CV and publications (pdf


CV and publications (pdf
Current position
Senior scientist, Atmospheric and Climate Research (ATMOS)
NILU – Norwegian Institute for Air Research
Contact details
Tlf. +47 6389 8160
Mobile: +47 930 40 491
6 April 1969
Norwegian (native), English (fluently), German (some)
Ph.D. (fil. dr.) (1995 – 1999) at the department of inorganic chemistry, Royal Institute of
Technology (KTH), Sweden. Title of the thesis: Constitution, Dynamics and Structure of
Binary and Ternary Actinide Complexes ISSN 0348-825x. Supervised by Professor
Ingmar Grenthe.
Master degree (Cand. Scient.) (1992 – 1994) at the department of organic chemistry,
University of Oslo. Supervised by Professor Mats Tilset.
Post Education/Courses:
Human geography and poverty questions (SGO2500: North/South Development,
TV1200: International politics I, STV1214: International politics on environment and
resources, ECON1910: Poverty and distribution in developing countries, SGO1001:
Introduction to human geography). University of Oslo (2008)
BIK6500. Introduction course in project management. Handelshøyskolen BI (2005)
Atmospheric chemistry and air pollution meteorology. Stockholm University (2003)
2004 – present: Senior scientist, NILU - Norwegian Institute for Air Research.
Acting Deputy Director at the Atmospheric and Climate Research
April 1999 – 2005 Scientist: NILU - Norwegian Institute for Air Research
1991 - 1998: Various teaching assignments in chemistry at different universities
(Oslo, Ås and Stockholm) and at a gymnasium (Oslo Handelsgymnasium)
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Main areas of work and projects
Norwegian monitoring programme of long-range transboundary air pollution on behalf
of the Norwegian Climate and Pollution Agency and Ministry of Climate and
Environment. Project leader for the topics acidification, eutrophication, short lived
climate forces, troposphere ozone and particulate matter, 1999-present.
The European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) on behalf of UN-ECE.
Responsible at EMEP/CCC for the work related to QA/QC, acidification
eutrophication, heavy metals, 1999-present
Project leader for the NARE research project “ Atmospheric Composition, Processes
and Sources of Air Pollution in the Antarctic Environment (AtmosCAIr), 2015-2018.
Project leader of NILU’s Strategic Institute Programme (SIS), Source apportionment
of short lived climate forcers, 2013-2016. Financed through the Norwegian Research
Council (NFR).
Project leader for the atmospheric monitoring programme at Trollhaugen in
Antarctica, NARE programme, 2010-present
Responsible for data handling and reporting to AMAP (Arctic Monitoring and
Assessment Programme), CAMP (The Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring
Programme under OSPAR) and HELCOM (Convention on the Protection of the
Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area), 2001- 2014
Coordinating the EMEP intensive measurement periods in cooperation with several
EU projects (i.e. ACTRIS, EUSAAR and EUCAARI), 1999-2013
The Marine Pollution Monitoring Programme (Tilførselsprogrammet) on behalf of
Klif/NIVA. Assessing the impact of pollutants to the marine areas surrounding the
Norwegian coast. Project leader for NILU's part of the project, 2009-2013.
Building up monitoring capacities in countries in the Eurasia region (Kazakhstan,
Georgia, Armenia, Moldova and Azerbaijan) on behalf of the Norwegian Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and UNECE, 2005-2013.
Work Package leader in the Norwegian Research Council (NFR) project ECOBREM
(Ecological consequences of increased biomass removal from forests in Norway), lead
by the Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute, 2009-2013.
Responsible for developing a new CEN (European Committee for Standardization)
standard for measuring atmospheric deposition of heavy metals, 2006-2009
Integrated Monitoring Programme on Acidification of Chinese Terrestrial System
(IMPACT). Build up monitoring capacities at five rural sites in China. Project leader
for NILU's part of the project, on behalf of NORAD/NIVA, 1999-2004.
Professional societies
 Member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Precipitation Chemistry in
 Nominated expert to the CEN/TC 264/WG 34: Anions and cations in PM2.5
Past memberships:
 Member of the Scientific Steering Committee in ACCENT's access to infrastructure
 Member of the Expert panel on Deposition in UNECE WGE ICP Forest.
