C ORTIZ, MARIA T OTERO, ANGEL J JR OVERBAUGH, JOHN W OVERSTREET OFFICE EQUIPMENT OWENS, LAURA S OWENS, RICHARD A PAICE, JOAN M PAIGE, MEG M PALMER, JUANITA PALMER, LATOYA S PAPPAS, JERRY W PARAS, GEORGE PARISEAU, MILDRED E PARKER, EDNA N PARKER, JOHN W JR PARKER, LATOYA N PARKER, MELVIN PARKER, EST ANNIE M PARKERSON, DEAN PARKERSON, SANDRA K PARKINSON, DONALD P JR PARKS, ALBERT L PARKS, ANDY PARKS, ANTHONY R PARKS, AUGUSTA PARKS, BARRY H PARKS, DONNA M PARKS, FRANCIS B PARKS, JAMES S PARKS, JOE D PARKS, JUDY E PARKS, JUSTIN T PARKS, LESLIE A PARKS, MARGARITE PARKS, OLDHAM PARKS, RANDALL PARKS, RICHARD PARKS, STANLEY PARKS, STEPHEN L PARKS, WILLIAM III PARMER, HOWARD E JR PARRY, EDWARD A JR PARTINGTON, JONATHAN PATTERSON, JAMES M PATTESON, ROBIN B PATTON, ESTELLE E PAYNE, FREDDIE PAYNE, SUSAN B PAYTON, INDIA PEIRSON, SARAH PEREZ, ARABELI PEREZ, ENRIQUE P PEREZ, ISAIAS G PEREZ, MARIA R PERRY, EVANGELINE PERRY, JESSE C PERRY, OPAL C PETERS, DESMOND D PETTIT, PEGGY A PETTIT, SAMUEL T JR PHIL RAY FARMS PHILLIPS, ANNA PHILLIPS, ELIZABETH R PICCOLI, RICHARD PICOTT, CHARISMA S PITMAN, ERICKA N PITTARD, WILLIAM PITTS, JESSIE R PIZZIO, STEPHEN J PLAJZER, JUSTIN PLUNKETT, RAYMOND PORTER, JAMES R JR POSINSKI, ELIZABETH D POULSON, IONA L POULSON, JANNIE P POULSON, JOHN E POULSON, KAREN V POULSON, ROSALIE S POWELL, PRESTON PRESS, MAXIMILLION PRICE, CARA D PRICE, JOSEPH N PRINCE, JANE A PERMELIA, MELISSA L PRUITT, CHRISTOPHER A PRUITT, EUGENE H PRUITT, JENNIFER L PRUITT, JERRY PRUITT, LORIE Q PRUITT, RONALD L PRUITT, THOMAS PURNELL, MARY A PUSEY, MARK PUTNAM, R H QUARLES, C R JR QUARLES, STEVEN E QUATTRO, MATTHEW B QUIOCHO, KEVIN D RAFFERTY, ROBERT C RAMOS, ANTOINETTE M RAMOS, MERIDA A RAMOS-AGUILAR, MIRANDA E RAMZY, FRANCES G RATCLIFF, JOE A RAY, DALE F RAY, JOSEPH C RAYNE, WILLIAM H RAYTHEON TECHNICAL SVC CO REDMOND, JASON M REDMOND, WILLIAM REED, VERICE REID, ANGELA H REYES, YILITZA V REYNA, MATHIEU RHODES, EMILY RICE, BOOKER T RICHE, THOMAS E RICK MATTHEWS & CO RIGGIN, ALICE RIGGIN, ROSS E RIPPEL, JASON W RITSEMA, REBECCA RITTER, KEITH RIVERA, RACHEL L RIVERA, RICHARD RIVERA, RUDOLPH ROBBINS, CHESTER ROBERTS, CRAIG ROBERTS, HAROLD ROBERTS, JUDITH A ROBERTS, WILLIAM T ROBIN’S REFRIGERATION ROBINSON, JERMAINE D ROBINSON, LONNIE ROBINSON, MARY L ROBINSON, STEPHANIE S ROCCA, MARIO RODAS-VIDES, TRISTA RODGERSON, HENRY T RODRIGUEZ, DANA L RODRIGUEZ, EMILIO RODRIGUEZ, JOSÉ A RODRIGUEZ, MARY M ROGERS, CAROLYN ROLDAN, ANDREA ROOD, DAVID C ROS, PETER ROSA, HECTOR L ROSARIO VELEZ, CARLOS M ROSELLE, CORINE W ROTHSCHILD, BRANDON ROWLAND, SALLY A ROWLEY, AL ROWLEY, LEONARD RUDIGER, DAWN E RUELAS, PRISCILLA RUIZ, NANCY R RUSSELL, ANDREW L RUSSELL, JUSTIN A RUTESSA INC RUTLEDGE, EVERARD RYAN, MAURICE SAMPLE, DENISECEL M SAMPLE, GSTIVA SAMPLE, SHARON A SANDDOLLAR SEAFOOD SANDERS, THOMAS A SANDERSON, STUART W SANTANA MARCANO, NOEL SATCHELL, CATRINA T SATCHELL, EARL SATCHELL, LORRAIN SAVAGE, ERVIN SAVAGE, GREGORY D SAVAGE, JULIA SAVAGE, KELVIN L SAVAGE, LAVORN SAVAGE, SALLIE M SAWYER, R L SAYERS, EDDIE SCARBOROUGH, SHARNAE L SCARBOROUGH, STEPHANIE SCHALL, JEFFREY C SCHAPIRA, DIANE SCHERER, GAYLE SCHNEIDER, JIM SCHNEIDER, MARY W SCHNEIDER DEVELOPMENT SCHOOLCRAFT, RICKY A SCHUH, AUGUST W SCOTT, DUSTAN M SCOVILL, RUTH SEDORUK, PAUL SELBY, GREGORY V SELBY III, HILBERT C SEPEDA, RHONDA B SERRANO RIVERA, DAVID SERVICES UNLIMITED, LLC SEWARD, NANCY J SEWELL, RICHARD SEYMOUR, FREDDIE L SHAHEEN, JOHN R SHAULIS, CHARLEEN R SHAW, NORMAN C SHEA, HARVEY J SHELLENBERGER, CRAIG A SHELLEY, SEAN H SHEPPARD, GWYNN E SHERMAN, RAY K SHIELD, WINIFRED R SHIPP, GEORGE SHOEMAKER, NEIL S SHOWERS, JAMES F SHRIEVES, HARRY L SHRIEVES, SIMON SHULER, MYMIE R SHUMAKER, CHRISTINE T SIBONY, ABRAHAM SIGUM, ALFREDO SILER, ROSA L SILVA, MARIA E SIMPKINS, CRAIG D SIMPSON, BILLY R JR SIMPSON, J M SINCLAIR, ALBERT C JR SINIBALDI, MICHAEL SMITH, BERTHA J SMITH, BILLY M SMITH, DENA M SMITH, DENISE SMITH, DIANE L SMITH, EDDIE SMITH, GEORGE H SMITH, JAMES E SMITH, JEANETTE F SMITH, JOHN R JR SMITH, LARRY C SMITH, MYRTLE SMITH, PAULINE S SMITH, ROBERT SMITH, ROBERT A III SMITH, TYRONE SMITH, VANESSA SMITH ISLAND MOTEL SMITH-BROWN, SERETHEA D SMITHFIELD PACKING SMULLIN, ASHLEY SMULLIN, WILLIE SNEAD, ANNIE M SNEAD, MARY M SNEAD, VIRGINIA M SNYDER, DALE T SNYDER, HENRY SNYDER, JAMIE T SNYDER, PHILIP E SOKEL, JOHN P SOMERSET COUNTY COMMISIONERS SORRENTINO, KAREN SOSNOWSKI, DAVE J SOWELL, A T SPADY, DOROTHY SPARROW, THOMAS J SPENCER, ZACHARY P SPRAGG, SAMUEL SPRING, DONNA M SPURLOCK, INEZ N STANLEY, LYKEFERD STAVELY FREDM STEELE, RYAN M STEFFES, NICHOLETTE STEM, TIMOTHY A STENGLE, THOMAS H III STEPHENS, ALICE STERLING, MICHAEL STERLING, R STEVENS, KAYZE O STIBICH, MICHAEL STRAND, KEISHA L STRAND, KEOSHA M STRAVINO, VINCENT STREATER, SHAKENA STULL, HOWARD W JR STURGIS, DONNEASE STYKE, NICK SULLIVAN, JAMES P SUMMERS, REBECCA SUTTER, BABETTE SWAIN, TIMOTHY S SWAUGER, HARRY G III SYKES, ALBERT L TANISHA BAILEY COLEMAN TANKARD, MICHAEL E SR TANKERSLEY, SARAH TATUM, BENNIE TATUM, FRANCES P TATUM, SHARON TAVI, KIRSTEIN TAYLOR, AMANDA S TAYLOR, BASHEBA R TAYLOR, DAVID E TAYLOR, FRANCIS TAYLOR, KEVEL D TAYLOR, LOUIS S TAYLOR, RENEA M TAYLOR, SANDRA S TAYLOR, TAMARA M TAYLOR, TINA S TAYLOR, VALESTINE TAYLOR, VINCENT F TECUMSEH, SHABAKA TEIXEIRA, MICHAEL I TESCHNER, JENNIFER L THE CUTTING EDGE THE WOODEN FISH LLC THOMAS, WILLIE MAE THOMPSON, LISA THORNES, JOHNNY THORNES, MARGARET A THORNTON, BILL THORNTON, RUTH THORNTON, W L TORRES, DANIEL TOWAR, BARBARA T TOWNSEND, LAUREN M TOWNSEND, MARION TOWNSEND, ROGER L TOWNSEND, ROOSEVE TOWNSEND, WALTER SR TRADER, LESSIE M TRAPHAGEN, THEODOR TREHERNE, SHAWN TRENT, HERBERT TRIANGLE ENTERPRISES INC TRUITT, WILLIAM W TRUSSELL, AMANDA TSENG, THERESA TULL, BERNICE TULL, GARRY TULL, MARGARET M TURNER, DANIEL TURNER, EARNIE TURNER, EDWARD E TURNER, SHIRLEY W TURNER, TERRELL T TYLER, MAXINE C UPSHUR, BARBARA H UPSHUR, JAMES R VALMOND, JEAN L VAN BREDA, ARINA VAN TRIESTE, MONICA J VANLINGEN, STANLEY S VASQUEZ, ELIA VAUGHAN, JOSEPH R JR VEGA, ERICA VERDERAME, JAMES VILLAMIL, LISA S VIRGINIA SPACE FLIGHT ACADEMY VITERI CONSTRUCTION WACHOVIA MORTGAGE FSB WADE, LINDA D WAGNER, RICHARD WALKER, DARREN WALKER, HARRY M WALLACE, CORAL T WALLACE, JAMES WALLACE, RUFUS A WALSH, THOMAS J WALTER, EDNA I WALTERS, LILLIAN C WALTERS, SUZANNE J WALTON, SHARONDA M WARD, HILDA WARD, ROXANA J WARNER, BRIDGECHE D WARREN, ARDELIA WASHINGTON, JULIAN WASHINGTON, PATRICIA WATERS, JOHNNIE F WATKINS, ADAM M WATSON, EVA S WATSON, LORENZO WATTS, PARSHALL WAY, WAYNE B WEBB, CLAUDE WEBB, PAIGE WEGENER, MICHAEL D WEISENBURG, SUMMER N WENZEL, JAMES WESCOTT, FRANCIS K WESSELLS, LOUISE WESSELLS, MARKLIN L WESSELLS, WALTER WEST, COLBY JR WEST, JAMES A WEST, LEON W WHARTON, JANICE B WHARTON, LUTHER SR WHARTON, MONIK R WHITE, BETHANY WHITE, JACQUELIN E WHITE, JAMES D WHITE, JEAN WHITE, JENNIFER J WHITE, MABLE WHITE, TAMMY A WHITE, VERNON JR WHITE, YVETTE M WILEY, AMANDA WILEY, KRISTIE L WILGUS, NANCY WILLIAM D MATTHEWS INC WILLIAMS, BARBARA A WILLIAMS, CATHY L WILLIAMS, DONALD WILLIAMS, ROBERT E WILLIAMS, STANFORD WILLIAMS, TIFFANY WILLIAMS, WESLEY W WILLIAMS, WILLIE WILLIAMSON, SONIA D WILSON, ALLEN E WILSON, EXTER WILSON, ISODORA WILSON, JOANN WILSON, THEODORE G WINCHESTER, CAMERON L WISE, JOHN R WKHI-FM WOERMER, SHANE W WOMACK, STEPHENIE E WORLD HEALING INSTITUTE WRIGHT, KIMBERLY L WROBLEWSKI, NATHAN E WYATT, JESSIE YAGER, ZOLTAN YEUNG, KEI Y YTUARTE, ARTURO JR ZAHNISER, MOSS E ZAYAS, JOSEPH JR ZELLNER, BARBARA ZHANG, ZHIJIE 24 • Eastern Shore Post • October 10, 2014 g n i t s Po Up By Bill Sterling I f you want to see tomorrow’s highschool football stars today, check out the action at the Pop Warner Football and Cheer League at Parksley this Saturday beginning at 9 a.m. at Metompkin Elementary School in Parksley. Starting with the Tiny-Mite players, ages 5-7, with a weight range of 35-75 pounds, and then moving to the Mitey-Mites, 7-9, with a weight range of 45-90 pounds, and concluding with the Pee Wees, 9-11, who range from 75 to 120 pounds, local players will line up tomorrow morning and show the fundamentals they have learned since practice opened on Aug. 1. “We are teaching more than football,” said Alan Hall, commissioner of the Eastern Shore Gators, the newest of 13 members of the Henlopen Pop Warner, Inc., which spans Delmarva and has been in existence for 25 years. “Parents are coming to the coaches and telling us their kids have a better attitude, are more respectful and making better grades since they started playing football. The players must have a 2.0 grade-point average in school to An Eastern Shore Gator makes a nice tackle. SPORTS Pop Warner League Teaches Life Skills play,” added Hall. The players come from Accomack and Northampton counties as well as Pocomoke City, Md. Although wins have been few against competitors who have competed at the Pop Warner League level for many years, the youth are learning the fundamentals of football at an early age. “We feel this will help local high schools and improve the level of Eastern Shore football in the future,” said Hall. “Many of the schools they are now competing with in Maryland and across the bay have football players who grew up in Pop Warner football. If a kid is beginning to learn the fundamentals of football in the eighth grade and is competing with athletes who have been playing for six or seven years, he will be at a disadvantage.” Hall coaches at the Tiny-Mite level, one of three Eastern Shore Gator teams who travel throughout Maryland and Delaware to compete against other Pop Warner leagues. Home games are at the Metompkin Field, built this year, with the help of a $1,500 grant from Wal-Mart and the support of other sponsors. Hall said it costs $275 to outfit each player in the league, but the player fee for the league was only $100 with the help of sponsors. “We’ve received tremendous support and hope to add more teams in the upcoming years,” said Hall. There are seven levels in Pop Warner football, with the age range topping out at 14 years old. Pop Warner football has been around since 1929 when it was founded in Philadelphia, Pa., and named after a Hall of Fame football coach from the early 1900s. Today, more than 250,000 youth participate in PopWarner-sanctioned football programs. Safety is of the utmost concern with Pop Warner officials. Coaches must complete a rigorous certification program which stresses safety issues, including proper tackling techniques, injury prevention and first-aid certification. Because players are limited to competing against players in their own weight range, the injury rate for Pop Warner football players is less than one-third the rate in high-school football. In fact, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission states there are 12 percent fewer injuries per capita among 5- to 15-year-olds in Pop Warner football than in organized soccer for the same age range. “Every player must complete 20 hours of conditioning drills before being allowed to compete in a game,” said Hall. “When they do play, it is all about the team. We don’t keep track of personal statistics like touchdowns or sacks. Every player must get in the game a minimum number of plays, but we usually have them in there more than the minimum. We are looking to promote discipline and teamwork, not winning.” Check it for yourself tomorrow morning. There is no admission feel, but they would appreciate your support. Eastern Shore Gators (right) line up to defend against a Pop Warner squad from Delaware. The Gator teams will be in action tomorrow morning at their field at Metompkin Elementary School in Parksley. October 10, 2014 • Eastern Shore Post • 25 Ducks Unlimited Social Nov. 22 The Eastern Shore Chapter of Ducks Unlimited announces its event of the season — a DU Membership Social, to be held Saturday, Nov. 22, at the Barrier Islands Center in Machipongo. The gates will open at 4:30 p.m. and the event will kick off with music by DJD Productions, which also will offer a photo booth. An Eastern Shore Oyster Roast will begin at 5:30 p.m. with an all-youcan-eat menu of roasted oysters, steamed clams and barbeque with all the fixings. Silent and live auctions will feature original artwork by local Eastern Shore carvers and artists, including “Artists of the Year” Don and Donna Drew of Copper Creations. Raffles for guns and many other items will be ongoing throughout the evening. Advance ticket prices for this event are $50 per person or $75 per couple, which includes food and an annual membership to Ducks Unlimited. Tickets purchased at the door will be $100 per person, no exceptions. Tickets can be purchased at the Barrier Islands Center in Machipongo), Branscome office in Tasley, Chris’ Bait and Tackle in Capeville, Eastern Shore Outfitters in Exmore and Island House Restaurant in Wachapreague, from DU committee members or on-line at eastern-shore-oyster-roast-dinner For more information or tickets, contact Brandon Sterling at 442-2678. Abell To Speak at Anglers’ Club The Eastern Shore of Virginia Anglers’ Club ( will hold its monthly meeting Monday, Oct. 13, at the Sage Restaurant in Onley, beginning at 7:30 p.m. It will