Living in a 2000 Watt Society: An Opportunity for Business and
Living in a 2000 Watt Society: An Opportunity for Business and
Institute for Sustainable Futures University of Technology Sydney Living in a 2000 Watt Society: An Opportunity for Business and Lifestyle Roland Stulz Co-Founder 2000 Watt Society Sydney, 25th February 2016 The 2000 Watt Society: From Academic Theory to a National Programme 12000 Watt per Capita 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Developing Countries China World Europe Australia USA 2000 Watt Society against Global Warming Global Warming (°C) bb Temperature Rise without Interventions Limit + 2°C 80% Reduction by 2050 2000 Watt Society 2°C Source: IPCC An ambitious way to go non fossil Energy fossil Energy Watt per capita embodied energy for fossil energy 1960 Intermediate Goal: 50 % Reduction of fossil Energy by 2050 2000 1to CO2 500 Starting with Pioneers: Partnerships for Sustainability Basel Sustainable ETH Sience City 2000-Watt Novartis Campus Hy-Light H2 concept car CLEVER Low Emission Biogas car Zero Carbon EAWAG Headquarter Worlds cleanest Diesel Truck Engine Erlenmatt 2000-Watt Housing Zero Carbon Hospital Geneva Sustainable Neighbourhoods Health and Happiness Zurich: Referendum November 2008: 2000-Watt-Society integrated in the Town Constitution 77% voted YES Bottom-Up Process in Basel Visionspartnerschaft / CEV an Autosalon Genf Rallye 21 Gasfahrzeuge / Flottenbetreiber Fallstudie Mobilität Basel Hy-Light 2005 StakeholderDialoge 2006 2004 2007 2003 2002 Akzeptanzstudien/ Zielgruppenanalyse 2008 2009 HyMuve CEV Top Down Process in Zurich Taskforce 1 Mayor Energy/Resources Strategy Sustainability TOR Project Champion Strategic Partner Steering Comittee Taskforce 2 Stakeholders Participation Students, NNN, Staff Taskforce 3 Design Integrated Plannimg Communication Project Management Taskforce 4 HVAC Project Manager Quality Control Implemetaion of TOR General Contractor Architects Taskforce 5 IT, Smart Grid Taskforce 6 Facility Management Design Tools and Norms with Professional Associations ESI (CCRS) Ressourcen Resources WirtschaftsBusiness strukturen Environment Wasser Water Safety Sicherheit Energie Energy Security Soziale Social Strukturen Mobilität Transportation Structure Wohnraum Living Space Siedlung Urban Environment Kom fort Comfort Motivation through Beacon Projects Neubau der Forschungsanstalten Eulachhof, Winterthur Stadtspital Triemli, Zürich Novartis Campus des Wissens DB-Areal (Erlenmatt), Basel Science City, ETH Hönggerberg Rebound Effect neutralizes Efficiency Gains Calculate your personal Energy / CO2 Balance Car Plane Public Transport Food Public Transport Car Food House House Car 2000 Watt Society becomes a National Program SH Bodensee Interreg BS TG BL JU AG ZH AR Solothurn SO SG LU ZG Luzern Zug NE SZ BE VD OW UR FR GR TI GE VS GL 2000 Watt Society: Active on five Levels Individual 2000 Watts Lifestyle Stories ‘Lebensmodelle’ Single Buildings SIA 2040 Guideline ’2000 Watts Efficiency Path’ Neigbourhoods 2000 Watts Neighbourhood Certificate Towns EnergyCity on the Way to the 2000 Watts Society Cantons, Regions 2000 Watts Regional Calculator Business Opportunities and Smarter Living stimulates innovation offers market leadership opportunities for industry and service providers Is a Platform for Australian Pioneers 2005 Thank You 2050 14
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