Bulletin board sets
Bulletin board sets
MATH Bulletin board sets 0-30 Animals Number Line Partial set shown. Partial set shown. 1995094 · 101 pieces · $13.99 2682707 · 43 pieces · $18.99 Big Numbers NEW! 100th Day Counting Bears Counting 0 to 30 Number Lines NEW! Happy 100th Day Fireworks NEW! 1995078 · 101 pieces · $17.99 BESTSELLER! Partial set shown. Taxes are not included. 100-Day Fishbowl 1710244 · 121 pieces · $13.99 Telling Time 1846411 · 53 pieces · $12.99 2688523 · 7 pieces · $10.99 Partial set shown. Partial set shown. 2689159 · 63 pieces · $13.99 Judy Clock 2407709 · 113 pieces · $11.99 145 MATH Bulletin board sets Product in use. Ship Shapes & Colours BESTSELLER! 2253342 · 45 pieces · $14.99 BESTSELLER! 800658 · 6 pieces · $10.99 BESTSELLER! 146 Place Value Multiplication Fact Monsters 1990169 · 14 pieces · $16.99 Partial set shown. Farmer’s Market Math 2261775 · 72 pieces · $17.99 Place Value 1710260 · 77 pieces · $13.99 Multiplication Tables 2682658 · 15 pieces · $13.99 NEW! Bulletin board sets Measurement 1990177 · 5 pieces, 43cm x 56cm each · $13.99 Pizza Fractions NEW! 1837832 · 73 pieces · $12.99 Introductory Geometry 2532861 · 4 pieces, 43cm x 56cm each · $12.99 Algebra Basics 2138544 · 7 pieces · $14.99 Taxes are not included. Math Word Banks 2173673 · 10 pieces · $12.99 Fraction Action 1710278 · 49 pieces · $14.99 Geometry 1407429 · 4 pieces, 61cm x 43cm each · $14.99 Algebra 1569188 · 5 pieces, 61cm x 43cm each · $14.99 147 MATH Chart packs BESTSELLER! Primary Math Charts 5-Pack 1995127 · 5 charts, 46cm x 61cm each · $12.99 Math Charts 5-Pack 1407627 · 5 charts, 43cm x 56cm each · $14.99 148 Math Charts 7-Pack 2261543 · 7 charts, 43cm x 56cm each · $19.99 Geometry Charts 5-Pack 1710327 · 5 charts, 43cm x 56cm each · $14.99 Mini bulletin board sets Growing to New Heights 2555483 · 71 pieces · $7.99 Apples Number Line Product in use. 1243609 · 10 pieces · $7.99 Place Value 1’s, 10’s, 100’s 1983726 · 42 pieces · $7.99 NEW! Shapes 1983792 · 40 pieces · $7.99 Taxes are not included. Partial set shown. Fractions in Photos 2522531 · 51 pieces · $7.99 1983784 · 37 pieces · $7.99 Geometric Shapes and Solids 2690974 · 31 pieces · $7.99 Multiplication and Division NEW! Place Value Decimals to Millions Partial set shown. 1983734 · 57 pieces · $7.99 Partial set shown. What Time Is It? Partial set shown. Partial set shown. 2704791· 55 pieces · $7.99 Partial set shown. NEW! Fractions and Decimals 1983817 · 30 pieces · $7.99 149 MATH Early math BESTSELLER! Number of the Week Flip Chart Gr. PreK–1 · 28 pages Learning the numbers 0 to 30 is easy and fun! Invite your class to read number poems, count, add, and boost all-important early math skills together! Also includes a special activity to celebrate the number 100. 2523977 Math Rhymes, Songs & Stories Beginning Skills Gr. PreK–1 · 176 pages Gr. PreK–1 · 48 pages each Visually stimulating activities with simple directions introduce young learners to new concepts and academic skills while offering lots of early math practice. These easy-to-use workbooks are great for enrichment, classroom practice, tutoring, and more. 1175886 1187740 1176181 1175464 $27.99 Patterning & Sequencing Measurement Classifying Sort, Graph, & Tally $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 First Homework Numbers Gr. PreK–K · 80 pages Help your students master their numbers from 1–30 and get used to homework routines. These writeand-learn activities reinforce number recognition, formation, and more! 2027375 $16.99 Instant Practice Packets Numbers & Counting Gr. PreK–1 · 128 pages Four-page packets—one for each number from 1–30—include meaningful activities that offer the repeated practice students need to learn their numbers. 2236603 $19.99 Add fun to math lessons with rhymes, songs, and stories! Each unit includes a full-colour mini-poster and assorted manipulatives for activities that teach basic skills. Use them to introduce, practise, and reinforce math concepts. 1788803 $27.99 BESTSELLER! Write-and-Learn Number Practice Pages Gr. PreK–1 · 72 pages Teach students how to write and recognize the numbers 1–30. Independent reproducibles include cut-and-paste counters, tracing and writing activities, and more. 1099903 $15.99 The Big Let’s Learn Math Book Gr. PreK–1 · 352 pages Activities and reproducible patterns teach students important early math concepts! 2559245 $16.99 NEW! Preschool Math Gr. PreK–K · 96 pages Help your students build a strong foundation for learning basic math. Ready-to-use reproducible activities introduce patterns, sorting, numbers, shapes, and more! 1971317 $14.99 Differentiated Math Learning Centres Gr. K–2 · 128 pages Thirty-five centres that address oneto-one correspondence, place value, patterns, shapes, symmetry, and more with a variety of activities. Also includes teaching and management tips for keeping the rest of the class engaged while you meet with small math groups. 2236273 150 $21.99 Math centres BESTSELLER! Solve-the-Riddle Math Practice 64 pages each Reproducible activity sheets feature over 50 different fun and engaging riddles! Students will master key math skills as they solve silly word problems. 1925984 2115336 Gr. 1-2 Gr. 2-3 $12.99 $12.99 BESTSELLER! Math Problem of the Day Practice Mats Take It to Your Seat Centers Common Core Math Gr. K–1 · 208 pages Contains some American content. 160 pages each Easy-to-assemble centres give students independent math practice in a fun and interactive format, and are stored in pocket folders, making them easy to use at a table, desk, or quiet area in the classroom. 2548363 2548371 2548389 2548397 Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. K 1 2 3 $26.99 $26.99 $26.99 $26.99 2548404 2548412 2548420 Gr. 4 $26.99 Gr. 5 $26.99 Gr. 6+ $26.99 1923574 $24.99 Contains some American content. BESTSELLER! NEW! Using Ten Frames to Teach Number Sense Working with Ten-Frames Gr. K–1 · 160 pages + CD Gr. K–1 · 64 pages Fifty complete lessons and techniques for using ten frames, that include step-by-step instructions and an assessment of student responses. Also includes a digital book with virtual ten-frame manipulatives. Engage students with full-colour reproducible ten-frame mats representing the numbers 5, 10, or 20 and featuring adorable characters with matching counters. 