2/6/2014 APTA CSM 2014 Las Vegas, NV Effects of Exercise Intervention on Metabolic Abnormalities Associated with Metabolic Syndrome: Cellular Perspective Abraham D. Lee, Ph.D., P.T. Associate Professor Dept. of Rehabilitation Sciences The University of Toledo abraham.lee2@utoledo.edu Learning Objectives At the end of the session, participants will be able to • Know diagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrome. • Know the prevalence of metabolic syndrome. • Explain etiologies of metabolic abnormalities occurring in multiple organs (endothelium, adipocytes, the liver, pancreas, and skeletal muscle), which lead to the development of metabolic syndrome. • Explain the concept of metabolic inflexibility. • Explain how exercise intervention improves the components of metabolic syndrome. 1 2/6/2014 What is metabolic syndrome? • Metabolic syndrome (MetS) refers to a clustering of several interrelated cardiovascular risk factors of metabolic origin, which promote the development of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. • Abnormalities associated with MetS (the components of MetS) include: – – – – – Elevated plasma glucose ( Glucose) Elevated plasma triglyceride ( TG) Low high density lipoprotein ( HDL) High blood pressure ( BP) Abdominal obesity ( WC (waist circumference)) Criteria for MetS Several organization contributed to establishment of the criteria of MetS. • World Health Organization (WHO) • Adult Treatment Panel (ATP III) of National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP): NCEP ATP III • International Diabetes Federation (IDF) • American Heart Association (AHA)/National Heart Lung Blood Institute (NHLBI) 2 2/6/2014 Criteria for MetS WHO (1998) NCEP ATP III (2005) IDF (2005) Insulin resistance IGT, IFG, T2DM or lowered insulin sensitivity Plus 2 of the following None Any 3 of the following 5 features None Obesity/ Abdominal obesity M: WHR>0.90 F: WHR>0.85 &/or BMI> 30 kg/m2 WC 102 cm (40”) in men WC 88 cm (35”) in women Increased WC in population specific group; for Europids 94 cm Men; 80 cm Women WC: waist circumference Plus any 2 of the following TG 150 mg/dl or drug Tx for elevated level FTG TG 150 mg/dl HDL HDL < 35 mg/dl in HDL < 40 mg/dl in men & <50 mg/dl in women or drug Tx for men or <39 mg/dl in women low level Blood pressure 140/90 mmHg Glucose IGT, IFG, or T2DM Other Microalbuminuria, >30 mg/g creatinine TG 150 mg/dl or drug Tx for elevated level HDL < 40 mg/dl in men & <50 mg/dl in women or drug Tx for low level 130/85 or HTN Tx 130/85 mmHg or HTN Tx 100 mg/dl (include diabetes) 110 mg/dl (2001 version) 100 mg/dl (includes diabetes) Adapted from Grundy et al., Circulation 2005, 112:2735 2752 Unified Definition of MetS Alberti et al., Circulation 2009, 120:1640 1645 3 2/6/2014 Unified criteria for Metabolic Syndrome Variable Criteria Waist circumference Population specific Triglyceride (TG)* 150 mg/dl (1.7 mmol/L) HDL cholesterol* <40 mg/dl (1.0 mmol/L) for males <50 mg/dl (1.3 mmol/L) for females Blood pressure SBP 130 mmHg or DBP 85 mmHg Fasting glucose 100 mg/dl *People with elevated TG and low HDL take fibrates and nicotinic acid. These people are presumed to have high TG and low HDL. Alberti et al., Circulation 2009, 120:1640 1645 Recommended Waist Circumference Population Organization Europid IDF 94 cm 80 cm Caucasian WHO 94 cm (increased risk) 102 cm (still higher risk) 80 cm (increased risk) 88 cm (still higher risk) U. S. AHA/NHLBI (ATPIII) 102 cm 88 cm Asian WHO 90 cm 80 cm Chinese Cooperative Task Force 85 cm 80 cm Japan JSSO 85 cm 90 cm Middle East, Mediterranean IDF 94 cm 80 cm Sub Saharan African IDF 94 cm 80 cm Ethnic Central & South American IDF 90 cm 80 cm Men Women Europids: people of European origin Alberti et al., Circulation 2009, 120:1640 1645 4 2/6/2014 Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in the U.S. Survey Year # subjects % Change Source 1988 1994 NHANES N=6436 28.0 1999 2000 NHANES N=1677 31.9 14% for ~8 yrs Ford et al., Diabetes Care 2004, 27:2444 2449 2003 2006 NHANES N=3423 34.0 6.5% for ~4 yrs Ervin, Nat. Health Stat. Reports, May 2009, No. 13 Ford et al., Diabetes Care 2004, 27:2444 2449 Subjects were US adults (men and women) 20 yrs old. Prevalence % per revised criteria of National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP), Adults Treatment Panel (ATP) III Men NHANES in 1988 1991 among US adults African American: n=3305 Mexican American: n=3477 White: n=5581 Women Metabolic prevalence was analyzed by ethnicity and age. Y.W. Park et al., Arch Intern. Med., 2003, 163: 427 436 5 2/6/2014 Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Asia Pan et al., Asia Pac. J. Clin. Nutr. 2008, 17(S1):37 42 Cause of Metabolic Syndrome What causes the metabolic syndrome? 6 2/6/2014 Cause of Metabolic Syndrome? R. Kahn, Lancet 2008, 371:1892 1893 Development of MetS Physical Inactivity Genetic factors Abdominal Obesity WC Insulin resistance Dyslipidemia HDL HTN TG CVD Hyperglycemia Diabetes 7 2/6/2014 Metabolic Syndrome associated diseases T2DM CVD Metabolic Syndrome Cancer NAFLD (Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease) Obesity associated metabolic risk factors Jean Pierre Despres et al., Annals of Medicine, 2008, 40:514 523 8 2/6/2014 Effect of Metabolic Syndrome on Risk of Cardiovascular Disease & Diabetes • Relative Risk (RR): refers to the probability of developing a particular disease with the presence of a risk factor in relation with that without a risk factor. Met. Synd. CV Disease Yes Yes No Total # a b a+b No c d c+d Total # a+c b+d N = a+b+c+d RR = [a/(a+b)] / [c/(c+d)] RR = 1, no effect of metabolic syndrome on CVD RR > 1, Met. synd. causes an increase of developing CVD Relative risk of developing CVD with Metabolic Syndrome Metabolic syndrome per the criteria of NCEP ATP III Data from E. Ford, Diabetes Care, 2005, 28:1769 1778 H.N. Ginsberg et al., J. Cardiometabolic Syndrome 2009, 4:113 119 9 2/6/2014 Relative risk of