2. self-assessment report for the previous 4 years
2. self-assessment report for the previous 4 years
2. SELF-ASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE PREVIOUS 4 YEARS 2.1. Administrative structure diagram of the institution ORGANZATION CHART of National Research and Development Institute for Gas Turbines COMOTI, Bucharest Based on the Order MECTS No. 5737/26.11.2010 COUNCIL BOARD MANAGING DIVISIONS SCIENTIFIC DIRECTOR Division D 110 Research and Development for Gas Turbines components and aerospace propulsion C 111 Research and Development for compressors and fans. Compressors and fans testing bench C 112 Dynamic gas calculation Polytechnic University Branch in Bucharest DIRECTOR Division D 120 C 114 LM - Gas turbines special components, defense product Physics and mechanic testing laboratory C 116 Automation, gas turbines compressors and electrical engineering C 132 Screw compressors packages SCIENTIFIC SECRETARY DIRECTOR Division D 200 Technology Research Division Research and Development for Gas Turbines packages Environment and Cogenerative Energies C 201 CN Programming and Technology Research C 121 Gas Turbines industrial applications, Co-generation C 202 Semifinishing, casting and forging technologies Supply, transport, cooperation C 122 Turbines, Gas turbine package, Gas turbines testing package bench C 123 Environmental protection equipment C118 Resistance and Vibration C 113 Process centrifugal air compressor and air blower SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL CHAIRMAN-GENERAL DIRECTOR C 124 ____________________ C 124 LC - Physics and chemical testing laboratory C 124 LA Acoustics and vibrations laboratory Experimental Base Sf. Gheorghe Delta C 203 -204 Technology Laboratory for gas turbines and compressors, assembling experimental models, prototypes and small series C 205 Production planning and follow up ECONOMIC DIRECTOR Division D 400 Marketing Sales Investments S 401 Marketing, Public Relations, Advertising, Transmission of information DIRECTOR D 600 Economic Division Office 601 Economic Analysis, Business Forecasting and budgeting g g Office 602 Finance and Accountancy Public acquisitions S 403 Administrative, PSI (Fire Prevention and Extinction) Investments, Chief Mechanic S 404 Sales Office C 125 Composite materials in aviation research laboratory CHIEF ENGINEER Gas turbines and Compressors Assembling‐ C 126 Combustion chambers and unconventional energies, Combustion chambers testing bench Gas turbines and Compressors Research and Elaboration Mounting Technologies Staff Departament 300 Gas turbines and Compressors Mounting and Repairing Gas turbines and Compressors Diagnose and Service S 701 Legal Advisor S 702 Financial Public Auditing S 703 Metrology Laboratory S 704 Security Structure and Archive CTSA Prevention and Protection Service Technical Library DEPARTMENT HEAD S 500 Quality Service Quality Assurance C 127 Gh. Asachi University Branch in Iasi S 700 Human Resources, Wage CTC (Quality Control Technology) General activity report of the INCDT COMOTI www.comoti.ro contact@comoti.ro 1. Introduction and history Established in 1985 as the Scientific Research and Engineering Center for Aircraft Engines, within the former INCREST, COMOTI becomes in 1996, the “National Research and Development Institute for Gas Turbines, COMOTI, as a result of its assessment and certification. The Romanian Research and Development Institute for Gas Turbines is the only specialized company that integrates such activities as scientific research, design, manufacturing, testing, experimental activities, technologic transfer and innovation in the field of aircraft and industrial gas turbines and high speed bladed machinery. From its establishment constant concern led to high reliability industrial products: power sets, electrical or turbine natural gas compressor sets and gas turbine co- generative groups. The experience gathered in the field of high speed blade machines allowed development, in own conception, of series of electrical centrifugal natural gas or air compressors and electrical centrifugal air blowers in a large variety of flows and pressures, making COMOTI the only national producer for such complex equipment. Internationally, institutional and professional proficiency of I.N.C.D.T. COMOTI in the field of gas turbine engines and high speed blade machines has been acknowledged by: • awarding a significant number of medals and diplomas in international exhibition of innovation, research and new technologies in Geneva, Brussels and IENA Nuremberg, from which 6 over the last 4 years. a. Institute participation at several large scale European projects, within FP 5, FP 6, FP 7 frame programs, especially with French companies for aircraft engines, SNECMA and TURBOMECA, and two partnership projects with General Electric – USA and Nuovo Pignone – Italy, from which 5 contracts from European founds (FP5 and FP 6) accomplished in the last 4 years and 9 FP7 contracts in progress; • packager authorization by Pratt & Whitney from Canada for design, manufacturing and maintenance of gas turbine equipment with P&WC; • cooperation with GHH – RAND Germany – part of INGERSOLL – RAND from USA, in realizing natural gas screw compressor and groups which include such compressors sold in large numbers in the country, and exported in: USA, Germany, Poland, Canada Russian Federation. I.N.C.D.T. COMOTI is working according to a certified quality assurance system, in conformity with SR EN ISO 9001, SR EN ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, guided by the Total Quality Management theory. Over the last 4 years were outlined / developed / redesigned 17 research departments covering current areas of research described in their auto evaluation. 2. Major achievements 2.1. Over the past four years have been finalized different research contracts, by category and beneficiaries, as follows: FP6,FP7 Program National Research Program Private Research Program Thousand Euros Thousand Euros Thousand Euros 1699 16181 5518 7.26% 69.16% 23.58% 2.1.1. 33 contracts with private funds, for Romanian beneficiaries or for exporting (SNTGN TRANSGAZ SA Medias, OMV PETROM SA, IFIN HH, TMK RESITA, ENERGY USA, PRONA, AIR CANADA, HERCO G E R M A N I Y , VPT GERMANY, UPG, CONFIND SRL, PROD EXPRES MG, ICPE SA, UNISON ENGINE COMPONENTS, PROD EXPRES MG, National Company Henri Coanda International Airport Bucharest, INNOWIND N O R W A Y , OVIDIUS UNIVERSITY CONSTANTA, LINDE GAS HUNGARY LTD, AMU URCO BACAU, BORETS RUSSIA). OMV PETROM SA BORETS RUSSIA LINDE GAS HUNG GARY 2.1.2. 5 contracts from Europeans founds (FP5 and FP 6) SILANCER (SNECMA,Fr.) VITAL (SNECMA,Fr.) ABRANEW (GE GE Nuovo Pignione,It.) Pignione,It. 2.1.3. 82 accomplished internal competitions (CORINT, PN II, CEEX, CAPAC CITATI MI, INOVARE, MATNANTECH-Technical Technical Military Academy POS CCE AXA II, ROMANIAN SAPCE AGENCY) air quality Environment-air Agriculture Automation ORC Cycle le Environment-water water waste Air blowers CFD Aerodynamics optimization Biomass Combustion Resistance and vibrations Surface coatings Industrial gas turbines Execution technologies 2.2. Various research contracts are in progress / accomplishment accomplishment, as follows: FP7 National Research Priivate Research Thousand euros Thousand euros Thousand euros 2523 18.52% 6832 50.15% 4267 31.33% In accomplishment Accomplished over the last 4 years 7.26% 69.16% 23.58% We can observe the increase of international and private research contracts over the last year. year 2.2.1. 9 contracts with private founds (OMV Petrom SA, ALSTOM, Manchester anchester Metropolitan University niversity MMU, INNOWIND Norway) 2.2.2. 9 FP7 contracts: TEENII – “Turboshaft Engine Exhaust Noise I d e n t i f i c a t i o n ”; Noise Impact of aircraft with N Novel engine configurations in mid- to High Alttitude operations; Optimization for low E Environmental Noise impact AIRcraft”-OPENAIR;; Aviation Noise Research Network and C Coordination X-NOISE EVOLUTION; Tool Suite for fo Environmental and Economic Aviation n Modelling for Policy Analysis; „ Electrically driven test bench for testing of aircraft electric trical equipment” – ELTESTSYS, Clean Skay, ESP SPOSA “Efficient Systems and Propulsion for Aircraft” 10 70 9 60 50 7 6 40 5 Air mass flow 30 4 3 20 Air exces (A/C*Lo) Air mass flow [Kg/s] 8 2 10 Air exces 1 0 0 1 1001 2001 Seconds 3001 4001 TEENI ( Zentrum fur Luft–und Raumfahrt–DLR, TURBOMECA, Fr.) etalon sistem reticulat-ciclul A sistem reticulat-ciclul B 0.6 Heat Flow (mW/mg) 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 Proces de reticulare -0.4 -0.6 50 100 150 200 250 o Temperature ( C) OPENAIR (SNECMA, Fr.) 2.2.3. 13 contracts from internal competitions (POSCCE-A2-O2.1.2-2009-2, Romania-Bulgaria 2007-2013 cross border cooperation program, Program Cross Border 2007-2013-2(2i)-2.2-5, Priority Axis: 2, Human Resources Development Sectoral Operational Program 2007-2013, CAPACITATI MODULUL III) 3. Investments Major investments in research equipment detailed in procurement lists of over 15,000 euros, in the last four years of 4.960 million euros, were distributed by sources of financing, as shown in the table below: Investment UE Founds Research founds Sectorial founds Own resources founds Thousand euros 611 % 12.32% Thousand euros 657 % 13.25% Thousand euros 2753 % 55.51% Thousand euros 272 % 5.49% Thousand euros 666 % 13.43% These investments were focused in priority directions in which exists potential for research contracts. The main areas were laser metrology, composite materials, metallography, gas turbine special equipment for measuring/control, specific technologies research/execution. Some laboratories have been majorly equipped/restyle (composite, combustion, acoustics/vibration, environment/chemicals, and specific technology/execution of prototypes). Also in accomplishment is a major investment for gas turbines stands, worth 2.3 million euros. Another direction was the investment in and specialized software-specific research equipment, e.g. 36 processors computer. 4. Recruiting actions and events From this point of view, over the last four years have been employed 32 young professionals, 2 of them after getting PhD in USA and France. After employment, young people were encouraged to pursue doctoral degrees, financially sustained by institute. 5 are registered at Doctoral Studies. A young woman will support her thesis in 20nd of December 2012 and 2 young people have sustained their PhD in the last year. After a selection 4 young people, in the final year of study, were employed. Six specialists have sustained their PhD. Young employees are encouraged to participate in work on national and international conferences, competitions for certification and/or promotion for scientific degrees. 38 young people were promoted by competition. The policy of attracting young professionals is reflected in several directions: • Selecting and attracting young people, since they are students, with COMOTI’s specialists (2 senior research first degree) who have teaching activities, 4 academics from UP Bucharest and 2 from UT Iasi, or with academics who are collaborating in research programs (UP Bucharest, UT Iasi, UPG Ploiesti, UT Cluj Napoca, UT Timisoara). • Selecting and attracting foreign young people, with academics aid from foreign universities, who are working at COMOTI (e.g. Prof. D.M. Stefanescu from Ohio StateUniversity, employed during the POS CCE c 174/2010 project). • Specialization of young employees with teachers from international programs, such as Prof. Thomas GERBER, COST action “CM0901, specialization courses at Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland for 3 weeks for phd.sudent F. Florean, and Prof. Nicole Stoici from City University London. • Attracting young professionals during national and international conferences where COMOTI’s scientists are participating. 5. Technology transfer activities From this point of view, technology transfer has concluded transferring the knowhow of Romanian companies, which have executed some of the products designed and executed by COMOTI in research contracts, especially the private ones, or those which have had economic partner in national research plan contracts. For example compressors groups designed by COMOTI have the following trajectory: A. - COMOTI’s Project; B. - COMOTI’s Execution – execution of specific essential parts (rotors, bearings, automation, etc.); C. –execution release of parts and subsets with COMOTI’s project and technology (frames, pressure tanks, valves, special electric motors, separators, etc.) to other Romanian companies; D. – COMOTI assembly manufacturing (mounting, testing); E. – Commissioning at the beneficiary; F. – Staff training. In major manufacturings, w i t h delivery and commissioning at the beneficiary (centrifugal and screw compressors, air blowers, wastewater treatment plants, etc.), the value of knowhow and technology transfer is situated between 40-70%. Thus, for example, at value of 5.52 million only for private sector completed research contracts, technology transfer is EUR 2.71 million at an average of 50% from knowhow and technology transfer value. 6. Publication and communication initiatives In this area the concern was the development of publications (articles, books, and patents), conference sessions, symposium, workshops and participation at national and international exhibitions. 6.1. Publication a) Scientific papers published in journals with non-zero relative Article Influence - 10 b) Scientific papers published at conferences from the Australian Research Council list- 6 c) Other relevant scientific papers published in ISI indexed publications – 33 d) Other relevant scientific papers in international conferences - 23 e) Books published at national or international publishers – 9 (2 international) f) Book chapters published in collective volumes at national or international publishers -5 (3 international) g) Patent - 9 ( 2 US patent) 6.2. Communication initiatives a) Organization of workshops with participation of international companies, institutes and universities for European programs from which COMOTI is part; for example in partnership with DLR Germany, the organization of international conferences X3-NOISE CEAS at COMOTI’s headquarter and at the Parliament Palace, attended by over 60 personalities in aviation among the world, such as: SNECMA, ONERA, DLR, NASA, Von Karman Institute, AIRBAS, ROLLS-ROYCE, TSAGI. b) Co-organization by COMOTI of “MODERN SCIENCE AND ENERGY “ SME 2007 – SME 2011 Cluj-Napoca, Romania, where COMOTI’s specialists have published 10 works, and have made a detailed presentation of institute’s concerns. c) Participation of COMOTI at specialists conferences, such as Plenary session Chairman; e.g., Aerodynamics 2011 Madrid organized by UE General Directorate of Research, dr. Valentin Silivestru, The 18th Conference on Applied and Industrial Matemathics-CAIM 2010-Iasi , dr. Ionut Porumbel. d) Participation with works at international fairs and exhibitions, for example at international exhibition of innovation, research and new technologies in Geneva, Brussels and IENA Nuremberg, International Air Show-Le Bourget Paris, ILA Air Show-Berlin, Farnborough International Airshow -London, Economic mission Egypt, Belgrade, Chisinau, Israel and at 9 national fairs and exhibitions. e) Participation with works at various international conferences, for example ASME Turbo Expo 2008-2011, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 39th AIAA / ASME / SAE / ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, International Symposium on Combustion. Heidelberg, Applied Computing Conference, Timisoara, International Conference on Experiments/Process/System Modeling/Simulation & Optimization dIC-EpsMsO Athens, Aero engine of XXI CENTURY Moscow. f) Organization of workshops and seminars with Romanian partners, collaborators or possible collaborators in research programs. g) Participation at Management Comity and at WP scientific cooperation international actions – COST action CM0901 ”Detailed chemical kinetic models for cleaner combustion” 35 institutes and universities from Europe. 7. Any other aspects considered significant for the institutional evolution and development Priorities in progress aim the maintenance on the market, in efficiency conditions, and the increase of the turnover regarding the main areas of research and development: 7.1. Aviation propulsion systems: The Institute aims to develop its participation in consortium with international research contracts in FP7 Program, together with important partners from aviation field: SNECMA-France, TURBOMECA-France, DLR-Germany, INCAS-Romania, AEROSTAR-Romania, also addressing other research themes in the field. 7.2. Energy and increasing energy efficiency including cogeneration gas turbines, centrifugal compressors and screw compressors for natural gas, fuel use: wood gasification, biogas, biofuels for aviation (Camelina) etc.; Collaboration with GHH-Rand continues through research along with City University London in order to obtain new types of compressors meeting market requirements and being in the world's top field, with 45 bar Pres. and flow 5000Nm3. After being authorized by GHH-Rand for compressors, we offer production and recovery of nearly 100 compressors/year on USA, Canada, Poland, Russia, Germany, Hungary markets. We have started a marketing program in order to identify potential customers for these products. We are in an advanced stage of discussions on a partnership with INGERSOLL - RAND in the USA for making turbines for small groups of small and medium performance cogeneration. We will maintain a high level of cooperation with our regular partners OMV PETROM, TRANSGAZ and ROMGAZ in the delivery of screw compressors for PETROM’s parks and deposits groups, realization of a small capacity co-generation power plant. We consider the delivery of high capacity compressor groups in the companies TRANSGAZ and CONDMAG. We make several technical offers in order to conclude contracts for the specialized research services we can ensure. 7.3. Environmental protection Blowers market will increase on biological wastewater treatment step, an area where we have been successful in the previous years. In this sense, we are in discussions for technical offers with many water and sewer companies in the country. We have made studies and research for the realization of a biogas co-generative power plant on landfield. We try to find customers the implementation and commissioning of such plants. We continue our collaboration with Otopeni International Airport, and we will join an international network for acoustics. We will put in work new solutions for noise reduction in national transport systems for natural gasses. For the staff rejuvenation, in 2012, we will attract young graduates with skills and enthusiasm for research. We will increase Institute’s prestige through the participation in famous international and national aviation, energy and environmental protection fairs and exhibitions, and the publication in professional journals of documented and appreciated articles in the field. 2.3. Activity report by team (By the structure of the research unit by research teams – E1) Department C111 self evaluation (by administrative structure diagram of the institution) 1. Introduction Activity of C111 department is research - development, design compressors and fans, and to test compressors and fans. C111 Department was founded in early 2008, then with the same concerns. 2. Achievements from 2007 up to the present In this chapter are presented, in chronological order, finalized projects, projects in the process of being finalized and projects in an advance stage of realization, from 2007 onwards. For each project is specified the leader. 