Recording Performers Malaysia Berhad (“RPM”)
Recording Performers Malaysia Berhad (“RPM”)
Recording Performers Malaysia Berhad (“RPM”) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ ) on Licensing 20 December 2013 1. Who is RPM? RPM was incorporated as a limited-by-guarantee company on 18 October 2011 by eligible recording artistes and musicians to collectively issue licences in order to receive and distribute royalties for RPM members’ recorded performances. 2. Does the Government recognize RPM as a legitimate Collective Management Organisation (“CMO”) or Licensing Body? Yes. The Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO), an agency under the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operative and Consumerism (MDTCC) has officially declared RPM as a licensing body. A Licensing Body certificate was issued to RPM on 6 March 2013 (copy attached). 3. Why does the long-established and MyIPO-declared Licensing Body for music recording companies, Public Performance Malaysia Sdn Bhd (“PPM”) collect royalties on behalf of RPM? For the licensing convenience of music users and in order to effectively utilize existing music industry resources, RPM has appointed PPM as their exclusive agent to issue licences and collect royalties on behalf of RPM members in respect of the public performance, broadcast or other communication to the public of all commercial sound recordings containing their performances with effect from 1 January 2012. 4. Besides RPM, are there any other similar CMO representing recording artistes and musicians? From our understanding based on newspaper reports, there appears to be another performer CMO attempting to replicate similar functions. For further clarification, you may contact MyIPO (as per the contact particulars below): The Director General Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia Unit 1-7, Aras Bawah, Menara UOA Bangsar, No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1, 59000 Kuala Lumpur Tel. No.: 03-2299 8400 Fax No.: 03-2299 8989 Website: 5. What are the differences between RPM and the other performer CMO? RPM is led by prominent local recording performers with Dato’ Hajjah Sheila Majid as the Chairperson of its Board of Directors. RPM also has the full support of the Recording Industry Association of Malaysia (RIM), PPM, Music Authors’ Copyright Protection Bhd (MACP), Persatuan Karyawan Malaysia (Karyawan) and has additionally entered into formal arrangements for reciprocal representation of over 50,000 international recording artistes and musicians. Please refer to the attached joint industry media release of 16 August 2013 and joint RPM and Phonographic Performance 11 October 2013. The other performer 6. Limited (PPL) United Kingdom letter dated CMO has neither such support and/or representation. Why are there 2 similar CMOs representing recording artistes and musicians? This is very confusing. Under the Copyright (Licensing Body) Regulations 2012 Act, the declaration as a licensing body is made by the Controller of Copyright i.e. MyIPO. For further clarification, you may contact MyIPO. 7. Do I have to apply for licences and pay royalties to both RPM and the other performer pay for either one? CMO? Can I just The major music industry bodies (RIM, PPM, MACP & Karyawan) strongly' urge' and recommend that you obtain a licence and pay royalties for RPM/recording performers via PPM which has a highly credible 25 year history of transparently servicing the music licensing needs of businesses in Malaysia. You may additionally 8. seek independent legal advice and/or government advice. Why don't RPM and the other performer CMO merge into one since the rights of the relevant performers represented are of the same nature and to avoid confusion to the music users? Under the Malaysian copyright law, 2 or more right holders can form a society or organization and then apply to the Government for approval to act as a CMO/licensing body. RPM was formed first with full music industry support whilst the other performer CMO appears to have been set-up later. The authority however lies solely with the Controller of Copyright to approve one or more societies or organizations as licensing bodies to represent the same category of rights holders. 9. How many members do RPM and the other performer CMO have? As at 1 December 2013, RPM represents over 450 local and 53,000 international musicians. Based on our understanding representation. from newspaper reports, the other performer recording artistes and CMO has considerably less 10. Previously PPM represented Performers & Artistes Rights (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd ("PRISM Sdn Bhd") for the recording artistes & musicians but now PPM is representing RPM. Why? The agency agreement between PPM and PRISM Sdn Bhd was terminated effective 31 December 2011 and according to subsequent published news reports, PRISM Sdn Bhd is in process of dissolution. As the recording industry CMO and subsidiary of RIM, PPM accepted the appointment by RPM to act as their exclusive licensing agent with effect from support recording artistes and musicians. 1 January 2012 as part of RIM's larger responsibilities to 11. What happens if a licensing body ceases to exist? In such an event and based on best practices, all royalties paid should be distributed holders before dissolution. to eligible right 2 12. Why do I need to apply for so many music licences (MACP, PPM, RPM) when I play music? Why can't I just pay once to just one music licensing body? For any music that you play in public, there are different represented by different IMACP CD LINKING MUSIC WITH BUSINESS categories of right holders involved which are licensing bodies. They are, as supported by the major music industry bodies:- Music Authors' Copyright Protection Berhad (MACP) which represents the composers, lyricists and music publishers that have exclusive rights to musical works PPM which represents the recording companies/labels sound, music video and karaoke recordings RPM which represents recording artistes and that have exclusive rights to musicrans remuneration (fair payment) rights for their sound recording also refer to the answer to FAQ No.7 above). 