West Gippsland Vehicle Restorers Club Inc.


West Gippsland Vehicle Restorers Club Inc.
Est. 1985
West Gippsland
Vehicle Restorers
Club Inc.
2014/15 Committee
President’s Report
Calendar of events
See pg. 10
More pg. 18
F e b r u a r y 2 015
W e s t
G i p p s l a n d
V e h i c l e
R e s t o r e r s
C l u b I n c .
Committee Members &
Club Representatives
Gerry Marvin 0400595059
Gary Davey 03 5625 5281
Val Marshall 0429 630 424
Jill Davey
03 5625 5281
Social Secretary
Di Goodbody 03 5623 6965
Donna Nieuwenhuys 0409 173 040
Email: wgvrceditor@gmail.com
PO Box 220 Newborough 3825
Clubrooms and Library Are Open:
Clubrooms located in St. John Ambulance
Building, Anderson Street, Warragul
(Corner of Anderson & Burke Street).
Open 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Saturday morning
for a ‘cuppa and a chat’.
All visitors welcome!
For more information contact
Dirk Kurpershoek 03 5623 6213
Fran Molony 03 5625 2930
Club Meetings
General Meetings are usually held the 2nd Saturday of every month at 11:00 am. (subject to
Internet Places of interest:
Federation Website:
A.O.M.C. Website:
Public Officer
Jill Davey
03 5625 5281
Building Caretaker
Bert West 03 5628 5314
Federation Representative
AOMC Delegate
Gary Davey 03 5625 5281
Permit Registrar / Signatory
Jason Cini 0402129071
Jim Muldowney 03 5625 2289
Norm Baberton 03 5629 9154
Neville Christie 03 5127 2912
WGVRC Newsletter February 2015
Club Newsletter is published the 1st week
of every month. Items for the newsletter
must be to the Editor by the last Wednesday of each month. Club Run information
should be sent to the Editor for inclusion in
the Club Newsletter.
Disclaimer: The West Gippsland Vehicle Restorers
Club Inc. Committee of Management and club members accept no responsibility for the accuracy of information, opinions and views printed in this Newsletter and are not liable for any actions, damage or
incidents that may arise
from any or all of the information contained within.
President’s Report
With Christmas celebrations now behind us we have even slipped past Australia
Day. I love the traditional gathering at Shady creek. If you missed it, you passed up on a
tasty BBQ with fine salads, joyrides in the sidecar, beautiful relaxing weather and great
company. Thanks you to all involved in putting this together.
February is also shaping up to be a busy month for our club. The show and shine on the
14th and the bus trip to the Healy factory and the Norm Tolley run in addition to our usual
activities. Please spread the word on the Show n Shine as I think it’s a great opportunity to
show case our great club.
As I mentioned at our last meeting I wish Maureen a speedy recovery and our thanks for
her efforts and contribution to the committee. Val continues to do a great job managing
our finances particularly with the extra work with Maureen’s absence.
I am still keen to have a volunteer assist with the paperwork with new members. If you
can spare an hour a week we would be most grateful for your support in collating the welcome packs and ensuring our new members get all the information they need to enjoy this
The Bug-splat run is gaining momentum. We seem to have cemented our spot at La Porcheta’s who look after us each Wednesday. It’s great to see cars join the bikes, it really is a
lot of fun mid-week.
We seem to be getting a lot of enthusiastic visitors. Please make them feel welcome and
encourage them to sign up.
Finally I want to thank all those who quietly go about, doing those little tasks that make
the club function so well. Your support, advice and encouragement is most appreciated.
Can’t wait to see those machines shine on the 14th.
Editors Note
A small newsletter this month, only
a few items were sent in. Thank you
to Colin Chudleigh for bringing your
Corgi compact scooter to the
clubrooms to share on the elusive no
show and shine day. It was a little
ripper. Kez and I even managed to
steal a ride. Now I want one! So
cool! (posted to our Facebook page
By the way we have 42 likes!)
I need to apologise last month I put
in the March General meeting date
incorrectly, it should be the 14th of
March. Also please note because of
the show and shine, this months
General meeting was brought forward to this weekend the 7th, so we
can finalise details with members about
the day. We would really like to see as
many members as we can to this event.
