32nd Sunday Ordinary Time 6th November 2016


32nd Sunday Ordinary Time 6th November 2016
Responsorial Psalm:
I shall be filled when I
awake, with the sight
of your glory, O Lord.
Gospel Acclamation:
Alleluia, alleluia!
Stay awake, praying at all times
for the strength to stand with confidence before the Son of Man!
Golden Jubilee Celebration Mass
On Friday at 7pm
Refreshments will be served
in the Hall after the 7pm Mass.
Thank you to all who have offered to
bring food for the celebration on Friday.
We would be grateful if items can be
delivered during the day and not later
than 5.30pm.
You can still sign on for donations of
food. (See list at the back of the Church)
By Margaret Joy
Over 150 photographs and documents
covering the past 50 years.
Over 1 hr. of recorded memories from
Available at the Jubilee Celebration, each for
a £5.00 donation for the Jubilee Charities
All 3 for a £10 donation while stocks last.
Let us pray for the Sick
Eglwys Catholig Dewi Sant, Yr Wyddgrug
St.David’s Catholic Church, Mold
Alfredo Fecci, Michael Jones, Anne
Jones, Jim Hughes, Margaret Carr, Margaret Evans, Fred Battersby, Gwen
Jones,Joe Goggin,, Debra Ann Roberts,Tricia Twizell, Rosa Maria, Joan Lawrence, Gay McCornick, Moira Catherall,
Lea Hill, Anne Turner, Mary Rowe, Jenny
Mansley, Jennifer Rowley, Nancy Wilson,
Joe & Luisa Desena, Shelagh Fulham,
Margaret Stubbs, Philomena Lamano,
and Leo McManus.
We remember in our prayers
Parish Priest: Fr. Pius Mathew CMI,
St.David’s Presbytery, St.David’s Lane, Mold. CH7 1LH
Email: piuscmi@gmail.com
Tele: 01352 752087
Deacon David Joy:01352 754722 LSUConvent:01352 700121
Website: www.stdavidsmold.org
www.wrexhamdiocese.org.uk http://www.cmi.org.in
6th November 2016
Those whose anniversaries
Occur this week
Service of Remembrance
Friday 11th November 2016
in St David’s Church
led by pupils from
St David’s Catholic
Primary School
at 2.15pm
Everyone is welcome
Year C
5th November Saturday
Mass 5.30pm
(5th) John James Geraghty, Robert Owen, James
O’Neill, Joseph Gavaghan, Michael Murphy (6th)
Mary Fox, Kevin Morris, Winifred Parry (7th) Esther
Ann O’Neill, Mary Roden, Brenda May ((8th)
James Lewett, Michael Williams, Maureen Halton,
(9th) Marie Kennedy (10th) Fr John Noonan
The Art of Dying well is a new website that offers a helping hand to those
grappling with issues around death
and dying. Based on Catholic tradition
but open to all, it features real-ife stories about dealing with the journey
through death to eternal life.
32nd Sunday Ordinary Time
Int. Canon Francis Doyle
(John Goggin)
6th November Sunday
Mass 11am
For People of the Parish
Monday :
7th Nov
Liturgy of the day
Mass 9.15am
Eddie Doohan RIP (M.Croft)
No Mass (Clergy conference, Llandudno)
8th Nov
Wednesday: No Mass (Clergy Conference)
9th Nov
10th Nov
Liturgy of the day
Mass 9.15am
Int. Gay McCornick (Jean & John Ward)
Golden Jubilee Celebration
11th Nov Mass 7pm
12th November Saturday
Mass at 5.30pm
Int. Canon Simon Treolar
(John Goggin)
Rosary and
Every Friday
following the
morning Mass
at 9.15am
Sacrament of
10.30am to
& Before the Vigil
13th November Sunday
Mass 11am Sundays before
the Mass
For People of the Parish
had less than a Perhaps the first thing that just like the life he offers us.
J esus
week to live when the we must say about heaven We necessarily live in time
events of today’s gospel
took place. So it’s perhaps
not surprising for him to be
talking about life after death
and teaching against the
Sadducees that there is a
resurrection that all created
flesh will share in. Because
the Sadducees didn’t
believe in a resurrection
they tried to trick Jesus
into giving a stupid answer to their farcical
case of a woman who
was the surviving widow
of her husband and six
brothers-in-law. Whose
wife would she be in
is that it’s the fulfilment of
all our desires and yearnings for God. Jesus enticed
his listeners by saying that
no eye had seen nor ear
heard what God has in
store for us. It goes far beyond what we could ever
et this is the sort
of question that
many people ask even today. Will my dog be with
me in heaven? Will I recognise people I’ve known
here on earth? What will
happen if I come face to
face with someone who’s
been my sworn enemy?
