Where to Have some Fun in The Sun ?! Phone Directory ! And the
Where to Have some Fun in The Sun ?! Phone Directory ! And the
Where to Have some Fun in The Sun ?! Phone Directory ! BOAT CHARTERS, PRIVATE CRUISES & TOURS Soualiga Dest. Boat Tours : +1 (721) 543-6931 Celine Charters : +1 (721) 526-1170 Blue Safaris : +1 (721) 526-2749 Random Wind : +1 (721) 587-5742 St-Martin Catamaran Charters : +590-690 39 74 57 Private Yacht Charter SXM : +1 (721) 581-5305 Adventure Sports Sailing : +1 (721) 556-4128 Pirate Tours : +1 (721) 520-4866 Top Secret Private Excursions : +1 (721) 588-7167 Billy Bones Boatcharters : +1 (721) 522-7893 Boathouse Boat Rentals : +1 (721) 556-1560 CaptainJo Boat Charter : +590 (0)690 74 7001 Passaat : +1(721) 580-3301 Lambada & Tango : +1 (721) 544-2640 WATERSPORTS FRIENDLY FLYBOARD Initiation - Yacht Flyboard training - Event & Night Show FRIENDLY FLY BOARD : +590 (0)690 13 11 04 SXM SURF & WINDSURF CLUB : +590 (0)690 34 21 85 / +590 (0)690 598 918 Body Jet Xtreme : +1 (721) 524-9344 Wake’n glisse : +590 (0)690 27 52 45 St. Maarten Jet Ski Tours : +1 (721) 520-4866 Bikini Beach Watersports : +590 (0)690 49 05 29 Wind Adventures (lessons) : +590 (0)590 29 41 57 ART GALLERIES & MUSEUMS St. Maarten Museum : +1 (721) 542 4917 Mosera Fine Arts Gallery : +1 (721) 542 0554 Minguet Art Gallery : +590 (0)590 87 76 06 Roland Richardson Gallery : +590 (0)590 87 84 08 Camaieu Gallery : +590 (0)590 87 25 78 FAMILY & KIDS FUN Call: + 5 9 0 ( 0 ) 5 9 0 5 2 9 3 7 9 FRANCINE'S RENTALS : (721) 545 4030 - Toll FREE : 1 800 260 9856 EMPRESS RENT-A-CAR : +1 (721) 545 2062 - Mobile : +590 690 666 415 AFFORDABLE CAR RENTAL : +1 (721) 545-5377 Toll FREE: 1 610 990 6083 VACATION VILLAS & CONDOS Jennifer's Vacation Villas : +1 (721) 544 3107- Toll Free : 1631 546 7345 Sunshine Properties : +1 (721) 544 4498 - Toll Free : 1-623-643-8906 TAXI POINTS • DUTCH & FRENCH SIDES Philipsburg : +1 (721) 542 2359 Princess Juliana International Airport : +1 (721) 546 7713 Espèrance Airport • Grand-Case : +590 (0)590 87 53 03 Marigot Waterfront : +590 (0)590 87 56 54 EVERY DAY PAYLESS CAR RENTAL : +1 (721) 545 3327 Vote for Olia ! From Moldova Vote for Laurine ! From French St Martin SAX CAR RENTAL : +1 (721) 520 3551 - Toll FREE : +1 (305) 851 5353 PARADISE CAR RENTAL : +1 (721) 545 37 37 Monday 04.25 Arcadia 08:00 - 21:30 Celebrity Summit 09:00 - 19:00 Tuesday 04.26 Norwegian Gem 08:00 - 17:00 Adv. of the Seas 08:00 - 17:30 MSC Divina 13:30 - 21:30 adia ! Vote for N From SXM NATIONAL ALAMO : +1 (721) 545 5546 COURTESY RENT A CAR : +1 (721) 544 2192 - Toll free 1 877 377 0376 CRUISESHIP SCHEDULE Carnival Fascination 08:00 - 16:00 Anthem of the Seas 09:00 - 18:00 aridania ! Vote for M p inican Re From Dom LEISURE CAR RENTAL : +1 (721) 545 2359 - Toll FREE : 1 (844) 545 2359 YOGA@DOMAINE DU DRAGON : +590 (0)590 529 379 MARCI'S MEGA GYM : +1 (721) 581 6240 Saturday 04.23 Treasure Seeker, Pirates Playground : +1 (721) 527 2223 Discovery Farm : +1 (721) 554 9772 St. Maarten Zoo : +1 (721) 543 2030 CAR RENTALS www.pemaodling.org - Email: pemaodling@gmail.com 5 pm - In Simpson Bay Causeway 8:15 am - In & Out 10 am - In & Out 11.45 am - In & Out 3.30 pm - In & Out 5.15 pm - In & Out Bayside Riding Club Ranch : +590 690 62 36 18 Colombier Centre d’Equestre : +590 (0)690 61 08 97 Seaside Nature Park : +1 (721) 544 5255 BIKING & TREKKING DOMAINE DU DRAGON • YOGA & MEDITATION PRACTICE SPACE OPEN FOR SILENT SELF PRACTICE, GROUP MEDITATION & CLASSES Sandy-Ground 9 am - In & Out 2.30 pm - In & Out 5.30 pm - In & Out Simpson Bay Bridge 8.30 am - Out 9.30 am - In 10.30 am - Out 11.30 am - In 3 pm - In 4 pm - Out HORSEBACK RIDING St. Maarten Bike Tours/TriSport : +1 (721) 545-4384 Dream Trails SXM : +590 (0)690 34 35 36 WELL BEING (Fitness, Gym, Meditation, Spa, Yoga