Auktionskatalogen i PDF-format


Auktionskatalogen i PDF-format
Låd- och partiauktion 1628
Torsdag 14 juli 2016 kl. 17:00
Svartensgatan 6, Stockholm
Visning auktionsdagen kl. 10:00-16:30
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Objekten är främst av enklare eller bulkigare art. Bl.a. omauktioneras osålda objekt från föregående auktion, men till
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information. Deadline för skriftliga bud både för anbudsauktionen och låd/partiauktionen är
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Hämtning: På Svartensgatan 6 under eller senast två veckor efter auktionen, vardagar 10-17. Vi kan för låd- och
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Budgivning: Se anbudsblanketten. Anbud bevakas på förmånligaste sätt.
Köparprovisionen är 24 % för alla objekt.
Utskick: Förskottsfaktura. Kända kunder som handlar för c:a SEK 1000
får material mot räkning.
Vid kortbetalning tillkommer ingen avgift. Vi tar: Visa, Mastercard,
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Vissa objektnummer innehåller bokstäver. Detta anger vilken typ av
objekt det är fråga om så att vi lättare hittar dem:
A = Album
K = Kuvert
L = Låda som visas i form av ”självservering”
P = Plastficka
V = Objekt i kassaskåp
Utan bokstav = singelmonterat objekt
, mnh postfriskt
obeg. utan gummi
stpl, stämplat
en kort tand
flera korta tänder
tn, t.
tunn fläck
mint unhinged
mint without gum
short perforation
more than one short perf.
thin spot
souvenir sheet
Kataloger - Catalogues
Y, Yv
Yvert & Tellier
Stanley Gibbons
Nummer inom parentes vid objekt = ungefärligt antal märken.
Number within parenthesis for lots = approximate number of stamps.
Om ni vill fråga om objekt, per telefon eller via Internet, ber vi er ange
hela lotnumret inklusive aktuell bokstav, så att vi snabbt hittar objektet.
Om ni besöker vår visning ber vi er att även här skriva hela lotnumret
inklusive eventuella bokstäver.
Svartensgatan 6, SE-116 20 Stockholm, Sweden
Telefon: 08 - 640 09 78 och 08 - 678 19 20 Fax: 08 - 643 22 38
Sverige: PG 60 29 89-6.
Danmark: Nordea 4376 333 839. (sort code) 2040.
Norge: Nordea 6021.05.08077.
Finland: Nordea 182030-12575.
IBAN number: SE71 9500 0099 6042 0602 9896, BIC/Swift code: NDEASESS
Torsdag den 14 juli, kl. 17:00
Sverige / Sweden
Samlingar postala blanketter / Postal documents collections
5001A Album med använda och oanvända blanketter, huvudsakligen adresskort, några till utlandet. (ca 50 st) 300:-
Frimärken / Stamps
Nominalpartier / Face value lots
5002L éé parti modernt i bananlåda utan fickor. Nominalparti omfattande häften, årssatser, miniark, lösa frimärken i kuvert mm mm. Frankeringsvärde > 24000 kr. Perfekt till mindre företag el förening som vill minska portokostnaderna. Mycket bra kval. (1000s) 9.000:-
I huvudsak ostämplade frimärkssamlingar Sverige
Mainly unused stamp collections Sweden
5003AMest éé samling 1938–84 i två Leuchtturm-album med fickor. 600:5004Ké. 1924 års serier, ca 25 märken med olika valörer. Blandad kval. 500:5005P éé/é. Oscar II, lot éé två st 5 öre, två st 8 öre, 10, 15, 20 och 25 öre samt kpl F 61–64. F 2900. Samt tolv st med fasts.spår, bl.a. 10 öre mph, 20 och 25 öre, två st 30 öre, tre st 50 öre, 1 kr (F för dessa ca 6000). Även 10 öre v6 é. 500:5006L éé parti modern i kartong. Nominalparti 1965-. Nomial 2150:-. Mycket bra kval. 500:5007 éé/é. Ca 75 ex Medaljong, tjänste/lösen inkl. F 77+96 é etc. F ca 3800. 300:5008Kéé/é bandmärken. 30 olika F 143–194. F ca 5100. 200:-
5028P Stpl. RINGTYP t.13 UPH. 92 märken, många med läsbara–
praktstämplar. 400:5029P Stpl. RINGTYP t.14. Studiesamling med nyanser och läsbara - praktstämplar. (53) 400:5030A Stpl. VARIANTER PÅ MEDALJONG–MODERNT. Studiesamling på 40 brev och fem klipp. 400:5031A Stpl. VARIANTER på Oscar II. Studiesamling hundra märken samt lite brev. 400:5032P Stpl. RINGTYP MPH. Studiesamling 81 märken, många med läsbara - praktstämplar. 300:5033 Stpl. Liten lot lösen F 1, 6, 16×2, 19×3, 20. 200:5034K Stpl lot 1880–1908 på instickskort. Åtta st stora tjänstemärken med fina stämplar (bl a FRIDLEFSTAD, HOLMEDALS-BERGERUD, WERNAMO – blå stämpel). Även ett ex nr Tj26 med fin stpl Årjeng 15.5.1896. Mest god kval. (8) 200:5035A Stpl samling 1920–49 i två album inkl. mycket bandmärken och flera 1924 års, bättre tjänste och lösen, etc. Mest bra kval. 200:5036L Brevstycken. Låda med klipp från 1980-talet, drygt 3 kg. 200:-
Frimärkssamlingar med blandat innehåll Sverige
Mixed stamp collections Sweden
5037L éé/ Äldre–modernt i flyttkartong. Två album med nominalhäften, dubbletter, flera album med dubbletter, m.m. Mest bra kval. Cirka 16 kg. 1.000:5038K éé/é/. Lot Vapen–1940-tal med flera bättre märken. T.ex. F 12 och 37 stpl, sistnämnda med manipulerad tandning, F 37N é, stämplar, etc. (200) 800:5039A é/. Samling 1855–1958 i Visiralbum inkl. flera Kongress + UPU, F 273BC, etc. Även pärm med 65 FDC 1938–61. Ngt bl. kval. 500:Nominalpartier / Face value lots
5009LNågot större skokartong SPRÄNGFYLLD med massor av 5040P é/. Stämplad samling Medaljong med och utan vm krona, nyanser och vm KPV, ett par försändelser. Album é 1920-tal, med bl.a. frimärken och stor del häften i ”lösvikt” med bra spridning en del vm bra värde men mycket blandad kvalitet. 300:och en hel del användbart. En obetydlig del av märkena har blivit vikta etc i ”trängseln” men är ändå i princip 5041P éé/é/ lot. F50 (10/12 påtryck 1889), 2 ex med prakt/lyx-stpl Falun-Gefle resp Jäders Bruk, vidare två visirbla dmed bla användbara för frankering. Nominal strax över SEK 47500. 17.000:STYRSÖ på stora tjänste t14, 24ö, kpl x serie Postverket och 5010L Omfattande med stort antal HÄFTEN mest 1970-90-tal inkl bra en del extra xx valörer etc förmånligt utrop! 300:del från 90-talet, även mindre del rullar och ”årssatsdelar”, total nominal över 20000! 8.000:- 5042L éé/é/ parti old-modern in albums in banana box. E.g. Finland, 5011L Skokartong FULL med nominalvara främst 70-90-tal i ”lösvikt” unused 1917-1971 and used 1875-1960, plus duplicates. Also Norway, Greenland, FDC´s etc. Cirka 16 kg. (1000´s) 300:med bl.a. mycket häften, bra spridning och en hel del användbart. Nominal strax över SEK 19000. 7.000:- 5043P éé/é/. TJÄNSTE. Samling drygt 50 ex mest é/ inkl. Tj1 é, 2–4 och 8–9 stpl etc. F ca 6570. 200:5012A Parti 1930-80-tal. Valörsorterat i kuvert 60ö-2,70kr i bra varaition med en del bättre lite ändre högvalörer, t.ex. 99st Häftessamlingar / Booklet collections
2,15, 93st 1,85 och 13st 1,75 tre kronor, x märke av 50ö Sergel 5044L Parti. Bra dubblettparti 1950–60-tal med bl.a. 20-talet VM på och Linné räknade som nominal etc, totalt nom SEK 11369. 4.500:skidor, 24 häften 15 öre VM i fotboll, etc. Facit över 22000. 800:5013L 1970-2000-tal. Lösa, strip, par och häftesblock, bra variation och i stort användbart med en hel del valörer 5 kr och uppåt, Stämpelsamlingar / Cancellation collections