feature a presentation by Capt. Matt Abell of Seahawk Sports Center in Pocomoke, Md. One of the most accomplished anglers in the area, Abell will talk about fishing for yellow perch, white perch, pickerel, and striped bass on the Pocomoke River, and share the knowledge that he’s gained from a lifetime of local fishing, as well as from taking friends, family, and customers on charter trips. His website is The public is invited and new or prospective members are welcome. SPORTS SHORTS Hospice Run/Walk on Refuge Oct. 11 Hospice and Palliative Care of the Eastern Shore and Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge invite the public to join them on Saturday, Oct. 11, at 8 a.m. for the sixth annual Circle of Life 3.2-mile run and one-mile walk to celebrate National Wildlife Refuge Week. To learn more about the race, visit or call 787-3310. Special Olympics Benefit Oct. 19 A benefit for Special Olympics (Virginia) Eastern Shore will be held Sunday, Oct. 19, from 1 to 5 p.m. The event, Special Olympics (Virginia) Awareness Reception (SOAR), will take place at Kings Creek Inn in Cape Charles. The benefit will feature live music as well as a silent and live auction of local artwork, vouchers for hotel and B&B stays, local seaglass jewelry, crafts, gift baskets, and other item. Tickets are $15 in advance ($20 at the door), available at Kings Creek Inn, Rayfield’s Pharmacies, H&H Pharmacy, The Book Bin and the ESCSB Vocational Center, or contact Dorie Arthur (757705-0638) or Lori Colonna (757-2876146) for more information or to donate. All proceeds will benefit the local Eastern Shore program currently serving approximately 75 athletes from both counties. Tickets will include one glass of wine, hors d’oeuvres, and a chance to win a door prize. Softball Tourney To Aid Friends Northampton County Parks and Recreation and the Friends of Northampton County Parks and Recreation will host a men’s softball tournament Sat- urday, Nov. 15, beginning at 10 a.m. Teams and spectators are required to bring a non-perishable food item and/ or a new unwrapped toy to be donated to the Eastern Shore Food Bank and Toys for Tots. The Friends of Northampton County Parks and Recreation is a non-profit group raising money and interest in Northampton County for a community pool. It will have a booth set up during the tournament for anyone wanting to become an official member or wanting more information about the community pool. Nandua Softball Camp Oct. 17-19 The annual Nandua softball camp for girls ages 8-13 years old will be held at Nandua High School Friday, Oct. 17, from 4:30 to 6 p.m.; Saturday, Oct. 18, from 1 to 4 p.m.; and Sunday, Oct. 19, from 1 to 4 p.m. The camp will focus on fundamental softball skills and pitching. The fee is $50. Contact Lynn Williams at 757-7104242 or Lynn.Williams@accomack.k12. for more information. PAID ADVERTISEMENT VMRC· Friend or Foe? Full Service Bookkeeping & Tax Preparation Authorized IRS e-file provider 2 Locations to Better Serve You: 20477 Market Street - Onancock & 33453 Chincoteague Rd - Wallops Island (Chincoteague Resort Realty Office) PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT For the last few years, the VMRC has made working on the water a NIGHTMARE!! Below are some of the many new restrictions that have been imposed: 1- Having to wait a year or more to have an agent work a valid Commercial Card. 2- “Peeler Potters” have had their number of pots reduced and the size of peelers have been increased, as well as taking away 6 weeks from the regular crabbing season. 3- A “Peeler” Crabber and a “Bank Trapper” are unemployed from Sept. 15th to Dec. 1, which, if he is lucky enough to have a dredge license and boat, or is able to work with someone who does, he can go back to work and will only be unemployed for 2½ months. (Accomack County is the ONLY county in the State of Virginia that does not open its oyster season on OCT 1.) 4- Maybe the VMRC is planning to give the “Peeler Potters” a job to reimburse them for the 2½ months of lost time like they did for the “Crab Dredgers”? 5- In November and December 2013, there were over 2 million dollars of oysters caught on the 2 oyster rocks off Saxis. Now, the VMRC is trying very hard to lease 236.98 acres. These rocks have been public for 35-45 years (They were held for a few years by 2 private planters, but then they were given up and they reverted back to public). 6- This past August 2014, a VMRC department head was invited to go out on a boat so we could show him what he was trying to take away from the “Commonwealth People.” His response to our invitation, he was too busy!! HIS .JOB IS REPLENISHMENT & CONSERVATION!! SOUNDS MORE LIKE DEVASTATION AND DESTRUCTION to the 150 local families that are being affected. If you are interested in helping the local watermen in your communities, please contact Arnold Evans at 757-894-0974, or at bardinellijoy& We welcome your participation in helping us to save our way of life. Thank you from your local watermen 26 • Eastern Shore Post • October 10, 2014 Losing Streak Over; Northampton Celebrates 46-26 Win Story and photo by Bill Sterling At long last, the 37-game losing streak by the Northampton football program ended with a convincing 4626 win over Middlesex Friday night at Hamilton Field in Eastville. “I am almost speechless,” said Jacket coach Ty Traister following the game. “I am just so proud of this team. The guys have worked so hard and been through so much. They really deserve this win. We approached this game differently than in past weeks because we felt we had a shot at winning. There’s not a player on this team who has been on the field for a win. They didn’t know how it felt. Now that they do, I think we will be more confident and can improve even more as a team.” The three-pronged attack of Dy shawn Beckett, Tamaze Brisco and Hakeem Berry fueled the Jacket offense. Beckett had three touchdowns, including a 55-yard dash on fourthand-long to seal the win. Brisco, only a freshman, had a pair of touchdowns, and Berry tallied one 6-pointer. Coach Traister said all three running backs were near the 100-yard rushing mark for the game, adding hat Daniel Jean also had a great game receiving and on the ground. “Defensively, Austin Brady and Hakeem Berry had huge games, but it was such a great team effort on both sides of the ball it’s hard to single out a few guys,” said Coach Traister. Northampton took a commanding 32-6 halftime lead when Beckett scored on a three-yard run with only six seconds left before intermission. Middlesex struck back early in the third quarter with a long touchdown pass, but Beckett, facing a fourthand-13, escaped from the pocket on a pass play and dashed down the left sideline for a 55-yard score to give Northampton a comfortable lead. A deflected pass completion from Beckett to Jean on an earlier fourth down kept the drive alive. Northampton had suffered through three consecutive 0-10 seasons and after losing the first four games this season, the Jackets’ losing streak stood at 37, dating back to the 2010 season. The Jackets face winless Arcadia tonight at Oak Hall with a 7 o’clock kickoff. “I told the guys after last week’s game that we were starting over and we were 0-0. Now we’re 1-0 and we are only going to get better from here,” said Traister. The Northampton players and Coach Ty Traister gather at midfield after the game to celebrate the Jackets’ first victory since 2010, breaking a 37-game losing streak. See Sports Photos At Firebirds Fall to Colonels 12-8 on Late Touchdown Northampton coach Ty Traister applauds the effort of the players on the field who earned the Jackets’ first win after 37 consecutive losses with a 46-26 win over Middlesex Friday night. After taking an 8-6 lead on a Contrel Brown 32-yard touchdown run with 6:39 to play, Arcadia saw Colonel Richardson storm back to score with 4:40 to play and claim a 12-8 win Saturday at Federalsburg, Md. “It was a close game and a good game, but we didn’t get the win,” said Firebird coach Tony Nock. The Homecoming game for Colonel Richardson featured two teams each seeking its first win. The Colonels scored late in the first half when they lined up for a short field goal but faked it and scored a touchdown on a pass from Sean Bowens to David Dickerson. Brown’s score gave the Firebirds a brief lead before Bowens hit Dyhlan Nepert for a 39-yard completion to the 2-yard line, where Apollos Murat scored for the go-ahead touchdown. Nepert picked off a Firebird pass on the last possession to preserve the win. The Firebirds were led on defense by Keyandre Bundick with 13 tackles and Tyric Harris and Quanni Payton with 10 each. Jamal Savage and Rickie Shrieves contributed eight tackles each. Brown led Firebird rushers with 45 yards on six carries. Travon Copes had 55 yards on 10 carries. Arcadia hosts Northampton tonight with a 7 o’clock kickoff. “You have got to tip your hat to Northampton for getting their first win,” said Nock. “They’ve got some good players who hung in there when things were tough. I feel like we should have two or three wins, but we don’t and need to keep our chins up and come out playing hard,” added Nock. Cape Center 26507 Lankford Hwy. Cape Charles email: 757-331-1541 Loyal Local Specials Week of: Oct. 11 - 17, 2014 Saturday Fried Seafood Combo: Oysters & Jumbo Shrimp Sunday Lunch: 3pc. Fried Chicken Dinner: Chicken & Dumplings Monday Jumbo Wings @ .65 4 Wing Platter w/2 sides Tuesday Hot Turkey Sandwich Wednesday Cajun Catfish $1999 $849 $899 $799 $1099 $1499 Thursday John’s Chicken Pot Pie w/ 1 side Friday 4 Grilled Marinated Jumbo Shrimp $999 $1199 October 10, 2014 • Eastern Shore Post • 27 Chincoteague Routs Rappahannock Co. 54-0 Chincoteague rolled to its 11th consecutive win with a 54-0 shellacking of Rappahannock County Friday night at home, raising its season record to 6-0. “We got things rolling early, then were able to sit our starters and get plenty of playing time for our young players,” said Pony coach Nick Howard. “It’s good we can keep our starters healthy going into our final four games of the season.” The Ponies scored on the opening kickoff when Anthony Wailes returned it 79 yards up the middle for a touchdown. Wailes soon followed with a 10yard run before Fosque scored on runs of 60 and 71 yards. At that point, Chincoteague had a 27-0 lead in the first quarter, having run only five offensive plays. Noah McGee completed the firstquarter scoring with a 10-yard run. Chincoteague went to its bench in the second quarter. McGee broke loose for a 58-yard scoring run, then Collin Derrickson, after recovering a fumble, scored on a 28-yard quarterback sneak. 20250 Fairgrounds Rd. Onancock, VA 23417 The Ponies’ final score came when defensive end Trevor Bailey forced a fumble, recovered it himself and returned it 25 yards for a score for a 54-0 lead at halftime. Pony sophomores and freshmen saw most of the action in the second half with a running clock. Chincoteague did not attempt a pass in the game, and Fosque had 169 yards on only four carries. He also kicked four extra points and scored on a 2-point conversion. Fosque has now piled up 1,172 yards along with a string of long touchdown runs in only six games. “I was more pleased with our defense than anything,” said Howard. “We worked on fundamentals all week and went into the game trying to get a shutout. We’ve had some breakdowns on defense earlier this season that we needed to fix.” Derrickson, Tyler Metler and John Wailes each had one interception for the Ponies. Bailey batted down two passes in addition to returning a recovered fumble for a touchdown. Dustin Holloway had five tackles. Chincoteague, with the smallest enrollment of any public school playing football in Virginia, schedules several private schools and does not play a required district schedule to qualify for postseason playoffs. The Ponies now seek to post the only unbeaten season in school history. In fact, seven wins are the most any Chincoteague squad has recorded, with that mark having been reached in both 2002 and 2003. “When we are done with the season, we are done,” said Howard. “I would like to have this team in the playoffs, but we will have to do our best to win the games on our schedule.” Chincoteague is off this week, then faces the Hampton Generals, a team it already has beaten, before ending the season with unbeaten Fuqua and Greenbrier, now 4-2. “The two toughest teams we will face all season are our final two games,” said Howard. “Fuqua has a really good team this year, and Greenbrier is athletic. But first, we need to concentrate on the Hampton Generals before we think about those games. They’ve got some good players, too.” 757-302-7002 20 Foot Fresh Salad Bar Friday Nights - Mouth Watering Prime Rib Saturday Nights - Succulent Tender Baby Back Ribs Sunday - All Day - Shore Made Chicken & Dumplings Join us Wednesday for “Ladies Night” starting at 5pm Fabulous Specials I Appetizers I Drinks & More! Saturdays & Sundays - “Football Game Day” 15 TV’s - Special “Game Day” Promotions & Pricing! Don’t Miss the Best of the College & NFL Games Let