So start polishing those machines and
come on down! I have ordered perfect
weather, so we shall have a great day.
I went on a bug splat run, great fun, a
quickie around Warragul and district
and a quick bite to eat and back home
again. Only would be nice if we had one
of those hot balmy nights we are supposed to get In summer. Its coming, not
sure when, but we will complain its too
hot when it does.
Norm Tolley Run and the Healy factory
bus trip are both on the agenda this
month also. Keeping us ultra busy. But
it means also something to ad to
the next newsletter, so put your
hand up to type up a report or
send in some photos.
A quick thank you to Helen for
sending in some photos of her
father’s Indian Motorcycle, its
great to see the old shots. If you
have a favourite you would like
to share please send it in. any
hard copy photos will be returned.
Looking forward to a hectic yet
fun month, see you at the club
Keep smiling and keep moving
Donna :o)
West Gippsland Vehicle Restorers Club Inc.
R u n s , R i d e s & E v e n t s 2 015
Tues 3rd
Committee meeting - Clubrooms 6.30pm
Wed 4th
Bug splat Run - leave clubrooms 6.30pm
Sat 7th
General meeting - Clubrooms 11.00am
Sun 8th
Bike ride - leave clubrooms 10.00am
Wed 11th
Bug splat Run - leave clubrooms 6.30pm
Sat 14th
Club Show and Shine -WGVRC Club Rooms BBQ Lunch
– Trophies- Prizes, Members 9.00am Public 10.00am
Wed 18th
Bug splat Run - leave clubrooms 6.30pm
Sun 22nd
*Annual Norm Tolley Memorial Ride/ Drive Day
(entry form pg. 15)
Tues 24th
Bike ride - leave clubrooms 10.00am
Wed 25th
Bus trip to Healy Factory, leave clubrooms at 6.00pm
Wed 3rd
Committee Meeting - Clubrooms 6.30pm
Sat 14th
General meeting - Clubrooms 11.00am (edited)
Sun 15th
Bike ride - leave clubrooms 10.00am
Sun 22nd
*Mixed Run to San Remo - meet for cuppa 9.00am—leave
10.00 am
Tues 31st
Bike ride - leave clubrooms 10.00am
All Runs listed on this page are “ Club Runs” or runs arranged by an Authorized Vic Roads Club.
Please carry correctly filled out log book at all times.
Runs marked by * are eligible for the Dorrie Stoll Award
WGVRC Newsletter February 2015
Federation Coming Events 2015
14th February
Federation meeting hosted by the Western District Historic Vehicle Club (Geelong)
26th—29th March Australian Motoring Festival at Melbourne Showgrounds
28th –29th March
Federation Wunghnu Picnic
28th March
Mortlake Tractor Trek
29th March
Federation Mortlake Picnic
12th April
Federation Scoresby Picnic
18th April
Echuca Swap Meet
19th April
Swan Hill Swap Meet
2nd May
Federation meeting hosted by the Deniliquin Collectors Club ( Deniliquin)
17th May
National Motoring Day
8th August
Federation meeting hosted by the Baw Baw Old Engine & Auto Club (Darnum)
17th October
Federation meeting hosted by the Hobsons Bay Men’s Shed (Altona)
Social Secretary’s Report – Feb 2015
We hope everybody enjoyed Australia Day!
Cards were sent to our Sickies – Lyn Muldowney, Maureen Henry and Mac Goodbody. We hope they are all feeling
better now.
It was very disappointing to have to cancel our Show and Shine due to potentially inclement weather. It will now be
held on St Valentine’s Day (14th February). Members please arrive at the Club Rooms at 8.30am. The public will be admitted after 10.00am.
On Australia Day, Barry Hitchins led approximately 18 cars and bikes from the Club Rooms to Shady Creek Hall. We
travelled via Bona Vista Road and Parkers Road. At Hazeldene crossroads, we hung a lefty to Yarragon, where we proceeded along Market Street before crossing the Freeway and railway line at the traffic lights. We then drove to Shady
Creek Hall where all the vehicles (except the moderns) lined up nicely in the grounds. The ladies had the urn going
ready for welcome cuppa! We all lined up for lunch at approximately 12.00pm. We enjoyed many lovely salads, sausages, hamburgers and sauce. This was followed by a beautiful selection of sweets.