2407717 These ready-to-use reproducible learning mats give students the extra practice they need to build important math skills. Fun, engaging activities cover place value, addition, subtraction, word problems, geometry, graphing, and much more! 2687757 $12.99 $24.99 BESTSELLER! The JUMBO Book of MATH Practice Pages Cut & Paste Sharpen math skills with this BIG collection of reproducible activities that give students practise in numeration, place value, patterns, geometry, and more! Provides a variety of motivating, interactive activities to help young students master concepts and content. The cut-and-paste format allows students to try a variety of possibilities before gluing down their final answers. Math Gr. 1–3 · 96 pages Gr. 1–2 · 336 pages 2114916 $27.99 1254466 $14.99 Motivating Math Homework 96 pages each Eighty reproducible practice pages provide a fun, instant way to reinforce skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication, time, and more. Great for review, homework, test prep, and more! 2025915 2135863 Gr. 2-3 Gr. 4-5 $16.99 $16.99 Activities for Fast Finishers Math Gr. 2–3 · 64 pages Ready-to-reproduce practice pages feature creative puzzles and brain teasers that will keep your fast finishers engaged while the rest of the class completes an assignment. 2135540 $13.99 Contains some American content. Taxes are not included. 151 MATH Basic skills Personal Poster Set My 100th Day Count Up to the 100th Day Flip Chart Gr. PreK–2 30 double-sided poster papers, 43cm x 56cm each A fun new learning activity for each of the first 100 days of school. Keep your students excited about learning every day! Young learners are invited to count, create patterns, write, draw, and more to make the 100th day of school extra special! Gr. K–2 · 20 pages 1823659 2194645 $24.99 $17.99 30 poster papers Product in use. BESTSELLER! Canadian Money Activities Canadian 100th Day Activities Gr. 1–3 · 80 pages Help students master money concepts! Reproducible practice pages will develop key skills such as recognizing Canadian coins and bills, making change, and learning money equivalences. Assessment strategies, quizzes, and teacher tips are included. Gr. K–3 · 80 pages Cross-curricular activities celebrating 100 days of school! Fun-filled ways to celebrate an exciting time of the year. 1806126 $14.99 1700584 Building Real-Life Math Skills How to Teach Math Facts Gr. 1–4 · 128 pages Gr. 3–5 · 64 pages Master math facts without fingers! Perfect for students learning math facts for the first time, as well as those students who need remedial work or have special needs. 565856 2277095 $13.99 NEW! Instant Math Practice Mastering Math 144 pages each Concepts and Skills 96 pages each Everything you need for grade-specific math prep and practice, including numeration, measurement, geometry, patterning, and data management activities. 152 Help students build essential skills for managing the typical math scenarios they will encounter every day with high-interest lessons, guided activities, and reproducible practice pages. $17.99 NEW! 2694124 2694132 $14.99 Gr. 1 Gr. 2 $15.99 $15.99 2694140 2694158 Gr. 3 Gr. 4 $15.99 $15.99 Contains some American content. Quick and easy math activities supplement your curriculum and emphasize math vocabulary and problem-solving skills, while helping students recognize the value of math in everyday life. 2586420 2586438 2586446 2586454 Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. K 1 2 3 $17.99 $17.99 $17.99 $17.99 2586462 2586470 2586488 Gr. 4 Gr. 5 Gr. 6 $17.99 $17.99 $17.99 Math practice BESTSELLERS! Canadian Daily Math Contains some American content. 96 pages each Math Minutes 112 pages each One hundred one-minute math exercises help students build basic skills, increase speed, and strengthen problem solving abilities. Each activity consists of ten problems with varying degrees of difficulty. 2247965 2247973 2247981 2247999 Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. 3 4 5 6 $18.99 $18.99 $18.99 $18.99 2248004 2248012 2248020 Gr. 7 Gr. 8 Middle Grade $18.99 $18.99 $18.99 NEW! Give students grade-appropriate math practice with five daily math problems, a 36-week program, reproducible pages, and skills test with answer keys. Taxes are not included. $14.99 $14.99 $14.99 $14.99 1710624 1710632 2022622 Gr. 5 Gr. 6 Gr. 7-8 $14.99 $14.99 $14.99 1141134 1141142 1141150 Contains some American content. 112 pages each 128 pages each $24.99 $24.99 $24.99 1 2 3 4 Math Daily Common Core Math Practice Gr. 1 Gr. 2 Gr. 3 Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. 1710575 1710583 1710608 1710616 Morning Jumpstarts: Contains some American content. 1141100 1141118 1141126 Reinforce essential math skills with consistent daily practise! Developed specifically for the Canadian math curriculum, each day of the week focuses on a specific math strand including number sense, measurement, patterning and algebra, geometry, and data management. Teacher tips are included. Gr. 4 Gr. 5 Gr. 6 $24.99 $24.99 $24.99 Fun and engaging reproducible activity pages provide practice with a purpose! Each two-page activity helps students build key math skills and provides an instant routine to get them on task, at the beginning of the day or anytime! 2492130 2492148 2492156 Gr. 1 Gr. 2 Gr. 3 $17.99 $17.99 $17.99 2492172 2492271 2492297 Gr. 4 Gr. 5 Gr. 6 $17.99 $17.99 $17.99 153 MATH Math practice BESTSELLERS! Guided Math Made Easy 96 pages each This ideal classroom resource is perfect for differentiating math instruction. Each large-group lesson is accompanied by smaller, individualized lessons at three levels of difficulty to address different student needs. BESTSELLERS! 2407725 2407733 Instant Math Assessments 80 pages each Gr. K Gr. 1 $12.99 $12.99 2407741 2407759 Gr. 2 Gr. 3 $12.99 $12.99 Practical, ready-to-use math assessments! These comprehensive, curriculum-linked resources provide teachers with several reproducible math assessments in the five strands of math. Assessment strategies, teacher tips, rubrics, and checklists are also included. 1548728 1548744 1548760 Gr. 1 Gr. 2 Gr. 3 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 1570458 1572298 1572305 Gr. 4 Gr. 5 Gr. 6 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 Quick Math Assessments 240 pages each Quick and easy reproducible assessments for all strands of the Canadian math curriculum! 1947699 1947722 Gr. 1-3 Gr. 4-6 $19.99 $19.99 BESTSELLERS! Math Lessons for the SMART Board 80 pages + CD each Teach important math concepts with ready-to-use interactive whiteboard lessons and reproducible activity pages. 2236629 2236637 Gr. K-1 Gr. 2-3 $25.99 $25.99 2236645 Gr. 4-6 $25.99 Differentiated Activities for Teaching Key Math Skills 80 pages each Each activity set includes a reproducible data sheet featuring high-interest data, and levelled activity sheets for students to complete. 2114396 2114370 Gr. 2-3 Gr. 4-6 $13.99 $13.99 BESTSELLERS! Math Tests NEW! 120 pages each These comprehensive resources provide teachers with practical assessments that target essential math skills in the five math strands. 1635038 1635046 154 Gr. 1-3 Gr. 4-6 $19.99 $19.99 Contains some American content. 25 Common Core Math Lessons for the Interactive Whiteboard 96 pages + CD Math is fun and engaging with this collection of animated PowerPoint® lessons and companion practice sheets. Each lesson focuses on a key math skill, teaching it step-by step through simple animation, repeated practice, and levelled reproducible worksheets. 