SASS News & Notes - Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian


SASS News & Notes - Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian
SASS News & Notes
The Official News Bulletin of the
Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study
Editor: Louis Janus
The deadline for submission of material for the next regular issue
is November 15, 2015. Please address all submissions to:
Louis Janus, Editor, News & Notes
5136 Sheridan Ave South
Minneapolis, MN 55410
(612) 928-0952
SASS News & Notes (0891-7477) is normally issued three times a
year (in February, September, and December) by the Society for the
Advancement of Scandinavian Study, c/o Louis Janus, 5136 Sheridan
Ave. South, Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55410 USA, and is sent to
all members of the Society. Membership dues are divided into several
categories: regular print $55.00; retired print $30; institutions print
only $85; electronic only $100; print + electronic $115. Residents of
Canada or Mexico should add $10 to the membership to cover postage
costs; residents of other countries should add $30. See for current membership
details. Life Members outside the U.S. are charged $900. New memberships and renewals are entered on a calendar basis only; those who
join mid-year will be sent the back issues of the journal for the year
and will have their subscription come up for renewal at the beginning
of the next calendar year.
POSTMASTER: Please send address corrections to Scandinavian Studies, University of Illinois Press, 1325 South Oak Street, Champaign, IL 61820-6903, USA.
Copyright © 2015 by the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study.
In memoriam
Helena Forsås-Scott
It is with great sadness that we report that
Helena Forsås-Scott, Honorary Professor of
Scandinavian Studies at the University of Edinburgh, passed away July 13, 2015. She
graduated with a Filosofie magister from the
University of Gothenburg and held a PhD
from the University of Aberdeen. Prior to her
retirement in 2010, she was Professor of
Swedish and Gender Studies at University
College London. Her research focussed on
areas including eco-criticism, ecofeminism
and gender in 20th century Sweden and
Swedish literature. Her contributions to the
field of Scandinavian Studies were many and
they were first class. Likewise, she offered
advice, encouragement and support to many
undergraduate and graduate students at a
number of institutions.
Following retirement, Professor Forsås-Scott,
moved to Edinburgh, remained highly active
in the world of academia, and became a valued member of the Scandinavian Studies
Professor Forsås-Scott, was a director of
Norvik Press and editor of the groundbreaking translation series Lagerlöf in English.
Our thoughts are with Helena’s family and
From Swedish Book Review and Facebook
group Scandinavian Scholars.
Meet Clydette Wantland, SASS Executive Director
Clydette Wantland has been involved with scholarly publishing and membership
societies for 25 years. Wantland began her publishing career in 1990 with the
American Dairy Science Association,where she served as Editorial Coordinator
for the Journal of Dairy Science and later became the Marketing and Meeting Coordinator when ADSA formed the Federation of Animal Science Societies
(FASS). After leaving FASS, she was the Journals Division Director at Human
Kinetics, a leading commercial periodical publisher in the physical activity field.
Clydette Wantland has been with the University of Illinois Press since September 2000 where she started as a Journals Production Editor for the Press’s
15 journal titles before being promoted to Assistant Journals Manager in 2004
and then Journals Manager in 2005. She oversees all aspects of the Press’s journals program that now encompasses 34 journal titles and membership services
for 17 professional scholarly societies, including SASS.
See the new Facebook page for SASS:
Arbeitstagungen der deutschsprachigen Der Skandinavistik
The 22nd edition of Arbeitstagungen der deutschsprachigen der Skandinavistik
(ATDS), a workshop for German-speaking Scandinavian Studies, is organized
by the University of Cologne, September 29―October 1, 2015.ATDS has been
organized every two years since 1974 and alternates among various universities
in German-speaking countries. The workshop is divided into working groups
with different themes. Some themes this year are:
❖ Travelling Scandinavians and traveling in Scandinavia
❖ 1700s new public spheres
❖ The Nordic Region as a historical project
❖ Opportunities and limits —modern literature- and culture theories—
in Scandinavistic Medieval Studies
❖ Biopolitics in Scandinavia—literature, culture and history
The registration period has officially closed, but according to the website late
entries can be accepted until further notice.
SASS News & Notes
Volume 42 Number 2 [September 2015]
page 3
International Society for Ethnology and Folklore
The working group, Museums and Material Culture proposes a focused initiative to:
Convene at conferences
❖ Implement a series of professional activities
❖ Stimulate research in material culture by drawing on the expertise of
colleagues working in museums.