1. “Integrated technological system for bearings with optimized performances during transitory regime” OPTILATRAN (2005-2008) coordinated by PhD. Daniela Buzescu, project value for COMOTI: 200.000 lei. The project main goals are the development of a complex technological system integrating interdisciplinary applications for the execution of components (linear bearings) with functional characteristics, reliability and cost highly competitive on internal and foreign markets. The result of the project was the development of new antifriction materials, highly resistant for coating of bearings, with enhanced wear, mechanical and chemical resistance, for active area coating; 2. “ Advanced technologies for development of antifriction, ecological metal-carbon layers” - TEHMEC (2006-2008), PhD. Daniela Buzescu, project value for COMOTI: 290.000 lei. Execution and testing of radial sliding bearings with metal-carbon antifriction layers deposited by thermionic vacuum arc method (VAT). Design and construction of test devices for sliding bearings.; 3. „UE partnership improvement in the areas of new computation methods, design, production and testing of future airplane engines and Institute integration in ERA (European Research Area) activity” – AEROERA (2006-2008), project manager ing. Gheorghe Fetea. This project aimed to develop the link with the actual partners from EU and finding of new partners in order to finalize in optimal conditions of the projects in progress and harmonize the new methods of calculus, design, manufacture and testing of the future aircraft engine components and the integration of our institute in ERA (European Research Area) Activities. Un another objective was the promotion of workshops in Romania and EU countries in order to change information and experience and to harmonize the working procedures and methods in this field, used by our Institute with those of foreign partners; 4. “ Application of surface texturing for reducing friction and wear in the case of sleeve bearings” TEXTURO (2007-2010), PhD. Daniela Buzescu, project value for COMOTI: 600.000 lei. The main objectives were to achieve, for the first time, the partially textured radial bearings and studying the effects of using textured surfaces (radial and axial) for sliding bearings, effects which are manifested on reducing friction and thus the behavior in mixed lubrication conditions; 5. “ Aerodynamic optimization of the turboprop engine nacelle to increase flight safety and reduce pollution levels” - OPATAN (2008-2011) coordinated by prof. Dr. Ing. Sterian Danaila, project value for COMOTI: 341.990 lei. This project aimed optimizing the nacelle aerodynamics of the PT6A turboprop engine by: minimizing the frontal area of the nacelle, capotajului modeling, assessing the effect of changing the propeller on the aerodynamic performance of the nacelle, the nacelle sound insulation by panels with quick assembling to reduce the noise level; 6. “ Advanced research for a new generation of configurations in the concept of "High lift low noise”” HILON (2008-2011), coordinated by INCAS, project manager from COMOTI: ing. Gheorghe Moca, COMOTI project value: 183.053 lei. This project was aimed the theoretical and experimental substantiation for the development of aeronautical configurations in the concept of "High lift low noise", through the development and validation of a specific technology for aero-acoustic inquiry (identifying noise sources and their characterization); 7. “ Laboratory for research, development and certification for centrifugal and axial compressors” – COMPATEST (2008-2010), project manager eng. Sorin Gabroveanu, project value for COMOTI: 1.207.625 lei. This project aimed at developing a global testing facilities in the domain of turbomachines for general use, allowing evaluation of axial and centrifugal turbomachines, in terms of energy efficiency and correlation with the design, reflect and exploit the full scope and level of existing competence and experience of turbomachines with blades; 8. ”Increase of gas turbine efficiency of industrial turbine motors, with entry temperatures higher than 1000ºC, through clearance reduction between rotor blade and casing, using abrasion materials bedding” – ABRANEW (2005-2007). This project aimed: environment protection by reducing polluting emissions, especially of hot house effect causing gas, according to the KYOTO Protocol; development of Romanian institutes partnership within European research in the areas of industrial gas turbines and engines for aeronautics industry; large scale promoting of efficient use of gas turbines within electric co-generative power plants, using natural gas; 9. “ Environment friendly air-feed jet” - VITAL (2004 - 2010). Coordinator SNECMA MOTEURS – France. The project aimed: reduction of airship noise with 6 db in the first phase and with 4 db in the second phase, according to ACRE; CO2 emission decrease with 7% in the first phase and with 11% in the second phase; airplane engines weight reduction with 20. The benefit for the institute was to develop design and manufacturing techniques to meet European standards applied by the leading manufacturers in the field of aviation engines; 10. X- NOISE si X- NOISE EVOLUTION (2006-2014), coordinator from Romania: Drd. eng. Sorin Gabroveanu. The purpose of the project is fully consistent with the FP6 program on aircrafts and spacecrafts, to contribute significantly to reduction the external noise produced by aircraft with 4-5 dB and with 10 dB for each operation, the short and long term; 11. „Effective systems for small aircraft propulsion” – ESPOSA (2011-2013). The project aims to improve the transmission gearings and qualification testing of materials (including heat treatment); 12. „Electrical test bench drive systems: mechanical interfaces” – ELTESTSYS (2011-2013). 13. „Adaptation kit design & manufacturing: APU driving system” – STARTGENSYS (2011-2013). The proposal aims to achieve a series of industrial research and experimental development activities in order to design, manufacture, integrate and commissioning of a test bench capable to simulate electrical start of the aircraft engine, as well as electrical generation. • • • • • • • • • 3. Research directions Turbo compressors with intermediate cooling; Electro compressors with intermediate cooling High performance bearings Gas Bearings Special gearings Transmisii speciale Various complex systems Blowers, process compressors (for special gas) Turbomachines, on request. 4. Interdisciplinary and initiatives In national projects we collaborated with universities and research institutes such as: Universitatea Polytehnica University of Bucharest, Institute for Aerospace Research „Elie Carafoli” - INCAS Bucharest, STRAERO Bucuresti. In international projects we collaborated with institutions such as: SNECMA (Franta), Airbus Central Entity (Franta), Rolls-Royce (Marea Britanie), ANOTEC (Spania), Airbus UK (Marea Britanie), NLR (Olanda), Free Field Technologies (Belgia), Manchester Metropolitan University (Marea Britanie), DLR (Germania), Turbomeca (Franta), A2 Acoustics (Suedia), ONERA (Franta), Trinity College Dublin ( Irlanda), CIAM (Rusia). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 5. The Evolution of the human resources The department’s current structure and personal evolution over the past 4 years: Eng. Sorin Gabroveanu – CS II – Drd, compartment leader, program manager or responsible from COMOTI in various contracts (Chap. 2.7, 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13) PhD. Daniela Buzescu – IDT II, PhD since 2006, coordinator from COMOTI in various projects (Chap. 2.1, 2.2, 2.4) Prof. PhD. Sterian Danaila, collaborator since 2007, project manager (Chap. 2.8) Prof. PhD. Virgil Stanciu, collaborator since 2006 Eng. Ion Dragason – IDT II Eng. Gheorghe Moca – employed in 2006, CS III by competition, Internal quality auditor by RENAR in 2009 Eng. Camelia Creanga – employed in 1995, CS III by competition, Solid Edge course in 2009 Eng. Gheorghe Dumitru – employed in 1995 Eng. Constantin Ionica - employed in 2004, Solid Edge course in 2009 (By the structure of the research unit by research teams – E2) Research Division C 112 Computational Fluid Dynamics Department (by administrative structure diagram of the institution) Introduction C112 Computational Fluid Dynamics Department is specialized in axial and centrifugal blade machines design and CFD analysis. The design is based on the use of specialized programs like Concepts and in house codes developed and validated in our department. CFD analysis is performed, also with specialized and validated programs. The two programs used are ANSYS CFX 13 and NUMECA, programs that have certain features for the CFD calculation of bladed machines. These programs are used by major companies specialized in the field (SIEMENS, DRESSER, INGERSOLL RAND). Also the experience in this field has enabled our team to research topics that have resulted in national research projects conducted by this department. The quality and the novelty of research topics that were studied were acknowledged nationally and internationally. One project, with the acronym TRIPLUFLUX, received the gold medal at International Exhibition of Inventions and New Technologies INVENTIKA 2008. In addition the experience accumulated in research programs was implemented in the development of commercial products as blowers for waste water treatment plants or recently industrial air centrifugal compressor with a pressure ratio of 8.5:1 bar, in three stages, which was sold last year (2010) in Hungary . Accomplishments of the Department between 2007 – 2011 1. Computation of Coaxial Jet Noise CoJeN – FP6 (Finished in 2007) – project partners (COMOTI’s project responsible was Dr. Ing. G. SAVU) The main idea of the project was to improve the CFD methods for identification and prediction of jets at exhaust coaxial nozzles. 2. Innovative abradable/abrasive materials for improved energy efficiency in Gas turbines – FP6 (Finished in 2007) – project partners (COMOTI’s project responsible was Ing. G. FETEA) The main idea was to improve the efficiency of aircraft engines by reducing the turbine rotor blade tip gap. 3. EnVIronmenTALly Friendly Aero Engine VITAL – FP6. (Finished in 2010) – project partners (COMOTI’s project responsible was Dr. Ing. V. SILIVESTRU) The main idea was to reduce noise and fuel consumption through realization of new technologies and architectures of jet engines. 4. Common strategy to prevent the Danube’s pollution technological risks with oil and oil products – Project Manager Ing. C. PUSCASU The project is trying to make a strategic romanian-bulgarian partnership for the discovery of solution regarding pollution reduction in the Danube. National Projects: 5. Advanced computation, design, analysis and execution methods of the aviation marks - DUBLUFLUX engine’s fan – CAD-CAM-CAE (Finished in 2007 ) – Project Manager Dr. Ing. M.D. IONESCU In this project it was developed a jet engine fan. And it was executed a demonstrator rotor blade and the adjacent channels. 6. Advanced solution for the reduction of the noise produced by passenger transport aircraft engines – Tripleflux gas turbines – TRIPLUFLUX (Finished in 2007) – Project manager Prof. Dr. Ing. V. STANCIU In this project was studied the viability of a new aircraft jet engine concept to reduce noise pollution of the actual aircraft jet engines. For this during the project where done acoustic measurements on a double flux jet engine on the Henri Coanda Airport, to compare the two concepts. Also it was done a cfd analisys of the exhaust jets of the two concepts. The project finished with a patent application which is still on going EP 1988274-A2. 7. Permanent satellits system with controlled trajectory at low altitude - SISATJA. (Finished in 2008) – Project partners (COMOTI’s project responsible was Dr. Ing. M. NICULESCU) During this project was studied a ionic propulsion system destined for low orbit satellites (lower than 150 Km) which is trying to use the ionized particles found at that altitude. The project finished with the realization of a experimental engine model. 8. Synergetic system for dynamic launch/recovery of satellite objects - SILROS (Finished in 2008) – Project partners (COMOTI’s project responsible was Ing. G. VIZITIU) The project tried to study the possibility of new launch and retrieve system for the recuperation of orbital satellites using aircrafts in supersonic flights. 9. The analysis and control of thermoacoustic instabilities inside the combustion chamber of an aircraft engine (ITACA) (Finished in 2010) – Project Manager Prof. Dr. Ing. S. DANAILA The project studied the impact of thermo acoustics instabilities in fuel lean premixed in a experimental chamber. The studies involved numerical analysis with CFD software ANSYS CFX and experimental analysis of the combustion chamber at various transitional regimes. 10. Compressor with compression ratio greater than 9, in one stage COMCIP (Finished in 2011) – Project Leader Ing. G. VIZITIU The project developed a centrifugal compressor with a high compression ratio, 9:1 in one stage. The design of the centrifugal compressor was done using inhouse codes and optimized using ANSYS CFX. Also the execution drawings for the experimental installation where made and the centrifugal rotor was fabricated. 11. Realization and validation of a calculus system program for the aero elastic analysis of aircrafts and turboengines compressors AEROELAST (Finished 2011) – project partners (COMOTI’s project responsible was eng. G. VIZITIU) In this project where studied the development prediction and calculus methods for the behavior of light aero structures and of turbo engine blade at the appearance of aero elastic phenomenon. 12. Compresor CCAE 9-125 (finished in 2011) Project manager eng. S. GABROVEANU The purpose of the project was to develop an air centrifugal industrial compressor with a compression ratio of 8.5:1 in three stages. The department contribution meant to design and optimize aerodynamically the machine using cfd methods. 13. Aerodynamic optimization of the turboprop engine nacelle to increase the flight safety and to reduce pollution OPATAN (Finished in 2011) – Project partners (COMOTI’s project responsible was eng. G. MOCA) In this project it was research the aerodynamic optimization of the turboprop PT 6A engine nacelle. Our department made the aerodynamic analysis of the nacelle. Also, in 2011 at the National research project competition Partnership 2011 our department participates with three proposals where we are project leaders and plus other 5 projects where we are project partners. During the research projects where our department participated as project leader, COMOTI gained 3.958.154 lei plus the money resulted from collaborations at other research projects. Interdisciplinary and entrepreneurial initiatives The aerodynamic analysis implies the knowledge of many fields like fluid dynamics, numerical methods, chemistry, etc. This lead to the involvement of our department in other research projects which had nothing to do with the bladed machine field and here we can mention projects 1,4,6,7,8 and 9. And number 6 was also awarded. Among these projects had been also initiatives of this department which saw the need to study some auxiliary problems that appeared at the development of bladed machines. Research directions of the C112 department Due the experience of our department in the cfd field through specialized courses, here we can mention also PhD courses, our research area is expanding towards other fields like: - Renewable energies; - Combustion; - Aeronautics and thermoacoustics; Structure and human resources evolution Another asset of this team is professional quality. Thus we have specialists who have experience in the acoustic field, aeroacustic and thermoacoustics, in the field of combustion, in the field structures design and mechanical development. Also for the department promotion we have a specialist designer working in CorelDraw; it helps us to edit, print and produce materials that present the achievements and ongoing projects of the department. Team also forged over the years, in the current formula is for 2.5 years. Structure and human resources evolution in the last four years: 1 dr. ing. George Savu CS I – Manager – hired in 1996 from INCAS he became CS I during a test sustained in COMOTI institute 2 ing. Georgel Vizitiu CS II – hired in 1982 from Tarom, he became CS II during a test sustained in COMOTI institute 3 ing. Bogdan Gherman CS III – PhD student – hired in 2005 from LUND Institute of Technology – Sweden he became CS and also CSIII during a test sustained in COMOTI institute 4 ing . Ion Malael CS – PhD student – hired in 2009 immediately after finishing University he became CS during a test sustained in COMOTI institute 5 designer PC Roxana Diaconescu – hired in 1996 from Romanian Commercial Bank Former collaborators 1. dr. ing. Mihai Niculescu CS III 2. ing. Coman Călin 3. Prof. Dr. Ing. V. STANCIU – He was hired during the TRIPLUFLUX project 4. Prof. Dr. Ing. S. DANAILA – He was hired during the ITACA project (By the structure of the research unit by research teams – E3) Department C113 self-evaluation report (by administrative structure diagram of the institution) 1. Introduction The field of activity of C113 department is design, realization and experimentation in the field of gas process compressors and blowers and related fields (energy, heat transfer, specific technologies). The department exists from the establishment of the institute and since then it mainly has the same preoccupations. The department staff has evaluated, from 5 to 7 persons in present. Developed as instruction, the self-evaluation report will refer to the last 4 years of activity 2. Achievements from 2007 up to the present In this chapter are presented briefly, in chronological order, finalized projects, projects in the process of being finalized and projects in an advance stage of realization, from 2007 onwards. For each project is specified the leader. 2.1. EEISG “High efficiency equipment, use for underground gas storage in place that are confronted with difficulty in gas supply” CEEX, Eng. Marian Nitulescu(finalized in 2008);coordinated by C113,in collaboration with other departments 2.2. EXTRACALOR “New method, ecological ,for electric energy production of heat extracted from deep wells” PNCDI II Eng. Marian Nitulescu(finalized in 2010, coordinated by C113 in collaboration with other departments; SRETS “System for recovery energy gas expansion, unused natural gas , with electricity generation using screw turbine ” PNCDI II Eng. Niculae Toma (finalized in 2010),coordinated by C113 in collaboration with other departments 2.3. 2.4. “Research on combined production of mechanical energy and heat , using power groups with Turbomotors” NUCLEU Program,PN06-04.02.02,Et.2 and Et.3, Eng. Marian Nitulescu (finalized in 2007) 2.5. “Research on combined production of mechanical energy and heat , using power groups with Turbomotors” NUCLEU Program,PN06-04.02.02,Et,4 and Et.5, Eng. Marian Nitulescu (finalized in 2008) 2.6. SEDEG “Electricity generation system from unused energy of gas expansion”, PNCDI II, Eng Niculae Toma ( finalized in 2011), coordinated by C113 in collaboration with other departments 2.7. “Acquiring new knowledges in the field of bladed compressors to compress natural gas ‘ Nucleu Program(finalized in 2010), Nucleu Program, PN09- si PN0907.08.01.2, Eng .Marian Nitulescu ( finalized in 2009 ) 2.8. “Acquiring new knowledges in the field of bladed compressors, to compress natural gas ‘ Nucleu Program(finalized in 2011), Nucleu Program, PN09- and PN09-, Eng. Marian Nitulescu ( finalized in 2011 ) 2.9 “Screw compressor CHP 220” , program realized in cooperation with City University and GHH-Rand Germany and funded by Comoti , Eng. Marian Nitulescu, coordinated by C113 ,in collaboration with other departments 2.10 DITAS “ Development and innovation techniques on application of alternative sources with the maximum productivity and the minimum environmental contamination of the Black Sea” ,Black Sea Basin 2007-1013, Eng. Marian Nitulescu. (project submit in progressComoti coordinator) 3. Research directions By reference to year 2007, the C113 department collective wants to maintain and to further study the actual activity domain and to approach new subjects – that are of interest in present - in this research field or in related domains. In the same time it is desired the modernization and the increase of the existing facilities through acquisition of new equipment of the latest generation. Further on are presented the most relevant subjects approached by the department and the projects in which they were implemented or are going to be implemented: -Approach the renewable energies domain in 2.2and 2.10 -Modern approach and thorough study concerning CFD simulations and numerical calculus, using the most recent developments in the numerical calculus methodology, developing and validating our own soft in 2.1 ) - Further development of the basic and related research domains of the department by common projects with other departments in the institute (specific technologie in 2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5,2.6,2.7,2.8; optimization and modern automation and control systems implementation in 2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5,2.6,2.7,2.8; CFD simulations , numerical calculus, stress analysis in 2.1,2.9 ) 4. Interdisciplinary and initiatives Interdisciplinary reside from the department specific research domain. The study of the gas compressors involves knowledge of aero and thermo gas-dynamics, chemistry, CFD calculus, solid-edge design, stress analysis, thermodynamics, acoustics, oils properties, etc Except the collaboration with other departments in the institute presented in the chapters above, C113 also has or had collaborations with universities from Romania Bucuresti (2.1,2.2,2.3,2.6), Ploiesti (2.1,2.2,2.3,2.6), as well as with institutes and universities in Europe ( City University –London) The department members’ initiatives concern the development of the gas compressors research field by promoting new research programs proposals, described above, as well as by participating at national and international scientific events ( Conference and Exhibit, International Symposium on Energy-CIEM-UPB, International Conference of Thermodynamics-UPG Ploiesti, Petroleum Review, etc ). 