DatE-IT Catalogue 2015
DatE-IT Catalogue 2015
DatE-IT Exhibition area Lounge CV - Photography 30 27 28 24 23 26 25 29 17 16 48 44 47 46 45 31 32 34 35 21 22 20 18 14 15 13 12 11 36 33 38 40 43 37 39 41 42 Data- | Elektro- | Informationsteknik 19 Thursday Nov. 12 Restaurant Entrance EDIT-Building Chalmers University of Technology Companies: 1. Academic Work 2. Squeed 3. Sigma 4. Idevio 5. Ghost Games 6. Ericsson 7. ARCCORE 8. BEKK 9. Invativa 10. Qmatic 11. Consat 12. Combitech 13. i3tex 14. Omegapoint 15. Opera Software 16. CPAC Systems 17. Palantir 18. SAAB 19. Interaktionsbyrån 20. Cybercom 21. Consid 22. Carmenta 23. 3bits 24. Evidente 25. Meltwater 26. HMS Industrial Networks 27. Google 28. Scionova 29. Qualisys 30. Novacura 31. Framtiden 32. CANEA 33. Netlight 34. QRTECH 35. Knowit 36. Delphi 37. Altran 38. Accenture 39. Purple Scout 40. Itera 41. Silicon Labs 42. Syntronic 43. Kits 44. Findwise 45. Alten 46. SpeedLedger 47. ÅF 48. HiQ 10 9 8 7 4 5 6 1 3 2 Website: E-mail: Facebook: Catalogue PDF Contents Time and dates Why DatE-IT? 3bits Consulting AB Academic Work Accenture Alten Altran Arccore BEKK CANEA Carmenta AB Combitech AB Consat AB Consid AB CPAC Systems AB Cybercom Sweden Delphi Automotive Sweden AB EA Ghost Games Ericsson Evidente AB Findwise Framtiden AB Google HiQ HMS Industrial Networks AB i3tex Idevio Interaktionsbyrån Invativa Itera Kits AB Knowit Meltwater 2 3 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 Netlight Consulting AB Novacura AB Omegapoint AB Opera Software Palantir Purple Scout Qmatic QRTECH AB Qualisys SAAB AB Scionova Sigma AB Silicon Labs SpeedLedger Squeed AB Syntronic ÅF Notes The people behind DatE-IT DatE-IT 2015 committee 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 101 102 104 105 4 Time and dates DatE-IT fair opening hours Thursday Nov. 12, 10:00 - 16:00 Speakers week (12:00 - 13:00) Ghost Games: Tuesday Nov. 10 Bekk Consulting: Wednesday Nov. 11 Résumé photography Uno Lamm, Thursday Nov. 12, 12:30 - 16:00 Why DatE-IT? Welcome to the DatE-IT fair 2015! My name is Emil Rosenberg and I’m the project manager for this years fair. I want to personally welcome you to the DatE-IT fair! We offer students from Computer Science (D), Electrical Engineering (E) and Software Engineering (IT) a great opportunity to make connections with different companies. The fair is being held in the EDIT-building, making it easily accessible for students for said fields! This year we have 48 companies. I encourage all students to visit the fair to meet your next employer. It doesn’t matter what year you’re in, this fair is for all of you. Perhaps during the fair you will receive information about summer internship, master thesis’s or even fulltime jobs. The days before DatE-IT we will have two speakers week lectures. By visiting this kind of lecture you will get a great insight of what the companies are doing, as well as being prepared to talk to them during the fair. Also, we have eight companies offering interviews during the day. If you have applied with your resumé this is a great chance to meet the recruiters and maybe, get an offer. New for this year we also offer you to take a professional photo of yourself, for free! This will boost your resumé for future job searches. So be sure to visit CFFC at Uno Lamm from 12:30! Emil Rosenberg Project Manager, DatE-IT 15 Have a great day during the DatE-IT fair! 5 6 Thank you, CFFC, for taking the résumé pictures! 3bits Consulting AB Business Field E x E-commerce Consulting D x Employees 30 Website Contact IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship Summer job Part-time job Full-time job x Vill du utveckla moderna e-handelslösningar tillsammans med oss på 3bits? 3bits grundades 2008, vi är 30 personer som brinner för e-handel och utvecklar tillsammans med våra kunder avancerade webb- och e-handelslösningar – allt från webb till logistik. Vi har fått förtroendet att leverera olika lösningar under många år till flera av våra framgångsrika kunder som Lindex, Tingstad, Focus Nordic och Scandinavian Photo. Vi är mycket väl insatta i hela processen och bygger e-handel som om den vore vår egen. Vi genomför våra projekt in house eftersom vi tror att närhet till kollegor och gemenskap är viktigt både för arbetsmiljön och för ett effektivt samarbete. Det centrala kontoret i Göteborg har plats för fler när vi växer. Hos oss får du möjlighet att arbeta med aktuell teknik och spännande projekt tillsammans med dina kollegor i utvecklingsteamet. Vi har tagit emot utmärkelsen Superföretag 2014 av Veckans affärer och Bisnode som en av få e-handelsleverantörer i Sverige. 3bits fanns även för andra året i rad med som Gasellföretag 2014, som utses av Dagens industri. Är du intresserad av att göra ditt exjobb hos oss eller av en anställning på 3bits? Kom förbi vår monter och prata mer, eller skicka ditt CV till 10 Academic Work Business Field E x Staffing & Recruitment D x Employees 630+ in Sweden Website Contact Amanda Jarl +46 - 73 640 21 29 IT x Trainee x MSc Thesis Internship Summer job x Part-time job x Full-time job x Academic Work is Home of the Young Professionals. We work with staffing and recruitment of students and graduates in the start of their careers. It is our niche, our area of expertise and a target group we believe in. We operate in six countries, have a turnover of 1.6 billion SEK and mediate over 14 000 jobs each year. We are interested in you who study or have graduated, with up to five years of work experience. Through us, you can get stimulating work opportunities within various industries, establish important contacts for the future and get a great start of you career. In our booth you will get information about current positions and assignments fitted for your personal interest. We are here to answer your questions and can even help you to improve your resume and cover letter. 12 Accenture Business Field E x Management, IT and outsourcing D x Employees 358 000 Website Contact Emma Sikander +46 - 73 051 32 83 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis Internship x Summer job x Part-time job x Full-time job x Accenture is one of the world’s leading professional services companies, providing consulting and outsourcing services through our strategy, digital, technology and operations capabilities. We develop and implement technology solutions to improve our clients’ productivity and efficiency—and may run parts of their operations on their behalf. Ultimately, we enable our clients to become highperformance businesses and governments. 