us serve you at our outdoor tiki area Cornhole - Volleyball - Giant Kid’s Sand Hill Indoor Massive Arcade & Game Room for All Ages Lunch & Dinner Specials - Open Daily at 11am Facebook 757-302-7002 Photo by Jacque Derrickson Dustin Holloway, Isaac Haymond, and Malik Bland gang tackle a Rappahanncock County runner Friday night in the Chincoteague’s 54-0 win. 3 AD ANTAGE MEDICAL LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED Advantage has the highest quality equipment & services. Wheelchairs ■ Crutches ■ Canes ■ Walkers Hospital Beds ■ Diabetes Supplies Oxygen ■ Ostomy Products Respiratory Procucts ■ CPAP & BiPAP Will Bill Insurance Whenever Possible Coming Soon to Four Corner Plaza Onley, VA 9579 Hospital Ave. Nasswadox, VA 757-442-5267 800-929-7030 28 • Eastern Shore Post • October 10, 2014 Broadwater Beaten by Isle of Wight, 42-14 Nandua’s Anthony Smith, 2, races for the outside on a sweep against Washington Friday night. Nandua was on the short end of a 14-6 score. Nandua Tripped by Washington in 14-6 Loss at Home Nandua fell to 3-3 with a tough 14-6 loss to Washington at Onley Friday night. The Warriors had a 6-0 lead in the third quarter on a Tyreim Blake 3-yard run after a scoreless first in half in which both teams moved the ball but could not reach pay dirt. “It was a disappointing loss filled with missed opportunities,” said Nandua coach Chris Miles after the game. Washington took the lead in the fourth quarter with two touchdowns, the first coming on a 4-yard run by Aaron Baines. Nandua responded following that score with a long drive fueled by two long runs by Blake, including a 19-yard dash. However, Blake had the ball stripped just before crossing the goal line with the Jaquars receiving the fumble. Washington drove the length of the field and scored on Jamarkus Brunskin’s touchdown pass to Lawrence Bonneville. Blake rushed for 108 yards on 14 carries and completed 3 of 6 passes If you would like your ad to run in the Post’s Sports Section, call 789-7678 for 53 yards. Anthony Smith added 88 yards on nine carries. Jakorah Parker caught two passes for 47 yards. Mahagee Wise and Trevon Cooper led the Nandua defense with 10 tackles each. Nick Joseph and Cedric Walters added seven tackles each. Nandua plays Snow Hill tonight with a 7 p.m. kickoff. at Salisbury University. The Broadwater Vikings gridiron team held a 7-0 lead over rival Isle of Wight Friday night, but gave up 28 unanswered points to the Chargers, falling 42-14 on the road. Tyler Major opened the scoring for the Vikings on a two-yard run with 1:12 left in the first quarter. Thomas Scott kicked the extra point. But Isle of Wight owned the second quarter with three touchdowns, all on two-yard runs, the last one with 21 seconds remaining in the half. The Chargers tacked on another score less than two minutes into the second half before Viking quarterback Austin Murphy hit R.C. Cooley on a 45-yard touchdown pass. Isle of Wight struck back with an 85yard touchdown pass late in the third quarter and added its final touchdown with 44 seconds remaining, to make Check out our new office in downtown Onley 25526 East Main St. Onley, VA Arcadia JV Bows to CR The Arcadia JV lost to Colonel Richardson 24-0 last week. Firebird coach Yardley Townsend said Trey Ballard had a good game on defense with several quarterback hits and 74 yards rushing on 10 carries. MLS #R39483A Family Dentistry We accept most PPO insurances and Virginia Medicaid and we provide a full spectrum of services. MLS #R39859A :HSDUWLFLSDWHZLWK 3HUGXH7\VRQV· ,QVXUDQFH Se habla español Timothy Fei, DDS (757)665-7729 Parksley, VA the final score 42-14. Murphy was 10 of 21 passing for 100 yards and a touchdown. Major Morgan had five catches for 42 yards, while Cooley had three grabs for 54 yards and a touchdown. Tyler Major ran for 109 yards on 19 carries and now has 824 yards rushing on the season. On defense, Jimmy Lord and Cortland Bunce had 12 tackles each, with Taylor Major and Keegan Czesak making eight tackles each. Dontae Weatherly had a fumble recovery. Broadwater, now 2-3 and ranked fifth in Division IV in the Virginia Independent Schools Athletic Association, with the top four teams making the state playoffs, plays Portsmouth Christian Saturday with a 7 p.m. kickoff. MLS #R38024A EXMORE - Take time to discover this cozy brick rancher located on a corner lot. It has undergone some recent renovations including ceramic tile flooring in the kitchen, Preservation Krypton gas Triple pane Windows in the living room and much more. The Roof and Heating and A/C unit are just 5 years old, both of which have the appearance of new. This house also includes a 1 car garage with a nice breezeway in between it and the house, relaxing front porch that overlooks a beautiful part of town, very little traffic, and the invisible fence is already installed. $155,000 MELFA - This beautiful house sits on 3 acres and is just about a 10 minute drive to Onancock or Wachapreague. Walking through the home you will find that it is spacious yet inviting and relaxing. The living room has vaulted ceilings and opens up into the dining area and kitchen, perfect for entertaining those guests. The master bedroom has a walk-in closet, bathroom, and a back deck. You will find a second back deck off from the kitchen/dining area. There is also an attached garage and workshop area as well as a shed with double doors. $239,000 ACCOMAC - Take the time to discover this charming recently remodeled house. This house was built in 1939 and has the original refinished pine floors and a lot of nice woodwork. Over half of the house has been recently renovated with a new kitchen with new cabinets and Corian countertop. This house also has a partial basement and a large attic which could be used for storage. You will also find, located in the back yard, a beautiful 2 BR/1 BA ranch style house with a spacious living room and eat-in-kitchen, with an attached garage. $199,000 October 10, 2014 • Eastern Shore Post • 29 Viking Volleyballers Drop Pair The Broadwater volleyball team lost a heartbreaker last Thursday at Atlantic Shores in five sets that saw long rallies and took two and a half hours to complete. The Lady Vikings were drummed 2510 in the first set, then came back to win 25-14 before losing a squeaker, 26-24. Broadwater tied the match at two sets each with a 25-14 win in the fourth set. In the decisive fifth set, Broadwater tied the score six times before Atlantic Christian finally put it away with a 21-19 win. Kathleen Kraft was on her game with 22 kills while Anna Sexauer had 11 kills and a pair of aces. Heather Custis had five kills and two aces. Jenna Hare had five kills and eight solo blocks at the net. Olivia Kellam had 11 digs. Katelyn Hill had 43 assists as the Viking setter. Broadwater fell to Stonebridge in four sets Friday on the road. The Lady Vikings were narrowly edged in the opening set, 25-23, and dropped the second set 25-15 before taking the third 2511. Stonebridge came back to seal the win with a 25-17 win in the fourth set. Kraft led the team with six kills, two aces and 11 digs. Sexauer had four kills, four aces and seven digs. Custis had four aces and four solo blocks at the net. Hare had three kills while Smith had two kills and five digs. Kellam had 16 digs as the libero. Hill had 15 assists and seven digs. “We put up a good fight and were able to get some nice kills,” said Viking coach Kim Laxton. Chincoteague’s Schisler Competes in Regional Golf Shyanne Gordon (right) contests Arcadia’s Cana Lankford and Tatyannia Trader, 6, in action Tuesday night at Nandua. The Lady Warriors won in three straight. Nandua Volleyballers Win Pair Nandua took three straight from Arcadia Tuesday night at home, winning 25-20, 25-15 and 25-15. Coach Le’Andra Sabatino called it a team effort. Shyanne Gordon led the Lady Warriors with nine kills and two digs. Sarah Puchalski had 12 digs and six kills. Kimberly Wert had an ace, seven digs and four kills. Ashley Fisher had four aces. For Arcadia, Lizzy Snyder had four kills and an assist, Taylor Lewis had three kills and two assists, Cana Lankford had three kills and five assists with Tatyannia Trader adding three assists. Nandua swept Chincoteague in three sets last Thursday, 25-13, 25-11 and 25-15. Wert led the Lady Warriors with four aces, 18 digs and three kills. Caroline Harvie had an ace, 10 digs and two kills. Jackets Sweep Franklin Northampton defeated Franklin last Thursday in convincing fashion, 25-10, 25-17 and 25-18. Taylor Webb had seven aces, eight kills, six assists and 10 digs. Kennedy Webb had seven kills, seven assists, 10 digs and three aces. Makayla Wilson added four kills and three aces, while Taylor Nadeau had four kills and Angela Head had five assists. “We have been working on a new serve receive formation and that improved our team passing statistics quite a bit,” said Northampton coach Cathy Doughty. Sarah Jones Qualifies for State Golf Sarah Jones of Arcadia qualified for the girls’ state tournament with an 81 in the 2A East Regional Golf Tournament Monday at the par-70 Heritage Oaks Golf Course in Harrisonburg. Jones tied for 14th in the tournament and will be playing at the Belle Haven Country Club in Alexandria Oct. 27-28. For Nandua, Leslie Ibarra posted an 89, Jack Schreiber had a 94 and Zach Underwood tallied a 102. Arcadia’s Zach Mills had a 98. Chincoteague’s Brock Schisler shot a 140 in the 1A East Regional Golf Tournament Monday at The Resort Manor in Farmville. Schisler had qualified for the tourney with a 116 in the conference tournament at Dogwood Trace Golf in Petersburg. Schisler and Cody Britton, who shot 122, finished fifth and sixth, respectively, and made the all-conference tournament. Best Massage Chesapeake Square 25064 Lankford Hwy, Onley, VA 23418 (Route 13, right next to Cato Fashion) 757-789-3069 1 Hour Body Massage $10 Off Expires 10/31/14 Foot Massage $8 Off Pay for 1 hr. massage, get 15 minutes free Expires 10/31/14 Buy Gift Card, Get 1/2 hr. Foot Massage Free. Expires 10/31/14 Rt. 13 Onley Hardee’s i Pizza Hut * Best Massage 30 • Eastern Shore Post • October 10, 2014 Arcadia Runners Pace CC Meet Arcadia’s Hector Cime won the boys’ cross country run Monday at Eastville, with Southampton winning team honors with 31 points over second-place Northampton with 41 and Arcadia, 60 Cime completed the 3.1-mile course in 18:40. Other top local runners included 3. Noah Leffel (N) 19:30; 4. José Palacio (N) 19:56; 7. Tahre Pettit (A) 20:13; 9. James Teeling (N) 20:24; and 11. Moyer Jarvis (N) 20:42. Arcadia’s Rachal Lankford won the girls’ cross country run at Northampton on Monday in 24:35. Arcadia won the meet with 30 points, narrowly defeating Southampton with 34. Nandua was third with 60. Other local runners in the top 10 were Caroline Hiler of Northampton, second in 25:11; Sophia Siemenski of Arcadia, third in 25:38; Celeste Briones of Arcadia fifth in 26:20; Nandua’s Ellie Harvie sixth in 26:26; and Arcadia’s Jo Fuller 10th in 27:39. Teeling Completes Delmarva Rowing Trip Andy Teeling of Belle Haven completed a 450-mile rowing trip around the Delmarva Peninsula when he landed at the headquarters of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation recently in his hometown of Annapolis, Md. Teeling started out in 1979 in a boat he built and made it down the Chesapeake Bay and up to Chincoteague before he had to start college. Last May, 35 years later, Teeling left Chincoteague in a larger boat he also built and wound his way north before crossing the peninsula through the Chesapeake & Delaware Canal. Two weeks ago, he made the final 38mile trek across the Chesapeake Bay, where he was met by his mother, who had prepared a hot meal and provided a warm bed. Teeling began the trip as a single man and completed it married with two sons. DU Greenwing Event Oct. 19 Hector Cime (left) and Rachal Lankford of Arcadia won the boys’ and girls’ divisions of a cross country meet held at Northampton Monday. NCEF Golf Tournament Oct. 15 The Northampton County Education Foundation’s 8th Annual Charity Golf Tournament will be held Wednesday, Oct. 15, at Bay Creek Golf Club in Cape Charles with a noon shotgun start. The $400 team entry fee covers the greens fee, carts, lunch, dinner, and prizes. Hole sponsorships are $250 for non-playing sponsors or $600 with a team. The entry should include names of team members, a contact phone number and an email address. Make checks payable to NCEF and mail to P.O. Box 323, Cape Charles, VA 23310. For more information, call Crosby Johnson at 331-2932 or 678-6212. The Eastern Shore Chapter of Ducks Unlimited will host a youth “Greenwing” event in collaboration with The Nature Conservancy at Brownsville Farm near Nassawadox Sunday, Oct. 19, from noon until 4 p.m. The event will be open to children of all ages, although activities will target 8- to 17-year-olds. The purpose of the event is to encourage local youth to take an interest in outdoor recreation and natural resource conservation. Ducks Unlimited membership as a “Greenwing” will be available for $15, which includes a magazine subscription, duck call, T-shirt and chance in a raffle to take home door prizes that include a BB gun, Greenwing knife, and archery set. Siblings and parents can attend free. This year’s event will include a duck-calling contest for various youth age groups. Participants can enjoy several hunting retriever demonstrations, a live farm animal exhibit by Pfeiffer Stables, a visit with McGruff the Crime Dog and an opportunity to sign up with the Identa-Kid Program. Greenwings and their friends and families also can observe demonstrations throughout the day, including metal sculpture, gun and boating safety, bluebird house building, a touch tank of cool marine critters and law-enforcement K-9 units. Staff from The Nature Conservancy will be on hand to talk about eelgrass and oyster restoration efforts and shorebirds in the area. Smith Island Cakes Wednesday - Saturday 9am-2pm Thursday Night 5pm-8pm Thursday Night is Burger Night! Daily Specials Dinner & Entertainment Matt & Wayne Young w/Special Guest Bill Lecato Friday, October 17th Now Accepting: Visa, MasterCard, Discover 24399 Lankford Hwy. Tasley 789-3686 October 10, 2014 • Eastern Shore Post • 31 Classified Ads, Real Estate Ads, Auctions & Legal Notices Eastern Shore Trading POST Announcement The family of Jacques DuVual Fauntleroy wishes to thank everyone for the flowers, donations, prayers, love and support in our time of mourning. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! The Family Help Wanted EASTERN SHORE RURAL HEALTH SYSTEM, INC. is currently recruiting Center Nurse for the Atlantic Community Health Center This position requires a person with current certification as a Registered Nurse or Licensed Practical Nurse in the State of Virginia. Requires strong clinical, assessment and communication skills. Ability to provide bilingual patient care a plus. This position is 40-hours-per-week with benefits. Referrals Coordinator for the Atlantic Community Health Center Requires a graduate of an accredited high school and requires an associate’s degree in a related field. Experience with the referral process is preferred. Successful applicant will have strong leadership, management and computer skills required with proficiency in Excel. Must have supervisory experience and have worked in a medical practice for a minimum of 3 years. Ability to provide bilingual patient care is a plus. This position is 40-hours-per-week with benefits. If you are a mission-driven person looking to make a difference, email an application to before noon on October 17, 2014. Applications can be obtained from Resumes may accompany the application but will not be considered if sent alone. Eastern Shore Rural Health offers a competitive benefits package and our campuses are Tobacco-Free Workplaces. EOE/M/F/Disability/Vet Office Manager Residential General Contractor seeks a part time (24 hours/week) Office Manager to assist with the day-today operations. Seeking enthusiastic, personable and eager to learn candidate. Experience with QuickBooks and MS Office a plus, but not required. Transportation means prerequisite. Competitive pay and benefits. All inquiries: please submit letter and resume to L.J. Kellam Construction, L.L.C., PO Box 2, Belle Haven, VA 23306 or Eastern Shore Tractor has an immediate fulltime Facility Maintenance position available. Job duties include (but are not limited to): deliveries, shop cleaning, grass cutting & light assembly work. Qualified person must have a CDL license, clean MVR & pass mandatory drug screenings. Great benefits. Salary based on experience. Please send resumes to: ESCC is seeking qualified candidates for the following full-time staff positions: Senior Administrative Staff Assistant ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALISTS Positions #05663, #ES007 Duties: Provide administrative and clerical support for the President and provide information and assistance to the College Board, faculty, staff, students, state and local agencies, regulatory and accrediting agencies and the College Institutional Advancement Office. Position #05663: On-site sewage and water program permitting and inspections, shoreline survey followup inspections, migrant labor camp inspections, rabies control, and general environmental complaints. Position #ES007: Food and restaurant sanitation, rabies control, migrant labor camp inspections, tourist establishment sanitation, swimming pool sanitation, marina sanitation, beach monitoring, and general environmental complaints. Minimum Qualifications: Associate degree or combination of college credits and relevant experience, experience in an administrative office, excellent written and oral communication skills, proficiency in MS Office products. For detailed job information or to apply, visit Virginia Department of Health (VDH) accepts only online applications; apply by 5 p.m. on October 15, 2014. EEO. Application review will begin on 10/27/14. See website for additional responsibilities, qualifications and application process. Great Career Opportunity for Motivated and Flexible Individual: The Randy Custis Memorial Fund is Looking for a Full-Time EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Applicant must have 5 years experience in non-profit leadership or equivalent experience. Competitive salary commensurate with experience SUBMIT RESUMES TO: The Randy Custis Memorial Fund P. O. Box 237 Nassawadox, VA 23413 ESCC is an EEO/AA and E-verify employer AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC - Must have 5 years experience & own tools. Pay based on experience. Call between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.: (757) 787-4633. AUTOMOTIVE MASTER MECHANIC - 5 day work week. Top pay, up to $25/hr. Must have 3 ASE certifications and 10+ years experience & references. Call between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.: (757) 787-4633. TIRE AND LUBE TECH - Must be able to perform light mechanical repairs and have some tools. Top pay. Call between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.: (757) 787-4633. Salary $24,479 plus state benefit package May be higher depending on qualifications and experience The Town of Onley has an immediate opening for a PartTime Zoning Administrator. The successful candidate must have the ability to maintain an effective working relationship with Town Officials and the general public while properly enforcing Town Ordinances. A complete job description is available at Applications will be received at the Onley Town Office, 25559 E. Main Street, Onley VA 23418 until November 3, 2014. The Town of Onley is an equal opportunity employer. Now Hiring Therapeutic Interventions, Inc. is seeking qualified individuals for their Therapeutic Day Treatment and Community Based Programs serving the Eastern Shore Area. Applicants with a degree in a Human Services related field and experience in: • Special Education • Juvenile Probation • Social Work • Juvenile Residential Centers • Juvenile Group Homes • Juvenile Detention Centers • School Counseling • In-Home Counseling • Mental Heath Support • Counseling will be considered strong candidates for this program (Criminal Justice degrees do NOT apply to this type of work). Currently hiring for several positions offering full-time & parttime work schedules. Excellent salary and benefit package available for full-time positions. To apply send resume to: OR Mail to: P.O. BOX 308, Belle Haven, VA 23306. 32 • Eastern Shore Post • October 10, 2014 Help Wanted (Cont’d) David’s Nursery LLC is seeking qualified applicants to fill the position of Secretary/Executive Assistant. Position would be full time. Hours vary during year and will involve Saturdays during spring. Pay would be hourly and based on experience level of applicant. Computer skills required. Typing skills required. Knowledge of Microsoft Office products very desirable. Microsoft Access is used extensively. Word, Excel and Outlook also used. Please no phone calls. Submit resumes and references either via email ( or regular mail (P.O. Box 926, Exmore, VA 23350). We will contact the leading candidates to arrange interviews. David’s Nursery is located 5 miles west of Exmore on Rt. 183. Help Wanted avon reps needed Call: 757-710-2075. b a r t e n d e r / wa i tress needed - Applications available at The Moose Lodge, Belle Haven. drivers: CDL-A. AverDeliver Phone Books Work Your Own Hours Delivering in the Accomack & Northampton Counties. Must be 18yrs old, have valid DL & Insured vehicle. No exp. necessary 1-800-518-1333 x224 age $52,000 per yr. plus Excellent Home Time + Weekends. Monthly bonuses up to $650. 5,000w APUs for YOUR Comfort + E-Logs. Excellent Benefits. 100% no touch. 877-704-3773. workers needed in birdsnest picking up sticks & pine cones - No experience needed. Call 757-678-5547. auto-body technician needed - Serious inquiries only. Rock’s Body Shop, Cape Charles. Call 757-331-4223 & ask for Ron coastal tire & auto is looking for Automotive Technician w/2 yrs. or more exp. Needs to be a VA state inspector. Position is open in our Accomac, Va. location. Resume required. Call 757-442-6116 or email to Auto Supplies Reese 12k gtw dual Cam weight-distribution & anti-sway system for towing a travel trailer. Plus shank & ball. Used twice. Regular $750, Sell $375. Call 757-350-9055. Boats, Etc. 12-ft. porposie ii sailboat & trailer - Nice boat, nice condition. $550. Call 787-7252. 19.5-ft. privateer Custom from factory open, full-length custom canopy. 40 h.p. Honda w/40 hrs., elec. start & tilt, all stainless steel deck fittings, Load-rite trailer w/teflon rollers. $9,500: it is a steal! Call 757-875-0268. 17-ft. sea kayak - Like new. Perception Eclipse w/ rudder & paddle. $450OBO. Call 757-442-2783. ’03 aquasport - 19-ft. 4-in. CC, 115 h.p. Johnson (low hrs.), EZ Loader trailer, new upholstery, must see! REDUCED: $9,200. OBO. Call 757-678-6098. 18’ ’75 laguna windsor sailboat - w/ ’01 Load-rite trailer, like new, good learner boat, 6 h.p. Johnson, Reduced: $1,000, at Cape Charles Marina. 757-331-4940. ’86 aquasport - 29ft. TM w/tower & controls, full electronics & auto-pilot, radar & A/C. Twin 350 inboards, galley, head w/ shower, sleeps 4. $9,950. Call 757-789-3513. ’99 angler - 22-ft. Walkaround Cutty Cab, 150 h.p. Johnson. Boat, motor, all equipment & Venture trailer: $10K OBO. 443-286-7215 mercury outboard propeller ss 22Pitch - Like new. $450. 757-710-0070 30’ sportscraft 300 Sea Eagle. Updated 350 Vortex 315 h.p. Low hrs. Reduced to $8,900 OBO. Selling due to illness. 854-1834. ’01 18’ trophy - Very good cond. + extras. Can be seen at K & E Marine, across from Perdue plant. $11K. 757-678-3622. boat wheels - 4-blade, 1 pair, 19” x 23-11/2” shaft. $650. Call 757-999-3437 & leave message. 23’ bayliner - 5.7 I/O, 9.9 aux. motor w/hyd. lift, anchor puller, sink, fridge, stove, head, sleeps 4, trailer. $8,995. 757-302-1185 ’05 17’ bayliner - Low hrs., $4,200. 130 h.p. I/O, depth finder, trailer, Call 710-8603 or 442-4141. 1988 Grady White 20’, 225 h.p. Yamaha, 2 axle trailer. Ready to go. $10,000. Call 757-824-5748. ’77 22’ catalina sailboat - Swing keel, new fiberglass, clean cabin, good sails, 6 h.p. Yamaha long shaft, Load-rite trailer. $3,800 (OBO). 442-1132 quinby area – 14-ft. Duck Boat for sale w/motor. Call after 6 p.m.: 442-6422. 28’ carver mariner Two 305 Mercruiser engines (low hrs.), sleeps 4, fridge, microwave, compass. Recently hulled & painted. NOW $15K OBO. 757-619-8841 ’99 JOHNSON OUTBOARD - 115 h.p. $1800. Can be demoed. Good condition. 757-442-1345 ’98 sunbird cuttycab - 130 h.p. Evinrude, 222 hours, w/trailer. $5,000. 757-709-1191, leave msg. 24’ privateer w/130 H.P. Yamaha 2-stroke Boat, motor, & trailer: asking $8,000 OBO. Pot puller included. 757-678-6226. 20’ 4” open c-hawk ’95 Mercury 200 outboard, trailer, $7,800. 710-2958. boat wheels - 3-blade, 1 pair, 22” x 23-11/2” shaft. $650. Call 757-999-3437 & leave message. 27’ FG work boat - 6 cyl. Perkins Diesel w/net drum. $7,000. Call 757-789-3336. ’91 SeaRay Sundancer - 28’, 10’6” Beam, Twin Mercruiser I/O 5.0LX Engines; A/C w/reverse cycle heat, nice galley, head w/ shower, sleeps 6, 2 custom canvases, much more. 787-3454 ’02 catamaran - 18’, 75 h.p. Mercury eng. & trailer. Bought new in 2002. Low engine hours & exc. cond. $8,000 OBO. 331-1319 Commercial Bldgs. Feed/Seed - Rent or Purchase horse hay - $5 per bale. straw - $3.50 per bale. Call 757-824-3930 or call 757-894-1339 (cell). 3008 sq. ft. bldg. 16,580 sq. ft. bldg. exmore, va - Sturdy well-built buildings. Good for church/bingo parlor; veterinarian clinic/grooming facility; senior citizen activity center; church hall; child care; dance studio; gym; woodworking shop; artisan/craft guild; call center; Internet business; bar & dance hall; mail-order shipping business; offices. Put your business here! CALL 757-678-7500. pocomoke, md. - 5,500 sq. ft. bldg. Newly renovated, secure – one of two best built bldgs. in town. Perfect for offices or one user, w/ parking. $6.50/ sq. ft. CALL 757-678-7500. Crepe Myrtles For Sale developers or home owners: Landscape special on 7 gal. crepe myrtles 5’-6’. $16/plant. Min. order 5 plants. Colors are red, pink, white & purple. Please call 442-7677 & leave msg. Pit Bulls For Sale full-breed pit bull puppies weened & ready to go. Very loveable. Not for fighting. Very good pets. 7 left. Call (757) 350-5034. Farm & Lawn Equipment FORD TRACTOR - 1953 Jubilee - exc. cond. - garagekept - Contact 442-2321. 