Øivind Øines - Veterinærinstituttet


Øivind Øines - Veterinærinstituttet
Curriculum Vitae
Øivind Øines
Email: Telephone:
Responsibilities and tasks
Managing Molecular biology Unit (MBE);
core facility of 6 molecular laboratories
Managing core group of up to 11 engineers of
the molecular core unit
Performing various research tasks, and
diagnostic work
National representative in the managing
committee COST-FA1404
Peer review publications
Øines Ø, Isaksson M, Hastrøm Å, Tavornpanich S, Davidson RK. 2014. Laboratory assessment of
sensitive molecular tools for detection of low levels of Echinococcus multilocularis-eggs
in fox (Vulpes vulpes) faeces. Parasites & Vectors 7:246. DOI:10.1186/1756-3305-7-246
Campbell-Palmer R, Girling S, Pizzi R, Hamnes IS, Oines O, Del-Pozo J. 2013 Stichorchis
subtriquetrus in a free-living beaver in Scotland. Vet Rec. Jun 17. PubMed PMID: 23775133.
Davidson R, Øines Ø, Hamnes I. S. Shultze J. 2013. Illegal wildlife import more than just
animals -Baylisascaris procyonis in raccoons (Procyon lotor) in Norway. Journal of
Wildlife Diseases 49(4):986-990.
Davidson RK, Mermer A, Øines Ø. 2012. Toxocara cati larva migrans in domestic pigs
detected at slaughterhouse control in Norway. Acta Vet Scand. 21;54:66. DOI: 10.1186/17510147-54-66.
Øines Ø., Jana Radzijevskaja, Algimantas Paulauskas & Olav Rosef O. 2012. Prevalence and
diversity of Babesia spp. in questing Ixodes ricinus ticks from Norway. Parasites & Vectors,
5, 156.
Hasle G., Leinaas H.P., Roed K. H. & Øines Ø. 2011. Transport of Babesia venatorum-infected
Ixodes ricinus to Norway by northward migrating passerine birds. Acta Veterinaria
Scandinavia. 53(1), 41
Oines O. & Brannstrom S., 2011. Molecular investigations of cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1
(CO1) and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) in the poultry red mite, Dermanyssus
gallinae, in northern Europe and implications for its transmission between laying
poultry farms, Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 25 402-412. DOI: 10.1111/j.13652915.2011.00958.x
Øines Ø., Storli K. and Brun-Hansen H., 2010. First case of babesiosis caused by Babesia canis
canis in a dog from Norway. Veterinary Parasitology, 171(3-4), 350-353.
Davidson, R.K. & Øines Ø., Madslien K. and Mathis A., 2009. Echinococcus multilocularis—
adaption of a worm egg isolation procedure coupled with a multiplex PCR assay to carry
out large-scale screening of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Norway. Parasitology Research,
104(3), 509-514. DOI: 10.1007//s00436-008-1222-y
Øines, Ø & Scram, T, 2008. Intra- or inter-specific difference in Caligus elongatus
Nordmann 1832? Acta Parasitologica, 53, 93-105
Heuch, P.A. Øines Ø. Knutsen J.A. & Schram T. A., 2007. Infection of wild fishes from the
Norwegian Skagerrak coast with the parasitic copepod Caligus elongatus, Diseases of
Aquatic organisms, 77, 149-158
Øines, Ø & Heuch P. A., 2007. A comparison of Caligus elongatus Nordmann genotypes on
wild and farmed fish, Journal of Fish Disease, 30, 81-91
Øines Ø, Simonsen, J. H., Knutsen, J. A. and Heuch, P. A., 2006. Host preference of adult
Caligus elongatus in the laboratory and its implications for Atlantic cod aquaculture,
Journal of Fish Diseases, 29, 167-174
Øines, Ø & Heuch, P.A., 2005. Identification of sea louse species of the genus Caligus using
mtDNA, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of United Kingdom (JMBA), 85, 73-79
Other publications
George D, Finn R, Graham K, Mul M, Guy J, Strube C, Tomley F, Hernández-Crespo P, Kilpinen O,
Eriksson E, Øines Ø, Coles G, Cogan T, Stafford K, Nisbet A, Sparagano O, 2014. The poultry red
mite Dermanyssus gallinae: developing novel management solutions for a complicated
and neglected pest. European Congress of Entomology, 3rd-8th August, University of York, UK. p47. Øines Øivind og Falk Michaela. Dødelig babesiose hos ku, Norsk Veterinærtidsskrift 2013, 9, 125.