14 Alten Business Field E x Consultant Company D x Employees 1200 Website Contact Sara Henriksson +46 - 31 725 11 44 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship x Summer job x Part-time job Full-time job x At Alten Sweden we develop and deliver expertise for world-leading companies and have a committed team of engineers and IT consultants. Our customers are found in the Energy, Telecom, Automotive, Defence & Aerospace and other industries and we cover the whole product development cycle. We are a part of the Alten Group and have a workforce of over 18,400 in 20 countries. We believe that genuine commitment comes through freedom of choice and the opportunity to have a say in one’s own professional development. Our business model offers that opportunity. This freedom of choice enables us to offer our customers the very best consultants, regardless of assignment. 16 Altran Business Field E x Innovation and high-tech engineering consulting D x Employees 24 000+ Website Contact Camilla Blomster +46 - 70 913 52 60 IT x Trainee x MSc Thesis Internship Summer job Part-time job x Full-time job x As global leader in innovation and high-tech engineering consulting, Altran accompanies its clients in the creation and development of their new products and services. Altran has been providing services for around thirty years to key players in the Aerospace, Automotive, Energy, Railway, Finance, Healthcare and Telecoms sectors. Covering every stage of project development from strategic planning through to manufacturing, Altran’s offers capitalise on the Group’s technological know-how in five key areas: Intelligent Systems, Innovative Product Development, Lifecycle Experience, Mechanical Engineering, and Information Systems. Innovation is our beacon and that is why we call ourselves “Innovation Makers”. Internationally Altran has more than 24 000 employees in more than 20 countries. In 2014, the Altran group generated revenues of €1.756bn. 18 Arccore Business Field E x Automotive, Embedded Software, Development Tools D x Employees 50 Website Contact Lukas Suter +46 - 70 926 87 93 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship x Summer job x Part-time job Full-time job x ARCCORE is an independent vendor of automotive software with a clear focus on the AUTOSAR standard. A stringent implementation of the standard with state of the art technology and flexibility for its customers makes ARCCORE’s proposition unique. Founded in 2009, ARCCORE is offering its AUTOSAR products, support, services, trainings and complete solutions to the global automotive market with locations in Gothenburg, Munich and Bangalore. The experience gained in many projects and the own product development allows ARCCORE to develop dedicated solution for its customers meeting their specific demand. ARCCORE’s product portfolio consists of Arctic Core, a comprehensive AUTOSAR 4.x stack, and Arctic Studio, a complete IDE for AUTOSAR based software. ARCCORE also serve the global automotive industry with OEM specific distributions, solutions for ISO26262 requirements, tools for the workflow and bootloaders. ARCCORE reinvests 30% of its revenue in the product development, in order to meet the high expectations of its customers. ARCCORE achieved a revenue growth (CAGR) of more than 50% for the last couple of years and expects to strongly enhance its position within the fast growing market for automotive software. 20 BEKK Business Field E IT Consulting D x Employees 375 Website Contact Fredrik Valdmanis +47 - 47 63 38 22 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis Internship Summer job x Part-time job Full-time job x BEKK er Norges sterkeste fagmiljø innen design og utvikling av ITsystemer, digitale tjenester og strategisk rådgiving. Vi gjennomfører prosjekter for private og offentlige virksomheter, og har omkring 370 ansatte fordelt på kontorer i Oslo og Trondheim. Som ansatt i BEKK vil du: - Jobbe med Norges største merkevarer som Norwegian, Posten og SpareBank 1. - Utvikle varierte løsninger for alt fra smartklokker til avanserte søknadsskjemaer. - Bli satt på sammensatte prosjekter som ofte spenner over flere fagdispliner. - Fortsette å utvikle deg gjennom vårt omfattende kompetansebyggingsprogram. - Få muligheten til å dele kunnskap også utenfor fagmiljøet i BEKK, gjennom blant annet konferanser og meetups. 22 CANEA Business Field E Software development D x Employees 60 Website Contact IT x Trainee MSc Thesis Internship Summer job Part-time job Full-time job x CANEA har sitt kontor mitt i Göteborg och startades av Chalmerister i mitten på 90-talet. Sedan dess har det vuxit till ca 60 anställda med kontor i Stockholm och partners världen över. CANEA utvecklar och levererar IT-lösningar för Projekt- och portföljhantering, Ledningssystem, Dokument- och Ärendehantering, Processmodellering och Strategisk planering och uppföljning. Våra system kännetecknas av lättanvända gränssnitt, innovativ funktionalitet och flexibel konfiguration! 24 Carmenta AB Business Field E Defence and security D x IT x Employees 80 Website Contact +46 31 - 775 57 00 Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship Summer job Part-time job Full-time job x These days, geospatial technology is essential in many mission critical systems. Robustness and performance are important issues when selecting the right technology for command & control systems; and openness and scalability are just as important when dealing with large geospatial datasets in enterprise-wide installations. Carmenta’s mission is to provide world-class geospatial products and solutions as well as systems for emergency response and critical infrastructure protection. We help our customers to stay ahead when it comes to the management and visualisation of geographical information and situational awareness. For more information please visit 26 Combitech AB Business Field E x Technical Consulancy D x Employees 1470 Website Contact IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship Summer job Part-time job Full-time job x Combitech is a Nordic technical consultancy company combining technology, environment and security. The company, which is an independent company within the defence and security group Saab AB, has around 1470 employees in 20 locations across Sweden, as well as offices in Norway and Finland. We are an experienced partner in all areas dealing with technical systems. Our consultants have expertise in information security, systems safety, logistics, systems integration, systems development, robust communications, technical product information and mechanical engineering. 28 Consat AB Business Field E x Electronics & Software Design, Engineering Services D x Employees 200 Website Contact Martin Wahlgren +46 - 31 340 00 40 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship Summer job Part-time job Full-time job x We are around 200 engineers with a passion for technology. We work towards finding innovative technical solutions that strengthen our customers’ competitiveness and increase their profitability. Due to our extensive experience and significant expertise and creativity, our strength lies within the fields of electronic and system development, industrial automation and telematics. Independently or in cooperation with our networks, we undertake complete development projects or sub-projects where enthusiasm, creative joy and the result are all vital components. 