Over the next four years, we will strive to:
❖ Form a working group with members from Europe and beyond.
❖ Develop an electronic community of ethnologists in material culture in
order to strengthen the communication and interaction among these
scholars, curators, educators, administrators, digital asset managers, etc.
❖ Convene the working group with invited material culture scholars to
identify strategies and opportunities to develop the critical study of
material culture. This convening will also seek to identify impediments
to the deeper participation of ethnologists in developing museum policy
and practice.
❖ Develop specific strategies to connect the SIEF WG with e.g., the
International Council of Museums and the American Folklore Society
Museum section.
❖ Organize panels for SIEF international congresses and workshops
adjacent to these congresses.
❖ Develop transnational projects to increase research on the role of
museums and material culture
Radical Art As Resistance In Nazi-Occupied Denmark
“War Horses: Helhesten and the Danish Avant-Garde During World War
On view at NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale
May 17–September 27, 2015.
SASS News & Notes
Volume 42 Number 2 [September 2015]
page 4
AASSC annual Conference
The thirty-fifth annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of
Scandinavian Studies in Canada (AASSC) will be held at the University of Calgary from Monday, May 30–Thursday, June 2, 2016 in conjunction with the
meetings of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences /
Fédération Canadienne des Sciences Humaines.
The AASSC invites papers of 20 minutes duration, to be followed by an additional 10 minutes of
discussion time. Papers may be given in English or French on a Scandinavian /
Nordic related topic in any discipline, including Finnish, Greenlandic, Faroese
and Icelandic topics.
As stated on the Congress website, the 2016 overall theme is “Energizing
communities,” and “reflects the [University of Calgary]’s commitment to community engagement at local, regional, national and transnational levels. This
commitment is rooted in the belief that knowledge and understanding arecreated through associations of shared values, grounded in respect for difference
and diversity among all peoples, from First Nations to new Canadians.”
AASSC encourages panels (3 participants) that deal with “communities,” as
expressed by the Federation
above, in a Scandinavian/Nordic context. However, papers are NOT limited to
these themes/angles, and we welcome all contributions within Scandinavian
Studies. Thus, proposals for panels on other themes within Scandinavian /
Nordic Studies are also invited, as are proposals for interdisciplinary colloquia
or special sessions on the level of the overall Congress of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences. Let the AASSC Program Committee Chair know if you wish your panel to be a part of the overall Congress and/
or an interdisciplinary session.
There are two deadlines again this year. If you must hand in your application for funding to your institution already this fall, you may submit your proposal by October 20, 2015, and the Program Committee will give you an answer by the end of October. In all other cases, the deadline for submission of
proposals for panels/abstracts is January 15, 2016, through e-mail only.
Submissions should include the title of the paper, an abstract (150-250
words), and the author’s name, affiliation, a very brief bio, and contact information. Please email your submission to the Chair of the AASSC Program Committee at
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Volume 42 Number 2 [September 2015]
page 5
News from ASF
The American-Scandinavian Foundation has announced that Lynn Carter,
long-serving Executive Vice President, will step down from her full-time position in October. She will continue to work part-time as Senior Advisor to the
ASF through June 2016.
Also, the ASF is pleased to announce that Tim Warburton has joined the
ASF staff as Executive Assistant to the President. Tim received his M.A. (2011)
and PH.D. (2014) in Scandinavian Studies from the University of Washington,
and has presented papers at four SASS annual meetings.
Awards for Research/Study in Scandinavia 2016–2017
The American-Scandinavian Foundation (ASF) offers fellowships (up to
$23,000) and grants (up to $5,000) to individuals to pursue research, study or
creative arts projects in one or more Scandinavian countries for up to one year.
The number of awards varies each year according to total funds available.
Awards are made in all fields.
In the past year, the ASF awarded some $700,000 to artists, social innovators, scientists and thought leaders from both sides of the Atlantic, striving to
improve their knowledge and have a lasting impact on the lives of people the
world over. These grantees included 22 American candidates.
For more information and to apply, please visit our website: for Research/Study in
Scandinavia 2016–2017
For more information and to apply, please visit the AFS website:
NTNU: Inntil 10 stipendiatstillinger ved Det humanistiske fakultet
Det humanistiske fakultet lyser ut inntil 10 stipendiatstillinger. Stillingene er 3årige uten pliktarbeid eller 4-årige med 25 % pliktarbeid, avhengig av instituttets behov.
