End of summer Newsletter - Associated Beth Rivkah Schools


End of summer Newsletter - Associated Beth Rivkah Schools
Newsletter Week 7
What a summer!! We ended off with a smashing week in Bais Rivkah!
On Monday, we had art, shuir, baking and swimming! It sure was hectic
with the whole camp together!
On Tuesday the younger division went bouncin away at Bounce U! We
had an utter blast! Meanwhile older division had shiur, art, baking, Tzivos
Hashem, watermelon hunt and freeze dance.
On Wednesday, while the older division was having a ball at Adventure
Land, younger division had such fun activities in camp - we make Oreo
cookie pops, we had a hunt and a super game with our HC!
We ended off the week with an awesome drum circle! Thanks to all those
parents who joined us for the BBQ!
To our dearest BRDC Campers,
We had a great, fun, exciting summer this year in BRDC, with all the
fun activities, arts and crafts, trips and more - the fun just never
ended! But now that camp is over, with all the great memories we
have, we can’t forget the most important part – our mission: WE
CAN DO IT. Through davening every morning, having Ahavas Yisroel, dressing Tzniusdik, and remembering the lessons from our
amazing shiur teachers, we will make the Rebbe very proud and accomplish our final goal to do everything we can to bring Moshiach!
We will miss you all!!!!
Mushkie, Sara & Leah
To my dearest, most wonderful girls,
Seven incredible weeks flew by and now here we are at
the end of it all saying goodbye. I could be really sad,
and I could cry and tell you how much I will truly miss
you, but instead I am choosing to let you know how happy I am to have been your ruchnius director this summer. Dear girls, from the bottom of my heart I thank
you, each one of you, for giving me the opportunity to get
to know you, for letting me learn so much from you every
day. From the way you daven and learn shiur and tzivos
hashem to the way you have so much chayus and ahavas
yisroel in everything you do, you have shown me what it
means to be proud and worthy of being called a bas chabad. You are each so beautiful within and without. I
know that you are bringing nachas to Hashem, the Rebbe,
your amazing parents and all who know and love you. In
each of you is a shimmering star. Always remember that.
Shine on.
Love always and forever,
Yocheved Geisinsky
P.S. Make sure to say “Hi” when you see me in the street!
Dvar Torah Time
Camp Gan Israel buzzed with excitement. The
girls’ session was nearly over, and everyone was getting ready for the
grand banquet. Sarah was especially excited and proud of herself, too.
She had set aside part of her rest hour every day to study for Tzivos HaShem. And now she was the first five-star general of the entire camp. At
the banquet, everyone applauded and cheered as Sarah’s name was
called. She walked over to the stage to receive the grand prize. Rivki, the
head counselor, smiled, shook her hand, and gave her a beautifully
wrapped gift and another small box.After the banquet, Sarah went to look
for the head counselor. “Thank you so much for the prize,” she began.
“You certainly studied hard, and you deserve it,” Rivki said, giving her a
hug. “But why did I get that extra prize?” asked Sarah.“That was a bonus,” smiled Rivki. She thought for a moment, then said, “Sarah, you like
to study. Look in this week’s parshah and you’ll find a mitzvah that can be
compared to that extra bonus you received. ”Sarah was very curious.
She found the mitzvah. Can you?In this week’s parshah, we learn about
the mitzvah of ha’anakah, giving a bonus. An eved ivri, a Jewish servant,
works for his master for six years, and then he is freed. When he leaves,
his master is commanded to give him gifts. These gifts are not payment
for the servant’s work. The master pays the servant at the beginning, before he begins his work. And for six years, the master takes care of all the
needs of the servant, his wife, and his children. Afterwards, the master
gives him extra gifts as a bonus. HaShem is our Master and we serve
Him faithfully, preparing the world to be His home. He rewards us for our
service and takes care of our needs. When the geulah comes, He will also fulfill the mitzvah of ha’anakah by giving us something extra. Today,
we can feel some of HaShem’s holiness. When the geulah comes, HaShem will give us a bonus, and show us holiness which we cannot feel
(Adapted from Likkutei Sichos, Vol. XXIV, Parshas Re’eh)
Our Hachis are
Really terrific!