30 Consid AB Business Field E IT and management consultancy D Employees 240 Website Contact Anita Beslic +46 - 76 943 02 38 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship Summer job Part-time job Full-time job x Consid is an IT and management consultancy that specializes in software development and implementation projects – we are working with both the technology and how our clients can make money on it. We streamline and optimize our clients’ operations and profitability and provides the skills they lack. Welcome to our website! 32 CPAC Systems AB Business Field E x Automotive & Marine; System integration in safety critical control systems D x Employees 120 Website Contact IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship x Summer job x Part-time job x Full-time job x CPAC Systems is a fast-growing and profitable company within the Volvo Group. We are passionate about turning advanced technology into industrialized solutions for our end customers. Working with system integration in safety critical control systems, we have a proven track record of developing and industrializing differentiating technology within maneuvering, X-by-wire systems, HMI and hybrid development. Our clients are global renowned brands within the commercial transport industry, both within and outside the Volvo Group. Our corporate culture has been one of our key success factors. It is characterized by strong entrepreneurship, responsibility, openness and lack of prestige. To thrive here, we believe that you need to like working in a creative and fast paced environment with all its pros and cons. 34 Cybercom Sweden Business Field E x IT D x Employees 850 Website Contact Dina Zadeh Rystedt IT x Trainee x MSc Thesis x Internship x Summer job Part-time job Full-time job x Cybercom is a leading edge Nordic ICT Company assisting leading companies and organisations to benefit from the opportunities of the connected world. The company’s areas of expertise span the entire ecosystem of communications services. Cybercom’s domestic market is the Nordic region, and in addition the company offers global delivery capacity for local and international business. Cybercom was founded in 1995 and has been quoted on the NASDAQ Stockholm exchange since 1999. 36 Delphi Automotive Sweden AB Business Field E x Automotive D x Employees 95 Website Contact Daniel Henriksson +46 - 70 473 96 09 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship x Summer job x Part-time job x Full-time job x Delphi has long experience in Sweden with our Delphi engineering design center at Mölndalsvägen (former our fully owned subsidiary, Mecel AB located near Liseberg) and our office in Torslanda. With our two sites, we offer a strong local presence that focuses on Swedish OEMs as well as provides both global project leadership and execution. Our products range from software modules for Infotainment products, Active Safety systems, wiring harnesses, and body electronics. We offer exciting career development in the fields of Electrical, Mechanical, Software, Systems, Project Management, Sales, and Engineering Leadership, both locally and globally. We are a recognized leader in the drive to Safe, Green, and Connected. 38 EA Ghost Games Business Field E Computer Games D x IT x Employees 110 Website Contact Karl Neuman +46 - 72 516 34 46 Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship x Summer job Part-time job Full-time job x Electronic Arts have two development studios in Sweden, DICE and Ghost Games. Many of our employees are industry veterans, but we also employ numerous interns and graduates every year. DICE, the award-winning developer based in Stockholm, is best known for creating the phenomenally successful Battlefield franchise with the widely acclaimed Battlefield 4 being the latest installment. In a few days, DICE will release Star Wars Battlefront while the highly anticipated Mirror’s Edge is currently in the making. We share the passion to create something extraordinary. Founded in 2011, Ghost is the franchise owner of Need for Speed. Located in central Gothenburg with studios in Guildford and Bucharest. We are committed to delivering great games that connect gamers and we aim for the highest quality in everything we do. This molds our everyday workspace and our way of working. Last week we released our latest game, Need for Speed. 40 Ericsson Business Field E x Information and communications technology D x Employees 118 000 Website Contact B-O Hertz +46 - 10 712 47 79 IT x Trainee x MSc Thesis x Internship x Summer job x Part-time job Full-time job x We are a world leader in the rapidly changing environment of communications technology – providing equipment, software and services to enable transformation through mobility. Some 40 percent of global mobile traffic runs through networks we have supplied. More than 1 billion subscribers around the world rely every day on networks that we manage. With more than 37,000 granted patents, we have one of the industry’s strongest intellectual property rights portfolios. Our leadership in technology and services has been a driving force behind the expansion and improvement of connectivity worldwide. We believe that through mobility, our society can be transformed for the better. New innovations and forms of expression are finding a greater audience, industries and hierarchies are being revolutionized, and we are seeing a fundamental change in the way we communicate, socialize and make decisions together. These exciting changes represent the realization of our vision: a Networked Society, where every person and every industry is empowered to reach their full potential. 42 Evidente AB Business Field E x Produktutveckling inbyggda system D x Employees 80 Website Contact Jonas Åstrand +46 - 70 462 17 08 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship Summer job Part-time job Full-time job x Evidente är ett ingenjörsföretag som erbjuder tjänster till företag som utvecklar produkter med inbyggd programvara och elektronik. Våra specialistområden är mjukvaruutveckling, systemutveckling och verksamhetsutveckling. Våra kunder finns inom områdena fordon, telekom, medicin och industri. Fokus för verksamheten är att erbjuda våra kunder en komplett produktutvecklingsförmåga och vi har lika delar uppdrag inne på kontoret och ute på plats hos våra kunder. Vårt dagliga arbete är präglat av struktur och leveransorientering för att kunna erbjuda högsta kvalitet till såväl våra kunder och leverantörer som till våra kollegor. Kvalificerade medarbetare är vår största tillgång och vår personal består i huvudsak av civilingenjörer med allt från lite kortare till mycket lång erfarenhet. Vårt arbetssätt i kombination med våra erfarna ingenjörer ger utmärkta verktyg att nå resultat, utveckla sig själv och skapa nöjda kunder. 