developing CV events with Metabolic Syndrome • • RR 95% CI interval Cardiovascular disease 2.35 2.02 2.73 CVD Mortality 2.40 1.87 3.08 Myocardial infarction 1.99 1.61 2.46 Stroke 2.27 1.80 2.85 Metabolic syndrome per the criteria of NCEP ATP III or revised NCEP ATP III 87 studies including 951,083 patients were analyzed using systematic review and meta analysis technique. S. Mottillo et al., J. Am. College of Cardiology, 2010, 56:1113 1132 Prevalence of CHF in individuals with Metabolic Syndrome • • • Data from people who participated in the 3rd National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) during 1988 1994 were analyzed. Investigators determined if there is an association between CHF & metabolic syndrome (MetS). MetS was determined by IDF criteria: – – – – – WC 94 cm from men & >80 cm for women TG 150 mg/dl HDL<40 mg/dl for men & <50 mg/dl for women Glucose 100 mg/dl BP 130/85 mmHg C. Li et al., J. Epidemiol. Community Health, 2007, 61:67 73 10 2/6/2014 Relative risk of developing diabetes with Metabolic Syndrome Data from E. Ford, Diabetes Care, 2005, 28:1769 1778 H.N. Ginsberg et al., J. Cardiometabolic Syndrome 2009, 4:113 119 Relative risk of developing diabetes with Metabolic Syndrome Glucose 110 mg/dl WC 102 cm for M WC 88 cm for W HDL<40 mg/dl for M HDL<50 mg/dl for W TG 150 mg/dl SBP 130 mmHg or DBP 85 mmHg Glucose 100 mg/dl WC 102 cm for M WC 88 cm for W HDL<40 mg/dl for M HDL<50 mg/dl for W TG 150 mg/dl SBP 130 mmHg or DBP 85 mmHg Pooled data from different studies were analyzed using meta analysis technique. E. Ford et al., Diabetes Care, 2008, 31:1898 1904 11 2/6/2014 Development of MetS Physical Inactivity Genetic factors Abdominal Obesity WC Insulin resistance Dyslipidemia HDL HTN TG CVD Hyperglycemia Diabetes Overweight/Obesity • Why do we develop overweight/obesity? 12 2/6/2014 Obesity Is Caused by Long Term Caloric Imbalance Energy Intake No weight gain Energy Expenditure How does overweight/obesity occur? • Caloric balance: No gain – Energy Intake = Energy Expenditure • Chronic positive caloric imbalance: weight gain – +50 kcal/day > ~5 lbs/yr – Epidemiological studies: 0.5 2 lbs/yr Excess Calorie Intake or Physical Inactivity? 13 2/6/2014 Evidence to support Physical Inactivity Inactivity and Obesity Men Women Inactivity Inactivity Obesity Obesity Calorie intake Calorie intake MSSE 31 Suppl.S537, 1999 14 2/6/2014 Prevalence of diabetes in the U.S. WV KT TN SC TX LA MS AL GA Barker et al. Am J Prev Med 2011, 40:434 439 County-level Estimates of Leisure-time Physical Inactivity among adults aged 20 years: United States 2008 Highest diabetes prevalence associated with Physical Inactivity Centers for Disease Control & Prevention http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/DDT_STRS2/NationalDiabetesPrevalenceEstimates.aspx?mode=PHY 15 2/6/2014 Progression of obesity http://www.google.com/search?q=picture+of+obesity&hl=en&qscrl=1&nord=1&rlz=1T4SNNT_ en___US406&biw=1366&bih=613&site=webhp&prmd=ivns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&s a=X&ei=_Mc8TorQJIPq0gHNnJn9Dw&sqi=2&ved=0CCkQsAQ BMI 25 BMI 30 BMI 40 http://www.cdc.gov/NCHS/data/hestat/obesity_adult_07_08/obesity_adult_07_08.pdf 16 2/6/2014 Projection of overweight & obesity Wang et al., Obesity 2008, 16:2323 2330 Overweight/Obesity causes many modern diseases 17 2/6/2014 Type of Obesity Central obesity Android-type obesity Peripheral obesity Gynoid-type obesity ttp://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.drkrider.com/Assets/Pictures/Formula%2520for%2520Life/measurments/bodyfat.gif&imgrefurl=ht tp://www.drkrider.com/fORMULA%2520FOR%2520LIFE/bodycomp/bodyfat.htm&h=204&w=300&sz=14&tbnid=0Jv3quzGo9xpKM:&tbnh=79&tb nw=116&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dpicture%2Bof%2Bvisceral%2Bfat%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=picture+of+visceral+fat&hl=en&usg= __oryIuOcWiEmg3O_hsANmqGogv18=&sa=X&ei=K0w8TobRKKqQsQKptJQG&ved=0CBwQ9QEwAA Disease risk per BMI & waist circumference Morbidity & mortality risk BMI, kg/m2 Under wt. <18.5 Normal wt. Overweight 18.5 24.9 25 29.9 30 34.9 35 39.9 40 Obesity class I Obesity class II Obesity class III M: WC<40” (102 cm) WC>40” (102 cm) F: WC<35” (88 cm) WC>35” (88 cm) Increased High Very high High Very high Very high Extremely high Extremely high Disease risk for Type 2 DM, HTN & CVD From “Preventing & managing the global epidemic of obesity. Report of WHO Consultation of obesity” WHO, Geneva, 1997 18 2/6/2014 Visceral Fat Accumulation Insulin resistance in the liver Insulin resistance in skeletal muscle & fat tissues Gluconeogenesis Hyperglycemia Hyperinsulinemia Dyslipidemia Intra abdominal fat Retroperitoneal fat Intra peritoneal fat Mesenteric fat Omental fat Visceral fat 19 2/6/2014 Intra abdominal fat http://flexions.com.au/blog/wp content/uploads/2010/09/visceral fat.jpg Assessment of visceral fat area using computed tomography www.hologic.com/data/DXA Visceral Fat Assessment.pdf Practical & technical advantages of DXA visceral fat assessment compared with computed tomography 20 2/6/2014 Establishment of VFA threshold for MetS • Subjected were recruited among patients who visited St. James Hospital, Dublin, Ireland in 2007 2011 for Tx of GI resection for malignancy. • Male Subjects (n= 170, Age range = 29 88 yrs) n = 95 w/o MetS; n = 75 W/ MetS • Female subjects (n = 66, age range = 42 94 yrs) n = 41 w/o MetS; n = 25 w/ MetS • MetS Criteria – International diabetes Federation (IDF) guideline. – WC 94 cm for male and WC 80 cm plus 2 of followings • • • • Fasting plasma glucose 5.6 mmol/L ( 100 mg/dl) or Tx for high glucose HDL<1.03 mmol/l (<40 mg/dl) for males or HDL<1.29 mmol/l (<50 mg/dl) for females TG 1.7 mmol/l ( 150 mg/dl) SBP 130 mmHg or DBP 85 mmHg The threshold of visceral fat area for the diagnosis of MetS in European Visceral fat area Cut off value 163.8 cm2 VFA for female 80.1 cm2 VFA for male Sensitivity Specificity WC 83.6% 96.0% 62.5% 73.2% 96.1 cm 83.2 