12th Sunday of Ordinary Time, C


12th Sunday of Ordinary Time, C
Responsorial Psalm:
For you my soul is thirsting,
O God, my God.
Gospel Acclamation:
Alleluia, alleluia!
I am the light of the world, says
the Lord; anyone who follows me
will have the light of life.
Sacrament of Baptism
We welcome into our parish Community
Sebastian Oliver Stringer who is
baptised here today/Sunday (1.15pm).
As Hannah and Alan Stringer give
thanks to God for the
gift of Sebastian, may
he in turn bring many
and much
happiness to them.
Collection for Flowers
For the Altar
Next Weekend
Money Matters
Offertory Collection last weekend
£494.94 of which
£277.50 was Gift Aided.
Gift Aid: If you are a Tax Payer,
please consider filling out the Gift Aid
form which is in the church porch to
receive a box of weekly envelopes for
your offertory donation or for a one-off
donation then please use the
Green envelopes.
Please remember to write your name,
address, sign and date the
green envelope.
Thank you for supporting
our Parish.
First Holy Communion
Today at 11am Mass
Congratulations to our six candidates who will be making their
First Holy Communion at 11 am
Mass. Do please keep the children
and their families in your prayers.
As mentioned previously, the first
three rows of seating will be reserved for the children and their
After the Mass, the children will be
planting a tree (Himalayan birch) in
the church gardens to mark the
Golden Jubilee of our church.
Eglwys Catholig Dewi Sant, Yr Wyddgrug
St.David’s Catholic Church, Mold
Parish Priest: Fr. Pius Mathew CMI,
St.David’s Presbytery, St.David’s Lane, Mold. CH7 1LH
Email: piuscmi@gmail.com
01352 752087
Deacon David Joy:01352 754722 LSUConvent:01352 700121
Website: http://www.stdavidsmold.org.uk/
www.wrexhamdiocese.org.uk http://www.cmi.org.in
19th June 2016
12th Sunday Ordinary time
18th June Saturday
Mass 5.30pm
For People of the Parish
We remember in our prayers
Those whose anniversaries
Occur this week
(18th June) Margaret Griffith, Thomas Feeny,
Mary Jones, Hugh Gough, Roy Lewis (19th June)
George Parry, Janet Curtis (20th June) Mary
Kane, Mary Saum, John Broderick, Matthew Goodwin, Terence Kennedy, (21st June) James Fitzgerald, John Latham, Fred Roberts, deacon (22nd
June) Rita O’Brien, John Cotton (23rd June) Severinus Lehmann, Stella Eagles (24th June) Catherine Dalton, Elizabeth Gunther, Constance Bryan,
Robert Ward
Let us pray for the Sick
Margaret Carr, Judith Rowe, Margaret Evans, Fred Battersby, Gwen Jones,Joe Goggin, Ian Byron, Debra Ann Roberts,Tricia
Twizell, Rosa Maria, Joan Lawrence, Gay
McCornick, Moira Catherall, Lea Hill, Anne
Turner, Mary Rowe, Rose Bryan, Jenny
Mansley, Jennifer Rowley, Nancy Wilson,
Joe & Luisa Desena, Shelagh Fulham,
Margaret Stubbs, Philomena Lamano, and
Leo McManus.
St. David’s Golden Jubilee
Mass of Healing with Sacrament
for the Sick on 3rd July at 3pm
Year C
19th June Sunday
Mass 11am
Teresa McKeogh RIP
(Maura Fox)
Monday :
20th June
21st June
Liturgy of the day
Mass 9.15am
Martin McCarthy RIP (Terry Wilson)
Mem. St. Aloysius Gonzaga
Mass 7pm
Jean Clarke RIP (David&Margaret Joy)
Wednesday: Liturgy of the day
22nd June Mass 9.15am
Brendan Towey RIP (Bea Towey)
Liturgy of the day
23rd June
Mass 9.15am
Gerhard Meyer RIP (David&Margaret Joy)
Nativity of St.John the Baptist
24th June
Mass 9.15am
Maria Tkaczyk RIP (Anne Cheetham)
25th June Saturday
Mass at 5.30pm
26th June Sunday
Mass 11am
Neil Edney RIP
(Josie & John Leigh)
For People of the Parish
Rosary and
Every Friday
following the
morning Mass
at 9.15am
Sacrament of
10.30am to
& Before the Vigil
Sundays before
the Mass
he passage in
today’s gospel
where Peter tells Jesus that
he is the Christ, the anointed Messiah of God, is usually considered to be a pivotal one. For it means that
to a degree the penny has
dropped. Although everyone seems to recognise
that Jesus is someone
special, like Elijah,
John the Baptist or
another prophet come
back from the dead,
Peter puts his finger
on the truth and is
quickly told by Jesus
not to go around telling others about it.
