
Emma A. Bäck
Ph. D.
Curriculum Vitae
Gothenburg University
Department of Psychology
Box 500
Gothenburg University
Assistant Professor (‘biträdande lektor’)
Kristianstad University
Assistant Professor (‘lektor’) (Jan-May)
Lund University
Senior Lecturer
University of Amsterdam
Post-doc/guest researcher (March-May)
Stockholm University
Department of Psychology
Ph. D. student
Södertörn University
Stockholm University
Department of Psychology:
Research assistant, enrolled in Ph. D program
Part time work.
Uppsala University
Department of Political Science
Research assistant. Part time.
Stockholm University/
Gothenburg University
Department of Political Science
Research assistant. Part time.
Ph. D.
Stockholm University
M. Sc
Uppsala University
B. Sc
Uppsala University
High school
Social sciences program
Bäck, E. A., Bäck, H., & Gustafsson, N. (2015). Ungas politiska deltagande: Nya former och aktivitet
genom sociala medier? Report for Demokratiutredningen 2014 on assignment from the Swedish
Government (forthcoming).
Gustafsson-Sendén, M., Lindqvist, A., & Bäck, E. A. (2015). Introducing a gender-neutral pronoun in
a natural gender language: The influence of time on attitudes and behavior. Frontiers in Psychology
Bäck, E. A., Lindqvist, A., & Gustafsson-Sendén, M. (2015). Hen can do it: Effects of using a gender
neutral pronoun in a recruitment situation. In J. Magnusson, K. Milles, & Z. Nikolaidou (Eds.)
Könskonstruktioner och Språkförändringar: En rapport från den åttonde nordiska konferensen om
språk och kön (pp. 71-91).
Bäck, E. A., Bäck, H., & Knapton, H. M (2015). Group Belongingness and Collective Action: Effects
of Need to Belong and Rejection Sensitivity on Willingness to Participate in Protests Activities.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology (forthcoming).
Knapton, H. M., Bäck, H., & Bäck, E. A. (2014). The Social Activist: Conformity to the Ingroup
Following Rejection as a Predictor of Political Participation. Social Influence 10, 97-108.
Bäck, E. A., & Bäck, H. (2014). Psykologiska förklaringar till politisk aktivism. Psykologtidningen, 7,
Bäck, E. A., & Lindholm, T. (2014). Defending or Challenging the Status Quo: Position Effects on
Biased Intergroup Perceptions. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 2, 77-97.
Bäck, E. A., Bäck, H. & Garcia Albacete, G. (2013). Protest Activity, Social Incentives, and Rejection
Sensitivity: Results from a survey experiment about tuition fees. Contention, 1, 1-15.
Bäck, E. A., Bäck, H., Montgomery, M., & Funck, F. (2013). Åsikter och engagemang i samhällsfrågor:
Resultat från en webbundersökning. Psykologiska rapporter från Lund, 6, 1-29.
Bäck, E. A. (2013). Position towards the status quo: Explaining differences in intergroup perceptions
between left- and right-wing affiliates. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43, 2073-2082.
Garcia Albacete, G, Bäck, H, & Bäck, E. A. (2012). Contextual and individual-level determinants of
political protest: The interaction between feelings of discrimination and institutional arrangements.
Contention, 0, 1-2. (Conference proceedings)
Bäck, E. A. (2011). Social and cognitive biases in large group decision settings. Doctoral
Dissertation. Stockholm: SU-AB.
Bäck, E. A., Esaiasson, P., Gilljam, M., Svenson, O., & Lindholm, T. (2011). Post-decision
consolidation in large group decision-making. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 52, 320-328.
Bäck, E. A. (2011). Effects of parental relations and upbringing in troubled adolescent eating
behaviours. Eating Disorders, 19, 1-22.
Bäck, E. A., Esaiasson, P., Gilljam, M., & Lindholm, T. (2010). Biased attributions regarding the
origins of preferences in a group decision situation. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40, 270281.
Bäck, E. A., & Bäck, H. Why Engage in Collective Action? The Conditional Effect of Social Support
on Protest Participation (Under review).
Espinosa, L., & Bäck, E. A. Violence in Swedish Football Supporters: The Mediational Relationship
Between Group Identity, Dehumanization and Legitimation of Violence (under review).
