Untitled - Oddmund Schanche


Untitled - Oddmund Schanche
BRAHMS Verdslige vokalkvartetter med klaver – Vol. 1
Norddeutscher Figuralchor | Jörg Straube | Markus Bellmann
Johannes Brahms composed quartets for voices throughout his life and
scored a special success with his Gypsy Songs. Why it is that these
enthralling miniatures of folk character have enjoyed great popularity
through to the present quickly becomes clear in this brand new
recording with the Norddeutscher Figuralchor conducted by Jörg
Straube: fiery rhythms, catchy melodies, and bittersweet harmonies
tell a richly colored tale featuring artistic play with the
nineteenth-century ideal of the wild and romantic gypsy life.
Despite their popularity and supposed folk character, the quartets are
very difficult to sing. Jörg Straube has perfectly prepared his
Norddeutscher Figuralchor: from great pathos in “An die Heimat” to
the high spirited “Röslein dreie in der Reihe,” the female and male
vocalists draw on an enormous expressive palette offering listening
pleasure with a special appeal in the best SACD technology.
MDG | MDG9471867 | SACD | PPD: Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 760623186764
BEETHOVEN Symfonier nr. 6 op. 68 ”Pastorale” & nr. 8 op. 93
Beethoven Orchestra Bonn | Stefan Blunier
The Beethoven Orchestra of Bonn continues its brilliant Beethoven
cycle with the master’s sixth and eighth symphonies. And once again
the musicians from this musical Titan’s birthplace, performing under
Stefan Blunier’s demanding baton, present an enthralling interpretation
that need not fear comparison with legendary recordings. The BOB’s
recording of the first and fifth symphonies was a gigantic success,
and the orchestra’s fans can be certain of one fact: things will continue
on this note! Needless to say, the newest Bonn production has been
recorded with the finest SACD technology. In MDG’s characteristic
2+2+2 format the tone paintings of the “Pastoral” appear in refreshing
clarity and diaphanous transparency; the three-dimensional sound
picture produces an uncommonly suggestive plasticity – an experience
of nature that is verisimilarly real.
MDG | MDG9371883 | SACD | PPD: Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 760623188362
FAURÉ De to klaverkvartettene Piano Quartet No. 1 in C minor
Op. 15; Piano Quartet No. 2 in G minor, Op. 45
The Schubert Ensemble
Gabriel Fauré seems at first glance to fit neatly into the history of
French music, as a pupil of Saint-Saëns and a teacher of Ravel. Yet he
stands apart from the mainstream because of his unique musical
language, and because rather than writing colourful orchestral pieces
he preferred to work in the comparatively modest media of the song,
solo piano and chamber music. With the exception of the late String
Quartet, all of his chamber works combine the piano, Fauré’s own
instrument as a performer, with strings. Among the earlier works,
written in the late 1870s and mid-1880s, are the two Quartets for piano
and string trio. This was a combination for which most of the models
belonged to the German tradition, from Mozart to Schumann and
Brahms – though there was a recent French precedent in the B flat
major Quartet by Fauré’s teacher and friend Saint-Saëns, completed
and first performed in 1875.
Nimbus | NI6296 | CD | PPD: Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 0710357629624
SCHUBERT Klavermusikk Vol. 1
Piano Sonata No. 4 in A minor, D537; Adagio in E major, D612;
Two Scherzi, D593; Piano Sonata No. 18 in G major, D894
Vladimir Feltsman (piano)
Schubert has been described as the last 'classical' and as the first
'romantic' composer, but it is really impossible to pin a meaningful
label on him. He was, and still is, a very special case, a lonely figure
in musical history, a dreamer who brought into music a degree of
intimacy, despair, hope and disappointment previously unknown.
Schubert was a sincere, shy and vulnerable man (though did not lack
confidence in himself as an artist), and his personality is clearly
reflected in his music. Schubert found his voice early (the song
'Erlking' was written in 1815 when the composer was only eighteen)
and produced an incredible mass of work. His productivity peaked in
1828, the last year of his life, with a staggering explosion of creativity
unparalleled in musical history – the coda of Schubert’s life was
humanly devastating and creatively triumphant. Schubert wrote more
than six hundred songs and his experience of working with poetry was crucial to his art. He learned how to
tell a story and create an atmosphere in the limited space of song, how to compress his material in the most
direct and effective way. Schubert’s musical language and his perception of the world were poetic and many
of his works could be seen as intimate diaries or private meditations.
Nimbus | NI6297 | CD | PPD: Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 0710357629723
Cécile CHAMINADE Piano Works
Sonate Op. 21; Etudes Op. 28, 35, 118, 124, 132, 138 & 139;
Souvenir d´enfance;
Johan Blanchard (piano)
Johann Blanchard discovered more than twenty cartons packed
with musical scores, including unpublished manuscripts and
printed editions long out of print, in a relative’s garage. The
young pianist quickly realized just what treasures had come to
light. They included a great many pieces by Cécile Chaminade,
a pianist and composer who was very popular during her
lifetime. And so for his solo debut on MDG Blanchard decided
to present a most highly demanding look at the oeuvre of this
extraordinary musician. Blanchard begins with the three
movement Piano Sonata, Chaminade’s only contribution to this
genre. The other works on this release are designated as
“Études.” They are not so much technically oriented finger exercises as finely detailed character
pieces placing enormous pianistic demands on the interpreter. Descriptive adjectives such as
“pathétique,” “symphonique,” and “humoristique” indicate their character already in the titles –
and the public’s expectations are not disappointed: the “Étude romantique” contains reminiscences
of Liszt, while the “Étude mélodique” shows Schumann’s influence.
MDG | MDG9041871 | SACD | PPD: Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 760623187167
Franz Xaver RICHTER Konserter og kammermusikk
RICHTER Flute Concerto in G major; Oboe Concerto i D major;
Sinfonia a 4; Sonata Op. 4/6 for 2 Violins, Cello & Bc.; Trio for Flute,
Cello & Cembalo
Musica Alta Ripa
As a whole Franz Xaver Richter's chamber works still have something
of the late baroque about them, but the two wind concertos recorded
here show him pressing forward to a clearer overall melodic design.