etc) Thursday 04.21 Tony’s Deep Sea Fishing : +590 590 87 86 83 The Scuba Shop : +1 (721) 545 3213 Lee’s Deep Sea Fishing : +1 (721) 544-4233 EMERGENCY NUMBERS DUTCH SIDE Police Department : 9 11 Fire/Disaster Department: 919 Medical Center :910 or 543 1111 Ambulance: 9 12 or 542 2111 Tourism Office : 542 2337 Princess Juliana Int. Airport : 546 7542 FRENCH SIDE Police : 17 Fire Department : 18 Medical Emergencies/SAMU : 15 Hospital Emergencies : 05 90 52 25 52 Tourism Office : 05 90 87 57 21 Grand-Case L’Espérance Reg. Airport : 05 90 27 11 00 WAAPPEN Clean Communications N.V 99A Walther Nisbeth Rd Philipsburg - Managing Director : Alain Haillant Administration / Info : 520 5737 - Advertising : 520 57 47 - Conception & Development : Carole Plumel Writers : Stephanie Van de Riet - Carole Plumel - Raymond Bowen - Printery : Norinfo ADVERTISE IN DUTCH SIDE CALL : 520 57 47 waappen.advert@gmail.com FRENCH SIDE CALL : 0690 880 092 advert@waappen.com assie ! Vote for C a n From Guya WAAPPEN SXM Facebook Votes for CONTEST WINNER officially end on Friday April 22th 2016!!! Winner is our April 27 COVERGIRL & takes home a SMARTPHONE! We ' v e r e c e i v e d m a n y a m a z i n g B e a c h p h o t o s from you and it's been tough to choose only s i x F i n a l i s t s ! T h e Wa a p p e n Te a m w o u l d l i k e to deeply thank ALL participants for their help i n m a k i n g o u r B E A C H P H O TO C O N T E S T 2 0 1 6 such a big success! THANK YOU !!! XOX N° 33- 5000 copies Happy Hour Charters : +1 (721) 520-4903 Winner Touch : +590 690 55 08 70 America’s Cup Yacht Racing : +1 (721) 542 0045 Scoobidoo : +590 (0)590 520 253 La Perle des Caraibes : +1 (721) 586-0794 Golden Eagle Tour : +1 (721) 543-0068 Eagle Tours N.V : +1 (721) 542-3323 SeaQuest Charters : +1 (721) 524-8633 Tango Caribbean Dinner Cruise : +1 (721) 544-2640 Tender Rental & Tours : +1 (721) 527-5665 Garfield Fun Charters : +1 (721) 587-1503 Friday Farewell Tour : +1 (721) 542-3323 Moon Dance Day Charters : +1 (721) 580-5806 Jet Paradise : +590 (0)690 26 81 12 Captain Morgan’s Sailing Adventure : +1 (721) 586-6627 Celebrity Summit 08:00 - 10:00 Freedom 08:00 - 17:00 Navigator 08:00 - 17:00 osi ! Vote for R From SXM DEEP SEA FISHING Email : info@waappen.com Oasis of the Seas 07.15 - 17.00 YOUR Covergirl ! friendly.flyboard@gmail.com WAAPPEN - Clean Communications N.V YOUR AD / TEL # HERE Wednesday 04.20 Anse Marcel Beach +590 (0)690 13 11 04 DEEP SEA DIVING & SNORKELING BRIDGES OPENING TIMES (Surf, Kitesurf, Flyboard, Wakeboard etc) And the Beach Photo Contest FINALISTS are... Choose A PR IL 2 0T H t o a p r i l 26 t h W E D N E S D AY 5 - 7.00 pm 9.30 PM AFTERWORK GOOD TIMES - FREE Tapas with first 2 drinks at Rhythm N’ Booze Winebar in Simpson Bay 6.00 PM • LIVE MUSIC at Rendezvous Lounge in Porto Cupecoy • LADIES NIGHT at Moomba in Maho - FREE PROSECCO Btl for dinner reservations of 4 ladies and up ! 8.00 PM APRIL 20 • MISS MATURE Carnival Queen Pageant at Carnival Village, Philipsburg • LIVE MUSIC at Red Piano in Pelican • Weekly BILLIARD TOURNAMENT at Q Billiard Lounge in Simpson Bay T H U R S D AY APRIL 21 5 - 7.00 pm MIGHTY MYSTIC at Red Piano, Pelican 8.00 PM AFTERWORK GOOD TIMES - FREE Tapas with first 2 drinks at Rhythm N’ Booze Winebar in Simpson Bay FUNK W/ DJ PAT at Dirty Sanchez Tequila Bar, Simpson Bay 10.00 PM 5.00 PM LATIN SUGAR at Calmos Café, Gd-Case 9.00 PM 9.30 PM 5.30 PM DEEP & PROGRESSIVE HOUSE w/ DJ BLS & DJ Kaiser at Dirty Sanchez Bar in Simpson Bay THURSDAYS ON THE MARINA on Marina Royale in Marigot 6.00 PM 10.00 PM ACOUSTIC DINNER w/ Mason at Lagoonies Bistro in Colebay 7.00 PM LIVE SOUL at Karakter, Simpson Bay 7 - 10.00 PM 8.30 PM • KARAOKE THURSDAYS at The Boathouse Restaurant, Simpson Bay HOUSE OF ROCK W/ MAGGIE at