här - Vinnova


här - Vinnova
ERA-NET Transport III
Infomöte på VINNOVA
29 april 2015
10:00 Välkommen: om ERA-NET Transport – Christine Wallgren
10:10 Genomgång av utlysningstexten och formalia – Rein Jüriado
Frågor och svar
11:00 Logistik i Horisont 2020: arbetsprogrammet 2016-2017 –
Christine Wallgren (VINNOVA)
Avslut och möjlighet att träffa VINNOVA:s handläggare
ERA-NET Transport – kort
• 2001 EPTR - nätverk samordna nationella FoU-program
• 2004-2015 ERA-Net - finansiering inom FP 6 och FP 7
• Utveckla former för samarbete kring program/utlysningar
• Arbetsgrupper, utlysningar, bedömningar, projektledning
• Projekt finansieras med nationella medel och regelverk
• SURPRICE, Keep Moving, Future Travelling, m fl
• ERA-Net Plus - Electromobility+ 30% medfinansiering EC
Domäner i utlysningen
• Internationella godskorridorer
• Utveckling av logistikhubbar
• Citylogistik / last mile
• Organisationsinnovationer och affärsmodeller
• Informationsinfrastruktur och informationstjänster för
Cross-border freight transport
• Optimizing the coordination between passenger and goods transport in
cross-border transport (separation/integration/prioritization)
• Theory of constraints for bottleneck detection in corridors. New methods
for identification and analysis of bottlenecks and coping strategies
• New forms of cross-border management and supply for empty rail
waggons / containers. Development of special container equipment to
make multimodal cross-border transport more attractive
• Service differentiation within co-modal freight corridors
• Continental freight flows in supply chains. Impact of chain control
across modes, specific containers, concepts for efficient hinterland
transportation in maritime supply chains, international multi-network
incident management, etc.
• Synchromodality: understanding the demand for synchromodal
transport, optimize the alignment of supply chains and synchromodal /
multimodal services, transport chain design and operation
Hub development
• Sustainable freight hubs and their integration
into the TENT-T (Design, operation and new
business models)
• Gateway concepts for intermodal hubs
• Innovative solutions to connect inland shipping
networks with rail/road
• Innovative solutions to improve transhipment
points, e.g. development of added value
services to make intermodal hubs more
attractive, new roles for hubs in the supply chain
Urban / last mile logistics
• Urbanization and e-commerce: Innovative solutions (services and business models)
for last/first mile logistics in urban and suburban areas.
• Branch-specific bundling and distribution concepts for urban logistics. Development
of organisational structures for neutral operating urban logistic operator.
Development of coordinated and consolidated procurement and ordering strategies
• Innovative solutions for home-delivery-services and customer behaviour
• Using/extending/developing existing inner-city infrastructures for use in urban logistic
concepts. Logistic concepts for dedicated urban areas, shopping streets, historic
centres etc. Concepts and solutions for effective and collaborative use of
loading/unloading zones, new forms of UDC (urban distribution centre)-Organisation,
better understanding of the impact of land use on urban logistics activities
• Alternatively fuelled and active mobility based transport for urban logistics. Concepts
for the implementation of low emission vehicles
• Better adapting vehicles and load units for urban distribution
• Designing and operating urban freight delivery infrastructures
Organisational innovations
and new business models in
• Business analytics and models of close loop supply chain sustainability (circular economy)
• Options to integrate dual sourcing and recycling for the procurement of critical and conflict
• Impact of product design and packaging on supply chain sustainability
• Innovations for the European Information Platform architecture (nomenclature, pan-European
security etc.)
• Business models for horizontal and vertical cooperation
• Efficient reverse logistics networks
• Collaborative chain control strategies for advanced supply chain risk management and
• New Business Models (Increase asset utilization by sharing, Collaboration Tools,
Revenue/Gain sharing for private-private; public-private; public-public etc.)
• Drivers and enablers for collaboration and coordination (Favouring the transition to the new
collaborative environment, understanding the impact of collaborative logistics)
Information infrastructure
and services for logistics 1/2
• Pan-European ICT-architectures for synchromodal transport information
• “Big data” vs confidentiality of the forwarded information
• Rationalisation of workflow/processes by early acquisition of information
and information transfer
• How to create trusted source of data for national logistic needs as basis
of consumer’s security for internet-shopping and electronic data
interchange (EDI)?