cm S. L. Doyle et al., Nutr. Research 2013, 2013, 33:171 179 21 2/6/2014 The threshold of visceral fat area for the diagnosis of MetS for Japanese Visceral fat area Cut off value 103.0 cm2 VFA for female 69.0 cm2 VFA for male • • • Sensitivity Specificity WC 68.7% 80.8% 61.8% 70.0% 90 cm 85 cm Male Subjects (n= 5080, Age range = 30 74 yrs) n = 1969 w/ 1 risk; n= 708 w/ 2 risks; n = 155 w/ 3 risks Female subjects (n = 1656, age range = 30 74 yrs) n = 336 w/ 1 risk; n = 66 w/ 2 risks; n = 7 w/ 3 risks MetS Criteria – 2 or more of following per Japanese Committee of the Criteria for Metabolic Syndrome guideline. • • • • Fasting plasma glucose 110 mg/dl HDL<1.03 mmol/l (<40 mg/dl) TG>1.7 mmol/l (>150 mg/dl) SBP 130 mmHg or DBP 85 mmHg H. Kashihara et al., Circ. J. 2009, 73:1881 1886 WC is closely correlated with VFA Male Female S. L. Doyle et al., Nutr. Research 2013, 2013, 33:171 179 The Exam. Committee of JSSO, Circ. J. 2002, 66:987 992 22 2/6/2014 Association of MetS risk factors with visceral fat N= 1193 Japanese men & women (55±12 yrs, 20 84 yrs) with BMI range of 14.9 56.4 kg/cm2 VFA with computer tomography Waist circum. at umbilicus level Obesity related disorder: FPG 6.11 mmol/l ( 110 mg/dl) TC 5.69 mmol/l ( 220 mg/dl) TG 1.69 mmol/l ( 150 mg/dl) HDL<1.03 mmol/l (<40 mg/dl) SBP 140 mmHg DBP 90 mmHg The Exam. Committee of JSSO, Circ. J. 2002, 66:987 992 Visceral fat impairs insulin action • That is, visceral fat causes insulin resistance. 23 2/6/2014 Visceral fat on glucose disposal N=44 obese postmenopausal women w/ BMI of 35.4±5 Visceral adipose tissue area: 190±75 cm2, (range 67 366 cm2) Glucose disposal assessed by hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp: • High insulin infusion • Variable glucose infusion M. Brouchu et al., J Clin Endocrinol & Metab 2000, 85:2378 2384 Association of glucose tolerance w/ obesity Oral glucose tolerance test Healthy premenopopausal white women Evans et al, Metabolism 33:68 75, 1984 24 2/6/2014 Development of MetS Physical Inactivity Genetic factors Abdominal Obesity WC Insulin resistance Dyslipidemia HDL HTN TG CVD Hyperglycemia Diabetes Dyslipidemia with Metabolic Syndrome • Triglyceride • HDL • VLDL • LDL 25 2/6/2014 Overview of Lipoprotein Metabolism K. Jain et al., Bioorganic & Medicinal Chem., 2007, 15:4674 4699 What causes triglyceride elevated in the presence of MetS? Glycerol Fatty acids https://courses.ecampus.oregonstate.edu/ans312/one/lipids_story.htm 26 2/6/2014 Triglyceride is energy source TG DG Fatty acid MG Fatty acid Glycerol Fatty acid Visceral Fat Accumulation Insulin resistance in skeletal muscle & fat tissues Insulin resistance in the liver Gluconeogenesis Hyperglycemia Hyperinsulinemia Dyslipidemia: TG 27 2/6/2014 Hepatic portal vein http://www.biologycorner.com/resources/hepatic.gif http://www.netterimages.com/images/vpv/000/000/003/3003 0550x0475.jpg FFA in hepatic portal vein on the liver metabolism • • • • The liver develops insulin resistance. It causes the liver to secrete more VLDL. It stimulate hepatic gluconeogenesis. It inhibits insulin to bind with its receptors on the liver, causing the interference of hepatic insulin clearance. P. Bjorntorp, Arterioscler. Thromb. 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Verges, Atherosclerosis, 2010, 211:353 360 31 2/6/2014 Role of FOXO1 in hepatic VLDL production • FoxO1 is a transcriptional factor. • The transcriptional activity of FoxO1 is regulated by insulin. • FoxO1 regulates VLDL production. • It also promotes hepatic gluconeogenesis. Regulation of VLDL production by FoxO1 A. Kamagate et al., Cell Cycle 2008, 7:3162 3170 32 2/6/2014 Insulin regulates FoxO1 H. 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Kamagate et al., J. Clin. Invest. 2008, 118:2347 2364 Plasma VLDL TG level 187±21 mg/dl high fat diet mice (n=6; P<0.01) 120±8 mg/dl regular show (n=6) 35 2/6/2014 Hepatic MTP level in obese mice A. Kamagate et al., J. Clin. Invest. 2008, 118:2347 2364 Supplemental data Fig. 4c Diabetic mice • Diabetic db/db mice compared with db/+ control mice • Body mass: – 51.1±1.52 g diabetic mice mice (n=6; P<?) – 25.2±0.6 g db/+ control mice(n=6) 36 2/6/2014 Plasma TG & cholesterol Plasma TG Cholesterol A. Kamagate et al., J. Clin. Invest. 2008, 118:2347 2364 Supplemental data Fig. 4d and 4e Hepatic MTP level A. Kamagate et al., J. Clin. Invest. 2008, 118:2347 2364 Supplemental data Fig. 4f 37 2/6/2014 J. Sparks & H. Dong, Curr. Opinion Lipidology. 2009, 20:217 226 TG is an independent risk factor for heart disease • 3,387 men living in Copenhagen were studied for 8 years • End points were deaths and event of ischemic heart disease. J. 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Jeppesen et al., Circulation, 1998, 97:1029 1036 The Effect of Exercise on the Liver If exercise increases hepatic insulin sensitivity, Less glucose production Better lipid profile 39 2/6/2014 Fatty Liver Verna et al., Seminars in liver disease, 2008, 28:407 426 Effect of exercise on hepatic fat Visceral fat Hepatic fat P<0.05 P<0.05 • 15 obese adolescents (15.6 yrs, 33.7 kg/m2, & 38.3% body fat) • 14 lean adolescents (15.1 yrs, 20.6 kg/me, 18.9% body fat) • 12 wk aerobic exercise program (4x30 min/wk at 70% VO2 peak; treadmill, elliptical & bicycle) • Magnetic resonance imaging for visceral fat & Magnetic resonance spectroscopy for hepatic fat • Insulin resistance decrease: 16%(P<0.001) in obese group; 12% (P<0.001) in lean group Van der Heijden et al., Obesity 2010, 18: 384 390 40 2/6/2014 Exercise training on hepatic insulin sensitivity Whole body insulin sensitivity Hepatic insulin sensitivity • 11 male/3 female, 64 yrs with BMI 31.9 kg/m2 • Fasting plasma glucose >100 mg/dl & 2 hr plasma glucose with OGTT>200 mg/dl • Treadmill walking & stationary cycling at 80 85% max HR, 50 60 min/session for 7 consecutive days J. Kirwan et al., Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinal. Metab. 