Soggy Dollar Bar, Simpson Bay • FREE CABARET SHOW "Casino Royale-In-The-Money" at Casino Royale Theater in Maho. • MOJO COCKTAIL PARTY with various Djs at Upperdeck Lounge in Simpson Bay • LADIES NIGHT at Tantra NightClub in Maho. Ladies drink FREE all night. • RNB & HIP HOP LADIES NIGHT at SkyBeach Lounge in Maho • JAZZ DUO LIVE w/ Alban & Guest at Zoo Rock Café, Simpson Bay. LADIES NIGHT w/ DJ C Gringo, FREE COCKTAIL for ladies at Rhythm N'Booze, Simpson Bay APRIL 25 M O N D AY • PARTY LIKE A ROCKST*R w/ DJ + live guitar at Zoo Rock Café, Simpson Bay • THROWBACK THURSDAYS w/ DjBlaize at The Harbor, Simpson Bay • TURN UP THURSDAYS W/ DJ OUTKAST at 3 Amigos in Maho 11.00 PM HIGH UP THURSDAYS w/ DJs at Club High Up in Simpson Bay 5 - 7.00 pm 5.30 PM From 6.00 PM MONDAY NIGHT CHURCH - Live rock & blues at Red Piano Bar in Pelican "APÉRO ROCK" LIVE MUSIC w/ Mr Skin at Zen It in Grand-Case BRIDGE PLAYERS TOURNAMENT at Le Beach Hotel in Marigot 6.00 PM JAM SESSION by Lee Hardesty at Lagoonies Bistro in Cole Bay 7.00 PM • MONDAYS PARTY with DJ Outkast + Eyedol at Rainbow in Grand Case • LIVE JAZZ with “The Black Sinatra” Mr. Cole at Karakter Beach Bar, Simpson Bay AFTERWORK GOOD TIMES - FREE tapas with first 2 drinks at Rhythm N’ Booze Winebar, Simpson Bay From 6.00 PM 9.00 PM 1/2 PRICE TUESDAYS - 50% OFF all drinks (bar + restaurant) w/ DJ Dorian Ashley at Zoo Rock Café, Simpson Bay 9.30 PM 8.00 PM • DJ BLS (Deep + progressive house) at Dirty Sanchez in Simpson Bay AFRICAN FLAVOR CONCERT Feat. BRACKET (smash Hit "Yori Yori") + BENJAI (Soca Anthem "Phenomenal") at Carnival Village in Philipsburg • CRAZY KARAOKE NIGHT w/ Albert & Chris at The Harbor Restaurant in Simpson Bay 9.00 PM 10.00 PM • K-BANNA LIVE at Pineapple Pete Restaurant in Simpson Bay • COCKTAIL PARTY at Upperdeck Lounge in Simpson Bay • 90’S HIP HOP NIGHT w/ Mixmaster Pauly at 3 Amigos Bar & Restaurant in Maho • 2 FOR 1 TUESDAYS w/ DJ Kaizer, Obediah & Manifest at Sopranos Piano Bar, Maho Carnival Village Invites Tourists with Fun Guided Tours ! Weekly Billiard Tournament @ Q Lounge! TelCell Night Of The Hit Makers 2016! Kes The Band EVERY WEDNESDAY, the Q Ultimate Billiard Lounge promises you a BILLIARD TOURNAMENT! You are a master at 8 Ball? Come show off your skills! Registration from 8 pm - tournament starts at 8:30 pm. You prefer to play “8 Ball – Ball in hand”? That starts at 9pm! Entry fee $20 per person. The most competitive tournament in St. Maarten is about to make your Wednesdays a whole lot more exciting! Reservations call: +1 (721) 5509948. Q Lounge is located on Airport Road above the Simpson Bay McDonald's. ST. MAARTEN’S CARNIVAL FLAGSHIP SHOW featuring Tsunami (Latin), Control Band (from SXM!), Tanya St. Val (Zouk diva), Mika Ben (Kompa), Jean Marc Ferdinand (mega-hit "Tikki Tak") & Kes The Band (soca) is back! For the past 3 years Xtratight™ Entertainment has brought a blend of artists together that brings Carnival Village alive and sets the dance floor on fyah! One stage - One dance floor - One Xtatic experience this Friday April 23rd at Carnival Village! Doors open at 8 PM, dance starts @ 9PM promptly. 9.30 PM • MAARTIANREBELS, HOUSETECHNOLOVE w/ DJ Koala at Dirty Sanchez Tequila Bar, Simpson Bay • LATIN NIGHT at The Harbor Rest. & Bar, Simpson Bay - FREE SALSA classes + 2 FOR 1 drinks 10.00 PM • 2 FOR 1 TUESDAYS with DJ EM at 3 Amigos Bar & Rest. in Maho • CARIBBEAN TUESDAYS with Deej Blaize at Le Shore Nightclub in Simpson Bay 11.00 PM INTERNATIONAL TUESDAYS with DJ Eyedol & MT Silva Hype at Club High Up in Simpson Bay somewhere ! » « It’s always HAPPY HOUR TOPPER’S - Simpson Bay 1 PM to 6 PM LIVE POKER GAMES DAILY AT 8 PM 3 PM to 6 PM 3 PM to 7 PM 4 PM to 6 PM 4 PM to 7 PM 4:30 to 7 PM 5 to 6 PM 5 PM to 7 PM BURGER 12, "THE" New Burger place