Öckinger, Hammarstedt, Nilsson & Smith


Öckinger, Hammarstedt, Nilsson & Smith
List of publications
Erik Öckinger
Updated 28 April 2015
Send email to erik.ockinger@slu.se for reprints.
Scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals:
In press
Caruso, A., Öckinger, E., Winqvist, C. & Ahnström, J. 2015. Different patterns in species
richness and community composition between trees, plants and epiphytic lichens in
semi-natural pastures under agri-environment schemes. Biodiversity and
Winsa, M., Bommarco, R., Lindborg, R., Marini, L., Öckinger, E. 2015. Recovery of plant
diversity in restored semi-natural pastures depends on adjacent land use. Applied
Vegetation Science.
Winqvist, C., Bengtsson, J., Öckinger, E., Aavik, T., Berendse, F., Clement, L.W., Fischer, C.,
Flohre, C., Geiger, F., Liira, J., Thies, C., Tscharntke, T., Weisser, W.W. & Bommarco, R.
2014. Species’ traits influence ground beetle responses to farm and landscape level
agricultural intensification in Europe. Journal of Insect Conservation, 18: 837-846.
Clough, Y., Ekroos, J., Báldi, A., Batáry, P., Bommarco, R., Gross, N., Holzschuh, A.,
Hopfenmüller, S., Knop, E., Kuussaari, M., Lindborg, R., Marini, L., Öckinger, E., Potts,
S.G., Pöyry, J. Roberts, S.P.M., Steffan-Dewenter, I & Smith, H.G. 2014. Density of
insect-pollinated grassland plants decreases with increasing surrounding land-use
intensity. Ecology Letters, 17: 1168-1177.
Marini, L., Öckinger, E., Bergman, K.-O., Jauker, B., Krauss, J., Kuussaari, M., Pöyry, J.,
Smith, H.G., Steffan-Dewenter, I. & Bommarco, R. 2014. Contrasting effects of habitat
area and connectivity on evenness of pollinator communities. Ecography, 37: 544551.
Bommarco, R., Lindborg, R., Marini, L & Öckinger, E. 2014. Extinction debt for plants
and flower-visiting insects in landscapes with contrasting land use history. Diversity
and Distributions, 20: 591-599.
Åström, M., Pettersson, L.B., Öckinger, E. & Hedin, J. 2013. Habitat preferences and
conservation of the marbled jewel beetle Poecilonota variolosa (Buprestidae). Journal
of Insect Conservation, 17: 1145-1154.
Berg, Å., Ahrné, K., Öckinger, E., Svensson, R. & Wissman, J. 2013. Butterflies in seminatural pastures and power-line corridors – effects of flower richness, management
and vegetation characteristics. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 6: 639-657
Eilers, S., Pettersson, L.B. & Öckinger, E. 2013. Micro-climate determines oviposition
site selection and abundance in the butterfly Pyrgus armoricanus at its northern
range margin. Ecological Entomology, 38: 183-192.
Wisz, M.S., Pottier, J., Kissling, D.W., Pellissier, L., Lenoir, J., Damgaard, C.H. Dormann, C.,
Forchhammer, M., Grytnes, J.A., Guisan, A., Heikkinen R.K., Høye, T.T. Kühn, I., Luoto,
M., Maiorano, L., Nilsson, M.-C., Normand, S., Öckinger, E., Schmidt, N., Termansen,
M., Timmermann, A., Wardle, D., Aastrup, P., Svenning, J.-C. 2013. The role of biotic
interactions in shaping spatial distributions and realised assemblages of species:
implications for species distribution modelling. Biological Reviews, 88: 15-30.
Öckinger, E. & Van Dyck, H. 2012. Landscape structure shapes habitat finding ability in
a butterfly. PLoS One, 7 (8): e41517
Jonason, D., Andersson, G.K.S., Öckinger, E., Smith, H.G. & Bengtsson, J. 2012. Field scale
organic farming does not counteract landscape effects on butterfly trait composition.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 158: 66-71.
Franzén, M & Öckinger, E. 2012. Climate-driven changes in pollinator assemblages
during the last 60 years in an Arctic mountain region in Northern Scandinavia.
Journal of Insect Conservation 16: 227-238.
Öckinger, E., Lindborg, R., Sjödin, N.E. & Bommarco, R. 2012. Landscape matrix modifies
richness of plants and insects in grassland fragments. Ecography, 35: 259-267.
