Art by Stephany Anderson of MRC artW orks
Art by Stephany Anderson of MRC artW orks
Art by Stephany Anderson of MRC artWorks Letter from the CEO and Board Chair The close of each year provides the opportunity to reflect upon the challenges we have overcome, the progress we have made in accomplishing our goals and objectives, and ultimately, fulfilling our mission. It is a time to draw upon the experiences of the past, and lay the foundation for our organization’s future. Like many non-profit organizations, over the past fiscal year we have encountered budget reductions, yet continued to excel, deliver high quality services and impact lives. Limited financial resources drive us to explore innovative solutions in how we structure our operations and programs, increase efficiencies and deliver positive outcomes. As we move our organization forward, it is important to adopt the perspective the problems placed before us provide areas of opportunity to become more creative, and ultimately rise to the occasion. Over this past year we have successfully restructured several of our staff positions and implemented internal business process improvements. These initiatives enabled us to ensure sustainability and high levels of productivity during financially challenging times. As we make these adjustments, we continue to keep our sights on our mission to encourage and support individuals living with a disability to achieve their fullest potential through employment, skill-building and active community involvement. As you read the stories of personal accomplishment within this report, I trust you will be inspired by the mission-fulfilling successes of the people we serve. We express our sincere gratitude to all those who contribute to the ideals we strive for including our Board of Directors, our staff, our donors, our partners and funding sources within our local community, and the businesses and organizations providing paid work for the people we serve, whether within our facility or their place of operation. Over the next year we are committed to growing and developing our staff and Board of Directors, cultivating our partnerships, and continuing to strive for excellence in the work we are performing to enable the people we serve to achieve their fullest potential. It is an honor and privilege serving on behalf of MRC Industries, Inc., as we work together to transform lives. Chris Zeigler CEO 2013 MRC Board David Buskirk, Chair Dan Scheid, Vice-chair J.D. Kalleward, Secretary Anne Summerfield, Treasurer Judy Moore Jamie Bos Tom Stanek Laura Eller Jeff Swenarton Jennifer Hauschild Christopher Terkos Ernest Lanier Doris Vlietstra Marilyn Lenox-Bosma Jim McGowan David Buskirk 2013 Board Chairman The McKercher Rehabilitation Center was founded in the 1940’s by a group of parents who took the initiative to provide alternatives for their disabled children. Incorporated in 1969, we changed our name to MRC Industries, Inc. in order to provide a professional business image. MRC has evolved into a non-profit agency that delivers innovative and diverse services. MRC Industries, Inc. serves individuals with: • Developmental or intellectual disabilities • Traumatic brain injuries • Mental illness • Physical disabilities in conjunction with developmental or intellectual disabilities or mental illness ABOUT MRC MRC serves approximately 700 people each year with the philosophy that every person is unique, valued and entitled to be treated with respect and dignity. This philosophical framework results in programs and services focused on an individual’s needs, desires, strengths and abilities. MRC’s Mission To encourage and support individuals living with a disability to achieve their fullest potential through employment, skill-building and active community involvement. MRC’s Vision To be the provider of choice for individuals and employers through continuous improvement, innovation and leadership. MRC’s Values At MRC Industries, Inc. we exemplify these values: • Accountability • Commitment • Compassion • Diversity • Integrity • Professionalism • Respect MRC Employees Ruth Barrett Kathleen Barry Mildred Baskers Stacey Basore David Bello Ed Bigelow Emily Black Caitlin Rose Boonenberg Angela Bowman Charles Burgess Amy Burtis Ellen Bush Shawn Cahill Christine Clark Richard Clinton Evelyn Collins David Corradini April Davenport Timothy Deibel Vivian Dobbins Amanda Durnell Katherine Dyer Rachel