
Marianne Takle, December 2015
Mob. 91345134
Postdoctoral studies on the project: “Immigrant Organisations in
Oslo – Participation in Local Democracy”
2000 –2005
PhD in Political Science, University of Oslo, Norway
Supervisors Prof. Erik Oddvar Eriksen (Univerity of Oslo) and
Prof. Yasemin Soysal (University of Essex, England)
Dissertation title: Changes in the German Policy on Immigration.
From Ethnos to Demos?
Masters Degree in Political Science (Cand. polit), University of
Oslo, Norway Supervisors: Prof. Arild Underdal (University of
Oslo) and Dr. Tore Nyhamar (University of Oslo)
Thesis title: The reunified Germanys’ role in European politics:
German foreign policy debate in the first two years after
Main courses of specialisation: “Regional Integration”,
“International Political Economy”, “Methodology and Statistics”,
“Intensive Research Methods”, “Soviet Foreign Policy”, “The
Soviet Union”, and “Central and Eastern Europe”
Examen Philosophicum, University of Oslo, Norway
Bachelor of Economics, University of Mannheim, Germany.
High School Diploma Eikeli Videregående, Norway
(Specialisation: Social Sciences)
2015 – present
Research Professor at NOVA, University College Oslo (HiOA)
2010 - 2014
Senior Researcher at NOVA Norwegian Social Research
Norsk institutt for forskning om oppvekst, velferd og aldring
Supervisor and marker for Masters’ students, Norwegian
University of Life Sciences
Supervisor and marker for Masters’ students, Department of
Political Science, University of Oslo
Research director, NOVA’s group for welfare policies and
Senior Researcher at NOVA
Responsible for Social Science at the National Library, Oslo
Responsible for “Beacon for Freedom of Expression”
Research Project: “The Concept of Nation in the National Library”
PhD in Political Science, ARENA-Centre for European Studies,
University of Oslo, Norway
Dissertation title: Changes in the German Policy on Immigration.
From Ethnos to Demos?
Researcher at the Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO)
Project titles: “European Security Organisations: Three Europes,
Three Philosophies” and “NATO and the EU – the Question of
Delineation in the Baltic Area”
Consultant at Europa–programmet
“The German Project” and “Projects on NATO and the EU”
Researcher at PRIO
Project title: “Germany and the New Security Thinking”
Managing Editor for Journal of Peace Research (edited by PRIO)
Tutor, Department of Political Science, University of Oslo
Scholarship for postdoctoral studies from Oslo City Council on the
project: “Immigrant Organisations in Oslo – Participation in Local
Norwegian Foreign Ministry funding for the project: “The Lisbon Treaty
and the European Border Control Regime”
ARENA (Advanced Research on the Europeanisation of the Nation State)
funding to write an article based on the doctoral dissertation
Norwegian Research Council scholarship for doctoral studies
Norwegian Research Council funding for the PRIO project: “European
Security Organisations: Three Europes, Three Philosophies”
Norwegian Defence Ministry funding for the Europa–programmet project:
“NATO and the EU – the Question of Delineation in the Baltic Area”
Norwegian Foreign Ministry funding for the PRIO project: “Germany and
the New Security Thinking”
Student scholarship at Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO)
1996 Spring Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Ebenhaussen, Germany
2010 Autumn Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS), University of
Cambridge, UK
2014 Autumn Europa-Kolleg Hamburg, Universität Hamburg, Germany
1994–2015 Fin Con AS
2008–present Norwegian Society for European Studies, ECSA
2005–2013 Nordic Insurance Service Provider AS
Management Competence at Board Level at BI Norwegian School of
International Summer School, Certificate in English, University of
Cambridge, UK
• Migration and integration
• Democracy and political participation
• Bureaucracy and administrative culture
• Nationalism and national identity
• European integration
Complete fluency in spoken and written
• Norwegian
• English
• German
Married, with two children (born 1993 and 1995)
Authored books
(2014). Politisk integrering. Innvandrerorganisasjoner som skoler i demokrati og
byråkrati. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Pp 194 (Political integration.
Immigrant organisations as schools of democracy and bureaucracy.)
(2009). Det nasjonale i Nasjonalbiblioteket. Oslo: Novus forlag. pp 172 (The National in
the National Library)
(2007). German Policy on Immigration – from Ethnos to Demos? Frankfurt am Main:
Peter Lang, pp. 322.
(2005). Changes in German Policy on Immigration. From Ethnos to Demos? PhD
Dissertation submitted to the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social
Science, University of Oslo, pp. 379.
Articles in peer reviewed journals
(2015) “Immigrant Organisations as Schools of Bureaucracy” Ethnicities. 15(1): 92-111.