A hat was passed around and approximately $300.00 was collected for the Shady Creek Hall Committee.
After lunch, many of us went outside to look at the motor bikes. Two of the bikes had side cars and people from ages
five to eighty-five enjoyed rides around the grounds! Many thanks to Roy and Daryl Stayches for providing so much
fun! Thanks also go to all those who worked hard to help make the day such a success! Some members left to attend
the Drouin celebrations of Australia Day.
Our next General Meeting will be held on 7th February in the Club Rooms at 11.00am.
On Friday 27th February between 6.00 and 6.30pm we will meet at Neerim South Hotel for tea. Everyone is welcome.
Please put your name on the board by 21st February if you wish to attend.
Please fill in the form for the Annual Norm Tolley Memorial Ride/Drive Day, which will take place on 22nd February.
Please put your name on the board in the Club Rooms if you wish to join the bus trip to the Healey Factory on Wednesday 25th February, leaving at 6pm.
On Saturday 7th March, we have been invited to the Warragul Show to show our cars and bikes. Vehicles will be judged
and prizes will be awarded. Once again, please put your name on the board in the Club Rooms if you want to take part.
We hope there will be lots of entries!
To all those who are celebrating birthdays and anniversaries in the coming weeks, congratulations and have a great
Di Goodbody
Sat 17th January
Welcome Meeting started 11.04
Apologies: Darryl, Shirley H
Member’s Welfare: Maureen, Bill Shelton, Wendy
Hitchins, and Burt West.
Minutes of Previous meeting:
Moved: Di
Business Arising from the Minutes: The Show and
Shine deferred.
President’s Report:
We want to continue to build on the variety of activities we
are doing possibly another bingo night or movie night. We
already have our twilight runs which we call "Bug Splat
Runs", every Wednesday evenings leaving from clubrooms at
6:00. This is for bikes and cars, an hour's run with tea La
We are working on a weekend trip, to Echuca, possibly in
April or May.
We are looking at securing this clubrooms for long term and
make this a place more like a home for our club. No progress but we are working on it.
Gary will talk on changes in the CPS and our trip to the Healy
We are planning a poster with a 5 step process to registering
a car on the CPS
A member received a request for us to hire our cars for a
wedding, members are reminded that part of the CPS is we
do not use our cars for hire or reward. There was some discussion about using cars for 'love job' and one member stated that you had to have an invitation to the wedding. This
led to a discussion about vehicles members have seen which
appear to be used to run people's business. Gary advised
Vic Roads is obliged to follow up on any reports of apparent
abuse of the CPS, Donna pointed out that some people have
vehicles loaded with props for effect.
men and Enid said she had been and she enjoyed it. Donna
said as it was a 1970's bus some of us are dressing in 1970's
style. This is part of the fun, as it will be a very social trip.
CPS Report Only just received the Vic Roads documents, based on a quick read it states Vic Roads
have listened to what we said. Motor bikes,
heavy vehicles, street rods and modified vehicles
are included. There will be extra work for the
committee, with an RWC and new forms. The
good news is that comprehensive instructions are
being issued to RWS assessors. The is nothing
about carryover. New rules apply from 31 Jan
and effect all vehicles from 1949 cut-off. Vehicles
in statuary write off or not manufactured in Australia will need a VASS. Also we will need to maintain a photographic record of all vehicles new to
Secretary Report:
Correspondence In:
Bendigo Bank Statement, Club Newsletters, letter from
Mayor Baw Baw Shire.
Correspondence Out: Letters to Mr Blackwood and Mayor
Editor’s Report: Reminder to put any submissions before
the end of the month, and preferably by Email. The artwork
is almost ready for our 30th Birthday tee shirts.
Building Caretaker Report. There is no water in the
ladies toilet even after all that rain. Burt has washed and
polished our woodwork floor, cleaned the cobwebs of the
building and straightened a plant in our garden.