Eaton Danielle Fales Ashley Fisk Mary Fortney Kurtis Fraaza Dolores Maximiana Frampton Dennis Frey Jonathan Frey Evia Gardner Dawn George-Bowen Sylvia German Tyler Gilland Jeanne Glerum David Greenquist MRC Industries, Inc. offers three programs serving individuals in greater Kalamazoo: • The McKercher program provides employment opportunities, skill building, and other services to individuals living with developmental or intellectual disabilities or traumatic brain injury. The artWorks program downtown on the mall includes a retail store, gallery and working studio, and serves as an extension of the McKercher program. • The Pathways clubhouse program provides employment opportunities, skill building and other services to individuals living with mental illness. • The Bridgeways program provides case management and support services for individuals who are diagnosed with mental illness and co-occurring disorders. Kristine Grinder Margie Guthrie Jodi Harris Jennifer Hart Julia Hepner Catherine Hershberger Mary Hovenkamp Alexandre Hudson Andrew Johnson Linda Kelly LeeAnn Knapp Sharon Krusinga Frankie Lang Donetta Lawther Lisa Mallwitz Sadie Malmgren Nancy Marttila Annie McKay Kimberly McLeod Margaret Miller Rubi Moore Petra Morey Patricia Murphy Ann Nurrie Virginia Padella David Parkhill Beth Patterson Jacqueline Polishak Tina Robbins CJ Schmiege Douglas Schroeder Bonnie Sexton Patricia Shapton Autumn ShroyerOsborn Phyllis Sirrine Paul Slager Heidi Sluyter Jeff Spears Cory Stanton Nicole Stieber Angela Thompson Tyrone Thrash Brian Van’ t Hof Renee Van Wormer Becky VanDelfzijl Angela Vanover Lexi Wagner William Walker Ursula Weese Pamela Wiessner Austin Wiggins Carol Wimmer Alona Wood Valarie Wood Vonda Yarzebinski Christine Zeigler Janette Zelasko Transforming Dreams into Reality Tracy Gay has been attending the MRC program since 2000. She enrolled in the McKercher program because she was seeking a vocational opportunity and desired to complete work she could be proud of. Tracy started the program with those goals in mind and has traveled a straight road toward her dreams. “I really like my job and making friends. The goals I work on help me to make money, stay healthy, and work as part of a team,” explains Tracy. Nikki Stieber, one of Tracy’s Job Coaches, discusses how Tracy is a positive reflection of MRC no matter what her job, “Everywhere Tracy goes she leaves an imprint.” says Nikki. “Tracy has such high energy and wants to get everything done. She could bring anyone out of a bad mood with her energy and great personality.” Tracy’s journey through the MRC program enabled her to experience all of the options that the program has to offer. Tracy began taking classes that helped her to fine tune her vocational skills which included health and wellness and team work. She then began working on an MRC work crew and honed her skills even further by working with a team in the community. Tracy was one Tracy Gay with McKercher Job Coach, Nikki Stieber of the first individuals who was able to work on a difficult assembly job with multiple steps and a high placement of importance on quality. She had been a star performer on all of these opportunities, and as a result, has demonstrated readiness for placement in competitive employment in the community. Tracy’s variety of jobs, activities, and tasks at MRC helped prepare her for employment, and she has been assigned to work with an Employment Training Specialist at MRC to identify opportunities in the community. “MRC has helped me to be organized, do a good job on my work, and make friends,” states Tracy. When asked what makes her keep coming back to MRC Tracy stated, “I have made good friends and learned a lot of good skills. I am proud of myself and want to always be able to take care of myself.” CJ Schmiege – Connecting our Mission with Business Client Needs environment, this was the first time she had experienced the mission-fulfilling rewards of exercising her talent to generate employment for individuals with disabilities. CJ now serves as MRC’s Business Consultant with primary responsibility for developing in-house contract business at the McKercher facility. She evaluates opportunities for the people we serve, and at the same time, assesses the unique needs of our business customers. The types of work opportunities CJ seeks out include assembly services, kitting, packaging and repackaging, rework, corrugated partitions