The Nordic Championship


The Nordic Championship
Welcome to
The Nordic
14. - 18 oktober 2015 at Langeland, Denmark
Hotspot for Cod, Mullet, Turbut and fladfish
Claus Knudsen with 11 kg cod at Lytteposten, Langeland.
Wednesday- 14 of Oktober from noon, check inn at Delbakkegård, Ristingevej 120,
5932 Humble.
Scoutoing and hang out.
There will only be catering friday to sunday..
Thursday - Scouting and hang around.
Breafing about competition and inscription : 20.00
Friday – Lytteposten
Breakfast at 7.30 on Delbakkegård
Competition Lytteposten kl 10.00-15.00
Vognsbjergvej 17, 5935 Bagenkop
Dinner at Delbakkegård 18.30
Saturday – Hjortholm
Breakfast kl 7.30 på Delbakkegård
Competition at Hjortholm 10.00-15.00 Hjortholm
Haveskovvej 32, 5932 Humble.
Galla at Delbakkegård 18.30
Price-ceromonies 20.00
Afterparty :-)
Reservearea – Harsbjerg
Harresvej 1, 5935 Bagenkop
Sunday- Noon - Cleaning, check out and goodbye for this year.
Sponsors to The Nordic spearfishing Championship 2015 - everything for spearfishing. The most equipment for underwater sports
in Scandinavia, for the right prices.
The competition fee will be 350 DKR for each competitor, including hospitality
: wednesday - sunday + catering friday - sunday.
In Denmark you will need a fishing licens. 1 week = 130 kr / 1 year = 185 kr.
Sign up and registre :