Cantabile linearity gains increasing ground over against virtuosity
merely for virtuosity's sake. The Sinfonia à 4, Sonata op. 4/6, and
Trio in G minor offer a well-rounded portrait of a musician whose
life came in the midst of one the most revolutionary develop ments
in music history, on the trajectory from the young Bach to the late
MDG | MDG3090508 | CD | PPD: Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 760623050829
MOZART Don Giovanni K527 – Live recording 12th July 1973,
Munich - Bayerischer Staatsorchester | Chor der Bayerischen
Staatsoper | Wolfgang Sawallisch Ruggero Raimondi | Margaret
Price | Julia Varady | Lucia Popp | Kurt Moll | Stafford Dean |
Hermann Winkler
Even at the big opera houses it’s a real stroke of luck if a production
of Mozart’s Don Giovanni doesn’t just have a charismatic Don, but a
whole ensemble that’s able to exert its magnetism over the assembled
audience. This rare constellation came about in 1973 at the Munich
Opera Festival. Ruggero Raimondi was in his early 30s at the time
and his unmistakeable, agile, irresistible bass-baritone voice veritably
conquered the Bavarian State Opera. With Margaret Price as Donna
Anna, Julia Varady as Donna Elvira and Lucia Popp as Zerlina he
was faced with a trio of sopranos who in their individual arias and in
their numerous, tricky ensemble numbers turned the evening into a
musical feast.
Orfeo d´Or | C846153 | 3CD | PPD: Kr: 392,00 EAN: 4011790846323
Ferruccio Furianetto –Vienna State Opera, Live 1997-2012
VERDI Don Carlo: Restate! Presso alla mia persona - Ella giammai
m’amò! - Il Grand’Inquisitor! - 4 Giustizia, giustizia, Sire! - Ah! sii
maledetto; MUSSORGSKY Boris Godunov (Version 1872): I have
achieved absolute power - What do you want?–Mighty sovereign!
- Let me catch my breath!; Boris Godunov (Version 1869): Leave us
alone – Farewell, my son
Ferruccio Furianetto (bass) | Vienna State Opera
In the world of opera there are certain roles for every type of voice
that can crown a singer’s stage career. For the basso profondo, these
are clearly – and suitably – the majestic roles of King Philip II in
Verdi’s Don Carlos and Tsar Boris Godunov in Mussorgsky’s opera
of the same name. Those who have sung these two roles on the great
stages of the world are a handpicked group, and among their number
is the Italian bass Ferruccio Furlanetto (who also enjoys much success
in comic roles). For almost 30 years he has been a regular guest at the
Vienna State Opera.
Orfeo d´Or | C887141 | CD | PPD: Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 4011790887128
Fahrende Gesellen – Mahler | Debussy | Zemlinsky | Busoni
DEBUSSY Prélude à l´après midi d´une faune (arr. B. Sachs);
ZEMLINSKY Maeterlinck Lieder (arr. E. Stein & R. de Leeuw);
Zwei Sätze für Streichquartett; BUSONI Berceuse élégiaque
(arr. E. Stein); MAHLER Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen
(arr. Schönberg)
Oxalys | Dietrich Henschel (tenor)
The Belgian ensemble Oxalys presents some of these delightful
chamber versions on this recording. In the songs we hear none
other than Dietrich Henschel, who takes us with Oxalys to an
exciting and excited Vienna at the beginning of the modern age.
Passacaille | PAS1008 | CD | PPD: Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 5425004140081
La Passione – Boccherini & Haydn
BOCCHERINI Sinfonia d-moll G 522; Concerto a Violoncello
obligato G-dur; HAYDN Concerto per Violino C-dur Hob VII
a:1; Sinfonia ”La Passione” f-moll Hob I:49;
Stefano Veggetti (cello) | Ensemble Cordia | Erich Höbarth
Joseph Haydn and Boccherini Luigi are two protagonists of the
“Wiener Klassik” that have some striking similarities: Both
reinvented themselves in the seclusion of the province, both
shaped the genre of the string quartet. Yet they pursue in their
music each different approaches that they refined in their own
way. The Ensemble Cordia under the direction of Erich Höbarth
presents their works on this CD.
FraBernardo | FB1408381 | CD | PPD: Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 4260307433819
Schumann Quartet – Mozart | Ives | Verdi
MOZART Quartett in D K575; IVES String Quartet No. 2;
VERDI Quartetto
Schumann Quartett
It is a young, fresh, unspoiled view on the music of the centuries
which has secured the Schumann Quartet, since its foundation in
2007, the uninterrupted attention of music public. It seems as if
the four musicians first remove the patina of a score completely
in order to subsequently form the so exposed musical text in the
sound awareness of the 21st century to a new coherent whole.
With an unmistakable enthusiasm and breathtaking technical
sovereignty the Schumann Quartet is bringing the music of these
three very different compositions for quartet by Mozart, Verdi
and Ives to a new level, which is absolutely worth listening to!