Davidson, Rebecca K.; Øines, Øivind; Albin-Amiot, C; Hopp, Petter; Madslien, Knut; Hagstrom, A;
Isaksson, M. 2013 Ghost- hunting - is Echinococcus multilocularis really absent from
mainland Norway?. Tropical medicine & international health; Volum 18. s. 97-97
Madslien, Knut; Øines, Øivind; Handeland, Kjell; Urdahl, Anne Margrete; Albin-Amiot, Charles Jean;
Hopp, Petter; Davidson, Rebecca K.. The surveillance and control programme for
Echinococcus multilocularis in red foxes Vulpes vulpes) in Norway. Hunting season 20112012. Oslo: Norwegian Veterinary Institute/Norwegian Food Safety Authority 2013 8 s. Surveillance
and control programmes for terrestrial and aquatic animals in Norway. Annual report(2012)
Knut Madslien, Rebecca Davidson, Kjell Handeland, Øivind Øines, Anne Margrete Urdahl Petter
Hopp 2012. The surveillance and control programme for Echinococcus multilocularis in
red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Norway. Hunting season 2010-2011. Surveillance and control
programmes for terrestrial and aquatic animals in Norway. Annual report 2011. Oslo: National
Veterinary Institute 2012.
Davidson, Rebecca K.; Hamnes, Inger Sofie; Øines, Øivind; Urdahl, Anne Margrete; Madslien, Knut;
Handeland, Kjell. Har revens dvergbendelmark, Echinococcus multilocularis, kommet til
Norge? Norsk Veterinærtidsskrift 2012 (2) s. 82-86
Oines, Oivind. Prosjekt Hømivak Nye metoder for identifisering av vaksinekandidater mot
rød hønsemidd Dermanyssus gallinae og sekvensundersøkelser av midd hos norske
fjørfeprodusenter. I: Universitetet for miljø- og biovitenskap 2011 ISBN 978-82-7479-0247.Husdyrforsøksmøtet 2011.
Øivind Øines. Undersøkelser av rød hønsemidd og en alternativ tilnærming til
vaksineutvikling. Fjørfe 2011; Norsk fjørfelag; 11; 128; 28-33.
Hansen Magne, Øines Øivind. Middens hemmeligheter ligger i arvestoffet. Fjørfe 2010; Norsk
fjørfelag; 4; 127;36-37.
Davidson R, Øines Ø, Norström M. The surveillance and control programme for
Echinococcus multilocularis in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Norway. Annual report 2009.
In: Karlsson AC, Jordsmyr HM, Hellberg H, Sviland S (editors). Surveillance and control programmes
for terrestrial and aquatic animals in Norway. Oslo:National Veterinary Institute; 2010.
Hamnes I, Davidson R, Øines Ø. Strongyloides stercoralis identified in dogs in Norway for
the first time. Norsk Veterinærtidsskrift 2009. 121, 9, 752.
Kjell Handeland, Rebecca Davidson, Øivind Øines, Knut Madslien, Anne Margrete Urdahl 2008. The
surveillance and control programme for Echinococcus multilocularis in red
foxes(Vulpes vulpes) in Norway. In: Ståle Sviland and Hellberg H (editors). Surveillance and
control programmes for terrestrial and aquatic animals in Norway. Annual report 2007. Oslo: National
Veterinary Institute; 109-113.
Øines, Ø, 2007. Host selection and Infection strategies in Caligus elongatus. Dr. Scientthesis, Norwegian School of Veterinary Science. ISBN 978.82.90550.58.0
Selected oral presentations
2015: Cost conference COREMI FA1404, Foggia, Italy. Genetic structure of Poultry red mite and
dispersal patterns’ Øines Ø & Hansen M.
2014: European Poultry Conference (EPC) Stavanger ‘Investigations of the poultry red mite
from layer farms in Norway’ Øines Ø, Jore S & Hansen M.