totalt nominal ca SEK 7350. 3.000:- 5045P Samling 1880-1960-tal på fyra visirblad. Läsbara till prakt, 5014L Häften och rullar i ask i bra varation 1940-90-tal med bla totalt 246 st. Bra kval. 500:en del bättre 40-50-tal i strip, mycket högt kat.v. vid sidan 5046KDrygt 170 ex nästan enbart Oscar II, mest med utvalda stplr av nominal SEK 3000. Förmånligt utrop! 1.000:inkl. en del bättre + vackra. 400:5015A Två insticksböcker med xx nästan kpl samling 1978-1991, 5047A Samling båtpost med specialstämplar, m.m. 85 st i en mindre nominal ca SEK 1200 inkl 16 rabattmärken och fyra FDC-pärm. 300:företagspostmärken. 500:- 5048ASamling på Christer Karlssons blad, Oscar till 1950-talet. (750) 300:5016L Låda med huvudsakligen 1970–80-talshäften. Philatelia 2005 5049L Parti om flera hundra minnespoststämplar på brev och vykort ca 5.950, nominal 1850 + ett rabatthäfte. 500:(en del PT-kort) – några dubbletter finns – i en liten garderobskartong. 300:5050KCa 70 mest vackra stämplar Oscar II–modernt samt ngt fluor, etc. 200:-
I huvudsak stämplade frimärkssamlingar Sverige
Mainly used stamp collections Sweden
FDC-samlingar / FDC collections
5017L Stpl Old-modern i tre lyttkartonger. Dubletter, FDC mm. 5051L Parti 1941-2010 i bananlåda utan fickor. En banankartong och en vinkartong full med 1000-tals FDC, huvudsakligen från Mest bra kval. Cirka 30 kg. 1.000:Sverige. Även ett album fullt med brev från 1920-talet 5018L Stpl Äldre-modernt i tre kartonger. Även en del utländsk i (Sverige) samt en del FDC från övriga nordiska länder ingår album, kartonger mm. Mest bra kval. Cirka 30 kg. 1.000:+ lite annat. Mycket bra kval. Cirka 10 kg. 1.000:5019L Stpl samling/parti 1855-1987 fem samlingar i bananlåda. Bl.a. 5052L 110 FDC 2007–11, tio ex av varje (elva olika). Nom ca 4000. 400:en komplett uppsättning Förening och Kongress, 2xF2, ett par BC/CB-par m.m. Cirka 10 kg. 1.000:- 5053L Stort parti MAXI-kort, MK1-36, 7 - 21 st av varje, F 7.500 samt ca 300 FDC från 1980-82. 300:5020L Stpl parti gammalt-modernt i ca. 40 album, plus visirblad, i två stora flyttkartonger. Sorterade dubbletter, restsamlingar 5054L Samling 1939-1994 i album i bananlåda. Inkl. en del med vinjetter. F 18900 enl. inl.totalt Även Grönland 1950-1999, etc. OBS. MÅSTE HÄMTAS! Cirka 68 kg. (1000-tals) 700:plus maxikort, med katalogvärde 16600 enl. AFA. Cirka 14 kg. 5021A Stpl. Tre insticksalbum med stämplade dubbletter, Vapentyp (100-tals) 200:öre–ca 1990. 600:5022AMest stpl. Album med hundratals märken inkl. framför allt Brevsamlingar / Cover collections
bra tjänste och lösen, skyddsperf, stämpelmärken och julmärken, 5055L Äldre-modernt i flyttkartong. Även mycket vykort. Mest bra etc. inkl. en del utland. 500:kval. Cirka 17 kg. 1.000:5023A Stpl. Tjockt visiralbum dubblettparti 1973–2000. Gott om 5056P Intressant lot 25 brev varav sex med fyrkantstpl inkl. prakt–lyxstämplar. 500:Strömsholm 1841, 45 öre lösenstpl 1858, Schöfde bågstpl 1837, 5024A Stpl. Dublettsamling Vapentyp-2010 i insticksbok och ett några tredjestånds, etc. 400:Viking-album 12 öre Vapentyp-1973, i början glest besatt. (2) 500:5057P Intressant lot drygt 30 ex äldre–modernt. T.ex. 4-öres 5025L Stpl parti massvara mest 1930-tal och framåt i pergamynkuvert lokalkuvert stpl 1895, 15 rektangulära LBB-stpl på i bananlåda. (1000-tals) 500:insättningskvitton, Trelleborg–Sassnitz 23.5.35 typ 2, fyra 5026L Stpl parti massvara mest 1940-tal och framåt i kuvert och telegram, PS-kort, en påsvinjett 1958, etc. 400:buntar i bananlåda. Även ett fåtal utlandet. (1000-tals) 500:5058L Diverselåda bl.a. fin samling gamla helsaker snyggt monterade 5027L Stpl parti samlingar i sex album i bananlåda, samt 100-tals brev, på A4-blad. Samling éé militärbrev bl.a. M1 och 8. Utmärkt helsaker, FDC, samt en del ngt. utlandet. Cirka 22 kg. (100-tals) 500:kvalitet. Diverse brev Ringtyp och framåt. NF:s färglikare kpl sid 1–40 mm. 400:-
5059P Fyra intressanta internationella adresskort 1940–80 t.ex. asspaket till Nairobi, Kenya 1954, till Finland 1940 med finsk fältpoststämpel på baksidan. Intressant lot. Även ett från Italien 1970. 300:5060P Oscar II. 14 fina brev och vykort, bl.a. prakt–lyxstplr, stämpel GOTL:HESSELBY. Även kuvert och brevkort gjorda av björknäver. Utmärkt kvalitet. 300:5061P Lot (4) inkl. F 25d rek, 76 öre ass till Paris 26.4.1900, pf 12 öre 1916 samt F 60 singel på adresskort till paket 1908. 300:5062L Parti om hundratals försändelser från 1900–1930-talen. 300:5063L Bunt militärbrev bl.a. många 1940-tal med innehåll. Drygt 20 brev med Göteborgsanknytning. Drygt 50 brev/vykort Oscar II–
1950-tal, många vackra stämplar, m.m. 300:5064KFyra försändelser till Finland, alla med lösen. 200:5065KFyra ex inkl. obetalt brev från Malmö till Tyskland 15.8.65, Tj1 1878, Tj5 praktstpl Pukavik 20.8.78 samt F 17d 1873. 200:5066P 19 st försändelser/handlingar, Oscar II - Tre Kronor. 200:5067KFlygpost lot 1928–1938. Sju försändelser, bl.a. första turen Stockholm - London 18-VI-28, första nattpostflygningen Stockholm - Rotterdam 15.5.30 och första postflyget
Stockholm - Moskva 1.7.37. 300:-
Vykort, singlar och samlingar
Picture post cards, singles and collections
5068L 1900–modernt i bananlåda. Hundratals mest äldre. Även en del utländskt. Mest bra kval. Cirka 15 kg. 1.000:5069L 170 st i två album, Oscarstid, bl.a. gratulation, barn, folkdräkter, signerat, m.m. 90 st diverse gamla/nya formatet samt ett 50-tal i lösvikt. Utländskt förekommer. 500:5070P Samling äldre kort från Öland i lilla formatet, drygt 100 st olika i en plastficksmapp. 300:5071A Temasamling ”Art on mail”. Samling konstfärdiga teckningar på äldre och modernare brev, helsaker och kort. 65 st olika, några enstaka utländska ingår, i en plastfickspärm. 300:5072ASamling äldre och modernare kort från Östersund, ca 100 st olika och två gamla foldrar i en plastfickspärm. 300:5073A Moderna kort från Malmö, ca 300 st samt en äldre folder i en plastfickspärm. 300:5074L Låda med äldre vykort i album och löst, svenska och utländska. Många gratulationskort. 300:5075P Ca 1940–50. Ca 30 vykort från Blekinge. Mest god kval. 200:-
Other Nordic countries / Övriga nordiska länder
Norway, collections / Norge, samlingar
5076P Collection ca 1920–90 on Visir leaves, inkl. några häften. éé/é600:5077A Collection 1856–1970 in DAVO album . Incl. officials. In the beginning somewhat mixed quality, later fine (700) 600:5078A Collection mostly ca 1940–91 incl. e.g. F 352–55 éé, official stamps, modern face value. In total approx. 700 different. éé/é600:5079 1856–1935. All different, e.g. Mi 46, 48-49, 87-90, 130-33. Mostly good quality. F SEK 5.170 (34) 500:5080A Collection 1867–1985 in Facit album with home made stamp mounts. Mostly fine quality. éé/é500:5081A Accumulation in big stockbook. Thousands of stamps and over 20 booklets. Mostly fine quality. éé/é/400:5082ACollection 1856–1997 in album. Including 8 skilling issues and Nordkap I. Mostly good quality. éé/é/400:5083A Collection 1930s–68 in album. Some better issues, e.g. F 234, 236, 254, 352-55, Haakon cpl except 30 øre grey, Olav 1958 cpl incl. high values, Officials Tj22, Tj92. éé300:5084AOld collection 1856–approx. 1980 in album. 300:-
