Norsk Varemerketidende nr 45/09
Norsk Varemerketidende nr 45/09
. nr 45/09 - 2009.11.02 NO årgang 99 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet f f POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160 Dep. 0033 Oslo f E-POST f TELEFON 22 38 73 00 f TELEFAKS 22 38 73 01 f 1 BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 INFOSENTERETS TELEFONTID kl. 09.00 - 15.00 Telefon (+47) 22 38 73 33 Telefaks (+47) 22 38 73 31 Innholdsfortegnelse og inid-koder 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Innholdsfortegnelse: Registrerte varemerker ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer................................................................................................................. 77 Ansvarsmerker .................................................................................................................................................... 118 Innsigelser ........................................................................................................................................................... 119 Avgjørelser etter innsigelser ................................................................................................................................ 120 Begrensing i varefortegnelsen for internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer ........................................................ 121 Endringer i varefortegnelsen for nasjonale og internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer ..................................... 313 Slettelser, begjært av innehaver .......................................................................................................................... 316 Overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer i spesifiserte rettigheter ................................................................. 317 Endringer i fullmaktsforhold ................................................................................................................................. 321 Fornyelser ............................................................................................................................................................ 324 Fornyede internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer .............................................................................................. 329 Ikke fornyede internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer ........................................................................................ 330 Slettede internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer ................................................................................................ 331 Rettelser .............................................................................................................................................................. 332 INID-koder I kunngjøringene er de enkelte data forsynt med koder overenstemmende med INID-kodesystemet (INID= Internationally agreed Numbers for the Identification of Data). (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (450) (511) (521) (526) (540) (541) (546) (551) (554) (571) (730) (740) (791) (793) (891) Registreringsnummer Registreringsdato Registreringen utløper Søknadsnummer Inngivelsesdato Prioritetsopplysninger Kunngjort registrert dato Vare-/tjenesteklasse Bruk/innarbeidelse Unntaksannmerkning Gjengivelse av varemerketekst Merket er et ordmerke Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Fellesmerkebestemmelser Merket er tredimensjonalt Beskrivelse av merket Søker/innehaver Fullmektig Lisenshaver Lisensinformasjon Etterfølgende utpekning dato 2 registrerte varemerker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Registrerte varemerker Registrerte varemerker jf. varemerkeloven § 20 I løpet av 2 måneder fra i dag kan det fremsettes innsigelse mot registreringen av varemerket, jf. varemerkeloven § 21, varemerkeforskriften kapittel 6 og varemerkebestemmelsene kapittel 5. Registreringen gjelder i inntil 10 år regnet fra registreringsdagen, jf. varemerkeloven § 23. (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253137 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200907906 Inndato: 2009.08.06 Registreringen 2019.10.22 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: BLACK MAX (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253136 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908669 Inndato: 2009.08.28 Registreringen 2019.10.22 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Alokozay A BLACK MAX (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: American Sports Licensing Inc, 300 Delaware Avenue, Suite 548, DE19801 WILMINGTON, US (740) Fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Postboks 5074 Majorstua, 0301 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:25 Klær og hodeplagg. Klasse:28 Golfballer, golfklubber, golfsett (package sets), golfbagger, golfhansker, hodebeskyttelse(head covers), reisetrekk, ballmarkører, greengafler (pitch forks), pegger (tees), golfhåndklær, golfparaplyer, treningsballbagger. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Alokozay FZE, P.O.Box 18165, Jebel Ali Free Zone DUBAI, AE (740) Fullmektig: JK Thorsens Patentbureau AS, Postboks 9276 Grønland, 0134 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt; kjøttekstrakter; konserverte, tørrete og kokte frukter og grønnsaker; geleer, syltetøy, kompotter; egg, melk og melkeprodukter; yoghurt, spiselige oljer og fett. Klasse:30 Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning; mel og næringsmidler av korn, brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer, spiseis; honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt, sennep; eddik, sauser; krydderier; iskrem, sjokolade og ketchup. Klasse:32 Mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikke-alkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 3 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253138 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200904967 Inndato: 2009.05.14 Registreringen 2019.10.22 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Christian FREDERIK COGNAC BIRKEDAL HARTMANN 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253139 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200907907 Inndato: 2009.08.06 Registreringen 2019.10.22 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: BLACK MAX (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Herreklubben Martin-Å, Brageveien 5, 1517 MOSS, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl). Varene har sin opprinnelse fra Cognac i Frankrike. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: American Sports Licensing Inc, 300 Delaware Avenue, Suite 548, DE19801 WILMINGTON, US (740) Fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Postboks 5074 Majorstua, 0301 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:25 Klær og hodeplagg. Klasse:28 Golfballer, golfklubber, golfsett (package sets), golfbagger, golfhansker, hodebeskyttelse(head covers), reisetrekk, ballmarkører, greengafler (pitch forks), pegger (tees), golfhåndklær, golfparaplyer, treningsballbagger. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 4 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253140 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200903888 Inndato: 2009.04.16 Registreringen 2019.10.22 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: OSL2O11 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Ski-VM 2011 AS, Serviceboks Ullevål Stadion, 0840 OSLO, NO (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:4 Oljer og fett til industrielle formål; smøremidler, brensel og belysningsstoffer; industrielle brenngasser, inkludert butan, nafta, propan, propen og blandinger av nevnte gasser, alle i gass form eller flytende form; mineral oljer; flytende naturgass (LNG); kondensert hydrokarbongass (LPG); petroleum, bensin, gassoljer, forbrenningsgass; lys og veker for lys. Klasse:9 Eksponerte filmer, lysbilder, små elektroniske spill alene for bruk med TV-apparater; videospill; videospillkonsoller; spill for spillehaller; videospillmaskiner; videospillkassetter; videospilldisker; computer software (innspilte programmer), inkludert computer software for spill; computerprogrammer og databaser; tilbehør til bruk sammen med videospill, kontroller, spillkontroller, stemmeaktiverte eller håndstyrte, ratt og dansematter; innspilt eller nedlastet lyd, bilde eller data; magnetiske, digitale eller analoge opptaksmedia for lyd eller bilder; videobånd, magnetiske bånd, magnetiske disker, DVD-er, CD-er, disketter, optiske disker, kompaktdisker, CD-ROM, videodisker, minnekort; USB-minnepinner, tomme eller forhåndsinnspilte med musikk, lyd eller bilder (som kan være tegnefilmer); hologrammer; publikasjoner i elektronisk format via CD-ROM, databaser og Internet; briller, solbriller, etuier og snorer for solbriller og briller; kikkerter; magneter og dekorative magneter; kompasser; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; parabolantenner; dekodere, nemlig computer software og hardware som kan konvertere, tilføre og overføre audio og video data; fjernsynsapparater, flatskjermer, LCDskjermer, høyoppløsningsskjermer og plasmaskjermer; radioer; hjemmekinoanlegg; videoopptakere; CD-spillere; DVD-spillere; MP3-spillere; digitalt musikkformat spillere; høyttalere; hodetelefon med tilkoblet mikrofon, hodetelefoner og øretelefoner; computere; karaokesystemer; audio mikse- og redigeringssystemer; video mikse- og redigeringssystemer; computer databehandlingsapparater; computer tastaturer; computer skjermer; modemer; tilbehør til computere inkludert i denne klassen, datamus og musematter; navigasjonssystemer; personlige digitale assistenter, elektroniske lommetranslatører; diktatmaskiner; elektroniske notatbøker og Klasse:12 Klasse:14 Klasse:16 5 2009.11.02 - 45/09 agendaer; skannere, printere; fotokopieringsmaskiner; faksoverføringsmaskiner; telefoner, telefonsvarerapparater; videotelefoner; mobiltelefoner; tilbehør for mobiltelefoner inkludert i denne klassen, nemlig mobiltelefondeksler, utstyr for håndfri bruk av mobiltelefoner, øretelefoner og hodetelefoner med mikrofon for mobiltelefoner, tastatur for mobiltelefoner, stropper for mobiltelefoner, spesialbærevesker for mobiltelefoner, videokamera og kameratilbehør for mobiltelefoner; fjernkontroller for fjernsyn og videosystemer; videokonferansesystemer; kalkulatorer; kredittkortmaskiner; pengevekslingsmaskiner; minibanker; videokameraer, bærbare kameraer med innebygd videospiller; fotoutstyr, kameraer, filmkameraer, prosjektører, blitslys, kameraetuier, batterier og celler; computer skjermsparerprogrammer; forhåndsinnspilte eller tomme magnetiske, digitale eller analoge lyd- eller bildeopptaksmedia; magnetiske kort (kodede); minnekort; mikroprosessorkort; magnetiske eller computerchip kredittkort, magnetiske eller computerchip telefonkort, magnetiske eller computerchipkort for pengevekslingsmaskiner; magnetiske eller computerchipkort for minibanker og valutaveksling, magnetiske eller computerchip forhåndsbetalte kort for mobiltelefoner, magnetiske eller computerchipkort for reiser og underholdning, magnetiske eller computerchip sjekk garantikort og magnetiske eller computer chip betalingskort; elektriske strykejern; sikkerhetsalarmer; elektroniske salgsautomater; betalingssystem for elektronisk handel; vindpølser (for angivelse av vindretning); distansemålerapparater; fartsmålings- og indikasjonsapparater (fotografering), papirvekter. Sykler, motorsykler, biler, lastebiler, varebiler, busser, kjølevogner; fly og båter; ballonger, varmluftballonger og luftskip; tilbehør til biler, nemlig solskjermer, dekkovertrekk, takgrinder, skistativ, hjulfelger og hjulkapsel; pneumatiske dekk, setetrekk, biltrekk, barnevogner, sportsvogner, sikkerhetsseter for babyer og barn; motorer og maskiner for landkjøretøyer. Juvelervarer, smykker, bijouterivarer; klokker og veggur, vekkerklokker; armbåndsur; ur; stoppeklokker; pendelur; medaljonger, anheng, halssmykker; urkasser; armbånd av edelt metall; pins; emblemer eller insignier av edelmetall; pins for lag og spillere; slipsnåler og slipsklemmer; mansjettknapper; medaljer, pokaler, trofeer, statuer, skulpturer, alle laget av edelmetall; pyntenøkkelringer av edelmetall; prydnøkkelringer; mynter; medaljer for klær; medaljonger for klær. Pengeklyper for sedler; farge- og tegnebøker; aktivitetsbøker; tidsskrift; aviser; bøker og magasiner, inkludert de som relaterer seg til idrettsutøvere og sportsarrangementer; bokmerker; trykket undervisningsmateriell (unntatt apparater); skjemaer (for nedskriving av resultater); arrangementsprogrammer; arrangementsalbum; fotografialbum; autografbøker; trykte tidstabeller, pamfletter; samlekort av spillere; bilklistremerker, klistremerker, album, klistremerkealbum; postere; fotografier; papirduker; papirservietter; papirposer; invitasjonskort; lykkeønskningskort; gavepapir; flaske- og karaffelbrikker, kuvertbrikker og bordsett av papir; søppelsekker av papir eller plast; innpakningspapir for lagring av mat; kaffefilter av papir; etiketter (ikke av tekstil); håndklær av registrerte varemerker Klasse:18 Klasse:20 Klasse:21 papir; våtservietter av papir; toalettpapir; papir og/eller papp bokser for lommetørklær; servietter av papir for fjerning av sminke; barnebleier av papir (engangsbruk); skrivesaker, papirvarer og undervisningsmateriell (unntatt apparater); papir til skrivemaskiner; kopieringspapir; konvolutter; kladdeblokker; skrivebøker; notatbøker (ikke elektroniske); notatblokker; papirark for notater; skrivepapir; innbindingspapir; permer; bokomslagspapir; selvlysende papir; selvklebende papir for notater; kreppapir; papirduker; emblemer eller insignier av papir; papirflagg; papirvimpler; skriveinstrumenter; penner (kontorrekvisita); blyanter; kulepenn; sett med kulepenner og blyanter; tusjpenner; fiberspisspenner og filtpenner; markeringspenner; blekk, blekkputer, gummistempler; skrivemaskiner (elektriske og ikke-elektriske); litografier, litografiske kunstgjenstander; malerier (innrammet eller ikke-innrammet); malerskrin (skolemateriell); male- og fargeblyanter; kritt; dekorasjoner for blyanter (skrivesaker); trykklisjeer; adressebøker; dagbøker; planleggingskalendere; veikart; billetter; inngangsbilletter; loddseddel; skrapekort; sjekker; tegneserier; kalendere; postkort; reklameskilt og bannere og utstyr inkludert i denne klassen; overføringsbilder (dekalkomanibilder); varmeoverføringsetiketter og -bilder; kontorrekvisita (unntatt møbler); korreksjonsvæsker (kontorartikler); gummiviskelær; blyantspissere; blyantholdere; pennaler; stativer og beholdere for kontorartikler; binders; tegnestifter; linjaler; klebebånd for papirvarer, klebebåndsfordelere (papirhandelsvare); stifter; sjablonger (papirvarer); dokumentholdere; brevklyper; skriveplate med papirholder; notisblokkholdere; forretningskortholdere; bokstøtter; frimerker; kredittkort, telefonkort, kontantkort, minibankkort, reisekort og rabattkort for underholdningsshows, sjekk garantikort og betalingskort (ikke magnetiske) laget av papir og/eller papp; babybleiebukser av papir og cellulose for engangsbruk; adresselapper av papir for bagasje; omslag for pass; reisesjekker; omslag for reisesjekkbøker. Varer av lær og lærimitasjoner; håndvesker; vesker, herunder sportsvesker; bager, bærebager; ryggsekker og kofferter, reisevesker, vesker, vadsekker; pengepunger, lommebøker; dokumentmapper; paraplyer og parasoller. Speil; varer laget av plast, nemlig souvernirstatuer, figuriner, statuetter, trofeer; armbånd av plast; puter; puter som tilbehør til bil; sitteputer for anvendelse i friluft; soveposer; møbler, møbler og tilbehør; stoler for innendørs og utendørs bruk; hyller (møbler), utstillingsstativ; faste ikke-metalliske håndkleholdere; kleshengere; vifter til personlig bruk; reklameobjekter (både oppblåsbare og stive) av plast distribuert og solgt av næringsdrivende i forbindelse med og under sportsstevner i form av store plasthender, klappende hender, bankestenger og -pinner, vifter oppblåsbare salgstavler og oppblåsbare målomgivelser; utstilling eller skilt (møbler) for utsalgssteder; bokhyller; bilderammer; utstillingsstativ for papirvarer; ikke-metalliske flaskelokk; flaskekorker av edelmetall. Glassvarer, porselen og keramikk (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); keramikkprodukter for husholdningsbruk; fat (ikke av edelmetall), fajansevarer; vaser; beholdere, begere, glass, Klasse:24 Klasse:25 Klasse:28 Klasse:29 Klasse:30 Klasse:31 Klasse:32 Klasse:35 6 2009.11.02 - 45/09 mugger og kopper (ikke av edelmetall), herunder for drikke; tallerkener (ikke av edelmetall), serviser (ikke av edelmetall), skåler; tekanner (ikke av edelmetall), kaffekanner av uedelt metall, ikke elektriske; karaffelbrikker (ikke av papir eller tekstil); flaskeåpnere, flasker; kammer, hårbørster, tannbørster; svamper for husholdningsbruk; suvenirasjetter og -krus, tekanner, alle laget av edelmetall. Soveposer (sydde lakenposer); laken; vatterte sengetepper; sengetepper; putevar; gardiner; dusjforheng; draperier; håndklær; badelaken; oppvaskkluter og oppvaskhåndklær; tepper; lommetørklær av stoff; veggtapeter av tekstil; flagg; bannere; vimpler; bordduker av stoff; etiketter av tekstiler. Klær; sko og fottøy, hodeplagg; skjorter; sweater trøyer; tennisskjorter; ermeløse bluser; t-skjorter; vester; kjoler; skjørt, undertøy; badetøy, shorts; bukser; jumpere; strikkede luer; luer; hatter; skulderskjerf; skjerf; lueskygger; treningsdrakter; treningsgensere; jakker; blazere; vanntette klær; frakker; uniformer; slips; håndledd- og pannebånd; hansker (bekledning); forklær; smekker; sportsvester; stadiumssmekker; pyjamaser; sparkebukser og lekedresser for små barn; sokker og strømper; strømpeholdere; belter; bukseseler. Spill, leketøy; brettspill; koseleker og dokker; lekebiler; puslespill; ballonger; oppblåsbare leker; sett i form av små brikker (caps) til lek; gymnastikk og sportsutstyr; skiutstyr; sportsbagger spesielt utformet for bestemte ting; moroartikler; små elektroniske spill andre enn for bruk med tv-apparater; håndformede objekter av skum (leketøy); spillkort; konfetti; roboter for underholdning. Hermetisk kjøtt, fisk, grønnsaker og frukt; ferdigretter og småretter hovedsakelig av kjøtt, fisk, vilt, frukt eller grønnsaker, snacks og idrettsnæringsmidler av kjøtt, fisk, grønnsaker og kornprodukter; melkeprodukter, drikker av melk eller hovedsakelig av melk; syltetøy; konserverte, tørrede og kokte frukter og grønnsaker; preparerte nøtter; potetchips. Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris; mel og kornprodukter, müsli; popcorn, brød, kaker, kjeks, bakverk og konditorvarer, ikkemedisinske konfektyrer; spiseis og iskremprodukter, brødpålegg tilberedt av sjokolade, nougat eller honning, sjokolade og sjokoladevarer; søtsaker; sauser; kaffe-, kakao og sjokoladedrikker, pulver for fremstilling av kaffe-, kakao- og sjokoladedrikker. Jordbruks-, hagebruks- og skogbruksprodukter, samt korn, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; friske frukter og grønnsaker. Ikke-alkoholholdige drikker; saft og andre preparater for fremstilling av ikkealkoholholdige drikker; mineralvann og kullsyreholdig vann; annen ikke-alkoholholdige drikke; frukt- og grønnsaksdrikker og frukt og grønnsaksjuicer; drikker av frossen frukt; øl, mørkt øl, pils og lyst øl; ikke-alkoholholdig øl. Arbeidsformidlingstjenester; personellrekruttering; reklametjenester; firmaer for annonsering av reklamemateriell; reklamebyråtjenester; annonsering via Internet og via alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; utsendelse av reklamemateriell; utleie av reklameplass; utleie av reklametid i rulletekst; fjernsyns- og radioreklame; reklame i form av animert tegnefilm; tjenester fra salgsfremmende byråer; tjenester fra sportsfremmende byråer og PR-virksomhet; markedsføring av registrerte varemerker Klasse:36 Klasse:38 skibegivenheter; tjenester for markedsundersøkelser, markedsundersøkelser, meningsmålingstjenester; organisering av handels- og reklameutstillinger; organisering av annonsering i forbindelse med messer; tjenester for oppretting av databaser, spesielt, innsamling og utarbeidelse av informasjon for databaser; databaseadministrasjonstjenester; utarbeidelse av statistisk informasjon; markedsføring av idrettsstevner, herunder skistevner; annonserings- og salgsfremmende tjenester, informasjonstjenester relatert til annonsering og markedsføring, reklameinformasjonstjenester, disse forskjellige tjenestene skaffet fra en computer database eller via Internet eller på alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; kompilering av reklamer for bruk som Internettsider på Internet og på alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; tilrådighetsstillelse av plass på en Internettside og på alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk for annonsering av varer eller tjenester; auksjoner holdt på Internet eller på alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; kompilering av registre for publikasjon på Internet og på alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; forretningsadministrasjonstjenester for behandling av salg foretatt over Internet og på alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; kompilering og vedlikehold av et register over domene navn; salgsfremmende tjenester, nemlig, fremskaffelse av fordelsprogrammer for kunder; fremskaffelse av bonusfordeler for klienter på sportsarenaer gjennom utstedelse av supportergaranti og medlemskort som inneholder personlige data om innehaveren; tjenester for kontroll av tilgang til sportsarenaer gjennom utstedelsen av supportergaranti og medlemskort som inneholder personlig data om innehaveren; kompilering av informasjon inn i databaser og spesielt av stillbilder eller levende bilder; markedsføring av sportsarrangementer innenfor ski; markedsføring av varer og tjenester for tredjeparter, ved kontraktsmessige avtaler, spesielt sponsorvirksomhet og lisensieringsavtaler, tilby dem økt merkebevissthet og forbedret image utledet fra kulturelle og sportslige arrangementer, spesielt internasjonale arrangementer, registrering av data og informasjon om sportsprestasjoner; markedsføring av fotballbegivenheter; markedsføring av rettigheter (syndikasjon) til film og video og opptak av lyd og bilder, så vel som interaktive CD-er, CD ROM, dataprogrammer og dataspill. Utstedelse og administrasjon av kredittkort og reisesjekker; finansielle tjenester; banktjenester, kredit- og fondsinvesteringer; forsikring; kreditt; finansiell sponsing av sportsmøter; finans- og forsikringsinformasjonstjenester, fremskaffet fra en computer database eller via Internet eller på alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; nettbanktjenester; internettbanktjenester på alle typer trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; betalingstjenester ved bruk av trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk. Telekommunikasjonstjenester; mobiltelefonskommunikasjon; kommunikasjon via teleks; kommunikasjon via dataterminaler, via databaser og på Internett-basert 2009.11.02 - 45/09 telekommunikasjonsnettverk, eller alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; telegraftjenester; kommunikasjon via telefon; telekommunikasjonstjenester for formidling av betaling og betalingstjenester ved bruk av trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; faksimilekommunikasjon; radioanropstjenester; konferansetjenester via telefon eller video; fjernsynskringkasting; kringkasting av kabelfjernsynsprogrammer; radiokringkasting; nyhetsbyråtjenester; andre meldingsoverføringstjenester; utleie av telefoner, faksmaskiner og andre kommunikasjonsapparater; fremskaffelse av informasjon gjennom datakommunikasjon eller via alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk innen handelssektoren; fjernsyns- og radioprogramoverførings og kringkastingstjenester fremskaffet via Internet eller via alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; samtidig kringkasting av filmopptak og lyd- og videoopptak; elektronisk post; fremskaffe tilgang til telematikk servere og til samtalegrupper i sanntid; datastøttet overføring av meldinger og bilder; fremskaffe tilgang til netthandel og bestillingstjenester via datamaskin og/eller interaktiv kommunikasjonsteknologi; informasjonsoverføring (inkludert nettsteder på datakommunikasjonsnettverk) via telekommunikasjon, av dataprogrammer og annen data; elektroniske posttjenester; tjenester fra tilgangstilbydere til Internet eller alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk (telekommunikasjonstjenester); fremskaffe forbindelse for telekommunikasjon på Internet eller med databaser; fremskaffe tilgang til digitale musikknettsteder på Internet eller på alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; fremskaffe tilgang til mp3 webområder på Internet; utleie av tilgangstid til et databaseserversenter (telekommunikasjonstjenester); utleie av tilgangstid til en computer database (telekommunikasjonstjenester); overføring av digital musikk via telekommunikasjon; online overføring av elektroniske publikasjoner; digitale musikkoverføringer på Internet eller via alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; digital musikkoverføring via MP3 internettområder; samtidig kringkasting og/eller nettoverføring av interaktive undervisnings- eller underholdningsprodukter, CD-plater, CDROM, dataprogrammer og dataspill (telekommunikasjonstjenester); fremskaffe tilgang til computer oppslagstavler og prateforum i sanntid via et globalt datanettverk; utleie av tilgangstid til computer oppslagstavler og prateforum i sanntid via et globalt datanettverk; utleie av tilgangstid til en sentral databaseserver; utleie av tilgangstid til en sentralisert computer og computer databaser; utleie av tilgangstid til hjemme- og firmashopping og bestillingstjenester via et globalt computer nettverk; utleie av tilgangstid til internett via et globalt computer nettverk eller via trådløst elektronisk kommunikasjonsutstyr; utleie av tilgangstid til nettsider som inneholder digital musikk via et globalt computer nettverk eller trådløst elektronisk kommunikasjonsutstyr; utleie av tilgangstid til MP3-nettsider på internett via et globalt computer nettverk eller via trådløst elektronisk kommunikasjonsutstyr. 7 registrerte varemerker Klasse:39 Klasse:41 Klasse:42 Drift av reisebyrå, nemlig organisering og reservering av turer; billettreservering, informasjons- og fremskaffelsestjenester for reise; transport via fly, tog, buss og vogn; transport via skip; tjenester for skipsfart; turistreisetjenester; bilutleie; utleie av parkeringsplass; taxitransport; transport av varer på skip; distribusjon av vann, varme, gass og elektrisitet; avis-, tidsskrift- og boklevering; posttjenester, bud- og postleveringstjenester; lagring av varer; distribusjon av løsningsmidler, parafiner, voks, bitumen og oljeprodukter, med unntak av flytende gass; distribusjon av film og lyd- og bildeopptak; distribusjon av interaktiv undervisning og underholdning, interaktive CD-plater, CD-ROM, dataprogrammer og dataspill. Utdanning; opplæring; underholdning; drift av lotterier og konkurranser; veddemål og spilltjenester; underholdnings-tjenester i forbindelse med sportsbegivenheter; gjestfrihetstjenester (sport, underholding); sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; organisering av sportslige og kulturelle begivenheter og aktiviteter; organisering av sportskonkurranser; organisering av fotballbegivenheter; billettreservering, informasjons- og anskaffelsestjenester for sport og underholdning; bruk av sportsfasiliteter; utleie av video- og audiovisuelle systemer; produksjon, presentasjon, distribusjon, og/eller utleie av film og audio- og videoopptak; produksjon, presentasjon, distribusjon, og/eller utleie av interaktive undervisnings- og underholdningsprodukter, interaktive CDplater, CD-ROM, dataprogrammer og dataspill; dekning av sportsbegivenheter i radiosendinger og på fjernsyn; produksjonstjenester for radio- og fjernsynsprogrammer så vel som videobånd; bestilling av plasser til show og sportsbegivenheter; tidtaking under sportsbegivenheter; arrangering av skjønnhetskonkurranser, interaktiv underholdning; veddemåls og spilltjenester online over Internet og på alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; tilveiebringe tjenester i forbindelse med basarer og lotterier; informasjon innenfor underholdningsfeltet (inkludert sport) levert online fra en computer database eller via Internet eller via alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; tjenester for elektroniske spill levert over Internet; publikasjon av bøker og aviser; publikasjon av elektroniske bøker og aviser online; audio- og videoopptakstjenester; produksjon av animerte tegnefilmer for kino, produksjon av tegnefilmer for fjernsyn; utleie av lyd- og bildeopptak for underholdningsformål; informasjon om utdanning, levert online fra en computer database eller via Internet eller via alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; organisering av diskusjonsgrupper på Internet og på alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; oversettertjenester; fotografiske tjenester; fremskaffelse av underholdingsinfrastruktur; utleie av maskiner og instrumenter for fremkalling, kopiering, forstørring eller klargjøring av fotografier; utleie av lyd- og bildeopptak. Utleie av tilgangstid til søkemotorer for å se på data og informasjon over/gjennom et globalt nettverk; utleie av computer software; konsultasjonstjenester vedrørende datamaskiner; databehandling 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (programmering); designtjenester for computer software; programmering for datamaskiner; utleie av datamaskiner; design av websider og av trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; informasjon på området datamaskiner fremskaffet online fra en computer database eller internett; oppretting og vedlikehold av websider og av trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; installasjon og vedlikehold av computer software; tilkobling og utleie av computer software; kompilering av websider i datanettverk (særlig internett) eller gjennom trådløs elektronisk kommunikasjon; webhotell [tilby vertsserver for andres hjemmesider] på internett eller på trådløst elektronisk kommunikasjonsutstyr; tilveiebringelse av tilgang til søkemotorer for å hente data og informasjon via globale nettverk; analyser, tester og overvåking av oljer, kjølemidler, fett og smøremidler; overvåking av drivstoff og smøremiddelnivåer i maskiner og i kjøretøy; analyser og diagnoser av slitasjegrad, defekter og mangler i motorer og maskineri; rådgivningstjenester basert på resultatene av de forannevnte analysene og diagnosene; overvåkingstjenester relatert til service, smøring, vedlikehold og reparasjon av kjøretøy, motorer og maskineri. Klasse:43 Tilveiebringelse av mat og drikke, spesielt gatekjøkkenmat, i kafeteriaer og restauranter, gjestfrihetstjenester, spesielt fremskaffelse av mat og drikke; cateringtjenester; hotelltjenester; reservering av hotell og midlertidig losji. Klasse:45 Lisensiering av intellektuelle rettigheter; lisensieringstjenester for databaser. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253141 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200905950 Inndato: 2009.06.12 Registreringen 2019.10.22 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: PAYSON (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Payson AB, Karlavägen 50, 7 tr, 11449 STOCKHOLM, SE (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:36 Forsikringsvirksomhet, finansiell virksomhet; monetær virksomhet med fast eiendom. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 8 registrerte varemerker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253144 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200907908 Inndato: 2009.08.06 Registreringen 2019.10.22 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: WH (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253142 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908868 Inndato: 2009.09.03 Registreringen 2019.10.22 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: sprek & lett veien til et lettere liv (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: American Sports Licensing Inc, 300 Delaware Avenue, Suite 548, DE19801 WILMINGTON, US (740) Fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Postboks 5074 Majorstua, 0301 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:25 Klær og hodeplagg. Klasse:28 Golfballer, golfklubber, golfsett (package sets), golfbagger, golfhansker, hodebeskyttelse(head covers), reisetrekk, ballmarkører, greengafler (pitch forks), pegger (tees), golfhåndklær, golfparaplyer, treningsballbagger. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Ja (730) Innehaver: Tveitan-Gruppen AS, Rudsletta 38, 1351 RUD, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:41 Nettbasert utdannelses-, opplærings- og undervisningsvirksomhet; nettbasert organisering, arrangering og ledelse av kurs og seminarer; nettbasert helseklubbvirksomhet; utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; organisering, arrangering og ledelse av kurs og seminarer; utgivelse av bøker; fysisk trening; gymnastikkundervisning; helseklubbvirksomhet; publisering av elektroniske bøker og tidsskrifter on-line; undervisning. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253143 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908869 Inndato: 2009.09.03 Registreringen 2019.10.22 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: KEMEGUARD KEMEGUARD (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Kemira Chemicals Inc, 1950 Vaughn Road, GA30144 KENNESAW, US (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Avleiringskjemikalier til bruk i olje-, gass, metallurgi og gruveindustrier. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 9 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253145 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200907909 Inndato: 2009.08.06 Registreringen 2019.10.22 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: LH 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253147 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908425 Inndato: 2009.08.21 Registreringen 2019.10.22 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: TAKE THE HEAT TAKE THE HEAT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: The Procter & Gamble Company, One Procter & Gamble Plaza, OH45202 CINCINNATI, US (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Såper, parfymevarer, eteriske oljer, kosmetikk, hårvann, preparater for rengjøring, pleie og forskjønnelse av hud, hodebunn og hår, hårstylingprodukter, preparater for toning, bleking, farging og kolorering av hår. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: American Sports Licensing Inc, 300 Delaware Avenue, Suite 548, DE19801 WILMINGTON, US (740) Fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Postboks 5074 Majorstua, 0301 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:25 Klær og hodeplagg. Klasse:28 Golfballer, golfklubber, golfsett (package sets), golfbagger, golfhansker, hodebeskyttelse(head covers), reisetrekk, ballmarkører, greengafler (pitch forks), pegger (tees), golfhåndklær, golfparaplyer, treningsballbagger. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253148 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200907910 Inndato: 2009.08.06 Registreringen 2019.10.22 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: MX (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253146 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908870 Inndato: 2009.09.03 Registreringen 2019.10.22 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: KEMGUARD (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: American Sports Licensing Inc, 300 Delaware Avenue, Suite 548, DE19801 WILMINGTON, US (740) Fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Postboks 5074 Majorstua, 0301 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:25 Klær og hodeplagg. Klasse:28 Golfballer, golfklubber, golfsett (package sets), golfbagger, golfhansker, hodebeskyttelse(head covers), reisetrekk, ballmarkører, greengafler (pitch forks), pegger (tees), golfhåndklær, golfparaplyer, treningsballbagger. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 KEMGUARD (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Kemira Chemicals Inc, 1950 Vaughn Road, GA30144 KENNESAW, US (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Avleiringskjemikalier til bruk i olje-, gass, metallurgi og gruveindustrier. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 10 registrerte varemerker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253151 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908873 Inndato: 2009.09.03 Registreringen 2019.10.22 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: BLACK OWL GOLF (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253149 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908917 Inndato: 2009.09.08 Registreringen 2019.10.22 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: OSP (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Bransjenett & Skiferprodukter Tor-Semon Josten, Slåvegen 83, 2670 OTTA, NO (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:20 Møbler, speil, billedrammer, varer (ikke opptatt i andre klasser) av tre, kork, rør, rotting, kurvflettverk, horn, ben, elfenben, hvalben, skall og skjell, rav, perlemor, merskum og erstatningsstoffer for alle disse materialer, eller av plast Klasse:21 Husholdnings- og kjøkkenredskaper samt beholdere; kammer og svamper, børster (ikke malerpensler); materialer for børstebinding; gjenstander til rengjøringsformål; stålull; råglass eller halvfabrikata av glass (ikke glass til bygningsbruk); glassvarer, porselen og keramikk (ikke opptatt i andre klasser). Klasse:35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; salg over internett av varer i klassene 20 og 21 (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: GolfStore Group AB, Box 508, 23525 VELLINGE, SE (740) Fullmektig: ABC-Patent, Siviling. Rolf Chr. B. Larsen AS, Postboks 6150 Etterstad, 0602 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:18 Kofferter og reisevesker; paraplyer, parasoller og spaserstokker, golfskoposer for reiseformål; sportsbager, pakkeposer, dokumentmapper, poser for verdisaker, lærhåndvesker og belter av lær. Klasse:25 Klær for golf, fottøy for golf, hodeplagg for golf; skjorter, gensere for golf, jakker for golf, vindjakker for golf, hatter for golf, capser for golf, solskjermer for golf, langbukser for golf, kortbukser for golf, T-skjorter for golf; golfsko; piggsko. Klasse:28 Golfspill og golfleker; sportsartikler for golf, ikke inkludert i andre klasser, golfkøller; golfbager med eller uten hjul; golfhansker; hullageverktøy (golfutstyr), beskyttelsesfutteraler (headcovers) for golfkøller; overtrekk (formsydde) for golfbager; overtrekk (formsydde) for golfkøller; håndtak/grep for golfkøller; skaft for golfkøller; golfballer; veskestativ for golfvesker, golfpegger; golfutstyr; deler og komponenter til alle nevnte varer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253150 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908872 Inndato: 2009.09.03 Registreringen 2019.10.22 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: SKRUVEN SKRUVEN (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Diplom-Is AS, Brennaveien 10, 1483 SKYTTA, NO (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:30 Spiseis, iskrem, fløteis, fruktis og andre spiseisprodukter. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 11 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253152 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200907904 Inndato: 2009.08.06 Registreringen 2019.10.22 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: LADY HAGEN 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253156 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200904651 Inndato: 2009.05.07 Registreringen 2019.10.22 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: OSL2O11 Holmenkollen LADY HAGEN (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: American Sports Licensing Inc, 300 Delaware Avenue, Suite 548, DE19801 WILMINGTON, US (740) Fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Postboks 5074 Majorstua, 0301 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:25 Klær og hodeplagg. Klasse:28 Golfballer, golfklubber, golfsett (package sets), golfbagger, golfhansker, hodebeskyttelse(head covers), reisetrekk, ballmarkører, greengafler (pitch forks), pegger (tees), golfhåndklær, golfparaplyer, treningsballbagger. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Ski-VM 2011 AS, Serviceboks Ullevål Stadion, 0840 OSLO, NO (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:4 Oljer og fett til industrielle formål; smøremidler, brensel og belysningsstoffer; industrielle brenngasser, inkludert butan, nafta, propan, propen og blandinger av nevnte gasser, alle i gass form eller flytende form; mineral oljer; flytende naturgass (LNG); kondensert hydrokarbongass (LPG); petroleum, bensin, gassoljer, forbrenningsgass; lys og veker for lys. Klasse:9 Eksponerte filmer, lysbilder, små elektroniske spill alene for bruk med TV-apparater; videospill; videospillkonsoller; spill for spillehaller; videospillmaskiner; videospillkassetter; videospilldisker; computer software (innspilte programmer), inkludert computer software for spill; computerprogrammer og databaser; tilbehør til bruk sammen med videospill, kontroller, spillkontroller, stemmeaktiverte eller håndstyrte, ratt og dansematter; innspilt eller nedlastet lyd, bilde eller data; magnetiske, digitale eller analoge opptaksmedia for lyd eller bilder; videobånd, magnetiske bånd, magnetiske disker, DVD-er, CD-er, disketter, optiske disker, kompaktdisker, CD-ROM, videodisker, minnekort; USB-minnepinner, tomme eller forhåndsinnspilte med musikk, lyd eller bilder (som kan være tegnefilmer); hologrammer; publikasjoner i elektronisk format via CD-ROM, databaser og Internet; briller, solbriller, etuier og snorer for solbriller og briller; kikkerter; magneter og dekorative magneter; kompasser; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; parabolantenner; dekodere, nemlig computer software og hardware som kan konvertere, tilføre og overføre audio og video data; fjernsynsapparater, flatskjermer, LCDskjermer, høyoppløsningsskjermer og plasmaskjermer; radioer; hjemmekinoanlegg; videoopptakere; CD-spillere; DVD-spillere; MP3-spillere; digitalt musikkformat spillere; høyttalere; hodetelefon med tilkoblet mikrofon, hodetelefoner og øretelefoner; computere; karaokesystemer; audio mikse- og redigeringssystemer; video mikse- og redigeringssystemer; computer databehandlingsapparater; computer tastaturer; computer skjermer; modemer; (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253154 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200902529 Inndato: 2009.03.12 Registreringen 2019.10.22 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: KOCKENS (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Ja (730) Innehaver: KOCKENS AB, Box 45, 29034 FJÄLKINGE, SE (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Buljong, buljongkonsentrat, spiselige oljer, grilloljer, marinader, glasur, pektin, gelatin. Klasse:30 Krydder, smakstilsetninger for næringsmidler, mel, potetmel, fortykningsmiddel for matlaging, salt, sauser (smakstilsetninger), sennep, eddik, bakepulver, gjær, spiselige kakedekorasjoner. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 12 registrerte varemerker Klasse:12 Klasse:14 Klasse:16 tilbehør til computere inkludert i denne klassen, datamus og musematter; navigasjonssystemer; personlige digitale assistenter, elektroniske lommetranslatører; diktatmaskiner; elektroniske notatbøker og agendaer; skannere, printere; fotokopieringsmaskiner; faksoverføringsmaskiner; telefoner, telefonsvarerapparater; videotelefoner; mobiltelefoner; tilbehør for mobiltelefoner inkludert i denne klassen, nemlig mobiltelefondeksler, utstyr for håndfri bruk av mobiltelefoner, øretelefoner og hodetelefoner med mikrofon for mobiltelefoner, tastatur for mobiltelefoner, stropper for mobiltelefoner, spesialbærevesker for mobiltelefoner, videokamera og kameratilbehør for mobiltelefoner; fjernkontroller for fjernsyn og videosystemer; videokonferansesystemer; kalkulatorer; kredittkortmaskiner; pengevekslingsmaskiner; minibanker; videokameraer, bærbare kameraer med innebygd videospiller; fotoutstyr, kameraer, filmkameraer, prosjektører, blitslys, kameraetuier, batterier og celler; computer skjermsparerprogrammer; forhåndsinnspilte eller tomme magnetiske, digitale eller analoge lyd- eller bildeopptaksmedia; magnetiske kort (kodede); minnekort; mikroprosessorkort; magnetiske eller computerchip kredittkort, magnetiske eller computerchip telefonkort, magnetiske eller computerchipkort for pengevekslingsmaskiner; magnetiske eller computerchipkort for minibanker og valutaveksling, magnetiske eller computerchip forhåndsbetalte kort for mobiltelefoner, magnetiske eller computerchipkort for reiser og underholdning, magnetiske eller computerchip sjekk garantikort og magnetiske eller computer chip betalingskort; elektriske strykejern; sikkerhetsalarmer; elektroniske salgsautomater; betalingssystem for elektronisk handel; vindpølser (for angivelse av vindretning); distansemålerapparater; fartsmålings- og indikasjonsapparater (fotografering), papirvekter. Sykler, motorsykler, biler, lastebiler, varebiler, busser, kjølevogner; fly og båter; ballonger, varmluftballonger og luftskip; tilbehør til biler, nemlig solskjermer, dekkovertrekk, takgrinder, skistativ, hjulfelger og hjulkapsel; pneumatiske dekk, setetrekk, biltrekk, barnevogner, sportsvogner, sikkerhetsseter for babyer og barn; motorer og maskiner for landkjøretøyer. Juvelervarer, smykker, bijouterivarer; klokker og veggur, vekkerklokker; armbåndsur; ur; stoppeklokker; pendelur; medaljonger, anheng, halssmykker; urkasser; armbånd av edelt metall; pins; emblemer eller insignier av edelmetall; pins for lag og spillere; slipsnåler og slipsklemmer; mansjettknapper; medaljer, pokaler, trofeer, statuer, skulpturer, alle laget av edelmetall; pyntenøkkelringer av edelmetall; prydnøkkelringer; mynter; medaljer for klær; medaljonger for klær. Pengeklyper for sedler; farge- og tegnebøker; aktivitetsbøker; tidsskrift; aviser; bøker og magasiner, inkludert de som relaterer seg til idrettsutøvere og sportsarrangementer; bokmerker; trykket undervisningsmateriell (unntatt apparater); skjemaer (for nedskriving av resultater); arrangementsprogrammer; arrangementsalbum; fotografialbum; autografbøker; trykte tidstabeller, pamfletter; samlekort av spillere; bilklistremerker, klistremerker, album, klistremerkealbum; postere; fotografier; papirduker; papirservietter; papirposer; invitasjonskort; Klasse:18 Klasse:20 13 2009.11.02 - 45/09 lykkeønskningskort; gavepapir; flaske- og karaffelbrikker, kuvertbrikker og bordsett av papir; søppelsekker av papir eller plast; innpakningspapir for lagring av mat; kaffefilter av papir; etiketter (ikke av tekstil); håndklær av papir; våtservietter av papir; toalettpapir; papir og/eller papp bokser for lommetørklær; servietter av papir for fjerning av sminke; barnebleier av papir (engangsbruk); skrivesaker, papirvarer og undervisningsmateriell(unntatt apparater); papir til skrivemaskiner; kopieringspapir; konvolutter; kladdeblokker; skrivebøker; notatbøker(ikke elektroniske); notatblokker; papirark for notater; skrivepapir; innbindingspapir; permer; bokomslagspapir; selvlysende papir; selvklebende papir for notater; kreppapir; papirduker; emblemer eller insignier av papir; papirflagg; papirvimpler; skriveinstrumenter; penner (kontorrekvisita); blyanter; kulepenn; sett med kulepenner og blyanter; tusjpenner; fiberspisspenner og filtpenner; markeringspenner; blekk, blekkputer, gummistempler; skrivemaskiner (elektriske og ikke-elektriske); litografier, litografiske kunstgjenstander; malerier (innrammet eller ikke-innrammet); malerskrin (skole¬materiell); male- og fargeblyanter; kritt; dekorasjoner for blyanter (skrivesaker); trykklisjeer; adressebøker; dagbøker; planleggingskalendere; veikart; billetter; inngangsbilletter; loddseddel; skrapekort; sjekker; tegneserier; kalendere; postkort; reklameskilt og bannere og utstyr inkludert i denne klassen; overføringsbilder (dekalkomanibilder); varmeoverføringsetiketter og -bilder; kontorrekvisita (unntatt møbler); korreksjonsvæsker (kontorartikler); gummiviskelær; blyantspissere; blyantholdere; pennaler; stativer og beholdere for kontorartikler; binders; tegnestifter; linjaler; klebebånd for papirvarer, klebebåndsfordelere (papirhandelsvare); stifter; sjablonger (papirvarer); dokumentholdere; brevklyper; skriveplate med papirholder; notisblokkholdere; forretningskortholdere; bokstøtter; frimerker; kredittkort, telefonkort, kontantkort, minibankkort, reisekort og rabattkort for underholdningsshows, sjekk garantikort og betalingskort (ikke magnetiske) laget av papir og/eller papp; babybleiebukser av papir og cellulose for engangsbruk; adresselapper av papir for bagasje; omslag for pass; reisesjekker; omslag for reisesjekkbøker. Varer av lær og lærimitasjoner; håndvesker; vesker, herunder sportsvesker; bager, bærebager; ryggsekker og kofferter, reisevesker, vesker, vadsekker; pengepunger, lommebøker; dokumentmapper; paraplyer og parasoller. Speil; varer laget av plast, nemlig souvernirstatuer, figuriner, statuetter, trofeer; armbånd av plast; puter; puter som tilbehør til bil; sitteputer for anvendelse i friluft; soveposer; møbler, møbler og tilbehør; stoler for innendørs og utendørs bruk; hyller (møbler), utstillingsstativ; faste ikke-metalliske håndkleholdere; kleshengere; vifter til personlig bruk; reklameobjekter (både oppblåsbare og stive) av plast distribuert og solgt av næringsdrivende i forbindelse med og under sportsstevner i form av store plasthender, klaprende hender, bankestenger og -pinner, vifter oppblåsbare salgstavler og oppblåsbare målomgivelser; utstilling eller skilt (møbler) for utsalgssteder; bokhyller; bilderammer; utstillingsstativ for papirvarer; ikke-metalliske flaske lokk; flaskekorker av registrerte varemerker Klasse:21 Klasse:24 Klasse:25 Klasse:28 Klasse:29 Klasse:30 Klasse:31 Klasse:32 Klasse:35 edelmetall. Glassvarer, porselen og keramikk (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); keramikkprodukter for husholdningsbruk; fat (ikke av edelmetall), fajansevarer; vaser; beholdere, begere, glass, mugger og kopper (ikke av edelmetall), herunder for drikke; tallerkener (ikke av edelmetall), serviser (ikke av edelmetall), skåler; tekanner (ikke av edelmetall), kaffekanner av uedelt metall, ikke elektriske; karaffelbrikker (ikke av papir eller tekstil); flaskeåpnere, flasker; kammer, hårbørster, tannbørster; svamper for husholdningsbruk; suvenirasjetter og -krus, tekanner, alle laget av edelmetall. Soveposer (sydde lakenposer); laken; vatterte sengetepper; sengetepper; putevar; gardiner; dusjforheng; draperier; håndklær; badelaken; oppvaskkluter og oppvaskhåndklær; tepper; lommetørklær av stoff; veggtapeter av tekstil; flagg; bannere; vimpler; bordduker av stoff; etiketter av tekstiler. Klær; sko og fottøy, hodeplagg; skjorter; sweater trøyer; tennisskjorter; ermeløse bluser; t-skjorter; vester; kjoler; skjørt, undertøy; badetøy, shorts; bukser; jumpere; strikkede luer; luer; hatter; skulderskjerf; skjerf; lueskygger; treningsdrakter; treningsgensere; jakker; blazere; vanntette klær; frakker; uniformer; slips; håndledd- og pannebånd; hansker (bekledning); forklær; smekker; sportsvester; stadiumssmekker; pyjamaser; sparkebukser og lekedresser for små barn; sokker og strømper; strømpeholdere; belter; bukseseler. Spill, leketøy; brettspill; koseleker og dokker; lekebiler; puslespill; ballonger; oppblåsbare leker; sett i form av små brikker (caps) til lek; gymnastikk og sportsutstyr; skiutstyr; sportsbagger spesielt utformet for bestemte ting; moroartikler; små elektroniske spill andre enn for bruk med tv-apparater; håndformede objekter av skum (leketøy); spillkort; konfetti; roboter for underholdning. Hermetisk kjøtt, fisk, grønnsaker og frukt; ferdigretter og småretter hovedsakelig av kjøtt, fisk, vilt, frukt eller grønnsaker, snacks og idrettsnæringsmidler av kjøtt, fisk, grønnsaker og kornprodukter; melkeprodukter, drikker av melk eller hovedsakelig av melk; syltetøy; konserverte, tørrede og kokte frukter og grønnsaker; preparerte nøtter; potetchips. Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris; mel og kornprodukter, müsli; popcorn, brød, kaker, kjeks, bakverk og konditorvarer, ikkemedisinske konfektyrer; spiseis og iskremprodukter, brødpålegg tilberedt av sjokolade, nougat eller honning, sjokolade og sjokoladevarer; søtsaker; sauser; kaffe-, kakao og sjokoladedrikker, pulver for fremstilling av kaffe-, kakao- og sjokoladedrikker. Jordbruks-, hagebruks- og skogbruksprodukter, samt korn, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; friske frukter og grønnsaker. Ikke-alkoholholdige drikker; saft og andre preparater for fremstilling av ikkealkoholholdige drikker; mineralvann og kullsyreholdig vann; annen ikke-alkoholholdige drikke; frukt- og grønnsaksdrikker og frukt og grønnsaksjuicer; drikker av frossen frukt; øl, mørkt øl, pils og lyst øl; ikke-alkoholholdig øl. Arbeidsformidlingstjenester; personellrekruttering; reklametjenester; firmaer for annonsering av reklamemateriell; reklamebyråtjenester; annonsering via Internet og via alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; utsendelse av reklamemateriell; utleie av reklameplass; utleie Klasse:36 14 2009.11.02 - 45/09 av reklametid i rulletekst; fjernsyns- og radioreklame; reklame i form av animert tegnefilm; tjenester fra salgsfremmende byråer; tjenester fra sportsfremmende byråer og PR-virksomhet; markedsføring av skibegivenheter; tjenester for markedsundersøkelser, markedsundersøkelser, meningsmålingstjenester; organisering av handels- og reklameutstillinger; organisering av annonsering i forbindelse med messer; tjenester for oppretting av databaser, spesielt, innsamling og utarbeidelse av informasjon for databaser; databaseadministrasjonstjenester; utarbeidelse av statistisk informasjon; markedsføring av idrettsstevner, herunder skistevner; annonserings- og salgsfremmende tjenester, informasjonstjenester relatert til annonsering og markedsføring, reklameinformasjonstjenester, disse forskjellige tjenestene skaffet fra en computer database eller via Internet eller på alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; kompilering av reklamer for bruk som Internettsider på Internet og på alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; tilrådighetsstillelse av plass på en Internettside og på alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk for annonsering av varer eller tjenester; auksjoner holdt på Internet eller på alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; kompilering av registre for publikasjon på Internet og på alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; forretningsadministrasjonstjenester for behandling av salg foretatt over Internet og på alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; kompilering og vedlikehold av et register over domene navn; salgsfremmende tjenester, nemlig, fremskaffelse av fordelsprogrammer for kunder; fremskaffelse av bonusfordeler for klienter på sportsarenaer gjennom utstedelse av supportergaranti og medlemskort som inneholder personlige data om innehaveren; tjenester for kontroll av tilgang til sportsarenaer gjennom utstedelsen av supportergaranti og medlemskort som inneholder personlig data om innehaveren; kompilering av informasjon inn i databaser og spesielt av stillbilder eller levende bilder; markedsføring av sportsarrangementer innenfor ski; markedsføring av varer og tjenester for tredjeparter, ved kontraktsmessige avtaler, spesielt sponsorvirksomhet og lisensieringsavtaler, tilby dem økt merkebevissthet og forbedret image utledet fra kulturelle og sportslige arrangementer, spesielt internasjonale arrangementer, registrering av data og informasjon om sportsprestasjoner; markedsføring av fotballbegivenheter; markedsføring av rettigheter (syndikasjon) til film og video og opptak av lyd og bilder, så vel som interaktive CD-er, CD ROM, dataprogrammer og dataspill. Utstedelse og administrasjon av kredittkort og reisesjekker; finansielle tjenester; banktjenester, kredit- og fondsinvesteringer; forsikring; kreditt; finansiell sponsing av sportsmøter; finans- og forsikringsinformasjonstjenester, fremskaffet fra en computer database eller via Internet eller på alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; nettbanktjenester; internettbanktjenester på alle typer trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; betalingstjenester ved bruk av trådløse registrerte varemerker Klasse:38 elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk. Telekommunikasjonstjenester; mobiltelefonskommunikasjon; kommunikasjon via teleks; kommunikasjon via dataterminaler, via databaser og på Internett-basert telekommunikasjonsnettverk, eller alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; telegraftjenester; kommunikasjon via telefon; telekommunikasjonstjenester for formidling av betaling og betalingstjenester ved bruk av trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; faksimilekommunikasjon; radioanropstjenester; konferansetjenester via telefon eller video; fjernsynskringkasting; kringkasting av kabelfjernsynsprogrammer; radiokringkasting; nyhetsbyråtjenester; andre meldingsoverføringstjenester; utleie av telefoner, faksmaskiner og andre kommunikasjonsapparater; fremskaffelse av informasjon gjennom datakommunikasjon eller via alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk innen handelssektoren; fjernsyns- og radioprogramoverførings og kringkastingstjenester fremskaffet via Internet eller via alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; samtidig kringkasting av filmopptak og lyd- og videoopptak; elektronisk post; fremskaffe tilgang til telematikk servere og til samtalegrupper i sanntid; datastøttet overføring av meldinger og bilder; fremskaffe tilgang til netthandel og bestillingstjenester via datamaskin og/eller interaktiv kommunikasjonsteknologi; informasjonsoverføring (inkludert nettsteder på datakommunikasjonsnettverk) via telekommunikasjon, av dataprogrammer og annen data; elektroniske posttjenester; tjenester fra tilgangstilbydere til Internet eller alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk (telekommunikasjonstjenester); fremskaffe forbindelse for telekommunikasjon på Internet eller med databaser; fremskaffe tilgang til digitale musikknettsteder på Internet eller på alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; fremskaffe tilgang til mp3 webområder på Internet; utleie av tilgangstid til et databaseserversenter (telekommunikasjonstjenester); utleie av tilgangstid til en computer database (telekommunikasjonstjenester); overføring av digital musikk via telekommunikasjon; online overføring av elektroniske publikasjoner; digitale musikkoverføringer på Internet eller via alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; digital musikkoverføring via MP3 internettområder; samtidig kringkasting og/eller nettoverføring av interaktive undervisnings- eller underholdningsprodukter, CD-plater, CDROM, dataprogrammer og dataspill (telekommunikasjonstjenester); fremskaffe tilgang til computer oppslagstavler og prateforum i sanntid via et globalt datanettverk; utleie av tilgangstid til computer oppslagstavler og prateforum i sanntid via et globalt datanettverk; utleie av tilgangstid til en sentral databaseserver; utleie av tilgangstid til en sentralisert computer og computer databaser; utleie av tilgangstid til hjemme- og firmashopping og bestillingstjenester via et globalt computer nettverk; utleie av tilgangstid til internett via et globalt computer nettverk eller via trådløst elektronisk kommunikasjonsutstyr; utleie av tilgangstid til nettsider som inneholder digital musikk via et Klasse:39 Klasse:41 15 2009.11.02 - 45/09 globalt computer nettverk eller trådløst elektronisk kommunikasjonsutstyr; utleie av tilgangstid til MP3-nettsider på internett via et globalt computer nettverk eller via trådløst elektronisk kommunikasjonsutstyr. Drift av reisebyrå, nemlig organisering og reservering av turer; billettreservering, informasjons- og fremskaffelsestjenester for reise; transport via fly, tog, buss og vogn; transport via skip; tjenester for skipsfart; turistreisetjenester; bilutleie; utleie av parkeringsplass; taxitransport; transport av varer på skip; distribusjon av vann, varme, gass og elektrisitet; avis-, tidsskrift- og boklevering; posttjenester, bud- og postleveringstjenester; lagring av varer; distribusjon av løsningsmidler, parafiner, voks, bitumen og oljeprodukter, med unntak av flytende gass; distribusjon av film og lyd- og bildeopptak; distribusjon av interaktiv undervisning og underholdning, interaktive CD-plater, CD-ROM, dataprogrammer og dataspill. Utdanning; opplæring; underholdning; drift av lotterier og konkurranser; veddemål og spilltjenester; underholdnings-tjenester i forbindelse med sportsbegivenheter; gjestfrihetstjenester (sport, underholding); sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; organisering av sportslige og kulturelle begivenheter og aktiviteter; organisering av sportskonkurranser; organisering av fotballbegivenheter; billettreservering, informasjons- og anskaffelsestjenester for sport og underholdning; bruk av sportsfasiliteter; utleie av video- og audiovisuelle systemer; produksjon, presentasjon, distribusjon, og/eller utleie av film og audio- og videoopptak; produksjon, presentasjon, distribusjon, og/eller utleie av interaktive undervisnings- og underholdningsprodukter, interaktive CDplater, CD-ROM, dataprogrammer og dataspill; dekning av sportsbegivenheter i radiosendinger og på fjernsyn; produksjonstjenester for radio- og fjernsynsprogrammer så vel som videobånd; bestilling av plasser til show og sportsbegivenheter; tidtaking under sportsbegivenheter; arrangering av skjønnhetskonkurranser, interaktiv underholdning; veddemåls og spilltjenester online over Internet og på alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; tilveiebringe tjenester i forbindelse med basarer og lotterier; informasjon innenfor underholdningsfeltet (inkludert sport) levert online fra en computer database eller via Internet eller via alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; tjenester for elektroniske spill levert over Internet; publikasjon av bøker og aviser; publikasjon av elektroniske bøker og aviser online; audio- og videoopptakstjenester; produksjon av animerte tegnefilmer for kino, produksjon av tegnefilmer for fjernsyn; utleie av lyd- og bildeopptak for underholdningsformål; informasjon om utdanning, levert online fra en computer database eller via Internet eller via alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; organisering av diskusjonsgrupper på Internet og på alle andre trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; oversettertjenester; fotografiske tjenester; fremskaffelse av underholdingsinfrastruktur; utleie av maskiner og instrumenter for fremkalling, kopiering, forstørring eller klargjøring av fotografier; utleie av lyd- og bildeopptak. registrerte varemerker Utleie av tilgangstid til søkemotorer for å se på data og informasjon over/gjennom et globalt nettverk; utleie av computer software; konsultasjonstjenester vedrørende datamaskiner; databehandling (programmering); designtjenester for computer software; programmering for datamaskiner; utleie av datamaskiner; design av websider og av trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; informasjon på området datamaskiner fremskaffet online fra en computer database eller internett; oppretting og vedlikehold av websider og av trådløse elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; installasjon og vedlikehold av computer software; tilkobling og utleie av computer software; kompilering av websider i datanettverk (særlig internett) eller gjennom trådløs elektronisk kommunikasjon; webhotell [tilby vertsserver for andres hjemmesider] på internett eller på trådløst elektronisk kommunikasjonsutstyr; tilveiebringelse av tilgang til søkemotorer for å hente data og informasjon via globale nettverk; analyser, tester og overvåking av oljer, kjølemidler, fett og smøremidler; overvåking av drivstoff og smøremiddelnivåer i maskiner og i kjøretøy; analyser og diagnoser av slitasjegrad, defekter og mangler i motorer og maskineri; rådgivningstjenester basert på resultatene av de forannevnte analysene og diagnosene; overvåkingstjenester relatert til service, smøring, vedlikehold og reparasjon av kjøretøy, motorer og maskineri. Klasse:43 Tilveiebringelse av mat og drikke, spesielt gatekjøkkenmat, i kafeteriaer og restauranter, gjestfrihetstjenester, spesielt fremskaffelse av mat og drikke; cateringtjenester; hotelltjenester; reservering av hotell og midlertidig losji. Klasse:45 Lisensiering av intellektuelle rettigheter; lisensieringstjenester for databaser. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Klasse:42 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253158 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908921 Inndato: 2009.09.04 Registreringen 2019.10.22 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: GLITZ GLITZ (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Nidar AS, Bromstadveien 2, 7005 TRONDHEIM, NO (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:30 Sjokolade, sukkervarer, sukkerfrie pastiller og drops. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253159 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908922 Inndato: 2009.09.04 Registreringen 2019.10.22 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: BLIZT BLIZT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Nidar AS, Bromstadveien 2, 7005 TRONDHEIM, NO (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:30 Sjokolade, sukkervarer, sukkerfrie pastiller og drops. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253157 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908696 Inndato: 2009.09.01 Registreringen 2019.10.22 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Fjord Fishing Equipment A/S (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Fjord Fishing Equipment AS, Støbban 4, 7517 HELL, NO (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:28 Teiner, fiskeutstyr (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 16 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253161 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsprioritet 2009.07.01 EM 008399412 Søknadsnr.: 200908698 Inndato: 2009.09.01 Registreringen 2019.10.22 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: EASY FLEX 253160 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908697 Inndato: 2009.08.04 Registreringen utløper: 2019.10.22 Gjengivelse av merket: LA FAMILIA MUNCH & YAÑEZ EASY FLEX (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Asp-Holmblad A/S, Vallensbækvej 12, 2605 BRØNDBY, DK (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:34 Artikler for røkere, fyrstikker og lightere. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (546) 253162 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200906719 Inndato: 2009.07.02 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: KOKSTADMETODEN Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Guillermo Yañez Munch, Gamle Bygdevei 192B, 1284 OSLO, NO (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt; kjøttekstrakter; konserverte, tørrede, frosne og kokte frukter og grønnsaker, geleer, syltetøy, kompotter, egg, melk og melkeprodukter; spiselige oljer og fett; pølser og kjøttprodukter; hermetiske oliven. Klasse:30 Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning; mel og næringsmidler av korn, brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer, spiseis; honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt, sennep; eddik, sauser, krydderier, is. Klasse:32 Øl; mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikke-alkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker. Klasse:33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl.). (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 KOKSTADMETODEN (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Kokstad Bedriftshelsetjeneste, Kokstaddalen 27A, 5257 KOKSTAD, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester; forskning og utvikling relatert til industriell analyse; forskning; yrkeshygienikere, ergonomer, psykologer og rådgivere som gjør risikovurderinger i forhold til lys, vibrasjoner, oljetåke, oljedamp, ulik kjemisk eksponering, støv, klima, biologiske faktorer og elektromagnetiske felt/stråling via innsamling av data og kartlegging på ulike arbeidsplasser; vurderinger omkring ergonomiske og psykososiale forhold på ulike arbeidsplasser; analysering og gjennomgåelse av resultatene; det medisinske formålet for dette arbeidet er bedre helse for arbeidstakere. Klasse:44 Medisinske tjenester for mennesker; bedriftshelsetjeneste; analysering av de omgivelser som mennesker arbeider i for å redusere helseplager og den risiko de utsettes for; systematisk helseovervåking for å opprettholde størst mulig grad av helse for arbeidstakere i bedrifter. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 17 registrerte varemerker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253164 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200907239 Inndato: 2009.07.17 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Crosspiration (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253163 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200907269 Inndato: 2009.07.20 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: AVST AVST Crosspiration (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Environ Skin Care (Pty) Ltd, Access Park North Site KENILWORTH, WESTERN CAPE, ZA (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Såper, parfymevarer, eteriske oljer, kosmetikk, hårvann; tannpussemidler, hudbehandlingspreparater; hudbehandlingsmidler. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Tandberg Industridesign, Postboks 132, 1431 ÅS, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; arbeidsformidling; auksjonssalg; bistand for ledelse av handelseller industribedrifter; konsultasjon for bedriftsog forretningsledelse; bistand for bedriftsledelse; konsultasjoner om bedriftsledelse; bedriftsundersøkelser; dekorering av butikkvinduer; byråer for handelsinformasjon; import- og eksportagenturer; bistand for ledelse av handels- eller industrivirksomhet; markedsstudier; markedsundersøkelser; organisering av messer for salg og markedsføring; modelltjenester for reklame og salg; rådgivning om organisasjons- og forretningsledelse; organisering av utstillinger for handels- og reklameformål; organisering av messer for salg og markedsføring; outsourcingtjenester (forretningsassistanse); prokura (handel på andres vegne); Public Relation (PR-virksomhet); publisering av reklametekster; fjernsynsreklame; reklamebyråer; utarbeidelse av reklametekster; reklamevirksomhet; salgsfremmende tjenester (for tredjemann); skriving av reklametekster; sponsorsøktjenester; markedsstudier; bedriftsledelse for utøvende kunstnere; økonomisk planlegging; økonomiske beregninger. Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; akademier (utdanning); læreanstalter; arrangering og ledelse av praktiske seminarer; utgivelse av bøker; digital bildebearbeidelse; elektronisk setting (for trykking); filmproduksjon; filmproduksjon på videobånd; filmstudioer; fjernsynssunderholdning; fotografering; fotografireportasjer; fremvisning (in live); instruksjon (opplæring); undervisning; kalligrafitjenester; filmfremvisning; klubbvirksomhet (underholdning eller utdannelse); organisering av konkurranser vedrørende undervisning eller underholdning; organisering av konkurranser; layouttjenester, andre enn reklameformål; museumsdrift (fremvisning, utstilling); museumstjenester; organisering av kulturelle arrangement (impresariotjenester); organisering av mottakelser (underholdning); organisering og ledelse av kollokvium; organisering og ledelse av konferanser; organisering og ledelse av kongresser; organisering og ledelse av seminarer; organisering og ledelse av symposium; produksjon av radio- og fjernsynsprogram; publisering av elektroniske bøker og tidskrifter on-line; radiounderholdning; skoler (kost- og pensjonat-); skriving av tekster (andre enn for 18 registrerte varemerker reklameforhold); tekstforfattervirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; korrespondanseundervisning; informasjon vedrørende utdannelse; utgivelse av bøker; utgivelse av tekster, andre enn reklametekster; organisering av utstillinger for kulturelle og utdannelsesformål; yrkesveiledning; videofilming. Klasse:42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer; arkitekter; byplanlegging; emballasjedesign; industrielt design; industridesign; industriell formgiving; forskning (mekanisk-); forskning vedrørende mekanikk; teknisk forskning; forskning i forbindelse med miljøvern; forskning og utvikling av nye produkter (for tredjemann); grafisk formgiving; interiørarkitekter; interiørdekorering; interiørkonsulentvirksomhet; motedesigntjenester; motetegningvirksomhet; plantegning i forbindelse med bygging; prosjektstudier (tekniske); tegning [industridesign]; vedlikehold og opprettelse av websider for andre. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253166 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200907240 Inndato: 2009.07.17 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Design Hub Norway Design Hub Norway (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Tandberg Industridesign, Postboks 132, 1431 ÅS, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; arbeidsformidling; auksjonssalg; bistand for ledelse av handleseller industribedrifter; konsultasjon for bedriftsog forretningsledelse; bistand til bedriftsledelse; konsultasjoner om bedriftsledelse; bedriftsundersøkelser; dekorering av butikkvinduer; byråer for handelsinformasjon; import- og eksportagenturer,; bistand for ledelse av handels- eller industribedrifter; markedsstudier; markedsundersøkelser; organisering av messer for salg og markedsføring; modelltjenester for reklame og salg; rådgivning om organisasjons- og forretningsledelse; organisering av utstillinger for handels- og reklameformål; organisering av messer for salg og markedsføring; outsourcingtjenester (forretningsassistanse); prokura (handel på andres vegne); Public Relation (PR-virksomhet); publisering av reklametekster; fjernsynsreklame; reklamebyråer; utarbeidelse av reklametekster; reklamevirksomhet; salgsfremmende tjenester (for tredjemann); skriving av reklametekster; sponsorsøktjenester; markedsstudier; bedriftsledelse av utøvende kunstnere; økonomisk planlegging; økonomiske beregninger. Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; akademier (utdanning); læreanstalter; arrangering og ledelse av praktiske seminarer; utgivelse av bøker ; digital bildebearbeidelse; elektronisk setting (for trykking); filmproduksjon; filmproduksjon på videobånd; filmstudioer; fjernsynssunderholdning; fotografering; fotografireportasjer; fremvisning (in live); nstruksjon (opplæring); undervisning; kalligrafitjenester; filmfremvisning; klubbvirksomhet (underholdning eller utdannelse); organisering av konkurranser vedrørende undervisning eller underholdning; organisering av konkurranser; layouttjenester, andre enn reklameformål; museumsdrift (fremvisning, utstilling); museumstjenester; organisering av kulturelle arrangement (impresariotjenester); organisering av mottakelser (underholdning); organisering og ledelse av kollokvium; organisering og ledelse av konferanser; organisering og ledelse av kongresser; organisering og ledelse av seminarer; organisering og ledelse av symposium; produksjon av radio- og fjernsynsprogram; publisering av elektroniske bøker og tidskrifter on-line; radiounderholdning; skoler (kost- og pensjonat-);skriving av tekster (andre enn for (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253165 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908158 Inndato: 2009.08.13 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: STEVIOSA STEVIOSA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Soma Nordic AS, Årvollskogen 95, 1529 MOSS, NO (740) Fullmektig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Gjerdrums Vei 12, 0484 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske og veterinære preparater; hygieniske preparater for medisinske formål; dietetiske stoffer for medisinsk bruk, næringsmidler for spedbarn; plaster og forbindingsstoffer, materiale til tannplombering og til tannavtrykk; desinfeksjonsmidler, preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter; fungicider, herbicider; kosttilskudd. Klasse:30 Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning; mel og næringsmidler av korn, brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer, spiseis; honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt, sennep; eddik, sauser, krydderier, is. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 19 registrerte varemerker reklameforhold); tekstforfattervirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; korrespondanseundervisning; informasjon vedrørende utdannelse; utgivelse av bøker; utgivelse av tekster, andre enn reklametekster; organisering av utstillinger for kulturelle og utdannelsesformål; yrkesveiledning; videofilming. Klasse:42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer; arkitekter; byplanlegging; emballasjedesign; industrielt design; industridesign; industriell formgiving; forskning (mekanisk); forsking vedrørende mekanikk; teknisk forskning; forskning i forbindelse med miljøvern; forskning og utvikling av nye produkter (for tredjemann); grafisk formgiving; interiørarkitekter; interiørdekorering; interiørkonsulentvirksomhet; motetegningvirksomhet; motedesigntjenester; landmåling; plantegning i forbindelse med bygging; prosjektstudier (tekniske); tegning [industridesign]; vedlikehold og opprettelse av websider for andre. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253167 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908874 Inndato: 2009.09.03 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: PRIME WINE GROUP (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Threesome Holding AB, Frihamnen K, 11556 STOCKHOLM, SE (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS, Postboks 359 Sentrum, 0101 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:32 Øl; mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikke-alkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker. Klasse:33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl). (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 20 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253168 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908109 Inndato: 2009.08.11 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: den lille skarpe 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253169 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200906151 Inndato: 2009.06.18 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Lium MØBELVERKSTED SIDEN 1930 FRA MÅL TIL MØBEL (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Ellen Marie Dalland, Røsstadveien 321, 4640 SØGNE, NO (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirma Wangensteen Wigemyr & Co DA, Postboks 716, 4666 KRISTIANSAND S, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:31 Rosenrot og pors. Klasse:33 Alkoholholdig drikk. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Ja (730) Innehaver: Ole Lium Møbelverksted AS, Kvamsveien 51, 7336 MELDAL, NO (740) Fullmektig: Codex Advokat Oslo AS, Postboks 2743 Solli, 0204 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:20 Møbler; kontormøbler; møbelsnekkerarbeider; reoler; bokreoler; bordplater; bord; skrivebord; skranker; skap; arkivskap; stativer; møbeldører; skuffer; møbelhyller; innredninger for kontor, næringsbygg og offshore; deler, tilbehør og utstyr til forannevnte varer ikke opptatt i andre klasser. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 21 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253170 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet 2009.03.06 CH 52534/09 Søknadsnr.: 200908923 Inndato: 2009.09.04 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: VIRGINIA S. 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253172 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200907704 Inndato: 2009.08.02 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: B bea VIRGINIA S. (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Philip Morris Products SA, Quai Jeanrenaud 3, 2000 NEUCHÂTEL, CH (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:14 Edle metaller og deres legeringer og varer av edle metaller eller overtrukne hermed, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; juvelervarer, smykker, edle stener; ur og kronometriske instrumenter. Klasse:34 Tobakk, rå eller tilvirket; tobakksprodukter, herunder sigarer, sigaretter, sigarillos, tobakk for rulling av egne sigaretter, pipetobakk, tyggetobakk (skrå), snustobakk, kretek; snus; tobakkserstatninger (ikke for medisinske formål); artikler for røkere, herunder sigarettpapir og -munnstykker, sigarettfiltere, tobakksbokser, sigarettetuier og askebegre, piper, lommeapparater for rulling av sigaretter, lightere; fyrstikker. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: Merket er kombinert med tekst bea og logo "B". (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Kastum Management AS, Anna Rogstads vei 45A, 0592 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Parfymevarer og kosmetikk, herunder parfymer, kunstige øyenvipper -og bryn, sminkeprodukter, solbeskyttende midler, såper, sjampo, balsam, maskara, neglelakk, lotion for kosmetisk bruk, kosmetisk krem, hårfargestoffer, hårspray, produkter for hudpleie. Klasse:14 Bijouterivarer, armbånd, smykker, halskjeder. Klasse:25 Klær, herunder benklær, jeans, bluser, tskjorter, skjorter, undertøy, jakker, skjørt, frakker, kåper, kjoler, hodeplagg, støvler, skinnklær, yttertøy; hatter; sko. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253171 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet 2008.04.25 SE 0804147 Søknadsnr.: 200813300 Inndato: 2008.10.24 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: REPAY REPAY (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Stålteknik i Skellefteå AB, Box 725, 93127 SKELLEFTEÅ, SE (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Ubearbeidet og delvis bearbeidet stål; stålrør; stålplater; plater og skiver av metall. Klasse:40 Metallbearbeiding, inkludert figurskjæring av grovplater. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 22 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253173 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200709216 Inndato: 2007.08.08 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: DIALIGHT 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253174 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200906655 Inndato: 2009.06.30 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ChillBill DIALIGHT ChillBill (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Dialight Plc, 28 Vantage Park, Washingley Road, PE296SR HUNTINGDON, GB (740) Fullmektig: JK Thorsens Patentbureau AS, Postboks 9276 Grønland, 0134 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Elektrooptiske signalanordninger og instrumenter; veisignalanordninger, skinnesignalanordninger, flyplassignalanordninger, pilotsignaler; lysemitterende dioder og lysemitterende halvledere; infrarødemitterende halvledere; fotodioder; fototransistorer; lysemitterende fototransistorer, infrarødemitterende fototransistorer; belyste indikatorer for kretskortmontering; indikatorer for tavlemontering; opplyste kretskortmonteringsrekker; opplyste tavlemonteringsrekker; opplyste tavlemonteringsbrytere; optiske lysledere; punktfremvisningsanordninger; lysemitterende diode rekker og kretser for lysarmaturer omfattende trafikksignaler, utendørs opplysning og generell belysning; lysemitterende diodefargekontrollapparater; elektriske brytere; elektriske indikatorlys; elektriske indikatorlysrekker. Klasse:11 Apparater og innretninger for belysning; elektriske apparater og innretninger for belysning av flyplasser; varselhinderlys for flyplasser; signallys for flyplasser; halvlederemitterende flyplasshinderlys og signallys; lysemitterende diodeflyplasshinderlys og signallys; elektriske apparater og innretninger for belysning av jernbane; neonlamper; elektriske glødelamper; lysemitterende diodelamper; ingen av de forannevnte varer relatert til belysning for biler og lastebiler, vedlikehold- og diagnoseapparater og -instrumenter. Klasse:42 Spesialtilpasning og konstruksjon for tredjemann i området lysemitterende dioder og belysningsprodukter. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Tom Madslangrud - Hengekøyemannen, Postboks 575 Sentrum, 0105 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:20 Møbler. Klasse:25 Klær, fottøy og hodeplagg. Klasse:41 Utdanning innen stresshåndtering og mestring av avslapping. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253175 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908179 Inndato: 2009.08.17 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: GuardCabinet (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Ja (730) Innehaver: Guard Systems Engineering AS, Lunderingen 5, 3941 PORSGRUNN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Maskiner og verktøymaskiner; motorer (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); koblinger og anordninger for overføring av drivkraft (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); landbruksredskaper (andre enn manuelt drevne); rugemaskiner. Klasse:9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; brannslukningsapparater. Klasse:38 Telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 23 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253176 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908385 Inndato: 2009.08.19 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Mefurua fjellstue - det ville ekstra 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253177 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908709 Inndato: 2009.09.02 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: LaCultura. Mefurua fjellstue - det ville ekstra (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Rendalen Kommuneskoger KF, Kommunehuset, 2485 RENDALEN, NO (740) Fullmektig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Gjerdrums Vei 12, 0484 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. Klasse:43 Bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke; midlertidig innlosjering. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Ja (730) Innehaver: Toomaxx Handels GmbH, Stolberger Str. 92, 50933 KÖLN, DE (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:2 Maling, fernisser, lakker; rustbeskyttelsesmidler og treimpregneringsmidler; fargestoffer; beisemidler, ubearbeidet naturlig harpiks; bladmetaller og metallpulver for malere, dekoratører, trykkere og kunstnere. Klasse:4 Oljer og fett til industrielle formål; smøremidler; støvbindemidler; brensel (herunder motordrivstoffer) og belysningsstoffer; lys og veker for belysning. Klasse:6 Uedle metaller og legeringer av disse; bygningsmaterialer av metall; transportable hus av metall; materialer av metall for jernbanespor; ikke-elektriske kabler og -tråd av metall (uedelt); låsesmedarbeider og små gjenstander av metall (isenkramvarer); metallrør, sikkerhetsskap og -skrin; varer av uedelt metall (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); malmer. Klasse:9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; brannslukningsapparater; dørklokker; dørlukkere. Klasse:11 Apparater og innretninger for belysning, oppvarming, dampproduksjon, koking, kjøling, tørking, ventilasjon, vanntilførsel og sanitære formål; håndvasker; vaskebaljer. Klasse:14 Edle metaller og deres legeringer og varer av edle metaller eller overtrukne hermed, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; juvelervarer, smykker, edle stener; ur og kronometriske instrumenter. Klasse:16 Papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding; fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); 24 registrerte varemerker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253178 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908181 Inndato: 2009.08.17 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: GuardGreenPower plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); trykktyper, klisjeer. Klasse:18 Lær og lærimitasjoner samt varer av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, skinn og huder; kofferter og reisevesker; paraplyer, parasoller og spaserstokker, sveper, seletøy og salmakervarer. Klasse:19 Bygningsmaterialer (ikke av metall); stive rør (ikke av metall) for bygnings- og anleggsformål; asfalt, bek, tjære og bitumen; transportable hus (ikke av metall); monumenter (ikke av metall); gjerder; trapper; badehytter. Klasse:20 Møbler, speil, billedrammer, varer (ikke opptatt i andre klasser) av tre, kork, rør, rotting, kurvflettverk, horn, ben, elfenben, hvalben, skall og skjell, rav, perlemor, merskum og erstatningsstoffer for alle disse materialer, eller av plast. Klasse:21 Husholdnings- og kjøkkenredskaper samt beholdere; kammer og svamper, børster (ikke malerpensler); materialer for børstebinding; gjenstander til rengjøringsformål; stålull; råglass eller halvfabrikata av glass (ikke glass til bygningsbruk); glassvarer, porselen og keramikk (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); utegriller. Klasse:22 Tau, reip, hyssing, nett, telt, presenninger, seil, sekker (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); materiale til polstring (ikke av gummi eller plast); ubearbeidet tekstilfibermateriale; hengekøyer. Klasse:24 Tekstiler og tekstilvarer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; senge- og bordtepper. Klasse:27 Tepper, ryer, matter, linoleum og annet gulvbelegg; tapeter (ikke av tekstilmateriale). (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Ja (730) Innehaver: Guard Systems Engineering AS, Lunderingen 5, 3941 PORSGRUNN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Maskiner og verktøymaskiner; motorer (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); koblinger og anordninger for overføring av drivkraft (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); landbruksredskaper (andre enn manuelt drevne); rugemaskiner. Klasse:9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; brannslukningsapparater. Klasse:38 Telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253179 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908881 Inndato: 2009.09.04 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: CIBINQO CIBINQO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Pfizer Inc, 235 East 42nd Street, NY10017 NEW YORK, US (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater herunder farmasøytiske preparater for behandling av smerte. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 25 registrerte varemerker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253180 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200907912 Inndato: 2009.08.06 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: fuelgarden 253182 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200903668 Inndato: 2009.04.07 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: .biz Mediahuset Novas (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: Logo bestående av bokstaver i egen font og egen farge (591) Merket er i farger: Ja (730) Innehaver: Michiko AS, Statsminister Michelsens veg 38, 5231 PARADIS, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:4 Biogass, biometan, naturgass, hydrogen, propan, butan, oksygen, nitrogen, argon, bensin, diesel. Klasse:39 Transport av de forannevnte varene i klasse 4. Klasse:40 Produksjon, bearbeiding, oppgradering av biogass til biometan. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Ja (730) Innehaver: Telefonkatalogen AS, Postboks 1044 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (740) Fullmektig: Codex Advokat Oslo AS, Postboks 2743 Solli, 0204 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:38 Telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet; fremskaffelse av tilgang til databaser; utleie av tilgangstid til databaser; drift av internettportaler. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253183 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908469 Inndato: 2009.08.26 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: GIM (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253181 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200907913 Inndato: 2009.08.10 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Kongslysestake GIM (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Geocap AS, Industrigaten 46, 0357 OSLO, NO (740) Fullmektig: Codex Advokat Oslo AS, Postboks 2743 Solli, 0204 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Dataprogrammer. Klasse:42 Vitenskapelig og industriell forskning, edb programmering. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 Kongslysestake (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Kunst og kultur, v/Helge Thomassen, Storgata 60, 2212 KONGSVINGER, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:4 Oljer og fett til industrielle formål; smøremidler; støvbindemidler; brensel (herunder motordrivstoffer) og belysningsstoffer; lys og veker for belysning. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 26 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253184 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200903669 Inndato: 2009.04.07 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: .biz Opplysninger & firmaoppføringer 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253186 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200906645 Inndato: 2009.06.29 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Aktiv Prosess TA SATS! (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Ja (730) Innehaver: Telefonkatalogen AS, Postboks 1044 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (740) Fullmektig: Codex Advokat Oslo AS, Postboks 2743 Solli, 0204 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; herunder utleie av reklameplass; handelsinformasjon; bedriftsopplysninger; forretningsopplysninger; innsamling av informasjon for bruk i databaser; systematisering av informasjon for bruk i databaser; alle foran nevnte tjenester også tilbudt via et globalt datanettverk. Klasse:38 Telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet; fremskaffelse av tilgang til databaser; utleie av tilgangstid til databaser; drift av internettportaler; tilveiebringelse av tilgang til databaser. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Aktiv Prosess, Hagaliveien 29A, 1358 JAR, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Konsultasjon for bedrift og forretningsledere. Klasse:41 Foredrad, kurs og opplæring, undervisning og trening. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253185 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908882 Inndato: 2009.09.04 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 12TH MAN 12TH MAN (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, Nya Vattentornet, 22188 LUND, SE (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:36 Finansielle sponsortjenester. Klasse:41 Underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; arrangering av turneringer og konkurranser; tilveiebringelse/forsyning av informasjon innen området for sportsarrangementer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 27 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 2009.11.02 - 45/09 253187 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet 2008.11.28 EM 007462781 Søknadsnr.: 200901990 Inndato: 2009.02.26 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 30 days 253188 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet 2009.03.04 EM 008135907 Søknadsnr.: 200908712 Inndato: 2009.09.02 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Palmolive THERMAL BEAUTY SOFT (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Ja (730) Innehaver: Med-Eq AS, Farmannsveien 18-22, 3111 TØNSBERG, NO (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske og medisinske preparater og substanser; ernæringssupplementer; medisinske konfektyrer; dietetiske stoffer; dietetiske stoffer beregnet for medisinsk eller veterinær bruk; kosttilskudd for medisinsk eller veterinær bruk; helseprodukter for bruk som måltidserstatter; næringstilskudd for ernæringsformål (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Ja (730) Innehaver: Colgate-Palmolive Co, 300 Park Avenue, 15th Floor, NY10022-7499 NEW YORK, US (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Produkter til personlig pleie, nemlig hudrensepreparater. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 28 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253189 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908884 Inndato: 2009.09.04 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: AUTOSTORE 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253190 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200907914 Inndato: 2009.08.10 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: PORTO SANTO G E L (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Jakob Hatteland Logistics AS, 5578 NEDRE VATS, NO (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Maskiner; motorer (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); koblinger og anordninger for overføring av drivkraft (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); elektronisk styrte maskiner for bruk ved lagring av varer. Klasse:9 Elektriske, elektroniske og optiske, maskiner, apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til måling og kontroll; databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; databehandlingsapparater og -innretninger for lagerstyring, innregistrerte dataprogrammer for lagerstyring. Klasse:37 Installasjons- og vedlikeholds- og reparasjonsvirksomhet; installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av lagerdepoter samt av maskiner og systemer for lagring av varer; vedlikehold av datamaskiner. Klasse:42 Utarbeidelse, design, oppdatering, vedlikehold og utleie av dataprogrammer og software beregnet for inventar- og lagerstyring; utarbeidelse, design, oppdatering og utleie av datamaskiner beregnet for inventar- og lagerstyring. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Ja (730) Innehaver: Porto Santo Helse AS, Postboks 373 Sentrum, 7403 TRONDHEIM, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Blekemidler og andre midler for klesvask; midler til rengjøring, polering flekkfjerning samt til sliping; såper, parfymevarer, eteriske oljer, kosmetikk, hårvann; tannpussemidler. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 29 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253191 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908460 Inndato: 2009.08.25 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: MUJI to GO 2009.11.02 - 45/09 hus av metall, materialer av metall for jernbanespor, ikke-elektriske kabler og tråd av metall (uedelt), låsesmedarbeider og små gjenstander av metall (isenkramvarer), metallrør, sikkerhetsskap og -skrin, varer av uedelt metall tilhørende i klasse 6, malmer, konserveringsbokser av metall, navneplater av metall, fordelingsbeholdere av metall, for håndklær, spenner av metall, spiker av metall, underlagsskiver av metall, dykkerter, spunser av metall, dørslåer av metall, skruer av metall, rullehjul av metall, aluminiumsfolie, håndverktøy og redskaper (manuelt drevne), knivsmedvarer, gafler og skjeer, hugg- og stikkvåpen, barberkniver, -høvler og maskiner, sakser, kniver, elektriske barberredskaper, barbersett, boksåpnere, skjeer, gafler, jernverktøy og -redskaper (ikke elektriske), skrutrekkere, nøkler (verktøy), avbitertenger, elektriske hårsakser, neglepinsetter, vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll (oppsyn), livredning og undervisning, apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet, apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder, magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater, salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater, kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner, brannslukningsapparater, batterier, kameraer, engangskameraer, fjernsynsapparater, radioapparater, CD-spillere, videokameraer, videokassettspillere, elektroniske regnemaskiner, tekstbehandlingsmaskiner, elektriske strykejern, elektrotermiske apparater for hårkrølling, solbriller, rengjøringsklut for briller, innspilte kompaktdisker, magneter, telefoner, vekter, kirurgiske, medisinske, odontologiske og veterinære apparater og instrumenter, kunstige lemmer, øyne og tenner, ortopediske artikler, suturmaterialer, ikke-kjemiske befruktningshindrende midler, kondomer, bomullspinner, apparater for amming, ørerensere, apparater og installasjoner for belysning, oppvarming, dampproduksjon, koking, kjøling, tørking, ventilasjon, vanntilførsel og sanitære formål, elektriske lamper, apparater og installasjoner for belysning, isbokser, elektriske vifter, elektrisk riskoker, varmeovner, kjøkkenkomfyrer, ovner, klimaanlegg, lommelykt, miniatyrlyspærer, oljebrennere, elektriske oppvarmingsapparater, elektriske kjøleskap, elektriske brødristere, varmeplater, bærbare gasskomfyrer, elektriske vannkjeler, elektriske kaffemaskiner, elektriske varmetepper, dusjinstallasjoner, apparater og maskiner for vannrensing, hårtørrere, tørkeapparater for klær, kjøretøyer, befordringsmidler til bruk på land, i luften eller i vannet, sykler, deler og tilbehør for sykler, barnevogner, automobiler, deler og tilbehør for automobiler, sikkerhetsseter for barn for kjøretøyer, mopeder, sammenleggbare sykler, lette landeveissykler, edle metaller og deres legeringer og varer av edle metaller eller overtrukne hermed, tilhørende i klasse 14, juvelervarer, smykker, edle stener, ur og kronometriske instrumenter, mansjettknapper, slipsnåler, kopper av edelmetall, pudderdåser av edelmetall, portemoneer av edelmetall, smykkeskrin av edelmetall, armbåndsur, klokkeremmer, lommeurkjeder, klokker (ur), (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Ja (730) Innehaver: Ryohin Keikaku Co Ltd, 4-26-3, Higashi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku TOKYO, JP (740) Fullmektig: Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks 171, 4302 SANDNES, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; markedsstudier; import- og eksportagenturer; produktplanlegging og salg av blekemidler og andre midler for klesvask, midler til rengjøring, polering, flekkfjerning samt til sliping, såper, parfymevarer, eteriske oljer, kosmetikk, hårvann, tannpussemidler, ansiktsrensemiddel, eteriske oljer, eau de cologne, parfymer, sjampoer, hårskyllemidler, hårkremer, hårskum, vattpinner for kosmetisk bruk, vatt for kosmetisk bruk, lotion for kosmetisk bruk, hudstyrkende lotion, lotion for kroppen, kosmetisk melk, fuktighetstilførende midler for huden, kosmetiske kremer, rensegel, rensemelk for toalettbruk, øyenbrynsblyanter, øyenskygger, eyelinere, leppestifter, leppeglansere, pudder for sminking, kremaktige underlagspreparater, dekkende preparater, neglelakk, neglelakkfjerner, tøyvaskemidler, badesalter, badeoljer, poleringsmidler, ansiktsmasker, farmasøytiske og veterinære preparater, hygieniske preparater for medisinske formål, dietetiske stoffer for medisinsk bruk, næringsmidler for spedbarn, plaster, forbindingsstoffer, materiale til tannplombering og tannavtrykk, desinfeksjonsmidler, preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter, fungicider, herbicider, farmasøytiske preparater, dietetiske næringsmidler for medisinsk bruk, kosttilskudd, vitaminpreparater, heftplaster, hygieniske masker, insektfrastøtende midler, vattpinner for medisinsk bruk, deodoranter (ikke for personlig bruk), klebebånd til førstehjelp, heftplaster, klebebånd for medisinsk bruk, uedle metaller og legeringer av disse, bygningsmaterialer av metall, transportable 30 registrerte varemerker vekkerklokker, kronoskoper, elektriske ur, remmer for armbåndsur, nøkkelholdere, spenner av edelmetall, armbånd, brosjer, ornamenter, papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer, tilhørende i klasse 16, trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding, fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer, klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk, artikler til bruk for kunstnere, pensler, skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler), instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater), plastemballasje (tilhørende i klasse 16), trykktyper, klisjeer, emballasjebeholdere av papir, papirhåndklær, bordduker av papir, kalendere, dagbøker, fotografiholdere, skrivesaker av papir, skriveredskaper, klebemidler for papirvarer eller for husholdningsformål, eske av papir, viskelær, klemmer, segl (skrivesaker), linealer, papiromslag, klebebånd, pennaler, konvolutter, penneskaft, stiftemaskiner, servise av papir, notisbøker, notatblokker, magasiner (tidsskrifter), kataloger, emballasjepapir, poser for emballasje, av papir eller plast, etiketter, ikke av tekstiler, etiketter av lær for kofferter, hilsningskort, plakater, reklamebilder, kartong, bokbindingsmaterialer, penner, blyanter, albumer, ringpermer, lær og lærimitasjoner samt varer av disse materialer tilhørende i klasse 18, skinn og huder, kofferter og reisevesker, paraplyer, parasoller og spaserstokker, sveper, seletøy og salmakervarer, vesker, handlevesker, lommebøker, visittkortetuier, paraplyer, skuldervesker, dokumentmapper, torgvesker, ryggsekker, kosmetikkofferter, sammenleggbare paraplyer, bæreseler og bæremeiser for bæring av barn, møbler, speil, billedrammer, varer (tilhørende i klasse 20) av tre, kork, rør, rotting, kurvflettverk, horn, ben, elfenben, hvalben, skall og skjell, rav, perlemor, merskum og erstatninger for alle disse materialer, eller av plast, kommoder, lesepulter, bord, stoler, speil, emballasjebeholdere av tre, emballasjebeholdere av bambus, emballasjebeholdere av plast, puter, hodeputer, sengeutstyr, madrasser, flate håndvifter, handlekurver, rammer [innramming], verktøyskrin (ikke av metall), stativer for tidsskrifter, bokhyller, gardinholdere, ikke av tekstiler, gardinskinner, persienner, senger, rullehjul (ikke av metall), kleshengere, sofaer, traller, husholdnings- eller kjøkkenredskaper samt -beholdere (ikke av edelt metall eller plettert dermed), kammer og svamper, børster (ikke malerpensler), materialer for børstebinding, gjenstander til rengjøringsformål, stålull, råglass eller halvfabrikata av glass (ikke glass til bygningsbruk), glassvarer, porselen og keramikk tilhørende i klasse 21, gryter, stekerister, stekepanner, ikke-elektriske kaffekanner (ikke av edelt metall), gryter, vannkjeler, kopper, drikkeglass, tallerkener, flasker, lunsjbokser, serviser (ikke av edelt metall), kammer, toalettredskaper, hånddrevne rengjøringsredskaper og utstyr for klesvask, bøtter, feiekoster, mopper, børster, støvekluter, søppelkurver, vanningskanner, skohorn, pudderkvaster, pudderdåser, toalettsvamper, tannbørster, hårbørster, strykebrett, blomstepotter, lysestaker (ikke av edelmetall), vaser (ikke av edelmetall), brett (ikke av edelt metall), spisepinner, skjærebrett, flaskeåpnere, risøser, rivjern, tekstiler og tekstilvarer, tilhørende i klasse 24, senge- og 2009.11.02 - 45/09 bordtepper, duker, håndklær, lommetørkle, bordservietter av tekstil, lakener, sengetepper, varetrekk for sengetepper, putevar for hodeputer, gardiner av tekstil eller plast, sengedekker, husholdningslintøy, klær, fottøy, hodeplagg, belter, sko, støvler, sandaler, jakker, skjorter, barneklær, t-skjorter, dresser, benklær, kåper og frakker, bluser, gensere, nattøy, hatter, luer, undertøy, slips, sportssko, tøfler, skjerf, sokker, fangskinn, skjørt, strømper, hansker, strømpebukser, kniplinger og broderier, bånd og lisser, knapper, hekter og maljer, nåler og synåler, kunstige blomster, spenner for klær, brosjer for klær, hårnåler, hårbånd, ikke-elektriske krøllruller, kunstige blomster, syetuier, sysett, skolisser, tepper, ryer, matter, linoleum og annet gulvbelegg, tapeter (ikke av tekstilmateriale), gulvbelegg, tepper for automobiler, badematter, dørmatter, veggtapeter, ikke av tekstil, kunstige gressplener, papirtapeter, spill og leketøy, gymnastikk- og sportsartikler tilhørende i klasse 28, juletrepynt, leketøy, fiskeredskaper, dekorasjoner for juletre, leketøy av metall, leketøy av tre, leketøy av papir, leketøy av plast, leketøy av gummi, byggesett [leketøy], såpebobler (leketøy), juletrær, firehjuls lekebiler for småbarn, trehjulssykler, byggeklosser, kjelker [leketøy], kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt, kjøttekstrakter, konserverte, tørrede og kokte frukter og grønnsaker, geleer, syltetøy, kompotter, egg, melk og melkeprodukter, spiselige oljer og fett, foredlede produkter fra havet, hurtig/tilberedt karrirett, hurtig/tilberedt stuing, hurtig/tilberedt suppe, konservert kjøtt, pikkels, preparater for tilbereding av supper, frysetørrede matvarer, retortepakkede matvarer, spiselig olivenolje, preparerte nøtter, syltetøy, hermetiske grønnsaker, hermetisk frukt, melkeprodukter, konserverte bønner, tørket sjøsalat for smaksetting av dampkokt ris med grønn te, krydderkorn for dampkokt ris, kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning, mel og næringsmidler laget av korn, brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer, spiseis, honning, sirup, gjær, bakepulver, salt, sennep, eddik, sauser, krydderier, is, spaghetti, makaroni, nudler, kinesiske hurtignudler, kornpreparater, kaker, konfektyrer, brød, sukkertøy, sjokolade, tyggegummi, kjeksvarer, iskrem, kakemix, ris, smørbrød, pizzaer, ferdig tilberedt lunsj pakket i bokser, paier, chips, øl, mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikkealkoholholdige drikker, fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer, saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker, alkoholfrie drikker, alkoholfrie drinker, appelsinjuicer, fruktjuicer, limonade, sodavann, cider (ikke alkoholholdig), isotoniske drikker, grønnsaksafter, drikker på basis av myse eller valle [kjernemelk], alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl), destillerte drikker, viner, cider, pæremost, alkoholholdige drikker inneholdende frukt, krydret eller smakssatt brennevin, cocktailer, likører og brennevin; detaljsalgstjenester vedrørende og detaljsalg av mat- og drikkevarer, bomullsmetervarer, klær, tilbehør til klær, lær og lærimitasjoner samt varer av disse materialer, kofferter og reisevesker, paraplyer, parasoller og spaserstokker, bager, lommebøker, visittkortholdere, dokumentmapper, ryggsekker, kosmetikkofferter, bæreseler og bæremeiser for bæring av barn, skrivebordstilbehør, skrivesaker og papirvarer, møbler, speil, billedrammer, varer av tre, kork, kurvflettverk, horn, elfenben, skall og skjell, rav, perlemor, 31 registrerte varemerker merskum og erstatningsstoffer for alle disse materialer, eller av plast, dekorasjoner, isenkram og hardware, husholdnings- og kjøkkenredskaper samt -beholdere, kammer og svamper, børster, gjenstander til rengjøringsformål, stålull, glassvarer, porselen og keramikk, farmasøytiske preparater, papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer, trykksaker, fotografier, malerier, CDer, DVDer, ur og klokker, briller, glass, elektriske og elektroniske apparater, juvelervarer, smykker, edle metaller, fotografiske apparater, kosmetikk, spill og leketøy, gymnastikk- og sportsartikler, apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd eller bilder, maskiner, verktøy og verktøymaskiner, tohjulssykler samt deler og komponenter til disse, trehjulssykler samt deler og komponenter til disse, apparater og innretninger for sanitære formål, håndklær, såpedispensere, toalettredskaper, dusjforheng og deler og tilbehør til disse, soveromsmøbler, puter, sengeutstyr, tekstiler og tekstilvarer for soverom, deler og tilbehør til forannevnte varer; online handel, online detaljsalgstjenester og postordretjenester vedrørende kjemiske produkter til industrielle, vitenskapelige og fotografiske formål og til bruk i landbruk, hagebruk og skogbruk, ubearbeidede syntetiske harpikser, ubearbeidet plast, gjødningsmidler, ildslukningsmidler, preparater og midler for herding og lodding, kjemiske produkter for konservering av næringsmidler, garvestoffer, bindemidler til industrielle formål, maling, fernisser, lakker, rustbeskyttelsesmidler og treimpregneringsmidler, fargestoffer, beisemidler, ubearbeidet naturlig harpiks, bladmetaller og metallpulver for malere, dekoratører, trykkere og kunstnere, blekemidler og andre midler for klesvask, midler til rengjøring, polering, flekkfjerning samt til sliping, såper, parfymevarer, eteriske oljer, kosmetikk, hårvann, tannpussemidler, oljer og fett til industrielle formål, smøremidler, støvbindemidler, brensel (herunder motordrivstoffer) og belysningsstoffer, lys og veker for belysning, farmasøytiske og veterinære preparater, hygieniske preparater for medisinske formål, dietetiske stoffer for medisinsk bruk, næringsmidler for spedbarn, plaster og forbindingsstoffer, materiale til tannplombering og til tannavtrykk, desinfeksjonsmidler, preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter, fungicider, herbicider, uedle metaller og legeringer av disse, bygningsmaterialer av metall, transportable hus av metall, materialer av metall for jernbanespor, ikke-elektriske kabler og -tråd av uedelt metall, låsesmedarbeider og små gjenstander av metall (isenkramvarer), metallrør, sikkerhetsskap og -skrin, varer av uedelt metall, malmer, maskiner og verktøymaskiner, motorer, koblinger og anordninger for overføring av drivkraft, landbruksredskaper, rugemaskiner, håndverktøy og redskaper, knivsmedvarer, gafler og skjeer, hugg- og stikkvåpen, barberkniver, -høvler og -maskiner, vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning, apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet, apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder, magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater, 2009.11.02 - 45/09 salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater, kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner, brannslukningsapparater, kirurgiske, medisinske, odontologiske og veterinære apparater og instrumenter, kunstige lemmer, øyne og tenner, ortopediske artikler, suturmaterialer, apparater og innretninger for belysning, oppvarming, dampproduksjon, koking, kjøling, tørking, ventilasjon, vanntilførsel og sanitære formål, kjøretøyer, befordringsmidler til bruk på land, i luften eller i vannet, skytevåpen, ammunisjon og prosjektiler, sprengstoff, fyrverkerisaker, edle metaller og deres legeringer og varer av edle metaller eller overtrukne hermed, juvelervarer, smykker, edle stener, ur og kronometriske instrumenter, musikkinstrumenter, papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer, trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding, fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer, klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk, artikler til bruk for kunstnere, pensler, skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita, instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell, plastemballasje, trykktyper, klisjeer, kautsjuk, guttaperka, gummi, asbest, glimmer samt varer laget av disse materialer, ekstrudert plast som halvfabrikata, tetnings-, paknings- og isolasjonsmateriale, bøyelige rør, lær og lærimitasjoner samt varer av disse materialer, skinn og huder, kofferter og reisevesker, paraplyer, parasoller og spaserstokker, sveper, seletøy og salmakervarer, bygningsmaterialer, stive rør (ikke av metall) for bygnings- og anleggsformål, asfalt, bek, tjære og bitumen, transportable hus (ikke av metall), monumenter, møbler, speil, billedrammer, varer av tre, kork, rør, rotting, kurvflettverk, horn, ben, elfenben, hvalben, skall og skjell, rav, perlemor, merskum og erstatningsstoffer for alle disse materialer, eller av plast, husholdnings- og kjøkkenredskaper samt -beholdere, kammer og svamper, børster, materialer for børstebinding, gjenstander til rengjøringsformål, stålull, råglass eller halvfabrikata av glass, glassvarer, porselen og keramikk, tau, reip, hyssing, nett, telt, presenninger, seil, sekker, materiale til polstring, ubearbeidet tekstilfibermateriale, garn og tråd for tekstile formål, tekstiler og tekstilvarer, senge- og bordtepper, klær, fottøy, hodeplagg, kniplinger og broderier, bånd og lisser, knapper, hekter og maljer, strikkepinner, nåler og synåler, kunstige blomster, tepper, ryer, matter, linoleum og annet gulvbelegg, tapeter, spill og leketøy, gymnastikk- og sportsartikler, juletrepynt, kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt, kjøttekstrakter, konserverte, tørrede og kokte frukter og grønnsaker, geleer, syltetøy, kompotter, egg, melk og melkeprodukter, spiselige oljer og fett, kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning, mel og næringsmidler av korn, brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer, spiseis, honning, sirup, gjær, bakepulver, salt, sennep, eddik, sauser, krydderier, is, jordbruks-, hagebruksog skogbruksprodukter samt korn, levende dyr, friske frukter og grønnsaker, frø og såvarer, naturlige planter og blomster, næringsmidler til dyr, malt, øl, mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikkealkoholholdige drikker, fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer, saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker, alkoholholdige drikker, tobakk, artikler for røkere, fyrstikker; promotering av varer og tjenester via et globalt datamaskinnettverk; tilby produktinformasjon 32 registrerte varemerker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253193 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908885 Inndato: 2009.09.04 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Solo SUPER UTEN TILSATT SUKKER online. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253192 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200907708 Inndato: 2009.07.31 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: OLD NO.7 OLD NO.7 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Jack Daniel's Properties Inc, 4040 Civic Center Drive, Suite 528, CA94903 SAN RAFAEL, US (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:33 Alkoholholdige drikker, ferdiglagede alkoholholdige drikker, forhåndsblandede alkoholholdige drikker; kullsyreholdige alkoholholdige drikker; alkoholholdige kalde drikker (coolers); ferdiglagede alkoholholdige cocktails. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Ja (730) Innehaver: AS Solo, Postboks 7152 Majorstuen, 0307 OSLO, NO (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:32 Øl; mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikke-alkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker. Klasse:33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl). (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 33 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253194 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908886 Inndato: 2009.09.04 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Solo 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253195 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908887 Inndato: 2009.09.04 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Solo (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: AS Solo, Postboks 7152 Majorstuen, 0307 OSLO, NO (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt; kjøttekstrakter; konserverte, tørrede, frosne og kokte frukter og grønnsaker, geleer, syltetøy, kompotter, egg, melk og melkeprodukter; spiselige oljer og fett. Klasse:30 Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning; mel og næringsmidler av korn, brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer, spiseis; honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt, sennep; eddik, sauser, krydderier, is. Klasse:31 Jordbruks-, hagebruks- og skogbruksprodukter samt korn, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; levende dyr; friske frukter og grønsaker; frø og såvarer, naturlige planter og blomster, næringsmidler til dyr, malt. Klasse:32 Øl; mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikke-alkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker. Klasse:33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl). (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Ja (730) Innehaver: AS Solo, Postboks 7152 Majorstuen, 0307 OSLO, NO (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:32 Øl; mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikke-alkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker. Klasse:33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl). (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 34 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253196 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908161 Inndato: 2009.08.14 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: SEX AND THE CITY 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253197 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908475 Inndato: 2009.08.26 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Xstream SEX AND THE CITY (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Home Box Office Inc, 1100 Avenue of the Americas, NY10036 NEW YORK, US (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:14 Edle metaller og deres legeringer og varer av edle metaller eller overtrukne hermed, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; juvelervarer, smykker, edle stener; ur og kronometriske instrumenter. Klasse:16 Papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding; fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); trykktyper, klisjeer. Klasse:24 Tekstiler og tekstilvarer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; senge- og bordtepper. Klasse:30 Kaffe, te, kakao, sjokolade, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning; mel og næringsmidler av korn, brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer, spiseis; honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt, sennep; eddik, sauser, krydderier, is. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Seeberg AS, Østre Aker vei 243, 0976 OSLO, NO (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Digitale fiskevekter. Klasse:25 Bekledning og fottøy for jakt, fiske og friluftsliv. Klasse:28 Fiskeutstyr og fiskeredskaper, fiskestenger, fiskesneller, fiskekroker og sluker; etuier og redskapsvesker for fiskestenger og fiskeutstyr; sportsartikler, ikke opptatt i andre klasser. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 35 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253198 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.23 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908477 Inndato: 2009.08.24 Registreringen 2019.10.23 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253199 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908888 Inndato: 2009.09.04 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: BUSSE BUSSE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Kon AS, Postboks 1213, 9262 TROMSØ, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:11 Apparater og innretninger for belysning, oppvarming, dampproduksjon, koking, kjøling, tørking, ventilasjon, vanntilførsel og sanitære formål. Klasse:25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. Klasse:28 Spill og leketøy; gymnastikk- og sportsartikler, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; juletrepynt. Klasse:30 Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning; mel og næringsmidler av korn, brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer, spiseis; honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt, sennep; eddik, sauser, krydderier, is. Klasse:32 Øl; mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikke-alkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Diageo North America Inc, 801 Main Avenue, CT06851-1127 NORWALK, US (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:33 Alkoholholdige drikker. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253200 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908889 Inndato: 2009.09.04 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: BUSSELAND BUSSELAND (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Kon AS, Postboks 1213, 9262 TROMSØ, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 Papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding; fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); trykktyper, klisjeer. Klasse:28 Spill og leketøy; gymnastikk- og sportsartikler, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; juletrepynt. Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 36 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253201 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908891 Inndato: 2009.09.04 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Ankerdram (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.dato.: Søknadsprioritet Søknadsnr.: Inndato: Registreringen utløper: Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et 2009.11.02 - 45/09 253202 2009.10.26 Ingen 200908892 2009.09.05 2019.10.26 Ankerdram (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Pål Biseth, Vassteigen 108, 5141 FYLLINGSDALEN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:33 Brennevin. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Offaxis Design Michelsen, Kapellveien 160C, 0493 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; brannslukningsapparater. Klasse:25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. Klasse:42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 37 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253203 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908833 Inndato: 2009.08.04 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: JL JENNY LANE 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253204 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908589 Inndato: 2009.08.25 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: GLOBAL SERVICE PARTNER (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Jenny Lane Design, Konvallveien 10, 3080 HOLMESTRAND, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Uedle metaller og legeringer av disse; bygningsmaterialer av metall; transportable hus av metall; materialer av metall for jernbanespor; ikke-elektriske kabler og -tråd av metall (uedelt); låsesmedarbeider og små gjenstander av metall (isenkramvarer); metallrør, sikkerhetsskap og -skrin; varer av uedelt metall (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); malmer. Klasse:16 Papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding; fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); trykktyper, klisjeer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Novell Inc, 1800 South Novell Place, UT84606-6194 PROVO, US (740) Fullmektig: Pretor Advokat AS, Postboks 1734 Sentrum, 7416 TRONDHEIM, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, elektriske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; innregistrerte dataprogrammer; brannslukningsapparater. Klasse:16 Papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding; fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); 38 registrerte varemerker spillkort; trykksaker, klisjeer. Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester. Klasse:38 Utleie av accesstid til computer databaser; telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet. Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. Klasse:42 Vitenskapelig og industriell forskning; design av dataprogrammer og EDB-programmering, rådgivning og konsultasjon vedrørende computere og dataprogrammer; utleie av computere og dataprogrammer, ajourføring av dataprogrammer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253205 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200906488 Inndato: 2009.06.26 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: basefarm Klasse:35 basefarm (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Basefarm AS, Sandakerveien 138, 0484 OSLO, NO (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner samt deres deler og komponenter ikke opptatt i andre klasser; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder. Klasse:35 Data-arkiver (administrasjon av -); databaser (innsamling av informasjon for bruk i -); databaser (systematisering av informasjon for bruk i -); datasøk i datafiler, for andre; faglige konsultasjoner om forretninger; innsamling av informasjon for bruk i databaser; on-line annonsering på datanettverk; outsourcingstjenester (forretningsassistanse); systematisering av informasjon for bruk i databaser. Klasse:37 Installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av datamaskiner herunder servere; elektriske apparater (installasjon og reparasjon av -). Klasse:38 Data assistert overføring av beskjeder og bilder; elektronisk postoverføring, elektroniske oppslagstavler (telekommunikasjonstjeneste); fremskaffelse av pratesteder på internett; fremskaffelse av telekommunikasjonskanaler for fjernhandel; fremskaffelse av tilgang til databaser; kommunikasjon ved dataterminaler; kommunikasjon ved optisk fibernettverk; overføring av beskjeder og bilder ved datamaskiner; tilby tilgangstid til et globalt datanettverk; tilbydelse av telekommunikasjonstilgang til et globalt computernettverk, utleie av tilgangstid til et globalt datanettverk. Klasse:39 Lagring; lagring (fysisk -) av elektronisk lagrede data og dokumenter; lagring av varer; lagringsinformasjon. Klasse:41 Digital bildebearbeidelse for kunder; tilveiebringelse av on-line elektroniske publikasjoner (ikke nedlastbare). Klasse:42 Analysering av datasystemer; datamaskiner (programmering for -); datamaskiner (utleie av -) ; dataprogrammer (ajourføring og vedlikehold av ); dataprogrammer (kopiering av -); dataprogrammer (utarbeidelse av -); dataprogrammer og software (vedlikehold av ); design av computersystemer; forskning og utvikling av nye produkter (for tredjemann); gjenoppretting av data; ingeniørvirksomhet (teknisk ekspertise); installasjon av, dataprogrammer; konsulenttjenester innen dataprogramvare, konsultasjonsvirksomhet vedrørende datamaskiner; konvertering av data eller dokumenter fra fysisk til elektronisk media; konvertering av dataprogrammer og data (ikke fysisk konvertering); kopiering av dataprogrammer; kvalitetskontroll; opprettelse og vedlikehold av websider for andre; programmering for datamaskiner, prosjektstudier (tekniske); sikkerhetstjenester i forbindelse med datavirus; studier (prosjekt-) (tekniske); tilveiebringelse av søkemotorer for 39 registrerte varemerker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253207 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200815683 Inndato: 2008.12.10 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: SETRA internett; utleie av datamaskiner, utleie av dataprogrammer; utleie av software (EDB); utleie av webserver; vedlikehold av dataprogrammer og software; vedlikehold og opprettelse av websider for andre; webhotell (tilby vertsserver for andres hjemmesider). Klasse:45 Konsulentvirksomhet for sikkerhetsspørsmål; lisensiering av dataprogramvare (juridisk tjeneste); lisensiering av immaterielle rettigheter; registrering av domenenavn. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 SETRA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Setra Group AB, Box 3027, 16903 SOLNA, SE (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:37 Konstruksjons-, anleggs- eller byggevirksomhet, alt i forbindelse med tre; overvåkning av trebygningskonstruksjoner under oppføring; oppføring/anlegging av eneller fleretasjeshus i tre; installasjon av dører og vinduer; informasjon i forbindelse med trekonstruksjons-, treanleggs- og trebyggevirksomhet. Klasse:42 Arkitektvirksomhet; arkitektkonsultasjoner. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253206 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200907696 Inndato: 2009.07.31 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: CELLFEX CELLFEX (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Prognett AS, Postboks 52, 3661 RJUKAN, NO (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Datamaskinsoftware, dataprogramvare for søkemotorer; dataprogrammer for aksessering av datanettverk, trådløse nettverk og internett; datamaskiner. Klasse:35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; tilveiebringe online computerdatabaser og online søkbare databaser som inneholder informasjon, promotering av varer og tjenester via internett. Klasse:42 Datatjenester, nemlig teknisk support, informasjon og konsultasjonstjenester vedrørende data hardware, software og dataoperativsystemer, alt tilbudt via datamaskinnettverk og globale kommunikasjonsnettverk; tjenester vedrørende testing av data hardware og software; datatjenester, nemlig tilveiebringelse av programvareoppdateringer via datamaskinnettverk og globale kommunikasjonsnettverk;datastyrte søke- og gjenfinningstjenester; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer, programmering for datamaskiner, ajourføring og vedlikehold av dataprogrammer, utarbeidelse av dataprogrammer og software, design av computersystemer, webhotell. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253208 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908894 Inndato: 2009.09.06 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: JVSF JVSF (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Jonas Vincent Fredriksson, Fagertunveien 107, 1358 JAR, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester. Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. Klasse:42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 40 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (300) Søknadsprioritet 253209 2009.10.26 2008.07.15 US 77/522,092 2008.07.15 US 77/522,093 2008.07.15 US 77/522,094 2008.07.15 US 77/522,095 2008.07.15 US 77/522,097 2008.07.15 US 77/522,098 200816072 2008.12.18 2019.10.26 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253211 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908356 Inndato: 2009.08.18 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: TEQUILA JOSÉ (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: CLUB WEDD TEQUILA JOSÉ (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Tequila Cuervo SA de CV, Avenida Periferico Sur #8500, Tlaquepaque, 45601 JALISCO, MX (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:33 Tequila; alkoholholdige drikker inneholdende tequila. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 CLUB WEDD (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Target Brands Inc, 1000 Nicollet Mall, TPS-3165, MN55403-2467 MINNEAPOLIS, US (740) Fullmektig: JK Thorsens Patentbureau AS, Postboks 9276 Grønland, 0134 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Dekorasjonsmagneter; engangskameraer. Klasse:11 Elektriske lyskjeder for dekorasjon. Klasse:16 Blanke kort; esker av papir eller papp; pappbokser; kataloger relatert til bryllupsplanlegging, produkter og gaver; konvolutter; begivenhetsalbum; gaveesker; gjestebøker; invitasjonskort; bokmerker; minnebøker; gratulasjonskort; papirbokser for lagring av hilsningskort; personlige planleggere; bordkort; bryllupsbøker. Klasse:18 Kosmetikkvesker (selges tomme); gavebager av stoff; gavebager av papir. Klasse:26 Bånd. Klasse:30 Søtsaker. Klasse:35 Administrasjon av et bryllupsgaveregister og detaljhandelstjenester i forbindelse med dette. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253210 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200905948 Inndato: 2009.06.12 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Granberg AS, 5584 BJOA, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Hansker for beskyttelse mot ulykker eller skader. Klasse:25 Hansker (bekledning). (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 41 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253212 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908676 Inndato: 2009.08.28 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Jose Cuervo TRADICIONAL SILVER TEQUILA 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253213 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200907917 Inndato: 2009.08.10 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Zolito (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Coffee Beanery Co Ltd, 77/119 Sinn Sathorn Tower, 28th Floor, Krungthonburi Road, Klongtonsai, 10600 KLONGSARN, BANGKOK, TH (740) Fullmektig: Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks 171, 4302 SANDNES, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:30 Te; kakao; kaffe; te-baserte drikker; kakaodrikker; kaffedrikker; smakstilsetninger for drikker (unntatt eteriske oljer); boller; kjeks; kjeksvarer; bakverk; kaker; brød; brent kaffe; malt kaffe; pulverkaffe og kaffebønner. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Ja (730) Innehaver: Tequila Cuervo SA de CV, Avenida Periferico Sur #8500, Tlaquepaque, 45601 JALISCO, MX (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:33 Alkoholholdige drikkevarer; alkoholholdige cocktailblandinger; tequila. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253214 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908840 Inndato: 2009.09.02 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Duni Gourmet Duni Gourmet (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Duni AB, Östra Varvsgatan 9A, 21119 MALMÖ, SE (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:21 Salatskåler. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 42 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 2009.11.02 - 45/09 253215 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908845 Inndato: 2009.09.02 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: veivalginnendørs kontorrama 253217 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908897 Inndato: 2009.09.07 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: VIKI (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Kontorrama AS, Brynsengfaret 6, 0667 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:20 Kontormøbler, møbler. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Helo OY, P.O. Box 15, 10901 HANKO, FI (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:11 Badstuovner så vel som evaporatorer og damp generatorer for dampbad; boblebad og badeinstallasjoner. Klasse:19 Bygningsmaterialer (ikke av metall); stive rør (ikke av metall) for bygging; asfalt, bek og bitumen; transportable bygninger (ikke av metall); monumenter (ikke av metall). Klasse:20 Møbler, speil, billedrammer, varer (ikke opptatt i andre klasser) av tre, kork, rør, rotting, kurvflettverk, horn, ben, elfenben, hvalben, skall og skjell, rav, perlemor, merskum og erstatningsstoffer for alle disse materialer, eller av plast, for bruk i badstuer og dampbad. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) VIKI 253216 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908847 Inndato: 2009.09.03 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: HOUSE OF HYGGE 253218 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet 2009.04.01 US 77/703,907 Søknadsnr.: 200908852 Inndato: 2009.09.03 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: PLYCASP PLYCASP HOUSE OF HYGGE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Slakk Line AS, Skogvegen 21, 3560 HEMSEDAL, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. Klasse:28 Gymnastikk- og sportsartikler. Klasse:35 Oppstilling, for andre, av et utvalg av klær, fottøy, hodeplagg, gymnastikk- og sportsartikler, slik at kunden kan se på og kjøpe disse varene via et globalt datanettverk. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Bristol-Myers Squibb Co, 345 Park Avenue, NY101540037 NEW YORK, US (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater til bruk for mennesker. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 43 registrerte varemerker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253221 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet 2009.02.05 US 77/663,830 Søknadsnr.: 200907892 Inndato: 2009.08.05 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: GREENSHIELD (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253219 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908466 Inndato: 2009.08.25 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Wok Away Wok Away GREENSHIELD (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Grenseloest AS, Bernhard Getz gate 7, 7043 TRONDHEIM, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 Kjøretøyer; befordringsmidler til bruk på land, i luften eller i vannet. Klasse:21 Husholdnings- og kjøkkenredskaper samt beholdere; kammer og svamper, børster (ikke malerpensler); materialer for børstebinding; gjenstander til rengjøringsformål; stålull; råglass eller halvfabrikata av glass (ikke glass til bygningsbruk); glassvarer, porselen og keramikk (ikke opptatt i andre klasser). Klasse:43 Beverting og tilbringing av mat og drikke; midlertidig innlosjering. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: The Gates Corp, 1551 Wewatta Street, CO80202 DENVER, US (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:17 Thermoplastisk ikke-gjennomtrengelig lag brukt i brennstoffslanger. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253222 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet 2009.04.01 US 77/703,909 Søknadsnr.: 200908853 Inndato: 2009.09.03 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: RALDAPSI (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253220 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908574 Inndato: 2009.08.24 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: BE THERE RALDAPSI (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Bristol-Myers Squibb Co, 345 Park Avenue, NY101540037 NEW YORK, US (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater til bruk for mennesker (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 BE THERE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Diageo North America Inc, 801 Main Avenue, CT06851-1127 NORWALK, US (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:33 Alkoholholdige drikker. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 44 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253223 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200800306 Inndato: 2008.01.02 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Thermo SCIENTIFIC 2009.11.02 - 45/09 målere, laboratorieblandemaskiner og extrudere, datainnsamlings- og opptakssystemer med dataskannere og grafiske fremvisningsenheter samt minne og programmerbare berøringsskjermer og strømforsyning, computer software for bruk i datainnsamling, analyse og arkivering på området for laboratorieforskning, computer software til bruk i laboratorieinstrumentoperasjoner og -drift, ladningsinjeksjonsanordningskameraer og detektorer for deteksjon og digital avbildning av stråling, gjenbrukbart og engangsglasstøy og glassbeholdere, rør og ampuller, flasker og medisinglass for laboratorier, gjenbrukbart og engangsplastutstyr og plastbeholdere for laboratorier, lukkeinnretninger for laboratoriebeholdere, mikroskop slides og mikroskoper, dekkglass for mikroskop slides, laboratorieutstyr for bruk prøveklargjøring, nemlig vevprosessorer; laboratorieautoklaver, medisinske prøvesett bestående av analyse eller kalibreringsutstyr for analyse og oppdagelse av medikamenter, droger, narkotika og gifter og andre kjemikalier i kroppsvæsker og vev for klinisk laboratoriebruk; laboratorieapparater, nemlig sentrifuger. Klasse:37 Installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjonstjenester relatert til vitenskapelige, elektriske, optiske apparater og instrumenter, og måle-, laboratorie- og testapparater og instrumenter og computer hardware brukt i forbindelse dermed. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, 81 Wyman Street, MA02454-9046 WALTHAM, US (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Kromatografikjemikalier, nemlig løsningsmidler og fyllingsmidler til bruk i kromatografi; laboratoriekjemikalier til bruk i forskning, analyse, syntese og testing; reagenser for bruk i vitenskapelig eller medisinsk forskning, nemlig løsningsmidler, syrer, baser, salter, oppløsninger og biokjemikalier av høy renhet for vitenskapelig bruk eller i forskning, analyse, syntese og i testing; media for dyrking av celler for laboratorieformål; media for dyrking av celler kommersiell produksjon av diagnostisk og terapeutisk materiale. Klasse:9 Vitenskapelige, elektriske, optiske apparater og instrumenter og måle-, laboratorie- og testapparater og instrumenter, samt deler dertil, nemlig massespektrometre, optiske utslippsspektrometre, spektroskopiapparater, spektrofotometre; gass og væske kromatografiapparater, kromatografikolonner, sentrifuger, inkubatorer, biologiske sikkerhetskabinetter, mikroskoper, fluorescensmaler, automatiserte filmprøveanalysatorer, prøve diagnose slides, elektroforeseanalysatorer, laboratorieprøvekonsentratorer, elektromekaniske shakers, dispensere, lesere og detektorer for væsker, mikrotitrerinstrumenter, magnetpulverprosessorer for laboratorier, gassdetektorer, strålingsdetektorer, eksplosivdetektorer, sprengstoffdetektorer, prosessgassanalysatorer, partikkeldetektorer, aerosolmonitorer, røntgenstråleapparater for inspeksjon av væsker i containere, fuktanalysatorer, nøytrongeneratorer, røntgenstrålekilder for vitenskapelig laboratoriebruk og for måling av vekt og tykkelse på industrielle artikler, strømningsmålere, svovelanalysatorer, online sement, kull og mineralanalysatorer, elektromagnetisk interferenssimulatorer for testing av elektroniske apparater og innretninger, væskenivåsensorer, robotvæskehåndteringssystemer, viskosimetre og reometre, måleinstrumenter for belegg, tetthetsmålere, porøsitetsanalysatorer, pipetter, prøverør, båndvekter, spennvekter, belt scalers, båndmålere, spennmålere, kontrollveiere, metalldetektorer, ph elektroder, konduktivitetsmålere, oppløst oksygen - (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253224 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet 2009.04.01 US 77/703,912 Søknadsnr.: 200908854 Inndato: 2009.09.03 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: REMGLUFA REMGLUFA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Bristol-Myers Squibb Co, 345 Park Avenue, NY101540037 NEW YORK, US (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater til bruk for mennesker (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 45 registrerte varemerker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253227 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908195 Inndato: 2009.08.18 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Synchro RT (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253225 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908713 Inndato: 2009.09.02 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Margeurite Margeurite Synchro RT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: ratiopharm GmbH, Graf-Arco-Strasse 3, 89079 ULM, DE (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Rolls-Royce Marine AS, Deck Machinery - Brattvaag, Åresundvegen 24, 6270 BRATTVÅG, NO (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Maskiner og verktøymaskiner nemlig løfte- og heiseanordninger og vinsjer til bruk ombord skip og sjøgående fartøyer; koblinger og anordninger for overføring av drivkraft til bruk med forannevnte varer, motorer til bruk i skip og sjøgående fartøyer og til bruk i dekkesmaskineri. Klasse:9 Elektroniske styresystem og konsoller for styring og kontroll av dekkesmaskineri ombord i skip, forankringsfartøyer og fiskefartøyer, herunder for styring og kontroll av vinsjer og andre løfteanordninger, anker, trål og garn; monitorer og skjermdisplay for bruk med forannevnte kontrollkonsoller; dataprogramvare for bruk i styre- og kontrollsystemer for skip og fiskefartøyer; databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253226 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200614689 Inndato: 2006.12.11 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: SPYDER SPYDER (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Bombardier Recreational Products Inc, 726 St. Joseph Street, QCJ0E 2L0 VALCOURT, CA (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 Befordringsmidler til bruk på land, inkludert alle terrengkjøretøyer, motorsykler, motoriserte trehjulinger, scootere. Klasse:28 Spill og leketøy; inkludert miniatyr terrengkjøretøy, motorsykler, trehjulinger, scootere og radiostyrte modellkjøretøy, nemlig terrengkjøretøy, motorsykler, trehjulinger, scootere. Klasse:35 Detaljhandeltjenester for alle terrengkjøretøy, motorsykler, motoriserte trehjulinger, scootere; annonse- og reklamevirksomhet, reklame og fellesreklame og -promotering av alle terrengkjøretøyer, motorsykler, motoriserte trehjulinger og scootere for andre i form av tvreklame, radioreklame, avisannonsering, brosjyrer, postere og plakater, fremskaffelse av informasjon via internett vedrørende salg av terrengkjøretøy, motorsykler, motoriserte trehjulinger, scootere, promotering av salg av terrengkjøretøy, motorsykler, motoriserte trehjulinger, scootere for andre i form av tvreklame, radioreklame, avisannonsering, brosjyrer, postere og plakater og fremskaffelse av informasjon via internett. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 46 registrerte varemerker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253230 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200812825 Inndato: 2008.10.07 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: TROLL POWER (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253228 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200812824 Inndato: 2008.10.07 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: TROLL WINDPOWER (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Troll Power AS, Møllendalsveien 65C, 5009 BERGEN, NO (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:4 Elektrisk kraft. Klasse:7 Vindmøller, deler og tilbehør dertil. Klasse:37 Innstallasjon, reparasjon, testing og evaluering av elektriske kraftenheter og elektriske kraftstasjoner. Klasse:39 Distribusjon av elektrisitet. Klasse:40 Produksjon av elektrisk kraft. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Troll Power AS, Møllendalsveien 65C, 5009 BERGEN, NO (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:4 Elektrisk kraft. Klasse:7 Vindmøller, deler og tilbehør dertil. Klasse:37 Installasjon, reparasjon, testing og evaluering av elektriske kraftenheter og elektriske kraftstasjoner. Klasse:39 Distribusjon av elektrisk kraft. Klasse:40 Produksjon av elektrisk kraft. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253229 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200904108 Inndato: 2009.04.17 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Motekonto (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253231 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908928 Inndato: 2009.09.08 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Mentha Semi Mentha Semi (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Villakulla Holding AS, Herregårdsveien 10C, 1168 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester. Herunder styre-og ledelsesrelaterte formidlings-, konsultasjons-, rådgivnings- samt evalueringstjenester. Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. Klasse:42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: C-Optikk AS, Postboks 399, 3604 KONGSBERG, NO (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:44 Medisinske tjenester; synstester. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 47 registrerte varemerker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253234 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200812826 Inndato: 2008.10.07 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: TROLL (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253232 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908929 Inndato: 2009.09.08 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Mentha Select Mentha Select TROLL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Villakulla Holding AS, Herregårdsveien 10C, 1168 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester. Herunder styre-og ledelsesrelaterte formidlings-, konsultasjons-, rådgivnings- samt evalueringstjenester. Klasse:36 Forsikringsvirksomhet; finansiell virksomhet; monetær virksomhet; forretninger med fast eiendom. Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Troll Power AS, Møllendalsveien 65C, 5009 BERGEN, NO (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:4 Elektrisk kraft. Klasse:7 Vindmøller, deler og tilbehøer dertil. Klasse:37 Installasjon, reparasjon, testing og evaluering av elektriske kraftenheter og elektriske kraftstasjoner. Klasse:39 Distribusjon av elektrisk kraft. Klasse:40 Produksjon av elektrisk kraft. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253235 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908686 Inndato: 2009.09.01 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: MUCK TUBS (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253233 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.26 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908930 Inndato: 2009.09.08 Registreringen 2019.10.26 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Mentha. Kompetanse - funksjon - seleksjon. MUCK TUBS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: The House of Terence Proprietary Ltd, Level 7/486 Albert Street, Vic3002 EAST MELBOURNE, AU (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Hårpleieprodukter; hårvoks, hårvann, sjampo, balsam, hårspay, hårskum, hårgele; barberingskrem, barberingsskum. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 Mentha. Kompetanse - funksjon seleksjon. (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Villakulla Holding AS, Herregårdsveien 10C, 1168 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 Papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding; fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); trykktyper, klisjeer. Klasse:35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester. Klasse:36 Forsikringsvirksomhet; finansiell virksomhet; monetær virksomhet; forretninger med fast eiendom. Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. Klasse:42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 48 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253236 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200906757 Inndato: 2009.07.07 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: JAKTPILS 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253237 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet 2009.07.16 EM 008431868 Søknadsnr.: 200907284 Inndato: 2009.07.21 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Optimil JAKTPILS Optimil (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Berentsens Brygghus AS, Postboks 53, 4379 EGERSUND, NO (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Steenstrup Stordrange DA, Postboks 1829 Vika, 0123 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:32 Øl (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Hipp & Co, Brünigstrasse 141, 6072 SACHSELN, CH (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Proteinpreparater og -produkter utvunnet av plante- og dyreprodukter til medisinske formål for mennesker; farmasøytiske preparater og produkter; dietetiske preparater og produkter for barn og syke for medisinske formål; babymat; lotions, kremer og badeprodukter for medisinske formål hovedsakelig for babyer og småbarn; ammeputer; produkter for dietetiske formål (herunder dypfryste), nemlig proteinpreparater for menneskeføde utvunnet fra plante- og dyreprodukter, kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre, vilt og kjøttprodukter, kjøttekstrakter, kjøtt-, fisk-, frukt- og grønnsakgeleer, syltetøy og søte geleer, egg, melk, meieriprodukter, nemlig smør, ost, fløte, yoghurt, kvarg, tørrmelk og melkeprotein for ernæringsformål, fruktstenger, hovedsakelig bestående av fruktog kornprodukter, müsli, nøtter og/eller sukker, desserter for barn, hovedsakelig bestående av melk og/eller frukt, desserter, hovedsakelig bestående av melk, eventuelt med anvendelse av bindemidler av hvilken som helst art, desserter, hovedsakelig bestående av frukt, ferdige og halvferdige retter hovedsakelig fremstilt av kjøtt, fjærkre, vilt, fisk, frukt, grønnsaker, egg, melkeprodukter, belgfrukter og/eller poteter, supper, kjøtt-, fisk-, fjærkre-, vilt-, grønnsak-, frukt-og melkekonserver og hermetikk, spiselige oljer og fett, te, tedrikker, kakao, sukker, dekstrose, ris, tapioka, sago, mel, semule, kornprodukter, frokostblandinger og næringsmidler av korn (unntatt dyrefor), brød, kjeks, kaker, bakverk og kontorvarer, konserverte konfektyrer, snacks, konfektyrer, pasta, sjokolade, dekstroseprodukter, honning og propolis, desserter for barn, spesielt desserter hovedsakelig bestående av sukker, kakao, sjokolade og/eller stivelse, desserter hovedsakelig bestående av sukker og sjokolade, eventuelt med anvendelse av bindemidler av hvilken som helst art, ferdigeog halvferdige retter, hovedsakelig laget av kornprodukter, ris og/eller pasta, krydder, müsli, hovedsakelig bestående av kornprodukter, frukt, nøtter og/eller sukker, kornstenger, hovedsakelig bestående av kornprodukter, müsli, nøtter, frukt og/eller sukker, serveringsklare ernæringsmidler av kornprodukter, ferdige- og halvferdige retter av kli, herunder bakverk, ikke-alkoholholdige drikker, spesielt fruktjuicer, fruktdrikker, fruktkonsentrater og andre ikke-alkoholholdige fruktpreparater for tilberedning av ikkealkoholholdige drikker; dietetiske ernæringsmidler og -tilsetninger for ikkemedisinske formål, basert på fett, fettsyrer, tilsatt vitaminer, mineraler, sporstoffer, enten alene eller i kombinasjon; dietetiske ernæringsmidler og -tilsetninger for ikke- 49 registrerte varemerker medisinske formål, basert på karbohydrater, fiber, tilsatt vitaminer, mineraler, sporstoffer, enten alene eller i kombinasjon. Klasse:29 Proteinpreparater og -produkter utvunnet av plante- og dyreprodukter til menneskeføde; kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre, vilt og kjøttprodukter; kjøttekstrakter; kjøtt-, fiske-, frukt- og grønnsakgeleer; syltetøy og søte geleer; egg, melk; meieriprodukter, nemlig smør, ost, fløte, yoghurt, cottage cheese, kvarg, tørrmelk og melkeprotein for ernæringsformål; fruktstenger, hovedsakelig bestående av fruktog kornprodukter, müsli, nøtter og/eller sukker; desserter for barn, hovedsakelig bestående av melk og/eller frukt; desserter og søtsaker hovedsakelig bestående av melk, eventuelt med anvendelse av bindemidler av hvilken som helst art; desserter, hovedsakelig bestående av frukt; ferdige og halvferdige retter hovedsakelig fremstilt av kjøtt, fjærkre, vilt, fisk, frukt, grønnsaker, egg, melkeprodukter, belgfrukter og/eller poteter; supper; kjøtt-, fiske-, fjærkre-,vilt-, grønnsaks-, frukt- og melkekonserver og -hermetikk; spiselige oljer og fett; alle de forannevnte varer også i dypfryst tilstand; alle de forannevnte varer også for dietetiske formål; dietetiske ernæringsmidler og tilsetninger for ikkemedisinske formål med en base av proteiner, tilsatt vitaminer, mineraler, sporstoffer, enten alene eller i kombinasjon. Klasse:30 Te, tedrikker, kakao, sukker, dekstrose, ris, tapioka, sago, mel, semule, kornprodukter og næringsmidler av korn (unntatt dyrefor), brød, kjeks, kaker, bakverk og konditorvarer, konserverte konfektyrer, snacks, konfektyrer; deigvarer, sjokolade, sukkerprodukter; dekstroseprodukter, honning og propolis; desserter for barn, herunder søte desserter hovedsakelig bestående av sukker, kakao, sjokolade og/eller stivelse; desserter og søtsaker hovedsakelig bestående av sukker og sjokolade, eventuelt med anvendelse av bindemidler av hvilken som helst art; ferdige og halvferdige retter hovedsakelig fremstilt av kornprodukter, ris og/eller pasta; krydder; müsli hovedsakelig bestående av korn, frukt, nøtter og/eller sukker; kornstenger, hovedsakelig bestående av kornprodukter, müsli, nøtter og frukt og/eller sukker; tallerkenferdige kornretter, ferdige og halvferdige næringsmidler bestående av kli, herunder bakervarer; alle de forannevnte varer også i dypfryst tilstand; alle de forannevnte varer også for dietetiske formål. Klasse:32 Alkoholfrie drikker, herunder fruktjuice og fruktjuicedrikker; fruktsaftkonsentrater og andre alkoholfrie fruktpreparater for tilberedning av alkoholfrie drikker; alle de forannevnte varer også for dietetiske formål. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253238 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908899 Inndato: 2009.09.04 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ParaSana ParaSana (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: VitaeLab AS, Enebakkveien 117, 0680 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Kosttilskudd, ikke for medisinske formål. Klasse:29 Kosttilskudd som inneholder spiselige oljer og fett, ikke for medisinske formål. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253239 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908925 Inndato: 2009.09.04 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: SanaPro SanaPro (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: VitaeLab AS, Enebakkveien 117, 0680 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Kosttillskudd, ikke for medisinske formål. Klasse:29 Kosttilskudd som inneholder spiselige oljer og fett, ikke for medisinske formål. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253240 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200810740 Inndato: 2008.08.26 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Liftpants Liftpants (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Bjørn Edwardsen, Fagerlia 9, 0667 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:25 Underbukser. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 50 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253242 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200811128 Inndato: 2008.09.05 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: D.D.E. 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253243 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200900422 Inndato: 2009.01.12 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ISHAVSKRAFT (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Ishavskraft AS, Postboks 1374, 9506 ALTA, NO (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; salg av elektrisk kraft. Klasse:36 Meglervirksomhet for kraftforsyning. Klasse:37 Byggevirksomhet; reparasjonsvirksomhet; installasjonsvirksomhet; installasjon og reparasjon av elektriske apparater; installasjon og reparasjon av kraftledninger; utleie av nett til kraftforsyning. Klasse:39 Distribusjon av elektrisitet; distribusjon av elektrisk kraft; vannforsyning; vanndistribusjon. Klasse:40 Produksjon av elektrisk kraft. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Rai Rai Entertainment AS, Postboks 204, 7801 NAMSOS, NO (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Magnetiske bånd, CD-er, innspillingsdisketter, mini discs, kassetter, plater, video disketter og videobånd, lydinnspillinger, videoinnspillinger, CD-rom disketter, DVD-er, digital musikk (nedlastbar); lagringsmedier med lyd- og bildeopptak. Klasse:16 Papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding; fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); trykktyper, klisjeer. Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; orkestervirksomhet; artistopptredener; produksjon av show; tilveiebringelse av innspillingstjenester; (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253244 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200900425 Inndato: 2009.01.12 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Varepiraten Varepiraten (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Lasse Løvkvam, Lambertseterveien 21 C, 1152 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Salg av blekemidler og andre midler for klesvask, midler til rengjøring, polering, flekkfjerning samt til sliping, hygieniske preparater for toalettbruk, såper, parfymevarer, deodoranter for personlig bruk, eteriske oljer, kosmetikk, hårvann og tannpussemidler, spill, leketøy, gymnastikk- og sportsartikler, fiskeredskaper og utstyr til diverse sport og spill, gjennom utsalgssteder, postordre, elektroniske butikker og handelsplattformer samt via fjernsynskanaler og radiostasjoner. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 51 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253245 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200903176 Inndato: 2009.03.30 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ESPIRA 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253248 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet 2008.10.08 DE 30 2008 064 511 Søknadsnr.: 200902296 Inndato: 2009.03.09 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: PALABONE ESPIRA PALABONE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Espira Gruppen AS, Postboks 353, 4291 KOPERVIK, NO (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:43 Aldershjem; barnehager og - hjem; catering; kafeer; kantiner. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Heraeus Medical GmbH, Philipp-Reis-Str. 8/13, 61273 WEHRHEIM, DE (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Kirurgiske implantater med levedyktig vev, kjemiske og biologiske aktive ingredienser inneholdende bærematerialer basert på plastmaterialer eller andre kjemiske forbindelser, alle de forannevnte varer for kirurgiske formål, nemlig bensement for medisinsk bruk og bensement inneholdende antibiotiske preparater Klasse:10 Benimplantater, nemlig benerstatningsmateriale sammensatt av et syntetisk pudder som er blandet med en oppløsning for å danne en masse brukt for kirurgisk korrigering av kraniedefekter og benerstatningsmaterialer, nemlig hydrokoesyapatitt og trikalsiumfosfatgranulat og -blokker; kirurgiske implantater innbefattende kunstsige materialer (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253247 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200901078 Inndato: 2009.02.03 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: PREVEL PREVEL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Johnson & Johnson, One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, NJ08933 NEW BRUNSWICK, US (740) Fullmektig: JK Thorsens Patentbureau AS, Postboks 9276 Grønland, 0134 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Kjemiske produkter; anti-allergener. Klasse:5 Fungicider, insekticider og antiallergene preparater for bruk i husholdning og industri. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253249 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908900 Inndato: 2009.09.04 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: VestKran (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Vestkran Kranutleie & Byggmontering AS, Postboks 127, 5346 ÅGOTNES, NO (740) Fullmektig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Gjerdrums Vei 12, 0484 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:37 Byggevirksomhet herunder byggmontering; reparasjonsvirksomhet; installasjonsvirksomhet; utleie av byggekraner. Klasse:39 Transportvirksomhet herunder krantransport. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 52 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253250 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet 2008.10.08 DE 30 2008 064 510 Søknadsnr.: 200902302 Inndato: 2009.03.09 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: PALACOLL 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253251 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200903895 Inndato: 2009.04.16 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: VENDELA PALACOLL VENDELA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Heraeus Medical GmbH, Philipp-Reis-Str. 8/13, 61273 WEHRHEIM, DE (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Kirurgiske implantater med levedyktig vev, kjemiske og biologiske aktive ingredienser inneholdende bærematerialer basert på plastmaterialer eller andre kjemiske forbindelser, alle de forannevnte varer for kirurgiske formål, nemlig bensement for medisinsk bruk og bensement inneholdende antibiotiske preparater. Klasse:10 Benimplantater, nemlig benerstatningsmateriale sammensatt av et syntetisk pudder som er blandet med en oppløsning for å danne en masse brukt for kirurgisk korrigering av kraniedefekter og benerstatningsmaterialer, nemlig hydrokoesyapatitt og trikalsiumfosfatgranulat og -blokker; kirurgiske implantater innbefattende kunstsige materialer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Vendela Kirsebom, Nordstrandveien 6, 1458 FJELLSTRAND, NO (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Blekemidler og andre midler for klesvask; midler til rengjøring, polering flekkfjerning samt til sliping; såper, parfymevarer, eteriske oljer, kosmetikk, hårvann; tannpussemidler; parfymevarer, eteriske oljer, kosmetikk og hårvann, herunder: herre- og dameparfyme samt eau de Cologne; produkter til personlig pleie, herunder etterbarberingsvann gelé, etterbarberingsvann krem, deodorant, kunstige negler, oppstrammende produkter for huden, badeperler, badeolje, badesalt, kroppsglitter, kroppsspray, kroppsolje, kroppsskrubb, kroppsvask, skumbad, kroppskrem, neglebåndskrem, øyekrem, fotkrem, håndkrem, deodorant, eteriske oljer til egenpleie, skrubbkrem for huden, øyegelé, øyensminke, kosmetikkblyanter, øyemasker, øyenskygge, ansikts highlighter, ansiktsmaske, ansiktsspray, ansiktsskrubb, ikke-medisinsk fotbad, ansiktsfarge, underlagskrem, duftende kroppsspray, balsam, hårfarge, hårglitter, hår highlighter, hårmaskara, hårpomade, hårrens, hårfjerningskrem, hår shampo, hårspray, hår glatter, hår styling gelé, hår styling mousse, kroppskrem, bodylotion, fot lotion, hånd lotion, leppebalsam, lipgloss, lipliner, lebestift, kroppssminke, ansiktssminke, sminkefjerner, maskara, massasje krem, massasje lotion, massasje olje, neglelakk, neglelakkfjerner, neglesjabloner, ikke-medisinsk dekkstift, ikkemedisinsk rens for ansikt, ikke-medisinsk fotspray, ikke-medisinsk massasje salve, fettfjernende trekkpapir for huden, parfyme, kroppspudder, ansiktspudder, fotpudder, pimpestein, saltskrubb til huden, barberingskrem, barberingsgelé, dusjkrem, dusjgelé, brunkrem, kroppssåpe, ansiktssåpe, håndsåpe, sunblock til kroppen, sunblock til ansiktet, solkrem til kroppen, solkrem til ansiktet, selvbruningskrem til kroppen, selvbruningskrem til ansiktet, førsolkrem til ansiktet, førsolkrem til kroppen, aftersun til kroppen, aftersun til ansikt samt talkum pudder. Klasse:9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; 53 registrerte varemerker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253253 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908901 Inndato: 2009.09.04 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ChapDrive brannslukningsapparater; optiske apparater og instrumenter, herunder: briller; solbriller; brilleglass; kontaktlinser; brilleinnfatninger; brilleetuier; etuier for kontaktlinser. Klasse:24 Tekstiler og tekstilvarer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; senge- og bordtepper; tekstiler og tekstilvarer, herunder: sengesett av tekstilmaterialer, sengetepper av tekstilmaterialer, laken av tekstilmaterialer, putevar av tekstilmaterialer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253252 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200704252 Inndato: 2007.03.29 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: LAND KULTURKJØKKEN - SVEIN JØSENDAL (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Chapdrive AS, Osloveien 107, 7018 TRONDHEIM, NO (740) Fullmektig: ABC-Patent, Siviling. Rolf Chr. B. Larsen AS, Postboks 6150 Etterstad, 0602 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Maskiner; motorer (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); koblinger og anordninger for overføring av drivkraft (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); turbiner, hydrauliske turbiner, hydrauliske motorer, gear [drivverk], vindmøller, vindkraftanlegg, vindturbiner og andre vinddrevne maskiner; deler og tilbehør til forannevnte varer, alle forannevnte varer andre enn for landkjøretøyer. Klasse:9 Apparater og instrumenter for styring, regulering eller kontroll av hydrauliske komponenter; databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; computer software; computerapparater og -utstyr for vindturbiner og vindmøller, kontroll og overvåkingsutstyr for hydrauliske komponenter. Klasse:42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 LAND KULTURKJØKKEN SVEIN JØSENDAL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Svein Jøsendal, Nordbergsveien 14, 2860 HOV, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Kjøtt, fisk, fjækre og vilt. Klasse:31 Jordbruks-, hagebruks- og skogsbruksprodukter samt korn, ikke opptatt i andre klasser. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 54 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253254 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet 2008.10.24 JP 2008-086462 Søknadsnr.: 200903914 Inndato: 2009.04.16 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: DS i Ware Klasse:16 Klasse:28 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Nintendo Co Ltd, 11-1, Hokotate-cho, Kamitoba, Minami-ku KYOTO-SHI, KYOTO, JP (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Videospillapparater for forbrukere; programmer for videospillapparater for forbrukere; elektroniske kretser, magnetiske disker, optiske disker, optisk magnetiske disker, magnetiske bånd, ROM-kort, ROMkassetter, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM og andre lagringsmedia som lagrer programmer for videospillapparater for forbrukere; styringsenheter, styrespaker og minnekort for videospillapparater for forbrukere; andre deler og tilbehør for videospillapparater for forbrukere; programmer for håndholdte spillapparater med LCD-skjermer; elektroniske kretser, magnetiske disker, optiske disker, optisk magnetiske disker, magnetiske bånd, ROM-kort; ROM-kassetter, CD-ROM, DVDROM og andre lagringsmedia som lagrer programmer for håndholdte spillapparater med LCD-skjermer; videospillmaskiner for spillehaller; programmer for videospillmaskiner for spillehaller; elektroniske kretser, magnetiske disker, optiske disker, optisk magnetiske disker, magnetiske bånd, ROMkort, ROM-kassetter, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM og andre lagringsmedia som lagrer programmer for videospillmaskiner for spillehaller; andre deler og tilbehør for videospillmaskiner for spillehaller; datamaskiner; elektroniske kretser, magnetiske disker, optiske disker, optisk magnetiske disker, magnetiske bånd, ROMkort, ROM-kassetter, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM og andre lagringsmedia som lagrer programmer for datamaskiner; nedlastbare dataprogrammer; andre dataprogrammer; spillprogrammer for mobiltelefoner; mus (databehandlingsutstyr); musematter; tastatur for datamaskiner; printere for bruk med datamaskiner; computer periferiutstyr; monitor (databehandlingsutstyr); scannere (databehandlingsutstyr); elektroniske penner; dagbøker (elektroniske); mobiltelefoner; remmer og festeanordninger for mobiltelefoner; andre deler og tilbehør for mobiltelefoner; telefonapparater; faksmaskiner,CD-spillere; digitale kamera; videokamera; videodiskspillere; DVD-spillere; hodetelefoner; innspilte CD-er; andre fonografiske opptak/innspillinger; metronomer; elektroniske kretser og CD-rom som lagrer programmer for automatiske fremføringer for elektroniske musikkinstrumenter; nedlastbare musikkfiler; eksponerte kinematografiske Klasse:35 Klasse:38 Klasse:41 55 2009.11.02 - 45/09 filmer; eksponerte diasfilmer; diasrammer; nedlastbare bildefiler; innspilte videodisker og videobånd; elektroniske publikasjoner. Skrivebøker; mekaniske blyanter; andre skrivesaker og studiemateriell; handelskort; magasiner (publikasjoner); kataloger; pamfletter; andre trykksaker; fotografier; fotografistativer; papirbannere; papirflagg. Kortspill-leker og deres tilbehør; håndholdte spillapparater med LCD-skjermer; deler og tilbehør for håndholdte spillapparater med LCD-skjermer; andre leker; dukker; strategiske brettspill (Go games); japanske spillkort (Utagaruta); japansk sjakkspill (Shogi games); kortspill og deres tilbehør; terningspill; japanske terningspill (Sugoroku); terningbegre; diamantspill; sjakkspill; damspill (damspillsett); trylleapparater; dominospill; spillkort; japanske spillkort (Hanafuda); mah-jong; spillemaskiner og -apparater; biljardutstyr; underholdningsmaskiner og -apparater til bruk i fornøyelsesparker (andre enn videospillmaskiner for spillehaller); sportsutstyr; fiskeredskaper; insektsamlingsutstyr. Annonsering og reklamevirksomhet; utstedelse av rabattmerker; analyse av bedriftsledelse eller bedriftsrådgivning; markedsundersøkelser; fremskaffelse av informasjon vedrørende salg av råvarer; detaljeller engrostjenester for sportsvarer; detaljeller engrostjenester for leker, dukker, spillmaskiner og -apparater. Kommunikasjon med videospillapparater for forbrukere; fremskaffelse av informasjon om kommunikasjon via videospillapparater for forbrukere; kommunikasjon via videospillmaskiner for spillehaller; fremskaffelse av informasjon om kommunikasjon via videospillmaskiner for forbrukere; kommunikasjon via håndholdte spillapparater med LCD-skjermer; fremskaffelse av informasjon om kommunikasjon via håndholdte spillapparater med LCD-skjermer; telekommunikasjon (annen enn kringkasting); fremskaffelse av informasjon om programlister for fjernsynskringkasting; kringkasting; nyhetsbyråer; utleie av telekommunikasjonsutstyr herunder telefoner og faksimileapparater. Fremskaffelse av bilder via kommunikasjon med håndholdte spillapparater med LCDskjermer; fremskaffelse av bilder via kommunikasjon med videospillmaskiner for spillehaller; fremskaffelse av bilder via kommunikasjon med videospillapparater for forbrukere; fremskaffelse av bilder via annen kommunikasjon; fremskaffelse av bilder/levende bilder (pictures) via kommunikasjon med håndholdte spillapparater med LCD-skjermer; fremskaffelse av bilder/levende bilder (pictures) via kommunikasjon med videospillmaskiner for spillehaller; fremskaffelse av bilder/levende bilder (pictures) via kommunikasjon med videospillapparater for forbrukere; fremskaffelse av bilder/levende bilder (pictures) via annen kommunikasjon; fremskaffelse av filmer via kommunikasjon for håndholdte spillapparater med LCD-skjermer; fremskaffelse av filmer via kommunikasjon for videospillmaskiner for spillehaller; fremskaffelse av filmer via kommunikasjon med videospillapparater for forbrukere; fremskaffelse av filmer via annen kommunikasjon; fremskaffelse av musikk og lyd via kommunikasjon med håndholdte registrerte varemerker spillapparater med LCD-skjermer; fremskaffelse av musikk og lyd via kommunikasjon med videospillmaskiner for spillehaller; fremskaffelse av musikk og lyd via kommunikasjon med videospillapparater for forbrukere; fremskaffelse av musikk og lyd via annen kommunikasjon; organisering, ledelse eller arrangering av videospillbegivenheter; fremskaffelse av spill via kommunikasjon med håndholdte spillapparater med LCD-skjermer; fremskaffelse av spill via kommunikasjon med videospillmaskiner for spillehaller; fremskaffelse av spill via kommunikasjon med videospillapparater for forbrukere; fremskaffelse av spill via annen kommunikasjon; fremskaffelse av spill for videospillapparater for forbrukere; fremskaffelse av spill for håndholdte spillapparater med LCD-skjermer; fremskaffelse av spill for videospillmaskiner for spillehaller; utleie av lagringsmedia som lagrer programmer for videospillapparater for forbrukere; utleie av lagringsmedia som lagrer programmer for håndholdte spillapparater med LCD-skjermer; utleie av lagringsmedia som lagrer programmer for videospillmaskiner for spillehaller; utleie av videospillapparater for forbrukere og av videospillmaskiner for spillehaller; utleie av håndholdte spillapparater med LCD-skjermer; fremskaffelse av spill via telekommunikasjonsnettverk; fremskaffelse av spill via kommunikasjonsnettverk; utdannelses- og instruksjonstjenester relatert til kunst, håndverk, sport eller generell kunnskap; filmvisning, filmproduksjon eller filmdistribusjon; fremskaffelse av fornøyelsesfasiliteter. Klasse:42 Design; design av maskinvare for dataspill; design, programmering eller vedlikehold av programmer for videospillapparater for forbrukere; fremskaffelse av rådgivning og informasjon av design, programmering eller vedlikehold for videospillapparater for forbrukere; design, programmering eller vedlikehold av programmer for videospillmaskiner for spillehaller; fremskaffelse av rådgivning og informasjon av design, programmering eller vedlikehold av programmer for videospillmaskiner for spillehaller; opprettelse eller vedlikehold av internettsider; design, programmering eller vedlikehold av annen dataprogramvare; utleie av datamaskiner; fremskaffelse av dataprogrammer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253255 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200907561 Inndato: 2009.07.28 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: VOSS (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Destinasjon Voss, Postboks 300, 5702 VOSS, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Markedsføring av Voss som reisemål via aktiv bruk av merke, på salgsartikler og reklamemateriell. Klasse:39 Tjenester i forbindelse med informasjon om reiser; organisering av reiser. Klasse:43 Tjenester i forbindelse med formidling av overnatting. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253256 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200812609 Inndato: 2008.10.15 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ILLUMIWELL ILLUMIWELL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: VisuRay AS, Strandbakken 10, 4070 RANDABERG, NO (740) Fullmektig: Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks 171, 4302 SANDNES, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Apparater og instrumenter til måling og kontroll; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; laserlysforsterkere, katoder, anoder, sensorer, elektriske kabler og displayenheter som del av apparater og installasjoner for kontroll og inspeksjon av brønner. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 56 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253257 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200905927 Inndato: 2009.06.12 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: PAKFORMANCE 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253259 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200907559 Inndato: 2009.07.28 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ORPHANET PAKFORMANCE ORPHANET (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Sealed Air Corp, 200 Riverfront Boulevard, NJ07407 ELMWOOD PARK, US (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Hardware og software for bruk ved overvåkning, kontroll og integrering av emballasjesystemer til hverandre, til en sentral database og til tredjeparts systemer og utstyr; deler og komponenter til alle de forannevnte varer. Klasse:42 Tjenester i forbindelse med overvåkning og rapportering av apparater og utstyr, overvåkning og rapportering av produksjonsprosedyrer; overvåkning og rapportering av operatører, overvåkning og rapportering av emballasjematerialer og leverandørstyrte inventarlister; fjerntjenester vedrørende smartsystemer, produksjonsledelse, ordrebehandling; produktsporing; integrering av automatiserte pakkesystemer, computer hardware og software, rådgivning, informasjon og konsulentvirksomhet relatert til de forannevnte tjenester. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Médicale (Inserm), 101, rue de Tolbiac, 75654 PARIS CEDEX 13, FR Etat Francais Ministère de la Santé et des Sports, 8 avenue de Ségur, 75007 PARIS, FR (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Dataprogrammer, dataprogramvare, nedlastbar dataprogramvare, magnetiske databærere innenfor vitenskap, helse og farmasi; nedlastbare elektroniske publiseringer innenfor vitenskap, helse og farmasi. Klasse:35 Administrering og fremskaffelse av databehandlede filer innenfor vitenskap, helse og farmasi; administrering og fremskaffelse av databaser innenfor vitenskap, helse og farmasi. Klasse:38 Internett chatterom innenfor vitenskap, helse og farmasi. Klasse:41 Publisering av elektroniske tekster online, andre enn reklametekster, bøker og tidsskrifter innenfor vitenskap, helse og farmasi; publisering av tekster, andre enn reklametekster, bøker og tidsskrifter innenfor vitenskap, helse og farmasi. Klasse:42 Fremskaffelse av vitenskapelig og teknisk informasjon på internett innenfor vitenskap, helse og farmasi; fremskaffelse av vitenskapelig og teknisk informasjon innenfor vitenskap, helse og farmasi. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253258 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet 2009.01.13 US 77648003 Søknadsnr.: 200907014 Inndato: 2009.07.13 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: UVT TRANSFORM (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253260 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet 2009.03.27 US 77/701,134 Søknadsnr.: 200908855 Inndato: 2009.09.03 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: LIXALEV UVT TRANSFORM (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Paradigm Sciences Ltd, Walker House, 87 Mary Street George Town, KY (740) Fullmektig: Plougmann & Vingtoft, Postboks 1003 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Dataprogramvare, nemlig dataprogramvare til bruk i forbindelse med leting, utvinning og produksjon av olje og gass og forvaltning av undergrunns- og undersjøiske verdier. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 LIXALEV (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Biogen Idec MA Inc, 14 Cambridge Center, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, US (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater for behandling av kardio-vaskulære sykdommer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 57 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253261 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet 2009.04.27 US 77/723,108 Søknadsnr.: 200908856 Inndato: 2009.09.03 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: LIXITOL 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253264 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet 2009.04.01 US 77/703,917 Søknadsnr.: 200908858 Inndato: 2009.09.03 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: RENGLIDRI LIXITOL RENGLIDRI (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Biogen Idec MA Inc, 14 Cambridge Center, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, US (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater for behandling av kardio-vaskulære sykdommer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Bristol-Myers Squibb Co, 345 Park Avenue, NY101540037 NEW YORK, US (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater til bruk for mennesker (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253265 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet 2009.04.01 US 77/703,920 Søknadsnr.: 200908860 Inndato: 2009.09.03 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: RILFUGA (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253262 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200907918 Inndato: 2009.08.10 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: LACTOCEF RILFUGA LACTOCEF (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Bristol-Myers Squibb Co, 345 Park Avenue, NY101540037 NEW YORK, US (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater til bruk for mennesker (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Continental Farmacéutica SL, Avenida de Europa 20B, Pargue Empresarial La Moraleja, 28108 MADRID (ALCOBENDAS), ES (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Veterinære preparater og stoffer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253266 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet 2009.04.01 US 77/703,926 Søknadsnr.: 200908861 Inndato: 2009.09.03 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: WILPRODA (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253263 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet 2009.03.30 US 77/701,837 Søknadsnr.: 200908857 Inndato: 2009.09.03 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ZIROLIX WILPRODA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Bristol-Myers Squibb Co, 345 Park Avenue, NY101540037 NEW YORK, US (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater til bruk for mennesker. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 ZIROLIX (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Biogen Idec MA Inc, 14 Cambridge Center, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, US (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater for behandling av kardio-vaskulære sykdommer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 58 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253267 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908366 Inndato: 2009.08.18 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: NÂTU 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253268 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200906169 Inndato: 2009.06.18 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: pia & per (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Gullsmed Arne Nordlie AS, Ole Deviksvei 30, 0611 OSLO, NO (740) Fullmektig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Gjerdrums Vei 12, 0484 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:14 Edle metaller og deres legeringer og varer av edle metaller eller overtrukne hermed; juvelervarer, smykker, edle stener; ur og kronometriske instrumenter. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Ja (730) Innehaver: Lox AS, Holtegata 23, 0355 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:14 Smykker. Klasse:24 Tekstil. Klasse:30 Te. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253269 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet 2009.04.01 US 77/703,931 Søknadsnr.: 200908863 Inndato: 2009.09.03 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: WILPROTA WILPROTA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Bristol-Myers Squibb Co, 345 Park Avenue, NY101540037 NEW YORK, US (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater til bruk for mennesker (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 59 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253270 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200906159 Inndato: 2009.06.18 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: FRUIT KICK 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253272 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908920 Inndato: 2009.09.04 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: FROZT FROZT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Nidar AS, Bromstadveien 2, 7005 TRONDHEIM, NO (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:30 Sjokolade, sukkervarer, sukkerfrie pastiller og drops. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253273 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200906950 Inndato: 2009.07.07 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: SPECTRASYN ELITE (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Ja (730) Innehaver: Pure Nature AS, Postboks 242 Økern, 0510 OSLO, NO (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:32 Sorbet (drikker); slush; smoothie; limonade; kullsyreholdige drikker; juice; fruktekstrakter. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 SPECTRASYN ELITE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Exxon Mobil Corp, 5959 Las Colinas Boulevard, TX75039-2298 IRVING, US (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Petrokjemiske væsker og petrokjemiske basisstoffer brukt i fabrikasjon av smørmidler og fett for motorkjøretøyer og industrien. Klasse:4 Oljer og fett til industrielle formål; smøremidler. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253271 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200906157 Inndato: 2009.06.18 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ENSURE PLUS ACTIVE ENSURE PLUS ACTIVE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Abbott Laboratories, 100 Abbott Park Road, IL60064 ABBOTT PARK, US (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Dietetiske substanser for medisinsk bruk. Klasse:29 Flytende næringsmidler som inneholder melk og melkeprodukter. Klasse:32 Ikke-alkoholdholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 60 registrerte varemerker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253275 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200907248 Inndato: 2009.07.20 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: TIME OF HEROES (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253274 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908361 Inndato: 2009.08.18 Registreringen 2019.10.27 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: FOSEN OPTIMA TIME OF HEROES (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Lucius Group Ltd, P O Box 3152 ROAD TOWN, TORTOLA, VG (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Apparater og instrumenter, alle for opptak, gjengivelse og/eller overføring av lyd og/eller videoinformasjon; lyd og/eller videoopptak; lyd og/eller video opptaksmedia; videospill; CD ROM; virtuell virkelighetssystemer; elektriske, fotografiske apparater og instrumenter; magnetiske databærere, opptaksdisketter; databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; radio og fjernsynsapparater og instrumenter både for mottak og overføring; lyd og/eller videoopptak i form av kassetter, opptaksdisketter, tape, bånd eller telegrammer; magnetiske bånd for å bære lyd eller videoopptak; kassetter, disker, bånd og filmpatroner; videodisker; CD-er, videotilbehør; kinematografiske filmer; fotografiske lysbilder; kalkulatorer; videospill; elektroniske spill, elektroniske underholdningsapparater; computere; computer software; computer hardware; computer firmware; magnetiske bånd for opptak av dataprogrammer eller data; elektronisk, magnetisk og optisk innspilt data for computere; dataspill; dataspillprogrammer; dataspill spilt via datanettverk, inkludert via Internet; dataspill spilt via telekommunikasjonsnettverk, inkludert elektriske, elektromagnetiske, trådløse eller optiske kommunikasjonsnettverk; interaktive software produkter for computere, elektroniske spill eller elektroniske underholdningsapparater, distribuert ved magnetiske, optiske og elektroniske metoder, inkludert radio, fjernsyn og satellitt og kringkastingsoverføring og ved overføring over telefon, kabel, computer og optiske fibernettverk og overføringssystemer; interaktiv firmware og hardware produkter for computere, elektroniske spill og elektroniske underholdningsapparater, alle distribuert på magnetiske, optiske og elektroniske media; myntstyrte underholdningsapparater og instrumenter; rack tilpasset oppbevaring av plater eller bånd; etuier, vesker, bager, bærere og beholdere alle tilpasset for å bære eller lagre alle av de forannevnte varer; nedlastbar informasjon i en elektronisk form; publikasjoner i elektronisk format (nedlastbare); deler og tilbehør til alle de forannevnte varer. Klasse:16 Papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; skrivesaker og papirvarer; trykksaker, tidsskrifter, bøker, magasiner, publikasjoner, postere, tegneserier, aktivitetsbøker, fargeleggingsbøker, notatbøker, adressebøker, byttekort, klistremerker, dekalkomanibilder; bokmerker; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; skrive eller tegneutstyr; (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Fosen Mekaniske Verksteder AS, 7100 RISSA, NO (740) Fullmektig: Bull & Co Advokatfirma AS, Postboks 2583 Solli, 0203 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 Båter/befordringsmidler til bruk i vannet; styremekanismer og propeller for båter; båtslipper. Klasse:16 Papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding; fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer; klebemidler for papirvarer og husholdningsbruk; kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); trykktyper, klisjeer; almanakker, håndbøker. Klasse:37 Byggevirksomhet, herunder skipsbygging/skipsverft, reparasjonsvirksomhet og installasjonsvirksomhet, vedlikeholdstjenester, gjenoppbygging av maskiner og motorer, undervannsbygging og undervannsreparasjon. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 61 registrerte varemerker Klasse:18 Klasse:21 Klasse:25 Klasse:28 Klasse:34 Klasse:35 Klasse:38 kalendere; lommeplanleggere (ikke-elektriske); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); viskelær, blyantspissere; linjaler; overføringsbilder som overføres ved å gni; mapper til porteføljer; fotoalbum; album; innpakningspapir, gaveinnpakningspapir, gavelapper, gaveesker; gratulasjonskort; partyvarer av papir; partydekorasjoner av papir; innpaknings og emballeringsmaterialer; korktavler; krittavler; notattavler; frimerkealbum; manualer; scrap-bøker; fotografier; papir eller papp modeller; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; klebebånd; papir; malepensler; papirvekter; sett med blyanter; blyant eller pennebokser; planleggere; papirservietter; postkort; modelleringsmaterialer; musikknotehefter, penner. Paraplyer og parasoller, spaserstokker. Husholdnings- og kjøkkenredskaper samt beholdere; tallerkener, krus, kopper; porselen, glassvarer og keramikk (ikke opptatt i andre klasser). Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg, t-skjorter, ermeløse skjorter, caps. Spill, leketøy. Artikler for røykere, spesielt askebegre, lightere. Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; utsendelse av reklameannonser for andre via et kommunikasjons og computer nettverk; registertjenester for å hjelpe med å finne mennesker, steder, organisasjoner, telefonnumre, hjemmesider, og elektroniske mailadresser; opprettelse av indekser over informasjon, nettsteder, og andre resurser tilgjengelige på kommunikasjons og computer nettverk; søke og hente ut for andre informasjon, nettsteder, og andre resurser tilgjengelige på kommunikasjons og computer nettverk; bistand ved markedsføring, ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kompilering og transkripsjon av data; kompilering av annonser for bruk som websider på Internet; kompilering av registre for publisering på Internet; fremskaffelse av plass på websider for annonsering av varer og tjenester; database og databehandlingstjenester; ledelse av motiverende planer og prosjekter. Telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet; elektronisk post tjenester; Internet kommunikasjonstjenester; data kommunikasjonstjenester, satellitt kommunikasjonstjenester; fremskaffelse av telefon kommunikasjon via globale kommunikasjons og computer nettverk; overføring av meldinger mellom fjerne brukere via telefon, online, kabel eller satellitt systemer; elektronisk overføring av data, bilder, og dokumenter via computer terminaler og nettverk; elektronisk lagre og videreformidle meldingstjeneste; kringkastingstjenester; kringkasting og levering av audio, video, og/eller multimedia innhold ved hjelp av radio, mobil, og trådløs kommunikasjon, fjernsyn, kabelfjernsyn, lukkede kretser, elektronisk kommunikasjon eller computer nettverk; personsøkertjenester; telefonitjenester; fremskaffelse av flerbrukertilgang til oppslagstavler og kommunikasjons og computer nettverk for overføring og disseminering av et vidt spekter av data og informasjon; overføring av et vidt spekter av informasjon av generell interesse via kommunikasjons og computer nettverk; fremskaffelse av en online link til nyheter, vær, Klasse:41 Klasse:42 62 2009.11.02 - 45/09 sport, aktuelle begivenheter, og referansematerialer; fremskaffelse av online oppslagstavler; fremskaffelse av online chatrooms for overføring av meldinger mellom kommunikasjons og computernettverksbrukere; tjenester for kommunikasjon mellom multimedia utstyr og apparater, spillkonsoller, bærbare elektroniske og elektriske spillapparater og utstyr, computere og andre databehandlings apparater og utstyr tilpasset for å spille spill; drift av søkemotorer; drift av chat-rooms; fremskaffelse av elektronisk post. Underholdingstjenester; fremskaffelse av online dataspill; pengespillvirksomhet; underholdningstjenester fremskaffet ved trådløs tilgangsprotokoll (WAP) eller andre trådløse medier eller ved kablet tilkobling; underholdningstjenester fremskaffet fra en database eller via Internet; underholdningstjenester kringkastet ved kabel, ved jordbundne nettverk, satellitt eller andre hjelpemidler; underholdnings, utdannelses, instruksjons og informasjonstjenester relatert til utdanning, opplæringsvirksomhet, underholdning, sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter, alle fremskaffet ved hjelp av radio, fjernsyn, telefon, trådløs telegrafi, telekommunikasjonsapparater, mikrobølge, elektroniske media, kringkasting eller kommunikasjons satellitt; produksjon og presentasjon av data, bilder, grafikk, animerte bilder, lyder og liknende informasjon, alt for kringkasting eller overføring i forbindelse med eller relatert til fjernsynsprogrammer eller fjernsynsfilmer; fremskaffelse, organisering, produksjon og presentasjon av begivenheter for utdannings, kulturelle eller underholdningsformål; organisering, produksjon og presentasjon av konkurranser, tevlinger, spill og quiz, studiounderholdning og begivenheter med publikumsdeltakelse; fremskaffelse av underholdning og utdanning med tilgjengelighet via kommunikasjons og computer nettverk; elektroniske, computer og videospill tjenester; fremskaffelse av elektroniske computer og videospill og materiell relatert dertil fra en database eller via Internet; produksjon og presentasjon av fjernsynsprogrammer og fjernsynsfilmer; produksjon av video og audio opptak; utvikling og produksjon og distribusjon av spill, audio og video opptak, filmer, CD-er, CD-ROM, CDI-er, DVD-er; spilltjenester for flere spillere samtidig; organisering av begivenheter og turneringer relatert til computer og videospill; fremskaffelse av elektroniske publikasjoner (ikke nedlastbare); utleie av leker, spill, leketøy, deler, utstyr, periferiutstyr og tilbehør til alt det forannevnte, audio og videoopptak, kinematografiske filmer, CD-er, DVD-er, CDROM, ROM- magnetbåndkassetter, CDI-er, computer hardware og apparater for bruk ved spill av spill; fremskaffelse av informasjon relatert til alt det forannevnte; kommisjonert skriving, alt for utarbeidelse av websider på Internet. Computer tjenester; vedlikehold, oppdatering og design av computer software og programmer; computer programmeringstjenester; forberedelse og fremskaffelse av informasjon relatert til computere og computernettverksfasiliteter; online computer tjenester; programmeringstjenester gitt online; utleie av datamaskiner; design, tegning og kommisjonert skriving, alt for kompilering av websider på Internet; opprettelse og registrerte varemerker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253278 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908110 Inndato: 2009.08.11 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: PROFFOX vedlikehold av websider; webhotell (tilby vertsserver for andres hjemmesider); installasjon og vedlikehold av computer software; leasing av tilgangstid til en computer database. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253276 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200907960 Inndato: 2009.08.11 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: FOOT STONE PROFFOX (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Proff Norge AS, Hegdalveien 79, 3261 LARVIK, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Rengjøringsmidler. Klasse:5 Desinfeksjonsmidler. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 FOOT STONE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Karlsson Design, Larsbråtveien 207, 0674 OSLO, NO (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:18 Lær og lærimitasjoner samt varer av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, skinn og huder; kofferter og reisevesker, paraplyer, parasoller og spaserslokker, sveper, seletøy og salmakervarer. Klasse:24 Tekstiler og tekstilvarer, herunder tøyposer. Klasse:25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg, herunder fritidssko og tøysko. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253279 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908111 Inndato: 2009.08.11 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: PENETROX-S PENETROX-S (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Proff Norge AS, Hegdalveien 79, 3261 LARVIK, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Desinfeksjonsmidler. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253277 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908107 Inndato: 2009.08.11 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ODOX (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253280 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908421 Inndato: 2009.08.21 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: FISHERSTORM ODOX (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Proff Norge AS, Hegdalveien 79, 3261 LARVIK, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Desinfeksjonsmidler. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 FISHERSTORM (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Berentsens Brygghus AS, Postboks 53, 4379 EGERSUND, NO (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Steenstrup Stordrange DA, Postboks 1829 Vika, 0123 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:32 Øl; mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikke-alkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker. Klasse:33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl.). (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 63 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253281 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200907761 Inndato: 2009.08.04 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: MSCI 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253283 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200907763 Inndato: 2009.08.04 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: FEA MSCI FEA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: MSCI Inc, 88 Pine Street, NY10005 NEW YORK, US (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 Trykksaker, nemlig rapporter, publikasjoner, manualer, nyhetsbrev, fagtidsskrifter, akademiske tidsskrifter, tidskrifter, forskningsog instruksjons- og opplæringsmateriell, alle relatert til finansiell informasjon og forretningsdata, inkludert, men ikke begrenset til finansindekser, klassifisering av foretak og verdipapirer, porteføljebygging og -forvaltning, funksjonsegenskaper og risikostyring. Klasse:36 Finansielle tjenester, nemlig fremskaffelse av finansielle data, informasjon og analysevitenskap, inkludert, men ikke begrenset til indekser, klassifikasjoner av foretak og verdipapirer, risiko og vurderingsmodeller og data, rapporteringstjenester og forskning, og støtte, produksjon og klienttjenester relatert til alt det foran nevnte. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: MSCI Inc, 88 Pine Street, NY10005 NEW YORK, US (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Computer og brukersoftware og relaterte manualer og materiell for bruk i finansielle analyser slike som porteføljeforvaltning, porteføljebygging, optimering, funksjonsegenskaper, risikostyring og analyser, vurderinger, porteføljedeling og forskning. Klasse:36 Finansielle tjenester, nemlig fremskaffelse av finansielle data, informasjon og analysevitenskap, inkludert, men ikke begrenset til indekser, klassifikasjoner av foretak og verdipapirer, risiko og vurderingsmodeller og data, rapporteringstjenester og forskning, og støtte, produksjon og klienttjenester relatert til alt det foran nevnte. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253284 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908423 Inndato: 2009.08.21 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: FRESHMAN (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253282 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908422 Inndato: 2009.08.21 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: STRONGFISH FRESHMAN (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Berentsens Brygghus AS, Postboks 53, 4379 EGERSUND, NO (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Steenstrup Stordrange DA, Postboks 1829 Vika, 0123 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:32 Øl; mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikke-alkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker. Klasse:33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl.). (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 STRONGFISH (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Berentsens Brygghus AS, Postboks 53, 4379 EGERSUND, NO (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Steenstrup Stordrange DA, Postboks 1829 Vika, 0123 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:32 Øl; mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikke-alkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker. Klasse:33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl.). (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 64 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253285 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908424 Inndato: 2009.08.21 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: FISHERCAP 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253287 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet 2009.03.25 SE 09405433 Søknadsnr.: 200908934 Inndato: 2009.09.07 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: NÄSFRIDA FISHERCAP NÄSFRIDA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Berentsens Brygghus AS, Postboks 53, 4379 EGERSUND, NO (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Steenstrup Stordrange DA, Postboks 1829 Vika, 0123 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:32 Øl; mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikke-alkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker. Klasse:33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl.). (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Nasalprodukter Sverige AB, Adelgatan 21, 21122 MALMÖ, SE (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Legemidler i form av nesedråper og nesespray. Klasse:10 Kirurgiske og medisinske, odontologiske og veterinære apparater og instrumenter, (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253290 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200816038 Inndato: 2008.12.17 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: MAXIMO (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253286 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet 2009.03.10 US 77/687,017 Søknadsnr.: 200908904 Inndato: 2009.09.07 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: SOLFX MAXIMO SOLFX (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Bodegas Maximo SL, Camino Viejo de Logroño, 26, 01320 OYÓN (ÁLAVA), ES (740) Fullmektig: Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks 171, 4302 SANDNES, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:33 Spanske viner. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Transitions Optical Inc, 9521 Belcher Road, FL33782 PINELLAS PARK, US (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Linser og blanke linseglass; solbriller. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 65 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253291 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908906 Inndato: 2009.09.07 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: FÜRST MEDISINSK LABORATORIUM 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253292 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200907512 Inndato: 2009.07.24 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: POTTERMORE POTTERMORE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Warner Bros Entertainment Inc, 4000 Warner Boulevard, CA91522 BURBANK, US (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Lydbånd som er spilt inn på forhånd, audiovideobånd, audio video kassetter, audio video disketter og digitale versatile disketter inneholdende komedier, drama, action og spenning; nedlastbare lydopptak inneholdende komedier, drama action og spenning; nedlastbare audio video opptak inneholdende komedier, drama, action og spenning; håndholdte kalkulatorer; CD ROM computerspillkassetter; interaktive videospillprogrammer; interaktive multimedia spillprogrammer; videospillkassetter; elektroniske dagbøker; musematter; computerprogram, nemlig software som linker digitalisert video- og audiomedia til et globalt computerinformasjonsnettverk; tilbehør til mobiltelefoner, nemlig "hands-free" tilbehør, nemlig futteral til mobiltelefoner og tilbehør som beskytter utsiden og displayet på mobiltelefoner; kodede magnetiske kort, nemlig telefonkort, kredittkort, kontantkort, debetkort og magnetiske nøkkelkort; software relatert til og nedlastbare telefonringelyder til trådløse telefoner; nedlastbare skjermsparere til bruk på computere. Klasse:16 Trykksaker og papirvarer, nemlig bøker som omhandler action, spenning og komedier, magasiner som omhandler action, spenning og komedier, tegnebøker, aktivitetsbøker for barn; notisbøker, skrivesaker, skrivepapir, konvolutter, takkekort, penner, blyanter og beholdere til slike varer, viskelær, fargestifter, markeringspenner, fargeblyanter, malesett, kritt og tavler; plakater; bokbind, bokmerker, kalendere. Klasse:28 Leker og sportsvarer, inkludert spill og leketøy, nemlig actionfigurer og tilbehør dertil; plysjleker; ballonger; rideleker; utstyr solgt som deler til kortspill; lekebiler; dukker; elektroniske håndholdte spillenheter; spillutstyr solgt som deler til brettspill, kortspill, selskapslek og actionbaserte målspill; video output spillmaskiner som står alene; puslespill og manipuleringspuslespill; baller, nemlig lekeplassballer, fotballer, basketballer; svømmeplater for rekreasjonsformål; bake- og kokeutstyr til bruk i lek; lekebanker; lekesnøkloder; og juletrepynt. Klasse:35 Online detaljhandelstjenester av forhåndsinnspilte lydbøker, elektroniske bøker, konsumentvarer, nemlig bøker inneholdende action, spenning og komedier, magasiner inneholdende action, spenning og komedier, tegnebøker, aktivitetsbøker for barn, notisbøker, dagbøker, skrivekort, skrivesaker, skrivepapir, konvolutter, takkekort, penner, blyanter og beholdere til slike varer, viskelær, fargeblyanter, markeringspenner, fargepenner, (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Dr Furst Medisinsk Laboratorium AS, Søren Bulls vei 25, 1051 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer. Klasse:44 Medisinske tjenester; veterinære tjenester; hygienisk behandling og skjønnhetspleie for mennesker eller dyr; landbruk-, hagebruk- og skogbrukstjenester. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 66 registrerte varemerker malesett, plakater, bokbind, bokmerker og kalendere; annonse og reklametjenester og informasjon dertil; informasjonstjenester knyttet til forretningsvirksomhet; sammensetning av reklamer/annonser for andre. Klasse:38 Tilveiebringelse av flerbrukstilgang til et globalt computerinformasjonsnettverk; tilveiebringelse av online chat rooms og elektroniske oppslagstavler for overføring av beskjeder mellom brukere med generell interesse; tilveiebringelse av online kommunikasjonslinker som overfører webside brukere til andre lokale eller globale websider; tilveiebringelse av online fasiliteter for nåtids interaksjon med andre computer brukere i forbindelse med emner/temaer av generell interesse. Klasse:41 Underholdningstjenester, nemlig tilveiebringelse av websider inneholdende filmklipp, bilder og annet multimedia materiale; tilveiebringelse av online computerspill; tilveiebringelse av computerspill som man kan få tilgang til via telekommunikasjonsnettverk; utdannelsestjenester, nemlig tilveiebringelse av informasjon som man kan få tilgang til via telekommunikasjonsnettverk og som spesielt er relatert til barnebøker, utdannelsesprogram inkluderende lese- og skriveferdighetsprogrammer, programmer for opplæring av lese og skriveferdigheter, materiale og programmer for å forenkle lesing og opplæring av individer med lærevanskeligheter og språk-, lese- og skriveferdighetsvanskeligheter; tilveiebringelse av online publikasjoner i form av e-bøker; elektronisk publiseringstjenester, nemlig publisering av tekst og grafiske verker av andre. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253294 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908670 Inndato: 2009.08.28 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Algro (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Alna Margarinfabrik AS, Postboks 3, Økern, 0508 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Bønner (konserverte), Egg til konsum, Fettstoffer spiselige, Fiskehermetikk, Frukter (tørkede), Grønnsaker hermetiske, Grønnsaker tørkede, Hermetisk frukt, Hermetiske grønnsaker, Hummus (smør av Dukkerter), Kokosfett, Kokosnøtter tørkede, Kreps ikke levende, Laks (fersk og preparert), Maisolje, Mandler, Margarin, Marmelade, Oliven (hermetiske), Olivenolje ( spiselig ), Oljer (spiselige), Oster, Palmolje (spiselige), Pikkels, Rapsolje (næringsmiddel), Raps olje(spiselige), Reker små og store (ikke levende), Salater (frukt), Salater (grønnsaker), Skalldyr (ikke levende), Solsikkeolje (spiselige), Sopp (konservert), Spisefett, fettstoffer for fabrikasjon av spisefett, Sylteagurker, Syltet frukt, Syltetøy, Tomatpuré, Tunfisk. Klasse:30 Bakepulver, Brød, Chutney (krydder), Couscous (semulegryn), salatdressinger, Eddik, Essenser for næringsmidler, untatt eteriske oljer, Honning, Ketchup, Krydder, Krydderblandinger, Krydderier, Majoneser, Makaroni, Nudler, Næringsmidler på basis av mel, Ravioli, Ris, Salatdressinger, Sauser, Sennep, Spaghetti, Tomatsaus, Vafler. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253293 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908398 Inndato: 2009.08.20 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: JA JA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Tine BA, Christian Frederiks plass 6, 0154 OSLO, NO (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Yoghurt, drikkeyoghurt, yoghurtbaserte drikker, syltetøy, bearbeidet frukt, bearbeidete nøtter. Klasse:30 Kornblandinger, mysli. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 67 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253295 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200909082 Inndato: 2009.09.08 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ontri 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253296 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908671 Inndato: 2009.08.28 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ALGRO ALGRO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Alna Margarinfabrik AS, Postboks 3, Økern, 0508 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Bønner (konserverte), Egg til konsum, Fettstoffer spiselige, Fiskehermetikk, Frukter (tørkede), Grønnsaker hermetiske, Grønnsaker tørkede, Hermetisk frukt, Hermetiske grønnsaker, Hummus (smør av Dukkerter), Kokosfett, Kokosnøtter tørkede, Kreps ikke levende, Laks (fersk og preparert), Maisolje, Mandler, Margarin, Marmelade, Oliven (hermetiske), Olivenolje ( spiselig ), Oljer (spiselige), Oster, Palmolje (spiselige), Pikkels, Rapsolje (næringsmiddel), Raps olje(spiselige), Reker små og store (ikke levende), Salater (frukt), Salater (grønnsaker), Skalldyr (ikke levende), Solsikkeolje (spiselige), Sopp (konservert), Spisefett, fettstoffer for fabrikasjon av spisefett, Sylteagurker, Syltet frukt, Syltetøy, Tomatpuré, Tunfisk. Klasse:30 Bakepulver, Brød, Chutney (krydder), Couscous (semulegryn), salatdressinger, Eddik, Essenser for næringsmidler, untatt eteriske oljer, Honning, Ketchup, Krydder, Krydderblandinger, Krydderier, Majoneser, Makaroni, Nudler, Næringsmidler på basis av mel, Ravioli, Ris, Salatdressinger, Sauser, Sennep, Spaghetti, Tomatsaus, Vafler. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Morgans AS, Lilleakerveien 2E, 0283 OSLO, NO (740) Fullmektig: Kvale & Co Advokatfirma ANS, Postboks 1752 Vika, 0122 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Dataprogrammer; programvare. Klasse:35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; erklæringer og uttalelser via alle slags media og som vedrører alle slags varer. Klasse:38 Rådgivning vedrørende elektronisk overføring av informasjon; informasjon om telekommunikasjon; meldetjenester, elektronisk postoverføring; data assisert overføring av beskjeder og bilder; kommunikasjon ved dataterminaler; kommunikasjon ved optisk fibernett; mobiltelefontjenester Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; organisering og ledelse av seminarer, undervisning i kommunikasjon; undervisning i informasjonshåndteringlbehandling. Klasse:42 Design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer. Analyse av datasystemer, programmering for datamaskiner, iitleie av dataprogrammer, ajourføring og vedlikehold av data programmer, utarbeidelse av dataprogrammer, vedlikehold av dataprogrammer og software (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 68 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253297 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908935 Inndato: 2009.09.07 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: VISA PERFORMSOURCE 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253299 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908846 Inndato: 2009.09.02 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: GUL e-STRØM VISA PERFORMSOURCE GUL e-STRØM (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Visa International Service Association, 900 Metro Center Boulevard, CA94404 FOSTER CITY, US (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:36 Forsikringsvirksomhet; finansiell virksomhet; monetær virksomhet; forretninger med fast eiendom; finansielle tjenester, banktjenester, kreditkorttjenester, betalingskorttjenester, autentifisering og verifikasjon av betalingstransaksjoner; fremskaffelse av finansiell informasjon nemlig kredit- og debetkort data og rapporter, håndtering av finansportefølje; finansielle takseringer og risikostyring for andre innen området kundekredit; kreditstyring, spredning/utbredelse av finansiell informasjon via et globalt datanett, finansiell informasjon gitt av datamaskin ved hjelp av et sikkerhets informasjons-datanett og rådgivningstjenester vedrørende alle forannevnte tjenester; finansielle analyser og konsultasjon, nemlig fremskaffelse av et vidt område med informasjon og analyser til finansielle institusjoner ved elektronisk hjelp i forbindelse med betalingskortprogram, markedsføringsdata, kortholderforbruk, bedrageri og risikostyring. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: NorgesEnergi AS, Serviceboks 608, 4606 KRISTIANSAND S, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:4 Elektrisk kraft. Klasse:39 Distribusjon av elektrisk kraft. Klasse:40 Produksjon av elektrisk kraft. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253300 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet 2009.03.05 US 77/684,836 Søknadsnr.: 200908862 Inndato: 2009.09.03 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: BOKU BOKU (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Vidicom Ltd, Peak Business Park 1 Millennium House, Foxwood Road, S419RF CHESTERFIELD, GB (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:36 Tjenester for betaling av fakturaer og regninger; tjenester for betaling av fakturaer og regninger, tilveiebrakt via en webside og via mobiltelefoner; betalingsformidlingstjenester, nemlig behandling av elektroniske betalinger og kredittkorttransaksjoner via mobiltelefonkonti; elektronisk betalingsoverføring. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253298 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908839 Inndato: 2009.09.02 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: GUL e-SPOT GUL e-SPOT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: NorgesEnergi AS, Serviceboks 608, 4606 KRISTIANSAND S, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:4 Elektrisk kraft Klasse:39 Distribusjon av elektrisk kraft. Klasse:40 Produksjon av elektrisk kraft. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 69 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253301 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet 2009.05.14 US 77/737,259 Søknadsnr.: 200908832 Inndato: 2009.08.07 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: GIRO 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253302 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200909083 Inndato: 2009.09.08 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Black Beard World Piracy Update GIRO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Bell Sports Inc, 5550 Scotts Valley Drive, CA950663438 SCOTTS VALLEY, US (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Beskyttelseshjelmer; beskyttelseshjelmer til sportsbruk. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Bergen Risk Solutions AS, Postboks 48 Fantoft, 5899 BERGEN, NO (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Thommessen AS, Postboks 1484 Vika, 0116 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:45 Sikkerhetstjenester for beskyttelse av eiendom og enkeltmennesker; personlige og sosiale tjenester utført av andre for å dekke personlige behov; konsulenttjenester for sikkerhetsspørsmål. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 70 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253303 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200909084 Inndato: 2009.09.08 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: BLACKBEARD 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253305 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200906691 Inndato: 2009.07.01 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: BRIDGESTONE A001 BLACKBEARD BRIDGESTONE A001 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Bergen Risk Solutions AS, Postboks 48 Fantoft, 5899 BERGEN, NO (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Thommessen AS, Postboks 1484 Vika, 0116 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:45 Sikkerhetstjenester for beskyttelse av eiendom og enkeltmennesk og sosiale tjenester utført av andre for å dekke personlige behov; konsulenttjenester for sikkerhetsspørsmål. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Bridgestone Corp, 10-1, Kyobashi 1-chome, Chuo-ku TOKYO, JP (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 Automobiler og deres deler og tilbehør; dekk for passasjerbiler; dekk for lastebiler; dekk for busser; dekk for racerbiler; dekk for automobiler; regummierte dekk for passasjerbiler; regummierte dekk for lastebiler; regummierte dekk for busser; regummierte dekk for racerbiler; regummierte dekk for automobiler; innerslanger og luftslanger for passasjerbiler; innerslanger og luftslanger for lastebiler; innerslanger og luftslanger for busser; innerslanger og luftslanger for racerbiler; innerslanger og luftslanger for automobiler; hjul for passasjerbiler; hjul for lastebiler; hjul for busser; hjul for racerbiler; hjul for automobiler; slitebanegummi for regummiering av dekk for alle de forannevnte kjøretøyer; to-hjuls motorkjøretøyer og deres deler og tilbehør; dekk for to-hjuls motorkjøretøyer; innerslanger og luftslanger for to-hjuls motorkjøretøyer; hjul for to-hjuls motorkjøretøyer; sykler og deres deler og tilbehør; dekk for sykler; innerslanger og luftslanger for sykler; hjul for sykler; slitebanegummi for regummiering av dekk for to-hjuls motorkjøretøyer eller sykler; dekk, innerslanger og luftslanger for luftfartøy; slitebanegummi for regummiering av dekk for luftfartøy; klebende gummilapper for reparasjon av slanger eller dekk; hjulfelger og omslag for kjøretøyshjul; inneslanger og luftslanger for kjøretøyshjul; støtdempere (for landkjøretøyer); pneumatiske støtdempere (luftfjærer for landkjøretøyer); akselkoplinger eller forbindelser (for landkjøretøyer); fendere og skjermer for fartøyer; seteputer for kjøretøyer; belter og slitebanebånd for kjøretøyer; hydrauliske slanger, ikke av metall, for bruk i kjøretøyer; opphengskomponenter og fjæringskomponenter til kjøretøyer; luftfjærer; deler og tilbehør til samtlige forannevnte varer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253304 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200901504 Inndato: 2009.02.12 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Spacy Spacy (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Line With, Pilestredet 88 B, 0358 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:28 Spill og leketøy; leketelt (pedagogisk verktøy). (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 71 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253306 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200904940 Inndato: 2009.05.14 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: bitbop 2009.11.02 - 45/09 kontortjenester; telefontjenester; online salgstjenester; reklameformidling for andre via internett; tilveiebringe og utleie av reklameplass på internett; online annonsering og markedstjenester. Klasse:38 Telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet; overføring av stemme, lyd og bilder og data gjennom telekommunikasjonsnettverk; trådløse kommunikasjonsnettverk, internett, informasjonstjenestenettverk og datanettverk; elektronisk overføring av stemme, tekst, bilde, data og informasjon ved hjelp av mobile radioer, to-veis radioer, cellulære telefoner, digitale cellulære telefoner, mobiltelefoner; kommunikasjon av data ved hjelp av radiotelekommunikasjon og satellitt, eposttjenester; telekommunikasjonstilgangstjenester for mobile enheter via trådløse nettverk for overføring og mottak av elektronisk e-post, faksimile, data, bilder, informasjon, tekst, numeriske meldinger og tekstmeldinger og for tilgang til et globalt kommunikasjonsnettverk; overføring av nyheter over internett; global tekst- og meldingstjeneste; tilveiebringe online chatroom og elektroniske oppslagstavler for overføring av meldinger mellom bruker; dataoverføring for tredjemann. Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; underholdningstjenester i form av produksjon og distribusjon av levende film, TV-programmer, radioprogrammer, tilveiebringelse av online informasjon innen feltet underholdning; underholdningstjenester i form ringelyder, grafikk, bakgrunnsbilder og spill via globale datanettverk og trådløse enheter; mobile media og underholdningstjenester i form av tilrettelegging av slikt innhold. Klasse:42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer, rådgivningstjenester innen designutforming, implementering og bruk av datasoftwaresystemer og dataprosesseringssystemer for andre; datatjenester, nemlig, design, implementering, utforming og vedlikehold av websider for andre; rådgiving innen datanettsider; datatjenester, nemlig, tilveiebringe søkemotorer for internett til bruk ved lokalisering av informasjon, ressurser, og nettsider for andre i globalt datanettverk; planlegging, utvikling og teknisk support for elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; datatjenester, nemlig applikasjonstjenester for håndtering og prosessering av informasjon og data; design og utvikling av online programvaresystemer; vertstjenester for digitalt innhold på internett, nemlig, online journaler og blogger; tilveiebringelse av midlertidig bruk av ikke-nedlastbare dataprogramvare for bruk ved opprettelse og vedlikehold av online journaler og blogger. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Fox Mobile Distribution GmbH, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 5, 10178 BERLIN, DE (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; brannslukningsapparater; nedlastbare ringetoner, ringelyder, grafikk, bakgrunnsbilder, spill og musikk via et globalt datanettverk og via trådløse enheter; nedlastbar programvare og applikasjoner for mobile kommunikasjonsenheter; dataprogramvare og applikasjoner for mobiltelefoner; forhåndsinnspilte CD'er, CDROM, DVD'er og minnekort; elektroniske publikasjoner, nemlig, bøker og magasiner; videospillprogramvare; musmatter, tastaturer; briller, nemlig lesebriller og øyeglass. Klasse:16 Papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding; fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); trykktyper, klisjeer; underholdningsbøker; postere; postkort; ringpermer, notatbøker, permer, notatblokker, blanke journalark, huskelister, adressebøker; kalendere, bokomslag; klistremerker; albumer; bordkalendere; bokmerker; byttekort; fotoalbum; dørhåndtakhengere av papir; plakater; gratulasjonskort; blyanter og penner; publikasjoner, nemlig, brosjyrer og løpeblader; trykte billetter; invitasjonskort; opplæringsmateriale, plastikkbeholdere; trykkmønster og trykkmateriale for tekstiler. Klasse:28 Spill og leketøy; gymnastikk- og sportsartikler, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; juletrepynt; leketøy av plysj, dukker og dukkeklær, gummifigurer; trekkoppleketøy; brettspill, spillkort; freesbee; leketøysmasker, kalidoskoper. Klasse:35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; 72 registrerte varemerker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253308 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet 2009.08.26 EM 008511867 Søknadsnr.: 200908864 Inndato: 2009.09.03 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: NAPOLEON: TOTAL WAR (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253307 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200906181 Inndato: 2009.06.18 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: seitzdesign NAPOLEON: TOTAL WAR (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: The Creative Assembly Ltd, 27 Great West Road, TW89BW BRENTFORD, MIDDLESEX, GB (740) Fullmektig: Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks 171, 4302 SANDNES, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Videospillsoftware; datamaskinspillsoftware; datamaskinspillprogrammer; nedlastbare spillprogrammer; spillprogrammer til bruk med mobiltelefoner; spillprogrammer til bruk med håndholdte spillemaskiner; disker og kassetter til datamaskinspill; disker og kassetter til videospill. Klasse:41 Fremskaffe online datamaskinspill; fremskaffe online videospill; fremskaffe informasjon om underholdning på områdene videospill og datamaskinspill; fremskaffe fasiliteter, spillehaller og parker til underholdningsformål. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Seitzdesign, Oscarsgate 6 A, 0352 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:42 Designvirksomhet, herunder interiørdesign og møbeldesign, interiørarkitekttjenester, produktdesign, dekordesign; design og formgivning av mønster, dekor (ornamentikk). (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 73 registrerte varemerker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253310 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908941 Inndato: 2009.09.07 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: STOREYS (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253309 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet 2009.01.02 EM 007498868 Søknadsnr.: 200906447 Inndato: 2009.06.24 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: SOCIAL MOBILE SOCIAL MOBILE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: INQ Enterprises Ltd, Offshore Group Chambers, P O Box CB 12751 NASSAU, NEW PROVIDENCE, BS (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Telekommunikasjonsutstyr; elektroniske minnekort, telefonkort, mobiltelefoner, holdere for telefoner, øretelefoner for telefoner, etuier for mobiltelefoner; deler og tilbehør til de forannevnte varer. Klasse:16 Trykksaker; instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); instruksjonsmanualer. Klasse:35 Bedrifts- og forretningsprosjektledelse; annonse- og reklamevirksomhet, markedsføring og salgsfremmende tjenester; kompilering av annonser og reklamer for bruk som Web-sider på Internet; forberedelse og presentasjon av audiovisuelle fremvisninger for reklameformål; detaljhandel av telekommunikasjonsapparater; fremskaffelse av informasjon og rådgivning relatert til alle de forannevnte tjenester. Klasse:36 Fremskaffelse av et online elektronisk påfyllings- og krediteringssystem for mobiltelefontjenester, nemlig å utstede kreditteller debetkort som forbrukere kan løse inn i forhåndsbetalt kreditt til en konto for mobiltelefoner. Klasse:38 Telekommunikasjonstjenester; kringkastingstjenester; elektroniske posttjenester; fremskaffelse av brukertilgang til Internet (tjenestetilbydere); fremskaffelse av kommunikasjonstilkobling til Internet eller databaser; fremskaffelse av en online interaktiv oppslagstavle; fremskaffelse av tilgang til nettsteder på et elektronisk informasjonsnettverk; fremskaffelse av tilgang til forskjellige databaser; fremskaffelse av informasjon og rådgivning relatert til de forannevnte tjenester. Klasse:40 Produksjon av telekommunikasjonsapparater, alle på ordre og/eller spesifikasjon fra andre; fremskaffelse av informasjon og rådgivning relatert til de forannevnte tjenester. Klasse:42 Konsultasjonsvirksomhet vedrørende design; ingeniørdesign og konstruksjonstegning; design av telekommunikasjonsapparater, mobiltelefon/håndsett og tilbehør til mobiltelefon/ håndsett; prosjektledelse (design); fremskaffelse og drift av søkemotorer; fremskaffelse av informasjon og rådgivning relatert til de forannevnte tjenester. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Nei (730) Innehaver: Inhouse Group AS, Postboks 8, 2024 GJERDRUM, NO (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Økland & Co DA, Postboks 63, 2001 LILLESTRØM, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:2 Maling, fernisser, lakker; rustbeskyttelsesmidler og treimpregneringsmidler, fargestoffer, beisemidler, ubearbeidet naturlig harpiks; bladmetaller og metallpulver for malere, dekoratører, trykkere og kunstnere. Klasse:23 Garn og tråd for tekstile formål. Klasse:24 Tekstiler og tekstilvarer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; senge- og bordtepper. Klasse:27 Tepper, ryer, matter, linoleum og annet gulvbelegg; tapeter (ikke av tekstilmateriale). (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253311 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908672 Inndato: 2009.08.28 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: AGC Alokozay Group of Companies (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Ja (730) Innehaver: Alokozay FZE, P.O.Box 18165, Jebel Ali Free Zone DUBAI, AE (740) Fullmektig: JK Thorsens Patentbureau AS, Postboks 9276 Grønland, 0134 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; agenturer for import og eksport. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 74 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253312 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200906438 Inndato: 2009.06.24 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: OCUSOFT 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253313 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200903847 Inndato: 2009.04.14 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: NHK HEISREGISTERET OCUSOFT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: Ocusoft Inc, 5311 Avenue N, TX77471 ROSENBERG, US (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Parfymevarer; skjønnhetsprodukter, oljer; luktfjernende preparater for personlig bruk; såper; hårpleieprodukter inkludert hårvann; kosmetikk, spesielt maskara, sminkefjernere, skrubbekrem for øyelokk, ansiktsrens; kosmetikk, nemlig maskara, sminkefjernere, skrubbekrem for øyelokk, ansiktsrens; skrubbekrem for øyelokk samt renseskum for øyelokk; renseservietter impregnert med rensekomponenter for bruk til skum til øyelokk, kremer, geleer, kremer og balsamer for rengjøring av øyelokk og øyevipper; håndsåper. Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske og hygieniske preparater; øyeog optiske midler i form av geleer, dråper og/eller salver; øyedråper; øye- og optiske midler i form av geleer, oppløsninger, dråper, kremer og salver for øyne; medisinske skrubbekremer for øyelokk; medisinske skrubbekremer for øyelokk samt medisinske renseskum for øyelokk; medisinske øyeprodukter, nemlig hypertoniske oppløsninger og salver for øyne; oppløsninger for kontaktlinser; medisinske behandlingsprodukter for øyelokk, nemlig øyelapper med selv-varmende elementer, varme øyekompresser; terapeutiske øyelapper for medisinske formål: orale ernæringstilskudd for hjelp til tørre øyne; medisinske pre-fuktede servietter; medisinsk skum, oppløsninger, kremer, geleer, hudkremer og salver for rensing av øyelokk og fjerning av skorpedannelse og andre fremmedlegemer fra øyelokk, øyevipper og periocular området. Klasse:35 Detaljisthandel av skjønnhetsprodukter, toalettartikler og øye- og optiske produkter; elektroniske utsalgstjenester for de ovennevnte varer i kl. 3 og 5 nemlig skjønnhetsprodukter, toalettartikler og øye- og optiske produkter; postordretjenester i forbindelse med skjønnhetsprodukter, toalettartikler og øye- og optiske produkter; annonse- og reklamevirksomhet og salgsfremmende tjenester. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Ja (730) Innehaver: Stiftelsen Norsk Heiskontroll, Postboks 4017 Ullevål Stadion, 0806 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Innsamling av informasjon for bruk i databaser. Systematisering av informasjon for bruk i databaser. Klasse:36 Bestyrelse av heis og andre løfteinnretninger. Klasse:37 Inspeksjon av heis og andre løfteinnretninger (byggevirksomhet). Klasse:45 Sikkerhetstjenester for heis og andre løfteinnretninger til beskyttelse av eiendom og enkeltmennesker. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253314 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200908674 Inndato: 2009.08.28 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: TLC TLC (541) Merket er et ordmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (730) Innehaver: J & P Coats Ltd, 155 St Vincent Street, G25PA GLASGOW, GB (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:23 Garn og tråd for tekstil bruk. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 75 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) 253315 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Søknadsnr.: 200905882 Inndato: 2009.06.09 Registreringen 2019.10.28 utløper: (540) Gjengivelse av merket: NHK HEISKONTROLLEN (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (550) Merkekategori: Varemerke (591) Merket er i farger: Ja (730) Innehaver: Stiftelsen Norsk Heiskontroll, Postboks 4017 Ullevål Stadion, 0806 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:37 Inspeksjon av heis og andre løfteinnretninger Klasse:42 Kontroll av heis og andre løfteinnretninger Klasse:45 Sikkerhetstjenester for heis og andre løfteinnretninger til beskyttelse av eiendom og enkeltmennesker (450) Kunngjøringsdato 45/09, 2009.11.02 76 2009.11.02 - 45/09 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer som gjelder for Norge ved utpekning etter Madridprotokollen. Innsigelsesperioden utløper 2 mnd. fra kunngjøringsdato, jf. varemerkeloven § 51. Int.reg.dato: Generell informasjon om kunngjøringer etter Madridprotokollen Det vil si det internasjonale registreringsnummer som WIPO har gitt søknaden om internasjonal registrering. Det vil si den dato en internasjonal registrering anses for å ha skjedd, jf. varemerkeloven § 53 og Madrid-protokollen artikkel 3 (4). Dersom den internasjonale registreringen besluttes gjeldende i Norge, vil registreringsperioden på 10 år regnes fra den internasjonale registreringsdatoen. Etterfølgende utpekningsdato: Det vil si datoen for rettsvern i Norge hvor utpekingen ikke har skjedd i forbindelse med den internasjonaleregistreringen. Internasjonale søknader kan påberope seg prioritet etter Pariskonvensjonen artikkel 4 fra det land merket først ble søkt registrert. Dette vil ofte være søkers hjemland idet en internasjonal registrering må bygge på en hjemlands-registrering eller -søknad. Prioritet: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: Det vil si den datoen det innføres i varemerkeregisteret at den internasjonale registreringen gjelder i Norge, jf. varemerkeloven § 51. (111) 0827287 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2004.03.04 (180) Registreringen 2014.03.04 utløper: (891) Etterfølgende 2008.10.10 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 200904356 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.04.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) 0705764 (151) Int.reg.dato: 1998.11.23 (180) Registreringen 2018.11.23 utløper: (891) Etterfølgende 2008.11.24 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 200900940 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.01.29 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ArGeTon SANDRO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: ArGeTon GmbH, Oldenburger Allee 26, 30659 HANNOVER, DE (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Sandro Andy, 93 rue Vieille du Temple, 75003 PARIS, FR (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Klasse:3 Klasse:19 Metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; goods of common metal, included in this class. Building materials (non-metallic); non-metallic transportable buildings. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.26 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Klasse:18 77 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; cakes of soap, toilet soaps; perfumery goods, perfumes, eau-de-toilette, eau-de-Cologne; scented water; essential oils, oils for toilet purposes, almond oil; cosmetics, cosmetic oils and lotions; cosmetic creams, skin care cosmetics; milk of almonds for cosmetic use; cosmetic preparations and salts for bathing (for non-medical use); creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders (for non-medical use) for the face, body and hands; talcum powder; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; non-medicated mouth care products; moisturizing emulsions; beauty masks; tanning and after-sun creams, milks, gels and oils for cosmetic use; cosmetic suntan preparations; sun care products for cosmetic use; shampoos; hair lotions; hair care mousses and balms; shaving products, after-shave lotions; body deodorants; personal deodorants; fragrant potpourris; nail polish and hair sprays; make-up and make-up removing products; lip liner pencils, eye contour pencils; correcting pencils; eyeliner, lipstick, mascara, concealers; make-up; rouge, eye shadow, eye make-up; make-up powder; dentifrices. Leather and imitation leather; goods of leather or imitation leather (excluding cases adapted to the products for which they are intended, gloves and internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer Klasse:25 belts); purses; chain mesh purses not of precious metals; cases for keys (leather goods); umbrella covers; attaché cases; card holders (wallets); document wallets; wallets; purses (not made of precious metal); music cases; handbags; briefcases (leatherware); game bags; school bags and satchels; net bags for shopping; game hangers; sachets and bags (envelopes, small bags), for packaging purposes (made of leather); tool bags (empty); sling bags for carrying infants; rucksacks; shopping bags; wheeled bags; bags for climbers; bags for campers; beach bags; traveling bags; garment bags (for travel); hat boxes of leather; boxes of leather or leather board; cases of leather or leather board; travel cases; unfitted vanity cases; leather shoulder belts (straps); leather laces, straps, lines, thongs, belts and girths; collars and clothing for animals; leashes, muzzles; coverings of skin (furs); leather trimmings for furniture; chamois leather (other than for cleaning purposes); animal skins and hides; trunks and suitcases; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips and saddlery. Outerwear and underwear for men, women and children; leather and imitation leather clothing; fur clothing; sportswear (other than for diving); blousons; gabardines; waterproof clothing; coats; mantillas; mittens; overcoats; trench coats; parkas; pelerines; pelisses; stuff jackets; suits; masquerade costumes; jackets; blouses; aprons (clothing); coveralls (clothing) and slips (underwear); crossover tops; cardigans; pullovers; sweatshirts; sweaters; knitwear (clothing); tank tops; waistcoats; skirts; petticoats; trousers; gaucho trousers; jeans; ski trousers; dungarees; dresses; shirts; chemisettes; T-shirts; shorts; Bermuda shorts; topcoats; ready-made clothing; paper clothes; muffs; pyjamas; dressing gowns; house coats; undershorts, including swimming trunks; beach and swimwear; singlets, including swimming suits; underwear; leotards (bodies); bustiers; knickers; briefs and pants; bras; corsets; suspenders; socks; stockings, tights; bandannas; foulards; shawls; neckerchiefs; scarves; stoles (furs); gloves (clothing); belts (clothing); braces; ties; bowties; pockets (clothing); neck scarves; baby sleep suits; crop tops; layettes; saris; shoes; footwear, including beach footwear; sports footwear; boots; ankle boots; clogs (footwear); espadrilles; sandals; slippers; boot socks; headgear; hats; veils; caps; visors; berets; bonnets, including bathing caps; headbands; turbans. 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) 0838544 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2004.11.04 (180) Registreringen 2014.11.04 utløper: (891) Etterfølgende 2009.06.16 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 200907888 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.08.06 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: TAMETIRE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN, 12, cours Sablon, 63000 CLERMONTFERRAND, FR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Tire modelling software. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.27 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) 0913168 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.01.08 (180) Registreringen 2017.01.08 utløper: (891) Etterfølgende 2009.06.11 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 200907889 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.08.06 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: FONDRIEST (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Fondriest Commerciale SrL, Via Trento, 134, 38023 CLES (TN), IT (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 Bicycles, parts and fittings for bicycles not included in other classes. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.28 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.28 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 78 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) 0954465 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.11.09 (180) Registreringen 2017.11.09 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200803476 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.03.20 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.05.23 CH 564491 (521) Beslutningen om å registrere eller gi rettsvern i Norge er basert på tidligere bruk og/eller innarbeidelse av merket (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) 0962189 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.05.01 (180) Registreringen 2018.05.01 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200806798 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.06.05 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.11.01 US 77319048 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: HEMAQUEST (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Hemaquest Pharmaceuticals Inc, 101 Federal Street Ste 1900, MA02110 BOSTON, US (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: SAFELINE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Mettler-Toledo AG, Im Langacher, 8606 GREIFENSEE, CH (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:37 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Klasse:5 Pharmaceuticals for the treatment of blood disorders. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Metal and mineral detectors as well as parts thereof; devices for producting and controlling Xrays (except for medical use), devices for the measurement of absorbed, reflected, transmitted, attenuated and scattered radiation, devices for the identification of foreign materials in food, pharmaceutical, chemical and other products, devices for checking product integrity and checking packaged goods; electronic performance evaluation devices for measuring, testing and control devices and systems as well as for industrial process control; interfaces integrated in metal and mineral detectors based on source code sequences for communication functions (for example software installation, data exchange, remote diagnosis, assistance) with programmable client/server functions connecting sensors, measuring devices, laboratory apparatus and operating terminals to a network. Installation, servicing and repair of metal and mineral detectors, devices for producing and controlling X-rays (except for medical use), devices for the measurement of absorbed, reflected, transmitted, attenuated and scattered radiation, devices for the identification of foreign materials in food products, devices for checking product integrity and checking packaged goods; provision of information regarding maintenance of metal and mineral detectors, devices for producing and controlling X-rays, devices for the measurement of absorbed, reflected, transmitted, attenuated and scattered radiation, devices for the identification of foreign materials in food products, devices for checking product integrity and checking packaged goods. (111) 0964530 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.10.11 (180) Registreringen 2017.10.11 utløper: (891) Etterfølgende 2009.03.20 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 200907890 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.08.06 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the logo C&C in special characters, in particular the initial "C" is reversed and angled to the left. (730) Innehaver: C & C SrL, Via G. Falcone, 12, 21010 FERNO (VA), IT (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:18 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Bags; handbags; suitcases; rucksacks; wallets; purses; briefcases, document folders made of skins and hides and substitutes thereof; envelopes; trunks; skin and hide items, leather and leather goods; none of the above goods included in other classes; imitation hide and leather and articles in these materials; parasols; beach umbrellas, umbrellas; walking sticks; harnessing and other saddlery articles. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.27 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 79 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) 0965712 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.05.01 (180) Registreringen 2018.05.01 utløper: (891) Etterfølgende 2009.07.06 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 200907891 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.08.06 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) 0971798 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.11.21 (180) Registreringen 2017.11.21 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200810596 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.08.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.05.23 DE 307 32 929.1/28 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: D A M Neue Deutsche Angelgeräte Manufaktur Int GmbH, Gildestraße 13, 91154 ROTH, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:18 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: RED, BLUE, WHITE AND WHITE. , Color or combination of colors claimed: RED, BLUE, WHITE; RED background, WHITE text, RED/BLUE/WHITE shield. (730) Innehaver: Tummy Shield Company Pty Ltd, PO Box 2522, NSW2229 TAREN POINT, AU (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 Klasse:20 Klasse:28 Cushions adapted for use with car seats; cushions for use with car seats; cushions for vehicle seats; passenger seat belt retractors; restraints for use with vehicle seat belts; safety belt installations for the seats of vehicles; safety restraints (for vehicle seats); safety seats for vehicles; seat cushions for the seats of aircraft; seat cushions for the seats of boats; seat cushions for the seats of cars; seat cushions for the seats of land vehicles; seat cushions for the seats of vehicles; seat cushions for the seats of water vehicles; vehicle safety seat cushions; vehicle seating; vehicle seats incorporating integral restraining apparatus; vehicle seats with integral restraining systems. Leather and imitations of leather, as well as goods made of these materials, included in this class; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; bags, included in this class, in particular bags for campers, fishing bags, rucksacks, bags with wheels. Mirrors, picture frames; sleeping bags for camping; camping chairs; fishing baskets; goods, included in this class, of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-ofpearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials. Gymnastic articles. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) 0972493 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.01.08 (180) Registreringen 2018.01.08 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200810868 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.09.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.07.17 DE 307 46 935.2/09 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Flash24 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.27 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Flash 24 GmbH, Diepholzer Straße 15, 49377 VECHTA, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Klasse:16 Impregnators (chemical products for industrial purposes), as sprays for the impregnation of surfaces of printable media. Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials (included in this class); printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (included in this class); printers' type, printing blocks. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.23 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 80 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) 0973265 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.03.21 (180) Registreringen 2018.03.21 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200811219 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.09.11 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.11.13 BX 1147229 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) 0973279 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.25 (180) Registreringen 2018.07.25 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200811221 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.09.11 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: DEXIA, SHORT TERM HAS NO FUTURE C2 MAX (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Société des Produits Nestlé SA, 1800 VEVEY, CH (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Dexia SA, Place Rogier 11, 1210 BRUSSEL, BE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:16 Klasse:41 Klasse:45 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Software, including software for use in the financial, monetary, banking and insurance fields; electronic publications (downloadable), including electronic publications relating to financial, monetary, banking and insurance affairs; data processing equipment and computers; magnetic, optical and electronic data media; magnetic cards for financial, banking, monetary and stock exchange transactions; memory cards, chip cards, debit and credit cards; counterfeit coin detectors; calculating machines; computer mouse pads. Printed matter, including manuals, booklets, magazines, leaflets, newspapers, reports, books and information bulletins, as well as teaching materials (except apparatus), in particular for use in the financial, monetary, banking and insurance fields or in connection with the same; cheques, cheque books and cheque-book holders; pocket files of paper (office articles); filing sleeves for documents; stickers, including pictures for sticking; binders (office supplies); printed forms; posters and lists of files (printed matter); envelopes (stationery); graphic prints (office articles); greeting cards; letter openers; bookmarks; visitors' books; writing instruments, pencils, art crayons, charcoal pencils and drawing pencils; pens; pen cases; office articles (except furniture); scrapbooks; diaries; calendars; parts of the afore-mentioned goods. Education; providing of training; sporting and cultural activities; publishing services (other than publication of advertising texts), including publication of books, manuals, magazines, leaflets, newspapers and reports (also in electronic format or accessible online) relating to the financial, monetary, banking and insurance fields; organization of cultural, educational or sporting activities in the context of sponsorship activities; vocational guidance (advice relating to education and training); arranging and conducting training workshops, seminars, symposiums, conferences, conventions and courses, including in the financial, banking, monetary and insurance fields; organization and holding of exhibitions for educational, recreational or cultural purposes; organisation of educational recreational, sporting and cultural events. Legal services, including legal research, representation, aid, analysis, information and consulting services, in particular in the fields of financial, banking, monetary and insurance affairs; all the afore-mentioned services being inter alia provided by remote computer, especially via online access from a computer database, via communication between users by means of teleinformatic technology or via the Internet. Klasse:5 Klasse:29 Klasse:30 Klasse:32 Food supplements made with carbohydrates for medical use; dietetic drinks and foods for medical use; nutritional and dietetic supplements for medical use; vitamin based preparations; nutritional supplements made of minerals. Food supplements made with vegetables, fruits, meat, poultry, game, fish, seafood products, milk products and proteins; protein preparations for human consumption; carbohydrate preparations for foods; energy bars made with proteins. Cereal preparations and snacks; ready-to-eat cereal derived food bars made from cereals and grains; cereal preparations, namely cereal energy bars; snacks made of rice; bars and preparations made with wheat. Mineral water and other table waters and nonalcoholic beverages, energy beverages containing jelly, isotonic beverages and sport beverages; beverages and juices made with aloe vera, cola beverages, fruit juices and vegetable juices (beverages); fruit juice concentrates and fruit nectar concentrates (beverages); syrups, preparations and essences for the preparation of non-alcoholic beverages (with the exception of essential oils); beverages for drinking in liquid, concentrate or powder form (preparations for making beverages); soda water. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.26 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 81 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) 0974318 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.10.22 (180) Registreringen 2017.10.22 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200811536 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.09.18 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) 0975586 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.01 (180) Registreringen 2018.07.01 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200812102 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.10.02 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Balance (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Kadeco Sonnenschutzsysteme GmbH, Hindenburgring 16, 32339 ESPELKAMP, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Mank GmbH, Hauptstraße 19, 56307 HARSCHBACH, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:17 Klasse:6 Foam rubber materials used in manufacturing parts of coaters, doilies, drip catchers, holders for small cans, egg cosies, napkin holders, napkin bag holders, bibs foam rubber for children; foam rubber materials used in manufacturing inlays (rubber pads) for soap boxes, streak-free sponges for lavatory cleaning, coverings for bolster, shoe cleaning stripes, shoe cleaning rags, shoe cleaning gloves, tissues for removing make-up (make-up foams), foam rubber containers for liquids (e.g. ink), foam rubber inlay for packages, foam rubber inlay for telephones as noise attenuator, foam rubber damping rings for steering columns of vehicles. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) 0975605 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.07 (180) Registreringen 2018.08.07 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200812104 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.10.02 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.02.07 DK VA 2008 00545 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 WISECAM (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: PAF Holding ApS, Skovgårdsvej 25, 3200 HELSINGE, DK (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: (111) 0974319 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.10.22 (180) Registreringen 2017.10.22 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200811537 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.09.18 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:5 Klasse:9 Klasse:37 Mank (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Mank GmbH, Hauptstraße 19, 56307 HARSCHBACH, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:17 Blinds, roller blinds and roman blinds made of metal; parts and elements, fasteners for blinds, curtains, roller blinds and roman blinds made of metal. Preparations for destroying vermin, rat poison. Cameras (photography). Vermin exterminating, other than for agriculture. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.26 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Foam rubber materials used in manufacturing parts of coaters, doilies, drip catchers, holders for small cans, egg cosies, napkin holders, napkin bag holders, bibs foam rubber for children; foam rubber materials used in manufacturing inlays (rubber pads) for soap boxes, streak-free sponges for lavatory cleaning, coverings for bolster, shoe cleaning stripes, shoe cleaning rags, shoe cleaning gloves, tissues for removing make-up (make-up foams), foam rubber containers for liquids (e.g. ink), foam rubber inlay for packages, foam rubber inlay for telephones as noise attenuator, foam rubber damping rings for steering columns of vehicles. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 82 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) 0976553 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.01.11 (180) Registreringen 2018.01.11 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200812462 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.10.09 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) 0975606 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.07 (180) Registreringen 2018.08.07 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200812105 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.10.02 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.02.07 DK VA 2008 00544 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: WISETRAP (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: PAF Holding ApS, Skovgårdsvej 25, 3200 HELSINGE, DK (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Klasse:21 Klasse:37 Preparations for destroying vermin, rat poison. Rat and mouse traps, including electric rat traps and electric mouse traps. Vermin exterminating, other than for agriculture. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Harbin Pharmaceutical Group Holding Co Ltd, No. 94 Gongchang Road, Daoli District HARBIN, CN (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.26 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) 0976080 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.02.26 (180) Registreringen 2018.02.26 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200812209 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.10.02 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:5 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: The colors blue, white and dark blue are claimed as a feature of the mark. (730) Innehaver: Ankara Tekstil Pazarlama Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, Ayazma Mevkii 2., Bölge Sanayici Birligi 1., Bulvari No: 47/2 BÜYÜKÇEKMECE - ISTANBUL, TR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:24 Klasse:30 Pharmaceutical preparations; chemicopharmaceutical preparations; cachets for pharmaceutical purposes; Chinese patent drugs; medicines for human purposes; tablet; medicinal extracts; API (active pharmaceutical ingredient); medical preparations for slimming purposes; medicines for dental purposes; diagnostic preparations for medical purposes; medicinal drinks; amino acids for medical purposes; tinctures; medicinal oils (antirheumatic tinctures); oils (treatment for common cold); menthocamphorate; radiopharmaceuticals; blood plasma; pharmaceutical preparations for treating dandruff; dietetic substances adapted for medical use; dietetic food preparations adapted for medical purposes; biochemicals; blood products; gelatin pearl; syrups for pharmaceutical purposes; eyewash; vitamin preparations; vaccines; decoctions for pharmaceutical purposes; disinfectants for hygiene purposes; medicinal infusions; medicinal tea; gelatin for medical purposes; medicinal herbs; lotions for pharmaceutical purposes; liniments; serums; opotherapy preparations; pills for pharmaceutical purposes; pharmaceutical preparations for skin care; tonics (medicine); suppositories; sunburn ointments; royal jelly (for medical purposes). Nutritional capsules, not for medical purpose, nutritional powder, not for medical purpose, nutrient fluid, not for medical purpose; royal jelly for human consumption (not for medical purposes). Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.23 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 83 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) 0976781 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.06.03 (180) Registreringen 2018.06.03 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200812511 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.10.09 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:18 WENGER (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Wenger SA, Route de Bâle 63, 2800 DELÉMONT, CH (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:8 Klasse:9 Klasse:11 Klasse:12 Klasse:14 Klasse:16 Hand tools and implements (hand-operated); cutlery, in particular pocket knives, multi-purpose pocket knives, multi-purpose knives, folding knives, household knives, kitchen knives and paring knives, bread knives, knives used in the restaurant industry, butchers' knives, fishing knives, hunting knives, craftsmen's knives, knives for sportsmen and sportswomen; kitchen flatware, in particular peelers, spatulas, carving forks; table cutlery; scissors; sharpening instruments; component parts, spare parts and accessories included in this class for the aforementioned products, in particular display boxes, knife holders, tool pouches, cases, holsters, covers and storage cases (adapted to the goods in this class). Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity, in particular adapters, converters, transformers and battery chargers; measuring apparatus, in particular altimeters, pedometers, thermometers, directional compasses, compasses; computer carrying cases; sunglasses; cases for sunglasses; spectacle cases; straps for sunglasses or spectacles; mouse mats; camera cases; mobile phone cases; mobile phone straps; memory sticks; cases for laptops; wristbands with flash drives; cases for CDs or DVDs; light-beam pointers, laser-beam pointers. Lighting apparatus and devices, in particular pocket lamps; apparatus for heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes. Apparatus for locomotion by air or water; bicycles and tricycles, including their spare parts and their structural parts, included in this class; baby buggies; rain covers for baby buggies; mosquito nets for baby buggies; thermal sleeping bags for baby buggies; sunscreens for baby buggies; buggy boards; prams; child safety seats for vehicles; sunblinds for automobiles; stirrups for children, for automobiles; bicycle seats for children; covers for vehicles (fitted); pram covers (fitted); bump belts for mothers-to-be; bump belts for children; buckles for safety belts for children; tightening cushions for car seats for children; car-seat booster cushions for children; seat covers for vehicles. Precious metals and their alloys and products made from these materials or coated therewith, not included in other classes, in particular fancy keyholders; jewelry, bijouterie, precious stones; timepieces and chronometric instruments, in particular watches, watch bands, chronometers, chronographs, clocks; component parts, spare parts included in this class for all the aforementioned goods; accessories included in this class for all the aforementioned goods, in particular boxes and cases for watches, caskets, cases, display boxes. Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; Klasse:20 Klasse:22 Klasse:25 Klasse:34 2009.11.02 - 45/09 stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; writing instruments and office requisites (except furniture); instructional or teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks. Leather and imitation leather, goods made thereof included in this class, including fine leather goods; trunks and suitcases; handbags, bags for campers, traveling bags, all-purpose sport bags, all-purpose athletic bags, all-purpose carrying bags, athletic bags, baby backpacks, baby-carrying bags, backpacks, bags and holdalls for sports clothing, bags for carrying babies' accessories, bags for sports, barrel bags, beach bags, belt bags, book bags, bumbags, carry-all bags, bags, carry-on bags, daypacks, diaper bags, duffel bags, duffel bags for travel, fanny packs, garment bags for travel, harness fittings, harness straps, hiking bags, hiking rucksacks, hunting bags, infant carriers worn on the body, knapsacks, luggage, pommel bags, roll bags, rucksacks, rucksacks for mountaineers, saddle horn bags, saddlebags, saddlery, in particular horn bags, school bags, school book bags, school knapsacks, school children's backpacks, shoulder bags, shoulder straps, sling bags, slings for carrying infants, small backpacks, small bags for men, small rucksacks, sports bags, sports packs, sportsmen's hunting bags, straps for holdalls, straps for luggage, tool pouches, tool pouches sold empty, tote bags, travel bags, traveling bags, waist bags, waist packs and related accessories; umbrellas. Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum, substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics; camping furniture; sleeping bags for camping, air cushions, air beds (not for medical purposes). Ropes, string, nets, tents, awnings, tarpaulins, sails, sacks and bags (not included in other classes); padding and stuffing materials (except of rubber or plastics); raw fibrous textile materials. Clothing, footwear, headgear. Smokers' articles, in particular cigarette paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases and ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters; matches. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.23 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 84 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) 0977489 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.22 (180) Registreringen 2018.07.22 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200812678 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.10.16 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: and other non-alcoholic beverages; syrups, extracts and essences syrups and other preparations for making non-alchoholic beverages (with the exception of essential oils); beverages made with lactic ferments; soya-based beverages; beverages made with malt; isotonic beverages. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.26 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 VITABLOCKS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Société des Produits Nestlé SA, 1800 VEVEY, CH (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Klasse:29 Klasse:30 Klasse:32 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Dietetic substances and foodstuffs for clinical and medical use; formulated milk, food and food substances for babies; food and food substances for medical use for children and the sick; food and food substances for pregnant women and nursing mothers for medical use; nutritional and dietetic supplements for medical use; vitamin preparations, preparations made with minerals; dietetic confectionery products for medical use. Vegetables and potatoes (preserved, frozen, dried or cooked), fruits (preserved, frozen, dried or cooked), mushrooms (preserved, dried or cooked), meat, poultry, game, fish and seafood products, all these products in the form of extracts, soups, jellies, spreads, preserves, cooked, deep-frozen or dehydrated dishes; jams; eggs; milk, cream, butter, cheese and milk products; milk substitutes; milk beverages, with milk predominating; desserts made of milk and desserts made of cream; yoghurts; soya milk (milk substitutes), preserved soya beans for human consumption; edible oils and fats; protein preparations for human consumption; whiteners for coffee and/or tea (cream substitutes); sausages; charcuterie, peanut butter; soups, concentrated soups, soup, bouillon cubes, stock, clear soups. Coffee, coffee extracts, coffee-based preparations and beverages; iced coffee; artificial coffee, artificial coffee extracts, preparations and beverages made with artificial coffee; chicory; tea, tea extracts, preparations and beverages made with tea; iced tea; malt-based preparations for human consumption; cocoa and cocoa-based preparations and beverages; chocolate, chocolate products, chocolate-based preparations and beverages; confectionery, sugar confectionery, sweets; sugar; chewing gum not for medical purposes; natural sweeteners; bakery goods, bread, yeast, pastry; biscuits, cakes, cookies, wafers, toffees, desserts (included in this class), puddings; edible ices, water ices, sorbets, ice confectioneries, iced cakes, icecreams, ice desserts, frozen yogurts, powders and binding agents (included in this class) for making edible ices and/or water ices and/or sorbets and/or ice confectioneries and/or iced cakes and/or icecreams and/or ice desserts and/or frozen yogurts; honey and honey substitutes; breakfast cereals, muesli, corn flakes, cereal bars, ready-to-eat cereals; cereal preparations; rice, pasta, noodles; foodstuffs made with rice, flour or cereals, also in the form of cooked dishes; pizzas; sandwiches; pasta and ready-to-bake cake dough preparations; sauces, soya sauce; ketchup; products for flavouring or seasoning foodstuffs; edible spices, condiments, dressings for salads, mayonnaise; mustard; vinegar. Beers; still water, sparkling or aerated water, processed water, spring water, mineral water, flavoured water; fruit-flavoured beverages and beverages made with fruit, fruit juices and vegetable juices, nectars, lemonades, soda water 85 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) 0977760 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.12.27 (180) Registreringen 2017.12.27 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200812719 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.10.16 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) 0979397 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.05.06 (180) Registreringen 2018.05.06 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200813530 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.10.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.11.07 EM 6413645 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: OBH Nordica Holding A/S, Ole Lippmanns Vej 1, 2630 TAASTRUP, DK (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Bizitek Bilgisayar Yazilim ve Internet Teknolojileri Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, ITÜ Ayazaga kampüsü ARI Teknokent ARI 1 Binasi No: 18 Maslak, 34469 ISTANBUL, TR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Klasse:7 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus; radios, televisions, videos, video cameras, cameras, audio devices and their accessories, entertainment devices as additional devices for television receivers, cinematographic devices, remote controls, earphones, speakers, megaphones, diaphones, interphones, slide and frame projection devices; data processing devices; computers, computer software and hardware, personal computers, hand type computers and their accessories, interactive devices, printers, laser printers, scanners, main storages for computers (hard discs), calculators, barcode readers and their spare parts and accessories magnetic data carriers, recording discs; cassette records, tapes, magnetic and optical recorders, discs, diskettes, CDs, cinematographic cameras, spare parts and accessories for cameras, photographic enlarging devices; exposed cinematographic films, photograph films, exposed X-ray films, antennas, satellites, automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus: automatic photo-taking machines, ticket automats, automatic teller machines; electronic components used in automatic machines and devices: semi conductors, electronical circuits, chips, photocells, diodes, transistors, circuit cards, thermistors, crystal oscillators, capacitors, interface circuits, wave retardation lines, liquid crystal displays, hybrid circuits, converters, magnetic heads, magnetic deflectors, communication devices, namely telephones, faxes, telefaxes, telexes, telegraph machines, mobile phones, radio, cordless phones, switchboards; copying and reproduction machines operated by electricity; electronic and magnetic cards, calling cards, bank cards, automatic opening and closing cards for doors, electronic cards for cash registers, electronic tickets; electrical power supplies. Klasse:9 Klasse:10 Klasse:11 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Klasse:14 86 Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); electric kitchen machines, including juice centrifuges, fruit presses, food processors, mixers, blenders, coffee grinders and meat mincers; electrically operated tools, electric knives, washing and drying machines, bellows (machines), trueing machines, knitting machines, drying machines, kneading machines, robots, vacuum cleaners and nozzles for vacuum cleaners; electric polishers for domestic use. Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus, cash registers, calculating machines and data processing equipment, fire extinguishers; scales, thermometers, curling irons, dictating machines; electric door bells, electric door closers; television and radio apparatus; cameras; acoustic alarms; smoke detectors; telephone apparatus; facsimile machines; burglar alarm devices and apparatus, electric theft prevention installations; electric irons, electric curling irons; egg timers. Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth, orthopedic articles, suture materials; sphygmotensiometers, thermometers (for medical purposes); electric heating cushions (for medical purposes) and blankets, thermo-electric compresses, electrotherapeutic and electromedical apparatus, including solariums and sun lamps; massage apparatus. Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; electric cooking utensils, including utensils for frying and boiling; immersion heaters, boilers, pans, electric waffle irons, coffee machines, toasters, sandwich toasters and sandwich grills, autoclaves, hot air blowers, footwarmers; electric heating blankets and heating cushions (not for medical purposes); non-medical solariums and sun lamps; electric lamps; hair driers; deodorizing apparatus (not for personal use), electric bulbs, evaporators (steamers), filters for drinking water, fruit-drying apparatus, airdeodorizing apparatus, electric fans, airconditioners, air-cleansing apparatus, electric appliances for cooking, ovens, safety lamps, suntanning apparatus, electric heaters for feeding bottles, plate warmers, drying apparatus, water heaters; electric fans; egg boilers. Precious metals and their alloys and goods in internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer Klasse:21 (111) 0996650 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.12.29 (180) Registreringen 2018.12.29 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200903508 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.04.09 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewelry, precious stones; chronometric instruments. Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metals or coated therewith); combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brushmaking materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steelwool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware, not included in other classes; toothbrushes; pots, pans and cooking pot sets; grills; fruit presses; deodorizing apparatus for personal use; moulds (kitchen utensils); non-electric kitchen utensils for cooking; salt shakers and pepper mills (not made of metal); utensils for domestic use (not made of precious metals); toilet utensils; carpet sweepers (non-electric); coffeepots and coffee percolators (non-electric) and coffee filters (non-electric); pitchers. MANNHEIMER SWARTLING (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå AB, Box 1711, 11187 STOCKHOLM, SE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 Klasse:35 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Klasse:36 Klasse:41 (111) 0993755 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.13 (180) Registreringen 2018.10.13 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200902454 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.03.12 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:45 ALPRO Klasse:20 Klasse:25 Periodicals, printed matters. Commercial or industrial management assistance, business investigations, business management assistance, professional business consultancy, advisory services for business management, business appraisals. Financial analysis, financial consultancy, financial evaluation (insurance, banking, real estate), financial information, fiscal assessments. Teaching, practical training (demonstration), education academies, education information, educational services. Legal research, legal services, intellectual property consultancy. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.28 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: ALPRO GmbH, Rheinstraße 2 - 4, 53560 VETTELSCHOß, DE (740) Fullmektig: Curo AS, Industriveien 53, 7080 HEIMDAL, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Protective shoes and safety shoes and parts thereof; cushions for kneeling; and knee pads included in this class. Cushions for kneeling. Footwear and parts therefor, including sports footwear and casual footwear, in particular sports shoes and casual shoes, comfortable shoes, health shoes, work shoes; boots, low shoes, shoes, sandals, children's sandals, gymnastic sandals, open-toed sandals, backless slippers, slippers, sandals with heel straps and clogs, including such goods with anatomically shaped deep foot beds; foot pads and shoe inserts, inserts to protect the pressure-sensitive points of the foot, footrests, fitted parts, heel cups, wedges, pads, insoles, heels, soles, parts of shoe bottoms, foot beds and shaped soles and parts therefor, including shaped soles and foot beds in the form of solid plastic inserts with foot beds or anatomically shaped deep foot beds, in particular of natural cork, thermal cork, plastic, latex or foamed plastic materials, including of elastic compounds of cork-latex or plastic-cork mixtures; parts for shoe uppers, clothing, including for sport and leisure purposes; headgear. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.23 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 87 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) 0999775 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.12.10 (180) Registreringen 2018.12.10 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200904767 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.05.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.11.27 EM 007449341 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) 0999864 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.03.23 (180) Registreringen 2019.03.23 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200904786 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.05.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.11.20 AU 1273316 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: A SOUND EFFECT ON PEOPLE UNITS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Saint-Gobain Ecophon AB, Box 500, 26061 HYLLINGE, SE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: AUTO-I T Pty Ltd, Suite 2, 1st Floor, 333 Drummond Street, Vic3053 CARLTON, AU (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Klasse:9 Klasse:2 Klasse:6 Klasse:17 Klasse:19 Coating agents (chemicals), other than paint; coating compositions (chemicals), other than paint; chemical preparations for coating undersides of roofs and/or ceilings. Coating for ceilings (paint); coating for walls (paint); coating compositions in the nature of lacquers and paint; non-metallic coating materials (paints). Building materials of metal, including ceilings of metal, building boards, panels, plates and tiles of metal, wall claddings and wall linings of metal, grid systems of metal for ceilings, ceiling supports of metal, suspension systems of metal for ceilings, latticework, runners, hangers, profiles, trims, splices and clips of metal for suspended ceilings and walls, parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods in this class; goods of common metal not included in other classes. Packing, stopping and insulating materials; materials made of mineral wool; glass fibers and rock fibers for insulation; insulating materials in the form of panels and slabs with or without facing; insulating tape and band; metal foils for insulation; fibreglass fabrics and paint for insulating materials; coating materials for insulation purposes; products made of semi-processed plastics. Non-metallic building materials, including building panels, building tiles, building slabs, ceilings, ceiling tiles, panels and slabs, wall panels, slabs and tiles, claddings, linings and coatings for walls and ceilings in buildings; facings for building materials; partitions not of metal; non-metallic latticework, runners, hangers, profiles, trims, splices and clips for suspended ceilings and walls; parts and fittings for all aforesaid goods, not included in other classes; building materials for coating walls (other than paint); non-metallic coating materials (other than paints). Computer software (programs). Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) 1000317 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.04.08 (180) Registreringen 2019.04.08 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200904889 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.05.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: GRAND HERITAGE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Trademarks Holding LLC, 39 Bay Drive, MD21403 ANNAPOLIS, US (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Klasse:43 Hotel management and operation of hotels for others; business management of hotels. Hotel and restaurant services; luxury hotel services offered in designated on-site hotel locations; resort hotel services. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 88 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) 1001793 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.03.27 (180) Registreringen 2019.03.27 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200905498 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.06.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) 1003015 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.04.29 (180) Registreringen 2019.04.29 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200906222 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.06.25 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2009.04.06 CH 585355 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: DAILIES TOTAL1 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Novartis AG, 4002 BASEL, CH (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Allison A/S, Hjortkjærvej 2, Omme, 6740 BRAMMING, DK (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Optical apparatus and instruments; contact lenses. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) 1003144 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.05.06 (180) Registreringen 2019.05.06 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200906250 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.06.25 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.12.10 EM 007455025 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, bath salts, not for medical purposes, hair lotions and dentifrices. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 X-RACER (111) 1002793 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.03.11 (180) Registreringen 2019.03.11 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200906042 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.06.18 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Osram GmbH, Hellabrunner Strasse 1, 81543 MÜNCHEN, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:11 Lighting apparatus, especially electric lamps and luminaires; parts of the aforementioned goods. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.26 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Light green, grey green, white. (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of a basic rectangular shape divided into a square in the left part and a rectangular in the right part; a stylised lily appears in the square, the middle part of which represents a knife and fork; the background in this segment is light green and the lily is grey green on the left side and white on the right side; the words Easy Gourmet appear in the right-hand rectangle, in white font on a grey green background. (730) Innehaver: Wolfgang Erich Herold, Am Holderstrauch 28, 65207 WIESBADEN, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:21 Klasse:29 Klasse:30 (111) 1003209 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.03.03 (180) Registreringen 2019.03.03 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200906268 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.06.25 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.09.26 CH 583710 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: SARNATAPE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Sika AG, Zugerstrasse 50, 6340 BAAR, CH (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); glassware, porcelain and earthenware (included in this class). Edible oils and fats; meat extracts; preserved fruit and vegetables (except potatoes); jams, compotes. Spices and spice mixes; salt; vinegar, sauces, condiments; mustard; pastries; flour and cereal products; sugar and confectionery; cocoa; tea. Adhesive bands for industrial use. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.26 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.28 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 89 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) 1004043 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.09 (180) Registreringen 2018.10.09 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200906560 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.02 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.04.22 FR 08 3 571 289 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:38 MEDIAPOST (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Mediapost SA, 19 rue de la Villette, 69003 LYON, FR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Document reproduction, operation of administrative data banks, computerized file management, computerized address book management; services for the systemization and compilation of data into computer databases; database updating services; office functions; word processing; compilation of information; address management, correction and updating services to enable companies to standardize the mailing addresses in their databases of clients and prospective clients; market study and research; economic forecasting; marketing services; telemarketing service; research and information for statistical operations, compiling and studies; compilations and studies in respect of marketing; marketing services, namely: client targeting, supply of addresses and conducting of direct mail advertising; geomarketing services enabling a catchment area to be defined as closely as possible and the households comprising it to be profiled; addressed and unaddressed direct mail advertising service, telemarketing and e-commerce service; service to attract and develop loyalty in customers; objective and qualitative study services to measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign on sales; media planning services, product demonstration services; all direct and indirect marketing services, all telepromotion and online promotion services that include an offer for sale, advertising; distribution of personalized and non-personalized advertising mail, through letter boxes and/or by e-mail, distribution of advertising material (leaflets, prospectuses, printed matter or free CD-ROMs enabling access to a data bank or to a global telecommunications network (Internet), personalized and non-personalized, through letter boxes and/or by e-mail); dissemination of personalized and non-personalized advertising matter, through letter boxes and/or by e-mail; dissemination of personalized and nonpersonalized promotional literature, through letter boxes and/or by e-mail; online advertising on a computer network, advertising by mail order; transcription; work involving statistical operations including tabulating, machine shorthand; advertising agency; subscription to electronic journals; sales promotion; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; administrative management of exhibition sites; business management assistance for industrial and commercial companies; business consultancy, information or inquiries; publicity material rental; services for rental of advertising space, sales promotion for others, updating of promotional literature, rental of photocopying machines; rental of office machinery and apparatus; computer power shedding services; management of telecommunications and multimedia networks; monitoring and processing of data, signals and information via data communication, by computer or using telecommunications apparatus and instruments; subscription to a telecommunications service; data communication subscriptions; subscriptions to a database server; subscriptions to Klasse:39 Klasse:42 90 2009.11.02 - 45/09 a service provider giving access to a computer or data transmission network, in particular via the Internet; subscription to a telecommunications service; editorial services (inputting, office functions); graphic design of advertising material. Telecommunications including multimedia telecommunications; communications via computer terminals; services for computer aided transmission of messages or images; sending and receiving of data, signals and information via data communications, by computer or using telecommunications instruments and apparatus; exchange of computerized data; electronic mail service; electronic messaging service; transmission of information held in data banks and image banks; information on telecommunications; radio, telegraph or telephone communications services; electronic bulletin board services (telecommunications); rental of message sending apparatus; message, facsimile and telegram transmission; communication (transmission) of data by computer terminals in such a way as to guarantee the identity of the sender and the recipient, guarantee data confidentiality, constitute proof of sending and receipt of data, allow monitoring of data content and data integrity and allow signature control, telecommunications, services for the transmission of information held in data banks and transmission of information via a data communications network, electronic mail services, electronic transmission of data, images, documents and postcards via computer terminals and any other transmission systems such as waves, cable, satellite or the Internet, transmission of signals and information processed by computers or by telecommunication apparatus and instruments, information about telecommunications, exchange of computerized data; news and information agencies; information about telecommunications; cellular telephone communications; communications by fiber optic networks; satellite communications; transmission of messages and images via the international communications network; radio broadcasts; television broadcasts; broadcasting of radio programs; broadcasting of television programs; cable television; rental of telecommunications apparatus; rental of modems, fax machines, telephones; information transmission services available on the Internet through the use of an access code; data transmission consultancy. Transport, packaging and storage of goods, warehousing of merchandise; packaging of goods; primary packaging of goods; delivery of mail, newspapers, parcels, merchandise, advertising mail and material; delivery of newspapers, parcels, goods, merchandise; delivery of merchandise by mail order; freighting; forwarding services; express delivery services; information on storage, transport and distribution of advertising mail and material; physical storage of media storing data or documents electronically. Software design and development, rental of access time to a database server centre, consultancy in the field of computer hardware, technical project studies relating to information technology, software updating services, research and technical expertise services in the field of telecommunications and computer or data transmission networks, conversion of data and computer programs, installation of software, rental of software, maintenance of computer software, global computerized telecommunications networks, technical research, data translation (conversion) services; consultancy and technical expertise in the field of telecommunications, computers and computer or data transmission networks; computer programming; software design and maintenance services; maintenance of global computerized internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer telecommunications networks; development of communications systems; data transmission consultancy; conversion of data or documents from a physical to an electronic medium; database reconstruction; research and development of new products (for others) in the field of communications and direct marketing; cartographic compilations and studies; computer data storage (information technology services); quality control for advertising material and mail distribution. 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) 1004257 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.01.12 (180) Registreringen 2019.01.12 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200906787 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.09 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.07.25 FR 08 3590791 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: XTENDER (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Radio Systemes Ingenierie Video Technologies SA, 6 rue de Rungis, 67200 STRASBOURG, FR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.27 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Klasse:9 Klasse:37 Klasse:45 Alarm centres with associated radio camera devices; alarm centres including wireless cameras with built-in motion sensors to supplement existing alarm systems; wireless alarm systems with built-in cameras for confirmation purposes; monitoring apparatus, instruments and devices (electrical), including apparatus, instruments and devices (electrical) for monitoring, remote monitoring and video monitoring with transmission of messages, sounds and images via telephone and telecommunications networks (global or with private or reserved access); alarm instruments and devices (electrical), including alarm instruments and devices (electrical) with transmission of messages, sounds and images via telephone and telecommunications networks (global or with private or reserved access); alarm systems using bidirectional and encrypted radio links; video sensors or detectors with or without night vision; video cameras, digital cameras, cameras with built-in detectors; video players; camera control keypads; remote control devices; apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, storing, reproducing, converting and receiving analog or digital data and signals (particularly for reproducing voice, sound, text or images) via radio relay, cable or wire, fibre-optics or electromagnetic radiation. Installation, repair and maintenance services (especially via telephone support) of monitoring, security and alarm apparatus, instruments and devices (electrical); professional advice and consulting for the installation, set-up, updating and maintenance of monitoring, remote monitoring, security and alarm apparatus, instruments and devices. Security services for the protection of property and individuals (excluding their transport); monitoring of anti-intrusion alarms; remote monitoring, video monitoring and remote security (monitoring) services; guarding (monitoring); security consultancy; night guards; opening of locks; professional advice and consulting in monitoring, security and alarm systems. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.23 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 91 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen utløper: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) 1004532 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.01.16 (180) Registreringen 2019.01.16 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200906843 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.09 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 1004276 2009.03.31 2019.03.31 200906790 2009.07.09 2008.10.04 DE 30 2008 064 700.0/30 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Nordzucker AG, 9, Küchenstrasse, 38100 BRAUNSCHWEIG, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Klasse:4 Klasse:5 Klasse:30 Klasse:31 Klasse:42 Klasse:44 Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; artificial sweeteners (chemicals) and probiotic substances (chemicals), fruit oligosaccharides (chemicals), galacto oligosaccharides (chemicals), tagatose (chemicals), trehalulose (chemicals), chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; manures; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; fire extinguishing compositions; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry; tempering and soldering preparations. Industrial oils and greases, lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor spirit), in particular bioethanol or derived from bioethanol; illuminants. Dietetic sweeteners adapted for medical use, dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; lactose. Sugar, including fructose, dextrose, maltose, icing sugar; rice, tapioca, sago, flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle, yeast, bakingpowder, salt, mustard, vinegar, sauces (condiments), spices, ice; sweets, candy, dietetic foodstuffs or food supplements not for medical purposes based on carbohydrates, roughage, with added vitamins, minerals, trace elements, either singly or in combination, (included in this class). Agriculture, horticulture and forestry products and grains, included in this class; fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, live plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals, malt. Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software. Consultancy relating to agriculture, horticulture and forestry. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: White, black, orange, terracotta, brown, dark brown. (730) Innehaver: Limited Liability Company AZIMUT Hotels Company, 9, stroenie, 1, etazh 2, pom. VII, Varshavskoe shosse, 113105 MOSKVA, RU (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Klasse:39 Klasse:41 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.23 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Klasse:43 92 Business management of hotels. Travel arrangement, including: booking of seats for travel; travel reservation; arranging of cruises; arranging of tours. Providing of training, including: arranging and conducting of workshops (training), arranging and conducting of seminars; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities, including: rental of tennis courts, booking of seats for shows, discotheque services, gaming, recreation information, entertainment information, health club services, club services (entertainment or education), night clubs, musichalls, organization of balls, organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes, providing recreation facilities, arranging and conducting of congresses, arranging and conducting of conferences, arranging and conducting of concerts, arranging and conducting of symposiums, arranging of beauty contests, organization of competitions (education or entertainment), holiday camp services (entertainment), organization of sports competitions, amusement parks, providing golf facilities, providing sports facilities, providing amusement arcade services, cinema presentations, presentation of live performances, timing of sports events, rental of skin diving equipment, rental of sports equipment, except vehicles, entertainer services, amusements, party planning (entertainment), providing casino facilities (gambling), translation, production of shows. Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation, including: accommodation bureaux (hotels, boarding houses), rental of temporary accommodation, rental of meeting rooms, tourist homes, hotel reservations, boarding house bookings, temporary accommodation reservations, hotels, snack-bars, cafes, cafeterias, motels, boarding houses, boarding for animals, rental of chairs, tables, table linen, glassware, rental of tents, rental of transportable buildings, internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer restaurants, self-service restaurants, canteens, holiday camp services (lodging), bar services, providing campground facilities, food and drink catering. 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) 1004791 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.05.25 (180) Registreringen 2019.05.25 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200906893 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.09 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.11.24 EM 007414683 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 UNIPEDIA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Komuniki Ltd, 90, Griva Digeni Ave, 3101 LIMASSOL, CY (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: (111) 1004758 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.02.12 (180) Registreringen 2019.02.12 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200906884 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.09 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.09.25 EM 007261084 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:38 Klasse:41 Telecommunications. Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.26 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) 1004901 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.05.14 (180) Registreringen 2019.05.14 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200906924 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.09 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2009.03.24 DK VA 2009 00908 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: FOXLIGHT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Fairpoint Outdoors A/S, Gydevang 19, 3450 ALLEROD, DK (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:11 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Essam Katiela, 4th Interchange, Al Quoz Industrial 4, Office No. 17, 16d Street DUBAI, AE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:18 Klasse:25 Klasse:28 Klasse:41 Klasse:43 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Clothing, footwear, headgear. Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes. Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation. Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating; lamps, electronic torches and head lamps, bicycle lights, electrical light bulbs, floodlights (search lights), diving lamps; parts and accessories (not included in other classes) for all the aforementioned goods. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.28 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 93 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) 1004953 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.17 (180) Registreringen 2018.10.17 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907038 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.16 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:38 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Mediapost SA, 19 rue de la Villette, 69003 LYON, FR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Document reproduction, operation of administrative data banks, computerized file management, services for the systemization of information into computer databases, distribution of advertising mailing, online advertising on a computer network, advertising by mail order, subscription to a telecommunications service, compilation of information into computer databases; transcription; subscriptions to data communications services; subscriptions to a database server; subscriptions to a service provider giving access to a computer or data transmission network, in particular via the Internet; subscription to electronic journals; subscription to a telecommunications service; database updating services; word processing; compilation of information; accounting; drawing up of statements of accounts; payroll preparation; bookkeeping; advertising; sales promotion; distribution of prospectuses and samples; publicity material rental; dissemination of advertising matter; dissemination of promotional literature; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; business management assistance for industrial and commercial companies; business consultancy, information or inquiries; work involving statistical, tabulating or machine shorthand operations; advertising agency services, advertising services; distribution of advertising material (leaflets, prospectuses, printed matter or free CDROMs enabling access to a data bank or to a global telecommunications network (Internet)); services involving rental of advertising space, sales promotion for others, updating of promotional literature, dissemination of advertising matter, media planning services, product demonstration services; market study and research; economic forecasting; management and recruitment consultation and assistance; marketing services; telemarketing services; research and information for statistical operations, compiling and studies; consultation on business information or inquiries, compilation of information; computer power shedding services; administration and management of telecommunications and multimedia networks; computerized file management services; compilation of information into computer databases; business management of exhibition sites; addressed and unaddressed direct mail advertising, telemarketing and e-commerce services; business consultation including negotiation and completion of business transactions on behalf of others, negotiation of contracts for the purchase or sale of goods, work involving statistical operations Klasse:39 Klasse:42 94 2009.11.02 - 45/09 including surveys, tabulating, machine shorthand; all direct and indirect marketing services, all telepromotion and online promotion services that include an offer for sale; monitoring and processing of data, signals and information via data communication, by computer or using telecommunications apparatus and instruments. Telecommunications including multimedia telecommunications; electronic transmission of data, images and documents, communications via computer terminals; services for computer aided transmission of messages or images; sending and receiving of data, signals or information via data communications, by computer or using telecommunications instruments and apparatus; exchange of computerized data; electronic mail services; electronic messaging services; transmission of information held in data banks and image banks; information on telecommunications; radio, telegraph or telephone communications services; electronic bulletin board services (telecommunications); rental of message sending apparatus; message, facsimile and telegram transmission; communication (transmission) of data by computer terminals in such a way as to guarantee the identity of the sender and the recipient, guarantee data confidentiality, constitute proof of sending and receipt of data, allow monitoring of data content and data integrity and allow signature control, telecommunications, services involving transmission of information held in data banks and transmission of information via a data communications network, electronic mail services, electronic transmission of data, images, documents and postcards via computer terminals and any other transmission systems such as waves, cable, satellite, the Internet, transmission of signals and information processed by computers or by telecommunication apparatus and instruments, information about telecommunications, exchange of computerized data; news and information agencies; telecommunications information; cellular telephone communications; communications by fiber optic networks; communications by computer terminals; satellite communications; transmission of messages and images via the international communications network; radio broadcasts; television broadcasts; broadcasting of radio programs; broadcasting of television programs; cable television; rental of telecommunications apparatus; rental of modems, fax machines, telephones; information transmission services available on the Internet through the use of an access code, rental of access time to a database server center; data transmission consultancy. Physical storage of media storing data or documents electronically, message delivery, storage, transport information; freighting; delivery of parcels, goods and merchandise, packaging of goods; delivery of mail, newspapers, parcels, merchandise; packing of goods; transport information; storage information; forwarding services; delivery of goods by mail order; express delivery services; transport, packaging and storage of goods, warehousing of goods. Software design and development, conversion of documents from a physical to an electronic medium, consultancy in the field of computer hardware, technical project studies relating to information technology, software updating services, research and technical expertise services in the field of telecommunications and computer or data transmission networks, conversion of data and computer programs, installation of software, rental of software, maintenance of computer software, global computerized telecommunications networks, technical research, technical consultancy and expert advice in the field of telecommunications, computers and computer or data transmission internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer networks; computer programming; software design and maintenance services; maintenance of global computerized telecommunications networks; development of communications systems; technical project studies relating to information technology; consultancy in respect of data transfer; conversion of data or documents from a physical to an electronic medium; database reconstruction; computer data storage (information technology services). 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) 1005137 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.01.27 (180) Registreringen 2019.01.27 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907080 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.16 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.11.04 JP 2008-089311 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.27 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Daiwa Seiko Inc, 3-14-16, Maesawa, 203-8511 HIGASHIKURUME-SHI, TOKYO, JP (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:8 Klasse:9 Klasse:18 Klasse:21 Klasse:25 Klasse:28 Scissors; knives; pliers; gardening trowels; tweezers; bladed or pointed hand tools; hand tools; diving knives; diving knife holders; mountaineering picks (ice axes). Life saving apparatus and equipment; floating belts; sunglasses; batteries; bicycle helmets; batteries and cells; telecommunication devices and apparatus; electronic machines, apparatus and their parts; spectacles (eyeglasses and goggles); apparatus for consumer games adopted for use with an external display screen or monitor; electronic circuits and CD-ROMs recorded with programs for hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; weight belts (for scuba diving); inflatable swimming floats; protective helmets for sports; air tanks (for scuba diving); swimming flutter boards; regulators (for scuba diving); exposed cinematographic films; exposed slide films; slide film mounts; downloadable image files; recorded video discs and video tapes; electronic publications. Bags; umbrellas and their parts; handbag frames; purse frames; horseshoes; bags and the like; pouches and the like; leather and fur (unworked or semi-worked). Portable cooler boxes (non-electric); portable coldboxes (non-electric); drinking flasks (for travellers); cooking skewers; cooking pots and pans (non-electric); coffee-pots (non-electric); Japanese cast iron kettles, non-electric (tetsubin); kettles (non-electric); tableware; rice chests; food preserving jars of glass; vacuum bottles (insulated flasks); pots and pans for outdoor cooking use. Clothing; headgear for wear; boots; tennis shoes; golf shoes; suspenders (braces); waistbands; belts for clothing; footwear (other than boots for sports); clothes for sports; boots for sports. Fishing tackle; golf implements; tennis rackets; wax for skis; amusement machines and apparatus for use in amusement parks (other than arcade video game machines); toys for domestic pets; toys; dolls; go games; Japanese playing cards (utagaruta); Japanese chess (shogi games); dice; Japanese dice games (sugoroku); dice cups; diamond games; chess games; checkers (checker sets); conjuring apparatus; dominoes; playing cards; Japanese playing cards (hanafuda); mah-jong; game machines and apparatus; billiard equipment; sports equipment; insect collecting implements. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.23 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 95 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) 1005310 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.02.11 (180) Registreringen 2019.02.11 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907114 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.16 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.10.28 BX 1169510 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) 1005351 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.05.19 (180) Registreringen 2019.05.19 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907120 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.16 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.11.19 AU 1273283 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: SOLVS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Polartechnics Ltd, 165 Mitchell Road, NSW2043 ERSKINEVILLE, AU (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Quality Investments BV, Strawinskylaan 1207, WTC Amsterdam, Tower A, 12th, level, 1077XX AMSTERDAM, NL (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Klasse:36 Klasse:5 Consulting on business organization and corporate economics; business management; gathering, ascertaining, breakdown, storage and processing of financial and business information and data, also in the form of statistical information and indices; business management assistance. Insurance; financial affairs; financial analyses; investment funds; services provided in the field of investments, saving, pensions, granting of credit, the currency market; issuance of credit cards; intermediary services and financial advice services in regard to the purchase and sale of stocks, shares, stock options and other securities; mutual funds; share investments; deposit of valuables; wealth management; securities brokerage; stock exchange quotations; financial advice to providers of financial investment products pertaining to the design, development, operation and maintenance of investment products; the aforementioned services also being provided via the Internet, external networks and other electronic means. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.27 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) 1005326 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.03.31 (180) Registreringen 2019.03.31 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907116 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.16 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: LEVATHERM (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Lanxess Deutschland GmbH, 51369 LEVERKUSEN, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Klasse:17 Disposable medical swabs and swabsticks for use in screening for human papillomavirus, sexually transmitted infections and other cellular abnormalities; swabs for medical use; cotton swabs for medical purposes; diagnostic preparations for gynaecological testing purposes. Chemical products for industrial use; synthetic resins. Synthetic rubber in raw state in form of powders, granules, pastes, emulsions, liquids. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 96 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) 1005481 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.05.15 (180) Registreringen 2019.05.15 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907140 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.16 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.12.01 GB 2503670 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) 1005567 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.04.06 (180) Registreringen 2019.04.06 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907290 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.11.10 FR 08 3 610 702 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: WILDRACE'R (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Compagnie Generale des Etablissements Michelin, 12 cours Sablon, 63000 CLERMONT-FERRAND, FR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 Pneumatic tires and inner tubes for vehicle wheels; treads for retreading tires; tracks for track vehicles. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.23 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) 1005568 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.04.06 (180) Registreringen 2019.04.06 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907291 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.11.10 FR 08 3 610 697 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Red and white. , The outer lines are in red and the logo is filled in with the colour red, the wording within the logo is in white, as well as the inside of the sun device and the wheels of the vehicle. (730) Innehaver: Le Toy Van Ltd, The Old Bakehouse, Course Road, SL57HL ASCOT, BERKSHIRE, GB (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Compagnie Generale des Etablissements Michelin, 12 cours Sablon, 63000 CLERMONT-FERRAND, FR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:28 Klasse:12 WILDROCK'R Games and playthings; toys; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; dolls and dolls' clothing; accessories for dolls; dolls' houses; dolls furniture; dolls' furniture accessories; toy jewelry; toy musical instruments; toy action figures; toy vehicles, trikes; toy building structures; toy vehicle tracks; play sets and play cases; swings; decorations for Christmas trees; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.23 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) 1005569 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.04.06 (180) Registreringen 2019.04.06 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907293 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.11.10 FR 08 3 610 700 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.26 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) 1005566 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.04.06 (180) Registreringen 2019.04.06 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907289 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.11.10 FR 08 3 610 698 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: WILDGRIP'R (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Compagnie Generale des Etablissements Michelin, 12 cours Sablon, 63000 CLERMONT-FERRAND, FR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: WILDRUN'R Klasse:12 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Compagnie Generale des Etablissements Michelin, 12 cours Sablon, 63000 CLERMONT-FERRAND, FR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 Pneumatic tires and inner tubes for vehicle wheels; treads for retreading tires; tracks for track vehicles. Pneumatic tires and inner tubes for vehicle wheels; treads for retreading tires; tracks for track vehicles. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.23 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Pneumatic tires and inner tubes for vehicle wheels; treads for retreading tires; tracks for track vehicles. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.23 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 97 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen utløper: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: (111) 1005570 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.04.06 (180) Registreringen 2019.04.06 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907294 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.11.10 FR 08 3 610 701 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: WILDMUCK'R ProfiKubixx (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH, CarlWery-Strasse 34, 81739 MÜNCHEN, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Pneumatic tires and inner tubes for vehicle wheels; treads for retreading tires; tracks for track vehicles. Klasse:7 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.23 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) 1005571 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.04.06 (180) Registreringen 2019.04.06 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907295 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.11.24 FR 08 3 613 310 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: WILDDIG'R (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Compagnie Generale des Etablissements Michelin, 12 cours Sablon, 63000 CLERMONT-FERRAND, FR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 Pneumatic tires and inner tubes for vehicle wheels; treads for retreading tires; tracks for track vehicles. Klasse:9 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.23 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) 1005661 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.04.02 (180) Registreringen 2019.04.02 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907325 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:11 RICH RECOVERY (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: L'Oreal, 14, rue Royale, 75008 PARIS, FR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 1005662 2009.03.24 2019.03.24 200907326 2009.07.23 2008.10.21 DE 30 2008 067 700.7/07 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Compagnie Generale des Etablissements Michelin, 12 cours Sablon, 63000 CLERMONT-FERRAND, FR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Shampoos; cosmetic products for hair care, namely gels, foams, balms, creams, waxes, serums, lotions haircare and styling products in the form of aerosols; hair sprays; hair dyes and bleaching products; hair waving and setting products; essential oils. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.26 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 98 Electric household and kitchen machines and apparatus (included in this class), in particular electric kitchen machines and apparatus, including mincing machines, mixing and kneading machines, fruit pressing machines, juice extractors, juice centrifuges, grinders, slicing machines, electric motor-driven tools, electric can openers, knife sharpeners as well as machines and devices for the preparation of beverages and/or food, pumps for dispensing cooled beverages, for use in combination with appliances for cooling of beverages; electric waste disposal units, namely waste masticators and compressors; dishwashers; electric machines and appliances for treating laundry and clothing, including washing machines, spin driers, laundry presses, ironing machines (included in this class); electric cleaning apparatus for household use, including window cleaning devices and shoe cleaning devices, vacuum cleaners; wet and dry vacuum cleaners; parts for the aforementioned goods, included in this class; in particular hoses, pipes, dust filters and dust filter bags, all for vacuum cleaners. Electric apparatus and instruments (included in this class), namely electric irons; kitchen scales, personal scales; electric welding devices for wrapping film; remote control devices, signalling devices, controlling (supervision) devices and monitoring devices (electrical/electronic) for household and kitchen machines and equipment; recorded and non-recorded machine readable data carriers, such as magnetic data carriers for household appliances; electric apparatus for dispensing beverage or food, vending machines; data processing devices and data processing programmes for controlling and operating household appliances; parts for the aforementioned goods included in this class. Heating, steam producing and cooking devices, in particular ovens, cooking, baking, frying, grilling, toasting, thawing and food and plate warming apparatus, hot water appliances; immersion heaters, cooking pots, electric; microwave appliances, waffle irons (electric); egg boiling apparatus, deep fryer (electric); electric tea and coffee making apparatus, electric espresso machines, electric coffee machines (included in this class); cooling devices, in particular refrigerators, freezers, cooling cabinets, beverage cooling apparatus; combination apparatus for cooling and freezing, deep freezing apparatus, ice-makers; icecream makers; dryers, in particular laundry dryers, tumble dryers for laundry use; hand dryers; hair dryers; infrared lamps (not for medical purposes); electric heating pads (not for medical purposes); electric heating covers (not for medical purposes); ventilation devices, in particular ventilators, grease filter devices and extractor devices, including extractor hoods; air conditioning devices and devices to improve air quality, air humidifiers, air deodorisation apparatus; deodorising apparatus internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (not for personal use), air purifying apparatus; water piping devices, as well as sanitary equipment, in particular fittings for steam, air and water piping equipment, warm water devices, storage water heaters and continuous flow water heaters; kitchen sinks; heat pumps; parts of all aforementioned goods included in this class; taps for dispensing cooled beverages, for use in combination with appliances for cooling of beverages. 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) 1005671 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.04.07 (180) Registreringen 2019.04.07 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907331 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.10.15 FR 08 3 604 928 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: COVER FUSION Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.26 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: L'Oreal, 14, rue Royale, 75008 PARIS, FR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: (111) 1005665 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.03.19 (180) Registreringen 2019.03.19 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907327 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:3 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.26 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Molicare Mobile (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Paul Hartmann AG, Paul-Hartmann-Strasse 12, 89522 HEIDENHEIM, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Klasse:10 (111) 1005673 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.04.07 (180) Registreringen 2019.04.07 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907332 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.10.21 FR 08/3.606.197 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Sanitary preparations for medical use; plasters, materials for dressings; disinfectants; napkins, napkin liners, napkin pants and absorbent pads, mainly consisting of paper, cellulose or other fiber materials being disposable articles, fix pants, woven and/or knitted of textile fibers or consisting of cellulose, for fixing absorbent pads, all the aforesaid goods for incontinency purposes. Orthopedic articles; suture materials; draw-sheets for sick beds and incontinence sheets (included in this class). STRAIGHT TOUCH (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: L'Oreal, 14, rue Royale, 75008 PARIS, FR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.26 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Shampoos; cosmetic products for hair care, namely gels, foams, balms, creams, waxes, serums, lotions; haircare and styling products in the form of aerosols; hair sprays; hair dyes and bleaching products; hair waving and setting products; essential oils. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.26 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) 1005670 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.04.07 (180) Registreringen 2019.04.07 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907330 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.10.15 FR 08 3 604 927 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: HEAT-LOCK (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: L'Oreal, 14, rue Royale, 75008 PARIS, FR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Shampoos; cosmetic products for hair care, namely gels, foams, balms, creams, waxes, serums, lotions; haircare and styling products in the form of aerosols; hair sprays; hair dyes and bleaching products; hair waving and setting products; essential oils. Shampoos; cosmetic products for hair care, namely gels, foams, balms, creams, waxes, serums, lotions; haircare and styling products in the form of aerosols; hair sprays; hair dyes and bleaching products; hair waving and setting products; essential oils. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.26 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 99 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen utløper: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: 1005677 2009.03.27 2019.03.27 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen utløper: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: 200907333 2009.07.23 2008.10.28 DE 30 2008 069 456.4/36 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 1005745 2008.11.26 2018.11.26 200907345 2009.07.23 2008.07.11 DE 30 2008 044 641.2/16 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: COMMERZ REAL MAN Rental (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Commerz Real AG, Helfmann-Park 5, 65760 ESCHBORN, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG, Dachauer Strasse 667, 80995 MÜNCHEN, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Klasse:16 Klasse:36 Klasse:37 Klasse:42 Business management; business administration; outsourcing services (business assistance); invoicing. Financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; leasing of immobile, mobile and immaterial assets; banking; real estate management and brokerage, rental and leasing of real estate (facility management), investments; mutual funds; fund management, namely services provided by fund companies for capital investment and administration of funds; financial planning of building projects of a building contractor. Construction; construction management, namely conducting building projects, in particular including in the framework of building construction; renovation of buildings, namely construction services, installation and repair during the renovation of buildings; building consultancy. Technical preparation of building projects of a building contractor; planning of building projects, namely architecture and engineering. Klasse:35 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.26 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Klasse:36 Klasse:37 Klasse:38 100 Printed matter, publications, brochures, handbooks, catalogues, data sheets on motor vehicles, cars, omnibuses, trucks and lorries, tractors for semitrailers, industrial vehicles of any kind including semi trailers and full trailers, vans and transporters, special vehicles, special mission vehicles, communal vehicles and building vehicles as well as parts of these vehicles; printed matter, publications, brochures, catalogues on services relating to the rental, lease, leasing, financing, the purchase and sale, trade and distribution and servicing of motor vehicles, cars, omnibuses, industrial vehicles of any kind including semi trailers and full trailers. Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; advertising of any kind and using all available media, such as TV, radio, the press, the Internet, and means such as advertising films, posters, images, printed publications, prospectuses, brochures, catalogues, data sheets, manuals and operating instructions, mobile and stationary advertising carriers for products such as motor vehicles, cars, trucks and lorries, omnibuses, other industrial vehicles of various kinds including semi trailers and full trailers, and for services rendered in the context of the purchase, sale, trade, distribution, rental, lease, leasing, financing, insurance, maintenance, repair and servicing of new and second hand vehicles of the above mentioned kind; arrangement, conclusion and fulfillment of contracts relating to the warranty, extension of warranty, maintenance, repair, servicing and breakdown recovery of motor vehicles, in particular goods and passenger transport vehicles, and providing replacement vehicles; management and/or business administration consultancy and customer relations for repair and service workshops for motor vehicles, including call center services therefore, namely arranging, processing and forwarding orders for goods and/or services; accountancy controlling, documenting, reporting and billing for fuel credit card use in the context of fuel credit cards for cashless fuel refilling; ordering goods and confirmation of such orders over the Internet. Insurance, financing, money transactions, real estate business; financing and insurance services; financing, leasing, rental, lease, insurance of objects, in particular real estate, and products such as machines and vehicles, in particular goods and personal transport vehicles, including claims handling in the insured event; issuance of fuel credit cards for cashless fuel refilling. Repair, maintenance, servicing, including servicing tires of motor vehicles and their parts; repair of motor vehicles and their parts in the context of breakdown recovery. Access to transmitting information on the Internet relating to products offered for sale, leasing and rental, in particular motor vehicles, industrial vehicles, trucks and lorries, semi trailer tractors, truck chassis, omnibuses, parts and replacement internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer Klasse:39 Klasse:42 parts of these vehicles and chassis; access to transmitting information on the Internet relating to services to be rendered in the context of products to be sold, such as product documentation, product identification, product and product part cataloguing, product equipment and product accessory identification, offer creation and transmission, maintenance contracts, servicing services, shuttle services, financing, insurance, warranty payments; telecommunications; wireless data communication between a mobile object, such as a vehicle, and a stationary or location independent, mobile receiving, evaluating, service, control, monitoring and operational control station. Towing of vehicles in the context of breakdown recovery. Creating, maintaining, updating of, also Internet capable, computer programs, data and information stored on data carriers of all kinds, for computersupported trade, purchase and sale as well as distribution, leasing and rental of motor vehicles, industrial vehicles, trucks and lorries, semi-trailer tractors, truck chassis with superstructures and installations of various kinds for industrial vehicles, also those for specialized mission purposes and military purposes, as well as parts and replacement parts of these vehicles and chassis; creating, maintaining, updating of, also Internet capable, computer programs, data and information stored on data carriers of all kinds, for computer-supported rendering of services arising in the context of trade, purchase and sale as well as distribution, leasing and rental of motor vehicles, industrial vehicles, trucks and lorries, semi-trailer tractors, truck chassis, parts and replacement parts of these vehicles and chassis, namely product information, product documentation, product cataloguing, product part cataloguing, product identification, product equipment identification, product accessories identification, offer creation, transmission of product orders via data telecommunication, sales support, planning and controlling of product distribution, market monitoring, maintenance contracts, servicing services, shuttle services, financing, insurance, warranty payments, and for carrying out these business transactions. 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen utløper: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: 1005773 2009.03.26 2019.03.26 200907348 2009.07.23 2008.09.26 DE 30 2008 062 527.9/05 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Bionorica (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Bionorica AG, Kerschensteiner Strasse 11-15, 92318 NEUMARKT, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Klasse:30 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use; plasters, materials for dressings; disinfectants; preparations for health care; plant extracts, tinctures and aromatic substances in liquid, solid or gaseous form for pharmaceutical preparations and for dietetic substances for medical use; food supplements for medical purposes; dietetic supplements included in this class; dietetic food supplements included in this class; mineral food supplements; food supplements based on amino acids, minerals and trace elements. Plant extracts, tinctures and flavourings in liquid, solid or gaseous form for foodstuffs, food supplements and food, included in this class; dietetic food or food supplements for non-medical purposes containing carbohydrates, fibres, vitamins, minerals and trace elements either singular or in combination, included in this class. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.26 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.27 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 101 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen utløper: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: 1005774 2009.03.26 2019.03.26 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) 1005803 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.03.11 (180) Registreringen 2019.03.11 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907361 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.12.11 IT MI2008C 012955 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 200907349 2009.07.23 2008.09.26 DE 30 2008 062 528.7/05 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The trademark consists of a leaf on a dark circle. (730) Innehaver: Bionorica AG, Kerschensteiner Strasse 11-15, 92318 NEUMARKT, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Klasse:30 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of a sign depicting the wording allegri in fancy characters, placed under the letter a of a larger size also in fancy characters, it being surmounted by a horizontal line the length of which is of the same as the width of the letter a underneath, above which placed one under the other there are the portions of numbers 01 01 and 09 all in fancy characters. (730) Innehaver: DISMI 92 SpA, Piazza Meda Filippo, 3, 20121 MILANO, IT (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use; plasters, materials for dressings; disinfectants; preparations for health care; plant extracts, tinctures and aromatic substances in liquid, solid or gaseous form for pharmaceutical preparations and for dietetic substances for medical use; food supplements for medical purposes; dietetic supplements included in this class; dietetic food supplements included in this class; mineral food supplements; food supplements based on amino acids, minerals and trace elements. Plant extracts, tinctures and flavourings in liquid, solid or gaseous form for foodstuffs, food supplements and food, included in this class; dietetic food or food supplements for non-medical purposes containing carbohydrates, fibres, vitamins, minerals and trace elements either singular or in combination, included in this class. Klasse:18 Klasse:25 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Clothing, footwear, headgear. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.28 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.26 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 102 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen utløper: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: 1005805 2009.04.23 2019.04.23 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) 1006102 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.04.28 (180) Registreringen 2019.04.28 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907423 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2009.02.12 CH 585959 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 200907362 2009.07.23 2008.10.30 DE 30 2008 069 200.6/10 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: DAFIRO HCT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Novartis AG, 4002 BASEL, CH (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Black, white, grey, orange and salmon pink. (730) Innehaver: Pentax Europe GmbH, Julius-Vosseler-Strasse 104, 22527 HAMBURG, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:10 Pharmaceutical preparations in the cardiovascular field for treating hypertension and metabolic disorders. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) 1006103 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.04.28 (180) Registreringen 2019.04.28 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907424 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2009.02.12 CH 585960 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Diagnostic apparatus for medical use and parts thereof included in this class. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 IMPRIDA HCT (111) 1006101 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.04.28 (180) Registreringen 2019.04.28 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907422 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2009.02.12 CH 585958 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Novartis AG, 4002 BASEL, CH (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 COPALIA HCT Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Novartis AG, 4002 BASEL, CH (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations in the cardiovascular field for treating hypertension and metabolic disorders. (111) 1006118 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.04.22 (180) Registreringen 2019.04.22 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907426 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.10.27 FR 08 3 607 656 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Pharmaceutical preparations in the cardiovascular field for treating hypertension and metabolic disorders. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 TEGIKOS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: sanofi-aventis, 174, avenue de France, 75013 PARIS, FR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical products for cancer prevention and treatment. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.23 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 103 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) 1006155 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.04.17 (180) Registreringen 2019.04.17 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907439 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) 1006158 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.06.15 (180) Registreringen 2019.06.15 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907441 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the word "INNOVATIONS" with arrow design. (730) Innehaver: T D Williamson Inc, 5727 South Lewis Avenue Suite 300, OK74105 TULSA, US (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: The colors red and green are claimed as a feature of the mark. , The color red appears as the color of the wording BIOXCIN and the color of the green appears as the color of the leaf which is on the letter of "O". (730) Innehaver: Biota Bitkisel Kozmetik Laboratuarlari Ticaret Limited Sirketi, Mehmet Akif Mahallsi Baris Caddesi, Yücedag Sokak No. 15 ÜMRANIYE ISTANBUL, TR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Klasse:9 Klasse:16 Downloadable electronic newsletters in the field of pipeline maintenance, repair and related equipment. Newsletters in the field of pipeline maintenance, repair and related equipment. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.27 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. (111) 1006171 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.06.08 (180) Registreringen 2019.06.08 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907445 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.27 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) 1006156 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.05.25 (180) Registreringen 2019.05.25 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907440 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: FX RADAR (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: The Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc, 36 St Andrew Sqaure, EH22YB EDINBURGH, GB (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: SeaCart (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Oceanlake Marine AB, Olof Palmes gata 20B, 11137 STOCKHOLM, SE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Klasse:36 Boats. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.27 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Financial services, broking and brokerage services, banking services, treasury and capital markets services, foreign exchange services and foreign exchange transaction services, the acquisition and sale of financial products; financial management services; the investment of money, funds and capital; investment portfolio management services; insurance services; information and advisory services relating to all the aforesaid services, including information provided online. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.28 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 104 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen utløper: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) 1006258 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.06.16 (180) Registreringen 2019.06.16 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907568 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 1006192 2009.03.11 2019.03.11 200907449 2009.07.23 2008.09.20 DE 30 2008 061 337.8/35 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: HuiZhouShi NaWeiShi ShiTingKeJi YouXianGongSi, No.29 and No.31, Huanzhenxi Road, Shuikou Town, Huizhou City GUANGDONG PROVINCE, CN (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: MUSTANG - Bekleidungswerke GmbH + Co KG, Austrasse 10, 74653 KÜNZELSAU, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Electronic pocket translators; facsimile machines; telephone apparatus; portable telephones; cabinets for loudspeakers; ear plugs; cameras (photography); personal stereos; switches, electric; galvanic cells; lighting ballasts; plugs, sockets and other contacts (electric connections). Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Wholesale and retail services, including services in selling on mail order or via Internet, in the fields of clothing, footwear, headgear, handbags and leather articles, cosmetics, stationary, printed matter, jewellery, watches, sun glasses, cell phones, apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images, furniture and textile goods; administrative services for enterprises in the field of retail, mail order and online sales; arranging commercial deals for others, also in ecommerce; information and commercial consultancy services for retail shops; advertising, business management, office functions, business organization consultancy for franchisees in wholesale and retail; updating of advertising material, cost price analysis, dissemination of advertising matter, organisation of exhibitions for commercial and advertising purposes, professional business consultancy, business management consultancy, business organization consultancy, personnel management consultancy, procurement services for others (purchasing goods and services for other enterprises), administrative processing of purchase orders, book-keeping, computerized file management, compilation and systemization of information in computer databases, shop window dressing, presentation of goods in communication media for retail purposes, compilation of statistics, marketing research, business information, business research, business appraisals, business management planning assistance, efficiency experts, commercial information agencies, commercial or industrial management assistance, import-export agencies, commercial administration of the licensing of goods and services for others, public relations, advertising, on-line advertising on a computer network, writing and publication of advertising texts, layout services for advertising purposes, sales promotion for others, rental of advertising space, rental of advertising material, rental of advertising time in communication media, distribution of samples of goods for advertising purposes, distribution of advertising material. (111) 1006274 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.03.03 (180) Registreringen 2019.03.03 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907569 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.09.08 EM 007217227 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: esteras (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Emsa GmbH, Grevener Damm 215-225, 48282 EMSDETTEN, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:11 Klasse:19 Klasse:20 Klasse:21 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.27 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Apparatus for lighting, heating, cooking, refrigerating, ventilating and water supply purposes; flares; free-standing and wall-mounted drinking fountains; ornamental fountains. Monuments, not of metal, including ceramic tiles, flooring and cladding; trellises of wood. Furniture, in particular garden furniture, deckchairs, chests; plant pillars of wood; wind chimes; flowerstands; goods, not included in other classes, of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics. Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); glassware, porcelain, pottery and earthenware, not included in other classes, in particular pots and vases for flowers and plants; hanging baskets for plants and flowers; carvings, sculptures, model figures, busts, figurines, statues, statuettes and trinkets of ceramic, clay, earthenware, terracotta, pottery, stoneware or glass; flower pots, plant containers, included in this class, in particular of glass fibres. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 105 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) 1006328 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.19 (180) Registreringen 2018.09.19 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907573 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.04.17 FR 08 3 570 403 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) 1006313 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.03.30 (180) Registreringen 2019.03.30 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907571 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: MEGATECH (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Gates SAS, Z.I. Louvres, 2 La Briqueterie, 95380 LOUVRES, FR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The trademark is made up by the word in fancy capital block letters "REIGN". The letter "i" upturned and very short has a five pointed star like a dot. (730) Innehaver: TCA Company SrL, Via Dei Fiorentini, 21, 80133 NAPOLI, IT (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:18 Klasse:20 Klasse:25 Klasse:6 Klasse:7 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials, namely bags, handbags, briefcase, suitcase, wallet, document case, key cases, purse, luggage, trunks and travelling bags; animal skins and hides; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics. Clothing namely jackets, hats, caps, shirt, ties, trousers, coats, sweaters, skirt, pullover, socks, tights, gloves, belts, scarves, jeans, underwear, nightwear, tracksuit, footwear. Klasse:17 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.22 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) 1006316 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.05.29 (180) Registreringen 2019.05.29 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907572 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.26 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 LIVERCARE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: HealthAid Ltd, HealthAid House, Marlborough hill, HA11UD HARROW, MIDDLESEX, GB (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Metal hoses including hydraulic hoses; metal hoses including those for use with hydraulic fluids, oil or air; metal couplings and adapters for use with hydraulic hoses; metal hose couplings and other connectors, including those for hose ends for automotive and hydraulics systems use. Connectors and other couplings being parts of machines, in particular for high pressure, air compressor and return line applications (not included in other classes); couplings (parts of machines and engines) including quick release couplings for high pressure hoses; hydraulic hose assemblies (parts of machines); engine parts, especially for hydraulic and liquid cooling systems (not included in other classes); metallic and nonmetallic couplings for hydraulic apparatus (parts of machines). Flexible non-metallic hydraulic hoses, in particular made of rubber; wire reinforced braided nonmetallic hoses; non-metallic hoses, in particular for use with hydraulic fluids, oil or air; non-metallic couplings and other connectors for use with hoses and hydraulic hoses, including those for hose ends for automotive and hydraulic systems use; reinforced non-metallic hoses; non-metallic fluid transfer hoses; non metallic hoses for transferring hydraulic power (not included in other classes), including wire reinforced hose for the transfer of fluids under pressure for use in hydraulic applications. Pharmaceutical preparations and substances; medicinal preparations and substances; vitamin preparations and substances; mineral preparations and substances; dietetic preparations and substances; herbal preparations and substances; vitamin supplements; mineral supplements; food supplements; dietary supplements; fibre supplements; nutritional additives; fish oil; cod liver oil; royal jelly; kelp for pharmaceutical or medical purposes; laxatives; anti-oxydants; ginseng. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.26 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 106 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) 1006336 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.28 (180) Registreringen 2018.10.28 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907574 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.05.26 IT MI2008C005967 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.26 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) 1006347 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.02.12 (180) Registreringen 2019.02.12 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907578 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ESPRINET (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Esprinet SpA, Via Saragat, 4, 20054 NOVA MILANESE (MILANO), IT (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 Klasse:35 Klasse:41 Klasse:42 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Luxburg & Reins (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Luxburg & Reins AG, Potsdamer Str. 92, 10785 BERLIN, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery, adhesives for stationery or household purposes, artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packing (not included in other classes); printers' type and printing blocks. Wholesale and retail services of the following goods: scientific, nautical, surveying, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments, automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus, cash registers, calculating machines, electric and electronic apparatus and instruments, apparatus and accessories for receiving and recording, transmission or reproduction of sound and/or images and/or data processed electronically, computer hardware and software, downloaded files, photographic, cinematographic and optical recording apparatus, instruments and devices, recording instruments and media, data carriers of all kinds, recording media containing video games, paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, printed matter; bookbinding material, photographs, stationery, adhesives for stationery or household purposes, artists' materials, paint brushes, typewriters and office requisites (except furniture), instructional and teaching material (except apparatus), plastic materials for packaging, printers' type, printing blocks; grouping together of the aforesaid goods (except the transport thereof) for others, in order to enable customers conveniently to view and purchase those goods; advertising; business management services; business administration; office functions, all the aforesaid services also provided for others, including on electronic data networks, in particular the Internet and included in this class; import and export agency services. Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; arranging and conducting of courses, competitions, seminars, congresses and various events. Scientific and technological services; industrial analysis and research services; configuration of computer systems and networks; consultancy and assistance in the field of computer hardware, software and networks; computer and information technology related consultation; computer engineering; providing computer software that may be downloaded from a global computer network; updating, design and rental of software; consultancy and advice relating to the evaluation, choosing and implementation of computer software, firmware, hardware and of data processing systems; creation of data-processing programs; installation of computer programs. Klasse:7 Klasse:10 Klasse:40 Klasse:44 Suction machines for industrial purposes; cleaning appliances utilizing steam; lathes (machine tools); electric glue guns; filters (parts of engines or motors); milling machines; crankcases for machines; motor and engines; hangers (parts of machines); engraving machines; reeling apparatus, mechanical, superchargers; compressors (machines), housings (parts of machines); housings for machines, motors and engines; emergency power generators; pneumatics controls for machines, motors and engines; apparatus for polishing machines (electric); pumps (parts of machines, engines or motors), shears, electric; tools (parts of machines); holding devices for machines tools; machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles). Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials. Treatment of materials. Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.28 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) 1006349 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.02.17 (180) Registreringen 2019.02.17 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907579 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.09.09 CZ 462146 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: RONALIT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: RONA a s - organizacní slozka která reprezentuje RONA a s Schreiberova 365 020 61 Lednické Rovne Slovenská republika, Husova 753/45, 46001 LIBEREC, CZ (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:21 Glass products, particularly drinking glasses, goblets, bowls, vases. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.28 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 107 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) 1006354 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.03.24 (180) Registreringen 2019.03.24 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907581 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.11.20 CH 584622 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) 1006445 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.17 (180) Registreringen 2018.10.17 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907591 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.04.23 CH 577968 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Pacovis (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Pacovis AG, Grabenmattenstrasse 19, 5608 STETTEN AG, CH (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Medacta International SA, Strada Regina, 6874 CASTEL SAN PIETRO, CH (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:10 Klasse:1 Orthopaedic prostheses and implants for the femur, knees and acetabular cups. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.28 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Klasse:3 (111) 1006410 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.06.19 (180) Registreringen 2019.06.19 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907588 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.12.30 US 77641191 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:4 Klasse:5 Klasse:8 Klasse:16 CARMEX (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Carma Laboratories Inc, 5801 West Airways Avenue, WI53132 FRANKLIN, US (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Lip balm, lotion, and cream. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.23 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Klasse:21 Klasse:22 Klasse:30 Klasse:31 Chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs, chemical additives for oils, fatty acids, gelatine for industrial purposes, glucose for industrial purposes, potato flour for industrial purposes, casein for industrial purposes, carbohydrates, artificial sweeteners (chemical preparations), flour for industrial purposes, lactic acid, sodium, bran for industrial use, nitrates, oil-purifying chemicals, smoking agents for smoked meats, saltpetre, salts for industrial purposes, tapioca flour for industrial purposes, animal albumen, citric acid for industrial purposes. Aromatics (essential oils), ethereal essences, essential oils from cedar-wood, essential oils from lemons. Sunflower oil for industrial purposes, rape oil for industrial purposes. Flavours (other than essential oils) for use in giving taste to pharmaceutical products and mouth care products. Cutlery, forks, spoons, knives, shears (scissors). Paper, cardboard and goods made of these materials, not included in other classes; plastic materials for packaging (included in this class), bags for microwave cooking, garbage bags, (envelopes, pouches) for packaging (of paper or plastic materials), plastic films for packaging purposes, film wrapping of regenerated cellulose, food wrapping film plastic for household use, paper handtowels, paper serviettes, paper table linen, toilet paper, bags (covers, pouches) for packaging purposes (of paper or plastic materials), wrapping paper. Cups, biscuit cutters (kitchenware), basins (receptacles), cocktail stirrers, disposable plates, disposable cutlery, disposable cups, disposable tableware, chopsticks (kitchen implements), bottles, cardboard dishes, paper or plastic mugs, paper plates, cleaning cloths, soup bowls, salad bowls, tableware, dishes, toothpicks, drinking vessels, glasses. String, nets (included in this class). Curry (condiment), spices, spice blends, cloves, glucose for nutritional purposes, ginger (condiment), preserving salt for food, turmeric for food, nutmegs, chilli peppers (seasonings), breadcrumbs, pepper, relish (condiment), saffron (condiment), salt, mustard, sauces (condiments), celery salt, mustard flour, edible starch, aniseed flour, tapioca flour for nutritional purposes, vanilla (flavouring), vanillin vanilla substitute, sausage binding materials, seasonings, cinnamon (spice), sugar. Palm-tree leaves, juniper berries, sugar cane, agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains, included in this class; preparations made with fresh herbs (not for medical purposes), peppers (plants). Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.26 108 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) 1006464 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.05.13 (180) Registreringen 2019.05.13 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907593 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2009.03.19 EM 008166472 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) 1006463 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.05.13 (180) Registreringen 2019.05.13 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907592 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2009.03.19 EM 008166399 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ACTION CHUGGER (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Ludorum Plc, 566 Chiswick High Road, W45YA LONDON, GB (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:16 Klasse:24 Klasse:25 Klasse:28 Klasse:41 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Yellow, orange, light brown, dark brown, light grey, dark grey, white, light green, dark green, blue, purple, beige, mustard, black. (730) Innehaver: Ludorum Plc, 566 Chiswick High Road, W45YA LONDON, GB (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Computer software; compact discs; music videos and games downloadable from the internet; computer games equipment; mouse mats; mobile phone accessories; interactive games; TVs, video and CD players; ring tones; screen savers; interactive computer game programs; interactive virtual reality games; computer hardware and computer software programs for the integration of text, audio, graphics, still image and moving pictures into an interactive delivery for multi media applications. Printed matter, paper and paper goods, books, magazines, comics, stationery, pens, colouring pens, cards, greetings cards, posters, photographs, artists' material, paint (artists' material) sets. Textiles and textile goods; bed and/or table covers; towels; cushion covers. Clothing, footwear, headgear. Games, toys, playthings, self contained computer game equipment. Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural activities; production, preparation, presentation, distribution, and rental of television and radio programmes and films, animated films, videos, DVDs, computer games and sound and/or visual recordings; production of live entertainment; electronic games provided by the Internet; music, games, videos provided via the Internet but not downloadable; games and events provided on-line from a computer database, from the Internet or any other communications network including wireless, cable or satellite; provision of music (not downloadable) from the Internet; providing a computer game that may be accessed network wide by network users; entertainment services featuring fictional characters; music publishing services; provision of on-line electronic publications (not downloadable); electronic game services provided from a computer database, the Internet or any other communications network including wireless, cable, satellite; advisory and consultancy services related to the aforementioned services; production of art work for animated films. Klasse:9 Klasse:16 Klasse:24 Klasse:25 Klasse:28 Klasse:41 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.28 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Computer software; compact discs; music videos and games downloadable from the internet; computer games equipment; mouse mats; mobile phone accessories; interactive games; TVs, video and CD players; ring tones; screen savers; interactive computer game programs; interactive virtual reality games; computer hardware and computer software programs for the integration of text, audio, graphics, still image and moving pictures into an interactive delivery for multi media applications. Printed matter, paper and paper goods, books, magazines, comics, stationery, pens, colouring pens, cards, greetings cards, posters, photographs, artists' material, paint (artists' material) sets. Textiles and textile goods; bed and/or table covers; towels; cushion covers. Clothing, footwear, headgear. Games, toys, playthings, self contained computer game equipment. Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural activities; production, preparation, presentation, distribution, and rental of television and radio programmes and films, animated films, videos, DVDs, computer games and sound and/or visual recordings; production of live entertainment; electronic games provided by the Internet; music, games, videos provided via the Internet but not downloadable; games and events provided on-line from a computer database, from the Internet or any other communications network including wireless, cable or satellite; provision of music (not downloadable) from the Internet; providing a computer game that may be accessed network wide by network users; entertainment services featuring fictional characters; music publishing services; provision of on-line electronic publications (not downloadable); electronic game services provided from a computer database, the Internet or any other communications network including wireless, cable, satellite; advisory and consultancy services related to the aforementioned services; production of art work for animated films. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.27 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 109 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) 1006465 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.05.13 (180) Registreringen 2019.05.13 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907594 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2009.03.30 EM 008188757 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.28 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) 1006467 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.05.19 (180) Registreringen 2019.05.19 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907596 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ABLE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Jiangsu Able Textiles & Garments Co Ltd, Qingyang South Road No. 69, Changzhou City, 213003 JIANGSU PROVINCE, CN (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Blue and Gold. (730) Innehaver: Ludorum Plc, 566 Chiswick High Road, W45YA LONDON, GB (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Klasse:9 Klasse:16 Klasse:18 Klasse:21 Klasse:24 Klasse:25 Klasse:28 Klasse:30 Klasse:32 Klasse:41 Klasse:18 Cleaning and washing preparations and substances; soap, non-medicated bubble bath preparations, bath salts, bath creams and bath oils, shampoos, hair lotions, cosmetics, dentifrices. Computer software; compact discs; music videos and games downloadable from the internet; computer games equipment; mouse mats; mobile phone accessories; interactive games; TVs, video and CD players; ring tones; screen savers; interactive computer game programs; interactive virtual reality games; computer hardware and computer software programs for the integration of text, audio, graphics, still image and moving pictures into an interactive delivery for multi media applications. Paper and paper goods, printed matter, books, magazines, comics, stationery, pens, colouring pens, cards, greetings cards, posters, photographs, artists' material, paint (artists' material) sets. Bags, umbrellas, back packs, suitcases. Household and/or kitchen utensils and/or containers; plastic (melamine) table ware; lunchboxes; brushes and sponges; toilet cases. Textiles and textile goods; bed and table covers; towels; cushion covers. Clothing, footwear, headgear. Games, toys, playthings, self contained computer game equipment. Confectionery. Water; non alcoholic drinks. Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural activities; production, preparation, presentation, distribution, and rental of television and radio programmes and films, animated films, videos, DVDs, computer games and sound and/or visual recordings; production of live entertainment; electronic games provided by the Internet; music, games, videos provided via the Internet but not downloadable; games and events provided on-line from a computer database, from the Internet or any other communications network including wireless, cable or satellite; provision of music (not downloadable) from the Internet; providing a computer game that may be accessed network wide by network users; entertainment services featuring fictional characters; music publishing services; provision of on-line electronic publications (not downloadable); electronic game services provided from a computer database, the Internet or any other communications network including wireless, cable, satellite; advisory and consultancy services related to the aforementioned services; production of art work for animated films. Klasse:25 Unworked or semi-worked leather; purses; school satchels; backpacks; shopping bags; handbags; valises; suitcases; leather trimmings for furniture; straps for soldiers' equipment. Clothing; shoes; hats and caps; children's clothing; gloves; shawls; neckties; scarves; belts; girdles. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.27 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 110 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) 1006529 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.03.23 (180) Registreringen 2019.03.23 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907609 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen utløper: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 1006536 2009.05.19 2019.05.19 200907613 2009.07.30 2008.12.25 CN 7133164 2008.12.25 CN 7133248 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Zhejiang Pujiang Bohu Chain Co Ltd, No.565 Yatai Road, Pujiang, 322200 ZHEJIANG, CN (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: X-International ApS, Tuborg Sundpark 12, 2900 HELLERUP, DK (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 Klasse:30 Klasse:32 Klasse:34 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other nonalcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Tobacco; smokers' articles; matches. Couplings of metal for chains; chains for cattle; chains for dogs; padlocks; bells for animals; straphinges of metal; chains of metal; safety chains of metal; rings of metal; locks of metal, other than electric. Automobile chains; anti-skid devices for vehicle tires; anti-skid chains; tire chains; anchor chains; bicycle chains; driving chains for land vehicles; transmission chains for land vehicles; cycle chains. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.28 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.23 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 111 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen utløper: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) 1006562 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.05.08 (180) Registreringen 2019.05.08 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907621 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2009.05.05 EM 008280241 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 1006546 2009.05.28 2019.05.28 200907616 2009.07.30 2008.12.05 DE 30 2008 076 278.0/29 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Nibe AB, Järnvägsgatan 40, 28521 MARKARYD, SE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Blue, green, red and brown. (730) Innehaver: Carl Müller Verwaltungs-KG, Industriestrasse 5, 26160 BAD ZWISCHENAHN, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 Klasse:29 Klasse:35 Klasse:43 Klasse:11 Heating installations and apparatus; heating boilers; water heaters, heat pumps and heating cartridges. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.27 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Printed matter; packaging and packaging materials (included in this class). Meat and goods made from meat; sausage and goods made from sausage; preserved meat and preserved sausage. Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. Services for providing food and drink; catering services. (111) 1006564 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.02.26 (180) Registreringen 2019.02.26 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907622 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.09.01 SE 2008/07733 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.23 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Cold Cut Systems Svenska AB, Box 10181, 43422 KUNGSBACKA, SE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:8 Klasse:9 Hand tools for fire-fighting. Fire-fighting equipment. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.27 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 112 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) 1006645 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.06.30 (180) Registreringen 2019.06.30 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907636 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) 1006600 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.12.16 (180) Registreringen 2018.12.16 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907630 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.10.14 AT AM 6744/2008 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: QUANTARED (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: QuantaRed Technologies GmbH, Phorusgasse 8, 1040 WIEN, AT (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Klasse:9 Klasse:42 Chemical products for industrial and scientific purposes. Scientific measuring instruments. Industrial analysis services and research services. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.28 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen utløper: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Horwath International Registration Ltd, 420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 526, NY10170-0526 NEW YORK, US (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: 1006626 2009.04.16 2019.04.16 200907632 2009.07.30 2008.10.29 DE 30 2008 068 990.0/42 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:35 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.23 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 NIMBLENET (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Sandhofer Strasse 116, 68305 MANNHEIM, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:42 Klasse:44 Accounting, account auditing, tax consulting and business consulting services. (111) 1006646 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.06.29 (180) Registreringen 2019.06.29 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907637 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Computer software. Scientific consultancy also via Internet; creation, development, maintenance and update of computer software. Medical and medical diagnostic consultancy also via Internet. ENZOANI (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: ENZOANI, 1382 Valencia Ave., Suite E, CA92780 TUSTIN, US (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.28 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Klasse:25 Formal wear clothing, namely, bridal gowns, bridesmaid dresses, mother of the bride dresses, formal evening gowns. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.27 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 113 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) 1006649 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.07.01 (180) Registreringen 2019.07.01 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907639 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.07.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) 1006757 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.01.29 (180) Registreringen 2019.01.29 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907769 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.08.06 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.10.27 IT VE2008C 000675 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ZYMAX (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Ashaway Line & Twine Mfg Co, 24 Laurel St., RI02804 ASHAWAY, US (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:28 Badminton racket strings. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.27 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of a sign depicting the wording S STEFANEL, in fancy characters, in which the letter S is represented by a series of undulating bands of different size under which there is the wording STEFANEL, of a smaller size. (730) Innehaver: Stefanel SpA, Via Postumia 85, 31047 PONTE DE PIAVE (TREVISO), IT (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:18 Klasse:25 Klasse:35 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Clothing, footwear, headgear. Franchising, namely services rendered by a franchisor, that is transfer of business and organizational know-how, assistance in the development and management of a commercial enterprise; advertising; business management; business administration; office functions (services on behalf of third parties). Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.27 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 114 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen utløper: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: 1006774 2009.05.06 2019.05.06 ventilation devices, in particular ventilators, grease filter devices and extractor devices, including extractor hoods; air conditioning devices and devices to improve air quality, air humidifiers, air deodorisation apparatus; deodorising apparatus, not for personal use, air purifying apparatus; water piping devices, as well as sanitary equipment, in particular fittings for steam, air and water piping equipment, warm water devices, storage water heaters and continuous flow water heaters; kitchen sinks; heat pumps; parts of all aforementioned goods included in this class; taps for dispensing cooled beverages, for use in combination with appliances for cooling of beverages. 200907770 2009.08.06 2008.11.13 DE 30 2008 073 215.6/07 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.28 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH, CarlWery-Strasse 34, 81739 MÜNCHEN, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Klasse:9 Klasse:11 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) 1006781 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.06.18 (180) Registreringen 2019.06.18 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907771 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.08.06 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Electric household and kitchen machines and apparatus (included in this class), in particular electric kitchen machines and apparatus, including mincing machines, mixing and kneading machines, fruit pressing machines, juice extractors, juice centrifuges, grinders, slicing machines, electric motor-driven tools, electric can openers, knife sharpeners as well as machines and devices for the preparation of beverages and/or food, pumps for dispensing cooled beverages, for use in combination with appliances for cooling of beverages; electric waste disposal units, namely waste masticators and compressors; dishwashers; electric machines and appliances for treating laundry and clothing, including washing machines, spin driers, laundry presses, ironing machines (included in this class); electric cleaning apparatus for household use, including window cleaning devices and shoe cleaning devices, vacuum cleaners; wet and dry vacuum cleaners; parts for the aforementioned goods, included in this class; in particular hoses, pipes, dust filters and dust filter bags, all for vacuum cleaners. Electric apparatus and instruments (included in this class), namely electric irons; kitchen scales, personal scales; electric welding devices for wrapping film; remote control devices, signalling devices, controlling (supervision) devices and monitoring devices (electrical/electronical) for household and kitchen machines and equipment; recorded and non-recorded machine readable data carriers, such as magnetic data carriers for household appliances; electric apparatus for dispensing beverage or food, vending machines; data processing devices and data processing programmes for controlling and operating household appliances; parts for the afore mentioned goods included in this class. Heating, steam producing and cooking devices, in particular ovens, cooking, baking, frying, grilling, toasting, thawing and food and plate warming apparatus, hot water appliances; immersion heaters, cooking pots, electric; microwave appliances, waffle irons (electric); egg boiling apparatus, deep fryer (electric); electric tea and coffee making apparatus, electric espresso machines, electric coffee machines (included in this class); cooling devices, in particular refrigerators, freezers, cooling cabinets, beverage cooling apparatus; combination apparatus for cooling and freezing, deep freezing apparatus, ice-makers; icecream makers; dryers, in particular laundry dryers, tumble dryers for laundry use; hand dryers; hair dryers; infrared lamps (not for medical purposes); electric heating pads (not for medical purposes); electric heating covers (not for medical purposes); Rosenvale (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Rosenvale Pty Ltd, Lot 385 Railway Terrace, SA5355 NURIOOTPA, AU (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:33 Wines. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.27 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 115 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) 1006784 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.03.11 (180) Registreringen 2019.03.11 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907772 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.08.06 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.12.11 IT MI2008C 012954 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) 1006790 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.01.16 (180) Registreringen 2019.01.16 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907773 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.08.06 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.08.05 FR 08 3 592 721 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: PASQUIER (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Brioche Pasquier Cerqueux, 49360 LES CERQUEUX, FR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Klasse:30 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of a sign depicting the wording allegri in fancy characters, surmounted by a horizontal line the length of which is of the same as the width of the wording allegri underneath, above which placed one under the other there are the portions of numbers 01 01 and 09 all in fancy characters. (730) Innehaver: DISMI 92 SpA, Piazza Meda Filippo, 3, 20121 MILANO, IT (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:18 Klasse:25 Klasse:43 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Clothing, footwear, headgear. Preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; crystallized fruits; jams; fruit jellies; fruit compotes; eggs; milk and other dairy products; milk beverages mainly consisting of milk; butter; cream (dairy product); whipped cream; fruit-based snacks. Coffee; tea; cocoa; sugar; artificial coffee; beverages made with cocoa, coffee, chocolate or tea; flours and cereal preparations; cereal-based snack food; bread; products made using breadmaking methods; toasts; toasted bread slices; puff pastries; crackers; biscuits; rusks; buns; filled buns; buns filled with chocolate, buns filled with fruit; doughnuts containing fruit; viennoiseries; pains au chocolat (chocolate-filled pastries); raisin breads; croissants; milk breads; gingerbread; turnovers; pastries; mignardise; tarts; cakes; pancakes; waffles; macaroons; edible decorations for cakes; confectionery; sugar confectionery; fruit jellies; sandwiches; tarts; edible ices; chocolate; honey; treacle; yeast; baking powder; salt; mustard; vinegar; salad dressings; spices; dried cereal flakes; corn flakes; oat flakes; muesli; muesli bars; pies; quiches; pizzas; cake flavourings, flavourings for beverages; non-medicinal infusions; aromatic preparations for food. Catering services; services for providing food and drink; self-service restaurants; snack-bars; cafés; cafeterias; cocktail lounge services; beer hall services; pancake restaurants; pizzerias. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.27 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.28 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 116 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) 1006795 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.22 (180) Registreringen 2018.10.22 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907775 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.08.06 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.10.07 SE 2008/09129 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) 1006890 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.05.27 (180) Registreringen 2019.05.27 utløper: (210) Nasj. 200907798 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.08.06 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2009.04.29 EM 008260028 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Skyways Holding AB, Box 915, 19505 ARLANDASTAD, SE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:39 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Colours: white, black, orange, sky blue, dark blue; Pantone: C, 1C, 716 C, 566 C, 7453 C, 653 C. , Black penguin with a white belly and eyes, an orange beak and feet, placed on a block of ice coloured sky-blue and dark blue. (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of a drawing of a penguin in the colours white, black and orange, placed on a block of ice. (730) Innehaver: A Menarini Industrie Farmaceutiche Riunite SrL, Via Sette Santi, 1-3, 50131 FIRENZE, IT (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Transport; arranging of tours; passenger transport; booking of tickets for travel; transport of travellers; removal services; transportation information; travel reservation; dissemination of travel information; information relating to delays, accessibility and traffic obstructions; air transport. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.27 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 Klasse:10 Diagnostic apparatus and instruments. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.10.26 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 45/09, 2009.11.02 117 nye ansvarsmerker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Ansvarsmerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (540) (111) (151) (210) (220) (300) (540) 253153 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsnr.: 200909973 Inndato: 2009.10.01 Gjengivelse av merket: 253289 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsnr.: 200910566 Inndato: 2009.10.12 Søknadsprioritet Ingen Gjengivelse av merket: D&I (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Dan Gschib, c/o Leena Gschib, 9336 RUNDHAUG, NO (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Silje Iren Bergsvik, Espedalen 26, 5353 STRAUME, NO (111) (151) (210) (220) (540) 253155 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.22 Søknadsnr.: 200909974 Inndato: 2009.10.02 Gjengivelse av merket: ALSH (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Anne Line Hørtha, Nyorkgata 10, 3911 PORSGRUNN, NO (111) (151) (210) (220) (540) 253246 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.27 Søknadsnr.: 200909116 Inndato: 2009.09.09 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Anniken Heggedal, Eidsgata 61, 6770 NORDFJORDEID, NO (111) (151) (210) (220) (540) 253288 Reg.dato.: 2009.10.28 Søknadsnr.: 200910272 Inndato: 2009.10.02 Gjengivelse av merket: TEKB (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Tone Elisabeth Barlo, Breimyrstien 2, 4628 KRISTIANSAND S, NO 118 innsigelser 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Innsigelser Innsigelser i registrerte varemerker jf. varemerkeloven § 21, samt innsigelser i internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer som er besluttet gjeldende i Norge jf. varemerkeloven §§ 52 og 21. (111) 0996654 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200903509 (450) Reg. kunngjort 2009.08.17 dato: (540) Gjengivelse av merket MINEVAL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Valio Ltd, Meijeritie 6, 00370 HELSINGFORS, FI Innsiger: Minerva SA Edible Oils Enterprises, 31 Valaoritou str., 14452 MATAMORPHOSI, ATTIKIS, GR Innsigers fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (111) 252035 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200904732 (450) Reg. kunngjort 2009.08.24 dato: (540) Gjengivelse av merket (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: JTI Snus AB, Box 24155, 10451 STOCKHOLM, SE (750) Innehavers fullmektig: Acapo AS , Postboks 1880 Nordnes,5817 BERGEN, NO Innsiger: Swedish Match North Europe AB, 11885 STOCKHOLM, SE Innsigers fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Postboks 5074 Majorstua, 0301 OSLO, NO 119 innsigelser 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Avgjørelser etter innsigelser Formelle avgjørelser i innsigelsessaker jf varemerkeloven §§ 21a og 52. Avgjørelser truffet av Patentstyrets 1. og 2. avdeling. (111) 0748500 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200102105 (540) Gjengivelse av merket (111) 251322 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200901007 (540) Gjengivelse av merket LE SPOSE DI GIO' PER (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Di Gio' SrL, 40, via Italia, I-20052 Monza, IT Innsiger: GA Modefine SA, Avenue de France 90, 1004 LAUSANNE, CH Innsigers fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO Annen avdelings avgjørelse: Registreringen opprettholdes. Avgjørelsen er rettskraftig. (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: AS Forma, Postboks 4644, Sofienberg, 0506 OSLO, NO (750) Innehavers fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS , Postboks 5074 Majorstua,0301 OSLO, NO Innsiger: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO Innsigers fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO Resultat: Innsigelsen er trukket. (111) 239571 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200602192 (540) Gjengivelse av merket (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Herbalife International Inc, 1800 Century Park East, CA90067-1501 LOS ANGELES, US (750) Innehavers fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS , Postboks 2003 Vika,0125 OSLO, NO Innsiger: adidas AG, Postfach 1120, 8552 HERZOGENAURACH, DE Innsigers fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Postboks 5074 Majorstua, 0301 OSLO, NO Resultat: Innsigelsen er trukket. (111) 250464 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815702 (540) Gjengivelse av merket FORBERG (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Forberg International AS, Hegdalveien 77, 3261 LARVIK, NO (750) Innehavers fullmektig: Acapo AS , Postboks 1880 Nordnes,5817 BERGEN, NO Innsiger: Forbo Financial Services AG, Lindenstrasse 8, 6340 BAAR, CH Innsigers fullmektig: Pretor Advokat AS, Postboks 1734 Sentrum, 7416 TRONDHEIM, NO Resultat: Innsigelsen er trukket. 120 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Begrensing i varefortegnelsen for internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer Begrensing av liste over varer eller tjenester utført for internasjonale registreringer hvor Norge er utpekt. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0467510 Søknadsnr.: 200714314 Reg.dato: 1982.01.27 Registreringer 2012.01.27 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.11.22 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0470166 Søknadsnr.: 199800992 Reg.dato: 1982.06.14 Registreringer 2012.06.14 utløper: (220) Inndato: 1998.01.29 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: DAVIDOFF SUCOFLEX (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Zino Davidoff SA, Rue Faucigny 5, 1700 FRIBOURG, CH (740) Fullmektig: JK Thorsens Patentbureau AS, Postboks 9276 Grønland, 0134 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Klasse:14 Klasse:15 Klasse:16 Klasse:18 Klasse:20 Klasse:21 Klasse:25 Klasse:33 (111) (210) (151) (220) (540) (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Huber + Suhner Ltd, 16, Degersheimerstrasse, CH9100 Herisau, CH (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:19 Perfumery goods, eau de toilette, perfumes, cosmetics, hair lotions, soaps. Watches, pendulettes, watch movements and parts thereof, timing units, jewellery, pendants, rings, brooches, necklaces, bracelets. Musical boxes. Writing pads, desk sets and diaries made of leather and imitation leather. Articles made of leather and imitation leather, namely wallets, purses. Chairs, tables. Glasses, table sets, candlesticks. Clothing for men, women and children. Wine, liqueurs and spirits. 0467511 Søknadsnr.: 200207655 Reg.dato: 2002.01.27 Inndato: 2002.08.08 Gjengivelse av merket: ZINO DAVIDOFF (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Zino Davidoff SA, Rue Faucigny 5, 1700 FRIBOURG, CH (740) Fullmektig: JK Thorsens Patentbureau AS, Postboks 9276 Grønland, 0134 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Klasse:14 Klasse:15 Klasse:16 Klasse:18 Klasse:20 Klasse:21 Klasse:25 Klasse:33 Perfumery goods, eau de toilette, perfumes, cosmetics, hair lotions, soaps. Watches, pendulettes, watch movements and parts thereof, timing units, jewellery, pendants, rings, brooches, necklaces, bracelets. Musical boxes. Writing pads, desk sets and diaries made of leather and imitation leather. Articles made of leather and imitation leather, namely wallets, purses. Chairs, tables. Glasses, table sets, candlesticks. Clothing for men, women and children. Wine, liqueurs and spirits. 121 Roof panels for construction and civil engineering wall, staircase and floor coverings, baseboards, stair nosings, contoured edges, handrails. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (220) (540) 0596413 Søknadsnr.: 200302310 Reg.dato: 1992.12.07 Inndato: 2003.03.06 Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:33 2009.11.02 - 45/09 alcoholic beverages; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Alcoholic beverages (except beer). (111) (210) (151) (180) 0608336 Søknadsnr.: 200115101 Reg.dato: 1993.09.20 Registreringer 2003.09.20 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2001.12.13 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ITAL D'ORO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Lidl Stiftung & Co KG, Stiftsbergstrasse 1, 74167 NECKARSULM, DE (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Zino Davidoff SA, Rue Faucigny 5, 1700 FRIBOURG, CH (740) Fullmektig: JK Thorsens Patentbureau AS, Postboks 9276 Grønland, 0134 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Klasse:8 Klasse:9 Klasse:11 Klasse:14 Klasse:15 Klasse:16 Klasse:18 Klasse:20 Klasse:21 Klasse:25 Klasse:28 Klasse:29 Klasse:30 Klasse:31 Klasse:32 Klasse:29 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery goods, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; talcum powder for toilet use, shaving preparations; dentifrices. Hand-operated hand tools and implements; cutlery, forks and spoons; side arms; shavers, shaving sets. Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), emergency (lifesaving) and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmitting and reproducing sound or images; magnetic data carriers, records; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus, cash registers, calculating machines and data processing equipment; fire extinguishers, spectacles, their elements and spectacle cases. Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes. Smokers' requisites made of precious metals, their alloys or plated therewith. Musical instruments. Stationery, writing pads; office accessories; diaries; playing cards. Articles made of leather and imitation leather, namely wallets, purses; trunks and suitcases. Furniture, mirrors, picture frames. Combs and sponges, brushes (except paintbrushes), cleaning equipment; glassware, porcelain and earthenware for household and kitchen use; tableware neither of precious metals, nor coated therewith. Clothing, footwear, headwear. Games, toys; gymnastic and sports articles (except clothing). Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams; eggs, milk and dairy products; edible oils and fats, meat, fish, sea food, vegetable and fruit preserves. Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, coffee substitutes; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, edible ice; honey, golden syrup; yeast, baking powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces, salad dressings; spices; ice for refreshment. Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains; live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; natural seeds, plants and flowers; animal feed, malt. Beers; mineral and sparkling water and other non- Klasse:30 Klasse:32 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruit and vegetables; meat, fish, fruit and vegetable jellies; jams; eggs, milk and dairy products, namely butter, cheese, cream, yogurt, powdered milk for nutritional purposes; desserts made of yogurt, soft white cheese and cream; edible oils and fats; canned meat, fish, fruit and vegetables. Pasta; bread, pastry and confectionery. Beers; mineral and sparkling water and other nonalcoholic beverages; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0644004 Søknadsnr.: 200309842 Reg.dato: 1995.10.02 Registreringer 2015.10.02 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2003.10.16 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Innutec Innovative Umwelt Technologie GmbH, Bergwerksweg 10, 6373 JOCHBERG, AT (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:10 Klasse:40 122 Electrical appliances and apparatus for the magnetic influence of liquids, in particular of water. Medical apparatus and instruments. Magnetization of liquids, processing and reprocessing of water. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0680853 Søknadsnr.: 19979219 Reg.dato: 1997.09.08 Registreringer 2017.09.08 utløper: (220) Inndato: 1997.10.30 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0705181 Søknadsnr.: 199901300 Reg.dato: 1998.11.09 Registreringer 2018.11.09 utløper: (220) Inndato: 1999.02.04 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: TERRA CAPERLAN (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Henkel AG & Co KGaA, Henkelstrasse 67, 40589 DÜSSELDORF, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Decathlon, 4 Boulevard de Mons, PB 299, 59665 VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ, FR (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations (with the exception of cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations for the building sector, in particular cleaning agents for front facings and agents to remove staining solutions). Klasse:18 Klasse:20 Klasse:22 Klasse:25 Klasse:28 Klasse:41 123 Leather shoulder straps; vulcanised fibre boxes and cases; rucksacks; sports' bags; bags; bags for campers; beach bags; shopping bags; nose bags, fish basket bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; game bags. Wooden or plastic storage boxes; chairs; angling seats; basket seats for angling; bedding (except linen); sleeping bags for camping; deck chairs; armchairs; nonmetallic food storage cabinets; fish baskets. Ropes (neither made of rubber, nor intended as strings for rackets or musical instruments), strings, fishing nets, camouflage nets, tents, tarpaulins (neither as safety tarpaulins, nor as pushchair covers), sails (rigging), padding and stuffing materials (except rubber or plastics); raw fibrous textile materials; nets for angling. Clothing for angling, coveralls, vests, waders for angling, parkas, anoraks; raincoats, singlets, blousons, cycling shorts, caps, footwear (excluding orthopedic footwear), boots; swimming shorts and bathing caps; swimwear; bath sandals and slippers; headbands; berets; hoods; sweaters; beach footwear; sports footwear; wetsuits for waterskiing; ear muffs; leather and imitation leather clothing; scarves; espadrilles; gabardines; gloves; raincoats; singlets; mittens; pullovers; tee-shirts; visors. Games; toys; gymnastics and sports articles (except clothing, footwear, mats); fishing articles, fishing rods, fly fishing rods, fishing reels, landing nets for anglers, floats for angling, floats for fishing, bite indicators, swivels, fishing hooks, fasteners, fishing bait and artificial baits for angling, artificial flies, decoys for fishing, weights for angling, fishing lines, reels for fishing; stands for fishing rods, cases for fishing rods and cases for fishing reels, sheaths for fishing rods, fishing tackle; flippers for swimming; floats for fishing; bite sensors; floats for fishing; harpoon guns (sports' articles); gut for fishing. Education; educational institutions; correspondence courses; training; entertainment; amusement parks; providing casino facilities (gambling); health club services (physical fitness); physical education; discotheque services; operation of sports facilities; sporting and cultural activities; organization of sporting events; publishing of books, magazines, sound recordings; book loaning; animal training; show and film production; performing arts agencies; rental of films, videotape recorders, television sets, videotapes, sound recordings, cinematographic projection apparatus and theatre sets; arranging of competitions in the field of education or entertainment; arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, congresses; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; information on educational or entertainment events, operating cinema facilities; movie studios; production of radio and television programmes; recording studio services. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0705510 Søknadsnr.: 199901595 Reg.dato: 1998.11.26 Registreringer 2018.11.26 utløper: (220) Inndato: 1999.02.11 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0705516 Søknadsnr.: 199901599 Reg.dato: 1998.11.26 Registreringer 2018.11.26 utløper: (220) Inndato: 1999.02.11 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Yayla-Türk Lebensmittelvertrieb GmbH, 18, EmilSchäfer-Strasse, D-47800 Krefeld, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Klasse:30 Klasse:31 Klasse:32 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Yayla-Türk Lebensmittelvertrieb GmbH, 18, EmilSchäfer-Strasse, D-47800 Krefeld, DE (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies; jams, fruit sauces; eggs, milk and milk products, namely butter, cheese, cream, yoghurt, milk and sour milk drinks, powdered milk for food purposes; preserved meat, fish, fruits and vegetables; meat, fish, fruit and vegetable jellies; edible oils and fats. Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); sauces for salads; spices; ice. Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products, namely grains and other propagating materials, unprocessed grain (included in this class); live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds, natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals, malt. Mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Klasse:29 Klasse:30 Klasse:31 Klasse:32 124 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies; jams, fruit sauces; eggs, milk and milk products, namely butter, cheese, cream, yoghurt, milk and sour milk drinks, powdered milk for food purposes; preserved meat, fish, fruits and vegetables; meat, fish, fruit and vegetable jellies; edible oils and fats; exclusively products of Turkish kind or products from Turkey Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastry and confectionary, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); sauces for salads; spices; ice; exclusively products of Turkish kind or products from Turkey Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products, namely grains and other propagating materials, unprocessed grain (included in this class); live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds, natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals, malt; exclusively products of Turkish kind or products from Turkey Mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; exclusively products of turkish kind or products from turkey begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0705517 Søknadsnr.: 199901600 Reg.dato: 1998.11.26 Registreringer 2018.11.26 utløper: (220) Inndato: 1999.02.11 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:9 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Yayla-Türk Lebensmittelvertrieb GmbH, 18, EmilSchäfer-Strasse, D-47800 Krefeld, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Klasse:30 Klasse:31 Klasse:32 Klasse:14 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies; jams, fruit sauces; eggs, milk and milk products, namely butter, cheese, cream, yoghurt, milk and sour milk drinks, powdered milk for food purposes; preserved meat, fish, fruits and vegetables; meat, fish, fruit and vegetable jellies; edible oils and fats. Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); sauces for salads; spices; ice. Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products, namely grains and other propagating materials, unprocessed grain (included in this class); live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds, natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals, malt. Mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Klasse:18 Klasse:20 Klasse:25 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0712473 Søknadsnr.: 199906056 Reg.dato: 1999.01.28 Registreringer 2019.01.28 utløper: (220) Inndato: 1999.06.17 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: MARC O'POLO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Marc O'Polo International GmbH, Hofgartenstrasse 1, 83071 STEPHANSKIRCHEN, DE (740) Fullmektig: Spitz, Klinger & Partner GbR Rechtsanwälte, 20, Bavariaring, D-80336 München, DE Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; cosmetics, soaps, perfumery, toilet waters of all kinds, particularly perfume, eau de parfum, eau de toilette, deodorants; essential oils; 125 2009.11.02 - 45/09 hair lotions, hair cleaning and hair caring substances; creams for the skin; lotions for cosmetic purposes; shaving substances and substances for after-shave care; dentifrices; cosmetic bathing additives; lipsticks; cotton buds for cosmetic purposes; nail polish; shoe polish, make-up. Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; electric apparatus and instruments (included in this class); apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs, only for advertising and marketing purposes in connection with fashion and trend articles; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus; eye glasses and their parts, particularly sun glasses, sports glasses, protective eye pieces; frames for eye glasses; lenses for eye glasses, cases for eye glasses; binoculars; protective helmets for motorcycles and bicycles; alarm systems; bicycle speedometers. Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith (included in this class); jewellery, bijouterie; costume jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments; watch straps. Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials (included in this class); animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags, briefcases; bags, handbags, school bags, rucksacks; travelling sets (leatherware); small articles of leather; purses, pocket wallets, key cases, hip bags, belt bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (included in this class) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-ofpearl, meerschaum or of plastics; sleeping bags for camping purposes. Clothing, footwear, headgear; underwear and undergarment; corsetry; hosiery; upper clothing for gentlemen, ladies and children; bathing fashion for gentlemen and ladies; clothing for hiking, trekking, outdoor sports and climbing; leisure and city shoes for gentlemen and ladies, children's shoes; shoes for hiking, trekking, outdoor sports and climbing; clothing, footwear and headgear for soccer, basketball, handball and volleyball; clothing, footwear and headgear for jogging, fitness training and gymnastics; clothing, footwear and headgear for tennis, squash and badminton; clothing, footwear and headgear for inline skating, skateboarding, roller skating, hockey, football and boxing; clothing, footwear and headgear for cycling; clothing, footwear and headgear for horseriding; clothing, footwear and headgear for golf; clothing, footwear and headgear for water sports, particularly for surfing, sailing, rowing, canoeing and diving; clothing, footwear and headgear for alpine skiing, cross-country skiing and snowboarding; clothing, footwear and headgear for ice-skating and icehockey; children's wear; baby nappies of textile materials. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0713006 Søknadsnr.: 199906332 Reg.dato: 1999.05.07 Registreringer 2019.05.07 utløper: (220) Inndato: 1999.06.24 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0714321 Søknadsnr.: 199907260 Reg.dato: 1999.04.29 Registreringer 2019.04.29 utløper: (220) Inndato: 1999.09.16 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: BUCCAGEL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Laboratoires Carilene SA, 7, rue Du Chant Des Oiseaux, F-78360 Montesson, FR (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical and sanitary products, in particular mouthwash substances, all such goods exclusively for human use. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0713774 Søknadsnr.: 199906875 Reg.dato: 1999.05.04 Registreringer 2009.05.04 utløper: (220) Inndato: 1999.07.08 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Formula One Licensing BV, Rokin 55, 1012KK AMSTERDAM, NL (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirma Thommessen Krefting Greve Lund AS, Postboks 1484 Vika, 0116 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: ILIRIJA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Ilirija razvoj proizvodnja in trzenje kozmeticnih izdelkov d d Ljubljana, 40, Trzaska c., 1111 Ljubljana, SI (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Klasse:4 Klasse:5 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, grease removing and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuel (including fuel for engines) and lighting materials; candles, wicks. Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products; dietetic substances for medical use, food for infants; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth and dental wax; disinfectants; pesticides; fungicides, herbicides. Klasse:16 Klasse:38 Klasse:41 126 Paper, cardboard and goods made thereof not included in other classes, stationery; printed matter; greeting cards; books; almanacs; printed matter for advertising signs; calendars; photographs; collector's cards; stickers and albums; bumper stickers; trading cards; address books; organisers of paper; writing pads and blocks; route maps; printing, painting and drawing sets; catalogues; maps, plans and charts; posters; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); artists' materials (other than colours or varnish); paintbrushes; easels; playing cards; pictures; stamps; book covers and bindings; portfolios; newspapers; magazines; periodicals; comics; cartoons; publications; manuals; annuals; business papers; albums; autograph books; diaries; scrap books; binders; planners; imitation bank notes; printed computer documentation; stencils; transfers; gift wrapping paper; party streamers; table linen made of paper; cases, bags, packings, badges, all of paper or cardboard; ornaments of papier mâché or cardboard; rulers; writing instruments and inks; erasers; wrapping paper; portraits; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods included in this class. Radio and television broadcasting, also via the socalled Pay TV system; satellite and cable broadcasting; radio and television broadcasting by digital networks including the Internet and interactive telecommunication services relating thereto; telecommunication services; electronic transmission of data, images and sound by computer terminals and networks; providing access to real-time chat forums in the field of sports. Arranging, organising and staging of sports events, tournaments and competitions; production of sports events, tournaments and competitions for radio, film and television; provision of sports information using real-time chat forums and computer bulletin boards; provision of recreation facilities for sports events, tournaments and competitions. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0715324 Søknadsnr.: 200001904 Reg.dato: 1999.05.10 Registreringer 2019.05.10 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2000.02.10 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0715071 Søknadsnr.: 199907602 Reg.dato: 1999.03.16 Registreringer 2019.03.16 utløper: (220) Inndato: 1999.07.22 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: MICROJET (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Plumettaz SA, Zone Industrielle, "En Vannel C", 1880 BEZ, CH (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Inspectorate Holdings Plc, 2 Perry Road, CM8 3TU WITHAM, ESSEX, GB (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:39 Klasse:42 Klasse:7 Klasse:37 Inspection of vessels; inspection of aircraft; inspection of goods for transportation; testing (inspection) of vessels, aircraft and goods for transportation; consultancy services relating to the shipping of goods; wrapping and packing services; packaging of merchandise. Analytical and testing services for oil works and working oils; testing of oil installations; industrial testing; material testing; product testing; quality testing; safety testing of products; quality control; visual examination of products; services for the weighing and measuring of bulk goods; inspection of apparatus; inspection of buildings; inspection of plant and machinery; calibration services, laboratory services; laboratory research services; laboratory testing services; consultancy services relating to the clearance, destruction, and shredding of waste; checking of quantities of goods and cargo assignments; re-calibration services; inspection of vehicles for roadworthiness; environmental consultancy services relating to the collection, removal and transportation of waste. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0716122 Søknadsnr.: 199908320 Reg.dato: 1999.06.01 Registreringer 2019.06.01 utløper: (220) Inndato: 1999.08.12 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: T-TRAVEL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Deutsche Telekom AG, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 BONN, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:16 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0715314 Søknadsnr.: 199907797 Reg.dato: 1999.05.11 Registreringer 2019.05.11 utløper: (220) Inndato: 1999.07.29 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:38 Klasse:42 GRANDER WASSERBELEBUNG (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Innutec Innovative Umwelt Technologie GmbH, Bergwerksweg 10, 6373 JOCHBERG, AT (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:32 Klasse:40 Machines and machine tools; agricultural implements other than hand-operated; egg incubators. Construction; repair; installation services. Mineral water, non-alcoholic beverages. Drinking water magnetization, water treatment and transformation. 127 Electric, electronic, optical, measuring, signalling, controlling or teaching apparatus and instruments (included in this class); apparatus for recording, transmission, processing and reproduction of sound, images or data; machine run data carriers; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin operated apparatus; data processing equipment and computers. Printed matter, especially stamped and/or printed cards of cardboard or plastic; instruction and teaching material (except apparatus); stationery (except furniture). Telecommunications services; operation and rental of equipment for telecommunication, especially for broadcasting and television; collection and provision of news and information. Computer programming services; data base services, namely rental of access time to and operation of a data base; rental services relating to data processing equipment and computers; projecting and planning services relating to equipment for telecommunication. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0716803 Søknadsnr.: 199908653 Reg.dato: 1999.05.26 Registreringer 2009.05.26 utløper: (220) Inndato: 1999.08.19 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0717133 Søknadsnr.: 199908934 Reg.dato: 1999.02.16 Registreringer 2019.02.16 utløper: (220) Inndato: 1999.08.26 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: OBSTGARTEN M+W ZANDER (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Compagnie Gervais Danone, 17, Boulevard Haussmann, 75009 PARIS, FR (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: M+W Zander Facility Management GmbH, 111, Rollnerstrasse, D-90408 Nürnberg, DE M+W Zander Holding AG, Lotterbergstrasse 30, 70499 STUTTGART, DE (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Dried, preserved and/or cooked fruits, compotes, jams, fruit sauces, jellies, soups, consommés; savoury or sweet cocktail goods; milk, milk powder, flavoured gellified milk and whipped milk; dairy products, namely milk desserts, yoghurts, drinking yoghurts, mousses, creams, cream desserts, fresh unripened cheese, soft white cheese, strained soft white cheese, fresh cheese sold in paste or liquid form; beverages mainly consisting of milk or dairy products, beverages mainly consisting of lactic ferments, milk drinks containing fruits; fermented dairy products; all goods containing fruits or being fruit flavoured. Klasse:9 Klasse:11 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0716856 Søknadsnr.: 200006667 Reg.dato: 1999.05.17 Registreringer 2009.05.17 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2000.06.01 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:37 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Sono Handels AG, Ringstrasse 12, 8317 TAGELSWANGEN, CH (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Klasse:18 Klasse:20 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Klasse:42 Padlocks. Trunks, suitcases and travel bags with and without casters, sports bags, shopping bags, briefcases, bags for leisure and for the swimming pool, toiletry bags, pocket wallets, purses, credit card and bank note cases, shoulder and waist pouches, traveling bags, in particular for shoes and linen, travel bags for suits and clothes, rucksacks, straps for suitcases, umbrellas. Inflatable cushions, covers for clothes (storage), plastic containers to be fastened on the belt. 128 Apparatus and devices for controlling, regulating and monitoring; controlling, regulating and monitoring devices as components for heating, air conditioning and ventilation installations; computers and computer programs (included in this class), all the above goods for clean rooms. Ventilating fans, air conditioning devices, controlled temperature chambers, air conditioning and thermal installations; air-filtering fan units, lighting appliances; ventilators; controlled temperature chambers; refrigerating, heating, drying and ventilating installations, apparatus and devices; air conditioning installations, apparatus and devices; filters (parts of domestic or industrial installations), all the above goods for clean rooms. Construction of systems for air conditioning, clean rooms, electrical engineering, technical supply, evacuation, the surveillance of the environment, automation, consumption in engineering facilities in buildings and in the field of industrial processes; technical services for buildings, such as maintenance, repair, cleaning services; installation in the field of microelectronics and the pharmaceuticals and foodprocessing industry; construction of semiconductor plants; further installation of systems and devices for protecting the environment in manufacturing plants; installation, assembly, upkeep, inspection, repair and maintenance of heating, refrigerating, air conditioning, drying, ventilating, suction and separation installations. System design for air conditioning, clean rooms, electrical engineering, technical supply, disposal, the surveillance of the environment, automation, consumption in engineering facilities in buildings and in the field of industrial processes; technical services for buildings, such as surveillance, monitoring services; design in the field of microelectronics and the pharmaceuticals and foodprocessing industry; design for ecological micro-electronics manufacturing; design of semiconductor plants; design of heating, refrigerating, air conditioning, drying, ventilating, suction and separation installations; validation of design, installation, function and operation as well as the related documentation for clean rooms and in all the fields of appliances; advisory services, namely customer advice services in the fields of microelectronics, the pharmaceuticals and foodprocessing industry and luxury foodstuffs, for implementing ecological manufacturing in the field of microelectronics, for the design of semiconductor plants and improving ecological efficiency, energy savings and recycling. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0717990 Søknadsnr.: 199909683 Reg.dato: 1999.01.26 Registreringer 2019.01.26 utløper: (220) Inndato: 1999.09.16 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: organizational planning of workshops for repair and maintenance of motor vehicles, motors and machines as well as technical supervision of their set-up and equipment; technical consultancy and preparation of technical opinions; technical and microeconomic consultancy in the area of data and text processing; technical and microeconomic transport consultancy; services in the area of transport and transportation logistics, namely planning of systems for passenger and goods transport, microeconomic and technical consultancy in the application of these systems; elaboration and maintenance of computer software and software systems including the implementation and management of software as well as the elaboration of analysis in the area of data and text processing; facility management and system services for information technology; identification management including the development, design, provision, management and operation of identity and user access systems; customer management and care systems including end consumer access, setting up and operation of hotlines and help desks as well as the concept development therefor; development, provision, management and operation of internet solutions (internet solution management) including the elaboration and development of transaction platforms, execution of content provision and offer of own content; development, elaboration and operation of fee registration systems of all types including those for road traffic; development, elaboration and operation of payment flow systems; development, elaboration, provision, management and operation of signature and cryptology systems; development, elaboration, provision and operation of standard software packages; development, elaboration, provision, and operation of health and medical services including the operation of clinics and hospitals; development, elaboration, provision and operation of town development services; caring for and dealing with the consequences of accidents; temporary accommodation services; restaurant services; technical consultancy in project development, including planning and development of apparatus, plant and equipment for mobile and fixed telecommunications; hiring services, namely data processing apparatus, industrial plant and investment goods; consultancy on and provision of user rights for mobile and fixed telecommunications. DEBIS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Daimler AG, Mercedesstrasse 137, 70327 STUTTGART, DE (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:36 Klasse:39 Klasse:42 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Financing and financing of sales as well as their provision including the creation of tax orientated financial solutions for large movable objects and property; financing, providing, looking after and running of passenger and commercial vehicle fleets together with all services connected therewith; provision and management of insurance, including reinsurance and the undertaking of all business connected therewith as well as the carrying out of risk analysis and consultancy in the area of damage provision and risk prevention; advice on the assessment and curbing of risks, risk management; development of cross sector individual insurance concepts; active contract and damage management including enforcement of claims and continuous customer care, development of alternative risk financing models; factoring and debt recovery services for third parties; issuance of credit cards; financial consultancy in project development, including planning and development of apparatus, plant and equipment for mobile and fixed telecommunications; leasing services, namely of motor vehicles, rail vehicles, aircraft and ships, data processing apparatus, industrial plant and investment goods; financial management, operation and supervision of technical projects including general contracting services (including construction); rental, leasing and management of property. Hiring services, namely of motor vehicles, rail vehicles, aircraft and ships, leasing of aircraft; operation of car parks and underground garages including the provision of parking spaces. Rental of data processing apparatus; database services, calling up and downloading, software documentation services namely technical data documentation for third parties including saving and recovery data together with services connected therewith; operation of computer centres including the provision of emergency computer centre services, namely data preservation, data production and backup services; technical consultancy, planning, provision and running of data processing systems such as personal computers, workstations and local networks; development, elaboration, provision and operation of satellite communications; technical management operation and supervision of technical projects including general contracting services (including construction); technical design, technical and micro economic planning and control of computer controlled production processes (including product development, product prototyping/production as well as quality control and material management); technical and/or microeconomic consultancy, organizational planning, construction and operation supervision of industrial plants for the assembly and production of motor vehicles, motors, machines and other industrial products; technical and/or microeconomic as well as organizational planning of transport systems; technical and/or microeconomic as well as 129 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0718413 Søknadsnr.: 199909989 Reg.dato: 1999.06.30 Registreringer 2019.06.30 utløper: (220) Inndato: 1999.09.23 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: COMSTATION (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Deutsche Telekom AG, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 BONN, DE (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:38 Klasse:42 Klasse:11 Telecommunication services; operation and rental of equipment for telecommunication, especially for broadcasting and television; collection and provision of news and information. Computer programming services; data base services, namely rental of access time to and operations of a data base; rental services relating to data processing equipment and computers; projecting and planning services relating to equipment for telecommunication. Klasse:37 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0719861 Søknadsnr.: 199911003 Reg.dato: 1999.06.19 Registreringer 2019.06.19 utløper: (220) Inndato: 1999.10.21 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 treatment, machines and appliances for the preparation of beverages, electromechanical appliances for the preparation of beverages, electric kitchen machines, electric mixers for household use, electric presses for domestic purposes, electric cleaning apparatus for the household, namely vacuum cleaners, fan driven brushes for vacuum cleaners, electric brushes for vacuum cleaners, vacuum cleaner floor attachments (nozzles), tubes, hoses and filters, floor polishing machines. Apparatus and instruments for heating, steaming, cooking, refrigerating, freezing, ventilating and water supply, particularly ovens (electric/gas) cookers, stoves, cooking appliances (electric), cooking apparatus and arrangements, hobs, hotplates, heater plates, oven interiors and kilns for domestic or big kitchen use; microwave ovens, grills (electric/gas), electric fryers, cookers hoods, extractors for use in kitchens, refrigerators, refrigeration appliances, refrigeration units, freezers, freezing appliances, upright freezers, chest freezers, apparatus for cooling drinks, ice boxes, ice making machines and apparatuses; coffee machines (electric), dryers for laundry, machines for drying laundry, electric dryers, particularly tumble dryers for laundry, electric drying cupboards. Assembling, repairing maintenance and installation of all aforesaid goods; laundry care, namely washing, drying and ironing. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0723249 Søknadsnr.: 199913561 Reg.dato: 1999.08.24 Registreringer 2019.08.24 utløper: (220) Inndato: 1999.12.23 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: VITALINEA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Compagnie Gervais Danone, 17, Boulevard Haussmann, 75009 PARIS, FR (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Klasse:29 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Miele & Cie KG, Carl-Miele-Strasse 29, 33332 GÜTERSLOH, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Machines for domestic and commercial laundry care, particularly washing machines, washing machines for laundry, washing machines with disinfection treatment, washing machines with sterilisation treatment, washer extractors, spin dryers, ironing machines, flatwork ironers, electric clothes presses, domestic and commercial dishwashers, particularly dishwashers, cleaners for use in hotels, laboratories, hospitals, care centres and doctor's surgeries, cleaners for medical instruments and accessories, cleaner/disinfectors, cleaners with sterilisation 130 Food for infants, namely ready-made porridge containing milk, soups, instant soups, milk products, dry milk solid, fruit compotes, vegetable purées, also dried, fruit and vegetable juices, porridges. Preserved, dried and cooked fruit and vegetables, jellies, jams, compotes; soups; ready-made preserves entirely or partly made of meat, charcuterie, ham, fish, poultry and/or game; prepared, dried, cooked, tinned or frozen dishes totally or partially made of meat, charcuterie, ham, fish, poultry and/or game; savoury or sweet cocktail snacks made of potatoes, cocktail sausages; milk and milk products, namely dry milk solid, flavoured jellified milk, curdled milk, desserts based on milk, yoghurts, cream, butter, cheeses, particularly ripened cheese, mould-ripened cheese, fromage frais, fromage blanc, strained cheese and cheese in brine, preparations made with cheese; beverages mostly consisting of milk and milk products; frozen milk products, fermented dairy products. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0724028 Søknadsnr.: 200000444 Reg.dato: 1999.06.17 Registreringer 2019.06.17 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2000.01.13 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0725029 Søknadsnr.: 200001044 Reg.dato: 1999.06.18 Registreringer 2009.06.18 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2000.01.27 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: DUKE OF DUBBIN (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Salzenbrodt GmbH & Co KG, 70, Hermsdorfer Strasse, D-13437 Berlin, DE (740) Fullmektig: Pfenning, Meinig und Kollegen GbR Patentanwälte, 170, Kurfürstendamm, D-10707 Berlin, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: ZEG Zweirad-Einkaufs-Genossenschaft eG, Longericher Strasse 2, 50739 KÖLN, DE (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO Buschhoff-Hennicke-Vollbach Patentanwälte, 24, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring, D-50672 Köln, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 Klasse:25 Klasse:37 Klasse:1 Klasse:3 Bicycles, two-wheeled motor vehicles as well as spare parts and accessories for all above-mentioned goods, in particular bicycle bells, direction indicators, chain covers, chains, air pumps, saddles, tires and air tubes, brakes, wheel hubs, handlebars, stems, hand rests, rims, mudguards, spokes, hub and chain derailleurs, luggage carriers, handlebar grips and straps for handlebars, kickstands, kits for repairs, freewheel sprockets, forks and their elements for luggage carriers, fork joints and back elements, chain wheel fittings and chain wheels, couterpedaling and multi-gear hubs, spoke nuts, pedals, frames, toe clips and straps, rearview mirrors, control sets mainly consisting of ornamental nuts, tank covers, threaded cones, tanks and fork cones, cranks for bicycle cranksets, bicycle cranksets and parts thereof, saddlebags made of textile materials, leather and synthetic leather for bicycles and motorcycles; tricycles. Clothing for two-wheel vehicles, especially cyclists' clothing, rainproof clothing, cloaks and capes, rainproof trousers, rainproof jackets, gloves, loin protecting belts, boots for motorcyclists. Repair and maintenance of bicycles, two-wheeled motor vehicles and children's toy vehicles. Klasse:21 131 Waterproofing agents for leather, textiles, gums, fur, fleece and synthetics; finishing and tanning means; synthetic resins for covering and proofing leather. Washing agents/detergents, bleaching agents, soaps for leather and textiles, detergents, polishing compounds, cleaning agents, grease removers, stain removers, floor polish, polishing waxes, shoe polish, shoe care, leather preserving agents. Cleaning things; brushes; cleaning gums; polishing clothes; polishing and cleaning sponges and application sponges. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0726382 Søknadsnr.: 200002056 Reg.dato: 1999.06.23 Registreringer 2009.06.23 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2000.02.17 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:3 Klasse:9 Klasse:10 Klasse:16 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Salzenbrodt GmbH & Co KG, 70, Hermsdorfer Strasse, D-13437 Berlin, DE (740) Fullmektig: Pfenning, Meinig & Partner GbR Patentanwälte, Joachimstaler Strasse 10-12, 10719 BERLIN, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Klasse:3 Klasse:21 Klasse:17 Klasse:21 Waterproofing agents for leather, textiles, gum, fur, fleece and synthetics; leather finishing and tanning means; untreated synthetic resins. Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; soaps for leather and textiles; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; stain removers, parquet floor wax, polishing waxes, shoe polish, shoe care, leather preserving agents, polish for furniture and flooring. Articles for cleaning and cleansing purposes; brushes; cleaning gums; polishing clothes; cleaning and polishing sponges, application sponges. Klasse:28 Klasse:35 Klasse:39 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0727160 Søknadsnr.: 200002638 Reg.dato: 1999.08.19 Registreringer 2019.08.19 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2000.03.02 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:41 Klasse:42 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: trans-o-flex Schnell-Lieferdienst GmbH & Co KG, Hertzstrasse 10, 69469 WEINHEIM, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Chemicals used in industry, science and 132 2009.11.02 - 45/09 photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; manures; fire extinguishing compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry. Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations. Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; electric apparatus and instruments (included in this class); apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fireextinguishing apparatus. Surgical, medical, veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials. Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials (included in this class); printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (included in this class); playing cards; printers' type; printing blocks. Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made from these materials (included in this class); plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes, not of metal. Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brushmaking materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steelwool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware (included in this class). Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles (included in this class); decorations for Christmas trees. Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; organization of fairs and exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; opinion polling. Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement. Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. Architectural consultation and construction drafting; lodging and boarding services; public bath, swimming bath and sauna services; services of retirement homes and of infirmary homes; services of architects; services of chemists; services of convalescent homes and of sanatoriums; services of hairdressing salons and beauty parlours; services of engineers; hospital services; services of medical, bacteriological or chemical laboratories; services of opticians; computer programming; technical surveys; costume and dress rental; technical consultation and surveying (engineers' services); animal breeding. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0727284 Søknadsnr.: 200002681 Reg.dato: 1999.07.16 Registreringer 2019.07.16 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2000.03.02 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:37 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: TUI AG, Karl-Wiechert-Allee 4, 30625 HANNOVER, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:4 Klasse:6 Klasse:7 Natural gas, crude oil. Steel filter and solid-wall pipes for well development and for drainage; prefabricated structural steel units for building construction, particularly for airport departure buildings, hangars, shipyard sheds, trade fair and exhibition halls, warehouses and production sheds, power stations, industrial plants, administrative, university and laboratory buildings, shopping centres; steel structures for bridges; hydraulic steel construction equipment, namely locks and weirs, overflow sections, shut-off elements, inlet screens, ferry moorings, pressure pipelines and closure elements; free-standing towers, masts and special structures made from steel for radio, television and telecommunications and mobile radio technology; scaffolding; containers mobile buildings, prefabricated buildings and building site equipment made of metal (included in this class); metal screws and nuts; metal tanks. Drilling/clearing out installations included in this class; oilfield equipment, namely offshore platforms made of metal; machinery for mining; machinery for the building industry; machinery for crude oil and natural gas prospecting, extraction, treatment and transport; pumps, hand pumps, underwater motor pumps, forcing pumps, generators; compressors, power saws, screen-cleaning machines; cranes, namely container cranes, power station cranes, aluminium cranes, smelting plant cranes, grabbing bridge cranes, refuse cranes, automatic cranes, special cranes, cranes for harbour facilities; load take-up means, namely spreaders; grab dredger installations; lift and hoist installations; hydroelectric power installations, turbines and water turbines; machinery and installations for materials handling, namely portable stackers, stacker cranes, slewing cranes, rotary tower cranes, portal slewing cranes, heavy-load transport equipment; conveying and handling equipment, namely overburden spreaders, overhead loaders, combined equipment, ship loaders, scrapers, belt and band installations, abrasive-band grinding machines, drilling-tower clearing devices, mixed beds; plasma flame-cutting installations; storage and systems engineering installations, namely high-bay warehousing systems, storage and retrieval equipment, machines for storing and handling pallets and containers, namely conveying, transferring, transporting, loading and handling equipment; manipulators; palleting systems, multi-storey parking systems, airfreight systems, container rapid handling systems essentially comprising prefabricated structural steel units, displacing, conveying and hoisting devices; vertical conveyors, automatic conveyors, band conveyors, transport bands, belt conveyors, heavyload transport conveyors based on the sliding and self-advancing system, order-picking equipment, stationery conveying installations; machinery for power and alternating current technology; machinery for composting installations, namely pusher-bar conveyors, compost frames, transposer, aerators, hard material separators; machinery for preparing bulk materials of all kinds, namely comminuting Klasse:39 133 2009.11.02 - 45/09 machines, screening machines, classifying equipment and machines for conveying these materials; marine engines; wind power installations. Construction of underground storages, namely salt caverns, rock caverns and storage in porous media for crude oil and finished products, for gas supply companies, for electricity supply companies as compressed air storages; construction of underground depositories in salt and rock caverns for the waste industry for the ultimate disposal of hazardous waste; construction of brine extraction installations; construction of geothermal installations; deep drilling work; sinking and renewal of open and blind shafts; development of drifts with full-face and selective-cut heading machines and with highly mechanized heading by blasting; development of bunkers, draw point and large-scale excavation; exploration drilling, production drilling, low temperature borehole drilling, pilot-shaft borehole drilling and large borehole drilling; preservation and renewal mining work; mine damage repair and prevention; open-cast mine renewal and recultivation; building construction, pipeline construction, pipe relining; boiler installation construction; special construction methods, namely horizontal drilling, pipe-jacking, sluice pipe heading; rock cavity construction; tunnel and gallery construction; tunnel renewal; rock securement; footing and foundation work; securing of historic structures; construction of installations in the area of natural gas treatment, chemistry, petrochemistry, raw material and building material preparation; servicing, repair and maintenance in the area of machine construction, industrial installations, power station installations, cranes, lifts, scaffolding and fire protection; rental of building site equipment. Transport and storage, namely transportation of persons by aircraft, ships and vehicles of all kinds, transportation of goods of all kinds by motor vehicles of all kinds, by ships of all kinds, by railways and aircraft and delivery of the goods to the consignee, loading and unloading of all means of transport, storage of goods and products, packing and customs clearance of goods and products of all kinds, undertaking of all forwarding services, ship readying and loading, arrangement of ships, ships' cargoes, hold and berths, clearance of ships, namely clearance of ships with harbour, customs, passport and health authorities, packing and storage of products, namely making up and remaking up; operating of research ships; aircraft and helicopter service, namely pilot transfer service, person and material transport operations, ambulance flights, control flights, surveying flights, round trips; transport by railways; handling service for mass materials for ocean and inland waterway ships, rail and motor vehicles; storage of mass bulk materials; transport and storage of crude oil and natural gas, onshore and offshore; rental of means of transport; rental of heavy-load transporting means, cranes and supporting structures; arrangement and organizing of trips, operating spoil-tips and landfills. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0728862 Søknadsnr.: 200003984 Reg.dato: 1999.10.27 Registreringer 2009.10.27 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2000.03.30 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0729318 Søknadsnr.: 200004390 Reg.dato: 1999.06.10 Registreringer 2009.06.10 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2000.04.06 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: MONTEGA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Elie Chatila SA, 78, rue du Rhône, CH-1204 Genève, CH (740) Fullmektig: Dietlin & Cie S.A., 15, rue du Mont-Blanc Case postale 1390, CH-1211 Genève 1, CH (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:14 Precious metals and alloys thereof and objects made thereof, precious stones; jewellery items, timepieces and other chronometric instruments; works of art of precious metal or their alloys, or coated with such materials, and art objects decorated with precious stones, namely statuettes, figurines, trinkets, jewellery cases, cigar cases, flowers, bouquets, eggs, animals, powder boxes, pill cases, sweet dishes, ashtrays, candlesticks, display stands, key rings; all aforementioned goods included in this class. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: PMEC Joined Brands Ltd, Kosti Palama 5, 2nd Floor/Flat Office 201, 1096 NICOSIA P.C, CY (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:18 Klasse:25 134 Clothing, footwear, headgear, helmets, gloves, belts, eyewear, all for protection from accidents, irradiation and fire; luminous signs and mechanical signs; antiglare visors; sunglasses, spectacle cases; binoculars. Luggage made of leather and imitation leather, of synthetic material and of synthetic fibers; gaiter bags; rucksacks; handbags; coin purses; leather or imitation leather purses; leather and imitation leather sports bags; school bags; trunks; tote bags; duffle bags; traveling and toiletries cases; umbrellas; parasols; sunshades; briefcases; boxes, wallets, holders, cases for keys, all are made of leather or imitation leather; wallets, bags of plastic; components and accessories for the above products (included in this class). Clothing; bathing clothes; rainwear; sportswear, nightclothes, skiwear; underwear; track suits; work suits; coats; capes and cloaks; suits; jackets; vests; bath robes; pullovers; trousers, shorts; shirts; polo shirts; tee-shirts; sweat shirts; sweatbands; footwear, ski boots; gaiters; socks; tights; stockings; headgear; peaked caps; baseball caps; clothing accessories for the neck; shoulder sashes; gloves; sports gloves; belts; suspenders; aprons; headbands; components and accessories for the above products (included in this class). begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0729831 Søknadsnr.: 200004699 Reg.dato: 2000.03.06 Registreringer 2010.03.06 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2000.04.13 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0755090 Søknadsnr.: 200106342 Reg.dato: 2001.03.26 Registreringer 2011.03.26 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2001.05.10 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: GPI AVANTI (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: GP International AG, Wagistrasse 6, 8952 SCHLIEREN, CH (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Klasse:36 Klasse:42 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Mevrouw Elisabeth LM Schotanus - Ten Herkel, Van Lenneplaan 31, 1217NB HILVERSUM, NL (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. Insurance underwriting; financial operations; monetary operations; real estate operations. Provision of food and drink in restaurants; temporary accommodation; medical, sanitary and beauty care; veterinary and agricultural services; legal services; scientific and industrial research; computer programming. Klasse:35 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0747099 Søknadsnr.: 200714645 Reg.dato: 2000.11.23 Registreringer 2010.11.23 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.11.29 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:41 ZALASTA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: KRKA Tovarna zdravil dd Novo Mesto, Smarjeska cesta 6, 8501 NOVO MESTO, SI (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Pharmaceutical preparations, namely anti-psychotic preparations. 135 Publicity and business management, including intermediary services in the field of advertising; dissemination of advertising material; services rendered in the field of merchandising; organisation of fairs and exhibitions for commercial purposes; auctioneering; business organisation and business economics consultancy; business intermediary services and consultancy mediation relating to the purchase of, trade in and supply of merchandising articles and products mentioned in class 12; searching information at the request and for the account of third parties, especially in respect of the products mentioned in class 12, using so-called search engines on the Internet; management, maintenance and updating of databases serving as documentation material relating to means of transport. Education and entertainment, including publishing, releasing, lending and dissemination of books, newspapers, magazines and periodicals, also by electronic means; education, training, courses, instruction and seminars; organisation of fairs and exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; entertainment services; production of films and videos; film and video rental. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0757005 Søknadsnr.: 200107665 Reg.dato: 2000.08.25 Registreringer 2010.08.25 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2001.06.14 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Guinness World Records Ltd, 184-192 Drummond Street, NW13HP LONDON, GB (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:16 Klasse:35 Klasse:38 Klasse:42 Magnetic data media including video tapes, audio tapes, floppy disks and magnetic media for recording, storage and retrieval of audio or visual data; optical data media including compact discs, CD-ROMs, Digital Video Discs, holograms and optical media for recording, storage and retrieval of audio or visual data; computer programs including computer programs for games, searching directories, managing databases, electronic publishing, verifying data and presenting information; books, magazines and other publications provided in electronic format; electronic databases; equipment for measuring world record time, apparatus for electronic publishing, apparatus for the verification of information, scientific, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, checking, and teaching apparatus and instruments; all of the aforementioned goods are limited to those relating to record achievements, record breaking events or occurrences (whether relating to human beings, natural phenomena or otherwise occurring), record breaking attempts and outstanding and unusual achievements, failures or occurrences, and exclude any such goods which relate to alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages of any kind. Books, magazines, journals, almanacs, colouring books, part works (serialisations), certificates; all the aforementioned goods are limited to those relating to record achievements, record breaking events or occurrences (whether relating to human beings, natural phenomena or otherwise occurring), record breaking attemps and outstanding and unsual achievements, failures or occurrences, and exclude any such goods which relate to alcoholic or nonalcoholic beverages of any kind. Organisation of exhibitions relating to world records or outstanding achievements for commercial or advertising purposes; advisory services relating to world records, outstanding achievements and world record breaking events for business; data verification and verification of world records, outstanding achievements or world record breaking attempts; publicity and publication of publicity texts relating to world records, outstanding achievements, world record breaking events, world record breaking attempts or exhibitions relating to world records or outstanding achievements; advertising on a data communications network; data searching in computer files; all the aforementioned services are limited to those relating to record achievements, record breaking events or occurrences (whether relating to human beings, natural phenomena or otherwise occurring), record breaking attempts and outstanding and unusual achievements, failures or occurrences, and exclude any such services which relate to alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages of any kind. Dissemination of television and radio signals whether analogue or digital, by means of terrestrial, satellite, cable, or other media including point to point, point to multipoint and interactive broadcasting; electric mail services; provision of telecommunications access and links to computer 2009.11.02 - 45/09 databases and the Internet; all the aforementioned services are limited to those relating to record achievements, record breaking events or occurrences (whether relating to human beings, natural phenomena or otherwise occurring), record breaking attempts and outstanding and unusual achievements, failures or occurrences, and exclude any such services which relate to alcoholic or nonalcoholic beverages of any kind. Design of databases and web-sites; leasing of access time to computer databases; compilation of information relating to world records, outstanding achievements or record breakind attempts; printing of books; consultancy services relating to world records and outstanding achievements; preparation of regulations and measurement criteria relating to world records or outstanding achievements; advisory services relating to regulations covering world records or outstanding achievements; literature searching services; issuing certificates relating to world records or outstanding achievements; authentication of world records or outstandind achievements; designating classes or categories for world records or outstanding achievements, all the aforementioned services are limited to those relating to record achievements, record breaking events or occurrences (whether relating to human beings, natural phenomena or otherwise occurring), record breaking attempts and outstanding and unusual achievements, failures or occurrences, and exclude any such services which relate to alcoholic or nonalcoholic beverages of any kind. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0759874 Søknadsnr.: 200109319 Reg.dato: 2001.05.16 Registreringer 2011.05.16 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2001.07.26 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: BASILEA PHARMACEUTICA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Basilea Pharmaceutica AG, Grenzacherstrasse 487, 4005 BASEL, CH (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 136 Prescription only pharmaceuticals. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0765837 Søknadsnr.: 200810980 Reg.dato: 2001.08.21 Registreringer 2011.08.21 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.09.04 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0760497 Søknadsnr.: 200109643 Reg.dato: 2001.01.16 Registreringer 2011.01.16 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2001.08.02 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: S. OLIVER ZYLLT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: s Oliver Bernd Freier GmbH & Co KG, Ostring, 97228 ROTTENDORF, DE (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:4 Klasse:8 Klasse:11 Klasse:15 Klasse:16 Klasse:20 Klasse:21 Klasse:24 Klasse:28 Klasse:34 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Krka Tovarna Zdravil d d Novo Mesto, Smarjeska cesta 6, 8501 NOVO MESTO, SI (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Fuel and lighting fuel, candles, wicks for candles. Cutlery, spoons and forks, other table cutlery, also silver plated, hand-operated hand tools and machines, side arms, other than firearms, razors, electric or non electric. Lamps, lights, lighting apparatus, heating apparatus, steam generating installations, cooking utensils, roasting apparatus, cooking apparatuses, refrigerators, desiccating apparatus, ventilation installations and apparatus and taps and regulators for water pipes and sanitary installations, sinks, taps and regulating accessories for water conduits. Music instruments, in particular musical boxes, electric and electronic musical instruments. Products made of paper and wood pulp board, namely paper bags, letter paper, pads, envelopes, binders, files, portfolios, briefcases; writing instruments, sharpeners, erasers, rulers (for drawing), set squares; adhesives for stationery and household purposes; artists' materials, paintbrushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); teaching materials (except apparatus); plastic bags for clothing; playing cards. Furniture, in particular living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen, office, bath and garden furniture of wood, metal, reed, leather or other material, upholstered furniture, bed (furniture) mattresses (not for medical purposes), pillows, mirrors, picture frames, products (included in this class) of wood, cork, reed, rush, willow, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, tortoise shell, yellow amber, mother of pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials or of plastics. Combs, sponges, brushes, unworked or semi worked material (with exception of building class); glassware, porcelain ware and earthenware, works of art of glass, small hand operated utensils and apparatus for household and kitchen (included in this class). Woven material and textile products, included in this class, bed covers hand and bath towels, bed and table covers. Games; toys; gymnastics and sport articles included in this class, decorations for Christmas trees; sport articles. Smoking articles, namely pocket lighters; matches. Klasse:5 Antiaggregant pharmaceutical. (111) 0770418 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200406803 (180) Registreringer 2011.09.04 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2004.07.01 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: SUNFUEL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Volkswagen AG, 38436 WOLFSBURG, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:4 Klasse:7 Klasse:12 Klasse:35 Klasse:37 Klasse:39 137 Industrial greases and oil; lubricants; dust laying compositions; fuel (including motor fuel) and lighting fuel; candles, wicks for candles. Metal, wood and plastics working machines, machines for production, repair and dismantling of land, air and water vehicles, for the chemical industry, for agriculture, for mining, for the textile industry, for the food industry, for the beverage industry, for the construction industry, for the packaging industry; machine tools; motors other than for land vehicles, motor parts for motors of all kind, including filters for cleaning cooling air (for engines), automatic control mechanisms for the control of engines, glow plugs for Diesel engines; machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); including clutches other than for land vehicles, power-operated jacks; lawn mowers (included in this class); agricultural implements other than hand-operated. Vehicles for locomotion by land and/or air and their parts, including automobiles and their parts, engines for land vehicles. Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; including personnel recruitment, personnel management consultancy, business management consultancy, public relations, radio and television advertising, organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes. Construction, repair, servicing, dismantling, cleaning, maintenance and varnishing of vehicles, motors and their parts; including vehicle repair in the course of vehicle breakdown service. Transport, except water transportation services; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement; including towing, taxi transport, car transport, rental of vehicles, especially automobiles; transport of people, especially motor buses. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0775762 Søknadsnr.: 200203044 Reg.dato: 2001.07.04 Registreringer 2011.07.04 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2002.03.21 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Fritz Schäfer GmbH, Fritz-Schäfer-Strasse 20, D-57290 Neunkirchen, DE (740) Fullmektig: Curo AS, Industriveien 53, 7080 HEIMDAL, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Klasse:7 Klasse:9 Klasse:12 Klasse:20 Klasse:21 Metal products, movable metal constructions; storage, shelf, order-picking, and shipping containers made from metal, with or without lids; bulk containers and box pallets with legs or rollers; steel flat pallets, metal trays; waste containers and waste collection containers, large size dumpsters, front loading and undercarriage type containers for hazardous goods made of metal; accessories for shelving, mainly ladders, movable trolleys with or without ladders; metal roller tracks equipped with steel rollers; light rails metal; roller tracks with metal rollers; shelves and mesh panels made of metal; front to back supports and longitudinal beams, as well as cantilever arms made from metal; metal fences; steel constructions for high rise racking. Electrically powered engines for mobile racking. Electrical control and warehouse inventory control equipment for warehouse equipment and stacker control equipment. Vehicles; equipment for land transportation; engine powered undercarriages for mobile racking; motor powered trolleys; crank driven mobile undercarriages. Products made from plastic; shelving, workshop equipment; office furniture; mono part or foldable storage shelving; order-picking, and returnable containers made of plastic, with or without lids; bulk containers and bulk foldable containers with legs and rollers; accessories for containers; especially stacking frames, stacking dividers systems, insert boxes, dust covers, drawers, drawer supports, trays, and printed circuit board holders, as well as pallets with or without rollers; waste collection containers, large size tilted front loaders, or undercarriage hazardous goods containers, and barrels made from plastic; shelving systems, shelving counters, mezzanine systems; accessories for shelving and counters, wing doors and sliding doors, back and side panels, dividing shelves, drawer elements, pull out trays, shelving ladders, mobile shelving trolleys, with or without ladders; pallet racking, wide span racking, cantilever racking, mezzanine and platform systems; accessories for those racks, in particular shelves, lattice decking, front to back supports, and longitudinal frames, cantilever arms, pull out shelves, cable drum beams, pull out racks, stock control systems, as well as system profiles for mezzanines; live storage and flow rack system; online shelving and racking; accessories for those racks and shelving, in particular transport roller tracks, with plastic and or steel rollers, roller tracks with metal rollers, roller tracks with plastic rollers, plastic rollers with metal or plastic axels, glide rails with plastic profiles, feeding and separating equipment, rack frames and beams; high rise racking and paternoster shelving, and channel type storage systems, accessories for high rise and paternoster racks, rack supported structures, especially order picking carts and transfer carts; automatic small storage systems (mini load); 138 2009.11.02 - 45/09 accessories for small part storage systems, like board profiles, wall unit trays, small part storage racks with feet or rollers; workshop equipment, including material cabinets, tool cabinets, and machine cabinets, work benches and locker systems, mobile cabinets and tool storage carts; office equipment, especially office furniture, office seating furniture (chairs), office cupboards and cabinets, office shelving systems; racking. Waste collection containers for household and kitchen; waste containers for waste paper, waste glas, non-recyclable waste, light packaging material, sorting containers for waste, with or without lids, containers for harmful substances, containers for hazardous waste. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0775763 Søknadsnr.: 200203045 Reg.dato: 2001.07.04 Registreringer 2011.07.04 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2002.03.21 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:21 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Fritz Schäfer GmbH, Fritz-Schäfer-Strasse 20, D-57290 Neunkirchen, DE (740) Fullmektig: Curo AS, Industriveien 53, 7080 HEIMDAL, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Klasse:7 Klasse:9 Klasse:12 Klasse:20 2009.11.02 - 45/09 accessories for small part storage systems, like board profiles, wall unit trays, small part storage racks with feet or rollers; workshop equipment, including material cabinets, tool cabinets, and machine cabinets, work benches and locker systems, mobile cabinets and tool storage carts; office equipment, especially office furniture, office seating furniture (chairs), office cupboards and cabinets, office shelving systems; racking. Waste collection containers for household and kitchen; waste containers for waste paper, waste glas, non-recyclable waste, light packaging material, sorting containers for waste, with or without lids, containers for harmful substances, containers for hazardous waste. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0797734 Søknadsnr.: 200411358 Reg.dato: 2003.02.12 Registreringer 2013.02.12 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2004.11.11 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Metal products, movable metal constructions; storage, shelf, order-picking, and shipping containers made from metal, with or without lids; bulk containers and box pallets with legs or rollers; steel flat pallets, metal trays; waste containers and waste collection containers, large size dumpsters, front loading and undercarriage type containers for hazardous goods made of metal; accessories for shelving, mainly ladders, movable trolleys with or without ladders; metal roller tracks equipped with steel rollers; light rails metal; roller tracks with metal rollers; shelves and mesh panels made of metal; front to back supports and longitudinal beams, as well as cantilever arms made from metal; metal fences; steel constructions for high rise racking. Electrically powered engines for mobile racking. Electrical control and warehouse inventory control equipment for warehouse equipment and stacker control equipment. Vehicles; equipment for land transportation; engine powered undercarriages for mobile racking; motor powered trolleys; crank driven mobile undercarriages. Products made from plastic; shelving, workshop equipment; office furniture; mono part or foldable storage shelving; order-picking, and returnable containers made of plastic, with or without lids; bulk containers and bulk foldable containers with legs and rollers; accessories for containers; especially stacking frames, stacking dividers systems, insert boxes, dust covers, drawers, drawer supports, trays, and printed circuit board holders, as well as pallets with or without rollers; waste collection containers, large size tilted front loaders, or undercarriage hazardous goods containers, and barrels made from plastic; shelving systems, shelving counters, mezzanine systems; accessories for shelving and counters, wing doors and sliding doors, back and side panels, dividing shelves, drawer elements, pull out trays, shelving ladders, mobile shelving trolleys, with or without ladders; pallet racking, wide span racking, cantilever racking, mezzanine and platform systems; accessories for those racks, in particular shelves, lattice decking, front to back supports, and longitudinal frames, cantilever arms, pull out shelves, cable drum beams, pull out racks, stock control systems, as well as system profiles for mezzanines; live storage and flow rack system; online shelving and racking; accessories for those racks and shelving, in particular transport roller tracks, with plastic and or steel rollers, roller tracks with metal rollers, roller tracks with plastic rollers, plastic rollers with metal or plastic axels, glide rails with plastic profiles, feeding and separating equipment, rack frames and beams; high rise racking and paternoster shelving, and channel type storage systems, accessories for high rise and paternoster racks, rack supported structures, especially order picking carts and transfer carts; automatic small storage systems (mini load); ESTE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Bendra Lietuvos-Danijos Imone Uab Danbalt International, Fabijoniskiu g. 99, 2000 VILNIUS, LT (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:25 Klasse:35 139 Footwear, excluding sports shoes. The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of footwear, excluding sports shoes (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0817332 Søknadsnr.: 200401395 Reg.dato: 2003.02.12 Registreringer 2013.02.12 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2004.02.12 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ASHLEY (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Laura Ashley Ltd, 27 Bagleys Lane, Fulham, SW62QA LONDON, GB (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:20 Klasse:21 Egg timers. Furniture; cushions and pillows; picture frames; jewellery boxes; cutlery boxes; coat hangers and coatstands; figurines; wall plaques; goods (not included in other classes) made principally or wholly of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials or of plastics; fire screens, fireguards, mirrors, removable mats or covers for sinks, water-pipe valves of plastic, washstands, baskets, broom handles, cabinet work, clothes hooks, coatstands, curtain hooks, curtain rails, curtain rings, curtain rods, curtain rollers, curtain tie-backs, embroidery frames, fans for personal use, bed fittings, door fittings, furniture fittings, window fittings, hampers, hat stands, magazine racks, mattresses, mirror tiles, screens, statues of wood, wax, plaster or plastic, umbrella stands, wickerwork, writing desks; picture stands; wicker baskets; furniture trimmings (nonmetal), billboards and display units, bolsters, framing battens, filling cabinets, mincers (butchers' tables), caps for bottles (non-metallic), coat and hat pegs (non-metallic), clothes-pegs, plastic packing containers, cradles, clothes covers, decorative bead curtains; plastic food decorations; permanently fixed towel dispensers (non-metallic), drinking straws, pedestals for flower pots, flower stands (furniture), head rests (furniture), dog and pet kennels, jewel boxes not made of precious metals, non-metallic boards and panels for keys, removable sink coverings, mobiles (decorative objects), non-metallic nameplates, dressers, playpens for babies, display shelves for newspapers and magazines, stair-carpet rods, trays, all aforementioned products insofar as they are not included in other classes; ornaments and statuettes included in this class, wooden or plastic boxes, bedding with the exception of bed linen; non-metallic household and kitchen baskets; non-metallic fittings and trimmings for furniture, doors and windows, non-metallic cases, cabinets and chests, bamboo or bead curtains used as interior blinds, non-metallic screens for furniture, shelves for furniture and storage space in the form of shelves not included in other classes; nonilluminating and non-metallic house numbers, nonmetallic and non-masonry letter boxes; wooden and plastic food decorations; non-metallic and non-textile wall plaques; food server trolleys; sofas and armchairs; photograph frames. Household or kitchen utensils; tableware; glassware, porcelain, stoneware and chinaware; porcelain; ceramic and pottery ware, tea services and coffee services; ornaments; baskets; candlesticks, candle holders and candelabra, coasters, napkin holders; cooking ladles; household, kitchen and cooking utensils and containers as well as parts and equipment for the same not included in other classes, vacuum containers, crockery, drinking vessels, combs, sponges and brushes (with the exception of paint brushes), cleaning materials, raw or semi-processed glass, glassware, porcelain and china and earthenware not included in other classes; Klasse:27 Klasse:35 140 2009.11.02 - 45/09 abrasive pads for use in the kitchen, steelwool, bowls, basins, household tools and utensils for kitchen use included in this class and which are not made of precious metals, drinking containers; ironing boards, boot jacks, shoe trees, bottle openers, bottles, bowls, bread baskets, bread boards, cheese boards, chopping boards, brooms, mops, buckets or pails, butter dishes, cake moulds, chamber pots, chamois leathers for cleaning, clothes dryers, clothes drying racks, coal buckets, manual coffee grinders and non-electrical coffee filters; coffee services not made of precious metals; non-electrical coffee makers not made of precious metals, frying pans and cooking pots, lids for frying pans and cooking pots, ice buckets, corkscrews, cosmetic utensils, cruets and oil and vinegar sets not made of precious metals; egg cups, cups, beakers and tumblers, pitchers, saucers, dishes, sauce and gravy boats all made of materials other than precious metals; dishes, fruit bowls, glasses (containers), soap dispensers and holders, dusting cloths, feather-dusters, bottles, flower pots, flower-pot covers, fly whisks; non-electrical fruit squeezers and garlic presses for household use, funnels, refuse bins, jars, gloves and graters for domestic use, grill pans, non-electrical spice mills, non-metallic money boxes, cooking moulds and stands, mouse traps, nail brushes, napkin rings and holders not made from precious metals; tableware, hand salt and pepper mills; paper containers, mustard pots, perfume sprays and atomizers, picnic baskets, powder cases not made of precious metals, powder puffs; cages for birds and small domestic animals; trouser presses, dustbins, rolling pins, watering cans, watering can spray heads, salt cellars not made of precious metals, shoehorns, sieves (household utensils), spice sets, non-electrical lemon squeezers, tea strainers, tea caddies and infusers, tea services and teapots all made of materials other than precious metals, devices for maintaining the shape of ties, toilet cases, toilet paper dispensers, toothbrushes, toothpicks, trays or baskets for domestic use and not made of precious metals, insulating bottles and flasks, vases not made of precious metals; worked and semi-worked glass (with the exception of glass used in construction); porcelain, china, earthenware or glass ornaments, statuettes and pomanders; aerosol dispensers for non-medical use; kitchen ladles; soap and sweet boxes and tins not made of precious metals; nonelectrical whisks, beaters and percolators for domestic use; candlesticks not made of precious metals, decanter stands other than those made of paper or fabric; cake dishes not made of precious metals, decanters not made of precious metals; porcelain and china buttons and knobs. Carpets, rugs, straw mats; mats and matting; linoleum and other material for covering existing floors; wallpaper and non-textile wall hangings; ceiling paper; borders for decorating walls. Bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a clothing, clothing accessories, furniture and home decorating products catalogue, or a general merchandise catalogue, by mail order or by means of telecommunications; bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods in a department store; bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise Internet web site; information relating to the sale of goods; professional intermediation and consultancy services in relation to the sale of goods, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0817348 Søknadsnr.: 200401402 Reg.dato: 2003.12.12 Registreringer 2013.12.12 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2004.02.12 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Wm.Wrigley Jr. Co, 410 North Michigan Avenue, IL60611 CHICAGO, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Oriflame Cosmetics SA, 20 rue Philippe II, 2340 LUXEMBOURG, LU (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Klasse:30 0822851 Søknadsnr.: 200404725 Reg.dato: 2004.02.20 Registreringer 2014.02.20 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2004.05.13 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Confectionery for medicinal purposes, namely chewing gum, bubble gum, candy, drops and mints, all serving dental care purposes; all the aforementioned goods not specifically intended for dietetic purposes. Confectionery, not intended for medical purposes, namely chewing gum, bubble gum, candy, drops and mints and chocolate. Klasse:14 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0819790 Søknadsnr.: 200402827 Reg.dato: 2003.11.24 Registreringer 2013.11.24 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2004.03.25 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0823116 Søknadsnr.: 200404832 Reg.dato: 2003.11.24 Registreringer 2013.11.24 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2004.05.13 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: HIGH SOCIETY CHERI (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Diamond Communications Inc, 801 Second Avenue, NY10017 NEW YORK, US (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Conrey Publications Inc, 801 Second Avenue, NY10017 NEW YORK, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 Entertainment magazine. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0822819 Søknadsnr.: 200404712 Reg.dato: 2004.01.22 Registreringer 2014.01.22 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2004.05.13 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: IMO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Idera Pharmaceuticals, 345 Vassar Street, MA02139 CAMBRIDGE, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes, jewellery, precious stones, horological instruments;all the goods being accessories offered with cosmetic products by the trademark holder and distributed only by direct sale and not in retail stores. Immunomodulatory oligonucleotides, namely, ingredients that enhance or induce an immune response as a component part in a pharmaceutical preparation. 141 Adult entertainment magazines. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0824377 Søknadsnr.: 200405607 Reg.dato: 2003.03.20 Registreringer 2013.03.20 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2004.06.10 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: for digital cameras; batteries for digital cameras; (AC) alternating current adapters for digital cameras; microscope with illuminators; electron microscopes; polarizing microscopes; zoom microscopes; plain paper copiers; stapling units for plain paper copiers; rollers for plain paper copiers; paper feeders for plain paper copiers; photosensitive drums for electrostatic copying machines; bearings for plain paper copiers; electronic printing boards; optical lenses; fire extinguishers; dry cells; batteries; rechargeable batteries; battery chargers; storage batteries; solar cells; fuel cells; nickel cadmium batteries; nickel hydrogen batteries; lithium batteries; lithium ion batteries; carbon electrode for dry batteries; carbon electrode for welding use; connectors [electricity]; electric cables; electrical conduits; floor ducts especially for housing electric cables; ballast (for discharge lamps); under carpet wiring system consisting of conduits for electric cables; dimmer switches; circuit breakers; magnetic contactors and starters; electronic circuit protectors; switch gears; electric junction boxes; appliance switches; push switches; slide switches; touch switches; detector switches; electrical or power receptacles; plugs (electrical); electric time switches; video entry phones; intercom systems; electric door chimes; electric buzzers; fire alarms; gas leakage alarms; burglar alarms; portable emergency buzzers; radios; cassette tape players and/or recorders; radio cassette recorders; DAT recorders; portable cassette tape players; cases for cassette tape players; portable cassette players with radio; compact disc players and/or recorders; cases for optical disc players; MD (Mini Disc) players; lens cleaning discs for optical disc players; mini disc players and/or recorders; (MD) mini disc decks; DVD audio players and/or recorders; secure digital audio players and/or recorders; secure digital video players and/or recorders; MP3 (Mpeg-1 Audio Layer3) players; speakers; tuners; amplifiers; stereo component system; record players; graphic equalizers; clock radios; IC chip recorders; digital sound processors; headphones; cordless headphones; earphones; earphones with microphones; microphones; sing-along cassette player and/or recorders; softwares (recorded); electric megaphones; audio-video systems for use in language laboratories; car audio systems; optical disc auto changers; cassette adapters for reproducing sound; digital hall sound system; audio mixers; magnetic tape cleaners; magnetic disc cleaners; record cleaners; optical fiber cables; audio cable and/or video cable; television receivers, cathode ray tube displays; cathode ray tubes; image pick up tubes; plasma television receivers; plasma displays; plasma display panels; speakers for plasma display; parts and accessories for plasma display, namely stands; LCD television receivers; liquid crystal displays; color projection television receivers; combined television receiver with video tape recorder; combined television receiver with disk player; antennas; GPS antenna; diversity antennas; tuners for satellite broadcasting; tuners for cable broadcasting; terrestrial tuners; tuners for television; tuners for audio broad casting; Internet terminals; LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) projectors; parts and accessories for LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) projectors, namely lenses; parts and accessories for LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) projectors; namely lamps; video cassette recorders; camcorders; cables for camcorders; cases for camcorders; electric viewfinders for camcorders; waterproof covers for camcorders; alternating current (AC) adapters for camcorders; batteries for camcorders; shoulder straps for camcorders; videocameras; videocamera recorders; frame rate converters for camcorders; video printers; laser disk players; video CD players; recorded video CD or DVD softwares; electronic National (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Panasonic Corp, 1006, Oaza Kadoma, 571-8501 KADOMA-SHI, OSAKA, JP (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:2 Klasse:6 Klasse:7 Klasse:8 Klasse:9 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Bottled toners for facsimile machines. Conduit tubes of metal; doors of metal; gates of metal; wireless operated garage doors of metal; mail boxes of metal; acid-resistant high-polymer cladding steel sheeting; steel panels for office flooring; welding wire; bands of metal for tying-up purposes; building boards of metal; safety cashboxes; safes (strong boxes); branching pipes of metal; building materials of metal; fittings of metal for buildings; building panels of metal; ceilings of metal; chests of metal; clips of metal for cables and pipes; door fittings of metal; drain pipes of metal; drain traps (valves) of metal; ducts of metal for ventilating and air-conditioning apparatus; elbows of metal for pipes; fences of metal; floors of metal; gutter pipes of metal; gutters of metal; ladders of metal; letter boxes of metal; nuts of metal; pipe muffs of metal; pipes of metal; poles of metal for electric lines; posts of metal for electric lines; nails; pipes of metal for guarding of electric wire; props of metal; roof coverings of metal; roofing of metal; roof flashing of metal; screws of metal; shutters of metal; steel pipes; steel tubes; wall claddings of metal (building); wall linings of metal (building); windows of metal; water-pipes of metal. Welding machines; robots for metalworking; machines for inserting electronic components; dry etching machinery; micro electric-discharge machines; optical disc production systems; processing machines for printed wired board; parts mounting machines; gas-operated soldering machines; screw fastening machines; electric screw drivers; electric hand drills; motors, electric, other than for land vehicles; elevators (lifts); electric clothes washing machines; drums for electric clothes washing machines; electric dish washers; electric dish washing and/or drying machines; compressors; air compressors; centrifugal compressors; electric pumps; electric blender machines; electric juice extractors; electric food processors; electric meat grinders; electric can openers; electric knife sharpeners; electric coffee mills; electric ice crushers; electric garbage disposers; electric hand mixers; electric lawn mowers; garden sprayers for disinfectants and insecticides other than hand tools; electric vacuum cleaners; electric floor polishers; chip mounting devices; electric wax applicators for ski; metal cutting machines (by arc, gas, or plasma); electric tea leaf grinders; automatic bread makers for home use; electrostatic precipitator; electric clothes cleaners. Electric shavers; adapters for electric shavers; blades for electric shavers; electric hair clippers; electric depilators; electric lint shavers; electric beard trimmers; electric hair trimmers; electric nose trimmers; electric hair irons; electric curling brushes; electric razors; fingernail polishers; electric manicure sets; electric nail files; electric hair curlers; electric hair irons; electric curlers for eyelashes; electric pore cleaners for domestic use. Automatic vending machines; cameras; tripods for cameras; cases for cameras; electric flash units for cameras; digital still cameras; neck strap for cameras; PC (Personal Computer) connecting codes 142 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker publications (downloadable); DVD video players and/or recorders; digital HD (High Definition) video cassette tape recorders; color video systems for large-scale display; cable television systems; hard disk drivers; video camera overhead projectors; electric optical display boards; electric display systems; security or fire monitoring apparatus consisting of electric displays, computers, computer programs for preparing and compiling display contents and CCTV; closed circuit video equipment systems; DVD software; television cameras; video switchers; non-linear editing system; editing controller; DVD authoring apparatus; light emitting diode display; USB cables; projection screens; optical disc drives; optical disc recorders; optical disc players; optical disc changers; optical disc cartridges; optical disc mastering apparatus; facsimile transceivers; transceivers; telephones; cellular mobile telephones; carry case for cellular mobile telephone; telephone answering machines; private automatic branch exchange systems; global positioning system receivers; radio telephones; marine radars; radars; radio paging receivers; mobile communication systems; multi-channel access radio systems; electric traffic information apparatus; electronic and telecommunication apparatus for use in video teleconferencing systems; personal handy-phones; electronic and telecommunication apparatus for use in local area network systems; converters for audio or video digital signals or digital data; in-car navigation and/or route guidance appliance; electronic toll collecting units for cars; remote controllers; electric apparatus for door closing and opening; communication and monitoring system for apartment buildings; intruder detection systems; anti-theft warning apparatus; electric theft prevention installations; electric multilayer security appliances; electric operated gates for garages; electric distribution boards; traffic-signal control apparatus; bus location system; ultrasonic vehicle detectors; electric apparatus for intelligent transport systems; light dimmers; daylight switches; inverters; programmable controllers; transformers; power distribution apparatus [electricity]; portable power source; power capacitors; computers; gateway apparatus for computer network; wireless PCM/CIA communication cards; word processors; computer software (recorded); image scanners for personal computer; printers; CF (Compact Flash) cards; PCM/CIA adapters; PC cards; cordless cards for LAN (Local Area Network); computer keyboards; mouse (data processing equipment); CD-ROM drives; floppy disk drives; card readers; card reader and/or writers; bar code readers; handy data terminal; point of sales systems; data collection terminals; personal digital assistants; DVD-RAM and/or ROM drive; CAD and/or CAM systems; hard disc drives; electronic calculators; computer software; uninterruptible power source for computers, communication, broadcasting; video games; video cassette tapes; cleaning tapes for tape drives; digital video cassette tapes; audio cassette tapes; floppy discs; blank optical discs; mini-discs; DVDs; SD (Secure Digital) memory cards; thermoluminecence dosimetry systems; portable Xray dosimeters; electronic counters; ammeters; power consumption meters; clamp meters; electric leakage meters; electric insulation meters; thermometers; measurement system processors; multi-circuit type electric power monitor; microprecision measurements; weight scales with body fat monitor; step counter; audio and/or video analyzers; oscilloscopes; modulators; voltmeters; distortion meters; MR (magnetic resistant) sensors; photo sensor; temperature sensors; position sensors; angular rate sensors; rotation sensors; angle sensors; dew condensation sensors; displacement sensors; shock sensors; current sensors; ultrasonic Klasse:10 143 2009.11.02 - 45/09 ceramic sensors; fuel level sensors; magnetic sensors; light emitting diodes; liquid crystal elements; LCD module; magnetrons; diodes; transistors; thermostats; integrated circuits; IC (Integraged Circuit) memory cards; LSI circuits; semiconductor memory (devices); (one chip) microcomputers; electret condenser microphone cartridge; halftone image processors; thermal printing heads; magnetic heads; permanent magnets; relays; computer display components; semiconductor laser module; CCD image sensor; film capacitor; electric tuner units; magnetic card readers and/or writers; printed wiring boards; singlesided printed wiring boards; double sided printed wiring boards; multilayer printed wiring boards; printed circuit substrates; speaker components; power modules; AC adapters; chargers; magnet rolls for copying machines and printers; DC/DC converters; inductors (coils); fixed inductors; variable inductors; condensors; film condensors; electrolytic capacitors; electric double layer capacitors; ceramic capacitors; filters of electric signals; EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) filters; noise filters for display; SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave) filters; electric ceramic filters for displays; line filters for displays; dielectric filters for displays; tunable filters; light modulators; light deflectors; optical transmission components for optical fibers; optical coupling components for optical fibers; laser diode modules for optical fibers; photo diode modules for optical fibers; optical connectors for optical fibers; aspherical lenses for CCD cameras; power transformers for electricity distribution; current transformers for electricity distribution; pulse transformers for electricity distribution; line transformers for power distribution; input and output transformers for electricity distribution; flyback transformers for electricity distribution; deflection yokes; piezoelectric transformers for electricity distribution; thermistors; varistors (surge absorbers); piezoelectric ceramics components for electricity distribution; ceramic resonators; SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave) resonators; acousto-optic devices; resistors; potentiometers; trimmer potentiometers; thermal cutoffs; encoders; printer units for computers; hybrid IC; switch components; heat sink wiring boards for computers; electro luminescence elements; magnetic resistive (Magnetic Resistant) elements; coils; choke coils; switches; panel switches for electricity distribution boards; touch panels for display operations; remote control units; analog tuners; digital tuners; electronic tuners; antenna duplexers; SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave) devices; couplers; balun; power dividers; voltage controlled oscillators; wireless communication modules and unit; RF (Radio Frequency) modules; PLL (Phase Locked Loop) synthesizer modules; thermal printer units; electric flat irons; electric ion steamers for face; trolley ducts for wiring [electricity]; solenoids; counters; switch boards; telephone apparatus; printed circuit; remote control telemetering machines and instruments; highfrequency and regulation apparatus and instruments; electric conduits; communication and monitoring appliances for apartment buildings; switching power supply units; earth leakage breakers; fault-current protective switches; magnetic switches; current converters; liquid level monitoring sensors; switches and sockets; lighting remote controls; photo-electric switches; circuit controllers; line selectors; sensor; power controller; frequency controller; induction voltage regulators; aerials; switch boxes; lighting control apparatus; electric arc welding apparatus; welding electrodes; electric soldering apparatus; electric insect killers; chronographs for cooking use; glow switch starters; connecting devices for lamps. Electronic blood pressure meters; electronic clinical thermometers; laser medical treatment devices; begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker Klasse:11 Klasse:12 Klasse:14 Klasse:17 Klasse:19 ultrasonic diagnostic equipment; hearing aids; laser scalpels; electric handy massagers; electric massage chairs; electric massage beds; handheld vibrators for medical use; electric beds for medical use; electric low frequency therapeutic apparatus; electric high frequency therapeutic apparatus; electric air mats for bedsore-preventing; steam inhalers for medical use; electric heating pads; dental CCD sensor system; medical bone densitometer; electric massagers; electric vibrators; electric air mat for medical purposes; sphygmomanometers; electric inhalers; insufflators. Incandescent lamp; miniature bulbs; screw-in fluorescent lamp; fluorescent lamp; tungsten halogen lamps; flash lights; electric lanterns; head lamps; fluorescent lighting fixtures; dynamo lighting sets for bicycles; sensor lights; germicidal lamps; electric kettle; electric pressure cookers; electric rice cooker; gas rice cookers; slow cookers; electric roasters; ovens for cooking; toasters; coffee makers; electric cooking stoves; electric thermo pots; gas cookers; induction heating hobs; electric barbecue griddles; microwave ovens; gas cooking stoves with ovens; electric food-pans; sinks; cooking tables; refrigerators; gas refrigerators; freezers; cold and/or hot water dispensers; cold water dispensers; hot water dispensers; electric refrigerating show cases; electric freezing show cases; electric water coolers; electric ice makers; electric fans; ventilating fan; electric air purifiers; range hoods for cookers; electric dehumidifiers; electric humidifiers; air curtains; air handling units; ceiling fans; roof ventilators; electric deodorizers for cars; air conditioners; air conditioners for cars; fan coil units for air-conditioning; heat exchanger units; evaporative air refreshing apparatus; gas stoves; kerosene stoves; electric stoves; electric space heaters; electric blankets; electric floor carpets; kerosene fan heaters; electric foot warmers (kotatsu); gas cordless warmers; electric bidets; toilets; washing toilet seats; portable toilets; septic tanks for domestic use; septic tanks for industrial use; water purifiers for domestic use; filters for water purifiers; alkaline water ionizers; household mineral water maker; incinerators (trash burners); sauna baths; bubble dispensers for facial washing; shower heads; bath tubs; gas instantaneous water heaters; electric water heaters; electric hand dryers; electric dish dryers; electric hair dryers; electric clothes drying apparatus for household purposes; electric ion treatment apparatus for hair; electric ion steamer for facial treatment; warming panels; warming rugs; sewage aeration treatment installations; whirlpool baths; spot lamps; emergency lights; lighting ballast; mercury vapor lamps; sodium lamps; exit lights; searchlights; footmuffs (electrically heated); light diffusers; safety lamps; lighting apparatus and instruments; ventilator; electric water supplier; portable toilets; apparatus for air enrichment with oxygen. Electric waggons for factory use; bicycles; bicycle tires and tubes; electric power assisted bicycles; motors, for land vehicles; anti-theft alarms for vehicles. Watches; clocks. Molding materials for precise devices as semiconductors; electric insulating sheets; synthetic boards for sound adjustment apparatus; synthetic boards for sound absorbing; plastic sound insulating sheets; synthetic resin sound insulating sheets. Linoleum doors; plastic doors; synthetic resin doors; wooden doors; linoleum rain gutters; plastic rain gutters; synthetic resin rain gutters; wooden rain gutters; linoleum ceiling panels; plastic ceiling panels; synthetic resin ceiling panels; wooden ceiling panels; linoleum folding doors; plastic folding doors; synthetic resin folding doors; wood flooring; asbestos roofing tiles; transportable housing units Klasse:20 Klasse:21 Klasse:35 Klasse:37 144 2009.11.02 - 45/09 with siding boards of metal; PVC lined water pipes; plywood; linoleum sidings; plastic sidings; synthetic resin sidings; wooden sidings; sound proof materials for floors, walls or ceilings; plastic water pipes; water pipes (not of metal); rigid pipes for building use (nonmetallic); transportable buildings [not of metal]; prefabricated building kits [not of metal]; linoleum or plastic floor boards; linoleum or plastic floor tiles; synthetic resin floor tiles; linoleum wall tiles for building use; plastic wall tiles for building use; synthetic resin wall tiles for building use. Microwave oven racks; washstands; gas cooker cabinets; kitchen cabinets; steps [ladders], not of metal. Electric toothbrushes; magnetic window cleaners; electric brushes; dustbins; smoke absorbers for household purposes; sprinklers for watering flowers and plants; water apparatus for cleaning teeth and gums; watering devices; electric mouth washing and rinsing devices for household use; cleaning papers for video printers; electric pants presses for household purposes. Information relating to commodity sales; business information; commercial information agencies; rental of photocopying machines. Installation of electric appliance; repair of radio receivers and television receivers; repair and maintenance of electrical communication apparatus and instruments; repair and maintenance of household electric appliance; repair and maintenance of electric lighting apparatus; repair and maintenance of power distribution and control apparatus; repair and maintenance of electric motors; repair and maintenance of measuring and/or testing machines and instruments; repair and maintenance of medical apparatus and instruments; repair and maintenance of metalworking machines and tools; repair and maintenance of cooking apparatus for industrial purposes; repair and maintenance of automatic distribution machines; repair and maintenance of water purifying apparatus; repair and maintenance of musical instruments; watch and clock repair and maintenance; repair and maintenance of gas water heaters for household purposes; repair and maintenance of bath equipment; repair of toilet stool units with washing water squirts; installation, maintenance and repair of computer hardware; repair and maintenance of airconditioning apparatus; office machines and equipment installation, maintenance and repair; bicycle repair; repair and maintenance of computers; repair and maintenance of electronic printers; telephone repair; telecommunication equipment installation and repair. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0824384 Søknadsnr.: 200405608 Reg.dato: 2003.03.18 Registreringer 2013.03.18 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2004.06.10 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:9 Panasonic (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Panasonic Corp, 1006, Oaza Kadoma, 571-8501 KADOMA-SHI, OSAKA, JP (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Klasse:2 Klasse:6 Klasse:7 Klasse:8 Acid gas eliminating filtering materials; catalysts; zinc oxide whisker crystals; photographic printing papers for video printers; photographic printing seals for video printers. Toners; toners for copying apparatus and machines; toners for facsimile apparatus and machine; ink cassettes for video printers; bottled toners for facsimile machines. Conduit tubes of metal; doors of metal; gates of metal; wireless operated garage doors of metal; mail boxes of metal; acid-resistant high-polymer cladding steel sheeting; steel panels for office flooring; welding wire; bands of metal for tying-up purposes; building boards of metal; safety cashboxes; safes (strong boxes); branching pipes of metal; building materials of metal; fittings of metal for buildings; building panels of metal; ceilings of metal; chests of metal; clips of metal for cables and pipes; door fittings of metal; drain pipes of metal; drain traps (valves) of metal; ducts of metal for ventilating and air-conditioning apparatus; elbows of metal for pipes; fences of metal; floors of metal; gutter pipes of metal; gutters of metal; ladders of metal; letter boxes of metal; nuts of metal; pipe muffs of metal; pipes of metal; poles of metal for electric lines; posts of metal for electric lines; nails; pipes of metal for guarding of electric wire; props of metal; roof coverings of metal; roofing of metal; roof flashing of metal; screws of metal; shutters of metal; steel pipes; steel tubes; wall claddings of metal (building); wall linings of metal (building); windows of metal; water-pipes of metal. Welding machines; robots for metalworking; machines for inserting electronic components; dry etching machinery; micro electric-discharge machines; optical disc production systems; processing machines for printed wired board; parts mounting machines; gas-operated soldering machines; screw fastening machines; electric screw drivers; electric hand drills; motors, electric, other than for land vehicles; generators of electricity; (DC) direct current generator; (AC) alternating current generators; home electricity generating system; elevators (lifts); electric clothes washing machines; drums for electric clothes washing machines; electric dish washers; electric dish washing and/or drying machines; compressors; air compressors; centrifugal compressors; electric pumps; electric blender machines; electric juice extractors; electric food processors; electric meat grinders; electric can openers; electric knife sharpeners; electric coffee mills; electric ice crushers; electric garbage disposers; electric hand mixers; electric lawn mowers; garden sprayers for disinfectants and insecticides other than hand tools; electric vacuum cleaners; electric floor polishers; chip mounting devices; electric wax applicators for ski; metal cutting machines (by arc, gas, or plasma); electric tea leaf grinders; automatic bread makers for home use; electrostatic precipitator; electric clothes cleaners. Electric shavers; adapters for electric shavers; blades for electric shavers; electric hair clippers; electric depilators; electric lint shavers; electric beard 145 2009.11.02 - 45/09 trimmers; electric hair trimmers; electric nose trimmers; electric hair irons; electric curling brushes; electric razors; fingernail polishers; electric manicure sets; electric nail files; electric hair curlers; electric hair irons; electric curlers for eyelashes; electric pore cleaners for domestic use. Automatic vending machines; cameras; tripods for cameras; cases for cameras; electric flash units for cameras; digital still cameras; neck strap for cameras; PC (Personal Computer) connecting codes for digital cameras; batteries for digital cameras; (AC) alternating current adapters for digital cameras; microscope with illuminators; electron microscopes; polarizing microscopes; zoom microscopes; plain paper copiers; stapling units for plain paper copiers; rollers for plain paper copiers; paper feeders for plain paper copiers; photosensitive drums for electrostatic copying machines; bearings for plain paper copiers; electronic printing boards; optical lenses; fire extinguishers; dry cells; batteries; rechargeable batteries; battery chargers; storage batteries; solar cells; fuel cells; nickel cadmium batteries; nickel hydrogen batteries; lithium batteries; lithium ion batteries; carbon electrode for dry batteries; carbon electrode for welding use; connectors [electricity]; electric cables; electrical conduits; floor ducts especially for housing electric cables; ballast (for discharge lamps); under carpet wiring system consisting of conduits for electric cables; dimmer switches; circuit breakers; magnetic contactors and starters; electronic circuit protectors; switch gears; electric junction boxes; appliance switches; push switches; slide switches; touch switches; detector switches; electrical or power receptacles; plugs (electrical); electric time switches; video entry phones; intercom systems; electric door chimes; electric buzzers; fire alarms; gas leakage alarms; burglar alarms; portable emergency buzzers; radios; cassette tape players and/or recorders; radio cassette recorders; DAT recorders; portable cassette tape players; cases for cassette tape players; portable cassette players with radio; compact disc players and/or recorders; cases for optical disc players; mini disc players and/or recorders; (MD) mini disc decks; DVD audio players and/or recorders; secure digital audio players and/or recorders; secure digital video players and/or recorders; MP3 (Mpeg-1 Audio Layer-3) players; speakers; tuners; amplifiers; stereo component system; record players; graphic equalizers; clock radios; IC chip recorders; digital sound processors; headphones; cordless headphones; earphones; earphones with microphones; microphones; singalong cassette player and/or recorders; softwares (recorded); electric megaphones; audio-video systems for use in language laboratories; car audio systems; optical disc auto changers; cassette adapters for reproducing sound; digital hall sound system; audio mixers; magnetic tape cleaners; magnetic disc cleaners; record cleaners; optical fiber cables; audio cable and/or video cable; television receivers, cathode ray tube displays; cathode ray tubes; image pick up tubes; plasma television receivers; plasma displays; plasma display panels; speakers for plasma display; parts and accessories for plasma display, namely stands; LCD television receivers; liquid crystal displays; color projection television receivers; combined television receiver with video tape recorder; combined television receiver with disk player; antennas; GPS antenna; diversity antennas; tuners for satellite broadcasting; tuners for cable broadcasting; terrestrial tuners; tuners for television; tuners for audio broad casting; Internet terminals; LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) projectors; parts and accessories for LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) projectors, namely lenses; parts and accessories for LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) projectors; namely lamps; video cassette recorders; begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker camcorders; cables for camcorders; cases for camcorders; electric viewfinders for camcorders; waterproof covers for camcorders; alternating current (AC) adapters for camcorders; batteries for camcorders; shoulder straps for camcorders; videocameras; videocamera recorders; frame rate converters for camcorders; video printers; laser disk players; video CD players; recorded video CD or DVD softwares; electronic publications (downloadable); DVD video players and/or recorders; digital HD (High Definition) video cassette tape recorders; color video systems for large-scale display; cable television systems; hard disk drivers; video camera overhead projectors; electric optical display boards; electric display systems; security or fire monitoring apparatus consisting of electric displays, computers, computer programs for preparing and compiling display contents and CCTV; closed circuit video equipment systems; DVD software; television cameras; video switchers; nonlinear editing system; editing controller; DVD authoring apparatus; light emitting diode display; USB cables; projection screens; optical disc drives; optical disc recorders; optical disc players; optical disc changers; optical disc cartridges; optical disc mastering apparatus; facsimile transceivers; transceivers; telephones; cellular mobile telephones; carry case for cellular mobile telephone; telephone answering machines; private automatic branch exchange systems; global positioning system receivers; radio telephones; marine radars; radars; radio paging receivers; mobile communication systems; multi-channel access radio systems; electric traffic information apparatus; electronic and telecommunication apparatus for use in video teleconferencing systems; personal handy-phones; electronic and telecommunication apparatus for use in local area network systems; converters for audio or video digital signals or digital data; in-car navigation and/or route guidance appliance; electronic toll collecting units for cars; remote controllers; electric apparatus for door closing and opening; communication and monitoring system for apartment buildings; intruder detection systems; anti-theft warning apparatus; electric theft prevention installations; electric multi-layer security appliances; electric operated gates for garages; electric distribution boards; traffic-signal control apparatus; bus location system; ultrasonic vehicle detectors; electric apparatus for intelligent transport systems; light dimmers; daylight switches; inverters; programmable controllers; transformers; power distribution apparatus [electricity]; portable power source; power capacitors; computers; gateway apparatus for computer network; wireless PCM/CIA communication cards; word processors; computer software (recorded); image scanners for personal computer; printers; CF (Compact Flash) cards; PCM/CIA adapters; PC cards; cordless cards for LAN (Local Area Network); computer keyboards; mouse (data processing equipment); CD-ROM drives; floppy disk drives; card readers; card reader and/or writers; bar code readers; time recorders; handy data terminal; electronic cash registers; point of sales systems; data collection terminals; personal digital assistants; DVD-RAM and/or ROM drive; CAD and/or CAM systems; hard disc drives; electronic calculators; computer software; uninterruptible power source for computers, communication, broadcasting; video games; video cassette tapes; cleaning tapes for tape drives; digital video cassette tapes; audio cassette tapes; floppy discs; blank optical discs; mini-discs; DVDs; SD (Secure Digital) memory cards; thermoluminescence dosimetry systems; portable X-ray dosimeters; electronic counters; ammeters; power consumption meters; clamp meters; electric leakage meters; electric insulation meters; thermometers; measurement 2009.11.02 - 45/09 system processors; multi-circuit type electric power monitor; micro-precision measurements; weight scales with body fat monitor; step counter; audio and/or video analyzers; oscilloscopes; modulators; voltmeters; distortion meters; MR (magnetic resistant) sensors; photo sensor; temperature sensors; position sensors; angular rate sensors; rotation sensors; angle sensors; dew condensation sensors; displacement sensors; shock sensors; current sensors; ultrasonic ceramic sensors; fuel level sensors; magnetic sensors; light emitting diodes; liquid crystal elements; LCD module; magnetrons; diodes; transistors; thermostats; integrated circuits; IC (Integraged Circuit) memory cards; LSI circuits; semiconductor memory (devices); (one chip) microcomputers; electret condenser microphone cartridge; halftone image processors; thermal printing heads; magnetic heads; permanent magnets; relays; computer display components; semiconductor laser module; CCD image sensor; film capacitor; electric tuner units; coin validating units; coin selector units; bill validating units; bill selector units; magnetic card readers and/or writers; printed wiring boards; singlesided printed wiring boards; double sided printed wiring boards; multilayer printed wiring boards; printed circuit substrates; speaker components; power modules; AC adapters; chargers; magnet rolls for copying machines and printers; DC/DC converters; inductors (coils); fixed inductors; variable inductors; condensors; film condensors; electrolytic capacitors; electric double layer capacitors; ceramic capacitors; filters of electric signals; EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) filters; noise filters for displays; SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave) filters; electric ceramic filters for displays; line filters for displays; dielectric filters for displays; tunable filters; light modulators; light deflectors; optical transmission components for optical fibers; optical coupling components for optical fibers; laser diode modules for optical fibers; photo diode modules for optical fibers; optical connectors for optical fibers; aspherical lenses for CCD cameras; power transformers for electricity distribution; switching transformers for electricity distribution; current transformers for electricity distribution; pulse transformers for electricity distribution; line transformers for electricity distribution; input and output transformers for electricity distribution; deflection yokes; piezoelectric transformers for electricity distribution; thermistors; varistors (surge absorbers); piezoelectric ceramics components for electricity distribution; ceramic resonators; SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave) resonators; acousto-optic devices; resistors; potentiometers; trimmer potentiometers; thermal cutoffs; encoders; printer units for computers; hybrid IC; switch components; heat sink wiring boards for computers; electro luminescence elements; magnetic resistive (Magnetic Resistant) elements; coils; choke coils; switches; panel switches for electricity distribution boards; touch panels for display operations; remote control units; analog tuners; digital tuners; electronic tuners; antenna duplexers; SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave) devices; couplers; balun; power dividers; voltage controlled oscillators; wireless communication modules and unit; RF (Radio Frequency) modules; PLL (Phase Locked Loop) synthesizer modules; thermal printer units; electric flat irons; electric ion steamers for face; trolley ducts for wiring [electricity]; solenoids; counters; switch boards; telephone apparatus; printed circuit; remote control telemetering machines and instruments; high-frequency and regulation apparatus and instruments; electric conduits; communication and monitoring appliances for apartment buildings; switching power supply units; earth leakage breakers; fault-current protective switches; magnetic 146 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker Klasse:10 Klasse:11 Klasse:12 Klasse:14 Klasse:15 switches; current converters; liquid level monitoring sensors; switches and sockets; lighting remote controls; photo-electric switches; circuit controllers; line selectors; sensor; power controller; frequency controller; induction voltage regulators; aerials; switch boxes; lighting control apparatus; electric arc welding apparatus; welding electrodes; electric soldering apparatus; electric insect killers; chronographs for cooking use; glow switch starters; connecting devices for lamps; electric print boards. Electronic blood pressure meters; electronic clinical thermometers; laser medical treatment devices; ultrasonic diagnostic equipment; hearing aids; laser scalpels; electric handy massagers; electric massage chairs; electric massage beds; handheld vibrators for medical use; electric beds for medical use; electric low frequency therapeutic apparatus; electric high frequency therapeutic apparatus; electric air mats for bedsore-preventing; steam inhalers for medical use; electric heating pads; dental CCD sensor system; medical bone densitometer; electric massagers; electric vibrators; electric air mat for medical purposes; sphygmomanometers; electric inhalers; insufflators. Incandescent lamp; miniature bulbs; screw-in fluorescent lamp; fluorescent lamp; tungsten halogen lamps; flash lights; electric lanterns; head lamps; fluorescent lighting fixtures; dynamo lighting sets for bicycles; sensor lights; germicidal lamps; electric kettle; electric pressure cookers; electric rice cooker; gas rice cookers; slow cookers; electric roasters; ovens for cooking; toasters; coffee makers; electric cooking stoves; electric thermo pots; gas cookers; induction heating hobs; electric barbecue griddles; microwave ovens; gas cooking stoves with ovens; electric food-pans; sinks; cooking tables; refrigerators; gas refrigerators; freezers; cold and/or hot water dispensers; cold water dispensers; hot water dispensers; electric refrigerating show cases; electric water coolers; electric ice makers; electric fans; ventilating fan; electric air purifiers; range hoods for cookers; electric dehumidifiers; electric humidifiers; air curtains; air handling units; ceiling fans; roof ventilators; electric deodorizers for cars; air conditioners; air conditioners for cars; fan coil units for air-conditioning; heat exchanger units; evaporative air refreshing apparatus; gas stoves; kerosene stoves; electric stoves; electric space heaters; electric blankets; electric floor carpets; kerosene fan heaters; electric foot warmers (kotatsu); gas cordless warmers; electric bidets; toilets; washing toilet seats; portable toilets; septic tanks for domestic use; septic tanks for industrial use; water purifiers for domestic use; filters for water purifiers; alkaline water ionizers; household mineral water maker; incinerators (trash burners); sauna baths; bubble dispensers for facial washing; shower heads; bath tubs; gas instantaneous water heaters; electric water heaters; electric hand dryers; electric dish dryers; electric hair dryers; electric clothes drying apparatus for household purposes; electric ion treatment apparatus for hair; electric ion steamer for facial treatment; warming panels; warming rugs; sewage aeration treatment installations; whirlpool baths; spot lamps; emergency lights; lighting ballast; mercury vapor lamps; sodium lamps; exit lights; searchlights; footmuffs (electrically heated); light diffusers; safety lamps; lighting apparatus and instruments; ventilator; electric water supplier; portable toilets; apparatus for air enrichment with oxygen. Electric waggons for factory use; bicycles; bicycle tires and tubes; electric power assisted bicycles; motors, for land vehicles; anti-theft alarms for vehicles. Watches; clocks. Electronic organs; electronic pianos; keyboards for musical instruments; music synthesizers; electric Klasse:16 Klasse:17 Klasse:19 Klasse:20 Klasse:21 Klasse:28 Klasse:35 Klasse:36 Klasse:37 147 2009.11.02 - 45/09 drums; electric effect apparatus for musical instruments, namely sequencers; parts and accessories for electric and electronic musical instruments, namely sound modules, keyboard amplifiers and external memories. Electric paper shredders; electric staplers; batteryoperated letter openers; electric pencil sharpeners; electric hole punches; electronic typewriters; ribbons cassettes for electronic typewriters; thermal papers. Molding materials for precise devices such as semiconductors; electric insulating sheets; synthetic boards for sound adjustment apparatus; synthetic boards for sound absorbing; plastic sound insulating sheets; synthetic resin sound insulating sheets. Linoleum doors; plastic doors; synthetic resin doors; wooden doors; linoleum rain gutters; plastic rain gutters; synthetic resin rain gutters; wooden rain gutters; linoleum ceiling panels; plastic ceiling panels; synthetic resin ceiling panels; wooden ceiling panels; linoleum folding doors; plastic folding doors; synthetic resin folding doors; wood flooring; asbestos roofing tiles; ceramic roofing tiles; transportable prefabricated housing units, not of metal; PVC lined water pipes; plywood; linoleum sidings; plastic sidings; synthetic resin sidings; wooden sidings; sound proof materials for floors, walls or ceilings; plastic water pipes; water pipes (not of metal); rigid pipes for building use (nonmetallic); transportable buildings [not of metal]; prefabricated building kits [not of metal]; linoleum or plastic floor boards; linoleum or plastic floor tiles; synthetic resin floor tiles; linoleum wall tiles for building use; plastic wall tiles for building use; synthetic resin wall tiles for building use. Microwave oven racks; TV rack; audio racks; closets for clothes; washstands; gas cooker cabinets; kitchen cabinets; wall cabinets; mail boxes, not of metal or masonry; steps [ladders], not of metal; parts and accessories for plasma display, namely wall hanging fittings; parts and accessories for LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) projectors, namely ceiling hanging fittings. Electric toothbrushes; magnetic window cleaners; electric brushes; dustbins; smoke absorbers for household purposes; sprinklers for watering flowers and plants; water apparatus for cleaning teeth and gums; watering devices; electric mouth washing and rinsing devices for household use; cleaning papers for video printers; electric pants presses for household purposes. Electric fishing floats; devices for tying fishing lines to fishing hooks; electronic golf exercisers; stationary exercise bicycles and rollers. Information relating to commodity sales; business information; commercial information agencies; rental of photocopying machines. Issuance of credit cards. Installation of electric appliance; repair of radio receivers and television receivers; repair and maintenance of electrical communication apparatus and instruments; repair and maintenance of household electric appliance; repair and maintenance of electric lighting apparatus; repair and maintenance of power distribution and control apparatus; repair and maintenance of electric motors; repair and maintenance of measuring and/or testing machines and instruments; repair and maintenance of medical apparatus and instruments; repair and maintenance of metalworking machines and tools; repair and maintenance of cooking apparatus for industrial purposes; repair and maintenance of automatic distribution machines; repair and maintenance of water purifying apparatus; repair and maintenance of musical instruments; watch and clock repair and maintenance; repair and maintenance of gas water heaters for household purposes; repair and maintenance of bath equipment; repair of toilet stool units with washing begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker Klasse:38 Klasse:40 Klasse:41 Klasse:42 water squirts; installation, maintenance and repair of computer hardware; repair and maintenance of airconditioning apparatus; office machines and equipment installation, maintenance and repair; bicycle repair; repair and maintenance of computers; repair and maintenance of electronic printers; telephone repair; telecommunication equipment installation and repair. Communications over the internet; communications over the optical fiber; communications over the computer network; electronic mail services. Optical disc pressing. Entertainment information; production of video tapes in the field of education, culture, entertainment or sports [not for movies, radio or television programs and not for advertising and publicity]; providing of electronic publications. Computer software design, computer programming, or maintenance of computer software; computer software design; computer system engineering; testing and research relating to electric machines, apparatus and instruments; computer rental; providing computer programs; leasing access time to a computer database; website design; authoring of optical discs. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0824910 Søknadsnr.: 200407750 Reg.dato: 2003.10.08 Registreringer 2013.10.08 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2004.07.29 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: LICATACK (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: PM Consumer Products BV, De Oude Molen 1a, 1184VW AMSTELVEEN, NL (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Klasse:5 Klasse:21 0826090 Søknadsnr.: 200406748 Reg.dato: 2004.05.04 Registreringer 2014.05.04 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2004.07.01 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 0824819 Søknadsnr.: 200405761 Reg.dato: 2004.01.07 Registreringer 2014.01.07 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2004.06.10 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: CONTINUUM (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Wolverine Outdoors Inc, 9341 Courtland Drive N.E., MI49351 ROCKFORD, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: XTREME (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: The Gates Corp, 1551 Wewatta Street, CO80202 Denver, US (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 Soaps, cosmetics, hair lotions. Sanitary preparations for medical purposes, namely pharmaceutical hair lotions/shampoos against lice; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin on human beings, namely head lice; fungicides for use on human beings only. Combs such as hair combs, fine-tooth-combs. (111) (210) (151) (180) (111) (210) (151) (180) Klasse:7 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Klasse:25 Footwear. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0832117 Søknadsnr.: 200409923 Reg.dato: 2004.06.08 Registreringer 2014.06.08 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2004.10.07 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Power transmission belts for engines of land vehicles, namely snowmobiles, such as belts with variable speed; transmission belts for engines of land vehicles, namely snowmobiles; power transmission belts for machines and engines for industrial use, namely variable speed belts used in snow machines and CVT transmissions. Transmission belts for land vehicles, namely snowmobiles, such as belts with variable speed; apparatus for power transmission, especially CVT transmission, for vehicles, namely snowmobiles (other than belts for land vehicles), as well as their parts not included in other classes; power transmission belts for land vehicles, namely snowmobiles, such as belts with variable speed. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Wm Wrigley Jr Co, 410 North Michigan Avenue, IL60611 CHICAGO, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Klasse:30 148 Confectionery for medical purposes (as far as included in this class), namely chewing gum, bubble gum, candy and mints, all serving dental care purposes; all the aforementioned goods not specifically for dietetic purposes. Non-medicated confectionery, namely chewing gum, bubble gum, candy and mints. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0833356 Søknadsnr.: 200410548 Reg.dato: 2004.02.06 Registreringer 2014.02.06 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2004.10.21 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0833716 Søknadsnr.: 200410859 Reg.dato: 2004.05.07 Registreringer 2014.05.07 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2004.10.28 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: BREATHLESS SUNDIESEL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Victoria's Secret Stores Brand Management Inc, Four Limited Parkway, OH43068 REYNOLDSBURG, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Volkswagen AG, 38436 WOLFSBURG, DE (740) Fullmektig: JK Thorsens Patentbureau AS, Postboks 9276 Grønland, 0134 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Men's and women's perfume and eau de Cologne; personal care products, namely, body wash, sunless tanning lotion for the body, eau de Cologne, and perfume. Klasse:4 Klasse:7 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0833611 Søknadsnr.: 200410828 Reg.dato: 2004.07.27 Registreringer 2014.07.27 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2004.10.28 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:12 Klasse:35 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania, University of Pennsylvania Center for Technology Transfer, 3160 Chestnut Street, PA19104 PHILADELPHIA, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:16 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Books and articles recorded on computer media in the fields of business, management, leadership, personal finance, small business, sales and marketing, economics, accounting, finance, geopolitics, real estate finance, and pensions and retirement planning; and prerecorded CD-ROMs on a variety of topics, namely, business, management, leadership, personal finance, small business, sales and marketing, economics, accounting, finance, geopolitics, real estate finance, and pensions and retirement planning. Books in the field of business, management, leadership, personal finance, small business, sales and marketing, economics, accounting, finance, geopolitiics, real estate finance, and pensions and retirement planning. Klasse:37 Klasse:39 149 Industrial grease and oil; lubricants; dust laying compositions; fuels (including motor fuel) and lighting fuel; candles and wicks for purposes of lighting. Metal, wood, plastics working machines for production, repair and dismantling of land, air and water vehicles, for the chemical industry, for agriculture, for mining, for the textile industry, for the food industry, for the beverage industry, for the construction industry, for the packaging industry; machine tools, motors other than for land vehicles, motor parts for motors of all kinds including filters for cleaning cooling air (for engines), automatic control mechanisms for the control of engines, glow plugs for Diesel engines; machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles), including clutches other than for land vehicles, power-operated jacks; motor-driven lawn mowers; agricultural implements other than hand-operated. Apparatus for locomotion by land/or air as well as the parts thereof included in this class, including motor vehicles and their parts, engines for land vehicles. Grouping of various motor vehicles (excluding the transport thereof) and their parts and accessories for the benefit of other, enabling customers to view and purchase them; advertising, business management; business administration, office functions including personnel recruitment, personnel management consultancy, business management consultancy, public relations, radio and television advertising, organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes. Modification, repair, servicing, dismantling, maintenance, cleaning and varnishing of vehicles, motors and their parts, including repair of vehicles in the course of vehicle breakdown service. Transport, except water transportation services; packaging and storage of goods; arranging of tours; towing, taxi transport, car transport, rental of vehicles, especially automobiles, transport of persons, especially by motor buses. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0833733 Søknadsnr.: 200410864 Reg.dato: 2004.06.04 Registreringer 2014.06.04 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2004.10.28 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Société d'exploitation et de Gestion de Spectacles de Music Halls Internationaux, 116bis, avenue des Champs Elysées, 75008 PARIS, FR (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:16 Klasse:41 Klasse:43 2009.11.02 - 45/09 films; microfilming; production of radio and television programmes; arranging and conducting training workshops, colloquiums, conferences, conventions, seminars, symposiums; photography; photographic reporting; video tape film production; publication of texts (except advertising texts); publication of books; script writing; subtitling; translation services; modelling for artists; entertainer services; amusement parks; video tape recording (filming); rental of video tapes; video tape editing; nightclubs; casino services; providing cinema facilities; cinema studios; circuses; club services (entertainment or education); entertainment information; radio entertainment; television entertainment; rental of cinematographic films; film production; gambling; providing amusement arcade services; rental of show scenery; rental of sound recordings; providing recreation facilities; museum services (presentations, exhibitions); music halls; orchestra services; organisation of balls; organization of shows (impresario services); scriptwriting services; production of shows; presentation of live performances; booking of seats for shows; theatrical performances. Services for providing food and drink; bar services; coffee shops; cafeterias; self-service restaurants; providing food and drink (meals); catering services. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0837322 Søknadsnr.: 200412882 Reg.dato: 2004.08.26 Registreringer 2014.08.26 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2004.12.23 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Computer-related sound and video recordings compact disks; pre-recorded videodisks; CD-ROMs; DVD-ROMs; recorded computer software; recorded computer programs; computer programs (downloadable software); computer memories; computer peripheral devices; computers; software packages; magnetic recording media; interactive magnetic recording media; audiovisual games and entertainment and educational apparatus designed for use with a television only; film projection apparatus; acoustic records; audio tapes, video cassettes, laser disks, optical disks; interactive multimedia software; holograms; slides; video cameras; cinematographic apparatus; spectacles (optics); eyewear; mobile telephones; television apparatus; videotapes. Paper and cardboard products not included in other classes, namely paper handtowels, paper handkerchiefs, paper tissues for removing make-up, paper packaging bags, pouches, envelopes, sachets; books; magazines; newspapers; comic books; reviews; periodicals; brochures; manuscripts; manuals; notices; reports; folders; pamphlets; bulletins, newsletters; booklets, printed publications; printed matter, indexes, bookbinding material, stationery, instructional or teaching material (except apparatus); instruction manuals; press files; brochures; posters; prospectuses; calendars; stickers (stationery items); office requisites (other than furniture); pens; writing instruments; binders (office supplies); pads (stationery); almanacs; atlases; posters; notebooks; school supplies; covers (stationery); bookends; paper or plastic bags and sachets for wrapping; photographs. Education; training; entertainment; cultural activities; publication of books; book lending; academies (education); rental and production of video tapes; production of films on video tapes; organisation and holding of colloquiums, conferences and conventions; correspondence teaching; correspondence courses; education information; rental of sound recordings; video tape recording (filming); digital imaging services; information on education and teaching; rental of cinematographic BOMBA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Bomba Energia Getränkevertriebs GmbH, Bockgasse 2b, 4020 LINZ, AT (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked vegetables; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0838759 Søknadsnr.: 200500184 Reg.dato: 2004.06.28 Registreringer 2014.06.28 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.01.13 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: FUSION (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Truth Hardware Corp, 700 West Bridge Street, MN55060 OWATONNA, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 150 Door and window hardware made primarily of metal, namely, latches and operators sold exclusively to window manufacturers and door manufacturers. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0840214 Søknadsnr.: 200501024 Reg.dato: 2004.11.19 Registreringer 2014.11.19 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.02.10 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0840783 Søknadsnr.: 200501310 Reg.dato: 2004.08.25 Registreringer 2014.08.25 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.02.17 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: TARGUS Maxims (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Targus Group International Inc, 1211 North Miller Street, CA98206 ANAHEIM, US (740) Fullmektig: JK Thorsens Patentbureau AS, Postboks 9276 Grønland, 0134 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Dr Gerhard Mann Chemisch-pharmazeutische Fabrik GmbH, Brunsbütteler Damm 165-173, 13581 BERLIN, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Batteries; rechargeable batteries; battery chargers; accessories for cameras, digital cameras and camcorders, namely, tripods, telephoto and wide angle lenses, conversion lens adapter tubes, UV filters, lens protectors, screen protectors, flashes, neck straps; memory card readers; UV filter kits comprising at least one UV filter and one or more of lens adaptor tubes, lens protectors, lens cleaning cloth, lens brushes, lens cleaning pen, lens cleaning solution, and cases for UV filters; camera accessory kits comprising at least one camera tripod and one or more of camera lenses, lens filters, lens adaptor tubes, lens protectors, lens cleaning cloth, lens brushes, lens cleaning pen, lens cleaning solution, wrist straps, neck straps, flashes, batteries, battery chargers, memory card readers, and cases for cameras, camera lenses, and the foregoing accessories Klasse:5 Cosmetics; all aforesaid goods except products for the dental and/or dentistry field. Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; dietetic substances adapted for medical use; plasters; materials for dressings; disinfectants; all aforesaid goods except products for the dental and/or dentistry field. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0844359 Søknadsnr.: 200503037 Reg.dato: 2004.08.06 Registreringer 2014.08.06 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.04.07 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Intervox (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Intervox Musikverlag GmbH, Jahnstrasse 45, 80469 MÜNCHEN, DE (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0840401 Søknadsnr.: 200501212 Reg.dato: 2004.10.07 Registreringer 2014.10.07 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.02.17 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:38 PERFECT VODKA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Paul G Connors, 9498 Highway ALT A1A, FL33403 LAKE PARK, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:33 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Klasse:41 Alcoholic beverages, namely distilled spirits and vodka. Klasse:42 151 Online services, namely providing access to and transmitting of information, data and messages of all kinds in image and sound, as far as they concern the music and/or film branch; all aforesaid services also for the interactive use; providing and broadcasting of radio and television programmes, providing and transmission of mobile phone ringtones. Services of a music publisher, except printing; composition, publication, editing and publishing of music pieces, music production, music publication; providing of a music library, in particular setting audio visual productions; services of a studio recording sound and images; publication of radio and television programmes; design and publication of mobile phone ringtones; publication of online services and other interactive services; publication, distribution and publication of image and/or sound recording carriers; education and entertainment; all mentioned services relating to the music and/or film branch. Licensing of music pieces, music production and publication of music; services of a data base, including online services and other interactive services included in this class and relating to the music and/or film branch. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0844916 Søknadsnr.: 200503386 Reg.dato: 2004.11.11 Registreringer 2014.11.11 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.04.14 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0845190 Søknadsnr.: 200503531 Reg.dato: 2004.05.26 Registreringer 2014.05.26 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.04.21 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: MIRAXION (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Amarin Neuroscience Ltd, Kings Park House, Laurelhill Business Park, FK79JQ STIRLING, GB (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, pharmaceutical diagnostic reagents; reagents for use in treatment, prevention, controlling or monitoring of a disease or disorder; pharmaceutical preparations comprising fatty acids and their derivatives, including fatty acid esters; nutritional preparations for medical use; nutritional supplements; vitamins and minerals; vitamin and/or nutrient enriched foodstuffs, drinks and beverages; nutritional supplements for animal foodstuffs; none being for dental, oral surgical or orthodental treatment. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: QVS Global China, No. 18, Cao-Tang Road, Yu Wu Industrial Zone, Dongcheng District, 523117 DONGGUAN CITY, GUANGDONG PROVINCE, CN (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Klasse:8 Klasse:21 Klasse:26 Pumice stones; emeryboards; cotton sticks, cotton pads and cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; false nails; false eyelashes; adhesives for removal of false nails and eyelashes; pumice stone on handle. All cosmetic, personal care, hair, bath, body and beauty care products included in this class, including nail scissors, tweezers, nail clippers, chiropody pliers, nail files, corn planes, cuticle implements, nail buffers, nail care products included in this class, shaving implements, hand implements for hair curling and waving, non-electric. All cosmetic, personal care, hair, bath, body and beauty care products included in this class, including bath sponges, bath brushes, nail brushes, cosmetic brushes, eyebrow brushes, powder puffs, cosmetic sponges, hair brushes, bath brush on handle, loofahs, hair combs. Hair slides, hair bands, hair clips, hair pins, hair nets, hair rollers. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0846311 Søknadsnr.: 200504154 Reg.dato: 2004.09.27 Registreringer 2014.09.27 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.05.05 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: EZEKIEL 4:9 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Food for Life Baking Co Inc, 2991 East Doherty Street, CA92879 CORONA, US (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:30 152 Pasta; breakfast cereals; processed cereals. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0849058 Søknadsnr.: 200704987 Reg.dato: 2004.10.04 Registreringer 2014.10.04 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.05.03 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0850706 Søknadsnr.: 200506073 Reg.dato: 2004.11.22 Registreringer 2014.11.22 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.06.30 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: alca TUTTI DOLCI (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Alca mobil auto accessories GmbH, Kurzer Weg 1, 15859 STORKOW, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:11 Klasse:12 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Bath & Body Works Inc, 7 Limited Parkway East, OH43068 REYNOLDSBURG, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Battery charging sets; fuses; batteries; alcohol testers for drivers; all aforementioned goods for land vehicles and water vehicles and exclusively for sale as replacemnt parts and not as originally-provided equipment or for installation in motor vehicles by motor vehicle manufacturers. Ventilating apparatus for motor vehicles, namely fans; all aforementioned goods exclusively for sale as replacement parts and not as originally-provided equipment or for installation in motor vehicles by motor vehicle manufacturers. Accessories for vehicles, namely windscreen wipers, windscreen wiper arms and windscreen wiper adapters, protective covers for vehicles and vehicle parts, steering wheel covers, anti-theft devices, alarm devices for land and water vehicles, signal horns, air pumps (hand-operated and foot-operated as well as electrically operated), sun-blinds for vehicles, nets, safety belts, carriers for luggage or goods (especially adapted for vehicles), children's seats, anti-shock devices for vehicles, windscreens; refrigerator and electrical cooling container, adapted for installation in vehicles; all aforementioned goods exclusively for sale as replacement parts and not as originally-provided equipment or for installation in motor vehicles by motor vehicle manufacturers. Klasse:3 Klasse:4 Personal care products, namely, bath milk, bath powder, bath salts, bath sugar scrub, blush, body buff for cleansing and exfoliating the skin, body cream, body lotion, body milk, body mousse, body polish, body scrub, body soufflé lotion, body wash, eau de toilette, effervescent bath cubes, fragrant body spray, hand cream, hand lotion, honey bath wash, lip balm, lip gloss, mascara, potpourri, powder foundation for the face, body salt scrub, hair shampoo, shimmer body lotion, shimmer body powder, shower gel, soap for the body, soap for the face, soap for the hands and body sugar scrub. Candles. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0850851 Søknadsnr.: 200506110 Reg.dato: 2004.12.08 Registreringer 2014.12.08 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.06.30 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Airlife (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Henkel AG & Co KGaA, Henkelstrasse 67, 40589 DÜSSELDORF, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0850694 Søknadsnr.: 200506068 Reg.dato: 2004.11.24 Registreringer 2014.11.24 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.06.30 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:3 Klasse:4 Klasse:5 Klasse:9 Klasse:11 EVAMIST (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Vivus Inc, 1172 Castro Street, CA94040 MOUNTAIN VIEW, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Washing and bleaching preparations, cleaning and polishing preparations, soaps. Candles. Disinfectants, insecticides. Electric devices for attracting and killing insects. Disinfectant apparatus, disinfectant dispensers for toilets. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0851856 Søknadsnr.: 200506653 Reg.dato: 2005.05.18 Registreringer 2015.05.18 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.07.14 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Pharmaceutical preparation for use in the treatment of menopause and post menopause symptoms and conditions. TEMPUR-TEX (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Tempur World LLC, 1713 Jaggie Fox Way, KY40511 LEXINGTON, US (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:24 153 Fabric, namely, fabric for mattress, pillow and cushion covers; and textiles, namely mattress, pillow and cushion covers made of textile fabrics. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0852251 Søknadsnr.: 200506862 Reg.dato: 2005.01.26 Registreringer 2015.01.26 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.07.21 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0854462 Søknadsnr.: 200507697 Reg.dato: 2005.06.23 Registreringer 2015.06.23 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.08.18 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: CARILLON (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Cardiac Dimensions Inc, 5540 Lake Washington Blvd., N.E., WA98033 KIRKLAND, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:10 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Black Diamond Equipment AG, Christoph Merian-Ring 7, 4153 REINACH, CH (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Medical devices, namely surgical instruments and percutaneous devices for use in the treatment of cardiac valve diseases and disorders. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0853608 Søknadsnr.: 200507404 Reg.dato: 2005.06.06 Registreringer 2015.06.06 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.08.11 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:6 Pedea (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: OE Operations, Immeuble "Le Wilson", 70 avenue Charles de Gaulle, 92800 PUTEAUX, FR (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Klasse:8 Klasse:11 Pharmaceutical products and medicines known as orphans for the treatment of rare diseases; dietetic products, hygienic products and disinfectants for medical use in connection with the above diseases; none of these goods used for treating tuberculosis. Klasse:22 Klasse:25 Klasse:28 154 Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; metal pipes and tubes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; ores; metal safety devices not included in other classes for hikers, alpine hikers, rock climbers and orienteers; metal alpine climbing equipment not included in other classes such as metal pitons, eyelets, tackles, nuts, bindings, pulley-blocks, clamps, snap hooks. Hand tools and implements (hand-operated), ice picks, ice hammers, ice axes, shovels for mountaineers. Apparatus for lighting, forehead lamps and pocket lamps. Ropes, string, nets, tents, awnings, tarpaulins, sails, sacks and bags (not included in other classes); raw fibrous textile materials, non-metallic straps, mountaineering ropes. Clothing, belts, clothing for sports, leisure and climbing, ski clothing included in this class, shoes, trainers, hiking boots and shoes, climbing shoes, headgear; all these goods excluding luxury goods. Gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; skis as well as parts and components included in this class; climbers' chalk, plastic belts and tapes for sporting activities; climbers' harnesses. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0854464 Søknadsnr.: 200507699 Reg.dato: 2005.06.23 Registreringer 2015.06.23 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.08.18 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0854569 Søknadsnr.: 200507722 Reg.dato: 2005.01.19 Registreringer 2015.01.19 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.08.18 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: BLACK DIAMOND (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Black Diamond Equipment AG, Christoph Merian-Ring 7, 4153 REINACH, CH (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Klasse:8 Klasse:11 Klasse:22 Klasse:25 Klasse:28 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: ASB Grünland Helmut Aurenz GmbH, Porschestrasse 4, 71634 LUDWIGSBURG, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; metal pipes and tubes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; ores; metal safety devices not included in other classes for hikers, alpine hikers, rock climbers and orienteers; metal alpine climbing equipment not included in other classes such as metal pitons, eyelets, tackles, nuts, bindings, pulley-blocks, clamps, snap hooks. Hand tools and implements (hand-operated), ice picks, ice hammers, ice axes, shovels for mountaineers. Apparatus for lighting, forehead lamps and pocket lamps. Ropes, string, nets, tents, awnings, tarpaulins, sails, sacks and bags (not included in other classes); raw fibrous textile materials, non-metallic straps, mountaineering ropes. Clothing, belts, clothing for sports, leisure time and climbing, ski clothing included in this class, shoes, trainers, hiking boots and shoes, climbing shoes, headgear; all these goods excluding luxury goods. Gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; skis as well as parts and components included in this class; climbers' chalk, plastic belts and tapes for sporting activities; climbers' harnesses. Klasse:1 Klasse:5 Klasse:31 155 Potting compost; peat; plant substrates; soil conditioners; peat-based fertilising preparations; manure, solid and liquid; the aforementioned goods excluding soil surfactants. Plant protection preparations being chemicals for eradicating plant infestations; fungicides, herbicides, pesticides. Mulch, wood chips, wood fibers, bark chips, bark fibers. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0855122 Søknadsnr.: 200507941 Reg.dato: 2004.12.10 Registreringer 2014.12.10 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.08.25 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: publishing on global computer networks or the Internet; compilation of advertisements for use on or as web pages or web sites on global computer networks or the Internet; provision of space on web sites for advertising goods and services; business administration services for the processing of sales made on the Internet; business planning; market analysis and research; data collection, storage and processing; personnel (payroll) services; information relating to business economic services provided online (not downloadable); advisory, consultancy and information services relating to all of the aforesaid services; information relating to economic services provided on-line (not downloadable). (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: The Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc, 36 St Andrew Sqaure, EH22YB EDINBURGH, GB (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:35 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0855606 Søknadsnr.: 200508230 Reg.dato: 2004.08.11 Registreringer 2014.08.11 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.09.01 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Magnetically encoded cards for carrying data; multifunction cards for financial services; charge cards, cash cards, bank cards, cheque cards, credit cards, debit cards; computer software and publications in electronic form supplied on-line from databases or from facilities provided on the Internet (including web pages and web sites); computer software and telecommunications apparatus (including modems) to enable connection to databases, computer networks and the Internet; computer software to enable searching of data; parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods; hand-held devices for payment and value exchange services and for enabling processing of other computer software and publications in electronic form supplied on-line from databases or from facilities provided on the Internet (including web pages and web sites); computer software and telecommunications apparatus (including modems) to enable connection to databases, computer networks and the Internet; computer software to enable searching of data; parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods; hand-held devices for payment and value exchange services and for enabling processing of other personal information services; ATM (Automated Teller Machine) cards, access cards, identification cards, integrated chip cards and pre-paid cards and supporting systems related thereto; ATM machines, point of sale card readers, remote access devices; data carriers; computer software for the provision of banking services, financial services, bank account management services, monetary transfer services, payment services, financial analysis and financial reports, financial management services, and information services relating to banking and finance; computer software to enable the searching of data relating to the aforegoing; publications, newsletters, magazines, periodicals, pamphlets and leaflets, all in electronic form supplied on-line from databases or from facilities provided on the Internet (including web sites); publications, newsletters, magazines, periodicals, pamphlets and leaflets, all in digital or electronic format, or provided by CD-ROM or diskette. Accounting services; book-keeping; company registration services; share registration services; payroll preparations; business appraisals, enquiries, investigations, research and business management advice; business management consulting; advertising and promotion services and information services relating thereto; business and commercial information services, all provided on-line from a computer database, computer network, global computer network or the Internet; compilation of advertisements for use as web pages on the Internet; business management services; business advisory services; compilation of directories for ANGELA ADAMS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Argyle Holdings LLC, 2 Atlantic Street, ME04101 PORTLAND, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 Klasse:18 Klasse:20 Klasse:21 Klasse:24 Klasse:25 Klasse:27 Klasse:35 Note books, stenographer books, sketch books, stationery, folders, decorative letter trays, file trays, and pen and pencil trays. Handbags, purses, toiletry cases sold empty, and tote bags. Furniture, namely, dining tables, end tables, side tables, coffee tables, chairs, desks, love seats, benches, stools, sideboards, beds, settees, ottomans and decorative pillows. Housewares, namely, glasses, serving trays and meal trays. Upholstery fabrics, bed sheets, towels and pillow cases. Clothing, namely, blouses, shirts, T-shirts, scarves and belts Floor coverings, namely rugs and wallpaper. Retail store services and online retail store services featuring paper goods, handbags and purses, clothing, furniture, housewares, and rugs. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0855774 Søknadsnr.: 200508274 Reg.dato: 2005.06.03 Registreringer 2015.06.03 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.09.01 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: BIOTONE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Natural Thoughts Inc, 4757 Old Cliffs Road, CA92120 SAN DIEGO, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 156 Massage preparations, namely, oils, lotions, creams, non-medicated balms, gels; skin preparations, namely, essential oils for personal use, lotions, creams and non-medicated balms and gels; all these goods being only for sale to professionals of spa and massage. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0855855 Søknadsnr.: 200508287 Reg.dato: 2004.07.19 Registreringer 2014.07.19 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.09.01 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0855865 Søknadsnr.: 200508292 Reg.dato: 2004.08.27 Registreringer 2014.08.27 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.09.01 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Ingenium (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Neonlite Electronic & Lighting (HK) Ltd, Room 2902-6, Tower 6, The Gateway, 9 Canton Road, TSIMSHATSUI Kwoloon, Special Admenistrative Region HONG KONG, CN (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:11 Electric cables and wires, current breakers, switches, fuses, plugs, lamp bases (caps), remote controls, light dimmers, distribution boxes, switch boxes, telephone lines, time switches, electric contacts, switchgears for energy saving lamps, fluorescent lamp ballasts, converters, current transformer; monitoring devices for lamps; the aforesaid goods not in connection with computer software and / or hardware. Lighting devices, devices for heating, cooling, drying and air conditioning, lamps, luminaires, energy saving lamps, projector lamps, tubes for lamps, electric torches, discharge tubes, electric, for lighting, water sterilizers, lamp bases, street lamps, daylight lamps. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Neonlite Electronic & Lighting (HK) Ltd, Room 2902-6, Tower 6, The Gateway, 9 Canton Road, TSIMSHATSUI Kwoloon, Special Admenistrative Region HONG KONG, CN (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:11 157 Electric cables and wires, circuit breakers, switches, fuses, plugs, remote controls, light dimmers, distribution boxes, switch boxes, telephone communication wires, time switches, electric contacts, switchgears for energy saving lamps, lighting ballasts, converters, current transformers, monitoring apparatus, electric; aforementioned goods not for and in connection with computer software and/or computer hardware. Apparatus for lighting, heating, refrigerating, drying and ventilating; electric lamps, electric lights, energy saving lamps, projector lamps, tubes for lamps, electric torches, discharge tubes, electric, for lighting; water sterilizers; lamp bases, street lamps, daylight lamps. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0856132 Søknadsnr.: 200508360 Reg.dato: 2004.11.29 Registreringer 2014.11.29 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.09.01 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0856560 Søknadsnr.: 200508473 Reg.dato: 2005.01.07 Registreringer 2015.01.07 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.09.01 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: EMDS The Creativity Marketplace (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Euronext NV, Beursplein 5, 1012JW AMSTERDAM, NL (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Inc, 1900 Seaport Boulevard, Fourth Floor, CA94063 REDWOOD CITY, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:35 Klasse:36 Klasse:38 Klasse:42 Klasse:16 Scientific, nautical, surveying, electric not included in other classes, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), emergency (life-saving) and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic recording media, sound recording disks; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire extinguishers; none of the aforementioned goods in relation to food products. Advertising and advertisement promotion services; dissemination of advertising material; employment and consultancy agencies for issues relating to personnel and for personnel matters; placement of temporary personnel; compiling of statistics; accounting; auctions and public sales; commercial information agencies; market study, research and analysis; opinion polling; shop-window dressing; business organization and management advice services; rental of office machines; document reproduction; none of the aforementioned services in relation to food products. Issuing of credit cards and travelers' checks; pledge loans; debt collection agencies; financing services; stock and bond brokerage agencies; currency market; fund investment; credit granting consultancy; deposit of commercial documents and valuables in safes; real estate management; real estate and mortgage loan (brokerage) agencies and valuations; leasing; financial management; insurance underwriting; rental of real estate; none of the aforementioned services in relation to food products. Radio and television program broadcasting; satellite transmission of sound and images; telex, telegraph, telephone, radiotelephone and radiotelegraph services; news agencies; none of the aforementioned services in relation to food products. Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computers and software; legal services; none of the aforementioned services in relation to food products. Klasse:25 Klasse:35 Klasse:36 Printed art reproductions, art prints, printed patterns, posters. Apparel printed with artwork, namely, shirts. On-line retail store services featuring decorated products, namely, apparel, books, magazines, mugs, art; advertising services, namely, promoting the services of artists through the display and distribution of art works over a global computer network. Brokerage in the field of graphic art reproductions. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0858440 Søknadsnr.: 200509307 Reg.dato: 2005.06.16 Registreringer 2015.06.16 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.09.15 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: NUMBERS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Apple Inc, 1 Infinite Loop, CA95014 CUPERTINO, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Computer software for creating spreadsheets, tables, graphs, and charts, and for organizing and analyzing data, for home, education, business, and developer use. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0858561 Søknadsnr.: 200509337 Reg.dato: 2005.06.21 Registreringer 2015.06.21 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.09.15 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: EYE OF THE TIGER (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Dörrenhaus Klaus, Eupener Straße 139, 50933 KÖLN, DE (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:32 158 Aerated or still mineral and table waters, nonalcoholic drinks and cocktails (with the exception of non-alcoholic beer or with its utilization), fruit drinks and fruit juices, fruit nectars, whey beverages and non-alcoholic mixed drinks containing milk (not with utilization of alcohol-free beer), non-alcoholic energy drinks (not with utilization or/and addition of alcoholfree beer); syrups for beverages (not these for alcohol-free beer or with its utilization), vegetable juices, preparations for making beverages, including effervescent tablets or powders (not for the preparation of alcoholic beer or with its utilization). begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0859028 Søknadsnr.: 200509542 Reg.dato: 2005.06.21 Registreringer 2015.06.21 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.09.22 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0859463 Søknadsnr.: 200509638 Reg.dato: 2005.01.20 Registreringer 2015.01.20 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.09.22 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: THD (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: THD SpA, Via dell'Industria, 1, 42015 CORREGGIO (RE), IT (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:10 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Universal Serial Bus Implementers Forum Inc, 5440 SW Westgate Drive, Suite 217, OR97221 PORTLAND, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Surgical apparatus and instruments, namely, doppler system for haemorrhoid treatment, kit for haemorrhoid surgery, surgery sutures, diagnostic device, rubber band ligation system, needle holder for picking sutures, surgical probes. Klasse:9 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0859180 Søknadsnr.: 200509569 Reg.dato: 2005.07.18 Registreringer 2015.07.18 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.09.22 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: MATINE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: MHolding 3 A/S, c/o Matas A/S, Rørmosevej 1, 3450 ALLERØD, DK (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Klasse:5 Klasse:21 Klasse:25 Soaps; perfumery, essential oils, hair lotions; dentifrices; cosmetics, tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; cotton wool, cotton rolls and cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes. Sanitary preparations for medical purposes; plasters, materials for dressings; paper articles for sanitary purposes; tissues impregnated with pharmaceutical lotions, surgical tissues, cotton wool, cotton balls and cotton sticks for medical purposes and sanitary care. Dental sticks and dental floss. Socks, stockings, pantyhoses and tights. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0860664 Søknadsnr.: 200510230 Reg.dato: 2004.09.07 Registreringer 2014.09.07 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.10.06 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0859362 Søknadsnr.: 200509616 Reg.dato: 2004.11.12 Registreringer 2014.11.12 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.09.22 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: DIANE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Curves International Inc, 100 Ritchie Road, TX76712 WACO, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: INKA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Gregory Marc Adelman, 1502 Upland Avenue, CO80304 BOULDER, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 Computers and computer hardware, integrated circuits, television set to boxes, computer game consoles, computer peripherals, and consumer electronics equipment, namely, cameras, camcorders, audio and video recorders and players, MP3 players, CD recorders and players, DVD recorders and players, cellular phones, personal digital assistants, devices for wireless radio transmission, and global positioning systems consisting of computers, computer software, transmitters, receivers, and network interface devices; and electronic measurement and test instruments for designing and testing the performance, features, compatibility, interoperability, functionality, compliance and adherence to industry standards of the foregoing devices, components and systems; computer cables and connectors; computer software for wireless content delivery; computer software for use in the operation of all of the foregoing; computer software for testing the performance, features, compatibility, interoperability, functionality, compliance and adherence to industry standards of computers, electronics and telecommunications products. Klasse:14 Klasse:16 Klasse:25 Writing instruments namely, pens, pencils, pen ink refills and markers; writing instruments with additional features namely, flashlights, tools and PDA Stylus; writing pens with attached key ring. 159 Jewellery. Magazine pertaining to health, nutrition and fitness. Shirts. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0862467 Søknadsnr.: 200510839 Reg.dato: 2004.12.20 Registreringer 2014.12.20 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.10.13 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0860995 Søknadsnr.: 200510302 Reg.dato: 2005.09.12 Registreringer 2015.09.12 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.10.06 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: COLGATE MAX FRESH (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Colgate-Palmolive Co, 300 Park Avenue, 15th Floor, NY10022-7499 NEW YORK, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:21 Manual toothbrushes. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0861175 Søknadsnr.: 200510340 Reg.dato: 2005.03.07 Registreringer 2015.03.07 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.10.06 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Gruner + Jahr AG & Co KG, Am Baumwall 11, 20459 HAMBURG, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: FLEXNAMES Klasse:9 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: WorldNames Inc, 266 Main Street, Suite 27, MA02052 MEDFIELD, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Klasse:38 Klasse:42 Klasse:16 Klasse:35 Computer network address management services, namely providing services enabling entities to add, modify or delete information relating to their computer network addresses; providing a directory of uniform resource locators. Electronic mail services; providing e-mail forwarding services; URL redirection services, namely rerouting computer connections from one network address to another; providing multiple-user access to information relating to computer users' network addresses via a global computer information network. Domain name service, namely, providing access to computer servers to function as name servers for others, for use in connection with a global computer network; registration of domain names for identification of users on a global computer network; hosting the web sites of others on a computer server for a global computer network; information services, namely, providing a directory of uniform resource locators, also known as "URLs". Klasse:41 Klasse:42 Magnetic, optical, magneto-optical and electronic sound and image recording carriers, in particular CDs, CD-Is, DVDs, floppy disks, video tapes, recording discs and microfilm, for on and off-line use; tape recorders, equipment for receiving, as well as for recording, transmission and reproduction of sound and images. Printed matter; bookbinding material. Services of a electronic commerce platform, namely presentation of goods and services, reception of orders and order processing services, as well as auditing services for electronic ordering systems; publication of publicity texts. Services of a publisher (except printing); publication and issuing of texts in printed and electronic form as an off-line and online publisher, included in this class. Exploitation and management of intellectual property. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0862992 Søknadsnr.: 200901713 Reg.dato: 2005.05.19 Registreringer 2015.05.19 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2009.02.19 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: PROTEMBOR (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Genmab A/S, Toldbodgade 33, 1253 KØBENHAVN K, DK (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 160 Pharmaceutical and sanitary preparations, including pharmaceutical preparations based on monoclonal antibodies; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; disinfectants. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0868135 Søknadsnr.: 200513421 Reg.dato: 2005.05.09 Registreringer 2015.05.09 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.12.08 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0864485 Søknadsnr.: 200511745 Reg.dato: 2005.06.27 Registreringer 2015.06.27 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.11.03 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: GOLIATH (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Yakupoglu Tekstil ve Deri Sanayi Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, Esenboga Havalimani, 22. KM., Akyurt ANKARA, TR (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Digital Living Network Alliance, 5440 SW Westgate Drive, Suite 217, OR97221 PORTLAND, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Clothing for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0865701 Søknadsnr.: 200512354 Reg.dato: 2005.09.20 Registreringer 2015.09.20 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.11.17 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:35 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0868687 Søknadsnr.: 200513553 Reg.dato: 2005.01.29 Registreringer 2015.01.29 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.12.08 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Liberty Global Inc, Suite 1300, 4643 S. Ulster St., CO80237 DENVER, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:38 Telecommunications services, namely, video transmission via analog cable, digital cable, direct to home satellite and high definition; telephone communication services, namely, local, national and international telephone services, namely, both wired and wireless telephone services; broad band Internet access services, namely, providing a wide range of access speeds to the Internet (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Sun Microsystems Inc, 4150 Network Circle, CA95054 SANTA CLARA, US (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0865941 Søknadsnr.: 200512413 Reg.dato: 2005.05.25 Registreringer 2015.05.25 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.11.17 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:9 Klasse:42 NATIVA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Rauch Fruchtsäfte GmbH, Langgasse 1, 6830 RANKWEIL, AT (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Association services, namely, promoting the interests of the consumer electronics industry and standards for networked digital consumer electronics products and services. Preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies; jams. 161 Computer operating systems; computer programs for use in computer networking; computer programs for use in computer security; computer operating system programs; downloadable electronic publications in the fields of computing, computer networking, and information technology. Computer advisory services, namely, providing consultation in the fields of computer software, computer systems, computer networks, computer security, and global computer network technology. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0868930 Søknadsnr.: 200513802 Reg.dato: 2005.07.15 Registreringer 2015.07.15 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.12.15 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0869790 Søknadsnr.: 200514194 Reg.dato: 2004.07.23 Registreringer 2014.07.23 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.12.22 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: OSCIENT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Oscient Pharmaceuticals Corp, 100 Winter Street, Suite 2200, MA02451 WALTHAM, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Bodegas Portia SL, C/ Nueva 3 Políg. Industrial Allendeduero, 09400 ARANDA DE DUERO (BURGOS), ES (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:33 Klasse:5 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0870819 Søknadsnr.: 200514573 Reg.dato: 2005.05.20 Registreringer 2015.05.20 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.12.29 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Still wines with the appellation of origin Ribera de Duero excluding fortified wines. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0869378 Søknadsnr.: 200513930 Reg.dato: 2005.08.09 Registreringer 2015.08.09 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.12.15 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ERGOSIGN (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Zumtobel Lighting GmbH, Schweizer Strasse 30, 6850 DORNBIRN, AT (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:11 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: LS Cable Ltd, Samsung-dong 159, 135-798 GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL, KR (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Klasse:12 Pharmaceutical formulations for research, clinical and medical purposes. Klasse:42 Lawn mowers (machines); cultivators; binders; blight prevention machines and implements; reapers and binders; fertilizer distributing machines and implements; rice planting machines; stalk separators (machines); straw-rope making machines; weeding machines; combines; grain separators; sowers (machines); winnowers. Tractors; tractors for agricultural purposes. 162 Regulating and control apparatus and devices for safety and emergency lights. Safety and emergency lights; casings for safety and emergency lights, grids for directing light of safety and emergency lights, reflectors and covers for safety and emergency lights, pendulum suspensions for safety and emergency lights, filters and barrier filters for safety and emergency lights, light outlets (fitted lights) for safety and emergency lights; lamp sockets; ventilating installations and apparatus; devices for directing and guiding of air, blades/slides for channelling air, rollers for the directing of air; air conditioning installations and apparatus; heating installations and apparatus. Design and planning of installations for safety and emergency lighting, air conditioning, ventilating and heating. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0871471 Søknadsnr.: 200600115 Reg.dato: 2005.01.19 Registreringer 2015.01.19 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.01.05 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0871813 Søknadsnr.: 200600176 Reg.dato: 2005.08.26 Registreringer 2015.08.26 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.01.05 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ADW (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Meister Werkzeuge GmbH, Oberkamper Strasse 3739, 42349 WUPPERTAL, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Klasse:8 Ironmongery; small items of metal hardware (included in this class), including nails, screws, nuts, bolts, brads, hooks, chains, rivets, eyes, rings; threaded rods of metal, aluminium foil; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; wire goods; cashboxes of metal; letter boxes and newspaper delivery boxes of metal; rollers of metal; materials for shoe repairs (included in this class), in particular heel pieces and small heel pieces, metal accessories for boots; apparatus holders and apparatus rods of metal, hose clamps, tube holders of metal, handles and telescopic handles of metal, espaliers and poles for supporting plants and branches, mesh for protecting plants and trees, trellises, compost silos of metal, bird baths and aviaries of metal, transportable greenhouses of metal, flower baskets of metal, boxes and containers of metal; plant labels of aluminium. Hand tools, clamping tools, with the exception of diamond impregnated tools; hand-operated equipment used in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, and for processing metal, wood, stone, plastic, in particular for drilling, sawing, chopping, cutting, cleaning, polishing, brushing, gluing, tacking, milling, planing and screwing, with the exception of diamond impregnated tools; tool inserts for hand tools, with the exception of diamond impregnated discs, wheels and bits; cutlery (included in this class), scissors, razors; hones, wire stretchers; jacks, hand operated; caulking guns for cartridges, outflow cleaners, pipe cleaning shafts; bench vices of wood and/or of metal. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Boehringer Ingelheim microParts GmbH, Hauert 7, 44227 DORTMUND, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Klasse:9 Klasse:10 163 Machines and machine tools for the pharmaceutical, medical device and cosmetic industry as well as for the pharmaceutical, medical device and cosmetic supply industries; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agriculture implements (not hand-operated); incubators for eggs. Scientific, nautical, surveying, electric, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, converting, storing, regulating and controlling electricity; magnetic data carriers; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus. Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0874759 Søknadsnr.: 200601747 Reg.dato: 2005.09.26 Registreringer 2015.09.26 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.02.23 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: toys), cars and sports (sporting activities and competitions), various goods and services stemming from new technologies (computer products, telephone technology, robotics, home automation), finance, mutual assistance services; business services, business organization and management consulting, bill-posting, dissemination of advertising material, particularly for mail-order sale or retail sale in shops or in department stores carrying various goods and services particularly in the fields of fashion (fashion articles and accessories, modeling, fashion shows), beauty and hygiene (cosmetics, soaps, perfumery products, sanitary products, cosmetic and beauty care, body care and massages, relaxation and thalassotherapy), food (dietetic and slimming products, food supplements, gastronomic products including wine and alcohol, restaurant services), interior and exterior decorations (table linen and services, household linen, decorative objects, furniture, interior and exterior decoration, landscaping), related shows and exhibitions, tourism (organization of travel and holidays), entertainment and culture (organization of events in the fields of the cinema, theater, music, forums and meetings, musical and ambiance compilations, digital images and sounds, games and toys), cars and sports (sporting activities and competitions), various goods and services stemming from new technologies (computer products, telephone technology, robotics, home automation), finance, mutual assistance services, rental of items and apparatus relating to the services in this class; mail-order sale of various goods and services particularly in the fields of fashion (fashion articles and accessories, modeling, fashion shows), beauty and hygiene (cosmetics, soaps, perfumery products, sanitary products, cosmetic and beauty care, body care and massages, relaxation and thalassotherapy), food (dietetic and slimming products, food supplements, gastronomic products including wine and alcohol, restaurant services), exterior and interior decorations (table linen and services, household linen, decorative objects, furniture, interior and exterior decoration, landscaping), related shows and exhibitions, tourism (organization of travel and holidays), entertainment and culture (organization of events in the fields of cinema, theater, music, forums and meetings, musical and ambiance compilations, digital images and sounds, games and toys), cars and sports (sporting activities and competitions), various goods and services stemming from new technologies (computer products, telephone technology, robotics, home automation), finance, mutual assistance services; services provided by a franchiser, namely assistance in running or managing a commercial venture; services relating to the operation of an administrative data bank, particularly collection, systemization and processing of administrative data in a database. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Becton Dickinson and Co, 1 Becton Drive, NJ074171880 FRANKLIN LAKES, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:10 Surgical instruments and apparatus, namely, cannulas, anterior chamber maintainers, drapes, syringes, knives, catheters, cystotomes, fluid collection bags, fluid administration sets consisting of tubes and micro-filters, iris retractors, iris hooks, nucleus choppers, nucleus rotators, nucleus spatulas, irrigating vectis, eye speculums, surgical glides, and accessories therefor, namely, repositioners, handles, spatulas, eye drains and shields, marking pads and spears; eye protection products for post-surgery eye protection, namely, eye shields and patches; vitrectomy kits consisting of a hand piece, control and battery power unit, power cord, screw driver, storage container, batteries, biopsy probes, syringes, stopcocks, guillotine and MVR knives, all used to perform microsurgery in the field of ophthalmology. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0874859 Søknadsnr.: 200601775 Reg.dato: 2006.01.16 Registreringer 2016.01.16 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.02.23 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Hachette Filipacchi Presse, 149, rue Anatole France, 92534 LEVALLOIS PERRET CEDEX, FR (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Advertising services especially by publishing and editing on behalf of others, by co-branding, selling and/or renting display stands, placards and printed and/or electronic promotional displays, for promoting various goods and services particularly in the fields of fashion (fashion articles and accessories, modeling, fashion shows), beauty and hygiene (cosmetics, soaps, perfumery products, sanitary products, cosmetic and beauty care, body care and massages, relaxation and thalassotherapy), food (dietetic and slimming products, food supplements, gastronomic products including wine and alcohol, restaurant services), exterior and interior decorations (table linen and services, household linen, decorative objects, furniture, interior and exterior decoration, landscaping), related shows and exhibitions, tourism (organization of travel and holidays), entertainment and culture (organization of events in the fields of the cinema, theater, music, forums and meetings, musical and ambiance compilations, digital images and sounds, games and 164 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0876105 Søknadsnr.: 200602329 Reg.dato: 2005.08.31 Registreringer 2015.08.31 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.03.09 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0877836 Søknadsnr.: 200603283 Reg.dato: 2005.11.24 Registreringer 2015.11.24 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.04.06 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: GOODY'CAO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Lidl Stiftung & Co KG, Stiftsbergstrasse 1, 74167 NECKARSULM, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:30 Preparations for making cocoa-based beverages, preparations for making cocoa beverages with milk. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0881358 Søknadsnr.: 200604782 Reg.dato: 2005.12.02 Registreringer 2015.12.02 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.05.11 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Ryder Cup Europe LLP, Wentworth Drive, GU254LX VIRGINIA WATER, SURREY, GB (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:25 Klasse:41 Computer software and computer programmes; computer games software; video games; prerecorded disks and tapes; sunglasses; binoculars; periscopes; recorded magnetic and opto-magnetic data carriers; CDs, DVDs, CD-ROMs, videos; electronic publications; encoded or magnetic credit cards, debit cards and affinity cards. Clothing, footwear (excluding sandals, flip-flops and slippers), headgear. Entertainment services; sporting activities; running of golf tournaments and golf competitions; entertainment services including TV shows; providing information in relation to golf, golf tournaments and golf competitions; golf training and providing access to, and information on, golf training; publication of magazines, programmes and other printed matter relating to golf, golf tournaments and golf competitions. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Aquatech Consulting Entwicklungs- und Konstruktionsges mbH, Bürgermeister-Prenn Strasse 44, 82008 UNTERHACHING, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0876805 Søknadsnr.: 200602768 Reg.dato: 2005.11.17 Registreringer 2015.11.17 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.03.23 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: XLARET (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Novartis AG, 4002 BASEL, CH (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations, excluding those used in the field of urogynecology. 165 Rubber dinghies and dinghies fixed hulls. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0881588 Søknadsnr.: 200604833 Reg.dato: 2006.02.09 Registreringer 2016.02.09 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.05.11 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0882518 Søknadsnr.: 200605275 Reg.dato: 2006.02.10 Registreringer 2016.02.10 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.05.25 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Apple Inc, 1 Infinite Loop, CA95014 CUPERTINO, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Full line of electronic and mechanical parts and fittings for portable and handheld digital electronic devices for recording, organizing, transmitting, manipulating, and reviewing text, data, audio and video files; electronic docking stations; stands specially designed for holding portable and handheld digital electronic devices; battery chargers; battery packs; electrical connectors, wires, cables, and adaptors; wired and wireless remote controls for portable and handheld digital electronic devices; headphones and earphones; stereo amplifier and speaker base stations; automobile stereo adapters; audio recorders; radio receivers; radio transmitters; video viewers, namely, video monitors for portable and handheld digital electronic devices; and carrying cases, all for use with portable and handheld digital electronic devices for recording, organizing, transmitting, manipulating, and reviewing text, data, audio, image, and video files. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Pharmacare Nova OY, Keskikankaantie 29-31, 15860 HOLLOLA, FI (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Klasse:5 Klasse:31 166 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides, all the aforementioned goods excluding gauzes, bands, cotton sticks, precutted cottons, plasters, bandages for cuts and moisturizing nose sprays for human use. Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other classes; live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds, natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals, malt. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0887942 Søknadsnr.: 200607653 Reg.dato: 2006.05.03 Registreringer 2016.05.03 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.07.20 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0883701 Søknadsnr.: 200605861 Reg.dato: 2006.02.23 Registreringer 2016.02.23 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.06.08 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: IMPACT 360 NANTEK (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Verint Americas Inc, 300 Colonial Center Parkway, GA30076 ROSWELL, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: NanoScale Materials Inc, 1310 Research Park Drive, KS66502 MANHATTAN, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Computer software for monitoring, recording and analyzing customer interactions through various means and mechanisms of communication for the purpose of workforce optimization; computer software for scheduling, performance management, training and reporting on employees. Klasse:40 Klasse:42 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0887276 Søknadsnr.: 200613868 Reg.dato: 2006.01.13 Registreringer 2016.01.13 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.11.30 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Environmental remediation services in interior and exterior environments, namely, surfaces, air, water, soil, waste, and gas streams. Environmental services, namely, detection of potentially hazardous environmental factors, namely, detection of contaminants in interior and exterior environments, water, air, gas streams, ground, soil, and surfaces. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0888111 Søknadsnr.: 200607778 Reg.dato: 2006.04.28 Registreringer 2016.04.28 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.07.27 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: VPRO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Intel Corp, 2200 Mission College Boulevard, CA950528119 SANTA CLARA, US (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Jockey International Inc, 2300 60th Street, WI531401417 KENOSHA, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:25 Klasse:35 Underwear tops and bottoms; shorts, shirts; active wear for women, namely, boxer shorts, bicycle shorts, gym shorts, pants, pullovers, sport shirts, sweat pants, sweat shirts, sweat shorts, sweat suits, t-shirts, tank tops, jogging suits, warm-up suits; long underwear; sleepwear; nightwear, pajamas; women's intimate apparel, namely, panties, bras, camisoles with built in bras, camisoles. Traditional retail store, online retail store, and shopat-home party services in the field of clothing, undergarments and household linens; retail services by direct solicitation by independent sales representatives in the field of clothing, undergarments and household linens. 167 Computers; desktop computers; laptop computers; notebook computers; semiconductors; microprocessors; integrated circuits; computer chipsets; computer hardware and software for computer networking and telecommunications networking; computer hardware and software for providing and enhancing the overall management of computer applications and operating systems as well as the diagnosis, maintenance, allocation of computer resources, inventory and upgrade of computer hardware, computer software and computer networks; computer hardware and software for providing and enhancing connectivity between computers, computer networks, and telecommunications networks; computer hardware and software for providing and enhancing the sharing, transfer and presentation of audio, video and data; computer hardware and software for monitoring, repairing and upgrading computers, computer networks and computer software; computer hardware and software for providing and enhancing data protection, data backup, data restoration and security of computers, computer networks and computer software; computer hardware and software for enabling automatic transitioning between levels of voltage and frequency performance of a computer processor and computer system; all of the aforementioned software excluding data acquisition software specifically related to industrial, manufacturing, scientific and other applications where physical measurements such as temperature, weight, level, velocity, voltage, current and frequency are converted to an electrical signal. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0888112 Søknadsnr.: 200607779 Reg.dato: 2006.04.28 Registreringer 2016.04.28 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.07.27 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0890919 Søknadsnr.: 200608773 Reg.dato: 2005.11.30 Registreringer 2015.11.30 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.08.24 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: INTEL VPRO PowerMetal (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Intel Corp, 2200 Mission College Boulevard, CA950528119 SANTA CLARA, US (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: PowerMetal Technologies Inc, 2726 Loker Ave. West, CA92010 CARLSBAD, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 Computers; desktop computers; laptop computers; notebook computers; semiconductors; microprocessors; integrated circuits; computer chipsets; computer hardware and software for computer networking and telecommunications networking; computer hardware and software for providing and enhancing the overall management of computer applications and operating systems as well as the diagnosis, maintenance, allocation of computer resources, inventory and upgrade of computer hardware, computer software and computer networks; computer hardware and software for providing and enhancing connectivity between computers, computer networks, and telecommunications networks; computer hardware and software for providing and enhancing the sharing, transfer and presentation of audio, video and data; computer hardware and software for monitoring, repairing and upgrading computers, computer networks and computer software; computer hardware and software for providing and enhancing data protection, data backup, data restoration and security of computers, computer networks and computer software; computer hardware and software for enabling automatic transitioning between levels of voltage and frequency performance of a computer processor and computer system; all of the aforementioned software excluding data acquisition software specifically related to industrial, manufacturing, scientific and other applications where physical measurements such as temperature, weight, level, velocity, voltage, current and frequency are converted to an electrical signal. Klasse:28 168 Bicycles, mountain bicycles, racing bicycles, touring bicycles, bicycle frames, bicycle gears, bicycle wheels, rims for bicycle wheels; bicycle parts, namely, drive trains; bicycle parts, namely, forks; bicycle parts, namely, gear; bicycle parts, namely, seat posts; bicycle parts, namely, handlebars; bicycle parts, namely, handlebar stems, bicycle bearings; boats, boat hulls, boat rudders, steering gears and rudders for vessels, fishing boats, personal watercraft, namely, small powerboats, personal watercraft, namely, personal jet boats. Archery equipment, archery bows, softball bats, softball equipment, golf clubs, golf club shafts, golf club heads, skates ice hockey, skates inline roller, tennis equipment (in the opinion of the International Bureau, the terms are too vague for the purposes of classification - see Rule 13(2)(b) of the Common Regulations), tennis racquets, racquetball equipment, skateboards, snow ski equipment, ski poles, ski bindings, alpine skis, cross country skis, snowboards, fishing equipment including poles, reels, lines, lures, plugs, water skis, bearings. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0891121 Søknadsnr.: 200608810 Reg.dato: 2006.01.24 Registreringer 2016.01.24 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.08.24 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0891158 Søknadsnr.: 200608815 Reg.dato: 2006.04.10 Registreringer 2016.04.10 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.08.24 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: PEERME FINLUX (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: PeerMe Inc, 2115 Landings Drive, CA94043 MOUNTAIN VIEW, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:38 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Vestel Dis Ticaret AS, Organize Sanayi Bolgesi, 45030 MANISA, TR (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Telecommunications and data networking software, namely, software for enabling and facilitating the transmission of voice and other data over the Internet; computer software, namely, peer-to-peer voice application programs used to enable computer-to-computer calls and for the transmission of files and images; computer software used for voice over IP in the field of telecommunications; computer software for use in telecommunications, namely, software for enabling and facilitating conference calls; computer software for use in telecommunications, namely, software enabling and facilitating instant messaging; computer software used to provide a searchable user directory of businesses and people and their geographical locations; computer software used to enable customized ring-tones for Internet-based calls Telecommunications services, namely, peer-to-peer telecommunication services; transmission of voice via the internet; transmission of voice via a peer-topeer network; provision of computer-to-computer calls and transmission of files and images; provision of internet based telephone services; enabling customized ring-tones for internet based calls; voice over IP service; facilitating the use of peer-to-peer computer software by others; conference call services; instant messaging service; provision of a searchable user directory; service enabling the transmission of voice and other data via a peer-topeer network; telephone services; telecommunication services. Klasse:7 Klasse:9 Klasse:11 169 Machines and machine tools; (with the exception of ironing machines, food processors, floor polishing machines, vacuum cleaners and their spare parts, such as tubes, nozzles, bags and filters for vacuum cleaners); motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); electrical household appliances not included in other classes, including washing machines, spin driers, combined washing machines and tumble driers, wringers, dishwashers, mixers, cutters (machines), grinders (machines), vacuum packing machines, rack and tray conveyors, waste disposal machines, compressors for refrigerators and freezers; highpressure cleaning machines, welding instruments and apparatus not included in other classes; parts of all the aforesaid articles. Scientific, nautical, surveying, radiotelegraphic, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; electric apparatus and instruments not included in other classes; automatic coin-operated vending machines; communication apparatus; cash registers; calculators; fire-extinguishers; computers; apparatus and instruments for meteorological, physics, control, safety, navigational, telecommunication and welding purposes and not included in other classes; x-ray apparatus, tubes, installations and instruments for scientific and industrial purposes; cleaning apparatus for long-play records and sound cassettes; aerials and electrical engineering equipment for installing aerials; antenna amplifiers; transformers [electricity]; plugs; contact plugs; junction boxes; switches; power outlets; plugs and other contacts (electric connections); electric batteries; electric wires and cables; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; electrical household appliances not included in other classes, including electric irons, electric batteries, magnets and magnetic cores; filters not included in other classes; electrical cigarette lighters for automobiles; electronic microscopes; radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; electron tubes and semiconductors; apparatus for recording, reproduction, transmission and amplifying of sound and/or images and/or other signals, such as radios, televisions, digital video disc players, receivers and recorders, satellite receivers, digital satellites, phonographic records and tapes, recorded or blank; temperature controlling apparatus not included in other classes; parts of all aforesaid goods. Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam ovens and pressure cookers, cooking, refrigerating, freezing, drying, ventilating, air conditioning, water supply and sanitary purposes; electric lamps; ultraviolet lamps, not for medical purposes; dehumidifying and humidifying installations, devices, appliances and instruments; air conditioning and heating apparatus, devices and instruments; electrical household appliances not included in other classes, including tumble driers, refrigerators, freezers, fridge freezers, begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker ovens, microwave ovens, domestic appliances for cooking or heating foods and beverages, toasters and boilers; gas condensers (other than parts of machines); parts of all aforesaid goods. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0891528 Søknadsnr.: 200609046 Reg.dato: 2004.10.05 Registreringer 2014.10.05 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.08.31 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0891359 Søknadsnr.: 200901974 Reg.dato: 2006.06.27 Registreringer 2016.06.27 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2009.02.26 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: GO RED FOR WOMEN (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: American Heart Association Inc, 7272 Greenville Avenue, TX75231-4596 DALLAS, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: FIREDETEC Klasse:14 Klasse:16 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Luxembourg Patent Co SA, 24, route de Diekirch, 7440 LINTGEN, LU (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Klasse:9 Klasse:42 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Chemicals used in industry and science; fire extinguishing compositions; diagnostic preparations, other than for medical or veterinary purposes. Fire extinguishers; fire-extinguishing equipment which detect and put out fire automatically and in an autonomous manner; fire-extinguishing apparatus which detect and put out fire automatically and in an autonomous manner. Development of fire extinguishers, fire extinguishing materials and apparatus; chemical research. Klasse:35 Klasse:36 Klasse:41 Klasse:42 Klasse:44 170 Jewelry, namely, pins, charms and pendants. Printed educational materials, namely, books, pamphlets, brochures and booklets, posters, wallet cards and book marks relating to prevention of cardiovascular disease in women; kits comprising posters, abridged/digest versions of treatment guidelines, personalized appointment reminder cards, patient education booklets, Internet access and downloading instructions, brochures, wallet cards and bookmarks relating to prevention of cardiovascular disease in women. Promoting public awareness to educate women regarding the risk and prevention of cardiovascular disease, conducting public relations/media campaigns consisting of audio and video news releases, morning talk shows, celebrity spokespersons, satellite media tours, desk side interviews, advertising, conducting lobbying and advocacy programs relating to cardiovascular health and disease and its risks and prevention, conducting surveys of women relating to cardiovascular health and cardiovascular disease. Charitable fundraising services for promoting research, education and other activities relating to cardiovascular health, fitness and nutrition, and/or the prevention or reduction of cardiovascular disease and stroke; charitable fundraising in the field of cardiovascular health in the nature of memorial donations; charitable fundraising services in connection with cardiovascular health awareness. Education services, namely, conducting seminars and promoting awareness in connection with women's risk of cardiovascular disease and its prevention, continuing education for healthcare professionals, patient education programs and conducting public participation events to promote awareness of cardiovascular health, fitness and nutrition. Operating an Internet web site providing information, chat rooms, bulletin boards, online conferences, downloading of cardiovascular diseases content to personal digital assistants (PDAs), personal computers, and other electronic devices. Conducting screenings for cardiovascular disease risk factors; providing interactive online resource information and materials via a global computer network relating to cardiovascular health, fitness and nutrition and/or the prevention or reduction of cardiovascular disease and stroke. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0891648 Søknadsnr.: 200609074 Reg.dato: 2006.04.26 Registreringer 2016.04.26 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.08.31 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0891889 Søknadsnr.: 200609108 Reg.dato: 2006.05.24 Registreringer 2016.05.24 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.08.31 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: U3 Well-fresh (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: U3 LLC, 303 Twin Dolphin Drive Suite 600, CA94065 REDWOOD CITY, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:42 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: K-Mail Order OHG, Sachsenstrasse 23, 75177 PFORZHEIM, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Computer consultation; computer hardware development; computer programming for others; computer software consultation; computer software development; customization of computer hardware and software; computer programming; design, development and implementation of software; development of new technology for others in the field of computer software platforms for the storage and operation of computer programs on USB flash drives; licensing of intellectual property; computer services, namely, providing technical support, information and consultation services in the fields of computer hardware and computer software, all offered via computer networks and global communications networks; computer hardware and software testing services. Klasse:3 Klasse:5 Klasse:10 171 Perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, preparations for body care and beauty care, hair lotions; oxygen preparations for body and beauty care, especially oxygen filled in containers; with the exception of warming and cooling pads or compresses or plasters for the mitigation of backaches, muscular inflammation, migraine and headaches or arthritic pains, analgesics for external application and evaporating plasters or pads for the mitigation of pains, common colds, cough and paranasal sinus obstruction, included in this class. Pharmaceutical preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; disinfectants; preparations for health care (as far as included in this class); oxygen preparations for medical and/or therapeutical use, especially oxygen filled in containers; with the exception of warming and cooling pads or compresses or plasters for the mitigation of backaches, muscular inflammation, migraine and headaches or arthritic pains, analgesics for external application and evaporating plasters or pads for the mitigation of pains, common colds, cough and paranasal sinus obstruction. Inhalers, especially inhalers in the form of bottles; instruments and apparatus for the respiration with or the administration of gases, especially oxygen; parts and elements of the afore mentioned goods, as far as included in this class. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0892033 Søknadsnr.: 200609137 Reg.dato: 2005.10.07 Registreringer 2015.10.07 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.08.31 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: BEN 10 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: The Cartoon Network Inc, 1050 Techwood Drive N.W., GA30318 ATLANTA, US (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Electronic apparatus, namely apparatus for recording, producing and projecting sound and visual images, motion pictures, photographic slides; radios, televisions, transceivers, telephones; thermometers, compasses, rulers, telescopes, microscopes, periscopes, binoculars, calculators; computers and computer peripheral apparatus, cameras, slide projectors, flash lighting apparatus for cameras; electronic game programs, electronic game software for cellular telephones, electronic game software for wireless devices and electronic game software for handheld devices; series of prerecorded video cassettes featuring cartoons; series of pre-recorded audio cassettes and compact discs featuring soundtracks, music of cartoon theme songs and other sound recordings; apparatus for recording, producing and projecting sound and visual images, motion pictures, photographic slides; eyeglasses, sunglasses, anti-glare glasses, protective and safety glasses and lenses, frames and cases therefor; radios, televisions, transceivers, telephones; thermometers, compasses, rulers, measuring tapes, telescopes, microscopes, periscopes, binoculars, magnifying glasses, calculators; computers, computer software and computer peripheral apparatus, all relating to an animated series and/or the characters therein; computer game joysticks; alarms, signalling bells, signal and warning lights and devices, reflecting discs and strips for wear, warning triangle and other vehicle breakdown signs, life jackets, protective helmets and clothing, water diving apparatus, snorkel tubes, swim masks, swim goggles; cameras, film, slide projectors, batteries, flashlights and lanterns, flash lighting apparatus for cameras; electronic games (computer game cartridges, computer game cassettes, computer game discs, computer game programs, computer game software, video game cartridges, video game discs, video game joysticks, video game interactive remote control units, video game interactive hand held remote controls for playing electronic games, video game software, video game tape cassettes); magnets, magnetic boards, mouse pads and decorative refrigerator magnets. Klasse:16 Stationery, boxed and individual sheets, memo boards, bulletin boards, folders, files, packaging materials, namely containers, boxes, bags, advertising materials and adhesives, adhesives for stationery and household use, letters, numerals, signs and figures, printed periodicals, photographs, posters, transfers (decalcomanias), printed matter, printed reproductions, namely lithograph prints, pictures, paintings, painting canvas, books, annuals, catalogues, calendars, display albums, diaries, bookbinding materials, artist's materials, namely crayons, paint brushes, materials for modeling or molding, writing and drawing instruments, namely pens, pencils, markers, erasers, printing blocks, printers' type and cliches, stencils, instructional and teaching materials, namely books, pamphlets, Klasse:25 Klasse:28 Klasse:35 Klasse:38 Klasse:41 172 2009.11.02 - 45/09 brochures; gift tags, invitations; gift-wrap, labels and stickers, clipboards, memo or note pads, greeting cards, envelopes, seals and correcting fluids, books to color and sew, paint sets, coloring books, coloring postcards, displays and/or paperboard for use in retailing and sale promotion, paper napkins, paper tablecloths, paper cups; bookmarks; pencil boxes; pen cases; paper cake decorations; bumper stickers; paper banners. Clothing; suits, hosiery, socks, stockings, articles of underclothing, shorts, shirts, blouses, tops, slacks, trousers, skirts, dresses, jackets, coats, raincoats, capes, slickers, overalls, waistcoats, pantyhose, knitted articles of clothing, scarves, mufflers, caps, hats, sun visors, dressing gowns, bathrobes, children's and infants' clothing, bibs; formal wear, articles of sports clothing; active wear; leisurewear; sleeping garments; sweaters, cardigans, vests, belts, aprons, tights, jeans, ties, swimwear, wristbands, footwear, sandals, boots, sneakers, shoes, gloves, neckwear, headwear; wristbands, headbands, panties; ski boots. Games and playthings, in particular toys, dolls, plush toys, games, balloons, spinning tops, jigsaw puzzles; toy masks, card games, including ordinary playing cards, board games, electronic games; toy building blocks; ornaments and decorations (other than candles or lamps), all for christmas trees; doll's houses; toy motor vehicles, ride-on vehicles for children, pedal powered and battery powered vehicles for children; sporting articles (other than clothing), roller skates, ice skates, surfboards (not motorized), swimming flippers; horseshoe games; swings; strings and nets for sporting goods, games and rackets; rackets for playing tennis, squash, paddleball; archery equipment; track and field equipment; balls, gloves, pads, bats, sticks, clubs, markers and tees used for games of sport; masks and protective clothing (sports articles), including baseball gloves, boxing gloves, shin guards, knee guards; protective guards for the body and protective padding, body guards and equipment for every kind of play; archery, fencing, gymnastic and boxing equipment, weights, bars and mechanically operated exercise equipment; fishing rods, lines, hooks, baits, lures, floats, sinkers and reels; skis, ski poles; jump ropes; puppets, sandbox toys, swings; tossing disc toys. Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; advertising and promotion services and information services relating thereto; business information services, all provided on-line from a computer database or the Internet; compilation of advertisements for use as web pages on the Internet; Broadcasting and transmission of radio and television programs, of sounds and images and information, via wire, cable, satellite, radio, global or other computer network and similar technical equipment; all the aforesaid services only in connection with an animated series and/or the characters contained therein. Education services; entertainment services, particularly television programming, online entertainment and information services with respect to entertainment or education, radio and television entertainment, production, reproduction, projecting and rental of motion pictures and videos, production and reproduction of audio and video recordings on audio and/or video carriers of different kind, especially video and audio tapes, cassettes, discs and records, projecting and rental of these video and/or audio carriers, production and arrangement of radio and television programs, information relating to entertainment or education provided online from a computer database or the Internet; providing online electronic publications (not downloadable). begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0893200 Søknadsnr.: 200609675 Reg.dato: 2005.11.30 Registreringer 2015.11.30 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.09.14 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0893270 Søknadsnr.: 200609698 Reg.dato: 2006.06.06 Registreringer 2016.06.06 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.09.14 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: CANTATA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: EAS Group Inc, 75 Perseverance Way, MA02601 HYANNIS, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Kopin Corp, 200 John Hancock Road, MA02780 TAUNTON, US (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Video systems, with or without display control circuits, composed primarily of microdisplays, namely, liquid crystal displays, and imaging optics for watching movies, television, music videos or playing games Computer hardware and computer software in the field of communications for implementing the functionality of gateways, servers, interface cards, firewalls and facsimile boards; computer hardware in the field of voice and data communications; computer software in the field of voice and data communications, namely, computer software for enabling users to create and deliver communications applications. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0894837 Søknadsnr.: 200610310 Reg.dato: 2006.08.04 Registreringer 2016.08.04 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.09.28 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0893201 Søknadsnr.: 200609676 Reg.dato: 2005.11.30 Registreringer 2015.11.30 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.09.14 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: DIGITAL iVISION (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Kopin Corp, 200 John Hancock Road, MA02780 TAUNTON, US (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB, Salén-H/O, 10638 STOCKHOLM, SE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Video and/or imaging systems comprising liquid crystal displays or other displays and used in near-toeye systems such as eyewear and head-mounted systems for watching movies, or TV, playing games, web surfing, and displaying video and still images for PC-related, medical, and military applications among other applications. Klasse:14 Klasse:18 Klasse:25 173 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Casual wear for children, namely, suits, jackets, jeans, t-shirts, sweaters, slacks; casual footwear and headgear; none being formal wear or similar to formal wear. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0895112 Søknadsnr.: 200610534 Reg.dato: 2006.06.01 Registreringer 2016.06.01 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.10.05 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0896885 Søknadsnr.: 200611130 Reg.dato: 2006.05.19 Registreringer 2016.05.19 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.10.12 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: MARKETMOVER SEXY LITTLE THINGS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Eastman Kodak Co, 334 State Street, NY14650-0205 ROCHESTER, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Victoria's Secret Stores Brand Management Inc, Four Limited Parkway, OH43068 REYNOLDSBURG, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Business consulting and information services; business management consulting with relation to marketing planning and development, business development, business strategies, and sales development in the field of graphic communications industry; business marketing consulting services; development services for marketing strategies and concepts; business development services namely, providing sales and marketing advice to graphic communications industry; arrangement of business conferences in the area of sales, marketing, and business development in the field of graphic communications industry. Klasse:3 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0896155 Søknadsnr.: 200610952 Reg.dato: 2006.08.25 Registreringer 2016.08.25 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.10.12 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Personal care products, namely, eau de parfum spray, eau de toilette in a roll-on applicator for the entire body, shimmer body powder, bubble bath, shower gel, non-medicated after bath body balm, whipped body cream, sleep mask, lotion, sleep beauty mask, decorative transfers and skin jewels for cosmetic purposes, lip stain gloss with glitter, lip plumper, glossy lip balm, liquid eye shadow, cream eye shadow, powder eye shadow, glossy eye shadow stick, glitter eye shadow stick, dual ended mascara, glitter lash mascara, blush stick, eye brightener gel, eye brightener cream, face illuminator face powder, emery boards, soap for the body and hands and all over make-up color kit for the face comprised of blush, eyeshadow and lip gloss. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0896959 Søknadsnr.: 200816022 Reg.dato: 2006.03.20 Registreringer 2016.03.20 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.12.18 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Vidazorb (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Little Calumet Holdings LLC, 10169 New Hampshire Avenue Suite 900, MD20903-1713 SILVER SPRING, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 2009.11.02 - 45/09 NITROSPIN RACER (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Nokia Corporation, Keilalahdentie 4, 02150 ESBO, FI (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Dietary supplements, nutraceuticals for use as a dietary supplement, dietary supplements containing probiotics, mineral supplements, and vitamins. 174 Computer game software and programs for mobile phones and communication devices; computer game software and programs enabling users to play games with mobile phones and communication devices; computer software and programs enabling users of mobile phones and communication devices to simultaneously access databases and global computer networks; computer software and programs enabling transfer of data between mobile communication apparatus; virtual reality game software; data cards containing computer game software; mobile phones and mobile phones with additional features such as short messaging, Internet access, MP3 player and radio; portable listening devices, namely MP3 players and radios. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0897023 Søknadsnr.: 200611328 Reg.dato: 2006.05.23 Registreringer 2016.05.23 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.10.19 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0898064 Søknadsnr.: 200611525 Reg.dato: 2006.02.27 Registreringer 2016.02.27 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.10.19 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: CultiCell (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Stem Cell Sciences KK, Kobe International Business Center Building, 5-2, Minatojima - Minamimachi 5chome, Chuo-ku, 650-0047 KOBE-SHI, HYOGO, JP (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Thomas Thejlade, Hyldekærparken 51 Gundsømagle, 4000 ROSKILDE, DK Bjarne Allerup, Henriksvej 13 Ejby, 4070 KIRKE HYLLINGE, DK (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Klasse:10 Klasse:1 Veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials. Klasse:5 Klasse:9 Klasse:41 Klasse:42 175 Reagents for use in biological processing (other than for medical or veterinary purposes); biological preparations for use in cell cultures (other than for medical or veterinary use); reagents for research using cells (other than for medical or veterinary use); protein and nucleic acid separated from cells for research use (other than for medical or veterinary use); media for cell culture for use in non-medical research laboratories; media for cell culture for use in the biotechnological industry; sera for non-medical research purposes; chemical reagents of antibodies; chemical reagents of antibodies in the form of kit for the detection of the specified protein (other than for medical or veterinary use); products containing antibodies for use in science; biological testing agents (other than for medical or veterinary use); reagents in the form of kits for research use (other than for medical or veterinary use); reagents of cells in the form of kits for research use (other than for medical or veterinary use). Biological reagents for use in embryology (for medical or veterinary use); biological reagents for use in molecular biology (for medical or veterinary use); reagents for use in biological processing (for medical purposes); reagents for use in biological processing (for veterinary purposes); agents for activating cellular functions; biological preparations for use in cell cultures (medical); sera; sera for in vivo use; antibodies (for medical or veterinary use);antibodies for immunodiagnostic purposes (for medical or veterinary use); antibodies for immunoprophylactic purposes (for medical or veterinary use); antibodies for immunotherapeutic purposes (for medical or veterinary use); antibodies for in vivo use in detecting diseases in livestock (for medical or veterinary use). Laboratory apparatus for scientific research use, namely, pulse generator, electrophoretic migration apparatus, centrifugal separation apparatus, pipet, cell incubator and their parts, cell and gene separation and filtration apparatus; cell counting units for research use; cell separation units for research use; cell culture apparatus for laboratory use; cell culture instruments for laboratory use; software for computer programs; software relating to data management. Conducting of educational courses; conducting of educational courses in science. Testing or research on science; cell separation research services; cell separation technology services; stem cell research services; advisory services relating to scientific research; pharmaceutical research services; contract research services; laboratory services relating to the production of monoclonal antibodies. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0898541 Søknadsnr.: 200611807 Reg.dato: 2006.02.27 Registreringer 2016.02.27 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.10.26 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0899512 Søknadsnr.: 200612141 Reg.dato: 2006.04.20 Registreringer 2016.04.20 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.11.02 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: REPLENISHMINTS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Tabacur LLC, Ste. 181, 9674 E. Arapahoe Road, CO80112 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: SGX Pharmaceuticals Inc, 10505 Roselle Street, CA92121 SAN DIEGO, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Klasse:5 Klasse:9 Klasse:42 Dietary supplements, nutritional additives for use in foods, nutraceuticals for use as a dietary supplement, medicated candy, medicated candy mints, medicated gum, medicated lozenges, nutritional supplements in the form of drops for oral use, powdered nutritional supplement drink mix, nutritionally fortified beverages (111) (210) (151) (180) 0899662 Søknadsnr.: 200612181 Reg.dato: 2006.08.29 Registreringer 2016.08.29 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.11.02 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Chemicals used for drug discovery, drug design, drug development, structural biology, scientific analysis, kinase inhibition, or biotechnology; chemical compounds and chemical formulations used for drug discovery, drug design, drug development, structural biology, scientific analysis, kinase inhibition, or biotechnology; proteins and protein crystals used for crystallization, drug discovery, drug design, drug development, structural biology, structure determination, scientific analysis or research, or biotechnology; chemicals and chemical preparations used for design, manufacture or development of pharmaceuticals, or pharmaceutical preparations. Pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical preparations used for kinase inhibition or for treating cancer, viral infections, tumors, hematological or oncological disorders, inflammatory disorders, infectious diseases, immune system disorders, allergic disorders, cardiovascular disorders, pulmonary disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, hepatic and biliary disorders, nutritional and metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders, gynecological disorders, obstetric conditions, musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders, neurological disorders, psychiatric disorders, genitourinary disorders, pediatric conditions, otolaryngological disorders, ophthalmologic disorders, dermatological disorders, dental and oral disorders, disorders due to physical agents, poisoning, venomous bites or stings, or human disease; chemicals and chemical formulations for medical use or for kinase inhibition or for treating human disease, hematological or oncological disorders, or inflammatory disorders. Computer software for use in drug discovery, pharmaceutical research, and/or biotechnology research; computer software for chemical analysis and identification, design, and/or modification of chemical entities; computer software for protein structure and/or protein crystal analysis; computer software for coordinated chemical and protein structure analysis. Pharmaceutical research, drug discovery, and drug development services; chemical structure analysis and/or design; identification, design, and/or modification of chemical entities; protein structure, protein crystal, and/or protein co-crystal analysis; biotechnology research; scientific analysis services in the field of bioinformatics; scientific analysis. CASCADE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Rautaruukki OYJ, Suolakivenkatu 1, 00810 HELSINGFORS, FI (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Klasse:19 Klasse:37 176 Profile metal sheets, roofs of steel and parts thereto, flashings, sheet metal, corrugated sheets, purlins and ribs made of metal or their alloys, battens, down pipes, eaves, gutters, rails, metallic drainpipes, lead throughs for roofs; screws, crooks and metal fastening articles; ladders, snow bars, roof bridges and roof safety articles made of steel; facades of metal sheets; facade metal coverings; all the before mentioned goods are made of metal and/or their alloys but not including any such goods for use in kitchens and bathrooms. Roofs and underlays, lead throughs for roofs, nonmetallic facade products made of plastic, bitumen, bricks, and glass fiber but not including any such goods for use in kitchens and bathrooms. Installation and maintenance services of roofs, roofing articles. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0901183 Søknadsnr.: 200612903 Reg.dato: 2006.07.03 Registreringer 2016.07.03 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.11.16 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0902373 Søknadsnr.: 200613353 Reg.dato: 2006.10.11 Registreringer 2016.10.11 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.11.23 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: AMB SENSORMATIC (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Actaris UK Ltd, Langer Road, IP112EF FELIXSTOWE, SUFFOLK, GB (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:35 Klasse:38 Klasse:42 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Sensormatic Electronics Corp, 6600 Congress Avenue, FL33487 BOCA RATON, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Flow meters and meters for fluids, particularly gas, water and thermal energy meters, fluidic oscillators, static flow meters, including electromagnetic flow meters, electronic and mechanical electricity meters; spare parts for such flow meters and counters; pressure regulators; key-operated meters and flow meters; keypad-operated meters and flow meters; smartcards-operated meters and flow meters; data recording apparatus for such flow meters and counters, apparatus for the remote transmission of data, remote data reading and/or transmission and/or surveillance systems for such flow meters and counters; software, computer terminals, all related to meters and flow meters; payment terminals, managing transactions terminals, electronic payment devices, automatic payment devices, all related to meters and flow meters; automatic meter billing devices. Reading and recording in a computer file of data relating to water, gas, thermal energy and/or electricity meters; remote meter reading; automatic meter billing services. Remote transmission of data relating to water, gas, thermal energy and/or electricity meters; radio, telegraph or telephone communication services; transmission of messages and information, including by means of a network; communications between computer terminals and/or between a counter, a detector, a sensor, a data reader and a computer terminal, all the above services being related to metering and measuring. Technical information and advice relating to remote meter reading and automatic meter billing; computer programming in the field of metering and measuring. Klasse:9 Electronic article, object surveillance and detection equipment, namely, radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, labels and readers, radio and microwave signal detectors, receivers and transmitters, electromagnetic field and acoustomagnetic detectors, receivers and transmitters, electronic inventory tag and label detachers and deactivators, transponders, and anti-theft alarms that utilize transmitted radio frequency or microwave signals to establish a surveillance or detection zone in which the presence of special transponders is sensed by receivers detecting reradiated signals from the transponders for use with communication, navigation, and security systems to prevent pilferage or shoplifting (111) (210) (151) (180) 0902421 Søknadsnr.: 200613363 Reg.dato: 2006.08.31 Registreringer 2016.08.31 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.11.23 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: SANOL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Ciba Inc, Klybeckstrasse 141, 4057 BASEL, CH (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 177 Light stabilizer additive for use in processing plastics or polymeric products. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0902758 Søknadsnr.: 200613438 Reg.dato: 2006.04.25 Registreringer 2016.04.25 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.11.23 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0902924 Søknadsnr.: 200613477 Reg.dato: 2006.02.07 Registreringer 2016.02.07 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.11.23 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: JDSU (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: JDS Uniphase Corp, 430 N. McCarthy Boulevard, CA95035 MILPITAS, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:2 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Haemonetics Corp, 400 Wood Road, MA02184 BRAINTREE, US (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:9 Computer software and hardware for storing, controlling and managing blood donation information by interconnecting and interfacing with blood processing equipment and data management systems; user interface screen displays, computers and software for use by fixed or mobile blood banks and plasma donation centers to monitor in real-time the operation of automated equipment for the drawing of whole blood, red blood cells, plasma and platelets. Klasse:37 Klasse:41 Klasse:42 178 Optical coatings; pigments; flexographic, intaglio, and gravure inks, and high performance coatings and dispersions to provide security and brand protection, authentication, and differentiation. Communications hardware and software for connecting electronic communications networks; telecommunications and data networking hardware and software, namely devices for transmitting, routing, and receiving audio, video, and other data across networks; computer hardware for telecommunications; computer hardware; hardware, software and systems, namely telecommunications and data networking hardware, software, and components for testing and measurement of telecommunications and networking hardware, software and systems; computer imaging hardware; lasers not for medical use; semiconductors; communications, telecommunications, optical and computing switches, adaptors, connectors, splitters, couplers, meters, modulators, receivers, amplifiers, transmitters, monitors, test systems; transceivers; transponders; multiplexers; scientific and technical apparatus, namely, optical mirrors; optical filters; optical lenses; power converters; power supplies; liquid crystal displays; liquid crystal display projectors; image projectors; internally illuminated sign and light engines; mounting racks for communications or computer hardware, telecommunications hardware or computer hardware. Repair and maintenance of computer and communications hardware and software and medical devices. Education services, namely, providing classes, seminars, and workshops in the fields of the design, selection, implementation, installation, use, and testing of communications systems and equipment for others and in the fields of product security, communications networks, optical networks, optical hardware, communications hardware and fiber optics; training services in the fields of the design, selection, implementation, installation, use, and testing of communications systems and equipment for others and in the fields of product security, communications networks, optical hardware, communications hardware, and fiber optics. Consultation services in the fields of the design, selection, implementation, installation, use, and testing of communications systems and equipment for others; consultation services in the fields of product security, communications hardware, communications networks, optical networks, optical hardware, fiber optics; engineering; design for others in the fields of printing, product security, communications hardware, computer hardware, optical hardware, fiber optics. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0903606 Søknadsnr.: 200613776 Reg.dato: 2006.03.27 Registreringer 2016.03.27 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.11.30 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0904541 Søknadsnr.: 200614162 Reg.dato: 2005.12.07 Registreringer 2015.12.07 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.12.07 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: GRANDER TEMS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Innutec Innovative Umwelt Technologie GmbH, Bergwerksweg 10, 6373 JOCHBERG, AT (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:10 Klasse:11 Klasse:16 Klasse:32 Klasse:40 Klasse:41 Klasse:42 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson, Torshamnsgatan 23, 16483 KISTA, SE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Scientific apparatus and instruments; scientific, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating, controlling and measuring electric currents and electromagnetic fields; electric apparatus and apparatus for the magnetically influencing of fluids, especially of water; data processing equipment and computers, magnetic data carriers. Medical apparatus and instruments; orthopedic articles; magnetic field therapy devices. Apparatus for water supply purposes; apparatus for the conditioning of waters. Printed matter; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus). Drinking water, mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks. Magnetising of fluids; treating and processing of water. Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; arranging of seminars, symposiums, and workshops. Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; design and development of computer hardware and software. Klasse:9 Klasse:42 Telecommunication computer hardware and computer software for digitial mobile network planning, design and analysis, for monitoring, fault tracing, trouble-shooting, verification, tuning, optimization, maintenance, performance management and evaluation of wireless networks, data collection, real-time analysis, diagnostics and post processing. Technological services relating to network supervising, maintenance and trouble-shooting of computer software, related to telephony and to equally system for delivery to finally users. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0904764 Søknadsnr.: 200614218 Reg.dato: 2006.10.11 Registreringer 2016.10.11 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.12.07 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: MONTE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Zott GmbH & Co KG, Dr.-Steichele-Straße 4, 86690 MERTINGEN, DE (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0904095 Søknadsnr.: 200614064 Reg.dato: 2006.10.13 Registreringer 2016.10.13 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.12.07 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:29 SUN REFLECTIONS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Aquatech Consulting Entwicklungs- und Konstruktionsges mbH, Bürgermeister-Prenn Strasse 44, 82008 UNTERHACHING, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Klasse:30 Inflatable rubber dinghies and fixed hulls rubber dinghies. Dairy products, namely drinking milk, specifically excluding sour milk and buttermilk; chocolate or cocoa yoghurt, non-alcoholic mixed milk drinks (milk predominating), desserts consisting essentially of milk and spices with gelatin and/or starch as binders. Puddings, edible ices, powders for ice cream, longlife cakes and pastries, especially finished cakes and waffles, all aforementioned goods possibly containing chocolate and/or flavoured with chocolate. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0905457 Søknadsnr.: 200713628 Reg.dato: 2006.11.02 Registreringer 2016.11.02 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.11.08 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: FALLOUT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Bethesda Softworks LLC, 1370 Piccard Drive, Suite 120, MD20850 ROCKVILLE, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 179 Pre-recorded dvd's featuring fantasy games. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0907421 Søknadsnr.: 200615193 Reg.dato: 2006.10.11 Registreringer 2016.10.11 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.12.28 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0906313 Søknadsnr.: 200614874 Reg.dato: 2006.10.08 Registreringer 2016.10.08 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.12.21 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: AMC Pancke AG Allied Methods of Communication, Borsigstrasse 8-10, 24568 KALTENKIRCHEN, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Klasse:16 Klasse:17 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: KK Access (also trading as Access Co Ltd), 8-16, Sarugaku-cho 2-chome, Chiyoda-Ku, 101-0064 TOKYO, JP (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Adhesives for industrial purposes; silicones. Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials included in this class; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging included in this class; printers type; printing blocks; viscose sheets and plastic film as well as foil of regenerated cellulose for packaging; adhesive tapes and bands for stationery or household purposes; adhesive note pads; adhesive message pads; adhesive cards; self-adhesive labels; paper goods for cosmetic and medical use included in this class; plastic cellophane, bags and sachets for packaging, none of the aforementioned goods specifically intended for use in the kitchen or for cookery purposes or specifically intended for the promotion or packaging of goods which are used in cookery or in the kitchen. Viscose sheets and plastic film as well as foil of regenerated cellulose, other than for packaging. Klasse:9 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0907052 Søknadsnr.: 200615060 Reg.dato: 2006.11.22 Registreringer 2016.11.22 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.12.21 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Electronic agendas; battery chargers; cameras; camcorders; encoded cards (magnetic); compact disc players; computer keyboards; computer operating programs (recorded); computer peripheral devices; computer programs (recorded); computer programs (downloadable software); computer software (recorded); computers; printers for use with computers; control panels (electricity); data processing apparatus; interfaces (for computers); monitors (computer hardware); mouse (data processing equipment); navigation instruments; navigation apparatus for vehicles (on-board computers); modems; games adapted for use with television receivers only; integrated circuit cards; intercommunication apparatus; laptop computers; portable telephones; computer game programs; audio receivers and video receivers; record player; remote control apparatus; sound recording apparatus; video recorders; sound reproduction apparatus; sound transmitting apparatus; portable media players; radios; electronic circuits and CD-ROMs recorded programs for arcade video game machines; electronic circuits and CD-ROMs recorded programs for computer programs. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0907506 Søknadsnr.: 200615213 Reg.dato: 2006.11.22 Registreringer 2016.11.22 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.12.28 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: INDIGO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Henkel Corp, The Triad, 2200 Renaissance Boulevard, PA19406 GULPH MILLS, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Henkel Corp, The Triad, 2200 Renaissance Boulevard, PA19406 GULPH MILLS, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Klasse:1 Light curing adhesives for general industrial use. 180 Light curing adhesives for general industrial use. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0907756 Søknadsnr.: 200615270 Reg.dato: 2006.11.14 Registreringer 2016.11.14 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2006.12.28 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:9 Klasse:20 POWERSONG (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Apple Inc, 1 Infinite Loop, CA95014 CUPERTINO, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:21 Klasse:24 Computer software for use in playing and organizing audio data. Klasse:25 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0908509 Søknadsnr.: 200700098 Reg.dato: 2006.02.16 Registreringer 2016.02.16 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.01.04 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 0908793 Søknadsnr.: 200700157 Reg.dato: 2006.07.24 Registreringer 2016.07.24 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.01.04 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ELLIX Klasse:3 Klasse:6 Klasse:7 Klasse:8 Measuring apparatus and tools (only for use in the field of do-it-yourself); measuring tapes (only for use in the field of do-it-yourself), angles (only for use in the field of do-it-yourself), goniometers (only for use in the field of do-it-yourself). Tool cabinets (only for use in the field of do-ityourself), containers for small items (only for use in the field of do-it-yourself), tote boxes (only for use in the field of do-it-yourself), sorting boxes (only for use in the field of do-it-yourself); tool boxes and cases (empty), not of metal, not of leather (only for use in the field of do-it-yourself). Funnels. Tool bags of textile (only for use in the field of do-ityourself). Work and professional clothes, as far as included in this class, gloves and working gloves, as far as included in this class. (111) (210) (151) (180) (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Emil Lux GmbH & Co KG, Emil-Lux-Strasse 1, 42929 WERMELSKIRCHEN, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Metal tempering and soldering preparations, adhesives for industrial use, cartridges for glue guns. Scouring preparations, abrasive paper. Containers for small items (only for use in the field of do-it-yourself, none being key safes, cash storage boxes for safes or lockable boxes to store laptop computers), tote boxes (only for use in the field of do-it-yourself, none being key safes, cash storage boxes for safes or lockable boxes to store laptop computers), sorting boxes (only for use in the field of do-it-yourself, none being key safes, cash storage boxes for safes or lockable boxes to store laptop computers), tool boxes and chests (empty) of metal (only for use in the field of do-it-yourself, none being key safes, cash storage boxes for containers, safes or lockable boxes to store laptop computers); special containers, as far as included in this class (only for use in the field of do-it-yourself, none being key safes, cash storage boxes for containers, safes or lockable boxes to store laptop computers). Machine tools and accessory parts and spare parts therefor, as far as included in this class; machines for tile laying, gas concrete and drywall construction, stone, screed and concrete work, electric and sanitary installation, brick laying, parquet, laminate and carpet laying, plaster work; electric tools for construction and do-it-yourself, including tool bits thereof; cordless screw drivers, power saws, grinding machines, motor-driven polishing apparatus; hammer drills, powder drills, electric planers, tiles cutting machines, compressors, small electric tools, electric staplers, electric mills; mechanically operated gardening tools including lawn mowers and lawn trimmers; choppers, motordriven hedge clippers and chainsaws as well as accessories for mechanically operated gardening tools, namely collectors and covers for machines; spare parts for mechanically operated gardening tools, as far as included in this class; engines for tools; mobile generators; glue guns; soldering and welding apparatus (gas-operated), electric welding machines; pneumatic machines. Knives, especially pocket knives (only for use in the field of do-it-yourself); scissors, including household scissors (only for use in the field of do-it-yourself). (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Wolverine Advanced Materials LLC, 2424 John Daly Rd., MI48141 INKSTER, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Klasse:7 Laminated and coated metal in the form of sheets, plates and coils for further manufacture; laminated and coated metal in the form of sheets, plates and coils for use as materials for dampening or suppressing vibrations and absorbing or silencing sounds; brake shims. Metal gaskets for compressors, transmissions and internal combustion engines. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0908794 Søknadsnr.: 200700158 Reg.dato: 2006.07.24 Registreringer 2016.07.24 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.01.04 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: WOLVERINE ADVANCED MATERIALS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Wolverine Advanced Materials LLC, 2424 John Daly Rd., MI48141 INKSTER, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Klasse:7 181 Laminated and coated metal in the form of sheets, plates and coils for further manufacture; laminated and coated metal in the form of sheets, plates and coils for use as materials for dampening or suppressing vibrations and absorbing or silencing sounds; brake shims. Metal gaskets for compressors, transmissions and internal combustion engines. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0909949 Søknadsnr.: 200700839 Reg.dato: 2006.10.23 Registreringer 2016.10.23 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.01.25 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0909074 Søknadsnr.: 200700223 Reg.dato: 2006.06.12 Registreringer 2016.06.12 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.01.04 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: HP LOK SOUPWORKS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: United States Pipe and Foundry Company LLC, 3300 First Avenue North, AL35222 BIRMINGHAM, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Knorr-Nährmittel AG, Bahnhofstrasse 19, 8240 THAYNGEN, CH (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Metal restrained pipe joints and metal fittings for restrained pipe joints; metal locking rings for use with pipe joints and pipes and joints that use the same. Klasse:21 Klasse:29 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0909230 Søknadsnr.: 200700404 Reg.dato: 2006.04.26 Registreringer 2016.04.26 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.01.11 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Gregory Marc Adelman, 1502 Upland Avenue, CO80304 BOULDER, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 Writing instruments namely, pens, pencils, pen ink refills and markers; writing instruments with additional features namely, flashlights, tools and PDA Stylus; writing pens with attached key ring. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0909270 Søknadsnr.: 200700415 Reg.dato: 2006.12.07 Registreringer 2016.12.07 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.01.11 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: VITAO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Société des Produits Nestlé SA, 1800 VEVEY, CH (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:30 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee, including non-alcoholic and ready-to-drink beverages based on any of these products or combinations thereof. 182 Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); crystals (glassware); porcelain and earthenware, included in this class. Consommes, soups and preparations for making soups; bouillons (preparations for making bouillons); bouillon concentrates. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0910136 Søknadsnr.: 200701034 Reg.dato: 2006.07.11 Registreringer 2016.07.11 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.02.01 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:30 TMNT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Mirage Studios Inc, 16 Market Street, MA01060 NORTHAMPTON, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:16 Klasse:24 Klasse:25 Klasse:28 2009.11.02 - 45/09 games; puzzles; toy building blocks capable of interconnection; basketball game set containing basketball hoop, net and basketball; play shaving kits with play shaver, shave cream and brush; children's fishing kits, consisting of plastic box, plastic worms, hooks and string for fishing. Sugar and confectionary, namely, bubble gum; fruitflavored candy; gummy candies; candy, excluding chocolate candy, sucking candy; cookies; crackers; fruit ice bars; muffins; dried pasta; pizza; popped popcorn. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0910199 Søknadsnr.: 200701048 Reg.dato: 2006.01.03 Registreringer 2016.01.03 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.02.01 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: video game software; video game software for use with handheld electronic devices (in this class); video game software for use with wireless electronic devices (in this class); video game programs; video game CD-ROMS; video game Digital Versatile DiscROMS; interactive multimedia computer games; computer game software; computer game programs; computer game CD-ROMS; computer game Digital Versatile Disc-ROMS; electronic game programs; electronic game CD-ROMS; electronic game Digital Versatile Disc-ROMS; cartridges and cassettes containing game programs for use with hand-held video game machine; game discs and circuit boards containing game programs for use with hand-held video game machine; downloadable electronic game software; downloadable computer game software and downloadable video game software; electronic games adapted for use with television; apparatus for recording transmission or reproduction of sound or images; namely, pre-recorded audio tapes, sound recording discs, recording discs, compact discs and phonograph records featuring animated and live action images or sounds; pre-recorded video tapes featuring television programs; blank video cassette tapes; apparatus and devices for viewing prints, slides and films, namely viewers; three dimensional viewer cards of exposed cartoon and movie images; magnets; sunglasses. Publications and printed matter, namely, comic books and comic magazines and stories in illustrated form. Textile goods, namely, bed sheets; bedspreads; table cloths not of paper; beach towels; towels; hand towels; washcloths. Clothing, footwear and headgear, namely, cloth aprons, bandanas, bathing suits, clothing belts, children's sleepwear, boxer shorts, pants, clothing caps, costumes for use in role-playing games, Halloween costumes, children's footwear, gloves, hats, ski hats, headbands, outwear jackets, jumpsuits, mittens, neckwarmers, children's pram suits, children's raincoats, robes, socks, stockings, suspenders, sweaters, sweatshirts, T-shirts, tops, underwear and visors. Toys and games, namely, balloons; plastic inflated balls; sports balls; inflatable pounding bags; punching toys; inflatable toys; toy boxes; toy swim goggles; water squirting toys; kites; Halloween costume masks; Christmas tree ornaments; party favors in the nature of small toys; elbow pads for athletic use; knee pads for athletic use; inflatable swimming rings; inflatable wading pools; ride-on toys; roller skates; playground equipment, namely, sandboxes; playground slides; skateboards; snow skis and ski poles; snow sleds for recreational use; snow boards; toy figures; toy action figures; action type target games; role-playing game toy playsets; playsets for use with toy action figures; miniature toy vehicles; miniature motorized toy vans; bubble making activity toys; stuffed plush toys; toy whistles; decorative wind socks; coin operated pinball games; coin operated arcade type video games; hand held unit for playing electronic games; yo-yo's; board (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: The Gates Corp, 1551 Wewatta Street, CO80202 DENVER, US (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Klasse:9 183 Power transmission belts for land vehicle engines, namely snowmobiles, including variable speed belts; power transmission belts for machines, motors and engines used in industrial applications, namely variable speed belts used in snow machines and CVT transmissions; turbocharger hose; vacuum hose; water pumps for land vehicle engines; oil caps; radiator caps and hose for cooling radiators for motors and engines, including those of land vehicles, namely snowmobiles. Thermostats; thermostats for vehicles, namely snowmobiles. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0910478 Søknadsnr.: 200701210 Reg.dato: 2005.12.13 Registreringer 2015.12.13 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.02.08 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:2 Klasse:3 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: General Electric Co, 1 River Road, NY12345 SCHENECTADY, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Chemicals, biochemicals and reagents for use in industry, science and research; chemical preparations and reagents for analysis or diagnosis used for scientific purposes, namely, chemical preparations for cell separation and culture, nucleic acid purification, nucleotides, fluorescent nucleotides, oligonucleotides, peptides, proteins, amino acids, organic molecules, and markers for DNA/RNA synthesis; reagents for luminescence; reagents for gene expression quantification; reagents for use with the polymerase chain reaction process; reagents for use with the rolling circle amplification process; reagents for cDNA cloning and vectors, modifying and restriction enzymes; reagents for labeling, sequencing and fragment analysis of nucleic acids, proteins and custom synthesis; reagents for recombinant protein expression purification; chromatography media; reagents for electrophoresis, bioinformatics, spectrophotometry and fluorometry; radiochemicals; reagents for scintillating proximity assays; chemical preparations (assays) for high through put screening for drug development; reagents for high resolution laser fluorescence confocal microscopy; specialty chemicals for industry, science and research; gases and gas mixtures for industrial, research and scientific purposes; chemical preparations and substances for use in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products, diagnostic preparations and substances; chemical test reagents, saline solution and reagent-coated paper all for scientific and laboratory use; fissionable chemical elements; radioactive elements and isotopes for industrial, scientific and research purposes; radioactive sources and standards for use in radiographic techniques; radioactive sources for use in nondestructive testing, purification and sterilizing techniques; radionuclides; chemicals and chemical compositions for use in the treatment of water systems, wastewater treatment systems, cooling water systems, boiler water and steam generating systems, boiler condensate systems, fluid separation systems, water clarification and dewatering in aqueous systems, water conditioning systems, gas cleaning systems, industrial process systems, fuels and fuel processing systems, hydrocarbon and gas processing systems, oil and gas processing and petrochemical systems, pulp and papermaking systems, metal and plastic coating systems, metal processing systems, and material handling; chemical gasoline additives and distillate fuel additives; performance additives for fuels used in turbine engines; desiccants for water-absorption in the form of bags of chemically-treated granular materials for placement into fuel tanks; test kit consisting of reagents used for determining the presence of algae and active organic organisms in diesel fuel; bacteria cultures and nutrients for wastewater and sludge Klasse:5 Klasse:6 Klasse:7 Klasse:9 184 2009.11.02 - 45/09 treatment; polymeric chemicals used to disperse particulate matter in steam generating equipment; chemicals and chemical compositions as antifoulants and demulsifiers in coke-making and byproduct operations of iron and steel industries. Corrosion inhibitants in the nature of a coating for use in the metal finishing industry, namely, a final aqueous acidic rinse; corrosion inhibitants in the nature of a coating for use in cooling water systems; corrosion inhibitants in the nature of a coating, namely, resinous coatings for metal and masonry surfaces. Chemicals and chemical compositions for use in cleaning steel, aluminum, galvanized and mixed metal surfaces for general industrial use in the manufacture of metal products; chemicals and chemical compositions for use in industry, namely cleaning agents to remove contaminants from industrial process systems and paint strippers to remove paint from equipment surfaces in paint spray booth operations. Pharmaceutical preparations for use in diagnosis; veterinary pharmaceutical preparations for use in diagnosis; pharmaceutical and veterinary substances for medical purposes; diagnostic reagents and preparations for medical purposes; diagnostic substances for medical purposes; contrast media for medical imaging; diagnostic scanning agents for in vivo use; diagnostic imaging agents for magnetic resonance imaging; radiopharmaceutical products for clinical, medical, scientific and research use; radiopharmaceutical sources and standards for use in nuclear medicine; radioactive pharmaceutical preparations and nonradioactive reagents for producing radiopharmaceuticals for in vivo diagnostic or therapeutic use; gases and gas mixtures for medical imaging; Pre-filled vials containing medical diagnostic reagents; pre-filled cylinders containing gases and gas mixtures for medical use. Metal locks; metal security enclosures, namely, key cabinets, storage tubes and storage boxes for securing keys; metal lockboxes for residential, vehicular, industrial and real estate sales use; lockable metal key cabinets for storing keys; metal key safes. Pumps, namely, centrifugal pumps, diaphragm pumps, bellows pumps and process and transfer pumps for water and wastewater treatment systems; regulators being parts of machines; filter cartridges for various industrial machines for filtration applications, namely, for the filtration of potable water, beer in the brewing industry, and other specialty materials; machines for the feeding and application of chemicals for industrial uses. Apparatus for electrophoresis not for medical purposes; chromatography columns and pumps; apparatus for conformations systems, namely computer hardware and software for processing biological information; scintillation counter to measure beta-emitting nuclides; imaging apparatus for radioactive and luminescent emissions, namely CD cameras and scanners; synthesis and purification integrated systems, namely chromatography columns, cartridges, fraction collectors, mixers, monitors, pumps, recorders and analysis software; apparatus for micro arrays, namely probes, slides, buffers, bacterial controls, racks and trays; laboratory glassware; vials and micro vials; nicotine plates; computer software for hospital operating room management; computer software for critical care information management; industrial process control software; computer software programs and program manuals sold as a unit for use in factory management; graphical user interface based computer programs for controlling machines in industrial automation applications; software for creating graphics displays and editing begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker dynamic data interfaces for real time graphics applications for industrial and business applications; communications software for connecting computer network users; industrial process software for plastic injection molding; factory automation software for control, monitoring, simulation, communications, data logging and collection, and factory automation; software to integrate manufacturing machine operations, control processes, provide data for visualization, track problems and generate production reports; packaged software for use in the operation and programming of grinding machines in the manufacturing industry; industrial process control hardware, namely, computer monitors; laptop computers, ether net cards and cables; computer networking hardware, memory cards; microchips; microprocessors; computer network hubs, switches and routers; computer displays and terminals; computer white boards; system boards and processors; industrial process controller featuring call control, operator interface, gage interfaces and data collectors; manufacturing execution systems and document management software; digital signal processing products and systems, namely industrial automation controls and programmable logic controllers; machine tools, namely, an adaptive control product in the nature of an external controller to optimize machine tool cutting performance of rough and semi-rough cuts; power supplies and mounting hardware; intrusion and burglar alarm systems; security devices, namely, programming logic computers, control panels, electronic intrusion detectors, electronic glass break sensors, electronic vibration sensors, magnetic contacts for use in security systems, electronic switch plates, electronic motion sensors for alarm systems, electronic motion sensitive switches, hardwire sirens, audio speakers, electronic speaker drivers, access control and alarm monitoring systems; fire, heat and smoke detecting and alarm units; computer card operated access control systems; card readers, card encoders, and encoded cards for use with card operated access control systems; video cameras; video object recognizers; video object trackers; video license plate readers; video alarm verifiers; video face recognizers; video vehicle recognizers; video traffic detectors; video access door controllers; video intrusion detectors; processing hardware and software that analyzes digital video images to automatically extract, record and report intelligence, and remote video monitoring systems for security and surveillance applications; central video monitors; video recorders; cameras; closed circuit video systems; closed circuit video system comprising one or more cameras, and a camera housing; short range, wireless, radio frequency transceivers; power line transceivers; communication control hardware, namely keypad controllers, matrix switchers, multiplexes, digital video recorders, integrated pantilt-zoom domes, remote video controllers, receivers, electronic alarm, management controls and triggers, and video transmission devices in the nature of video transmitters sold separately or as part of a system for operating closed circuit cameras; personal digital assistant devices configured for use by real estate professionals; fiber-optic transmission systems, namely, fiber optic transmitters, receivers and transceivers used in the transmission of video, audio, and data signals over optical fiber; electrical switches; electron mechanical locks; magnetic locks; electric keys; handheld electronic hardware, namely handheld programmable units and handheld computers for receiving, controlling, storing, manipulating, displaying and transmitting data and for operating electronic locks; electronic access cards and readers and encoders therefor; magnetic access cards and readers and encoders therefor; smart access cards and readers and encoders 2009.11.02 - 45/09 therefor; proximity cards and readers and encoders therefor; electronic key fobs and readers and encoders therefor; bar code access cards and readers, encoders, access card lamination machines not for home or office use; access keypads; radio frequency tracking tags; tracking and control system comprising one or more radio frequency tags, transceivers, and sensors used to determine and monitor the location and movement of tangible assets, inventory and individuals; infrared sensors; computer hardware and software for facilities management and controlling facility access systems and components therefor, namely, control panels, access card readers, and equipment and systems for video imaging, video monitoring, digital hard drive recording, network transmission and remote access; networked digital video storage servers for access control and surveillance applications, alarm monitoring and security; computer software and hardware for controlling and operating security and access system comprising locks, doors, access, and identification; devices and security enclosures in the nature of electronic boxes safes for securing keys; surveillance equipment sold individually as components or together as a system comprising one or more surveillance cameras, covert cameras, close circuit television cameras, camera housings, camera mounts, camera lenses, video monitors, video recorders, digital recorders, video storage media, video switches, control panels, keypad controllers, joystick controllers, transceivers, receivers, transmitters, signal processors, multiplexes, matrix switches, controllers, control panel housing, switch housing, transformers switches, splitters, coaxial cables, connectors, motion detectors, microphones and speakers; computer user interface software and control software for managing security, fire and access systems; electric locks; hand-held electronic computer and communication hardware for receiving, controlling, storing, manipulating, displaying and transmitting data for operating electronic locks; pre-recorded magnetic data carriers featuring identification and security information; data processing software and computer hardware; power supplies, namely batteries, voltage and current rectifiers, regulators and transformers; control panels - namely, electronic apparatuses adapted to electrically monitor a pre-determined activity and activate a burglar alarm; siren speakers; and electronic siren drivers - namely, tone generators and amplifiers adapted to be used for sirens; computer software to control communication hardware for operating and controlling closed circuit cameras; switch units incorporating magnetically actuated reed switches for use in burglary and fire sensing alarm systems, in industrial position sensing apparatus, in revolution counters, in equipment cabinet safety interlock systems, in industrial position controlling apparatus, in electrical cables and in pump and valve controlling apparatus and home security alarm systems; electrical and electronic checking apparatus, namely detectors, scanners and monitors for screening individuals, baggage, and cargo for the presence of particular substances; electrical and electronic checking apparatus, namely detectors, scanners and monitors for screening individuals, baggage, and cargo for the presence of explosives and/or narcotics; detectors, scanners and monitors for detecting presence of explosives and other contraband; time or condition sensing apparatus for initiating and controlling regeneration or backwash cycles for water treatment equipment; control valves for water conditioning and water filtration equipment; bio reactors for culturing cells; portable analytical instruments, namely, a probe with a microprocessor based data conversion logger for measurement of organic and inorganic chemicals in water; filters and filter housings for 185 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker Klasse:10 Klasse:11 laboratory use; fluid separation apparatus for laboratory use; membrane filters for laboratory use; silt density measuring device; de ionization units for laboratory use; fluid flow control devices, namely, pumps, valves, flow meters and regulators for laboratory use; ozone monitors; laboratory equipment, namely, porous micro titer plates for use in cell biology and other life science applications; electronic water and process treatment controls, namely, apparatus for use in the treatment of commercial and industrial water systems, boiler water systems, cooling water systems, and closed water systems, pulp and paper processing systems, fuel processing systems, and metal processing systems to analyze the chemistry of the system, determine the proper treatment program, apply the desired treatment and monitor the effectiveness of the treatment; computer software for data management in the water treatment and pulp and paper fields; electronic controllers used for processing information in the water treatment and pulp and paper fields; apparatus for use in industrial water systems to measure and control pH and conductivity; electronic apparatus for feeding chemical to an industrial, commercial or municipal water system in measured amounts; laboratory testing equipment, namely, deposition and corrosion rate testers; mobile laboratory equipped with equipment and instrumentation to monitor and measure pH, conductivity, and chromate concentration of industrial and domestic waters, to conduct inorganic analysis of water and to conduct microbiological testing of water. Medical specimen collection vials; medical cannulas; medical syringes; injection devices for pharmaceuticals; disposable cartridge for holding and transferring encapsulated radioisotope brachytherapy sources for use in treating prostate and other cancers; pre-filled cartridges containing contrast media for medical imaging; infusion pumps for intravenous administration of fluids; needles for medical purposes; implantable radiation therapy devices consisting of encapsulated radioisotope brachytherapy sources for use in treating prostate and other cancers; radiation therapy delivery system consisting of radioactive seeds and a bio-absorbable carrier assembly; cardiac output monitors; bacteria filters for medical use; gas analyzers for medical purposes; anesthesia record keeping and data management systems and patient monitoring systems, namely, gas monitors, pulse oximeters, multiparameter monitors, ECG monitors, invasive and non-invasive blood pressure monitors, neuromuscular transmission monitors, metabolic monitors and spirometers for anesthesia, intensive care and diagnostic applications; anesthesia machines and ventilators; intensive care and anesthesia accessories for single patient use, namely, gas sampling lines, airway adapters, breathing circuits, spirometry sensors and tubes, tubes, water traps, pulse oximetry sensors, noninvasive blood pressure cuffs, intravenous flushing sets, anesthesia masks, carbon dioxide absorbers, temperature probes, nebulizers; central nervous system monitors; gastrointestinal tonometers. Fluid separation units for industrial use in a wide variety of industries; fluid concentration units for industrial use in a wide variety of industries; fluid recycling units for industrial use in a wide variety of industries; polymeric membrane material for use in the separation of fluids for a wide variety of industries; filter apparatus used for filtering solids from gases and liquids or filtering liquids from gases, and for filtering one immiscible liquid from another for industrial use in a wide variety of industries; spirally-wound elements or cartridges contained within a tubular plastic sleeve for concentrating products and removing impurities in fluid treatment 2009.11.02 - 45/09 systems for industrial use in a wide variety of industries; water conditioning units for residential purposes; reverse osmosis modules and membranes therefore for industrial use in a wide variety of industries; water purification units and systems consisting of clarifiers, electro deionization systems, condensate polishers, vacuum degasification units, ultra filtration units, ultraviolet sterilizers, ion exchangers, acid and caustic regeneration systems, reverse osmosis systems, forced draft decarbonator units, filters, chemical feed systems and bulk storage units, sold with automatic controls and instruments to monitor operating parameters of the units and systems electrochemical liquid purification units for use in the industrial, commercial and municipal sectors. 186 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0910509 Søknadsnr.: 200701220 Reg.dato: 2005.10.07 Registreringer 2015.10.07 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.02.08 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: FIBRO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Fibro GmbH, August-Läpple Weg, 74855 HAßMERSHEIM, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Klasse:7 Cyanoacrylate instant adhesives, epoxy resin, resin, cast resin, in particular with an epoxy resin base, hardeners, in particular with an epoxy resin base, adhesives, chemical substances for industrial purposes, namely leak detector sprays, metal adhesive accessories, solvents, metal adhesives, assembly adhesives, assembly sprays, polyurethane, polyurethane deformation material, quick cleaners, separating agents, in particular separating agents with a silicon oil base, separating agents, in particular separating agents with a wax base. Machines and machine tools; tools as parts of machines, standard specifications for tool construction, namely pressure springs, pressure pins, tuning discs, strippers, stripping tools, starter discs, screw-down columns, retention bolts for round springs, control bars, retention sockets for springs, retention sockets for clipping punches, retention plates for clipping punches, ejector sockets, ejector guides, limit guides for conveyor belts, drill bushes (with and without collars), bolt guides, bushes, flange sleeves, head posts, data stamps, damping discs, cover strips, distance plates, distance sleeves, spacers and distance sleeves for ball bearing cages, triangular profiles, triangular hollow bars, triangular bars, pressure springs, pressure plates, press pins for clipping punches, thrust-carrying members, adapting sleeves, charging tools for sprung thrust-carrying members, die spigots, injection cartridges, injector guns, position adapters with position controls, followon composite tools, technical attachments, expansion bellows, spring blocks, spring bolts, spring, adapter and spacer units, springs, sprung thrust-carrying members, flat springs, spring plates, spring plate accessories, flat ejector pins, flat fitting strips, flange bushings, follow-on composite tools, conveyor belts, conveyor belt accessories, guide bolts, guide bushes, guide lugs, guide strips, guide elements, guide bearings, guide columns, gas pressure springs, transmitter-receiver systems, bevelled plates and strips, slide elements, sliding plates, sliding blocks, rubber bellows, cast die sets, retention bushes, retention bearings, retention discs, retention members, hard metal clipping punches, hollow round bars, hollow columns, sleeves, cage retainers, cases for test pins, tapered slide valves, small presses, ball retainers, ball guides, ball bearing cages, brass, plastic springs, plastic plates, coupling hubs, attachment eyes, strips, hole-punching and embossing units, punches, loosening tools, die plates, measuring pins, measuring pin holders, centre head posts, adapter screws, adapter pins, adapter pin bushings, plates, pneumatic conveyor belts, pneumatic transporters, embossing material, precision thickness gauge foils, precision parts, precision flat and square bar steel, press consoles, prism guides, profile clipping stamps, test pins, test pin holders, test pin cases, transverse profiles for conveyor belts, rectangular ejectors, rectangular column blocks, rectangular stamps, ring brackets, ring bolts, roll cages, roll bars, rust removers, round springs, round bars, columns, column blocks, column frames, column frame accessories, dirt strippers, Klasse:8 2009.11.02 - 45/09 piercing die bushes, clipping punches, clipping punch retention plates, quick-change clipping punches, quick-change frames, screws for T-slots, helical spiral springs, collar adapter screws, flat head screws, safety flanges, sintered guide bushings, special column frames, clamping elements, clamping tool cases, clamping spigots, special springs, special safety devices, steel plates, steel column frames, stands for conveyor belts, punch guide bushings, strip guide bolts, pilot pins, collector plate systems, elevators, plate springs, support bolts, support hooks, support screws, support rods, lifting lugs, transport and attachment elements, overrun blocks, shaped profile bars, universal swivel lugs, urethane springs, urethane plates, VDI sleeves, VDI punches, screw plugs, square punches, square bars, square hollow bars, square steel, four-column frames, roller attachments, roller strips, low-maintenance sliding elements, exchangeable guide columns, tool superstructures for follow-on composite tools, tool sliders, tool quick-change frames, tool steel, angle strips, swivel lugs, centering pins, centering units, dual-column frames, cylinder head ejectors, cylinder head punches, cylinder screws, cylinder pin bushings, cylinder pins, cylinder pin loosening tools; mechanical handling apparatus for gripping, holding, removing, for translatory and/or rotary movement and/or for transport workpieces and/or loading and unloading machine tools; elements for the aforesaid handling apparatus, namely grippers, linear motion units and/or rotary units; gantry robots for machine tools, parts for automation and robotics, in particular short stroke units, translation units, linear axles, rotation units, electric motor-driven modules and grippers; rotary indexing tables, flush-mounted rotary indexing tables, NC rotary tables, electromechanical rotary indexing tables; revolver heads, in particular electric rotary tables; all the above mentioned goods with the exception of centrifugal pumps. Hand tools (hand-operated), included in class 8. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0910520 Søknadsnr.: 200701222 Reg.dato: 2006.09.21 Registreringer 2016.09.21 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.02.08 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: The Paranormals (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Inc, 2100 Geng Road, Suite 105, CA94303 PALO ALTO, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:41 187 Entertainment services, namely, an on-line comic adventure series. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0910679 Søknadsnr.: 200701257 Reg.dato: 2006.06.30 Registreringer 2016.06.30 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.02.08 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0910692 Søknadsnr.: 200701262 Reg.dato: 2006.01.09 Registreringer 2016.01.09 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.02.08 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: RT Vanderbilt Company Inc, 30 Winfield Street, CT06855 NORWALK, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Klasse:5 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: DT Group A/S, Postboks 210, 2860 SØBORG, DK (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Kaolin clay, wollastonite, pyrophyllite, talc for use as raw materials for industrial manufacturing; antioxidants for use in the manufacture of industrial materials, chemical additives for use as friction reducers, extreme pressure and antiwear agents and metal deactivators, rust inhibitors for use in the petroleum industry; magnesium aluminum silicate; adhesive cement for bonding rubber and synthetic rubber compounds to various other materials such as wood, paper, porcelain, and metals and chemical agents for controlling the viscosity and gelling properties of starch adhesives; chemical preservative in the nature of oxidation and corrosion inhibitors for metals; chemical lumber sap stain control and lumber preservative; chemicals for use in the manufacture of natural and synthetic rubber and plastics products for consumer and industrial use, namely, accelerators, reinforcing, vulcanizing, crosslinking and releasing agents, reodorants, aromatics, antioxidants,antizonants, plasticizing, dispersing and heat resistant agents; chemical agents, namely, reclaiming agents for reclaiming oils, defoamers, synthetic sulfonate, vinyl resin stabilizer, pine tar, synthetic non-oxidation resin and rosin oil. Fungicides, bactericides and insecticides. Klasse:1 Klasse:2 Klasse:6 Klasse:7 Klasse:8 Klasse:9 188 Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; manures; fire extinguishing compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry, glue used in industry, sphagnum and planting soil (manures). Paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants; mordants; raw natural resins, metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists. Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; ores; toolboxes of metal (empty); nails and screws of metal, hinges of metal, windows and doors of metal as well as frames therefore of metal; mail boxes of metal, blinds (outdoor) of metal, handles of metal, handles of metal for furniture, roofs (of metal); greenhouses and parts therefore (of metal); carports (of metal), tool sheds (of metal); playhouses (of metal). Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; incubators for eggs; electrical powered tools, tools powered by fuel, garden machines, high pressure cleaners, washing machines, vacuum cleaners; lawnmowers, hedge cutters, kitchen machines. Hand tools and implements (hand-operated); cutlery; side arms; razors; garden tools (hand tools), including manually operated hedge cutters; painting tools (hand tools) namely spatulas, stirrers, palette knives; cutlery including for camping purposes; accessories for fireplaces namely bellows, fire tongs and pokers. Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker Klasse:17 Klasse:19 Klasse:20 Klasse:25 Klasse:35 Klasse:37 Klasse:39 Klasse:40 apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fireextinguishing apparatus; footwear for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire; electrical articles namely switches and plugs, wires, sockets, dimmers; batteries; telephones; burglar alarms; binoculars; gloves for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire. Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made from these materials and not included in other classes; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes, not of metal. Building materials (non-metallic); non-metallic rigid pipes for building; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; nonmetallic transportable buildings; monuments, not of metal; windows and doors (not of metal), stones, tiles, wooden floor coverings for existing floors, including parquet flooring, plasterboards, roofs (not of metal); greenhouses and accessories therefore (not of metal); carports (not of metal), tool sheds (not of metal), playing houses (not of metal), compregnated wood, surface stones, stucco, blinds (outdoor) (not of metal), floor boards, tiles and oblong (floor) tiles. Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics; tool boxes of plastic (empty); mail boxes not of masonry or metal, garden furniture and camping furniture, blinds for indoor use, bamboo curtains, cabinets for bathrooms, wardrobes, kitchen cabinets, handles not of metal for implements and tools as well as for doors and windows, handles not of metal for furniture; air mattresses (not for medical purposes); flagpoles; bathroom accessories namely hooks and corner shelves; accessories for fireplaces namely log baskets and hooks. Working clothes, working shoes, working headgear, working gloves, all the aforementioned goods only for building activities. Advertising; business management; business administration; office function; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods including retailing and wholesale trade also via the Internet; provision of consumer product information via computer networks. Building construction; repair; installation services. Transport including delivery, packing and storage; packaging and storage of goods; rental of storage containers; travel arrangement. Treatment of materials. 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0912172 Søknadsnr.: 200702042 Reg.dato: 2006.12.13 Registreringer 2016.12.13 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.02.22 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ITELLA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Itella OYJ, Postintaival 7A, 00230 HELSINGFORS, FI (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:4 Klasse:5 Klasse:6 Klasse:7 Klasse:8 Klasse:9 Klasse:11 Klasse:12 Klasse:14 Klasse:16 Klasse:17 Klasse:18 189 Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; candles and wicks for lighting. Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; ores. Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; incubators for eggs. Hand tools and implements (hand-operated); cutlery; side arms; razors. Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fireextinguishing apparatus. Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes. Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water. Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks. Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made from these materials and not included in other classes; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes, not of metal. Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker Klasse:19 Klasse:20 Klasse:21 Klasse:22 Klasse:24 Klasse:25 Klasse:26 Klasse:27 Klasse:28 Klasse:33 Klasse:34 Klasse:35 Klasse:36 Klasse:37 Klasse:38 Klasse:39 Klasse:40 Klasse:41 Klasse:42 Klasse:43 Klasse:44 Klasse:45 animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Building materials (non-metallic); non-metallic rigid pipes for building; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; nonmetallic transportable buildings; monuments, not of metal. Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics. Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brushmaking materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steelwool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes. Ropes, string, nets, tents, awnings, tarpaulins, sails, sacks and bags (not included in other classes); padding and stuffing materials (except of rubber or plastics); raw fibrous textile materials. Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers. Clothing, footwear, headgear. Lace and embroidery, ribbons and braid; buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles; artificial flowers. Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; wall hangings (non-textile). Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees. Alcoholic beverages (except beers). Tobacco; smokers' articles; matches. Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. Building construction; repair; installation services. Telecommunications. Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement. Treatment of materials. Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; legal services. Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation. Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services. Personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals; security services for the protection of property and individuals. 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0912379 Søknadsnr.: 200702095 Reg.dato: 2006.10.04 Registreringer 2016.10.04 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.02.22 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ACTIVAT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: CAFEA GmbH, Am Sandtorkai 2, 20457 HAMBURG, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Dietetic products and foods for medicinal purposes; baby foods, all aforementioned products also in instant form and, as far as possible, also produced in organic farming or biological livestock husbandry; of all the aforesaid goods with the exception of medicines also except transglutaminase and other enzymes as well as artificial sweeteners and sweetening means as raw material for the manufacture of foodstuffs. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0912379 Søknadsnr.: 200702095 Reg.dato: 2006.10.04 Registreringer 2016.10.04 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.02.22 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ACTIVAT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: CAFEA GmbH, Am Sandtorkai 2, 20457 HAMBURG, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Dietetic products and foods for medicinal purposes; baby foods, all aforementioned products also in instant form and, as far as possible, also produced in organic farming or biological livestock husbandry; of all the aforesaid goods with the exception of medicines also except transglutaminase and other enzymes as well as artificial sweeteners and sweetening means as raw material for the manufacture of foodstuffs. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0912949 Søknadsnr.: 200702383 Reg.dato: 2006.11.16 Registreringer 2016.11.16 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.03.01 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: LOLA ET MOI (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Kids Kouture NA LLC, 945 Keniston Street, CA90019 LOS ANGELES, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:25 190 Clothing, namely, women's and children's clothing, namely, t-shirts, jackets, dresses, pants, shorts, blouses, sweaters, scarves, skirts, coats and socks. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0913707 Søknadsnr.: 200702846 Reg.dato: 2006.01.19 Registreringer 2016.01.19 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.03.15 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:9 The Power Pioneers (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, Durlacher Allee 93, 76131 KARLSRUHE, DE (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:4 Klasse:6 Klasse:7 Technical oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorption, dust wetting and dust bonding agents; fuels (incl. motor fuels) and luminous materials; candles, wicks; gases as fuels; liquefied gases, industrial gases; liquefied and compressed gas. Door chains; window handles with additional lock; lateral hinge safety device for windows; safety hardware; safety rosettes; safety striking plates; mechanical forced locking; protective plates for doors and windows; safety chains; mechanical break open catches; mechanical safety devices, especially safety devices for blinds; cellar shaft safety devices; cellar window safety devices; cellar safety gratings; locks (except electric locks), especially padlocks; long shackle type connectors, cable locks, helix cable locks; mortise locks; padlocks; armoured bolt locks; chain locks; additional case locks; alarm door locks; long shackle type connectors; all above mentioned goods out of metal. Machines, namely automatic filling machines, heel production machines, suction machines for industrial purposes, separators (machines), painting machines, drive mechanisms except for land crafts, ash screens (machines), draught frames, mining machines, concrete mixing plants, binding machines, tin printing machines, drilling machines, crushers, comminution machines, stampers (machines), steam engines, compressed air machines, printing machines, wrapping machines, electromechanical machines for the chemical industry, degreasing machines, earth movers, crude oil refining machines, ore dressing machines, moulding machines, milling machines, dyeing machines, hoisting machines, filling machines, blowers, screw taps, thread cutters, foundry machines, glass processing machines, railway track machinery, ditch excavation machines, engraving machines, electric hand drills, stapling machines, planing machines, adjusting machines, kneading machines, chisel machines, knife grinding machines, metal working machines, riveting machines, paper production machines, polishing machines and apparatus (electric), embossing machines, straightening machines, stirring machines, tracklaying machines, grinding machines, cutting machines, welding machines (electric), screening machines, sorting machines for industrial purposes, dish washers, stone shaping machines, franking machines, road making machines, tobacco processing machines, tar spraying machines, dividing machines, typographical machines, whitewashing machines, packaging machines, washing machines, hosiery machines, centrifugal machines, comminution machines for industrial purposes, cutting machines and machine tools; motors (except motors for land crafts); clutches and devices for power transmission (except those for land crafts); incubators for eggs; electrical food processors including domestic electrical blending mixers (included in this class); installations for energy generation, namely wind power generators, Klasse:11 191 2009.11.02 - 45/09 machine driven hand tools; installations for energy generation mainly comprising dynamos and/or electric generators and/or current generators and/or turbines (except for land crafts), hydraulic turbines or AC generators; crude oil refining machines; gas cleaning devices. Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, controlling, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, storing, regulating and controlling electricity; electric measuring devices and instruments; magnetic recording carriers, disk records; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin operated machines; cash registers; calculating machines; software, data processing equipment and computers; web pads; electric devices and products of information and communication technology (included in this class); electric devices, hardware and software for remote operation and remote control of devices and installations in the domestic field and in the garden; electronic computer networks (included in this class); electronic hotel guides; electric devices, hardware and software for the purpose of detecting functional defects (also by remote diagnosis) as well as of data transmission regarding such functional defects and the repair of such functional defects on domestic appliances and installations as well as in the garden (included in this class); fire-extinguishing apparatus; alarm systems; domestic safeguarding devices (alarm systems); burglar alarm systems; safety cameras; devices for reception, recording, transmission, processing, output and reproduction of data, text, signals, sound carriers, sound video carriers (except unexposed films), data carriers; coded phone cards; telephones, remote controls, transmitting and receiving sets, radio telegraphy sets, magnetic tape recorders for data processing, electric measuring instruments, monitors for computer hardware, computer peripherals, photocopying apparatus and machines (incl. electronic and thermal devices and machines), projecting apparatus, transmitters for electronic signals, video games as attachments for TV sets, make contacts, ammeters, circuit breakers, electric loss indicators, current transformers, commutators, fax machines, telecopiers, electric temperature indicators, telephone transmission apparatus, surveying apparatus and instruments, distribution cabinets for electricity, distribution panels for electricity, thermal control apparatus, electric counters, electric totalizers, time recording devices, time switches (not for clockworks); other electric counting devices; installations for energy generation, mainly comprising electric fuel cells; gasometers; electrochemical fuel cells for power generation; photovoltaic installations for power generation; gas checking devices (included in this class). Devices for lighting, heating, steam generation, cooking, refrigeration, drying, ventilation and water conduits as well as sanitary installations; electrochemical fuel cells for heat generation; photovoltaic installations for heat generation; fittings for gas and natural gas, namely gas meters, gas pressure controllers as well as gas mask canisters, natural gas preheaters, safety shut-off valves and blow-off valves for gas pressure controllers; gas burners, gas producers, gas lighters, gas lamps, gas boilers, gas condensers (except machine parts), wet gas scrubbers (parts of gas installations), control and safety accessories for gas units as well as for gas conduits and water devices, freezing cupboards and chest freezers; electric lamps; air conditioning systems, air conditioning apparatus; light distributors, tubular lamps for lighting purposes; fittings, devices and installation material for liquefied gas plants, refrigerating sets and refrigerators; begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker Klasse:12 Klasse:16 Klasse:17 Klasse:19 Klasse:32 Klasse:35 installations for energy generation, namely gas generators. Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water. Paper, cardboard and goods made out of such materials (included in this class); printer's products; bookbinding articles; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or for household purposes; artists' supplies, paint brushes; typewriters and office supplies (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); packaging material out of plastic material (included in this class); printers' type; printing blocks; maps; atlases; hotel guides; printed products with information on installation work, repair services, handcraft services, plant engineering services, lock and key services, caretaker services, home help services, gardening services, services in the field of house and real estate administration, building and real estate business, technical and commercial building management; adhesive labels; labelled or print foils (decalcomanias) to stick on, label or decorate walls, windows, vehicles and other surfaces and objects; office supplies, namely notepads (card blocks), card boxes, ball-pens, displays made of cardboard, recipe collections, printing blocks and artwork, refreshing tissues (out of paper), packing bags (out of plastic); phone cards (uncoded). Foils for the production of labelled or decorated surfaces. Building materials (non-metallic); non-metallic rigid pipes for building; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; nonmetallic transportable buildings; monuments, not of metal. Beers; mineral waters and waters containing carbon dioxide and other soft drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Advertising; business management; company administration; office work; marketing of products and services of public energy and water utilities by business consultation, market research, public relations, organisation of exhibitions and trade fairs for advertising purposes, distribution of samples and presentation of goods for advertising purposes and by advertising; marketing of telecommunication networks including the services which are based upon telecommunication networks for the transmission of speech, data and images as well as of multimedia value-added services by business consultation, market research, public relations, organisation of exhibitions and trade fairs for advertising purposes, distribution of samples and presentation of goods for advertising purposes and by advertising; business consultation, market research, public relations, planning and execution of events in the field of public relations for the advertising of products for the cathodic corrosion protection; organisation of exhibitions and trade fairs for advertising purposes, distribution of samples and presentation of goods for advertising purposes and by advertising; realisation of multimedia advertising presentations; management of installations for energy generation and distribution; procurement of personnel for building management services; bookkeeping with respect to building management measures; compilation, preparation and systematisation of data in computer data bases; file management by means of computers; service of a price agency, namely determination of prices for goods and/or services; services of a multimedia agency, namely planning and organisation of advertising measures, presentation of companies on the Internet and in other media; execution of auctions, also in the Internet; supply order service, invoice settlement for electronic ordering systems, goods and services presentation; brokerage and renting of advertising surfaces, also on the Internet; Klasse:36 192 2009.11.02 - 45/09 providing of trade and offer contacts via the Internet; providing of trade contacts on the Internet; advertising on the Internet for third parties; organisational and business consultation services in the fields of energy, fuel cells, wind power installations and photovoltaic installations; energy consultation for households, trade and industry (included in this class); marketing services, namely marketing of new technologies, especially in the environmental and energy field; arrangement of commercial transactions and contracts for third parties, especially arrangement of contracts for third parties on transportation capacities and transportation services by means of power grids, also within the scope of e-commerce; organisational and business consultation in the energy field; preparation of cost-price-analyses in the field of building management; consumer consultation, also online, with respect to goods of daily use, luxury and utility articles, as well as with respect to goods and services for commercial and industrial use; craftsmen search and providing services, also online; expertise preparation on organisational and business questions with respect to energy, water, waste water and lighting equipment; business consultation in trade promotion; human resources, namely providing, recruitment, selection, management consulting of personnel, providing of temporary staff; organisational and business consultation in connection with energy-saving measures and in connection with the optimisation of heating systems; providing of personnel for the operation of power stations, especially hydropower stations, nuclear power stations, coal-fired power station, gas and steam turbine power stations, cogeneration systems, combined heating and power stations, heating stations, refuse incineration plants, energy-from-waste plants, hydropower and wind power stations, photovoltaic installations and transformer stations; providing of personnel for the energy management, namely management of energy generation and distribution plants; providing of personnel for the operation of distribution and transportation networks; providing of personnel for the operation of workshops; providing of personnel for the operation of sewage treatment plants; providing of personnel for the operation and maintenance of telecommunication networks; providing of personnel for the operation of electric street lighting systems; providing of personnel for the waste treatment plants; personnel leasing, namely providing of personnel for the installation, repair and maintenance of heating facilities, air conditioning systems, ventilation systems, sanitary facilities, management and control systems; temporary transfer of personnel; procurement of spare parts for third parties as well as procurement of technical and other consumables such as for example cleansing agents and toilet paper in connection with the maintenance and servicing of buildings; reading of electrical counters and meters for current, gas and water for third parties; heat consumption reading and accounting for the supply of heat for heating purposes from other companies; data management by means of computers; gas consumption reading and accounting for the supply of gas from other companies; brokerage of advertisements; updating of Internet contents. Insurance, effecting insurance (especially standard automobile public liability insurance, automobile personal liability and property-damage insurance and comprehensive coverage excluding collision), settlement of claims (insurance); finance, monetary transactions, real estate business; electronic capital transfer; home banking; telebanking, namely online settlement of banking transactions; financial consultation regarding investment of risk capital; leasing of transport networks for energy begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker Klasse:37 transmission; building management, namely renting of buildings; financial consulting services in the fields of energy, fuel cells, wind power plants and photovoltaic installations; financial energy consultation; development of integral energy concepts with respect to finance; financial consultation with respect to energy-saving measures and with respect to the optimisation of heating systems; financial services; house and real estate administration; building administration; caretaker services (included in this class); financing of measures in connection with land development; financing consultation and financial planning in the field of building management; automobile leasing, financing of the acquisition of automobiles; real estate transactions of any type; granting of monetary loans and negotiation of loans; financial promotion of the development as well as of the testing of electrically driven off-track vehicles; financial participation in innovative and technology-oriented enterprises; financial consultation in the field of production of electric and thermal energy. Building trade, namely construction of waste treatment plants, construction of power stations, especially hydroelectric power stations, nuclear power stations, coal-fired power stations, gas and steam turbine power stations, combined heating and power stations, heating stations; construction of landfill gas-fired power stations and natural gas/solar heat plants; construction of solar power stations, wind power stations, hydropower stations, biogas power stations; construction of power stations, especially hydropower stations, nuclear power stations, coal-fired power stations, gas and steam turbine power stations, cogeneration systems, combined heating and power stations, heating stations, refuse incineration plants, energy-fromwaste plants, hydropower and wind power stations, photovoltaic installations and transformer stations; installation work; repair business, namely repair of network systems, energy networks, waste treatment plants, power stations, irrigation plants, alarm systems, electrical appliances with the exception of apparatus for the reception, recording, transmission, output and reproduction of languages, sound or images, phonographs, fascsimile radios, sound receiver terminals, image receiver terminals, televisions, CD-players, video recorders, sound amplifiers, sound reproduction apparatus, heating, air conditioning systems, refrigerators, telephones, stoves, office machines, machines, pumps, locks and automobiles with the exception of car radios, car-tape desks, car CD-players and/or car amplifiers; repair of data systems technology plants; network management, namely installation and maintenance of network systems (hardware); realisation (construction) and installation of distribution and transport networks as well as of transformer stations; construction of pipeline networks; construction and maintenance of energy generation and distribution plants, fuel cells, wind power stations and photovoltaic installations; maintenance of energy, fresh water and waste water plants and networks; realisation (construction) of cathodic corrosion protection plants; construction and maintenance of waste water and fresh water plants; technical building management, namely maintenance of buildings; cleaning of facades; installation of electric counters and meters for current, gas and water; plant engineering services, namely assembly, installation, maintenance, servicing, renovation, modernisation, expansion, conversion, rehabilitation and repair work of waste water and fresh water plants, conduits and other installations for their feeding and discharge, sanitary installations, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning plants, industrial plants, mechanical equipment and their parts, technical devices with the exception of 2009.11.02 - 45/09 apparatus for the reception, recording, transmission, output and reproduction of languages, sound or images; phonographs; facsimile radios, sound receiver terminals, image receiver terminals, televisions, CD-players, video recorders, sound amplifiers, sound reproduction apparatus, installations and apparatus for the safeguarding of buildings, plants, transportation means, domestic appliances, information technology equipment as well as photovoltaic plants, utility service lines (e.g. gas and electricity), buildings and their parts; installation, maintenance and servicing of heat production, heat transport and heat distribution plants including meters for third parties; construction of gas plants, especially liquefied gas plants; construction of gas storage plants; construction and servicing of gas transport lines plus related installations, especially mixing, measuring and control stations as well as stations for transfer of gas, storage plants and telecommunication plants; services in the field of the repair business, namely repair of data systems technology plants, network systems, distribution and transportation networks, waste treatment plants, power stations, energy generation and distribution plants, waste water and fresh water plants and networks, buildings, sanitary facilities, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, industrial plants, mechanical equipment and their parts, technical equipment with the exception of apparatus for the reception, recording, transmission, output and reproduction of languages, sound or images; phonographs; facsimile radios, sound receiver terminals, image receiver terminals, televisions, CD-players, video recorders, sound amplifiers, sound reproduction apparatus and electric street lighting systems; maintenance and repair of filling stations for gaseous fuels; maintenance and repair of gas operated motor vehicles with the exception of car radios, car-tape desks, car CD-players and/or car amplifiers; cellular phone repairs; network management, namely installation and maintenance of network systems; maintenance of data systems technology plants; realisation (construction) of web stations; realisation (construction) and maintenance of electric street lighting; realisation (construction) of the supply and disposal infrastructure (lines and pipes for current, gas, water as well as for data, drains and sewerage system) in the development of building sites; road construction; cleaning of building (inside and outside); repair, maintenance and servicing of automobiles including performance of the required inspections and checks with the exception of car radios, car-tape desks, car CD-players and/or car amplifiers; repair of motor vehicles fleets; repair of motor vehicle fleets; cleaning of vehicles; installation of fixed network connections; construction, realisation (construction) and maintenance of cable infrastructures, wide area networks (WAN), local area networks (LAN), telecommunication systems, building installations and special networks, fire detection systems, detection systems and other media technology equipment; construction and maintenance of telecommunication networks with the integrated transmission method and switching including attributed network management; construction and installation of distribution and transportation networks; construction of sewage treatment plants; construction of telecommunication systems, electroacoustic plants, transmitting and receiving sets, common antenna installations; installation and repair of transmitting and receiving sets, mainly comprising transmitter-receivers, antenna masts and radio receivers; installation and repair of common antenna installations, mainly comprising receiver antennae for radio and TV signals, antenna wire and wiring; realisation (construction) of consumer installations (for 193 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker Klasse:38 gas/natural gas, local heating, cold); construction of air conditioning systems; services of a painter; installation and maintenance work within the scope of services of an electrical fitter, sanitary fitter, joiner, concrete worker, well digger, tiler, building constructor, road engineer, heat insulation worker, low temperature insulation worker, sound insulation worker, carpenter, electromechanic, heating and ventilation fitter, refrigerating plants' fitter, car mechanic, shopwindow constructor, fitter, plumber, all above mentioned services (included in this class); cleaning of apartments and buildings; ironing of laundry; furniture assembly and disassembly service; domestic automation, namely installation, repair and maintenance of heating systems, air conditioning systems, ventilation systems, sanitary facilities, management and control systems, each also by remote control; installation of apparatus and devices for remote operation and remote control of apparatus and devices in the domestic field and in the garden; repair business, namely detection of functional defects (also by remote diagnosis) and removal of such functional defects on domestic appliances and installations as well as in the garden. Operation of telecommunication networks with the integrated transmission method and switching including attributed network management; providing access to a world-wide computer network; providing of Internet access (software) and hence to texts, images, audio-visual offers, multimedia offers, databases and computer programmes on the Internet; providing of Internet accesses (software); email data services; data transfer on the Internet; connecting of Internet domains and e-mail addresses in computer networks; online services, namely transfer of messages, images and information of any type whatsoever; web messaging, namely forwarding of messages of any type to Internet addresses; consultation for telecommunications technology; providing telecommunication connections with a world-wide computer network; interactive videotex; telex services; broadcasting of television programmes and sound broadcast transmissions; telephone service; broadcasting of cable television programmes; communication by fibreoptic networks; line, routing and connection services for telecommunications; mobile radiocommunications service; collection and delivery of messages; transmission of messages; transmission of messages and images by means of computers; electronic message transfer; renting of devices for message transmission; paging by radio broadcasting, telephone or by any other means of electronic communication; services of a press agency, especially collecting and delivery of press reports; broadcasting of sound broadcast transmissions; satellite transmission; telephone service; telegraph service; telegraphing; telegram service; telegram transmission; information on telecommunications; telephone conference services; telecopying service; renting of telecommunication devices, especially of facsimile machines, modems, telephones; providing access to information in data networks; cellular phone lending and providing of stand-by cellular phones; Internet by call, namely providing of access to the Internet by separate dialup into a network and separate invoicing without the necessity of a permanent contractual obligation with the network provider; operation of chatlines, chatrooms and discussion forums on the Internet; data transmission via power grids (powerline); renting of fixed network connections; preselection telephony; call-by-call telephony; providing access to an e-commerce platform on the Internet; providing access to Internet portals for third parties; providing of access to portals and platforms on the Internet; providing access to electronic information, communication and transaction platforms on the Klasse:39 Klasse:40 Klasse:41 194 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Internet; providing and renting of access times to databases with search and polling possibilities. Transportation; packing, storage and delivery of goods of any type whatsoever; organisation of travels; distribution of fresh water; providing of transport networks for transmission of energy for third parties for a consideration (included in this class); distribution of gas, heat for heating purposes and energy, especially current, water, heat (local and district heat), cold, especially to industrial customers, as well as supply to third parties by delivery of current, gas, water, heat (local and district heat) and cold; renting of cars; collection, storage, dumping and transport of refuse; waste water disposal; logistics services on the transport sector; moving services, especially renting of vehicles for moving services; logistics services with respect to moving; transportation of goods and individuals with ships and automobiles; towing away of automobiles within the scope of the automobile roadway repair service; performance of moving services; transportation of goods by truck; providing of parking and store space for third parties by parking space services and renting of parking space; operation of parking garages; administration of motor vehicle fleets; storage of spare parts for third parties as well as of technical and other consumables such as for example cleansing agents and toilet paper in connection with the maintenance and servicing of buildings; transportation of cellular phone for repair purposes (cellular phone repair pick-up service); distribution of fuels, especially distribution of gaseous fuels by means of pipelines, storage of fuels, especially in underground pore and cavern reservoirs; supply and distribution of gas; delivery of gas to consumers; transfer of gas, transport and distribution of heat generated by natural gas; heat transport and heat distribution plants; storage of liquefied natural gas; transport, storage and supply of energy by means of power grids; distribution of current and other energy volumes in power grids according to demand; transport of gases and liquids, especially of natural gas by means of power grids, also by subcontractors as well as services in connection with the transport of gases and liquids, procurement of transport capacities in third party power grids; storage of gas, especially liquefied gas for third parties; filling of gas into containers for third parties; operation of filling stations for gaseous fuels, namely fuelling of vehicles; hiring out of vending machines for gas. Material processing; technical treatment of water and waste water; waste water disposal by waste water treatment; fresh water treatment; refuse recycling; recycling and disposal of refuse by compost preparation, chemical transformation, treatment, destruction and combustion; thermal disposal; destruction of refuse; generation of energy and heat (local and district heat); generation of energy by the operation of fuel cells, wind power plants and photovoltaic plants; exhaust air purification; refuse incineration; key copying services; preparation of gas, especially natural gas and petroleum gas; gas treatment, especially liquefied gas treatment, for third parties; chemical processing for the production of liquefied gas; production of heat from natural gas; hiring out of heat production. Education, training; execution of training courses; sporting and cultural activities; entertainment, also on the Internet; hiring out of entertainment companies; performance of games, also online; issuing of publishing and printer's products in electronic form, also in intranets and on the Internet; personnel training; planning and execution of educational events; operation of public swimming pools for entertainment and sporting purposes; digital imaging. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker Klasse:42 Scientific and technological services and research work and designer services in this respect with the exception of agricultural services; services of an engineer for gas, water and district heat networks; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; legal advice and representation; weather forecast, also online; scientific and industrial research and development; environmental services, namely environmentally related consultation, technical development of concepts for the environmental risk management; technical planning, technical management of refuse treatment plants and gas storage plants; technical consultation and technical activity of an expert; building and construction planning and consultation; energy management, namely technical management of energy generation and distribution plants by providing technical knowhow; technical management of power stations, especially hydroelectric power stations, nuclear power stations, coal-fired power stations, gas and steam turbine power stations, combined heating and power stations, heating stations, refuse incineration plants, energy-from-waste plants, hydropower and wind power stations, photovoltaic installations and transformer stations, solar power stations, wind power stations and biogas power stations; providing the technical know-how for the technical operation of distribution and transportation networks, workshops, refuse treatment plants as well as of transformer stations by providing technical know-how; technical planning and technical operation of electric street lighting systems, of sewage treatment plants and of air conditioning systems; technical operation of telecommunication networks; services of an engineer, especially providing of services of an engineer for installations of transformation and application of energy and gas; technical building management (included in this class); technical planning of waste water and fresh water systems; technical planning of energy systems; technical and ecological consulting services in the energy field, especially technical energy consulting for households, trade and industry; technical consulting in connection with energy-saving measures and in connection with the optimisation of heating systems; energy management, namely technical consultation and planning of energy generation and distribution plants, fuel cells, wind power plants and photovoltaic installations; technical planning and technical operation of gas transport lines plus related installations, especially mixing, measuring and control stations as well as stations for transfer of gas, storage plants and telecommunication plants; technical consultation, planning and technical management of energy generation and distribution systems, fuel cells, wind power plants and photovoltaic plants; technical management of waste water and fresh water plants as well as of lighting systems and plants for gas supply; expertise preparation on technical questions with respect to energy, water, waste water and lighting equipment; development of integral energy concepts on a technical and ecological level (consultation on environmental protection and technical energy consultation); acceptance and granting of licenses; acceptance, execution and granting of research and development orders; research and development, especially in the field of environmental technology; services in all fields of energy and water management and supply, namely preparation of energy management analyses and technical concepts taking into consideration ecology and infrastructure; technical development of infrastructure plans; technical measurements of current and natural gas; provision and renting of gas, current and water meters; technical water laboratory services; development of software architectures, 2009.11.02 - 45/09 modules and interfaces for electronic and electrotechnical equipment, component parts and systems; technical promotion of the development as well as testing of electrically driven off-track vehicles; technical consultation on, technical planning and operation (by providing of technical know-how) of cathodic corrosion protection of pipelines; technical planning and technical consultation with respect to cathodic corrosion protection of pipeline networks; technical operation of cathodic corrosion protection plants; technical planning, inspection and design planning of pipeline networks; technical operation of street lighting equipment (included in this class); providing of services of an engineer for plants of transformation and application of energy and gas; preparation of technical concepts for house building planning; services of a surveying office; preparation of construction drawings; technical participation in innovative and technology oriented enterprises as well as licensing of know-how and industrial property rights; technical planning and technical operation of refuse treatment plants, landfill gas-fired power stations and natural gas/solar heat plants; technical planning of telecommunication networks with integrated transmission method and switching including attributed network management; services of a communication technician, especially with respect to audio-visual media such as video pages and video boards (included in this class); technical operation of geographical information systems; technical inspection of equipment, machines and plants of any type; network management, namely installation and maintenance of network systems (software); technical operation of cable infrastructures, wide area networks (wan), local area networks (lan), telecommunication systems, building installations and special networks, fire detection systems, detection systems and other media technology equipment; maintenance of internet portals (software) for third parties; providing consulting services on the use of search engines to internet users through a hotline service; technical consulting through hotline services; technical preparation of multimedia presentations by software programmes; consultation concerning the design of homepages and internet pages; services of a data base, namely operation of search engines for the internet; preparation and design of websites and parts of websites on the internet by means of computer-generated images and sounds (computer animations); server administration; consultation for telecommunication technology; providing of computer programmes in data networks; electronic data storage for third parties; design of homepages and web sites; services of an internet agency, namely planning and maintenance of internet contents, hardware and software consultation, implementation of edp programmes in network structures as well as digital storage of software, data, images, audio and/or video information; renting of data carriers with software, data, images, audio and/or video information stored on such data carriers (included in this class); services of a certification authority (trust center), namely issuance and administration of digital codes and/or digital signatures; renting of web servers; providing of memory space on the internet; licensing of software; technical consultation concerning the internet; verification of digital signatures; introduction of websites on the internet for third parties (webhosting); development of software for internet and intranet applications; providing of programmes for the creation of internet pages and computer programmes; award, registration and administration of domain names and e-mail addresses; scientific and technological consultation for refuse disposal; consultation in communications technology, technical consultation in the field of geographical 195 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker Klasse:43 Klasse:44 Klasse:45 information systems; technical management of energy, water and waste water plants and networks; technical operation of distribution networks; preparation of technical concept and project studies in the field of gas technology, especially in the field of gas transport and gas application; preparation of programmes for data processing, especially programmes in the field of gas transport and gas application as well as in the field of providing of energy supply contracts; technical consultation in the field of production of electric and thermal energy; planning of gas plants, especially liquefied gas plants; plant engineering services, namely design, of waste water and fresh water plants, conduits and other installations for their feeding and discharge, sanitary installations, heating, ventilation and airconditioning plants, industrial plants, mechanical equipment and their parts, technical devices, installations and apparatus for the safeguarding of buildings, plants, transportation means, domestic appliances, consumer electronics and information technology equipment as well as photovoltaic plants, utility service lines (e.g. gas and electricity), buildings and their parts; hiring out of measuring apparatus and instruments (included in class 42), in particular gas meters, air pressure meters, electricity meters, voltage meters and meters for heat consumption. Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation; operation of kitchens, canteens and restaurants; providing food and drink for employees and guests in canteens and casinos within the scope of enterprises, authorities and other public institutions. Gardening services. Personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals; security services for the protection of property and individuals; services for the private household, namely cooking, shopping and child care; services in the field of domestic safeguarding; services of a security company; guarding of real estate. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0914129 Søknadsnr.: 200702952 Reg.dato: 2006.03.15 Registreringer 2016.03.15 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.03.15 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Hypro-Sorb (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Hypro Otrokovice sro, Prístavní 568, 76502 OTROKOVICE, CZ (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Klasse:3 Klasse:5 0914718 Søknadsnr.: 200703218 Reg.dato: 2006.12.27 Registreringer 2016.12.27 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.03.22 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ONE NETWORK. ONE PLAN. (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: VPIsystems Inc, 943 Holmdel Road, Cruz Plaza, NJ07733 HOLMDEL, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 0913876 Søknadsnr.: 200702893 Reg.dato: 2006.08.29 Registreringer 2016.08.29 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.03.15 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: FCV (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Fugro NV, Veurse Achterweg 10, 2264SG LEIDSCHENDAM, NL (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:37 Klasse:39 Klasse:42 Collagen-based biopolymers and their derivatives or glycosaminoglycanes. Cosmetic preparations with hydrating, regenerative, bacteriostatic and purifying properties. Products for medical use such as bandages, haemostatic absorbent bandages, bandages for enhancing the healing of cutaneous lesions, resorbable surgical and dental materials, gels and solutions for medical use not intended for external care of wounds by application on the human body. (111) (210) (151) (180) (111) (210) (151) (180) Klasse:12 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Remotely-controlled underwater vehicles, among which supervision, inspection and rescue cars, all for underwater use; launching and recovery apparatus for the aforesaid goods. Underwater construction, installation, inspection, maintenance, reparation and cleaning, all by means of remotely-controlled underwater vehicles. Deployment and rental of remotely-controlled underwater vehicles; salvage services by means of remotely-controlled underwater vehicles. Underwater investigation, inspection, exploration, measuring, tests, tracing, all by means of remotelycontrolled underwater vehicles. 196 Computer software for use by communications service providers for designing, integrating and managing telecommunications networks. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0915418 Søknadsnr.: 200703515 Reg.dato: 2006.11.24 Registreringer 2016.11.24 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.03.29 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0915610 Søknadsnr.: 200804882 Reg.dato: 2006.09.15 Registreringer 2016.09.15 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.04.17 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: FRESHGOLD LUVISTA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Markant Handels- und Service GmbH, Hanns-MartinSchleyer-Strasse 2, 77656 OFFENBURG, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Klasse:30 Klasse:31 Klasse:32 Klasse:33 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Actavis Group PTC ehf, Reykjavikurvegi 76-78, 220 HAFNARFIRDI, IS (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Meat, fish, meat and fish products, also deep-frozen; meat extracts, meat, sausage and fish preserves; fresh, preserved and deep-frozen game and poultry; preserved and deep-frozen fruits and vegetables, meat, fish and vegetable jellies; preparations for making bouillons including bouillon extracts and bouillon cubes, granulated bouillon, ready-to-cook soups, soup seasoning, vegetable extracts as additives for meals and meat; marmalade, jams, fruit mush, fruit jellies; eggs, egg powder; milk, milk and dairy products included in this class; spreads made of edible fats and edible fat mixtures including margarine; edible oils and fats, especially lard and beef fat; oil for cooking, fats for cooking, anticaking oils and fats for baking purposes, cocoa butter; pickles; ready-to-serve meals consisting essentially of the aforementioned goods; fruit, vegetable and plant juices for use in the kitchen; prepared legumes; prepared nuts. Coffee, artificial coffee, coffee extracts, tea, tea extracts; cocoa, cocoa powder, non-alcoholic cocoa drinks and instant cocoa drinks; sugar, glucose for food; ready-to-serve meals, consisting essentially of rice and/or pasta; rice, tapioca, sago, flour and preparations made from cereals, potato flour, semolina, cornflakes and maize flakes; pasta; bread, pastry, the aforementioned goods also with filling; baking mixtures, in particular for bread, cake, pizza, in particular with vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, meat and sausage products and/or cheese topped pizza; honey, yeast, baking powder, cooking salt, mustard, vinegar, sauces (including salad sauces), spices, ketchup; edible ices and edible ice creams, sugar confectionery, pastry and confectionery, rusks, marzipan, fondant products, fruit jellies; puddings, pudding powder, dessert sauces, powder for dessert sauces. Fresh fruits and vegetables; fresh nuts, namely almonds, hazelnuts and peanut kernels; fresh legumes. Fruit, vegetable and plant juices as beverages. Alcoholic milk and dairy products included in this class; alcoholic cocoa beverages and instant cocoa beverages. Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations and substances except for pharmaceutical preparations and substances intented for the prevention and treatment of bone/skeletal diseases. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0917097 Søknadsnr.: 200704070 Reg.dato: 2007.01.26 Registreringer 2017.01.26 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.04.12 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: FLEXAGIL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Merck KGaA, Frankfurter Strasse 250, 64293 DARMSTADT, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Klasse:29 Klasse:30 197 Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of disorders of the musclo-skeletal-system of the human body. Dietetic preparations of food supplements (not for medical use) as far as included in this class. Dietetic preparations or food supplements (not for medical use) as far as included in this class. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0917364 Søknadsnr.: 200704121 Reg.dato: 2007.01.17 Registreringer 2017.01.17 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.04.12 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0919017 Søknadsnr.: 200704934 Reg.dato: 2006.09.26 Registreringer 2016.09.26 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.05.03 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: TriTune (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Trilog Holding AG, Bergstrasse 173, 8707 UETIKON AM SEE ZH, CH (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:35 Klasse:39 Klasse:41 Klasse:42 Klasse:45 Software, computer operating programs used with adapted application software (for use in tuning applications), with a view to improving application software performance in a supercomputer. Business organization and management consulting in connection with software and operating programs used with adapted application software (for use in tuning applications), with a view to improving application software performance in a supercomputer. Delivery of goods, storage and packaging of software and operating programs used with adapted application software (for use in tuning applications), with a view to improving application software performance in a supercomputer. Training in the field of software and computer operating programs used with adapted application software (for use in tuning applications), with a view to improving application software performance in a supercomputer. Design, development and maintenance of software and operating programs; rental of software and operating programs; computer consulting services in the field of software and operating programs, all the aforesaid software and operating programs used with adapted application software (for use in tuning applications), with a view to improving application software performance in a supercomputer. Licenses for software and operating programs used with adapted application software (for use in tuning applications), with a view to improving application software performance in a supercomputer. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Gesas Genel Gida Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, Ankara Caddesi No: 146 KONYA, TR (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Klasse:30 Meat, fish, poultry, game, meat extracts, broth, bouillon, shellfish, namely shrimp, lobster, clams, processed meat, frozen meat, dried meat, fried meat, frozen, prepared or packaged meals consisting primarily of meat, fish, poultry, eggs. Chewing gums not for medical purposes; salt; spices namely, pepper, ginger, cinnamon powder. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0919765 Søknadsnr.: 200705248 Reg.dato: 2006.12.01 Registreringer 2016.12.01 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.05.10 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Rose Anne Jarrett, 9 Ninebark Lane, NJ07863 OXFORD, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Klasse:30 198 Non-dairy, non-soy foods and ingredients, namely, whipped topping, soup base, cream substitute as base for cheese, candy, and yogurt; non-soy dairy substitute comprised primarily of almonds, cashews, water, sugar and baking soda used as an ingredient of foods. Non-dairy ice cream mix; non-soy dairy substitute comprised primarily of almonds, cashews, water, sugar and baking soda sold as an ingredient of mixes for bakery goods, frozen confections, baking mix, cake mix, pancake mix, muffin mix, cookie mix and shake mix; non-dairy, non-soy food products, namely, gravy base. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0919767 Søknadsnr.: 200705249 Reg.dato: 2006.12.01 Registreringer 2016.12.01 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.05.10 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0921185 Søknadsnr.: 200705960 Reg.dato: 2007.02.13 Registreringer 2017.02.13 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.05.31 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: MIMICCREME PROVERIS SCIENTIFIC (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Rose Anne Jarrett, 9 Ninebark Lane, NJ07863 OXFORD, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Klasse:30 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Proveris Scientific Corp, 290 Donald Lynch Boulevard, Suite 100, MA01752 MARLBOROUGH, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Non-dairy, non-soy foods and ingredients, namely, whipped topping, soup base, cream substitute as base for cheese, candy, and yogurt; non-soy dairy substitute comprised primarily of almonds, cashews, water, sugar and baking soda used as an ingredient of foods. Non-dairy ice cream mix; non-soy dairy substitute comprised primarily of almonds, cashews, water, sugar and baking soda sold as an ingredient of mixes for bakery goods, frozen confections, baking mix, cake mix, pancake mix, muffin mix, cookie mix and shake mix; non-dairy, non-soy food products, namely, gravy base. Klasse:9 Klasse:42 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0921135 Søknadsnr.: 200705948 Reg.dato: 2007.03.26 Registreringer 2017.03.26 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.05.31 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Computerized hardware for actuating spray devices, namely, hardware components for actuating the pumping mechanism of a pump-based spray device so as to produce an aerosol or spray plume consisting of liquid or non-liquid particulate material, laser and image acquisition devices for illuminating and imaging an aerosol or spray plume, hardware components and electromechanical devices for collecting and weighing liquid or non-liquid particulate material, and hardware and software for capturing, processing and/or analyzing data associated with measuring characteristics of aerosol and spray devices. Contract testing services, namely, testing, data interpretation, and test method development for spray analysis and characterization of aerosol and spray products in the medical, pharmaceutical and industrial fields. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0921721 Søknadsnr.: 200706097 Reg.dato: 2006.12.19 Registreringer 2016.12.19 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.05.31 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ROVVER X (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: iPEK Spezial-TV GmbH & Co KG, Dürenbodenstr. 7, 6992 HIRSCHEGG, AT (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Cameras for the inspection of tube systems and controlling devices therefor. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0921136 Søknadsnr.: 200705949 Reg.dato: 2007.03.26 Registreringer 2017.03.26 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.05.31 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Tristan Boats OY, Kuvansintie 7, 78850 VARKAUS, FI (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: iPEK Spezial-TV GmbH & Co KG, Dürenbodenstr. 7, 6992 HIRSCHEGG, AT (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:7 Klasse:9 Klasse:12 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images, in particular cameras for inspecting pipe systems, and controls therefor; dataprocessing equipment and computers. 199 Motors and engines, outboard motors. Nautical apparatus. Boats, motorboats and apparatus for locomotion by water, propelling screws. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0922183 Søknadsnr.: 200801841 Reg.dato: 2007.02.20 Registreringer 2017.02.20 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.02.14 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0921836 Søknadsnr.: 200706123 Reg.dato: 2007.02.27 Registreringer 2017.02.27 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.05.31 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: VALIDIS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Future Route Ltd, Fox Court, 14 Gray's Inn Road, WC1X8HN LONDON, GB (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Customers International Ltd, Lynwood House Crofton Road, BR68QE ORPINGTON, KENT, GB (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Klasse:41 Klasse:9 Business management; business administration; business information and business information agency services; advisory services relating thereto. Educational and training services; none of the aforementioned relating to foreign languages, interpreters, translators or language laboratories; arranging and conducting of conferences. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0922041 Søknadsnr.: 200706178 Reg.dato: 2006.12.19 Registreringer 2016.12.19 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.05.31 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:35 TRISTAN (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Tristan Boats OY, Kuvansintie 7, 78850 VARKAUS, FI (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Klasse:9 Klasse:12 Motors and engines, outboard motors. Nautical apparatus. Boats, motorboats and apparatus for locomotion by water, propelling screws. Klasse:38 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0922056 Søknadsnr.: 200706335 Reg.dato: 2007.03.26 Registreringer 2017.03.26 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.06.07 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: iPEK Spezial-TV GmbH & Co KG, Dürenbodenstr. 7, 6992 HIRSCHEGG, AT (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Cameras for the inspection of tube systems and controlling devices therefor. 200 Computer software (including software downloadable from the Internet, namely accountancy software, computer software for the analysis of accounting data, computer software in the field of accounting to automate the detection of associations, patterns, irregularities, incompleteness, invalidities, inconsistencies and inaccuracies in accounting data, computer software in the field of accounting to extract rules from data for the detection of associations, patterns, irregularities, incompleteness, invalidities, inconsistencies and inaccuracies in accounting data, computer software in the field of accounting to provide access to derived rules, validation and analysis of accounting data over the Internet, computer software in the field of accounting to import, process and prepare data for accounting analysis. Accountancy; data processing for accounting purposes; provision of business information; accountancy services; payroll services for accounting purposes; auditing services in the field of accountancy; business assistance, management and information services, namely the analysis of accountancy data; book-keeping; advice, information, analysis and consultancy services in the field of accountancy-relating to all the aforesaid services; providing all the aforementioned services on the Internet and World Wide Web. Providing user access to the Internet (service providers) for the purposes of accessing computer software for the analysis of accounting data; operating of search engines for the purposes of accessing computer software for the analysis of accounting data; communications services for accessing a data-base for the purposes of accessing computer software for the analysis of accounting data; leasing of access time to a computer database for the purposes of accessing computer software for the analysis of accouting data. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0922689 Søknadsnr.: 200706492 Reg.dato: 2007.01.24 Registreringer 2017.01.24 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.06.07 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0923163 Søknadsnr.: 200706755 Reg.dato: 2007.04.13 Registreringer 2017.04.13 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.06.14 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: KIMO MOTHERLOVE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: KIMO, Zone Industrielle, 24700 MONTPON MENESTEROL, FR (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Motherlove Herbal Co, 3101 Kintzley Court Unit S, CO80535 LAPORTE, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Data gathering and processing software; software for supervision; measuring, regulating and control apparatus and instruments; inclined, vertical, electrical, multiple, transportable pressure gauges; scientific, nautical, surveying, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision) and lifesaving apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; magnetic data media, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; data processing and computer equipment; data gathering stations; electrical and electronic measuring apparatus and instruments, precision measuring apparatus, measuring instruments; mechanical, electrical and electronic apparatus and instruments for measuring and controlling parameters of a fluid, namely speed, pressure, flow rate, humidity, temperature, combustion, tachometry, acoustics; mechanical, electrical and electronic speed, pressure, flow rate, humidity and temperature recorders; capacity measures; electrical controlling apparatus; heat control apparatus; boiler control instruments; overvoltage protection controllers; manometers, micromanometers; hygrometers; anemometers; tachometers; probes for scientific purposes; temperature sensors; gas detectors; transmitters (telecommunications); pressure, humidity and air temperature transmitters; display units; flow meters; sound locating instruments; psychrometers; aerometers; leakage detectors; grading benches; speed, pressure, flow rate, humidity, temperature sensors; testing apparatus not for medical purposes; air analysis apparatus; diagnostic apparatus not for medical purposes; combustion analysers; thermometers not for medical purposes; infra-red thermometers; pressure controllers; hygrostats; thermostats; Pitot tubes; air flow measuring blades; bolometers; air flow cones; pyrometers; moisture measuring meters; calibrators; all the above products except those used for electric drives and controls. Klasse:3 Klasse:5 Klasse:25 201 Herbal skin care preparations for personal use, namely, bath herbs, bath salts, body sprays and scented room sprays Herbal salves and herbal oils all for use in treating skin disorders; herbal supplements Clothing for babies and children, namely, t-shirts begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0923549 Søknadsnr.: 200810999 Reg.dato: 2006.12.18 Registreringer 2016.12.18 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.09.04 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0923988 Søknadsnr.: 200707114 Reg.dato: 2007.04.25 Registreringer 2017.04.25 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.06.21 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Zenergy ALPHA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Zenergy Power GmbH, Heisenbergstraße 16, 53359 RHEINBACH, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Klasse:9 Klasse:11 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Grundfos Management A/S, Poul Due Jensen Vej 7-11, 8850 BJERRINGBRO, DK (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Machines for energy generation, power generation and conversion of energy; so far as the aforesaid machines contain wind or water driven wheels, only machines based on rotating, superconducting elements; electric generators; power generators; alternating current generators; all aforementioned machines and apparatus also with superconductors; motors and engines, linear motors, electro motors (except for land vehicles), ship engines, also with superconductive components, superconductors or windings with superconductive wires; shaft couplings not for land vehicles. Scientific, nautical, photographic, cinematographic, weighing, measuring, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatuses and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; automatic vending machines and mechanism for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers ; electrical devices, in which superconductors are inserted (included in this class); material for electrical lines, wires, cables, superconductors and superconductive lines; precursor material for manufacturing of superconductors (included in this class); electrical conductors, particularly superconductors; electrical wire, particularly superconductive wires; electric cables; electric wires or electricity conduits; power supply cables; band shaped wires or cables with superconductive properties; electrical and electronic components, particularly superconductive circuits, electronic or electric filtering elements, electric or electronic energy storing elements; coils; transmitter and receiver with superconductive elements; electrical transformers; current limiter; electromagnets. Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; furnaces; heaters; heating furnaces for industrial purposes; induction heaters; induction heating installations; induction heating apparatus; induction ovens; all aforementioned apparatuses also with superconductors. Klasse:7 Klasse:11 Circulating pumps, centrifugal pumps, pumps for water supply, pumps for fresh and polluted water, pumps for industrial purposes, pumps for fuel oil, hydraulic pumps, air compressor pumps, regulation and control devices for use in connection with pumps and pumping plants, such as valves, cocks, packings and automatic regulating valves, electric motors for pumps (not for land vehicles), filters (being parts of machines and motors), cleaning apparatus (being parts of machines and motors) and cleaning machines; and parts and accessories (not included in other classes) for these goods. Apparatus and installations for heating, steam generating, refrigerating, ventilating and water supply, including water distribution installations and water supply installations; and parts and accessories (not included in other classes) for these goods. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0924012 Søknadsnr.: 200707120 Reg.dato: 2007.01.22 Registreringer 2017.01.22 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.06.21 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Hans D Krieger KG, Hauptstrasse 128, 55743 IDAROBERSTEIN, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:14 Klasse:40 202 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith (included in this class); gold and silverware as works of art; silverplate as works of art; jewellery, precious stones, in particular diamonds; none of the aforesaid goods as or for use with clocks of all types, horological, chronometric and/or other instrument(s) or acessory(ies) for timing. Treatment of material, namely diamond cutting, work of a goldsmith, treatment of platinum to jewellery, mounting of precious stones, gold plating, gilding; none of the aforesaid services concerning or for use with clocks of all types, horological, chronometric and/or other instrument(s) or accessory(ies) for timing. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0924226 Søknadsnr.: 200707173 Reg.dato: 2007.04.11 Registreringer 2017.04.11 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.06.21 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0925307 Søknadsnr.: 200707675 Reg.dato: 2007.04.04 Registreringer 2017.04.04 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.07.05 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: KIT KAT SENSES (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Société des Produits Nestlé SA, 1800 VEVEY, CH (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:30 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Alko OY (in English Alko Inc), Pl 33, 01301 VANDA, FI (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:16 Klasse:32 Klasse:33 Klasse:41 Klasse:42 Chocolate, chocolate products, confectionery; bakery articles, pastries; biscuits, cakes, cookies, wafers, toffees. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0925419 Søknadsnr.: 200707698 Reg.dato: 2007.01.29 Registreringer 2017.01.29 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.07.05 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fireextinguishing apparatus. Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks. Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other nonalcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Alcoholic beverages (except beers). Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. Scientific and technological services and research and design relating to research of alcoholic beverages, spirits, other alcoholic products and techno chemical products; analysis and research services of alcoholic beverages, spirits, other alcoholic products and techno chemical products; inspection and controlling of alcoholic beverages; design and development of computer hardware and software. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: UAB Ism Vadybos Ir Ekonomikos Universitetas, Ozeskienes g. 18, 44254 KAUNAS, LT (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0925421 Søknadsnr.: 200707699 Reg.dato: 2007.03.08 Registreringer 2017.03.08 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.07.05 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: BUNDINOS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Luigino F Paulucci, 201 West First Street, FL32771 SANFORD, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 203 Prepared, frozen or packaged appetizers consisting primarily of meat, poultry, processed fruit and cheese; prepared, frozen or packaged fruit-based snack food; prepared, frozen or packaged snack food package combinations consisting primarily of meat, poultry, processed fruit and cheese begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0926252 Søknadsnr.: 200708060 Reg.dato: 2006.12.19 Registreringer 2016.12.19 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.07.12 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0925505 Søknadsnr.: 200707716 Reg.dato: 2007.04.27 Registreringer 2017.04.27 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.07.05 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: CODEGEAR TRISTAN BOATS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: CodeGear LLC, 100 Enterprise Way, CA95066 SCOTTS VALLEY, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:41 Klasse:42 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Tristan Boats OY, Kuvansintie 7, 78850 VARKAUS, FI (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Klasse:9 Klasse:12 Computer programs, namely, compilers, assemblers, visual development software, computer software development tools and computer utility programs for use in creating, modeling, monitoring, controlling, administering and managing applications and other programs and for providing secure communications and data exchange between programs and computers in a distributed or networked environment; computer program and application development software, computer software development tools and computer utility programs for use in designing, developing, writing, tracking changes in and implementing user-specific applications, secure communications applications, and general purpose applications programs; objectoriented and client/server programming development software, software tools and utilities; database management software; database development software, computer software for use in designing and implementing programs for access to and for exchange of secure communications and data in environments containing local area networks, enterprise networks, wide area networks and the Internet linked by common or diverse protocols; programming software for use in developing, maintaining, enhancing, providing security for and operating computer programs and computer systems, and computer utility programs, and user manuals sold therewith as a unit. Educational services and training services, namely, conducting seminars and courses in the field of computers, computer software, computer networking, computer software applications, software development and implementation, and business process automation; organizing and presenting conferences, seminars and user working group meetings in the field of computers, computer software and computer networking. Design and development of computer software for others; professional and technical consulting services in relation to computers, computer software, databases and database management, networking, programming and application development, user interfaces, client/server and remote computing applications, computer systems operations tools and utilities, global computer information network, enterprise, wide area and local area networking access, operations and systems management, development tools and utilities, and monitoring, control and management of computer systems; support services provided to others for computer software, namely telephone consultation, debugging computer software for others, updating computer software for others. Motors and engines, outboard motors. Nautical apparatus. Boats, motorboats and apparatus for locomotion by water, propelling screws. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0926396 Søknadsnr.: 200708088 Reg.dato: 2007.05.22 Registreringer 2017.05.22 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.07.12 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: DCI (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Diversified Credit Investments LLC, 201 Spear Street, Suite 250, CA94105 SAN FRANCISCO, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:36 204 Investment management and investment advisory services, neither of which uses strategies emphasizing tax-deductible cumulative Tier I regulatory capital securities for banks. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0927947 Søknadsnr.: 200708630 Reg.dato: 2006.12.15 Registreringer 2016.12.15 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.07.26 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:29 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Olivia M Weber, Maiacherweg 4, 5622 WALTENSCHWIL, CH (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Klasse:3 Klasse:5 Klasse:32 Chemicals used in science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; microorganism cultures for use in agriculture, horticulture and sylviculture; unprocessed artificial resins; unprocessed plastics, fertilizers; fire extinguishing compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; plant growth regulating preparations; growth promotants for plants; products for soil improvement; soil fertilizers; organic soil fertilizers; soil fertilizers with added microorganisms; products for regulating plant growth with microorganisms; products containing microorganisms for favouring plant growth; products containing microorganisms for improving soils; products containing antioxidants for improving soils; soil fertilizers containing antioxidants; microorganism cultures for edible jellies; cultures of microorganisms and antioxidants for food supplements of animal origin; cultures of microorganisms and antioxidants; cultures of microorganisms and antioxidants not for medical or veterinary use; microorganism cultures for water purifying products; oil for the conservation of food products with added microorganism cultures; preparations of trace elements for plants; filtering substances for the beverage industry with antioxidants and microorganisms; cultures of microorganisms and antioxidants. Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use with added microorganisms; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations with added microorganisms. Pharmaceutical and veterinary products and sanitary products for medical purposes; microorganism cultures for pharmaceutical and veterinary products and also for hygienic products for medical use; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth and dental wax; disinfectants, products for destroying vermin; nutritive substances for microorganisms; dietetic food for medical use; probiotic products for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; probiotic fungicides and herbicides; cultures of microorganisms and antioxidants for 205 2009.11.02 - 45/09 medical or veterinary purposes; medicinal drinks; microorganism cultures for medical use with antioxidants for medicinal drinks; food for babies; nutritional supplements with added antioxidant microorganisms for medical use; food supplements; mineral food supplements with cultures of microorganisms and antioxidants; sanitary preparations for medical use with cultures of microorganisms and antioxidants; syrups for pharmaceutical purposes; vitamin preparations and preparations mainly composed of trace elements or minerals for human or animal consumption with cultures of microorganisms and antioxidants; air purifying preparations; air purifying preparations with cultures of microorganisms and antioxidants. Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruit and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs; milk and dairy products; edible oils and fats; jellies with added microorganisms and antioxidants; jams containing microorganisms and antioxidants; milk and dairy products with added microorganisms and antioxidants; weed extracts for food; weed extracts for food with cultures of microorganisms and antioxidants; pollen prepared as foodstuff; pollen prepared as foodstuff with cultures of microorganisms and antioxidants; enzymes for human consumption; enzymes for human consumption with cultures of microorganisms and antioxidants. Beers; mineral and sparkling water and other nonalcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; refreshing beverages containing microorganisms and antioxidants included in this class; refreshing beverages included in this class; non-alcoholic beverages containing microorganisms and antioxidants; fruit beverages and fruit juices containing microorganisms and antioxidants; syrups containing cultures of microorganisms and antioxidants and other preparations for making beverages; fruit beverages with added microorganisms; preparations for making beverages; sherbets (beverages); isotonic beverages with antioxidants and microorganisms; essences for making beverages; vegetable juices (beverages), non-alcoholic fruit beverages, non-alcoholic beverages made of honey and whey with microorganism cultures antioxidants; water (beverages) with microorganism cultures, antioxidants and minerals; syrups for beverages. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0928010 Søknadsnr.: 200708643 Reg.dato: 2007.03.28 Registreringer 2017.03.28 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.07.26 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0928258 Søknadsnr.: 200708672 Reg.dato: 2007.06.07 Registreringer 2017.06.07 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.07.26 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: KONVICT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Aliaune Thiam, c/o 191 Peachtree Street, Suite 3300, GA30303 ATLANTA, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 Klasse:25 Klasse:41 Printed publications and paper goods, namely, calendars, day planners, publication paper, posters, gift cards, paper gift bags, magazines featuring entertainment. Clothing, namely, shirts, pants, t-shirts, jerseys, jackets, shoes, dresses, coats, blouses, suits, hats, underwear, socks, ties, sleepwear. Entertainment services, namely, audio recording and production; music production services; record production; videotape production; sound recording studios; entertainment, namely, live performances by a musical artist; entertainment, namely, live musical concerts; entertainment services, namely, providing prerecorded music, information in the field of music, and commentary and articles about music, all on-line via a global computer network; entertainment services, namely, providing a web site featuring musical performances, musical videos, related film clips, photographs, and other multimedia materials. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Hospitality Marketing Consultants LLC, 4701 Von Karman Avenue, CA92660 NEWPORT BEACH, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0928563 Søknadsnr.: 200708827 Reg.dato: 2007.05.10 Registreringer 2017.05.10 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.08.02 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0928206 Søknadsnr.: 200708666 Reg.dato: 2007.05.10 Registreringer 2017.05.10 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.07.26 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: SKYLINE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Hansgrohe AG, Auestrasse 5-9, 77761 SCHILTACH, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: LUVAMINE Klasse:11 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Merck KGaA, Frankfurter Strasse 250, 64293 DARMSTADT, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Customer loyalty services, namely, providing a travel and hotel loyalty program featuring loyalty points, discount rates, and recognition benefits for commercial, promotional and/or advertising purposes. Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. Klasse:19 206 Apparatus for heating, steam generating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes, water heating installations, water storage tanks and heat accumulators, mixing valves, manually or automatically controllable fittings for water inlets and outlets; taps for washstands, bidets and sinks, taps for tubs and showers; sanitary tubs and basins, bath tubs, shower trays, whirlpool tubs, bidets, shower systems and shower cubicles; combination showers, shower sets with attachments; preassembled multifunction showers; showers and shower fittings, shower combinations, body showers, overhead showers, lateral-jet showers, flexible tubes for showers, spray nozzles, being parts of sanitary installations, showers and baths; shower holders; pre-assembled multifunction showers; baths, massage baths, spa baths, whirlpools; water jet aerators; intake and outlet fittings for sanitary basins, washstands, sinks, bidets, bath tubs and shower trays; siphons (traps), pipes for supplying and removing water, water-pipe fittings of metal; parts of the aforesaid goods. Pipes and water pipes, not of metal. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0928565 Søknadsnr.: 200708828 Reg.dato: 2007.05.15 Registreringer 2017.05.15 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.08.02 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0928864 Søknadsnr.: 200708893 Reg.dato: 2007.03.27 Registreringer 2017.03.27 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.08.02 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: MCENNEDY (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Lidl Stiftung & Co KG, Stiftsbergstrasse 1, 74167 NECKARSULM, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Klasse:30 Klasse:31 Klasse:32 Klasse:33 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: UAB Ism Vadybos Ir Ekonomikos Universitetas, Ozeskienes g. 18, 44254 KAUNAS, LT (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Meat, fish, poultry and game, including the aforesaid goods frozen; meat products and charcuterie; meat extracts; shellfish; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables, including the aforesaid goods in sweet and/or sour (pickled) sauces; jellies; jams, marmalades, fruit sauces and other sweet spreads; eggs, milk and milk products included in this class, in particular butter, cheese, fresh milk, long-life milk, cream, yoghurt, quark, powdered milk for food, desserts of yoghurt, quark and cream; meat, sausage, fish, fruit and vegetable preserves; processed nuts; edible oils and fats; prepared meals and frozen foodstuffs included in this class; dietetic substances and foodstuffs, not adapted for medical use, included in this class. Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, in particular cereals, muesli and wholewheat products; pasta; coffee, tea, cocoa or chocolate-based drinks; coffee and cocoa preparations for making alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages; food flavourings; bread and pastry, in particular baguettes; pizzas; condiments, confectionery, ices; blancmanges; honey, treacle; yeast, baking powder, starch for food; salt; mustard; mayonnaise, ketchup; vinegar, sauces (condiments), salad dressings; spices, spice extracts, dried herbs; prepared meals and frozen foodstuffs included in this class; dietetic substances and foodstuffs, not adapted for medical use, included in this class. Fresh fruits and vegetables; nuts; seeds, natural plants and flowers; dried plants; animal feed and additives for animal feed; litter for animals. Beers; alcohol-free beer; dietetic beer; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Alcoholic beverages (except beer) included in this class, in particular wine, spirits and liqueurs, and alcoholic mixed milk beverages, cocktails and aperitifs with a spirit or wine base, except scotch, whisky; beverages containing wine; alcoholic preparations for making beverages. Klasse:16 Typewriters; plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0929204 Søknadsnr.: 200709070 Reg.dato: 2007.06.06 Registreringer 2017.06.06 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.08.09 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: FLAMELESS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Multi-Color Corp, 50 E-Business Way, Suite 400, OH45241 SHARONVILLE, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 207 Plastic and thermoplastic labels, namely blank, partially printed, or fully printed wax-based labels and adhesive labels. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0929958 Søknadsnr.: 200709378 Reg.dato: 2007.02.21 Registreringer 2017.02.21 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.08.16 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0929973 Søknadsnr.: 200709385 Reg.dato: 2007.04.18 Registreringer 2017.04.18 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.08.16 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: SERENATA Covalent (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Bang & Olufsen A/S, Peter Bangs Vej 15, 7600 STRUER, DK (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:38 Klasse:42 Klasse:45 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Covalent Materials Corp, 6-3, Ohsaki 1-chome, Shinagawa-ku, 141-0032 TOKYO, JP (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Electric and electronic apparatus and appliances for analogue, digital or optical reception, processing, reproduction, regulation, enhancing or distribution of light, sound or picture signals; television sets, television sets with built in VCR players, DVD players, amplifiers, radio receivers and/or Internet connections; audio equipment containing amplifiers; amplifiers, loudspeakers, loudspeakers with build in amplifiers; cabinets for loudspeakers; electronic control units for regulation of sound signals; radio receiving sets; CD players and recorders; mini discs; MP3 players and recorders; recorders for cassette tapes and digital medias; radios for automobiles; headphones; remote control units; cable installations; control units and related installations; software for remote control of light, sound or picture signals; telephones, telephones with built-in answering machines, telephones with built in cameras and monitors, telephones for transmission of data through the Internet and other networks; telephones with built in MP3 player and recorder; telephones with built in players and recorders of digitally stored music; mobile telephones, mobile telephones with built in MP3 player and recorder, mobile telephones with built in players and recorders of digitally stored music; holders for mobile telephones, chargers for mobile telephones; answering machines; telecommunication equipment; carriers of stored signals; electric and electronic apparatus and appliances for data processing and for input, output and storage of data; computers, magnetic and optical data carriers, computer programs recorded on tapes, cards, discs or other media, disc storage, word processors and word processing equipment; software for electric and electronic apparatus and appliances; parts and fittings to all the aforementioned goods included in this class; spare parts (not included in other classes). Telecommunication services; renting of telephones and telephone systems; transmission of messages, pictures and music tracks via computers and computer networks; electronic mail services; voice mail services; providing electronic bulletin boards; providing user access to computer networks; telecommunication services in connection with data storage and retrieval services. Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software. Legal services; licensing of intellectual property. Klasse:1 Klasse:5 Klasse:7 208 Photo catalytic agents; fillers for chromatography; silicon; chemicals; adhesives not for stationery or household purposes; ceramic glazings; priming putty; higher fatty acids; nonferrous metals; nonmetallic minerals; photographic chemicals, namely photographic emulsions, photographic sensitizers and photographic developers; chemical test paper; artificial sweeteners; flour and starch for industrial purposes; unprocessed plastics; wood pulp for manufacturing purposes. Dental composite materials, dental impression materials; dental void artificial filler; dental graft materials made of synthetic bioactive ceramics, biological dental tissue or synthetic dental graft substitutes; materials for artificial teeth; dental materials; oiled paper for medical purposes; pharmaceutical wafer; gauze for dressings; empty capsules for pharmaceuticals; eye patches for medical purposes; ear bandages; menstruation bandages; menstruation tampons; sanitary napkins; sanitary panties; absorbent cotton; adhesive plasters; bandages for dressings; collodion for pharmaceutical purposes; breast-nursing pads; bracelets for medical purposes; incontinence diapers; fly catching paper; mothproofing paper; lactose (milk sugar); lacteal flour for babies; semen for artificial insemination. Semiconductor manufacturing machines and their parts; liquid-crystal manufacturing machines and their parts; dynamo brushes for electric motors; dynamo brushes; chemical processing machines and their parts; solar batteries manufacturing machines and their parts; robots for manufacturing a semi-conductor and their parts; industrial robots and their parts; metalworking machines and tools; mining machines and apparatus; construction machines and apparatus; loading-unloading machines and apparatus; chemical processing machines and apparatus; textile machines and apparatus; food or beverage processing machines and apparatus; lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making machines and apparatus; pulp making, papermaking or paper-working machines and apparatus; printing or bookbinding machines and apparatus; sewing machines; plowing machines and implements (other than "hand-held tools"); cultivating machines and implements; harvesting machines and implements; plant fiber processing machines and implements for making agricultural aids of crude vegetable fibrous materials; fodder presses; fodder cutting machines (feed cutters); fodder mixing machines (feed mixers); cake-fodder crushing machines (feed mills); milk filtering machines; milking machines; chick brooders; incubators for eggs; sericultural machines and implements; shoe making machines; leather tanning machines; tobacco processing machines; glassware manufacturing machines and apparatus; painting machines and apparatus; packaging or wrapping machines and apparatus; power-operated potters' wheels; plastic processing machines and apparatus; machines and apparatus for manufacturing rubber goods; stone working machines and apparatus; non- begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker Klasse:9 electric prime movers, not for land vehicles (other than "water mills" and "wind mills"); parts for nonelectric prime movers for land vehicles; water mills; wind mills; pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments; adhesive tape dispensing machines; automatic stamping machines; electric washing machines for industrial purposes; food mixing machines for commercial use; food peeling machines for commercial use; dish washing machines for industrial purposes; food cutting, chopping and slicing machines for commercial use; electric wax-polishing machines for household purposes; washing machines for household purposes; vacuum cleaners for household purposes; electric food blenders for household purposes; repairing (fixing) machines and apparatus; mechanical parking systems; vehicle washing installations; power sprayers for disinfecting, insecticides and deodorants not for agricultural purposes; shafts, axles or spindles not for land vehicles, bearings (machine elements not for land vehicles); shaft couplings or connectors (machine elements not for land vehicles); bearings (machine elements not for land vehicles); power transmissions and gearing for machines not for land vehicles; shock absorbers (machine elements not for land vehicles); springs (machine elements not for land vehicles); brakes (machine elements not for land vehicles); valves (machine elements not for land vehicles); lawnmowers; curtain drawing devices electrically operated; waste compacting machines and apparatus; waste crushing machines; starters for motors and engines; AC motors and DC motors (not including those for land vehicles but including "parts" for any AC motors and DC motors); AC generators (alternators); DC generators; machines and apparatus of glass or ceramics for manufacturing chemical products. Semi-conductor wafer; glass substrates for semiconductor wafer; solar batteries; analysis apparatus for use in chemical and their parts; testing apparatus for semi-conductors and their parts; discharge tubes; electronic machines, apparatus and their parts, namely X-ray tubes not for medical purposes, semiconductors and electronic microscope; glass for photo masks; machines and apparatus of glass or ceramics for laboratory, research and analysis purposes; micro lens array for liquid crystal displays; micro lens array for liquid crystal projectors; micro lens array for two or three dimensional recognition devices; micro lens array for electronic machines and apparatus; optical machines, apparatus and their parts; fuel cells and their parts; ear plugs; processed glass not for building, namely, optical glass, glass for photo mask, glass covered with an electrical conductor, glass for liquid crystal display, glass for plasma display, glass for electro luminescence display, ultraviolet-ray transmitting glass, infrared-ray absorbing glass, lense glass and glass for flat panel display; electric arc welding machines; electric arc cutting machines; electric welding apparatus; ozonator (ozonators); electrolysers (electrolytic cells); egg-candlers; blueprint apparatus; cash registers; coin counting or sorting machines; electric sign boards for displaying target figures, current outputs or the like; photocopying machines; drawing or drafting instruments and apparatus; time and date stamping machines; time clocks (time recording devices); punched card office machines; voting machines; postage stamp checking apparatus; vending machines; gasoline station equipment; coin-operated gates for car parking facilities; life saving apparatus and equipment; fire extinguishers; fire hydrants; fire hose nozzles; sprinkler systems for fire protection; fire alarms; gas alarms; anti-theft warning apparatus; protective helmets; railway signal apparatus, luminous or mechanical; vehicle breakdown warning Klasse:10 Klasse:11 209 2009.11.02 - 45/09 triangles; luminous or mechanical road signs; diving machines and apparatus (not for sports); arcade game apparatus adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; electric door openers; simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; sports training simulators; laboratory apparatus and instruments; photographic instruments and apparatus; cinematographic instruments and apparatus; measuring or testing machines and instruments; power distribution or control machines and apparatus; rotary converters; phase modifier; batteries and cells; electric or magnetic meters and testers; electric wires and cables; electric flat irons; electric hair-curlers; electric buzzers; telecommunication devices and apparatus; magnetic cores; resistance wires; electrodes other than for medical use; fire boats; fire engines; cigar lighters for automobiles; gloves for protection against accidents; dust masks; gas masks; welding masks; fireproof garments; spectacles (eyeglasses and goggles); apparatus for consumer games adopted for use with an external display screen or monitor; electronic circuits and CD-ROMs recorded with programs for hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; weight belts (for scuba diving); inflatable swimming floats; protective helmets for sports; air tanks (for scuba diving); regulators (for scuba diving); phonograph records; metronomes; electronic circuits and CDROMs recorded automatic performance programs for electronic musical instruments; downloadable music files; exposed cinematographic films; exposed slide films; slide film mounts; downloadable image files; recorded video discs and video tapes; electronic publications. Prosthetic or filling materials not for dental use, namely bone void artifical filler, bone graft materials made of synthetic bioactive ceramics ad biological tissue or synthetic bone graft substitutes; prosthetic or filling materials for artificial bones; medical apparatus and instruments used for a cell culture and their parts; medical apparatus and instruments and their parts; alternative plasma component adsorption apparatus and machine; testing apparatus for medical purposes and their parts and their attachments; pacifiers for babies; ice bag pillows for medical purposes; triangular bandages; supportive bandages; surgical catguts; feeding cups for medical purposes; teats; medical ice bags; medical ice bag holders; baby bottles; finger guards for medical purposes; contraceptives, non-chemical; artificial tympanic membranes; esthetic massage apparatus for industrial purposes; electric massage apparatus for household use; gloves for medical purposes; urinals for medical purposes; bed pans; ear picks; micro lens array for medical machines and apparatus. Industrial furnaces and their parts and their attachments; electric lamps and other lighting apparatus; industrial air purifiers and their parts and their attachments; air conditioning apparatus and their parts and their attachments; heating elements; set units of toilet bowl and seat; set units of bathroom; drying apparatus for chemical processing; recuperators for chemical processing; steamers for chemical processing; evaporators for chemical processing; distillers for chemical processing; heat exchangers for chemical processing; milk sterilizers; nuclear reactors and their parts; forage drying apparatus; industrial boilers; freezing machines and apparatus; laundry dryers (electric, for industrial purposes); cooking equipment for industrial purposes; industrial dish drying apparatus and installations; dish disinfectant apparatus for industrial purposes; tap water faucets; level controlling valves for tanks; pipe line cocks; waste water treatment tanks for industrial purposes; septic tanks for industrial purposes; garbage incinerators for industrial purposes; garbage incinerators for begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker Klasse:19 Klasse:21 household purposes; solar water heaters; water purifying apparatus; electrothermic domestic appliances; washers for water taps; gas water heaters for household use; non-electric cooking heaters (for household purposes); kitchen sinks; ice chests (for household purposes, non-portable); icecooling refrigerators for household purposes; household tap-water filters; bathtubs and the like; standing paper lantern (andon); portable paper lanterns (chochin); gas lamps; oil lamps; lamp chimneys; pocket warmers (non-electric); hot water bottles (for warming one's feet in bed); toilet stool units with a washing water squirter; disinfectant dispensers for toilets; toilet bowls; seats for Japanese style toilet bowls; waste water treatment tanks for household purposes; septic tanks for household purposes; heating or cooling packs filled with chemical substances ready to react when required; non-electric heating apparatus for household purposes. Refractory products for heat treating of electronic components; refractory products of ceramic; castable refractory; refractory product; quartz; electric wave absorbent for building or construction, not of metal; tar and pitch; non-metallic minerals for building or construction; ceramic building materials and bricks; plastic building materials; synthetic building materials; asphalt, and asphalt building or construction materials; plaster for building purposes; lime building or construction materials; building or construction materials of plaster; prefabricated building kits not of metal; geotextiles; plastic security windows allowing communication; road marking sheets and strips of synthetic materials; cement and its products; building timber; building stone; building glass; artificial fish reefs not of metal; hen-houses and poultry cages not of metal; paint spraying booths not of metal; moulds for forming cement products not of metal; water-pipe valves not of metal or plastics; road signs not of metal, non-luminous, and not mechanical; beacons (not of metal, nonluminous); liquid storage tanks of masonry for industrial purposes; water tanks of masonry for industrial purposes; water tanks of masonry for household purposes; mooring bollards not of metal; letter boxes of masonry; transportable greenhouses not of metal for household use; gravestones and tomb plaques not of metal; diving platforms not of metal; stone sculptures; concrete sculptures; marble sculptures; boards and powder (nonmetallic mineral materials) of inorganic fiber not of asbestos, for building; plaster boards; slag. Glass powder for sealant of semi-conductor; dental floss; un-worked or semi-worked glass not for building; mangers for animals (troughs for livestock); poultry rings; cooking skewers; tub brushes; metal brushes; brushes for pipes; industrial brushes; shipscrubbing brushes; gloves for household purposes; industrial packaging containers of glass not including "glass stoppers, lids and covers"; industrial packaging containers of ceramics; glass stoppers (for industrial packaging containers); glass covers and lids for industrial packaging containers; cooking pots and pans (non-electric); coffee-pots (nonelectric); Japanese cast iron kettles, non-electric (tetsubin); kettles (non-electric); tableware; portable coolers; rice chests; food preserving jars of glass; drinking flasks (for travelers); vacuum bottles (insulated flasks); ice pails; whisks (non-electric); cooking strainers; pepper pots; sugar bowls; salt shakers; egg cups; napkin holders; napkin rings; trays; toothpick holders; colanders; shakers; Japanese style cooked rice scoops (shamoji); handoperated coffee grinders and pepper mills; cooking funnels; Japanese style wooden pestles (surikogi); Japanese style earthenware mortars (suribachi); Japanese style personal dining trays or stands (zen); bottle openers; cooking graters; tart scoops; coaster, 2009.11.02 - 45/09 not of paper and other than table linen, for pans; chopsticks; chopstick cases; kitchen ladles and dippers; cooking sieves and sifters; chopping boards for kitchen use; rolling pins for cooking purposes; grills (cooking utensils); toothpicks; lemon squeezers (citrus juicers); waffle irons (non-electric); cleaning tools and washing utensils; ironing boards; tailors' sprayers; ironing boards (kotedai); stirrers for hot bathtub water (yukakibo); bathroom pails; candle extinguishers; candlesticks; cinder sifters for household purposes; coal scuttles; fly swatters; mouse traps; flower pots; hydroponic apparatus for domestic horticultural purposes; watering cans; feeding vessels for pets; brushes for pets; indoor aquaria and their fittings; bird cages; bird baths; clothes brushes; chamber pots; toilet paper holders; piggy banks (not of metal); boxes of metal for dispensing paper towels; boot jacks; soap dispensers; flower vases; flower bowls; upright signboards of glass or ceramics; perfume burners; electric toothbrushes; cosmetic and toilet utensils (other than "electric toothbrushes"); shoe brushes; shoe horns; shoe shine cloths; handy shoe shiners; shoe-trees (stretchers); portable cooking kits for outdoor use; pig bristles (hog bristles for brushes). 210 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0929974 Søknadsnr.: 200709386 Reg.dato: 2007.04.18 Registreringer 2017.04.18 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.08.16 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Covalent Materials (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Covalent Materials Corp, 6-3, Ohsaki 1-chome, Shinagawa-ku, 141-0032 TOKYO, JP (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Klasse:5 Klasse:7 Photo catalytic agents; fillers for chromatography; silicon; chemicals; adhesives not for stationery or household purposes; ceramic glazings; priming putty; higher fatty acids; nonferrous metals; nonmetallic minerals; photographic chemicals, namely photographic emulsions, photographic sensitizers and photographic developers; chemical test paper; artificial sweeteners; flour and starch for industrial purposes; unprocessed plastics; wood pulp for manufacturing purposes. Dental composite materials, dental impression materials; dental void artificial filler; dental graft materials made of synthetic bioactive ceramics, biological dental tissue or synthetic dental graft substitutes; materials for artificial teeth; dental materials; oiled paper for medical purposes; pharmaceutical wafer; gauze for dressings; empty capsules for pharmaceuticals; eye patches for medical purposes; ear bandages; menstruation bandages; menstruation tampons; sanitary napkins; sanitary panties; absorbent cotton; adhesive plasters; bandages for dressings; collodion for pharmaceutical purposes; breast-nursing pads; bracelets for medical purposes; incontinence diapers; fly catching paper; mothproofing paper; lactose (milk sugar); lacteal flour for babies; semen for artificial insemination. Semiconductor manufacturing machines and their parts; liquid-crystal manufacturing machines and their parts; dynamo brushes for electric motors; dynamo brushes; chemical processing machines and their parts; solar batteries manufacturing machines and their parts; robots for manufacturing a semi-conductor and their parts; industrial robots and their parts; metalworking machines and tools; mining machines and apparatus; construction machines and apparatus; loading-unloading machines and apparatus; chemical processing machines and apparatus; textile machines and apparatus; food or beverage processing machines and apparatus; lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making machines and apparatus; pulp making, papermaking or paper-working machines and apparatus; printing or bookbinding machines and apparatus; sewing machines; plowing machines and implements (other than "hand-held tools"); cultivating machines and implements; harvesting machines and implements; plant fiber processing machines and implements for making agricultural aids of crude vegetable fibrous materials; fodder presses; fodder cutting machines (feed cutters); fodder mixing machines (feed mixers); cake-fodder crushing machines (feed mills); milk filtering machines; milking machines; chick brooders; incubators for eggs; sericultural machines and implements; shoe making machines; leather tanning machines; tobacco processing machines; glassware manufacturing machines and apparatus; painting machines and apparatus; packaging or wrapping machines and apparatus; power-operated potters' wheels; plastic processing machines and apparatus; machines and apparatus for manufacturing rubber goods; stone working machines and apparatus; non- Klasse:9 211 2009.11.02 - 45/09 electric prime movers, not for land vehicles (other than "water mills" and "wind mills"); parts for nonelectric prime movers for land vehicles; water mills; wind mills; pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments; adhesive tape dispensing machines; automatic stamping machines; electric washing machines for industrial purposes; food mixing machines for commercial use; food peeling machines for commercial use; dish washing machines for industrial purposes; food cutting, chopping and slicing machines for commercial use; electric wax-polishing machines for household purposes; washing machines for household purposes; vacuum cleaners for household purposes; electric food blenders for household purposes; repairing (fixing) machines and apparatus; mechanical parking systems; vehicle washing installations; power sprayers for disinfecting, insecticides and deodorants not for agricultural purposes; shafts, axles or spindles not for land vehicles, bearings (machine elements not for land vehicles); shaft couplings or connectors (machine elements not for land vehicles); bearings (machine elements not for land vehicles); power transmissions and gearing for machines not for land vehicles; shock absorbers (machine elements not for land vehicles); springs (machine elements not for land vehicles); brakes (machine elements not for land vehicles); valves (machine elements not for land vehicles); lawnmowers; curtain drawing devices electrically operated; waste compacting machines and apparatus; waste crushing machines; starters for motors and engines; AC motors and DC motors (not including those for land vehicles but including "parts" for any AC motors and DC motors); AC generators (alternators); DC generators; machines and apparatus of glass or ceramics for manufacturing chemical products. Semi-conductor wafer; glass substrates for semiconductor wafer; solar batteries; analysis apparatus for use in chemical and their parts; testing apparatus for semi-conductors and their parts; discharge tubes; electronic machines, apparatus and their parts, namely X-ray tubes not for medical purposes, semiconductors and electronic microscope; glass for photo masks; machines and apparatus of glass or ceramics for laboratory, research and analysis purposes; micro lens array for liquid crystal displays; micro lens array for liquid crystal projectors; micro lens array for two or three dimensional recognition devices; micro lens array for electronic machines and apparatus; optical machines, apparatus and their parts; fuel cells and their parts; ear plugs; processed glass not for building, namely, optical glass, glass for photo mask, glass covered with an electrical conductor, glass for liquid crystal display, glass for plasma display, glass for electro luminescence display, ultraviolet-ray transmitting glass, infrared-ray absorbing glass, lense glass and glass for flat panel display; electric arc welding machines; electric arc cutting machines; electric welding apparatus; ozonator (ozonators); electrolysers (electrolytic cells); egg-candlers; blueprint apparatus; cash registers; coin counting or sorting machines; electric sign boards for displaying target figures, current outputs or the like; photocopying machines; drawing or drafting instruments and apparatus; time and date stamping machines; time clocks (time recording devices); punched card office machines; voting machines; postage stamp checking apparatus; vending machines; gasoline station equipment; coin-operated gates for car parking facilities; life saving apparatus and equipment; fire extinguishers; fire hydrants; fire hose nozzles; sprinkler systems for fire protection; fire alarms; gas alarms; anti-theft warning apparatus; protective helmets; railway signal apparatus, luminous or mechanical; vehicle breakdown warning begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker Klasse:10 Klasse:11 triangles; luminous or mechanical road signs; diving machines and apparatus (not for sports); arcade game apparatus adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; electric door openers; simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; sports training simulators; laboratory apparatus and instruments; photographic instruments and apparatus; cinematographic instruments and apparatus; measuring or testing machines and instruments; power distribution or control machines and apparatus; rotary converters; phase modifier; batteries and cells; electric or magnetic meters and testers; electric wires and cables; electric flat irons; electric hair-curlers; electric buzzers; telecommunication devices and apparatus; magnetic cores; resistance wires; electrodes other than for medical use; fire boats; fire engines; cigar lighters for automobiles; gloves for protection against accidents; dust masks; gas masks; welding masks; fireproof garments; spectacles (eyeglasses and goggles); apparatus for consumer games adopted for use with an external display screen or monitor; electronic circuits and CD-ROMs recorded with programs for hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; weight belts (for scuba diving); inflatable swimming floats; protective helmets for sports; air tanks (for scuba diving); regulators (for scuba diving); phonograph records; metronomes; electronic circuits and CDROMs recorded automatic performance programs for electronic musical instruments; downloadable music files; exposed cinematographic films; exposed slide films; slide film mounts; downloadable image files; recorded video discs and video tapes; electronic publications. Prosthetic or filling materials not for dental use, namely bone void artifical filler, bone graft materials made of synthetic bioactive ceramics ad biological tissue or synthetic bone graft substitutes; prosthetic or filling materials for artificial bones; medical apparatus and instruments used for a cell culture and their parts; medical apparatus and instruments and their parts; alternative plasma component adsorption apparatus and machine; testing apparatus for medical purposes and their parts and their attachments; pacifiers for babies; ice bag pillows for medical purposes; triangular bandages; supportive bandages; surgical catguts; feeding cups for medical purposes; teats; medical ice bags; medical ice bag holders; baby bottles; finger guards for medical purposes; contraceptives, non-chemical; artificial tympanic membranes; esthetic massage apparatus for industrial purposes; electric massage apparatus for household use; gloves for medical purposes; urinals for medical purposes; bed pans; ear picks; micro lens array for medical machines and apparatus. Industrial furnaces and their parts and their attachments; electric lamps and other lighting apparatus; industrial air purifiers and their parts and their attachments; air conditioning apparatus and their parts and their attachments; heating elements; set units of toilet bowl and seat; set units of bathroom; drying apparatus for chemical processing; recuperators for chemical processing; steamers for chemical processing; evaporators for chemical processing; distillers for chemical processing; heat exchangers for chemical processing; milk sterilizers; nuclear reactors and their parts; forage drying apparatus; industrial boilers; freezing machines and apparatus; laundry dryers (electric, for industrial purposes); cooking equipment for industrial purposes; industrial dish drying apparatus and installations; dish disinfectant apparatus for industrial purposes; tap water faucets; level controlling valves for tanks; pipe line cocks; waste water treatment tanks for industrial purposes; septic tanks for industrial purposes; garbage incinerators for industrial purposes; garbage incinerators for Klasse:19 Klasse:21 212 2009.11.02 - 45/09 household purposes; solar water heaters; water purifying apparatus; electrothermic domestic appliances; washers for water taps; gas water heaters for household use; non-electric cooking heaters (for household purposes); kitchen sinks; ice chests (for household purposes, non-portable); icecooling refrigerators for household purposes; household tap-water filters; bathtubs and the like; standing paper lantern (andon); portable paper lanterns (chochin); gas lamps; oil lamps; lamp chimneys; pocket warmers (non-electric); hot water bottles (for warming one's feet in bed); toilet stool units with a washing water squirter; disinfectant dispensers for toilets; toilet bowls; seats for Japanese style toilet bowls; waste water treatment tanks for household purposes; septic tanks for household purposes; heating or cooling packs filled with chemical substances ready to react when required; non-electric heating apparatus for household purposes. Refractory products for heat treating of electronic components; refractory products of ceramic; castable refractory; refractory product; quartz; electric wave absorbent for building or construction, not of metal; tar and pitch; non-metallic minerals for building or construction; ceramic building materials and bricks; plastic building materials; synthetic building materials; asphalt, and asphalt building or construction materials; plaster for building purposes; lime building or construction materials; building or construction materials of plaster; prefabricated building kits not of metal; geotextiles; plastic security windows allowing communication; road marking sheets and strips of synthetic materials; cement and its products; building timber; building stone; building glass; artificial fish reefs not of metal; hen-houses and poultry cages not of metal; paint spraying booths not of metal; moulds for forming cement products not of metal; water-pipe valves not of metal or plastics; road signs not of metal, non-luminous, and not mechanical; beacons (not of metal, nonluminous); liquid storage tanks of masonry for industrial purposes; water tanks of masonry for industrial purposes; water tanks of masonry for household purposes; mooring bollards not of metal; letter boxes of masonry; transportable greenhouses not of metal for household use; gravestones and tomb plaques not of metal; diving platforms not of metal; stone sculptures; concrete sculptures; marble sculptures; boards and powder (nonmetallic mineral materials) of inorganic fiber not of asbestos, for building; plaster boards; slag. Glass powder for sealant of semi-conductor; dental floss; un-worked or semi-worked glass not for building; mangers for animals (troughs for livestock); poultry rings; cooking skewers; tub brushes; metal brushes; brushes for pipes; industrial brushes; shipscrubbing brushes; gloves for household purposes; industrial packaging containers of glass not including "glass stoppers, lids and covers"; industrial packaging containers of ceramics; glass stoppers (for industrial packaging containers); glass covers and lids for industrial packaging containers; cooking pots and pans (non-electric); coffee-pots (nonelectric); Japanese cast iron kettles, non-electric (tetsubin); kettles (non-electric); tableware; portable coolers; rice chests; food preserving jars of glass; drinking flasks (for travelers); vacuum bottles (insulated flasks); ice pails; whisks (non-electric); cooking strainers; pepper pots; sugar bowls; salt shakers; egg cups; napkin holders; napkin rings; trays; toothpick holders; colanders; shakers; Japanese style cooked rice scoops (shamoji); handoperated coffee grinders and pepper mills; cooking funnels; Japanese style wooden pestles (surikogi); Japanese style earthenware mortars (suribachi); Japanese style personal dining trays or stands (zen); bottle openers; cooking graters; tart scoops; coaster, begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker not of paper and other than table linen, for pans; chopsticks; chopstick cases; kitchen ladles and dippers; cooking sieves and sifters; chopping boards for kitchen use; rolling pins for cooking purposes; grills (cooking utensils); toothpicks; lemon squeezers (citrus juicers); waffle irons (non-electric); cleaning tools and washing utensils; ironing boards; tailors' sprayers; ironing boards (kotedai); stirrers for hot bathtub water (yukakibo); bathroom pails; candle extinguishers; candlesticks; cinder sifters for household purposes; coal scuttles; fly swatters; mouse traps; flower pots; hydroponic apparatus for domestic horticultural purposes; watering cans; feeding vessels for pets; brushes for pets; indoor aquaria and their fittings; bird cages; bird baths; clothes brushes; chamber pots; toilet paper holders; piggy banks (not of metal); boxes of metal for dispensing paper towels; boot jacks; soap dispensers; flower vases; flower bowls; upright signboards of glass or ceramics; perfume burners; electric toothbrushes; cosmetic and toilet utensils (other than "electric toothbrushes"); shoe brushes; shoe horns; shoe shine cloths; handy shoe shiners; shoe-trees (stretchers); portable cooking kits for outdoor use; pig bristles (hog bristles for brushes). (111) (210) (151) (180) 0931938 Søknadsnr.: 200710088 Reg.dato: 2007.04.06 Registreringer 2017.04.06 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.08.30 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: CELLIENT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Cytyc Corp, 250 Campus Drive, MA01752 MARLBOROUGH, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Klasse:9 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0931669 Søknadsnr.: 200710028 Reg.dato: 2007.07.10 Registreringer 2017.07.10 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.08.30 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:10 Diagnostic preparations, reagents and chemical test kits for scientific laboratory or research use in detecting cancerous conditions Apparatus, equipment and instruments for cytology, histology and pathology laboratories used in the preparation of biological human and animal biological specimens for clinical diagnostic purposes and for cytology and histology study, namely, semiautomated cell block processor with alcohol reagents, eosin reagents, xylene reagents and paraffin; cassettes for capturing and containing biological samples for use in the foregoing cell block processor; laboratory equipment, namely, cell block finishing station with surface for heating cell blocks Medical devices and equipment, namely, cell block apparatus for preparing human and animal biological specimens for clinical medical or veterinary diagnosis including oncology (111) (210) (151) (180) 0932106 Søknadsnr.: 200710117 Reg.dato: 2007.07.16 Registreringer 2017.07.16 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.08.30 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: MIPS Technologies Inc, 1225 Charleston Road, CA94043 MOUNTAIN VIEW, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 2009.11.02 - 45/09 NUTRITION HORIZONS Computer software and code for use in, and for use in the design, description, development, simulation, modeling, testing, verification, and construction of, semiconductors, integrated circuits, computer hardware, code, and cores; computer software for compiling code; computer hardware, development boards, semiconductor, microprocessors, and integrated circuits; microprocessor, microcontroller, integrated circuit, and semiconductor intellectual property cores; instruction set architectures, extensions to instruction set architectures, and processor architectures for microprocessors and microcontrollers; electronic publications in the nature of manuals, specifications, guides, and datasheets all in the field of computer technology, computer code, electronic hardware, and cores in downloadable form or recorded on computer media. (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: North American Nutrition Companies Inc, 6531 St. Rt. 503, OH45338 LEWISBURG, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:31 213 Non-medicated feed additives; animal feed supplements and animal feed, namely livestock feed, horse feed and pet food. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0932538 Søknadsnr.: 200710371 Reg.dato: 2007.05.18 Registreringer 2017.05.18 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.09.06 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0933389 Søknadsnr.: 200710701 Reg.dato: 2007.04.04 Registreringer 2017.04.04 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.09.13 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ATIRAS COCOLOPEZ (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: FROX communication, Feldbachstrasse 80, 8634 HOMBRECHTIKON, CH (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:37 Klasse:42 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Derek McMinn, 7 Chad Road, B153EN EDGBASTON, BIRMINGHAM, GB (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Administration software for computer voice networks for companies; telecommunication software and apparatus for optimizing telephone network operations; software module in connection with sanitary care. Installation and maintenance of data networks (hardware). Technical consultancy in connection with telecommunication technology; computer software development, design and updating; advice on hardware and software; computer software installation and maintenance; computer programming. Klasse:25 Klasse:41 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0933159 Søknadsnr.: 200710650 Reg.dato: 2007.06.04 Registreringer 2017.06.04 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.09.13 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:43 Happy-Fit (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Wiebold-Confiserie GmbH & Co KG, Ernst-Abbe-Str. 2, 25337 ELMSHORN, DE (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:30 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Klasse:44 Chocolate goods, in particular chocolate candies and chocolate candies with soft centres. 214 Articles of clothing, footwear and headgear; leisurewear, sportswear, underwear, bathrobes, slippers, swimwear. Entertainment services; amusement and recreational services; holiday resort entertainment services; discotheque and nightclub services, cabarets; presentation of live performances; club facilities; children's entertainment services; children's play facilities; providing health club and gymnasium services; provision of sporting and leisure facilities; sports entertainment services, sporting activities, water sports activities; provision of sports equipment; sports instruction services. Hotel services; resort services; holiday village and holiday club services; letting of holiday accommodation; crèche services; kids club services; bar services; hotel catering services; cafeteria services; lounge services; restaurant services; provision of information relating to hotels; booking of holiday accommodation; holiday planning services; reservation services; hospitality services; rental of conference facilities and meeting rooms. Health and leisure spa services; health hydros, health clubs; sauna and solarium facilities; beauty salon services; beauty treatments and therapies, holistic therapies, hydrotherapy; massage services; hairdressing services. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0933831 Søknadsnr.: 200710782 Reg.dato: 2007.07.23 Registreringer 2017.07.23 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.09.13 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0934206 Søknadsnr.: 200711033 Reg.dato: 2007.08.09 Registreringer 2017.08.09 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.09.20 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: PRODIS DUNSTAN (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: European Carpet and Rug Association of afgekort ECRA internationale vereniging zonder winstoogmerk, Montoyerstraat 24, 1000 BRUSSEL, BE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Dunstan Baby Pty Ltd, 44 City Road, NSW2008 CHIPPENDALE, AU (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:16 Klasse:27 Klasse:42 Paper, cardboard and goods made of these materials, not included in other classes; labels and tags, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; materials for artists; paintbrushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional or teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks; all the aforesaid goods in connection with the floor coverings industry only. Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; wall hangings (non-textile). Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware; materials testing; drafting of expert reports by laboratory technicians; issuing of certificates and quality labels for carpets and rugs. Klasse:16 DVDs, CD-ROMs, CDs, cassettes, video cassettes; teaching apparatus and instruments, all in the fields of baby language development and early childhood development. Printed matter, publications, photographs, instructional and teaching materials (except apparatus), all in the fields of baby language development and early childhood development. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0935092 Søknadsnr.: 200711383 Reg.dato: 2007.07.16 Registreringer 2017.07.16 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.09.27 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: OPPORTUNITY FAVORS THE PREPARED MIND (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: BlackRock Inc, 40 East 52nd Street, NY10022 NEW YORK, US (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0934103 Søknadsnr.: 200711010 Reg.dato: 2007.08.03 Registreringer 2017.08.03 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.09.20 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:36 ROYTRONIC (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Milton Roy Company, 201 Ivyland Road, PA18974-0577 IVYLAND, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Investment management services; investment advice; financial services, namely, asset management services; risk management; mutual fund brokerage services; mutual fund investment services; mutual fund distribution services. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0935285 Søknadsnr.: 200711647 Reg.dato: 2007.07.31 Registreringer 2017.07.31 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.10.04 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Pumps, namely, electric pumps, positive displacement pumps, pump diaphragms. HDC (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Continental AG, Vahrenwalder Strasse 9, 30165 HANNOVER, DE (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 215 Tires for commercial vehicles including, but not limited to busses and trucks. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0935917 Søknadsnr.: 200711807 Reg.dato: 2007.03.05 Registreringer 2017.03.05 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.10.04 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0936367 Søknadsnr.: 200712091 Reg.dato: 2007.02.04 Registreringer 2017.02.04 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.10.11 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: PRO-BUILD FROG (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Pro-Build Holdings Inc, One Cragwood Road, NJ07080 SOUTH PLAINFIELD, US (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Klasse:36 Klasse:37 Klasse:40 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: OÜ Frog Group, Kadaka tee 32, 10621 TALLINN, EE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Distributorship and retail store services in the fields of building materials, hardware, lumber, construction materials, plumbing, HVAC, electrical and lighting supplies, home furnishings, tools, fasteners, floor coverings, roofing, gypsum, insulation, doors, windows, moldings and trim, rebar and mesh, lawn and garden supplies, steel framing materials, pipe and fittings, appliances, house plans, engineered wood products, namely i-joists, joists, beams, and headers and prefabricated wood products, namely roof trusses, roof systems, wood floor trusses, wall panels, wall systems, floor systems, wood decks and stairways and stair parts. Financing and escrow services in the fields of building and construction. Construction services, namely, planning, framing, building, and installation services in the fields of building and construction; building material installation and repair services; providing information in the fields of building and construction; consultation in the fields of building and construction. Assembly of building construction materials for others. Klasse:20 Klasse:40 Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; ores. Furniture, including metal furniture, garden, yard and street furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials. Treatment of materials, including metal tempering, metal plating, metal treating, metal casting. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0936819 Søknadsnr.: 200712189 Reg.dato: 2007.07.19 Registreringer 2017.07.19 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.10.11 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: FLEXOPAK (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: SETIO BV, L.J. Costerstraat 52, 5916PS VENLO, NL (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0935932 Søknadsnr.: 200711812 Reg.dato: 2007.05.07 Registreringer 2017.05.07 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.10.04 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:17 SWIM IN BOTTLED WATER (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: ECOsmarte Planet Friendly Inc, 1600 East 78th Street, MN55423 RICHFIELD, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:11 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Swimming pool and spa water filtration units that contain glass particulate. 216 Flexible tubes not made of metal for use in the manufacturing industry excluding flexible tubes made of plastic materials, flexible tubes not made of metal excluding flexible tubes made of plastic materials, tubes and pipes made of rubber, rubber plates and rubber panels; products made of rubber and products of synthetic rubber specifically connectors, inserts, adapters, boxes, mats, presses and valves, all for use in hydraulic systems in machines; pipes not made of metal for transferring hydraulic power in machines excluding pipes made of plastic materials; pipes not made of metal for use in hydraulic systems in machines excluding pipes made of plastic materials. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0936887 Søknadsnr.: 200712209 Reg.dato: 2007.07.11 Registreringer 2017.07.11 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.10.11 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0936983 Søknadsnr.: 200712229 Reg.dato: 2007.07.26 Registreringer 2017.07.26 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.10.11 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: KIZASHI ACE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Suzuki Motor Corp, 300 Takatsuka-cho, 432-8611 HAMAMATSU-SHI, SHIZUOKA-KEN, JP (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Actaris UK Ltd, Langer Road, IP112EF FELIXSTOWE, SUFFOLK, GB (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Ships and watercraft (excluding air cushion vehicle), automobiles and parts thereof, namely tires, wheels, bumpers, spoilers, fenders, grilles, grille guards, bush guards, lamp stays, steps, rear ladders, under guards, tank guards, mud flaps, stabilizers, wheel caps, wheel covers, roof carriers, roof racks, roof boxes, steering wheels, steering bosses, horn buttons, foot rests, spare tire covers, safety bars, strut bars, lateral rods, sun shades, mirror cowlings, clutch covers, clutch disks, seat, seat belts and traction control for automobiles; motorcycles and parts thereof, namely tires, wheels, rear view mirrors, wind shields, meter visors, number plate holders, cowlings, tank covers, tank pads, seat covers, handle covers, knuckle covers, bike covers, rear carriers, front baskets, tail boxes, side stands, clutches, turn signals, fuel tanks, handles and swing arms; bicycles, electric tricycles. Klasse:9 Klasse:35 Klasse:38 Klasse:42 217 Flow meters and meters for fluids, particularly gas, water and thermal energy meters, fluidic oscillators, static flow meters, including electromagnetic flow meters, electronic and mechanical electricity meters; spare parts for such flow meters and meters; prepayment meters and flow meters; key-operated meters and flow meters; keypad-operated meters and flow meters; smartcards-operated meters and flow meters; token-operated meters and flow meters; radio key-operated meters and flow meters; radio modules apparatus and instruments relating to flow meters; data recording apparatus for such flow meters and meters, apparatus for the remote transmission of data, remote data reading and/or transmission and/or surveillance systems for such flow meters and meters; software, computer terminals for such flow meters; payment terminals, managing transactions terminals, electronic payment devices, automatic payment devices, automatic meter billing devices, modem for such flow meters. Reading and recording in a computer file of data relating to water, gas, thermal energy and/or electricity meters; remote meter reading; automatic meter billing services. Remote transmission of data relating to water, gas, thermal energy and/or electricity meters; radio, telegraph or telephone communication services relating to such flow meters; transmission of messages and information regarding such flow meters, including by means of a network; communications between computer terminals and/or between a meter, a detector, a sensor, a data reader and a computer terminal regarding such flow meters. Technical information and advice relating to remote meter reading and automatic meter billing; computer programming relating to remote meter reading and automatic meter billing. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0937047 Søknadsnr.: 200712250 Reg.dato: 2007.05.14 Registreringer 2017.05.14 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.10.11 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0937616 Søknadsnr.: 200712545 Reg.dato: 2007.09.12 Registreringer 2017.09.12 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.10.18 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: markit COMFORTABLE FIRM (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: OÜ, Pärnu mnt 102c, 11312 TALLINN, EE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Cupid Foundations Inc, 475 Park Avenue South, NY10016 NEW YORK, US (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Retail and wholesale services, including retail and wholesale services of information technology software and hardware, Internet (online) trade, data search in computer files (for others), computerized file management, systemization of information into computer databases, on-line advertising on a computer network, procurement services for others (purchasing goods and services for other business), compilation of information into computer databases, demonstration of goods, professional business consultancy, office machine and equipment rental, sales promotion for others; publication of publicity texts, advertising, direct mail advertising, modelling for advertising or sales promotion, public relations, dissemination of advertising matter, all of the aforementioned services only in connection with retail and wholesale services and Internet (online) trade of information technology, software and hardware. Klasse:25 0937797 Søknadsnr.: 200712578 Reg.dato: 2007.09.10 Registreringer 2017.09.10 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.10.18 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: RUTLAND (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Rutland Plastics Technologies Inc, 10021 Rodney Street, NC28134 PINEVILLE, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: 0937596 Søknadsnr.: 200712539 Reg.dato: 2007.08.31 Registreringer 2017.08.31 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.10.18 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:1 PARADICE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Paradis Group APS, Vesterbrogade 12,, 1620 KØBENHAVN V, DK (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:2 Ice-cream bars. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0937605 Søknadsnr.: 200712542 Reg.dato: 2007.08.31 Registreringer 2017.08.31 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.10.18 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: PARADIS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Paradis Group APS, Vesterbrogade 12,, 1620 KØBENHAVN V, DK (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:30 Klasse:43 Apparel, namely, swimwear; active wear, namely, pants, shorts and shirts; shape wear, namely, control panties, girdles, body briefs and foundation garments; intimates, namely, panties, slips and camisoles; bras and undergarments. (111) (210) (151) (180) (111) (210) (151) (180) Klasse:43 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Ices. Ice-cream bars. 218 Chemicals, polyurethanes and plastisols for use in further manufacturing in the health care, automotive, food and beverage, textile, paper, furniture, electrical, electronics, toy and sporting, recreational and playground equipment industries and for screen printing of textiles, and expressly excluding the woodstove, furnace, fireplace care, home care and repair industries. Printing inks. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0937951 Søknadsnr.: 200712612 Reg.dato: 2007.06.29 Registreringer 2017.06.29 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.10.18 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0938035 Søknadsnr.: 200712630 Reg.dato: 2007.09.10 Registreringer 2017.09.10 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.10.18 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: THE DRINKY CROW SHOW (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Turner Entertainment Networks International Ltd, Turner House, 16 Great Marlborough Street, W1F7HS LONDON, GB (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:41 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Rutland Plastics Technologies Inc, 10021 Rodney Street, NC28134 PINEVILLE, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Electrical and electronic apparatus for use in the recording, transmission, or reproduction of sound or images, video and audio tapes, cassettes, discs, and records; electrical and electronic apparatus for use in broadcasting, transmission, receiving, processing, reproducing, encoding and decoding of radio and television programming and data; series of prerecorded video cassettes featuring cartoons; series of pre-recorded audio cassettes and compact discs featuring soundtracks, music of cartoon theme songs and other sound recordings, apparatus for recording, producing and projecting sound and visual images, motion pictures, photographic slides, eyeglasses, sunglasses, anti-glare glasses, protective and safety glasses and lenses, frames and cases therefore; downloadable ring tones, graphics and music via a global computer network and wireless devices; cellular telephone accessories namely cellular telephone case plates; downloadable television programs provided via video-on-demand; radios, televisions, transceivers, telephones, thermometers, compasses, rulers, measuring tapes, telescopes, microscopes, periscopes, binoculars, magnifying glasses, calculators, computers, computer software and computer peripheral apparatus, computer game joysticks, alarms, signaling bells, signal and warning lights and devices, reflecting discs and strips for wear, warning triangle and other vehicle breakdown signs, life jackets, protective helmets and clothing, water diving apparatus, snorkel tubes, swim masks, swim goggles, cameras, film, slide projectors, batteries, flashlights and magical lanterns, flash lighting apparatus for cameras, electronic games (computer game cartridges, computer game cassettes, computer game discs, computer game programs, computer game software, video game cartridges, video game discs, video game joysticks, video game interactive remote control units, video game interactive hand held remote controls for playing electronic games, video game software, video game tape cassettes), magnets, magnetic boards, mouse pads and decorative refrigerator magnets. Education; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; provision of television, broadband, wireless and online entertainment information services; provision of television, broadband, wireless and online computer games; provision of television, broadband, wireless and online entertainment multimedia programs; production, distribution, projecting and rental of television programs, videos, motion picture films, pre-recorded audio and video tapes, cassettes, discs, records, CDs, DVDs and all other types of carriers; production and arrangement of radio and television programs; information relating to entertainment or education provided via television, broadband, wireless and online; providing television, broadband, wireless and online electronic publications (not downloadable); providing an online website of entertainment news and information, multimedia programs and reference materials. Klasse:1 Klasse:2 Chemicals, polyurethanes and plastisols for use in further manufacturing in the health care, automotive, food and beverage, textile, paper, furniture, electrical, electronics, toy and sporting, recreational and playground equipment industries and for screen printing of textiles, and expressly excluding the woodstove, furnace, fireplace care, home care and repair industries. Printing inks used for general industrial use and for screen printing of textiles. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0938178 Søknadsnr.: 200712665 Reg.dato: 2007.08.31 Registreringer 2017.08.31 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.10.18 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR SLEEP (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Select Comfort Corp, 6105 Trenton Lane North, MN55442 PLYMOUTH, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Retail store services, on-line retail store services, mail order services and telephone shop at home services, all featuring beds, mattresses, box springs, bed frames, headboards, footboards, adjustable foundations, adjustable beds, sofa beds, furniture, pillows, bed fittings, and bedroom accessories, namely, mattress pads, bed sheets, pillow cases, blankets, comforters, bedspreads, comforter covers, bed covers, pillow protectors, and mattress protectors. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0938474 Søknadsnr.: 200712938 Reg.dato: 2007.08.27 Registreringer 2017.08.27 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.10.25 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: RIB (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: iGuzzini illuminazione SpA, Via Mariano Guzzini, 37, 62019 RECANATI, IT (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:11 219 Suspension lamps. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0938620 Søknadsnr.: 200712967 Reg.dato: 2007.05.23 Registreringer 2017.05.23 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.10.25 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0939383 Søknadsnr.: 200713284 Reg.dato: 2007.09.20 Registreringer 2017.09.20 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.11.01 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: CYBEX MAINSTAGE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Columbus Trading-Partners GmbH, Alte Forstlahmer Strasse 22, 95326 KULMBACH, DE (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Klasse:8 Klasse:9 Klasse:11 Klasse:12 Klasse:18 Klasse:20 Klasse:21 Klasse:24 Klasse:25 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Apple Inc, 1 Infinite Loop, CA95014 CUPERTINO, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Perfumery, essential oils, body care and cosmetic preparations, hair lotions; dentifrices. Cutlery, in particular, knives, forks, spoons; nail clippers. Video and DVD players for installation in automobiles and automobile and/or bicycle child's seats; baby phones; sunglasses. Apparatus for sterilizing feeding bottles; electrically heated bottle warmers. Vehicles, namely, tricycles (included in this class); pushchairs (included in this class), however, not bicycles; accessories for the aforesaid vehicles, namely child's seats, carrier bags, shopping baskets, respectively out of plastic of textile materials; child's safety seats for automobiles and their parts, such as cushions, safety belts for automobile seats. Leather and leather imitations and goods made of these materials to the extent they are not included in other classes; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas; parasols and walking sticks; whips, harnesses and saddlery (included in this class); bags (included in this class); purses (included in this class), wallets, backpacks, school bags; bags for carrying children, in the form of a backpack; child carrier frames and baby carriers, respectively included in this class; baby accessory bags, included in this class; parasols for pushchairs; rain protection covers for pushchairs. Children's furniture and parts thereof; infant walkers; baby swing chairs; high chairs; table seats, baby's changing tables; cradles, as far as included in this class; sleeping bags for babies and toddlers, respectively for camping purposes. Kitchenware (not of precious metal). Bedding; baby blankets. Bibs, not made of paper. 220 Software for control, customization, and performance of virtual software instruments and audio effects; software for operation of MIDI and USB controllers; software for customization and control of guitar sounds, software for amplifier simulation, audio effects, and tone shaping; software for controlling and mixing audio signals; software for monitoring MIDI inputs, processor usage, and memory allocation; software for instrument tuning; software for editing, enhancing, mastering, manipulating, storing, organizing, mixing, producing, and broadcasting audio recordings; software for playing and recording audio. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0939524 Søknadsnr.: 200713313 Reg.dato: 2007.05.29 Registreringer 2017.05.29 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.11.01 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:44 revego Klasse:7 Klasse:11 Klasse:31 Klasse:39 Klasse:40 Klasse:42 and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software. Agriculture, horticulture and forestry services; information, advice and consultancy services relating to the production and use of non-food crops. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0939578 Søknadsnr.: 200713320 Reg.dato: 2007.09.07 Registreringer 2017.09.07 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.11.01 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Revego UK Ltd, 12th Floor, 6 New Street Square, New Fetter Lane, EC4A3BF LONDON, GB (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:4 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Fuels (including motor spirit); fuel oil; synthetic gas; solidified gases; biofuels, biodiesel and non-fossil fuels; fuels derived from renewable sources; fuel derived from plants, non-food crops, vegetable oil and rapeseed oil; fuel produced or recovered from waste and waste residues; biomass fuel; fuels for motor vehicles; fuels for heating purposes; industrial fuels and oils; bio-components for fuels; nonchemical additives for fuels and oils. Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; incubators for eggs; including fuel conversion apparatus for internal combustion engines but not including fuel conversion apparatus for internal combustion engines for use with liquefied petroleum gas and compressed gas; fuel conversion apparatus to enable vehicle motors and engines to run on biofuels and fuels derived from renewable sources; machines, plant, installations, apparatus and equipment for processing, recycling, reclaiming, extracting, filtering, sorting, segregating and compacting waste and residues from waste including waste oil and producing and manufacturing new products from waste and waste residues including waste oils; machines, plant, installations, apparatus and equipment for producing, generating or recovering energy from renewable sources including non-food crops, vegetable oil, rapeseed oil and waste and waste residues; machines, plant, installations, apparatus and equipment for producing and manufacturing fuel from renewable sources including non-food crops, vegetable oil and rapeseed oil and waste and waste residues; plant and installations utilizing waste energy and energy from renewable sources including non-food crops, vegetable oil and rapeseed oil; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods. Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; including such apparatus utilizing biofuels and fuels derived from renewable sources; but not including any such goods being parts of or adapted for use in vehicles. Animal feed; residues from biofuel manufacture for use as an animal feed. Transport excluding the transportation of passengers; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement excluding the transportation of passengers but including storage, distribution and transportation of fuel. Treatment of materials; including production of fuels and energy from biological and other renewable sources including non-food crops, vegetable oil and rapeseed oil and waste and waste residues; processing of fuels and oils; refining services; waste recycling and reclamation; production of biogas and electricity from renewable sources including nonfood crops, vegetable oil and rapeseed oil and waste and waste residues; processing waste and residues for animals consumption. Scientific and technological services and research CHUZZLE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: PopCap Games Inc, 2401 4th Avenue, Suite 810, WA98121 SEATTLE, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:41 221 Interactive game software; computer game software; electronic game programs; game software for use on any computerized platform, including hand-held electronic devices, electronic entertainment devices, telecommunications devices, mobile phones, electronic communication devices or personal digital assistant devices; downloadable interactive, computer, video and electronic game programs. Entertainment services, namely, providing on-line interactive, computer, video and electronic games; providing websites featuring content and information in the field of games, interactive game content, electronic game content, computer game content or video game content; providing temporary use of nondownloadable interactive games, electronic games, computer games or video games; providing interactive, computer, video and electronic games through computer networks. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0939836 Søknadsnr.: 200713501 Reg.dato: 2007.04.09 Registreringer 2017.04.09 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.11.08 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0940922 Søknadsnr.: 200713966 Reg.dato: 2007.08.10 Registreringer 2017.08.10 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.11.15 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: UPS BROKER OF CHOICE LIFTENE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: United Parcel Service of America Inc, 55 Glenlake Parkway, Northeast, GA30328 ATLANTA, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Klasse:39 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Gecomwert Anstalt, c/o Schreiber & Zindel, Kirchstrasse 39, 9490 VADUZ, LI (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Logistics management in the field of imports and exports; providing computerized tracking and tracing of packages in transit; foreign trade information and consultation; advisory and consultancy services relating to export and import promotion information and services; export and import agency services; export and import promotion information and services; customs clearance services and transportation network management solution services. Freight forwarding; transportation of passengers and/or goods by air, rail, boat, and motor vehicle; shipping and delivery services, namely, pickup, transportation, and delivery of packages and letters by various modes of transportation; warehousing services, namely, storage, distribution, pick-up, packing, and shipping of personal property; supply chain, logistics and reverse logistics services, namely, storage, transportation and delivery of documents, packages, raw materials, and other freight for others by air, rail, ship or truck. Klasse:3 Klasse:5 Perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, skin care preparations, hair lotions, dentifrices. Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes, dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies, material for stopping teeth, dental wax; fungicides, herbicides. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0941572 Søknadsnr.: 200903658 Reg.dato: 2007.09.19 Registreringer 2017.09.19 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2009.04.09 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0940316 Søknadsnr.: 200713841 Reg.dato: 2007.08.08 Registreringer 2017.08.08 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.11.15 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Carrera SpA, Via S. Irene, 1 Località Caldierino, 37042 CALDIERO (VR), IT (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:24 Klasse:26 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: International Cellulose Corp, 12315 Robin Blvd, TX77045 HOUSTON, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:17 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Klasse:27 Fabrics and textile goods not included in other classes; bed and table covers. Lace and embroidery, ribbons and braid; buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles; artificial flowers. Carpets, except for car. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0941986 Søknadsnr.: 200714300 Reg.dato: 2007.09.25 Registreringer 2017.09.25 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.11.22 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Building insulation, accoustical and thermal insulation for use in buildings, spray-type cellulose fiber insulation for buildings, adhesive for use with cellulose insulation. CONTRACTORWRAP (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Trioplast AB, Box 143, 33323 SMÅLANDSSTENAR, SE (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 222 Plastic film (including extensible plastic film) and stretch film for packing and wrapping, not for painters, plasters or enamellers (spraypainters); plastic film (including extensible plastic film) and stretch film for silage. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0941994 Søknadsnr.: 200714303 Reg.dato: 2007.09.24 Registreringer 2017.09.24 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.11.22 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0943043 Søknadsnr.: 200714932 Reg.dato: 2007.07.04 Registreringer 2017.07.04 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.12.06 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: n-dentic MARQUES DE LA MANCHA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Südzucker AG Mannheim/Ochsenfurt, Maximilianstrasse 10, 68165 MANNHEIM, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Klasse:3 Klasse:5 Klasse:30 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: V&S Vin & Sprit AB (publ), 11797 STOCKHOLM, SE (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Artificial sweeteners. Cosmetics, hair lotions, dentifrices. Pharmaceutical preparations and chemical substances for sanitary purposes; dietetic substances for medical purposes; dietetic food for medical purposes, namely dietetic sugar; disinfectants. Sugar, instant gelling sugar, powdered sugar, fructose, sugar substitutes, natural sweeteners, dietetic sugar for non-medical purposes; confectionery, pastries and confectionery products, ice-cream; sweets. Klasse:33 Wines of Spanish origin. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0943208 Søknadsnr.: 200714972 Reg.dato: 2007.10.26 Registreringer 2017.10.26 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.12.06 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: VIRTUOSO EXPLORER (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Virtuoso Ltd, 505 Main street, Suite 500, TX76102 FORTH WORTH, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0942918 Søknadsnr.: 200714900 Reg.dato: 2007.08.29 Registreringer 2017.08.29 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.12.06 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:35 Klasse:39 Klasse:43 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Harry's France SAS, Rue du Grand Pré, 36000 CHÂTEAUROUX, FR (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 Klasse:28 Klasse:30 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks. Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees. Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, except breakfast cereals and cereal bars; bread, bread substitutes and other bread products; snacks made from cereals, except cereal bars; biscuits, pastry and confectionery; chocolate and chocolate-based products or products containing chocolate; bakery products; snacks and sweet snacks; preparations for making cakes; pizzas and preparations for pizzas; edible ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. 223 Business marketing consultation services for others in the field of travel, namely, marketing for travel agencies, cruise lines, and packaged travel groups. Travel agency services, namely, making reservations and bookings for transportation; arranging travel tours; travel guide services; travel information services; providing information in the field of travel by means of a global computer network. Travel agency services, namely, making reservations and bookings for temporary lodging, restaurants, and meals. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0945187 Søknadsnr.: 200715824 Reg.dato: 2007.11.20 Registreringer 2017.11.20 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.12.20 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0943740 Søknadsnr.: 200715255 Reg.dato: 2007.08.09 Registreringer 2017.08.09 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.12.13 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: VIPP SUPER RESCUE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Vipp A/S, Snorresgade 22, 2300 KØBENHAVN S, DK (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:25 Klasse:35 Klasse:42 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Clinique Laboratories Inc, 767 Fifth Avenue, NY10153 NEW YORK, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Clothing, footwear and headgear, including swimwear, bathrobes, nightgowns, pyjamas, shawls, beach clothes and underwear. Retailing of soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices; apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics; household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); combs and sponges; brushes; brushmaking materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steel wool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware, buckets, toilet brushes, soap dispensers, laundry baskets; toilet-paper holders, soap holders, shaving brush stands, storage holders, paper towel dispensers; textiles and textile goods; bed and table covers, towels, tablemats and table-cloths; and of clothing, footwear and headgear, including swimwear, bathrobes, nightshirts, pyjamas, shawls, beach clothes and underwear. Industrial design. Klasse:3 0945194 Søknadsnr.: 200715826 Reg.dato: 2007.10.30 Registreringer 2017.10.30 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.12.20 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: OSSOPAL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Biomet Deutschland GmbH, Gustav-Krone-Str. 2, 14167 BERLIN, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 0945107 Søknadsnr.: 200715796 Reg.dato: 2007.09.28 Registreringer 2017.09.28 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.12.20 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:10 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings, material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; all the aforesaid goods with the exception of homoeopathic medicines, namely for the treatment of congestive appearances in the legs (varicose veins complaints). Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0945364 Søknadsnr.: 200715867 Reg.dato: 2007.08.17 Registreringer 2017.08.17 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.12.20 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ATRIUM (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Atrium Partners A/S, Strandvejen 102 B, 2900 HELLERUP, DK (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:36 Klasse:42 Non-medicated skin care preparations. (111) (210) (151) (180) (111) (210) (151) (180) Klasse:35 2009.11.02 - 45/09 MISSION ZERO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Interface Inc, 2859 Paces Ferry Road, Suite 2000, GA30339 ATLANTA, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; investigations regarding corporate or business activities; business appraisals. Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs. Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software. Klasse:27 Klasse:40 224 Carpeting and rugs for covering existing floors; antimicrobial preparations for the purpose of disinfection and sanitization sold as an integral part of carpeting and rugs for covering existing floors. Providing information and advisory services in the field of recycling and reclamation. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0945562 Søknadsnr.: 200715968 Reg.dato: 2007.09.06 Registreringer 2017.09.06 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.12.27 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:35 ONETOONE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Apple Inc, 1 Infinite Loop, CA95014 CUPERTINO, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Klasse:41 Klasse:42 Klasse:36 Retail store services featuring computers, computer software, computer peripherals and consumer electronic devices, and demonstration of products relating thereto. Education and training services, namely personal instruction and conducting classes, workshops, conferences and seminars in the field of computers, computer software, online services, information technology, internet website design, video products and consumer electronics; computer education training services; training in the use and operation of computers and computer software; providing information in the field of education and entertainment via the internet. Technical support services, namely, providing assistance and advice relating to the configuration and operation of computer software and consumer electronics; maintenance of computer software; consulting services in the field of computer software; technical consulting in the field of consumer electronics; computer diagnostic services; installation of computer software; updating of computer software; maintenance of computer software; computer consultation services; consulting services in the field of selection, implementation and use of computer hardware and software systems for others; computer data recovery. Klasse:38 Klasse:41 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0946256 Søknadsnr.: 200716105 Reg.dato: 2007.05.17 Registreringer 2017.05.17 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.12.27 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Euronext NV, Beursplein 5, 1012JW AMSTERDAM, NL NYSE Group Inc, 11 Wall Street, NY10005 NEW YORK, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:16 Computer programs and computer software for electronically trading securities; blank digital and non-digital data carriers; pre-recorded digital and non-digital data carriers featuring financial securities information; computer network hubs, switches and routers; telecommunications and data networking hardware, namely devices for transporting and aggregating voice, data and video communications across multiple network infrastructures and communications protocols. Stationery; printed matter, namely books in the field 225 2009.11.02 - 45/09 of finance; newspapers, photographs, magazines, books, printed periodicals, newsletters and brochures all in the fields of securities, options, bonds and other financial instruments; printed instructional and teaching materials all in the field of finance. Compiling, providing and disseminating of business and securities statistics, and commercial information; compiling financial, securities, stock exchange, trade and quote, index value and other market information; providing financial indices of select securities to enable consumers to evaluate investments and market trends in the securities market. Providing and disseminating stock securities exchange information; administration of stock exchange trading in shares and other financial securities; providing and disseminating financial, financial securities, stock exchange, financial trade and quotes, financial index value and other financial market information; securities exchange price quotations; providing an on-line computer database in the field of stock/securities market information; organization of online stock exchanges for the benefit of the trade of stocks and other financial securities; providing a financial exchange for others to trade securities and other financial instruments via the computer, internet, on-line and other electronic channels. Electronic transmission of securities and financial information via computer linking services, namely communicating and routing trade information involving orders, entry and execution services, to others via a global computer network; providing access time to computerized databases, computer networks and internet; telecommunications services, namely temporary storage of information and data via electronic channels. Educational services, namely providing seminars for the purpose of disseminating information in the fields of securities, business and finance; electronic publishing services, namely publication of text and graphic works of others on cd, dvd, and on-line featuring statistics, commercial information, market research and market analyses regarding securities market services and securities trading activity, information regarding publicly traded companies and other financial and business information. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0946561 Søknadsnr.: 200800010 Reg.dato: 2007.11.16 Registreringer 2017.11.16 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.01.03 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0946310 Søknadsnr.: 200716120 Reg.dato: 2007.10.22 Registreringer 2017.10.22 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.12.27 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: PEARL ON (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Trinity Haircare AG, Unterdorfstrasse 31, 9107 URNÄSCH, CH (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Apple Inc, 1 Infinite Loop, CA95014 CUPERTINO, US (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Handheld mobile digital electronic devices comprised of a mobile phone, digital audio and video player, handheld computer, personal digital assistant, electronic personal organizer, pocket computer for note-taking, electronic calendar, calculator, and camera, and capable of providing access to the Internet and sending and receiving electronic mail, digital audio, video, text, images, graphics and multimedia files. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0946397 Søknadsnr.: 200716143 Reg.dato: 2007.12.06 Registreringer 2017.12.06 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2007.12.27 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: TRIPSOURCE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: BCD Travel USA LLC, Six Concourse Parkway, NE, Suite 2400, GA30328 ATLANTA, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:42 Providing temporary use of non-downloadable software for use by others to make travel reservations, to store and access travel information, and to manage travel information, all of the foregoing for use by business customers. 226 Shampoos, hair care products, hair styling products. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0946806 Søknadsnr.: 200800080 Reg.dato: 2007.05.31 Registreringer 2017.05.31 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.01.03 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:33 2009.11.02 - 45/09 alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Alcoholic beverages (except beers). (111) (210) (151) (180) 0946915 Søknadsnr.: 200800107 Reg.dato: 2007.08.17 Registreringer 2017.08.17 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.01.03 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Cosmos Mode AG, Gwattstrasse 15, 8808 PFÄFFIKON SZ, CH (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Klasse:9 Klasse:12 Klasse:14 Klasse:16 Klasse:18 Klasse:24 Klasse:25 Klasse:28 Klasse:30 Klasse:32 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive products; articles for beauty and body care; soaps; perfumery, scented liquids of all kinds, in particular perfume, eau de parfum, eau de toilette, deodorants; essential oils; hair lotions, hair washing and care products, cosmetics; skin creams and lotions for cosmetic use, shaving products and care products for shaving; dentifrices; cosmetic products for bathing; lipsticks; cotton buds for cosmetic use; nail polish; polish, make-up. Apparatus for recording, transmitting and reproducing sound or images; magnetic recording media, sound recording disks; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing and computer equipment; fire extinguishers; spectacles, spectacle cases, spectacle frames, spectacle lenses. Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water, all the above-mentioned goods excluding concrete mixing vehicles, cable transport apparatus, fork-lift trucks, caissons, trucks, small waggons, flusher trucks, tractors, haulage trucks, vehicles for road building. Precious metals and their alloys and goods made of or coated with these materials (not included in other classes); jewelry, precious stones; timepieces and chronometric instruments. Paper, cardboard and goods made of these materials (included in this class); printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; pencil cases; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; materials for artists; paintbrushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional or teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (included in this class); printing type; printing blocks. Leather and imitation leather, goods made of these materials not included in other classes; animal skins and hides; trunks, briefcases and suitcases; shopping bags, handbags, school bags and satchels, sports bags, backpacks, traveling sets (leatherware); small leather goods; purses, wallets, key cases, banana pouches; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips and saddlery. Fabrics and textile goods (not included in other classes); bed and table covers. Clothing, footwear, headgear. Games, toys; playing cards; gymnastic and sporting articles (not included in other classes); decorations for Christmas trees. Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flours and cereal preparations; bread, pastry and confectionery, edible ices; honey, treacle syrup; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice for refreshment. Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non- (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Interface Inc, 2859 Paces Ferry Road, Suite 2000, GA30339 ATLANTA, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:27 Klasse:40 Carpeting, rugs and for covering existing floors; carpeting, rugs and for covering existing floors impregnated with antimicrobial preparations for the purpose of disinfection and sanitization. Providing information and advisory services in the field of recycling and reclamation (111) (210) (151) (180) 0947577 Søknadsnr.: 200800258 Reg.dato: 2007.12.06 Registreringer 2017.12.06 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.01.10 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Seatel Inc, 4030 Nelson Avenue, CA94520 CONCORD, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 227 Marine stabilized antenna systems comprised primarily of antennas and parts therefor. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0948071 Søknadsnr.: 200800650 Reg.dato: 2007.02.14 Registreringer 2017.02.14 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.01.24 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:21 Klasse:24 Klasse:25 Klasse:26 Klasse:27 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Edun Apparel Ltd, 30/32 Sir John Rogerson's Quay DUBLIN 2, IE (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Klasse:4 Klasse:8 Klasse:9 Klasse:11 Klasse:14 Klasse:16 Klasse:18 Klasse:20 Klasse:35 Soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics; none of the aforesaid goods for use on hair and on the scalp. Lubricants; fuels and illuminants; candles and wicks for lighting. Hand tools and implements (hand-operated); cutlery; knives, forks, spoons and related eating utensils and related cooking utensils; side arms; razors. Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments apparatus; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated appartus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fireextinguishing apparatus; optics, eyeglass frames, eyeglass cases, sunglasses. Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes. Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks. Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; leather accessories, handbags, wallets, key cases, purses, cosmetic bags, portfolios, suit bags, trunks, suit cases, duffle bags, tote bags, brief cases and attache cases, card cases (not cases) for credit card holders, card cases (note cases) for business cards, umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, 228 2009.11.02 - 45/09 wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics. Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brushmaking materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steelwool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes. Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers. Clothing, footwear, headgear. Lace and embroidery, ribbons and braid; buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles; artificial flowers. Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; wall hangings (non-textile). Advertising, promotion and marketing services; business management and business administration; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods in a retail clothes and home furnishings store, and from a clothing, home furnishings and accessories catalogue by mail order or by means of telecommunications, or by means of the internet; retail and mail order services in respect of clothing, footwear, headgear and accessories, perfumery, toiletries, cosmetics, cutlery, jewellery, watches, clocks, glasses, sunglasses, stationery, leather goods and accessories, furniture, home furnishings, houseware, glassware, porcelain, floor, window and wall coverings; provision of the aforesaid services from a computer database or the internet; compilation of advertisements for use as web pages on the internet; provision of space on web sites for advertising and retailing goods; advisory and information services relating to the aforesaid. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0948212 Søknadsnr.: 200800679 Reg.dato: 2007.08.06 Registreringer 2017.08.06 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.01.24 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0948079 Søknadsnr.: 200800653 Reg.dato: 2007.08.31 Registreringer 2017.08.31 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.01.24 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: LUXENTIA CLC 180 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: William Huckestein, 2645 Stafford Road, CA91362 WESTLAKE VILLAGE, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Daimler AG, Mercedesstrasse 137, 70327 STUTTGART, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Electronic picture frames for the reception, storage and transmission of data, namely, photographs, pictures, messages, images, characters and symbols for display purposes; devices to facilitate the playback, storage, duplication, deletion, transfer, receiving and editing of digital still images, video, and audio, namely portable external hard drives with builtin memory card reader with or without displays; removable solid state storage devices, namely, flash memory units; devices to facilitate playback of digital data through external display devices, namely, portable external hard disk drives with an internal video and audio microprocessor and video and audio output jacks; devices to facilitate playback of digital data through an onboard display device, namely, handheld multimedia players, handheld video players, digital photo frames; computer software to assist playback, storage, duplication, deletion, transfer, receiving and editing of digital data, namely, image management software; devices used to facilitate the connection and operation of multiple peripheral devices with a personal computer, namely, usb hubs; devices used to facilitate the transfer of data between peripheral devices and between peripheral devices and a personal computer, namely, data bridges; alternating current adapters for digital products; headphones. Klasse:12 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0948095 Søknadsnr.: 200800656 Reg.dato: 2007.11.13 Registreringer 2017.11.13 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.01.24 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ADAPTO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Phonic Ear Inc, 3880 Cypress Drive, CA94954-7600 PETALUMA, US (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Wired and wireless communication networks comprised of sound amplifying systems and parts therefor, all of the foregoing featuring speakers, amplifiers, transmitters, receivers. 229 Vehicles and their parts included in this class. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0948219 Søknadsnr.: 200800680 Reg.dato: 2007.10.18 Registreringer 2017.10.18 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.01.24 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0948613 Søknadsnr.: 200800935 Reg.dato: 2007.07.13 Registreringer 2017.07.13 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.01.31 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ITUNES AVARENZ (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Apple Inc, 1 Infinite Loop, CA95014 CUPERTINO, US (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:38 Klasse:41 Klasse:42 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Actavis Group PTC ehf, Reykjavikurvegi 76-78, 220 HAFNARFJORDUR, IS (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Communication by computer; provision of telecommunications connections to computer databases and the Internet; transmission of data and of information via electronic communications networks; broadcasting and transmission of radio and television programs; audio broadcasting of spoken word, music, concerts, and radio programs; broadcasting pre-recorded videos featuring music, television programs, motion pictures, news, sports, games, cultural events, and entertainment-related programs via computer and other communications networks; web casting services; electronic transmission of streamed and downloadable audio and video files via computer and other communications networks; electronic transmission of movies, music and video information via an Internetbased database; providing on-line bulletin boards and community forums for the transmission of messages among computer users concerning entertainment, music, videos, motion pictures, radio, television, and games; providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network, namely, provision of connectivity services and access to electronic communications networks, for transmission or reception of audio, video, movies and/or multimedia content. Entertainment services, namely, providing a web site and database featuring music, videos, television programs, motion pictures, current event and entertainment news, sports, games, cultural events, and entertainment-related programs; arranging and conducting of educational and entertainment exhibitions, workshops, and seminars in the field of music, videos, television programs, motion pictures, news, sports, games, cultural events, and entertainment-related programs; educational services in the nature of classes and training services offered over computer networks in the fields of university-level subjects and topics of general interest, namely, entertainment, music, concerts, videos, motion pictures, radio, television, news, sports, games and cultural events, and computer hardware and software applications; providing electronic publications for browsing over computer networks, namely, books, pamphlets, brochures, and newsletters on the subjects of education, entertainment, computer hardware and software applications, and a wide range of topics of general interest. Providing search engines for obtaining data via communications networks; internet services, namely, creating indexes of information, sites and other resources available on global computer networks for others; searching,browsing and retrieving information, sites, and other resources available on global computer networks and other communication networks for others; providing on-line facilities, via a global computer network, to enable users to program audio, video, movies, text and other multimedia content. Pharmaceutical preparations and substances for the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). (111) (210) (151) (180) 0948615 Søknadsnr.: 200800937 Reg.dato: 2007.07.13 Registreringer 2017.07.13 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.01.31 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: SUMACTA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Actavis Group PTC ehf, Reykjavikurvegi 76-78, 220 HAFNARFJORDUR, IS (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations and substances for the treatment of migraine attacks and cluster headaches. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0948839 Søknadsnr.: 200800992 Reg.dato: 2007.11.05 Registreringer 2017.11.05 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.01.31 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ECILIRA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Almirall SA, Ronda General Mitre, 151, 08022 BARCELONA, ES (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 230 Pharmaceutical products for the treatment of respiratory diseases. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0948966 Søknadsnr.: 200801017 Reg.dato: 2007.06.05 Registreringer 2017.06.05 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.01.31 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0949356 Søknadsnr.: 200801410 Reg.dato: 2007.05.16 Registreringer 2017.05.16 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.02.07 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: SKion (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Skion GmbH, Günther-Quandt-Haus, Seedammweg 55, 61352 BAD HAMBURG, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Klasse:2 Klasse:3 Klasse:5 Klasse:9 Klasse:17 Klasse:35 Klasse:36 Klasse:41 Klasse:42 Klasse:44 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Handicare Holding BV, Vossenbeemd 104, 5705CL HELMOND, NL (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins; manures; fire extinguishing, compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry. Paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants; mordants; raw natural resins; metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists. Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. Veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. Scientific apparatus and instruments and measuring apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for regulating and controlling electricity. Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made from these materials (included in this class); plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; sealing, packing and insulating materials; flexible pipes (not of metal). Advertising; business management; business administration and consulting; procurement of electronically concluded contracts on electronic lines for third parties; arranging of buying and selling contracts for third parties; arranging of commercial business for third parties; arranging of trading transactions and commercial contracts; organization of fairs for commercial and advertising purposes; opinion polling; collecting, comparison, maintenance, updating, systemizing of data stored in computer data banks. Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs, real estate affairs. Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software. Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services. Klasse:7 Klasse:9 Klasse:10 Klasse:11 Klasse:12 Klasse:20 Klasse:35 231 Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements, other than hand-operated; incubators for eggs; elevators, lift systems and movable lift systems for moving the elderly, disabled, less-abled and the infirm. Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fireextinguishing apparatus. Surgical dental apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials; pillows, beds, seats, specially made for medical purposes and specially made appliances to help walking; specially made appliances for moving the elderly, disabled, less-abled people and the infirm (lifting systems excluded). Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes. Vehicles; apparatus for transport by land, air or water; scoot mobiles, bicycles, push chairs and strollers for children, motorbikes, motorcycles, electric and non-electric wheelchairs; all aforementioned goods not included in other classes and specially made for less-abled people and the infirm. Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum, substitutes for all these materials or of plastics. Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; commercial intermediary services related to the purchase, sale, import and export of machines and machine tools, motors and engines, machine coupling and transmission components, agricultural implements, other than hand-operated, incubators for eggs, elevators, lift systems and movable lift systems for moving the elderly, disabled, less-abled and the infirm, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments, apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker Klasse:36 Klasse:37 Klasse:44 electricity, apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images, magnetic data carriers, recording discs, automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus, cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers, fireextinguishing apparatus, surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth, orthopedic articles, suture materials, specially fitted appliances for the elderly and disabled, pillows, beds, seats, specially made for medical purposes and specially made appliances to help walking, specially made appliances for moving the elderly, disabled, less-abled people and the infirm [lifting systems excluded], apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes, vehicles, apparatus for transport by land, air or water, scoot mobiles, bicycles, push chairs and strollers for children, motorbikes, motorcycles, electric and non-electric wheelchairs, all afore-mentioned goods not included in other classes and specially made for less-abled people and the infirm, furniture, mirrors, picture frames, goods of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum, substitutes for all these materials or of plastics. Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. Building construction; repair; installation services. Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0949699 Søknadsnr.: 200801496 Reg.dato: 2007.07.26 Registreringer 2017.07.26 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.02.07 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Con Amore (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: AS Remedia, Kiiu, Kuusalu, 74604 HARJUMAA, EE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:33 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0949368 Søknadsnr.: 200801415 Reg.dato: 2007.05.16 Registreringer 2017.05.16 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.02.07 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Origins Natural Resources Inc, 767 Fifth Avenue, NY10153 NEW YORK, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Body and beauty care cosmetics; non-medicated skin care preparations; hair care preparations; massage oils. 232 Brandy, digesters (liqueurs and spirits), beverages (distilled), liqueurs, spirits (beverages). begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0949834 Søknadsnr.: 200801606 Reg.dato: 2007.05.10 Registreringer 2017.05.10 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.02.07 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0949794 Søknadsnr.: 200801523 Reg.dato: 2007.11.02 Registreringer 2017.11.02 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.02.07 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: SYNCHAIN (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Primondo GmbH, Theodor-Althoff-Straße 2, 45133 ESSEN, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Compagnie Generale de Geophysique - Veritas, Tour Maine Montparnasse, 33 Avenue Du Maine, 75015 PARIS, FR (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:35 Klasse:37 Klasse:42 Klasse:35 Software (recorded programs) for acquiring, processing and interpreting geophysical data with a view to subsurface exploration and mining, scientific apparatus and instruments for acquiring, processing and interpreting geophysical data with a view to subsurface exploration and mining, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments for acquiring, processing and interpreting geophysical data with a view to subsurface exploration or mining, software (recorded programs), for acquiring, processing and interpreting seismic data with a view to seeking and mining hydrocarbon or gas deposits, scientific apparatus and instruments for acquiring, processing and interpreting seismic data with a view to seeking and mining hydrocarbon or gas deposits and measuring, signaling, checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments for acquiring, processing and interpreting seismic data with a view to seeking and mining hydrocarbon or gas deposits. Collecting geophysical and seismic data in a central file; management of computer files in the geophysics and seismics field; seeking geophysical and seismic information for third parties in data bases and computer files. Installation, construction, upkeep, maintenance and repair of scientific apparatus and instruments, of measuring, signalling, checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments for acquiring, processing, interpreting geophysical data with a view to underground exploration or exploitation and scientific apparatus and instruments, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments for acquiring, processing, interpreting seismic data with a view to seeking or exploiting hydrocarbon or gas deposits; well drilling, overseeing of construction work with a view to underground exploration and exploitation and seeking or exploitation of hydrocarbon or gas deposits; installation and upkeep of oil and gas pipelines; construction, plastering and cement work for installations in the seismics and geophysics field. Scientific services, namely of acquiring, processing, interpreting geophysical data for underground exploration and exploitation; services of acquiring, processing, interpreting seismic data for seeking or exploitation of hydrocarbon or gas deposits; installing, updating and maintaining software in the geophysics and seismic field. Klasse:36 Klasse:38 Klasse:39 Klasse:42 Klasse:43 233 Advertising; media representation, in particular conceptual design and presentation of publicity for third parties; marketing for third parties; public relations; business management; business administration; office work; operating an import/export agency; consultancy in personnel management; personnel recruitment; personnel placement; calculation of wages and salaries; accountancy; sales promotions for third parties; mail order advertising; telephone marketing. Insurance; insurance consultancy; real estate; property management; financial analysis; financial affairs; monetary affairs; debt collecting; online banking; provision of credit; financial consultancy and services; allocation of loans, issuing and management of credit cards and debit cards included in this class; handling payments made by means of debit cards. Telecommunications services, in particular directory assistance, operating a call centre, namely telephone services via call centres for third parties; providing access to a computer network or a database in computer networks. Transport; packaging and storage of goods; arranging travel; freight forwarding services and logistical services (included in this class) and road haulage. Computer consultancy services; installation, hire and maintenance of computer programs (software); converting computer programs and data, except for physical changes; design and maintenance of web sites for third parties; project planning (technical). Providing guests with food and drink; catering. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0950040 Søknadsnr.: 200801703 Reg.dato: 2007.05.07 Registreringer 2017.05.07 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.02.14 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0950615 Søknadsnr.: 200801804 Reg.dato: 2007.10.18 Registreringer 2017.10.18 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.02.14 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: SAPHIR AUREA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Société Air France, 45, rue de Paris, 95747 ROISSYCHARLES-DE-GAULLE, FR (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:16 Klasse:38 Klasse:39 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV, Groenewoudseweg 1, 5621BA EINDHOVEN, NL (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Magnetic identity cards or magnetic subscription cards intended for travel assistance for handicapped persons. Passenger tickets, subscription cards or identification cards intended for travel assistance for handicapped persons, boarding cards, name badges, identification tags for luggage, information pamphlets intended for travel assistance for handicapped persons, printed timetables. Telecommunications, communications by computer terminals, radio broadcasting, communications by telegrams, communications by telephone, telephone call centres, gathering and supplying (transmitting) information by telephone, radio-telephone and computer, electronic mail, message sending, computer assisted transmission of messages, pictures and information, mobile radio-telephony, transmitting by satellite, telephone services, sending of telegrams, transmission of information via the Internet and intranet and extranet networks, transmission of information from a computer data bank, services for transmission of data between networked computer systems, transmission of information online, electronic mail services, leasing access time to a database server centre (for telecommunication), correspondence exchange services, all these services intended for travel assistance for handicapped persons. Transport of passengers, transport of travelers, animal transport, arranging of tours, escorting of travelers, escorting of handicapped persons in the context of air transport and travel, air hostess services (escorting of travelers), air transport, transport by airplane, freighting, delivery of luggage, information regarding the transport of passengers and especially of handicapped persons in the context of air transport and travel, booking of seats for travel and especially those intended for handicapped persons, transport reservation for passengers and especially for handicapped persons in the context of air transport and travel, information on bookings for transport and especially for handicapped persons in the context of air transport and travel, travel reservation services, car shuttle services intended for the transport of handicapped persons, registration of luggage and passengers, provision of aircraft, representation of airlines, rental of wheelchairs, parking space rental intended for handicapped persons, life-saving services, rescue operations (transport), none of these services in connection with the field of transport by boat and with cruise services. Klasse:9 Electric apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, processing and reproducing images; television apparatus, monitors and displays; software for use within the framework of a background and ambience lighting system, emanating from the back, front or side of televisions, monitors and displays, for experiencing a better contrast and enhanced image quality; integrated circuits (IC's), semiconductors and chips. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0950800 Søknadsnr.: 200802099 Reg.dato: 2008.01.14 Registreringer 2018.01.14 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.02.21 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ZAIS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Zais Group LLC, 2 Bridge Avenue, The Galleria Building Three, 2nd Floor, NJ 0077011-106 RED BANK, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:36 234 Financial analysis and consultation; financial consultation; financial due diligence; financial forecasting; financial information provided by electronic means; financial information processing; financial investment in the fields of securities and real estate; financial management; financial portfolio management; financial research; financial risk management; financial services, namely, providing information in the fields of foreign currency, commodities, financial derivatives, interest rate products and equities via the internet and intranet systems; investment advice. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0950884 Søknadsnr.: 200802113 Reg.dato: 2007.10.24 Registreringer 2017.10.24 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.02.21 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0951208 Søknadsnr.: 200802171 Reg.dato: 2007.03.01 Registreringer 2017.03.01 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.02.21 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Koko Matador (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Ludorum Plc, 566 Chiswick High Road, W45YA LONDON, GB (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 Klasse:28 Klasse:41 Klasse:45 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Matador Holding as, Strezenická cesta 45, 02001 PÚCHOV, SK (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Books, magazines, comics, stationery, pens; but not including any such goods/services relating to computer programming software. Games, toys, playthings, self-contained computer game equipment. Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural activities; production, preparation, presentation, distribution, and rental of television and radio programmes and films, animated films, videos, DVDs, computer games and sound and/or visual recordings; production of live entertainment; electronic games provided by the Internet; music, games videos provided via the Internet but not downloadable; games and events provided on-line from a computer database, from the Internet or any other communications network including wireless, cable or satellite; provision of music (not downloadable) from the Internet; providing a computer game that may be accessed network wide by network users; entertainment services featuring fictional characters; music publishing services; provision of on-line electronic publications (not downloadable); electronic game services provided from a computer database, the Internet or any other communications network including wireless, cable, satellite; production of art work for animated films; advisory and consultancy services related to the aforementioned services; but not including any such goods/services relating to computer programming software. Exploitation of film production rights. Klasse:6 Klasse:7 Klasse:12 Metal constructions; metals, their alloys and goods made of these materials included in this class; pressed pieces and blanks; foundry moulds of metal, metal moulds, metal moulds for forming and pressing metals (for motor car parts); metal moulds for pressing goods made of rubber and plastic materials. Belt conveyors; conveying belts; machines for metalworking; grinding machines used in automotive industry and not being used for abrasive purposes, lathes, drills; tools (parts of metalworking machines); cutters (machines), cutting machines; machinery and installations for the rubber industry (presses, manipulators, agitators, trimmers, roll mills); machines for processing rubber; machine tools, forming machines and instruments; apparatus, devices and mechanisms of all the above cited machines; all cited goods for use in the field of automotive and rubber industry. Pneumatic tyres for motor cars; land vehicles, their parts and spare parts; pneumatic tyres of all types. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0951229 Søknadsnr.: 200802177 Reg.dato: 2007.10.16 Registreringer 2017.10.16 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.02.21 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Smith International Inc, 16740 Hardy Street, TX77032 HOUSTON, US (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Klasse:37 235 Drilling machines and parts therefor for drilling and completing oil and gas wells, comprised of drilling machines, turbodrills, downhole motors, tubing, drill pipe, casing, packers and packer accessories sold as a unit, drill bits, reamers, mills and milling accessories sold as a unit, valves, submersible pumps, wireline actuated tools and subs. Oil and gas well construction and drilling services, wellbore waste disposal services, casing, tubing and drill pipe installation and completion services and tool rental services. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0951903 Søknadsnr.: 200802522 Reg.dato: 2007.12.26 Registreringer 2017.12.26 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.02.28 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0951377 Søknadsnr.: 200802373 Reg.dato: 2007.10.18 Registreringer 2017.10.18 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.02.28 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: HOTREC Hotels Resturants and Cafés in Europe AISBL, Boulevard Anspach, 111 bte 4, 1000 BRUSSEL, BE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:41 Klasse:42 Klasse:45 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Tsuneishi Holdings Corp, 1083, Tsuneishi, Numakumacho, 720-0393 FUKUYAMA-CITY, HIROSHIMA, JP (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 Klasse:35 Consultancy on education, teaching and vocational guidance related to the tourism industry, the hospitality industry (hotels, restaurants, cafes and similar establishments); organisation of colloquia, conferences, congresses, seminars and symposia related to the tourism industry, the hospitality industry (hotels, restaurants, cafes and similar establishments); editing and publication services, including electronic publication of newspapers/newsletter, brochures, periodicals and other printed materials related to the tourism industry, the hospitality industry (hotels, restaurants, cafes and similar establishments); editing and publication of texts other than promotions related to the tourism industry, the hospitality industry (hotels, restaurants, cafes and similar establishments). Organisation and management of certification and quality control, related to the tourism industry, the hospitality industry (hotels, restaurants, cafes and similar establishments). Legal services and consultancy related to the tourism industry, the hospitality industry (hotels, restaurants, cafes and similar establishments) in the field of taxation law, social and labour law, rules concerning food hygiene and health care, environmental law, competition law and personal safety law; lobbying services for defending professional interests of the tourism industry, the hospitality industry (hotels, restaurants, cafes and similar establishments) vis-à-vis the European institutions. Klasse:36 Klasse:39 Klasse:41 Vessels and their parts and accessories. Advertising regarding boat transport services; business management relating to shipping; brokerage for selling and purchasing of vessels; contract mediation for the purchase and sale of vessels; business management consultancy relating to vessel transport; import-export agencies. Real estate management; leasing of real estate; real estate brokers; housing agents; real estate agencies. Freight brokerage; cargo unloading; vessel transport; boat rental; warehousing; rental of warehouses; rental of storage containers. Providing sports facilities; amusement parks; rental of sports equipment, except vehicles. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0952405 Søknadsnr.: 200802718 Reg.dato: 2007.10.10 Registreringer 2017.10.10 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.03.06 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: TEA OVER ICE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Tea Forté Inc, 23 Bradford Street, MA01742 CONCORD, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:21 Klasse:30 236 Tea cups (yunomi); beverageware; glass beverageware; beverage glassware; coffee cups; drinking cups; shot glasses; tea canisters; tea infusers; tea infusers not of precious metal; tea pots; tea sets; tea caddies; tea kettles; tea services; glass carafes; containers for ice. Honey; tea; tea bags; tea for infusions; herb tea; herbal tea; iced tea; tisanes; flavorings for beverages; herbal food beverages; herbal infusions. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0952536 Søknadsnr.: 200802738 Reg.dato: 2007.05.28 Registreringer 2017.05.28 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.03.06 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:11 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Covalent Materials Corp, 6-3, Ohsaki 1-chome, Shinagawa-ku, 141-0032 TOKYO, JP (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Klasse:5 Klasse:7 Klasse:9 Klasse:10 Klasse:19 Photo catalytic agents; fillers for chromatography; silicon; silicon carbide (not exclusive for abrasive); adhesives not for stationery or household purposes; ceramic glazings; non-metallic minerals; photographic supplies; unprocessed plastics. Dental prosthetics and fillings; materials for artificial teeth; dental materials; pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations; oiled paper for medical purposes; sanitary masks; pharmaceutical wafer; gauze for dressings; empty capsules for pharmaceuticals; eye patches for medical purposes; ear bandages; menstruation bandages; menstruation tampons; sanitary napkins; sanitary panties; absorbent cotton; collodion for pharmaceutical purposes; breast-nursing pads; bracelets for medical purposes; incontinence diapers; mothproofing paper; lacteal flour for babies. Semiconductor manufacturing machines and their parts; liquid-crystal manufacturing machines and their parts; dynamo brushes for electric motors; dynamo brushes; chemical processing machines and their parts; solar batteries manufacturing machines and their parts; industrial robots and their parts (excluding civil engineering robot, painting robot, wrapping robot and semi-conductor manufacturing robot); glassware manufacturing machines and apparatus; non-electric prime movers, not for land vehicles (other than "water mills" and "wind mills"); parts for non-electric prime movers for land vehicles; machines and apparatus of glass or ceramics for manufacturing chemical products. Semi-conductor wafer; glass substrates for semiconductor wafer and processed glass (not for building); solar batteries; analysis apparatus for use in chemical and their parts; testing apparatus for semi-conductors and their parts; discharge tubes; electronic machines, apparatus and their parts; glass for photo masks; machines and apparatus of glass or ceramics for laboratory, research and analysis purposes; micro lens array for liquid crystal displays; micro lens array for liquid crystal projectors; micro lens array for two or three dimensional recognition devices; microlens array for electronic machines and apparatus; optical machines, apparatus and their parts; fuel cells and their parts; laboratory apparatus and instruments. Prosthetic or filling materials not for dental use; prosthetic or filling materials for artificial bones; medical apparatus and instruments used for a cell culture and their parts; medical apparatus and instruments and their parts; alternative plasma component adsorption apparatus and machine; testing apparatus for medical purposes and their parts and their attachments; pacifiers for babies; ice bag pillows for medical purposes; triangular bandages; supportive bandages; surgical catguts; feeding cups for medical purposes; dropping pipettes for medical purposes; teats; medical ice bags; medical ice bag holders; baby bottles; vacuum bottles for nursing; cotton swabs for medical use; Klasse:21 237 2009.11.02 - 45/09 finger guards for medical purposes; esthetic massage apparatus for industrial purposes; electric massage apparatus for household use; gloves for medical purposes; urinals for medical purposes; bed pans; micro lens array for medical machines and apparatus. Industrial furnaces and their parts and their attachments; electric lamps and other lighting apparatus; industrial air purifiers and their parts and their attachments; air conditioning apparatus and their parts and their attachments; heating elements; drying apparatus for chemical processing; recuperators for chemical processing; steamers for chemical processing; evaporators for chemical processing; distillers for chemical processing; heat exchangers for chemical processing; garbage incinerators for industrial purposes. Refractory products for heat treating of electronic components; refractory products of ceramic; castable refractory; refractory product; quartz; electric wave absorbent for building or construction not of metal; cement and its products; building glass; moulds for forming cement products not of metal; boards and powder of inorganic fiber not of asbestos. Glass powder for sealant of semi-conductor; industrial packaging containers of glass not including "glass stoppers, lids and covers"; industrial packaging containers of ceramics; glass stoppers (for industrial packaging containers); glass covers and lids for industrial packaging containers; ice pails; whisks (non-electric); cooking strainers; pepper pots; sugar bowls; salt shakers; egg cups; napkin holders; napkin rings; trays; toothpick holders; colanders; shakers; Japanese style cooked rice scoops (Shamoji); hand-operated coffee grinders and pepper mills; cooking funnels; Japanese style wooden pestles (Surikogi); Japanese style earthenware mortars (Suribachi); Japanese style personal dining trays or stands (Zen); bottle openers; cooking graters; tart scoops; pan-mats; chopsticks; chopstick cases; ladles and dippers; cooking sieves and sifters; chopping boards for kitchen use; rolling pins for cooking purposes; grills (cooking utensils); toothpicks; lemon squeezers (citrus juicers); waffle irons (non-electric); cleaning tools and washing utensils; upright signboards of glass or ceramics; portable cooking kits for outdoor use. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0952537 Søknadsnr.: 200802739 Reg.dato: 2007.05.25 Registreringer 2017.05.25 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.03.06 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0953021 Søknadsnr.: 200803059 Reg.dato: 2007.12.14 Registreringer 2017.12.14 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.03.13 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Defense Research Institute Inc, 150 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 300, IL60601 CHICAGO, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:35 Klasse:41 Electronic publications, namely, association publications, committee newsletters and seminar materials featuring defense lawyer association materials recorded on computer media. Association services, namely, promoting the interests of lawyers and corporate counsel; online business networking services that provide opportunities for liaison among lawyers and corporations. Provision of continuing legal education. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: DT Group A/S, Gladsaxe Møllevej 5, 2860 SØBORG, DK (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0952896 Søknadsnr.: 200802826 Reg.dato: 2008.01.22 Registreringer 2018.01.22 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.03.06 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:11 Apparatus and instruments for regulating or controlling electricity, including electrical supplies and electrical lines; electrical apparatus, namely irons (electric) and bells (electric); batteries. Apparatus for lighting, including indoor and outdoor lamps; electric bulbs and strip lights; apparatus for heating, including electric radiators and fan heaters; apparatus for steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; toasters. BEINGTRUE (111) (210) (151) (180) 0953293 Søknadsnr.: 200803120 Reg.dato: 2008.01.31 Registreringer 2018.01.31 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.03.13 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: True Cosmetics LLC, 703 Market Street, #253, CA94103 SAN FRANCISCO, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Klasse:21 Cosmetics, namely eye make-up, mascara, blush, foundation, concealer, remover, pencil and lipstick; non-medicated skin care products, namely toners, cleansers, creams, masks, oil, moisturizer, body polish, peel, lotion, gel, body balm, bath salts, body scrub and serum. Cosmetic brushes. Smart Air (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Smart Air, 17 Bd Royal, 2449 LUXEMBOURG, LU (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0953008 Søknadsnr.: 200803055 Reg.dato: 2007.11.08 Registreringer 2017.11.08 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.03.13 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:37 Klasse:39 i sert (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Hoya Medical Europe GmbH, Lyonerstraße 44-48, 60529 FRANKFURT AM MAIN, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Klasse:9 Klasse:10 Eye-wash (for pharmaceutical purposes); chemical preparations for medical purposes for eye treatment; solutions for contact lenses. Contact lenses; optical lenses. Lenses (intraocular prostheses) for surgical implantation; suture needles; needles for medical purposes. 238 Apparatus for locomotion by air, aeroplanes, helicopters. Cleaning or servicing of airplanes, of helicopters. Transport; travel arrangement; taxi services excluding services provided by means of cars. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0953457 Søknadsnr.: 200803147 Reg.dato: 2007.11.01 Registreringer 2017.11.01 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.03.13 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0953832 Søknadsnr.: 200803219 Reg.dato: 2007.12.27 Registreringer 2017.12.27 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.03.13 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: IDEXX (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Idexx Laboratories Inc, One Idexx Drive, ME04092 WESTBROOK, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Klasse:5 Klasse:9 Klasse:10 Klasse:35 Klasse:42 Klasse:44 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Basilea Pharmaceutica AG, Grenzacherstrasse 487, 4005 BASEL, CH (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Diagnostic test kits, comprising primarily chemical reagents for in vitro use; in vitro diagnostic test kits comprising reagents, controls, standards, diluents, assayers, wash solutions, and/or assay chemicals, for scientific or research use. In vitro diagnostic reagents for clinical or medical laboratory use, namely, chemical reagents, diagnostic test kits comprising primarily reagents, and diagnostic reagents carried by analytical film slides. Automated instruments for multi-cycle performance of polymerase chain reaction program to increase sample level of DNA for enhanced detection sensitivity for use in agricultural and animal laboratories; computer-based assay system for use in agricultural and animal laboratories, said system comprising spectrophotometers and automated microtiter plate washers. In vitro diagnostic and testing apparatus and chemical reagents sold as a unit; chemical analyzer for veterinary use, and accessories therefor, namely, analytical film slides for diagnostic testing, disposable tips and slide trays. Providing online reference listing services featuring information on animal health and animal health services; online retail store services featuring animal health products in the nature of veterinary practice management supplies, namely, appointment reminder cards, chart labels, invoice paper, cage stickers, registration pads, computer printers and computer accessories and supplies; data collection services for users in the animal health field; consulting in the field of veterinary practice management for users in the animal health field. Veterinary laboratory services, veterinary laboratory research; computer services, namely, acting as an application service provider in the field of knowledge management to host computer application software for creating searching databases of information and data for users in the animal health field; website hosting services for users in the animal health field. Veterinary services, namely, veterinary diagnostic testing; veterinary consulting, providing veterinary medical information via telephone, facsimile, mail, private network and the Internet; providing veterinary information management services, namely, maintaining files and records concerning the veterinary medical conditions of animals; ultrasound services for animals, therapeutic radiological services for animals, and electrocardiograph services for animals, the results of all of the above being provided via the Internet, private network, facsimile, mail and telephone; providing an online directory information services featuring information on animal health and animal health services; consulting in the field of veterinary practice management for users in the animal health field. Klasse:1 Klasse:5 Klasse:42 Chemicals used in industry; chemicals used in science (except for medical or veterinary use). Pharmaceutical preparations, namely prescription only medicines. Scientific and technical research services as well as scientific and technical development services. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0954471 Søknadsnr.: 200803478 Reg.dato: 2008.02.06 Registreringer 2018.02.06 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.03.20 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: ATRATO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Atrato Inc, 331 South 104th Street, Suite 110, 80027 LOUISVILLE, COLORADO, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Content storage and retrieval system comprised of computer hardware and computer software for use in management and retrieval of stored data; computer storage system comprised of computer hardware and computer software for use in streaming video and audio content over the Internet; computer storage system comprised of computer hardware and computer software for use in streaming video and audio content over cable and telephone networks; computer system comprised of computer hardware and computer software for streaming content into or out of other video capture or storage devices. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0954549 Søknadsnr.: 200803492 Reg.dato: 2008.02.04 Registreringer 2018.02.04 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.03.20 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: PETROL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Just Wheels & Tire Co, 14462 Astronautics Lane, CA92647 HUNTINGTON BEACH, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 239 Eyeglasses, sunglasses, goggles for sports, safety goggles, dust masks, dust protective goggles and masks and cases therefore; frames for spectacles and sunglasses, cases for eyeglasses, chains for eyeglasses. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0955360 Søknadsnr.: 200803754 Reg.dato: 2007.11.27 Registreringer 2017.11.27 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.03.27 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0954799 Søknadsnr.: 200803536 Reg.dato: 2008.01.25 Registreringer 2018.01.25 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.03.20 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Myllykoski OYJ, Myllykoskentie 1, 46800 ANJALANKOSKI, FI (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 Bulk paper for use in the manufacture of printed publications. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Turner Entertainment Networks International Ltd, Turner House, 16 Great Marlborough Street, W1F7HS LONDON, GB (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0955013 Søknadsnr.: 200803681 Reg.dato: 2008.02.14 Registreringer 2018.02.14 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.03.27 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:9 REGENETIC (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Biotherm, Le Neptune, 11, avenue Albert II, 98000 MONACO, MC (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Perfumes, eaux de toilette; bath and shower gels and salts for non-medical use; toilet soaps; body deodorants; make-up preparations; shampoos; gels, mousses, balms and products in the form of aerosols for hair care and hair styling; hair spray; hair dyes and bleaching products; hair waving and setting products; essential oils. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0955043 Søknadsnr.: 200803683 Reg.dato: 2007.10.01 Registreringer 2017.10.01 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.03.27 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: SWEET STREET (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Sweet Street Desserts Inc, 722 Hiesters Lane, PA19046 READING, US (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:30 Klasse:35 Klasse:43 Klasse:41 Bakery goods consisting of sweet goods, namely pies, cakes, cheese cake, individual desserts, comfort desserts,pound cakes and coffee cakes baked in the shapeof a loaf of bread (pullmans) cookies and scones; savory goods, namely strattas, quiches and scones. Retail outlet stores featuring dessert goods; on-line ordering services featuring dessert products. Restaurant services. 240 Series of pre-recorded video cassettes featuring cartoons; series of pre-recorded audio cassettes and compact discs featuring soundtracks, music of cartoon theme songs and other sound recordings, apparatus for recording, producing and projecting sound and visual images excluding phones, motion pictures, photographic slides, eyeglasses, sunglasses, anti-glare glasses, frames and cases therefore; downloadable ring tones, graphics and music via a global computer network and wireless devices; cellular telephone accessories, namely, cellular telephone cases and cellular telephone face plates; downloadable television programs provided via video-on- demand; radios, rulers, calculators, computers, computer software and computer peripheral apparatus, computer game joysticks, life jackets, protective helmets and clothing, snorkel tubes, swim masks, swim goggles, cameras, film, batteries, flashlights and magical lanterns, electronic games (computer game cartridges, computer game cassettes, computer game discs, computer game programs, computer game software, video game cartridges, video game discs, video game joysticks, video game interactive remote control units, video game interactive hand held remote controls for playing electronic games, video game software, video game tape cassettes), magnets, magnetic boards, mouse pads and decorative refrigerator magnets, all aforementioned goods are only in connection with an animated or live-action series as entertainment and/or educational programming and/or the characters contained therein. Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; provision of television, broadband, wireless and online entertainment information services; provision of television, broadband, wireless and online computer games; provision of television, broadband, wireless and online entertainment multimedia programs; production, distribution, projecting and rental of television programs, videos, motion picture films, pre-recorded audio and video tapes, cassettes, discs, records, CDs, DVDs and all other types of carriers; production and arrangement of radio and television programs; information relating to entertainment or education provided via television, broadband, wireless and online; providing television, begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker broadband, wireless and online electronic publications (not downloadable); providing an online website of entertainment news and information, products, multimedia programs and reference materials. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0955513 Søknadsnr.: 200803784 Reg.dato: 2007.09.14 Registreringer 2017.09.14 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.03.27 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0955397 Søknadsnr.: 200803764 Reg.dato: 2006.02.09 Registreringer 2016.02.09 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.03.27 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: SAAB (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Saab AB, 58188 LINKÖPING, SE (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Esprida (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Esprida Corp, 1301 Shotgun Road, FL33326 WESTON, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:2 Klasse:6 Klasse:7 Klasse:9 Klasse:42 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Computer software used for management, monitoring, and deployment of networks, software, digital content, electronic advertising, computer hardware, equipment, appliances and devices via a local area network and via a global computer network. Consulting services in the fields of computer software design and management. Klasse:9 241 Camouflage paints for military equipment. Capsules (ejectable cabins of metal), mounted on flying vehicles, for camera equipment, searching equipment, armament, fuel. Machines for power support; machine tools (maintenance and preparing material within airports) such as towing cables, jacks; motors and engines for air vehicles, transmission components for air vehicles, and parts and fittings for the aforementioned goods included in the class. Laser warning apparatus, sighting telescopes for firearms, infrared telescopic sights, optical sensors, radar sensors, ear radar apparatus, short range radios, countermeasures and countermeasure dispensers (electronic protection devices for military use), radar warning apparatus, control, command and fire control work stations, electronic safety equipment for vehicles, electric, electronic, optical, optronic, nautical, photographic, geodesic, radio engineering, kinematic apparatus and instruments, and apparatus and instruments for weighing, measuring, signalling, simulation, testing, radio frequency planning, control, life saving and education; observation, monitoring, surveillance, identification, guidance, checking (supervision), navigation, communication, electronic warfare, signal and image processing equipment and apparatus, as well as equipment and apparatus for testing and controlling the aforementioned goods; computers, on-board computers, data processing and handling equipment; TV monitors, radar screens, display units, radar apparatus, sonars, semiconductors; electrical apparatus (service and maintenance equipment within defense) such as spare power supply, converters, transformer stations, battery charger; microwave electronics, antennas and antenna systems, adapters and signal separation systems and parts and components therefor included in the class, satellites (for scientific purposes); VR (virtual reality) goggles based on LCD-technology (liquid crystal display technology) for generating images and visualizing data; radar apparatus, electronic measuring, steering and navigation equipment for air vehicles; laser based gunnery simulators, graphic simulators, electronic live-fire range equipment, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments including combat training equipment; transponder systems for navigation, identification, surveillance, situation awareness, communication and related software/network products; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound and images, electronic cables and tubes, integrated circuits, video monitors; radios and radio transmitters for industrial use; microwave link communication systems; image-based equipment for measurement, control and supervision; equipment for analyzing high-speed movement; computerized systems for compilation and processing of information and for simulation, surveillance, guidance and control; computer programs and programs for database management; begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker Klasse:12 Klasse:13 Klasse:14 Klasse:16 Klasse:17 Klasse:18 Klasse:22 Klasse:24 Klasse:25 Klasse:28 Klasse:35 electronic equipment, namely, liquid level gauges, distance measuring apparatus, measuring instruments, temperature meters, pressure indicators, pressure measuring apparatus, electronic control and monitoring systems for loading and discharging, electronic equipment for control of pumps and valves, ship automation systems, electronic control and monitoring equipment, namely, ship and terminal automation; decoys (protection devices for military use); protection devices and equipment for personal use; testing machines for engines, rudders, steering systems, navigation systems, radar systems, sensors, safety systems (such as catapult chairs, parachutes), landing systems. Vehicles, namely, apparatus for locomotion by air or water, military vehicles, armoured vehicles, submarine craft, anti-theft devices and safety devices for vehicles; spacecraft for the transport of persons and payload into and through outer space; aircraft and helicopters, unmanned aircraft, ground based equipment for guidance and control of vehicles; parts and fittings for all the aforementioned goods included in this class. Warfare equipment, heavy guns, missiles, ammunition, explosive substances, projectiles, guns and rifles, guided artillery projectiles, air-craft weapons, depth charge, torpedoes, sea mines, mine countermeasures, anti-armour weapons, detonating fuses, ignition devices, powder and explosives, submarine weapons, anti-aircraft weapons, naval weapons, sights, other than telescopic sights, for guns and firearms; fireworks; firearms, guided weapons and projectiles, and support equipment therefore for use on ground, in vehicles, boats and aircrafts; combat training equipment; decoys (weapons). Horological and chronometric instruments, precious metals and their alloys, jewellery, precious stones. Posters, forms, pads, letter paper, holders for cheque books, document files, document folders, labels, passport holders, cardboard, catalogues, stickers, envelopes, bags (envelopes, pouches) of paper or plastic for packaging, pencils, pens, penholders, printed publications, writing paper, printed matter, instructional and teaching materials (except apparatus); newspapers, magazines, journals, brochures, products made of paper and cardboard. Plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; camouflage plastic film other than for wrapping, treated with polymers and composite material. Bags, wallets, purses, key cases, umbrellas. Ropes, cords, string, nets, awnings, tarpaulins, sails, sacks and bags not included in other classes; padding and stuffing materials (except of rubber or plastics); raw fibrous textile materials; tents, camouflage nets made from textiles or plastic; camouflage systems of textiles and polymers, tarpaulins with camouflage capabilities. Flags (of textile), towels (of textile), textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes. Clothing, footwear, headgear. Games, playthings, toys, gymnastic and sporting articles, not included in other classes. Advertising and publicity, business administration; help in the management of the business affairs or commercial functions of an industrial or commercial enterprise, compilation and systemization of information into computer databases, computerized file management; marketing and sales promotion of aircraft and helicopters, parts and components; business consultancy in the areas of industrial management, economical administration and financial control; export and import agency; customer information within the sale of software; systemization of information, namely, input Klasse:36 Klasse:37 Klasse:38 Klasse:39 Klasse:40 Klasse:41 Klasse:42 242 2009.11.02 - 45/09 processing, control, storing and compilation of information into computer databases; marketing and sales promotion of computer software and hardware, computer systems, computer networks and products based on techniques such as authentication and cryptography aiming at raising the level of IT security (data security) in the areas of confidentiality, data integrity and availability; business management assistance. Customs clearance, leasing (financing services) of vehicles and apparatus for locomotion by air, command and control systems and command support systems. Building construction; repair, servicing and maintenance of vehicles and apparatus for locomotion by air; repair, maintenance and rebuilding of aircraft and helicopters; installation, repair and maintenance services for computer hardware; repair and maintenance services of electrical, electronical apparatus and instruments and teletechnical material, especially within air technique, information technique, telecommunication, sensor technique, electronic, electric power and vehicle technique; maintenance of components for vehicles for locomotion by air. Telecommunications. Transport; packaging and storage of goods; forwarding (shipping) including freight agreement, foreign transports, transport information, rental of vehicles and apparatus for locomotion by air. Mechanical working of metals; treatment of materials, namely, electrical and signal cables, mechanical and optical apparatus, medicine technical equipment and air safety equipment; galvanic surface treatment of metal objects. Education, providing of training, entertainment, sporting and cultural activities, combat training centers; translation. Consultation in environment protection, scientific and industrial project studies, scientific and industrial research and development; aerospace research and development; development and implementation of real-time systems; engineering, technical research and development of new products, computer software design and development, development of databases and of systems for computerized document handling and processing, development of computerized systems for telecommunication, development of software for secure network operations; material and system testing in mechanical, thermal and climatic environments, computer programming; technical consultancy, consultancy in the field of computer hardware and software; analysis, management, development, design and updating of computer programs, computer systems, computer networks and products based on techniques such as authentication and cryptography aiming at raising the level of IT security (data security) in the areas of confidentiality, data integrity and availability; industrial design, development and re-designing of aircraft; engineering and consultancy in the field of signature management; development, verification and modification of aircraft (manned and unmanned); technological consultancy in the areas of air, electronic, computer technique, electrical power technique, telecommunication, radio technique, operational and maintenance technique, logistic, technical documentation, quality technique, planing, modification, testing, contracting business, technical assistance in the area of material, apparatus and technical systems in air technique, vehicle technique, information technique, installation, industrial automation, education, office automation, radar technique, sensor technique, underwater technique, power transfer, safety technique, informatics, information technology, product development, material testing, material begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker Klasse:45 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0955746 Søknadsnr.: 200804072 Reg.dato: 2007.10.23 Registreringer 2017.10.23 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.04.03 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: administration, material quality control; computer system analysis; design of computer hardware. Security services for the protection of the flow of goods/passengers, people and property at airports, industrial facilities (such as power production facilities), infrastructural nodes, protection of people working in the field of critical areas, security services during major events and security services for the protection of valuable goods under transport; intellectual property consultancy. Tookata People (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Fontana Blue Inc, 4253 Eagle Rock Blvd., Ste D, CA90065 LOS ANGELES, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0955612 Søknadsnr.: 200804042 Reg.dato: 2008.02.21 Registreringer 2018.02.21 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.04.03 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:21 MYCLYNS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Union Springs Pharmaceuticals LLC, 9990 Old Union Road, KY41091 UNION, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical products and preparations for treating exposure to pathogens; sanitary preparations for medical use; chemical preparations for sanitary use; medical dressings; all purpose disinfectants; fungicides; and biocides. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0955638 Søknadsnr.: 200804051 Reg.dato: 2008.02.21 Registreringer 2018.02.21 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.04.03 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: KEBONIX (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Ares Trading SA, Zone Industrielle de l'Ouriettaz, 1170 AUBONNE, CH (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Pharmaceutical products for human use, particularly products for treatment of immune system diseases and disorders, inflammatory diseases and disorders, endocrine diseases and disorders, oncologic diseases and disorders, neurological diseases and disorders, fertility and/or reproductive diseases and disorders, metabolic diseases and disorders, pulmonary diseases and disorders, rheumatoid diseases and disorders, genetic diseases and disorders, excluding chemical preparations for use in medicine, medical science and disinfectants. 243 Household goods, namely, coasters not of paper and not being table linen, serving trays, household utensils, namely, serving forks, serving spoons, pots, spatula, pan scrapers, rolling pins, turners, and whisks. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0955948 Søknadsnr.: 200804127 Reg.dato: 2007.11.20 Registreringer 2017.11.20 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.04.03 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: equipment, in particular fittings for steam, air and water piping equipment, warm water devices, storage water heaters and continuous flow water heaters; kitchen sinks; heat pumps; parts of all aforementioned goods included in this class; all the aforesaid goods only for household purposes. X 2.0 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0956568 Søknadsnr.: 200804387 Reg.dato: 2008.02.12 Registreringer 2018.02.12 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.04.10 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH, CarlWery-Strasse 34, 81739 MÜNCHEN, DE (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Klasse:9 Klasse:11 2009.11.02 - 45/09 NovoTwist (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Novo Nordisk A/S, Novo Allé, 2880 BAGSVÆRD, DK (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Household and kitchen machines and apparatus (included in this class), in particular electric kitchen machines and apparatus, including mincing machines, mixing and kneading machines, pressing machines, juice extractors, juice centrifuges, grinders, slicing machines, electric motor-driven tools, electric can openers, knife sharpeners as well as machines and devices for the preparation of beverages and/or food; taps (parts of machines, engines or motors) and pumps for dispensing cooled beverages, for use in combination with appliances for cooling of beverages; electric waste disposal units, including waste masticators and compressors; dishwashers; electric machines and appliances for treating laundry and clothing, including washing machines, spin driers, laundry presses, ironing machines (included in this class); electric cleaning apparatus for household use, including window cleaning devices and shoe cleaning devices, vacuum cleaners; wet and dry vacuum cleaners; parts for the aforementioned goods, included in this class; in particular hoses, pipes, dust filters and dust filter bags, all for vacuum cleaners. Electric apparatus and instruments (included in this class), namely electric irons; kitchen scales, personal scales; flavour dosing apparatus (not for personal use); electric welding devices for wrapping film; remote control devices, signalling devices, controlling (supervision) devices and monitoring devices (electrical/ electronical) for household and kitchen machines and equipment; recorded and nonrecorded machine readable data carriers, such as magnetic data carriers, for household appliances; electric apparatus for dispensing beverage or food, vending machines; data processing devices and data processing programmes for controlling and operating household appliances; parts for the afore mentioned goods included in this class. Heating, steam producing and cooking devices, namely ovens, cooking, baking, frying, grilling, toasting, thawing and food and plate warming apparatus, hot water appliances; immersion heaters, cooking pots, electric; microwave appliances, waffle irons; egg boiling apparatus, deep fryer; electric tea and coffee making apparatus, electric espresso machines, electric coffee machines; cooling devices, in particular refrigerators, freezers, cooling cabinets, beverage cooling apparatus; combination apparatus for cooling and freezing, deep freezing apparatus, ice-makers; ice-cream makers; dryers, in particular laundry dryers, tumble dryers for laundry use; hand dryers; hair dryers; infrared lamps (not for medical purposes); electric heating pads (not for medical purposes); electric heating covers (not for medical purposes); ventilation devices, in particular ventilators, grease filter devices and extractor devices, including extractor hoods; air conditioning devices and devices to improve air quality, air humidifiers, air deodorisation apparatus; air purifying apparatus; water piping devices, as well as sanitary Klasse:10 Needles for medical purposes except for implant medicine. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0957144 Søknadsnr.: 200804743 Reg.dato: 2007.12.21 Registreringer 2017.12.21 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.04.17 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Camp Scandinavia AB, Karbingatan 38, 25467 HELSINGBORG, SE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Klasse:10 244 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations. Orthopedic articles for external use, namely orthoses, bandages and braces. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0958098 Søknadsnr.: 200805101 Reg.dato: 2007.05.15 Registreringer 2017.05.15 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.04.24 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0957295 Søknadsnr.: 200804773 Reg.dato: 2008.02.29 Registreringer 2018.02.28 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.04.17 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: TATAMI (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Interface International BV, Industrielaan 15, Postbus 16, 3925 ZG SCHERPENZEEL, NL (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:27 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Wilson Sporting Goods Co, 8750 W. Bryn Mawr Ave, IL 60631 CHICAGO, US (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Carpet tiles not constructed of rush straw. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0957791 Søknadsnr.: 200805022 Reg.dato: 2008.02.19 Registreringer 2018.02.19 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.04.24 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:18 Klasse:25 KATZ (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Katz Biking GmbH, Q4 Altdorf Ost, Hellgasse 23, 6460 ALTDORF, CH (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 Vehicles; bicycles; apparatus for locomotion by land, all the aforesaid goods entirely or partially operated using muscular strength. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0957892 Søknadsnr.: 200805046 Reg.dato: 2007.11.20 Registreringer 2017.11.20 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.04.24 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:28 zoo (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: TDC OY Finland, Pl 100, 00094 TDC SONG, FI (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:37 Klasse:38 Repair, maintenance and installation services relating to mobile services, wireless local area networks, wireless local area network equipment, communication servers, switchboards, private branch exchanges and mobile handsets. Mobile services; communication services relating to wireless local area network, mobile handsets, communication servers and switchboards; all of the above services relating to business and public administration customers. 245 Sports bags namely, backpacks, athletic gear bags, sport travel bags, sport umbrellas, all-purpose sports equipment bags and attaché cases. Athletic clothing, namely, athletic socks, athletic tops, ball caps, belts, pants, fleece pullovers, headbands, hooded sweatshirts, jackets, jerseys, knit hats, polo shirts, shoes, shorts, straw hats, bandanas, visors, headwear, footwear, warm-up jackets, warm-up suits, wristbands, baseball pants, baseball sliding pants, sports uniforms, namely, basketball, baseball, softball, volleyball, soccer, tennis, football, and golf uniforms, basketball racerback tops, basketball shirts, basketball shooting shirts, basketball shooting pants, basketball shorts, football compression girdles, football jerseys, football pants, football practice pants, golf gloves, racquetball gloves, softball racer-back tops, tennis racer-back tops, tennis shorts and tennis skirts. Sporting goods, namely, ball bats, namely, baseball bats and softball bats; baseball batting cages, ball gloves, namely, baseball gloves and softball gloves; ball mitts, namely, baseball mitts, softball mitts and catcher's mitts, ball pitching machines, baseball batting tees, golf tees, baseballs, baseball bases, grip tapes for baseball bats, bat weights, baseball batting training apparatus in the nature of a batting chute, batting gloves, catcher's masks, catcher's nets, baseball training apparatus in the nature of backboards, dimpled baseballs, baseball glove lacing, baseball glove oil, indoor baseballs, knee wedges, lineup cards, perforated baseballs, pine tar rags for use with baseball bats, ball pitching machine covers, pitching screens to be used in connection with ball pitching machines, rosin bags for use with baseballs, bags specially adapted for sports equipment in the nature of golf bags, bat bags, gear bags in the nature of bags specifically adapted for sports protective equipment; balls, namely, volleyballs, basketballs, footballs, baseballs, softballs, tennis balls and golf balls, baseball gloves, softball gloves, catcher's mitts, and football tees, basketball tube bags, volleyball tube bags, baseball training apparatus, namely, running chute trainers, baseball strike counters for use by umpires for tracking the number of balls and strikes thrown by a pitcher in an at-bat in the nature of a handheld mechanical device, balls for tee ball, umpire brushes for baseball plates, basketball backboards, basketball ball carts, basketball hoops, basketball nets, basketballs, eye black for reducing sun glare for sports activities, football ball brush for cleaning ball, footballs, rubber football tees, golf balls, golf clubs, platform tennis paddles, platform tennis grip tape, platform tennis grips, platform tennis gloves, platform tennis miffs, volleyballs and volleyball racks, begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker squash racquets, badminton racquets, shuttlecocks for badminton, racquetball racquets, racquetball string, racquetball grips, soccer balls, softball batting cages, softballs, tennis racquets, tennis racquet string, tennis balls, tennis accessories, namely, tennis ball pick-up devices, court lines, vibration dampeners for racquets, foam balls, grommets, grips, jumbo balls, overgrips, protective strips for racquets, replacement grips, shock traps for racquets, tennis ball holders, shock guards for racquets, tennis hoops, tennis nets, tennis targets; sports protective equipment, namely, forearm pads, elbow pads, hand pads, neck rolls, shoulder pads, chest protectors, knee pads, leg guards, shin guards, thigh pads and throat protectors. 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0958613 Søknadsnr.: 200805423 Reg.dato: 2008.02.15 Registreringer 2018.02.15 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.05.01 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: EMSURE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Merck KGaA, Frankfurter Strasse 250, 64293 DARMSTADT, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0958370 Søknadsnr.: 200805376 Reg.dato: 2008.03.17 Registreringer 2018.03.17 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.05.01 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse:5 Chemicals for use in industry and science, namely reagents for analysis (in particular the synthesis), quality control, production (in particular the synthesis), sample preparation, sample digestion (in particular cleaning) and extraction, all aforementioned goods for laboratory use. Chemicals for use in the pharmaceutical and medical field, namely reagents for analysis, quality control, sample preparation, sample digestion and extraction, all the aforesaid products with the exception of test rods and indicator paper, in particular those used as glucose-proof, all aforementioned goods for laboratory use. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0959091 Søknadsnr.: 200805619 Reg.dato: 2008.01.22 Registreringer 2018.01.22 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.05.08 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Spyder Active Sports Inc, 4725 Walnut Street, CO80301 BOULDER, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:25 GAIN BOLIC 6000 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Olimp Laboratories Sp zoo, Nagawczyna 109c, 39-200 DEBICA, PL (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Footwear; headwear; clothing, namely, jackets, wind-resistant jackets, waterproof jackets, waterproof pants, shorts, pants, hats, vests, windresistant vests, shirts, shell jackets, pullovers, button shirts, sweaters, fleece jackets, mittens, gloves, sweatshirts, hooded sweatshirts, insulated pants, waterproof pants, underwear, tights, knickers, tshirts, tank tops, balaclavas, neck gaiter, caps, fishing waders, button shirts, gaiters, visors; boots; wader boots. Klasse:5 Klasse:29 Klasse:30 Klasse:32 246 Fortifying foodstuffs containing parapharmaceutical preparations for prophylactic use and for convalescents, none of which being for consumtion by animals. Concentrates and foodstuffs with a high protein content enriched with vitamins, mineral salts and amino acids, none of which being for consumtion by animals. Carbohydrate concentrates and foodstuffs with high energy content enriched with vitamins and mineral salts, none of which being for consumtion by animals. Non-alcoholic beverages enriched with vitamins and mineral salts, none of which being for consumtion by animals. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0959238 Søknadsnr.: 200805646 Reg.dato: 2007.09.20 Registreringer 2017.09.20 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.05.08 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0960063 Søknadsnr.: 200805917 Reg.dato: 2008.03.24 Registreringer 2018.03.24 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.05.15 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: LEZYNE AMARTÉ (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Michael A Kozuschek, 4490 Prefumo Canyon Road, CA93405 SAN LUIS OBISPO, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:8 Klasse:12 Klasse:18 Klasse:25 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Amarté USA Holdings Inc, 101 California Street Suite 2450, CA94111 SAN FRANCISCO, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Hand tools for use with bicycles. Bicycle accessories, namely, tire levers, tire patches, bicycle pumps, bicycle fenders, bicycle stands, bicycle racks for vehicles, water bottle cages, saddles and handlebar grips. Sports bags, backpacks and personal fluid hydration systems comprising a fluid reservoir, a delivery tube, a mouthpiece and a carrying pack. Bicycle and sports apparel, headwear and footwear. Klasse:3 0960172 Søknadsnr.: 200805946 Reg.dato: 2008.03.26 Registreringer 2018.03.26 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.05.15 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 0959548 Søknadsnr.: 200805705 Reg.dato: 2008.02.13 Registreringer 2018.02.13 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.05.08 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: UNI-Deck (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Unicon A/S, Islands Brygge 43, 2300 KØBENHAVN S, DK (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: GLTE-TEM (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Synteo (CI) Ltd, La Motte Chambers, JE11BJ ST HELIER, JERSEY, GB (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:41 Cosmetics; skin care products, namely, skin creams, anti-aging creams and lotions, lotions, cleansers, clarifiers, moisturizers, non-medicated skin serum, skin masks, skin toners, and non-medicated skin care preparations for topical application. (111) (210) (151) (180) (111) (210) (151) (180) Klasse:35 2009.11.02 - 45/09 Klasse:19 Klasse:37 Business appraisals, business management assistance, business consultancy, business information, business management and organization consultancy, business management consultancy, business organization consultancy, business research, commercial or industrial management assistance, advisory services for business management; none of the aforesaid services being related to the printing industry. Arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, congresses, seminars, symposiums and training workshops in the field of business management, publication of books, film production, practical training in the field of business management, production of videotape films, providing on-line electronic publications, videotaping. Klasse:42 247 In situ concrete. Building construction, including information concerning construction engineering and building materials, primarily consisting of concrete. Engineering, including consultancy concerning use of concrete in building. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0960228 Søknadsnr.: 200805961 Reg.dato: 2008.02.15 Registreringer 2018.02.15 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.05.15 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0961110 Søknadsnr.: 200806252 Reg.dato: 2008.02.04 Registreringer 2018.02.04 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.05.22 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: BetterTrades WHITE POINT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Long Term - Short Term Inc, 3225 Mcleod Drive, Suite 100, NV89121 LAS VEGAS, US (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:16 Klasse:36 Klasse:41 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Alois Pöschl GmbH & Co KG, Dieselstrasse 1, 84144 GEISENHAUSEN, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:34 Audio and video recordings in the field of investing and finance; audio and video recordings in the field of education, namely, education related to investing and finance; audio and video recordings in the field of stock market research and analysis and education related to investments in stocks and stock options; computer software in the field of investing and finance for the purpose of stock and stock option market research and analysis; computer software in the field of investing and finance for the purpose of charting, tracking, and analyzing stock and stock option trades; computer software in the field of investing and finance for the purpose of providing education related to stock and stock option market research and analysis and, namely, the simulation of stock and stock option trades. Printed instructional, educational, and teaching materials in the field of financing and investing; printed instructional, educational, and teaching materials in the field of stock market research and analysis and investments in stocks and stock options; printed materials distributed in connection with financial and investment education seminars, workshops, and conferences. Financial services in the field of investments, namely, stock market research and stock market analysis; providing financial information, namely, stock market research and stock market analysis information. Educational services in the field of finances and investments; educational services in the field of stock market education, research, analysis, and investments; educational services, namely, conducting classes, seminars, conferences, and workshops, providing home-study courses, and providing related online services in the field of finance, investments, stocks, stock options, and investments in stocks and stock options and providing printed course materials and online materials in connection therewith. Tobacco, raw and processed; tobacco products, namely cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos; smoking tobacco; humidors; cigarette papers; cigarette rolling apparatus; cigarette tubing; cigarette tube filling apparatus; matches; cigarette holders (not made of precious metal); flints and firestones; cartons and pouches for cigars, cigarettes, snuff and tobacco; as far as included in this class; ashtrays (not made of precious metal); herbs for smoking; tobacco tins (not made of precious metal); gas containers for cigar and cigarette lighters; pocket lighters (not made of precious metal or coated therewith); cigar cutters (not made of precious metal); snuff; snuff takers' articles, namely snuff boxes and snuff dispensers (not made of precious metal or coated therewith); chewing tobacco; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods in this class. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0961182 Søknadsnr.: 200806274 Reg.dato: 2008.03.18 Registreringer 2018.03.18 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.05.22 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: EZEA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Zentiva as, U Kabelovny 130, 10237 PRAHA 10 DOLNÍ MECHOLUPY, CZ (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 248 Pharmaceutical preparations for reduction of cholesterol level in blood containing the active substance ezetimibe. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0962258 Søknadsnr.: 200806814 Reg.dato: 2008.04.23 Registreringer 2018.04.23 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.06.05 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0961592 Søknadsnr.: 200806584 Reg.dato: 2007.09.10 Registreringer 2017.09.10 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.05.29 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Lidl Stiftung & Co KG, Stiftsbergstrasse 1, 74167 NECKARSULM, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:30 Vinegar; mustard. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0962331 Søknadsnr.: 200806827 Reg.dato: 2008.04.21 Registreringer 2018.04.21 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.06.05 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: VITALSUITE (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: National Football League, 280 Park Avenue, NY10017 NEW YORK, US (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc, 600 Mountain Avenue, NJ07974 MURRAY HILL, US (740) Fullmektig: JK Thorsens Patentbureau AS, Postboks 9276 Grønland, 0134 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:9 Klasse:25 Klasse:41 Football helmets, cell phone covers, specialy holster for carrying cellular telephones, magnetic coded charge cards, decorative magnets, prerecorded compact discs, videotapes and DVDs featuring the sport of football, computer game software and disks, computer mouse pads, sunglasses, eyeglass cases, and CD storage cases. Clothing, namely, fleece tops and bottoms, headwear, caps, knit hats, t-shirts, shirts, turtlenecks, sweatshirts, shorts, tank tops, sweaters, pants, jackets, golf shirts, knit shirts, jerseys, wristbands, warm up suits, gloves, ties, cloth bibs; sleepwear, namely, bathrobes, night shirts and pajamas; underwear, socks; towels; footwear; sneakers. Education and entertainment services in the nature of professional football games and exhibitions; providing sports and entertainment information via a global computer network or a commercial on-line computer service or by cable, satellite, television and radio; arranging and conducting athletic competitions, namely, professional football games and exhibitions; football fan club services; entertainment services, namely, musical and dance performances provided during intervals at sports events; educational services, namely, physical education programs; production of radio and television programs; live shows featuring football games, exhibitions, competitions, and musical and dance performances; sporting and cultural activities; publication of texts other than publicity texts; association services; promoting the interests of member football clubs; scheduling games; promoting interest in football. Klasse:16 Software for monitoring, measuring, analyzing and providing data relating to the performance of telecommunications networks. Printed materials included with software for monitoring, measuring, analyzing and providing data relating to the performance of telecommunications networks, sold as a unit. (111) (210) (151) (180) 0962560 Søknadsnr.: 200806885 Reg.dato: 2008.04.07 Registreringer 2018.04.07 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.06.05 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Gelo (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: G Pohl-Boskamp GmbH & Co KG, Kieler Strasse 11, 25551 HOHENLOCKSTEDT, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Klasse:30 249 Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of respiratory diseases. Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder, salt, mustard; vinegar; ice. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0962585 Søknadsnr.: 200806890 Reg.dato: 2008.01.30 Registreringer 2018.01.30 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.06.05 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0962630 Søknadsnr.: 200806906 Reg.dato: 2008.02.05 Registreringer 2018.02.05 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.06.05 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Lidl Stiftung & Co KG, Stiftsbergstrasse 1, 74167 NECKARSULM, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Soremartec SA, Drève de l'Arc-en-Ciel 102, 6700 SCHOPPACH-ARLON, BE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Klasse:30 Sugar-free confectionery, sugar-free sweets and chewing gum; all the aforesaid products for medical use. Confectionery, sweets, except chocolate; chewing gum; sugar-free sweets and chewing gum, all the aforesaid products not for medical use. Klasse:30 Klasse:31 Klasse:32 Klasse:33 250 Meat, fish, poultry and game, including the aforesaid goods frozen; meat products and charcuterie; meat extracts; shellfish; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables, including the aforesaid goods in sweet and/or sour (pickled) sauces; jellies; jams, marmalades, fruit sauces and other sweet spreads; eggs, milk and milk products included in this class, in particular butter, cheese, fresh milk, long-life milk, cream, yoghurt, quark, powdered milk for food, desserts of yoghurt, quark and cream; meat, sausage, fish, fruit and vegetable preserves; processed nuts; edible oils and fats; prepared meals and frozen foodstuffs included in this class; dietetic substances and foodstuffs, not adapted for medical use, included in this class; blancmanges. Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, in particular cereals, muesli and wholewheat products; pasta; coffee, tea, cocoa or chocolatebased drinks; coffee and cocoa preparations for making alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages; food flavourings; bread and pastry, in particular baguettes; pizzas; confectionery, ices; cornstarch preparations for making blancmange; honey, treacle; yeast, baking powder, starch for food; salt; mustard; mayonnaise, ketchup; vinegar, sauces (condiments), salad dressings; spices, spice extracts, dried herbs; prepared meals and frozen foodstuffs included in this class; dietetic substances and foodstuffs, not adapted for medical use, included in this class. Fresh fruits and vegetables; nuts; seeds, natural plants and flowers; dried plants; animal feed and additives for animal feed; litter for animals. Beers; alcohol-free beer; dietetic beer; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Alcoholic beverages (except beer) included in this class, in particular wine, spirits and liqueurs, and alcoholic mixed milk beverages, cocktails and aperitifs with a spirit or wine base, except scotch, whisky; beverages containing wine; alcoholic preparations for making beverages. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0962667 Søknadsnr.: 200806915 Reg.dato: 2008.04.25 Registreringer 2018.04.25 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.06.05 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) 0962711 Søknadsnr.: 200806928 Reg.dato: 2007.09.25 Registreringer 2017.09.25 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.06.05 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Itella Alligator Super-Ego (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Itella OYJ, Postintaival 7A, 00230 HELSINGFORS, FI (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Klasse:36 Klasse:39 Klasse:42 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Rothenberger AG, Industriestrasse 7, 65779 KELKHEIM, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement. Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software. Klasse:1 Klasse:4 Klasse:7 Klasse:8 251 Chemical products for the creation of metal joints by soldering and welding, namely soldering fluids, solder pastes, fluxing agents, cutting means, coolants, cleaning agents for heating boilers and drains, heat conducting pastes, mentioned goods as far as included in this class. Gas bottles (filled) for non-electric welding and soldering apparatuses, welding torches and soldering torches; gas cylinders filled with combustible gasses, gas cartridges (filled), gas bottles (filled). Pneumatic or hydraulic power hand tools, machine tools, electric saws and sawing machines, power drills, tools for power hand tools and machine tools, namely drill bits, annular bits, conical one-lip bits for sheet metal, saw blades, endless saw blades, cutting disks, cutting wheels, compass saws, milling cutters; compressors (machines), hydraulic motors, electric hydraulic pumps; electric, electro-mechanical and electro-hydraulic compression molding dies, motordriven tee-extractors and bending tools, electric thread cutters, threading machines, die heads and clamping chucks, motor-driven pipe and sewer cleaning machines, spring-loaded drives and tools therefore, suction and high-pressure pipe cleaning systems, mentioned goods as far as included in this class; non-electric welding and soldering apparatuses, mechanical and hydraulic bending tools, hydraulic hand pumps. Hand tools namely pipe tongs, spring collet chucks, wrenches, screw drivers, load transmission devices, installation tools, expander pliers and expander heads, tee-extractors, drawing tools, tube flaring tools, bending pipes, spiral springs, beveling and paring tools, chisels, deburring tools, hand saws, saw blades, pipe cutters, sheet metal working tools, thread cutters; spring-loaded drives and tools therefore; bench vices; bench vices made of metal. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) 0963128 Søknadsnr.: 200807125 Reg.dato: 2008.03.19 Registreringer 2018.03.19 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.06.12 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2009.11.02 - 45/09 (111) (210) (151) (180) 0963172 Søknadsnr.: 200807137 Reg.dato: 2007.10.03 Registreringer 2017.10.03 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2008.06.12 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: KIDSCO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Kidsco Ltd, Prospect House, 80-110 New Oxford Street, WC1A1HB LONDON, GB (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Sprl Baobab Collection, Avenue Fleming 4, 1300 WAVRE, BE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 Klasse:4 Klasse:18 Klasse:20 Klasse:21 Candles, wicks for lighting. Leather covers for lighters. Display furniture for candles. Candle holders, incense holders. Klasse:35 Klasse:38 252 Motion picture films, animated films and television programs and videotapes; pre-recorded video tapes and video discs and recorded magnetic tapes with sound and/or images; sound recordings; prerecorded phonograph records, audio-tapes and audio discs; amusement apparatus for use with television receivers; computer software; computer programs; electronic publications (downloadable); apparatus for storing, recording, transmitting and reproducing sound and/or images; computers; interactive computer systems; magnetic and fibre optical data carriers; telecommunications equipment and apparatus for conversion of film and video to interactive and digitally compressed programming; computer hardware television remote control devices, television converters and related equipment in the field of interactive and digitally compressed television programming, and in connection with fibre optic, cable and satellite television broadcasting. Printed matter, periodical publications, posters, books and newspapers; transfers (decalcomanias), photographs; figurines; paper and cardboard articles; artists' materials; writing instruments, pencils, pens, paint brushes, stationery, writing pads, greeting cards; instructional and teaching materials, office machines and typewriters; television programming guides. Advertising and marketing; information and consultancy services in the field of marketing and advertising; statistical evaluation of market research data; market research; market analysis; distribution of catalogues, mailing lists and goods for advertising purposes; radio, television and cinema advertising; public relations; sales promotion, negotiating and concluding commercial transactions for others, arranging contracts for the buying and selling of goods, all the aforementioned services included in this class and also in combination with communications networks; marketing of a