 Convenor of the CEN/TC 264 WG20: Deposition of heavy metals
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Wenche Aas
Publications in peer reviewed journals, ResearcherID: K-6439-2012. h-index=13
Crenn, V., Sciare, J., Croteau, P. L., Favez, O., Verlhac, S., Belis, C. A., Fröhlich, R., Aas, W.,Äijälä, M., Alastuey, A.,
Artiñano, B., Baisnée, D., Baltensperger, U., Bonnaire, N., Bressi, M., Canagaratna, M., Canonaco, F., Carbone, C.,
Cavalli, F., Coz, E., Cubison, M. J., Gietl, J. K., Green, D. C., Heikkinen, L., Lunder, C., Minguillón, M. C., Močnik, G.,
O’Dowd, C. D., Ovadnevaite, J., Petit, J.-E., Petralia, E., Poulain, L., Prévôt, A. S. H., Priestman, M., Riffault, V., Ripoll,
A., Sarda-Estève, R., Slowik, J., Setyan, A., and Jayne, J. T.: ACTRIS ACSM inter-30 comparison (2015) Part 1 –
Intercomparison of concentration and fragment results from 13 individual co-located aerosol chemical speciation monitors
(ACSM), Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., submitted, 2015.
Fröhlich, R., Crenn, V., Setyan, A., Belis, C. A., Canonaco, F., Favez, O., Riffault, V., Slowik, J. G., Aas, W., Aijälä, M.,
Alastuey, A., Artiñano, B., Bonnaire, N., Bozzetti, C., Bressi, M., Carbone, C., Coz, E., Croteau, P. L., Cubison, M. J.,
Esser-Gietl, J. K., Green, D. C., Gros, V., Heikkinen, L., Herrmann, H., Jayne, J. T., Lunder, C. R., Minguillón, M. C.,
Močnik, G., O'Dowd, C. D., Ovadnevaite, J., Petralia, E., Poulain, L., Priestman, M., Ripoll, A., Sarda-Estève, R.,
Wiedensohler, A., Baltensperger, U., Sciare, J., and Prévôt, A. S. H.: (2015). ACTRIS ACSM intercomparison – Part 2:
Intercomparison of ME-2 organic source apportionment results from 15 individual, co-located aerosol mass spectrometers,
Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., 8, 1559-1613, doi:10.5194/amtd-8-1559-2015
Maria Stock, Christoph Ritter, Veijo Aaltonen, Wenche Aas, Dorthe Handor, Andreas Herber, Renate Treeisen Klaus
Dethloff (2014). Where does the optically active aerosol in Ny-Ålesund come from? Tellus B, 66, 21450,
Vet, R., Artz, R.S., Carou, S., Shaw, M., Ro, C.-U., Aas, W., Baker, A., Bowersox, V.C., Dentener, F., Galy-Lacaux, C.,
Hou, A., Pienaar, J.J., Gillett, R., Forti, M.C., Gromov, S., Hara, H., Khodzher, T., Mahowald, N.M, Nickovic, S., Rao,
P.S.P., Reid, N.W. (2014) A global assessment of precipitation chemistry and deposition of sulfur, nitrogen, sea salt, base
cations, organic acids, acidity and pH, and phosphorus. Atmos. Environ., 93, 3-100. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.10.060..
N. Pirrone, W. Aas, S. Cinnirella, R. Ebinghaus, I. M. Hedgecock, J. Pacyna, F. Sprovieri, E.M. Sunderland. (2013).
Toward the next generation of air quality monitoring: Mercury. Atmos. Environ. 80, 599–611,
Karlsson, P.E., Ferm, M., Tømmervik, H., Hole, L.R., Karlsson, G.P., Ruoho-Airola, T., Aas, W., Hellsten, S., Akselsson,
C., Mikkelsen, T.N., Nihlgård, B. (2013) Biomass burning in eastern Europe during spring 2006 caused high deposition of
ammonium in northern Fennoscandia. Environ. Pollut. 176, 71-79. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2012.12.006.
Björkman, M., Kühnel, R., Partridge, D., Roberts, T., Aas, W., Mazzola, M., Viola, A., Hodson, A., Ström, J., and
Isaksson, E. (2013). Nitrate dry deposition in Svalbard. Tellus B, 65. 19071. doi:10.3402/tellusb.v65i0.19071
W. Aas, S. Tsyro, E. Bieber, R. Bergström, D. Ceburnis, T. Ellermann, H. Fagerli, M. Frölich, R. Gehrig, U. Makkonen, E.
Nemitz, R. Otjes, N. Perez, C. Perrino, A. S. H. Prévôt, J.-P. Putaud, D. Simpson, G. Spindler, M. Vana, and K. E. Yttri
(2012). Lessons learnt from the first EMEP intensive measurement periods. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 8073-8094,
doi:10.5194/acp-12-8073-2012, 2012.