Show and shine Has been deferred to 14 FEB. Lachlan said
we should not have deferred, however the decision was
made and we will work to make the 14th a great day. Even
though we deferred we still gained new members as a result
of the show and shine. Unfortunately this is on the same
day as the Federation meeting.
Social Secretary – Di reported that Christmas was fantas-
General Business:
tic and thanked Donna and Nikki for their help and thanked
Father Christmas who did a great job. We had 72 attend.
New Year's Day was also a great day.
We have Australia Day at Shady Creek coming up, members
asked to put name on list as we have to confirm
Norm Trolley run - invitations are out now and have to be in
by 16th Feb.
Pearl said the combined run to Cows was a wonderful day,
the bikes did a great job of marshalling.
Treasurer’s Report: not available will be presented at
next meeting.
the Healy factory run is in the 25th Feb. Leaving from the
clubrooms at 6:00. There will be a handwritten list of who is
coming, the bus seats 48. Gary said it was not just for the
WGVRC Newsletter February 2015
Cars are always welcome on bike rides.
Lachlan noted that our first 2 general meetings are not on
the 2nd Saturday as noted in the newsletter and there was a
typing error re the March meeting.
Gerry finished the meeting by reminding members that we
still do not have a Membership Officer and a Federation Rep.
Ian is doing a good job acting at the welcoming person without the Membership Officer.
Meeting ended 11.56
Norm Tolley
Memorial Ride /Drive Day
Our 14th Annual Ride/Drive Day will be held on
Sunday 22nd
February, 2015.
Enquires Ian Troughton 56252930
Norm’s Ride/Drive day has become a tradition at the WGVRC and people
come from far and wide to participate. Don’t miss out on a great day!
Many thanks to Elva
Fisher for her donation of a number of
books to our non
technical book collection. The books
are on the library
desk and can be borrowed now. FranM
Members are asked to arrive
early around 8.30– 9.30am so
we can set up before the public
start arriving. We will have a
BBQ for lunch that we will be
selling sausages and hamburgers, but please feel free to
bring your own. It would be
lovely if anyone would like to
bring a plate of morning tea to
share. Bring your tables and
chairs and you can set up on
the lawn to guard sticky fingers
on your prized possession.
Jason Cini from Classic Bike bits
has sponsored some wicked
trophies. Any one wanting to
help on the day is welcome.
We are all looking forward to a
great day!
Bus Trip To the Healy Factory
The long planned visit to the Healy Factory in Mitcham will take place on Wednesday 25th
February 2015. A 1970s classic bus will be provided by the Club to transport Members and
their Friends to Mitcham.
The Bus leaves at 6.00PM sharp, from the clubrooms, as we are scheduled to commence our
tour of the Healey factory at 7.30. We will be broken up into 4 small groups and shown the
four separate areas of the business one at a time. The tour will take about 2 hours and the
bus will then return to the Club rooms. The bus will be free and it is permitted to eat and
drink on the bus. Limited seats. Members are welcome to come dressed in 70’s attire.
If you have any queries, please contact Gary Davey on 0438987709.
AKA : Twilight Run
During the Summer months , Every Wednesday
night will be a casual Twilight run.
Leaving the clubrooms at 6.30pm for a one hour run
then back to Warragul for a bite to eat
at La Porchettas.
(Cars & Bikes, Guests welcome.)
WGVRC Newsletter February 2015
Saturday 10th January
If you would like to be
on the mailing list for
impromptu rides forward
your email address to
Just because the show and
shine was a no go didn't stop
some of us from getting out
and heading to the clubrooms
for a cuppa and a sausage.
The forecasted 50mm of rain
didn’t deter these fellow riders
February Ride Dates : Sun 8th, Tues 24th
Combined - Norm Tolley 22nd, & every Wed
I am the owner of a Mark 1 Corgi Scooter, which was passed onto me by the family of Mum’s Uncle a few years ago. I brought
it home in bits packed in cardboard banana boxes and a couple of old kitchen drawers. My childhood memories of the shed it
came from, was that it was a wonderland filled to the rafters with all sorts of old and dusty mechanical treasures. My brother
David can still remember the Corgi’s small spoked wheels sitting up high on a shelf amongst other bits and pieces.