Öckinger, E., Bergman, K.-O., Franzén, M., Kadlec, T., Krauss, J., Kuussaari, M., Pöyry, J.,
Smith, H.G., Steffan-Dewenter, I. & Bommarco, R. 2012. The landscape matrix
modifies the effect of habitat fragmentation in grassland butterflies. Landscape
Ecology 27: 121-131.
Marini, L., Öckinger, E., Battisti, A. & Bommarco, R. 2012. High mobility reduces betadiversity between orthopteran communities: Implications for conservation. Insect
Conservation and Diversity 5: 37-45.
Berg, Å, Ahrné, K., Öckinger, E., Svensson, R. & Söderström, B. 2011. Butterfly
distribution and abundance is affected by variation in the Swedish forest-farmland
landscape. Biological Conservation 144: 2819-2831
Jonason, D., Andersson, G.K.S., Öckinger, E., Rundlöf, M, Smith, H.G. & Bengtsson, J. 2011.
Assessing the effect of the time since transition to organic farming on plants and
butterflies. Journal of Applied Ecology 48: 543-550.
Hambäck, P., Bergman, K.-O., Bommarco, R., Krauss, J., Kuussaari, M., Pöyry, J. &
Öckinger, E. 2010. Allometric density responses in butterflies: The response to small
and large patches by small and large species. Ecography, 33: 1149-1156.
Öckinger, E., Schweiger, O., Crist, T.O. Debinski, D.M., Krauss, J., Kuussaari, M., Petersen,
J.D., Pöyry, J., Settele, J., Summerville, K.S. & Bommarco, R. Life-history traits predict
species responses to habitat area and isolation – A cross-continental synthesis.
Ecology Letters 13: 969-979.
Öckinger, E. & Nilsson, S.G. 2010. Local population extinction and vitality of an epiphytic
lichen in old-growth forest fragments. Ecology 91: 2100-2109.
Bommarco, R., Biesmeijer, J.J., Meyer, B., Potts, S.G., Pöyry, J., Roberts, S.P.M., SteffanDewenter, I. & Öckinger, E. 2010. Dispersal capacity and diet breadth modify the
response of wild bees to habitat loss. Proc R Soc B, 277: 2075-2082.
Krauss, J, Bommarco R., Guardiola, M., Heikkinen, R.K., Helm, A., Kuussaari, M., Lindborg,
R., Öckinger, E. Pärtel, M., Pino, J., Pöyry, J., Raatikainen, K.M., Sang, A., Stefanescu, C.,
Teder, T., Zobel. M., Steffan-Dewenter, I. 2010. Habitat fragmentation causes
immediate and time-delayed biodiversity loss at different trophic levels. Ecology
Letters, 13: 597-605.
Öckinger, E., Dannestam, Å. & Smith, H.G.2009. The importance of fragmentation and
habitat quality of urban grasslands for butterfly diversity. Landscape and Urban
Planning 93: 31-37.
Kuussaari, M, Bommarco, R., Heikkinen, R.K., Helm, A., Krauss, J., Lindborg, R., Öckinger,
E., Pärtel, M., Pino, J., Roda, F., Stefanescu, C., Teder, T., Zobel, M., & Steffan-Dewenter,
I. 2009. Extinction debt: a challenge for biodiversity conservation. Trends in Ecology
and Evolution 24: 564-571.
Öckinger, E., Franzén, M., Rundlöf, M. & Smith, H.G. 2009. Mobility-dependent effects on
species richness in fragmented landscapes. Basic and Applied Ecology 10: 573-578
Öckinger E. 2008. Distribution of burnet moths (Zygaena spp.) in relation to larval and
adult resources on two spatial scales. Insect Conservation and Diversity 1: 48-54
Öckinger, E. & Smith, H.G. 2008. Do corridors promote dispersal in grassland butterflies
and other insects? Landscape Ecology 23: 27-40.
Öckinger, E. & Smith, H.G. 2007. Semi-natural grasslands as population sources for
pollinating insects in agricultural landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology 44: 50-59.
Öckinger, E. & Smith, H.G. 2007. Asymmetric dispersal and survival indicate population
sources for grassland butterflies in agricultural landscapes. Ecography 30: 288-298.
Öckinger, E., Eriksson, A.K., & Smith, H.G. 2006. Effects of grassland management,
abandonment and restoration on butterflies and vascular plants. Biological
Conservation 133: 291-300.