44 Findwise Business Field E IT Consulting D x Employees 100 Website Contact Carl Björnfors Emilie Nordfält IT Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship Summer job Part-time job Full-time job x Talent attract talent. To find new talented people we must make the ones who are already working here thrive and feel inspired. How? Well, talented people must be respected as equals and be given the freedom to create and innovate. You don’t hire a talent to tell him or her how to do what they are talented at. We want our people to feel encouraged to act independently and bravely, that is how their talents best are put to use for Findwise and our clients. Tomorrow, simplicity will rule. Simplicity means easier, faster and smarter. We are experts in creating search driven solutions for various business needs. Among our clients are SKF, SCA, Chalmers, SEB, Scania, Swedish Social Insurance Agency and Telenor. Our goal is to help them maximize the business value of their information assets. To make knowledgeable decisions easier and faster. Award winning Findwise, founded in 2005, is a growing IT consultancy with 100 employees at offices in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Poland. We offer platform independent consulting to create Findability solutions. We supply search technology expertise as well as consulting in related fields such as user experience, linguistics, information management, big data and security. 46 Framtiden AB Business Field E x Recruitment and staffing D x Employees 350 Website Contact +46 - 20 026 26 11 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis Internship Summer job x Part-time job x Full-time job x Framtiden helps young professionals to get at job. Everyday we strive to find and create meetings between the right company and the right young professional. Young professionals are people who are in the beginning of their careers and who are driven and innovative. Framtiden works with companies within all industries – technology, data/IT, marketing, sales, finance, administration and production/logistics. We are currently located in seven cities around Sweden. 48 Google Business Field E Internet D x Employees 57 000 Website Contact Veronika Striessnig IT x Trainee MSc Thesis Internship x Summer job x Part-time job Full-time job x Google is and always will be an engineering company. We hire people with a broad set of technical skills who are ready to tackle some of technology’s greatest challenges and make an impact on millions, if not billions, of users. At Google, engineers not only revolutionize search, they routinely work on massive scalability and storage solutions, large-scale applications and entirely new platforms for developers around the world. Apply for a job: google. com/jobs Google has an exciting and innovative internship program for students in a variety of different fields. We’re looking for students pursuing degrees in computer science and related areas who love to problem-solve, code and design. If you like working on challenging and intriguing problems in an entrepreneurial environment that respects creative approaches and solutions, then a Google internship is for you. To learn more, see: 50 HiQ Business Field E x IT consultant D x Employees 350 Website Contact Viktoria Stark +46 - 72 368 76 68 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis Internship Summer job Part-time job Full-time job x HiQ HELPS TO MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE BY MAKING PEOPLE’S LIVES SIMPLER AND BETTER. In a world that is spinning faster and faster, HiQ has the knowhow and the experience to help our clients all the way from idea to implementation. We see technology as part of a larger context, and as a tool for making a difference in people’s everyday lives. Our creation of innovative services such as the Swish and Collectors Betalkoll apps for the banking industry, and our development of active safety systems for the automotive industry – systems that save lives – are just two examples of how we help our customers to do this. HiQ Gothenburg was establish in 1998 and today we are over 300 specialists with expertise in fields such as software development (from start to finished product), quality management (especially testing and verification), qualified project management and business development, mobility and web development. HiQ Gothenburg works whit four business areas, R&D Solutions, R&D Automotive, Web & Mobile and Sciences & Society. We work with global brands that share our desire to make the world a little simpler. And a lot more fun. 52 HMS Industrial Networks AB Business Field E x Industrial communication / Remote Management D x Employees 380 Website Contact Frida Mårtensson +46 - 35 299 61 18 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship Summer job x Part-time job x Full-time job x HMS Industrial Networks is the leading supplier of industrial communication solutions. Our products enable industrial devices to communicate on different industrial networks and also be monitored/controlled remotely. HMS is a Swedish company with headquarters in Halmstad and sales offices in 10 countries. Although we’re spread out all over the world, we like to think that we bring a little bit of our Swedishness to all our offices. By this we mean a flat organization with a lot of freedom to realize your own ideas and affect the company as a whole. Most of our staff are engineers working within R&D but there are also engineers working with Sales, Marketing, IT and Manufacturing. As a part of our team you’ll get to work with and learn from some of the world’s leading experts on industrial communication. We believe that work should be challenging, rewarding and fun and since we work at the forefront of technology, it is crucial that we constantly develop our skills. We are always on the lookout for talented people who want to develop together with us. If you want to work with cutting-edge technology in an international environment, make sure to come talk to us at Date-IT! 54 i3tex Business Field E x Technical Engineering D x Employees 170 Website Contact Lena Bengtsson +46 - 70 938 73 07 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship Summer job Part-time job Full-time job x i3tex is a creative team of over 170 different skills, all with a passion for making the world a a better place using technology. We make visions come alive and develop products for industries that are shaping the future - today. Our culture is based on continuously developing our skills and creativity, and combining them for new results. When you join i3tex you will get new colleagues who are innovative, reliable