The Corgi was nearly complete, and over time I sourced the missing brake lever, seat and handlebar locking parts and
machined up a top head-stem bearing and nuts. The tyres, I got from the local push bike shop as they are still used on children’s bicycles. I also found that the same shop had wheel bearing cones that suited………amazing!!
The forks, frame and handlebars were bent to varying degrees, the top of the fuel tank was caved in, but overall the
whole bike was rust free and repairable. The engine was complete and loosely assembled with some work done on it in the
past, by Mum’s Uncle, including rings, bearings and seals. Over six months or so, I
coaxed the ‘dings’ out of the tin ware, straightened the frame, and replaced the
fork tubes and so on, being mindful to retain its original finish and character as
much as possible.
The Corgi scooter, is the post-World War Two, civilian version of the war
time Parachute Bike; the correct term being the ‘Welbike’. This was designed to
fit into a standard airborne parachute container. Both the Welbike and Corgi were
developed by the same man; John Dolphin. The Corgi was never used as a parachute bike. However some were used post war by the military to run around bases and air fields and it is understood that some were used on
aircraft carriers, (Miller P. 2006).
The Corgi folds down the same
way as the Welbike and will fit
into a space 4ft 5 inches long by
20 inches high by 13 inches wide,
(Brockhouse Engineering handbook). They were manufactured
in England by Brockhouse Engineering from 1946 to late 1954,
with around 24,500 produced,
although the last frame number
was 27,050. The initial machines
were available only for the mili-
WGVRC Newsletter February 2015
tary and overseas markets and
British customers had to wait
until early 1948 to buy one.
(Miller P. 2006).
My Corgi’s frame number is
1547 and runs a Miller fly
wheel magneto, which according to my references, indicates
that it is a Mark 1, Series 1 Corgi, produced in 1946 – 1947 for
export. Mark 1, Series 2 machines produced 1947 – 1948,
ran a Wicko Pacy Genimag as
did all later models. My engine
number has an M suffix which
indicates the use of the Miller
fly wheel magneto, whilst Series 2 Wicko Pacy engines had
suffix W in their engine number. All of this suggests that
my Corgi has its original engine
or one from the appropriate production period. It also has spoked wheels derived from the Welbike. The spoked wheels were
found to be not strong enough for prolonged use on an unsprung scooter and rough roads, so pressed metal disc wheels became available about the same time as the Corgi hit the home market in England. The two types of wheel were interchangeable, and trade in allowances were offered to encourage owners to replace their spoked wheels with the new disc type, and others were exchanged under warranty. As a result very few early machines have their original spoked wheels. (Miller P. 2006).
The engine is an Excelsior Spryt 98 cc 2 stroke, manufactured under license by Brockhouse Engineering. It has a primary drive
reduction to a clutch in the normal fashion but has no gearbox, (the later models were fitted with a 2 speed gearbox), and a
conversion was available later, for the Mark 1. It is geared such, that to take off, the clutch needs to be ridden as the rider
‘paddles’ the bike forward with their feet to get it moving before the clutch is let right out. With this arrangement it has a top
speed of 30 mph. I fitted a larger rear sprocket to make it more suitable for riding in street parades and displays. It has no kick
start like the later models, and you need to roll start it. The fuel tank holds 10 pints or 1 ¼ gallons of 20:1 premix, and the bike
has a range of about 150 miles on one tank. It has front and back drum brakes and no brake light, the head light housing has a
space in the back of it to take dry cell batteries for the
parking lights which explains its bulky shape. The dry
weight of the bike is 95 lbs. It has no suspension and
with the little 12 ½ by 2 ¼ tyres on 8 ¾ inch rims, you can
feel a bump when you run over an ice cream stick!
The Corgi is a bare bones machine that filled a
place in a post war market where other forms of
transport were in short supply. It wasn’t long before
people found better transport and the Corgi soon fell into
general disuse, often passed onto kids to ride around the
paddock or pushed up the back yard and forgotten about.
Because they were not very desirable or valuable not
many survived.