on the French Side! This new cute & contemporary restaurant specializing in the Art of homemade burgers, opened in Marigot, in June 2015! Using only top quality ingredients, fresh burger meat and their original recipes, BURGER 12 offers over 12 different hamburger variations to all those meat lovers! Discover a few of our best sellers with the Trilogy of Mini Burgers! If you are more of a fish or chicken fan, or even a vegan or vegetarian, we have lots to tempt you like our Portobello Veggie Burger! Prefer a "lighter" bite? Our nutritious salads with homemade dressings are fresh and delicious. Don't leave without trying our homemade sweet potato fries! Come for lunch / dinner with family & friends or simply get some take-away to enjoy our creations in your own home. ated BURGER 12 is locro ss ac ht rig in Marigot Fort Louis Marina! OPEN Monday to Saturday • 12 noon - 3 PM & Evenings from 6.30 PM • Tel +590 590 529 760 THE HARBOR - Simpson Bay TACO MACHO - Ex Caravanseraï CHERI’S CAFÉ - Maho Bay LEE’S ROADSIDE GRILL - Simpson Bay pson Sim B CLU HT YAC SXM THE PALM'S CAFÉ - Simpson Bay son Bay PIZZA GALLEY @ Dock Bar - Simp THE GREENHOUSE - Simpson Bay LAGOONIES BISTRO - Colebay Bay SOGGY DOLLAR BAR - Simpson - Maho MOOMBA Restaurant & Tapas ter Pond MR BUSBY’S BEACH BAR - Oys d Pon ter Oys BAR DINGHY DOCK SUNSET BEACH BAR - Maho Simpson Bay RHYTHM N' BOOZE Winebar - Grand-Case Beach Photo credits: gotartwork.com Tourists have always visited the Carnival Village on their own or following the advice of a Taxi Driver, but for the first time in Carnival’s history, Guided Tours are now organized for both cruise & overnight passengers! DAYTIME TOURS for lunch in the village from 1pm to 3pm + NIGHTTIME TOURS for local musical events including the Calypso Finals and One Love Reggae Concert! “This is an initiative we have envisioned as part of the long-term marketing plan of Carnival, and it is finally happening,” said Rolando Brison, Marketing Director of St Maarten Carnival Development Foundation (SCDF). During daytime Guided Visits, tourists will learn about the History of Carnival & the Village, the way the village concept started, its various locations over the years on the island, until ultimately its permanent home was built in 2005, before stopping at a typical Carnival booth where they will be presented with signature dishes + drink samples ! Over 2000 gift bags will be given out, Island Revelers troupe will let tourist dress in headpieces and back-pieces for pictures, and ILTT will provide Duty Free liquor to the sponsors. Between 25 to 400 tourists are expected to take part in the organized tours each day, depending on the number of cruise ships in port. Check out the Tour companies involved: Nexus Tours, Sunwing, Xaro Tours or ask your local Taxi Drivers! APRIL 26 5 - 7.00 PM 8.00 PM NAGICO SENIOR CALYPSO FINALS feat. reigning 4x Sr. Calypso Monarch FISH DA MEGA BOSS + Big raffle to Win with entrance tickets at Carnival Village in Philipsburg AFTERWORK GOOD TIMES - FREE Tapas with first 2 drinks at Rhythm N’ Booze Winebar in Simpson Bay T U E S D AY Located on the French Side, at the heart of the picturesque fishing village that bears its name, Grand Case Bay is a long and tranquil beach at the foot of celebrated gourmet restaurants and smaller renown traditional eateries, known as "Lolos". The "Lolos" continuously serve fresh grilled or bbq fish, Caribbean lobster and meats in a lively and casual atmosphere! For a fine dining experience, Grand-Case - best known as "Gourmet Capital of the Caribbean", boasts restaurants and bars with breathtaking seaview and high quality French & International cuisine. Grand Case Bay is sheltered and ideal for snorkelling and swimming. Divers will enjoy exploring the famous Creole