Full CV
Full CV
CV Helena Hansson March 2015 Personal information Date of birth: Address (home): Address (work): Phone: E-mail: March 12, 1980 Vråkvägen 16B, SE-75652 Uppsala Johan Brauners väg 3, P.O. Box 7013, SE-75007 Uppsala +46-(0)18-671714 (work) Helena.Hansson@slu.se Degrees 2007 2003 Ph.D. in business studies, SLU Magister in business studies, Uppsala University Present position 2012 - Ph. D. Thesis Previous positions 2003 – 2007 2008 – 2010 2010 – 2012 Researcher, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, SLU Appointed Associate Professor in 2012. Driving and restraining forces for economic and technical efficiency in dairy farms - What are the effects of technology and management? Date of defense: November 29, 2007. Ph. D. Student, Department of Economics, SLU Researcher, Department of Economics, SLU Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, SLU Leave of Absence Parental leave 2011-04-18 – 2011-12-31 (full time), 2012-10-01 – (part time), 2014-04-20 – 2014-12-31 Publications Publications in referee journals (25) Hansson, H. & Lagerkvist C J. (2015). Identifying use and non-use values of animal welfare: Evidence from Swedish dairy agriculture. Food Policy (accepted for publication) (24) Manevska Tasevska G., Hansson, H. & Rabinoviwcz, E. (2014). Input saving possibilities and practices contributing to more efficient beef production in Sweden. Agricultural and Food Science, 23: 118 – 134. (23) Ferguson, R. & Hansson, H. (2014) Measuring Embeddedness and its Effect on New Venture Creation - A Study of Farm Diversification. Managerial and Decision Economics. (accepted for publication). (22) Hansson, H. & Lagerkvist, CJ. (2013) Decision making for animal health and welfare: Integrating risk-benefit analysis with prospect theory. Risk Analysis, 34: 1149-1159. (21) Hansson, H. & Lagerkvist, CJ. (2013) Defining and measuring farmers’ attitudes to farm animal welfare. Animal Welfare, 23: 47-56 (20) Hansson, H., Ferguson, R, Olofsson C. & Rantamäki-Lahtinen, L. (2013). Farmers’ motives for diversifying their farm business – the influence of family. Journal of Rural Studies. 32, 240-250. (19) Ferguson, R. & Hansson, H. (2013). Expand or exit? Strategic decisions in milk production. Livestock Science. 155, 415-423. (18) Lagerkvist, CJ., Hess, S., Okello, J., Hansson, H. & Karanja, N. (2013). Food health risk perceptions among consumers, farmers, and traders of leafy vegetables in Nairobi. Food Policy. 38, 92-104 (17) Lagerkvist, CJ. & Hansson, H. (2012). Machinery-sharing in the presence of strategic uncertainty: evidence from Sweden. Agricultural Economics. 43, 113-123. (16) Hansson, H. Ferguson, R. & Olofsson, C. (2012). Psychological constructs underlying farmers’ decision to diversify or specialise their businesses – an application of Theory of Planned Behaviour. Journal of Agricultural Economics. 63, 465 - 482 (15) Hansson, H. Lagerkvist C.J. (2012). Measuring farmers’ preferences for risk: a domain-specific risk preference scale. Journal of Risk Research. 15, 737-753 (14) Hansson, H. & Lagerkvist C.J. (2012). Measuring farmers’ attitudes to animal welfare and health. British Food Journal. 114, 840 – 852 (13) Manevska-Tasevska G., Hansson, H. & Latruffe L. (2011). Evaluating the potential effectiveness of Rural Development Programme targets on farms in FYR Macedonia – An efficiency study of grapegrowing family farms. Food Economics. 8, 161-172 (12) Lagerkvist, C.J., Hansson, H., Hess, S. & Hoffman, R. (2011). Provision of Farm Animal Welfare: Integrating Productivity and Non-Use Values. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. 33, 737-753. (11) Hansson, H. & Ferguson, R. (2011). Factors influencing the strategic decision to further develop dairy production – A study of farmers in central Sweden. Livestock Science,135, 110-123 (10) Hansson, H. Szczesna-Rundberg, M. & Nielsen, C. (2011) Which preventive measures against mastitis can increase technical efficiency of dairy farms? Animal: An International Journal of Animal Bioscience. 5: 632-640. (9) Manevska-Tasevska, G. & Hansson, H. (2011). Does Managerial Behavior Determine Farm Technical Efficiency? A Case of Grape Production in an Economy in Transition. Managerial and Decision Economics. 32, 399–412 (8) Hansson, H., Oskarsson, M. & Öhlmér, B. (2010). Successful implementation of new strategies in the farm business– Facilitators and inhibits found at Swedish sugar beet farms. Journal of International Farm Management, 5(2) april. (7) Hansson, H. Ferguson, R. & Olofsson, C. (2010). Understanding the diversification and specialization of farm businesses. Agricultural and Food Science, 19, 269-283. (6) Lindberg, G. & Hansson, H. (2009). Economic impacts of agriculture in Sweden: a disaggregated input-output approach. Food Economics – Acta Agricult Scand C, 6, 119 - 133. (5) Hansson, H. & Öhlmér B. (2008). The effect of operational managerial practices on economic, technical and allocative efficiency at Swedish dairy farms. Livestock Science. 