1953 ANNIVERSARY JUBILEE 600 FORD TRACTOR - $3,500. 442-7507. 2000 case maxi-c trencher w/Hydra-Bore & P-75 vibratory plow & 6-in. digger chain, 492 use hours. $7,500. Call 757-442-9239. Firewood For Sale seasoned oak & Cherry - Call 678-2566. cut wood - $150/cord; delivery is $20 or you can pick up. 757-665-6262. Misc. - For Sale elegant china cabinet - Must See!! Excellent Condition. $300. Call 1-757-787-1028. furniture for sale in machipongo - Living room, dining room, bedroom, sunroom, porch & other misc. furniture. EXCELLENT condition at BARGAIN prices. On site October 11, 12 & 13 and October 18, 19 & 20. For additional details, call 540-818-2063. baldwin piano - Excellent condition. Needs tuning. $400. 757-710-8612 pipe-threading machine - 1”-2” with dies & oiler. $1,500. 757-710-0070. FOR SALE: Oak dining room table w/5 chairs & a captain’s chair; an antique china closet. $400 OBO. Call 757-787-7307. simplicity basinet - Like brand new with music and vibrations. $75. Call 757-854-1637. items for sale - German dining rm set $450; 6 piece wall unit 16’x7’ $450; Tower pioneer sound system $600; tools, grills, computers, books, $’s low, not priced items range from $2-$30. 757-694-1336. BECKETT oil furnace - 80% fuel efficient, Bought new ’01. All orig. paperwork. 20-ft. galv. duct work. 8-ft. flue pipe. Serviced in January. Copper lines. $400. Scott: 757-442-2079. swimming pool & deck - 24-ft., 4 1/2” depth, with new motor. $500 OBO. 757-331-1319. 754 taylor triplehead soft-serve ice cream machine - Bought new; only used 6 mos. Water cooled. $2,500. Call 757-710-7000. tungsten wedding band - Size 9, $50. Call 757-894-8908. set of 4 chrome 20” universal car rims & 2 brand new tires – Reduced: $300 for everything. 678-2566. Steuben Dressage Saddle $425. 757-999-4999 gold engagement ring - Sz. 7, never worn, center diamond 1/2 karat w/ side diamonds–6 each side. Asking $800 ($1,200 assessed value). Call 757-787-3628. bathtub lift chair Operated by water pressure. Almost new; only used 2x. $500. 665-5040 or 894-0669 NEW VOGUE PRIMA: Above-ground pool. 24’ round with auto cleaner. Must be moved. $2,950 OBO. 757-709-0409 ’88-’92 maxx racing card set - And 1990 Skybox NBA Card Sets: Make Offer. 710-8637 Mobile Homes 7116 tulls cir., new church - 2BR, 2BA mobile home. Appliances, garage, lg. lot, $650/mo. Call 757-990-2172. mobile home in atlantic for rent 3BR, 2BA. On private lot. $600/mo. HUD accepted. Call 894-8161. trailer lots - Land lots available to lease for singlewide trailer homes at Modest Town Trailer Park. Call Carl at 410-262-3070. Triangle Enterprises, Inc. is now accepting applications for: • 3BR, 2BA mobile home, Triangle Enterprises Mobile Home Park, Mappsville, all elec., newly renovated Section 8 welcome (757) 787-4664 Holland Hill Residential Community 29279 Tyler Drive New Church, VA 23415 2- & 3-BDRM mobile homes rent starts at $550 per month. Refrigerator/range/ washer/dryer hook-up. Weekly trash pick-up/ water/sewer are included in rent. Transit Bus Service. No pets. (757)824-0315 We pay top dollar for Used Homes & trade-ins!!! Call for details. 302-846-9100. new 3 bed, 2 bath home - Only $500 deposit. Call for details 302846-0494. landfire your lord!!!! New 3BR, 2BA land/home package in your area. $500 down. Call for details. 302-846-0595. October 10, 2014 • Eastern Shore Post • 33 2br mobile homes in northern acc. cty. for rent - Section 8 approved. Call 757-710-8894. mobile home lot for rent - Well, septic & elec. LARGE private lot. Rt. 13, Pastoria. $275/mo. Call 710-2192. 3br, 2ba mobile home - Located in Pine Ridge Trailer Park - $650/ mo. & $650/sec. dep. Serious inquiries only. 710-8981. nueva casa, 3 recamaras, 2 banos - Solo $500 deposito. Llame para los requesitos 302-846-9100. why rent when you can buy a new home? - $500 down. Call today to see just how easy it IS to own YOUR OWN HOME. 302-846-0494. Mobile Home Parts for sale. We also move mobile homes. Dreamland Homes, Rt. 13, Accomac, VA. 787-2823. Real Estate wanted: 2-10 acres - (No water) in Cheriton, Birdsnest or Marionville. Owner must be willing to finance after 20-25% down payment. 516-221-0297. Rentals - Apts. onancock - Deluxe 2BR, Liv. & Din. area, 1BA, W/D, All Appliances, $675/ mo. 1 year lease, 1 mo. sec. dep., & ref. req’d. 787-7640. Available now. melfa - Townhouse style apt. for rent. Newly renovated. References & deposit required. 757-387-9700. nassawadox - Deluxe 2BR, Liv. & Din. area, 1BA, W/D, All Appliances, $675/ mo. 1 year lease, 1 mo. sec. dep., & ref. req’d. 787-7640. Available now. Hartley Hall Senior Housing in Pocomoke City, Md., is accepting applications for 1-bedroom and efficiency apartments in an elderly housing subsidized apartment complex. Contact 410957-2252 for application or visit office at 1006 Market Street in Pocomoke City. Equal Housing Opportunity accomack manor apartments for seniors (55 & over) fitness, computer, & community rooms Planned activities & pet friendly 757-665-5848 eho crispus attucks apts. OPEN HOUSE 10/10, 10/11 & 10/12 10 a.m.- 3 p.m. 29511 Seaside Rd., Cape Charles 1 mi. from Kiptopeke Park 1-757-350-1854 for sale: craddockville - House w/3BR, 1.5BA, on 1/2-acre lot w/lg. workshop & outbuilding. Enclosed den & screened front porch. Lg. living & dining rooms. $150,000. Call 442-9436. for sale: wallops launch pad view 3/4-acre lot - Site ready. Priced below assessment. Call 757-710-0501. for sale: near wachapreague - Tax Map 113, double circle 2, parcel G. 26.43 acres. Asking $5K/acre. Call 442-9791 3208 Thurgood Marshall Rd. Exmore, VA 23350 (757)442-4173 2- & 3-bedroom units available for immediate occupancy by qualified applicant. Applications will be available at 3208 Thurgood Marshall Road, Exmore, Virginia from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday thru Friday. Applications may be requested by calling the Crispus Attucks office number. •Housing Choice Vouchers Accepted •Rental Assistance Available EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Peter Cartwright Manor Apts., located in Exmore, Va., is taking applications for seniors 62 or older. Units available now. Call 414-0020. Exmore Village I & II Apartments Looking for a cool affordable apartment? 1-Bedroom Apartments for persons 62 and older or persons with disabilities. Rent based on income. Qualified applicants will be placed on the waiting list. If you just can’t “bear” looking at your driveway another second, call JOHN MILLER!! He’ll make it all better. Dry Shells, Stone, Clam Shells, Top Soil, Fill Dirt, Excavation, & Backhoe Work Just Call Site Work Specialist John C. Miller at 757-665-4026 MARSHALL’S TREE SERVICE Capable, Affordable, Dependable (757)442-9471 newtowne apartments Immediate Occupancy to those who qualify EFFICIENCY APTS. AVAILABLE AGE 62+ Apply at Newtowne Apartments, Pocomoke Rent based on income Call: (410) 957-1562 Rentals Commercial 5000 sq. ft. Bldg. locustville, va - 6-bay garage. Has built-in paint shop. Call 757-787-7886. 3600 sq. ft. prime office space. Rt. 13 Hwy. frontage midway between the two counties. Conference room, private offices, computer room, plenty of storage, two ADA bathrooms, an executive bathroom, reception area, break room/kitchen, easy access to Rt. 13. This is perfect for doctors’ offices, a state or federal agency. Formerly home care agency leased for 10 years. Immediate occupancy. Call 678-7500. Rentals - Houses parksley - 4BR, porch, garage. Security & deposit. $750/mo. 414-0429. quinby - 2BR, 1BA. Central heat & air, $650/mo. Call 757-665-1925. atlantic - 3BR & den, 2BA, eat-in Kit., gas heat & cooking, Call Sherry - 757710-0701 or Robin - 252331-3987. LIST YOUR YARD SALE STARTING AT ONLY $10 CALL ANGIE AT 789-POST ISA Certified Arborist (#MA-3138A) Licensed & Insured Accepting: Free estimates. 442-7540 house for rent/ exmore - 2BR, 1BA newly renovated home. New kitchen, end of cul de sac. Treed yard, midway between 2 counties. $675/ mo. Professionals need apply. Call 757-678-7500 or 757-678-7631. birdsnest area - 3BR house, W/D hook-up, nice neighborhood, Sec. 8 welcome. Call 678-7483 & leave name & number. Room for Rent Housesharing in onancock - $400/mo. and first & last. 1 person. No pets. Call 575-535-4539. TONY’S TREE SERVICE COMPLETE TREE REMOVAL 14319 Deer Path Hallwood, VA 23359 (757) 990-1131 Residential • Commercial FREE Estimates • Stump Grinding Stump Removal • Lot Clearing • Excavation Licensed and Insured Garage Doors Automatic Openers Installation, Sales & Service Simpson Tree & BOBCAT Service - Tree trimming, removal and stump grinding. 787-2100 or 7108477. FREE ESTIMATES. We accept credit cards. 100% ORGANIC MULCH IN BULK You pick up or we deliver 442-7540 Smith Chapel Thrift Shop, Quinby - Sat., Oct. 11. 8-11 a.m. Halloween items and much, much more. Open every Thurs. 9-11 a.m. Vehicles – Cars, Services Pine, Oak, Walnut, Cherry and more for sale. Rough cut or planed available or we saw your logs. Portable Sawmill. 757-331-4848 Thrift Shop Affordable Rates Call 894-3151 paRKS paving Paving, Seal Coating, All Repairs, Culvert Pipes & Extensions, Dirt Work, Bobcat & Mini Backhoe Services. Locally Owned Business. 757-710-9600. Storage nandua mini storage Rt. 650, Taylor Rd., Tasley. 757-787-3059. $10 Off 1st month’s rent Trucks, SUVs, RVs ’95 plymouth grand voyager - Good cond. $1,000. 757-414-3567. ’11 Coachmen classc motorhome - Leprechaun 32-ft., 2 slide-outs, leveling jacks. Loaded w/extras. $65,000 OBO. 999-3437. ’00 mustang – 150K mi. New tires, brakes clutch & windshield-wiper motor. $4,300 Firm. Call 710-7571. ’08 toyota prius 115K miles, fully loaded, all leather, highly maintained, $10,500. 787-3208. ’99 corvette convertible - Black on black, exc. cond., 32K mi., chrome wheels, new tires, garage kept. $22,000. Call 757-894-1664. Need to run a Legal Ad? CALL ANGIE AT 789-7678 34 • Eastern Shore Post • October 10, 2014 ’99 35th anniversary gt mustang - Professionally installed engine 9/15/11, 36-mo. warranty on engine still good. $7,500. Good cond. 757-377-8261. ’95 ford escort - 95K mi., automatic, air, 4-door, power windows & locks. $1,800 OBO. 336-4507. ’12 nissan altima 2.5S, 4-DR, 4-cyl. automatic, A/C, CD player, cruise control, power window/locks, like new, warranty, 22K mi., $14,900. Call 443-235-0304. ’83 silverado chevrolet antique pickup – Auto. trans., power steering & brakes, A/C, cruise. 44K original mi. $7,000 OBO. 787-8885. ’84 Monte Carlo - Classic. 45,000 actual miles, AM/ FM cassette, power brakes & steering. $8,800. 442-5009. 1969 4-door chevy malibu – Has a solid frame. Restoration project. 350 rebuilt engine. Title included. $2,200 OBO. Leave message: 787-4143. ’04 f150 4x4 ford xlt lariet - All options, 200K mi., mechanically & physically sound. $7,800. Call 757620-9042 or 757-653-0371. ’05 Grand Marquis – $3,995, 164K miles, exc. cond. 757-824-5555. ’81 Cadillac El Dorado Diesel. Very good cond. Low mileage. $4,850. Call Rodney 665-4639 ’03 ford mustang Newly painted yellow, P/S, A/T, A/C, CD player w/remote, full power, V6, exc. cond., 112.5K mi., REDUCED: $4,500. 757-709-3613. ’76 Chevy Impala 2-dr. sedan. $1,800 firm. 4422263 after 5. ’04 Chrysler Town & Country 144,100 miles. 1 dent in tailgate/fact. installed child seat. Power locks/windows. Heat/AC. Very dependable. Dk. Blue/gray int. $4500.757-665-5138. ’97 gmc truck - Extended cab, 3-door, 5.7 V8, 235K mi., Needs front-end work. $2,200. 999-4999 ’06 holiday rambler admiral se – 33’, only 20K mi., low hours on gen., very clean, exc. cond., auto. leveling, C/C, sat., 2-TVs, refrig., $49,950. 442-7875. Vehicles – Motorcycles & ATVs ’98 moto-guzzi 1100V motorcycle - Low miles. Exc. cond. 757-710-0359. ’05 SPORTSTER HARLEY, 2,000 miles, blue, $7,500 negotiable, Excellent cond. 757-710-9107 ‘04 Harley fat boy Apehangers, Triple Exhaust, 6,773 miles. Asking $9,500. Call 757-709-9112 or 757-709-4963. ’88 BMW motorcycle - K100RS, 52K miles. Has bags, fairing, & windshield. $3,000 OBO. 50 m.p.g. Call 757-694-5332. 2007 Harley davidson- Super Glide Custom. 2100 miles. Garage kept. $16,000. Now Only $13,000. 710-8676 (After 4 p.m. only, please.) Wanted buying junk cars, scrap metal, copper, aluminum, brass, tin, & aluminum rims. Paying top dollar. Turn your scrap into cash!! Cars picked up the same day, free of charge. We also buy Elec. Motors & batteries. So call Bowser & Son Salvage Yard ph. 824-3719 or cell 8945859. Yard/Estate Sales garage sale - Sat., Oct. 11. 8 a.m.-noon. Lots of good stuff. 26399 Redwood Rd., Onley. 2-story brick house w/ red barns, behind Nandua High School. No early birds. indoor yard sale Sat., Oct. 11. 