5. The Evolution of the human resources The C113 department collective desires to develop and to further study the gas compressors research field by stimulation its members to participate at training courses-solid edge-, competitions and specialization courses- in 2011 ,two young researchers follow a two weeks course at City University, London,-and to employing young researchers willing to work in this field ( Alexandru Stefan Serban ) The department’s current structure and personal evolution over the past 4 years: 1. Eng.Marian Nitulescu-IDT I – department leader 2. Dr. Eng. Niculae Toma – currently CS III by competition and Dr. 3. Eng. Adrian Ungureanu – currently CS III by competition 4. Eng. Cristian Slujitoru – employed in 2009 as engineer, currently CS III by competion 5. Eng. Valentin Petrescu – employed in 2010 as engineer, currently CS by competition 6. Anca Cornea – principal technical designer 7. Alexandru Stefan Serban- student,program of 2 hours/day (By the structure of the research unit by research teams – E4) Department C114 self-evaluation report (by administrative structure diagram of the institution) C114 Department – Gas Turbines special components, products for defense. Mechanical and Physical Testing Laboratory. Department leader Eng. Cristian PUSCASU e-mail: cristian.puscasu@comoti.ro 1. Introduction To solve major problems imposed by physico-chemical characterization and mechanical characteristics of the materials which are part of the gas turbines in the institute was created a specialized department to deal with the study of materials behavior; mechanical tests; testing, analyzing and forecasting mechanical properties; surface coatings and heat treatments for metallic and nonmetallic materials. The department has the latest high performance equipment ( optical microscope, hardness measurement micro-equipment, layer thickness measurement equipment, static and dynamic testing universal machine, hardness measurement equipment, shock testing machine, optical emission spectrometer, samples embedding equipment, samples preparing equipment, samples cutting machine, US apparatus, eddy currents fault detector, stereomicroscope, etc.) operated by trained personnel. In the period 2007-2011 have been carried out both research contracts and economic agreements in which our department researchers have been leaders and project responsible as it follows: • 10 projects in which INCDT COMOTI has been coordinator from which: 6 finalized projects; 2 which will be finalized until 12.2011; 1 project to be finalized in 03.2012; 1 project to be finalized in 12.2013. • 5 projects in which INCDT COMOTI has been partner and have been finalized. Activity for submitting new projects continues in the C114 department, there being the possibility of implementation of new projects based on our research team's ideas regarding the Institute’s activity domains. Following the research conducted a patent was submitted: Multilayer material used for gas turbine rotor coating – authors V.Braic, M .Braic, C.Puscasu, A.Vladescu, Adam Liviu, patent no. 122133/2009 B1. 2. Achievements from 2007 up to the present In our department have been designed developed and manufactured a series of research projects materialized in research contracts especially in the field of advanced metallic materials with special properties (resistance to temperature, shock, wear, etc.) used in fields such as aviation (equipment and parts that work in special environments) environment, energy, transport, etc.. A. Projects in which INCDT COMOTI - Coordinator a) MATEHCEMO - New resistant material to high temperatures, abradability, and corrosion integrated with original technologies, addressed to surface coverage of elastic components in gas turbine - Contract 67 CEEX 2005 (03.10.2005-20.09.2008) (department C126- involved 20%) Project manager PhD Eng. Georgeta CARLANESCU Contract responsible Eng. Cristian PUSCASU b) MATEHROT - Researches regarding the carrying out of ceramic crust used for precision investment casting of high performances centrifugal rotors – Contract 70 CEEX 2005 (03.10.2005-20.09.2008) (Department C 114 involved 100%) Project manager PhD Eng. Valentin SILIVESTRU Contract responsible Eng. Cristian PUSCASU c) PREPOFLURA - New technology to prevent pollution of surface waters by the recovery of some chemicals hazardous from the technological cooling fluids, used as valuable raw materials in industrial processes Contract 120 CEEX 2005 (30.10.2005 - 20.12.2008) (Department C124 involved 20%) Project manager Eng. Mihaela CRETU Contract responsible Eng. Cristian PUSCASU Shutter Flange Purification plant scheme d) PROMATURBO - European and international promotion of Romanian research and projects concerning materials used for turbo engines in order to prepare the participation to EU’s PC 7 - contract 88/2006 (08.2006- 12.2008) (department C114 involved 100%); Project manager PhD Eng. Valentin SILIVESTRU; Contract responsible Eng. Mihaela GRIGORESCU e) EFEN - Power efficiency improvement for centrifugal type compressor ROTOR Tr. V using new surface coating technologies and materials in order to reduce rotor – stator clearance - contract 140/2006 (07.2006- 12.2008) (department C114 involved 100%) Project manager PhD Eng. Valentin SILIVESTRU STATOR RING Tr. V Contract responsible Eng. Cristian PUSCASU Wolfram carbide deposit f) TESUPAV - Modern, performant, low-grade pollution technology destined to achieve hard surfaces for the aircraft components and gas turbines used to produce energy - 32122 / 2008 PN II (department C114 involved 100%); Project manager: Eng. Cristian PUSCASU Contract responsible Eng. Mihaela GRIGORESCU g) MANTITU -The increase of the energetic efficiency of the gas turbines used in the cogeneration cycle by development of new advanced Ti-base materials and special surface coatings - Contract nr: 22-114/2008 PN II (department C114 involved 100%) Project manager: Eng. Cristian PUSCASU Contract responsible Eng. Cristian PUSCASU h) TURBOMAT Development of new processing methods through virtual and real solidification of materials with high temperature special properties for gas turbines - Programul Operaţional POS CCE O.2.1.2 contract 174/2010 (department C114 involved 100%) Project manager Prof. Phd. Eng. Doru Mihai Stefanescu Contract responsible Eng. Cristian PUSCASU AlSiC deposit Titanium cast blade Bunch of casting for blades i) CLEANDANUBE Common strategy to prevent the Danube’s pollution technological risks with oil and oil products – contract 653/2010 Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 (department C114 involved 100%); Project manager: Eng. Cristian PUSCASU; Contract responsible Eng. Mihaela GRIGORESCU Alternative solutions proposed in the project Centrifugal separation plant for oil waste infested Danube waters, which can be placed on a fast intervention ship. Centrifugal separation plant for oil waste infested Danube waters, which can be placed on a mobile platform towed for the land near the polluted area. B. Projects in which INCDT COMOTI – partner j) PTO - New refractory materials with complex functions used in industry steel, made by modern technologies contract 232/2006 (07.2006 -12.2008) (department C114 involved 100%); Project responsible Eng. Mihaela GRIGORESCU k) SENT- Integrated technology of obtaining energy-technology conventional sources used as raw material in making steel – 233/2006 (07.2006 -12.2008). (department C 114 involved 100%); Project responsible Eng. Gheorghe VERDES l) MCDS - Integrated technology for obtaining composites materials by electric arc metallization applications for special purpose in industrial equipment - contract 289/2006 (07.2006 -12.2008) (department C 114 involved 100%) Project responsible Eng. Cristian PUSCASU m) Tackling complex cases involving road accidents in urban transport in line with EU regulations targeting traffic safety and environmental protection. Developing and testing models for multifactorial intervention to prevent and reduce traffic events - PROSIG (department C 114 involved 100%); Project responsible Eng. Ghita AXENE n) Advanced technologies for developing organic antifriction layers of metal-carbon type - TEHMEC contract Nr. 237 (data) 20.07.2006 (department C 114 involved 100%); Project responsible PhD Eng. Daniela BUZESCU o) Integrated technological system for bearings performance optimization in transitory regime - OPTILATRAN contract Nr. 1131(10.2005 – 06.2008) Project responsible PhD Eng. Daniela BUZESCU (department C 114 involved 100%) 3. Research directions Since 2007, department C114 tried to maintain and study new topics from the materials domain that are currently of interest or are from related research areas with the Institute’s domain of activity. At the same time steps have been taken to modernize existing facilities and equipment by purchasing new equipment of the latest generation. Bellow will be presented the most relevant topics approached by our research team and projects that have been implemented or will be implemented: - development of new materials with special characteristics - heat, wear and corrosion resistant - designed for gas turbine vital parts realization (centrifugal rotor) (a, b) - development of surface coating for elastic gas turbines’ components (a) and development of clean technologies (f) - approach the pollution field (c, i) - European and international promotion of Romanian research and projects regarding materials used to make gas turbines (d); - energetic efficiency increase (e, g) - development of new processing methods based on virtual and real solidification of materials with special properties at high temperatures designed to make gas turbines (h). 4. Interdisciplinarity In carrying out research projects, department C114 has worked with: - Romanian partners: UPB – Research and Survey Centre for Special Materials (a, b, c, d, e, f, g), SC PLASMAJET SRL( b, e, f, g), SC METAV CD SA (a, b, d), SC METAV IND PROD SRL (a, b, e, f), ZIROM SA (g), AEROSTAR Bacau (a), SC Petronservice SA (b, c, e), CCPPR Alba Iulia (j), STRAERO (f), UPG Ploiesti (b, c, e), UT Iasi, INCD Optoelectronica INOE 2000, INFLPR Magurele, DESAN SRL( a, c). - Foreign partners: Technical University of Marseille, France (d), SINTEF- Norway (d), RWTH Fondery Institut of the Technical University Germania, Firma INSTRON – Anglia (d), RWTH Aachen – Germania (h), Angel Kanchev University - Ruse-Bulgaria (i), MECAS ESI-Czech Republic (h), QNet International (h, i), RONEXPRIM SA (h, i), ASESOFT International (h) NITECH SRL (c, i) In carrying out economic contracts, department C114 has worked with: ARPECHIM Pitesti-rotors and bearings execution, MOLDOSIN Vaslui – bearings execution, TECNITAL SRL design and execution of bends. 5. The evolution of the human resources The department’s current structure: Eng. Ghita AXENE – CS II ; Eng. Mihaela GRIGORESCU –CS III; PhD. Eng. Georgeta CARLANESCU – IDT II Teh.pr.pr. Marilena ANTONESCU. In order to carry on projects has been considered the creation of new positions for scientists with expertise in materials and structural and physical-mechanical tests fields. Thus have been included in department C114 team: PhD. Eng. Gheorghe MATACHE- CS I (employed in 2010) Eng. Elvira ALEXANDRESCU – CS III (employed in 2010) Prof. PhD. Eng. Doru Mihai STEFANESCU employed during the project POS CCE c 174/2010 Prof. PhD. eng. Doru Mihai Ştefănescu is undoubtedly a prestigious exponent of the Romanian metallurgical school and a high-level international specialist in the materials research field currently working as „Ashland Designated Research Professor of Materials Science in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering” at the Ohio State University. We also consider hiring young researchers to learn from the experience of the older members. Given the time needed for the training of specialists, the moment is optimal. (By the structure of the research unit by research teams – E5) Automation of the Turbine engines, Compressors & electric engineering – C116 (by administrative structure diagram of the institution) 1 - Qualitative and quantitative presentation on the last four years. The research team of the automation department is a flexible structure which very easily adapts to any research theme from the speciality domain. It consists of electro-technical and electronic engineers, graduates of aircrafts and mechatronics faculties. They are specialised in top technical domains such as: processes control, IT, automation of turbine engines and the anti-explosion protection. In the period 2008-2011 there have been approached both research contracts and important economic contracts. The economic contracts, finalized or in progress, having beneficiaries such as OMV PETROM, TRANSGAZ, always have an important research component. There are complex projects, in unique series product, which pass through all the phases of a research program: research, design, execution, putting in function at beneficiary, homologation test. Works approached in the last four years, at which the research team participated as program/project manager or of the automation part: COGENEX-“Researches regarding the increase of the reliability of co-generative groups and the reduction of production costs by increasing the automation level and alignment to European standards” –CEEX. The project proposed the increase of the industrial processes reliability by increasing the automation level, in this situation, by adopting a redundant system using PLC. By this system there are reduced / eliminated the times due to emergency shut-downs and scheduled shut-downs due to automation installation. The functional model demonstrates accomplishment of project objectives. Participation as: Project Manager Finalisation term: September 2008 “Nucleu” program: “Researches regarding automatic remote control of the power plants”. Through this project it was aimed the improvement of the power plants performances by remote command of the devices. The originality level of the project consists of the implementation of the IT techniques of monitoring, control and data transmission at distance. Participation as: Project Manager Finalisation term: December 2011 “Nucleu” program: “Researches regarding on-line monitoring of bladed machines” The project proposed a solution of on-line monitoring of a bladed machine, by mean of a command system based on a high performance programmable logic controller. Participation as: Project Manager Finalisation term: December 2011 European R&D project: “Support Actions to create new RDI partnerships in trans-border area in order to bring together Business and Research for accessing European Founds SANDI" This project aims to develop support actions for creating new consortiums in research domain, with the scope of promoting the research results towards economic agents in order to bring new European funds in the cross-border area. Participation to project as: Automation Manager Finalisation term: 2011 ”Centrifugal air compressor 9-125” It is a centrifugal air compressor, of 700 kW/10 kV with three compression stages, entirely designed and executed in COMOTI. The product was delivered to LINDE company - Hungary. It is interesting the fact that the equipment control and the data acquisition are effectuated from distance. Participation as: Automatics Manager Finalisation term: 2011 European program: “Integrated system for dynamic monitoring and warning for technological risks in Romania – Bulgaria cross-border area REACT” This program realises a partnership between Romania and Bulgaria in the cross-border area for the realisation on the both sides of the Danube, of a monitoring and alarm system of water and air quality in the situation of ecological disasters, for un-delayed combating of pollution. Participation as: Automatics Manager Finalisation term: December 2012 “Up-grade of the automation for the testing installation of advanced materials at thermal shock for temperatures of 1500 °C”-CEEX-2006 Participation as: Automation Manager Finalisation term: December 2012 “Nucleu” program: “MTI automation” The operation parameters monitoring and data acquisition&processing system is designed and performed for the compressor assembly of the industrial turbine engine developed in COMOTI. Participation as: Automatics Manager Finalisation term: December 2011 “Integrated System Turbine Engine – Afterburning, for reducing the air pollutants and increasing efficiency at cogeneration plants on gas fuels- MEMOCEN” CEEX-Partnerships. Within the program all design and execution are performed for the automation system, including the test benches and data acquisition stand of the process parameters. Participation as: Automatics Manager Finalisation term: December 2011 “Recovery system of unused expansion energy of natural gas with electric energy generation, using screw turbine SRETS”-partnerships The program has entirely achieved this system (except the electric generator), both the screw expander and its automation installation as well as the connection to the National Electric System. Participation as: Automation Installation Manager Finalisation term: September 2009 “BOOSTER compressors for the Co-generation Station C3 Suplacu de Barcău” It has been designed, executed, installed and put in function the automation installation, the data acquisition and processing for the two lines of natural gas booster compressors, each of 75 kW, equipped with screw compressors. Participation as: Automatics Manager Finalisation term: November 2011 “Monitoring system of vibrations and speed at de-ethanization expander – Turburea” Participation as: Contract Manager Finalisation term: September 2010 “Rehabilitation of the automation system of the natural gas turbo-compressor plant –SOLAR from STC Oneşti” Within the project it was achieved the upgrading to the latest international requirements of the automation installation, including the acquisition and data processing for one of the stations from national system of natural gas transport. Other works: there have been designed, executed, put in function and maintenance assured for over sixty natural gas screw compressors, in over fifteen locations of OMV PETROM in the country. 2-Research directions and approached subjects As priority directions for the research team, there are the implementation of the high performance process control elements and systems with high technical level and increasing the reliability of the automation installations. The team carries out activities of research, design and realising of unique and small series products in the domain of industrial automation for the installations which use aeroderivative turbine engines, industrial turbine engines and bladed machines of high speed. There is currently realised the automation of high speed rotative equipments for: electro-blowers, power plants, cogeneration plants equipped with gas turbines and screw compressors. It supports speciality training courses with themes from the specific domain. The team has the expertise as system integrator for electric and automation complex installations. It is permanently self involved by active participation at symposiums, congresses, conferences and by publication of articles and speciality papers. 3-Inter-disciplinary and entrepreneurial initiatives The research team has enlarged its activity area and participates at European programs from the activity area of the environment protection. As example is the program “Integrated system for dynamic monitoring and warning for technological risks in Romania – Bulgaria cross-border area” presented before. As well as inter-disciplinary initiative is included the European program “Support Actions to create New RDI partnerships in trans-border area in order to bring together Business and Research for accessing European Founds SANDI" These ones have been presented before. 4-Aspects considered significant for the scientific development of the research team (human resources evolution). A special attention is afforded to personnel training and formation. The research team has been improved repeatedly in the last four years. There have been re-employed specialists with large experience which had worked in the past here, as well as two new graduates. One of them is graduated of the electronics faculty and the other one is student in the last year at mechatronics. It was aimed the specialization of the young graduates in specific and stringent necessity domains, in order to improve competence of the team. Innovating ideas are stimulated and proposals are forwarded to the leadership. It tends to the situation in which every researcher to have a second preoccupation in a scientific domain besides the daily preoccupations. The team has in present the following construction: IT2 Cristinel HĂRĂGUŢĂ CS3 Mariana MANEA CS2 Costin DUMITRU CS2 Constantin VÎLCU CS3 Radu IORGA Asst.CS Andrei MITRU Tpr. Adrian SĂVESCU Elaborated, Eng. Cristinel Ioan HĂRĂGUŢĂ (By the structure of the research unit by research teams – E6) SELF-EVALUATION REPORT C118 (by administrative structure diagram of the institution) 1. Introduction The stress analysis and vibration department has had an constant evolution in the European projects in the aviation field. By the passionate involvement and the sum of qualifications achieved the team realized a scientific activity rich in results. 