2009, 297: E151 E156 Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) 41 2/6/2014 Composition of Lipoproteins •Size of diameter HDL<LDL<IDL<VLDL< Chylomicron •Core element HDL: 20-30% TC LDL: 60-70% TC VLDL: TG & 10-15% TC Chylomicron: largest TG among all •Apoproteins HDL: 64% Apo A-I & 20% Apo A-II LDL: 95% Apo B-100 VLDL: 36% Apo B-100 & 40% Apo C-III Chylomicron: A-I,II,IV, B-48 & E Overview of Lipoprotein Metabolism K. Jain et al., Bioorganic & Medicinal Chem., 2007, 15:4674 4699 42 2/6/2014 LDL Subclasses D. Mikhailidis et al., Curr. Vascular Pharmacol., 2011, 9:533 571 How does LDL become smaller? J. Huuskonen, et al., Atherosclerosis 2001, 155:269 281 43 2/6/2014 LDL particle size with insulin resistance M. Taskinen, Diabetes Res & Clin Pract. 2003, 61:S19 S26 Original data from R. Gray et al., Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol; 1997, 17:2713 2720 Why is HDL a good guy? • HDL metabolism & its function 44 2/6/2014 Heterogeneity of human HDL Diameter, nm Density, g/ml HDL2b HDL2a HDL3a HDL3b HDL3c 10.6 9.2 8.4 8.0 7.6 1.063<d<1.125 1.125<d<1.21 P.J. Barter, Atherosclerosis Supplements, 2002, 3:39 47 Association between HDL particle size cardiometabolic risks r= 0.39, P<0.001 r= 0.36, P<0.001 • Prospective population study • N = 25,663 M & F (45 79 yrs) living in Norfolk, UK • Cardiometabolic risks – Elevated WC ( 90 cm for M & 85 for F) – Elevated SBP (SBP 140 mmHg) – Elevated TG ( 176.99 mg/dl ( 2 mmol/l) for M; 132.74 mg/dl ( 1.5 mmol/l) for F) – Elevated CRP ( 1.5 mg/l for M & F) – Elevated ApoB ( 120 mg/dl for M & F) – Decreased LDL particle size (<255 for M & <260 Angstrom for F) – Low HDL (<42.47 for M & 50 mg/dl for F) B. Arsenault et al., Atherosclerosis, 2009, 206:276 281 45 2/6/2014 Relationship between HDL subclasses & the components of metabolic syndrome • Korean Metabolic Syndrome Research Initiatives Seoul Cohort Study • N = 541 M & F (older than 30 yrs) living in Seoul, Korea • Metabolic syndrome criteria – – – – – WC 90 cm for M & 85 for F Glucose 100 mg/dl BP, SBP 130 or DBP 85 mmHg TG 150 mg/dl HDL <40 for M & <50 mg/dl for F M. Lee et al., Atherosclerosis, 2010, 213:288 293 What makes HDL heterogeneous? • HDL undergoes remodeling in the blood. • Factors involved in HDL remodeling – ATP binding casette A1 (ABCA1) – Lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) – Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) – Hepatic lipase (HL) – Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) – Phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) 46 2/6/2014 HDL Synthesis ABCA1: ATP-binding cassette protein A 1 apoA-I or -II: apolipoprotein A-1 or A-II: both are required for HDL biosynthesis (ApoA-I (70%) >apoA-II) PL: phospholipids; FC = free cholesterol CE = cholesteryl ester; LCAT: lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase, which esterifies FC by transferring fatty acid from PL. LPL: lipoprotein lipase, which transports surface lipids (FC & phospholipid) & apolipoproteins to HDL PLTP: phospholipid transfer protein, which transfers surface phospholipid to HDL. D. Rader, J. Clin. Investigation, 2006, 116: 3090 3100 HDL catabolism • • • • SR-B1: scavenger receptor class B type I CETP: cholesteryl ester transfer protein LDLR: LDL receptor BA: bile acid D. Rader, J. Clin. Investigation, 2006, 116: 3090 3100 47 2/6/2014 Function of HDL: Reverse Cholesterol Transport SR-B1: scavenger receptor class B1 A. R. Tall et al., Cell Metabolism, 2008, 7:365 375 Cholesterol Efflux R. Rosenson et al., Circulation, 2012, 125:1905 1919 48 2/6/2014 Exercise training on ABC A I ABC A I expression after acute resistance exercise 20 female participants 5 Control No exercise 5 exercise 40% 1 RM 5 exercise 60% 1 RM 5 exercise 80% 1 RM Circuit resistance exercise for 26 min Blood samples obtained before and after exercise for determinations of lipoproteins & ABC A I expression on lymphocytes 49 2/6/2014 Lymphocyte ABC A I mRNA expression All exercise groups showed significant increases (P<0.001) No changes in HDL after exercise. A. Ghanbari Niaki et al., Regulatory Peptides, 2011, 166:42 47 Exercise training on ABC A I using animal model ABC A I mRNA expression in the liver Exercise Training • Treadmill running using Wistar male rats (5 for control & 5 for training). • 25 m/min, 0% grade, for 90 min/day, 5days/wk for 6 weeks. • Dependent variables – ABC A I mRNA in the liver – Plasma LCAT – HDL A. Ghanbari Niaki, Biochemical & Biophysical Res. Commun. 2007, 361:841 846 50 2/6/2014 Exercise training on HDL • Treadmill running using Wistar male rats (5 for control & 5 for training). • 25 m/min, 0% grade, for 90 min/day, 5days/wk for 6 weeks. • Dependent variables – ABC A I mRNA in the liver – Plasma LCAT – HDL A. Ghanbari Niaki, Biochemical & Biophysical Res. Commun. 2007, 361:841 846 HDL metabolism: CETP inhibition Lipid poor A 1: • efflux of cholesterol Mature HDL: • carry cholesterol to liver • More efflux of cholesterol CETP: • Distributes cholesterol & TG b/n lipoproteins • Inhibition of CETP by drug can lead to an increase in HDL, resulting in a decrease in atherosclerosis. Nissen et al., NEJM 2007, 356:1304 1316 CETP: cholesteryl ester transfer protein ABCA1: ATP binding cassette transporter A1 SR B1: scavenger receptor class B1 51 2/6/2014 HDL, mg/dl Lesion area in aortic arch, % Control N=10 15.2 30.3 JTT 705 N=10 30.0* * 9.2** Simvasti n N=10 19.5 5.9** • • Rabbits were fed cholesterol diets for 6 months. JTT 705 is CETP inhibitor. H. Okamoto et al., Nature 2000, 406:203 207 CETP inhibition: Human trial • 1188 pts assigned into – Statin medicine (control) or – Statin medicine + CETP inhibitor (Torcetrapib) – 24 months • Monitored progression of coronary atherosclerosis • Results: – – – – 61% increase in HDL 20% decrease in LDL No significant favorable effect of CETP inhibitor on atherroma volume Side effect: an increase in SBP by 4.6 mmHg • Conclusion – Side effect of the drug may counterbalance favorable effect or causes other unknown unfavorable effect on the disease. Nissen et al., NEJM 2007, 356:1304 1316 52 2/6/2014 Other benefits by HDL Brewer et al., Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 2004;24:1755 1760 Diverse biological actions by HDL D.J. Hausenloy & D.M. Yellon, Postgrad. Med. J. 2008, 84:590 598 53 2/6/2014 Incidence of CHD HDL’s protection from CHD W. B. Kannel et al., Am. J. Cardiol. 