(2014) “Institutional Design and Political Representation: the Council of Immigrant
Organisations in Oslo” Journal of International Migration and Integration.
OnelineFirst 12 September DOI 10.1007/s12134-014-0375-z
(2013) ”Democratic Mobilisation in Immigrant Organisations” Nordic Journal of
Migration Research. Vol. 3, No. 3, 126-134.
(2012) ”National, Transnational or Cosmopolitan? Lokal Immigrant Organisations” Irish
Journal of Sociology. Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 175-90.
(2012) ”The Treaty of Lisbon and the European Border Control Regime” Journal of
Contemporary European Research. Vol 8, No. 3, pp. 280-299.
(2011) “(Spät)Aussiedler – from Germans to Immigrants.” Nationalism and Ethnic
Politics, Vol 17, No. 2, pp. 161-181.
(2010) “National Reproduction: Norway’s new National Library.” Nations and
Nationalism, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 753-774.
(2009) ”The Norwegian National Digital Library” Ariadne Issue 60.
(2007) ”EU Citizens: Challenging the Notion of German National Political Community,
1990-2005” International Journal of the Sociology of Law. Vol. 35, No. 4. pp.
(2006) “Statsborgerskapsdebatt i Norge og Tyskland” Internasjonal Politikk, no 2, pp.
199-213. (Citizenship debate in Norway and Germany)
Chapters in edited volumes:
(2014). “Innvandrerorganisasjoner og treveis integrering” i Innvandrere på utsiden av
samfunnet. M. Kaya and H. Fauske eds. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag. (Immigrant
organisations and integration as a three ways process)
(2008). ”Hva er det nasjonale i Nasjonalbiblioteket?” Skrifter fra Universitetsbiblioteket i
Oslo. No. 4. pp. 105-115. (What is National about the National Library?)
(1998). “Tyskland fra visjoner til pragmatisme” in Hvor går Tyskland? Godrun Gaarder,
ed. Oslo, Europa–programmet, pp.117–141. (Germany from Visions to
(1997). “EUs regjeringskonferanse og den videre utviklingen i EU,” in Multispeed
Europa Konsekvenser for Norge, Jon Bingen and Arne Melchiore, eds., Oslo,
Norsk utenrikspolitisk institutt and Europa–programmet, pp.183–199. (EU
Intergovernmental Conference and the Further Development of the EU).
Working papers:
(2012). “Membership and Internal Democracy Immigrant Organisations in the City of
Oslo.” Gritim Working Paper Series No.12. Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu
Fabra, pp. 32.
(2002). “Towards a Normalisation of German Security and Defence Policy. German
Participation in International Military Operations,” ARENA Working Paper, no.
10, pp. 22.
Book reviews
(2013). Book review in Migration Studies: Immigration dialiectic: Imagining community,
economy, and nation. By Harald Bauder
Research reports
(2015). “All European Countries are not the same! The Dublin Regulation and Onward
Migration in Europe” Marianne Takle and Marie Louise Seeberg. NOVA Report
(2005). “From Ethnos to Demos? Changes in German Policy on Immigration,” ARENA
Report, no. 6, pp. 392.
(2000). NATO´s Two Strategies and the Legitimization Challenge – The Baltic States,
Germany and NATO´s Policies in the Border Zone. Report to the Ministry of
Defence, pp. 36.
(2000). ”NATO and the EU – the Question of Delineation in the Baltic Area,” in
European Security Identities – Contested Understandings of EU and NATO,
Peter Burgess and Ola Tunander eds., PRIO Report, pp. 139-155.
(1998). “Tyskland som Europas sentrum” Europa i dag, no. 6, Jon Bingen, ed. Oslo,
Europa–programmet, pp. 47. (Germany as a European Centre)
(1996). “NATOs utvidelse og det europeiske sikkerhetssystem” in Europa i dag, no. 6,
Jon Bingen ed. Oslo, Europa–programmet, pp. 33–58 (NATO Expansion and the
European Security System).
(1995). “EUs regjeringskonferanse og EUs videre utvikling” in Europa i dag, no. 16,
Marianne Takle, ed. Oslo: Europa–programmet, pp. 13–39. (EU
Intergovernmental Conference 1996).
(1995). Tyskland og ny sikkerhetspolitisk tenkning, Report to the Norwegian Department
of Foreign Affairs, Oslo, pp. 109. (Germany and the New Security Thinking:)
(1994). “Kan Tyskland være et normalt land?” Samora, no. 2, Oslo, pp. 3. (Can Germany
be a “Normal” Country?).
(1993). “Is Germany too large for Europe?” in Approaches to European Security in the
1990s: TAPRI Research Report, no. 49, Olli Pekka Jalonen, ed. Tampere. pp. 12.