Denmark, collections / Danmark, samlingar
5085A Collection 1864–1985 in album without stamp mounts. Also a good section Greenland, mostly MNH. Mostly good quality. (>1000) 600:5086A Collection 1854–ca 1980 in album. Several nice canc. Fine quality. 500:5087 1913–28. Alla olika, t.ex. F 144–45, 154, 168–69, 180, 185, 191, 201–12, 198. Mostly good quality. F SEK 4.660 (23) é300:5088ASome half moden material in stockbook (and a few cheap used). Also The Faroes inlcuding booklets Chess and Adventue (6 of each). Mostly éé200:5089L Booklets. Lot 35 booklets (nine different) incl. H11 Dybbøl Mill, etc. F 8300. éé400:5090P Cover lot 1946. Six covers/postcards from Östrigeleir in Tarp/Esbjerg, 1946, with the special poster stamp valid in Denmark as postage (three different types of poster stamps). Also a strip-of-three of mint stamps in the lot. Danish Red Cross managed the camp. Fine quality. *300:-
5091P Covers 1902–1906 on leaves with stamp mounts. Covers 1902–1906 on leaves with stamp mounts. Coat of arms. Three covers incl. two registered and one additionally franked postal stationery, plus five 20 öre stamps with varietes. Exhibition mounted. Excellent quality. *200:5092L Postal stationery collection 10 øre postcards 1880s–
1890s. Interesting collection/accumulation. All sent abroad, mostly to Sweden, Finland and Germany almost all carefully listed and identified by type and shades etc. Many beautiful cancellations and overall very good condition. Also varities, plus three cards with Swedish FRÅN DANMARK cancellations. Please inspect carefully! (73) *500:5093P Postal stationery lot postcards 1880s–1910s. E.g. one very early usage of the 10 øre 1882 series with large corner figures cliché, plus several 5 øre cards and 10 øre double postcards. Also a few from other countries. All carefully listed and indentified by type. Good quality. (19) *300:-
Danish West Indies / Danska Västindien
Collection 1855–1917 på Davo-blad with stamp mounts. Mostly fine quality. (57) é/800:1855–1905. All different, e.g. F 2–3, 5–6, 7½, 8–10, 14–15, 16½, 17, 20–22, 32–37. Mostly good quality. F 8.550 SEK (23) 600:Accumulation 1872-1915 on leaves without stamp mounts. Mostly good quality. (41) éé/é/600:-
5100P 5101P
Collection/accumulation in two albums. Also F 4–6 x and some used but otherwise two apparently complete collections to 1997 and 2001, respectively, incl. some booklets. Excellent quality. Mostly éé800:Apparently cpl collection 1975–96 in DAVO album with slipcase incl. eight booklets. Also some duplicates, four year sets 1992–95, some FDCs, etc. éé400:Collection 1975–93 on leaves. Fine quality. (200) éé200:Year sets 1975/76–1991. Incl. first year set! éé400:Year set 1975/76. éé200:-
5104K Lot 1938–88 in small stockbook. Many in blocks of four. éé/é/600:Collection 1960–84 on leaves, single and in block-of-four. éé400:Booklets. H1–19. F 5.500 éé500:-
The Faroes / Färöarna
Greenland / Grönland
Iceland, collections / Island, samlingar
5105P Collection 1875–1943 on leaves without stamp mounts. Incl. a complete sheet of No 326 and No 122. Mostly fine quality. (>200) éé/é/700:5106A Collection 1931–86 in Leuchtturm album with stamp mounts. Few early issues. F 200–03, 221–23, 326v1. Cpl from 1955. Also F 326 in block-of-four, lower, left margin with missed perf. and cylinder number 1. éé500:5107P Collection/accumulation 1876–1975 on leaves without stamp mounts. A good lot. Mostly fine quality. (>160) éé/é/300:5108P Collection 1876–1945 on leaves without stamp mounts. Includes some nice air mail issues. Mostly good quality. (>200) éé/é/200:-
Finland, collections / Finland, samlingar
5109 1860–1885. All different, e.g. Mi 4, 6, 8–10, 14c1, 16c1, 18–19c1. Mostly good quality. F 6.785 SEK (15) 600:5110 1866–1891. All different, e.g. Mi 8, 9, 14c1, 16c1, 18c1, 24, So1, 37, 41-42, 44-45. Mostly good quality. F sek 5.515 (23) 600:5111 1866–1952. All different, e.g. Mi 16c1, 18c1, 24, 60, 81, 107, 177-79, 212-14, 363, BF2, Aunus 1-4. Mostly good quality. F sek 6.025 (Appr 50) 600:5112P Collection 1875–1940 on Visir leaves with stamp mounts. Also including a specialized section of Facit No 16 with described varieties. Fine quality. (85) éé/é/600:5113A Collection 1866–1961 in old album. In the beginning mixed quality, later fine. éé/é/600:5114L Accumulation in box with albums and year sets from Finland and The Åland Islands. éé/é/500:5115 1860–1885. All different, e.g. F 4-9, 12c1, 14c1, 18c1, 19c2. Mostly good quality. F SEK 6.060 (17) 400:5116 1860–1867. All different, e.g. Mi 3-4, 5(thin), 6(thin), 7-10. Mostly good quality. F sek 7.850 (8) 400:5117A Lot Russian designs in stockbook. Shades, etc. 400:-
5118A 1880s–1960s in album. Including some better sets. 5144L EUROPE Accumulation in big box with stamps from e.g. Finland (ca 20 bundles, Russian design), Sweden Mostly fine quality. éé/é/400:300:5119A Collection 1889–1978 in two albums with duplicates. and Germany. Fine quality. 400:- 5145L ALL WORLD Accumulation e.g. year sets/gift sets from Sweden and the Nordic countries, Swedish massware, 5120A Collection 1908–1993 in Leuchtturm album with stamp collection Upper Volta, DDR in three stockbooks, etc. mounts. Christmas Charity labels (anti-tuberculosis). Favourable reserve. Approx. 20 kg. éé/é/800:Many older issues (–1935). Also some complete mini-
sheets and booklets. Excellent quality. (>500) éé300:- 5146L ALL WORLD Removal box with much material in stockbooks,
5121A Collection 1998–2006 in Lindner Falzlos album with albums and on leaves, much Germany but slipcase. F ca 5400. 300:also e.g. Sweden and other areas. Favourable reserve 5122L Mixed. Accumulation with older and more modern covers, due to large amount of material! Approx. 20 kg. éé/é/800:picture postcards and some stamps. 300:- 5147L ALL WORLD Well-filled banana box with much material 5123L Accumulation 1915–1960. More than 200 bundles of 100 incl post cards, USA, worldwide material, etc. Varied with mostly Definitives I and II. Good opportunities content. éé/é/800:for varietes of wm and nice cancellations. Seems 5148L ALL WORLD Banana box with collections, parts of genuine. Mixed quality. (>20000) 300:collections/accumulatins etc, e.g. UN used incl Flag 5124K Six better issues in fine quality; F 45, R13, 60, sheets, Berlin xx coll. 1960’s-1980’s almost cpl, 107, 173 and ship silhouette in 10 pen red. 200:stockbooks Austria, Germany, France, album with 5125A Accumulation 1970-90´s in album. Many stamps including Finnish FDC:s and FFC:s incl definitive issues 1950’s-