1983, 52: 9B 12B HDL is an independent factor in preventing CHD HDL at high level mitigates LDL’s negative effect on CHD. W. B. Kannel et al., Am. J. Cardiol. 1983, 52: 9B 12B 54 2/6/2014 Obesity or Insulin resistance associated changes in blood lipid • • • • Low HDL (<40 mg/dl for M & <50 mg/dl for F) High TG (150 25 mg/dl) Small LDL particles Borderline high LDL (130 159 mg/dl) Athrogenic dyslipidemia Does visceral obesity causes a decrease in HDL? Lipid levels in obese women Caucasians, n=183 African Americans, n=50 BMI, kg/m2 31 35 % body fat 46 46 LDL, mg/dl 130.5 118.9 HDL, mg/dl 50.9 51.3 TG, mg/dl 130.0 100.0 Total cholesterol, mg/dl 198.8 187.2 N = 233 obese pre & post menopausal women – 183 Caucasians – 50 African Americans B. Nicklas et al., Diabetes Care, 2003, 26:1413 1420 55 2/6/2014 Effect of Visceral Adiposity on HDL • • Both HDL & HDL2 subclass decrease with an increase in visceral adiposity. Relative risk (RR) of HDL <40 mg/dl VA area, cm2 105 RR, HDL<40 mg/dl 1 106 139 2.5 140 162 2.3 163 192 5.5 193 5.5 WC, cm <88 1 89 95 2.3 96 2.1 B. Nicklas et al., Diabetes Care, 2003, 26:1413 1420 Effect of Visceral Adiposity on TG • • TG increases with an increase in visceral adiposity. Relative risk (RR) of TG > 150 mg/dl VA area, cm2 105 RR, TG>150 mg/dl 1 106 139 1.7 140 162 1.7 163 192 1.7 193 3.3 WC, cm <88 1 89 95 0.6 96 1.4 B. Nicklas et al., Diabetes Care, 2003, 26:1413 1420 56 2/6/2014 Relationship between HDL & TG Quebec CardiovascularStudy 2103 men were studied for 5 years J. P. Despres et al., Atherosclerosis 2000, 153:263 272 HDL metabolism in hypertriglyceridemic state B. Lamarche et al., Clinica Chimica Acta, 1999, 286:145 161 57 2/6/2014 Effect of exercise on HDL metabolic pathway A. Blazek et al., Am Heart J 2013, 166:392 400 Training effect on HDL metabolism in humans 58 2/6/2014 Effects of Exercise on HDL C Level • Regular exercise increases HDL C level. • A clear dose response relationship between aerobic exercise (running) and HDL C levels in healthy men: HDL C (mg/dL) Nonrunner 5 mi/wk 9 mi/wk 12 mi/wk 17 mi/wk 31 mi/wk (n = 685) (n = 335) (n = 512) (n = 376) (n = 602) (n = 396) 53.0*† 56.3*‡ 47.3 50.6* 48.7 52.5*† *P < 0.001 vs nonrunners; < 0.01 vs nonrunners and 5 mi/wk; ‡P < 0.01 vs all other groups †P Kokkinos PF et al. Arch Intern Med 1995;155:415–420 http://www.lipidsonline.org HDL in athletes • • • Controls Athletes VO2max, ml/kg/min 38.8 53.4 P<0.001 BMI, kg/m2 23.2 23.9 NS LDL, mmol/l 2.9 3.2 NS HDL, mmol/l 1.4 (54.1 mg/dl) 1.7 (65.6 mg/dl) P<0.001 ApoA I, mg/dl 128 145 P<0.001 Pre HDL 37 54 P<0.001 LCAT, ug/ml 7.0 6.6 NS LCAT activity, nmol/ul/hr 24.2 29.8 P<0.005 Cholesterol efflux, % 16.2 18.8 P<0.02 TG, mmol/l 1.1 0.9 NS 25 male athletes (33.6 yrs, tri & bi athlon, running, & swimming teams) 33 normal active males (30.8 yrs) Mouse macrophage cells loaded w/ 3H cholesterol incubated with 2% plasma from subjects B. Olchawa et al., Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol., 2004, 24:1087 1091 59 2/6/2014 Longitudinal Studies on Lipoproteins Lipoprotein changes with training • Changes depends on the intensity of exercise 60 2/6/2014 Randomized Trial for training induced changes in lipoproteins • Group 1: Control group • Group 2: Low amt/moderate exercise – 12 miles (19 km)/wk at 40 55% VO2 peak • Group 3: Low amt/vigorous exercise – 14 kcal/kg/wk – 12 miles (19 km)/wk, walking/jogging at 65 80% VO2 peak • Group 4: High amt/vigorous exercise – 23 kcal/kg/wk – 20 miles (32 km)/wk, walking/jogging at 65 80% VO2 peak Exercise machines: cycle ergometer, treadmill, & elliptical trainers W. E. Kraus et al., New. Engl. Med., 2002, 347: 1483 1492 Characteristics of Subjects Age, yrs Weight, kg BMI, kg/m2 Control 50.5 84.1 29.0 Low amt moderate intensity 54.3 89.8 29.2 0.55 Low amt High 51.8 intensity 87.1 29.6 0.17 High amt 53.0 High intensity 87.3 29.4 1.52 weight, kg 0.95 W. E. Kraus et al., New. Engl. Med., 2002, 347: 1483 1492 61 2/6/2014 Changes in LDL: exercise dose dependent Change in [small LDL] Change in size of LDL particles Change in [IDL] W. E. Kraus et al., New. Engl. Med., 2002, 347: 1483 1492 Changes in HDL: exercise dose dependent Change in [HDL] Change in [ large HDL] Change in size of HDL particles W. E. Kraus et al., New. Engl. Med., 2002, 347: 1483 1492 62 2/6/2014 Changes in triglyceride with training Pre training Post training Control 132.1 155.8 Low amt moderate intensity 196.8 145.2, 26%, P<0.001 Low amt high intensity 130.2 117.1, 10.0%, P<0.07 High amt high intensity 138.5, 17%, P<0.006 166.9 Unit: mg/dl W. E. Kraus et al., New. Engl. Med., 2002, 347: 1483 1492 Aerobic Exercise vs. Resistance Exercise 63 2/6/2014 L. A. Bateman et al., Am. J. Cardiol. 2011, 108:838 844 Baseline characteristics of subjects Age, yrs Resistance Aerobic Res. + Aerobic 51.8 51.1 45.8 BMI, kg/m2 30.3 30.8 30.4 Gender F=15; M=16 F=14; M=16 F=12; M=13 White, % 87 83 84 Body mass, kg 89.2 89.3 90.1 HDL, mg/dl 46.8 41.5 45 TG, mg/dl 140 154 152 FBG, mg/dl 99.8 96.3 90.3 SBP, mmHg 120 122 118 DBP, mmHg 78.8 80.6 77.8 L. A. Bateman et al., Am. J. Cardiol. 