(1993). “ Kan Tyskland delta i militære operasjoner utenfor NATOs område?”
Internasjonal Politikk, no.1, pp. 25–35. (Can Germany Take Part in Military
Operations Out of NATO`s Area?)
(1993). Det gjenforente Tysklands rolle i europeisk politikk. Tysk utenrikspolitisk debatt
de to første årene etter gjenforeningen Master’s Thesis, Department of Political
Science, University of Oslo, pp. 147. (The Reunified Germany’s Role in
European Politics. The German Foreign Policy Debate during the Two First
Years after Reunification).
(1992). “ Tyskland – endelig en suveren stat,” Europinion, no. 1, Oslo, pp. 6. (Germany
– a Sovereign State)
(1992).” Det gjenforente Tysklands veivalg” PRIO Report, no. 6, pp. 116. (Reunified
Germany at a Crossroad. German Foreign Policy Debate after Reunification).
Conference Papers (last five years)
Oslo 26-27 February 2015. Norwegian Society for European Studies, ECSA.
Paper: Who to count and how? A study of the common European statistics on
Hamburg 22 October 2014. Europa-Kolleg, Centre for European Integration.
Paper: Harmonisation of Statistics and European Border Control.
Oslo 4-6 September 2014. ESPAnet. Annual Conference.
Paper: Adaptations to democratic and bureaucratic traditions. A study of immigrant
organisations in Oslo
Madrid 27-29 August 2014. IMISCOE – General Conference.
Paper: Minority Organisations for Youth – Dimensions of Integration.
Oslo 23-24 January 2014. Norwegian Society for European Studies, ECSA.
Paper: Harmonisation of categories and the European border control regime.
Malmö 26-27 August 2013. IMISCOE – General Conference.
Paper: Minority Organisations for Youth – new Hybrid Identities
Budapest 21 - 22 May 2012. Living in Diversity, Central European University (CEU).
Paper: The Council of Immigrant Organisations in Oslo.
Oslo 31. Mat – 1. June 2012. Norwegian Society for European Studies, ECSA.
Paper: Membership in immigrant organizations in the city of Oslo.
Oslo 7- 8 June 2012. RECODE Responding to Complex Diversity in Europe and Canada.
Paper: Membership and internal democracy – Immigrant organisations in the city
of Oslo.
Barcelona 25 June 2012. GRITIM-UPF/IMISCOE Research seminar.
Paper: Strategy on Political Integration The Council of Immigrant Organisations
in Oslo.
Surrey 27 June 2012. The Future of Multiculturalism.
Paper: Immigrant Organisations – Schools of Democracy?
Amsterdam, 20 August 2012. IMISCOE – general conference.
Paper: Local, National and Transnational? Immigrant Organisations in Oslo.
Oslo 21 August 2012. Reassess: Reassessing the Nordic Welfare Model.
Paper: Membership and Internal Democracy, Immigrant Organisations in Oslo.
Oslo 25 August 2012. RC19 ESA, European Sociology Association.
Paper: Integration Strategies - the Council of Immigrant Organisations in Oslo.
Bergen 18. -20. May 2011. The voluntary sector in the Nordic Countries.
Paper: Immigrant organisations in Oslo – Participation in Local Democracy.
Reykjavik 25-27 August 2011. ECPR, European Consortium for political Research.
Paper: Immigrant Voluntary Associations in the City of Oslo.
London 6.-9 April 2011. Northface conference, University College London.
Paper: European Border Control Regime.
Lund 10 -11 November 2011. Workshop om Välfärd och socialt arbete. Socialhögskolen.
Paper: Innvandrerorganisasjoner i Oslo – deltakelse i lokalt demokrati.
Cambridge 19 November 2010. Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS)
European Research Group, University of Cambridge
Paper: Reproduction of National Identity: Norway’s New National Library.
Cambridge 30 November 2010. Department of Politics and International Studies
(POLIS), University of Cambridge, Staff and PhD Student Colloquium.
Paper: The Treaty of Lisbon and the European Border Control Regime:
Consequences for the UK and Norway.
Cork 10-12 September 2010. Transnationalism and cosmpolitanism. Workshop.
Newspaper articles
Aftenposten 19.05.2014. “ Byråkratisk integrering”
Klassekampen 23.06.2011. “Fra tysker til innvandrer”
Klassekampen 22.01.2011. “EUs grensekontrollregime”
Klassekampen 19.07.2010 ”På vei mot bristepunktet”
Aftenposten 27.06.2006. “Norsk enighet om det norske”
Klassekampen 13.06.2006. “Tysk høyreekstremisme fryktes å skape problemer under
forball-VM - Et ekstremt VM?”
In the 1990s various articles in Aftenposten and Dagbladet about the unified Germany’s
new role in Europe