2. Achievements from 2007 until now 2007-2010 - Participation to the VITAL project together with important partners in the turbomachinery field as are SNECMA and CIAM. During this research program there was developed the methods for turbomachinery blade design concerning the maximum allowable stress and vibration margins. These methods were the natural fruit of the collaboration with SNECMA, the most important aircraft engines manufacturer in Europe, which provide at the present an exceptional scientific level and an special experience for the stress and vibration Von Mises Fan blade Blisk Fan case Whirl vibration Three node stress for the displacevibrations vibrations waves diameter fan ments vibration department. In the above images are presented a series of pictures representative for the activity during the VITAL research project. Concluding we can remark there was implemented in Romania the procedures used at this time for the turbomachinery bladed parts by the great companies in the field like SNECMA. 2007-2011 - The participation to the development of the screw compressors for natural gas exploitation it was another very important area where the stress and vibration department played a key role. Practically it was received the designs from the German partner GHH and were improved increasing their capacity by significantly rising the working pressure. This fact conducted to significant savings to the natural gas transportation network in our country by increasing the pressure inside the transportation pipes and by avoiding costly imports of equipment. This project was finalized with a great number of economical contracts and the manufacturing or dozens of industrial equipments for natural gas compressing provided to the country beneficiary and abroad. CU 90 compressor, simulation CU 90, inside view, case CU 90,gearbox case, of the stress at high pressure deformation simulation simulation to high pressure 2009-2011 - Participation to the international research project OPEN AIR. This project is developed together with SNECMA at this time and assure the valorization and the improvement of the department knowledge in the modern field of composite materials. There were studied new solutions for manufacturing in the excellent performance parameters of the aviation parts. Practically the stress and vibration department participate to the design, calculation and the execution of the composite parts inside the COMOTI research institute and during the European OPEN AIR research project. Should be noted that the carbon fiber composite materials allow performances equivalent with steel but at five time less weight. During OPEN AIR project it was developed an original solution for manufacturing of composite stator blades using carbon fiber in epoxy matrix. Calculation of deformations and Composite FBO loads calculation. stress during plastic deformation material blade configuration 2010-2011 - Participation during MTI for developing a proprietary design of an industrial gas turbine engine. In the MTI framework ( Motorul cu turbina industrial ) it was assured the safe operation of the basic components like compressing stages and the turbine stages. The stress and vibration calculations were realized in order to assess the clearances between the rotating parts and the gas turbine cases in the critical regions for operation and efficiency. 2008-2011 - The research project FSI ( Platfoma Software pentru analiza interactiunii fluid structura ). This project was developed in partnership with STRAERO research institute and this was also the leader. There was studied the complex phenomenon which appear at the interaction between the aerodynamic profiles used at the blades and the working fluid of the turbomachinery. A very important phenomenon encountered during the operation of turbomachinery is the flutter. This process is caused by self feeding oscillations of the aerodynamic profiles and leads to destruction of the gas turbine. Various methods were studied such is ONERA method, which is based on finite elements and "meshfree" discretisation using particles. In this manner is realized the design and safe exploitation of the bladed machinery. 3. Research directions At present are concerned the following research directions: - The developing of the next generation of the aircraft engines using composite materials, the development of stress analysis using composite materials. - The increasing of the safety and cost reduction of the exploitation and maintenance by implementing real time active monitoring systems of the integrity of parts in the aircraft engines. - The developing of the software solutions for increasing the efficiency of the research activity by decreasing the time needed for design cycles. 4. Interdisciplinary and initiatives Regarding the interdisciplinary aspect can be mentioned the participation to FSI project during which it was studied the interaction between the fluid and the solid and was studied multiple software algorithms for simulating this. Therefore was involved the disciplines in the stress analysis domain, fluid mechanics, mathematics and computers programming. Regarding the initiative can be noted the research proposals in the field of the integrity monitoring for the aviation composite structures. This monitoring has a beneficial contribution regarding the increase of the transportation safety and decreasing the maintenance costs in the field of aerospace structures. Another initiative deserving to be mentioned is the collaboration with one of the most important American research institute CONCEPTS . In association with this was implemented software solutions of the latest generation for increasing the competitiveness in the activity of design and calculation of the gas turbines. 5. The evolution of human resources The C118 department is composed at present from three persons with high education: Prof. Ph. D. Eng. Mihai Valentin PREDOI, Mat. Ph. D. Eng. Mihail SIMA, Eng. Cristian M. STANICA. During 2007-2011 was hired two persons with high education , Eng. Adriana RIZA, Eng. Catalin ENACHE, because of development of the composite structures activity but later they left COMOTI. During this time the stress analysis and vibration department participate to the training " NAS113-PAT325 MSC Nastran Composite Material Analysis + Laminate Modeler Introduction" learning the most advanced design and calculation methods in the composite materials field. (By the structure of the research unit by research teams – E7) Department C132 self evaluation (by administrative structure diagram of the institution) 1.Introduction Department C132 was established in 01.11.2009 having as activity object the development of compression equipment based on screw compressor. There are very different requirements of the applications in which compression equipment are involved, especially in the natural gas compression field, and transportation and in order to solve specific problems have been made important research for each application. The results of research conducted to efficient and reliable solutions which were applied on products for industrial exploitation. C132 department mainly collaborates with Automation Department C116 and Department C113 for design screw compressors. Since its beginnings in 2009 when he started with 3 employers as a result of growing activity the number has risen to 9 employees now. Self evaluation is made for the period of activity starting from the moment of creation of department till now. 2.Department achivements The main achievements of the department C132 are presented below in chronological order the contract number, the client and responsible for the project or phase being mentioned. 2.1.Contract 1189-CONFIND: Research and development to achieve a compression equipment for associated gas with 100Nm³ / h and discharge pressure 15 bar; eng. Petre Despa. The results were execution of compression equipment, installation it in the place of application and commissioning. Fig.1 2.2. Contract 1190-Borets (Russia): Research and development in order to achieve a compression equipment for associated gas having 180Nm ³/h gas flow and discharge pressure 6 bar; eng. Petre Despa. The results were execution of compression equipment, installation it in the place of application and comissioning.Fig.2 1.4. Contract 7N/2009, 2010 and 2011 phases: Research for improving performances of applications using power turboengines groups. There have been developed and carried out experimental models that have been integrated on a oil injection screw compressor CU 128G type. There have been performed experimental test both in operation on the air as well as on natural gas. The compression equipment performed specific tests operating as booster for the gas supply of a turbine engine and for testing new combustion chambers for gas turbine engine. 2.4. Contract 5PMI/2008: Research and development to carry out an air compression equipment for compressed air supply system of an advanced technological plants (autoclave) for execution of parts made from epoxy resins reinforced with carbon fiber. The results were execution of compression equipment, installation it in the place of application and commissioning. 2.5. Contract 3224,3226- Petrom: Research and development for the implementation of solutions for improving gas filtration in gas compression stations equipped with oil injected screw compressors with flows of 30,000 Nm³/day per unit of compression; eng. Petre Despa. The results materialized in constructive solutions that have been implemented promptly on compression installations being operating in as well as in new compression equipment projects .Fig.3,4 2.6. Contract3131-Petrom: Research and development to carry out a natural gas compression equipment type booster having gas flow 650Nm ³/h and 18 bar discharge pressure; ing. Petre Despa. The work was completed, it was realized the compression equipment, installed in compression station and during this period started the comissioning.Fig.5 3. Research directions The main directions that has submitted the research activity of the department were: - Improving performances of oil injected screw compressors in order to optimize the energy consumptions in compression process. Research had as their objective the development of effective solutions to adjust the compressor characteristic to changing of discharge flow requirements by using special engines having constant torque on a large speed field, by using recirculation bypass flow partially or totally, the use of slide valves. - Research for the development of applicable solutions to reduce the residual oil content in compressed gas flow having as results reducing of the oil loss and gas compressed characteristics improvement. - The rising of reliability and operating life of the compression equipments based on oil injected screw compressor by improving systems of filtration and separation of suction gas flow. By development of high efficiency separator filters that use the phenomenon of coalescence shall retain the majority of solid and liquid impurities from gas and so preserving moving parts of the compressor. - The rising of reliability and operating life of the compression equipments based on oil injected screw compressor by an efficient management of prelube and after lube processes of compressor bearings and oil injection for and sealing. - Research for the development of gas compression equipments, booster type, in order to feed with gas fuel the power groups of turbo engines, for technological installations, the adjusting the flow characteristic of compressor with those of the engine or technological system. - The development of efficient and secure solutions for gas compression equipment in order to reduce the gas quantities exhausted in atmosphere during the stopping process of compressors, having as effect also the pollution reducing. 4. Interdisciplinary and initiatives Research and development activities having the main goal the achievements of complex installations for gas compression and transport require cooperation with specialists from several fields such as automation processes, chemistry, noises and vibrations. Special conditions in the working gas compression plants, potentially explosive environments, need good knowledge of legal regulations that govern this field of activity. Researchers of department showed initiative in promoting new and innovative solutions in the approach of projects. Also, through the communication and dissemination of the results obtained in the research and development activities to potential beneficiaries, particularly the OMV-PETROM as a main beneficiary, new solutions have been applied and in plants which are in operation, and the process is still going futher. 5. Evolution of human resources Personal structure of department are as follows: 1. Eng.Bogdan Sacuiu – chief of department 2. CSII eng. Sabin Zinca 3. CSIII eng. Marina Andrei 4. CSIII eng. Iulian Vladuca 5. IDTI eng. Dumitru Amariutei 6. IDTII eng. Petre Despa 7. IDTII eng. Vlad Tecu 8. Eng. Vasile Huzuna 9. Tech. Liana Pitu Fig.1 Fig.2 Fig 3 Fig.4 Fig.5 (By the structure of the research unit by research teams – E8) Self assessment report C121 Department – Industrial applications of turbine engines. Cogeneration (by administrative structure diagram of the institution) 1. Activities Domain C121 is involved in R&D projects with ANCS, as well as in development and realization of industrial plants equipped with turbine engines. It assures the management and coordination of the R&D projects and of the projects with beneficiary, monitoring in operation and maintenance of cogeneration plants and turbocompressors, continuous promoting technical solutions for their reliability and efficiency improvement. C121 team is involved in the following domains of R&D activities: - Conception, design, realization, testing, commissioning and maintenance of cogeneration plants and natural gas turbocompressors equipped with aero-derivative turbine engines; - Research&Development related to cogeneration and turbocompressors, such as: process control, power transmission, combustion and starting gas installations of turbine engines, gas thermodynamics, burning processes in afterburning systems, special materials&antifretting coatings applications, CFD application using advanced soft, 3D modelling of complex assemblies, noise dumping, vibrations reducing; - Naval applications of the turbine engines. 2. Achievements 2007 – 2011 - Built and put in functioning in 2004, the Cogeneration pilot plant of 1.8 MW - Suplacu de Barcau, generated the expansion of R&D activities area and consequently a series of R&D projects developed in further years as well as during 2007 - 2011. It is to be mentioned its international dissemination in 2008 by presenting and publishing of the paper: „Implementation and Operation of a Cogeneration Plant for Steam Injection in Oil Field” authors: R. Codoban, M. Borzea, Gh. Fetea, at the conference: ASME Turbo Expo 2008: Power for Land, Sea, and Air (GT2008), June 9–13, 2008 , Berlin, Germany, as well as publishing in Journal of Turbomachinery. SOMCREFT – 2006-2008 –project coordinator M. BORZEA, „MODERN SOLUTIONS FOR INCREASING EFFICIENCY AND RELIABILITY OF THE POWER TRANSMISSION FROM THE GAS TURBINE TO THE ELECTRIC GENERATOR IN CO-GENERATIVE PLANTS UP TO 10 MW” project of PNCDI II, CeEx, Module I – Complex R&D Projects, Energy domain. Mention: - 1st prize on Energy domain at National Competition 2008 organized by ANCS. - The planetary gearbox realized and integrated in the 1.8 MW turbogenerator of the cogeneration plant 2xST18 Suplacu de Barcau, at present being in industrial testing and in course of acquiring by beneficiary – OMV PETROM. - Other achievements: cost reducing of approx. 25% comparative to those from import, implementation of an advanced technology at the main partner Resita Reductoare. - MEMOCEN – 2007 -2010 – project director dr. ing. BARBU ENE – „Modern methods of pollution reducing and efficiency increasing in cogeneration plants with gas turbines and natural gas turbocompressors”; Achievements: monomodular burner on gas fuel for afterburning in cogen plants – functional model, automation cabinet for test bench, numeric model mono-modular after-burner (experimental validated), IT application e-Client (data base, integrated technology for pollutants reducing and increase efficiency in cogeneration plants and natural gas turbocompressors. - SICOGEN - 2008 – 2011 project director dr. ing. BARBU ENE – „Integrated System turbine engine - afterburning, for reducing of pollutants and increasing of efficiency in cogen plants on gas fuels” Achievments: testing bench for afterburning installations on natural gas, vertical arrangement on turbine exhaust; numeric model numeric of afterburner – water injection, Proiect technical project for water injection system of turbine – afterburning at beneficiary, functional model of afterburning modulus – integrated at beneficiary OMV PETROM cogen plant 2xST 18 – Suplacu de Barcau - 6 afterburning modulus integrated and assuring required performances and improved reliability. - GAZBIO - 2008 – 2011 – as partner – project responsible dr. ing. BARBU ENE – Researches for energetic using of resulted gas from biomass/coal by allothermal gasification in fluidized bed. Achievments: afterburner on natural gas – gas of gasifier - Patent - „Multi-modulus Burner for afterburning on gas fuels” (in course of patenting - , dossier at OSIM nr. A/00999 din 21.10.2010 ), authors: Ene Barbu, Gh. Fetea, R. Petcu, V. Vilag, I. Vataman. Invention: Multi-modulus afterburner used in cogeneration plants equipped with gas turbines for increasing of steam flow of recovery boiler and for conformation of cogen plant to the technologic process requirements, testing of diverse geometry of burner modulus at different gas fuels, for burning optimization. - Books published: - I. Pisa, Fl. Borcea, E. Barbu, C. Marinescu, C. Ciobanu, “Utilizarea combustibililor gazosi regenerabili pentru producerea de energie”, Editura Perfect, 2008, ISBN 978-973-7984-53-1 - “Advances in Gas Turbine Technology”, Editura: INTECH Croatia (Book edited by: Dr. Ernesto Benini, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Padova, Italy); ISBN: 978-953-307-611-9; In curs de publicare: E. Barbu s.a., Afterburning Installation Integration into a Cogeneration Power Plant with Gas Turbine by Numerical and Experimental Analysis - Increasing of R&D projects gained - 5 projects gained during 2007-2010; - Integration of R&D results at potential industrial beneficiaries, especially OMV PETROM and TRANSGAZ, with monitoring the operation after implementation and finding of potential improvements in reliability and efficiency areas, as well as energetic costs reducing. - Realizing of R&D consortia including important partners in R&D domain: “POLITEHNICA” University Bucuresti, OVM ICPET, ICEMENERG, as well as industrial beneficiaries: OMV PETROM, RESITA REDUCTOARE SA. 3. Research directions and R&D themes in period 2007-2011 These ones are related to efficiency and reliability improving of cogeneration plants and turbocompressors, operation monitoring and identifying of the problems affecting operability, including: - Development of gas combustion systems of turbine engines by: increase the measuring precision of fuel flow, defining and realising of unitary control of fuel gas metering in industrial plants of medium powers, as well as elaboration of unitary control soft integrated in electronic control and command block of starting and combustion gas installations; - Development of pneumatic starting installations for turbine engines by: new technical solutions of pneumatic sliding vane starter, CFD application using advanced soft, antifretting coating application for elimination of lubrication need; new technical solutions for starting gas metering valve for elimination of pressure shocks at starting; - R&D for afterburning systems on natural gas for cogeneration plants; - Involving in R&D calls: “Parteneriate” 2011, project title: “Adaptability increasing of the turbine engine – afterburning assembly in cogeneration plants for operation on gas and liquid fuels (acronym: FLEXTURBO). Main objective is realizing of a turbine engine – afterburning multifuel assembly capable of automatic operation – experimental model. - Reducing of pollutant emissions, of vibrations and noise. - Promoting activities for mini-cogeneration plants equipped with turbine engines, capable of operation with low calorific fuels – IR MT 250. 