Rock. Trip advisor 2015 Travelers' Choice Award 2015: GrandCase #3 of the top 10 destinations in the Caribbean! S AT U R D AY APRIL 23 3.00 PM • DRAG SHOW w/ Lady Chocolat & Sylvia Slut at Rainbow Café, Gd-Case DJ INCORPORATED w/ various DJs at Satori Beach, Mary's Boon From 4.00 - 6.00 PM PUPPY LOVE "Meet & Greet" at Taloula Mango's Restaurant on Boardwalk, Philipsburg 6:00 PM • PERCY RANKIN & BONFIRE BAND at Karakter Bar in Simpson Bay • LIVE MUSIC w/ Ronnie at Buccaneer Beach Bar in Pelican 6:30 PM LIVE MUSIC w/ Christine Gordon at Rendezvous Lounge, Porto Cupecoy 7:00 PM • FULL MOON BEACH PARTY Thai Style at Kontiki Beach in Orient Bay • VIVA CUBA Latin Night with DJ DAV at Ernest & Fidel Bar in Cupecoy 8:00 PM • NIGHT OF THE HITMAKERS at Carnival Village in Philipsburg 9:00 PM • STREET COSTUME PARADE at Sonesta Maho & Casino Royale 9:30 PM • THE HARBOR PARTY BAND at the Harbor Restaurant, Simpson Bay • LIVE REGGAE w/ Remo & Barbwire Band at Blue Martini, Grand-Case • BEATS, BOOZE & BI*$HES w/ Dj Kaiser at Dirty Sanchez, Simpson Bay 10:00 PM • PARTY HARD Trance, Electro & Deep House by Das Boots at News Café, next to Starz Casino in Cupecoy • DJ VOL P at Tantra Club in Maho • SEXY SATURDAYS w/ DJ Big Boss & DJ Maestro at 3 Amigos Bar in Maho • FREE CABARET, Casino Royale Maho APRIL 24 S U N D AY From 10.00 AM - 3.00 PM LAST SUNDAY BRUNCH of the season w/ Los Domingueros Live at Lagoonies Bistro in Colebay 2.00 PM • DJ ÉRIC STIÉE "TOO MUCH • FIREBALL SUNDAYS at Buccaneer Beach Bar in Pelican • FIESTA LATINA w/ DJ DAV at Zoo Rock Café, Simpson Bay 7 - 10.00 PM CARIBBEAN TOUR" PART II at Kokomo Beach in Indigo Bay • BEACH LOUNGE PARTY w/ DJ AJ Raw at Karakter, Simpson Bay • BEACH LOUNGE PARTY at Palm Beach Restaurant in Orient Bay 3.00 PM SUNDAY BEACH PARTY Kontiki Beach w/ Dj Maestro in Orient Bay 4 - 9.00 PM MEGA BEACH PARTY w/ 5 Djs at Dreams in Nettle Bay SUNSET LIVE REGGAE at Calmos Café in Grand-Case 8.00 PM LATIN NIGHT w/ K’Banna Band at Karakter Beach Bar, Simpson Bay 9.30 PM • DISCOTEQUE GUERILLA w/ Deejayendee at Dirty Sanchez Tequila Bar, Simpson Bay • CHRISTINE GORDON LIVE at Harbor Restaurant, Simpson Bay 10.00 PM 5.00 PM BACCHANAL SUNDAY {Wet Down} in Carnival Village, Philipsburg 5.30 PM 6.00 PM KARAOKE at Rendezvous Lounge Porto Cupecoy • BUDDHA BAR SUNDAYS w/ Djs Prince, Big Boss + Maestro - FREE entrance all night at Tantra in Maho • DJ EM at News Café in Cupecoy • AFTER BEACH PARTY at Palm d'Or Club in Orient Bay, w/ DJ Hurricane From Boston USA, Reggae Sensation MIGHTY MYSTIC performs on St. Maarten for the very first time. Blue Water Rum proudly presents this high energy artist live at Red Piano Bar on Thursday April 21st! Mighty Mystic's 3rd album “The Art of Balance” debuted #7 on reggae billboard charts. FREE CONCERT starts at 8.00 PM. The Red Piano Bar is located in Pelican behind Hollywood Casino. Wet Down Bacchanal Sunday @ Carnival Village DJ Vol P at Tantra Nightclub Ciroc Vodka takes over your Saturday April 23rd when Tantra will host their new themed party “Ciroc Madness”!! Inaugural party with DJ VOL P from New York City. Raekwon's official DJ will hit the decks from 10 pm on! Ciroc Vodka specials all night.VIP reservations call +1 (721) 520-6623. Tantra Club is located in Maho above Casino Royale. 