Fra CO2 til H2O
Fra CO2 til H2O
Fra CO2 til H2O reisen har startet Arendal 18.08.15 1 Historien 1908 Start elproduksjon I Tyssedal 1914 DNN Etablert, start Aluminium 1916 1976 Staten kjøper DNN 1979 Aluminium rives, nybygging starter. 1983-86 Bygging og oppstart av K/S lmenittsmelteverket A/S 1988 Staten selger til Tinfos, navneskifte: Tinfos Titan & Iron (TTI) 1995-2001 BHP kommer inn som minoritetseier. 2008 Tinfos selger seg ut til Eramet 2010 Navneskifte Tinfos Titan & Iron Eramet Titanium & Iron 2011 Joint venture Eramet-MDL 2012 Navneskifte Eramet Titanium & Iron TiZir Titanium & Iron 2 TTI H2 development project: • Turnover : +/- 1 bill Nok/year • 180 employees • R&D expenditures 2011-2014: +100mill Nok. • Investment 2015 : 500 mill Nok • Investments 2016-2020: 2,3 bill Nok • New mine in Senegal started 2014 • Ilmenite well suited for H2 reduction 3 PROCES today Carbon CO2 Ilmenite silos Coal storage Filtration Milling Binder Slurry tank Coal Cold charging Rotary kiln Peletizing Grate Off-gass system Charge preparation Rotary cooler SO2 - cleaning Iron treatment Casting Furnace Crushing Cooling 4 PROCES tomorrow Hydrogen H2O H2 Hot charging Iron treatment Casting Furnace Crushing Cooling 5 H2-reduction and hot-charcing for further growth. Key-parameters: Timing Prereduction Feed to furnace(s) No. of furnaces Slag production kt/a Iron production kt/a Total energy TWh/a Total CO2 kt/a Total energy MWh/t slag t CO2 / t slag TWh/a saved rel Stage 0 CO2 saved rel. Stage 0 kt/a Stage 0 2014 Rotary kiln Cold 1 x 36MW 200 110 1,2 300 6,0 1,5 Stage 1 3Q2015 Rotary kiln Cold 1x44MW 250 110 1,5 370 5,8 1,5 0,02 24 Stage 2 Stage 3 Circored Hot 1x44MW 350 160 1,2 60 3,5 0,2 0,8 450 2 x Circored Hot 2x44MW 700 350 2,5 110 3,7 0,2 1,5 900 6 Co-investment the key: 3 Development stages: Step Year Cost estimate (Mill USD) Qualified for Enova coinvestment ( Mill USD) Possible Enova investment level (Mill USD) Production volume (kt) 1. Upgrade F1 2015 78 40 20 235(SP) 1.2. Demo.facility 20152017 21 21 10? 2. Full scale pilot. 20182021 360 360 180-? 350 3. Complete new prod.line. 20212025 700 700 350-? 700 USD/NOK 6.0 Effective and low cost actions, facilitating CO2 reductions. 7 Some variables to deal with : • Market prices for our products (Sulphate slag, Chloride slag, Ilmenite, rutile & Zircon …) • Energy prices and availability going from 330 to 1700GWH • Emission (CO2) – and transition costs • Logistic costs between Senegal and Norway and our customers • Positioning of TTI on the TiO2 “ cost curves”. Nearly 100% of our product are exported worldwide. • Risks, political and market 8 Looking forward • The current program is the first step of a major evolution • Norway enjoys and will continue to enjoy favourable electricity supply conditions • At TTI our next steps are: Strongly reducing our environmental footprint and our: CO2 emission /t slag Specific energy consumption Increasing our capacity of production Being prepared to become the top GREEN smelter on the market 9 Major development since the establishment of TiZir Our long term goal is to increase our presence on the market and become the GREENEST TiO2 feedstock producer. TiZir 2011 TiZir 2016 HP Pig Iron High TiO2 products HP Pig Iron SP TiO2 Feedstocks CP + SP TiO2 Feedstocks Zr for ceramics, refractory + other applications Via the start up of Grande Côte and the refurbishment of TTI Furnace Within very versatile and cyclical markets, our size (circa 8% of the world MS) and our process allow us the flexibility and the ability to adapt to changing conditions. THE GREEN ENERGY LOOP Green Energy from Norway on keel, the grey battery of Norway. Norwegian Hydro power Ilmenite Senegal/ Norway High purity Tyssedal iron Titanium Concentrate 11 HVORFOR ILMENITT OG HYDROGEN ? ) Fra PhD studie NTNU (2011-2015) Steven Lobo PhD-candidate, not yet published 12