Knapton, H. M., Bäck, H., & Bäck, E. A. Conforming to collective action. An experimental study of
personality, social norms, and political participation. (Submitted).
Garcia-Albacete, G., Bäck, H., & Bäck, E. A. Contextual and individual-level determinants of
political protest: The interaction between feelings of discrimination and institutional arrangements.
(Working paper)
Lindqvist, A., Gustafsson-Sendén, M., & Bäck, E. A. Evaluations of an individual described with a
gender-neutral pronoun. (Working paper).
Bäck, E. A., Bäck, H., Knapton, H., & Montgomery, H. Who becomes active? The role of personality
and selective incentives in electoral and non-electoral participation. (Working paper)
Bäck, E. A., Lindqvist, A., & Gustafsson-Sendén, M. The slow sexist: The moderating role of sexism
on effects of gender-fair language on reading speed. (Working paper)
Conforming to collective action. An experimental study of personality, social norms, and political
Holly M. Knapton, Hanna Bäck, & Emma A. Bäck. Oral presentation at the International Society for
Political Psychology, San Diego, 2015.
What’s so social about social media? Personality and incentives as predictors of political
Emma A. Bäck, Hanna Bäck, & Nils Gustafsson. Oral presentation at the International Society for
Political Psychology, San Diego, 2015.
Why engage in collective action? The conditional effect of social support and incentives on protest
Emma A. Bäck & Hanna Bäck. Oral presentation presented at the Swedish Political Science
Association, Lund, 2014.
The social incentives of collective action: Rejection and social support as predictors of protest
Emma A. Bäck, Hanna Bäck, & Holly Knapton. Oral presentation presented at the International
Society for Political Psychology, Rome, 2014
Who becomes active? The role of personality and selective incentives in electoral and non-electoral
Holly Knapton, Hanna Bäck, & Emma A. Bäck. Oral presentation (by H. Knapton) presented at the
International Society for Political Psychology, Rome, 2014
The social incentives of collective action: Rejection and social support as predictors of protest
Emma A. Bäck & Hanna Bäck. Oral presentation to be presented at the European Consortium for
Political Science, Glasgow, 2014
Why engage in collective action? The role of rejection in explaining protest activity.
Emma A. Bäck & Hanna Bäck. Oral presentation presented at the Nordic Political Science
Association, Gothenburg, 2014
Hen can do it: Effects of using a gender neutral pronoun in a recruitment situation.
Emma A. Bäck, Anna Lindqvist, & Marie Gustafsson-Sendén. Oral presentation at the 8th Nordic
Conference on Language and Gender, Stockholm, Sweden, 2013.
The odd one out: The effect of rejection on collective action participation.
Emma A. Bäck & Hanna Bäck. Oral presentation at the European Consortium for Political Research
in Bordeaux, France, 2013.
Effects of using gender neutral pronouns in recruitment.
Emma A. Bäck, Anna Lindqvist, & Marie Gustafsson-Sendén. Oral presentation at the Marie Curie
Initial Training Network Language, Cognition, & Gender conference in Bern, Switzerland, 2013.
Contextual and individual-level determinants of political protest: The interaction between feelings of
discrimination and institutional arrangements.
Gema Garcia Albacete, Hanna Bäck, & Emma A. Bäck. Oral presentation at the Theory, Action and
Impact of Social Protest interdisciplinary conference in Kent, 2012.
Protest Activity, Social Incentives, and Rejection Sensitivity: Results from a survey experiment about
tuition fees.
Emma A. Bäck, Hanna Bäck, & Gema Garcia Albacete. Oral presentation at the Theory, Action and
Impact of Social Protest interdisciplinary conference in Kent, 2012.
Introducing the ‘Challenger bias’.
Emma A. Bäck. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)
meeting in San Diego, 2012.
Defending or Challenging the Status Quo: Position Effects on Biased Intergroup Perceptions.
Emma A. Bäck & Torun Lindholm. Oral presentation held at the European Association for Social
Psychology’s general meeting in Stockholm, 2011.
General Parental Relationship Quality or Specific Parenting practices: Effects on Troubled
Adolescent Eating Attitudes.
