קהל בני שלום - B`nai Shalom


קהל בני שלום - B`nai Shalom
‫קהל בני שלום‬
B’nai Shalom Bulletin
‫קהל בני שלום‬
‫הרב יוסף זוננשיין‬
‫מרא דאתרא‬
B’nai Shalom
135 Roseland Avenue
Waterbury, CT 06710
‫פרשת בא – ו' שבט תשע"ו‬
Parshas Bo
Reflections from the Rav
January 16, 2016
Likras Shabbos – 4:08 pm
Candles/Mincha – 4:28 pm
Shabbos Learning – 8-9 pm
Shacharis – 8:00/9:00 am
Latest Shema – 9:03/9:39 am
Navi Shiur – ½ hr before Mincha
Mincha & Shalosh Seudos – 4:05
Maariv – 5:37 pm
Avos Uvanim (Yeshiva) – 6:47 pm
Over the last few weeks we have been privy to many conversations between
Moshe Rabbeinu and Paroh. Although these conversations took place
thousands of years ago, they are still relevant and instructive today. Paroh
represents the worst in us, the hardened heart, which leaves us lethargic and
apathetic toward serving Hashem. Moshe, on the other hand, represents all
that is pure and holy within us, urging us upwards and onwards in our
avodah of Hashem.
Weekdays – January 17-22
Sunday Shacharis – 8:00/9:00 am
Monday-Friday Shacharis – 7:00 am
Mincha/Maariv advances from 4:33
on Sunday to 4:38 on Thursday.
Additional Maariv – 8:00/9:30 pm
Thursdays 9:15 instead of 9:30
Wednesday Ladies’ Shiur – 8:30
‫בעקבות הפרשה‬
‫ כאן‬.‫כי אני הכבדתי את לבו‬
‫ ויש לפרש‬.‫הפסיד את בחירתו‬
.‫שזה היה בדיוק מדה כנגד מדה‬
‫שהרי פרעה צוה "תכבד העבודה‬
‫ והמסילת ישרים‬,"‫על האנשים‬
‫ביאר במדת הזהירות שהכוונה‬
‫היה שלא יחשבו ולא ישתמשו בכח‬
‫ והיינו שמנע מהם את‬,‫שכלם‬
‫ ומדה כנגד מדה‬,‫בחירתם‬
‫"הכביד" הקב"ה את לבו שלא‬
.‫יחשוב מחשבות של תשובה‬
Paroh suggests to Moshe, “Go serve Hashem, but let the sheep and cattle
remain.” Moshe responds, “You too will give us [animals for] offerings to
Hashem. Our cattle will go with us; nothing will remain, for we do not know
with what we can serve Hashem until we arrive there.”
Paroh’s request is as clever as it is insidious. The Yeitzer Hara whispers to
us in his subtle yet sinister way: Do you have to give up everything for
Hashem? Can’t there be a part of your life that is yours, that is not
completely given over to Him? Is there a single moment of your life that is
free from being dictated to by Hashem? Sure, you should serve Hashem…but
with everything? All the time?
Moshe responds with clarity, sincerity, and wisdom: Yes, every cell in our
bodies, every dollar in our pockets, and every moment that we have been
granted, share one single purpose: to serve Hashem. True freedom is the
ability to utilize all that we have been given for the great opportunity to serve
Hashem. We never know what Hashem will want us to use in order to serve
Him, but we do know that everything that we have is for the purpose of
serving Him.
Moreover, but the Yeitzer Hara himself only exists to serve Hashem! So,
Paroh, you yourself will provide us with animals with which to serve
Hashem. The very desires and impulses that you employ in order to cause me
to be distanced from Hashem will be used to serve Him!
The definition of “freedom” has become twisted in our culture. The world
around has deluded itself into thinking that being a slave to one’s selfish
wants and desires is freedom. Such a slave can never be considered free. If
we can take all the time, money, strength, talent and creativity that Hashem
has given us, and return it to him by using it to serve Him, and to fill the
world with His honor, then we can experience true freedom.
!‫בכל לבבך – בשני יצריך‬
Shul News
The “9:00” Kiddush is sponsored by Attorney and Mrs.
Yehuda Gottesman
‫לעילוי נשמת דוד שלמה בן משולם פייביש הלוי‬
Shalosh seudos is sponsored by the Rabbi and Mrs.
Jeremy Bekritsky
‫לעילוי נשמת אלימלך בן חיים זאב יהודה‬
Ladies Shabbos Shiur
The shiur will be given by Rav Yosef Eisenbach at his
residence, 99 Crescent Street, at 2:30.
Tuesday is the yahrtzeit of Ray Schain (Raphael ben
Nachum), observed by his son Norman Schain.
Wednesday is the yahrtzeit of Natalie Z. Schain (Nechama
bas Shlomo), observed by her son Norman Schain.
Upon the yahrtzeit of Natalie Schain, we acknowledge her
generosity that enabled our shul to begin undergoing its
renovation. May this be a zechus for her neshama.
Rav Yonah Gewirtz giving a derasha in
Waterbury last Sunday.
Melave Malka
Riddle of the Week
Which two things are referred to as covering
the entire ground, as it says, ‫?וכסה את עין הארץ‬
Ex 10:5; Nu 22:5
This bulletin has been sponsored by
Town & Country Pediatrics & Family Medicine, PC·380 Main Street·Watertown, CT 06795·860-274-8891
B’nai Shalom
135 Roseland Avenue
Waterbury, CT 06710