and other production-related services. When CJ Schmiege started as a sales representative with MRC Industries, Inc. in October 2012, she brought with her a diverse and relationship-oriented sales background. After serving in a corporate When CJ arrived at MRC, one of her first goals was to develop relationships with existing clients and then subsequently she expanded to cultivating new connections and promoting awareness. Through this learning experience, she discovered just how special MRC was. Emerging as a Shining Star Sherry Lewis started with the MRC BridgeWays Case Management Program in 2008. When her case manager referred her to MRC Pathways Supported Employment Services in 2009, she had 2 goals in sight: to obtain her GED and secure employment. Sherry admits that she was reluctant as she struggled with simply getting herself out of the house. She didn’t have the strength or energy to reach her goals on her own. Sherry found herself sleeping all the time and was worried that she couldn’t work as she hadn’t been employed in over 10 years. Once she started working with her Employment Training Specialist (ETS) at Pathways, it made a significant difference that became a turning point in her life. “She helped me realize that the community isn’t as scary as I thought. She believed in my potential and helped me raise my selfesteem, motivated me, helped me feel more independent, and helped me find a job very quickly,” states Sherry. Through the job seeking process, Sherry obtained her own job in the community working for a local school district in their food service department. She credits MRC Pathways staff for being very helpful, supportive and a critical part of her success with maintaining her employment. “My life is much better now as I live a healthier lifestyle. People now believe in me. My employer tells me how valuable I am and that they don’t want to lose me. I love working with the children,“ states Sherry. In addition to her Employment Training Specialist, she credits her peer support specialist from BridgeWays, Jodi Harris, for being part of her success. “Sherry has come a long way. With encouragement, she began attending MRC Pathways and going out in public more. She has tons of energy and a strong work ethic. When Sherry encounters problems, she finds a way to deal with them when others would have given up,” states Jodi. Sherry Lewis and BridgeWays Peer Support Specialist, Jodi Harris CJ states, “This was the first time I had the privilege of working with individuals with disabilities, and employment with MRC Industries, Inc. served a greater purpose than the corporate sales positions I held in the past.” Through her position as a Business Consultant, CJ enjoys most the mutually beneficial rewards of creating opportunities for individuals with disabilities through in-house production work and meeting the unique and diverse needs of our business customers. CJ explains, “The business generated provides the people we serve the means to achieve their potential through employment. It also provides them with tremendous pride. They achieve a sense of gratification when they accomplish their daily goals, and are excited about each of the customers they perform work for.” MRC Industries, Inc. serves a wide range of business customers including Fortune 500 companies, non- The importance of work for Sherry in her recovery process should not be understated as she feels it has given her something important to do and look forward to. Work has turned her life around, and was a crucial part of her recovery journey. profit organizations, sole proprietorships, educational institutions and government agencies. MRC Industries, Inc. strives to identify mutually beneficial relationships that meet the needs of the individuals we serve and the unique needs of our business customers. We are flexible and adaptable, and work hard to accommodate our business clients’ deadlines and deliver excellent quality and service. “In many cases, our solutions have saved our business customers a lot of money,” states CJ. When asked about her greatest accomplishment, CJ shared, “We recently brought in a contract for a major manufacturer in the automotive industry that provided steady employment, and enabled MRC to put a large number of the individuals we serve to work. It also trained them in developing new skills.” This opportunity provided tremendous impact in that it enabled MRC to carry out its mission through providing both paid employment and skill building, while at the same time engaging a large number of the people we serve. 