8:00 PM From 5 - 7.00 PM AFTERWORK GOOD TIMES - FREE TAPAS with 1st two drinks at Rhythm N'Booze in Simpson Bay 6.00 PM • CRAFT MARKET + LIVE MUSIC on the village square in Orient Bay • FIREBALL FRIDAYS at Buccaneer Beach Bar in Pelican. • BOARDWALK FRIDAYS on the Boardwalk in Philipsburg • LOLLITA'S TATOO LIVE at Zoo Rock Café, Simpson Bay 7:00 PM • FULL MOON PARTY + LIVE REGGAE by Explosion at Roots Bar in Friar's Bay • CHRISTINE GORDON LIVE at Canoa Restaurant, Oyster Pond • K-BANNA Latin Band at Rendezvous Lounge in Porto Cupecoy • LIVE JAZZ w/ Connis & Friends at Karakter, Simpson Bay • DREAMTEAM ENTERTAINMENT CONCERT in Carnival Village, Ph.burg • DRAG SHOW w/ Lady Chocolat + Sylvia Slut at Rainbow in Grand-Case 9:00 PM KOOLBERRY JAM at Lagoonies Bistro (Wellington Rd) in Colebay 9:30 PM WE ARE ALL MAD HERE rock, punk, electro at Dirty Sanchez, Simpson Bay 10.00 PM • FREE CABARET SHOW inside Casino Royale in Maho • KARAOKE NIGHT at The Palm's Restaurant & Café in Simpson Bay • SOGGY FRIDAYZ at Soggy Dollar Bar in Simpson Bay 11.00 PM TROPICAL FRIDAY BDAY BASH w/ DJ Rudeness at Palm d'Or NightClub, Orient Bay Endemic Caribbean Species Festival @ the St Maarten ZoO! Mighty Mystic Live at the Red Piano Bar Kalaboom Entertainment presents BACCHANAL SUNDAY!! The 100% Soca Concert with reknowned artists Asa Bantan, Fadda Fox, Teddyson John, Soca Rumble Winner "King Vers", Red Eye Crew etc. We'll be “ducking” and have “no behavior” while “we drinking rum” and taking the “pressure”.. So prepare to get WET !!! Asa bantan says it best: “How can you come to a wet fete and not expect TO GET WET?!” Tickets $20 at the gate. Sunday April 24th • 5 PM at Carnival Village in Philipsburg. APRIL 22 F R I D AY The Post I finally received the Christmas card my parents had sent me. Just in time for… Easter. The post mark says it was sent on the 6th December 2015… No one else is the littlest surprised that my Christmas card has done more travelling than me and was late, not a few days late but months late! It’s the same with my bank... I live opposite my bank. Yet they insist on posting everything. Weeks pass, the world rotates, and my new PIN Code is having the time of its life somewhere around the world. I’m left checking the tatty old post box morning and night pondering where it possibly could be today. Brazil, Mexico, Spain, India… who knows? Maybe they forgot to send it… By Blue Eyes Only on SXM.... Caribbean Islands support a wealth of biodiversity within their diverse ecosystems. Through both their origins and their isolation from the mainland, the islands have given rise to an astonishing number of endemic species of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, plants and birds. Of the 564 Caribbean bird species, 148 (26%) are endemic–they exist nowhere else in the world. These unique species (birds, plants and animals) serve as icons for the singularity of the Caribbean. Les Fruits de Mer’s annual ENDEMIC ANIMAL FESTIVAL is a FREE PUBLIC EVENT for all ages that celebrates St. Martin/St. Maarten's unique wildlife and natural heritage. It's a fantastic opportunity to learn about the animals that only live on this island or in our region. The 2016 event features guided wildlife tours, an Endemic Animal Discovery Station, native animal activity books, and local wildlife-themed art activities for children. It will take place at the St. Maarten Zoo on Arch Road in Madame Estate on Sunday, April 24th from 9 am-12 pm. More info, visit: http://www.lesfruitsdemer.com/events/endemic-animal-festival/ Online Wedn. April 13, 2016 on: <www.caribbeanbirdingtrail.org> Adopt & Save a Stray Puppy! Animal Defenders Association & Taloula Mango's joined forces again to bring you the PUPPY LOVE "MEET & GREET" on Saturday April 23rd at Taloula Mango's Restaurant. From 4.00 to 6.00 PM, come, meet, and fall in love with these adorable little furry friends in search of their forever home, and adopt them on the spot! Animal Defenders will gladly help you through the process. Bring your friends & help us curb the strays on the island. Taloula Mango's Restaurant is located on the Boardwalk in Philipsburg. Sound Citizens Bring Their “Swunk” To Lagoonies! Lagoonies Bistro & Bar will host Antiguan band SOUND CITIZENS for a fantastic night