2011, 108:838 844 64 2/6/2014 Training Protocol Resistance training (RT) • 3x/wk, progressive exercise • 72 sets/wk (actual 60.4 sets/wk) • 135 180 min/wk • Adherence: Aerobic training (AT) • 130 min/wk, progressive exercise • 65 80% of peak VO2 • 14 kcal/kg/wk • Adherence: – 77.9% for AT+RT – 91% for AT – 77.6% for AT – 83.8% for RT • For 8 months • For 8 months RT + AT group doubled exercise time by performing both RT & AT. MetS was determined by criteria by NCEP ATP (III) Changes with training Resistance Aerobic Body mass, kg/m2 0.70 1.54, P<0.003 1.90, P<0.014 Peak VO2, ml/kg/min 1.23, P<0.037 3.33, P<0.0001 3.67, P<0.0001 1.03 1.55 in HDL, mg/dl TG, mg/dl 0.63 5.25 Res. + Aerobic 21.0, P<0.049 30.1, 0.006 WC, cm 0.25 1.12, P<0.064 2.48, P<0.003 SBP, mmHg 2.32 0.57 3.08 DBP, mmHg 0.16 0.87 FPG, mg/dl 0.37 0.22 3.32, P<0.044 1.86 # of MetS risk factor 0.36 0.03 0.64, P<0.005 MetS Z score 0.13 0.76, P<0.067 1.10, P<0.005 More changes occurs with aerobic exercise. MetS Z score for W = ([50 HDL]/14.1)+([TG 150]/81)+([FPG 100]/11.3)+([WC 88]/9)+([MAP 100]/9.1) MetS Z score for M = ([40 HDL]/9.0)+([TG 150]/81)+([FPG 100]/11.3)+([WC 102]/7.7)+([MAP 100]/9.1) L. A. Bateman et al., Am. J. Cardiol. 2011, 108:838 844 65 2/6/2014 Changes with training Combination of aerobic and resistance exercise yields more benefits. L. A. Bateman et al., Am. J. Cardiol. 2011, 108:838 844 Metabolic Syndrome: Hypertension How does it occur? 66 2/6/2014 How does HTN occur in the presence of MetS? BP = CO X TPR CO TPR Change(s) has to occur, leading to HTN. Obesity Induced Hypertension • • • • Increased activity of sympathetic nervous system Endothelial dysfunction Insulin resistance Inflammatory cytokines/adipokines Peripheral vascular resistance HTN 67 2/6/2014 Crosstalk between perivascular adipose tissue & blood vessel S. Rajsheker et al., Curr. Opin. In Pharmacol., 2010, 10:191 196 J.M. Rutkowski et al., FEBS J., 2009, 276:5738 5746 Regulation of vascular smooth muscle tone by insulin • • • Nitric oxide (NO): Powerful vasodilator Endothelin 1 (ET 1): powerful vasoconstrictor Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) A. Jonk et al., Physiology, 2007, 22:252 260 68 2/6/2014 Exercise Training on BP Control Group Exercise Group Age, yrs 55.3 51.7 Body mass, kg 80.4 75.4, P=0.032 BMI, kg/m2 26.00 25.02 METS 11.4 11.0 • Exercise Group: stationary cycling, 3x/wk at 60 80% of HRmax obtained during GXT for 16 wks. • Control group: no exercise training. • Dependent variables – BP responses during exercise test – Left ventricular mass C. Pitsavos et al., Hellenic J. Cardiol., 2011, 52:6 14 SBP response Pre Control , Post Control Pre Training Post training Rest, upright 133.50 133.50 133.00 121.25* Stage 1 162.0 163.6 156.76 134.50* Stage 2 181.05 181.05 176.85 147.70* Stage 3 190.00 190.74 186.00 164.2* Stage 4 191.66 191.66 190.18 171.10* Stage 5, max. 192.50 193.60 192.60 173.10* *P<0.05 within group between pre & post training C. Pitsavos et al., Hellenic J. Cardiol., 2011, 52:6 14 69 2/6/2014 DBP response Pre Control , Post Control Pre Training Post training Rest, upright 83.75 82.75 84.50 77.35* Stage 1 85.50 84.00 85.50 78.25* Stage 2 84.50 83.50 86.50 79.00* Stage 3 83.68 84.74 88.25 80.60* Stage 4 81.66 81.67 90.90 82.25* Stage 5, max. 84.50 85.25 88.75 82.25* *P<0.05 within group between pre & post training C. Pitsavos et al., Hellenic J. Cardiol., 2011, 52:6 14 Changes in Left Ventricular Structure & Function Pre Control , Post Control Pre Training Post training 1.090 1.093 1.110 1.007* LVED diameter, 4.785 cm 4.865* 4.725 4.531* LVES diameter, cm 2.795 2.780 2.880 2.595* LV mass, g 227.73 231.13* 225.10 181.87* LV mass index, kg/m2 115.94 117.52 118.80 96.10* LVED wall thickness, cm LV mass index = LVM/BSA; LVMI of 116 kg/m2 is an indication of moderate hypertrophy. *P<0.05 within group between pre & post training C. Pitsavos et al., Hellenic J. Cardiol., 2011, 52:6 14 70 2/6/2014 BP Reduction with Exercise Training J. Hagberg et al., Sports Med., 2000, 30:193 206 Inflammatory Biomarkers 71 2/6/2014 Inf NAFLD: non alcohol fatty liver disease NASH: non alcohol steatohepatitis Kenneth Cusi, Curr Diab Rep, 2010, 10:306 315 Inflammatory biomarkers NGT, n=45 IGT, n=71 T2DM, n=26 BMI, kg/m2 24.2±1.6 29.5±6.0 31.6±3.3 % body fat 24.1±3.4 34.7±11.9 39.5±8.5 GIR, ml/min 74±15 21±10 22±8 Adiponectin, ug/ml 8.6±2.6 4.3±2.3 3.2±1.7 IL 6, pg/ml 1.0±0.9 3.8±1.9 7.8±1.9 IL 10, pg/ml 2.8±1.4 1.1±1.0 0.78±0.9 CRP, mg/dl 0.11±0.10 0.29±0.13 0.76±0.29 All variables in NGT are different (<0.05) from those in IGT & T2DM. GIR: glucose infusion rate during euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp with r= Adiponectin:0.47 (P<0.0); IL 6: 0.49 (P<0.0); IL 10: 0.41 (P<0.0); CRP: 0.28(P<0.001) Bluher et al., Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. Diabetes, 2005, 113:534 537 72 2/6/2014 Inflammatory biomarkers with exercise training • 60 white Caucasian men and women(45.2±3.9 yrs) – 20 NGT, 20 IGT, & 20 T2DM • Supervised exercise training – with 100% compliance – 3x/wk for 4 wks, 60 min/session (20 min warm up and cool down, 20 running or biking + 20 min power training) – 60 min swimming on a separate day – Intensive exercise Oberbach et al., Eur J. Endocrinology, 2006, 154:577 585 Improvement with training NGT IGT T2DM BM, kg 2.0%* 3.6%* 1.6%* BMI, kg/m2 24.2, 1%* 29.8, 3%* 31.3, 3%* VO2max (ml/kg/min) 6%* 6%* 5%* GIR (umol/kg/min) 12% 89%* 52%* *P<0.05 vs. baseline Body mass index (BMI) Glucose infusion rate (GIR) during euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp Oberbach et al., Eur J. Endocrinology, 2006, 154:577 585 73 2/6/2014 Changes in biomarkers after training Oberbach et al., Eur J. 