It’s easy to say, “You are
the Christ”. But faith in Jesus is about more than just
words. It’s about adjustment: adjustment in the
way we think, the way we
behave, the way we relate
to God. That’s because
believing in Christ turns our
lives upside-down.
And this adjustment is not
just a fine-tuning; it’s a
somersault. For following
Jesus does not mean doing
the same as everyone else
except that we throw in a
few hymns and prayers
from time to time. It means
having a radically different
outlook on why we are here
on this earth, what this demands of us and what we
expect of the next world.
The values of God’s kingdom are not simply refine-
ments of ordinary human
goodness. In fact, they are
often diametrically opposed
to what society in general
considers to be desirable.
That’s why Christians talk
about sacrifice, about bearing a cross daily, about self
-denial, about serving rather than being served,
about putting ourselves
always in second place,
about disregarding the reputation others credit us with
and about giving till it hurts
rather than seeking to receive.
ll of this is countercultural. Those with
no faith either pity us as
mugs or else they look upon us a quaint bunch of dogooders. The worse thing
Christianity could ever do is
to make a bid for popularity,
for social respectab ilit y
“national treasure”
status. The cross
that is at the heart
of our faith is too
severe a symbol
for a world that is
t the very instant that
Peter professed his
faith in Jesus as Messiah,
Jesus told him that he
would suffer grievously, be
rejected, and be put to
death. This is what it
means to follow Christ.
Both Jesus and Peter travelled the same route to glory and there is no reason to
suppose that any presentday follower of Christ will
be spared the well-trodden
path. Thank God it’s a path
to glory!
National Pilgrimage to
St. Winefride’s Holywell
Next Sunday (26th June).
Coach leaving St. David’s car park at
1.45pm. Rosary procession at 2.30pm
and Mass at 3pm with Bishop Peter
Return journey, Coach leaving at 5pm.
Please see the poster in the porch and
the list for you names.
CAFOD : Plant Sale
This year’s CAFOD Plant Sale will take place
on Saturday 25/Sunday 26 June, probably
running over the following weekend as well.
So, please bring along house plants, garden
plants, fruit, vegetables, preserves, plant pots
etc etc to help us raise monies for CAFOD’s
work for the poor and disadvantaged of this
troubled world. Thank you in advance for your
support! John and Tina Harradine
“Save a Life”
Mayor of Mold, Councillor Anthony Parry, has
chosen Welsh Hearts (http://welshhearts.org/)
as his main charity initiative for his year in
office. Welsh Hearts working alongside the
Town Council, St John Ambulance (http://
www.sja.org.uk/sja/default.aspx )
and the
community of Mold will endeavour to “Save a
Life” in the town, by raising sufficient funds
during Cllr. Parry’s Mayoral term to place at
least 25 defibrillators at key locations in the
town and raise the awareness of as many
community volunteers as possible to use the
equipment, together with CPR and other key
life saving techniques.
Welsh Hearts have very kindly donated to
Mold Town Council their first defibrillator for
the campaign.
The Knights of St. Columba
Council 614, Mold and Buckley
Race Night
A Race Night will be held in St. David’s Church
Hall on Friday 24th of June at 7.30pm. The
Race night will be part of the St. David’s Jubilee
Celebrations. Refreshments will be available,
All are welcome.
Mike Cotter and Peter Carberry will be “ Selling Horses and Races” and also seeking race
sponsors over the next 2 weekends, after the
Sunday Masses.
Tools for Self Reliance
Tools for Self Reliance Cymru
(tfsrcymru.org.uk ) refurbish broken
and unwanted hand tools (eg carpenters,
bike repair etc) and sewing machines to
send to poor rural communities in Tanzania. They also repair tools not needed in
Africa, to sell in the uk,which is their major
source of funding.
Please bring any
'preloved' tools to the box at the back
of the church. Many thanks. Mena K
L’Arche Flintshire
We are having the Charity Shop in Holywell again this year, 11th July-23rd. We
would be really grateful for offers of help
during this time. Morning sessions 10am to
1pm. Afternoon sessions 1pm to 4pm.
Please see Monica Satndring or Sr. Helen
if you can help. (A copy of the L’Arche
Flintshire Newsletter available on the notice board)
The first “Save a Life” awareness sessions will
be held on Tuesday 21st June at Mold Town
Hall. There will be two sessions, 12pm to 2pm
and 6pm to 8pm.
This year, St Richard Gwyn Catholic High
School in Flint is hosting a Summer Fayre on
Saturday 2 July from 11am until 4pm. It will be
an excellent day for the whole family with over
30 stalls confirmed, as well as bouncy castles,
glitter tattoos, face painting and much more.
The sessions are free to attend and will cover
use of the equipment, CPR, choking, strokes,
major bleeding and dealing with shock – the 5
most common killers.
The money raised will be going towards the
Friends of St Richard Gwyn.The entry cost is
£1 per adult, 50p per child and children under 5
are free.