and curious about everything that has to do with technology, whether we work as consultants or in inhouse projects. Check out our Facebook page and get av feeling of our dedicated team! Great ideas and smart product development can make real change. Meet us for at chat and some thrilling examples at DatE-IT.. 56 Idevio Business Field E Software Development D x Employees 12 Website Contact Johan Persson +46 - 31 779 09 60 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship Summer job Part-time job Full-time job x Idevio är ett växande produktbolag som fokuserar på programvara för geografisk information. Vår teknik för att komprimera och strömma vektorbaserad kartdata är världsledande och används i allt från arbetsstationer till mobiltelefoner. Vi är verksamma inom områdena Business Intelligence och Transport&Logistics och har kunder över hela värden inom områden som fordonsbranschen, myndigheter och detaljhandel. Inom Business Intelligence tillhandahåller vi attraktiva kartor med affärsgrafik kombinerat med geografiska analyser. Inom Transport&Logistics har vi förutom kartpresentation produkter för t.ex. geofencing, mapmatching och tracking. Utvecklingsteamet jobbar främst i Java och Javascript. Eftersom vi är ett litet företag är arbetsuppgifterna varierande och alla utvecklare är delaktiga i hela utvecklingsprocessen. Om du är intresserad av det vi sysslar med så kom förbi vår monter och prata med oss. Vi letar alltid efter talanger som vill vara med i våra team av kompetenta medarbetare. Vi håller till i charmiga lokaler i centrala Göteborg. 58 Interaktionsbyrån Business Field E Interaction design and product development D x Employees 36 Website Contact Johan Pettersson +46 - 70 744 47 80 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship x Summer job x Part-time job x Full-time job x Creating and managing a diverse team is everything for us at Interaktionsbyrån. We believe in the individual excellence in parallell with the team effort and do our outmost to create an environment that support our team. Our studio is a collaborative space where we support and inspire each other to attack the next project. Nordiska Interaktionsbyrån, a.k.a. NIB, was founded in late 2006 and has since then grown with highly dedicated, talented and motivated people from all over the globe. In Gothenburg this multicultural NIB family together live, love and strive to create new design that actually make a difference. 60 Invativa Business Field E Digital Business D Employees 15 Website Contact Anneli Selse +46 - 70 963 30 03 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship Summer job Part-time job x Full-time job x Invativa är specialister på digitala affärer. Vi riktar oss till uppdragsgivare som har många kunder, tiotusentals eller fler. Andra IT-tjänsteföretag är ofta större än vi. De har alltid bredare erbjudande. Vi tävlar med dem om ditt förtroende, men enbart inom vårt specialområde: Digitala Affärer. Där har vi längre erfarenhet och djupare kompetens än de stora. Av oss får du stöd i alla dimensioner av din digitala affärsmodell, från analys och strategi till innovation och produktion. Förvänta dig att vi utvecklar mer innovativa erbjudanden och får dem i produktion snabbare. Förvänta dig nya intäkter från tjänster du inte kan föreställa dig i dag. 62 Itera Business Field E Technology consultancy D x Employees 420 Website Contact Tommy Ryen +47 - 952 48 342 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis Internship Summer job x Part-time job Full-time job x Itera er et kommunikasjons- og teknologiselskap. Vi leverer tjenester innen rådgivning og strategi, design og utvikling, drift og forvaltning. Vi er engasjerte fagspesialister som jobber i tverrfaglige team fordi vi vet at vi med ulike faglige ståsteder avdekker helt nye muligheter og løsninger som gir verdi til kundene våre. Verdiene våre er nyskapende, lidenskapelig og kompetent. De forteller kundene våre hva de kan forvente av oss. De legger også grunnlaget for hva alle våre medarbeidere kan forvente av hverandre og hva som forventes av dem. De stiller krav. Det trives vi med. Vi er i overkant av 420 ansatte, og har kontorer i Oslo, Bryne, Stockholm, København, Kiev, Lviv og Bratislava. Vi er notert på Oslo Børs under tickeren ITE. 64 Kits AB Business Field E IT D x Employees 20 Website Contact Patrik Nilsson +46 - 70 827 74 99 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship Summer job Part-time job Full-time job x We are passionate consultants who keep things simple to achieve great results while having fun. We are language agnostic but focus on Java and JavaScript and strive to be the #1 choice for: – frontend development – backend development – integration of systems and services KITS – keep it simple 66 Knowit Business Field E IT, Management, Digital communication D x Employees 1 800 Website Contact Martin Skarp +46 - 73 074 63 12 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis Internship Summer job Part-time job Full-time job x Knowit AB (publ) is a consultancy firm which develops its clients’ deals and operations by devising creative solutions using IT, Digital & Design and Management. With entrepreneurial units operating on the clients’ local markets we have extensive understanding for both operations and needs. Our culture is characterized by openness, entrepreneurism, high competence and a drive to constantly develop. Knowit was founded in 1990 and currently has around 1,800 employees in 17 locations around Sweden, five locations in Norway, and one each in Denmark, Estonia, Finland and Germany. Knowit AB (publ) is listed on the Nordic Exchange in Stockholm. For further information about Knowit, please visit 68 Meltwater Business Field E Media Monitoring D x Employees 1 000 Website Contact IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship x Summer job Part-time job Full-time job x Meltwater creates the next generation media monitoring solutions that helps our customers gain crucial insights from what’s happening on the Internet. For us, big data and deep learning are more than just buzzwords. Every day we add more than a hundred million news articles, tweets and Facebook posts to our repository of billions. As a Meltwater developer you’ll be building state-of-the-art information retrieval systems using the latest technologies such as Elasticsearch, Riak, Mesos and Docker. If you get excited when talking about distributed systems at scale or when creating ways to gain insights from all the world’s information, then you’ll love working with us. 70 Netlight Consulting AB Business Field E IT consultancy D x Employees 650 Website Contact Olof Kinell +46 - 70 815 12 49 IT x Trainee x MSc Thesis Internship Summer job Part-time job Full-time job x Netlight is an IT consultancy that works with systems/web/app development, IT management and UX. We are continuously