2678128 2679944 2679986 Gr. 1 Gr. 2 Gr. 3 $26.99 $26.99 $26.99 2680008 2680777 2680793 Gr. 4 Gr. 5 Gr. 6 $26.99 $26.99 $26.99 Practice & multiplication Canadian curriculum content BESTSELLERS! Complete MathSmart 50+ Super-Fun Math Activities Practise and learn key math concepts with workbooks applicable to each grade level. Reproducible activities and an answer key are included. Build critical-thinking skills and put problem-solving strategies to work with engaging, ready-to-go math activities! Includes ideas for group and class discussions, suggestions for connecting writing and math, easy assessment ideas, student self-assessment forms, and more. 64 pages each 272 pages each 1572214 1572222 1572248 1572256 1572272 Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. 1 2 3 4 5 $16.95 $16.95 $16.95 $16.95 $16.95 1572280 1714569 1714585 2120195 Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. 6 7 8 9 $16.95 $16.95 $16.95 $16.95 2110708 2110716 2110724 Gr. 1 Gr. 2 Gr. 3 $12.99 $12.99 $12.99 2110732 2110758 2110766 Gr. 4 Gr. 5 Gr. 6 $12.99 $12.99 $12.99 BESTSELLER! Fun-Flap Facts Multiplication Gr. 2–4 · 32 pages Master the times tables from 1 to 12 with these engaging paper manipulatives! Includes 22 different fun-flaps that feature dozens of multiplication problems, a checklist to track progress, self-checking quizzes, and a blank template for make-yourown fun-flaps. 1177676 Tunes That Teach Multiplication Facts Gr. 2–5 · 32 pages + audio CD Learning multiplication facts is easy and fun with these engaging, original songs students will love. Includes a complete activity book packed with games, hands-on reproducibles, mnemonic devices, and song sheets. $15.99 Making Multiplication Easy Gr. 2–4 · 64 pages Teach the multiplication facts through 12 with a collection of teacher-tested games, rhymes, songs, stories, mnemonic devices, reproducible activity sheets, and more. 2346478 Multiplication & Division Gr. 3–4 · 64 pages Fifty reproducible practice pages help students master multiplication and division facts as they prepare for tests and more advanced math. Perfect for independent seatwork or at-home review. 1367889 $12.99 Monster Multiplication Wheels Gr. 2–4 · 64 pages Teach and reinforce the multiplication tables from 1 to 12 with easy-to-make and easy-to-use learning wheels perfect for students of different learning styles! Includes wheels for practising mixed-facts, quiz sheets, and more. 1879850 $12.99 Super-Fun Multiplication Memory Boosters Gr. 2–5 · 64 pages Teach essential patterns for memorizing multiplication facts from 1 to 12 and build the foundation students need for learning more complex mathematical tasks. Fun and easy games encourage the repeated practice needed to ensure fact mastery and fluency. 2491827 Taxes are not included. $14.99 $11.99 BESTSELLER! 1311399 Practice, Practice, Practice! $12.99 155 MATH Word problems Math Problem-Solving Packets 80 pages + CD each Help students get a firm grasp of key problemsolving strategies with reproducible practice packets, step-by-step mini-lessons, and a CD that includes a three-step problem-solving process and word problems for whole-class learning. 2422989 2423002 2423028 2423036 2423044 2423052 Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 $19.99 $19.99 $19.99 $19.99 $19.99 $19.99 Contains some American content. Math Word Problem Mini-Books Mystery Picture Math Gr. 2–3 · 80 pages Gr. 2–3 · 64 pages Build confidence in solving word problems! Includes engaging, illustrated word problems and space for students to show their work. Topics cover number sense, place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, time, tallying and graphing, and more. 1871418 2136556 $14.99 Math Mysteries Gr. 3–5 · 128 pages Humorous, reproducible stories guide students through the problem-solving process step-by-step. Covers key strategies such as drawing a diagram, finding a pattern, and working backward. 2148585 $19.99 BESTSELLER! Students solve problems that help reinforce skills in place value, estimation, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Motivate even the most reluctant student with riddle clues and fun puzzles on each reproducible page. $12.99 Teaching Struggling Readers to Tackle Math Word Problems Gr. 3–5 · 64 pages Engaging word problems help struggling readers practise important math skills, including addition, subtraction, fractions, and more! 2394724 $12.99 Comic-Strip Math Mastering Word Problems Gr. 3–6 · 96 pages Math activities are presented as real-life problems with solutions that require math skills. This format motivates students to learn these math skills for situations that they can relate to. Activities are designed for students to work in groups or individually. Problem Solving Build essential math skills with 80 laugh-out-loud comic strips and companion mini-story problems. Each reproducible comic and problem reinforces a key math skill: multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, geometry, and more! 2067389 $18.99 Gr. 4–6 · 96 pages 1187724 $15.99 Contains some American content. BESTSELLER! SMART Board Lessons Math Word Problems Gr. 3–6 · 48 pages + CD Liven up lessons with this engaging resource that takes full advantage of the SMART Board’s interactive features. Eight step-by-step minilessons correspond to the CD and cover key problem-solving strategies. 2114768 156 $16.99 BESTSELLER! 5-Minute Math Problem of the Day Gr. 4–8 · 64 pages These fun, multi-step reproducible problems will save you time and fuel your students’ interest in whole number concepts and operations, decimals, fractions, geometry, and more! Levelled to meet a range of abilities. 696578 $14.99 Math fun bestsellers! Math in a Flash Critical Thinking Glyphs 169 flash cards per set, 6cm x 10cm each Use colour-coded cards to teach important math skills. The selfchecking cards are easy to use and are perfect for test review, learning centres, sorting activities, and more. 1396234 1396250 Addition$14.99 Gr. 1-2 Subtraction$14.99 Gr. 2-3 1396284 1396309 Multiplication $14.99 Gr. 3-4 Division $14.99 Gr. 3-5 Connect-the-Dot Math Gr. 2–3 · 80 pages Boost computational skills in 2- and 3-digit addition and subtraction and automatic recall of multiplication and division facts. Students complete a page of problems and use the answers to connect the dots on a puzzle page. 1953852 $16.99 48 pages each Use glyphs to teach early math skills like counting, sorting, combining sets, and making patterns. Students are challenged to think critically by comparing and contrasting, reasoning, and drawing conclusions. 2550748 Gr. K$12.99 2550756 Gr. 1$12.99 2550764 Gr. 2$12.99 The Great BIG Book of Funtastic Math Gr. 4–8 · 320 pages Over 200 engaging, ready-to-use learning games, puzzles, and real-life problems to help teach important math concepts across the five math strands. Includes assessment ideas and practical teaching tips to help reach all learners. 