ArsProduktion | ARS38156 | SACD | PPD: Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 4260052381564
Lieder und Arien aus Dresden
WAGNER Blick´ich umher in diesem edlen Kreise (Tannhäuser);
SCHUMANN Dort Schleichen über´n Hof – O du, der über alle
wacht (Genuveva); Nachtlied; Kennst du das Land; Singet nicht
in Trauertönen; Adolf JENSEN Aus Sechs Lieder von Otto
Roquette Op. 35: Morgens am Brünnen; O lass dich halten, goldne
Stunde; And der Linden; Ludwig HARTMANN Sieben Lieder für
Baroton; Fünf Lieder für Sopran; Sechs Lieder aus dem Lyrischen
Intermezzo; PUCCINI Man nennt mich jetzt Mimi (La Boheme);
LEONCAVALLO Schaut her, ich bin´s (Bajazzo)
Risako Kurosawa (soprano) | Martin Nagy (tenor) | Claus
Temps (baritone) | Ira Maria Witoschynskyj (piano)
This disc consists almost exclusively of first recordings, combining
a representative selection of Ludwig Hartmann’s ‘Lieder’ (Songs)
with five of his translations of operatic arias by Georges Bizet, Giacomo Pucciniand Ruggiero
Leoncavallo; a short extract from Wagner’s Tannhäuser (premiered at Dresden in 1845); an aria from
Schumann’s Genoveva and three of his Goethe-Lieder (completed in Dresden), as well as three
Lieder by the unjustly forgotten and only recently rediscovered composer Adolf Jensen.
ArsProduktion | ARS38527 | CD | PPD: Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 4260052385272
Hidden Gems Vol. 1 – Ignaz Joseph Pleyel
PLEYEL Streichquartett F-dur, 1792, BEN 359; Streichquartett
B-dur, 1792, BEN 360; Streichquartett D-dur, 1792, BEN 361
Ignaz Pleyel Quartett
For the curious music lover the string quartets by Ignaz Pleyel
(1757-1831) have a special appeal because his music is written in a
highly familiar style, but brand new and full of surprises:
unexpected turns from major to minor, a sleek elegance of the
melody etc. The beauty of Pleyel’s music is often revealed through
a maximum fineness. In the first episode of the series, Hidden
Gems, dedicated to the composer, the Ignaz Pleyel Quartett plays
for the first time the 1792 published string quartets Ben 359-361.
ArsProduktion | ARS38166 | SACD | PPD: Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 4260052381663
Giacinto SCELSI Suite No. 8 ”Bot Ba”;
Suite No. 9 ”Tfai”
Steffen Schleiermacher (piano)
MDG | MDG6131777 | CD | PPD: Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 760623177724
SHOSTAKOVICH Preludes for piano Op. 34 Nos. 7, 2, 3, 5, 6,
10, 11, 14, 17, 18, 20 & 22; RACHMANINOV Songs Op. 4
Nos. 3, 1 & 4; Op. 21 Nos. 5, 9, 8 & 7; Op. 14 No. 11; Op. 21
No. 12; Op. 26 No. 5; Op. 34 No. 12 – Transcr. for cello and
piano by Urashin.
Boris Andrianov (cello) | Rem Urashin (piano)
Boris Andrianov and Rem Urasin’s new disc, like their previous,
is dedicated to the music of two great Russian composers,
Rachmaninov and Shostakovich. In Russia, the 20th century was
a time of vast historical and cultural change. If Rachmaninov’s
Romances are the poignant swansong of late Romanticism and
the passing age, the young Shostakovich’s piano preludes, written
a mere 20 years later, create a wholly new sort of expression.
This programme presents a unique transcription of Rachmaninov’s
Romances, letting us see them in an entirely new light. The cello takes the place of the voice,
elevating the music into a world of imagery, finessing the words which usually bring these images to
concrete life.
Quartz | QTZ2107 | CD | PPD: Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 880040210726
ROTA Suite from Fellini´s Casanova;
15 Preludes; DESYATNIKOV Theatre
Echoes; In Honour of Dickens, Waltz;
Nocturne from Giselle Obsession;
Credit Titles from Moscow Nights;
Happiness from The Target; Albumblatt;
Polia Osetinskaya (piano)
Quartz | QTZ2104 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 0880040210429
Ivor KEYS Sonata for Cello and
(1960); SIBELIUS Malinconia for Cello and
Piano; BRAHMS Sonata for Violin and
Piano No. 1 in G major op. 78 (arr. for cello
and piano by Paul Klengel) Rohan de Saram
(cello) | Benjamin Frith (piano)
FirstHand | FHR34 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 5060216340296
A Year at Ely!
Choir of Ely Cathedral | Paul Trepte
Regent | REGCD441 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 0802561044123
Fantasia Baroque – Improvisations
on works by J. S. Bach, C.P.E. Bach,
Pasquini & Bertali
Aleksandra Grychtolik (cembalo) |
Alexander Grychtolik (cembalo)
Coviello | COV91501 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 4039956915010
Media vita in morte sumus – Vocal
Chamber Music by Volker D.
Obsidian Songs; Five Songs on poems by
Else Lasker-Schüler; Media vita in morte
sumus – 16 poems by Erich Michelsberg.
Julia Ostertag (mezzo) | Sascha El Mouissi
(piano) | etc.
Coviello | COV91502 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 4039956915027
Mozart & Chopin: Dialogue
MOZART Fantasy K397; Rondo K485;
Gigue K574; Adagio K540; Rondo K511;
Fantasy K475; CHOPIN Eccossaises Op.
72/1 & 2; Preludes Op. 28/3, 6, 4, 7, 18 &
20; Waltzes Op. 34/2; Mazurka Op. 17/4;
Ballade Op. 23;
Josep Colom (piano)
Eudora | EUD1402 | SACD | PPD: Kr.
196,00 | EAN: 843655117077
St Peter´s Day at York Minster
Choir of York Minster | Robert Sharpe
Regent | REGCD439 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 0802561043928
The English Cathedral Series
DISTLER / HUNT. Christopher Allsop
plays the ”Kenneth Tickell” organ of
Worcester Cathedral
Regent | REGCD449 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 0802561044925
Peter Crompton – Grand Organ of the
Royal Hospital School Chapel
Regent | REGCD444 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 0802561044420
Peter SCHINDLER Circus Furioso –
Ein spannendes Musikal-Hörspiel fü
alle Kinder unter 100 (på tysk!)
Rundfunk-Kinderchor Berlin | Carsten
Schulze | Bigband Deutsche Oper
Carus | CAR12826/99 | CD | PPD: Kr.
196,00 | EAN: 4009350128262
BEETHOVEN Symfonier nr. 3
”Eroica & 5 ”Skjebne-”
Stuttgarter Philharmoniker |
Gabriel Feltz
DreyerGaido | DGCD21088 |
CD | PPD: Kr. 196,00 | EAN:
MAHLER Symphony No. 4 in
G major
(arr. Klaus Simon)
RCS Chamber Ensemble | Peter
Manning | Heather Jamieson (sopran)
Nimbus | NI6300 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 0710357630026
Balfour GARDINER The Complete
Martin Oxenham (baritone) |
Jonathan Beatty (piano)
Regent | REGCD450 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 0802561045021
The Town Hall Tradition Virtuoso
Showpieces: HOLLINS / FESTING /
Thomas Trotter – the organ at the Town
Hall, Birmingham
Regent | REGDVD001 | DVD | PPD:
Kr.196,00 | EAN: 0802561000181
BRAHMS Waltzes for piano
four-hands Walzer Walzer for piano
four hands, Op. 39; Liebeslieder Walzer
for piano four hands, Op. 52a, on verses
from ”Polydora” by Georg Friedrich
Daumer Fiammetta Tarli & Ivo Varbano
ICSM Records | ICSM001 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 5060399880015
Something Blue
Mardi Brass
LirClassics | LIR028 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 820237002826
SCHUBERT Schwanengesang; Der
Matthew Rose (bass) | Malcolm
Martineau (piano) | Christina Gansch
(soprano) | Robert Murray (tenor)
StoneRecords | ST8047 | CD | PPD: Kr.
196,00 | EAN: 50601927480475
Voice of the Soul
BINGEN O Vindissima Virga /
Six Fire Madrigals / FISHER /
47 / TRAD Voice 16 from New
Zealand Chamber Choir | Karen Grylls
Horomona Horo | Taonga Puoro
Atoll | ACD213 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 9421000502133
A n Eastern Westerner | High & Dizzy
The Chamber Orchestra of London |
Carl Davis
The English Phantasy
BRIDGE Phantasy for String Quartet;
HOLST Phantasy on British Folk
Songs; GOOSSENS Phantasy Quartet
Op. 12; HOWELLS Phantasy Quartet
Op. 25; HOLBROOKE First Quartet
Fantasie Op. 17b; HURSTONE
Phantasie for String Qrt Bridge Quartet
Carl Davis Collection | CDC026 | CD |
PPD: Kr. 196,00 | EAN:845458000260
EM Records | EMRCD025 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 5060263500223
The Revolutionary Drawing Room
VANHAL String Quartet in E flat
major; HAYDN String Quartet in B flat
major Op. 50 No. 1; MOZART String
Quartet in C major K465 ”The
Dissonance”; DITTERSDORF String
Quartet No. 6 in A major
A Viennese Quartet Party
Omnibus Classics | CC5006 | 2CD |
PPD:Kr. 285,00 | EAN: 5023581500627
Lift – Kammermusikk av Elena
Ruehr: Lift, for solo cello; Violin
Sonata No. 2; Klein Suite, for solo
violin; Adrienne and Amy, for violin
and piano; Prelude Variations, for viola
and cello; The Scarlatti Effect, for
piano trio; Irina Muresanu | Ethan
Filner | Jennifer Kloetzel | Sarah Bob
Avie | AV2319 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 822252231922
Samba! –
Eden Stell Guitar Duo
Murray Khouri plays Clarinet
Murray Khouri (clarinet) |
Prague Metropolitan Orchestra |
Paul Terracini
BGS | BGS123 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 0799439052949
Continuum | CCD1080 | CD | PPD: Kr.
196,00 | EAN: 9413000018233
Hilary TANN Seven Poems of Stillness
Guy Johnston (cello) |
R.S. Thomas (reading his own poems)
Wild About Transcription…
BARBER Klaversonate Op. 27; WILD
Fantasy on Gershwin´s Porgy and Bess;
KREISLER Praeludium & Allegro;
BUSONI Nine Variations on a Chopin
Prelude BV213a; RAVEL Sonatine;
Dominic John (piano)
Tÿ Cerdd | TCR011 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 5060268640535
WillowHayneRecords | WHR033 | CD |
PPD: Kr. 196,00 | EAN:0700161319705
Canciones en la Alhambra
Mariola Cantarero (soprano) |
Ruben Fernandez Aguirre (piano)
Trans Europe Experience
KÜHNIS Keith John (organ)
IBS Classical | IBS62014 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00| EAN: 8436039060890
WillowHayneRecords | WHR032 | CD |
PPD: Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 5060195514831
Classic Children´s Songs
The Owl and the Pussy-cat; Christopher
Robin is Saying His Prayers; They’re
Changing Guard at Buckingham Palace;
The Lamplighter; etc.