K. Tørseth, W. Aas, K. Breivik, A. M. Fjæraa, M. Fiebig, A. G. Hjellbrekke, C. Lund Myhre, S. Solberg, and K. E. Yttri
(2012). Introduction to the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) and observed atmospheric
composition change during 1972–2009. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 5447-5481, doi:10.5194/acp-12-5447-2012, 2012
Kühnel, R., Roberts, T.J., Björkman, M.P., Isaksson, E., Aas, W., Holmén, K., Ström, J. (2011) 20-year climatology of
NO3- and NH4+ wet deposition at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. Adv. Meteorol., 2011, Art. id. 406508.
S. Tsyro, W. Aas, J. Soares, M. Sofiev, H. Berge, and G. Spindler (2011) Modelling of sea salt pollution over Europe: key
uncertainties and comparison with observations. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 10367-10388, 2011
Fischer R, Aas W, De Vries W, Clarke N, Cudlin P, Leaver D, Lundin L, Matteucci G, Matyssek R, Mikkelsen TN, Mirtl
M, Öztürk Y, Papale D, Potocic N, Simpson D, Tuovinen J-P, Vesala T, Wieser G, Paoletti E, (2011). Towards a
transnational system of supersites for forest monitoring and research in Europe - an overview on present state and future
recommendations. iForest 4: 167-171.
Sarah E. Godsey, Wenche Aas, Thomas A. Clair, Heleen A. de Wit, Ivan J. Fernandez, J. Steve Kahl, Iain A. Malcolm,
Colin Neal, Margaret Neal, Sarah J. Nelson, Stephen A. Norton, Marisa C. Palucis, Brit Lisa Skjelkvåle, Chris Soulsby,
Doerthe Tetzlaff and James W. Kirchner (2010) Generality of fractal 1/f scaling in catchment tracer time series, and its
implications for catchment travel time distributions Hydrological Processes. 24, 12, 1660–1671, DOI : 10.1002/hyp.7677
Wenche Aas, Laurent Y. Alleman, Elke Bieber, Peter Coleman, Dieter Gladtke, Jean-Luc Houdret, Vuokko Karlsson, and
Christian Monies (2009). Comparison of methods for measuring atmospheric deposition of lead, cadmium, arsenic and
nickel. J. Environ. Monit., 2009,11, 1276-1283. DOI: 10.1039/B822330K
Jozef M. Pacyna, Elisabeth G. Pacyna and Wenche Aas (2009). Changes of emissions and atmospheric deposition of
mercury, lead, and cadmium in Europe. Atmospheric Environment. 43, 1, 117-127. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.09.066.
Torunn Berg, Wenche Aas, Jozef Pacyna, Hilde T. Uggerud and Marit Vadset (2008) Atmospheric trace metal
concentrations at Norwegian background sites during 25 years, and its relation to European emissions. Atmospheric
Environment. 42, 7494-7501. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.05.020.
Lars R. Hole, Heleen de Wit and Wenche Aas (2008) Influence of summer and winter climate variability on nitrogen wet
deposition in Norway. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 12, 405-414.
Hilde Fagerli and Wenche Aas (2008) Trends of nitrogen in air and precipitation: Model results and observations at EMEP
sites in Europe, 1980–2003. Environmental Pollution. 154, 3, 448-461. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2008.01.024
K. E. Yttri, W. Aas, A. Bjerke, D. Ceburnis, C. Dye, L. Emblico, M. C. Facchini, C. Forster, J. E. Hanssen, H. C. Hansson,
S. G. Jennings, W. Maenhaut, J. P. Putaud, K. Tørseth (2007) Elemental and organic carbon in PM10: a one year
measurement campaign within the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme EMEP. Atmospheric Chemistry and
Physics 7, 5711-5725.
Wenche Aas, Min Shao, Lei Jin, Thorjørn Larssen, Dawei Zhao, Renjun Xiang, Jinhong Zhang, Jinsong Xiao Lei Duan
(2007) Air concentrations and wet deposition of major inorganic ions at five non-urban sites in China, 2001-2003.