Emma A. Bäck. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)
meeting in San Antonio, 2011.
Defending or Challenging the Status Quo: Position Effects on Biased Intergroup Perceptions.
Emma A. Bäck & Torun Lindholm. Oral presentation held at the European Social Cognition
Network’s Transfer of Knowledge Conference, Gothenburg, 2010.
Social identity and gender: A Swedish version of the gender collective self-esteem scale.
Hanna L. Kusterer, Emma A. Bäck, & Torun Lindholm. Poster presented at the Society for
Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) meeting in Las Vegas, 2010.
Defending or Challenging the Status Quo: Position Effects on Biased Intergroup Perceptions.
Emma A. Bäck & Torun Lindholm. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social
Psychology (SPSP) meeting in Las Vegas, 2010.
Defending or Challenging the Status Quo: Position Effects on Biased Intergroup Perceptions.
Emma Bäck & Torun Lindholm. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science (APS)
convention in San Francisco, 2009.
Status Quo Change: Bias differences Between Pro and Con Positions.
Emma Bäck & Torun Lindholm. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social
Psychology (SPSP) meeting in Tampa, 2009.
The importance of issue importance: Judging others´ origins of preferences in a group decision
Emma Bäck, Peter Esaiasson, Mikael Gilljam, & Torun Lindholm. Poster presented at the European
Association of Experimental Social Psychology (EAESP) general meeting,
Opatija, 2008.
The role of issue importance in biased attributions regarding the origins of preferences.
Emma Bäck, Peter Esaiasson, Mikael Gilljam, & Torun Lindholm. Poster presented at the SPSP
meeting in Albuquerque, 2008.
The role of issue importance in biased attributions regarding the origins of preferences in a groupdecision situation.
Emma Bäck. Oral presentation held at the European Social Cognition Network’s Transfer of
Knowledge Conference, Brno, 2007.
Attributional biases about the origins of preferences in a group-decision situation.
Emma Bäck. Oral presentation held at the European Group for Process Tracing Studies in Decision
Making, Barcelona, 2007.
Attributional biases about the origins of preferences in a group-decision situation.
Emma Bäck. Oral presentation held at the Symposia for Social Cognition and Decision Making,
Stockholm, 2007.
Attributional biases about the origins of preferences in a group-decision situation.
Emma Bäck, Peter Esaiasson, Mikael Gilljam, & Torun Lindholm. Poster presented at the GPIR
preconference of the SPSP meeting in Memphis 2007.
Decision-making in large groups: Group membership and post-decision consolidation.
Torun Lindholm, Emma Bäck, Ola Svenson, Mikael Gilljam, & Peter Esaiasson. Poster presented at
the SPSP meeting in Memphis 2007.
Course development and responsibility:
Statistics and methodology (15 ECTS), 2011, Bachelor level, Södertörn University
Social Psychology (7,5 ECTS), 2011, Psychology A, Södertörn University
Statistics and methodology (7.5 ECTS), 2009, 2011, Speech therapist program, master
level, Stockholm University (in collaboration with Karolinska Institute)
Social Psychology (7.5 ECTS), Psychology I, Stockholm University, 2008 (50%
Online lectures, Basic level social psychology, 2015, Kristianstad University
Seminars Political Psychology, Doctoral level course, 2013, Lund University
Seminars Social Psychology, Master level course, 2013, 2014, Lund University
Seminars Data Analyses, Master level course, 2014, Lund University
Seminars Statistics, Bachelor course, 2014, Lund University
Lecturer Data Analyses, Master level course, 2014, Lund University
Lecturer Statistics, Bachelor course, 2014, Lund University
Lecturer Social Psychology, Basic level course, 2012, 2013, 2014, Lund University
Lecturer Social Psychology, Psychology A, 2010, 2011, Södertörn University
Lecturer Social Psychology, Psychology I, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, Stockholm
Lecturer Social Psychology, Psychology II, 2008, 2009, 2011, Stockholm University
Lecturer Methodology, Psychology and Law, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, Stockholm
University (Faculty of Law)
Seminars Social Psychology, Basic level course, 2012, 2013, 2014, Lund University
Seminars Social Psychology, Master course, 2013, 2014, Lund University
Seminars Social Psychology, Psychology A, 2011, Södertörn University
Seminars Social Psychology, Psychology I, 2007, 2008, Stockholm University
Seminars Scientific writing, Psychology I, 2007, Stockholm University
Seminars Statistics, Psychology I, 2008, 2009, Stockholm University
Seminars Statistics and methodology, 2007, 2009, 2011, basic and master level,
Stockholm University (in collaboration with Karolinska Institute)
Supervisor Master theses, 2013, 2014, Lund University
Holly Knapton: The irony of ostracism: Can extreme political actions result from a
process once created to prevent political rebellion?
