2nd Sunday of Lent 21st February 2016


2nd Sunday of Lent 21st February 2016
Money Matters
Offertory Collection last weekend:
£645.10 of which
£378.30 was Gift Aided.
Gift Aid: If you are a Tax Payer,
please consider filling out the Gift
Aid form which is in the church
porch to receive a box of weekly
envelopes for your
offertory donation or for a one-off
donation then please use the
Green envelopes.
Please remember to write your
name, address, sign and date the
green envelope.
Thank you for supporting
our Parish.
Responsorial Psalm:
The Lord is my light
and my help
Gospel Acclamation:
Glory and Praise
to you, O Christ!
From the bright cloud
the Father’s voice
was heard:
‘This is my Son, the
Beloved, Listen to him’
Glory and praise
to you, O Christ!
Eglwys Catholig Dewi Sant, Yr Wyddgrug
St.David’s Catholic Church, Mold
We remember in our prayers
Those whose anniversaries
(20 Feb) Catherine Burke, Catherine Hopwood
(21st Feb) Mathew Naughton, Thomas Henry
Whitley, Elizabeth Griffiths, Monica Harrison,
Mary O’Leary,Tony Walsh, (22nd Feb) Patrick
Geraghty, James Cahill, James David Davies,
John Todd, Alice Alletson, Samuel O’Neill (23rd
Feb) Marion, Martin Welsh, Earl Smith, Bernadine Malia (24th Feb) Thomas John Morgan,
Leo Francis Ward (25th Feb) Mary Ann Devlin,
Margaret Roberts, Edward Hynes, Elizabeth
Brannan (26th Feb) Thomas Philbin, Helen
Parish Priest: Fr. Pius Mathew CMI,
St.David’s Presbytery, St.David’s Lane, Mold. CH7 1LH
Email: piuscmi@gmail.com
01352 752087
Deacon David Joy:01352 754722 LSUConvent:01352 700121
Website: http://www.stdavidsmold.org.uk/
www.wrexhamdiocese.org.uk http://www.cmi.org.in
20th February Saturday
Mass 5.30pm
Let us pray for the Sick
Ian Byron, Debra Ann Roberts,Tricia Twizell, Rosa Maria, Joan Lawrence, Gay
McCornick, Moira Catherall, Lea Hill, Anne
Turner, Mary Rowe, Rose Bryan, Jenny
Mansley, Jennifer Rowley, Nancy Wilson,
Joe Goggin, Joe & Luisa Desena, Peggy
Edwards, Shelagh Fulham,
Stubbs, Philomena Lamano,
and Leo
Margaret (Peggy) Edwards RIP
Peggy Edwards went home to the Lord
on Monday, the 15th and her funeral
Mass will take place here next Wednesday (24th) at 10am followed by internment in Mold Cemetery.
Our sympathies and prayers to Arfon
and Deirdre and to their family at this
time loss and sadness.
May Peggy Rest in Peace
and Rise in Glory
2nd Sunday of Lent Year C
21st February 2016
Danny Malone RIP
(Kittly Malone)
21st February Sunday
Mass 11am
For people of the Parish
Monday :
22nd Feb
23rd Feb
Liturgy of the day
Mass 9.15am
Esther McGivern RIP (Kay Ryan)
Liturgy of the day
Mass 9.15am
Dennis Smullen RIP (Anne Cheetham)
Wednesday Funeral Mass: Peggy Edwards RIP
24th Feb
at 10am
7pm Stations of the Cross
25th Feb
26th Feb
Liturgy of the day
Mass 9.15am
Int.Sr.Pauline Hearney (HF.Wrexham)
Liturgy of the day
Mass 9.15am
Int.The McGivern Family (Kay Ryan)
27th February Saturday
Mass 5.30pm
28th February Sunday
Mass 11am
Angela Morris RIP
(Wendy Morris)
For People of the Parish
Rosary and
Every Friday
following the
morning Mass
at 9.15am
Sacrament of
10.30am to
& Before the Vigil
Sundays before
the Mass
here’s an air of
anxiety in our scripture readings at the
liturgy today. God shows
Abram (before he became
Abraham) that he will stand
at the top of a lineage with
many descendants and that
he will take possession of
the land. But Abram is still
worried about the future:
“My Lord, how am
I to know that I
shall inherit it?”
And God has to
reassure Abram,
to keep him persevering in faith.
Both Abram and Peter are
privileged to be in the presence of God, yet they are
worried about the road
ahead and whether or not
they will really see things
through. Sound familiar?
No matter how strong our
faith is, we still have moments when we wonder
what it’s all about, whether
he same is
Peter, James and
John. Jesus gives
them a real boost to the
their faith by letting them
see him being transfigured
on the mountain top, talking
with Moses and Elijah…a
sure sign that he is from
God. But Peter, like Abram,
is worried that things won’t
always be like this and so
he tries to get three booths
or tents set up to preserve
the atmosphere of the moment.
we can cope with present
difficulties and how we will
match up to the demands
of the future. Of course,
that’s what faith is all about.
If faith were a manual of
answers, an instruction
book that couldn’t fail, then
it would no longer be faith.
When we stop praying for
perseverance in faith we
have become muscular
Christians who think they
can reach heaven by religious effort.
ut as we go through
life we come across
people and events that
strengthen our faith. It
seems that when everything is rumbling on in a
mundane way we suddenly
are given a glimpse of what
lies beyond. These mountain-top experiences boost our faith
because they redirect our hope and
recharge our enthusiasm.
Last week we began Lent by looking at the temptations that lie in
wait for us as we
try to follow Christ. This
week we are given a shot in
the arm as we glimpse
something of the glory of
Jesus in the Transfiguration.
o Lent isn’t just about
sin. It’s also about
faith, promise, perseverance, hope, dreams, compassion , trust, reconciliation and renewal.
Have a Happy Lent!
Can You Help?
Collection for Flowers
For the Altar
Sacrament of
We welcome into our
Robert Thomas Allan and Abigail Catherine Allan
who are baptised here today.
As Robert and Catherine Allan give
thanks to God for the gifts of Robert
and Abigail, may they in turn bring
many blessings and much happiness
to them.
Freshly made Seville
orange marmalade
will be on sale this
All money raised will
go to the VISAMO, Home for
orphans and the destitute run by
the CMI in the state of Gujarat,
North India. Thank you.
Margaret Joy
‘Visamo’ means the place of
peace and rest.
Women’s World Day of Prayer
On Friday 4th March at 2pm at Christ
Church, Pontblyddyn. More details on
Noticeboard. Everyone is welcome
Judy Cartwright
Repository. Now on sale Easter
cards and St.Patrick’s Day cards .
Angela Carr
No Choir Practice this Tuesday
Like last year the SVP is
once again in need of your
help! We are holding another
'Development Day' for Vincentians throughout North
Wales in our church hall on
Saturday 12th March and would value parishioners assistance in helping our members to
serve lunch. (You would only be required between 12.15 - 1.45pm).
If you can offer any help please phone me on
01352 755067. With grateful thanks in advance. Brian Cullen, President.
Are you ready to join
the Knights of St.Columba?
“Forgiveness if only the first step in the Jubilee
Year of Mercy. Mercy entails living out the pardon
and love we have received so that we come closer
to Christ and develop as Christians. In the Catholic
Church, the Knights of St.Columba provide a spirituality and an organization for men which enables
them to do just this. The Knights of St.Columba is
a vital part of many parishes doing a lot of practical
work that makes a parish a vibrant and welcoming
Please consider joining the Knights of St.Columba
as it will help you grow as a Catholic and become
merciful like the Father”
Most Rev. Malcolm McMahon OP
Archbishop of Liverpool.
Contact: Mike Cotter and Peter Carberry for more
Lent Family Fast Day: 4th March
Collection on 5th&6th March
To coincide with the usual 1st Sunday collection
date for Cafod, Lent Fast Day this year for this Parish will be Friday 4th March. The collection will be
on Sat 5th & Sun 6th March.
Joyce and John Elcock
Fairtrade Real Easter Eggs
Anyone wishing to order Easter Eggs please email
Alan at the usual address:
You can see an example of both eggs and their
contents at the back of Church. Alan Morris