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Atmospheric Environment 41, 8, 1706-1716, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2006.10.030
21. Wenche Aas, Jan Schaug and Jan Erik Hanssen (2007) Field intercomparison of main components in air in EMEP. Water,
Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus, 7:25–310 DOI 10.1007/s11267-006-9085-7
22. Thorjørn Larssen, Espen Lydersen, Dagang Tang, Yi He, Jixi Gao, Haiying Liu, Lei Duan, Hans M. Seip, Rolf D. Vogt,
Jan Mulder, Min Shao, Yanhui Wang, He Shang, Xiaoshan Zhang, Svein Solberg, Wenche Aas, Tonje Okland, Odd
Eilertsen, Valter Angell, Quanru Li, Dawei Zhao, Renjun Xiang, Jinshong Xiao, Jiahai Luo (2006) Acid Rain in China.
Environmental Science & Technology, 40, pp. 418-425
23. Wenche Aas and Arne Semb (2001) Standardisation of methods for long-term monitoring. "Water Air and Soil Pollution,
130, 1595-1600.
24. Kjetil Tørseth, Wenche Aas and Sverre Solberg (2001) Trend in airborne sulphur and nitrogen compounds in Norway
during 1985-1996 in relation to air mass origin. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 130, 1493-1498.
25. Brit Lisa Skjelkvåle, Kjetil Tørseth, Wenche Aas and Tom Andersen (2001) Decrease in Acid Deposition -Recovery in
Norwegian waters. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 130, 1433-1438.
26. Wenche Aas and Maria H. Johansson (1999) Structure of the sodium salt of the ternary uranyl-picolinate-fluoride complex:
[UO2(picolinate)F3]Na2(H2O) 4]. Acta Chemica Scandinavica. 53, 8, 581-583
27. Wenche Aas, Zoltán Szabó and Ingmar Grenthe (1999) Equilibrium and Dynamics in the binary and ternary uranyl(VI)
oxalate and acetate/fluoride complexes. Journal of Chemical Society, Dalton transactions, 8, 1311-1318
28. Wenche Aas, Elke Steinler, Thomas Fanghänel and Jae Il Kim (1999) "Thermodynamics of Cm(III) in concentrated
electrolyte solutions. Fluoride complexation in I = 1 m NaCl at 25°C."Radiochimica Acta, 84/2, 85-88
29. Wenche Aas, Alexander Moukhamet-Galeev and Ingmar Grenthe (1998) "Complex Formation in the Ternary U(VI)-F-L
System (L = Carbonate, Oxalate, and Picolinate)." Radiochimica Acta 82, 77-82.
30. Zoltán Szabó, Wenche Aas and Ingmar Grenthe (1997) Structure, Isomerism, and Ligand Dynamics in Dioxouranium(VI)
Complexes. Inorganic Chemistry 1997, 36, 5369-5375.
Book chapters and assessments
Aas, W., Carou, S., Alebic-Juretic, A., Aneja, V.P., Balasubramanian, R., Berge, H., Cape, J.N., Delon, C., Denmead, O.T.,
Dennis, R.L., Dentener, F., Dore, A.J., Du, E., Forti, M.C., Galy-Lacaux, C., Geupel, M., Haeuber, R., Iacoban, C.,
Komarov, A.S., Kubin, E., Kulshrestha, U.C., Lamb, B., Liu, X., Patra, D.D., Pienaar, J.J., Pinho, P., Rao, P.S.P., Shen, J.,
Sutton, M.A., Theobald, M.R., Vadrevu, K.P., Vet, R. (2014) Progress in nitrogen deposition monitoring and modelling. I:
Nitrogen deposition, critical loads and biodiversity. Proceedings of the International Nitrogen Initiative Workshop, linking
experts of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution and the Convention on Biological Diversity. Red.:
Sutton, M.A. et al. Dordrecht, Springer s. 455-463.
Moldanova, J., Grennfelt, P., Jonsson, Å., Simpson, D., Spranger, T., Aas, W., Munthe, J., Rabl, A. (2011) Nitrogen as a
threat to European air quality. I: The European nitrogen assessment - sources, effects and policy perspectives. Red.: Sutton,
M.A. et al. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, s. 405-433.
Simpson, D., Aas, W., Bartnicki, J., Berge, H., Bleeker, A., Cuvelier, K., Dentener, F., Dore, T., Erisman, J.W., Fagerli, H.,
Felchard, C., Hertel, O., Jaarsveld, H. van, Jenkin, M., Schaap, M., Semeena, V.S., Thunis, P., Vautard, R., Vieno, M.