several Red Cross etc in duplication, but not complete. 1970’s, some litterature etc. Approx. 20 kg. éé/é/600:Fine quality. éé200:- 5149L ALL WORLD Accumulation old–modern in box. 5126L Booklets. About 60 booklets 1972-2000 incl. dupl. F ca 5300. éé300:Duplicates in albums and envelopes, incl. much Sweden and Norway, plus FDCs, some literature, etc. (Thousands) 600:The Åland Islands / Åland
5150L ALL WORLD Collection/accumulation. Mostly East 5127A
Collection 1984–2012 in album with stamp European topic stamps from 1960s-1980s on Hagners mounts. Almost complete during the period. in four well filled albums and one stockbook. Mostly Excellent quality. (>400) éé600:fine quality. Approx. 11 kg. éé/é/400:5128A
Collection in Leuchtturm album with stamp 5151L ALL WORLD Old–modern in removal box. Sweden, Belgium mounts. Almost complete éé 1984–98, and in three albums, FDCs UN and Sweden. Mostly fine complete used 1984–97, all with superb canc. quality. Approx. 17 kg. 400:
Mariehamn. Also two full sheets F 72 éé. éé/500:5152L ALL WORLD Old–modern in box. Estonia xx, Sweden, 5129L
Both used and mint NH collections including Germany used, etc. Mostly fine quality. éé/400:
pairs, FDC and more. éé/é/300:5153L ALL WORLD Box with thousands of stamps old–modern incl. e.g. better Hungary, Egypt, USA, etc. Also some Collections Nordic countries / Nordensamlingar
literature and empty albums, etc. Approx. 19 kg. éé/é/400:5130L Lot in removal box. 10 stockbooks with most stamps from Denmark, Norway and Finland and four empty 5154L ALL WORLD Mostly modern. Including much Denmark, Covers etc. Mostly fine quality. Approx. 20 kg. 300:Leuchtturm album Sweden 1855-2007. Approx. 20 kg. éé/é/1.000:5155L ALL WORLD Old–modern in eight albums. Including 5131A Collection 1858–1949 in album. Main value on Sweden Turkey, Spain, Britain, etc. Mostly fine quality. with e.g. Circle type and ten better from the 1924 Approx. 11 kg. éé/é/300:sets, but somewhat better stamps here and there also for the other Nordic countries. Favourable reserve. 5156L ALL WORLD Old–modern in seven albums. Including Asia, Germany, Hungary, etc. Mostly fine quality. Mostly fine quality. Mostly 800:Approx. 10 kg. éé/é/300:5132A Collection 1870s–modern in two binders. Sweden, Denmark and Finland mostly used, plus Iceland and 5157L ALL WORLD Cover accumulation. Mostly modern covers and postcards in a big wardrobe box, approx. 5 kg + Greenland mostly unused. (1000) 800:5133L Older–modern in box. E.g. much Norway and Finland, Netherlands Covers. Accumulation older and more modern covers and postcards etc. *300:Christmas seals, etc. in ten albums/stockbooks, on visir leaves, etc. Also some material from other 5158L U.S.A. Covers. Accumulation with hundreds of old and modern covers (covers and picture countries, e.g. xx DDR and used Switzerland. Mostly postcards). Several covers with content + fine quality. éé/é/800:Cuba 1939 1 C green on cover to NELSON EDDY, 5134A Collection 1970s–modern in stockbook. Denmark, famous baritone and film star, cancelled Faroes, Iceland, incl. a few booklets and s/s. Fine GUANTANAMO JUN 17 1940 + 1935 Air mail 25 c quality. (700) éé500:blue and others on air mail cover to Sweden, 5135L Accumulation 1900s in box. Mostly Sweden and the Faroe Islands. Whole stamp sheets, mini sheets, stamps via Ireland per first official flight from New York (USA) to Shannon (Eire), cancelled for franking etc. Also some Swedish local mail stamps NEW YORK JUN 24 1939 + Canada 1927 Dominion (Stockholm, Linköping, Östersund, Hälsingborg) and of Canada 12 c blue and others on air mail Finland a complete booklet HB 1 in the lot. Mostly cover to Sweden, via Ireland per first official fine quality. (sev 100s) éé/é/500:
5136L Small box e.g. Norway and Iceland 1950s–60s, Norway flight from Shediac (Canada) to Foynes (Eire), cancelled SHEDIAC JUN 24 39. *300:also 25 illustrated FDCs, same period. Iceland small stockbook 1930s–60s, and FDCs, etc. éé300:European collections / Europasamlingar
5137A Year sets. Various Scandinavian countries incl. a 5159L Accumulation. Four collection incl. Germany with e.g. few better sets like Norway 1971+1972 and Sweden some better Danzig, xx blocks-of-four from the Faroes booklet year sets 1983+1984. Also a bundle of FDC. éé700:1978–88 and a collection Spain classic–1930s incl. 5138K Booklets. Norway: H46, 20 copies and Finland H3. F some better (cat. value for Spain about EUR 1000). 1950 éé200:Favorable reserve. éé/é/700:5139L Sverige Stpl. Flyttbox med bl.a. fem fulla skokartonger klipp, 5160A Two albums mostly 1960–90’s incl. many sets and ca 1960–90-tal, även en del utland. 2,5 kg postklipp 1968–72 souvenir sheets, e.g. DDR DEBRIA, some FDCs etc. samt diverse annat i lösvikt/foldrar. Cirka 13 kg. 200:Favourable. (600) Mostly éé600:5140LSverige éé/é/. Stor fyndlåda med bl.a. försändelser 5161K Small accumulation with e.g. Spitsbergen, Poland, förfilateli till halvmodernt i buntar och pärm, varianter i Finland. Somewhat mixed quality. é/500:pärm Ringtyp–1940-tal. Cirka 17 kg. 400:5162K Lot. Six old auktion items with original reserve in 5141L Sverige Parti om 159 st olika FDC 1984–2004, alla med vinjetter, the order of SEK 2000, e.g. Sweden F 15b2, D24g with i tre pärmar. F ca 10.000:- + Parti militärbrev, svarsbrev, beautiful Stöllet cancellation, Logo pin for the 1940 brevkort, svarsmärken m.m. + Samling äldre små, hopvikbara Helsinki olympics and three German souvenir sheets. éé/300:helg- och gratulationstelegram, ca. 85 st. olika i en pärm 5163A Mainly used collection classic–1970s. Mostly Netherlands med plastfickor. 400:but also Malta, Monaco and Montenegro. (800) éé/é/300:5142L Sverige 1970-tal–modernt i fem album, även en del 5164L Postcards. Box with old–modern postcards, mostly dubbletter och klipp. Mest bra kval. Cirka 11 kg. 200:topography, mostly used. Ca 3 kg. *300:5143L EUROPE Accumulation. Box filled with albums and 5165L BALTIC STATES Accumulation duplicates old period in stockbooks and some on leaves/stockcards. Some emphasis three stockbooks. Also about 200 modern covers/stationery, on modern Nordic material but also other areas. etc. (Thousands) é/600:Approx. 15 kg. Mostly 800:-
5196L Accumulation old-modern in large box. E.g. collection 5166P EAST EUROPE Cover accumulation 1930–1950. 40 items in the lot, mostly with destinations in the US. Mixed GB 1900-1980, plus duplicates, FDC´s etc. Approx. quality. *600:18 kg. (1000´s) Mostly 400:5197K Interesting lot covers including field post and stamps Worldwide collections / Hela Världen-samlingar
