Sustainable Wood Building Expo, 20. – 21. mars 2013, Storforsen


Sustainable Wood Building Expo, 20. – 21. mars 2013, Storforsen
Sustainable Wood Building Expo, 20. – 21. mars 2013, Storforsen, Sverige
SWBE er en to-dagers møteplass for bedrifter med fokus på forretningsmuligheter
innen byggeprosjekter i tre. Målet er å samle hele verdikjeden fra bestillere, utbyggere,
leverandører og produsenter fra de nordlige deler av Norge, Sverige og Finland
Fokus er bærekraftig bygging i tre med undertemaer knyttet til lean production,
effektive energiløsninger og bærekraftig finansiering.
Hvorfor delta på konferansen
 Inspirerende og konkrete foredrag aktuelle foredragsholdere
 Praktiske workshops om de aktuelle temaene
 Førstehåndskjennskap til noen av de mest spennende investeringsprosjektene i
nord frem mot 2025. Byene Gällivare, Kiruna, Luleå, Oulu, Hammerfest og Bodø –
byer som står foran store byutviklingsprosjekter.
 Tilrettelagte B2B møter
 Mulighet til å møte aktører innen hele verdikjeden innen bygg- og anleggsbransjen
på Nordkalotten
Praktisk info:
Avreise fra Norge: 19. mars, ettermiddag
Retur fra Sverige: 21. mars, ettermiddag
Fly, hotell, transport fra/til flyplass i Luleå, middag og lunsj under konferansen er
dekket gjennom en egenandelen på kr 4 500,-.
Påmeldingsfrist: Snarest og senest 28.februar
Informasjon og påmelding: prosjektleder Anita Andresen på tlf. 976 94 949 eller
Les mer på
Ulf Hansson, Development manager at Gällivare Municipality
There is a massive challenge in merging the two neighboring communities Malmberget and Gällivare,
and Ulf is one of the brains behind the overall planning. The projects effects some 250 000 m2 of
buildings, private housing, offices, shops and industries. A goal is also to find new possibilities and
business opportunities for the community as a result of this grand city transformation.
Linda Dokmo, project manager in branding Bodø region
Linda will present "Extreme City Makeover Bodø". Bodø is one of the fastest growing cities in
Norway. Major development projects provide an extreme city makeover. More than 16 billion
NOK will be invested in over 40 different projects in Bodø. This involves several hotels, large
residential projects, new schools, a new cultural center and infrastructure.
Berit Time, Senior scientist
Berit Time will present "Zero emission buildings -future energy solutions". A combination of making
buildings more energy-efficient and use a larger fraction of renewable energy is a key issue to meet
the global challenges related to climate change and resource shortages.
Stefan Lindbäck, CEO of Lindbäcks Bygg
Lindbäcks Bygg is seen as a great example of Lean Production in practice and is Sweden's leading
company in industrially produces apartment blocks in wood. The apartment blocks are produced in a
cost efficient way that provides several benefits like reducing assembling time on sight etc. Stefan will
give an insight in how this works and what kind of challenges that lays ahead.
Roger Kagstedt, Process and Change Manager at SEB
Roger is passionate about environmental issues and is active in the carbon-financing project "Green
Bonds" in collaboration with World Bank Group. Roger will provide an insight to this growing business of
capital used to finance projects with a green profile and provide inspiring examples from around the
Anna-Karin Härensjö, Manager & Master Trainer Intercultural Communication
Anna-Karin is a skilled consultant within the field of Intercultural Communication.
She has 25 years of international experience, and has lived in various locations
in Europe, Asia, and South America. Her lecture will focus common misconceptions
in business relations between Norwegians, Finns and Swedes.
Jarkko Erikshammar, Lic. Eng. and Ph.D. student from LTU
Jarkko describes what Lean implementation has to do both with Nike, yes- the show maker, and
scientific thinking. Jarkko has a previous experience from manufacturing and construction industry,
where he has worked with practical implementation of Lean in both worlds; from mass production to
one off projects. This practice focused workshop is brought to you by the TräIn research program.
20th March
Andreas Lind, President Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce
Opens the expo. Future outlooks for a region in expansion.
Parallel sessions - Lean Production:
Jarko Erikshammar, PhD student at LTU
Implementing lean production.
Stefan Lindbäck, Lindbäcks Bygg.
Lean production in practice.
Keynote: Roger Kagstedt, SEB
Sustainable Financing through Green Bonds
Single session - Sustainable Financing:
Business Sweden times three.
"How to enter neighbouring markets"
Inspirational lecture: Intercultural business relations
Anna-Karin Härensjö
After work
21st March
Keynote: Magnus Silfverhielm, Arkitekt SAR/SIR MSA Professon, AIX
The future of wood building
Keynote: Berit Time, SINTEF NO
Zero emission buildings – future energy solutions
Debate - city transformations
Parallel sessions - new development projects
Lunch and matchmaking
Singel session
Keynote speaker:
City transformation in Norrbotten
Ulf Hansson, Näringslivschef Gällivare and Mikael Westerlund, LKAB
Summary by Andreas Lind, President Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce
End of congress