(2011) Atmospheric transport and deposition of reactive nitrogen in Europe. I: The European nitrogen assessment - sources,
effects and policy perspectives. Red.: Sutton, M.A. et al. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, s. 298-316.
Tørseth, K., Fagerli, H., Aas, W., Hole, L. (2011) Major achievements during the COST Action 729. I: Assessing and
managing nitrogen fluxes in the atmosphere-biosphere system in Europe. Cost Action 729 Final Report. Brussels, COST, s.
Aas, W. (2009) Analytical procedures for measuring precipitation quality used within the EMEP monitoring program. I:
Analytical measurements in aquatic environments. CRC Press. Red.: J. Namiesnik and P. Szefer. Boca Raton, FL, CRC
Press (Analytical chemistry series). , s. 399-412.
Schaug, J., Solberg, S., Tørseth, K., Barrett, K., Hole, L., Aas, W. (2004) National assessments Norway. EMEP assessment,
Part II: National contributions. Ed. by J. Bartnicki and G. Lövblad. Oslo, Norwegian Meteorological Institute, 2004. pp.
Selected scientific reports (In total about 150 reports)
The Norwegian national monitoring programme (The Norwegian Environment Agency)
Aas, W. Solberg, S. and Yttri K.E. (2014) Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants in Norway. Annual report
2013. Kjeller, NILU (Miljødirektoratet rapport, M-203/2014) (NILU OR, 30/2014).
Nizzetto, P.B and Aas, W. (2014). Monitoring of environmental contaminants in air and precipitation, annual report 2013.
Kjeller, NILU (Miljødirektoratet rapport, M-201/2014) (NILU OR, 28/2014).
Timmermann, V., Andreassen, K. Clarke, N., Nordbakke, J.-F.m Røsberg, I., Solheim. H., Aas. W (2014) Norwegian
monitoring programme for forest damage. Annual report 2013. In Norwegian, Ås, Norwegian Forest and Landscape
Institute, Report nr 13/124
Green, N.W., Skogen, M., Aas, W., Iosjpe, M., Måge, A., Breivik, K., Yakushev, E., Høgåsen, T., Eckhardt, S., Ledang,
A.B., Jaccard, P.F., Staalstrøm, A., Isachsen, P.E., Frantzen, S. (2013) Marine Pollution and Monitoring programme 2012.
Statlig program for forurensningsovervåking. Rapport 1146/2013. TA-3042/2013
Aas, W., Hjellbrekke, A., Hole, L., Tørseth, K. (2012) Deposition of major inorganic compounds in Norway 2007-2011.
Kjeller, NILU (Klif report nr: 1136/2012). NILU OR 41/2012.
The European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) and CAMP+ HELCOM
(to be downloaded from
Aas, W. and Nizzetto, P.N. (2014) Heavy metals and POP measurements, 2012. Kjeller. Norwegian Institute for Air
Research. EMEP/CCC-Report 4/2014
Fagerli, H., Schulz, M., Gauss, M., Tsyro, S., Jonson, J.E., Benedictow, A., Simpson, D., Valdebenito, A., Griesfeller, J.,
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Semeena, V.S., Wind, P., Olivié, D., Aas, W., Hjellbrekke, A.-G., Solberg, S., Tørseth, K., Yttri, K.E., Mareckova, K.,
Wankmüller, R., Karl, M., Alastuey, A., Hamburger, T., Posch, M., Tuovinen, J.-P. (2014) Transboundary particulate
matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components. Oslo, Norwegian Meteorological Institute - MSC-W
(EMEP status report 1/2014
I.Ilyin, O.Rozovskaya, O.Travnikov, M.Varygina and W.Aas (2014) Heavy Metals: Transboundary Pollution of the
Environment. Moscow. Meteorological Synthesizing Centre – East. (EMEP Status Report 2/2014)
A.Gusev, O.Rozovskaya, V.Shatalov, W. Aas, P. Nizzetto. (2014). Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment.
Moscow. Meteorological Synthesizing Centre – East (EMEP Status Report 3/2014)
Aas, W. (2013) Deposition of air pollutants around the North Sea and the North-East Atlantic in 2011. London, OSPAR
Commission (OSPAR monitoring and assessment, 597/2013).
Bartnicki, J., Gusev, A., Aas, W., Valiyaveetil, S., Nyiri, A. (2013) Atmospheric supply of nitrogen, lead, cadmium,
mercury and dioxines/furans to the Baltic Sea in 2011. Report for HELCOM. Oslo, (EMEP/MSC-W report, 2/2013).
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