CV -


CV -
Curriculum Vitae
Updated 14 June 2015
Johannes Westberg
Swedish Research Council Research Fellow
Senior Lecturer in the History of Education
Department of Education
Uppsala University
Box 2136
Uppsala, Sweden
+46 (0)18 471 24 88
BA, History of Ideas, 2002
MA, History, Philosophy, and History of Ideas, 2002
MAEd, Upper Secondary School, 2003
PhD, History, 2008
Associate professor (docent), History, 2014
Employments and appointments
2003-08. PhD-student, Department of History, Uppsala University
2008-10. Substitute Senior Lecturer, Department of Studies in Education, Culture and Media, Uppsala
2008-11. Coordinator of the National Graduate School in the History of Education, Uppsala University
2009. Coordinator of the Fourth Nordic Conference in the History of Education, Uppsala University
2010-16. Postdoctoral research fellow by the Swedish Research Council at Uppsala University
2012- Senior Lecturer in the History of Education, Department of Education, Uppsala University
Parental leave
60%, 26 August 2011 - 31 December 2011
100%, 1 January 2012 – 4 June 2012
10-20%, 1 August 2012-25 August 2013
80%, 26 August 2013- 10 January 2014
10%, 11 January 2014–
(In total about 1.5 years)
2006 (3 months), Guest PhD-student at Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University
of Copenhagen
2011 (3 months), Guest scholar at Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft, Universität Zürich, Lehrstuhl Prof.
Dr. Jürgen Oelkers
Prizes and awards
2011. Studentlitteraturs kurslitteraturpris [Textbook of the Year Award 2011] (together with Esbjörn
Larsson). For the textbook “Utbildningshistoria – en introduktion” (2011), ed. Esbjörn Larsson &
Johannes Westberg. 150,000 SEK.
Research interests
History of early childhood education (e.g. kindergarten, infant schools, child cribs, Froebel, Montessori)
History of mass education (e.g. school reform, school finance, government grants, local history,
educational borrowing and transnational history of education, schoolhouses, the material culture of
schooling, history of school discipline)
History of philanthropy
Professional activities (a selection)
Coordinator of the Swedish network in the history of education (2008–)
Member of the board of the Department of Education, Uppsala University (2010)
Member of the advisory board of SALT (Forum for advances studies in arts, languages and theology),
Uppsala University (2010–15)
Vice President, Junior Faculty at Uppsala University, (2011–2012)
Member of the Academic Senate, Uppsala University, (2014-17)
Member of International Committee of Referees, History of Education & Children’s Literature (2014-).
Research and travel grants (a selection)
2009. (Research grant), Sven och Dagmar Saléns stiftelse, 40,000 SEK
2009. (Research grant), Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse, 40,000 SEK
2009. (Research grant), Jan Wallanders och Tom Hedelius Stiftelse. Tore Browalds Stiftelse, 1,500,000 SEK
2009. (Research grant), Swedish Science Research Council, 1,400,000 SEK
2009. (Research grant), Swedish Science Research Council, 3,500,000 SEK
2010. (Travel grant), Swedish Science Research Council, 40,000 SEK
2010. (Travel grant), Nils-Erik Johanssons resestipendium, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, 100,000 SEK
(in total 7.17 million SEK in external grants since 2008)
Organizer of conferences, symposias and seminars (a selection)
2007. ”Nya perspektiv på skolans historia” [New perspective on the history of schooling], at the
Department of Teachers Education, Uppsala University (organizer)
2008. ”1800-talets utbildningsrevolution – debatt”, session at the Swedish Historical Conference, Lund
University (chair and organizers together with Esbjörn Larsson)
2009. ”Förskolans historia” [The history of preschool], session at the Fourth Nordic Conference in the
History of Eduation, Uppsala University (chair and organizer)
2009. ”Utbildningens ekonomiska historia” [The economic history of education], session at the Fourth
Nordic Conference in the History of Eduation, Uppsala University (chair and organizer together with
Esbjörn Larsson)
2009. Fourth Nordic Conference in the History of Education, Uppsala University (Coordinator with full
2010. "Norrlandsfrågan. Erfarenheter av bildning, utbildning och undervisning i nationalstatens periferi"
[The history of education in the north of Sweden], Umeå University [organizer together with prof.
Daniel Lindmark and David Sjögren]
2011. "History of Schooling: Politics and local practice", Uppsala University (organizer together with Carla
2012. “The History of School Finance: Fo(u)r examples. Session at the European Social Science History
Conference 2012, Glasgow. (organizer together with Carla Aubry). Chair: prof. David Mitch,
University of Maryland BC.