2012–2013 DONORS Financial Statement Information Matthew S. Alves Nancy J. Ausema Lynda S. Bauckham Peter Blickle Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bodzianowski Marilyn Lenox-Bosma and Garret Bosma John P. Bresnahan Dorothy E. Brooks Eileen W. Buckley Ruth Collins Joanne Collins Nanette P. and Bruce L. Davis Jean DeMott David C. Dunstone Thomas N. and Nancy L. Edmonds Laura Eller Katherine Flack Jason Gainsley Charles A. and Julie R. Geenen Sharon A. Glaser Kelly Grace Sue Grinder Rochelle V. Habeck and H. Allan Hunt Jennifer Hauschild Mildred Hedrick Gregory J. and Becki E. Heeres Ralph, Billie, and Sherrie Herrick Ed and Ginnie Hessler Lois J. Heuchert Sarah Hill Theresa V. Hluchyj and Richard J. Roosenberg Ron and Fran Hoard Hoekstra Roofing Company Gerald and Rosalind Hoppe Thomas and Brigitte Huff Scott Hunter Kalamazoo New Car Dealers Association James D. and Beth Kalleward Mary Kehyari Timothy A. Kieffer and Nicholas B. Graham Tom and John Kingsley Knights of Columbus Bishop Alfred J. Markiewicz Council, No. 1616 Joyce M. Kubiski Ernest Lanier Jim and Sue Lewis Robyn E. Logelin LVM Capital Management, LTD. Seth and Maria Malin Lisa Mallwitz David McCarthy Jim McGowan Kristin McKinney Brian Stephen Mendonca Jeffery Moore Judy Moore Petra Morey Vi Murphy Kathryn T. Nash Laura Newman Rhonda Newman Ross Northam Edward and Ruth Ossewaarde Kelly Parkhill Jeff Patton Robert J. Perry PNC Oshtemo Campus Employees Peter S. Pryson Raymond James Financial Rita A. Rifenberg James H. and Diane L. Rikkers Richard K. Schaper James T. and Vickie A. Schaper Daniel and Laura Scheid Larry and Marilyn Schlack Evelyn Schmidt Connie Scott Bonnie Sexton Christopher J. and Katherine K. Shook Dale and Debbie Shugars David Singer Amy Snow Social Charity Circle of Kalamazoo Ronald Spencer Joe and Gloria Spoerl Tom Stanek James Stordahl and Melody Nedrud Jeff Swenarton Elaine V. TenBrink Christopher Terkos Roger E. and Marsha L. Tuinier Doris and Harold Vlietstra William J. Walker Alice E. Wall Joseph and Holly Walls Thomas E. Nehil and Gail L. Walter Richard Westerman Pam Wiessner Alona Wood Theodore J. Woodard Sue Wright Chris Zeigler Tom Zwiep Memorial/ Honor Gifts In Honor of Mary Ann Fleck Clinton and Helen Fleck In Memory of Elisabeth Augustins Vera Fielding In Memory of Geri Botticher Ron and Fran Hoard In Memory of Amorsnio R. Cillan Lauretta R. Cillan Chung In Memory of Wayne Julien David Fisher In Memory of Jean Linden Woody and Gloria Bartelt Judy Moore Dennis and Susan Yetter (Our fiscal year is from October 1 through September 30) Fiscal Year 2012-132011-12 Support and Revenue Community Mental Health Services $2,969,178 United Way of the Battle Creek and Kalamazoo Region 134,384 Service Fees - other 29,351 Contributions and Grants 244,151 Net Contract Revenue 498,769 Investment Income 233,698 Miscellaneous 21,319 $3,408,232 134,384 44,055 118,887 514,176 282,332 37,378 $4,130,850 $4,539,444 Total Revenue Expenses Staff Salaries and Benefits Consumer Salaries and Benefits Agency Expenses Depreciation $2,978,640 289,582 840,426 130,368 $3,131,703 290,656 992,009 122,645 $4,239,016 $4,537,013 Total Operating Expenses Total$(108,166) $2,431 Program Outcomes Fiscal Year 2012-13 McKercher Consumers Served (unduplicated) 209 Organizational Employment 152 Community Supports 135 Community Employment 65 artWorks 52 Satisfaction90% Pathways Clubhouse Total Members Served (unduplicated) Clubhouse only Employment only Clubhouse and Employment Satisfaction – Clubhouse Satisfaction – Employment 182 91 8 83 98% 93% BridgeWays Case Management Consumers Served 284 Satisfaction100% Grants/Special Gifts Greenleaf Trust Irving S. Gilmore Foundation Jim Gilmore, Jr. Foundation Kalamazoo Community Foundation Perrigo Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Pfizer, Inc. Zeigler Automotive Group A+ Nursing, Inc. AAA Med Access Breast Cancer Screenings Affirmations Airpower America, Inc. Alpha Promotional Products, Inc. Alumilite Corporation Ameriprise Financial David Anderson Applied Industrial Technologies Approved Fire Protection ARCpoint Art Etc. Arvco Container Corporation Auto-Owners Insurance Gloria Badiner Berends, Hendricks, Stuit Insurance Agency Big Apple Bagel Borgess Medical Center Borgess Navigation