Linda Lopar: Gender subtypes: Is there a difference within gender subtypes
regarding competence and warmth
George Juge: “Get Away From Me!”: Implicit and Explicit Transphobia in
Swedish-speaking Men
Catharina Bevik: The Assessment of Gender Pronouns in Relation
to Gender Stereotypes and Sexism
Lisa Espinosa: Legitimation of violence in Swedish football supporters: The
mediational relationship between Need for cognitive closure, group identity and
Gloria Kempelmann: On political participation and social media influence
Supervisor Bachelor theses, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, Stockholm
University/Södertörn University/Lund University/Kristianstad University (21 finished)
Supervisor intermediate undergraduate level theses, Psychology II, 2007, 2008,
Stockholm University
Examination: Master level theses social psychology, 2013, 2014, Lund University
Bachelor theses, 2014, Lund University
Consultant in statistics and methodology for Master theses at the Speech therapist
program at Karolinska Institute, 2009, about 30 working hours
Major funding as Principal Investigator
Emma A. Bäck, Stina Melander & Hanna Bäck (2015). Expected absence? Effects of expectations for
pain-patients’ well-being and return to work. AFA försäkring (390 000 €).
Major funding as co-investigator
Malena Rosén-Sundström, Emma A. Bäck, Nils Gustafsson, & Hanna Bäck (2014). Political
Participation among young people - from party democrats to social media activists. Marcus and
Marianne Wallenberg Foundation (500 000 €).
Marie Gustafsson-Sendén, Emma A. Bäck, & Anna Lindqvist (2014). Who is hen? Attitudes to, and
cognitive effects of a gender-neutral pronoun. Swedish Research Council (320 000 €)
Hanna Bäck, Henry Montgomery & Emma A. Bäck (2011). Extreme activism? Psychological
determinants of protest behavior. Swedish Research Council (400 000 €)
Minor funding as principal investigator
Emma A. Bäck (2007). Course fee. The undergraduate researchers foundation (sponsored by the
Dept. of Psychology, Stockholm University) (350 €)
Emma A. Bäck (2008). Summer course participation. Swedish Research Council (5000 €)
Emma A. Bäck (2008). Conference travel. K. A. Wallenberg foundation (1500 €)
Emma A. Bäck (2008). Conference travel. The undergraduate researchers foundation (1000 €)
Emma A. Bäck (2008). Conference travel. The Lars Hierta’s memorial foundation (1500 €)
Emma A. Bäck (2009). Conference travel. H. S. & Emmy Josephson foundation (1100 €)
Emma A. Bäck (2009). Conference travel. John Söderberg foundation (1100 €)
Emma A. Bäck (2010). Conference travel. The undergraduate researchers foundation (500 €)
Emma A. Bäck (2010). Conference travel. The Lars Hierta’s memorial foundation (1500 €)
Emma A. Bäck (2011). Participant reimbursment. The undergraduate researchers foundation (150 €)
Emma A. Bäck (2011). Seedcorn grant. European Association of Social Psychology (2000 €)
Emma A. Bäck (2011). Post-doc travel grant. Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research
(4500 €).
Emma A. Bäck (2011). Best teacher award. Karolinska Institute (300 €)
Emma A. Bäck (2011). Guest researcher stipend. The Lars Hierta’s memorial foundation (2500 €)
Emma A. Bäck (2011). Conference travel. Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research
(1700 €).
Emma A. Bäck (2011).Conference travel. K. A. Wallenberg foundation (1400 €)
Emma A. Bäck (2013).Conference travel. Department of Psychology, Lund University (600 €)
Awarded best teacher at the Speech therapist programme (Karolinska Institute) for statistics course,
2nd prize in the Graduate Student Poster Award at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology
meeting in Tampa, 2009
Nominated for best teacher at the Speech therapist programme (Karolinska Institute) for statistics
course, 2009.