2011: Husdyrforsøksmøtet, Lillestrøm. ‘Prosjekt Hømivak-Nye metoder for identifisering av
vaksinekandidater mot rød hønsemidd Dermanyssus gallinae og sekvensundersøkelser
av midd hos norske fjørfeprodusenter’ Øines Ø
2010: Nordic Poultry Conference, Tromsø. ‘Novel approach to identify vaccine candidates in
the poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae and molecular investigations of mite from
Norwegian layer farms‘ Øines Ø
2005: 9th international conference on Copepoda, Tunisia ‘Phylogeny of selected copepods of the
family Caligidae, with the emphasis on molecular evidence for a sibling species complex
in Caligus elongatus’ Øines Ø & Schram T.
2003: Sixth International Symposium on Fish Parasites, University of Bloemfontein, South Africa.
Investigations of population differences in the parastitic copepod Caligus elongatus
using mitochondrial DNA. Øines Ø, Heuch P.A.
2002, Sea Lice, Canada. “Using mitochondrial DNA to discern population differences in the sea louse
Caligus elongatus” Øines Ø
Other presentations and posters
2014: European Xth Congress of Entomology, University of York, UK. The poultry red mite
Dermanyssus gallinae: developing novel management solutions for a complicated and
O.3rd-8th August,. p47.
2011: 4th Conference of the Scandinavian Baltic Society for Parasitology. The hidden cost of
import - an emerging parasitic disease in dogs in Norway. Hamnes I S; Davidson, RK. and
Øines, Øivind.
2010: The 4th International Workshop on Arctic Parasitology. Echinococcus surveillance in
Norway. Davidson R K & Øines Ø.
2007: International Symposium on Fish Parasites, Viterbo IT. Caligus elongatus on fishes in
Norway. Øines Ø., Heuch P. A., Knutsen J. A., Simonsen, J. H. & Schram, T. A.
2002: Havbruk og Villaks, Tromsø. Host selection and infection strategies in Caligus
elongatus, poster. Øines Ø, Heuch, P.A., Knutsen, K.A. & Schram, T.A.
Research skills keywords
Molecular biology, parasitology, microbiology; PCR, cloning, DNA sequencing, phylogeny population,
genetics, real-time PCR, molecular identification, DNA isolation, targeted DNA isolation, DNA-vaccination,
pyro sequencing, referee work, project acquisition and project management, photo skills.
Work experience
Norwegian Veterinary Institute, section for parasitology (II)
Ullevålsveien 68 0033, Oslo.
June 2006 – to current
Head of Molecular biology unit. Responsible for development of MBU, and establishment of a MBUcore facility with rotation of technical staff. Instrumentation investing/purchases for MBE. April 2014-now:
Responsible to coordinate 11-14 engineers in part time (25%-50%) rotations performing molecular
diagnostics at NVI for several sections.
Senior Researcher Molecular parasitology various tasks; molecular parasitology diagnostics, inclusive
zoonotic agents such as Babesia, Leukocytozoon, Leishmania, Echinococcus multilocularis surveillance
program, European Union reference laboratory for parasites’ proficiency tests’, Tritrichomonas spp realtime
pcr detection and development of various other molecular diagnostics methods at the section for
parasittologi.Project developer, applicant and head of consortium, as well as principal researcher in the NFRKMB project: 190334-Novel approach to identify vaccine candidates in the poultry red mite Dermanyssus
gallinae and molecular investigations of mite from Norwegian layer farms. 2009-present
Project developer, applicant and leader for the project ‘Development of efficient surveillance tools for the
molecular detection and identification of Echinococcus in Fennoscandia’ funded by
the Nordic council of ministers through NMDD. 2010-present
Other responsibilities: Member of TEKNA-Veterinærinstituttet board; 2011 to 2014.
Responsible for automatic sequencer instrument MEGABACE 1000; 2003-2006 2009, 2011-2013),
Pyromark 24 (Qiagen) and Qiacube (Qiagen) July 2012 to present. Boardmember VETBIL 2008-2012.
Member of ARGUS editorial board Veterinærinstituttet.
National Veterinary Institute, section for parasitology I
Ullevålsveien 68 0033, Oslo.