2012. ”Utbildningens ekonomiska historia” [The economic history of education], session at the Fifth Nordic
Conference in the History of Eduation, Umeå University (organizer with prof. Anders Nilsson)
As first supervisor:
Madeleine Michaëlsson (2012-), Department of Education, Uppsala University.
Germund Larsson (2013-), Department of Education, Uppsala University.
As second supervisor:
Magnus Svensson (2010-), Department of History, Uppsala University
Madeleine Michaëlsson (2010-12), Department of Education, Uppsala University.
The Swedish Welfare State, Dep. of History (BA)
Childhood studies, Teacher’s Education (BA)
Scientific method, Teacher’s Education (MA)
History of Education (BA, MA, PhD)
Publications in English are marked with [*]
When available, my articles have an eprint link which enables free access to them.
Westberg, Johannes (2008). Förskolepedagogikens framväxt. Pedagogisk förändring och dess förutsättningar, ca 18351945 [The birth of early childhood education: Pedagogical changes in Swedish early childhood care and
education programs, 1835-1945]. Diss. Studia Historica Upsaliensia, Uppsala University. 245 pp. Full
text>> English summary>>
Westberg, Johannes (2014). Att bygga ett skolväsende: Folkskolans förutsättningar och framväxt 1840-1900 (Lund:
Nordic Academic Press). 445 pp.
Editorial work
1. Fredriksson [Westberg], Johannes & Larsson, Esbjörn (ed.), Att rätt förfoga över tingen. Historiska
studier av styrning och maktutövning [Historical studies of Power and Governance]. Opuscula
Historica Upsaliensia 34, Uppsala 2007. 204 pp. Full text>>
2. Larsson, Esbjörn & Westberg, Johannes (ed.), Utbildningens sociala och kulturella historia: Meddelanden
från den fjärde nordiska utbildningshistoriska konferensen [The Social and Cultural History of Education].
Utbildningshistoriska meddelanden 1, Uppsala 2010. 322 pp. Full text>>
3. Klose, Gunilla, Folkundervisningens finansiering före 1842 [The History of School Finance Before the
School Act of 1842], (ed.) Johannes Westberg. Utbildningshistoriska meddelanden 2, Uppsala
2011. 251 pp. Full text>>
4. Westberg, Johannes (ed.), Förskolans aktörer: Stat, kår och individ i förskolans historia [State,
Professions and Pioneers in the History of Early Childhood]. Opuscula Historica Upsaliensia 44,
Uppsala 2011. 243 pp.
5. Larsson, Esbjörn & Westberg, Johannes (ed.), Utbildningens historia: en introduktion [History of
Education: an introduction]. Studentlitteratur, Lund 2011. 430 pp.
Aubry, Carla & Westberg, Johannes (ed.), History of Schooling: Politics and local practice (Peter Lang,
Frankfurt am Main, 2012). 276 pp. Publicity flyer>>
Westberg, Johannes (ed.) Special Issue: “History of Educational Finance”, in Nordic Journal of
Educational History (2015) vol. 2 nr 1. 156 pp.
8. Sjögren, David & Westberg, Johannes (ed.), Norrlandsfrågan: Erfarenheter av bildning, utbildning och
undervisning i nationalstatens periferi [Education in the north: Experiences of education, training and
teaching in periphery of Sweden] (forthcoming 2015).
Articles in peer reviewed journals
* 1) Westberg, Johannes, “The funding of early care and education programmes in Sweden, 1845–
1943”, in History of Education vol. 40, no. 4, 2011: 465-479.
* 2) Westberg, Johannes, “Stimulus or impediment? The impact of matching grants on the funding of
elementary schools in Sweden during the nineteenth century”, in History of Education vol. 42, no. 1,
2013: 1-22.
* 3) Westberg, Johannes, “How much did a Swedish schoolhouse cost to build? Rewriting the history
of nineteenth century rural schoolhouses”, in Scandinavian Journal of History vol. 39, no. 4, 2014:
4) Westberg, Johannes, “En politisk illusion? 1842 års folkskolestadga och den svenska folkskolan”
[A political illusion? The school act of 1842 and emergence of mass schooling in Sweden], in
Uddannelseshistorie vol. 48, 2014: 52-70.