What about my best friend
who doesn’t believe in
God? And what if I don’t
like it?!
but God’s eternal nature
means that he experiences
infinity at every moment; in
fact “moment” is too restricting for a God who exists free from the boundaries of time. After our resurrection we share in that
“instantaneousness” of
God. We are caught up
in the immediacy of
God. There is no yesterday or tomorrow
about heaven. It’s an
eternal “now”.
imagine or hope for. We
see God face to face and
as we gaze on his glory we
are moved to the profoundest level of love, a love
which leaves no room for
any kind of emptiness or
he second thing that
we need to remember is that God is eternal,
hen we view
heaven in this
way we realise that
many of our questions
and difficulties about it
are simply man-made
and woman-inspired. We
naturally have a tendency
to tie things down to our
own experience of reality.
Yet today Jesus tells us
that the afterlife is radically
different from some of the
ways we conceive of it.
That’s why he says that the
Lord is God not of the dead
but of the living: for to God
all people are in fact alive.
November –
The Month of the Holy Souls:
During this month we remember our dear
dead with love and gratitude. You can
have your dead remembered during November in a special way at all Parish
Masses by listing their names on your
own paper and putting the list in an envelope (your own or one of those you will
find in the porch) and hand it in (no money in those envelopes please!) at the
church or the presbytery. These envelopes – with their lists – will be placed on
the Altar during all Masses in November
and the names will be remembered there.
If you would like to offer a Mass for your
departed loved one, please use the special Mass offering envelope.
SVP Christmas Gift Initiative -
This weekend the gift
tags will be available before and after Mass for
you to take if you wish to
help with this initiative. If
you would like to be involved but do not wish to
buy a gift, you can take a tag and return it
in an envelope with a £10-£12 donation
and we will buy the gift on your behalf.
Please remember that all gifts / donations
should be returned before 27.11.16.
Thank You
Judith Rowe, on behalf of the SVP
Thank You
The Knights of Saint Columba Council
614 Buckley and District wish to thank all
those who generously purchased the KSC
2017 Calendar on the weekend
29/30 October.
The total amount raised was
£137.50,proceeds for the KSC National
Action Project,Missio,
Again many thanks.
Any further requirements for the calendar
please contact,
Mike Cotter,Peter Carberry
Prison Chaplaincy:
Wrexham will soon have its own prison –
HMP Berwyn. There will be a meeting
on Tuesday, 29th November 2016, at
7.00pm in the Cathedral Hall, for anyone
who is interested in supporting Catholic
Chaplaincy. Bishop Peter will be at the
meeting, as will Mgr Robert Reader, Bishops’ Advisor on Prison Chaplaincy.
A CAFOD Retreat –
Proclaiming the Mercy of God:
This coming Saturday 12th November,
10am to 4pm at Noddfa, Bangor Road,
Penmaenmawr LL34 6YF.
Visit cafod.org.uk/retreat or call 0303 303
3030 to book your free place and to find
out about retreats in other locations. As
this Year of Mercy draws to a close, explore how you can continue to live out
Pope Francis’ call to be a “witness of
mercy” in your family, community and in
our world by taking time out of your everyday life to reflect on your faith journey
alongside other CAFOD supporters.
Historic Mold
On Tuesday 15th November(3pm to 8.30pm)
and Wednesday 16th November(10am to
3pm) Mold Town Council will be opening their
doors and inviting members of the public to
come along to the Mold Town Hall and take a
step back in time, to view photographs and
memorabilia of Mold over 150 years.
Money Matters :
Offertory Collection last weekend
£680.10 of which £428.39 was Gift Aided
Flowers: £117.20
Gift Aid: If you are a Tax Payer, please
consider filling out the Gift Aid form which
is in the church porch to receive a box of
weekly envelopes for your offertory donation or for a one-off donation then
please use the Green envelopes. Please
remember to write your name, address,
sign and date the green envelope.
Thank you for supporting our Parish.