Öckinger, E. & Smith, H.G. 2006. Landscape composition and habitat area affect
butterfly species richness. Oecologia 149: 526-534.
Öckinger, E., Hammarstedt, O., Nilsson, S.G. & Smith, H.G. 2006. The relationship
between local extinctions of grassland butterflies and increased soil nitrogen levels.
Biological Conservation 128: 564-573.
Öckinger, E. 2006. Possible metapopulation structure of the threatened butterfly Pyrgus
armoricanus in southern Sweden. Journal of Insect Conservation 10: 43-51.
Öckinger, E., Niklasson, M., Nilsson, S.G. 2005. Is the local distribution of the epiphytic
lichen Lobaria pulmonaria limited by dispersal capacity or habitat quality?
Biodiversity and Conservation 14: 759-773.
In Swedish (popular) journals:
Öckinger, E. 2007. Backvisslaren Pyrgus armoricanus (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) – en
förbisedd klimatvinnare? Entomologisk Tidskrift 128: 9-17.
Book chapters (popular):
Steffan-Dewenter I, Bommarco R, Holzschuh A, Öckinger E, Potts SG, Riedinger V,
Schneider G, Krauss J (2014) The interface between conservation areas and
agriculture: Functional spill-over and ecosystem services. In: Henle K, Potts SG,
Kunin WE, Matsinos YG, Similä J, Pantis JD, Grobelnik V, Penev L, Settele J (Eds)
Scaling in Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia, 83–89.
Smith, H.G. & Öckinger, E. 2011. Biologiska landskapsprocesser i odlingslandskapet. In:
Almstedt Jansson M., Ebenhard T. & de Jong J. (eds). Naturvårdskedjan – för en
effektivare naturvård. Centrum för Biologisk Mångfald. pp 110-126.
Smith, H.G. & Öckinger, E. 2011. Metapopulationer. In: Almstedt Jansson M., Ebenhard T.
& de Jong J. (eds). Naturvårdskedjan – för en effektivare naturvård. Centrum för
Biologisk Mångfald. p 113.
Öckinger E. & Smith H.G. 2011. Det omgivande landskapets betydelse för dagfjärilar i
naturbetesmarker. In: Almstedt Jansson M., Ebenhard T. & de Jong J. (eds).
Naturvårdskedjan – för en effektivare naturvård. Centrum för Biologisk Mångfald. p
Öckinger E. & Smith H.G. 2011. Naturbetesmarker bidrar till ökad mångfald och täthet
av pollinatörer i jordbrukslandskapet. Almstedt Jansson M., Ebenhard t. & de Jong J.
(eds). Naturvårdskedjan – för en effektivare naturvård. Centrum för Biologisk
Mångfald. pp 120-121.
Bommarco, R., Öckinger, E. & Helm, A. 2010. Life history traits in insects and habitat
fragmentation. In: Settele, J.; Penev, L.; Georgiev, T.; Grabaum, R.; Grobelnik, V.;
Hammen, V.; Klotz, S.; Kotarac, M.; Kühn, I. (eds.). Atlas of Biodiversity Risk,. Pensoft
Publishers, Sofia.
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
Smith, H.G., Öckinger, E. & Rundlöf, M. Biodiversity and the landscape ecology of agrienvironment schemes. Aspects of Applied Biology 100. Agri-Environment Schemes What have they achieved and where to go from here? pp. 225-232.
Öckinger, E., Niklasson, M., Nilsson, S.G. 2002. Forest continuity in relation to dispersal
capacity of species – an example. In: Björk, L. (ed.) Sustainable forestry in temperate
regions. Proceedings of the SUFOR international workshop April 7-9 in Lund,
Sweden. Reports in Ecology and Environmental Engineering 1:2002, Lund.
Wittwer, T., Hickler, T., Lennartsson, T., Jakobsson, A., Blank, S., Helldin, J.-O. Löf, M.,
Nyström, P., Ottvall, R. & Öckinger, E. 2010. Klimatförändringars effekt på den
biologiska mångfalden i odlingslandskapets gräsmarker. Rapport 2010:29.
Öckinger E. & Eriksson A. 2004. Restaurerade fäladsmarker på Romeleåsen uppföljning av effekter på kärlväxter och dagaktiva fjärilar. Rapport till Tekniska
förvaltningen, Lunds kommun