• Deviation management: Optimizing information processes in case of
incidents, redirections and delays at critical interfaces in order to
minimize deviation
• Determining and analysing existing and potential data sources on
personal mobility and shopping behaviour (especially in the context of
e-commerce) to predict and optimize deliveries
Information infrastructure
and services for logistics 2/2
• New solutions to ensure the quality of the supply chain. E.g. by tracking
& tracing, identification of the goods transported or transport means
used and by equipment condition monitoring (e.g. concerning
temperature, humidity, etc.) in the context of “ smart
cargo/intelligent/connected goods
• Information systems supporting cost and environmental impact reduction
• Harmonized and accessible data for competitive and sustainable supply
• Freight data collection for decision support in urban mobility planning
• ICT Innovation (Intelligent objects, smart devices, IoT, ITS, Big data,
Data analytics, Dematerialization, Intelligent nodes, Logistics Business
Process as a Service (BPaaS), Autonomous logistics operations)
• Data Governance (Security, privacy and trust, Data ownership,
Information & data sharing policies, Supportive legal and regulatory
Formella krav
• Varje land/region ställer krav på sina respektive
deltagare – kolla bilagan
• Minst tre länder/regioner ska vara representerade i varje
• Max 70% av stödberättigande kostnader från ett land
• Max 24 månader
• Deltagande är generellt öppet för alla typer av
organisationer men se regionala/nationella regler
• Fundamental research & applied research (industrial
research & experimental development)
Hur man söker?
• Ansökan lämnas in elektroniskt via EPSS:
• Endast beviljade ansökningar ska lämnas in till VINNOVA
via Intressentportalen (formalia)
• EPSS kommer att vara tillgänglig inom ett par veckor
A proposal for the “Sustainable Logistics and Supply
Chains” call consists of the following parts:
• Project
• Organisations and key personnel (of applicants)
• Work packages
• Deliverables and milestones
• Consideration of ethics issues and gender aspects
• Risk management
• Consortium Agreement (PDF upload)
Deltagande länder och
• Holland – 1 million euro
• Norge – 1 million euro
• Polen – 400 000 euro
• Sverige – 1 million euro
• Turkiet – 1 million euro
• Vitryssland – 400 000 euro
• Österrike – 1,5 millioner euro
• Baskien – 1 million euro
• Flandern – 1 million euro
• Katalonien – 500 000 euro
• Nord-Pas de Calais – 1 million euro
Utlysningen öppnade
Informationsmöte på VINNOVA
Info och brokerage event i Bryssel
Avstämning med VINNOVAs handläggare
Maj-juni 2015
Utlysningen stänger kl 17.00
Meddelande om vilka projekt som beviljas
Vår 2016
Sommar 2016
Infomöte och brokerage event
i Bryssel 13 maj
10:30 Registrering och kaffe
11:00 Välkommen och genomgång av domäner
11:30 Formalia, ansökningssystem
12:10 Brokerage event
3-minuters presentationer av projektidéer eller potentiella deltagare
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Bilaterala möten
17:00 Avslut
Resebidrag till Bryssel-mötet
• Den nationella påverkansplattformen (Forum för
transportinnovation och CLOSER)
• Max 5000 kr
• Max 10 bidrag
• Ansökningsinformation:
• Lämnas in senast 4 maj
• Sverige – Rein Jüriado, 08
473 3039,
• EPSS – Mandy Willems och
Wendy van Nostrum
Något helt annat…
• Digital transport and Logistics Forum etableras
av EU-kommissionen
• Möjlighet till policypåverkan
• Intressenter sökes senast 17 maj 2015
• http://ec.europa.eu/transport/media/news/201504-15-setting-up-dtlf_en.htm
in Horizon 2020
work programme 2016-2017
Smart, green and integrated
transport WP 2016-17
DRAFT – får ej spridas!
• CALL ”Mobility for Growth” 8 kapitel, 40 topics (MG)
• CALL ” Automated Road Transport ” (ART)
• CALL ”European Green Vehicles Initiative” (EGVI)
WP 2016-17 CALL Mobility for
DRAFT – får ej spridas!
DRAFT – får ej spridas!
MG 5. Logistics – för tillfället
indelat i:
• MG 5.1 Networked and efficient Logistics
Clusters (RIA)
• MG 5.2 Innovative ICT solutions for future
logistics operations (RIA)
• MG 5.3 Promoting the deployment of green
transport, towards Eco-labels for logistics
• MG 5.4 Potential of the Physical Internet
DRAFT – får ej spridas!
MG 5.1 Networked and
efficient Logistics Clusters
• Role of hubs
• Governance and business models for
smart specialised logistics clusters
• Prototype - Modular Load Units
• Prototype - automated loading systems
• Optimise environmental performance
MG 5.2 Innovative ICT
solutions for future logistics
operations (RIA)
DRAFT – får ej spridas!
• A) Planning and data
• B) Dynamic routing and business models
• C) Interoperability and everything
MG 5.3 Promoting the deployment
of green transport, towards Ecolabels for logistics (CSA)
DRAFT – får ej spridas!
• Establish a network for carbon footprint calculation
• Liaison with organisation and initiatives
• Guidelines for measurement and reporting of emissions
• Standardise data collection
• Evaluating implementation of carbon footprint
• Certification, educational tools, introduction of footprints
MG 5.4 Potential of the
Physical Internet (RIA) (all
DRAFT – får ej spridas!
• Case study
• Map influence sphere
• Develop simulation and modelling tools
• Develop a roadmap
• Create support and concensus btw research
and industry
• Explore need for legislative initiatives
Sveriges innovationsmyndighet
Vi stärker Sveriges innovationskraft för hållbar
tillväxt och samhällsnytta