2115360 $24.99 Funny Fairy Tale Math Gr. 3–4 · 64 pages Math Line Designs Engaging takes on familiar tales will tickle students’ funny bones and motivate them to practise key math skills! Each hilarious tale includes reproducible word problems that reinforce addition, multiplication, fractions, and more! From Around the World 64 pages each Dozens of engaging practice pages that feature striking designs based on motifs from cultures around the world, and build skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication facts, and more. 2193572 $13.99 1810341 Gr. 2-3$13.99 1810367 Gr. 4-6$13.99 bestsellers! Coordinate Graphing Students solve problems to find specific points to plot on graph paper to reveal a hidden picture or pattern. Pictures and designs vary in difficulty, making them ideal activities for differentiated instruction. 2248210 2025725 Gr. 4-8, $12.99 48 pages Gr. 5-8, $16.99 80 pages new! Math Projects Gr. 5–8+ · 64 pages Fifty creative math projects help students develop and practise essential math concepts as they design a playground game, plan a bicycle trip, develop a summer business, and more. 2333128 $10.99 Taxes are not included. 157 MATH Math games BESTSELLER! Pocket Chart Games Math Gr. K–2 · 80 pages Easy-to-prepare games come complete with reproducible pocket chart cards, step-by-step directions, practice pages, and extension activities. Topics include patterns, shapes, counting, addition and subtraction facts, and more! 2491588 $13.99 BESTSELLERS! I Have, Who Has? Math 204 pages each BESTSELLER! One-Page Math Games Gr. 2–3 · 48 pages A collection of 30 easy-to-prep, one-page math games that target basic math skills, including addition, subtraction, time, and place value. Activities use common manipulatives, reproducible game boards, and simple directions. 2237429 Teach math with a series of question and answer cards! Students are engaged as each player answers a question and then asks the next one. When students reach the last card, they find that it refers back to the first card. 2116029 1843417 Gr. K Gr. 1-2 $26.99 $26.99 1843425 1843433 Gr. 3-4 Gr. 5-6 $26.99 $26.99 $12.99 Math Games to Master Basic Skills 48 pages each Engaging and motivating games encourage students to practise and build automaticity and computational fluency in essential math skills. Perfect for small-group work, centres, or sendhome practice. BESTSELLER! Quick & Easy Math Art Gr. 2–4 · 96 pages Engage students and deepen their mathematical understanding with creative, hands-on art projects. Connecting math and art makes math concepts meaningful, while introducing and reinforcing important skills. 2201482 $16.99 BESTSELLER! MathART Projects and Activities 1664649 1664714 Addition & Subtraction, Gr. 2-3 Fractions & Decimals, Gr. 3-6 Math GamesMath Games Gr. 3–5 · 96 pages Make a natural connection between math and art with dozens of creative projects. Students will make “stained glass windows” to explore geometry, create a “multiplication house” to reinforce times tables, and make “place value snakes”. 393314 Instant Math Games That Teach Gr. 2–5 · 104 pages Reinforce math skills from computation to strategy and logic with 38 games, each with step-bystep directions. 810821 158 $16.99 Math Games 128 pages each Use math skills while applying strategy to correctly solve three problems in a row to win each math game! Concepts covered include place value, fractions, decimals, percents, algebra, and problem solving. 2261551 2261577 $16.99 $12.99 $12.99 Gr. 5-6 Gr. 7-8 $16.99 $16.99 BESTSELLER! 25 Super Cool Math Board Games Gr. 3–6 · 64 pages Easy to make and play, these reproducible board games build essential math skills such as multiplication, division, fractions, estimation, mental math, and more. 580078 $19.99 Algebra, fractions & probability Fractions Gr. 5–8 · 64 pages each Teach fraction essentials with systematic workbooks that focus on one skill at a time, gradually building towards math mastery. Includes student practice pages, examples, enrichment activities, and more. Jumpstarters 48 pages each Quick, daily warm-up activities that sharpen students’ essential math skills. Perfect for starting off or wrapping up math lessons. 2106351 2106369 2106385 Fractions & Decimals, Gr. 4-8+ Pre-Algebra, Gr. 6+ Algebra, Gr. 7+ $10.99 $10.99 $10.99 2559287 2559302 Interactive Whiteboard Activities Solve-the-Riddle 5-Minute Fractions & Decimals Practice Math Practice Fractions & Decimals Gr. 3–5 · 64 pages Students will love to complete these levelled math practice pages to solve silly riddles guaranteed to make them giggle! 2394245 $12.99 Super-quick daily math exercises for the interactive whiteboard! Includes lessons on simplifying fractions, ordering decimals, and more! $19.99 Fun-Flap Math Fractions & Decimals Fraction Stories Gr. 3–5 · 48 pages Gr. 3–6 · 88 pages Hilarious reproducible stories and follow-up problems reinforce essential fraction skills including addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, decimals, and ratios. $16.99 Engaging paper manipulatives make math practice fun! Includes 30 different fun-flaps that feature dozens of fraction and decimal problems. Students lift the flap to reveal the answer and a fun fortune, math task, or memory clue. 2131879 BESTSELLER! $12.99 Real-World Math Teaching Math Through Sports Guided practice and activity pages help students formulate complete answers to real-life problems involving logical reasoning, prealgebra, decimals, percentages, basic geometry, graphs, and statistics. Exercises cover the math topics in the main strands of the curriculum. The sports theme appeals to all students, while providing high-interest content to motivate them to apply their knowledge. Gr. 5–8 · 80 pages Gr. 5–8 · 112 pages 1135062 1711169 $15.99 Canadian Data Management Activities Gr. 5–8 · 176 pages Help students master essential data management concepts with focused practice! Based on the Canadian curriculum and includes reproducible student pages, tests, and assessment rubrics. 1818684 1818692 Gr. 1-3 Gr. 4-6 $15.99 Probability and Statistics 80 pages each Taxes are not included. Gr. 4–8 · 64 pages + CD 2236934 Funny & Fabulous 360719 Adding and Subtracting $12.99 Multiplying and Dividing $12.99 $14.99 $14.99 Explain the elements of probability and statistics with examples and language that are accessible to your middle-grade students. Real-life examples help students understand how probability and statistics are around them everyday. 1568841 $24.99 159 MATH Counting & sorting Over 600 sorting pieces Super Sorting Set with Activity Cards BESTSELLER! Super Sorting Pie Gr. PreK–2 · sorting tray, 36cm x 28cm · 6 bowls · 3 spinners · number cubes 620+ sorting items · activity cards · teaching guide Gr. PreK–2 · 60 counters · plastic pie, 22cm D removable divider · 3 double-sided sorting cards 2 jumbo tweezers · teaching guide Teach attributes as well as early numbers and fine motor skills! Pour counters into the top crust and slip sorting cards into the bottom of the pie pan and watch as students learn to sort by fruit, colour, and number. 