looking for new talents who want to work with the latest technologies in business-critical projects with market-leading international companies as well as in innovative start-ups. Together we deliver independent solutions and valuable results by applying our core values: competence, creativity and business sense. We work in a flat network organization characterized by a high degree of commitment and responsibility, as well as smooth communication and collaboration throughout the company. We are a company with an open, encouraging and unpretentious atmosphere. We offer a great community and a rapid career development in an international environment. Netlight has over the years received a number of awards like the marathon-Gasell in Dagens Industri, Årets Superföretag från Veckans Affärer, Innovator of the Year from Universum and last year our CEO Erik Ringertz was appointed CEO of the year. We are also the initiator to #TechEq which is a collaboration between several technology companies that are working to increase gender equality in the technology industry. Want to learn more about us? Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook 72 Novacura AB Business Field E Software and Services for Business Systems D x Employees 50 Website Contact Petter Larsson +46 - 73 850 11 22 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis Internship Summer job Part-time job x Full-time job x Novacura is a humane-centric IT-company using services and software to streamline and simplifie our customers’ business-critical processes and ERP platforms. Novacura is privately held and we have offices in Sweden, Norway, The Netherlands and Poland. Our software solutions are sold through partner companies in Europe and the U.S. Novacura has 50 experienced employees and is headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden. 74 Omegapoint AB Business Field E IT consulting D x Employees 200 Website Contact Kristina Lennermo +46 - 70 629 98 16 IT x Trainee x MSc Thesis x Internship Summer job Part-time job Full-time job x Säkra affärerna, utvecklas med oss Omegapoints medarbetare är ledande experter inom applikationssäkerhet. Genom att kombinera högkvalitativ systemutveckling och säkerhet i våra leveranser möjliggör vi för våra kunder att utvecklas uthålligt. Omegapoints medarbetare har gedigen kompetens och lång erfarenhet av att utveckla verksamheter tillsammans med våra kunder. Där kunden bara har råd att göra rätt, där detaljer i tekniken gör skillnad för affär och verksamhet är Omegapoint inte bara en bra IT-leverantör utan också ledande inom verksamhetsutveckling. Vill du jobba med IT, systemutveckling och affärsutveckling tillsammans med engagerade säkerhetsexperter? Lockas du av branscher där tekniken verkligen gör skillnad? Tycker du att konsultyrket verkar spännande? Då har du och vi något gemensamt. Hos oss blir du del av ett företag som kännetecknas av öppenhet, utveckling och engagemang! Vi värderar kunskap och utveckling på riktigt. För oss handlar kompetensutveckling om nyfikenhet och en vilja att lära av varandra. Hela tiden. Varje dag. Omegapoint växer inom alla kompetensområden och vi letar ständigt efter nya engagerade medarbetare. Kom och säkra din utveckling tillsammans med oss. 76 Opera Software Business Field E IT D x Employees 1 500 Website Contact Lisa Johansson +46 - 72 229 01 23 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship x Summer job x Part-time job Full-time job x At Opera Software, we make web browsers for computers, mobile phones, tablets and TVs. Our business also includes mobile advertising services and solutions. Our aim is to shape an open, connected world, giving users the best internet experience on any device and any platform. Our passion is to create products and services to bring the whole world online! 78 Palantir Business Field E x Data Analytics - Software Development D x Employees 1 800 Website Contact IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship x Summer job x Part-time job Full-time job x Palantir is a leading Silicon Valley technology company, our mission is to deploy the most powerful products we can build against the hardest problems we can find, wherever we are needed most. Palantir Technologies designs, develops, and deploys software products that have transformed how the world’s most critical government, commercial, and non-profit institutions use their data and revolutionized work in an incredibly diverse set of problem spaces. Our first deployments in Europe date back to 2008 and our Stockholm and Copenhagen offices opened in 2013 and 2015, respectively. Our objective is to produce extraordinary outcomes for our government and commercial customers throughout the Nordics. To achieve these outcomes, we forge close partnerships with our customers and embed our world-class engineers onsite to implement and extend our technologies. By rapidly deploying our productized software solutions, we can iterate quickly to solve mission-critical problems. 80 Purple Scout Business Field E x Software consultancy, vendor independent tools experts D x Employees 50 Website Contact Lisa Hedström IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship Summer job x Part-time job x Full-time job x Purple Scout is a consultancy with a lot of programmers who specialize in Open Source. We want our customers to take advantage of all the benefits that Open Source has to offer. In other words we help our clients by developing effective software. Our customers know that our industry leading Open Source experts will create the perfect solution for their projects. Purple Scout make it work and we have since 2004. Purple Scout is all about having fun at work. When Johan and Kasper started Purple Scout, above all they really wanted to have a job that felt great going to on Mondays (and all other work days of the week) – and that still applies. No more Sunday anxiety. Purple Scouters look forward to going to work. Yup, we even like hanging out together so much that we often meet up after working hours. We have Oktoberfest celebrations, champagne tastings, geeky hackathons, ordinary After Works (with beer and a lot of nerdy code talking), parachuting, tech talks, lessons in swordsmanship and so on. Do you have a good idea for an AW? Is it purple? Let’s do it! 82 Qmatic Business Field E IT industry D x Employees 300 Website Contact Henrik Lindberg IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship Summer job Part-time job Full-time job Qmatic is a leading company in maximizing customer experience. Our solutions and tools allows customers to choose between services, check-in for appointments, find the way or simply to take a ticket to a queue. We look after the whole lifecycle of our solutions; from innovation and development to manufacturing, sales, installation, maintenance and support. Our solutions enable integration of the virtual/on-line and real world to facilitate a seamless customer experience resulting in superior customer satisfaction. Qmatic is full of talented, ambitious people with different backgrounds. We all share the same values and we work towards the same goals. At Qmatic you will get a unique chance to work with a fast growing company where individuals truly can make a difference. Qmatic has a truly global footprint and operates in over 120 countries through own subsidiaries and partner network. The group has a turnover of EUR 60 million. 