Bunk Alef
Menucha Gansburg
Shayna Vogel
Bunk Daled
Bunk Vov
Sterna Viener
Chana Keller
Rivka Liani
Bunk Hey
Bunk Beis
Leba Borisute
Chanale Grossbaum
Charna Turk
Chana Rochel Teller
Bunk Gimmel
Raizel Schapiro
Yael Benabou
Shaina fraida
Bunk Chof
Mushka Hartman
Sima yarmush
Bunk Ches
Bunk Chof Beis
Chana Nachmanson
Shaina Spielman
Devorah Banon
Bunk Chof Alef
Ayala Goodman
Mushky Okunov
DL Spielman
Nechama Malka
Etty Geisinsky
Sara B Margolin
Bunk Zayin
Chaya M Altein
Chana Aranow
Bunk Chof Gimmel
Chana Basya
Bunk Chof Zayin
Leba Steinhauser
Chenchi Bronstein
Chagit Twito
Chaya Reinitz
Shternie Levin
Bunk Chof Hey
Bunk Chof Daled
Shaina Halon
Bunk Chof Vov
Tziporah Rabia
Zelda Kuperman
Gitty Lishner
Fraida Vaisfiche
Mushka Tessler
Debby Uminer
In ten years from now... In 20 years from now…
In high school
Now that’s a different story...
Rochel T.
Rochel G.
Minucha F.
Minucha G.
Shiena C.
Shietel macher
A mother of many
Running a day care
Owning a stable
Head counselor
Running a school
Ballet teacher
If I got a dime every time … I would be a billionaire
said something cute
entertained herself
Rochel T.
jumped on Morah Chava’s back
Rochel G.
said please
Minucha F.
Minucha G.
shared so nicely
davened nicely
Shiena C.
had a pony in her hand
found a solution
did her activities nicely
sat on Morah Adina’s lap
asked to dance
didn’t complain
waited patiently
Dear Bunk Beis,
Wow, this summer flew by so fast! We had an amazing summer filled with fun times! From baking, art,
making stress balls, tracing your counselor, color war, and so much more. We also had some really fun
trips! We went to kids ‘n’ action, plaster master, the chocolate factory, the zoo, an amusement park and
bounce! We'll miss you bunk beis, oh yes we will, we wont miss anyone as much as you when you're not
with us, we're blue, oh bunk beis we'll miss you, that's true! You guys were the best campers ever!!
Morah Hindy, Morah Bassy, and Morah Niome
In 20 years ….
Aidel Klein will be a song writer.
Ariella Sultan will be a dentist.
Bella Hershkop will be an art teacher.
Chanale Grossbaum will be a mommy.
Chana Moya will be a cook.
Chana Spritzer will be a nurse.
Devorah Leah will be a business
Dina Brown will be an artist.
Esther Malka will be a baker.
Henya Andruisier will be a builder.
Niomi Pinson will be a ballerina.
Noami Zecharya will be a headband
Chana Rochel will be a world traveler. Sara Lison will be a Jeweler.
Chana Tawil will be a fashion
Sara Plotkin will be a math professor.
Yael Ben Abou will be a store owner.
Chaya Lipsker will be a teacher.
Remember when…
Sara Plotkin, Chana Tawil, Chana Rochel, and
Ariella had birthdays in camp.
Chanale Spritzer and Aidel made their cousin
Chanale G feel welcome in our bunk.
Bella won the talent show for her beautiful art
work .
Chaya reminded us that she is moving to Monsey,
and we are going to miss her very much.
DL always made her baking beautiful and yummy.
Dina hula hooped so well by the talent show
Esther Malka brought in a cake to share with everybody
Henya was a diamond davener
Niomi Pinson didn't want leave bounce because she
was having a blast.
Noami Zecharya always had a cool headband
Sara Liason would make everyone smile.