2407345 $89.99 817322 $34.99 Plastic Lacing Beads BESTSELLER! Gr. PreK+ · 48 plastic beads 4 laces, 91cm each teaching guide · storage tub 10-Row Abacus Gr. K+ · 23cm H x 22cm W x 10cm D These 4cm beads come in six colours and four shapes for unlimited lacing options and early attribute learning. 1255943 An amazing set of more than 620 colour co-ordinated sorting items! Set contains sorting bowls, heavy-duty eight-compartment tray, number cubes, spinners, plus Friendly Farm® Animal Counters, Mini Motors® Counters, Fruity Fun™ Counters, Link ‘N’ Learn® Links, pattern blocks, transparent counters, and more. Learn early math visually and interactively. Ten rows of beads help early learners understand counting, addition, and subtraction. $29.99 48 deluxe beads 2260496 Stringing Beads BESTSELLER! Number Tiles Gr. PreK+ 58 plastic beads 4 laces, 61cm each instruction guide storage tub Gr. PreK+ 175 plastic tiles, 2.5cm x 2.5cm each storage tub Great for practising sorting and counting, and helpful for improving hand-eye co-ordination. Number tiles are perfect for presenting math problems visually. 1244665 $24.99 $12.99 1395880 175 pieces $14.99 58 pieces NEW! Giant Lacing Numbers 0–9 Gr. PreK+ · 10 plastic lacing numbers · 16 laces Build hand-eye co-ordination, number recognition, and fine motor skills with thick lacing and big plastic numbers! 2684000 $10.99 Ruler Tape Yields 40 rulers, 30cm x 2.5cm x (12” x 1”) each The perfect learning tool for students desks, project tables, and learning centres! The sturdy yellow tape sticks firmly to surfaces, yet peels away easily with no sticky mess. Includes both imperial and metric measurements. 1558719 $6.99 BESTSELLERS! Student Number Lines BESTSELLER! Classroom Number Line Gr. K–6 · 10cm x 11m Makes 40 rulers Numbered from -20 to +100. Perfect for hanging in your classroom! 518516 160 $7.99 Gr. K–6 · 12 number lines, 5cm x 61cm each · activity sheet Numbered 0-25. 536790 518558 With adhesive $7.99 backs Non-adhesive $4.99 (not shown) Counting & sorting 25 pieces 118 pieces Shape & Color Sorter Gr. PreK–K · pegboard, 31cm x 10cm · 5 wooden pegs 25 rubber shapes BESTSELLERS! Tall Stacker Pegs Building Sets Build hand-eye co-ordination, shape and colour recognition, and sorting skills. Challenge students to think three-dimensionally! Stack pegs in a variety of shapes and heights and build fine motor skills and hand-eye co-ordination. 2406959 Gr. PreK+ · rubber pegboard · activity guide 2258326 118-Piece Set $59.99 with Rubber Shapes BESTSELLER! 2406941 25-Piece Set $19.99 $19.99 100 pieces Super Topplers Gr. PreK+ 100 pieces, 4cm each teaching guide These “stand-up” people are perfect for sorting and counting and to help develop fine motor skills and colour recognition. 2407402 BESTSELLER! Sorting Tray $16.99 Gr. PreK–2 · 29cm D Count, sort, and classify with this seven-section plastic tray. 1016048 Friendly Farm® Animal Counters Backyard Bugs™ Counters Gr. PreK–2 · 72 plastic counters, approx. 5cm each · teaching guide storage tub Barnyard buddies in six shapes, six colours, and two sizes. “Mama” and “baby” animals are made of soft rubber for easy handling. Includes grasshopper, bumblebee, beetle, spider, dragonfly, and caterpillar. Soft rubber counters come in six colours. $24.99 72 pieces Contents not included. BESTSELLER! Gr. PreK–2 · 72 counters, 2cm-4cm each teaching guide · storage tub 685307 $8.99 1016014 $24.99 72 pieces BESTSELLER! Animal Counters BESTSELLER! Counting Bear Cups Set Gr. PreK+ · 50 plastic counters · 5 cups These colourful bears give students practice sorting objects into sets. Includes 50 plastic bears (10 each of blue, green, red, yellow, and purple) plus five plastic cups in colours that match the bears. 1396002 $9.99 Taxes are not included. Gr. PreK+ 100 plastic counters storage tub Counters come in five animal shapes: bear, dog, cat, alligator, and turtle. Twenty of each animal in five different colours. 1244699 $12.99 250 pieces BESTSELLER! Transparent Colour Counting Chips Gr. K–2 · 250 counters, 6 colours, 2cm each Transparent counters come in six colours and are great for counting, sorting, and for use on overhead projects. 2548610 $4.99 161 MATH Unifix® 1,000 cubes 500 cubes Partial set shown. NEW! Unifix Ten Frame Cards Unifix Magnetic Ten Frames Unifix Cubes 100 cubes Gr. PreK+ 100 Cubes 500 Cubes 1,000 Cubes Gr. K–2 · 4 frames, 32cm x 13cm each 20 Unifix® magnets · teaching guide Features four sets of ten cards displaying 0-9 Unifix® cubes, ten cards displaying 10, and ten empty frames. Teaching guide includes game and activity ideas. An essential math manipulative for students. Includes blocks in 10 standard colours. 2407048 2407056 2407064 ® Gr. K–2 · 60 cards, 9cm x 13cm each teaching guide ® $15.99 $69.99 $119.99 2687682 Product in use. Whiteboard not included. NEW! ® Practise ten-frames as a group with large, magnetic ten frames and colourful Unifix® magnets. 2687731 $9.99 $18.99 Favourite Fruits BESTSELLER! Unifix Pattern Activity Kit ® Unifix® Graphing Base Gr. PreK–K · grid & tray · 37 grid underlay cards 240 Unifix® cubes · teaching guide Gr. 1–5 · base, 10cm x 23cm 6 full-colour sample strips write-on/wipe-off display card Help young learners understand that patterns are the basis of all math operations with this ready-to-go activity kit. Create simple graphs with this write-on/wipe-off graphing base, for use with your Unifix® cubes. 2407139 $54.99 2407072 $12.99 Unifix® Accessories Cubes not included. Gr. K+ Help students visualize numbers, counting, measurement, sequencing, and addition with these Unifix® accessories. 2407121 2407113 1-10 Stair 100 Track $9.99 $24.99 Cubes not included. Unifix® Sudoku Cubes not included. Unifix Grid & Tray System Gr. 2–8 · 36 Unifix® cubes 10 game boards · answer key The possibilities are endless with this useful classroom tool for operational activities, pattern recognition, and symmetrical or asymmetrical designs. Pattern-building cards slide under the grid. Build spatial reasoning, problem solving, and patterning skills! Complete 10 challenging Sudoku puzzles so that each row, column, and 2x3 box contains one of each of the six colours. ® Gr. K+ 2407098 100 Grid 2407105 12 Pattern Cards 162 $14.99 $14.99 2407147 $12.99 BESTSELLER! Unifix® Cubes Ten-Frame Trains Gr. K–2 · 10 cars · 20 Unifix® cubes · spinner teaching guide Develop a concrete understanding of the concept of tens by filling spaces and connecting train cars, so students can see and feel multiples of 10. 2407080 $24.99 ncluded. Pattern blocks & links NEW! Product in use. Whiteboard not included. Giant Magnetic Pattern Blocks Gr. PreK+ · 47 pieces, largest 15cm · teaching guide Reinforce shape recognition, symmetry, congruency, fractions, area, and more! Proportionately sized pieces are three times the length of standard pattern blocks, making them great for demonstration. 