1 Aug 2002 – May 2006
Researcher/PhD-student in the project “Host selection and infection strategies
in Caligus elongatus” Additional duties: Responsible for automatic sequencer
instrument MEGABACE 1000; 2003-2006)
Ullevål University Hospital, Department for medical genetics.
Avdeling for medisinsk genetikk, UUS, Kirkeveien 166 0407, Oslo.
1 May, 2001 - 31 July 2002
Ingeniør l -DNA diagnostics; DNA extraction/PCR/Sequence analysis/Southern
blot/RFLP-analysis, realtime PCR analysis of clinical specimens. Additional duties:
Department workers union representative for NITO.
Norsk Mat og Miljøanalyse AS
Nils Hansensvei 4 Post boks 6166 Etterstad 0602, Oslo.
15 January- 1 May, 2001
Technical staff -Various microbiological analyses of food-borne bacteria in food;
i.e. Bacterial counting, culturing and detection of various pathogens, Salmonella
analyses and Listeria analyses, Vitek-analysis.
Queensland Health Scientific Services
Public Health Microbiology department, QHSS, 39 Kessels road, Coopers Plains,
4108 Queensland, Australia
23 July- 15 October, 2000
Master student - included various molecular bacteriological epidemiology
projects at the Public Health Microbiology Department at Queensland Health
Scientific Services; i.e Campylobacter identification, PFGE-analysis, etc.
Academic background
Doctor Scientiarum
December 2007 ‘Host selection and infection strategies in Caligus elongatus’ Norwegian School of
Veterinary Science, Oslo, Norway
Master of Science in Clinical Microbiology (Australia)
January 2000- December 2000 Griffith University, Nathan Campus, Brisbane Australia
Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Australia)
January 1997- December 1999 Griffith University, Nathan Campus, Brisbane Australia
Other qualifications/certifications
EU reference laboratory Proficiency test “Detection of Echinococcus multilocularis in faeces
of the definitive host” European Union Reference Laboratory for Parasites, 2015 Results all
EU reference laboratory Proficiency test “to identify Trichinella larvae at the species level by
molecular method”, European Union Reference Laboratory for Parasites, 2012 Results all positive.
Authorisation as an officially approved Bioengineer’/Bioingeniør. HPR-number: 8640165
Oslo, 15 january, 2002. Statens Autorisasjonskontor for helsepersonell.
Relevant courses:
Hvordan lede uten å være sjef, 03-04 june 2014, TEKNA, Oslo
Introduction to Microarray Technology December 2005 University of Oslo
Parasitic zoonoses Tvärminne April 2005, NORFA kurs, Finland
Research school on application of molecular methods in fish disease research København April 2003,
SCOFDA KVL, Denmark.
Post graduate course in research methodology Oslo, Jan/march 2003, Norwegian School of
Veterinary Sciences
Bio365 Phylogenetic analysis, cladistics Oslo, december 2002, University of Oslo
Tillitsvalgt kurs, 2Bc. NITO tillitsmanns-opplærings kurs: Lønns og personal politikk Bedriftgruppe
tillitsvalgt Konkuranseutsetting, privatisering Hønefoss 13-15 februar, 2002. Organizer NITO.
Practical accounting, 2Bg. Tillitmannsopplærings kurs i regnskap. Sørmarka, 27 feb.-1mars 2002.
Organizer NITO
ABI PRISM® 7700 Sequence Detection System User course for 7700 Real time PCR system.
Stockholm 29-30 januar, 2002. Organizer Applied Biosystem.
Tillitsvalgts kurs, 2Bb, NITO.NITO tillitsmannsopplærings kurs i Lønns og personal politikk;
Forhandlinger/pensjonsordninger Hønefoss 14-16, 2001. November. Organizer NITO.
Mangfold I Genetisk uttrykk- fra forskning til praktisk medisin. Godkjent
videre/etterutdanningskurs Den norske lægeforening og Bioingeniørfaglig institutt. Oslo, 18-19
oktober, 2001. Organizer FOU- Ullevål Sykehus
Vitek 32 bruker kurs Training for Vitek 32.Oslo 26 februar, 2001. Organizer BioMerieux Norge.