Colin Chudleigh
Brockhouse Engineering, Handbook of the Corgi Lightweight motor cycle reprinted copy
Miller Peter. From Welbike to Corgi, revised edition June
2006 FWtoC Publishing Dorset.
Family Album
Do you have a great family
photo you wish to share?
1939 –1940
Helen Bagot's Father and his Indian motorcycle
Feb 7
Feb 22
Mar 1
Mar 8
Mar 21
Mar 22
Mar 22
Apr 4
Apr 12
Apr 19
Apr 24-26
May 3
May 24
Berwick Swap Meet
RACV Classic Showcase
GHAC Display Toners Lane Morwell
Yarra Glen Swap Meet
Harold Parsons Ride
GHAC Swap meet Toners lane
Scoresby Motorcycle Swap
Yarram Lions Family Fun Day
Lardner Swap
AOMC American Motoring Show
ABR Newstead
Link Rally— Bayles
Rosedale Vintage/Retro festival
send your pics and reports to
Editor WGVRC
PO Box 220
Newborough Vic 3825
Remember to always fill
in your log book
WGVRC Newsletter February 2015
Who first mass produced cars? (5 +4)
Norse God (4) 9. Headstrong (9)
Capital of this country is Kampala (6)
Motor cycle company made the square four (5)
Even (5)
Descriptive of distance an engine valve moves
when activated (4)
Red plate vehicle needs 25 of these to qualify (5)
Again (4)
This fish can be lake, brown and cut throat (5)
Ural mountains marten (5)
State of equilibrium (6)
In railroading, a joint bar (4 + 5)
Prefix – against (4)
Two door car from Plymouth 1964-74 (9)
Sports car Colin Chapman built from 1962 (5+4)
Bindings (9)
Able was I ere I saw ….. (4)
Armature (5) 6. Smokestack (6)
Swiss hotelier 1850-1918 who founded a chain of
elegant restaurants (4)
Impure microcrystalline form of quartz (5)
Luxurious car (9)
Numerical fact (9) 17. Condition (5)
Pressure distributor under a bolt head (6)
Moderate purple colour (5)
Capital of Latvia (4)
Boss (4)
Across: 3-Slapstick 8-Hole 9-Ambulance 10-Verada 11-Tenet 14-Older 15-Rich 16-Narva 18-Elna 20-No air 21Drape
24-Slowly 25-Dismantle 26 Avow 27-Ski slopes
Down: 1-Chevrolet 2-Flared end 4-Lama 5-Plume 6-Tracer 7-Coco 9-Adorn 11-Torte 12-Tidal wave 13-Thirty two
17-Anile 19-Aromas 22-Pinto 23-Milk 24-Sloe
West Gippsland Vehicle
Restorers Club inc.
Norm Tolley Memorial
Ride / Drive Day - 2015
Our 14th Annual Ride/Drive Day
will be held on
Sunday 22nd February,
We have planned a run which will
take participants on great scenic
roads through the Gippsland
countryside - perfect for motorcycles and cars alike.
Morning tea will be available at
9:45am. Departure at 10:00am
for bikes, followed by cars.
After the morning run (105km),
we will break for a 2 course meal
Roast Beef & Vegetables, Sticky
date or Fruit salad
arriving at
‘Trafalgar Golf Club’
Trafalgar 12:45 - 1:00pm.
The afternoon run (56km) will
take us back to the club rooms in
Anderson St. Warragul for afternoon tea.
Entry fee for the day, which includes lunch and morning and afternoon tea is $25 per head.
Children 3-12 years old $10 under3 free.
Fuel available at Trafalgar and a support back up will be supplied for the
RSVP entries to:
The Secretary, WGVRC,
P.O. Box 566,
Warragul, 3820
by 16th February 2015
Enquires Ian Troughton
Norm’s Ride/Drive day has become a tradition at the WGVRC
and people come from far and
wide to participate. Don’t miss
out on a great day!
WGVRC Newsletter February 2015
22nd FEBRUARY 2015
Clubrooms will be open from 8.45am
Morning tea 9.00am – 9.45am
Run starts at 10.00am
Lunch at ‘Trafalgar Golf Club’
Arriving at Trafalgar approx. 12.45pm – 1.00pm
Continue tour by 2.30pm back to clubrooms for afternoon tea.