of FREE LIVE MUSIC on Saturday, April 30th at 8:30 PM!!! SOUND CITIZENS bring together Brazilian, Caribbean, British and Spanish musical influences to create "swunk": their unique, irresistibly danceable fusion of soul-drenched swing, funk, reggae and Brazilian roots music. Their triumphant first album MIA [Made in Antigua] was recorded by renowned sound engineer Stevie Jackson, who has previously worked with Elton John, Stevie Wonder + Paul McCartney. “Our mission at Lagoonies is to bring new music and musicians to the public, as well as great bistro-style food,” explains Olivia Roudon, director of Lagoonies Bistro & Bar, “so we're really psyched to welcome Sound Citizens to the island for this show! It's going to be an unforgettable evening so get ready to dance!” Reservations are recommended for dinner, book at +1 (721) 544-3703. This event is made possible by Lagoonies' media partner Island 92 and the generous sponsorship of Amstel Bright and Mount Gay Rum. More info? Visit https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lagoonies-Bistro-and-Bar/341082047532 and http://soundcitizens. com to learn more about the band. Lagoonies Bistro & Bar is accessible by land (Wellington Road 33-35 in Colebay) or by sea (Lagoon Marina, on Simpson Bay Lagoon) :) MAHO SAPPHIRE BEACH CLUB THE CLIFF SUGAR CANE THAI SAVANNA SNACK CLUB HOUSE GOLF ISLANDER HOTEL SONESTA BEACH HOTEL CASINO ROYALE BAR FASHION SPA ALEGRIA MOMO'S TACO MACHO DUNES CASINO BAMBOO BERNIES SIMPSON BAY HERTZ AVIS SHIPWRECK SHOPS VANDORP CARIBBEAN ALLIANCE THE MAILBOX CENTURY 21 BEIRUT RESTAURANT TRAVEL PLANNERS KARAKTER MARY’S BOON HOTEL WIB BANK GOURMET MARKET Café ATLANTICO Bakery SOL GAS ALDY WAY SOGGY DOLLAR BAR DIRTY SANCHEZ BAR VESNA TAVERNA MC DONALD’S ROYAL PALM HOTEL LEE’S ROADSIDE GRILL BIGUINE HAIR SALON THE TASTE FACTORY SPA CARITA TOPPER’S RHYTHM N’BOOZE MARKET GARDEN PELICAN RESORT HOTEL ATRIUM THE STONE Rest. RESTAURANT ISOLA RED PIANO BAR DELI PELI Market BON APPETIT AQUA MANIA ADV. JIMBO’S ROCK CAFE PIECE OF CAKE TOP CARROT ZEE BEST LA SUCRIERE FEDEX CAPUCCINO BAR CUGGINI CAROUSEL DOMINO’S PIZZA IZZI Rest. ABU GHAZI SHAWARMA PINEAPPLE PETE PANLAAN THAI TROPICANA CASINO LA PALAPA CENTER UNIQ'FASHION VEDANTA CONNOISSEURS GOOD CARDS AL PASHA RESTAURANT DUTCH SIDE FRENCH SIDE FRENCH CUISINE 1 La Main à La Pâte Restaurant +590 (0)590 774 560 - Marina Royale, Marigot ORGANIC / GLUTEN FREE / BIO /VEGETARIAN FRENCH CUISINE 6 7 PIZZERIA 8 2 Le Natural Café +590 (0)590 296 158 - #102 Nettle Bay Road 3 SNACKING - HOMEMADE BURGER - TAKE AWAY Burger 12 +590 (0)590 529 760 - Across Fort Louis Marina, Marigot 9 INTERNATIONAL CUISINE 10 4 The Loterie Farm +590 (0)590 878 616 - #103 Rd to Pic Paradis 5 Aglio E Olio Pizzeria Napoletana +590 (0)690 516 654 - Rue F. Laurence, Grand-Case PIZZERIA - ITALIAN CUISINE Kokomo Bar & Restaurant 553 7815 - Indigo Bay, road to Philipsburg Lagoonies Bistro 544 3703 - #33-35 Wellington Road - Colebay The Dock Bar & Pizza Galley 587 1330 - Airport Road - Simpson Bay INTERNATIONAL CUISINE Captain Oliver’s Restaurant 5207889 - Captain Oliver’s Marina - Oyster Pond BREAKFAST / DELI / SNACKING Henry's 545 4344 - #11 Airport Road - Simpson Bay 5 MEXICAN CUISINE 11 Taco Macho Restaurant 553 6322 - Ex Caravanseraï - Beacon Hill 4 3 1 2 9 For more distribution points, check out our Facebook Page : WaappenSXM 11 7 10 8 Pinpoint YOUR RESTAURANT on our ST MAARTEN - St MARTIN MAP and SHOW OFF YOUR LOCATION ! At : info@waappen.com 6 MONT VERNON GRDS VINS DE FRANCE Bakery MT VERNON LE TAITU EPICERIE MT VERNON CUL DE SAC PHARMACIE CARAIBES CROCERY CUL-DE-SAC VILLA PIZZA HERCULE Restaurant OYSTER POND OYSTER BAY THE WESTIN MAMA PIZZA CAPTAIN OLIVER’S HOTEL COLOMBUS LE PAIN D’EPICES MINI MARKET PETIT MARCHE FRENCH QUARTER COLLEGE LA POSTE