8-1. Rain or shine. The Woman’s Club of Accomack, 25405 Richmond Ave., Onley (opposite Sage Diner on Rt. 13.) Jewelry, bake table, soup, toys, books, plants, white elephant. yard sale plus antique car show - Harborton. Oct. 11, 8-3. Rain date: Oct. 18. Vendors-$10. Antique cars free. Call Lori Ridington at 709-3426. multi-family yard sale - Fri., Oct. 10 & Sat., Oct. 11. 8 a.m.-until. 35 Kerr St., Onancock. Jennaire 42” cook-top, household, furn., clothes (some w/tags.) LIST YOUR YARD SALE STARTING AT ONLY $10 CALL ANGIE AT 789-POST NOTICE JUDICIAL SALE OF REAL ESTATE On November 10, 2014, proceedings will be commenced under authority of Section 58.1- 3965 et seq. of the Code of Virginia to sell the following parcels located in the Town of Onancock, Accomack County, Virginia for payment of delinquent taxes: Freddie P. Elmandorf Tonya T. Williams and Nathaniel B. Williams III Evelyn Davis and Clarence Davis Jr, et als Mary Selby Chandler and Dora Mitchell Malcolm Brooks Savage and William Mapp Savage Theodore Summerville 085A3A000001800 and 085A3A000001900 085A308000004A0, 085A308000006A0 and 085A30800000700 085A30800001400, which includes 085A308000015A0 085A3A000005200 085A10500002400 085A30300003400 The owner of any property listed may redeem it at any time before the date of sale by paying accumulated taxes, penalties, interest and costs thereon at the law office listed below. The pro-rata costs of publication hereunder shall become a part of the tax and, together with all other costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees set by the court, shall be collected when payment is made whether or not court proceedings have been initiated. John P. Custis, Esq. Custis, Dix, Lewis, & Custis LLP P. O. Box 577 Accomac, VA 23301-0577 757-787-2770 SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Pursuant to the Decree of the Circuit Court of Accomack County, Virginia entered on August 14, 2014, in the Partition suit brought by Donald Ray Thornton, et ux v. Ronald W. Collins, et als, the undersigned Special Commissioners will, on Friday, November 7, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. at the front door of the Circuit Court Courthouse in Accomac, Virginia, located at 23312 Courthouse Avenue, offer for sale to the highest bidder, the following described real estate: Parcel 1: All that certain lot or parcel of land situated near Deep Hole, Chincoteague Island, Accomack County, Virginia, shown as “Daniel Hill Heirs” on a certain plat of survey entitled “SURVEY SHOWING PROPERTIES OF EDNA COLLINS, STANLEY REED, AND DONALD THORNTON, CHINCOTEAGUE, ACCOMACK CO. VA.”, DATE: 9/22/81, MADE BY R.L. BEEBE C.E., which plat is recorded as Instrument Number 201103128 in the Clerk’s Office for the Circuit Court of Accomack County, Virginia. Said lot or parcel of land is bounded on the Northeast by the land now of Richard E. Goldberg and the “Hill Cemetery”, as shown on said plat; on the Southeast by Deep Hole Creek, as shown on said plat; on the Southwest by the “Shell Road (Approx. 10’ Wide)” commonly known as the “Timothy Hill Road” or “Timothy Hill Lane”, Parcel 2 hereinafter described, as shown on said plat; and on the Northwest by Deep Hole Road and the “Hill Cemetery”, as shown on said plat. Said lot or parcel of real estate is shown on the Tax Maps of Accomack County, Virginia as Parcel No. 031B2A0000050A0 and Parcel No. 03IB2A0000050C0. Parcel 2: All that certain lot or parcel of land situated near Deep Hole, Chincoteague Island, Accomack County, Virginia, shown as “Shell Road (Approx. 10’ Wide)” on a certain plat of survey entitled “SURVEY SHOWING PROPERTIES OF EDNA COLLINS, STANLEY REED, AND DONALD THORNTON, CHINCOTEAGUE, ACCOMACK CO. VA.”, DATE: 9/22/81, MADE BY R.L. Beebe C. E., which plat is recorded as Instrument Number 201103128 in the Clerk’s Office for the Circuit Court of Accomack County, Virginia, commonly known as the “Timothy Hill Road” or “Timothy Hill Lane”. Said lot or parcel of land is bounded on the Northeast by Parcel 1 hereinabove described; on the Southeast by Deep Hole Creek, as shown on said plat; on the Southwest by the land of Donald Ray Thornton and Wanda J. Thornton, and the land formerly of Stanley Reed, as shown on said plat; and on the Northwest by Deep Hole Road, as shown on said plat. Said lot or parcel of real estate is shown on the Tax Maps of Accomack County as Parcel No. G. Cabell Lawton, IV Town of Onancock, Town Manager Accomack County, Virginia 03IBA20000050B0. TERMS OF SALE Said parcels of real estate shall be offered separately, with the highest bids to be accepted by the Special Commissioners, subject to confirmation by the Court. All prospective bidders will be required to register prior to the sale and provide a bidder’s deposit of $5,000.00 each to the Special Commissioners in the form of a bank check payable to the bidder and endorsed in blank, or an irrevocable letter of credit from a banking institution doing business in the Commonwealth of Virginia, with said bid deposit being applied to the bid amount of the successful bidders. Deposits of unsuccessful bidders shall be returned. The successful bidder as to each parcel will further be required to pay a total deposit of 20%, which will include the bid deposit, on the day of sale of the total bid amount, with the privilege of paying such additional sum as he or she may elect, and to execute a note payable to the Special Commissioners in thirty (30) days for the deferred balance of the bid amount, and bearing interest at the legal rate. This sale is expressly subject to confirmation by the Circuit Court of Accomack County, Virginia, with the successful bidders to be given notice of hearing thereof. The Special Commissioners may or may not recommend confirmation depending on the amount of the bids. Settlement shall occur, if confirmed by the Circuit Court, within thirty (30) days of the date of sale, at which time the balance of the purchase price shall be paid in good funds. Said real estate shall be sold and conveyed by the Special Commissioners with Special Warranty of title and as to Parcel 2, expressly subject to easements of ingress and egress for the benefit of Parcel 1 and the adjacent real estate of Donald Ray Thornton, et ux. Preparation of the deed of conveyance for said real estate, if confirmed, shall be at the expense of the successful purchaser, with all recording costs to be at the expense of said purchaser. 2014 real estate taxes will be prorated as of settlement. Other terms may be announced at the sale. For further information, please contact Jon C. Poulson, 23349 Cross Street, P.O. Box 478, Accomac, Virginia 23301, (757) 787-2620 or David W. Rowan, P.O. Box 561, Accomac, Virginia 23301 (757) 302-1375. Jon C. Poulson, Special Commissioner David W. Rowan, Special Commissioner I, Samuel H. Cooper, Jr., Clerk of the Circuit Court, hereby certify that Jon C. Poulson and David W. Rowan have given Bond as required by said Decree, with security approved by me. Samuel H. Cooper, Jr., Clerk October 10, 2014 • Eastern Shore Post • 35 Legal Advertising & Bids INVITATION TO BID Onancock Elks Lodge #1766 is accepting bids from qualified roofing contractors for repairs to the lodge roof located at 22454 Front St., Accomac, Va. The scope of work will involve either a coating or membrane applied over a metal roof. Contact Sam Morris at 757-787-9422 and leave a message for more info. As a recognized Newspaper of Record serving Accomack & Northampton counties, the Eastern Shore Post is pleased to offer free quotes for your legal advertising needs. Simply fax your ad to 789-7681 or e-mail VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE COUNTY OF ACCOMACK COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS, Petitioner, At Law No.: CL14-057 vs. AARON E. KANE, SERVE: Aaron E. Kane (Mail: P. O. Box 5) 33310 Horntown Road New Church, VA 23415 and ALBERT FREDERICK KANE SERVE: by Order of Publication and MARGARET M. CONWAY, Serve via Secretary of the Commonwealth SERVE: Margaret M. Conway 3717 Live Oak Road Randallstown, MD 21133 and Parcel 076 located at 34267 Horntown Road, Horntown, VA 23395 (GPINs 3859-53-6034 and 3859-53-7013) Respondent. ORDER OF PUBLICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: In this proceeding, the PETITIONER seeks to acquire by condemnation the fee simple interest to certain pieces or parcels in any and all easements of access, light or air incident to the land located at 34267 Horntown Road, TRUSTEE’S SALE OF 18841 COUNTY ROAD, PARKSLEY, VIRGINIA 23421 COUNTY OF ACCOMACK In execution of a certain deed of trust dated 10/24/05, in the original principal amount of 169,000.00 recorded in the County of Accomack, Virginia, as Instrument No. 200507282, as amended by an instrument appointing the undersigned as Substitute Trustee, default having occurred in the payment of the Note thereby secured and at the request of the holder, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction in the front of the building housing the Circuit Court of the COUNTY OF ACCOMACK, VA located at 23316 Courthouse Avenue, Accomack, Virginia, 23301 on November 4, 2014, at 10:00 am, the property described the property described in said deed of trust, located at the above address, with improvements thereon and more particularly described as follows: CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 1 ACRE, RECORDED IN ACCOMACK COUNTY, IN DEED BOOK 2001, PAGE 29267. TERMS OF SALE: Neither the Substitute Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust will deliver possession of the property to the successful bidder. The purchaser at the sale will be required to pay all closing costs. Real estate taxes, water/sewer fees and other public charges will be prorated as of the date of sale. The risk of loss or damage to the property passes to the purchaser immediately upon the conclusion of the Substitute Trustee’s sale. Terms: A bidder’s deposit of ten percent (10%) of the sale price or ten percent price (10%) of the original principal balance of the subject deed of trust, whichever is lower, in the form of cash or certified funds payable to the Substitute Trustee must be present at the GPINs 3859-53-6034 and 3859-53-7013, and situated in Accomack County, Virginia, for the use and purposes of the petitioner as are necessary for the construction, reconstruction, alteration, maintenance or repair of a highway system known as Route 709, state secondary system, State Highway Project 0709-001-208, RW201 in the County of Accomack, Virginia, all of which are described more particularly in the petition and exhibits attached thereto on file in the Office of the Clerk of this Court, to which reference is hereby made for a full and accurate description thereof; and for the appointment of commissioners or the empanelment of a jury to ascertain just compensation to the owners of any estate or interest in the property to be taken or affected as a result of the taking and the use thereof by the petitioner. For such purposes, the Petitioner will apply to the Court, sitting at 23316 Courthouse Avenue, Accomac, VA 23301, on the 7th day of November, 2014, at 11:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as Petitioner may be heard, or for the empanelment of a jury to ascertain just compensation as aforesaid. It appearing by Affidavit filed according to law the following owners are not residents of the Commonwealth of Virginia, or their names and addresses are not known and that due diligence has been used by and on behalf of the PETITIONER to ascertain such names and addresses without effect: Heirs, Devisees, Assigns or Successors in Title of Albert Frederick Kane, Unknown Owners and Parties Unknown, or if they be dead, to ascertain who would be the heirs, devisees and successors in title, and in what country or corporation they now are, it is ORDERED that the aforesaid owner does appear within ten (10) days after due publication of this Order in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of Accomack County and do what is necessary to protect his interests; and it is further ORDERED that if any of the above named owners desire to assert any objection or defense to the taking or damage of this property or to the jurisdiction of the Court to hear the case, and time of sale. The balance of the purchase price will be due within 15 days at the office of the Substitute Trustee. Time is of the essence as to the closing date and the payment of the purchase price. If payment of the balance does not occur within fifteen days of the sale date, the deposit will be forfeited. Seller shall not be responsible for any costs incurred by the purchaser in connection with their purchase or settlement, including, without limitation, state and local recording fees, title insurance or research, or any other costs of purchaser’s acquisition. Trustee shall have no duty to obtain possession for purchaser. All risks of casualty pass to successful bidder at conclusion of bidding. The property and the improvements thereon will be sold “AS IS” and without representation or warranties of any kind. The sale is subject to all liens, encumbrances, conditions, easements and restrictions, if any, superior to the mentioned deed of trust and lawfully affecting the property. Sale is subject to post-sale confirmation that the borrower did not file for protection under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code prior to the sale, as well as to post-sale confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower(s) entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, the sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the Purchaser’s deposit without interest. Additional terms to be announced at the sale. Pursuant to the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, we advise you that this firm is a debt collector and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. The Substitute Trustee is Surety Trustees, LLC, 722 E. Market Street, Suite 203, Leesburg, VA 20176. For information contact: Abby Moynihan, McCabe, Weisberg & Conway, attorney for Substitute Trustee at 301-490-3361 or to proceed with the empanelment of a jury he shall file his answer and grounds of defense designating the property in which he claims to be interested, the grounds of any objection or defense to the taking or damage to his property or to the jurisdiction of the Court to hear the case and to proceed with the empanelment of a jury for the determination of just compensation. Should any such owner fail to file their answer and grounds of defense as hereinabove provided, such failure shall not preclude the owner from appearing on the date set for the empanelment of jury nor from presenting evidence as to the valuation and damage nor from sharing in the award of just compensation according to their interests thereon or otherwise protecting his rights, but such failure shall preclude such owner from any other defense by way of pleas in bar, abatement or otherwise. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this Order be published once a week for two (2) successive weeks in The Eastern Shore Post, the publication having general circulation in Accomack County and that a copy of this Order be posted at the front door of the courthouse in the Circuit Court of the County of Accomack, Virginia. BY: Caretta S. Duncan, Deputy Clerk DATE: October 3, 2014 I ask for this: John S. Norris, Jr., Esquire (VSB# 15860) Jonathan L Stone, Esquire (VSB # 75483) NORRIS & ST. CLAIR, P.C. 2840 South Lynnhaven Road Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452-6715 Telephone: (757) 498-7700 Facsimile: (757) 498-7744 Emails: 36 • Eastern Shore Post • October 10, 2014 FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL ESTATE IN CAPTAIN’S COVE October 20, 2014, 10:00 AM To be held at the Marina Club in Captain’s Cove Subdivision 3323 Dock Ct., Greenbackville, VA 23356. Section/Lot: 10-0136, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A60200013600 Assessed Value: $4,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 12-0003, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A70200000300 Assessed Value: $4,000.00 Minimum Bid: $750.00 The following properties will be auctioned: Section/Lot: 13-0001, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A70100000100 Assessed Value: $4,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 1-0550, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A10100055000 Assessed Value: $7,500.00 Minimum Bid: $1,550.00 Section/Lot: 1-0568, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A10100056800 Assessed Value: $5,000.00 Minimum Bid: $750.00 Section/Lot: 2-0350, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A20100035000 Assessed Value: $13,000.00 Minimum Bid: $1,000.00 Section/Lot: 3-1480, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A30100148000 Assessed Value: $3,800.00 Minimum Bid: $800.00 Section/Lot: 3-1605, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A30100160500 Assessed Value: $145,500.00 Minimum Bid: $750.00 Section/Lot: 7-0080, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A60100008000 Assessed Value: $4,000.00 Minimum Bid: $750.00 Section/Lot: 7-0085, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A60100008500 Assessed Value: $4,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 7-0086, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A60100008600 Assessed Value: $4,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 7-0088, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A60100008800 Assessed Value: $4,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 7-0170, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A60100017000 Assessed Value: $4,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 7-0184, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A60100018400 Assessed Value: $4,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 7-0215, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A60100021500 Assessed Value: $4,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 7-0216, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A60100021600 Assessed Value: $4,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 13-0185, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A70100018500 Assessed Value: $4,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 13-0202, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A70100020200 Assessed Value: $4,000.00 Minimum Bid: $750.00 Section/Lot: 13-0203, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A70100020300 Assessed Value: $4,000.00 Minimum Bid: $750.00 Section/Lot: 13-0263, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A70100026300 Assessed Value: $4,000.00 Minimum Bid: $750.00 Section/Lot: 13-0328, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A70100032800 Assessed Value: $4,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 13-0339, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A70100033900 Assessed Value: $4,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 13-0342, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A70100034200 Assessed Value: $4,000.00 Minimum Bid: $750.00 Section/Lot: 13-0350, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A70100035000 Assessed Value: $4,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 13-0397, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A70100039700 Assessed Value: $4,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 14-0028, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A80100002800 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 14-0074, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A80100007400 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $750.00 Section/Lot: 14-0077, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A80100007700 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $750.00 Section/Lot: 14-0145, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A80100014500 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $750.00 Section/Lot: 14-0149, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A80100014900 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $750.00 Section/Lot: 15-0011, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A80200001100 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $750.00 Section/Lot: 15-0028, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A80200002800 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $750.00 Section/Lot: 15-0052, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A80200005200 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 15-0067, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A80200006700 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 15-0078, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A80200007800 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 15-0081, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A80200008100 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 15-0087, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A80200008700 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 15-0101, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A80200010100 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 15-0124, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A80200012400 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 15-0125, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A80200012500 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 15-0126, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A80200012600 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 15-0129, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A80200012900 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 16-0039, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A90300003900 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 16-0046, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A90300004600 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 16-0101, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A90300010100 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $750.00 Section/Lot: 16-0116, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A90300011600 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 16-0117, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A90300011700 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 16-0120, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A90300012000 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 16-0121, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A90300012100 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 16-0152, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A90300015200 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 16-0169, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A90300016900 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 16-0176, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A90300017600 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 17-0005, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A90200000500 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 17-0007, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A90200000700 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $750.00 Section/Lot: 17-0008, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A90200000800 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $750.00 Section/Lot: 17-0053, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A90200005300 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $750.00 Section/Lot: 17-0057, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A90200005700 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $750.00 Section/Lot: 15-0140, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A80200014000 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 16-0008, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A90300000800 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 16-0010, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A90300001000 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 17-0040, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A90200004000 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $750.00 Section/Lot: 17-0041, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A90200004100 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $750.00 Section/Lot: 17-0042, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A90200004200 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $750.00 TRUSTEE: Pender & Coward, P.C., 222 Central Park Ave., Virginia Beach, VA Phone: (757) 490-6261 Section/Lot: 17-0058, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A90200005800 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $750.00 Section/Lot: 17-0148, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A90200014800 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 Section/Lot: 18-0010, Captain’s Cove Tax Map No. 005A90100001000 Assessed Value: $1,000.00 Minimum Bid: $900.00 TERMS: Announcements made at auction time take precedence over any print, electronic, or verbal information, including but not limited to the Minimum Bid. Successful bidder will be required to deposit with Trustee a deposit (non-refundable) in an amount equal to Minimum Bid or 10% of successful bid (whichever is greater) in cash or certified funds at time of sale, with the closing to occur within thirty days of the date of said sale. Written oneprice bids will be accepted for any of the properties pursuant to the terms set forth in Va. Code §55516. There is no warranty relating to right, title, interest, or the like in this disposition. Property is being sold pursuant to Va. Code §55-516, and title will be conveyed pursuant to statute and subject to all liens or encumbrances as provided in said statute. All information for review by appointment only or thirty minutes prior to auction time at auction location. Notwithstanding the Minimum Bids set forth above, the Trustee reserves the right to accept and/ or reject all offers. Time is of the essence. Other conditions may be announced at the sale. Email: OCTOBER 10, 2014 • EASTERN SHORE POST • 37 Blondee’s Express Post Cards 410-641-0130 / Betty 757-302-1017 • NYC 911 Museum $98 pp Nov. 1 • Christmas in the Smoky Mountains $755 pp Nov. 23 - 26 [Dollywood] • Dover Downs [overnight] $102 pp $60 free-play + 3 buffets + hotel + bus Nov. 5 & 6 • Christmas Show @ American Music Theatre $97 Dec. 10 • Elvis Gospel Show Jan. 2015 TBA • Pam Tillis & Lorrie Morgan [overnight] @ American Music Theatre Feb. 6 - 7 TBA • Oak Ridge Boys @ American Music Theatre March 21 TBA • Philadelphia Flower Show $40 [transportation only] March 2 • “Funny Girl” @ Dutch Apple Theatre March 26 TBA • “Joseph” @ Sight and Sound June 10 TBA • Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard & Nantucket $760 pp Sept. 27 - Oct. 1 • Miracle of Christmas @ Sight & Sound TBA Adding more Betty or Blondee • HARRINGTON SLOTS Oct. 21 & 28, Nov. 4, 18 & 5, Dec. 2 & 9 Located in Cape Charles 717-572-7589 For all your Charter needs, call Blondee! Chuck Jones Painting Co. Painting Contractor • Quality Workmanship Custom - Commercial - Industrial Exterior and Interior Chuck Jones FREE ESTIMATES 25 Years Experience Licensed and Insured (757) 464-6181 Cell - (757) 576-6181 OYSTERS (757)710-0279 GROW YOUR OWN WE SUPPLY EVERYTHING YOU NEED Oyster Floats made here on the Eastern Shore SEED OYSTERS/SUPPLIES/INSTRUCTIONS Homes, Historic Renovations, Carpentry and Custom Design-Build Services QS Contracting LLC 757-708-6404 CLASS “A” Licensed & Fully Insured NO MONEY DOWN! Government Mortgage Programs First-Time Home Buyer Programs Call Clayton Homes 302-934-6322 or toll-free 877-680-8796 • Quality Craftsmanship for all your plumbing needs • Residential & Commercial • 25+ Years Experience • Licensed Master Plumber 38 • Eastern Shore Post • October 10, 2014 Lighthouse Mobile Veterinary Services Providing Compassionate Veterinary Care in the comfort of your own home. We offer: • Vaccinations • New Puppy & Kitten Exams • Sick Pet Exams • Laboratory Testing & Much More Give us a call to find out about our vaccination specials THAI RADA RESTAURANT 10% OFF Authentic Thai Native Chefs (W ith This Coupon. Thr u 10/31/14) Now Ser ving Beer & Wine F R E E E S T I M AT E S Construction Co. • ROOFING • FLOOR FINISHING • DECKS • FENCES • PAINTING • DRYWALL • ADDITIONS 757-787-2469 757-710-4145 HOLY COW! ShenValley Floors LLC 4 CORNER PLAZA Now That’s HIGH SPEED INTERNET! 12Mbps Downstream PC ABCMAGNET, SATELLITELLC INC. (757) (000)655-5030 000-0000 NEED A ROOF? Free Estimates Lisc. & Insured 4456 Willis Wharf rd., willis wharf, va Open: Friday & saturday 11 A.m. til 9:30 p.m. and sunday 12 p.m. til 7 p.m. LARRY LINTON PAINTING CONTRACTOR SPECIALIZING IN CHURCH PAINTING 40+ Years Experience Interior/Exterior/Free Estimates Licensed/Insured 410-957-0891 443-783-7081 WEST ROOFING Exmore 442-6966 VA Beach 287-2255 Shore Pirana 787-4303 Drainfield Repair at a Fraction of the Cost! Full Service Grocery Store 824-3061 Rt. 13 n., Mappsville Prices effective monday, oct. 13, thru Sunday, oct. 19, 2014 Let us clean your yard!! Tree Trimming, Stump Removal, Debris Removal, Grass Cutting & More We’ll do it for you--Fast and Affordable 757-710-4535 757-710-2487 Grade A Fresh Value Pack Boneless & Skinless Chicken Breasts Black Seedless Grapes Whole Boneless Pork Loin 46- to 59-oz. Ctn. Asst. Var. Tropicana Juices 3-lb. Bag Sunburst Tangerines 5-lb. Bag Shurfine Idaho Potatoes Fresh Boneless Center Cut Pork Roast or Value Pack Pork Chops Hatfield Sliced Bacon (1-lb. Pkg.) USDA Choice Fresh Value Pack Bottom Round Roast or Swiss Steaks Shurfine Deli Gourmet Jennie-O Mesq. or Smoked Turkey Brst. American Cheese or Cooked Ham Lower Salt Lacey Swiss Cheese $2.49/lb. $1.29/lb. $2.69/lb. 2/$6 $3.99 BOGO $3.49/lb. $3.99 $4.49/lb. $4.89/lb. $3.99/lb. $4.99/lb. October 10, 2014 • Eastern Shore Post • 39 Post Office Mail Schools CAN Be Improved Dear Editor: I read two articles and one letter to the editor regarding Northampton County Public Schools in the Friday, Oct. 3, edition of the Eastern Shore Post. The first was entitled: Can Northampton Afford to Build New Schools? I believe they cannot afford NOT to build them. It is time the county starts investing in our children again. Yes, population is declining and school enrollment is lower. However, the children who are growing up in Northampton deserve inviting, engaging learning environments, not a run-down building combining 7-12 graders. I believe if we build better facilities and keep making the needed improvements to earn and keep accreditation, enrollment will increase. Many Northampton parents are sending their kids to private schools, home-schooling, or lying and stating they live in Accomack to provide education for their children. In the second article, an outside consulting firm told the county that the educational opportunities available would pose a significant barrier to businesses looking to relocate to our area. It suggested the county invest in education. What is the use of paying for these studies if we do not take the expert advice given? No Northampton County resident wants a tax hike. But the idea of phasing it in over several years does make it manageable. I also agree that the county should not borrow more than it can afford to repay. But we have borrowed to provide new county offices and a jail. What about borrowing for the future and building some new schools? Waiting five years to start is a long time. Children in the seventh grade or higher will have graduated by the time the new schools are built. Even though I do not have a child attending Northampton schools, I would be willing to take a tax increase to support the children who do and the teachers who work there. The letter to the editor referenced a silver lining for Northampton Public Schools. I believe there are many silver linings. Yes, we have a long way to go. But improvements are being made, and they should be celebrated. We did not get into this mess overnight. I remember when I was in school, Northampton County had Blue Ribbon schools and people from Accomack were trying to send their kids to Northampton. We can get back to those days, step by step. As long as improvements are happening, give the administrators and teachers the time and support they deserve. Let’s work with them instead of complaining they aren’t improving quickly enough. I know that children can learn in ugly buildings. And that you can have beautiful buildings where nothing is taught. But technology, education and children are changing. Our students need facilities equipped to help them learn in the best environment possible. Board of Supervisors, I call on you to take a stand for our children. Work with the School Board to start dreaming and designing. Then, look for grants and other funding sources to make that dream a reality. Northampton County residents, I ask that you be willing to accept a tax hike if necessary, for the sake of our future. It will take all of us working together — but it can be done. Michelle K. Surran, Exmore Study Was Waste of Money Dear Editor: Confusion and lack of vision seem to be the normal operating tools of government in Northampton County, an obvious observation from the Sept. 29 meeting. Why pay a reported $220,000 to DJG Architects for a report on what to do with an old rundown, outdated, energy hog building that consumes $110,000 yearly just sitting there doing nothing? Which universe has common sense evaporated into? The DJG report could easily have been performed for $5,000 - $8,000 in this day of computerization. Being a retired building contractor, I understand this is one way architects make high salaries when dealing with government bodies, but just why do the supervisors lack the ability to think this through on their own in the first place? And what decision was made by the supervisors at this meeting concerning the Machipongo school? Let it sit there a while longer. We don’t know what to do? We have plenty of taxpayer money to spend, they must think. Let’s just keep spending $9,166 a month to let the building sit and deteriorate. This is a welcome sign to Shore visitors and perspective investors. Letting the building sit vacant costs $2,291 per week in one of the poorest and least educated counties in Virginia. A large part of the EMS issue now under consideration could have been solved with that $220,000. Garages are needed to house the EMS trucks. If approached creatively, not simply squandering money because it’s the taxpayers’, four separate commercial metal buildings with concrete slabs could have been constructed in Northampton County for approximately $100,000 total. Look toward the Randy Custis Memorial Ball Park. Ask Phil Custis how his first metal structure was built for $7.50 a square foot. If the supervisors had allocated that $222,000 correctly toward the EMS issue, it would have left $120,000 as an emergency EMS fund to be intelligently used as needed. And it’s the EMS staff who know their needs best. Continuing to jointly use volunteer fire department buildings, as in Nassawadox and Melfa, is an excellent way to buddy up on community needs as opposed to increasing ill-conceived bureaucracy and tax burden. The rest of the ideas being packaged into the old Machipongo school have little economic viability or real need. Just how is county Economic Development Director McSwain earning his $125,000 salary plus benefits? Only the ill-informed would believe redemption is around the corner by following the same ideas that have led this county into decline. If you want to pay more taxes and face uncertain and unwelcome political decisions, by all means come to Northampton County and invest your money. It’s easy to see that change is coming next election. Jim Welch, Melfa New Library Poses Cost Issues Dear Editor: When making a decision to spend taxpayers’ money, elected officials need to provide all the information to the citizens. Accomack County, as well as the other counties in Virginia, is receiving less revenue from the state due to the state deficit. Every year new mandates are passed down to the counties that cost additional money and require the counties to hire more employees to administer them. Most Accomack County and School Board offices are overcrowded, which makes it difficult to adequately provide a working environment to conduct business. The Eastern Shore Library Board is requesting the taxpayers of Accomack County to fund a new multimillion dollar library. The design is beautiful, the cost is great, and if we had a huge tax base, we could provide the funding. The referendum on the Nov. 4 ballot is only Phase 1 of the library; Phase 2 will require additional millions. It is true; we can borrow the money without raising taxes, but other needs which provide core government services will have to wait. The money is not free; taxpayer dollars must repay the bond as well as interest. There are many financial needs and not enough money, which means we must prioritize to ensure that we aren’t forced to raise taxes. We must separate the wants from the needs. For the current fiscal year, the Eastern Shore Library Board of Trustees will receive approximately $346,000 from Accomack County, $112,000 from Northampton and $142,000 from the commonwealth to operate. If the new library is built, it will require an additional $100,000 per year to operate. Everyone recognizes the valuable service the public library provides and the many hours of time donated by our citizens, but we must live within our means. The Board of Supervisors suggested other alternatives, such as building an addition on the current library and expanding the parking area, which would save millions of dollars. The Library Board would not consider any plan other than a new library. Accomack County does not own the current library, nor will it own a new one, if built. The Eastern Shore Library Board of Trustees, an appointed body, owns and operates the libraries in Accomac and Nassawadox. I encourage everyone to exercise their right and vote Nov. 4, however you decide to vote. Islands District Supervisor Wanda Thornton 40 • Eastern Shore Post • October 10, 2014 1727 Market St., Pocomoke, MD 21851 410-957-1414 IT’S FALL CLEAN UP TIME, Save 6% on all in stock trailer inventory 5 x 8 Trailer $995 6 x 10 Trailer PTS 131 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser $1,105 6 x 12 Dual Gate Trailer PTS 140 2002 Buick Lesabre $1,325 PTS 142 2001 Chrysler PT Cruiser 6 x 12 Trailer $3,055 6 x 12 Trailer PTS 138 2005 Ford Escape XLS, One Owner $3,218 PTS 137 2007 Subaru Impreza One Owner Limited Edition $5,250 U6446 2004 Dodge Dakota 4x2 $6,250 U6493 2005 Mercury Montego $6,450 S1644 2007 Pontiac G6 V6 Engine, Clean $6,450 S1680 2008 Chevy Cobalt LT Only 62,000 Miles $7,450 S1646 2004 Subaru WRX Local Trade $9,450 S1696 2011 Chevy Malibu $8,450 S1689 2009 Toyota Corolla S $9,850 U6487 2007 Toyota 4Runner $8,450 S1697 S1630 $14,250 S1695 2006 Subaru Outback 2008 Chrysler Town and Country $10,950 B21135 2011 Kia Soul $12,450 B21096 S1667 $14,500 S1653 S1702 2005 Buick Rendezvous Ultra 7 Passenger $8,490 S1670 2004 Chevy Silverado Z71, 4 x4 $12,995 S1657 2011 Chevy Impala 2009 Subaru Forester LT, Only 36k Miles One Owner $13,995 $8,450 $7,250 $14,870 B21343 L..L. 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