Offentlig målbilde for informasjonsforvaltning og –utveksling
Offentlig målbilde for informasjonsforvaltning og –utveksling
Public roadmap for information management, governance and exchange 2015-09-15 – SINTEF Skate • Skate (governance and coordination of services in egovernment) is a strategic cooperation council to oversee that digitalization of public sector is coordinated and give effects to citizents, companies and the public sector. • Prioritizes the common needs • In 2014 – information management, governance and exchange Information management, governance and exchange Information management and governance: «Connected view on activities, tools and other actions to ensure best possible quality, use and security of information in an organization. The organization of the information shall be systematic and connected with the work processes of the organization.» (Translated from Difi, 2013) Information exchange: «Information exchange is a central part of collaboration and information management and governance is a prerequisite to ensure a secure, reliable and transparent information exchange.» David Norheim. KMD Informasjonsforvaltning 2015-06-22 How we collaborate Juridical Organizational Rules and legislation Defined process and roles Semantic Common information models Technical Standardized technology Contract Solution Solution Sharing functionality and information Source: NAV MAIN CHALLENGE «There is no common governance of the information public sector manage. There is no overview of what information exists in the public sector, where is used, what it means, who it can be shared with and how it can be shared» GOAL «Data shall be created only once, managed in one source to be reused. Reuse shall be the main rule when developing new digitital public services. All core data, not only from the common registries, should be governed by a common framework for information managmenet». Information management and government Understanding Reference Quality Modeling Efficiency Tracability Value Lover NAV forvalter Begrepet «samboer» Har eller venter felles barn Lover brukerne våre må forholde seg til Har vært gift tidligere Har eller har hatt felles barn […] med mindre de bor i hver sin boenhet i et hus med mer enn fire selvstendige og klart atskilte boenheter. Bodd sammen i minst to år To personer som vanligvis bor sammen, selv om de er midlertidig adskilt eller To personer som bor i samme hus, selv om de bor i hver sin del av huset To personer over 18 år som ikke er gift, registrert partner eller samboer med andre Forholdet har aldri vært avbrutt i løpet de siste fem år før dødsfallet Ugifte personer som lever sammen Ugifte personer som lever sammen eller Ville hatt lov til å gifte seg eller inngå partnerskap Bodd sammen 12 av de siste 18 månedene Bodd sammen i minst 12 måneder Felles husholdning Har planer om å fortsette samlivet Felles bopæl Folketrygdloven § 1-5 Barnetrygdloven § 9 Folketrygdloven §§ 19-6 og 20-9 Folketrygdloven § 25-4 Barnetrygdloven § 7 Forskotteringsloven § 5 Folketrygdloven § 3-2 Folketrygdloven § 9-6 Samordningsloven § 22 Utlendingsloven § 41 Innskuddspensjonsloven § 1-2 bokstav p Arvelova § 28 c Bidragsinnkrevingsloven § 11 Tvangsfullbyrdelsesloven § 7-13 Statsborgerloven § 11 Skattebetalingsloven § 10-32 Adopsjonsloven § 5a Folketrygdloven § 17-2 Foretakspensjonsloven § 1-2 (2) b Ambition level 0 – standardization Common framework or governance information management and governance Direktoratet for forvaltning og IKT Ambition level 1 – data overview Common data overview Common framework or governance information management and governance Direktoratet for forvaltning og IKT Ambisjonsnivå 2 – tjenesteoversikt Common data overview Services are described and data made available Common framework or governance information management and governance Direktoratet for forvaltning og IKT Ambition level 3 – reuse as the main rule Reuse is the main rule - «once only» Common data overview Services are described and data made available Common framework or governance information management and governance Direktoratet for forvaltning og IKT «Knowledge about what the data public sector manage – what it means and who using it» Common overview of data Data og and services made avaialble Reuse is the main rule / «once only» Δ «Order in own house» Common framework and governmence model for informatin management