Bakery POINT CHAUD SUPERMARKET LE FRUIT à PAIN ORIENT BAY CLUB ORIENT KAKAO BEACH NOON BAR CHEZ PIERROT BOULANGERIE POINT CHAUD YELLOW SUB FONCIA HOTEL ALAMANDA HOTEL PALM COURT HOTEL BLEU CARAIBES HOSTE HOTEL WAIKIKI COCO BEACH HOTEL PLANTATION HOTEL ESMERALDA PARADISE VIEW CUL DE SAC RANCHO DEL SOL PALM BEACH CADISCO LA CIVETTE SUSHI & JUICE LA PENINSULE ORANGE GROVE TEXACO HARLEY DAVIDSON SOL GAS MERCHANT MARKET LE CHAMPAGNE WINDWARD BANK PHARMACY PRIME ANTILLEANS LIQUORS CARL AND SON LAGOONIES BISTRO ISLAND WATER WORLD COLE BAY ACE DIVICO CREDIT MUTUEL SUBWAY DECORUM MOTOR WORLD RCB GRAND MARCHE HOTEL PORT PLAISANCE SPA PORT PLAISANCE YACHT CLUB MARINA Over 400 distribution Points ! Dutch & French Side SXM BELLEVUE BAR LE BELLE VUE BISTRO DA VINCI LAZARTIGUES Hair salon CHANGE POINT FIRST DECO LCL Bank HOME N’TOOLS GITEM GAUTIER Peinture AQUATEC CARIBURO ROSDAL TELEDOM SOREMAR MONOP ASSIETTE PROVENCALE CANAL+ EPILATION BEAUTE CADENCE HOTEL DU GOLFE MAVERIMMO RUE Gén. De GAULLE CENTRE HOTEL TI CREPE CARAMBOLE TROPIC IMMO CHAZO RUE DE HOLLANDE BDAF LE CRAYON ACA OUTREMER HOWELL CENTER IMAGE IMMOBILIER MOTOR WORLD RAPIDO PRINT LA POSTE INITIATIVE ST MARTIN KAROUF ARTZEN ESSENCE LA BONNE FRANQUETTE NPS CONCORDIA LYCEE DELICES DU PALAIS DEPOT POSTE HOSPITAL MEDIATHEQUE AUDRA SECURITE SOCIALE CAF CCI PERCEPTION CHICKEN CASE CYBER CAFE PAIN DE SOLEIL IHS LE PELICAN CROUSTI BREAD COPPELIA IMMODOM CTRE DOIGTS DE FEES CASEDOM OSPME SMBTP FIDUCIAL EDF LABORATOIRE RADIOLOGIE GENERALE DES EAUX POLE EMPLOI SNACK BAR MAISON DES ADOS SANDY GROUND ROLLING SYSTEMS OFFICE du TOURISME ISLAND WATER WORLD AIR CARAIBES VILLA PIZZA ST MARTIN VOYAGES BEACH PLAZA CADISCO TENNIS CLUB SIMPLY MARKET BOAT Services TIME BOAT OUT DAIS PIZZA Bakery MARTINO M J C CINEMA NETTLE BAY LAYLA'S RESTAURANT MONOP HOTEL ROYAL BEACH FLAMBOYANT VILLAGE La PARISIENNE CADISCO HOTEL MERCURE MA TI BEACH LE SAND DREAMS TERRES BASSES /LOW LANDS PORTO CUPECOY LA SAMANNA HOTEL BAR GELATO ERNEST CAFE GOURMET MARKET Find the WAAPPEN anywhere ! PHILIPSBURG KOKOMO BEACH BAR KOOYMAN ACE MARK’S PLACE GRAND MARCHE COSTULESS HOTEL BEL AIR HOTEL GREAT BAY VLAUN CARIBURO CARL AND SON SEA PALACE MC DONALD KANGAROO COURT PETIT CAFE Backstreet BALLERINA’S HOLLAND HOUSE HOTEL FRONTSTREET CAFE BAR SINT ROSE PHARMACY FT STREET OUALICHI BOBBY’S MARINA CHESTERFIELDS ILTT SANG’S MARKET CARIBBEAN LIQUORS GALISBAY HERTZ FUTUR FITNESS SOUS PREFECTURE MARIGOT DAUPHIN TELECOM BAR LES ARCHES Z’OUTLET CARIB SERV NAGICO LA POSTE CENTRALE Bakery L’EPI CENTRE CAPITAINERIE SOUS MARIN BAR LA PRESSE LA FLIBUSTE MARINA ROYALE COFFEE SHOP CLUB ST MARTIN WEEK KARMA hair salon HAVANE BOMBON LE 14 LA BELLE EPOQUE CAFE DE PARIS SPINNAKER BRASSERIE DE LA GARE MISFITBAR Les Amandiers ANSE MARCEL LE MARQUIS HOTEL SPORT PRIVILEGE LE DOMAINE LE RADISSON EPICERIE PIC NIC RESERVE NATURELLE CALYPSO BAR SCUBA ZEN LA CAPITAINERIE FRONT DE MER LA SUCRIERE AGF SARAFINA CHABIN CAFE LE DIVIN BISTRO DE LA MER BAR DE LA MER ARHAWAK L’OIZEAU RARE L’EAU A LA BOUCHE SEMSAMAR Ô PLONGEOIR YACHT CLUB GALISBAY BAR GRAND ST MARTIN BLUE POINT SDL UCDEM EDF GALISBAY PORT TEK AWAY COLOMBIER SIAPOC Bakery LAINEZ LOTERIE FARM LA SAVANE COOL HEURE PETIT HOTEL BLEU EMERAUDE GRAND CASE LE MOULIN PHARMACIE CARAIBES SESAME CAFE CROUSTI BREAD QUE DU BONHEUR ILE FLOTTANTE RAINBOW CAFE HEVEA CAFECITO LE LOVE LE ZENITH CALMOS CAFE SHAMBALA HESTIA Real Estate SUNSET HOTEL HOTEL ESPLANADE AIR CARAÏBES HOPE ESTATE SIMPLY MARKET BDAF STCA MAGUY RESTO SILHOUETTE DVD PAPETERIE T’HOPE GOURMET BUBBLE SHOP KAROUF BACCHUS L’ETAGE DECORUM LE HANGAR SAS MARBLE CASSE CROUTE PAY PLUS CONSULTANT FOR IDN ARS BURO + ROUXEL TRAVAUX QUICK DEPANNAGE OCTOPUSSY ITS BUZZ SIAPOC QUICK SILVER GYMFIT LEARDER MAT
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