84 QRTECH AB Business Field E x Product development company D x Employees 90 Website Contact Roger Hendelberg IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship Summer job Part-time job Full-time job x QRTECH is a successful product development company that develops, industrialises and manufactures products containing electronics, power electronics and software. The products we develop are often technically challenging and need to work effectively in demanding environments. Our clients operate in all areas that require advanced expertise in product development, from small companies to multinationals. The cornerstone of our development work is wide-ranging applied research in collaboration with industry, academia and research institutes. This allows us to offer our customers world-class, future-assured products. Our success is founded on solid commitment and the fact that we genuinely care about our customers. QRTECH has the most technically skilled engineers in the industry with the determination on every level to succeed and do a good job. Operations comprise product development, product sales and engineering services. Product development is a complete undertaking by our offices and our laboratories. We offer engineering services for the whole product development chain. Contracts can be carried out either at the customer or at our office. 86 Qualisys Business Field E x Motion Capture D x Employees 30 Website Contact Magnus Berlander +46 - 31 336 94 00 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship Summer job x Part-time job x Full-time job x Qualisys is a leading provider of motion capture technology and has a long history of supplying research, engineering and sports facilities with the tools and know-how of capturing and analysing movements. Qualisys offers a wide range of products and services, including its advanced motion capture platform, which is the core business. The platform consists of optical motion capture cameras and the software needed to process and analyze the motion data. It’s the same technology used for animation in block buster games and movies. At Qualisys, we do product design, VisualC++, C++ embedded, VHDL, image processing, full stack web development, Java, C# and much more. Qualisys’ headquarter is located in central Gothenburg and currently has 25 employees. Sounds interesting? Come and have a chat with us. 88 SAAB AB Business Field E x Defence and security D x Employees 14 700 Website Contact Bodil Takvam +46 - 73 437 86 82 IT x Trainee x MSc Thesis x Internship x Summer job x Part-time job Full-time job x Saab is a global defence and security company operating in the fields of air, land and naval defence, civil security and commercial aeronautics. We have operations on all continents. Technologically we are leaders in many areas, and one-fifth of our earnings are spent on research and development. With us, you will meet challenging and exciting tasks at the forefront of technology. We constantly look ahead and push the boundaries of what is considered technologically possible. We collaborate with colleagues around the world who all share our challenge – to make the world a safer place. Saab serves the global market of governments, authorities and corporations with over 500 products, services and solutions ranging from military defence to civil security. Saab is also a company with opportunities. A company where we see diversity as an asset and where you have both considerable responsibility and good opportunities for advancing in your career. But also a company that respects each person’s needs for a rewarding life beyond work. 90 Scionova Business Field E x Embedded wireless system development D x Employees 7 Website Contact Henrik Sjöström +46 - 70 969 44 11 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship Summer job Part-time job Full-time job x We are a product development company offering services in embedded wireless system development. We work with global technology leaders and small innovative companies alike. With years of experience in designing and developing automotive, telecom and medical products employing wireless communication technologies; we help our clients through each phase of product life cycle of a wireless embedded system. With Scionova onboard, you get access to a pool of talented engineers; who has years of industry experience and have a passion for wireless technology. Scionova has developed and deployed many embedded wireless systems on schedule meeting highest quality standards. Scionova is specialized in product development, and offers services for each phase of wireless embedded product life cycle. The company is founded in 2005 and has it’s headquarter located in the southwestern parts of Sweden. Scionova has a team of cherry-picked engineers who has a passion for wireless embedded systems backed with extensive experience in designing and developing embedded wireless systems. Our client portfolio ranges from great world-leading technology companies to smaller start-up companies. And so, our goal is to always provide assignments where you will work on cutting edge technologies and can sharpen/develop skills to reach career goals. 92 Sigma AB Business Field E x Consultancy D x Employees 2 000 Website Contact Linus Vidberg +46 - 70 811 32 01 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship Summer job Part-time job Full-time job x Sigma is a leading consulting group with an objective to make our customers more competitive. Our means is technological know-how and a constant passion for finding better solutions. We are 2,000 employees in eleven countries. Our services are provided through the businesses Sigma IT Consulting, Sigma Technology, Sigma Connectivity, Sigma Industry, Sigma Civil, and Sigma Software, while Sigma AB acts as the parent of the group, developing and nursing the Sigma brand and our many framework agreements. Sigma is owned by Danir, a private investment company held by the Dan Olofsson family. 