Roderick Williams (baritone) |
Elizabeth Atherton (soprano) |
Iain Burnside (piano)
Just Accord | JUSCD003 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 806400100049
Play the Game
Victorian and Edwardian Sporting
Songs: Ian Partridge (tenor) | Peter
Savidge (baritone) | Jennifer Partridge
(piano) | The Song and Supper Club
vocal octet
Brinley RICHARDS Songs of Wales:
Stuart Burrows (tenor) |
John Samuel (piano)
Young Elling
Catharinius ELLING Sanger op. 42, 41,
40, 54. Lieder aus ”Des Knaben
Wunderhorn”; Synden, Døden
Marianne Beate Kielland (mezzosopran) |
Nils Andersen Mortensen (klaver)
Tÿ Cerdd | TCR012 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 5060268640580
Music for a Queen –
Musikk for barokkgitar av Angelo
Michele Bartolotti
Fredrik Bock (barokkgitar)
5 Smaalenenes
Just Accord | JUSCD001 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 806400100025
Lawo | LWC1072 | SACD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 7090020180847
Voices of Women
Bettina Smith (sopran) | Einar
Røttingen (klaver)
Lawo | LWC1065 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 7090020180687
Lawo | LWC1067 | SACD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 7090020180700
Eirik the Viking –
Monti / Bull-Halvorsen / Gudim /
Aagard-Nilsen / HL Clarke / von Koch
/ Thingnæs / etc Eirik Gjerdevik (tuba)
| Stavanger Brass Band | Bergen Tuba
5 Smaalenenes
Something New
Mostad / Kruse / Habbestad / Nystedt /
Plagge / Mørk Karlsen / Næss
Christiania Mannskor | Marius Skjølaas
Lawo | LWC1064 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00EAN: 7090020180670
Lawo | LWC1076 | SACD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 7090020180885
Perfect Strangers –
Heinrich Goebbels & Frank Zappa
Kringkastningsorkesteret | Thomas
Søndergård Anbefalt i The Gramophone,
SA-CD.net, Audiophile og Morgenbladet
5 BT og Hamar Arbeiderblad
Lawo | LWC1063 | SACD Surround 5.0 | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 7090020180687
Stella Maris – Marches from Sea and Shore
Borg / Sousa / Fucik / Alford / Rydberg /
Widqvist / etc. Sjøforsvarets Musikkorps |
Ingar Bergby 5 Oppland Arbeiderblad Anbefalt i Dag og Tid
Lawo | LWC1062 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 7090020180656
The Mission
– Sør-amerikansk barokkmusikk
Det Norske Blåseensemble | Nordic Voices |
Mark Bennett
6 Klassisk Musikk Magasin 5 Aftenbladet –
Anbefalt av Vårt Land og Smaalenenes
Lawo | LWC1061 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 7090020180649
GRIEG – Garborg / Vinje / Ibsen
Marianne Beate Kielland | Nils Anders
Mortensen. Anbefalt i Klassekampen,
International Record Review og The
Gramophone og Audiophile. 6 Klassisk
Musikk Magasin og Hamar Arbeiderblad
Lawo | LWC1059 | SACD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 7090020180632
Something New
Havrøy / Nystedt / Busto / Luengen
Endsemble Ylajali | Pål-Are Bakksjø
5 Vårt Land
Lawo | LWM006 | SACD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 7090020180748
The Steinmeyer Organ in
Nidaros Cathedral
Grieg / Dupre / Widor / Sandvold / Eben /
Nielsen / etc. Magne H. Draagen (orgel)
Lawo | LWC1075 | SACD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 7090020180878
Creole Connections
Nazareth / Gottschalk / Piazzolla / Isbitz /
Cervantes /etc. Morten Gunnar Larsen (piano)
Anbefalt i Dagsavisen
Lawo | LWC1070 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 7090020180823
Blockbird – Norwegian Recorder Music
Thoresen / Hovland / Gaathaug / Mørk
Karlsen /etc
Caroline Eidsten Dahl (blokkfløyter)
5 BT
Lawo | LWC1069 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 7090020180816
Grieg, Svendsen, Hartmann, Reinecke for
blåsere Oslo Kammerakademi | David Strunck
Anbefalt i The Gramophone 6 Smaalenene
5 SA-CD-net og Klassisk Musikk Magasin
Anbefalt i Dagsavisen, Vårt Land og Dag og
Lawo | LWC1058 | SACD | PPD:
Kr.196,00 EAN: 7090020180601
Into the Void
Eivind BUENE Into the Void
Poing | Det Norske Blåseensemble |
Chr. Eggen. 5 Dagbladet - Anbefalt i
Ketil HVOSLEF Kammermusikk nr. 1
Erkejubel; Duo Due; Frammenti di Roma I-XI;
Scheherazade forteller videre; Canis Lagopus;
Odrizola (fiolin) | Røttingen (piano) | etc.
Anbefalt i Klassekampen & Smaalenenes
6 Klassisk Musikk Magasin 5 BT
BRAHMS Sanger for damekor
Kvindelige Studenters Sangforening |
Marit Tøndel Bodsberg
Anbefalt av Dagsavisen & Vårt Land
Lawo | LWC1066 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 7090020180694
BACH Schübler- og Leipzig-koraler
Spilt på Schnitger-orgelet i St. Martins,
Groningen. Kåre Nordstoga, orgel 6 Dagbladet,
Aftenbladet , Gudbrandsdølen & Østlendingen
5 BT, Klassisk Musikk Magasin, SACDnet
og Smaalenenes
Lawo | LWC1056 | 2SACD | PPD:
Kr. 285,00 EAN: 7090020180588
Lawo | LWC1068 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 7090020180809
Lawo | LWC1054 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 7090020180557
Russisk musikk for Symphonic Band
Luftforsvarets musikkorps; Leif Arne Pedersen
5 Gudbrandsdølen og Østlendingen
Lawo | LWC1045 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 7090020180465
Lieder av Mendelssohn, R & C Schumann,
Helene Wold | Liv Glaser
Lawo | LWC1053 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 7090020180540
POUR MI – Sanger av Messiaen og Delbos
MESSIAEN: Poemes pour Mi; Trois
Melodies; DELBOS L´áme en Bourgon
Liv Elise Nordskog; Signe Bakke
5 BT. Anbefalt av Vårt Land
Lawo | LWC1051 | SACD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 7090020180526
NIELSEN: Orgelmusikk
Anders Eidsten Dahl
5 Gudbrandsdølen, Smaalenene, Klassisk
Musikk Magasin & Orgelspeilet
Lawo | LWC1050 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 7090020180519
MAZURKA – Researching Chopin
CHOPIN Mazurkas
Nils Henrik Asheim
6 Klassisk Musikk Magasin 5 Aftenposten,
BT og Smaalenenes
Lawo | LWC1049 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 7090020180502
Symfonier og Konserter
Barokkanerne; Alfredo Bernardini;
Christian Kjos. 6 Klassisk Musikk Magasin
5 Gudbrandsdølen
Lawo | LWC1038 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 7090020180397
og HVOSLEF: Valen Trio: Ricardo Odriozola,
John Ehde, Einar Røttingen 6 Klassisk Musikk
Magasin 5 Dagbladet, BT og Aftenbladet.