Søkere fra alle fagområder ved Det humanistiske fakultet inviteres til å
søke. Det forutsettes at søkernes prosjekter kan relateres til fakultetets etablerte fagmiljø med veiledningskompetanse og -kapasitet. Søknadene må i tillegg kunne plassere seg innenfor rammene av fakultetets strategi
Kandidaten som blir tilsatt, forplikter seg til å gjennomføre ph.d.-studiet innenfor tilsettingsperioden. Ph.d-utdanningen ved Det humanistiske fakultet er organisert i 4 program: estetiske fag, historie og kulturfag, språkvitenskap og
tverrfaglige kulturstudier. Fagområdene som inngår i disse programmene
framgår av studieplanen som er tilgjengelig på
SASS News & Notes
Volume 42 Number 2 [September 2015]
page 6 Søkeren skal oppgi hvilket ph.d.-program
hun/han skal være tilknyttet, men skal ikke fylle ut søknad om opptak på
Gjennom den vedlagte prosjektbeskrivelsen må søkerne dokumentere høyt
vitenskaplig potensial. Prosjektbeskrivelsen har avgjørende betydning for evalueringen av søkerne. Det vil også være avgjørende at prosjektet lar seg gjennomføre innenfor de normerte 3 årene for ph.d-utdanningen, der ½ år er satt
av til skoleringsdelen av programmet.
For ansettelse i stipendiatstilling kreves fullført mastergrad eller utdanning
på tilsvarende nivå med en veid gjennomsnittskarakter siste to år av studiet på
B eller bedre sammenholdt med NTNUs karakterskala. Det vil bli lagt vekt på
gjennomføringstid på studiet. Søkeren må gjøre rede for prosjektets tilknytning
til eksisterende fagmiljø ved Det humanistiske fakultet, NTNU, samt oppgi potensiell hovedveileder ved fakultetet. Søkerne anbefales å kontakte potensiell
veileder tidlig i prosessen. Framtidige rekrutteringsbehov vil også være et viktig
element i utvelgingsprosessen.
Oslo: Skandinavisk språk i Amerika
To stillinger som stipendiat (SKO 1017) innenfor feltet skandinavisk språk i
Amerika er ledige ved Institutt for lingvistiske og nordiske studier, Universitetet i Oslo
De siste årene har studiet av nedarvingsspråk (dvs. språk som er innlært
som førstespråk i et samfunn der et annet språk dominerer) fanget interessen
hos forskere både lokalt ved UiO og internasjonalt. Norsk og svensk i Amerika
er typiske eksempler på nedarvingsspråk. Disse språkene gir en mulighet til å
teste hvilke faktorer som virker ved grammatisk variasjon og endring, og de
bidrar med viktige puslespillbiter til vår forståelse av hvordan språk tilegnes og
endres gjennom livsløpet. Faktorer for endring kan være knyttet til tilegnelse,
alder, mengde av språkbruk, frekvens av fenomener, påvirkning fra kontaktspråket, samt rent språkinterne, strukturelle forhold.
Ved UiO har forskere knyttet til Tekstlaboratoriet og Senter for flerspråklighet bygd opp et stort nettverk av forskere og en internasjonal workshopserie,
stått bak sentrale utgivelser, samt utviklet et korpus av amerikanorsk talespråk
og metoder for samtale og elisitering av enkeltfenomener. De to kandidatene vil
bli en del av dette fellesskapet, som ved UiO har ekspertise i fonologi, morfologi og syntaks, språkhistorie, dialektologi, psykolingvistikk, språktilegnelse
og –attrisjon, samt tospråklighet. PhD-prosjektene må være innenfor et eller
flere av disse emnene og ha relevans for teoretisk lingvistikk.
Forskningen i amerikanorsk og amerikasvensk kombinerer teoretiske
spørsmål med empiri. Innenfor doktorgradsprosjektet kommer kandidatene til
å gjøre feltarbeid i USA eller Canada under veiledning av prosjektlederne. MaSASS News & Notes
Volume 42 Number 2 [September 2015]
page 7
terialet gjøres siden tilgjengelig for andre forskere, siden amerikaskandinaviske
språk er døende, og mulighetene for nytt materiale blir færre år for år.
De som tilsettes vil bli knyttet til fakultetets organiserte forskerutdanning.
Det vitenskapelige arbeidet skal munne ut i en doktoravhandling som skal forsvares ved fakultetet med tanke på å oppnå graden ph.d. Den som tilsettes forventes å gå inn i et forskningsmiljø eller –nettverk og bidra til faglig utvikling i
miljøet. Se mer informasjon om doktorgrad og forskerkarriere.