2705012 $24.99 Magnetic Pattern Block Set Gr. K–3 · 98 soft foam magnets · 10 magnetic cards Invite students to explore shapes, symmetry, problem solving, and more as they build patterns outlined on magnetic, double-sided write-andwipe cards. Encourage creativity with blank cards that students can use to invent their own designs. 1849390 Pattern blocks not included. Intermediate Pattern Block Design Cards Gr. 2–6 · 36 cards · teaching guide These design cards, varying in complexity, entertain and encourage geometric exploration. Great for patterning and reasoning practice. 1016139 $16.99 $39.99 BESTSELLER! Pattern Block Stamp Set 6 wooden stamps Create your own pattern block problems. Each stamp’s base is the same colour as the corresponding block, which makes identification of the shapes easier for students. 794182 $19.99 BESTSELLER! Centimetre Cubes Pattern Block Book Perfect for counting, measuring, and patterning. Cubes come in ten colours, each weighing 1g. Sixty hands-on pattern block activities with blackline masters plus a digital book with virtual pattern blocks help teach key math strands. Students can manipulate the virtual pattern blocks using an interactive whiteboard. Gr. K–3 · 500 plastic cubes, 1cm each teaching guide · storage tub 1016064 Gr. K–3 · 140 pages CD with digital book $18.99 t, 2407197 $19.99 Interactive whiteboard activities 500 pieces BESTSELLER! Link ‘N’ Learn® Links Gr. PreK–4 · 500 plastic links, 3cm x 2cm each · teaching guide storage tub Use for sorting, patterning, counting, measuring, and graphing activities. Pliable links are easy to connect and separate. 984759 $24.99 Taxes are not included. BESTSELLER! Pattern Blocks 6 different shapes in 6 colours Gr. PreK–8 · 250 plastic blocks, 0.5cm thick each · teaching guide · storage tub 500 pieces Use these plastic blocks, in six shapes and six colours, to explore patterns, symmetry, linear and area measurement, fractions, and problem solving. 984791 $24.99 163 MATH Geometry, tangrams & attributes Teach symmetry Partial class pack shown. Set of 5 BESTSELLER! 5x5 Pin/Circle Geoboards 5 plastic double-sided boards, 17.5cm x 17.5cm each · rubber bands BESTSELLER! GeoReflector Mirror ™ Gr. 1–6 · teaching guide The see-through plastic surface with special reflective qualities allows students to gain an intuitive understanding of geometry, symmetry, and congruency as they view, move, and draw images. 1016288 1016296 Single Unit Set of 24 $5.99 $119.99 Help your students discover angles, shapes, measurement, area, and perimeter! These plastic yellow geoboards are double-sided; a 5 x 5 pin board on one side, and a circle geoboard on the other. The circle geoboard has pins every 15º, with a centre pin and corner pins. 1984592 BESTSELLER! 64 pieces Attribute Blocks Desk Set Gr. PreK–6 · 60 pieces · storage tray teaching guide Attribute Nuts & Bolts Durable plastic blocks teach shapes, sorting, patterns, size, and counting. Includes five shapes, two sizes, two thicknesses, and three colours in a convenient storage tray with a shape sorter that can be used for tracing. Help little builders develop their motor skills. Large nuts and bolts come in eight shapes and four colours and fit together easily for a variety of sorting possibilities. 2138065 Gr. PreK–2 · 64 pieces · storage tub 2260503 $24.99 $29.99 BESTSELLER! MathLink® Cubes Gr. K–6 · 100 plastic cubes, 2cm each MathLink® cubes come in ten colours and fit together easily. Great for lacing, patterning, basic operations, measurement, and problem solving. 1757006 $14.99 100 pieces 164 $12.99 BESTSELLER! Attribute Apples Set Gr. PreK+ · 27 apples, largest 4.4cm teaching guide Teach students to compare and classify by different attributes! Apples feature different attributes such as size, colour, and physical features like worms, stems, and leaves. 2402064 $24.99 Tangrams™ Gr. K–8 · 30 plastic tangrams teaching guide · storage tub Plastic tangrams come in six assorted colours: red, blue, yellow, green, orange, and purple. 1016189 $36.99 Geometric shapes BESTSELLER! NEW! 408 pieces Translucent Geometric Shapes Gr. K & up · 408 pieces, 14 shapes Engage young students in 2-D shape play with colourful plastic shapes in seven different colours. Great for sorting, classifying, using with light tables, and more! 2693267 $39.99 Large Geometric Shapes Gr. K+ · 10 plastic pieces · teaching guide Shapes have a common 8cm dimension to illustrate relationships between area, volume, shape, form, and size. Plastic shapes include: cone, sphere, hemisphere, cube, cylinder, rectangular prism, hexagonal prism, triangular prism, square pyramid, and triangular pyramid. 1016246 $34.99 BESTSELLER! Primary Shapes Template Set Folding Geometric Shapes Gr. PreK+ · 5 templates Gr. 2+ · 8 plastic pieces teaching guide Relational shapes help students make mental connections as they trace and compare shapes. Includes five transparent shape templates: circle, triangle, rectangle, square, and hexagon. Teach symmetry, perimeter, surface area, and volume. Each shape unfolds flat, making it possible to illustrate a threedimensional shape’s twodimensional properties. Includes cylinder, square pyramid, cube, rectangular prism, cone, hexagonal prism, triangular pyramid, and triangular prism with clear plastic casings. 1128166 2548628 $9.99 $44.99 Partial set shown. Three Dimensional Geometric Stamps 13 wooden stamps These rubber stamps illustrate the three-dimensional construction of each shape. BESTSELLER! Relational Geosolids™ Gr. 3–12 · 14 plastic pieces · teaching guide 14 pieces Demonstrate the relationships among shape, size, and volume. Hollow size-related sphere, cone, cubes, rectangles, cylinders, pyramids, and polyhedra have removable stoppers, allowing students to fill them with rice or sand. 1016262 $19.99 794190 $29.99 BESTSELLER! Teach Me Shapes Rubbing Plates Gr. PreK+ 16 plastic plates, 10cm x 13cm each teaching guide Explore shapes and patterns through touch and colour. 2255140 BESTSELLER! Mini GeoSolids™ 32 pieces $14.99 Stationery not included. Gr. K–6 · 32 plastic pieces, 4cm-5cm each · teaching guide Teach shapes, sizes, and relationships. Includes four sizes of eight shapes: triangular prism, cube, cone, cylinder, rectangular prism, hexagonal prism, triangular pyramid, and square pyramid. 1255951 $19.99 Taxes are not included. Partial set shown. 165 MATH Base ten & place value BESTSELLER! Interlocking Base Ten Class Set Gr. K–6 · 823 plastic pieces 96-page resource Teaching base ten has never been easier! Includes 600 units, 200 rods, 20 flats, three cubes, and a base ten activity book. For use with 20-25 students. 