118: 34-43. (4) Hansson, H. (2008). How can farmer managerial capacity contribute to improved farm performance? A study of dairy farms in Sweden. Food Economics – Acta Agricult Scand C. 5: 44-61 (incl. in thesis) (3) Hansson, H. (2008). Are larger farms more efficient? A study of the relationships between farm level efficiency and size in Swedish dairy farms. Agricultural and Food Science. 17: 325-337 (incl. in thesis) (2) Hansson, H. (2007). Strategy factors as drivers and restraints on dairy farm performance: Evidence from Sweden. Agricultural Systems. 94: 726-737. (incl. in thesis) (1) Hansson, H. (2007). The links between management's critical success factors and farm level economic performance on dairy farms in Sweden. Food Economics - Acta Agricult Scand C. 4: 77-88. (incl. in thesis) Books and book chapters Hansson, H., Larsén K., Öhlmér, B. (2010). Drivers and Restraints for Economically Efficient Farm Production. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York Dalberg, J. Hansson, H. Driving Forces Underlying Farmer's Decisions to Develop or Exit Dairy Production: Six Case Studies From Sweden. In: di Alberto, P. & Costa, C. (2009). New Research on Livestock Science and Dairy Farming. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York. Hansson, H. Drivers and Restrainers for Economic and Technical Efficiency in Dairy Farms. In: Castalonge, O. W. (2009).Agricultural Systems: Economics, Technology, and Diversity. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York Andersson, H. Hansson, H. Larsén, K. Hur ska jordbruket överleva? In: Formas (2008). Ska hela Sverige leva? Formas fokuserar. Stockholm Working papers Lindberg, G. & Hansson, H. (2009). Economic impacts of livestock production in Sweden - An inputoutput approach. Working Paper Series. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Department of Economics. vol 2009:1. Johansson*, H. (2006). Mathematical and econometric approaches to technical efficiency estimation - how sensitive are the efficiency scores to methodology choices and functional forms? Working paper series. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Economics vol 2006:2 Johansson*, H. (2006). The input and output economic efficiency aspects of profit maximization: the case of Swedish dairy farms. Working paper series. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Economics vol 2006:3 * Published under my maiden name Miscellaneous publications Hansson, H. (ed) (2010). Axel 1 – Utvärdering av åtgärder för att förbättra konkurrenskraften i jordoch skogsbruk. Report, NL-faculty and Department of Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala Hansson, H. & Waldenström, C. (eds.) (2010). Axel 3 – Utvärdering av åtgärder för att diversifiera landsbygdens ekonomi samt förbättra livskvaliteten på landsbygden. Report, NL-faculty and Department of Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala. Hansson, H. (2010). Om grisnäringens lönsamhet och kalkyler för framtiden. Svensk Gris med knorr, issue 3/2010, 6-7. Hansson, H. (2007). Drivkrafter och hinder för ekonomisk effektivitet i mjölkföretaget - Hur påverkas mjölkgårdarnas lönsamhet av skillnader i teknik, gårdsstruktur och företagsledning? I: Svensk Mjölk (2007). D & U Djurhälso- och utfodringskonferens. sid. 59-60. Ågerups Grafiska AB. Astner H., Johansson* H. (2005). Som man frågar får man svar - en rapport som beskriver ett tillvägagångssätt för att ta fram ett frågeformulär, genom att exemplifiera med en effektivitetsstudie av svenska mjölkföretag. Småskriftserien vol 126. Institutionen för ekonomi, SLU. Work in progress A project about profitability in pig production (with Katarina Labajova, Carl Johan Lagerkvist, Maria Neil and Leif Göransson) A project about farmers’ incentives and motivation to work with animal welfare at dairy farms (with Carl Johan Lagerkvist and Ulf Emanuelson) In addition to this, I am assistant supervisor of three of the Department’s PhD students, which means that I am involved also in their research. Grants and awards November 2011: I was as the main applicant awarded a three-year research grant from Formas of KSEK 3650. The co-applicants were Carl Johan Lagerkvist, Christel Nielsen and Ulf Emanuelson. Project title: Successful strategies for improving the welfare of dairy cows - what are the farmers´ incentives and motivational factors? May 2011: I was as the main applicant awarded a three-year research grant from SLF of KSEK 1800. The co-applicants were Carl Johan Lagerkvist and Maria Neil. Project title: Drivers for profitable pig production in Sweden. November 2009: I was