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TNF IL 2 gene TNF gene GM CSF + Inflammation IKK IkB Li & Verma, Nature Reviews Immunology, 2002, 2:725 734 NF kB Many inflammatory cytokines inhibit insulin action MCP-1: monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 IKK: Inhibitor of NF-kB kinase JNK: JUN N-terminal kinase IRS1: insulin receptor substrate 1 Heilbronn & Campbell, Curr. Pharmaceut. Design 2008, 14:1225 1230 76 2/6/2014 Organs involved in Glucose Metabolism Insulin resistance in these organs Hyperglycemia http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://people.eku.edu/ritchisong/301images/ muscle_structure.jpg&imgrefurl=http://people.eku.edu/ritchisong/301notes3.htm&h= 286&w=520&sz=46&tbnid=A_9WjiP2PsxJSM:&tbnh=75&tbnw=136&prev=/search%3Fq %3Dmuscle%2Bcell%2Bpictures%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=muscle+cel l+pictures&docid=YBskllfZDfofrM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=0YcYT KAL epsAKk3s3TCw&sqi=2&ved=0CFkQ9QEwAA&dur=1869 http://library.med.utah.edu/WebPath/LIVEHTML/LI VER002.html Blood glucose http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_dLD9nZQjk_s/TI2mROsUVrI/AAAAA AAAAD0/W7Sk_imp3zM/s1600/islets_of_Langerhans.gif&imgrefurl=http://pbcr.blogspot.com/p/diabete s background.html&h=287&w=391&sz=36&tbnid=4DhWwMaF8VCALM:&tbnh=88&tbnw=120&prev=/sear ch%3Fq%3Dpancreas%2Bpictures%2Bdiabetes%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=pancreas+pict ures+diabetes&docid= aF6I17e_GAgPM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=W4YYT4jIKNP0ggeum ibCw&ved=0CHQQ9QEwBg&dur=1564 http://www.carlalbert.edu/assets/images/Math%20and%2 0Science/adipose%20tissue.jpg Ectopic Fat Accumulation A. Tchernof & J P. Despres, Physol. Rev. 2013, 93:359 404 77 2/6/2014 Sequence of the development of metabolic syndrome Physical inactivity: initial trigger Genetic predisposition Abdominal obesity Endothelial dysfunction Insulin resistance Dyslipidemia Hypertension Metabolic syndrome Impaired glucose tolerance Diabetes What causes metabolic inflexibility? • Metabolic inflexibility refers to the inability of a insulin target tissue to utilize available energy substrate. 78 2/6/2014 Obesity induced metabolic inflexibility J. Galgani et al., Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2008, 295:E1009 E1017 Exercise increases Metabolic Flexibility N. Osler et al., Endocrinology 2008, 149:935 941 79 2/6/2014 How can we restore metabolic flexibility? Sequence of the development of metabolic syndrome Physical inactivity: initial trigger Genetic predisposition Abdominal obesity Endothelial dysfunction Insulin resistance Dyslipidemia Hypertension Metabolic syndrome Impaired glucose tolerance Diabetes 80 2/6/2014 The Effect of Exercise on Skeletal Muscle Insulin stimulated glucose transport by skeletal muscle Muscle Blood vessel GLUT4 Glucose Glucose Glucose Glucose AS160 Akt Insulin IR IRS PI 3 kinase 81 2/6/2014 Effect of a bout of exercise on insulin sensitivity •This is very important clinical application. • Recommendation for a decrease insulin-sensitizing Medicine. Mechanisms •Glycogen depletion •AMPK activation •Other unknown factors Wojtaszewski et al., A Appl. Physiol. 93:384-392, 2002 Exercise Training Aerobic capacity Fitness level Aerobic capacity Fitness level Insulin sensitivity Insulin sensitivity % MetS % MetS Physical Inactivity 82 2/6/2014 Inverse relationship b/n MetS & fitness level I, n=85 II, n=91 III, n=84 IV, n=100 Treadmill time, min 8.7 10.5 12.1 14.2 P<0.0001 MetS component 2.1 1.6 1.2 0.9 P<0.0001 MetS, % 39 24 13 4 P<0.0001 BMI, kg/m2 31 30 28 26 P<0.0001 Age, yrs 51 49 46 46 P<0.0001 • Middle aged male executives who visited Mayo Clinic b/n Jan., 2000 and May 2001 for health check up • Fitness Quartile (I IV) based on Treadmill Time per Bruce Protocol MetS criteria • HDL<40 mg/dl • TG 150 mg/dl • Fasting blood glucose 110 mg/dl • SBP 130 mmHg or DBP 85 mmHg • Waist to hip ratio>0.95 I. J. Kullo, Am. J. Cardiol. 2002, 90:795 797 Inverse relationship b/n the prevalence of MetS & fitness level Low Fitness Moderate Fitness High Fitness n= 3,872 3,982 3,979 Age, yrs 46.6 45.4 45.8 Treadmill time, min 12.8 17.7 23.0 P<0.001 Prevalence of MetS, % 30.9 11.6 3.2 P<0.001 • Men and women (n=11,833) participated in the Aerobic center Longitudinal Study (1987 1999) MetS criteria • HDL<40 mg/dl for M; <50 mg/dl for F • TG 150 mg/dl • Fasting blood glucose 110 mg/dl • SBP 130 mmHg or DBP 85 mmHg • WC>102 for M or WC>88 cm C.E. Finley et al., J. Am. Diet Assoc. 2006, 106:673 679 83 2/6/2014 Higher fitness level protects from developing MetS C.E. Finley et al., J. of the American Dietetic Association, 2006, 106:673 679 Can exercise ameliorate metabolic syndrome? • Longitudinal data 84 2/6/2014 Randomized Exercised Training K.J. Stewart, Am. J. Prev. Med. 2005, 28:9 18 Characteristics of Subjects Training Control Age, yrs 63.0 64.1 VO2 peak, ml/kg/min 24.4 24.2 BMI, kg/m2 29.4 29.7 WC, cm 94.0 95.0 Abdominal visceral fat, cm2 146.5 142.7 SBP, mmHg 140.3 141.7 DBP, mmHg 76.8 76.4 HDL, mg/dl 56.8 53.1 TG, mg/dl 146.5 125 Glucose, mg/dl 100.8 102.1 MetS, % 43.4 41.2 MetS is determined per NCEP, Adult Treatment Panel (III) K.J. Stewart, Am. J. Prev. Med. 2005, 28:9 18 85 2/6/2014 Exercised Training Control group: • Maintain calorie intake. • Check BP 2x/month. Training group • 3x/wk, 78 sessions (=3 days x 26 wks) for ~6 months • Resistance exercise: 2x10 15 reps w/ 7 different exercises • Aerobic exercise: 45 min/session using treadmill & leg cycle ergometer, at 60 90% Hrmax. • Maintain calorie intake. • Check BP 2x/month. K.J. Stewart, Am. J. Prev. Med. 2005, 28:9 18 Changes with training Training Control VO2 peak, ml/kg/min 4.0, P<0.001 0.1 BMI, kg/m2 0.8, P<0.001 0.2 WC, cm 2.9, P<0.01 0.8 Abdominal visceral fat, cm2 26.7, P<0.001 3.8 Abdominal total fat, cm2 52.5, P<0.001 6.5 Abdominal subcutaneous fat, cm2 25.8, P<0.001 2.9 SBP, mmHg 5.3 4.5 DBP, mmHg 3.7, P<0.02 1.5 HDL, mg/dl TG, mg/dl Glucose, mg/dl 3.0, P<0.01 13.4 0.2 0.3 1.2 1.7 K.J. Stewart, Am. J. Prev. Med. 2005, 28:9 18 86 2/6/2014 Exercise Training on MetS Number of individual MetS risk factors Pre Post Control 2.3 2.0 0.3 Training 2.3 1.7 0.6, p=0.06 Number of individuals with different status • 9 exercisers became free of MetS • 8 controls became free of MetS • 4 controls developed MetS. K.J. Stewart, Am. J. Prev. Med. 2005, 28:9 18 Intensity and Duration of Exercise? • How do these parameters influence of improvement of metabolic syndrome? 87 2/6/2014 Exercise Intensity and Duration 11 miles 11 miles 17 miles Subjects are overweight or obese (25 35 kg/m2. 40 65 yrs). J. Johnson et al., Am. J. Cardiol. 