1256016 $114.99 Interlocking pieces Interlocking Base Ten Starter Set Gr. K–6 141 plastic pieces 96-page resource Teach math concepts, value, and grouping. Includes 100 units, 30 rods, ten flats, one cube, and a base ten activity book. For 3-4 students. Interlocking pieces 1255993 $44.99 One to Hundreds Flip Stand Gr. 2–4 · 13cm x 23cm Introduce students to place value! Flip cards feature numbers 0-9. 2407220 BESTSELLER! Hundred Board 10-Pack Gr. 2–6 · 10 hundred boards, 25cm x 25cm each Help students to visualize the numbers that make up one hundred with sturdy, laminated card stock boards that are printed with the numbers 1-100 on one side and a blank grid on the other. 2547018 $11.99 136 pages + CD each Explore counting and ordering numbers, place value, number patterns, and beginning addition and subtraction with 60 games and activities and accompanying teacher notes. CD includes a digital book and a virtual hundred board for whole-class learning. 2547026 2687773 Gr. K-2 Gr. 3-5 $19.99 $19.99 BESTSELLER! Base 10 blocks not included. Three-dimensional rubber stamp replicas of base ten blocks can be used for student work and for making worksheets. Set consists of two units, two rods, one flat, and one cube. 794174 166 $19.99 BESTSELLER! Place Value Flip Stand Gr. 2–5 · 13cm x 43cm Teaching numbers to the millions is easy! Features seven sets of flip cards each with the numbers 0-9. Reverse side provides practice with decimal numbers. 2407238 $21.99 BESTSELLER! Base 10 Block Stamps 6 wooden stamps NEW! Hundred Board Books $16.99 Place Value Foam Dice Gr. K–5 · 7 foam 10-sided dice, 7.5cm diameter each · teaching guide Toss the dice to reinforce place value, estimation, and even probability as students add values, practise writing numbers in expanded form, and more. 1984196 $29.99 Place value & fractions Place Value and Ordering Set Gr. 2–4 · 25 doublesided write-on/wipe-off cards Each card includes a clue to help students complete the pattern as part of a 100 number board. On the reverse, students can create their own patterns. 2407246 $14.99 Stationery not included. Place Value Desktop Centre Gr. 1+ · 61cm x 28cm x 28cm base · teaching guide Practise reading numbers and their place value with this desktop centre. Number cards and place value cards are included to create any number value. Great for individual or small group use. 1649419 $39.99 Teach fraction concepts! Deluxe Fraction Tower® Activity Set Gr. 1–6 · 51 plastic cubes · base 12 activity cards · teaching guide Innovative Fraction Tower® cubes fit together or into the base unit. Set includes colour-coded fraction cubes with fractions printed on them to show halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, eighths, tenths, twelfths, and one-whole. 1016486 $29.99 BESTSELLER! Fraction Tower® Equivalency Cubes Gr. 2–6 · 51 cubes · teaching guide Each colour-coded cube features fractions, decimals, and percents clearly marked on each side, providing students with a visual representation on equivalencies. 1128215 $18.99 BESTSELLER! Rainbow Fraction® Tiles Gr. 2–6 · 51 pieces · plastic tray, 23cm x 25cm teaching guide · 2 sheets of stickers BESTSELLERS! Teach fractions with this hands-on manipulative! Colour-coded proportional plastic pieces represent one-whole, halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, eighths, tenths, and twelfths. Gr. 1–6 · 51 plastic pieces in each set · teaching guide 1016460 $14.99 Taxes are not included. Rainbow Fraction® Circles and Squares Includes nine circles or squares divided into halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, eighths, tenths, twelfths, and one-whole with storage box/work tray. Colour-coded with all Rainbow Fraction® products. 984882 984890 Deluxe Rainbow Fraction Circles Deluxe Rainbow Fraction Squares $12.99 $12.99 167 MATH Canadian money BESTSELLER! Canadian Classroom Money Kit BESTSELLER! Gr. K–6 · 900 play money pieces · 64-page resource tray, 26cm x 47cm Canadian Currency X-Change™ Teach money concepts! Includes 100 each of plastic pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters; 50 each of Loonies and Toonies; 100 each of $5, $10, and $20 double-sided play bills; and 50 each of $50 and $100 bills. Gr. K–6 · 210 play money pieces · storage tray teaching guide Set contains 110 plastic coins, 100 double-sided play money bills, and a sturdy six-sectioned plastic tray. 152489 685373 $24.99 $64.99 NEW Canadian Coin Replacement Set 100 pieces Gr. K–4 · 320 pieces Play money going missing? Replenish your cash box with this quality plastic Canadian coin set with realistic detailing. Includes 100 each of nickels, dimes, and quarters, plus ten each of Loonies and Toonies. 2693415 $24.99 Over 300 pieces BESTSELLER! Canadian Money Gr. K–4 100 double-sided play money bills Includes 30 each of $5, $10, and $20 bills and five each of $50 and $100 bills. 685331 $4.99 Partial set shown. BESTSELLER! Canadian Coin Stamp Set 6 wooden stamps Make coin identification and problem solving easy! Can be used for games and lessons as toy money or to learn basic money math skills. Set includes 1¢, 5¢, 10¢, 25¢, $1, and $2 coin rubber stamps. 679433 $16.99 Canadian Bills Stamp Set 5 wooden stamps, 4.5cm x 9.5cm each Make crisp, clear images of $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100 Canadian bills. Create your own play money, activities, and games. 1573501 $19.99 BESTSELLER! Pretend and Play Cash Register Gr. PreK–3 · 30 play bills 44 play coins · play credit card activity booklet BESTSELLER! Money Bags™ Coin Value Game Gr. 2+ · game board, 43cm x 30cm · spinner 110 plastic coins · markers · die · 2-4 players Learning valuable money skills is in the bag as players collect and exchange money all the way to the finish line. 604977 168 $24.99 Encourage smart shopping with this solar-powered cash register with working calculator. 173287 $54.99 Time BESTSELLER! Big-Digit Stopwatch Easy-to-read display in 1/100 increments. Features include 12- and 24-hour time, calendar/date display, alarm with hour chime/snooze feature, split-time functions, and neck cord. Waterproof. BESTSELLER! Sandtimers 2 timers Simple Stopwatch 7.5cm D Includes one- and two-minute timers. 1016494 $4.99 Three-button timer shows minutes, seconds, and 1/100 seconds on an easy–to–read display and supports science investigation, timed math exercises, elapsed time tracking, and more! 2543628 1016501 $14.99 Requires one 1.5V button-cell battery, included. $11.99 Colours will vary. Requires one 1.5V button-cell battery, included. 3-Clock Stamp Set Partial set shown. 3 wooden stamps, 5cm diameter each Make time task cards or have students create their own clock faces. One shows five-minute divisions, the second shows 60-minute divisions, and the third one shows 12 five-minute divisions with the hour numerals. 