from San Marino (Due Mi 53, 55, 62 éé), Germany, 5167L Large removal bvox packed with collections or part Yugoslavia, Taiwan, Turkey, Luxemburg, Russia, collections in albums, leaves, some loose or on stock Norway. Many covers during WW2. éé/é/300:cards, very good variation and also with better. High 5198A Stockbook Czeckoslovakia commems and topicals 1960s value and favourable reserve. éé/é/2.500:+ stockbook Birds éé/used, various countries. éé/300:5168L Old-modern in removal box. In 14 albums including 5199A Collection classic–1950s in two albums without stamp mixed Germany, Asia, european states etc. Mostly fine mounts. Somewhat mixed quality. é/200:quality. Approx. 16 kg. éé/é/1.500:5200L Postcards. Lot 60 cards Germany, 60 Denmark, 84 USA, 5169L Old-modern in removal box. Portugal with volonies, 100 All-world, and around 50 Stockholm. Mainly older Monaco, San Mriino etc, in 8 akbums. Mostly fine material. *500:quality. Approx. 16 kg. éé/é/1.500:5170L Accumulation 1900s in box without stamp mounts. Mixed Continent collections / Världsdelssamlingar
material with emphasis on the US, China, Taiwan. 5201L AFRICA Accumulation old–modern in 35 approval A lso a number of complete stamp sheets from Russia booklets. Mostly fine quality. éé/é/800:and the Nazi German issue Azahind. Mostly fine quality. éé/é/1.000:- 5202L AFRICA Accumulation modern in box. A lot of different 5171L 1930´s-modern in box. Hundreds of souvenir sheets motives on stamps from approx ten countries. Many including cept, Reich, USA, Asia etc. Good variation. nice mini-/souvenir sheets. Mostly good quality. 800:Mostly fine quality. éé/1.000:- 5203P AFRICA Accumulation old–modern on Visir leaves from 5172L Modern in box. Sets and booklets in godd variation, Uganda, Kenya. 400:including Scandinavia, France, USA, cept etc. Mostly 5204L AFRICA FDC accumulation 1960–1975 in box. 400–500 fine quality. éé1.000:FDCs from Malgassy, Togo, Centra African Republic, 5173L Old-modern i 3 kartonger. In 2 moving boxes and Upper Volta and Senegal (former French colonies in banana box. Mostly fine quality. Approx. 30 kg. (3) éé/é/1.000:Africa). Low reserve! Fine quality. *800:5174L Old-modern i 3 kartonger. Mostly Scandinavia in 2 5205L ARAB STATES Accumulation mostly 1960s–1970s. moving boxes and 1 banana box. Mostly fine quality. Duplicates, incl. much CTO. (Thousands) 800:Approx. 30 kg. 1.000:- 5206A SOUTH AMERICA Dupl. collection Argentina and 5175L Old-modern i4 kartonger. Duplicates FDCs in albums Bolivia mostly ca 1860–1990 incl. some units and few and boxes etc. Mostly fine quality. Approx. 35 kg. 1.000:covers, etc. Mi almost 1000 €. éé/é/600:5176L Large box from estate with 15 large and small albums Thematic collections / Motivsamlingar
with stamps from many countries. We did not see 5207P Air mail. Collection/accumulation mostly modern in anything expensive here at a fast look. Thousands of 23 approval booklets. Mostly fine quality. éé/é/500:stamps. Approx. 18 kg. Mostly 800:5208A Europa CEPT. Collection/accumulation 1962–1990 in 5177P Collection old–ca 1930 on leaves with e.g. Armenia, two stockbooks. Single stamps, blocks of four with Germany. é/600:and without margin and a much more, Also including 5178P Collection old–about 1930 on leaves. (over 2000) é/600:some better Iceland. Cat approx 2500 €. Fine quality. 5179P Mixed. Lot with covers and cards, collection Indonesia (>1000) éé/é/400:ca 500 copies 1950–67, some Commonwealth, etc. 600:5209P Europa CEPT. Small lot better issues: Liechtenstein 5180A Collection/accumulation Approx 1940s–60s in stockbook. 1960, Andorra 1972, Luxembourg 1956. Also five FDCs, Much South America. Mostly good quality. éé/é/600:e.g. Britain 1960, Italy 1953, Andorra 1972. Mi 400 5181A Accumulation classic–semi-modern in five circulation euro éé300:booklets, leaves, Finland in Norma album, etc. (2000) 600:5210K Ships. Cover lot. Two Steamship vignette cover sent to 5182A Lot old–modern in two stockbooks. (ca 2000) Mostly 600:Sweden 1911 and 1912. Two types of TPO pmk BERLIN-
5183A Accumulation modern in two albums with stamp mounts. SASSNITZ BAHNPOST. Blue Paquebot cachet. Light A lot of countries represented. Much Russia, Germany vertical middle fold but attractive anyway. (2) *200:(Reich). Somewhat mixed quality. (>2000) éé/é/500:5211L Sport. Accumulation 1900s in box. 97 mini (souvenir) 5184A Thick Schaubek album 33rd edition from 1911. Some sheets and a couple of sets/series, e.g. good series better e.g. Germany and related areas, Sweden, Denmark, from Bulgaria and Albania. High catalogue value. Britain, Norway. Very few non-European issues. 500:Excellent quality. éé/é/500:5185L Accumulation 1900-2000 in box. Mixed box including 5212A United Nations. Collection 1990–1999 in album with material from a lot of countries and ares, as South stamp mounts. All three emissions (Geneve, New York, America, the UN. etc Also a lot of postcards in the Vienna). Excellent quality. (>500) éé200:box. Somewhat mixed quality. (1000s) éé/é/500:5186L Accumulation 1900-2000 in box. 7 albums and a lot of Non-Scandinavia A-Z / Utomnorden (engelsk bokstavsordning)
Visir leaves and stock cards with stamps from many Argentina – Australia
countries. One of the albums with FDCs from France. 5213A
Argentina Collection 1973-89 in album. Some Mostly good quality. (1000s) éé/é/500:
hundred stamps, nothing expensive. éé/é/100:5187L Collection/accumulation old–modern in seven stockbooks. 5214L
Australia Collection/accumulation. Collection Mostly good quality. éé/é500:
incl duplicates incl some better Kangaroo 5188L Accumulation 1880´s-1950´s duplicates in glassine values etc, a catalgoue, some loose in envelopes in banana box. (1000´s) 500:
envelopes etc. Worth a look. Mostly 1.000:5189L Accumulation 1900´s-modern in banana box. Duplicates, Austria
partly sorted in envelopes. Approx. 10 kg. (1000´s) 500:Collection 1921–55 on leaves. Meny better! 5190L Accumulation old-modern in banana box. Duplicates, 5215P
Fine quality. é800:cut pieces, remainder collections in two albums, Collection 1850–1972 in two albums. Fine covers and FDC´s, face value Sweden approx. 700 kr, 5216A
quality. (1000-1500) éé/é/800:unvalid banknotes 140 kr, etc. Also a signed folder Collection 1945–1967 in album with stamp by Slania with a 1974 Gåslisa stamp. (1000´s) Mostly 500:- 5217A
mounts. Almost complete over the period. 5191A Used collection in two old thick albums. Very mixed Excellent quality. (850) éé800:quality. 500:Classics–old. ”Back-of-the-book”,All different, 5192P Collection/accumulation old–modern on leaves incl 5218 e.g. Mi Postage Due P68, P156-58, Crete 16, much Air Mail. Mostly good quality. é/400:20y, Lomb 5y, 23, Turk 2 II, 5 I(pair), 24, 5193L Collection/accumulation old–modern in box. Ten albums Fieldpost 47-48, 71-72, Field Italy 24-25, Field and stockbooks. E.g. classic USA in Visir Album. Monte 1-2. Mostly good quality. Mi € 759 (40) 700:Mostly good quality. éé/é/400:1863–1952. All different, e.g. Mi 174, 201 5194L Accumulation old–modern in box. Mainly Nordic 5219
II, 206 II, 211 II, 224-27, 878-84, 969, 972. countries and Germany, incl. some Swedish cancels. éé/é/400:
Mostly good quality. Mi € 520 (36) 600:5195L Accumulation 1900s–70s. Duplicates in glassine 1910–49. All different, e.g. Mi 23 (é), 41 envelopes and bundles, plus a few remainder 5220
IID, 57, 67, 477, 587, 668, 952-54, 910-11, collections. (1000’s) Mostly 400:
926, 929-32. Mostly good quality. Mi € 647 (40) é600:-
5232K 5233A
1916–48. All different, e.g. Mi 202 II, 203 I, 226yA, 226C, 672–73 II, 937–40, Levant 5 II. Mostly good quality. Mi € 507 (27) éé500:Collection/accumulation 1945–90 in stockbook. More than 90 % MNH. Excellent quality. (>1000) éé/é500:Collection 1940s–modern in two stockbooks. Sorted duplicates, up to 100 of each. Mostly good quality. (4000) éé/é/500:-
Lot 1920-modern. Also some Swedish stamps with nice cancellations, some UK and some 5250
China. Mixed material. Somewhat mixed quality. éé/é/700:
Collection/accumulation classic–1980s in two stockbooks. Somewhat mixed quality. Mostly 600:Collection 1869–1965 in album. Mixed quality. éé/é/600:5251P
Collection 1958-1985 in four SAFE albums with stamp mounts. Modern section of a very good Belgium coll. incl somewhat better in the 5252P
early section, not complete but well-filled and also collected both xx and used in 5253P
parallel. Favourable reserve to clear! Excellent quality. éé/500:- 5254P
British Commonwealth
Accumulation classics–1970s in two stockbooks and on visir leaves. Partly somewhat heavily 5255L
duplicated but in total good variation including Australia and states, Canada, and 5256P
British West Indies. (few thousands) 800:Africa: Natal, Transvaal, South Africa, 5257A
Zululand. Old–modern on visir leaves. (194). The entire lot is presented at éé/é/500:- 5258A
Collection classics–1960s in visir album. Mostly good quality. éé/é/400:Collection/accumulation 1870–1980 on Visir 5259L
leaves with stamp mounts. High denominations from Australia, British Honduras, Cayman Islands, Sierra Leone, St Helena and the South Atlantic Islands. Also incl. a couple of nice covers. Somewhat mixed quality. (>300) éé/é/300:5260L
Bulgaria – El Salvador
Bulgaria Lot of better s/s 1959–81. High value, some duplication. (25) éé500:Canada 1859–1995 in Schaubek album without 5262P
stamp mounts. Much modern and some better old. Mostly fine quality. 500:
Canada Cover lot 1869–1940. 26 covers, postcards etc. Different frankings, both domestic and overseas destinations, with 5263A
censor strip, private and commercial mail. Somewhat mixed quality. *500:Chile Accumulation classic-1985 in two albums. (2000) éé/é/600:- 5264P
Chile Lot 1853–1866 on stock cards. Somewhat mixed quality. (35) 300:China Collection 1980–2010 in stockbook. Fine 5265
quality. (1850) 600:
Colombia Collection 1903–76 in album. Mostly good quality. éé/é/600:- 5266A
Czechoslovakia Lot. Blocks 1937–80s. (65) Mostly éé800:
Czechoslovakia Collection/accumulation about 5267A
1920–85 in four stockbooks. Fine quality. (Thousands) éé/é/600:
Czechoslovakia Collection basic collection on leaves 1918–40s. é/300:- 5268L
Dutch Indies Collection/accumulation classics in visir album incl Mi 1 and 2 , and some covers. Somewhat mixed quality. (600) Mostly 800:5269A
Dutch Indies Collection 1870–1949 on leaves. Also Dutch New Guinea. Mostly good quality. é/500:
El Salvador Collection 1889–1971 in album and stockbook. Mostly good quality. éé/é/600:
El Salvador Collection 1890–2008 in two stockbooks. Fine quality. (1500) éé/é/500:- 5270A
Collection 1960s–1980s in stockbook. Good range of sets and also booklets, further a collection Monaco classics–1985 with a good range of sets and some souvenir sheets. High 5272A
catalogue value. éé800:
French Antarctic Territory – French Oceania
French Antarctic Territory Small lot of proofs/
essays/imperfs 1970s. In total 18 stamps. éé700:French Oceania and some Comores. FDCs, lot 1960–89 in box. Fine quality. (175) *600:-
Accumulation 1939–45 in stockbook. Very few used, majority éé/é. some (é). Somewhat mixed quality. (hundreds) éé/é/600:1930–40. All different, e.g. Mi 440, 543, 695-96, 671, 698, 699, 743, 747. Mostly good quality. Mi € 521 (38) 200:-
Associated areas
Memel Collection 1920–23 on Leuchtturm leaves with stamp mounts. Fine quality. (175) é/600:Memel Collection 1920–22 on leaves. Mostly good quality. é/400:Occupied areas Collection 1914–18 on leaves with stamp mounts. Mostly fine quality. Mostly 200:Soviet Zone Collection 1945–49 on leaves, incl. some better. é600:-
German Democratic Republic (DDR)
Box with seven albums and loose leaves with much Finland and Denmark. éé/é/800:Collection 1949–55 on leaves, incl. souvenir sheets. Fine quality. é600:Collection/accumulation 1883–1992 in four stockbooks. Mostly fine quality. (Thousands) Mostly 600:Collection 1949–1968 in album with stamp mounts. Almost complete incl many better. Excellent quality. (>1000) éé/é/600:Accumulation. Collection DDR 1948–70 in album. Well filled from 1952, some better, early issues, further accumulation 1945–90 in five stockbooks. Very well-filled from about 1954. Finally BRD ”Ersttagsblätter” collection 1974–80 in six albums. Approx. 16 kg. éé/500:1960s–modern in removal box. Usedand xx stamps, covers etc. Mostly fine quality. Approx. 30 kg. éé/300:-
Collection/accumulation 1949–1960 on leaves without stamp mounts. Includes both first series (black and red overprint) complete. Mostly fine quality. (>250) éé/é/800:Collection 1948–90 in Leuchtturm album without stamp mounts. Clean collection in good quality. Also sets from booklets included. Fine quality. (approx 850) 800:Collection 1948–72 on Visir leaves incl. nice overprints, Mi 72–73 and 80–81, etc. (275) 200:-
German Federal Republic (BRD)
Lot. 26 better stamps in complete sets incl. e.g. Church of St. Mary and charity sets. High value! éé800:Collection 1949–82 in album with stamp mounts. Excellent quality. (>700) éé/é/800:Accumulation 1955–1972 in big stockbook. Huge stock from the period. Also includiing blocks-
of-four, some MNH and a few mini sheets. Low reserve! Somewhat mixed quality. (Thousands) 200:Accumulation duplicates 1948–2000 in small removal box. 200:-
General German collections
Collection 1859–1979 in album without stamp mounts. Many good series and sets. However most of the é stamps have become attached to the leaves due to humid storage conditions. Good quality. (>1500) é/800:éé/é/ collection in two full thick stockbooks. Somewhat mixed quality. éé/é/800:Collection Reich–1957 on leaves. Good basic collection with e.g. some states, Reich, and better early BRD and Berlin, favourable reserve. Fine quality. Mostly 600:Lot 1945–1955 in stockbook. Mostly the period 1945–50. Many good issues. Mi > 2000 €. Mostly fine quality. (>700) éé/é/600:-
1936–1950s on leaves. Better sets and stamps Kuwait – Luxembourg
on five stock cards. Mostly fine quality. éé/é/400:- 5297P
Kuwait Appr 1940–70 on leaves. On leaves.