4. Interdisciplinary activities involvement - - Romania – Bulgaria cross-border area cooperation 2007- 2013; Priority axis: 2 - Environment; Key area of intervention: 2.1 - Development of joint management systems for environmental protection; Project: "Joint study regarding an electro-generator system powered by water turbine for cross-border ecological electrical transport system" - ElectroRiver; Period: 2011-2013; Contract number: 54105 / 15.07.2011; Interdisciplinary activities of C121 with other COMOTI teams - Reducing of noise in natural gas turbocompressors stations; - Process remote control and data transmission - Management and coordination of complex projects 5. Human resources evolution At present the research team consists of 10 employees. Permanently it is aimed involvement and maintaining of the young graduates in R&D activities, in order to increase their weight within the team. During 2007-2011, 5 young engineers were hired and involved in R&D activities, 2 of them being still in C121 team. Team structure: 1. Ing. BORZEA MIHAI – IDT I – Head of department, 5. Ing. ANGHEL OCTAVIAN – Director of R&D Projects, Project Manager of 6. Ing. ZAVODNIC FELIX – CS III economic contracts 7. Ing. LEFCADUS CALIN – IDT II 2. Drd. ing. TOMESCU SORIN – CS III – Deputy head 8. Ing. CATANA RAZVAN – AS of department 3. Ing. CODOBAN RADU – CS I –Director of R&D 9. Ing. DRUTA FLORIAN 10. Tehn. pr. COSTACHE MIOARA Projects, Project Manager of economic contracts 4. Dr. ing. BARBU ENE – CS II – Director of R&D Projects 6. Other achievements, consequences of the research & development activity Promotion of the results in potential industrial customers area of cogeneration/turbocompressors plants and integration of research results at beneficiaries. Thereby, it is realised a sustainable R&D activity on long term, in which the initial budget finance of the research & development activity is recovered through the projects with beneficiaries. The favourable effect was concretized by new projects with important beneficiaries such as: OMV PETROM, TRANSGAZ. It is to be mentioned: - The project of the Booster compressors for assuring the combustion gas pressure of the turbine engines Pratt&Whitney ST18 – co-generation plant 2xST18 Suplac; beneficiary OMV PETROM. - The project of automation system improvement for the natural gas turbo-compressors at STC Onesti; beneficiary TRANSGAZ. It is to be mentioned the revival of the activities related to the naval applications of turbine engines, the potential contract with the Military Marine of revision / repairing the propulsion system at frigates. C121 Ing. Mihai BORZEA 04.12.2011 (By the structure of the research unit by research teams – E9) C122 Turbines. Gas turbine assembly. Gas turbines test facilities (by administrative structure diagram of the institution) A. Contact Head of team: Drd.ing. Valeriu VILAG; tel: 0214340236 | 0214340198/450 | 0721076784; valeriu.vilag@comoti.ro B. Significant results The experience and research ability of the research team is highlighted, first of all, by the participation of the members of the team in research projects. We underline some of the most important results: 1. In the framework of the European project FP7 OPENAIR, between 2009 and 2011, a series of demonstrators have been manufactured, representing fan vanes made of last generation composites materials, for the gas turbines of the future. These demonstrators represent a premiere, both at national and international level, as they combine high quality technologies which aim at civil aircraft weight reduction for decreasing the fuel consumption and, implicitly, decreasing the aircrafts environmental impact, as well as noise reduction technologies for decreasing the aircrafts impact on the human communities neighboring airports. 2. In the framework of some national research projects, in 2011 the gas turbine – afterburner assembly was successfully tested in the gas turbine testing cell. This achievement crates the premises for continuing advanced research on industrial power plants equipped with gas turbines for the purpose of rising the thermal efficiency and environmental impact. 3. Between 2009 and 2010, in the project „Cercetari privind dezvoltarea de turbine pentru turbomotoare” of the NUCLEU program, was achieved the design of and axial turbine for an industrial gas turbine by means of most modern computational techniques. Using these calculus techniques, it can be obtained improved efficiencies for the gas turbine major components, which leads to a decrease in fuel consumption and environmental impact. At the same time, the computational techniques reduce the effort required in the design process and helps shortening the experimental phase, which is intended for validating the numerical results. 4. The transformation of the aviation gas turbine to work on gaseous fuel was also achieved by using high level computational techniques, which allowed the design of the subassemblies necessary for the functional model. The modified gas turbine was successfully tested in the experimental facilities and is the basis of all projects that require validation through experimentation. 5. The involvement in national interest aviation projects regarding the gas turbines manufactured under license by Romanian factories, Viper 633-47 and Turmo IVC, as well as design and certification of aircrafts manufactured in Romania: IAR 93, IAR 99, IAR 330 şi IAR 316. C. Dynamic of research subjects Although, in general, the research conducted by department C122 are oriented towards the gas turbine assembly, turbines and gas turbine testing, the project in which the department was, and is involved denotes the ability to approach a large variety of research subjects. We add here some of the projects having distinguished topic: 1. Contract 21-001/2007 - ANCS-PN II, „ Centrală hidropneumatică acţionată de valuri” – CHPV, between 2007- 2010. In this project it was addressed the possibility of obtaining and electric power plant by using the pneumatic energy of the sea waves. The C122 department contribution was to conduct the numerical simulations as well as testing an experimental model manufactured by the project’s coordinator. 2. Contract 20/2007 AMCSIT-RELANSIN, „ Soluţii tehnologice de valorificare a gazului de depozit pentru utilizarea unui turbogenerator aeroderivativ” – SOLTURB, between 2007- 2010. In this project, it was studied the real possibilities of exploitation of gaseous fuels resulted in urban landfills for aero – derivative gas turbines fuel supply. Although highly related to gas turbines, the project also involved manufacturing, storage and transportation of these gaseous fuels, which even led to a Patent: „Instalatie de alimentare cu combustibil gazos”, Decision OSIM Nr. 1014813/29.04.2011. 3. Contract 93 /2005 - AMCSIT – INOVARE, „ Instalaţie autonomă, complexă de mare capacitate pentru evacuarea apei din zonele calamitate prin inundaţie” – MTPA, between 2005- 2008. This project came in response to the major floods that occurred in 2003 in the west part of Romania by proposing an installation equipped with an aero-derivative gas turbine and a high capacity water pump. Although the project was not finalized with an experimental model, the results obtained during this project shows the team’s engineering capacity of blending the gas turbines in different terrestrial applications of high social interest. The project also led to obtaining the Patent „ Instalatie de ventilat”, Decision OSIM Nr. 1032867/30.06.2009. 4. Contract 4N/2006, Program NUCLEU, Project: „ Cercetări privind instalaţii de postardere pentru grupuri de putere integrate în centrale cogenerative”, between 2006-2 008 and Contract 4N/2006, Program NUCLEU, Project: „ Stand de experimentare instalaţii de postardere”, between 2007- 2008. In these two projects, the afterburning installation was intensively studied as a thermal installation attached to a gas turbine for cogeneration power plant applications. The studies conducted reveal the capacity of addressing complex physic and chemical phenomena such as burning different fuels in the flue gases from a gas turbine in afterburning installations. 5. Subsidy Contract nr.: 54105/15.07.2011; Priority axis: 2 – Environment; Key area of intervention: 2.1 - Development of joint management systems for environmental protection; Project: “Joint study regarding an electro-generator system powered by water turbine for cross-border ecological electrical transport system” – ElectroRiver; between: 2011-2013 | Subsidy Contract nr: 49532/28.08.2011; Priority axis: 2 - Environment; Key area of intervention: 2.2 - Joint technological risk prevention; Project: "Integrated system for dynamic monitoring and warning for technological risks in Romania-Bulgaria cross-border area" – REACT; between 2011-2013 | Subsidy Contract nr. 51766/06.07.2011; Priority axis: 1 - Support for cross-border business cooperation and promotion of a regional image and identity; Project: “Support actions to create new RDI partnerships in trans-border area in order to bring together business and research for accessing European Founds” – SANDI; between: 20112013. These 3 projects are part of the Cross Border Cooperation Programme România - Bulgaria 2007-2013 and aim, primarily, at creating sustainable relationships between entities belonging to the two neighboring countries. Technically speaking, in ElectroRiver project it is addressed the implementation of ecological transportation based on the idea of producing electrical power by means of a water turbine placed in the Danube River. D. Interdisciplinary and entrepreneurial initiatives The interdisciplinary aspect of the team’s research is emphasized by addressing projects that require knowledge in the field of high velocity flows, blade machines, physic and chemical combustion phenomena heat transfer, experimentation of extremely complex and interconnected equipment assemblies, metallic an composites materials and designated manufacturing technologies of gas turbines light and durable parts, energy efficiency and combined electrical and thermal power production, etc. The entrepreneurial initiatives are highlighted by the submission of numerous research projects, both at national and international level. We mention here some of them: 1. CoM4AC, „Composite Materials for Aerodynamic Compressors”, FP7-234263→FP7-AAT-2008-RTD-1; 2. HiPerCLAC, „High Performance Composites for Lighter Aerodynamic Compressors”, FP7- 246162-1→ NMP-2009-2.5-1; 3. BioGTE, „Aviation Gas turbines Working on Bio-fuels”, FP7-234231→FP7-AAT-2008-RTD-1; 4. ManuCFBlade, „Light weight carbon fiber compressor impeller/blade manufacturing study”→MANUNET TRANSNATIONAL CALL 2011; 5. MicRoGT, „Research on developing an experimental model of a competitive micro gas turbine for ultra light aircrafts and unmanned air vehicles produced in Romania”, PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-0656→PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3; 6. LiMCaF, „Applied research regarding the development of a functional model of carbon fiber compressor impeller”, PN-IIPT-PCCA-2011-3.1-0669→PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3 E. Personnel evolution The research team personnel has high theoretical and practical knowledge that enables the possibility of conducting complex projects which lead to results of definite technical and scientific value. Most approaches are based on computational tools, the main capabilities being: computer aided design (CATIA, Unigraphics, SolidEdge, SolidWorks); numerical simulation (ANSYS CFX and Fluent, CONCEPTS, NUMECA etc.); testing in the experimental facilities for gas turbines (ultra high speed acquisition systems; process computers and PLCs GE Fanuc etc.; high accuracy instrumentation – thermocouples, pressure transducers, Pitot tubes etc.; complex executive elements – regulators, valves etc.). C122 department is balanced from both age and sex point of view. This is an essential contribution to the proper functioning of the team by combining the experience of the acknowledged researchers with the tenacity and flexibility of the young researchers, the strength and coordination of the strong sex with the initiative and organization of the fair sex. The continuous improvement of the personnel is proven by the evolution of the academic and scientific degrees: Banea Elena 2008: economist diploma at ARTIFEX University, Management and Marketing Faculty; 2008 – present: master studies at ARTIFEX University, Management and Marketing Faculty; Cuciumita Cleopatra 2008: engineer diploma at Faculty of Aerospace Engineering POLITEHNICA University from Bucharest; 2010: master in Gas Dynamics and Aerospace Propulsion at Faculty of Aerospace Engineering POLITEHNICA University from Bucharest; 2010 : scientific degree CS; 2011 : scientific degree CS III; 2008 – present: PhD studies at Faculty of Aerospace Engineering POLITEHNICA University from Bucharest; Mihalache Radu 2009: engineer diploma at Faculty of Aerospace Engineering POLITEHNICA University from Bucharest; 2010 manager diploma, Faculty of Financial Management Accountant, Spiru Haret University, Bucharest 2011: master in Gas Dynamics and Aerospace Propulsion at Faculty of Aerospace Engineering POLITEHNICA University from Bucharest; 2011 : scientific degree: CS; Olaru Daniel 2009: engineer diploma at Faculty of Aerospace Engineering POLITEHNICA University from Bucharest; 2009 – present: master in Gas Dynamics and Aerospace Propulsion at Faculty of Aerospace Engineering POLITEHNICA University from Bucharest; 2011 : scientific degree CS; Popescu Jeni 2005: engineer diploma at Faculty of Aerospace Engineering POLITEHNICA University from Bucharest; 2007: master in Gas Dynamics and Aerospace Propulsion at Faculty of Aerospace Engineering Vătăman Ion Vilag Valeriu POLITEHNICA University from Bucharest; 2007 – present: PhD studies at Faculty of Aerospace Engineering POLITEHNICA University from Bucharest; 2010 : scientific degree CS; 2011 : scientific degree CS III; 1989: engineer diploma at Machine Building Faculty, POLITEHNICA University from Bucharest; 1996 : scientific degree IDT III; 2006 : scientific degree CS III; 2005: engineer diploma at Faculty of Aerospace Engineering POLITEHNICA University from Bucharest; 2007: master in Gas Dynamics and Aerospace Propulsion at Faculty of Aerospace Engineering POLITEHNICA University from Bucharest; 2007 – present: PhD studies at Faculty of Aerospace Engineering POLITEHNICA University from Bucharest; 2006 : scientific degree CS; F. Other project in the main research domain of the research team 1. Contract 5/2008 ANCS - Capacităţi Modul III, „Modernizarea şi dezvoltarea bazei logistice pentru un complex de experimentare turbomotoare” - EXTURBO, Period 2010-2011; 2. Contract 93 /2005 - AMCSIT – INOVARE, „Instalaţie autonomă, complexă de mare capacitate pentru evacuarea apei din zonele calamitate prin inundaţie” – MTPA, Period: 2005-2008 ; 3. Contract 7N/2008, Program NUCLEU, Proiectul: „Cercetări privind dezvoltarea de turbomotoare industriale”, Period 2008-2011; 4. Contract 7N/2008, Program NUCLEU, Proiectul: „Cercetări privind dezvoltarea de turbine pentru turbomotoare”, Period 2008-2011; 5. Contract 7N/2008, Program NUCLEU, Proiectul: „Cercetări privind dezvoltarea de microturbomotoare”, Period 20082011; 6. Contract 207/2006, CEEX-MODUL I, „Cercetări privind creşterea eficienţei producerii combinate de energiecogenerare, trigenerare de mică şi medie putere” - ECOENCOMB, Period : 2006-2008; 7. Contract 157/2006, „Cercetări inovative privind realizarea unei tehnologii de combustie eficientă şi ecologică a huilelor în sistemul focar-arzatoare cu aplicaţie la cazanele de 420 t/h” - ARDECO, Period: 2006-2008; 8. Contract 182/2006, „Tehnologii ecologice, fezabile, de producere şi valorificare energetică a unor amestecuri complexe de combustibili din resurse regenerabile” - Eco-EN, Period: 2006-2008; 9. Contract 4N/2006, Program NUCLEU, Proiectul: „Cercetări privind funcţionarea turbomotoarelor alimentate cu biogaz bogat în CO2”, Period: 2007-2008; 10. Contract 4N/2006, Program NUCLEU, Proiectul: „Cercetări privind dezvoltarea de grupuri de putere cu turbomotoare”, Period: 2007-2008; 11. Contract 21-056/2007, „Metode moderne de reducere a poluării şi creştere a eficienţei la centralele cogenerative cu turbine cu gaze şi turbocompresoarele de comprimare a gazelor naturale” - MEMOCEN, Period: 2007-2010; 12. Contract 22-108/2008, „Sistem integrat turbomotor - postardere, de reducere a noxelor şi creştere a eficienţei la centralele cogenerative pe combustibili gazoşi” - SICOGEN, Period: 2008-2011; 13. Contract 22-097/2008, „Cercetări de utilizare energetică a gazului rezultat din biomasa/carbune prin co-gazeificare alotermă în strat fluidizat” - GAZBIO, Period: 2008-2011; 14. Contract 1452 . „Contirbute to the successful delivery of the research programme to AIRBUS”, Period: 2011-2012. F International visibility Book chapter Afterburning Installation Integration into a Cogeneration Power Plant with Gas Turbine by Numerical and Experimental Analysis; Authors: Barbu E., Vilag V., Popescu J., Ionescu S., Ionescu A., Petcu R., Cuciumita C., Cretu M., Vilcu C., Prisecaru T.; InTech Open Access Publisher, Capitol în Gas Turbines, Ernesto Benini (Ed.), InTech, ISBN 978-953-308-68-4, Available to: http://www.intechweb.org/ şi în Arihiva COMOTI. Scientific articles published at conferences in the field of gas turbines: Genetic algorithm for gas turbine blading design; Authors: Cuciumita C., Vilag V., Silivestru V., Porumbel I.; Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2011 GT2011 June 6-10, 2011, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; Researches Concerning Kerosene-to-Landfill Gas Conversion for an Aero-derivative Gas Turbine; Authors: Popescu J., Vilag V., Petcu R., Silivestru V., Stanciu V.; „ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea and Air”, 14-18 Iunie 2010, Glasgow, UK, ASME, NEW YORK, USA, ISBN: 978-0-7918-3872-3; Numerical Simulation to Determine Ejection Device Geometry for Turbo-shaft Driven Water Pump GT2008-50968; Authors: J. Popescu, R. Petcu, V. Vilag, I. Vataman, V.Silivestru; „ASME Turbo Expo 2008: Power for Land, Sea and Air”, 9 – 13 June 2008, Berlin, Germany, ISBN 0-7918-3824-2; The Influence of the History of Thermal Expansion on the Axial Turbine Characteristic; Authors: V. Silivestru, R. Petcu, V. Vilag, J. Popescu; „ASME Turbo Expo 2008: Power for Land, Sea and Air”, 9 – 13 June 2008, Berlin, Germany, ISBN 0-7918-3824-2 Prepared by Eng. Valeriu VILAG (By the structure of the research unit by research teams – E10) C123 collective (by administrative structure diagram of the institution) Environmental protection equipment A. Description of the research team 1. Achievements: INCD GasTurbines COMOTI experience in the field of high speed blade equipments enables to focus the R & D activities for developing of high tech equipment for environment protection, respectively centrifugal air blower. Fundamental and applied research results have imposed COMOTI as unique Romanian producer of centrifugal equipment for wastewater treatment plants, mainly for: Supply of compressed air for secondary treatment of wastewater treatment plants; Fat separation and filters cleaning; Providing necessary oxygen in un-iron processes and / or demagnetization The centrifugal air blowers have similar performances to the equipments products worldwide, high reliability, safety in operation and a long functioning period between revisions. The COMOTI centrifugal air blowers solutions received medals in Geneva and Budapest, and have the market recognition, such kind of equipments are installed in wastewater treatment plants throughout the country: Targoviste, Slatina Dej. They have over 85% overall efficiency, and efficiency of the centrifugal impeller over 92% a high rate of reliability and. High efficiency is due to constructive system for adjustable flow. The aeration process is entirely automatic, a special developed software allow the acquisition and reading of measured results, maintaining a constant values of dissolved oxygen concentration in the water, depending of the real chemical oxygen consumption, even for wide margins of hourly, diurnal and seasonal water quality parameters variation. Research for centrifugal air blowers led to a floating aeration system for water quality improvement in remote areas (lakes, mountain lakes, marine perimeters, etc.). Experiments on functional models were done in real operating conditions, and included tests of components, equipment and command, automation and control system. Water physical and chemical parameters were monitorised. 