Sara Plotkin memorized Pi (math) for the talent
Yael had so much ahavas yisroel.
Bunk Beis Cheers
Bunk Beis is what?? Red Hot!
Bunk Beis is what?? Red Hot!
We’re R-E-D, we’re H-O-T, we’re #1
as you can see!
We’re cool, we know it, we got the
face to show it, and what you see is
what you get because BUNK BEIS IS
THE BEST! Go bunk Beis! go go bunk
Bunk Beis Alayala , we’re the best in
the USA. From North to South from
East to West , Bunk Beis is the best.
...Bryna Sudak likes to sit at the
end of the table like Faigy
Zellermier who goes on the same
bus as Rivkah Kosofsky who is
cousins with Aidela Kosofsky who
is related to someone who works
in camp like Devorah Leah Alberkurk who has red hair like Sima Yarmush who joined our bunk
like Shaina Frieda Soussan who
has short hair like Yehudis Feldman who goes on the same bus as
Chava Gittel Sellinger who has
blonde hair like Devorah Leah
Schusterman who was hachi the
same week as Shaina Rendler who
is in the most amazing bunk ever
like Leah Sandhaus who was in
camp every week like Sarah Simons who has the same name as
Sarah munitz who has brown hair
like Rochel Dubrowski who likes to
sit on the bus next to Bryna Sudak ...
My favorite part of camp is…
Bunk gimmels iPod
1. We deserve points
2. Jewish girls
3. Bunk gimmels better
4. I said a hienie
5. Soda pop
6. Boomerang
7. We’re younger we're
8. All the bunks from 8-1
9. Nah nah breakfast game
10. Here we sit like birds
in the wilderness
Bryna: The trips
Rochel: Art
Sarah Simons: Art
Aidela: That Sara'le is her
Faigy: Baking
Sheina Frieda: Baking
Sima: Trips
Devorah Leah S: Swimming
Rivkah: Bunk Gimmel
Leah: The mock wedding
Yehudis: Trips
Devorah Leah A: Fridays
Shaina: The trips
Sarah munitz: Tzivos Hashem
Chava Gittel: Art
Dear bunk gimmel!!
WOW! I can't believe this summer is over!! It feels like yesterday was the first day of
camp when I got to meet all of you and spend the most amazing summer with each
and every one of you! I don't know what I'm going to do not being able to see you
every day! I'm going to miss all of you so much!!! Keep in touch love you all!!
Rochel 917 771 3247 and Fruma 917 603 6275
BUNK ‘‫ד‬
How we're all connected:
Fruma likes to be in the front of the line, like Chaya Spielman, who has a sister in the older bunks, like Hadassah, who's Tatty works on Kingston, like Devorah Leah Greenspan's mommy, who draws beautifully, like Rivky Perlow,
who goes on bus 1, like Sterna, who has a 4 year old sister, like Yocheved,
who lives on Carroll street, like Morah Devorah Leah, who walks home from
camp, like Toba, who loves to cheer and sing like Itta Bracha, who likes to
hulahoop, like shaina Z, who likes to be partners with Rivka liani, who goes to
Sweet Expressions, like Morah Esther, who has dark hair like Dina, who loves
swimming, like Fruma...
Dearest Bunk Daled’ers,
Wow! What a summer! I can’t believe it’s already over! It was
great getting to know all of you, and spending all those fun
times together. Don’t forget all those great memories: Getting extra chocolate in The Chocolate Factory, going to Slurpees instead
of swimming, best daven’ers, winning the cake decorating competition, winning the ABC hunt, tracing and decorating Morah
Esther, collecting ants at the zoo, Bubby – Zaidy day, the
squishy cucumber hunt, and so many more awesome times! I
hope you enjoyed Bais Rivkah Day Camp, as much as we did!
We’ll miss you! WE love you Bunk Daled’ers!
Love, Devorah Leah Stone and Esther Procaccia
Bunk Daled Song list:
1. When bunk daled, comes marching in…
2.Jewish Girls are Hashem's children...
