Boss Hoss - Cruising Saturday 22.august kl 11-17
Boss Hoss - Cruising Saturday 22.august kl 11-17
Boss Hoss - Cruising Saturday 22.august kl 11-17 KL 14 Cruising starts (all with full gas tanks) NORWAY Cruising at high way (E6) to Oslo KL 15 Arrive at Holmenkollen Ski Jump (view over Oslo City and Oslo Fjord) KL 15.45 Cruising starts for Oslo City (Town Hall) KL 16.15 Arrive at Oslo Town Hall KL 17.30 Cruising starts back to Gaedermoen KL 18.30 Arrive at Campsite Gardermoen Total distance km 130 Boss Hoss Contact: Ronald Hansen mobile: +47 911 86 219 Roy Berg Paulsen mobile: +47 930 50 002 Morten Lorentzen mobile: +47 979 59 000 Øistein Gundersen mobile: +47 930 90 417