Anbefalt i The Gramophone, Vårt Land &
Dag og Tid
Lawo | LWC1037 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 7090020180380
BEETHOVEN for Blåseoktett - Symfoni nr.
7; Partita; Rondo. Oslo Kammerakademi
Anbefalt i Fanfare , Morgenbladet,
Dagsavisen og Vårt Land .BBC Music
Magazine 6 Klassisk Musikk Magasin,
Gudbrandsdølen, Oppland Arbeiderblad,
Hamar Arbeiderblad
Lawo | LWC1036 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 7090020180373
Grieg, Kvandal, Grüner-Hegge; Nystedt
Ensemble Allegria
5 Dagbladet og Smaalenene. Anbefalt av
Lawo | LWC1044 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 7090020180458
Spill og Dans Rune Alver
5 Gudbrandsdølen og Smaalenenes
Lawo | LWC1043 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 7090020180441
and the art of longing
Vaughan Williams, Lawes, Torget, Lanier,
Corbetta, Taylor, Dowland. Lisabeth
Holmertz, Fredrik Bock, Poul Høxbro
Lawo | LWC1042 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 7090020180434
SEMPRE LIBERA – Opera-arier
Eli Kristin Hanssveen | Operaorkesteret | Fiore
Anbefalt av Dagsavisen
Lawo | LWC1041 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 7090020180427
COLORES – Galican, Basque and
Catalonian Songs
Itziar M. Galdos; Per Arne Frantzen
Lawo | LWC1048 | SACD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 7090020180496
Aria - Tveitt; Lindberg; Grieg;
Marcello; etc.
Vegard Landaas – saksofon
Anders Eidsten Dahl - orgel
6 Klassisk Musikk Magasin 5
Gudbrandsdølen og Smaalenenes
Lawo | LWC1046 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 7090020180472
Eccles, Glinka, Tchaikovsky; Hoffmeister;
Bloch; Hellan; Erling Sunnarvik (kontrabass)
Lawo | LWC1052 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 7090020180533
BACH Konserter og Kortalpreludier
BWV592-6, 709, 711, 713, 715, 717-8, 721,
726-7, 731, 733-6, 768
Kåre Nordstoga – Silbermann-orgelet
Lawo | LWC1035 | 2CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 7090020180366
Gramophone Editor´s Choice
Anbefalt av Kjell Hillveg i Dagsavisen
BRAHMS Musikk for cello & klaver –
Jonathan Aasgaard (cello) |
Martin Roscoe (piano)
Avie | AV2300 | 2CD | PPD:
Kr. 285,00 EAN: 08222522230024
BEETHOVEN Trioer for treblåsere
Trio WoO37, Serenade Op. 25, Trio Op. 11
Oslo Philharmonic Chamber Group
Anbefalt av Kjell Hillveg i Dagsavisen
Lawo | LWC1034 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 7090020180359
BEETHOVEN & BERG Fiolinkonserter
Antje Weithaas (fiolin) | Stavanger
| Steven Sloans (dirigent)
AVI | AVI8553305 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 4260085533053
FRÜH Romantiske sanger av Berg, Schönberg og
Webern Marianne Beate Kielland; Nils Anders
Mortensen. 6 Hamar Arbeiderblad 5 BT,
Aftenbladet, Klassisk Musikk Magasin
Smaalenene Gudbrandsdølen Anbefalt i The
Gramophone, MusicWeb & Fanfare
Lawo | LWC1033 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 7090020180345
I Hvite Netter
Gramophone Editor´s Choice
The Spy´s Choirbook
Agricola / Anon / Despres / Fevin / Mouton/
Rue / etc. Alamire | English Cornett & Sackbut
Ens | Skinner
GRIEG Symfoniske verk vol. 4:
Symfoni; Klaverkonsert i a moll
WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln | Eivind Aadland
Herbert Schch (piano)
Obdisian | OBSCD712 | 2CD | PPD:
Kr. 285,00 EAN: 0658592071221
Audite | AUD92670 | SACD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 4022143926708
Outstanding! – International Record Review
Konserter for klaver og strykere
CARWITHEN Klaverkonsert; JACOB
Klaverkonsert nr. 1
Mark Bebbington (piano) | Innovation Chamber
Ensemble | Richard Jenkinson
Somm | SOMM254 | CD | PPD: Kr. 196,00
Outstanding! – International Record Review
ENESCU Symfoni nr. 5 i D dur; Isis
(Pascal Bentolu)
Marius Vlad (tenor) | NDR Chor | Deutsche RP
Saarbrucken Kaiserslautern | Peter Ruzicka
Lawo Music | LWM004 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 7090020180724
Gramophone Editor´s Choice
GRIEG Symfoniske verk vol. 1:
Symfoniske danser;
Peer Gynt Suiter nr. 1 & 2; Sørgemarsj
WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln | Eivind Aadland
Audite | AUD92651 | SACD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 4022143926517
GRIEG Symfoniske verk vol. 2:
Elegiske melodier;
Holberg Suite; To Melodier; To Nordiske
Melodier. WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln |
Eivind Aadland
CPO | CPO777823 | CD | PPD: Kr. 196,00
Audite | AUD92579 | SACD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 4022143925794
Outstanding! – International Record Review
Perpectives 6: BEETHOVEN Klaversonater
nr. 10 & 30; BERIO Six Encores;
SCHUMANN Fantasi op. 17
Andreas Haefliger (piano)
Gramophone Editor´s Choice
GRIEG Symfoniske verk vol. 3: I Høst;
Lyrisk Suite; Lyriske stk; Gammelnorsk
Romanse; Sigurd Jorsalfar
WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln | Eivind Aadland
Avie | AV2293 | CD | PPD: Kr. 196,00
Audite | AUD92669 | SACD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 4022143926692
Gramophone Editor´s Choice
MARENZIO Primo Libro di Madrigali 1580
La Compagnia del Madrigale
Glossa | GCD922802 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 8424562228023
The Promise of Ages:
A Christmas Collection
Taverner Consort & Choir | Andrew Parrott
Avie | AV2291 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 822252231526
SCHUMANN Orkesterverk Vol. 3
Cellokonsert op. 129; Symfoni nr. 4 op.