3. I used to think my mother was a Shabbos
4. My precious new siddur..!
5. Bunk Daled's what? RED HOT!
6. Ooh Ahh, Go First Grade!
7. Said a.. Hinei!
8. I want I want, what do you
9. We're younger, we're
cuter.. We'll bring Moshiach
10. Bunk Daled, bunk Daled's
Yocheved Brook
Fruma Tarshish
Hadassa Greenberg
Devorah Leah Greenspan
Rivka Liani
Sterna Veiner
Chaya Spielman
Dina Reichman
Shaina Zaklikofski
Rivky Perlow
Toba Wolosow
Itta Bracha Kozlovski
Esther Proccaccia
Devorah Leah Stone
If bunk Daled went on a runaway,
what would you take?
Yocheved Brook: her clothes
Fruma Tarshish: a boat
Hadassa Greenberg: Her backpack
Devorah Leah Greenspan: all the
candy in the world
Rivka Liani: her American girl Doll
Sterna Veiner: chocolate
Chaya Spielman: a drink
Dina Reichman: a tent to sleep in
Shaina Zaklikofski: her Mommy and
Rivky Perlow: arts and crafts
Toba Wolosow: a precious diamond
Itta Bracha Kozlovski: snacks and
Morah Devorah Leah: Bunk Daled
Morah Esther: First Aid Kit
In Twenty Years from Now, What
Will We All Be Doing?
Chaya Rimler: Fashion Designer
Chaya Lison: Hair Dresser
Charna Turk: School Director
Yaffa Lebovic: Choreographer
Chanchie Teichman: Sheitelmacher
Leba Halon: Camp Director
Malkie Tawil: Dance Teacher
Gitty Glick: Teacher
Chana Shmotkin: Nurse
Rivkah Brod: Gymnast
Perri Sacho: A Lawyer
Leba Borisute: Racer
Sima Ross: A rebbetzin
Nechama Esther Blackman: SpecialEd Therapist
Tzerna Rappaport: Drama Teacher
Nechama Esther Blackman:
Leba Borisute
Rivkah Brod
Gitty Glick
Leba Halon
Perry Sacho
Yaffa Lebovic
Chaya Lison
Tzerna Rappaport
Mimi Schechter
Sima Ross:
Chana Shmotkin
Malkie Tawil
Chanchie Teichman
Charna Turk
Chaya Rimler
Mushkie Lewis
Geula Nimni
Mimi Schechter: Teacher
Mushkie Lewis: Still being a counselor for you guys
Geula Nimni: Most fearsome principal ever
If I got a penny every time
____ did ____, I would be a millionaire.
Charna: Stood by the head of
the table
Mimi: Wore a long dress
Perry: Told Esther her sister
is picking her up
Tzerna: Fixes her hair
Sima: Listened
Chaya L: sang a song
Chana: Brushed her hair
Yaffa: Davened loudly
Chanchie: ran after chaya Rimler
Leba H: Face turned red
Nechama Esther: Giggled
Gitty: Wears her hair in a pony
Chaya R: Went to the bathroom
Rivkah: Made a split
Malkie: was happy
Leba B: Stood up on the bus
We can’t believe how the summer flew by so fast like a shpritz
out of a can!!! There is no doubt
that our bunk was the best and
we ruled the camp. It was amazing to see how from the first day
of camp till now you all changed
so much! You are all funnier,
jumpier, and lots more! You are
OF GIRLS EVER. Each of you
was a big part of the bunk, without you, we wouldn’t be Bunk
Hey! Keep up the amazing attitude, energy, and smiles, and
continue caring for each other.
And don’t forget to say hi and
give us a big hug if you see us on
the street!
Mushkie: Made someone’s hair
Geula: Told everyone to be quiet
Simcha: came on time
We will miss you! KIT!!!!
Mushkie Lewis: Mushkie387@gmail.com
Geula Nimni: saftageula@gmail.com
Simcha Cadaner: cadanersimcha7@gmail.com
Mushkie, Geula, and Simcha
P.s we are so proud of you for
winning bunk competition!!!