U of Oslo: stipendiat innenfor klarspråkforskning
En stilling som stipendiat (SKO 1017) innenfor klarspråkforskning er ledig
ved Institutt for Lingvistiske og nordiske studier (ILN), Universitetet i Oslo.
Stillingen er knyttet til fagmiljøet i retorikk og språklig kommunikasjon ved
instituttet. ILN søker etter kandidater med dokumentert relevant kompetanse
for forskning innen feltet klarspråkforskning.
Med «klarspråk» (plain language) siktes det til et politisk innsatsområde for
å lette og effektivisere statlige, til dels også regionale og kommunale, myndigheters kommunikasjon med innbyggerne, oftest med en demokratisk begrunnelse. Denne virksomheten har til nå ikke i tilfredsstillende grad basert seg
på vitenskapelig kunnskap, og det savnes internasjonale akademiske arenaer for
feltet. Både politisk og faglig er det imidlertid høy interesse for klarspråkforskning. I nordisk sammenheng er fagfeltet mest utviklet i Sverige. Tekst- og
retorikkmiljøet ved ILN står imidlertid i god kontakt både med de aktuelle
svenske miljøene og relevante forskningsmiljøer i flere andre land. I stipendiatens prosjekt skal det legges vekt på en empirisk undersøkelse av et pågående
eller historisk nordisk klarspråkprosjekt, forankret i teori som belyser klarspråk
i både språklig, demokratisk og kommunikasjons- og tekstteoretisk perspektiv.
Stipendiaten forventes å bidra med ny forskningsbasert kunnskap om klarspråk
gjennom doktorgradsarbeidet
SASS News & Notes
Volume 42 Number 2 [September 2015]
page 8
Call for papers
SASS call for thematic streams.
Deadline extended to September 5, 2015
In anticipation of the general call for papers for SASS 2016, the 106th annual
meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study, to be held
in New Orleans, Louisiana, April 28-30, 2016, the SASS conference program
committee (Julie Allen, Tom DuBois, Patricia Marton, Carl Rahkonen, Ben
Teitelbaum) are now soliciting proposals for thematic streams.
If you have any questions about these guidelines or about a stream that
you’d like to explore, please contact the program committee at our program
email address ( We will be checking email
frequently and will give you feedback on any ideas you want to suggest.
The Fiske Icelandic Collection: A Call for Papers in Old
Norse-Icelandic Studies
Founded in 1905, The Fiske Icelandic Collection (Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library) is one of the largest collections
on Icelandic literature and civilization, and is unrivaled in its resources for the
study of the medieval Nordic world.
For the first time in its history, the Fiske Collection invites submissions for
a session sponsored at the International Congress on Medieval Studies at
Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo, May 12-15, 2016). This session will
inaugurate a new forum for the discussion and dissemination of the latest
thought and research in the field of Old-Norse Icelandic Studies, as well as foster scholarly conversation and contact. Submissions germane to the Collection’s traditional areas of strength (as reflected in the Collection’s Islandica
play&page=past&handle=cul.isl) will receive fullest consideration.
Speakers offering fresh approaches—particularly those with potential for
application beyond the immediate subject of their talks—and/or forging useful
connections between existing areas of scholarship are especially encouraged.
Please email an abstract of sufficient length (one-page, single-spaced, max.)
and a completed Participant Information Form to the session organizer, Jeffrey
Turco (, by September 15, 2015. The Form, as well as the
general Congress call for papers and guidelines, can be found
SASS News & Notes
Volume 42 Number 2 [September 2015]
page 9
Call for Chapter Proposals: The Scandinavian German Literary
The Scandinavian and German-speaking countries have had a rich literary relationship for centuries, including today. Certainly geographic proximity, linguistics affinities and cultural similarities are core components of this relationship,
yet there are also doubtless many other opportunities for German-speaking
and Scandinavian writers to engage with each other and their works. This volume intends to explore the geographical, linguistic, and cultural links taken up
by German-speaking and Scandinavian writers as well as aims to uncover other
methods German-Scandinavian literary. The volume, to be published by Welsh
Academic Press, will cover the Scandinavian German literary relationship from
1850 to the present.
Please send chapter proposals (250 words or less) via email to Jennifer Watson ( or Jennifer Hoyer ( by October 31,
SASS News & Notes
Volume 42 Number 2 [September 2015]
page 10