2007, 100:1759 1766 Changes # of people with MetS N=50 N=61 N=55 N=61 J. Johnson et al., Am. J. Cardiol. 2007, 100:1759 1766 88 2/6/2014 Improvement in %MetS among all exercisers J. Johnson et al., Am. J. Cardiol. 2007, 100:1759 1766 Exercise on metabolic risk factors in obese adults N=24 older adults (65.5 5, 9 M & 15 F) Sedentary obese people with BMI in 30 40 kg/m2 Exercise group N=12 Exercise + Diet group N=12 Exercise training program • Walking on a treadmill or pedaling cycle ergometer • 50 60 min/day, 5x/wk at 60 85% HRmax for 12 weeks Results: no difference between the two groups except for more decrease in BMI & Subcutaneous fat with Exerc. + Diet than with Exerc. alone Yassine et al., J Gerontology A Biol Sci Med Sci 2009, 64A: 90 95 89 2/6/2014 Changes in metabolic risk factors in obese adults after exercise Pre Post Significance Waist circum. cm 118.3 12.7 112.7 11.9 P<0.001 Visceral fat, cm2 192.3 104.3 158.4 87.0 P<0.001 Subcutaneous fat, cm2 383.4 106.4 347.8 94.2 P<0.001 SBP, mmHg 135.6 11.2 121.1 11.2 P<0.001 DBP, mmHg 81.6 11.2 71.6 9.6 P<0.001 FPG, mg/dl 106.6 10.8 71.6 9.6 P<0.001 TG, mg/dl 169.2 62.5 134.1 37.5 P<0.001 HDL, mg/dl 36.9 8.3 37.5 7.6 P=0.9 Data from the Exercise Group Yassine et al., J Gerontology A Biol Sci Med Sci 2009, 64A: 90 95 • • • Individualized exercise program at intensity of 14 23 kcal/kg/wk (40 60% VO2max reserve), 3x/wk for 14 weeks. Participants (male = 142 & female = 190; 20 80 yrs old) did brisk walking, water aerobic, stationary cycling, & cross training. They measured: • • • • • • • Energy expenditure BM, WC BP HDL LDL TG Total cholesterol • Blood glucose • VO2 max • Prevalence of metabolic syndrome • 10 yr CV risk score Preventive Medicine, 2013, 57:392 395 90 2/6/2014 Results of the Study Preventive Medicine, 2013, 57:392 395 Distribution of # of MetS Risk Factors Men Women • Greater decrease in # of people with 2 3 risk factors • Metabolic prevalence: from 22.3% to 13.5% after training • MetS factor free: from 19.6% to 30.7% after training L. Dalleck et al., Preventive Medicine, 2013, 57:392 395 91 2/6/2014 Which factor(s) likely changes with training? Men Black bar: before White bar: after Women Baseline After training 53.6% 49.7% 3.9 Blood glucose 45.2% 30.1% 15.1 HDL 29.8% 21.4% 8.4 TG 25.3% 20.2% 5.1 BP 6.6% 2.1% 4.5 WC All post training values Are significantly lower (P<0.05) except BP in women. L. Dalleck et al., Preventive Medicine, 2013, 57:392 395 General Exercise Guideline for Tx of MetS • Moderate aerobic exercise – 12 13 RPE (6 20 scales) or 40 60% HRR – 30 60 min/session – 15000 2000 kcal/week – 3 5x/week • Combined resistance training • Positive results in 12 16 weeks • How long in your life? – Commitment to life time 92 2/6/2014 Is Exercise/Physical activity Obligatory for Good Health? Physical Inactivity Overweight/Obesity Insulin resistance Metabolic Syndrome HTN WC Hyperglycemia TG HDL Evolutional perspective of human life • Without physical works, humans are supposed to face troubles. • As long as they worked physically, they could maintain the homeostasis of human genome. 93 2/6/2014 Humans are designed to do physical works • What evidence do I have? – One of the oldest records support this notion. “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to (Genesis 2:15).” work it and take care of it How do exercise & inactivity affect genes? Human gene pool Disease resistant gene Disease susceptible gene Exercise Inactivity Disease resistant genes are activated. Disease susceptible genes are suppressed. Good health Disease resistant genes are suppressed. Disease susceptible genes are activated. Diseases Modified from Booth et al., Physiol. Genomics 2007, 28:146 157 94 2/6/2014 Can exercise prevent the development of metabolic syndrome? My answer is resounding, “YES.” Physical Activity http://worldphotocollections.blogspot.com/2010/04/sum o wrestlers amazing photos.html http://www.zimbio.com/pictures/5hbbWEwrxJY/Bulgarian+Sumo+Wrestler+ Kotooshu+Wins+Tournament/ U6yuDFe0x3/Mahlyanov+Kaloyan+Stefanov 95 2/6/2014 Sumo wrestlers can remain metabolically healthy Sumo wrestlers consume high energy diet (7000 10,000 kcal) per day with strenuous physical training But very little visceral fat accumulation Normal lipid and glucose levels are within normal limit. Y. Matsuzawa, Int J Obesity 2008, 32: S83 S92 Physical Activity/Exercise • Insulin resistance • Insulin sensitivity 96 2/6/2014 Glucose and insulin responses during OGTT Active people ~15,000 steps/day Inactive for 3 days ~5000 steps/day C. Mikus et al., Med. Sci. Sports Exercise, 2012, 44:225 231 Greater insulin secretion was required C. Mikus et al., Med. Sci. Sports Exercise, 2012, 44:225 231 97 2/6/2014 References • • • • • • • • R.B. Ervin, Prevalence of metabolic syndrome among adults 20 years of age and over, by sex, age, race and ethnicity, and body mass index: United States, 2003 2006. National Health Statistics Reports 2009, 13:1 7 K.G. Alberti et al., Harmonizing the metabolic syndrome: a joint interim statement of the International Diabetes Federation Task Force on Epidemiology and Prevention; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; American Heart Association; World Heart Federation; International Atherosclerosis Society; and International Association for the Study of Obesity, Circulation 2009, 120: 1640 1645 Y. Okauchi, Nishzawa H, Funahashi T, Ogawa T, Noguchi M, Ryo M, Kihara S, Iwahashi H, Reduction of visceral fat is associated with decrease in the number of metabolic risk factors in Japanese men, Diabetes Care 2007 30: 2392 2394 Morris DL, Rui L, Recent advances in understanding leptin signaling and leptin resistance. AmJ Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2009, 297: E1247 E1259 S.E. Hussey, McGee SL, Garnham A, Wentworth JM, Jeukendrup AE, Hargreaves M, Exercise training increases adipose tissue GLUT4 expression in patients with type 2 diabetes., Diabetes Obes Metab, 2011, 13:959 62. J.J. 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