co-applicant of a two-year research grant from Formas, of KSEK 1170. The main applicant was Christel Nielsen, and the other co-applicants were Carl Johan Lagerkvist and Ulf Emanuelson. Project title: Assessment of Technical and Economic Efficiency of Mastitis-Control Actions in Order to Improve Udder Health Management and Increase the Welfare of Dairy Cows January 2009: I received a prize from KSLA for “an outstanding thesis”. November 2008: I was as the main applicant awarded a three-year research grant from Formas of KSEK 1640. The co-applicants were Richard Ferguson and Christer Olofsson. Project title: Development strategies in small-scale rural firms: Specialization versus diversification May 2008: I was awarded a scholarship of KSEK 1140 from Handelsbanken. The scholarship lasts for three years. Referee assignments Agricultural and Food Science Agriculture and Human Values Animal Animals Journal of Rural Studies Food Economics International Journal of Production Economics Journal of Dairy Science Journal of Environmental Management Livestock Science Operational Research – an international journal Participation in conferences and seminars III Workshop on Valuation Methods in Agro-food and Environmental Economics "Decisions and Choices under uncertainty in Agrofood and Environmental Economics ", Castelldefels, Spain. July 1 – 2, 2010. Presentation. Rural Nordic Futures, May 2 – 5 2010. Co-organizer of a workshop session. One presentation. FEKIS 2008. Ämneskonferens för föreningen företagsekonomer i Sverige. November 11-12, 2008. Presentation. X11:th congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE), August 26-29, 2008. Poster 9 th International Scientific Conference Economic Science for Rural Development, 2008, April 24 - 25, 2008, Jelgava, Latvia. Presentation. Nordisk workshop i ekonomi- och verksamhetsstyrning, January 31 - February 1, 2008. Presentation American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting 2007, Portland OR USA, July, 29 August, 1, 2007. Two presentations. NJF:s 381 seminar The Northern European Food Industry. Helsinki, November, 24-25, 2005. Presentation. XI:th congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE), Copenhagen, August 24-27, 2005. Poster. Teaching experience Course responsibility Företagsekonomi (Business Economics) 5 hec, responsible for course 2005-2008, 2010. I did 100% of the lecturing. Tillämpad ekonomi i företag (Applied Economics in Business), 15 hec, responsible for course 20062008. I did 40 - 50% of the lecturing. Responsible for course in 2012, I did 80% of the lecturing. Responsible for course in 2013, I did 60% of the lecturing Ekonomistyrning II, 15 hec. Responsible for course 2013. I did 10% of the lecturing. Tillämpad mikroekonomi (Applied Microeconomics), 10 hec, responsible for course 2013-2015. Lectures. Strategic management, 10 hec, 2008. I did 100% of the lecturing Other participation in teaching Företagsledning (Strategic management)10 p, 2006-2007 (seminars), 2009 (lectures) Areella näringar 10 p, 2006 (One lecture about farm businesses) Applied micro economics 10 p, 2006 (Lectures in production economics), 2012 (lectures in consumer theory and externalities). Basic courses in business economics, Alnarp, 2006-2007, 2009 (Lectures in the quantitative parts of business administration) Tillämpad ekonomi i företag (Applied Economics in Business), 10 hec. 2009-2010, Lectures in production economics and finance. Quantitative Finance, theory and applications, 15 hec 2009. Lectures in capital budgeting. Supervisor in thesis work, in total twelve completed theses and nine which are in progress. Other professional activities Director of post graduate studies at the Department of Economics, SLU. 2010 Assistant supervisor of Gordana Manevska Tasevska (dissertation January 20, 2012). Assistant supervisor of Goudarz Azar (dissertation March 21, 2013) Assistant supervisor of Lovisa Nilsson (licentiate June 2010) Assistant supervisor of Lovisa Nilsson, Katarina Labajova and Suvi Kokko. Member of the examination committee of Cecilia Wolf’s thesis Validation of the Nordic Disease Recording Systems for Dairy Cattle (January 2012) Member of the examination committee of Björn Gunnar Hansen’s thesis Problem solving in dairy farming (May – June 2013) Member of the Swedish evaluation team in the half time evaluation of the Swedish Rural Development Program 2007 – 2013. I coordinated, and conducted parts of the evaluation of Axis 1 and parts of Axis 3. This occupied about 65% of my time in 2010. Secretary in an interdisciplinary group working with questions concerning the farm animals. (Kommitté lantbrukets djur). 2007-06 – 2008-12 Ph. D. student representative in docentnämnden (a group that suggests appointments to Associate Professor) at the NL-faculty at SLU. 2006-2007.