2. R&D Contracts a. Program "Excellence in Research", project SCAPEAU - "Theoretical and experimental research on expert systems for optimal operation processes of wastewater from urban and industrial wastewater treatment " b. Program NUCLEU, project "Theoretical and experimental research on bladed equipments for environmental protection", with the objective to developing of modern equipment for environmental protection” c. Program INOVATION, project TEOFIT – “Design, implementation and testing of an efficient oxygen transfer in aerated biological reactors" d. Program INOVATION, project ATARC - "Application of pre-treatment technology of wastewater in the sewerage network"; e. Program INOVATION, project SMED - "Information system for monitoring and control of wastewater treatment plants using distributed multi-agent systems and advanced algorithms for automation" 3. Collaborations with other collectives Collective activity is closely related to the activities of the followings Collectives: - Computational fluid dynamics; - Vibration and Resistance Calculation; - Gas Turbines & Compressors Automation and Electrical Engineering; - Gas Turbines, Turbines Assembly and Test Stands; - Research Technology and NC Programming; - Cast and Forged Technologies, supply, transportation and collaboration - Laboratory for Technologies, Construction of Experimental Models, Prototypes, Small Series. 4. R&D Directions and Issues Dynamics The collective, established in 1996, has as main topics of research proposed to be addressed: - Improvement of the centrifugal air blowers performances; - Constructive and technological optimizing for reducing the consumption of energy; - Data acquisition system on wastewater parameters for solutions optimizing and statistical processing for study of the information dynamics. - Implementation of active measures for preparing the human resources involved in wastewater treatment and water treatment processes 5. Interdisciplinary initiatives Development, modernization and constructive optimization of the equipment is highly conditioned by the development of research / development / innovation in: - Biochemistry, physical and chemical wastewater treatment processes - Fluid dynamics, strength of materials, materials and technology, automation 6. Evolution of human resources Human resources strategy has considered the followings: - Strong involvement of senior researchers specialized in gas turbines and high speed centrifugal equipments; - Specialization of human resources in wastewater treatment centrifugal air blowers, as well as involvement of specialists in wastewater treatment; - Development of the R & D collective capacity with specialists in engineering, design and quality, PhD or PhD students; - Involvement of specialist in market research and customized marketing. 7. Significant aspects of scientific development of human resources Working team is composed of 3 persons with a PhD in engineering, two PhD students and two technology development engineers. Their work has resulted in: - Research / development / innovation activities for developing of treatment equipments with concrete applications in urban and industrial wastewater treatment - Patenting of water aeration solution using equipment powered by renewable energy, floating platform-mounted, patent no. 123173/2007 - Participation in scientific papers and reports from seminars, conferences and scientific events - Organizing conferences for dissemination of project results - Publishing papers in journals - Participation in fairs and exhibitions B. List of facilities in use There is not used infrastructure over 15,000 Euro worth. 16.11.2011 ITD II, Dan IFRIM (By the structure of the research unit by research teams – E11) Department C124 self-evaluation report (by administrative structure diagram of the institution) 1. Introduction The activity field of C124 laboratory is divided on two main directions: acoustic-vibration and physical-chemical testing. In the Acoustic and Vibration field, C124 performs noise and vibration measurements, complex analysis and postprocessing and also noise mapping according to 49/EC/2002 Directive and in the Physical and Chemical field, performs: gas concentrations of residual gaseous effluents testing, monitoring of emissions, temperatures and speed of exhaust gas from source, ambient air quality assessment with mobile equipments, atmospheric dispersion prediction of gaseous pollutants and industrial oils characteristics testing. Research and experimental activities in the field of acoustics and vibration benefits of a special facility on Magurele Platform, which is compatible with those of other centres and laboratories in other countries, having special rooms for measurements: anechoic chamber, reverberant room and a trap room. 2. Achievements from 2007 up to the present In this chapter we briefly present, in chronological order, finalized and on-going projects, from 2007 onwards, projects in which the laboratory is partner or leader. 2.1. Elaboration of the airport strategic noise map and related reports – Economic contract with National company Henri Coanda International Airport Bucharest (CNAIHCB)/ 2007. 2.2. PNCDI 2 – Programme 4 - Partnerships in priority areas - Inner passenger cabin noise reduction using optimized fuselage structure – NORA / Ctr.71-036 / 2007. 2.3. PNCDI 2 – Programme 4 - Partnerships in priority areas Integrated security system for ventilation installations from strategically national interest buildings in case of chemical or biological attack - SIPROV / Ctr. 81-016/2007(COMOTI partner). 2.4. PNCDI 2 – Programme 4 - Partnerships in priority areas Research on establishing the causes to the increase noise and vibration level in technologic units as: regulation-measurement, pipe control units and natural gas compressors – NOVICOM / Ctr. 32-163/ 2008. 2.5. Emissions, air pollution and dispersion from sources measurements in the airport area - Economic contract with Airports National Company Bucharest / Ctr. 1163P/2009 2.6. FP7-AAT-2010-RTD-1 / Tool Suite for Environmental and Economic Aviation Modelling for Policy Analysis – Team Play / Project No 266465 / 2010 2.7. FP7-AAT-2010-RTD-1 / Noise Impact of aircraft with Novel engine configuration in High Altitude operations - NINHA / Project No 266046 / 2010 2.8. Emissions, air pollution and dispersion from sources measurements in the airport area Economic contract with Airports National Company Bucharest / Ctr. 1306P/2010 2.9. CLEANSKY- JTI-CS-2010-5-GRC-05-004 / ANotec-COmoti Rotorcraft Acoustics initiative for preliminary acoustic flight tests for the tuning of simplified rotorcraft noise models / Project No287094 / 2011 2.10. Cross border Cooperation Programme Romania-Bulgaria / Support Actions to create New RDI partnerships in trans-border area in order to bring together Business and Research for accessing European Founds – SANDI / Application No.: 2(3i)-3.1-13, MIS ETC 211 2.11. Cross border Cooperation Programme Romania-Bulgaria / Integrated system for dynamic monitoring and warning for technological risks in Romania-Bulgaria cross-border area – REACT/ Application No.: 2(3i)-2.2-10, MIS ETC 144 3. Research directions Further on are presented the main research directions of the laboratory with the corresponding project: - acoustic power measurements, acoustic directivity for different equipments (2.4); - measurement of reverberation time (2.2, 2.4); - acoustic transmissibility through boards measurement (2.2); - monitoring measurements of the noise emitted by industrial equipments (2.4) - noise mapping (2.1 - airport, 2.4 - industrial, 2.7 - aviation) - vibration measurements for industry (2.4), for satellite field (ROSA request – shaker measurements); - measurements of emissions, air pollution and dispersion from sources in the airport and industrial area (2.5, 2.6, 2.8, 2.11); - environmental noise and emissions (2.10) Over the past four years, laboratory work was conducted in the national and European research projects at the same time, but there was also concern for the accreditation of the acoustic measurement methods, vibration and physical and chemical testing. Department C124 is acreditated in the physico-chemical tests field, according to RENAR Certificate no. LI 749/14.01.2009 and in the field of acoustics and vibration, with RENAR Certificate no. LI 865/13.04.2010 with reference standard SR EN ISO/CEI 17.025:2005 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. 4. Interdisciplinary and initiatives Except the collaboration with other departments in the institute presented C124 also had and has collaborations with universities from Romania: POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest (2.2, 2.3, 2.4), University of Petroleum - Gas from Ploiesti (2.4), as well as with institutes and universities in Europe: Deutsches Zentrum Fuer Luft - Und Raumfahrt EV (2.6), Stichting Nationaal Lucht- En Ruimtevaartlaboratorium (2.6, 2.7), ENVISA SAS (2.1, 2.6), Totalforsvarets Forskningsinstitut (2.6, 2.7), The Manchester Metropolitan University (2.6), Qinetiq Limited (2.6), Anotec Consulting SL (2.6, 2.7, 2.9), Ingenieurburo Janicke (2.6), Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants Ltd (2.6), Snecma SA (2.6), Airbus Operations SAS (2.6, 2.7), Rolls Royce plc (2.6, 2.7), The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge (2.6), Ecole Nationale de L'aviation Civile (2.6), TAKS B.V. (2.6), National Aviation University (2.6), University of Southampton (2.7), Office National D'etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales (2.7), Ruse University (2.10, 2.11) and so on. 5. The Evolution of the human resources Department C124 has qualified personnel, well trained both locally and abroad. The obtained certificates attest their superior training for working in complex subjects such as the project presented above. Also, they are able to select and validate analytical methods and procedures for areas not covered by standards or specifications. The department’s current structure and personal evolution over the past 4 years: 1. DrD. Ing. Mihaiella CRETU – CS III – department leader; 2. Dr. Ing. Adina IONESCU – employed in 2005 as CS from Politehnica University of Bucharest, Aerospace Engineering Faculty, PhD degree in 2011, currently CS III by competition; 3. Dr.Ing. Silviu IONESCU – employed in 2006 as CS from Politehnica University of Bucharest, Biotehnical Faculty, PhD degree in 2011, currently CS III by competition; 4. Drd.Ing Luminita HOSSU – employed in 2005 as CS from Politehnica University of Bucharest, Aerospace Engineering Faculty, PhD in progress, currently CS III by competition; 5. Ing. Victoria TELEABA – employed in 2008 as CS from Politehnica University of Bucharest, Chemistry Faculty, currently CS III by competition; 6. Ing. Dragos MIHAI - employed in 2011 as CS Assistant from Politehnica University of Bucharest, Aerospace Engineering Faculty; 7. Ec. Marius DEACONU - employed in 2011 as CS Assistant from Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Environmental Economy Faculty; 8. Th.pp Tudora ZLOTEANU – principal technical designer. (By the structure of the research unit by research teams – E12) C125 „Composite Materials for aeronautic field Laboratory” (by administrative structure diagram of the institution) 1. Identification data: Head of laboratory: Dr. Eng. Raluca Voicu Contact data: Phone: +4021/434.01.98/423; +4072/049.98.75/ Fax: +4021/434.02.41 e-mail: raluca.voicu@comoti.ro, web: www.comoti.ro 2. Human resources: C125 team is balanced both in terms of personnel age and sex. This contributes essentially to the good functioning of the laboratory. Composite Materials for aeronautic field Laboratory-C125 personnel structure contains three persons: 1. Head of laboratory: Dr. Ing. Raluca VOICU 2. Eng. Octavian TUDOR 3. Tech. Danut ANTONESCU Octavian Tudor Danut Antonescu Raluca Voicu 2011: chemistry engineer diploma - Universitatea Bucuresti-Facultyof Chemistry 1974: technician design diploma-Aviation School -IRMA,Bucharest 2004: Engineer diploma-University POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages (French branch) "Materials Science” 2005: Research master diploma-”Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse”, France 2008: PHD diploma-doctor ”Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse”, France 2010 : scientific degree CS III; 3. Main activity of the laboratory is research-developmentin the composite materials field, targeting especially aerospace applications. Activities/skills:materials composite processing and composite components/structures manufacturing (complete technological cycle) using the autoclave technology; structural/mechanical characterization using INCDT COMOTI equipments. For mictrostructure analysis:optical andscanning electron microscopy (FEI Inspect F50, Field Emission Gun, equiped with EDS system for chemical composition analysis); For mechanical performaces evaluation:Mechanical hydraulic machineInstron 8802, maximum force 250kN working in static (tensile, compression, flexure) and dynamic regim (fatigue and fracture mechanisms) from room atemperature temperatura up to1000oC). Trainning diplomas: obtained by the team members during one year fom the C125 laboratory establishment(2010-2011): First/Last Name Diploma Octavian Tudor 27.06 - 07.07.2011: Training for “Autoclave-compozite materials polymerisation” use The entity that issued the certificate / diploma - Diploma issued by the manufacturer of the equipment-company Sholtz, Germany which provided the training courses. Internal trainings regarding the use of auxiliary components: compressor 25 bar, 25 bar compressor dryer, cooling tower, compressor and compressor/ dryer 8 bar, control panels: cooling tower, compressor and autoclave. Raluca Voicu 4. 15-16.11.2011: Training on SEM (scanning electron microscope) Diploma issued by equipment manufacturer, FEI company which provided training 30 martie- 10 aprilie 2009Design courses on SolidEdge V20 Diploma issued by Ada Computers SRL, Bucharest 12-16.04.2010- Training on Instron 8802, mechanical hydraulic machine for static and dynamic regim mechanical tests Diploma issued by the equipment supplier SC RO-MEGA-CONTROL SRL, which provided training 27.06 - 07.07.2011: Training for “Autoclave-compozite materials polymerisation” use - Diploma issued by the manufacturer of the equipment-company Sholtz, Germany which provided the training courses. Internal trainings regarding the use of auxiliary components: compressor 25 bar, 25 bar compressor dryer, cooling tower, compressor and compressor/ dryer 8 bar, control panels: cooling tower, compressor and autoclave. 15-16.11.2011: Training on SEM (scanning electron microscope) Diploma issued by equipment manufacturer, FEI company which provided training Projects: C125 laboratory staff was and is still involved in research projects with various topics, derived from the metallic and composite materials, turbo-engines, aircraft structures and aircraft components, environment domains. During a year of activity (until present 10/20/2011), the C125 laboratory conducted research activities within the projects: National projects: - NUCLEU-PN/2009- 09.07.07- Development of technologies for blade machine7.1 - Research on the development of composite materials for blade machines. The C125 laboratory team was responsible for three phases during this project: Phase B17 / Numerical simulations of thermal and mechanical solicitations in order to choose the composite structure materials; Faza B18 / Developmentand assessment of preliminary working procedures and instructions, technical training on working technique; FazaB19/ Manufacturing of composite components and experimental testing. Interpretation of results obtained and assessment of strengths and weaknesses. International projects: OPENAIR”Optimization for low Environmental Noise impact AIRcraft” FP7234313(2009-2013). Within this project period 2009-2011, the composite team manufactured a serie of demonstrators (prototypes) representing stator blades made from advanced composite materials, lighter than the classic metallic materials.These prototypes represents a novelty at national but also international level because it integrates performant technologies that targets decreasing the weight for civil aicrafts aiming reducing fuel consumption and environemnetl impact, but also noise reduction technologies for reducing the impact of aircrafts on communities around airports. The physical manufacturing of the stator blades has been the result of team complex reserches, which involved performing a complete technological cycle cstarting from design&geometry, stress analysis, processing and testing the composite materials up to the manufacturing of the blade using the autoclave technology, within the C125 laboratory in INCDT COMOTI. Activity of the institute in this project was completed in May 2011, by providing the prototype – composite stator blade, to the project coordinator, the group Snecma, France. The encouraging results obtained led to the engagement of the institute COMOTI for another 2 years in this project (2011-2013). - CLEANDANUBE „Common strategy to prevent the Danube’s pollution technological risks with oil and oil products” 2(2I)-2.2-5 Priority Axis: 2 program Cross Border Cooperation Romania - Bulgaria 2007-2013, ctr. No. 653/2010. The C125 stuff is involved both in scientific and technical activities: selection of materials in the design construction of the project promoted equipment (centrifuges), finding the best technological solutions for the reduction of the Danube water pollution, progress reporting and dissemination activities: organizing and participating meetings, workshops organized both in Romania and Bulgaria, making promotion posters and flyers for the results dissemination of the project. - SANDI “Support Actions to create New RDI partnerships in trans-border area in order to bring together Business and Research for accessing European Founds”, program Cross Border Cooperation Romania – Bulgaria, 2(3i)-3.1-13-MIS –ETC CODE: 211-Ctr. 51766/06.07.2011. Since the project beginning up to present, C125 has been involved in team activities to promote training opportunities / training foreign students (Bulgaria) in the C125 laboratory within materials science field and in particular composite materials (powerpoint presentations and dissemination University of Rousse, Bulgaria). -TURBOMAT, ID 663, SMIS-CSNR 12607 : “Development of new methods by real and virtual solidification processing of materials with special properties to achieve high temperatures for power turbo engines” POSCCE-A2-O2.1.2-2009-2. From the beginning to the project up to present, the C125team was involved in: microstructural analysis and testing of alloys studied, Pro-Cast Using virtual solidification, interpretation of results and reporting of project progress. 6. The dynamic of the research activity and the interdisciplinary directions developed in the laboratory C125 can be observed both in the projects subjects in which the team members are already involved, presented previously, but also from the directions developed within the project proposals submitted under internal and external competitions (listed below). Project proposals submitted within European calls(FP 7 program): 1. „Advanced Composite Materials for Aerodynamic Compressors-ADCOMAC”, Call: ERC-2012StG_20111012, proposal submition no. FP7-306353 2. Industrialisation of an Ecolonomic out of Autoclave polymerization for LRI demonstratorINECAPOD, Call: CleanSky (SP1-JTI-CS-2011-02-JTI-CS-2011-2-ECO-01-030 )proposal submition no. 298151 3. Composite Axle Beam Suspension-CABS, Call: MANUNET 2011, proposal submition no. 1265 C125 team involvement in proposals submitted within internal competitions (Collaborative Research Projects Application - Call 2011 Partnerships Program): 1. Advanced Materials and Innovative design Development for regional Aircraft propulsion SystemAMIDAS, Project director: Dr.Ing. Raluca Voicu, Coordinator: INCDT COMOTI, No. Partners: 4 (Partner 1: Avioane Craiova S.A., Partner 2: INCAS, Partner 3: STRAERO) 2. Low Energy Out of Autoclave TechNology for Aircraft –LEONAR, project director: Prof. Dr.Eng.Ion Fuiorea, Coordinatorr: STRAERO, No. Partners: 4 (Partner 1: COMOTI, Partner 2: MNA, Partner 3: Smart Mechanics) The strategic directions and the objectives of the scientific research in C125 laboratory, on short and medium term targets to develop new composite materials with special properties for both aeronautics applications (integration of these materials in hot areas of the aircraft - turbine - to increase performance) but also for environmental applications (including sound), energy (wind turbines), and space vehicles. Prepared Head of C125 laboratory Dr.eng. Raluca VOICU (By the structure of the research unit by research teams – E13) Department C126 self-evaluation report (by administrative structure diagram of the institution) 1. Introduction The field of activity of C126 department is design, CFD calculations, realization and experimentation in the gas-dynamics field, combustion chambers and related fields (energy, heat transfer, specific technologies). C126 department mainly collaborates with department C127 Iasi, which has its headquarters in Iasi and has similar and complementary concerns. The department exists from the establishment of the institute and since then it mainly has the same preoccupations. The department staff has evaluated, from a maximum of 30 persons to 7 persons in present. Developed as instruction, the self-evaluation report will refer to the last 4 years of activity, although there are notable projects realized before 2007 (for example cogeneration station 2X 2MWe+2X7 MWt; combustion chamber and injection/fuel system for a 100daN micro- gas turbine; combustion chamber GTC 1000(900KW); combustion chamber AI20GM (2,2 MW); combustion chamber and injection/fuel system Viper gas turbine (1,8 MW); technology, process and micro-production of heat resistant glazing for the aviation industry (Romania, Russia and Egypt). 