94 Silicon Labs Business Field E x Semiconductors, Electronics, Internet of things D x Employees 1 200 Website Contact Åslaug Tveiterås +47 - 95 83 02 45 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship x Summer job x Part-time job Full-time job x We’re looking for engineers with the talent and passion to change the world with us. We are a team of hardware and software innovators dedicated to solving our customers toughest embedded design challenges. For nearly 20 years, we have created the silicon, software and tools that enable the world’s leading engineers to create products that disrupt industries and change the world. If you are interested in becoming part of a fast moving and dynamic company like Silicon Labs, we’d like to hear from you. We can offer interesting summer jobs for students who still have some years remaining of their studies. From day one you will be trusted with significant and exciting tasks, and work on real and important projects in a great work atmosphere. Our design center is located in Nydalen, Oslo, with around 55 employees from more than 10 different countries. In total Silicon Labs has 1200 employees all over the world. Job areas Digital design Analog design Software development Hardware tools Test and characterization Marketing A summer job in Silicon Labs will give you the opportunity to learn a lot, work on real projects and have interesting tasks while having fun! 96 SpeedLedger Business Field E Web-based bookkeeping software D x Employees 70 Website Contact Lars-Erik Lis +46 - 31 780 06 00 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship Summer job Part-time job x Full-time job x At SpeedLedger we value simplicity, responsibility, courage and we love a hint of madness. We focus on our customers and believe in doing one thing really well rather than maximizing feature count. Our curiosity is what drives us forward and keeps us focused on our goal - to make administration automated and more enjoyable for small businesses. Come by our booth if you are interested in our tech stack or if you want to put your engineering skills on test! Do you have what it takes? 98 Squeed AB Business Field E System development, consulting and innovation D x Employees 50 Website Contact Mommo Tabatabai +46 - 73 941 45 56 IT x Trainee x MSc Thesis x Internship Summer job Part-time job Full-time job x Squeed AB är ett kompetens och innovationsbolag verksamt inom mjukvaruutveckling. Vi har skapat en innovationskraft där varje Squeeder hjälper till med att ta fram nya affärsidéer i form av produkter och tjänster. Denna innovationskraft leder och utvecklar företaget. Att stimulera och tillvarata kreativitet är därför vår grundläggande affärsidé. Squeeders jobbar med systemutveckling, arkitekturfrågor, coaching, mentorskap, utbildningar, metoder mm. Vi är experter på Java, Microsoft .Net och open source. Vi är mycket ute som konsulter och bygger det våra kunder vill ha men arbetar också med att ta fram nya tjänster och produkter. Squeed är djupt engagerade i communityn kring mjukvaruutveckling så som Javaforum, nforum mm. Squeeders syns och hörs ofta på konferenser och mjukvaruträffar som Javaforum, JavaOne, Microsoft TechDays, MSDN Live, SweNug, Developer Summit, JFocus, JavaZone... Vi har stora ambitioner och behöver duktigt folk som vill vara med att uppnå ”Achieve the Amazing” i både Göteborg och Stockholm. 100 Syntronic Business Field E x Advanced product and systems development, production & aftermarket services D x Employees 500 Website Contact Johan Lindström +46 - 31 746 81 01 IT x Trainee MSc Thesis x Internship Summer job Part-time job Full-time job x Syntronic is a leading design house specializing in advanced product and systems development, production and aftermarket services. Our offer covers the entire life cycle of a product or system from the concept stage to a finished product including life cycle support during its entire lifetime. Among our customers and partners are some of the world´s most technology intensive businesses and organizations in sectors such as the telecom, defence, industrial, medtech and automotive. In the designing process to satisfy customers’ needs, we focus on quality, competence and ease of production. 102 ÅF Business Field E x Engineering and consulting D x Employees 7 500 Website Contact +46 10 505 00 00 IT x Trainee x MSc Thesis x Internship x Summer job x Part-time job x Full-time job x ÅF is an engineering and consulting company for the energy, industrial and infrastructure markets, creating progress for our clients since 1895. By connecting technologies we provide profitable, innovative and sustainable solutions to shape the future and improve people’s lives. Building on our strong base in Europe, our business and clients are found all over the world. ÅF has offices in more than 30 countries across the globe, from Brazil to Vietnam. In 2014 ÅF performed projects in more than 90 countries worldwide. ÅF – Innovation by experience. 104 Notes Notes 105 106 The people behind DatE-IT DatE-IT 2015 committee DatE-IT is a joint effort between the corporate relation committees DAG, ArmE and ArmIT of the Chalmers programs Computer Science, Electrical Science and Information Technology, respectively. Project Manager Emil Rosenberg Mobile: +46 70 - 843 45 39 Head of Company Contacts and Deputy Project Manager Alexander Håkansson Mobile: +46 - 76 245 90 60 Head of PR Elin Bergstedt Mobile: +46 - 73 180 09 69 Head of Logistics Carl Albertsson Mobile: +46 70 - 614 53 01 Head of Hosts Hampus Dahlin Mobile: +46 - 70 844 63 53 Head of Food and Servings Lukas Ögnelod Mobile: +46 - 70 220 75 58 DatE-IT DAG ArmE ArmIT Special thanks to: Photographer: Simon Nielsen Printing: TeknologTryck And a thank you to all of our amazing hosts: Ajla Cano - Alice Karlsson - Andreas Löfman - Andrée Centervall Ari von Nordenskjöld - Arvid Björemark - Axel Niklasson - Björn Werner - Calle Malm Calle Tisell - Christofer Benett - Daniel Eineving - Daniel Ödman - David Torbjörnsson Edvin Tobiasson - Elsa Andersson - Eric Borgsten - Eric McNabb - Erik Higbie Fredrik Möller - Gmal Tchaefa - Gustav Örtenberg - Henrik Andersson Henrik Fahlgren - Herman Carlström - Isaac Gonzalez - Isak Ernstig - Johanna Trillkott John Johansson - Kevin Hoogendijk - Lovisa Berglund - Maria Larsson - Marjan Adibi Martin Tran - Mattias Johansson - Maxim Goretskyy - Nadia Cuotto - Neda Farhand Oskar Jiang - Paulina Eriksson - Petter Barreng - Rasmus Söderström Olsson Runa Gulliksson - Samuel Håkansson - Sara Kinell - Sara Nadi - Sebastian Sandberg Simon Arneson - Simon Petersson - Simon Rimborg - Simon Widlund - Sofia Nyström Stefan Wallberg - Sveinn Finnsson - Tobias Andersson - Wendy Mo 107 Project Manager: Emil Rosenberg (E) Company contact group: Axel Andalen (E), Alexander Håkansson (IT), Filip Larsson (IT), Jonathan Nilsson (D), Victor Olausson (D) , Charlotte Rådahl (E) PR group: Elin Bergstedt (E), Magnus Bergsten (D), Niklas Liljegren (D) Logistics group: Carl Albertsson (IT), Jesper Ivarsson (D), Ulrika Yring (E) Host group: Joachim Benjaminsson (E), Hampus Dahlin (IT), Anna Nylander (IT) Food and Servings group: Kristoffer Bader (IT) , Lukas Ögnelod (D) 108