Foment de Terrassa SA
Foment de Terrassa SA
Area of Innovation and Strategic and Economic Development Terrassa Texmedin Montserrat Borràs Foment de Terrassa SA (Municipal Agency for Economic and Social Promotion) Prato, April 7, 2009 J 1 Area of Innovation and Strategic and Economic Development Industrial crowns of Barcelona 3 rd CRO W N 2 nd CRO W N 1 st CRO W N 2 Area of Innovation and Strategic and Economic Development HISTORY HISTORIA INDUSTRY INDUSTRIA(XIX-XX) (XIX-XX) MODERNISM MODERNISMO UNIVERSITY UNIVERSIDAD Masia Freixa Castell Cartoixa de Vallparadis (s. XII) Almacén Joaquim Alegre Chimenea Bóbila Almirall Salón de la Casa Alegre de Sagrera Iglesias de Sant Pere (s. V-XII) 3 Torre del Palau Inscripción Romana Vapor Aymerich, Aymerich, Amat i Jover Cuadra de la fábrica Izard Escuela Industrial Area of Innovation and Strategic and Economic Development Industrial inheritance and technologic culture From the Industrial Revolution to Intelligent urbanism: Inheritance from: Productive activity, industrial architecture, institutions, associationism, university education, knowledge culture and creativity, ... Innovation in: Economic diversification and processes, new urban net, I&KT, globalisation… There’s a clear conductor line for innovation, even also more than this... 4 Area of Innovation and Strategic and Economic Development A place to enjoy living and working 5 Area of Innovation and Strategic and Economic Development MAIN FACTS Terrassa (the (the municipality) municipality) Population: 207663 (∆ ∆%1.19) Density: 2962.38 inhab/km2 Activity rates Active population rate: 77.8% Commerce Unemployement rate (reg.): 15.2% Services for business Business & Employment 2008: Companies: 6686 Employees: 62451 Self-employees: 14035 Health Services Metal Industry (mainly electronics) Construction Textiles & Knitting Main economic sectors 6 Area of Innovation and Strategic and Economic Development Taking part of a net of cities in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona (RMB) Central place of the RMB’s 2n crown > a strategic position Terrassa The Metropolitan Arch 7 Area of Innovation and Strategic and Economic Development Terrassa on Euroregion crossroads 8 Area of Innovation and Strategic and Economic Development Territorial scope Labour markets in the RMB in accordance with residence-work mobility Te r ras s a Mercats de treball de la RMB (2001) Granollers Mataró Sabadell Terrassa Vilanova i la Geltrú Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona Area of Innovation and Strategic and Economic Development Industrial land location and traffic intensity in the RMB Font: Trullén, 2005 Source: Pacte Industrial de la Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona, Atlas industrial de la RMB. Diagnosi Territorial, 2004 10 Area of Innovation and Strategic and Economic Development Specialization level in industrial land of RMB’s municipalities Terrassa Source: Pacte Industrial de la Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona, Atlas industrial de la RMB. Diagnosi Territorial, 2004 11 Area of Innovation and Strategic and Economic Development Industrial Areas of Terrassa B-40 1 INDUSTRIAL ZONES (2008) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 Name Area (m ) NORD CAN PETIT LA GRÍPIA EST SECTOR MONTSERRAT CAN PALET CAN FARCAN SEGLE XX SANTA MARGARIDA I SANTA MARGARIDA II ELS BELLOTS CAN PARELLADA INDUSTRIAL COLOM II CAN GUITARD 208.294,5 332.837,2 84.583,8 272.946,8 324.364,4 200.556,3 62.811,4 361.797,8 614.803,8 405.312,7 207.812,1 590.875,8 238.997,6 165.297,3 Total 2 4.071.291,5 3 4 5 6 8 15 16 17 2 Name Area (m ) ELS BELLOTS II PALAU NORD PALAU SUD - CAN GUITARD 898.959,6 407.047,9 752.095,8 Total 15 9 10 PROJECTED INDUSTRIAL LAND 7 11 16 12 14 C-58 13 BARCELONA (33 Kms) 2.058.103,3 17 C-16 BARCELONA (27 Kms) 12 Area of Innovation and Strategic and Economic Development An University City 15,000 students 11 Unv. Schools from 6 Universities 38 research groups 13 Area of Innovation and Strategic and Economic Development Paradigms of the Territorial Pact for Employment and Economic Promotion Competitiveness Social Cohesion Sustainability Paradigms of an Innovation District • Co-operation & Concert with engagement • Competitiveness through education • Intelligent urbanism > a comfortable space for living and working • Social Cohesion > growing into diversity richness • Sustainable development > eco-innovation platform • Innovative atmosphere... 14 Area of Innovation and Strategic and Economic Development City Council Area of Innovation and Strategic and Economic Development Services in the central structure International Relations City Projection and Innovation Tourism Commerce & Markets ACTE Services in the municipal holding: societies Foment de Terrassa SA The Agency of Socio-economic Promotion: Management of Strategic Planning, Employment and Enterpreneurship Policies Promocions Industrials de Terrassa SA Agency for public-private initiative in industrial and tertiary land and room creation and management Campus Professional de Vallparadís Escola d’Hostaleria “Torre Mossèn Homs” Vapor Gran Innovative Enterpreneurship Centre 15 Area of Innovation and Strategic and Economic Development Foment de Terrassa SA the Agency for Economic & Social Promotion Strategic planning in socio-economic matters > Social Concert Economic & Social & Sustainability Observatory market research & diagnosis for sustainable territory ⇒ Labour information and assessment ⇒ Professional education, education for employment, continous education and training ⇒ Labour insertion through direct mediation with employers ⇒ Assessment for enterpreneurship and business creation and consolidation > the incubator & the advanced business centre ⇒ New strategic projects > clusters policy & innovation district 16 Area of Innovation and Strategic and Economic Development Foment de Terrassa SA the Agency for Economic & Social Promotion Market studies & research Strategic planning board Basic & specialized information Labour assessment Enterp. assessment Professional education & training Companies incubator Educational experimental laboratory Industrial enterpr. centre 17 Area of Innovation and Strategic and Economic Development The City Plan for Innovation: Innovation: “the big umbrella” umbrella” General concert process for City development partnership Resources Strengths ?! Experience Opportunities Agreement & alliances on clusters development Key-organisations Key-people Confidence New textiles Audio-Visual and Knowledge Aerospatial industry Nanotechnology Food industries Leisure & videogames Optics Eco-technology 18 Area of Innovation and Strategic and Economic Development More than wishes, facts!: the main City strategic Projects The City Plan for Innovation: Innovation: under “the big umbrella” umbrella” The “Vapor Gran”, innovative enterpreneurship axis > new centrality through business activities in downtown The Audio-Visual Park of Catalonia PAC (in the former Hospital del Tòrax) > 45000 sqm av. room + cinema studios & platos The “Leitat” High Research & Innovation Centre > mainly research about textiles technologies The “Nexus III” of the UPC > spin-offs and enterpreneurship from university projects > 40000 sqm Campus Professional Vallparadís > laboratory for integration of professional educational levels 19 Area of Innovation and Strategic and Economic Development The “Vapor Gran”, innovative enterpreneurship axis > new centrality through business activities in downtown 20 ERROR: stackunderflow OFFENDING COMMAND: ~ STACK:
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