Dear Shaina S. Brown, Chana Futerfas, Aidel Heller,
Bassie Khutoretsky, Sara Kokin, Chaya Muhka Levin, Esther Odel, Raizel Schapiro, Chaya Weiss,
Mushka Yarmush, Chana Keller, and Talia Rubenstein,
We will miss you!!
Bunk vov: #cute #lovable #chayus #tznius
#energetic #happy #crazy #alwayseating
#greatestcampers #lovethemall #loveswimming
#tuttifruiti #iwanttoseetheschedule #hugs
#creamcheesesandwiches #hachioftheday…
Love Kraina Rieber and Chani Reinitz
The Ten
The campers shall be.
the counselors for a day.
The campers shall always ask for another ice
We shall make the most
amazing master pieces
in art.
We shall always be late
to Davening and
1. Thou shall color all day.
The campers shall
always know the schedule
before the counselor .
3. Thou shall never go to the
water fountain.
Thou shall never stand
in a straight line during
line up.
We shall have one bus
per bunk.
Our bunk shall win
bunk competition and
go to 7-11.
What is______doing now?!
Chaya Mushka Altein- Getting a huge hug from her
Chana Aronow- playing in the sprinklers
Esther Benjaminson- rolling up her sleeves, ready to
begin baking
Sara Goldshmid - can’t wait to start another Arts ‘n
Craft project
Miriam Bracha Golomb- cheering for bunk Zayin
Chana Gur- playing on the monkey bars
Sheina Hazan- getting a sun tan by relaxing on her
tube in the swimming pool
Chasya Horowitz- getting a slurpy
Aliza Kuperman- on a ride in the amusement park
Ettel Mina Recu- Dressing up
Sheina Shem Tov- talking about her family
Chana B. Shomer- busy making her art creations
Bracha Shusterman - the first in line
Chaya Mushka Tewel - running to the shuir room
with a smile on her face to have shuir
Dearest Bunk '‫ז‬
We B”H had such a stupendous
summer together with lots of laughter, joy and fun in the sun!
We wish you success and happiness
in everything!!
We love you & will miss you
Esther Malka Ravia – 347-533-3721
Nechama Brashevitzky –718-930-8981
Our Hachis:
Davening -Raizel Polter
Ahavas Yisroel –Bella Soble
Nechama Dina Rotenberg
Bunk Chof Aleph
Chof Aleph’s got the
beat to make you
In twenty years from now…
Bunk Chof Alef
stamp your feet...
make you run in
front... make you ah
Nechama Apfelbaum- Baker
ah crazy!
Nechama Bronstein- Sheitel Macher
I was down by the
Chana Miriam Geisinsky- Art
Etty Geisinsky- Teacher
Esty Labkowsky- Mother of a big
river... yes man... &
I started to drown...
yes man... but when
I saw Chof Aleph...
We’re R-E-D,
We’re H-O-T,
We’re #1 As you
yes man... I just
can see...
couldn’t go down!
A peach, a plum, a
Nechama Leah Lipsidge- Musician
Tamar Mahatuf- Artist
mango, a papaya,
Chof Aleph we’re
Mamash a
Leah Margolin- President of USA
Mushka Okounev- Author
Chof Aleph’s got
Chana Piekarski- Fashion Designer
Aleph rocks this
Sara Bracha Tauber- Babysitter
world, Chof Aleph
Leah Viener- Ballet Teacher
can all go rest!
Bracha Zelda Zellermaier- Dancer
Leah Zilberman-Cook
Dear the most awesomest, amazing, stupendous, bunk in the universe… Bunk Chof Aleph!!!!
We love your spunk & enthusiasm
throughout this entire month!! We’re so sad
that camp is over. We’ll miss you so much!
Wishing you much luck in 4th grade! Moshiach
Now! Let’s KIT!