679417 $14.99 Elapsed Time Line Gr. 1–4 · 60cm x 6cm · teaching guide Students will learn to calculate and understand elapsed time with this linear colour-coded ruler. Sliding markers for start and end times help students visualize and count elapsed time. 2407353 $19.99 BESTSELLER! Original Mini-Clocks 12 wooden mini-clocks · teaching guide Miniatures of the original Judy Clock. Movable plastic hands are easy for little hands to use. 629280 $24.99 BESTSELLER! BESTSELLER! wooden class clock, 32cm x 34cm · 24 wooden mini-clocks · teaching guide wooden class clock, 32cm x 34cm · metal stand teaching guide Original Judy Clock Class Pack Demonstrate and practise time-telling concepts. 629272 $69.99 Original Judy Clock Visible functioning gears maintain correct hour-hand and minutehand relationships. Easy-to-read numerals show elapsed time in five-minute intervals. 603838 Partial set shown. Taxes are not included. $29.99 169 MATH Measurement Full-featured economy balance BESTSELLER! Cubes not included. Primary Bucket Balance Precision School Balance with Weights Gr. 3+ · plastic balance · 10 brass weights 16cm H x 42cm W x 16cm D Measure, explore volume, and make comparisons of solids and liquids. Removable, calibrated clear buckets hold solids or up to 400ml of liquid. Easy-pour spout makes measuring liquids easy. Lids can be used as platforms and the built-in drawer is perfect for storing weights. 1128398 Cubes not included. BESTSELLER! Sleek quality balance features built-in weight case and lid, 10 brass weights, 5cm-deep removable pans, zero adjustment knob, and damping button. Total capacity of 2000g with +/- 0.5 g accuracy. 685505 $54.99 $24.99 35 pieces BESTSELLER! Weighted Numbers BESTSELLER! Hexagram Weights ® 35 pieces · storage box Includes 20 5g, 10 10g, and 5 20g weights. 1711721 $12.99 Brass Mass Weights 10 pieces per set, 8cm x 5cm x 1cm each This set of numbers in 5g weight increments (5g to 50g) lets you teach about value and weights. For example, 2 is less than 8; or 2 + 4 in one bucket is equal to 6 in the other. 1256040 $19.99 Students can discover liquid weight measurements as they compare varying amounts. Clear, removable, one-litre buckets are easy to grip and pour, and are marked in increments for convenient measuring. Features heavy-duty plastic construction, built-in carrying handle, and compensator with sensitivity to 1g. 1256032 170 $34.99 Includes two each of 1g, 2g, 5g, and 10g weights, and one each of 20g and 50g weights. Perfect for all measurement and balancing activities. 1711755 Super Bucket Balance 37cm x 14cm x 13cm 10 pieces Simple Scale $18.99 Includes 10 weights 61cm x 36cm · 10 weights A strong yet sensitive balance for measuring and comparing up to 2kg, with durable, washable plastic and sliding compensators for zero adjustment. Includes five each of 5g and 10g plastic stacking weights. 1683037 $29.99 Measurement & graphing Instant Math Practice Graphs & Charts 64 pages each High-interest exercises help students learn how to navigate the different parts of graphs, represent data on graphs, build essential skills in interpreting and analyzing data, and much more. 2199322 2199348 Geometric shapes not included. NEW! $12.99 $12.99 NEW! Graph It Reversible Mat Simple Tape Measure Gr. PreK–1 · vinyl mat, 61cm x 183cm Gr. PreK–1 · 1.2m (4 ft) long Use everyday objects to teach classification, counting, comparing, sorting, and more! Washable, double-sided mat features a grid on one side and a Venn diagram on the other. 2693481 Gr. 2-3 Gr. 4-6 This perfectly-sized, manual-wind tape measure features inches and feet on one side of the tape, and centimeters and meters on the other. $14.99 2663666 $11.99 Trundle Wheel Measure distances using this metric counter. Features adjustable handle, non-slip rubber tire, and counter that reads up to 99,999 metres. Liter Set 6 plastic containers, 11cm tall each Filled with liquids or solids, these graduated, clear containers teach students the relationship between volume, mass, and shape. The three larger shapes hold 1 litre and the others hold 0.5 litres. 1256058 1410456 $49.99 $29.99 BESTSELLER! 19 pieces Classroom Liquid Measurement Set 19 plastic pieces · teaching guide Teach measurement equivalents. Students can practise metric capacities, liquid measurement, and customary conversions with the included activities. Each piece is clearly marked and will provide years of use. Includes liquid measuring cup (8oz/250ml), pint (16oz/500ml), quart (32oz/1000ml); standard measuring spoons (1/8 tsp, 1⁄4 tsp, 1⁄2 tsp, 1 tsp, 1⁄2 tbsp, 1 tbsp); standard measuring cups (1/8 cup, 1⁄4 cup, 1⁄3 cup, 1⁄2 cup, 1 cup); measuring jars: gill, pint, quart, half-gallon, gallon (100ml–3000ml). 1410331 $36.99 Taxes are not included. 5 jumbo pieces BESTSELLER! Teacher’s 5-Piece Magnetic Geometry Set ruler, 61cm · protracter, 39cm x 20cm · set square, 15cm x 28cm triangle, 49cm x 25cm · compass, 43cm This jumbo magnetic geometry set is perfect for teaching math lessons on the chalkboard or whiteboard. 2137132 $79.99 171 MATH Probability and calculators 72 dice Dice in Dice Gr. 1+ · 72 dice outer dice, 2cm each · storage tub Dice Activities for… Brightly coloured, translucent outer dice hold a smaller white die inside. 1711599 104 -136 pages + CD each Reinforce number patterns and develop fluency with facts using ordinary dice. CD includes interactive activities for whole-class instruction. $24.99 BESTSELLER! 2407262 2407296 2407254 2407303 2407270 Dot Dice Sets 36 dice, 2cm each Quality dice in three colours. 685927 $12.99 Math, Gr. K-3 Subtraction, Gr. 1-3 Multiplication, Gr. 3-6 Division, Gr. 3-6 Mathematical Thinking, Gr. 5-8 $19.99 $19.99 $19.99 $19.99 $19.99 NEW! Casio® Fraction Calculator Gr. 3–6 BESTSELLER! Polyhedra Dice 5 dice Create probability and math exercises! Set of five dice includes one each of 4-, 8-, 10-, 12-, and 20-sided dice. 1711581 Help students learn elementary mathematics such as fractions, division with remainder, and random numbers, with ease with Natural Text Book and True Fraction Display. BESTSELLER! Jumbo Playing Cards 52 cards, 9.5cm x 14cm each 2544311 Play number games with these giant, plastic-coated playing cards! 1134973 $24.99 Button cell battery included. $3.99 $4.99 BESTSELLERS! See ‘N’ Solve Visual Calculators Calculator · 12cm x 15cm Reinforce basic math skills! The large LCD display window shows the problem exactly as students are taught to write it out. Fraction calculation has never been easier! Features numerator and denominator keys as well as a simplify function that reduces fractions with the press of a button. 1445859 1983974 Gr. 1+ Gr. 3+, Fraction 2 AA batteries required, not included. BESTSELLER! Primary Calculator 10-Pack Gr. 1+ · 10 calculators, 6cm x 11cm each · AA battery included Start teaching calculator skills early! Dual-powered, four-function calculator includes auto shut-off, three-key memory, and more. Students can start with basic math operations and work their way up to more advanced concepts such as percents and square roots. Perfect for independent math practice! 1711664 172 $54.99 $34.99 $34.99
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