2. Achievements from 2007 up to the present In this chapter are presented briefly, in chronological order, finalized projects, projects in the process of being finalized and projects in an advance stage of realization, from 2007 onwards. For each project is specified the leader. 2.1. UBICENT “Researches upon the utilization of biomass in cogeneration stations” CEEX Dr. Ing. Cristian CARLANESCU (finalized in 2008); 2.2. MENTEH “Performances improvement of industrial turbo-engines by developing new engineering concepts and using advanced maintenance technologies” CEEX Dr. Ing. Cristian CARLANESCU (finalized in 2008, coordinated by C126 with 80% collaboration with montage department; 2.3. TURBOCOMB “Modernization and development of the technical facilities used in gas turbines combustion processes research” Dr. Ing. Cristian CARLANESCU (finalized in 2009). 2.4. GAPP “Aerosol generator for plants protection against diseases and pests designed and built based on technologies used in aerospace industry” PNII Dr. Ing. Cristian CARLANESCU (finalized in 2010, coordinated by C126 with 60% activity in C127 Iasi). 2.5. LEMLES “Development, implementation and experimental validation of an original functional combustion chamber model of a numerical algorithm for complex reactive turbulent flows simulation” PNII Dr. Ing. Ionut PORUMBEL (finalized in 2010). 2.6. POSTCOMB “Researches concerning CFD soft development and a functional afterburner system model realization, with results validation” PNII Dr. Ing. Cristian CARLANESCU (finalized in 2010). COGENEX “Research concerning increasing cogeneration groups reliability and production costs reduction by increasing the automation level and aligning with the European Community norms” Dr. Ing. Cristian 2.7. CARLANESCU (finalized in 2009, coordinated by C126 with 80% activity in the automation department). 2.8. TEENI “Turboshaft Engine Exhaust Noise Identification” FP7-AAT-2007– 212367– Experiments and parts design and manufacturing - Dr. Ing. Ionut PORUMBEL, Full scale combustion chamber testsDr. Ing.Cristian CARLANESCU (TURBOMECA and DLR)- (“Full scale combustion chamber tests” finalized in 2010) (design finalized, execution in progress). 2.9. CA MTI 1500 “MTI 1500 turbo engine combustion chamber” PNucleu Dr. Ing. Cristian CARLANESCU (finalized in 2011). 2.10. COST CM0901”Detailed chemical kinetic models for cleaner combustion” Management Comity member Dr. Ing. Cristian CARLANESCU, WG4 member Dr. Ing. Ionut PORUMBEL, “Improvement of the methods for mechanism reduction and uncertainty analysis”. Prof. A. Tomlin – University of Leeds (in progress since 2010). 2.11. ESPOSA “Efficient Systems and Propulsion for Small Aircraft” FP7-AAT-2011 – 284859 Dr. Ing. Ionut PORUMBEL, Dr. Ing. Cristian CARLANESCU, JETIS (Jet Induced Swirl) combustion chamber tests. (in progress since 2011) 2.12. HEXENOR (Cleansky) “Development of Helicopter Exhaust Engine Noise Reduction technologies” Dr. Ing. Ionut PORUMBEL. (contract signing in progress) 2.13. FP7 “Increasing the computational efficiency of numerical algorithms for premixed reactive flow simulations through the use of Artificial Neural Networks for the estimation of the chemical source terms” FP7 – 306524 Dr. Ing. Ionut PORUMBEL (project evaluation in progress) 2.14. Partnership “Neuronal networks for chemical reaction rate calculation in CFD numerical simulations” Dr. Ing. Ionut PORUMBEL (project submit in progress). 2.15. Partnership “Research on developing an experimental model of a competitive micro gas turbine for ultra light aircrafts and unmanned air vehicles produced in Romania” Dr. Ing. Cristian CARLANESCU (project submit in progress). 2.16. TRI-GENERATION SYSTEM with Thermal Energy Storage , geothermal heat pumps and high efficient cogeneration micro -turbine (combined heat and power) for central heating and cooling in Bucharest (project submit in progress). 3. Research directions By reference to year 2007, the C126 department collective wants to maintain and to further study the actual activity domain and to approach new subjects – that are of interest in present - in this research field or in related domains. In the same time it is desired the modernization and the increase of the existing facilities through acquisition of new equipment of the latest generation. Further on are presented the most relevant subjects approached by the department and the projects in which they were implemented or are going to be implemented: • Approach the renewable energies domain in 2.1 • Thorough study concerning combustion kinematics in 2.10 • Modern approach and thorough study concerning CFD simulations and numerical calculus, using the most recent developments in the numerical calculus methodology by combining the “Large Eddy Simulation” – LES method with the combustion model “Linear Eddy Mixing” – LEM, developing and validating our own soft in 2.5 and 2.6. • Neuronal networks used for the chemical reaction rate calculation in CFD numerical simulations in 2.13 and 2.14. • Further development of the basic and related research domains of the department by common projects with other departments in the institute (specific technologies and turboengine assembly in 2.2; optimization and modern automation and control systems implementation in 2.7. • Approaching specific problems of agriculture by implementing knowledge specific to the turbo-engines domain in 2.4. • Approaching specific problems of geothermal heat pumps and cogeneration 2.16. • Approaching and implementing laserometry , as a ultramodern research method using PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) and LIF (Laser Induced Fluorescence) systems, laser pyrometry, accurate flow measurement systems with ultrasounds 2.3. 4. Interdisciplinary and initiatives Interdisciplinary reside from the department specific research domain. The study of the combustion chamber involves knowledge of aero and thermo gas-dynamics, chemistry, CFD calculus, thermodynamics, acoustics. The related research domains approached by the department involve knowledge of biomass, cogeneration etc. Except the collaboration with other departments in the institute presented in the chapters above, C126 also has or had collaborations with universities from Romania (Bucuresti (2.1, 2.2, 2.5, 2.7, 2.8), Iasi (2.2, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8), Timisoara (2.7, 2.8), Cluj (2.1) as well as with institutes and universities in Europe ( Ecole Polytechnique F de Laussane, Trinity College of Dublin, Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft–und Raumfahrt–DLR, TURBOMECA France, l’Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales–ONERA (2.8, 2.12), Institut fuer Physikalische Chemie Universitaet Karlsruhe,University of Leeds, Paul ScherrerInstitut, Laboratoire Reaction et genie des procede – NANCY (2.10), CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF AVIATION MOTORS CIAM Moscwa, CENTRO ITALIANO RICERCHE AEROSPAZIALI SCPA, POLITECHNIKA WARSZAWSKA, TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY KOSICE, so on (2.11). The department members’ initiatives concern the development of the combustion chamber research field by promoting new research programs proposals, described above, as well as by participating at national and international scientific events (AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, AIAA-2003-5083, 39th AIAA / ASME / SAE / ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, International Symposium on Combustion. Heidelberg, Applied Computing Conference, Timişoara, International Conference on Experiments/Process/System Modeling/Simulation & Optimization dIC-EpsMsO Athens, Aeroengine of XXI CENTURY Moscwa, so on, which are presented in the staff’s CVs attached to this report. 5. The Evolution of the human resources The C126 department collective desires to develop and to further study the combustion chamber research field by stimulation its members to participate at training courses, competitions and specialization courses, and to employing young researchers willing to work in this field. The department’s current structure and personal evolution over the past 4 years: 1. Dr. Ing. CristianCarlanescu – CS1– department leader 2. Dr.Ing. Radu Polizu – CS2 part time 4 hours since 2011 3. Dr. Ing. IonutPorumbel- CS3– employed in 2007 as CS from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, currently CS3by competition 4. Ing. Cornel Sandu –currently CS3 by competition in 2009 5. Ing. Florin Florean -CS3– employed in 2009 as engineer, currently CS3 by competition in 2011, PhD in progress sice 2009, specialization courses at Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland for 3 weeks 6. Ing. Andreea Cristina Petcu – employed in 2010 as engineer, currently CS by competition in 2011 7. Elena Deaconu – principal technical designer (By the structure of the research unit by research teams – E14) Department C127 self-evaluation report (Headquarters U.T. „Gh. Asachi” Iasi) (by administrative structure diagram of the institution) 1. Introduction The field of activity of C126 department is designing, manufacturing and testing in the gas-dynamics field, combustion chambers, fuel supply systems and related fields (energy, heat transfer, specific technologies). C127 department mainly collaborates with department C126 Bucuresti, to which it is subordinated and has similar and complementary concerns. The department exists from the establishment of the institute (under various names), embedded or as a separate entity, but always subordinate to department C126 Bucuresti, and since then it mainly has the same preoccupations. The department staff has evaluated, from a maximum of 11 persons to 5 persons in present: 3 persons with full time working regime and 2 with part-time working regime. Developed as directed, the self-evaluation report will refer to the last 4 years of activity, although there are notable projects realized before 2007 (for example cogeneration station 2X 2MWe+2X7 MWt; combustion chamber and injection/fuel system for a 100daN micro-engine; combustion chamber GTC 1000(900KW); combustion chamber AI20GM (2,2 MW); combustion chamber and injection/fuel system Viper (1,8 MW)). 2. Achievements from 2007 up to the present In this chapter are presented briefly, in chronological order, finalized projects, projects in the process of being finalized and projects in an advance stage of realization, from 2007 onwards. 2.1. PULSOCAM - Program CEEX, ctr. 281/2006 – “New types of multi-fuel combustion chambers operating in pulse mode”, project manager - dr.ing. Constantin Eusebiu Hritcu, finalized in 2009. 2.2. UBICENT - Program CEEX, ctr. 272/2006 – “Research on the use of biomass in cogeneration stations equipped with Gas Turbines”, part of the research team involved in the project, finalized in 2009. 2.3. PULSOPROTECT - Program PN II, ctr. 51043/2007 – “Fog generating installation for plant protection against unfavorable environmental factors, using pulse combustion chambers”, project manager dr.ing. Constantin Eusebiu Hritcu, finalized in 2010. 2.4.GAPP - Program PN II, ctr. 51-063/2007 – “Aerosol generator for plants protection against diseases and pests designed and built based on technologies used in aerospace industry”, project responsible - dr.ing. Constantin Eusebiu Hritcu, finalized in 2010. 2.5.LEMLES - Program PN II, ctr. 81-024/2007 – “Development, implementation and experimental validation of an original functional combustion chamber model of a numerical algorithm for complex reactive turbulent flows simulation”, part of the research team involved in the project, finalized in 2010. 2.6. POSTCOMB - Program PN II, ctr. 21-002/2007 – “Researches concerning CFD soft development and a functional afterburner system model realization, with results validation”, part of the research team involved in the project, finalized in 2010. 2.7. GRAZIR - Program PN II, ctr. 72-179/2007 – “Materials with composition gradient based on micro and nanostructured zirconia for heat resistant structures with applications in energy and aerospace industry”, part of the research team involved in the project, finalized in 2010. 2.8. TURBOCOMB - Program PN II – Capacitati, ctr. 63C/2007 – “Modernization and development of the technical facilities used in turbo-engines’ combustion processes research”, part of the research team involved in the project, finalized in 2009. 2.9.TEENI - Program european FP 7, ctr. 212367/2007 - FP7AAT-2007–212367 -”Turboshaft Engine Exhaust Noise Identification”, experimental facilities design responsible dr.ing. Constantin Eusebiu Hritcu. 2.10. COST Action 0901, "Detailed molecular kinetics models for clean combustion", project responsible - dr.ing. Constantin Eusebiu Hritcu as member of WG5 "Experimental and theoretical determination of thermochemical parameters and rate coefficients for elementary steps crucial for successful simulation, but for which important uncertainties remain", in progress since 2010. 2.11. ESPOSA – FP7-AAT-2011 – 284859 - “Efficient Systems and Propulsion for Small Aircraft”, part of the research team involved in the project, in progress since 2011. 2.12. GT4 – Ctr. 67735 – 2011 Ingersoll-Rand Equipment Manufacturing Czech Republic – “GT4 duct system analysis”, project responsible - dr.ing. Constantin Eusebiu Hritcu, in progress since 2011. 2.13. HEXENOR (CLEANSKY) – “Development of Helicopter Exhaust Engine Noise Reduction technologies”, part of the research team involved in the project, contract signing in progress. 2.14. CONDPULSE - FP7 – 307966 – “Condensing Boiler with Valveless Pulse Combustion Chamber”, project manager - dr.ing. Constantin Eusebiu Hritcu, project evaluation in progress. 2.15. ICEANN - FP7 – 306524 - “Increasing the computational efficiency of numerical algorithms for premixed reactive flow simulations through the use of Artificial Neural Networks for the estimation of the chemical source terms”, part of the research team involved in the project, project evaluation in progress. 3. Research directions By reference to year 2007, the C127 department collective wants to maintain and to further study the actual activity domain and to approach new subjects – that are of interest in present - in this research field or in related domains. In the same time it is desired the modernization and the increase of the existing facilities through acquisition of new equipment of the latest generation. In the research activities were approached the following areas of high interest: ‐ Gas Turbines ‐ Cogeneration stations ‐ Hot water boilers ‐ Renewable energy sources ‐ Combustion systems The most important issues approached in research projects have been the development of mono or multi-fuel combustion systems (which operate with different fuels - liquid and gaseous) based on pulsating combustion: design models / variants with different geometric configurations; the study of experimental combustion, combustion gases flow and heat transfer; development of computing and numerical simulation procedures for these processes; determining the thrust. Also there have been carried out researches on the possibility of designing and realizing installations with pulsating combustion chambers with application in: agriculture (fog generator, aerosols generator), energy (hot water boilers, steam generators), building materials (spray-drying systems, hot gas generators), metallurgy (furnaces for heat treatment) and aerospace (propulsion systems). 4. Interdisciplinarity and initiatives Interdisciplinarity reside from the department specific research domain. The study of the combustion chamber and fuel supply systems involves knowledge of aero and thermo gasdynamics, chemistry, CFD calculus, thermodynamics, acoustics. The related research domains approached by the department involve knowledge of biomass, cogeneration etc. Except the collaboration with other departments in the institute presented in the chapters above, C127 also has or had collaborations with universities, research institutes and commercial companies from our research area from Romania and Europe:„Gh. Asachi” Tehnical University of Iasi, „Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Politehnica University of Bucharest, ”A.I. Cuza” University of Iasi, „Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Agronomic University of Iasi, S.C. AEROSTAR Bacau, Ecole Polytechnique F de Lausanne, Trinity College of Dublin, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft – und Raumfahrt – DLR, TURBOMECA, l’Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales – ONERA, Institut fuer Physikalische Chemie Universitaet Karlsruhe, University of Leeds, Paul Scherrer Institut, Ingersoll-Rand Equipment Manufacturing Czech Republic, Laboratoire Reaction et genie des procede- NANCY, Aragon Institute of Engineering Research University of Zaragoza, Institute of Applied Physics Chisinau. The department members’ initiatives concern the development of the combustion chamber and fuel supply systems research field by promoting new research programs proposals, described above, as well as by participating at national and international scientific events, which are presented in the staff’s CVs attached to this report. 5. The Evolution of the human resources The C127 department collective desires to develop and to further study the combustion chamber and fuel supply systems research field by stimulation its members to participate at training courses, competitions and specialization courses, and to employing young researchers willing to work in this field. The department’s current structure and personal evolution over the past 4 years: 1. dr. eng. Constantin Eusebiu Hritcu – department leader – CS II (since 2010, by competition). 2. eng. Ioan Tardea – IT I 3. eng. Pavel Doru Vasiliu – CS III 4. dr. eng. Gabriel Ursescu – CS III (civil contract, part-time working regime) since 2008. 5. dr. eng. Dan Teodor Balanescu – CS III (civil contract, part-time working regime) since 2010. (By the structure of the research unit by research teams – E15) Self-assessment report 201Group – Technological Research and CN Program (by administrative structure diagram of the institution) Executive Director Eng. Mihai GRIGORESCU; e-mail: mihai.grigorescu@comoti.ro Chief of group: Eng. Daniel DATCU; E-mail: daniel.datcu@comoti.ro 1. Introduction In the D200 Department "Technological research" and C201 "Research Technology and Programming CN", team operates, which in 2007-2011 carried out both economic agreements and research contracts, including issues in the area of activity of the institute. The C201 group conducts 3D simulation activities assembly marks and units, technological design and generation of processing programs for numerically controlled machine tools (in Unigraphics, Solid Edge 3D programs). At this point, research is ongoing to implement high-speed cutting regimes for parts with complex geometries, thin-walled and made of hard wood chips. Research results materialize in assembly marks executed on machine tools with numerical control cuttingedge, allowing high speed cutting conditions processing (speed the milling head shaft to 18.000rot/min), cooling inside the tool, linear motors drives and magnetic levitation. DAH LIH Vertical Milling Center SC CNC vertical lathe Vertical processing center with simultaneous interpolation in 3+2 axis DMU 70 DOOSAN DB 130 CX ream and milling center Vertical processing center with 5 axis simultaneous interpolation DMU 70 eVO linear C201 team participated in European research programs: SILENCER, VITAL, OPEN AIR, teen had executed the parts and assembly complex, unique in aero components, which were to be mounted on stands of various research partners as Snecma - France, Turbomeca - France, Central Institute of Aviation Motors in Moscow, Russian Federation, DLR - Germany. 2. Research projects carried out in 2007-2011 international Projects 2.1. SILANCER "Reducing noise pollution from aircraft to significantly reduce impact on human communities" - the European Project funded under PC-VGrowth (completed in 2008) - Technology research and execution. Complex parts from the rotor and stator area of turbo were researched and executed in the project (including one-piece rotor). To achieve the alloy rotor of TiA6V titanium, alloy was processed until the beginning of this project only in a single unit in Romania, research on steel and titanium demonstrators have been done that were checked material behavior , the cutting tools, cutting, machine tools, coolant, etc.. 2.2. VITAL"Developing new technologies to reduce noise, weight and CO2 emissions from aircraft engines" (completed in 2010) - Technology research and execution. If this project were researched advanced materials designed for vital parts of turbo engines and their influence on noise produced by them. The performance, configuration of parts vital, used materials and the level of noise were studied , looking for optimal solutions for both the configuration of parts and materials necessary to achieve the required parameters. 