Children 3-12 years $10 under 3 free
Detach here
Passenger Names…………………………………………………………………………………..
Vehicle Details……………………………………………………………………………………….
Phone number……………………………………………………………………………………….
Sweets (select one)
Sticky date ……………... Or Fruit salad …………….
Please advise of any special dietary requirements ………………………………..
I enclose the amount of $............... ($25.00 per person)
I agree to the terms, conditions and rules of the organisers and hold
them blameless in all situations during this event.
For Sale
Mercedes Benz 1974 230.4 sedan (model W115)
113,00km in good condition for its age, It is a 4
speed MANUAL. Power Steering, Duco is original
and as to be expected there are marks etc. on
the body. The inside is very good with no tears in
seats or head lining etc. Suspension rubbers
were all replaced approximately 18 months ago.
Windscreen good, exhaust only a couple of years
old, tires good. Owned by the one family for 35
years. Drives very well and is reliable. Excellent
club car. Selling due to deceased estate. Currently on club rego. More photos available on request. Car comes with some spares including hub
caps, gear box,
manual, registration number 24503
-H $3,500.00 Inspection welcome
Phone Andrew
FOR SALE:- 1945 MGTC Club Registered
and in Good Usable Condition, fitted with
16 inch wheels/Aero Screens/Cycle
Guards/Datsun Steering Conversion/ Reconditioned Speedo & Tacho/Tourno Cover. Has a Couple of Paint issues that need
attention and missing rear Side Curtains
but is a GREAT CAR with plenty of fun to
be had and a Great Investment as TC’s
have rocketed in price in the UK & USA
and Australia will follow.. I am only selling
as I have a 1962 Crayford Mini Convertible to Restore. Serious offers around
$30,000.00 Considered.
Reg. CH-9289
David King
WGVRC Newsletter February 2015
For Sale 1951 Riley 1.5 with after market dual SU
carburettors. Two previous owners and only 70.000
original travel. Excellent condition and a delight to
drive. Paint and upholstery perfect condition. One
of the best Rileys on the road. History and original
plates available. Sale due to illness.
$17.500 or best offer. Reg VO 683
Des Stayches 94396032
For Sale R Jays Black Leather Jacket, Size 16—
Hardly worn. Was $299 new, Selling for $150
Sharks Red Helmet, size 56—Also Hardly
worn, selling for $75
Contact Stan Hunt, - Home 51271943 Mob
The Motor Car Traders Regulations 1998 require advertisements for cars to
show: The cash price of the car, AND
The Registration number, if normal road registration, OR
The engine number, if unregistered or on club permit plates OR
The vehicle identification number; or if none of those numbers
are reasonably ascertainable, any other number to identify the vehicle
Free classified ads for members
Or send your pics and reports to
Editor WGVRC
PO Box 220
Newborough Vic 3825
Roadside Breakdown Service
Trade Towing
Heavy Machinery, Tractors &
Forklift Tilt Tray Service
Boat and Caravan Towing
Truck Towing / Salvage
Bog Work
Marine Transit Insurance
PH. 03 5623 2888
Rob Geisler Motor Trimming & Upholstery
Cars Trucks Boats Planes
Carline Warragul
Factory 1/132 North Road
Warragul 3820
31 Alexander Ave
(PO Box 237)
Moe, Vic. 3825
Over 30 yrs experience
0418 512 716 in Classic & Vintage cars
If its covered with material or needs to be covered, we can do it for you
Call Albert Miller
03 5622 2977
Warragul Motor Wreckers
Guaranteed same - day pickup
Conditions apply. Vehicles must be accessible
Ph. 5623 5855
Call Pat & Rod
LMCT 2728
February 2015
West Gippsland Vehicle Restorers Club
Inc A0010124H
Clubrooms: Corner Anderson & Burke Street, Warragul VIC 3820
Mailing Address: PO Box 566, VIC 3820
General Meetings are held on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 11 am at the Clubrooms
If undeliverable return to
P O Box 566
WGVRC Newsletter February 2015