Slavy & Bracha Tov
the twirl, Chof
is the best so you
… is better than the whole entire world put together
9:00– Bunk Chof Bais gets called up for a possuk… but where is the whole bunk? The two campers and two counselors that are there are louder than the whole camp!
9:20– We found the rest of the bunk! We sing and dance and go crazy throughout breakfast.
9:45– Chof Beis made the Rebbe proud!!
Davening with so much Kavanah is a sure way to get tons of points and win bunk competition.
10:15– We Learn Shuir every day with Mrs. Shapiro’s Shuir way
11:00– We are going
to boogy woogy
boogy woogy
is so much fun
So many amazing activities to do and enjoy! We go through our jam packed schedule trying to
sneak in some avalanche in between games.
12:00– It’s__________ in BRDC and guess what’s for lunch_______ yum!!!
12:30– Swimming, awesome trips, and even more awesome bus rides keep us busy until the end
of the day!
3:30– The clock ticks by so swiftly, see how the minutes fly...goodbye until tomorrow!
re all ed…
We a
a is a co
me inra’le whoke Rivkahr like
has t like Sloves art s long haviva who t
Sara to cheer w
s sho
loves Shaindy Masha wlasses likne who hae Devolike ims like o has g e Kere pire lik ho is
sw ma wh amp lik on Em haya w
Nech sister in who livetube like a
ha like B ho has with S
hair Leah w friends
Dear Bunk Chof gimmel.
If Chof Gimmel were to
Hadas would take her
be stranded on an island ticket tower
Rosie would take her
Chagit would take her
hula hoop
Liba would take her
Nechama Dina would
take her piano
Malka would take her
Sara would take her
friendship bracelets and
gymnastic class
Ci ci ci Chuf Gimmel, eyho eyho chuff gimmel
Chuf Gimmel got the moves, have you got the moves?
When your up, your up, when your down, ur down....
Nechamie would take
her bows
Chuf Gimmel are we, one happy family....
Yael would take all her
Nechama would take her Rochie would take her
swimming tube
We will be breakin, there's mistaken...
Want to eat a burger, eat a burger...
Geulah would take her
My back is braking is braking....
Bassie would take her
song book
Yo we're the Chuf Gimmel crew...
This the rap for the Chuf Gimmel crew...
Chuf Gimmel will be the one to make everyone smile...
To our most awesome, funky,
spunky, cheerful, and best
bunk Chof Gimmel!!!
What a month it has been!!! Could you believe it's already over?!
It flew by so quickly!! We didn’t even have a chance to rest from
running around and having a blast, and now the month is over?!?
That’s not possible!!! We had such a great time together!! From
our day to day cheering, to swimming, to roller skating, to delicious baked goods we made, to fancy flowers and pretty canvases
we painted, to random sit ‘n’ scatter ball games, and flying high in
Sports Time USA!! We will most definitely miss you all!!
#you’rethebestbunkoutthere!!!!!! :) :)
Love always,
Racheli and Leah <3
Bunk Chof Daled Playlist
The Sun Will Always Shine…
Ain’t It Great To Be Crazy…
Down In The Jungle…
I Was Down By The River…
Chof Daled’s Wat? Red Hot…
I Said A Heeeeenay…
We’re Chof Daled And We…
Show Us How To Boomerang.
We Are Chof Daled…
Soda Pop Is Fizzy…
Twenty Years From Now…
Would Be A…
Rosie Leider– Vet giving out custom made
cartoons to each customer.
Freida Vaisfiche– Principle in Montreal.
Chava Bronstein– A mime.
Rochelle Stroh- Benny Friedman the 2nd in
female version.
Fraida Morozow- Activity director in
Chana Hershkop- Fashion designer.
Ashira Sztabzyb– The next world artist.
Tzipora Ravia– Inventor of the world’s
greatest candy.
Shaina Goldstock– Head piece designer.
Chaya Kapuler– A knee doctor.
Chana Elberg– Ice cream truck owner for
big company.
Leah Sacho- Art, Bracelet, and Necklace
making teacher.
Mushka Tessler– Running a boot camp
and soon to be president.