Nominated for best teacher at the Speech therapist programme (Karolinska Institute) for statistics
course, 2007.
Graduate Student Council; member at large
Graduate Student Council; member at large
Equality Committee; member at large
President of the Graduate Student Council at the Dept. of Psychology, Stockholm
Board of Dept. of Psychology, Stockholm University; Graduate student representative
Professors’ Group at Dept. of Psychology, Stockholm University; deputy
Teacher Proposal Board for Professors, Social Sciences Faculty, Stockholm University;
President of the Graduate Student Council at the Dept. of Psychology, Stockholm
Board of Dept. of Psychology, Stockholm University; Graduate student representative
Professors’ Group at Dept. of Psychology, Stockholm University; deputy
Teacher Proposal Board for Professors, Social Sciences Faculty, Stockholm University;
Graduate student representative
Teacher Proposal Board for Professors, Social Sciences Faculty, Stockholm
University; Graduate student representative
Teacher Proposal Board for University Lecturers and Research Fellows, Social
Social Sciences Faculty, Stockholm University; Graduate student representative
Equality Committee, member at large
Equality Committee, member at large
President of Equality Committee at Dept of Psychology, Lund University
Equality Committee at Faculty of Social Sciences, Lund University: Member at large
Co-editor (2015-2020)
Political Psychology
Peer reviewer
Political Psychology
Journal of Social and Political Psychology
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Basic and Applied Social Psychology
Baltic Journal of Psychology
Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
European Consortium for Political Science, Glasgow, 2014
Nordic Political Science Association, Gothenburg, 2014
Swedish Political Science Association, Lund, 2014
Local network memberships:
Network for Gender studies at the Department for Political Science, Lund University
Network for Elections and political behaviour at the Department for Political Science, Lund
Network for Social Cognition at the Department of Psychology, Lund University
Division of Personality and Social Psychology at the Department of Psychology, Lund University
Division Cognition at the Department of Psychology, Lund University
Political Psychology group, Departments for Political Science and Psychology, Lund University
Judge at the Student Poster Award at the SPSP meeting in San Antonio, 2011
Member of the organizing committee for the 16th General meeting of the European Association of
Social Psychology (EASP), Stockholm, 2011 (1200 delegates)
Continuously participate and plan department visits from and to high schools
Continuously participate and plan social events at the department
Organising a seminar series with focus on Gender and Diversity research, with invited lecturers
Må Bra (Commercial Health Magazine); Expert opinion on social networks on
the internet
Gomorron Sverige (Swedish Television’s morning news show); Social psychology
applied to neighbourhood issues
Universitetsnytt (Stockholm University’s internal newspaper); Doctoral student’s view
on the new proposal for teacher appointments
Gaudeamus (Stockhom University’s campus paper); Panel discussion on integration
Tro och politik (Newspaper on faith and politics); Proponents of change less tolerant of
disagreeing others
ETC. (Newspaper from political left); Proponents of change less tolerant of disagreeing
P1 (Swedish radio); Proponents of change less tolerant of disagreeing others
Forskning och framsteg (Newspaper on research); Proponents of change less tolerant of
disagreeing others
SKTF medlemstidning (Union magazine): Proponents of change less tolerant of
disagreeing others
SVT online (Swedish Television online news): Explaining current events using social
psychological theories.
Skolporten (website for teachers): Popular scientific article on dissertation.
Internationella studier (Scientific/popular scientific journal): Psychology of personal
and global crises.
Metro (free newspaper): Article on protest activity
Psykologtidningen (Magazine for psychologists association in Sweden): Special,
invited, research article on political participation in relation to the current year of
LUM (Lund University Magazine): Popular article on protest research.
Modern Psykologi (Popular journal in psychology): “How an extremist is born”
Sydsvenskan (Newspaper): Article on motivations behind activism.
Society for Personality and Social Psychology, SPSP
European Association of Social Psychology, EASP
Social Psychology Network, SPN
Association for Psychological Science, APS
International Society for Political Psychology, ISPP
European Consortium for Political Research, ECPR