1970s–modern in box. Approx 170 different Also with duplicates in envelope. Mostly good covers from GDR. Also duplicates in stockbook quality. (300) 300:etc. Mostly fine quality. éé/é/400:- 5298P
Liberia Collection 1880–1969 on leaves. Occupation areas 1940´s. Some a bit better Mostly good quality. éé/é/600:stamps. éé/é/200:- 5299A
Lithuania Collection 1919–2008 in album. Almost complete 1991–2008. Also a couple Great Britain
of pages old period, mixed éé/é/. 400:1902–51. All different, e.g. Mi 112-13, 115, 5300A
Luxembourg Collection 1959–95 (leaves to 139, 141-42 III, 186-87, 214, 230, 234, 254. 2003) in two Leuchtturm albums, sometimes Mostly good quality. Mi € 541 (29) 400:
used and unused in parallel. Also some older Accumulation on 17 visir leaves, majority incl. two é sets Mi 468–73, etc. (1000) éé/é/600:1st and 2nd class issues, some mini-sheets, some 1948–80s, etc. Face value according to The Netherlands
vendor 110 GBP. éé400:- 5301A
Collection old–1987 in stockbook. Mostly éé800:Collection 1952–90 in Schaubek album with 5302A
Collection 1867–1966 in Schaubek album with stamp mounts. Almost complete from the end stamp mounts. Very few classics. From 1940 of 1960’s. Excellent quality. 400:mainly éé, many better sets 1950s. éé/é/600:Appr 1880–1925. Back-of-the-book, All different, Collection 1961–80 in two Lindner albums with 5303A
e.g. officials 22, 29, 42, Gov. parcels 31, stamp mounts. Almost cpl incl. mini-sheets. éé600:IR 39, 41, Postage 3, 15. Mostly good quality. 5304P
Lot 1898–1955 on Visir leaves with stamp € Mi 423 (13) 300:
mounts. Many early charity issues + FDC No Collection 1971–2001. In visir album with 29 563-564 (Mi 300 €) delivered by mail (arrival leaves. Good quality. Catalogue value acc. postmark on the reverse side of the cover). to vendor EUR 835 (Mi 2007) 300:
Mostly good quality. (75) éé/é/300:5305A
FDC collection 1940s–87 in three albums. Guatemala – India
Mostly good quality. *600:Guatemala Collection 1871–1971 on leaves. Mostly good quality. éé/600:New Caledonia – Romania
Guatemala Collection 1861–1983 on leaves. 5306P
New Caledonia Small lot of proofs/essays all Mostly good quality. é/600:
relating to Molière issue 1973 (Mi 526). In Guinea Collection/accumulation 1950s–2001 in total 14 different stamps/proofs. Unusual two binders, incl. also Guinea Bissau. (1200) Mostly 400:
material! éé800:Honduras Collection 1865–1980 on leaves. 5307L
New Zealand Collection 1873–2001 on leaves. Mostly good quality. éé/é/800:
Also some 50 modern FDCs. (Hundreds) 300:Hungary Collection 1963–1975. Three albums 5308A
Pakistan Collection 1948–2010 in stockbook. with Lindner Falzlos leaves + box with modern Mostly fine quality. (over 1000) 400:acc. (Sweden included). Approx. 10 kg. éé/200:- 5309L
Papua New Guinea Year sets 1986-1993 complete! éé500:India Collection classics–1940s on leaves. 5310A
Paraguay Collection 1920–70s in thick Good basic collection with a few hundred visiralbum. Somewhat unstructured, majority stamps incl. some higher values, also incl. éé. (Several hundreds) éé/é800:officials. Mostly fine quality. Mostly 400:- 5311P
Pitcairn Collection 1949–89 incl. e.g. Mi 14. India Postal stationery accumulation Approx (117) éé200:1900–50s in small box. Mostly good quality. *800:- 5312P
Poland Collection 1918–79 on leaves. Mostly good quality. é/800:Israel
Romania Collection/accumulation 1937–1992 in 1948–52. All different, e.g. Mi 7–8, 16, 18, visir album. SOUVENIR SHEETS and MINI-
28–29, 54, 66, 75–76, 154, souv. sheet 1, SHEETS, large accumulation of close to 300 units postage due 1–5. Mostly good quality. Mi in very good variation with many medium priced € appr 600 (Appr 40) é600:
ones, e.g. some older, some imperforated etc, 1948–53. All different, e.g. Mi 6, 14, 15 very high catalogue value and favourable (half tab), 37, 41 (half tab), 57–58 (full reserve! Mostly fine quality. 800:tab), 66, 71, 72 (full tab), 75–76 (full 5314A
Romania Collection 1872–1972 in album incl. tab), 79 (full tab), 86 (full tab). Mostly many sets, sometimes  and é in parallel. (1700) é/300:
good quality. Mi € 619 (Appr 20) éé600:1948–50. All different, e.g. Mi 6, 11-13, Russia
15, 16, 18, 23-26kz, 28-29. Mostly full tab. 5315
Mixed Lot 6 overprint stamps from various Mostly good quality. Mi € 454 (Appr 13) éé500:
areas/locals approx 1918-20 incl. Mi 13-14 Jewish National Fund, etc. Commemorative Kuban-Area. é300:labels from the ”Forerunner period” showing Sao Tome and Principe
founders and leaders for different jewish Collection 1869–1958 on leaves. (175) é/400:organizations and other celebrities and 5316P
motifs. (130 pieces, 44 different motifs). éé500:Switzerland
1983–95 in Lindner album with stamp mounts. 5317A
Collection. PRO JUVENTUTE and PRO PATRIA, Nearly complete mostly with FDC-cancels. well-filled with e.g. the 1915–19 Pro Juventute All with full tab. Mostly good quality. (300) 500:
sets both used and x, 1941 s/s x, etc, also 1948–50. All different, e.g. Mi 6, 14, 15 a few other souvenir sheets. éé/é/800:(full tab), 16, 18, 28–29kz, 32 (full tab), 33, 5318
1867–1916. All different, e.g. Mi 35, 56, 37 (half tab). Mostly good quality. Mi € 454 (13) éé400:
62, 64, 68, 73, 77, 100, 108, 127, 128-32. 1948–60. All different, e.g. Mi 14, 15 (half Mostly good quality. Mi € 692 (27) 600:tab), 57–58 (half tab), 66, 71, 75–76 (full 5319
1907–23. All different, e.g. Mi 100, 108, tab), 152–58 (full tab). Mostly good quality. 127, 135, 143, 154, 174, 178, 188. Mostly Mi € 440 (Appr 40) éé400:
good quality. Mi € 652 (24) 600:Jewish National Fund etc. Commemorative labels 5320
1867–1915. All different, e.g. Mi 35, 56, from the ”Forerunner period” showing founders 62, 64, 68, 73, 77, 80C (crease), 90–91, 100, and leaders for different jewish organizations 108, 127. Mostly good quality. Mi € 732 (27) 500:and other celebrities. Three different complete 5321
1915–19. All different, e.g. Mi 128-35, 143-44, BOOKLETS. éé200:
149-51. Mostly good quality. Mi € 460 (13) 400:-
Lot on leaves. Incl. some San Marino and Vatican. é/400:-
Turkey – Tuvalu
Turkey Mostly used collection 1865–1995 in Minkus album incl. also Turk Cyprus and some Hatay. In total approx. 2000 different. é/400:-
Tuvalu Accumulation modern in box. A stamp Blandat / Miscellaneous
dealer’s stock. Nice material! Excellent 5343K Sverige Rulle 10 öre 1950. 2 kr 1876, 4 skill 1808, 2 öre SM quality. (>1000) éé/é/500:1759, två st Kopparbergpolletter 1760-tal. 200:-
1950s–90s in box. Sheets, sets, souvenir sheets and duplicates. Mostly fine quality. éé300:FDC accumulation. 1966–70s, also plenty of éé and used stamps, in box. Approx. 10 kg. *200:Mixed Collection 1951–2003 in two visir albums. Incl sheets etc. Mostly fine quality. éé/500:Mixed FDC collection 1950–2000s in six binders. Approx. 13 kg. (800) *400:Vienna éé/ collection 1979–98 in big album and a thick visir album with many blocks of ten (1979–84, nom approx. 2000 ATS) and FDCs with blocks of four. éé/400:-