Rivky Schanowitz– Florist and teacher.
Dear Bunk Chof Daled,
This summer we had an amazing fabulous
Awesome spectacular time with you ppls.
Really really really really will miss you! We
hope that you enjoyed this summer as we did
by being with you. Don’t be shy to say hi
when you pass by the street. Keep In Touch!
Mwah! Mwah! XOXO!!!!
Chof Hey Countdown!
Guess which clue fits with a name of a girl from the fantabulous chof hey crew! Match
the names of girls in our bunk to the clues and complete the crossword puzzle!
4. She has brown hair and blue eyes and dough once exploded in her face when she opened her camp bag.
5. Wears a pretty white bow and likes to wave a fan in the heat.
8. She has brown hair and we missed her a ton this week! B'H she came for the most MAJOR day!
9. Has a thread wrap from camp in her hair and has cool mirrored sunglasses.
10. It's her first summer at BRDC and she has ridden a bike to camp.
1. Is really 3 years old and always invents creative new cheers for our bunk.
2. Her mother had a baby girl and she knows how to put on makeup
3. had the special zchus of baking challah on her birthday...and having a runaway!
6. Has brown hair and displayed beautiful mirror art at the talent show
7. She has blonde hair and glasses and she dressed up for pajama day
8. We miss her every single Friday and really knows how to get her counselor on the rides
Dearest Bunk Chof Hey,
Each of you, (yes, you!) is a true gem and
I’ll miss you so so much! The time really
flew; it seems like just yesterday when we
had our first lineup together. Each one of
you is so full of hilarious stories that made
my day, chayus, awesomely creative ideas
for every activity we were doing, and
powerful friendship. Each of you together
is what made our fabulous, awesome
bunk what it is! Keep on making Hashem
and the Rebbe proud with your ahavas yisroel and keep in touch– call anytime; I’d
love to hear from you!!!
I’ll miss you,
Zahava Tornek
Bunk Chof Vov
Summer 2015
To the greatest bunk:
If we got a penny every time…
Chana davened really nicely,
Gittel got the whole bunk to get up and cheer,
Sarah wanted to play sports,
Debbie dressed up for dress up day,
Gitty listened to the counselors,
Nechama asked to see the schedule,
Mussa brought her own lunch,
Raizel wore a bow,
Shoshana smiled,
Henya giggled,
Perel was really nice,
Menucha didn’t like camp lunch,
Rikki didn't want to take a bunk picture,
Rivka whistled,
Raizy didn't come on a Friday,
Goldie sang her counselors a song,
Rivky went home in middle of camp,
Millie was called Kayla,
Bunk Chof Vav was the loudest bunk in the entire camp,
...We would have enough money to get
air conditioned busses!
From the very beginning,
It was certainly clear,
That bunk Chof Vov was the greatest bunk, from far and from near.
You were always filled with
chayus and had so much spunk,
Each one of you together make up
the very best bunk!
We’ll never forget Bunk 26,
Make sure to stay in touch,
Call or mail a letter,
We’ll miss you very much!
Millie and Rivky
Millie: mroness31@gmail.com
Rivky: rivkyc97@gmail.com
Gone Fishing:
Rivka Belinitzky
Rosie Belinitzsky
Chana Butman
Musia Federovskaya
Mushka Futerfas
Golda L. Kornblit
Sheina Paltiel
Malky Perlow
Sosie Sufrin
Tzippy Weisman
Esty Gajer
Basic cookie dough
1. 3 eggs
2. 1 cup margarine,
3. 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
4. 4 cups flour
5. 2 cups confectionary
6. 3 tsps baking soda
Cookie dough
truffle pops
1/2 cup Unsalted
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 TBS milk
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 1/4 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 c chocolate chips
1. Cream Butter
and Sugar
2. Add in milk
and vanilla
Add in flour and salt
Add in chocolate chips
Chill dough for an hour
6. Form dough
into balls
Insert lollipop stick
9. Dip into melted
10. Enjoy!
Ice cream cone cakes
1 cup oil
1 cup soy milk
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups sugar
4 cups flour
3 tsp baking powder
4 eggs
Flat bottomed ice
cream cones
1. Preheat oven to
2. Place ice cream
cones in muffin tins
or on cookie sheet
3. Fill each 1/2 full
with batter.