120 (rev.1851) Oren Shevlin (cello) |
WDR SO Köln; Heinz Holliger
Audite | AUD97679 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 4022143976796
Outstanding! – International Record
Review - BIBER Vesperae longiores ac
freviores – Vespro
della Beata Virgine; KERLL Missa in fletu;
etc. Cantus Cölln | Concerto Palatino |
Accent | ACC24286 | CD | PPD: Kr. 285,00
Nominert til Gramophone Award 2014
Pure HANDEL – Water Music Suite 1;
Concerto Grosso op. 6/2; Ero e Leandro
HWV150; etc. European Union Baroque
Orchestra | Lars Ulrik Mortensen | Maria
ERP | ERP6212 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 4742229004082
Gramophone Editor´s Choice
Outstanding! – International Record Review
R STRAUSS Elektra (1965)
Solister | Wien Statsopera | Karl Böhm
Orfeo | C886142 | 2CD | PPD:
Kr. 285,00 EAN: 4011790886220
Gramophone Editor´s Choice
CHARPENTIER La couronne de fleurs &
La descente d´Orphee aux enfers
Boston Early Music Festival & Chorus |
O´Dette | etc
CPO | CPO777876 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 0761203787623
Gramophone Editor´s Choice
GRIEG Symfoniske verk vol. 1:
Symfoniske danser;
Peer Gynt Suiter nr. 1;
WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln |
Eivind Aadland
Audite | AUD82501 | LP | PPD:
Kr. 285,00 EAN: 4022143825018
Anbefalt av Gramophone og MusicWeb
SZYMANOVSKI Fiolinkonsert 1 & 2;
Myths op. 30;
Baiba Skride (fiolin) Oslo PO |
Vasily Petrenko | Lauma Skride (piano)
Orfeo | C873141 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 4011790873121
DUFAY The Masses for 1543
Cantica Symphonia | Guiseppe Maletto
Glossa | GCDP31907 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 8424562319073
Nominert til Gramophone Award 2014
BACH Orkestersuiter 1-4 BWV1066-69
La Petite Bande | Sigiswald Kujken
Accent | ACC24279 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196.00) | EAN: 4015023242791
Nominert til Gramophone Award 2014
HANDEL L´Allegro, il Penseroso ed il
Solister | Køln Kammerkor | Collegium
Cartusianum | Peter Naumann
Carus | CAR83398 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 285,00 | EAN: 4009350833951
Nominert til Gramophone Award 2014
Gramophone Editor´s Choice
DELIUS Sea Drift; Cynara / HOLST Hymn
of Jesus Williams | Hallé | Hallé Choir &
Youth Choir | Elder
Halle | HLL7535 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 5065001341403
Nominert til Gramophone Award 2014
Gramophone Editor´s Choice
Augusta Read THOMAS Selected Works
Chicago SO & MusicNOW | Boulez | Knussen | etc.
Nimbus | NI6258 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 0710357625824
Gramophone Editor´s Choice
MENDELSSOHN String Quintets Nos 1 & 2;
etc. Mandelring Quartet | Gunter Teuffel
Audite | AUD92659 | SACD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 4022143926593
Gramophone Editor´s Choice
FERRADINI Giunta l`ora fatal
(Il pianto di Maria)
Roberta Invernizzi |
L`Opera Stravante | Gambe di Legno Consort
Fra Bernardo | FB1401231 | CD | PPD:
Kr.196,00 | EAN: 4260307431235
Gramophone Editor´s Choice
HANDEL Peace & Celebration
Coronation Anthems 1-4; Eternal Source of
Delight; etc EU Baroque Orch | Clare College
| Mortensen
Obsidian | OBSCD711 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 0658592071122
BBC Music Magazine Opera Choice
Outstanding! – International Record
Review - BERNSTEIN West Side Story
Solister | San Francisco Symphony & Chorus
| Michael Tilson Thomas
Avie SFS | SFS0059 | 2SACD | PPD:
Kr. 392,00 EAN: 0821936005927
Gramophone Editor´s Choice
Andris Nelsons conducts Richard
Also sprach Zarathustra, Op. 30; Don Juan,
Op. 20; Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche,
Op. 28 City of Birmingham SO | Andris
Orfeo | C878141 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 4011790878126
MOZART De tre siste symfoniene
(nr. 39, 40 & 41)
Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century | Brüggen
Glossa | GCD921119 | 2CD | PPD:
Kr. 285,00 EAN: 8424562211193
PURCELL Dido and Aeneas
Taverner Choir & Players | Andrew Parrott
Emily Van Evera | Ben Parry | Janet Lax |
Haden Andrews | Hanne Mari Ørbaek
Avie | AV2309 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 08222522230925
Nominert til Gramophone Award 2014
Outstanding! – International Record Review
SIBELIUS & ADES Fiolinkonserter
Augustin Hadelich (fiolin) | RLPO | Hannu Lintu
Avie | AV2276 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 0822252227628
Outstanding! – International Record Review
BACH, CPE Symfonier Wq174/175/178-181
Lausanne Kammerorkester | Christian Zacharias
MDG | MDG9401824 | SACD | PPD: Kr. 196,00
Outstanding! – International Record
BEETHOVEN Fiolinsonater Vol-1, nr. 1-5
Elizabeth Wallfisch (fiolin) | Daniel Breiman
Nimbus | NI6245 | 2CD | PPD: Kr. 285,00
Nominert til Gramophone Award 2014
Gramophone Editor´s Choice
BBC Music Magazine Recording of the Month
I Viaggi di Faustina Roberta Invernizzi | I Turchini | Florio