Westberg, Johannes, “Referring to international examples, adjusting to local realities: Swedish
nineteenth century rural schoolhouses”, IJHE Bildungsgeschichte: International Journal for the
Historiography of Education, vol. 5, no. 1, 2015: 25-40.
Westberg, Johannes, “When Teachers Were Farmers: Teachers’ Allotted Farms and the Funding
of Mass Schooling, 1838–1900”, in Nordic Journal of Educational History vol. 2 no. 1, 2015: 23-48.
* 7) Westberg, Johannes, “Multiplying the origins of mass education: An analysis of the preconditions
common to school systems and the school building process in Sweden, 1842-1900, in History of
Education, vol. 44, no. 4, 415-436.
8) Westberg, Johannes, “Uma luta por mudanças: Escolarização e regras da política local na suécia,
1840-1900” [A changing battle: Schooling and the rules of local politics in Sweden, 1840-1900], in
Revista História & Perspectivas vol 28, No. 52, 2014 (in press).
Other articles
1) Fredriksson [Westberg], Johannes, ”Från undervisning till lek. Barnet, folkskolan och
förskolepedagogikens förändring, ca 1860-1900”, in Studies in Educational Policy and Educational
Philosophy, vol. 4, no. 3, 2005: 1-15.
2) Fredriksson [Westberg], Johannes, "Vid ett perspektivs gränser. "Governmentality" och det
historiska studiet av friheten" i Börjesson, Mikael, Heyman, Ingrid, Langerth, Zetterman, Monica et
al. (red.), Fältanteckningar. Utbildnings- och kultursociologiska texter tillägnade Donald Broady, Uppsala, 2006.
3) Fredriksson [Westberg], Johannes, "Ett passande syfte" i Fredriksson [Westberg] & Larsson
(red.), Att rätt förfoga över tingen. Historiska studier av styrning och maktutövning, Opuscula Historica
Upsaliensia 34, Uppsala 2007.
4) Fredriksson [Westberg], Johannes, "Maktbegreppets bruk. Analysen av fängelsestraffet i
'Övervakning och straff'" i Fredriksson [Westberg] & Larsson (red.), Att rätt förfoga över tingen.
Historiska studier av styrning och maktutövning. Opuscula Historica Upsaliensia 34, Uppsala 2007.
5) Westberg, Johannes, ”Förskolepedagogikens etablering. Pedagogisk förändring i svenska
förskolor, ca 1835-1945” i Esbjörn Larsson (red.), Ny utbildningshistorisk forskning. Tio bidrag från
Nationella forskarskolan i utbildningshistoria. Föreningen för svensk undervisningshistoria, Uppsala 2008.
6) Westberg, Johannes, ”Och fram växer en ’småskog af otuktade telningar’. Hemmen,
formbarheten och inrättandet av småbarnsskolor” i Anne Berg & Hanna Enefalk (red.), Det mångsidiga verktyget. Elva utbildningshistoriska uppsatser. Opuscula Historica Upsaliensia 39. Uppsala 2009.
7) Westberg, Johannes, ”Det uppfostrande rummet. Om liberala och disciplinära
styrningsrationaliteters materiella kultur i svenska förskolor under första hälften av 1900-talet”, i
Anna B. Larsson (red.), Fostran i skola och utbildning: Historiska perspektiv. Föreningen för svensk
undervisningshistoria, Uppsala 2010, 60-80.
* 8) Westberg, Johannes, “The Making of Froebelian Heroes: Ellen and Maria Moberg in the history
of Swedish kindergartens”, in Karl Neumann, Ulf Sauerbrey & Michael Winkler (red.),
Fröbelpädagogik im Kontext der Moderne. Bildung, erziehung und soziales handeln. Verlag IKS Garamond,
Jena 2010, 133-145.
9) Broady, Donald, Larsson, Esbjörn & Westberg, Johannes, "Utbildningens sociala och kulturella
historia: En översikt", i Larsson & Westberg (red.), Utbildningens sociala och kulturella historia:
Meddelanden från den fjärde nordiska utbildningshistoriska konferensen. Utbildningshistoriska
meddelanden 1, Uppsala 2010, 9-19.
10) Westberg, Johannes, ”En introduktion till folkundervisningens finansiering”, i Klose, Gunilla,
Folkundervisningens finansiering före 1842, (red.) Johannes Westberg. Utbildningshistoriska
meddelanden 2, Uppsala 2011, 11-35.
11) Westberg, Johannes, ”Förskolans historia. En introduktion till ett växande forskningsfält”, i
Westberg (red.), Förskolans aktörer. Stat, kår och individ i förskolans historia. Opuscula Historica
Upsaliensia 44, Uppsala 2011, 5-22.
12) Westberg, Johannes, ” Konstruktionen av utbildningshistoriens hjältar. Om systrarna Mobergs
upphöjelse till pionjärer i den svenska förskolans historia”, i Westberg (red.), Förskolans aktörer.
Stat, kår och individ i förskolans historia. Opuscula Historica Upsaliensia 44, Uppsala 2011, 197-222.
* 13) Westberg, Johannes, "“Freedom for all! Injustice for none!”: The Peasant Estate and the funding
of public elementary schools in rural Sweden, 1840-41", in Claudia Gerdenitsch & Johanna
Hopfner (red.), Erziehung und Bildung in ländlichen Regionen/Rural Education. Peter Lang Verlag,
Frankfurt am Main 2011, 219-229.
14) Westberg, Johannes, “Den svenska importen av Fröbel. Om kindergartenpedagogikens
mottagande i Sverige, i Andreas Åkerlund (red.), Kulturtransfer och kulturpolitik. Sverige och Tyskland
under det tjugonde århundradet. Opuscula Historica Upsaliensia 45, Uppsala 2011, 17-37.
* 15) Aubry, Carla & Westberg, Johannes, “Schooling - an international, national, and local issue”, in
Aubry & Westberg (ed.), History of Schooling: Politics and local practice (Peter Lang, Frankfurt am
Main, 2012), 7-11.
* 16) Westberg, Johannes, “The distribution of government grants in Sweden, 1865–1900”, in Aubry &
Westberg (ed.), History of Schooling: Politics and local practice (Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 2012),
17) Larsson, Esbjörn & Westberg, Johannes, ”Om skolreformers ekonomiska förutsättningar och
konsekvenser”, i Peter Ericsson, Fredrik Thisner, Patrik Winton och Andreas Åkerlund (red.),
Allt på ett bräde. Stat, ekonomi och bondeoffer. Vänbok till Jan Lindegren (Uppsala, 2013).
Berg, Anne, Edquist, Samuel, Mays, Christin, Westberg, Johannes & Åkerlund, Andreas, “The
History of Educational Finance”, Nordic Journal of Educational History, vol. 2, no. 1, 2015: 3-22.
19) Westberg, Johannes, “ Vedbrandens ekonomi: Skolveden och det norrländska skolväsendet, ca
1840-1900”, in David Sjögren & Johannes Westberg (ed.), Norrlandsfrågan: Erfarenheter av utbildning,
undervisning och fostran i nationalstatens periferi (forthcoming).
* 20) Westberg, ”From home instruction towards a national school system in Sweden”, in Jaques Dane
& Andreas Gestrich (ed.), The Dynamics of Religious Reform in Church, State and Society in Northern
Europe, c. 1780-c. 1920: Volume II: Education Reform (Leuven University Press, Forthcoming).
Chapters in textbooks and articles in popular journals
1) Westberg, Johannes, “Förskolorna som försvann. Småbarnsskolornas marginalisering, 18601937”, i Vägval i skolans historia, 2009:3-4: 20-24.
2) Westberg, Johannes, "Pedagogisk förändring - barnträdgårdsrörelsens förtjänst?", i TAM-Revy,
2009:3: 18-19.
3) Larsson, Esbjörn & Westberg, Johannes, "Om utbildningshistoria", i Larsson & Westberg (red.),
Utbildningshistoria - en introduktion. Studentlitteratur, Lund, 2011, 15-16.
4) Westberg, Johannes, "Förskolans historia", i Larsson & Westberg (red.), Utbildningshistoria - en
introduktion. Studentlitteratur, Lund 2011, 87-102.
5) Nilsson, Fay Lundh & Westberg, Johannes, "Utbildning och ekonomi", i Larsson & Westberg
(red.), Utbildningshistoria - en introduktion. Studentlitteratur, Lund, 2011, 341-356.
6) Westberg, Johannes ”1800-talets ideala folkskolehus”, i Vägval i skolans historia, 2012: 2-3: 27-32.
7) Westberg, Johannes, ”Hur ska folkskoleväsendets framväxt förklaras?”, Vägval i skolans historia,
2015:2. 8 pp.
Reviews, reports and replies
1) Review: Christine Quarfood, ”Positivism med mänskligt ansikte”, i Historisk tidskrift 2007:2.