4. Bake 20 minutes or
until cake springs
back to the touch.
5. Frost and decorate
when cooled, if desired.
Cinnamon Buns:
1. 2 c flour
2. 2 Tbsp sugar
3. 1 Tbps+ 1 tsp
4. powder
5. 1/2 tsp salt
6. 1/4 cup butter
7. 3/4 cup milk
1/3 cup butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 TBS cinnamon
Preheat oven to 350
Line a cookie sheet
with parchment paper
Combine all
Bake for 10-12 mins
1. Preheat oven to 350
2. Mix dry ingredients
3. Cut in butter and mix until
4. Make a hole in the center and
pour in milk
5. Stir to form soft dough
6. Add flour or milk if needed
7. Knead of floured surface
8. Roll out into a rectangle
9. Spread butter and sprinkle
with cinnamon and sugar
10. Roll dough into a log
11. Cut into slices
12. Spray a 9x13 pan with
cooking spray
13. Place slices in pan
1. 5 cups flour
3 eggs + 2 yellows
2 tsp vanilla sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 cup orange juice
6. 2 cups sugar
2 sticks margarine or
3/4 cup oil
Preheat oven to 350
Line a cookie sheet with
parchment paper
3. Combine all dough ingredients
4. Roll out dough to a large
5. Brush dough with some of
remaining egg whites
6. Sprinkle cocoa and sugar
on top
7. Cut the circle in 8 or 16
depending on size of circle
8. Pull out one piece of pie
and starting from the larger, outer circle, roll up into
9. Repeat step 8 to remaining
10. Egg with remaining egg
11. Bake for 20 mins
Once you have your
paste ready spread it on a
square of puff pastry
dough (AKA knish dough)
and cover it with another
sqaure of dough. Then
cut it into strips and twist!!
Cinnamon and
chocolate twists
Cinnamon paste:
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
2 teaspoons of suggar
drop of water
Place in the oven at 375
degrees for about 15-20
min. While still hot sprinkle some confectioners
sugar and enjoy!
Chocolate paste:
1 teaspoon cocoa
1 teaspoon sugar
drop of water
Swirly pop cookies:
4 cups flour
3 tsp baking powder
3 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla
2 cups
3/4 cup oil
2 colors food coloring
Cheese balls
Crush 2 sandwich cookies till it is finely
crushed into cookie crumbs
add 1 spoon of cream cheese
mix it well together
shape it into balls
Coat it in bittersweet melted baking
put it in the freezer and enjoy!
Chocolate bar melt cookies
1 cup (227 grams) butter softened (2 sticks)
3/4 cup (150 grams) granulated sugar
3/4 cup (161 grams) packed light brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 large eggs
2 1/4 cups (315 grams) all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
10 ounces (283 grams) chocolate chips
Make the cookie batter and then insert a mini milk
munch or a smirk chocolate hidden in the middle
of the cookie
Bake on 375 for abouut 20 min and enjoy!
1. Preheat oven to 350
2. Combine ingredients
3. Split dough in to 2
equal parts
4. Color each dough a
different color with 2
drops of food coloring
5. Roll out each dough
6. Place one color on
top of the other
7. Roll into a log
8. Cut into slices
9. Insert lollipop stick
10. Bake for 10-12
Lollipop cookies
3/4 cup
3 ounces cream
1 cup
white sugar
1 egg
2 3/4 cups all-purpose
1 teaspoon baking
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Make the cookie batter
then divide it into
however many colors
you want and add the
fruit coloring
shape it into big pretty
lollipops and place a
stick under it
bake for about 30 min on
350 degrees and enjoy!
In A Flash
In A Flash
We will miss you
BRDC 5775!!