Glossa | GCD922606 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 8424562226067
BBC Music Magazine Choral & Song
Choice GESUALDO Responsoria et alia
ad Officium
Hebdomadae Sanctae spectantia
La Compagnia del Madrigale
Glossa | GCD922803 | 3CD | PPD:
Kr. 392,00 EAN: 8424562228030
Gramophone Editor´s Choice
Outstanding! – International Record Review
PANUFNIK Symphonic Works Volume 7:
Sfere Symphony No. 5 'Sinfonia di Sfere';
Bassoon Concerto; Landscape; Love Song
Schonermark | van der Kemp | Polish RSO |
Konzerthausorchester Berlin | Borowicz
CPO | CPO777686 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 0761203768622
Outstanding! – International Record
Review CRUMB Edition Vol-16: Sun and
Shadow; Voices from the Heartland
Ann Crumb (sopran) | Patrick Mason
| Orchestra 2001 | James Freeman
Bridge | BRIDGE9413 | CD | PPD: Kr. 196,00
Your Tuneful Voice: Handel Oratorio Arias
Fra Belshazzar; Esther; Jephta; Samson;
Semele; etc. Iestyn (kontratenor) | The King´s
Consort | King
Vivat | VIVAT105 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 0799439080683
Gramophone Editor´s Choice
La bella piu bella - Songs from early
Italy Roberta Invernizzi (soprano) |
Craig Marchitelli (archlute & theorbo)
Glossa | GCD922902 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 8424562229020
BBC Music Magazine Recording of the
MAHLER & RIHM Orkestersanger
Pregardien | Bochum Symphoniker | Sloane
CPO | CPO777675 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 0761203767526
Gramophone Editor´s Choice
HANDEL Orlando
Willetts | Gauvin | McHardy | Forsythe |
Berg | Pacific Baroque Orchestra | Alexander
Atma | ACD22678 | 3CD | PPD:
Kr. 392,00 EAN: 0722056267823
Gramophone Editor´s Choice
Bach Inspirations
Hannes Minnaar (klaver)
Cobra | COBRA0038 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 8713897903362
BBC Music Magazine Instrumental Choice
BACH The Well-Tempered Clavier,
Books 1 & 2
Daniel-Ben Pienaar (piano)
Avie | AV2299 | 4CD | PPD:
Kr. 392,00 EAN: 08222522229929
DVORAK Cellokonsert – Musikk for Cello
Daniel Müller-Schott (cello) | NDR
Sinfonieorchester | Michael Sanderling |
Robert Kulek (piano)
Orfeo | C855141 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 285,00 EAN: 4011790855127
BBC Music
Il Diario di Chiara – Musikk fra La Piete,
Venezia Vivaldi; Porpora; Bernasconi;
Martinelli; Perotti; Porta Europa Galante |
Fabio Biondi
Glossa | GCD923401 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 8424562234017
Gramophone Awards Finalist
BBC Music Choral
I was glad: Sacred Music by Stanford &
King´s Consort & Choir | Soloists | King
Vivat | VIVAT101 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 | EAN: 0609613849312
BBC Music Opera Choice
Taverner Consort & Choir | Andrew Parrott
Avie | AV2278 | 2CD | PPD:
Kr. 285,00 | EAN: 0822252227826
BBC Music Magazine Opera Choice
Outstanding! – International Record
Review DONIZETTI Belisario
Alaimo | El-Khoury | Roberts | Thomas | Miles
| Sporsen | Hoare | Price |Bundy | Jeffery |
BBC Symphony Orchestra | Sir Mark Elder
Opera Rara | ORC49 | 2CD | PPD:
Kr. 392,00 EAN: 0792938004921
Gramophone Editor´s Choice
MONTEVERDI Heaven & Earth
Invernizzi; etc. | La Risonanza; Bonizzoni
Glossa | GCD921515 | 2CD | PPD:
Kr. 285,00 EAN: 8424562215153
Gramophone Editor´s Choice
MONTEVERDI Heaven & Earth
Soloists | The King´s Consort | King
Vivat | VIVAT104 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 0680569856340
Gramophone Editor´s Choice
SCHUMANN Fiolinkonsert & Fantasi
Baiba Skride | Danmark NSO | John Storgårds
Orfeo | C854131 | 1CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 4011790854120
BBC Music Mag Recording of the Month
VIVALDI A Tale of Two Seasons –
Konserter og Kantater Adrian Chandler | La Serenissima
Avie | AV2287 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 0822252228724
Gramophone Awards Choral Winner BBC Music Magazine Award: Recording of
The Year & Choral Winner –
ELGAR The Apostles, Op. 49
Soloists | Hallé | Sir Mark Elder
Hallé | HLD7534 | 2CD | PPD:
Kr. 285,00 EAN: 506500134138
BBC Music Magazine Opera Choice
Piotr Beczala (tenor) | Polish Radio SO |
Orfeo | C865131 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 4011790865126
Gramophone Awards Finalist & Editor´s
Choice BBC Music Magazine Opera Choice
VIVALDI Opera Arias Roberta Invernizzi La Risonanza | Bonizzoni
Glossa | GCD922901 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 8424562229013
Gramophone Awards Finalist
Outstanding! – International Record
Review - CHOIRS OF ANGELS: Music
from the Eton Vol.2
Choir of Christ Church | Darlington
Avie | AV2184 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 0822252218428
Gramophone Editor´s Choice
BBC Orchestral Choice
Baiba Skride | BBC NOW | Fischer
Orfeo | C849121 | CD | PPD:
Kr. 196,00 EAN: 4011790849126
Schanches Musica - Oddmund Schanche
Tusseveien 2, 8901 Brønnøysund
Tlf: 41 41 54 13
E-post: post@schanches.no
Web: www.schanches.no