Center Borroughs Corporation Brain Balance Center Bravo Systems Inc. Briarfield Farm Sanctuary Briarwood Valley Dentistry Bronson Healthcare Group Buist Electric Burger King David Buskirk Camp Fido Chartwells School Dining Services Chemical Bank CTS Telecom Committee to Elect Bobby Hopewell Communities in Schools Community Healing Center Community Living Options Consumers Credit Union Leroy Crabtree CSM Group Cuff Sports D&W Fresh Market 2012–2013 COMMUNITY PARTNERS Dale Shugars Prenatal and Children’s Health Care Fund Danford Creek Condominiums Data Guardian Kalamazoo Disablity Network Southwest Michigan Dunshee Body and Frame, Inc. Envirologic Fair Housing Center of Southwest Michigan Farm N Garden Paul Flickinger Flowserve Corporation Fontana Chamber Arts Foods Resource Bank Gazelle Sports Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan Goodwill Industries of Southwestern Michigan Gordon Water Systems Great Wall Restaurant Green Bay Packaging Hackett Catholic Central High School Ross Hamilton Harding’s Marketplace Healthcare Midwest Heartland Health Care Center Heritage Community of Kalamazoo Home Builders Association of Greater Kalamazoo Hospice Care of Southwest Michigan Housing Resources, Inc. HRM Innovations, LLC Hycorr LLC ImageStream Imperial Beverage Company InForm Architecture, PLC Institute for Massage Education Intentional Yoga InterAct of Michigan International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers International Paper J.D. Byrider J.M. Wilson Just Good Food Kalamazoo Area Runners Kalamazoo Christian School Association Kalamazoo Community Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Kalamazoo County Transportation Authority Kalamazoo Deacon’s Conference Kalamazoo Federal Building (GSA) Kalamazoo Gay and Lesbian Resource Center Kalamazoo Gospel Mission Kalamazoo Historic District Commission Kalamazoo Human Resource Management Association Kalamazoo Junior Symphony Society Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes Kalamazoo Mechanical, Inc. Kalamazoo People’s Food Co-op Kalamazoo River Cleanup Coalition Kalamazoo River Valley Trail Kalamazoo Valley Habitat for Humanity Kal-Blue Kalleward Group Kate’s Korner Kupboard Kellermeyer Bergensons Services Loretta Kelley Ken’s Historic Restoration Keystone Community Bank Kreis, Enderle, Hudgins, and Borsos, P.C. Lending Hands of Michigan, Inc. Life EMS Lincoln Financial Group Little Caesars David Lundquist Luzon-Argonne Veterans Club Post 827 M&M Motor Mall Mall City Container, Inc. Charles E. Martell, PC McDonald’s Restaurant Meals on Wheels Michael R. Schroeder, D.D.S. Michigan Fiber Festival, Inc. Midwest Collision Center Ministry With Community MLive Media Group Montessori School National Nail Corp Neighborhood Cleaners New Year’s Fest Noodles and Company North Presbyterian Church Oshtemo Township Oshtemo United Methodist Church Park Village Pines Natalie Patchell Pine Rest Pineview Greenhouses LLC Portage Northern High School Prein&Newhof Pretty Lake Vacation Camp Quality First International Recovery Institute of Southwest Michigan, Inc. Residential Opportunities, Inc. Richard A. Oppenlander D.D.S., P.L.C. Rose Street Advisers, LLC Schupan & Sons, Inc. Seat n Sleep ServiceMaster of Kalamazoo Shalom Incorporated Sojourner House SPCA of Southwest Michigan Special-Lite Inc. Spine Physical Therapy State Farm Insurance Steensma Lawn and Power Equipment StructureTec Group Stryker Corporation Stuart Avenue Inn Stulberg International String Competition Superior Colour Graphics Superior Imaging Printmill Susan G. Komen, Southwest Michigan Affiliate Talmer West Bank Texas Corral The Back Place The Business Round Table The Canopeum, Inc. The Looking Glass Child Care The Technology Pool Thornapple Creek Golf Club Trident Realty, Inc. Trout Unlimited Two Men and a Truck United Container Company United HealthCare Services, Inc. Jack Urban Volunteer Kalamazoo W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research Walgreens Allen Webb Wellspring/Cory Terry & Dancers West Michigan Appraisal Service, Inc. West Michigan Cancer Center Wiggles, Waggles & Tails, LLC WLLA TV 64 Workforce Strategies, Inc. WVFM, FM 106.5 YMCA of Greater Kalamazoo Zeigler Automotive Group MRC Industries, Inc. 2538 S. 26th Street Kalamazoo, MI 49048 For questions and comments, please contact the Community Relations Department at 269-343-0747 or
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