* 2) Report from: "The Second Biennial Conference of the International Froebel Society", Dublin, 29
juni – 1 juli 2006, H-Net Discussion List on History of Education H-EDUCATION@HNET.MSU.EDU, 7 July 2008.
3) Report from: "Utbildningshistoriska konferensen i Utrecht, 26-29 augusti 2009", Historisk tidskrift,
* 4) Report from: "The Fourth Nordic Conference in the History of Education", H-Net Discussion List
on History of Education H-EDUCATION@H-NET.MSU.EDU, 11 mars 2010.
5) Reply: "Ett förtydligande om förskolans historia. Genmäle till Ingrid Åberg", Historisk tidskrift,
Review: Archibald, Robert B.; Feldman, David H.: Why Does College Cost So Much? New York
2010, in: H-Soz-u-Kult, 29.02.2012. 3 pp.
7) Debate: “Internationalisering i det lilla”, Stiftelsen Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, <>,
25/10 2012.
8) Debate: “En skola i ständigt förfall”, Uppsala Nya Tidning, Humaniorabloggen, 20/9 2013.
* 9) Review: Gabriele Cappelli, “The Uneven Development of Italy’s Regions, 1861–1936”, Nordic
Journal of Educational History, vol. 2 no. 1: 155-156.
Papers presented at international conferences
1. From education to maternal care: the discursive conditions of the transformation of pre-school governmentality in
Sweden, 1830–1930. European Social Science History Conference, Amsterdam, 22–25 March 2006.
2. A changing concept of childhood? The introduction of Froebelian practices into Swedish pre-schools. The Second
Biennial Conference of the International Froebel Society, Dublin, 29 June – 1 July 2006.
3. En disciplinering av arbetarklassen? Det disciplinära rummet i 1800-talets förskolor. 3:e Nordiska
konferensen i pedagogikhistorisk forskning, Stockholm, Sweden 28-29 September 2006.
4. Det uppfostrande rummet. Om individualiserande teknologiers materiella kultur. NERA 2007: Nordic
perspectives of lifelong learning in the new Europe”, Åbo, Finland, 15-17 March, 2007.
5. A changing concept of childhood? The introduction of Froebelian practices into Swedish pre-schools. SHCY
2007:”In the name of the child” The social and cultural history of children and youth,
Norrköping, Sweden 27-30 June 2007.
6. The Funding of Early Care and Education Programs in Sweden, 1845-1945. ISCHE 2009: An international
conference about the history of popular education, Utrecht, Holland, 26-29 August 2009.
7. Folkskolans finansiering. Om den allmänna folkundervisningens ekonomiska förutsättningar, Fjärde nordiska
utbildningshistoriska konferensen, 1-2 oktober 2009, Uppsala, Sweden (with Esbjörn Larsson).
8. The Economics of Education: The Financing of the Swedish Common School, 1842-1936. European Social
Science History Conference, 13-16 April 2010, Ghent, Belgium.
9. The Making of Froebelian Heroes: Ellen and Maria Moberg in the history of Swedish kindergartens.
Internationaler Fröbelkongress, 8-10 April 2010, Jena, Germany.
10. The Decline of the Formal Instruction of the Infant Schools. Workshop: "Childhood and its Representation:
An Interdisciplinary Symposium in Child Studies", 11 May 2010, Uppsala, Sweden.
11. The value of numbers: government grants in Sweden, 1844-1900. History of schooling: Politics and local
practice, 8-10 June 2011, Uppsala, Sweden.
12. The distribution of government grants in Sweden, 1865-1900. European Social Science History
Conference, 13-16 April 2012, Glasgow, Scotland.
13. Building a little red school house: Swedish school building between state and local society, c. 1842-1900.
International Standing Conference in the History of Education, 27-30 June 2012, Geneva,
14. When the merchants came to power: Schooling and the changing rules of local politics in Sweden, 1840-1900,
International Standing Conference in the History of Education, 21-24 August 2013, Riga.
15. Teachers' homesteads and the funding of mass education, c. 1838-1900. Symposium in honor of prof.
David Mitch, 22 January 2014, Uppsala University, Sweden
16. Taxation, loans and donations: The funding of Swedish schoolhouses, 1840-1900, European Social Science
History Conference, 23-26 April, Vienna, Austria.
17. A paradigmatic shift in schooling costs: A social history of educational expenditure 1840-1900, Segregation
and Integration Gender, class and education before 1850, 28-29 May, Umeå University, Sweden.