United Nations
Litteratur / Literature
5344L Postryttaren. 51 st olika fräscha exemplar inkl. komplett 1977–2015. Cirka 26 kg. 400:5345A One Hundred Years of Icelandic Stamps by Jon Adalsteinn Jonsson. Very good quality. 100:5346L ”The Encyclopædia of British Empire Postage Stamps” by Robson Lowe, 1947–73. Volume I–V. Slightly worn. 300:5347L Banankartong med diverse, bl.a. Handbok över avarter på svenska bandmärken 1920-1936 i två pärmar, Sveriges Francotexken 1855-1963 etc Cirka 20 kg. 200:-
Böcker / Books
5348L Finland Helge Nygrén: ”HELSINGIN OLYMPIA STADION”, Helsinki 1978 (somewhat dirty binding) + Erik von Frenckell ”Stadion-säätiön”, bronze medal (79 mm) by Aimo Tukiainen 1977. 200:-
Accumulation classics–1940s on leaves. Nålmärken / Pins
Unstructured but interesting with e.g. some 200:better older, back-of-the-book, etc. Also a 5349L Sverige Över 100 st nålmärken på sköld. section of modern xx face value. Mostly 800:Antikviteter / Antiques
Collection/accumulation old–modern in two 5350L Kniv i flinta från Skåne, längd ca 9 cm. Ovanligt föremål! 200:stockbooks. Air Mail stamps and covers. Mostly 800:- 5351L Brun skål med lock, Nylund, Lidköping 1932 + Grön oktonformad Collection/accumulation. 1890s–1930s (200), vas, Arabia, Finland + Smörskål och uppläggningsskål, plus a few hundred FDCs 1940s–1960s with Gustavsberg blå pyro. 200:vignettes, seemingly all addressed to Sweden. 600:- 5352L Tyskland German Army. Twelve different figures in Elastolin. Accumulation classic–1960s on 13 album leaves. Minor cracks on a few figures. Amazingly well preserved Several better classic issues, fair–mixed painting and overall condition! 500:quality. 300:Diverse / Miscellaneous
Collection 1875–1965 in album without stamp mounts. Mostly good quality. 200:- 5353L Sverige Diverselåda: Stor plakett Svenskt Tenn Erik XIV, numrerad – 12 av 300. Två st tennmedaljonger Adolf Fredrik. Covers Old–modern in box. Good variation Två st roliga sparbössor i form av vinfat. Diverse plaketter, including some postcards and postal stationery. nålar, m.m. 300:Mostly fine quality. *200:5354L Sverige Låda med ca 30 almanackor 1935–71, välgörenhetsmärken, Vatican – Yugoslavia
kuriosa, inköpshäften, etc. 400:5335A
Vatican Collection/accumulation 1929– 5356L HV Large collection of (mostly) wine labels and items related modern in visir album. Fine quality. Mostly éé500:to wine and its production incl. large quantity of labels, 5336A
Yugoslavia Collection old–1960s in stockbook. some postcards e.g. early ones, 19th century cheque and Back of the book material. Mostly good quality. éé/é800:further 19th century items related to wine. In total 5 albums and one envelope. Please inspect carefully! 800:Tillbehör / Utensils
5337L Flyttkartong med tillbehör, pärmar, visirblad, samlarblad 5357L Tyskland Ashtray in porcelain, approx. 16,3 cm, marked ”FL. U.V.” (Flieger Unterkunts Verwaltung), eagle and swastika. 1991-2005 med dubbletter mm. Cirka 25 kg. 300:Made by Hutschenreuther, Hohenberg, 1935. 300:5338L Elva mest tomma album. Cirka 14 kg. 100:5358L Tyskland Four cowboys on horses, two standing, one indian Medaljer / Medals
and two civilians. Nine different figures in Elastolin. Minor 5339K Två st varav en från DDR. 200:cracks on a few figures. Amazingly well preserved painting 5340L Lot. Fem minnesmedaljer i brons, bl.a. Sverige–USA and overall condition! 500:1776–1976 av P. Linde. 01
100:5341L Finland Lot. Two commemorative bronze medals: Sylvi Kekkonen resp. Georg Malmsten. 01
Sedlar, övriga världen / Banknotes, rest of the world
ALL WORLD 35 Russian banknotes, 66 banknotes from Austria and Germany (mostly ”notgeld”) and six different banknotes from USA on imitated parchment paper, all marked ”copy”. VG–VF 500:-
Vandringspriset delas ut för
första gången på utställningen
824.000 SEK
Swedish record for a Chinese philatelic item!
We got a consignment for a box with appr.
75 Chinese letters ca. 1920-30, all of them sent to
Sweden. Several of these were of particular interest
with unusual cancellations. The consigné was
actually a descendant of Swedish missionaries in
China who served there for several periods. Letters
were sometimes sent to the family back home in
Sweden, but regrettably only a few remain, and
only ONE from the oldest period (1897). The box
contained letters sent to the relatives and others
in Sweden.
The letter from 1897 was taken out from this box
and was submitted as a single item. The stamps
used you seldom see on covers, and the location
SHASI is very unusual. 7-8 years ago, letters from
this place were even unheard of, but these last
couple of years there has emerged a few, and only
two letters has been sent outside China. This letter
was thus unknown to Chinese experts.
This means that a record has been broken for Chinese philately in Sweden. The box with the other
letters ended up at 88'500 SEK (appr. 9'500 EUR).
Result from our 332nd auction held in January 2016
We continuously accept consignments for our upcoming auctions.
AB Philea är utställningsauktionär på HALLFRIM 2016!
Idrottscentrum Högskolan i Halmstad, 12–14 augusti.
Vi tar fortlöpande emot
inlämningar till något av
våra kontor. Inför utställningsauktionen i Halmstad går det även utmärkt
att ta kontakt med Håkan
Andersson i Halmstad
för att göra en inlämning
till auktionen. Håkan är
tillgänglig på telefon 070524 50 46 och inlämningar
kan göras t.o.m. 15 juni.
Budblankett / Bid Form
Auktion 1628
Lämnas i lokalen, sänds per brev/fax 08-643 22 38 till:
AB Philea, Svartensgatan 6, 116 20 Stockholm.
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Datum: Kontakta mig angående INLÄMNING:
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If necessary, increase my bids by:
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Obj. Nr. Bud (SEK) Obj. Nr. Bud (SEK) Obj. Nr. Bud (SEK) Obj. Nr. Bud (SEK) Obj. Nr. Bud (SEK) Obj. Nr.Bud (SEK)
1. Auktionen är offentlig och sker för inlämnares räkning och sker i AB Phileas
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6. Vid postbefordran tillkommer porto. Likvid skall erläggas inom 14 dagar från
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3. Vid auktionen tillämpas fasta höjningar enligt följande:
Upp till 500:- är lägsta höjning 10:- (i salen 50:-)
Från 500:- till 1000:- är lägsta höjning 50:- (i salen 100:-)
Från 1000:- till 5000:- är lägsta höjning 100:Från 5000:- till 10000:- är lägsta höjning 200:Över 10000:- är lägsta höjning 1000:-
8. Om likvid ej erlagts inom 30 dagar äger auktionären rätt att häva köpet, varvid
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4. På antaget anbud/klubbat pris tillkommer köparprovision med 24 %.
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