2.3. ABRANEW "New abradable materials to improve energy efficiency of gas turbines" (completed in 2008) - Technology research and execution. The project aimed at increasing the efficiency of gas turbines of industrial turbo engines, with turbine entry temperatures above 1000oC, by reducing the clearance between rotor blade and housing, using abradable deposits. Special materials with special characteristics working at high temperatures have been studied and defined. 2.4.TEENI "Developing new technologies to reduce exhaust noise of helicopter engines ” FP7-AAT-2007– 212367 – Dr. Eng. Ionut PORUMBEL Special materials research - high alloyed and refractory - on vital parts of turbo engines from warm areas. Processing parts with complex configuration necessary to test stand. Technological research and execution. National projects 2.5. CCTIST “Reesearch center – development of innovative technologies to achieve three-dimensional profile structures in the aeronautical field” – Eng. Ion CIOCAN (completed in 2009) The overall objective of the project is to develop research infrastructure, allowing the development of new or remodeled products, with a performance and reliability as high as possible, at international level, within national and international collaborations. The specific objective was to create a research and development center to allow technological development of projects from the aeronautical field related to prototypes of air compressor engine airplane that COMOTI turbo motors Institute produces in collaboration on international projects. Acquisition of CNC milling machines Acquisition of air compression systems Acquisition of lifting systems 2.6. IQMD „CAD-CAM-CAE integrated system for complex shaped parts of the structure of turbo engines” CS III Eng. Carmen LUCA (completed in 12.2010) – Patent Application, Registration no. OSIM A/01151/22.11.2010 IQMD is an integrated management system of design processes, manufacturing and control, based on a specific programming module of production processes that use mathematical models optimized in the kinematics and dynamics relation to machine tools. It is a database that provides access to internal network Integration of IQMD system in top and the Internet for many types of data sources and containing managementul of the institute data or data objects such as tables, views, database diagrams, stored procedures or user-defined functions . 2.7. "The transition from student status to the employee by linking practical learning in machine Ctr. building technology" - as a supplier partner in practice, (May-June 2011, POSDRU/90/2.1/S/60333)Drd.Eng.Tabita-Dana IUGA 2.8. "The support structure for a set of gamma detection"CS III - Eng. Daniel DATCU (started in 11.2011). 3. Human resources development 4. Mihai GRIGORESCU - IDT I - Head of Department DanielDATCU - CSIII - Head of Group CarmenLUCA - CSIII - member Ion CIOCAN - IDT II - member Emil DORNEANU - IDT II - member Sava LUPU - PNCD - member Tabita Dana IUGA - Drd.Eng. - member The group is involved in: - Experimental research with beneficiaries in the country: IFIN HH, ICPE, beneficiaries of COMOTI other research groups, the contribution is the development of functional models - Design and realization of devices and forming tools (molds) for modernization of production of producers of drugs: BIOFARM, ROMFARM. - Collaboration with industrial partners in the execution of aviation parts, aviation - combustors for aircraft engines - for the UNISON Engine Components Company – Bucharest - Theoretical and practical training of students from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest Investing in people has proven in most cases, to be the safest way to guarantee the survival of an organization, or to ensure competitiveness and its future. Considering this fact, some members followed, in April-May 2009, the SolidEdge 3D course, within the ADA Computers Company. Also in this period, drd.eng. Tabitha-graduated Yuga Dana Engineering masters program and Project Management Complex and its course of specialization as a Trainer. (By the structure of the research unit by research teams – E16) SELF-ASSESSMENT REPORT 2011 S202 - Service CASTED AND FORGED SEMI-FINSHED TECHNOLOGIES, SUPPLY, TRANSPORTATION, PARTNERSHIPS (by administrative structure diagram of the institution) Head of Department: Engineer Gheorghe VERDES; E-mail: doru.verdes@comoti.ro 1. Introduction The team which manages the technological researches specific to the metallurgical industry was organized similarly to all the research and design departments of INCDT Comoti. The team handles research and design in order to establish casting technologies, forging and heat treatment implied by the new constructive solutions of the reference products designed by the institute or of those incorporated in the various research programs, usually requested by the research and design department concerned. The focus of the technological research specific to metallurgy is finding modern technologies to provide additional quality to the products to be realized, but as well to achieve economic efficiency. Also, the research and design activity for the assimilation or putting up the original way of high technology methods to enable design-research departments to choose modern, reliable and competitive constructive solutions when producing new products, that are subject of research programs of the National Institute for Research and Development Turbomotoare. 2. Technological research projects run between 2007-2011 In the department the activity is oriented towards those technologies that condition the realization of new products, technologies through which are realized new constructive solutions that will give to the new product superior technical parameters. Here are closely known the applied technologies in the field and provide technical assistance to the research and projecting workshops in order to achieve technological constructive solutions, safe way to obtain a low manufacturing cost. The team develops the technologies and designs the SDVs to execute the research objects made by the Institute or in collaboration with specialized units. The National Institute for Research and Development Turbomotoare Comoti holds the license from GHH-RAND-Germany company, part of American group Ingersoll Rand, for the production screw compressors, for natural gas and air, CU64G/D, CU90G and CU128G, activity at which the department conducted the assimilation of casted semi-finished in Romania foundries and also the use of other materials than those mentioned by the license in order to improve mechanical characteristics, thus leading to the possibility of using the same range of compressors for higher pressures and fluid flows. Another activity of the compartment was materialized in a research contract in which the National Research and Development Institute Turbomotoare Comoti was a partner in the contract SENT 233/2006 (07.2006-12.2008): Integrated technology for obtaining unconventional energytechnological sources used as raw materials in developing steel – project responsible engineer Gheorghe VERDES. Another program in which the compartment was involved in was the development of the air centrifugal compressor CCAE 9-125, delivered to LINDE GAS, one of the best known companies in the world in the industrial air supply. This compressor, of high complexity, required a laborious activity in terms of designing the technologies to obtain casted and forged semi-finished and achieving the necessary SDVs. Semifinished casted casing 3. Semifinished casted parts in processing Research directions In the compartment's future activity we will focus on the researches made in order to obtain alloys which should develop high tensile strength coupled with high elasticity modules in terms of low densities. It envisages a program of experimental researches on a system of aluminum alloys, alloyed with titanium, lithium and copper. (By the structure of the research unit by research teams – E17) Self Assessment Raport Department D 300 – Montaj service (by administrative structure diagram of the institution) Ing. Sef Liviu ADAM Contact: tel: 0723157730 e-mail : liviu.adam@comoti.ro 1. Introduction In the D 300 Assembling and Service Department for Gas Turbines and Compressors there are 3 collectives: - The research and development installation and repair technology for Gas Turbines and Compressors; - Executions installation and repair engines and turbo compressors; - Service and Diagnosis for Gas Turbines and Compressors. Field of activity of the research and development team assembly, repair technologies for Gas Turbines and Compressors is to develop specific technology installation, mounting and repair, design and SDV special devices necessary for disassemble In the collective of service and diagnosis of Turbines and Compressors is made to collect operating data for Gas Turbines and Compressors on the field (in situ). Databases are developed and performs diagnostics (determining the defects, potential malfunctions and correction mode) The Department collaborates both with design teams, development teams and with automation, metrology, testing laboratories and physicochemical, acoustics and vibration, making technologies teams and micro scale production. 2. Contract Achievements from 2007 to present In the D 300 department in the last 4 years have been carried out both research contracts with funds from the state budget through national programs such CEEX and partnership and research contracts with direct beneficiaries. From 2007 to 2011, within the Department there were carried out projects financed by the state budget, research program like CEEX - 2 projects and PARTNERSHIPS 2007 - 2 projects in which COMOTI was coordinated. Are briefly listed the activities completed or being in advanced stage of completion or commencement of the course, in chronological order from 2007 to date, specifying the project manager of the team. 2.1. "New technologies, performance, chemical treatment and centrifugal separation in integrated components to prevent soil and water infestation with waste from the oil industry"- Acronym CLEANTEH Contract 139 CEEX 2006 (18.09.2006-20.09.2008) (D 300 team involved 75%) Project Manager Eng. Cristian CARLANESCU Scientific Responsible Eng. Liviu ADAM 2.2 "Improvement of industrial turbo engines, by development of new engineering concepts and integration of advanced technologies in the field of maintenance" - Acronym MENTEH Contract No 254 CEEX 2006 (18.09.2006-20.09.2008) (D 300 team involved 80%) Project Manager Eng. Cristian CARLANESCU Scientific Responsible Eng. Mariana STEFANESCU 2.3 „"Increasing energy efficiency of turbo engines in cogeneration cycle by special heat-resistant coatings and cooling skin" - Contract No. 21-026 TURBOGE - Acronym TE PARTNERS 2007 (18.09.2007-20.11.2010) (D 300 team involved 85%) Project Manager Eng. Georgeta CARLANESCU Scientific Responsible Eng. Mariana STEFANESCU 2.4 “Increase energy efficiency for screw compression groups by use to drive a heat engine with electronic control and use of natural gas as fuel "- Acronym MASCs contract PARTNERS TE 21-071 2007 (18.09.2007-30.11.2010) (D 300 team involved 100%) Project manager. Eng Liviu ADAM Scientific Responsible Eng. Pavek MASILIEV 2.5 Making contracts with direct beneficiary of specific technologies necessary to achieve compression groups with screw compressor 2.6 Contracts for maintenance and diagnosis at CCAE type air compressors designed and made by COMOTI Institute and compression facilities screw compressors designed and made by COMOTI Institute Project manager. Eng Liviu ADAM 3. Dynamics Research objectives and directions In relation to 2007, the research team within D 300 has proposed to preserve and deepen the field of activity and approach of new topics in the field or related fields while developing and dealing with topical issues and give knowledge and development and modernization of specific materials research base through the acquisition of equipment and last generation equipments for diagnosis and functional measurements in plant running. Following these are the most relevant indicating that programs in witch have been implemented or are being implemented. - Addressing environmental issues and solving some of the problems related to storage of waste oil (sludge) using centrifugal separation - Develop strategies and philosophies of modern maintenance - Approach and implementation of modern techniques of diagnosis by additional measurements (vibration, oil analysis, etc.) - Dynamic balancing rotors weighing up to 2000 kg. 4. Interdisciplinarity and initiatives Interdisciplinarity lies in the scope of the department, the basic installation and service involving both solid knowledge about the construction and operation of the phenomenological and turbo engines of various types of compressors (centrifugal or screw), etc. Besides working with teams from the institute, shown above, in activities and achievements presented, D 300 has or has had close cooperation with the Polytechnic University of Bucharest and other research institutes in Romania. The initiatives of the D300 members are in development sector, by promoting new proposals for research programs, and through participation in various national and international scientific meetings. 5. Human resources Evolution Ansambling and Service Department - includes both engineers, technical staff and skilled workers: Eng. Liviu ADAM IDT I - Chief Engineer Eng. Mariana STEFANESCU - CS III Eng. Paul MASILIEV - IDT II - retired in 2011 Eng. Marian VISAN IDT II Eng. Emilian TOMA - CS Eng. Gabriel LEURZEANU (hired in 2009) Eng. Gheorghe ILIE (hired in 2010) Eng. Ovidiu HUMA (hired in 2011) Teh.pr. Mihaela CRACIUN Ms.pr. Ion BLAJ 13 workers specialists that participate in assembly and service work. 2.4. Activity report by team One of Representative project of COMOTI Project full title: Start date of contract: Finish date of contract: Overall buget: EnVIronmenTALly Friendly Aero Engine 1st January 2005 December 2010 90 486 049 Euro COMOTI buget 1 500 000 Euro 1. General description VITAL Project was an european project promoted by the European Commision and coordinated by SNECMA Group SAFRAN – France. It was devided in 7 sections with specific work packages. It continued along the same lines and complements 2 EU projects funded under FP5, EEFAE and SILENCE(R) and performed a complete cycle of conception, development, execution, test and conclusion of an important task in avation activity. 2. Participants 55 partners were included in project covering the most european countries. I.N.C.D.T. – COMOTI was member of WP 2.4 side by side four partners: • • • • Snecma Moteurs – France (the project coordinator); Central Institute of Aviation Motors, CIAM – Russia; Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft und Raumfahrt, DLR – Germany; Stichting Nationaal Luch – Enruimtevaartlabora – Torium, NLR – Holand; 3. Objective According to Kyoto Protocol in 2005, requiring developed countries to reduce their CO2 emissions and prioritise the environment, VITAL is looking into significant reduction of noise, fuel use and polluting emissions from aircraft. The main objective of VITAL is to develop and validate engine technologies that will provide a: • 6 dB noise reduction per aircraft operation and equivalent to a cumulative margin of 15-18 EPNdB; • 7% reduction in CO2 emissions with respect to engines in service prior to 2000. VITAL will integrate the benefits and the results of on-going research projects with respect to weight reduction (EEFAE) and noise reduction (SILENCE(R)) technologies, assess at a whole engine level their benefits and combine their outcomes with those of VITAL: • 8 dB Noise reduction per aircraft operation (cumulative ~24 EPNdB on the 3 certification points); • 18 % reduction in CO2 emissions. WP 2.4 was dedicated to evaluate of performances and economic efficiency of the solution ‘counterrotating fan’. The perspective is to use this solution to the next generation of aeroengines in service beyond 2020. 4. Activities For a comprehensive assess of counterrotating solution, WP 2.4 completed four test campaigns, in CIAM C3A anechoic chamber test bench. One of them was for reference data. The main design logic followed in VITAL was based on concept optimisation mixed with experimental validation. Following a 1st CRTF design named CRTF1, Snecma and VITAL partners carried out parametric studies to explore different zones of interest in the conception space (blade count, loading split between rear and front rotors, 3D shapes). The objectives were again to maximise cruise efficiency and to improve noise emissions over the 3 certification points. Cycle of conception in VITAL project. Four test machines were developed: a) CRTF 1 The basic version of counter-rotating fan was design by SNECMA – Moteurs and included four test configurations (see below). Was developed with the maximal spacing between rotors. To satisfy this condition, the first rotor (rotor 1) of the fan is fitted on the inner shaft console using a special extended journal connected with a disk flange located on the back side of the disc. Rotor 2 of the fan is fixed to the outer shaft and connected with a booster made of titanium alloy as a blisk. Rotor 2 is equipped with a Hock of telemetry. CRTF1 - Stator Assembly (made in I.N.C.D.T. -COMOTI). Aero configuration. Hot wire configuration - no treatment. Acoustic configuration – no treatment. Acoustic configuration with treatment. COMOTI was in charged of design and manufacture proces for statoric parts for test machine and adaptation parts for rig. CRTF 1 Parts b) SRF (Single Rotating Fan) • • The conventional fan designated to provide reference performances; SNECMA was in charge of the overall activity as WP leader, and provided specifications, detailed drawings, 3D model of existing reference FAN ( developed on national program MAESTRO); CIAM performed the Fan Aero evaluation and Aero Integration studies. 3D Assembly model. • Rig assembly. COMOTI manufactured the rotor and stator parts for test machine as well as the stator adaptation parts for rig. Three type of materials ( titanium alloy, steel and aluminium alloy ) and CNC milling machines were used. The most significant parts are shown below. SRF test machine. SRF blisk. (made in COMOTI ) SRF OGV. SRF IGV Rig booster SRF Strut. SRF Suport frame. (made in COMOTI) • • COMOTI design team performed the Fan blisk mechanical pure scale down of cold blade geometry from 800 mm DIA to 22 inches DIA and 3D solid models for all parts of fan module including struts and pylons. Mechanical team has completed fan module parts mechanical analysis- static, nonlinear analysis for fan, OGV and IGV blades, dynamic analysis (Campbell diagram) for fan, OGV, IGV blades and cases, tip clearance computation for fan blade. Stress and vibration analysis for bladed parts and casings was performed in COMOTI. COMOTI performed CFD aero evaluation for SRF Fan Module as a standard procedure for bladed machines. Blade to blade Mach number contour. Shear stress. The performance evaluation has been done in complete configuration including IGV2, struts and pilons. c) Counterrotating fan CRTF 2a: It is an improved CRTF 1 version designed and manufactured by CIAM; prepared for high efficiency. As a result of this parametric study phase, CRTF2a design (22” diameter) consisted in CRTF1 blade aero-acoustic optimization using the CIAM 3D-inverse optimization method [5] and matching new constraints relative to blade thickness. COMOTI was involved in this task ONLY with static equivalent stress analyze in parallel with CIAM. CRTF2a assembly. Static equivalent stress contours of 1st fan blade. d) Counterrotating fan CRTF 2b: It is an improved CRTF 1 version designed and manufactured by DLR; design for high efficiency and composite blade technology ( ticker blade ). Optimized geometry of blade through more than 3000 iterations. Four adaptation casings were designed and manufactured by COMOTI in this task. CRTF 2b Parts e) Test bench All test campaigns took place on C3A test bench – Touraevo Moskow. Aerodynamic and acoustic measurements has been performed for classical and counter-rotationg fans. Test campaign included the effort of all partners. Four basic operating modes were considered: • Fan Aero Design Point, Cruise (14444rpm, 100%); • Sideline (14602rpm, 101.1%); • Cutback (12508rpm, 86.6%); • Approach (7843rpm, 54.3%). A COMOTI team was parts in experiments teams, involved in collect experimental data and final analyses of experimental conclusions.