13. Not too long ago there were a lot of media reports performers' CMOs. Have the problems been solved? These problems are transitional highlighting who have equitable performances the internal problems (please of the in nature and are expected to be resolved in the near future. 14. If I don't apply for RPM licence, what would happen? If businesses publicly play RPM members' recorded performances without prior permission or licence from PPM, they will risk legal action being taken under the Copyright Act 1987 against them and also risk losing the goodwill of the major music industry bodies. 15. Will there be any more new licensing body in the future? Please refer to the answer to FAQ NO.6 above. 16. How may I contact RPM? For Licensing matters, please contact: For Membership The Licensing Department Public Performance Malaysia Sdn Bhd L-8-2, s" Floor, Block L No.2, Jalan Solaris, Solaris Mont Kiara Ms. Maisy Yao, Manager Recording Performers Malaysia Bhd L-8-2, s" Floor, Block L 50480 Kuala Lumpur. Tel: +603 6207 2888 Fax: +603 6207 2999 Email: matters, please contact: No.2, Jalan Solaris, Solaris Mont Kiara 50480 Kuala Lumpur. Tel: +603 6207 2988 Fax: +603 6207 2901 Email: 3 AKTA HAK CIPTA 1987 PERATURAN-PERATURAN HAK CIPTA (BADAN PELESENAN) 2012 SIJIL PERISYTIHARAN BADAN PELESENA~ . [Seksyen 27A] No. Perisytiharan LB20120002 Badan Pelesenan Recording Performers Malaysia Berhad (RPM) (No. Syarikat: 964784-U) Tarikh Perisytiharan : 6 Mac 2013 Pada menjalankan kuasa-kuasa yang diberikan kepada saya di bawah Akta Hak Cipta 1987 (Akta 332) dan Peraturan-Peraturan Hak Cipta (Badan Pelesenan) Recording 2012, Performers dengan Malaysia ini Berhad diisytiharkan (RPM) (No. Syarikat: 964784-U) sebagai Badan Pelesenan selagi mana ianya mematuhi peruntukan Seksyen 27A Akta Hak Cipta 1987 (Akta 332). DATO' AZIZAN MOHAMAt>SIDIN PENGAWAL HAK CIPTA MALAYSIA R p M IM\A<CP LINKING MUSIC WITH eUSINESS From Left to Right: Norman Abdul Halim, Chairman of RIM, Puan Habsah Hassan, Chairperson of MACP, Dato' Sheila Majid, Chairperson of RPM, Adrian Lim, Chairman of PPMand Dato' Freddie Fernandez, President of Karyawan JOINT MEDIA RELEASE RPM RECEIVES FULL SUPPORT FROM MUSIC INDUSTRY PLAYERS 16 August 2013, Kuala Lumpur - The key local music industry players, namely Recording Industry Association of Malaysia (RIM), Public Performance Malaysia Sdn Bhd (PPM), Music Authors' Copyright Protection (MACP) Berhad and Persatuan Karyawan Malaysia (Karyawan) officially expressed their full support to Recording Performers Malaysia Berhad (RPM) in a show of unity, for the benefit of the music industry, in a joint statement made today. Dato' Sheila Majid, by the key players musicians, should income for us. We together as one." the Chairperson of RPMwas extremely grateful with the endorsement and support given in the music industry. She said "All performers in the music industry, be they singers or place great importance on this aspect of their careers as it is an additional source of must ensure we gain our fair dues and this could only happen if we are united and stand "RPM only represents recording artistes and recording rnusicrans ("recording performers") and our membership does not include dancers, actors, comedians, students, etc. simply because our royalty collections is based on audio recording air play and public performance. We are very clear with our objective and we will collect and distribute royalties collected accordingly only to recording performers pursuant to Section 16B under the Malaysian Copyright Act, 1987. We acknowledge that MACP and PPM have being doing a splendid job for the past 23 years for the song writers and record labels respectively and we want 1 to follow the best possible practices and we are determined to maintain transparency and fairness in the collection and distribution of royalties amongst the recording performers represented by RPM", stressed Dato' Sheila Majid. "RPM places strong emphasis on democratic representation and transparent operations as there were numerous complaints and issues raised by recording performers in these areas in the past. We urge fellow artistes and musicians who have queries on their past royalty distribution to support Nan Alias in his request to audit the distribution done by the previous performers body prior to 1't January 2012", said Dato' Sheila Majid. RPM has commenced collection with the full support extended by PPM, RPM's exclusive collection agent with effect from 1st January 2012 onwards. "We should move forward together in support of each other and fight for our rightful representation and with the full commitment and support extended by RIM, MACP, PPM and Karyawan to RPM, we, as members of RPM can all expect a brighter future and better income from this day on God willing", said Dato Sheila Majid. "We strongly believe that the music industry will definitely do better if everyone in the industry stands united and support each other. Record companies, publishers, composers, lyricists and recording performers, who are involved in a production of a sound recording should be supporting each other in order for the music industry to continue growing rapidly", said Encik Norman Abdul Halim, Chairman of RIM. RIM currently represents almost 300 recording companies and businesses, all of which are involved in the production, manufacturing and distribution of local and international sound, music video and karaoke recordings. He added that RIM will urge all its members to support and ask their recording artistes to join RPM. "We are the collecting body representing composers, lyricists and publishers since 1989 and we are thankful. for the trust and recognition given by various parties which attributed to the success of MACP. Without these composers, lyricists and publishers whom have remained united under MACP, we will not be where we are today. As elected members on the Board, it is our commitment to plan and decide in the best interests of our members" said Puan Habsah Hassan,the MACP Chairperson. "We fully support RPM as we believe they are doing the right thing for their members in a transparent and democratic way and we encourage recording artistes and musicians to come together to support RPM", added Puan Habsah Hassan. Mr. Adrian Lim, the Chairman of PPM said "A licensing body since 1988, PPM has extensive manpower and resources to support RPM in terms of collective services throughout the country. With the support extended by PPM, it will be more cost-efficiency for RPM and therefore, members of RPM will be able to enjoy higher distributable royalties." Dato' Freddie Fernandez added "Karyawan is calling all eligible recording performers to join RPM as we believe that RPM is the future for all recording performers. As the body representing artistes in the country, we will be working closely with RPM to encourage all recording performers who are members of Karyawan to register with RPM. Let us extend our full cooperation and support to RPM and ensure the success of its management in achieving their objective" Encik Norman Abdul Halim, Puan Habsah Hassan, Mr. Adrian Lim and Dato' Freddie Fernandez, as chairperson of their respective organisations in the music industry unanimously confirm their full commitment to RPM and to work hand in hand for better transparency and more effective operations for all. 2 With the pledge by RIM, MACP, PPM and Karyawan, and the determination of RPMto carry out its collection objectives, the music industry is set to look forward to better things through unity, fairness and prosperity for all its members. For more information, please visit,,, and or contact: Ms. Maisy Vao, Manager, RPM Email:, Tel: 03 6207 2988 Ms. Jumiza Judin, Senior Executive, Events & Communications, RIM and PPM Email:, Tel: 0362072976 Ms. Chan Miew Lan, General Manager, MACP Email:, Tel: 03 6207 8638 Dato' Freddie Fernandez, President, Karyawan Email:, Tel: 012 207 1400 3 Date: 11 October 2013 To whom it may concern: RE: Confirmation of Intention For Reciprocal Representation of Recording Performers We, the undersigned hereby confirm as follows: (a) Phonographic Performance Limited ("PPL"), UK's Performer Board has authorised PPLto negotiate and subsequently enter into an agreement .tc appoint Recording Performers Malaysia Berhad ("RPM") to exclusively represent PPL's recording performers members (53,000 currently); and for the licensing of their rights in Malaysia pursuant to Section 16B (public performance and broadcast of sound recordings) of the Malaysian Copyright Act 1987 and any amendments thereof; and (b) RPM intends to appoint PPL to collect and distribute the equitable remuneration due to RPM's recording performers members (430 currently) in the United Kingdom pursuant to Section 182D (1) (equitable remuneration for public performance and communication to the public) of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and any amendments thereof. For any clarification, please contact Mr. Laurence Oxenbury at for PPLU~ and Ms. Maisy Yao at maisy@rpm,my for RPM. Thank you. Yours faithfully, v>: Laurence Oxenbury Director of International Yours faithfully, Recording Performers Malaysia Berhad ~~~/ / Data' Hajjah Sheila Majid Chairperson ., Phonographic Performance Limited: Address: 1 Upper James Street, London, WIF 9DE Tel No. : 0207534 1000 Website: Recording Performers Malaysia Berhad : Address: L-8-2, 8th Floor, Block L, No.2, Jalan Solaris, Solaris Mont' Kiara, 50480 KL Tel No. : 603 62072988 Website: Date: 9 February 2012 To Whom It May Concern APPOINTMENT OF PPM AS AGENT TO ADMINISTER RPM MEMBERS' PERFORMER RIGHTS IN SOUND RECORDINGS I, Dato' Hajjah Shaheila Binti Abd Majid on behalf of Recording Performers Malaysia Berhad ("RPM") and in my capacity as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of RPM hereby confirm that Public Performance Malaysia Sdn Bhd [173608-V] ("PPM") of L-8-2, s" Floor, Block L, No.2, Jalan Solaris, Solaris Mont' Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, is fully empowered and authorised to issue licences and collect royalties for and on behalf of RPM's members in respect of the public performance, broadcast or other communication to the public of all commercial sound recordings containing their performances, with effect from 1 January 2012. I further confirm that RPM's members consist of artistes and musicians who have fully authorized RPM via written mandate agreements to enforce their performer's rights as conferred by the Malaysian Copyright Act 1987. -: Thank you. ~~ecH ;?' , 1················ ··-/'-·.: ..·..· · ···.. Dato' Hajjah Shaheila Binti Abd Majid Chairperson Board of Directors RECORDING PERFORMERS MALAYSIA BERHAD (964784·U I L-8-2, 8th Floor, Block L, No.2, Jalan Solaris, Solaris Mont' Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-6207 2988 Fax: +603-6207 2901 Website: Email: