1 DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING AGENDA January 23, 2007 REPORTSIRECOMMENDATIONSIREOUESTS 1) PAGE NOS. SHERIFF a) Interlocal Agreement with Cedar Valley College 4-21 , b) Operation Wrangler 2) ELECTIONS Special Election for Local Option Election 3) 25-26 PURCHASING a) Modification-Bid No. 2004-040-1457, Annual Contract for Extermination Services 4) 27-32 b) Modification-Bid No. 2005-011-1587, Annual Contract for Janitorial Services for Various Locations 33 c) Insurance Bid No. 2006-132-2277, Annual Contract for the Purchase of Janitorial Supplies 34-43 d) Master Interlocal Agreement with the City of Fort Worth 44-47 HUMAN RESOURCES/CIVIL SERVICE Policy Change-Division 9, Sections 86-351 through 86-359 Employment Background Verification Policy 5) 22-24 , 48-52 COMMUNICATIONS & CENTRAL SERVICES Inmate Phone Service 53-63 2 6) PUBLIC WORKS Belt Line Road Project 91-856 - Mercury Road to 5-point Intersection Project Supplemental Agreement - Funding Agreement with Dallas County Water District No.6, Award of Construction Contract 7) IT SERVICES a) Implementation of Tools to Manage/Restrict Internet Usage b) IT Organization & Transition of ATOS Contract.. 8) 9) 11) 67-73 Handout OFFICE OF BUDGET & EVALUATION a) Addition - Public Defender to the 265 th Criminal District Court 74-79 b) Sheriff's Office-Decker Law Library Detention Service Officer 80-81 COMMISSIONERS COURT Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) Policy 10) 64-66 Handout ITEMS OF DISCUSSION a) Information N!A • Jail Population Report • Budget-Reserve Balance Report-January 17,2007 • Communications & Central Services-Benefits from Bringing Telecommunications In-House • Purchasing: • Annual Contract Information • Annual Contract Extensions • Bid No. 2007-033-2516, Annual Contract for the Purchase of Microcon Centrifugal Filter Units • Health & Human Services-HHS Updates b) IT Steering Committee Miscellaneous, Travel Requests, Miscellaneous Equipment, and Telecommunications Requests N!A 82-91 3 12) PUBLIC COMMENTS N/A Speakers FIVE SIGNATURE DOCUMENT(s) FOR CONSIDERATION Minister's Letter of Appreciation Letter to Honorable Judge Dennise Garcia Letter to Honorable Richard Cortese (Certified Mail #7006-2150-003-9731-8352 and #7006-2150-0003-9731-8369) Dates to Remember Legislative Briefing - January 26, 2007 at 9:00 am 4 DAI I~ <; CO CONI':i(:"~"'(l"r.R·I.:INTY. ' ,,~~: vnc, ,S COURT 'Proudly serving since 1846" 07 JAN Dallas County Sheriffs Department /6 PH 1/' 119 . . Lupe Valdez, Sheriff Phone (214) 653-3450 Frank Crowley Courts Building 133 N. Industrial Boulevard, LB-31 Dallas, 1)( 75207-4313 e-mail: Ivaldez@dallascounty,org DATE: January 9, 2007 TO: Commissioners Court Fax (214) 653-3420 FROM: David Mitchell, Captain, Resource Development Division THROUGH: Channels SUBJECT: Interlocal Agreement With Cedar Valley College Background Information The Sheriff's Training Academy has been approached by Cedar Valley College to enter into an interlocal agreement allowing the Sheriff's Academy to provide continuing education training under the umbrella of Cedar Valley College. . Cedar Valley College receives $3.03 from the Texas Workforce Commission for every contact hour of continuing education instruction they provide, This interlocal agreement would allow our department to function as an extension of Cedar Valley College. Cadets, officers, and telecommunicators attending training at our academy would be enrolled in Cedar Valley College continuing education training. Our department would receive funds in the amount of $1.00 for every contact hour of training (per stUdent) that occurs in the approved courses plus a support fee of $20 per class, up to a maximum of $25,000 annually. The agreement stipUlates that these funds be designated for the Sheriff's Academy training program. Additionally cadets, officers, and telecommunicators attending basic and in-service training at our academy would receive continuing education credit through Cedar Valley College. These credits can be converted to college hours at various colleges. Impact on Operations and Maintenance This agreement would have a positive impact on the Department and its employees. It would provide additional funding for Sheriff's Department training in the amount of approximately $25,000 annually, and it provides continuing education credit for employees training at the Sheriffs Academy which can be converted to college credit at various colleges. Our department's responsibilities consist of intemal quality controls and record-keeping functions that we currently perform, and the reporting of our training rosters to Cedar Valley College. The Academy will not be required to amend its admission standards. 5 Commissioners Court January 9, 2007 Page 2 Legal Impact This type of agreement is currently in place between the Dallas Police Department and EI Centro College, and between the DeSoto Fire Department and Cedar Valley College. We have been approached by North Lake College regarding this type of agreement, but we declined since we had already begun the process with Cedar Valley College. This proposed agreement has been reviewed and approved by the Dallas County Community College Legal Department and the District Attomey's Office. Financial Impact I Considerations It is anticipated that the Sheriff's Department Training Section would benefit the maximum allowed of $25,000 annually based on the following projections for fiscal year 2007: • Basic Peace Officer Course - 2 classes of 25 cadets receiving 850 hours of training = 42,500 contact hours • Basic Jailer Course - 8 classes of 30 cadets recEliving 160 hours of training = 38,400 contact hours • In-Service Training - 1500 officers receiving an average of 8 hours of training = 12,000 contact hours It is our understanding that the Texas Workforce Commission fiscal year is March to February. One check is cut by Texas Workforce Commission to Cedar Valley College annually. Cedar Valley College would then cut a check to the Sheriff's Department for our portion. There is also some lag between the end of the fiscal year and the receipt of funds. The only additional responsibility for the Sheriff's Department associated with this agreement would be Academy staff transmitting our training rosters to Cedar Valley College either via facsimile or electronically. We anticipate no additional cost for this process. Performance Measures Impact The Training Section's Performance Measures are related to three things: amount of training, effectiveness of training, and cost of training. It is anticipated that each of these facets will benefit frOm this agreement. More officers will be motivated to attend In-Service training (with supervisor approval or on their own time) due to the continuing education credit. The effectiveness of training will be positively impacted through the infusion of additional funds which can be used to purchase instructor time, as well as equipment, hardware, software, and media. Finally, the cost of trllining (impact on the general fund and LEaSE funds) will be positively impacted by the additional Texas Workforce Commission funding. Project Schedule Ilmplemen!ation Following approval by the Dallas County Commissioners Court this agreement must be approved by the Dallas County Community College Board of Trustees. It is our goal to have this agreement in place by March 1, 2007. 6 Commissioners Court January 9, 2007 Page 3 MlWBE Information Not applicable. Recommendatjon It is the recommendation of the Sheriff's Department that this interlocal agreement be approved. Approved By IRecommended by: ~d' cA,,/ T ~ •• r) / I~ -1 . Jesse Herrera r~ Assistant Chief Deputy r/ 7 Interlocal Agreement ~jiMO""""""""""iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii""'" BETWEEN Dallas County Community College District (on behalf of Cedar Valley College) And Dallas County (on behalf of Dallas Sheriff's Academy) ~ Cedar Valley College DALLAS COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGES SUBMITTED BY Dr. BiD Wells, Training Consultant Continuing Education Division Cedar Valley College .3030 North Dallas Avenue Lancaster, Texas 75134 Office - (972) 860-8208 Fax - (972) 860-8941 Email- BiDWells@dcccd.edu loterlocal Agreement Between Dallas County Community College District ADd Dallas County Page 1 of15 8 Cedar Valley College DALLAS COUNTY COMMUNITY COll.EGES Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas County Community College District (on behalf of Cedar Valley College) And Dallas County (on behalf of Dallas Sherifi's Academy) This AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the Dallas County Community College District ("DCCCD") on behalf of Cedar Valley College ("College"), a Texas political subdivision of higher education, and Dallas County ("County"), on behalf of the Sheriff's Training Academy ("Academy"), pursuant to the authority granted and in compliance with the provision under the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791, Texas Government Code Annotated, for the purpose of providing jailer, peace officer, and telecommunicator training under the following terms and conditions: 1. Scope of Agreement and Limitation of Authority: The scope of this agreement and the parties agree as follows: A. The purpose of this Agreement is to allow the Academy to offer its courses in their Peace Officer, Jailer, and Telecommunicator Programs ("Programs") to College students. Under this Agreement, students will be enrolled in College and the courses will be conducted at the Academy. • Basic Peace Officer Course (850 hours) • Basic Correction Officer Course (120 hours) • Basic Telecommunicator Course (40) hours B. Once students successfully pass the Exam, continuing education units may convert to credit at Tarrant County College District after successfully passing a comprehensive exam given by Tarrant County College. Credit may also be granted by Northwood University and other area colleges and universities. Only students from College who have successfully completed the Program offered through the County may participate in the benefits of this conversion. The Academy will award graduates from this Program a Certificate of Completion. The Curriculum is incorporated into this Agreement as Attachment A. Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas County Commonity College District And DaDas County Page 2 oIlS 9 C. Under this Agreement the Academy will also be allowed to offer various In- Service Courses Continuing Education Courses including but not limited to: • Special Investigative Topics (16 hours) • Crisis Intervention Training (16 hours) • Instructor Course (40 hours) • Field Training Officer Course (40 hours) • Detention Training Officer Course (40 hours) • New Supervisor Course (40 hours) D. Once students successfully pass the examination, continuing education units may convert to credit at some area colleges and universities. Only students from the college who have successfully completed the courses offered through the Academy may participate in the benefits of this conversion. Students who complete these courses will be awarded a Certificate of Completion by the Academy. These courses are incorporated into this Agreement as Attachment A. E. Duties of College. College shall perform the following duties: (1). On an annual basis and before the first day of class, the College shall review and approve all: (a). Program curriculum including: [I]. [2]. [3]. (b). (2). Instructor(s), facilities, equipment, and laboratories. Enroll students for the purpose of: (a). (b). (c). (3). Student admissions criteria. Courses and program sequences applicable under the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. Any revision to current curriculum that results in an additional expense shall be the responsibility of the College and shall be in addition to the amounts payable I.E. (5) and (6) below. Granting Credit; Receiving funding from the State; and Taking courses at the Dallas Sheriff's Academy. Evaluate all program instructors' performance with at least one and not more than two site visits and students reviews of loterlotal Agnement Between Dallas County Community College District ADd Dallas County Page 3 oftS 10 instructional perfonnance in accordance with college evaluation procedures. (4). Approve and oversee all matters related to instruction. (5). Pay the following fees to the County: (a). Types offees [1). [2]. (b). A flat fee of one dollar ($1.00) per student for each Contact Hour, and An instructional support fee of $20.00 for each class. The total payment to the County during the tenn of this Agreement shall not exceed $25,000, or $1.00 for each certifiable instruction hour per student of the total reimbursable contact hours, whichever is less. (6). Exempt all students enrolled in the Program from payment of College tuition fees. (7). Continue to evaluate and update approved curriculum in compliance with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. (8). Organize an advisory board for the Program. The Board will meet both the mandates of the College and the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. (9). Perfonn a yearly review and internal audit of funds generated by and paid to the County under this Agreement. F. Duties of the County. The County shall perform the following duties: (1). Invest monies paid by College to City under this Agreement into instructional and administrative salaries, instructional equipment, instructional aids, instructional printing, supplies and overhead in support ofthe Program. (2). Require the comprehensive fmal examination of all students. (3). Provide fmal grades for each basic training student according to the grading system as required by the Coliege. (4). Provide instructors approved by College to teach the courses enumerated in Attachment A The County warrants that these loterlO':aJ Agref:ment Between Dallas County Community College District And Dallas County Page 4 oflS 1 1 instructors meet all the criteria established by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. 2. (5). Provide facilities, equipment, and laboratories for students enrolled in the Program. (6). Grant financial and administrative oversight of this Agreement to the County and notifY College ofany revision to this designation. (7). Any changes in instructors, facilities, equipment, or laboratories that results in an additional expense shall be the responsibility of the County, beyond the fees that College is paying to the County as enumerated in I.E. (5) and (6), infra. (8). The County will submit and receive approval for additional courses to the Program from Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. (9). The County shall be responsible for and shall control the registration of students for the Program. The parties agree that all registration and course fees paid by students of Program shall be retained by the City. Ium: Subject to prior termination or revocation of this Agreement as provided in section 3. Of this Agreement, the initial term shall be in full force and effect for a period ofone (I) year. This Agreement begins when approved by the Dallas County Community College Board of Trustees and ends on August 31,2007. At least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the initial term, the County may renew this Agreement for additional three (3), one- year terms upon approval of the College. 3. Termination: Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause by thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other party. Either party may terminate this Agreement if the other party breaches any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement and such breach is not cured within thirty (30) days after receipt of notice thereof A breach of this Agreement includes, but is not limited to a violation of the policies and rules of the College, a misrepresentation or mise statement in this Agreement by one. of the parties, or non-performance ofa party's duties under this Agreement. All compensation under this Agreement shall be prorated to the date of termination. If this Agreement is terminated, students will be allowed to finish their coursework under this Agreement. Interlocal Agreement BetwceD DaUas COUDty Commonity College District And Danas County Page 5 oflS 12 4. 5. 6. Limitatiops of Authority: A. Neither party has authority for and on behalf of the other except as provided in this agreement. No other authority, power, partnership, use or rights are granted or implied. B. This Agreement may only be amended by the mutual written Agreement of the parties. Prior to execution of this Agreement by the DCCCD, the DCCCD Legal Department will approve all changes. C. Neither party may incur any debt, obligation, expense, or liability of any kind on behalf of the other party without the other party's prior written approval. D. Any and all joint venture or partnership status is hereby expressly denied and the parties expressly state that they have not formed, either expressly or implied, a joint venture or partnership. Miseellaneous Provisions: A. Neither party shall have control over the other party with respect to its hours, times, employment, etc. B. Under no circumstances shall either party be deemed an employee of the other. C. The parties warrant that their mutual obligations shall be performed with due diligence in a safe and professional manner and in compliance with any and all applicable statutes, rules, and regulations. D. The College's performance is specifically contingent upon receipt of adequate funding from the State of Texas and its funding sources. If adequate funding is not provided by the State, this Agreement will be terminated as provided in section 3. of this Agreement. E. Upon request, the College and the Connty will make available to each other for inspection and audit, all fInancial records pertaining to the Program. Applicable Law: This Agreement is governed by the laws ofthe State of Texas. lnterlou' Agrument Between DaUas CODDtyCommunity College District And Dallas Couoty Page 6 orl~ 13 7. Venue: Venue to enforce this Agreement shall lie exclusively in Dallas County, Texas. 8. Waiver: The failure of any party hereto to exercise the rights granted them herein upon the occurrence ofaily of the contingencies set forth in this Agreement shall not in any event constitute a waiver of any such rights upon the occurrence of any such contingencies. 9. Assignments: Neither party may assign their interest in this Agreement without the written permission ofthe other party. 10. Indemnity: All parties agree to be responsible each for their own negligent acts or omissions, or other tortious conduct in the course of performance of this Contract without waiving any sovereign immunity, governmental immunity or other defenses available to the parties under federal or State law. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to create or grant any rights, contractual or otherwise, in or to any third persons or entities. All parties agree that any such liability or damages occurring during the performance of this Contract caused by the joint or comparative negligence of the parties, or their employees, agents or officers, shall be determined in accordance with comparative responsibility laws of Texas. 11. Immunity: This Agreement shall be expressly subject to the sovereign inununity of County, Title 5 of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code, as amended, and all applicable federal and state law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws and case decisions of the State of Texas. Exclusive venue for any legal action regarding this Agreement filed by either City or County shall be in Dallas County, Texas. 12. Notice: All notices or other communications required or permitted to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed given if sent by facsimile transmission, hand delivery, or by certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, and addressed to the party as follows: Dallas County Community College District To: Dr. Bill Wells Training Consultant Cedar Valley College 3030 North Dallas Avenue Lancaster, TX 75134 972-860-8208 billwells@dcccd.edu Fax: 972-860-2941 Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas Couuty Community CoUege District And Dallas' County Page 7 of15 14 Dallas County To: Captain David Mitchell Commander, Resource Development Division 521 N. Industrial Blvd. Dallas, TX 75207 214-741-1094 Dmitchell@dallascounty.org Fax: 214-752-7840 Either party reserves the right to designate in writing to the other party any changes of name, change ofperson, or address to which the notices shall be sent. 13 Nondiscrimination: Parties to this Agreement shall not discriminate on the basis ofrace, color, age, sex, national origin, disability or religion. 14 Nompliance with Higher Education Coordinating Board Rules: terms and conditions of this Agreement: a. b. c. d. e. f. Under the the course remains under sole and direct control of the College; instructors of company must meet qualifications stipulated by College; College retains supervision of instructors; College will approve program curriculum provided by Company; and College is responsible for recruitment, admission and counseling of students. If the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board adopts new rules during the term ofthis Agreement, these new rules shall prevail. luterlocal Agnement Between Dallas CouDty Community College District And Dallas County PageS o'lS 15 EXECUTED in duplicate original counterparts effective upon the date indicated above. DALLAS COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT By: Wright L. Lassiter, Jr. ChanctOor Date Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas Couaty Community College District ADd Dalls! County Page 9 or15 16 Cedar Valley College DALLAS COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGES Dallas County By: Jim Foster DIlUas County Judge Date Ioterlocal Agreemeut Between Dallas County CommuDity College District And DaUas County Page 10 of1S 17 Cedar Valley College DALLAS COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGES ATTACHMENT "A" Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas County Commonity College District And Dallas County PJtge 11 of15 18 I I DALLAS SHERIFF'S ACADEMY CURRICULUM 2006-2007 LEC.fLAB. HRS. EXT. CONT. HRS. HRS. Basic Peace Officer Course 850 0 850 Basic Correction Officer Course 120 0 120 Basic Telecommnnicator Course 40 0 40 Field Training Officer Course 40 0 40 Detention Training Officer Course 40 0 40 Basic Instructor Course 40 0 40 New Supervisor Course 48 0 48 Crisis Intervention Training 16 0 16 Special Investigative Topics 16 0 16 Intennediate Spanish 24 0 24 8 0 8 Intennediate Use of Force 16 0 16 Intennediate Arrest, Search, and Seizure 16 0 16 Intennediate Crime Scene Investigation 32 0 32 8 0 8 Identity Theft Law Enforcement Ethics Iaterlotal Agreement Betwl'en Dallas Conaty CommuDity CoJJege Distrid And Danas County Page 12 oflS 19 DALLAS SHERIFF'S ACADEMY COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 850HRS. BASIC PEACE OFFICER COURSE Course of study mandated by the Texas Commission on Law Enfurcement Officer Standards and Education. Iucludes study ofU.S. Constitution; Code ofCriminal Procedure; state laws; arrest, search, and seizure procedure; concepts ofprofessionalism and ethics in policing; defensive tactics; mechanics of arrest; firearms training; and tactical driving. The course is designed to prepare the cadet fur the Peace Officer licensing examination and the start ofa law enforcement career. BASIC CORRECTION OFFICER COURSE 120 HRS. Course of study mandated by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. Iucludes study of Code ofCriminal Procedure, state laws with a focus on the Texas Commission on Jail Standards, ethics, derensive tactics, and mechanics ofarrest. This course is designed to prepare the cadet for the Jailer licensing examination and the start of a correction officer career. BASIC TELECOMMUNICATORS COURSE 4OHRS. Course of study mandated by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. Includes study of 9-1- I telephone procedures, NCIC/TCIC security, dispatch procedures, related legal issues, and liability. This course is designed to prepare the telecommunicator fur the start of a career at a public safety answering point FIELD TRAINING OFFICER COURSE 40HRS. This course provides participants with the tools necessary to become an effective field-training officer. This program along with other FTO models will be used to describe the qualities necessary to a successful FTO, and can be sued to either develop a new FTO program or to re-structure an existing one. DETENTION TRAINING OFFICER COURSE 40HRS. This course trains and prepares Detention Officers to assume the responsibility oftraining new officers within the Dallas county Jail system. Areas covered are: providing direction, preparing evaluations, and teaching required duties and guidelines. BASIC INSTRUCTOR COURSE 40HRS. This course is designed to prepare the experieuced law enforcement professional to be an effective instructor. Areas covered are: principles oflearning, learning objectives, lesson plan preparation, techniques of instruction, use ofvisual support materials, and contemporary teaching techniques. This program requires exteusive work outside ofclass hours and individual preparation time. NEW SUPERVISOR COURSE 48HR8. This course is mandated by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education for all new law enforcement and corrections supervisors. Areas covered are: management styles, leadership styles, counseling, planning and scheduling, Fair Labor Standards Act, and Family Medical Leave Act. Ioterloul Agreement Between Dallas County Community College District And Dallas County Page 13 oflS 20 DALLAS SHERIFF'S ACADEMY COURSE DESCRIPTIONS I6HRS. CRISIS INTERVENTION TRAINING This course is mandated by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. This course is designed to give the officer a better understanding ofmental illness, and will provide tools and understanding needed to better interact with persons who are in crisis. It also makes the officer aware ofthe legal aspects ofdealing with the mentally ill. 16HRS. SPECIAL INVESTIGATIVE TOPICS This course is mandated by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. Topics include: criminal law update, sexual assault, family violence, child abuse, and cultural diversity. INTERMEDIATE SPANISH 24HRS. This course is mandated by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education in order for an officer to receive an intermediate certification. Officers with no prior to exposure to learning the Spanish language will benefit from learning basic communication skills that are directed toward police actions. INTERMEDIATE CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION 32HRS. This course is mandated by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education in order for an officer to receive an intermediate certification. Areas covered are: knowledge ofthe objectives, preparation, procedures and methods of investigating a crime scene. Also included are sketches, photography, fingerprint collection, evidence collection, and legal considerations. INTERMEDIATE USE OF FORCE I6HRS. This course is mandated by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education in order for an officer to receive an intermediate certification. Areas covered are: criminal and civil liability for officers, changes in law related to use offorce, terminology, concepts, and recent court rulings. INTERMEDIATE ARREST, SEARCH, AND SEIZURE I6HRS. This course is mandated by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education in order for an officer to receive an intermediate certification. Areas covered are: aspects ofstate and federal law related to arrest, search, and seizure. IDENTITY THEFT 8HRS. This course is mandated by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. Areas covered include methodology of bow identity tbeft occurs, how to prevent it, and means of reporting it. Iuterlocal AgreelDent Bttwern Dallas County CommuQity College Distriet ADd Dallas County Page 14 of IS 21 DALLAS SHERIFF'S ACADEMY COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 8HRS. CULTURAL DIVERSITY This course is mandated by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. Areas covered are: identity and understanding of different backgrounds, and practicing cultural and racial sensitivity. LAW ENFORCEMENT Enncs 8HRS. This course presents and discusses the concepts of character and integrity, and provides the officer with thought and decision making processes to assist him/her in always doing the right thing. IoterJocal Agreement Between Dallas County Community College District And Dallas County Page IS of15 22 "Proudly serving since 1846" DALLAS COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Lupe Valdez, Sheriff Frank Crowley Courts Building 133 North Industlial Boulevard, LB·31 Dallas, Texas 75207-4313 Phone: (214) 653-3450 Fax (214) 653·3420 Date : January 17, 2007 TO : Dallas County Commissioners Court FROM : Joseph Costa, Assistant Chiet Deputy, Operations Services Bureau SUBJECT : Operation Wrangler THROUGH : Channels Backgroundlnfonnation The State of Texas plans to organize and deploy State and Local Law enforcement personnel and equipment to participate in a project to enhance border security along the Texas-Mexico border by supplementing the border security efforts of Federal agencies. This project is designated as the "Border Security Enhancement Operations (BSEO)" project. The Texas Department of Public Safety has received a Federal grant to plan, coordinate, and canry out this project. The Dallas County SheJiff's Department has been requested to participate in this project. Representatives of cooperating local and state agencies will assist in planning a series Of joint border security operations that will be conducted for limited period in specific areas of the border and the major Traffic corridors. The Department of Public Safety will reimburse certain operational expenses, incurred by the Dallas County SheJiff's Department for project activities using grant funds awarded for this purpose. Program Overview Operation Wrangler is Statewide committment by Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies to reduce crime by securing the Borders of the State of Texas. The Dallas County SheJiff's Department will provide three overtime squads per shift for a total of nine Deputies per day for a seven day period. The operation will begin on January 22, 2007 and end on January 29, 2007. Dallas County will be reimbursed for the overtime expended and vehicular mileage by the Texas Department of Public Safety through grant funds. The Deputies will perform routine law enforcement funtions during their shifts throughout Dallas County. The Squads will utilize routine law enforcement measures to detect such crimes as drug traflicting, human traflicting, gang activitY and other felonious crimes that impact the Citizens of Dalllas County. 23 Page 2 Program Community Impact The benefits of the allowing Dallas County Sheriff's Department to particpate in Operation Wrangler are tt allows for greater enforcement of criminal laws which should result in a reduction of crime within Dallas County. Financial ImpactfConsiderations The Texas Department of Public Safety grant will reimburse Dallas County for all overtime expenditures and mileage expended during the operational period. Funding The funding source for this grant is the Texas Department of Public Safety. This grant will pay all of the costs relating to the program not to exceed the amount $30,000.00 total and there is .!ll! cost to Dallas County. Table I Breakdown of Requested BUdget Grant JIiP,.: .,{<ftil1l{2' 2007 f------;:p-ers=o::cn:':n-=-e'l----+---===$25,000.00 Equipment Total Grant Budget $5,000.00 $30,000.00 Legal Impact The Dallas County Sheriff's Department Patrol Division wiD strive to remain well wtthin all legal margins of local, state and federal laws. At all times, the laws and rights governing all peace officers are adhered to ensuring all citizens are equally protected according to the laws of the land. All documents pertaining to the filing of the grant application and any inter-local agreements or contracts must be signed by the project director and by the County Judge on behalf of the County. Program Results This is a new program and there is no historical data available. Recommendation It is recommended that the court approve the Sheriff's Departments participation in Operation Wrangler and that the County Judge be authorized to sign all related documents. The total amount requested from the Texas Department of Public Safety Grant is $30,000.00. 24 PAGE 3 LUPEVALDEZ SHERIFF, ecommendet~: ~ Jo ph osla islan! Chief Deputy Operations Services Bureau LV:JC/ct See attached documen!aion. 25 ,DALLAS COUNTY COI'1i1ISSIONERS COURT 07 JAN I7 PH 10: 35 DALLAS COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT January 10, 2007 To: Commissioners Court Through: Bruce R. Sherbet, CERA, Elections Administrator From: Toni Pippins Poole, CERA, Assistant Elections Administrator Subject: Special Election for Local Option Election to Legalize BACKGROUND On December 13, 2006, the Dallas County Elections Department received 59,989 signatures from qualified registered voters in the Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3, requesting that a local option election be held for the "Legal sale ofbeer and wine for off premise consumption only". Petitions and signatures were verified according to the requirements of the Texas Election Code necessary to order a local option election (See Exhibit A), Certificate of Elections Administrator Pertaining to Petition for Local Option Election). According to Title 17, Chapter 501 of the Texas Election Code, the Commissioners Court is required to order an election at the next uniform election date, and canvass the results at the next regular Commissioners Court session. SCHEDULE The Commissioners Court, at it's next regular session on or after the 30 th day after the date the petition is filed, shall order a local option election to be held on the issue set out in the petition if the petition is filed with the voter registrar not later than the 60th day after the date the petition is issued and bears the actual signatures of a number of qualified voters of the political subdivision equals to at least 35 percent of the registered voters in the political subdivision who voted in the most recent gubernatorial election. Therefore, the Special Local Option Legalization Election must be held on May 12, 2007. FINANCIAL IMPACT Under Section 501.107 ofthe Texas Election Code, Dallas County will be required to cover the cost of the election. The estimated cost of the election is $ 203,134.. RECOMMENDATION The Dallas County Elections Department recommends that Commissioners Court order the Local Option Election to be held in the Justi of the Peace, p IJ)Ct 3 within the current boundaries. J // /' ~ />a// J:;. Recommended by: Bruce R. SherBet, Elections Administrator Attachment 2377 N. STEMMONS FRWY. SUITE 820 DALLAS, TX 75207 (214) 819-6300 26 CERTIFICATE OF ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR PERTAINING TO PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § § I, the undersigned Elections Administrator of Dallas County, Texas, do hereby certify that I have checked the original and copy of Petition for Local Option Election for the "Legal sale of beer and wine for off-premise consumption only", serial number 07-JP3-001 , Issued the 23'" of October, 2006, and requesting that a local option election be held in accordance with Title 17, Chapter SOl ofthe Texas Election Code in Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3 , Texas, (said County, Justice Precinct, Incorporated City of Town hereinafter for convenience referred to as Area), and I hereby certify as follows pertaining to said petitions: 1. That said petitions were filed with me on the 13 th day of December, 2006, which is within 60 days after the date of issuance of the said petitions. 2. That in checking the names of the signers of said petitions and the voting precincts in which they reside to ascertain the number of qualified voters signing the said petitions; no signature was counted where there was reason to believe that the signature was not the actual signature of the purported signer. In addition to the signature the petitions must contain the following; the signer's printed name, the signer's date of birth, the signer's residence address, the date of signing, and comply with any other applicable requirements prescribed by law. The signature is the.only requirement that must be in the signer's own handwriting. (Sec. 501.031 TEC) 3. I further certify that said petitions are signed in accordance with the above requirements by 58,901,35 % of the 168,288 registered voters ofJustice ofthe Peace, Precinct 3 who voted in the last Gubernatorial Election, at the time said petitions were issued in the Area, 4. I further certify that said petitions were in accordance with the above requirements and were signed by 59,989 registered voters at the time said petitions were issued in said Area and will be maintaimid by the Elections Department in accordance with the Texas Public Information Act, Chapter 552, Government Code, / .. WITNESS MY HAND this the I flay of Ja~'2007. -'I //./ Bruce R. S rbet Elections Administrator, Dallas County, Texas (EXIDBIT A) 27 DALLAS COUNTY PURCHASING DEPARTMENT January 23, 2007 rfJ-I: TO: Commissioners CO:~7 THROUGH: Shannon S. Brown~ Purchasing Agent FROM: Gloria McCulloch Webb Purchasing Contract Supervisor SUBJECT: Modification - Bid No. 2004-040-1457 Annual Contract for Extermination Services U BACKGROUND On January 31, 2006, the Dallas County Commissioners Court with Court Order 2006-226, authorized the twelve (12) month extension of Bid No. 2004-040-1457 Annual Contract for Extermination Services. The purpose ofthis briefing is to recommend modification to Bid No. 2004-040-1457 to include pest control services to four (4) locations. OPERATIONAL IMPACT The contract is for weekly and monthly pest control services at various County buildings. Facilities Management has submitted a written request to the Purchasing Department to start pest control services to the following locations: Garland Government Center Home Chemical Collection Center JJAEP R&B#1 140 N. Garland Rd., Dallas, Texas 11234 Plano Rd., Dallas, Texas 1673 Terre Colony, Dallas, Texas 2311 Joe Pool Rd., Dallas, Texas $105.00/per month $ 50.00/per month $ 60.00/per month $ 40.00/per month LEGAL IMPACT Texas Local Government Code 262.03 I(a) Changes in Plans and Specifications, allows the Commissioners Court to make changes to specifications after a contract is made up to 25% of the original contract amount. FINANCIAL IMPACT The original contract value was $104,520.00 and the changes to the specifications total $3,060.00 annually plus a one-time initial service charge fee of $255.00, which representing a 3.17% increase from the original contract value. RECOMMENDATION The Purchasing Department, with the concurrence of Facilities Management, recommends that the Commissioners Court authorize the modifications to Bid No. 2004-040-1457 Annual Contract for Extermination Services as allowed under Texas Local Government Code 262.031 (a) to include pest control services to the Garland Government Center, Home Chemical Collection Center, JJAEP, and R&B #1. Should the Commissioners Court concur with the recommendation a Court Order will be submitted at the next formal agenda. 509 Main Street, 6'" Floor, Suite 623, Dallas Texas 75202-3340 (214) 653-7431 • Fax (214) 653-7449. gwebb@dallascounty.org 28 DALLAS COUNTY Facilities Management 07 JAN 10 PH 2: 24 JanuaI)' 8, 2007 MEMORANDUM TO: Gloria Webb Fmchasing Department Purchasing Contract Supervisor FROM: Ana I Facilities ManaW~nt Senior Property Manager SUBJECT: Addition of four locations for regular Pest Control Services BID 2004-040-1457 QUintanill~\' Gloria, Please add the locations below to the list that receives pest control services. Garland Government Center Home Chemical Collection JJAEP Road and Bridge District No. I 140 N. Garland Rd., Dallas, TX 11234 Plano Rd., Dallas, TX 1673 Terre Colony, Dallas, TX 2311 Joe Pool Rd., Dallas, TX $105.00 per month $50.00 per month $60.00 per month $40.00 per month I have received proposals from Terminix Commercial. They are attached to this memo. Please advise of any further steps. CC: Jim Barrett, Assistant Director-Faciliti~ ~~eqjtintjVr LO 1d3G 8N!S\iHJBnd Olf\I]:J3H 600 Commerce, Suite 900 George L. Allen Sr.. Courts Building 214.653.6722 FID( 214.653.6822 ~~ '. :': ' ;". ~ommercial . • Rest €ontrol Agreement· . Premises Purchaser/Billing Address Company Dallas County Address 1673 Terre Colony City Dallas State -:'Ti:<;x;:=:....------·Z""ip----::;75;:;2;':;1"2 Telephone, _ Contact Ana Quintanilla Telephone--...:..:=====-----------Address ..::J~JA~E~P:.._ _ City State-------------::Z,...ip----- o Multiple Locations Attach Location Usting Terminix Commercial Pest Control Service Terminix will perform regularly scheduled service at the above service address for the control of the following pests: Service Frequency o Roaches o Silverfish o Rats 0 Mice 0 Monthly 0 Sami-Monthly 0 Ants (exdudlng carpenter, Pharaoh and Fire) 0 BI-Monthly 0 Weekly 0 Other 0 Quarterly 0 Other _ Additional Service Information: Inspect and treat all areas inside, dusty plumbing, crack and crevice treatment and monitor placements as needed, hand spray and/or bait perimeter areas, dust plumbing areas Continue services monthly Addendums Indicated Forms are Part of this Agreement o Customer Preparation QleckJist Part 1 o Notice of Pest Control Treatment o Equipment Sales o Terms and Conditions o Reciept for Consumer lnformation/Treatment o Optional, _ 0 _ _._ _ o Consumer Information Sheet Pavment Schedule To be bl'lIed as Monthlv Service TAX EXEMPT 60.00 $ Initial Service Charge 60.00 $ Regular Service Charge 720.00 $ Annual Total $ Less 3% Year Advance payment 720.00 $ Total Due 0 _ Down Payment Received At Completion Account Number Amount Sequence Number Amount Deoosit Number You may recognize a 3% discount for pre-psYing one years seMCe charge In advance, This is to certify that Tax Exemption Certificate Number has been furnished with this Agreement to Terminix. Customer/Agent Signature This agreement is subject to the Terms and Conditions on this page and attachments, including the Mandatory Arbitration provision. This agreement is for an initial period of twelve (12) months from the date of the first service and, unless canceled by the purchaser, will automatically continue on a monthly basis until canceled by either party upon thirty (30) days notice. This ageement is not valid unless accepted by customer within 30 days of submission. Terminix Authorization In the event you have any questions or complaints, you may contact a Terminix representative by calling 1--80()..Terminix TPCL#12013 Terminix Office 2513 Phone 214-821-2240 Address 3900 Willow Suite 130 Dallas,Tx...:.7.::52=2=6"Dan Robbin 29781 Date 12/28/2006 Terminix Representative (print name) mm/dd/yyyy Daniel J. Robbins Terminix Representative Signature By _ _ Title _ u@u:=====-mm/ddJyyyy Licensed and regulated under the Structural Pellt Control Act by the Texas Structural Pest Control Board P. O. Box 1927, Austin, TX 78767-1927, Phone 512-:\05-8250 _ " ~" . ~ ;' : 'iommeroial Rest Oontrol Agreement Premises Purchaser/Billing Address Company Dallas County Address 11234 Plano Rd. City Dallas State -=T:;;X=-------:::Z"'"ip---"'75;:;:2:":4""3 Telephone, _ Contact Ana QUintanilla Telephone--...;...:.=====------------Address ......:.H.:.:o:::.m:.:e:::...::C:.:h:::e::;m.:.:ica=I..:C:::o::.:lI:::e::::c:::tio::.:n.:.:s~ _ City State-------------Z"'i,...p----- o Multiple Locations Attach Location Listing Terminix Commercial Pest Control Service Terminix will perform regularly scheduled service at the above service address for the control of the following pests: Service Frequency o Roaches 0 Mice 0 Monthly 0 semi-Monthly o Silverfish 0 0 Ants (exduding Carpenter, Pharaoh and Fire) 0 0 BI-Monthly 0 0 Weekly o Rats Other Quarterly Dlher _ Additional Service Information: Inspect and treat all areas inside, dUSty plumbing, crack'aiidcrevice treatment and monitor placements as needed, hand spray and/or bait perimeter areas, dust plumbing areas Continue services monthly Addendums Indicated Forms are Part of this Agreement o CustDmer Preparation Cheddist Part 1 0 o Terms and COnditions o Consumer Information Sheet o Re~iept for Consumer InformationjTreatment 0 o Optional, 0 o Equipment Sales Notice of Pest Control Treatment _ Payment Schedule To be billed as Monthlv Service TAX EXEMPT $ 50.00 Initial Service Charge $ 50.00 Regular Service Charge $ 600.00 Annual Total $ Less 3% Year Advance payment $ 600.00 Total Due Down Payment Received At Completion Account Number _ _ Amount SeQuence Number Amount Deposit Number You may recognIZe a 3% dIScount for pre-paymg one years service charge In advance. This is to certify that Tax Exemption Certificate Number has been fumished with this Agreement to Terminix. CustomerlAgent Signature This agreement is subject to the Terms and Conditions on this page and attachments, including the Mandatory Arbitration provision. This agreement is for an initial period of twelve (12) months from the date of the first service and, unless canceled by the purchaser, will automatically continue on a monthly basis until canceled by either party upon thirty (30) days notice. This ageement is not valid unless accepted by customer within 30 days of submission. Terminix Authorization In the event you have any questions or complaints, you may contact a Tenninix representative by calling 1RSOO-Terminix TPCL#12013 Terminix Office 2513 Phone 214-821-2240 Address 3900 Willow Suite 130 Dallas, Tx. .;.7"'52:::2::::6:.Dan Robbin 29781 Date 12/28/2006 Terminix Representative (print name) mm/ddlyyyy Daniel J. Robbins Terminix Representative Signature By _ _ Title _ . . ~"""-====::-:------------mm/dd/yyyy Licensed and regulated under the Structurai Pest Control Act by tile Texas Structural Pest Control Board P. O. Box 1921, Austin, TX 111167-1921, Phone 512-305-8250 <,' " @ommercial Pest Control Agreement ' ' Premises Purchaser/Billing Address Company Dallas County Address 140 N. Garland Rd. City Dallas .:T;;;X;=.:::-.------:Z;:"ip---":;"75"'04~2 State Telephone, _ Contact Ana Quintanilla Telephone--~====:::::..-----------Address --..:G::;a::;r1.;.:a::.n:;d:...G=ov.:.:e::;r.:.:n::.m:;e::.n::.t.::C:;e"'n.:.:te::.r _ City State--------------,Z"'ip----- o Multiple Locations Attach Location listing Terminix Commercial Pest Control Service Terminix will perform regularly scheduled service at the above service address for the control of the following pests: Service Frequency o Roaches o Silverfish o Rats 0 Mice 0 Ants (exdudlng Carpenter, Pharaoh and Fire) 0 Other 0 0 0 Monthly Bi-Monthly Quarterly 0 0 0 semi-Monthly Weekly Other _:==.-::-::-:;-====_-:-= _ ,-;-:-_.,.- Additional Service Information: Inspect and treat all areas inside, dUSty plumbing, crack and crevice treatment and monitor placements as needed, hand spray and/or bait perimeter areas, dust plumbing areas Continue services monthly _ Addendums Indicated Forms are Part of this Agreement o Customer Preparatlon Cheddist Part 1 0 o o o o Terms and Conditions Consumer Information Sheet Notice of Pest Control Treatment o Equipment sales Redept for Consumer Informatlon/Treatment 0 _ Optlonall 0 _ _ Pavment Schedule To be billed as MonthlY Service TAX EXEMPT $ 105.00 Initial Service Charge $ 105.00 Regular Service Charge 1,260.00 $ Annual Total $ Less 3% Year Advance payment $ 1,260.00 Total Due Down Pavment Received At Comoletion Account Number Amount Seouence Number Amount Deoosit Number You may recognIZe a 3•Yo discount for pre-pay*ng one years service charge 10 advance. This is to certify that Tax Exemption Certificate Number has been furnished with this Agreement to Terminix. Customer/Agent Signature This agreement is subject to the Terms and Conditions on this page and attachments, including the Mandatory Arbitration provision. This agreement is for an initial period of twelve (12) months from the date of the first service and, unless canceled by the purchaser, will automatically continue on a monthly basis until canceled by either party upon thirty (30) days notice. This ageement is not valid unless accepted by customer within 30 days of submission. Terminix Authorization In the event you have any questions or complaints, you may contact a Tenn.inix representative by calling 1--800-.Terminix TPCL#12013 Terminix Office 2513 Phone 214-821-2240 Address 3900 Willow Suite 130 Dallas,Tx...:.7.;::52=:2=.:6'Dan Robbin 29781 Date 12/28/2006 Terminix Representative (print name) mm/dd/yyyy Daniel J. Robbins Terminix Representative Signature By _ _ Title -----------mm/dd/yyyy licensed and regulated under the Structural Pest Control Act by the Texas Structural Pest Control Board P. O. Box 1927, Austin, TX 78767-1927, Phone 512-305.$250 ~ " Go II '~ercial Rest Control reement Premises PurchaserIBilhng Address Contact Ana Quintenilla Company Dallas County Roads & Bridges Telephone --..:.;:.:.:::-;==='------------Address 2311 Joe Field Rd, Address __:::SA:;:M=E:..._ City Dallas State .,!;T~X~:'------~Z:;::ip---7:;;5:;;2~29n City State-------------Z,.;i="p----Telephone 972-387-8175 o Multiple Locations Attach Location Usting Terminix Commercial Pest Control Service Terminix will perform regularly scheduled service at the above service address for the control of the following pests: Service Frequency o o o Roaches 0 Mice 0 0 SilverfISh o Ants (excluding carpenter, Pharaoh and Fire) OBI-Monthly o Weekly Rats 0 other 0 0 Monthly Quarterly semi-Monthly Olher _ Additional Service Information: Scope of Service: Inspect and treat all areas inside, dust all plumbing, crack and crevice treatment and monityor placements as . needed, hand spray and/or bait the perimeter of the facility, check-clean-re-bait rodent devices. Addendunis Indicated Forms are Part of this Agreement o o Terms and Conditions o Customer Preparation Checklist Part 1 0 Consumer Information Sheet o o Notice of Pest Control Treatment o Redept for Consumer lnformaticn/Treatment 0 Optional, 0 _ Equipment sales _ _ Prices below do not include sales taxes Payment Schedule Initial fee due and oavable, Monthly fees to be billed Down 40.00 $ Initial Service Charge Pavment Amount Sequence Number 40.00 $ Regular Service Charge Received At ·480.00 $ Annual Total Comoletion Amount Deoosit Number $ Less 3% Year Advance payment Account Number 480.00 $ Total Due You may recognize a 3,Yo discount tor pre-paYIOQ one years service charge 10 advance. This is to certify that Tax Exemption Certificate Number has been furnished with this Agreement to Terminix. Customer/Agent Signature This agreement is subject to the Terms and Conditions on this page and attachments, including the Mandatory Arbitration provision. This agreement is for an initial period of twelve (12) months from the date of the first service and, unless canceled by the purchaser, will automatically continue on a monthly basis until canceled by either party upon thirty (30) days notice. This ageement is not valid unless accepted by customer within 30 days of submission. In the event you have any questions or complaints, you may Terminix Authorization Terminix Office contact a Terminix representative by calling 1-800-Terminix 2513 pllone Address 3900 Willow suite 130 Dallas,Tx. 75226 Dan Robbins Date 10/19/2006 Terminix Representative (print name) mm/dd/yyyy Dan Robbins _ ~ By TPCL12013 Title Date _ l'1rtl1l1TliliTCorodl11ly7'Jy"lyyv------------ Terminix Representative Signature Licensed and regulated under tile Structural Pest Control Act by the Texas Structural Pest Control Board p. O. Box 1927, Austin, TX 78767·1927, Pllone 512-305-8250 33 DALLAS COUNTY PURCHASING DEPARTMENT DALUiS COUNTY CQt1f'1!SSIONERS COURT 01 JAN 18 AM 4: 4t January 23, 2007 TO: Commissioners Court THROUGH: Shannon S. Purchasing Agent FROM: Gloria McCulloch Webb Purchasing Contract Supervisor SUBJECT: Modification - Bid No. 200S-011-IS87 Annual Contract for Janitorial Services for Various Locations Brown~ BACKGROUND On December 20, 200S, the Dallas County Commissioners Court with Court Order 200S-24S8, authorized the first twelve (12) month of Bid No. 200S-011-lS87 Annual Contract for Janitorial Services for Various Dallas County Facilities, for the period of January 01, 2006 through December 31, 2006, the contract was subsequently extended to February 28, 2007, with Court Order 2006-2297. cn Maintenance, Inc., was awarded the George L. Allen, Sf. Courts Building, Records Building Complex, and Administration Building. The purpose of this briefing is to recommend modification to this bid to include janitorial services to the Court of Appeals - Sth District of Texas at Dallas. . OPERATIONAL IMPACT This contract provides daily janitorial services. The Court of Appeals - Sth District of Texas at Dallas recently terminated janitorial services with their current vendor due to poor performance. These services were solicited under an annual quote. The Court of Appeals - Sth District of Texas at Dallas is located on the 2nd Floor of the George L. Allen, Sr. Courts Building and has approximately 26,880 square feet of cleanable space. CTJ Maintenance, Inc., has agreed to provide janitorial services to the Court of Appeals - Sth District of Texas at Dallas at rate of$.OS3/square foot or $1,424.64/month. The square footage rate is based on the current contact rate for janitorial services at the George L. Allen, Sf. Courts Building. A new solicitation for services at the George L. Allen, Sf. Courts Building has been developed and will include this space. LEGAL IMPACT Texas Local Government Code 262.031(a) Changes in Plans and Specifications, allows the Commissioners Court to make changes to specifications after a contract is made up to 2S% of the original contract amount. FINANCIAL IMPACT The original contract value for the George L. Allen, Sr. Courts Building was $14,400.00 monthly and the changes to the specifications total $1,424.64 monthly, which represents a 9.89% increase from the original contract value. RECOMMENDATION The Purchasing Department, with the concurrence of Court of Appeals - Sth District of Texas at Dallas, recommends that the Commissioners Court authorize the modifications to 200S-0 11-IS87 Annual Contract for Janitorial Services for Various Locations as allowed under Texas Local Government Code 262.031 (a) to include janitorial services to the Court of Appeals - Sth District of Texas at Dallas. Should the Commissioners Court concur with the recommendation a Court Order will be submitted at the next formal agenda. S09 Main Street, 6th Floor, Suite 623, Dallas Texas 7S202-3340 (214) 6S3-7431 • Fax (214) 6S3-7449. gwebb@dallascounty.org 34 DALLAS COUNTY PURCHASING DEPARTMENT January 23, 2007 TO: Commissioners cou~_ ~ THROUGH: Shannon S. Brown~ Purchasing Agent FROM: Gloria McCulloch Webb Purchasing Contract Supervisor SUBJECT: Insurance: Bid No. 2006-132-2277 Annual Contract for the Purchase of Janitorial Supplies Background/Issue On November 14,2006, the Dallas County Commissioners Court with Court Order 2006-2041, authorized the partial award of Bid No. 2006-132-2277 Annual Contract for the Purchase of Janitorial Supplies to various vendors. Jernigan CSA was awarded several items under this solicitation request. The purpose of this briefing is to request the release of payment to Jernigan CSA. Operational Impact Jernigan CSA provides various janitorial supplies items to Dallas County on an as needed/requested basis. On December II, 2006, Jernigan CSA delivered 1,200 cases of laundry soap powder to the Facilities Management Supply Division. A requirement of the contract is that the vendor must provide and maintain general liability insurance coverage only. Jernigan CSA's original general liability coverage expired on September 09,2006, which created a lapse of coverage. A new general liability policy has been issued and the certificate provided to Dallas County which reflects a coverage period of January 05, 2007 through January 05, 2008. As a result ofthe lapse in insurance coverage, the Auditor's Office is currently withholding payments in the amount of$28,884.00 for items delivered during the lapse period pending formal direction/action. Jernigan CSA has acknowledged and takes full responsibility of the lack insurance coverage on their part and has corrected upon notification by Dallas County. Jernigan CSA is awarded eight (8) items under this contract with the laundry soap powder being the largest volume item. Jernigan CSA has agreed to execute the attached release and waiver of claims agreement for the lapse period and this documentation will be included with final court order. Recommendation The Purchasing Department recommends that Commissioners Court authorize a waiver of the general liability insurance requirement for the period of November 14, 2006 through January 4, 2007, and a release of all payments due. 509 Main Street, 6" Floor, Suite 623, Dallas Texas 75202-3340 (214) 653-7431 • Fax (214) 653-7449. gwebb@dallascounty.org 35 Jernigan~~~ "Your (;1 Source for Products and Services!" Post Office Box 870822 Phone: (972) 682-0561 Mesquite, Texas 75187~0822 Fax: (972) 270-5256 jernigan@jernigancsa.com www.iernigancsa.com January 5, 2007 VIA FACSIMILE TWO PAGES (214) 653-7449 AttcntilJR: GllJria Webb, Purchaser DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT DaHas.County Purchasing Department R£: BID NO. 2006-132-2277 Annual Contract for J(jIlitorial Supplies REGARDING: REQUEST FOR AN EMERGENCYBRIEFING FOR MERCYIPARDON bear Commissioners Court, Jemig(jll CSA pleas for your forgiveness in having a lapse in our Gencral Liability coverage for the months of October, November (jIld becember 2006. In order to satisfy all insur(jllce requirements, our agent has beenawaiiing a Certificate of Insurance from the manufacturer of the Surf. We thought this had been tJken care of, but due to our oversight in follow up it had not. Our GL in now in place (attached). Upon receiving the first order for the above referenced bid, our ultimate goal was to serve Dallas County by performing our part in supplying the laundry soap powder. As a certified Small Minority Disadvantaged Women Owned Business, we can't afford not to receive our invoice paid on time. This causes a huge [mandaI burden for our company and possibly further repercussions down the road. This is our plea. This is our prayer. Hun1bly Submitted, The Jernigan CSA Te~am .. ' . . '.(){,~YlD ,Jl~Jl(,'~.t.l-' lois J . an Presiden Owner Tanya Duncan Senior Executive Elois Jernigan, President/Cash Flow Specialist: ShalondaJerriigan; ffnancesl<':ash Flow SpeCialISt; TarryaDuncan. Senior ExecwivelCashFlow Specialist; Robin-Duncan. Director a/Pressure Washing; EdHiard Wooten; Sales Associate; Melvin Mabry; SalesAssociate Frenzetta Speed, Accountant 36 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ISSUE DATE ,~ 1105 / 07 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY T',UIS A WILLIAMS & ASSOCIATES, INC DRAWER 1309 75671 1309 lVlARSHALL TX INSURED I I ('0j:,?ERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER ,.;-:'1 AMEND, POLICIES BELOW. uOE.S AND THTS CEP.TJPICATE 1 EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY SCOTTSDALE INSURANCE COMPANY LETTER A COMPANY LETTER B ELOIS JERNIGAN DBA: JERNIGAN CSA P 0 BOX 870882 MESQUITE, TEXAS 75167 COMPANY LETTER C COMPANY LETTER D COMPANY LETTER E COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTVfI,?F.I,oW H",-VE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM ')i, .mD! fl0N OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TV WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN I S SUBJECT TO ALL THE EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. -" TERMS CO TYPE OF INSURANCE LTR LIABILITY COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ~NERAL X A I CLAIMS MADE WOCCUR. OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT. A - I I POLl CY NUMBER 1321078 eLS .- POLICY POLICY EFF DATE 1/05/07 EXP DATE 1/05/08 LIMITS GENERAL AGGREGATE PRODUCTS~COMP/ops AGGREGATE PERSONAL & ADVERTISING INJURY EACH OCCURRENCE FIRE DAMAGE (ANY ONE FIRE) MEDICAL EXPENSE (ANY ONE PERSON) S 2 000 000 $EXCLUD ~ 1 000 000 S 1 000 000 , , LIABILITY ANY AUTO I-ALL OWNED AUTOS I-- SCHEDULED AUTOS COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT , BODILY INJURY (PER PERSON) $ HIRED AUTOS I-NON~OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY (PER ACCIDENT) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE $ ~UTOMOBILE I-I-I-- 100 oae 5 000 , G,~GE LIr~ILrTY ===leESS LIABILITY OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE , , OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS 12362~DISTRIBUTORS-NO FOOD OR DRINK, Noe (PRODUCTS & COMPLETED OPERATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO THE GENERAL AGGREGATE LIMIT. ) CERTIFICATE HOLDER ATTN: STEVE WHITEHOUSE DALLAS COUNTY PURCHASING DEPT RECORDS BUILDING 6TH FLOOR STE 623 DALLAS, TEXAS 75202 CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 10 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR BILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY &2Jr~ LIA~ ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. WLA 37 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § § RELEASE AND WAIVER OF CLAIMS AGREEMENT This Release and Waiver of Claims Agreement (hereinafter, "Agreement") is entered by and between Dallas County (hereinafter, "County"), a governmental entity formed and existing under the laws of the State of Texas, acting by and through the Dallas County Commissioners Court, and Jernigan CSA (hereinafter, "Contractor"), a Texas corporation. County and Contractor may be referred to in this Agreement individually as "Party" and collectively as "Parties." WHEREAS, on or about August 28, 2006, Dallas County issued Bid No. 2006-132-2277 (hereinafter, "Bid") for the Annual Contract for the Purchase of Janitorial Supplies (hereinafter, "Contract"); and WHEREAS, Contractor responded to the Bid on or before September 11, 2006; and WHEREAS, on November 14, 2006, pursuant to Dallas County Commissioners Court Order No. 2006-2041, Dallas County awarded the Contract to Contractor based on its response to the Bid; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 3 (Insurance Requirements) of the Bid Specifications, Contractor was required to maintain commercial general liability insurance; and WHEREAS, Contractor did not maintain commercial general liability insurance as required by the Bid Specifications during the period of November 14, 2006 through January 04, 2007; and WHEREAS, Contractor was thus non-compliant with Section 3 (Insurance Requirements) of the Bid Specifications during the period of November 14, 2006 through January 04, 2007 (hereinafter, "Period of Non-Compliance"); and WHEREAS, Contractor seeks to be compensated for work completed and/or products furnished under the Contract during the Period of Non-Compliance; WHEREAS, the undersigned, on behalf of Contractor, acknowledges that he/she has read the full text of this Agreement; and NOW THEREFORE, in and for consideration of the payment of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), and/or other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, and for further consideration of the release of payments to Contractor in the amount of Twenty-Eight Thousand, Eight Hundred and Eighty-Four Dollars ($28,884.00) currently being held by County for failure of Contractor to maintain and keep in force its commercial general liability insurance as reqUired by the Bid, and these recitals and the promises and agreements set forth in this Agreement, the parties agree to settle any and all disputes regarding and/or relating to any claims by Contractor, any of its contractors, subcontractors, consultants, sub consultants, officers, employees, agents, invitees, licensees, or by any other person whomsoever or entity whatsoever while perfonming work or services under the Contract during the Period of Non-Compliance, upon the following terms: 1. General Release. Upon execution of this Agreement, Contractor, for itself and on behalf of its attorneys, assigns, predecessors, successors, agents, and employees IRREVOCABLY AND UNCONDITIONALLY RELEASES, ACQUITS AND FOREVER DISCHARGES Dallas County, Dallas County Commissioners, Dallas County Judge, elected officials, appointed 1 38 officials, officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives (hereinafter, "Releasees") from any and all claims for injuries or damages, whether known or unknown, now existing or hereafter existing, relating to or arising out of any claims by Contractor, or any of its contractors, subcontractors, consultants, sub consultants, officers, employees, agents, invitees, licensees, or by any other person whomsoever or entity whatsoever while performing· work or services under the Contract during the Period of Non-Compliance, including, but not limited to those for penalties, interest, payments due, and errors. 2. Covenant Not to Sue. Contractor also COVENANTS NOT TO' SUE, OR OTHERWISE PARTICIPATE IN ANY ACTION OR CLASS ACTION against, any of the Releasees based upon any of the ciaims released in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement. 3. Indemnification, Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Releasees against all claims, demands, actions, suits, losses, damages, liabilities, costs and/or expenses of every kind and nature (including, but not limited to court costs, litigation expenses and attorneys fees), paying same as they accrue, and all recoverable interest thereon, incurred by or sought to be imposed on Releasees because of injury (including death), arising out of or in any way related (whether directly or indirectly, causally or otherwise) to: (1) the performance of, attempted performance of, or failure to perform, operation or work by Contractor, its contractors, subcontractors, consultants, sub consultants, officers, employees, agents, invitees, licensees, or to any other person whomsoever or entity whatsoever during the Period of Non-Compliance; or (2) the condition or use of the real property, including any improvements, on which said operations or work are being performed during the Period of Non-Compliance; or (3) the selection, provision, misuse, use or failure to use, by any person or entity, of any tools, supplies, materials, equipment, any other devices, tools, supplies, materials, equipment, or vehicles (whether owned or supplied by County, or any other person or entity) in connection with said work or operations during the Period of Non-Compliance; or (4) the presence on County real property, including any part or portion of any improvements located thereon, by Contractor, its contractors, subcontractors, consultants, sub consultants, officers, employees, agents, Invitees, licensees, or to any other person whomsoever or entity whatsoever entering onto County real property, whether or not such person is acting by or on behalf of Contractor during the Period of Non-Compliance; or (5) arising out of or in any way related to the products furnished or work accomplished in relation to Bid No. 2006-132-2277 during the Period of NonCompliance; or (6) the action or inaction, international or otherwise, of Contractor, its contractors, subcontractors, consultants, sub consultants, officers, employees, agents, invitees, licensees, or to any other person whomsoever or entity whatsoever present on the County real property, or performing any act or service thereon on behalf of Contractor, its contractors, subcontractors, consultants, sub consultants, officers, employees, agents, invitees, licensees, or to any other person whomsoever or entity whatsoever or at Contractor's request during the Period of Non-Compliance. 2 39 IN ADDITION THERETO, Releasees sha.1I not be liable to Contractor or to Contractor's contractors, subcontractors, consultants, sub consultants, officers, employees, agents, invitees, licensees, or to any other person whomsoever or entity whatsoever for any inconvenience or loss to Contractor, its contractors, subcontractors, consultants, sub consultants, officers, employees, agents, invitees, licensees, or to any other person whomsoever or entity whatsoever during the Period of NonCompliance. THIS INDEMNITY SHALL APPLY WHETHER OR NOT ANY SUCH INJURY OR DAMAGE HAS BEEN, OR IS ALLEGED TO HAVE BEEN, CAUSED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART. BY THE NEGLIGENCE OR FAULT OF RELEASEES OR ON ANY OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, INTENTIONAL WRONGDOING, STRICT PRODUCTS LIABILITY OR THE BREACH OF A NON-DELEGABLE DUTY. Contractor further agrees to defend (at the election of County) against any claim, demand, action or suit for which indemnification is provided hereunder, at its sole cost and expense, paying all costs, expenses, damages, judgments or other items as such shall become due. In the event any part of the provisions of this Paragraph 3 are determined by any statutory enactment or judicial decision to be void or unenforceable, then this Paragraph 3 shall not fail in its entirety, but will be enforceable to the extent permitted bylaw. 4. Confidentiality. The parties acknowledge and agree that they, as well as their attorneys, will keep all information pertaining to the negotiations, terms, conditions, copies, and facts of this Agreement (hereinafter, "Confidential Information") STRICTLY AND COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL, and that neither party nor their attorneys will communicate or otherwise disclose to any third party or member of the general public the Confidential Information, except as expressly provided herein below, and not to disclose same, except as set forth below. The parties hereby irrevocably agree and covenant that, except to the extent permitted herein, and except as required by law, or as otherwise permitted pursuant to this Agreement, they shall be enjoined and restrained from verbally or otherwise publishing, disseminating, disclosing or causing to be published, disseminated, or disclosed (hereinafter, "Disclosure") the Confidential Information to any person, firm or entity whatsoever, including, but not limited to, oversight agencies, licensing authorities, newspapers, periodicals, magazines, publications, television stations, radio stations, publishers, and any other enterprise or to any individuals working directly or indirectly for, or on behalf of, any said entities (hereinafter, "Third Parties"), and shall not do any of the following, all of which shall be collectively referred to herein as "Prohibited Communications:" (1) disclose to any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity any Confidential Information; and (2) disclose the terms of and/or conditions of this Agreement to anyone not a party hereto except as expressly permitted herein. 5. Public Information Act. The parties acknowledge and agree that County is subject, as a matter of law, to TEX. GOV'T CODE ANN. § 552 (Vernon 1994 & Supp. 2004), also known as the Texas Public Information Act (hereinafter "Public Information Act"). Notwithstanding any other prOVision, the parties agree that in the event that any provision of this Agreement, or other documents related to this Agreement, including, but not limited to, any exhibit, attachment, amendment, addendum, or other incorporated document, is in conflict with the Public Information Act, such provision shall be of no force or effect. Furthermore, it is expressly acknOWledged and agreed that the County, County Commissioners, County Judge, Elected County Officials, Appointed County Officials, County Department Heads and County Employees (hereinafter, "County Requestors") may request advice, decisions and opinions of the Attorney General of the State of Texas in regard to the application of the Public Information Act to any software, hardware, firmware, or any part thereof, or other equipment 3 40 or item, data or information furnished to orin the possession or knowledge of County. It is further acknowledged and agreed that County Requestors have the right and obligation by law to rely on the advice, decisions and opinions of the Texas Attorney General. Contractor hereby releases County Requestors from any and all liability or obligation of any type, kind or nature regarding any disclosure of any software, hardware, firmware, or any part thereof, or other equipment or item, data or information furnished by Contractor or in the possession or knowledge of the County that is determined by County or in reliance on any advice, decision or opinion of the Texas Attorney General to be available to the public or any persons. 6. Permitted Disclosures. Notwithstanding the foregoing, County agrees, to the extent permitted by the Public Information Act, to keep confidential (and store in a secure area with limited access) and will not copy, publish, sell, exchange, disclose, or provide to others or use any information, documents or data, provided to or disclosed to County, or any information related to this Agreement, including, but not limited to, any exhibit, attachment, amendment, addendum, or other incorporated document, for any purposes other than performing County's obligations under this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties shall be permitted to disclose the Confidential Information to state and federal law enforcement agencies, prOVided that said recipients are advised by the party that said information is confidential and provided that the party requests that the recipients maintain the Confidential Information in confidence. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties shall be permitted to disclose the Confidential Information to legal counsel, provided that said recipients are advised by the party that said information is confidential and provided that the party requests that the recipients maintain the Confidential Information in confidence. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties shall be permitted to disclose the Confidential Information, inclUding the terms of this Agreement, if compelled to do so by legal process, inclUding, without limitation, a subpoena duces tecum or similar legal compulsion. If Contractor receives a subpoena seeking such information, it shall prompily provide a copy of such SUbpoena to the Dallas County District Attorney's Office, Civil Section c/o Bob Schell, Chief, Civil Section, before responding to any such subpoena. County, at its sole discretion, will determine whether the information sought is releasable and will subsequently release such information or prOVide the third party with notice that such information is not releasable. Notwithstanding the provisions set forth herein, the parties shall not be prohibited from disclosing the Confidential Information, including the terms of this Agreement, to third parties such as attorneys and tax/financial advisors as necessary with respect to legal and financial affairs on a "need to know" basis, provided each person is informed of the confidential nature of the Confidential Information and agrees to keep such information strictly confidential. In disclosing the Confidential Information, Contractor shall not identify any Dallas County Commissioner, elected official, appointed official, officer, director or employee as a party to this Agreement. 7. Breach of Confidentiality. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that any disclosure to any third party or member of the general pUblic of the Confidential Information, except to the extent permitted herein, shall constitute a breach of this Agreement. Contractor agrees that any breach of the Confidentiality provisions shall result in liquidated damages in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), plus attorney's fees and costs for each breach. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that any breach of the Confidentiality provisions shall cause irreparable harm for which damages cannot be readily ascertained. The parties agree that this sum is reasonable in light of the circumstances surrounding this Agreement. Even in the event that Contractor is required to pay liquidated damages as provided in this Paragraph, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 8. Waiver of legal and Equitable Remedies. Contractor waives and releases forever any right or rights it may have to seek or pursue any of its legal and/or equitable remedies arising from or related to any claims for work-related injuries, illnesses, or occupational diseases suffered, sustained or claimed by Contractor, or any of its contractors, subcontractors, consultants, sub consultants, officers, employees, agents, invitees, licensees, or by any other person 4 41 whomsoever or entity whatsoever while performing work or services under the Contract during the Period of Non-Compliance. 9. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, such provision shall be fully severable to the full extent allowed by law, with the remaining provisions of this Agreement continuing in full force and effect. The illegal or invalid provision shall be deemed stricken and deleted, but all other provisions shall continue and be given effect as if the illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision had never been incorporated. 10. Sovereign Immunity. This Agreement is expressly made subject to County's Sovereign Immunity, Title 5 of the Texas Civil Practices and Remedies Code, and all applicable federal and state law. The parties expressly agree that no provision of this Agreement is in any way intended to constitute a waiver of any immunities from suit or from liability that the County has by operation of law. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to benefit any third party beneficiary. 11. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, including any attachments, exhibits, and/or addendums incorporated as a part hereof, shall constitute the entire agreement relating to the subject matter hereof between the parties hereto and supersedes any other agreement concerning the subject matter of this transaction, whether oral or written, and except as otherwise provided herein, this Agreement may not be modified without prior written agreement of the parties. Each party acknowledges that the other party, or anyone acting on behalf of the other party has made no representations, inducements, promises or agreements, orally or otherwise, unless such representations, inducements, promises or agreements are embodied in this Agreement, expressly or by incorporation. 12. Governing Law and Venue. The validity and interpretation of this Agreement, and the rights and obligations of the parties hereunder, shall be governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, except where preempted by federal law, and, if any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, void, voidable or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless continue in full force and effect. This Agreement is performable and enforceable in Dallas County, Texas where the principal office of County is located and the state courts of Dallas County shall be the sole and exclusive venue for any litigation, special proceeding, or other proceeding as between the parties that may be brought, or arise out of, in connection with, or by reason of this Agreement. 13. Third Parties. The obligations of each party to this Agreement shall inure solely to the benefit of the other party, and no other person or entity shall be a third party beneficiary of this Agreement or have any right to enforce any obligation created or established under this Agreement. 14. Binding Effect. This Agreement and the respective rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall inure to the benefit and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties hereto, as well as the parties themselves. 15. Statement of Understanding. As further consideration for the execution of this Agreement, the parties each represent the following as an inducement to the other: (a) that each party completely and fairly understands that this is a complete and final settlement of any and all claims, controversies, and issues arising out of or related to any claims for work-related injuries, illnesses, or occupational diseases suffered, sustained or claimed by Contractor, or any of its contractors, subcontractors, consultants, sub consultants, officers, employees, agents, invitees, licensees, or by any other person whomsoever or entity whatsoever while performing work or services under the Contract during the Period of Non-Compliance, and that neither party will ever receive any additional consideration for such claims except for the consideration specifically stated herein; (b) that in entering into this Agreement, the parties are doing so freely and voluntarily upon the advice of their own counsel and in the exercise of 5 42 their own free will, act, and deed, without any coercion, undue influence, threat or intimidation of any kind or type whatsoever; (c) that, except as specifically contained in this Agreement, no representations, promises, or other statements made by any agent, attorney, or other representative of any party has influenced the other in making and executing this Agreement; and (d) that each party realizes that this Agreement is final and conclusive as to those matters specifically set forth in this Agreement and that it is their desire that it be finally conclusive. There exists no oral understanding, statement, promise, or inducement between the parties contrary to the terms of this Agreement. No party to this Agreement is relying upon any promise, representation, conduct or consideration not expressly set forth in this Agreement. This Agreement may not be orally changed or terminated. 16. Signatorv Warranty. The person or persons signing and executing this Agreement on behalf of Contractor, or representing themselves as signing and executing this Agreement on behalf of Contractor, do hereby warrant and guarantee that he, she or they have been dUly authorized by Contractor to execute this Agreement on behalf of Contractor and to validly and legally bind Contractor to all terms, conditions and provisions herein set forth. 17. Acceptances. By their signatures below, the duly authorized representatives of County and Contractor have read and fully understand the terms of this Agreement, inclUding the parties' rights and obligations hereunder, and accept the terms of this Agreement in full. EXECUTED the day of DALLAS COUNTY BY: Jim Foster Dallas County Judge • 2007, JERNIGAN CSA BY: Elois Jernigan Owner RECOMMENDED: BY: Shannon S. Brown Dallas County Purchasing Agent APPROVED AS TO FORM: BY: Bob Schell, Chief Dallas County District Attorney's Office, Civil Section 'By law, the District Attorney's Office may only advise or approve contracts or legal documents on behalf of its clients. It may not advise or approve a contract or legal document on behalf of other parties. Our review of this document was conducted solely from the legal perspective of our client. Our approval of this document was offered solely for the benefit of our client. Other parties should not rely on this approval, and should seek review and approval by their own respective attorney(s). 6 43 § § § STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority personally appeared , individually and as owner and representative for Jernigan CSA proved to me through ,..--,.,--;-_-:-,-,-.,--: (description of identity card or other document) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same on his/her personal behalf and on behalf of Professional Coating Technologies, Inc. for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED TO BEFORE ME, on this day of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, 2007. Notary Public State of Texas Commission Expires 7 44 DALLAS COUNTY 01 JAN 18 tIM ~:~I PURCHASING DEPARTMENT January 23, 2006 TO: . FROM: SUBJECT: Commissioners Court Shannon S. Brown Purchasing Agent Jri ~U Master Interlocal Agreement with the City of Fort Worth BACKGROUND/ISSUE Texas Government Code, Chapter 791 (referred to as the Interlocal Cooperation Act) authorizes interlocal agreements between local governments for the purchase of goods and services. The statute states that these agreements satisfy the requirement for local governments to seek competitive bids. Dallas County has interlocal agreements with several cities, counties and other agencies for cooperative purchasing. The City of Fort Worth has requested to execute a master interlocal agreement with Dallas County and Dallas County has identified several contracts awarded by the City of Fort Worth that could be beneficial to the County. The purpose of this briefing is to recommend the approval of this interlocal agreement. OPERATIONAL IMPACT Under the proposed master agreement, each entity can utilize a contract awarded by the other. The Purchasing Department will provide a list of current contracts to the City of Fort Worth for their review. The City of Fort Worth has provided a list of their existing contract to Dallas County. Each entity will be responsible for detennining which contracts will be utilized. At this time, the City of Fort Worth anticipates utilizing Dallas County's contracts for janitorial services and supplies. Dallas County is reviewing the City of Fort Worth's contract for lamps and electrical supplies. This contract has a lamp that is utilized extensively in the new addition of the George Allen building that is not available under an existing contract at a competitive price. LEGAL IMPACT The attached master interlocal agreement was originally drafted by the Dallas County District Attorney's Office, CivifDivision and modified to reflect the reciprocal nature of this agreement (each entity using the other's contracts). The City of Fort Worth has approved this agreement. The tenn of the agreement is for five years from the date of Dallas County's execution. The agreement can be tenninated by either party with thirty (30) days written notice. RECOMMENDAnON The Purchasing Department recommends that Commissioners Court approve the attached master interlocallcooperative purchasing agreement with the City of Fort Worth and authorize the County Judge to sign the agreement on behalf of Dallas County. 509 Main Street, Suite 623, Dal1as Texas 75202-3340 (214) 653-7597. Fax (214) 653-6449. sbrown@dallascounty.org 45 Fort Worth & Dallas County Cooperative Purchasing Interlocal Agreement MASTER INTERLOCAL/COOPERATIVE PURCHASING AGREEMENT This Master Interlocal/Cooperative Purchasing Agreement ("Master Agreement") is made and entered into as of the date written below between the City of Fort Worth, a home-rule municipality located in Tarrant, Denton, and Wise Counties, Texas ("Fort Worth") and Dallas County, a governmental entity located in Texas ("Dallas County"). (F ort Worth and Dallas County may be referred to individually herein as "Party", and collectively as the "Parties"). WHEREAS, Fort Worth does enter into competitive bids for acquisition of various goods and services in accordance with Texas Local Government Code Chapter 252, Subchapter B, "Competitive Bidding or Competitive Proposals Required: as amended; and WHEREAS, Dallas County does enter into competitive bids for acquisition of various goods and services in accordance with Texas Local Government Code Section 262.023 "Competitive Bidding and Competitive Proposal Requirements", as amended; and WHEREAS, the Parties have determined a need for a reciprocal interlocal/cooperative agreement to purchase like goods and services to avoid duplicate procurement efforts and obtain the benefits of volume purchasing; and WHEREAS, the Parties are authorized by Section 271.102 of the Texas Local Government Code and Section 791.025 of the Texas Government Code to pursue mutually beneficial and cooperative purchasing programs and enter into interlocal agreements for the purchase of goods and services thereby satisfying state law competitive bid requirements. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual obligations and benefits contained herein, Fort Worth and Dallas County agree as follows: SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS. Awarding Party. The Party that was the original procuring governmental entity in compliance with state law competitive bidding requirements. Supplier Agreement. An existing agreement between the Awarding Party and a Vendor that satisfies the requirement of a local government to seek competitive bids for the purchase of goods and services. Vendor. An external business, entity or enterprise that supplies goods and/or services to the Awarding Party through a Supplier Agreement. Page I of3 46 Fort Worth & Dallas County Cooperative Purchasing Interlocal Agreement SECTION 2. The purpose of this Master Agreement is to provide Fort Worth and Dallas County with additional purchasing options by satisfying the provisions of Section 791.025 of the Government Code and Sections and 271.102 of the Local Government Code. SECTION 3. The Parties agree that each shall name a designated representative to act under the direction of, and on behalf of, the designating Party. SECTION 4. Each Party agrees to be bound by the terms, conditions and expiration date of the requested Supplier Agreement, and hereby agrees to fulfill each and every requirement contained therein as if it were the Awarding Party. SECTION 5. Each Party agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to independently administer the requested Supplier Agreement and to pay the Vendor directly for any and all related costs. In addition, each Party shall have the responsibility of determining whether the Vendor has complied with any provisions in its contract, including but not limited to those relating to the quality of items and terms of delivery, and shall be responsible for enforcement of its contract against the Vendor, including all cost of enforcement. SECTION 6. This Master Agreement will be subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. SECTION 7. This Master Agreement may be terminated by either party, without cause or penalty, upon not less than thirty days written notice to the other party. SECTION 8. The Parties acknowledge that each Party and, if it so chooses, its counsel have reviewed and revised this Master Agreement and that the normal rule of construction to the effect that any ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party must not be employed in the interpretation of this Master Agreement or any amendments or exhibits hereto. SECTION 9. If any action, whether real or asserted, at law or in equity, arises on the basis of any provision of this Master Agreement, venue for such action shall lie in state courts located in Tarrant County, Texas or the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas - Fort Worth Division. This Master Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. SECTION 10. If any term or provision of this Master Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining terms or provisions of this Master Agreement shall not be affected thereby, and in lieu of each such illegal, invalid or unenforceable term or provision, the parties shall endeavor to agree to a legal, valid or enforceable term or provision as similar as possible to the term or provision declared illegal, invalid or unenforceable. Page 2 on 47 Fort Worth & Dallas County Cooperative Purchasing Interlocal Agreement SECTION 11. Execution of this Master Agreement does not obligate Dallas County or Fort Worth to request any Supplier Agreement, make any purchase, pay any membership fee, or to otherwise or in any manner incur any cost or obligation. SECTION 12. This Master Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and all of which shall constitute but one and the same instrument. SECTION 13. The undersigned officers andlor agents are properly authorized to execute this Master Agreement on behalf of the Parties hereto and each Party hereby certifies to the other that any necessary actions extending such authority have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. SECTION 14. All notices, requests, demands, and other communications which are required or permitted to be given under this Master Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given upon the delivery or receipt thereof, as the case may be, if delivered personally or sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the respective Party representative set out below, or his/her designee. EXECUTED this day of , 2007. CITY OF FORT WORTH 1000 Throckmorton Fort Worth, Texas 76102 DALLAS COUNTY 509 Main Street, Suite 623 Dallas, Texas 75202 Richard Zavala Acting Assistant City Manager Jim Foster County Judge RECOMMENDED: RECOMMENDED: Robert Combs Purchasing Manager Shannon S. Brown Purchasing Agent APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Amy J. Ramsey Assistant City Attorney Bob Schell Deputy Chief, Civil Section Page 3 of3 48 D!\LU\S COUNTY COI'1r1ISSIONEflS COURT DALLAS COUNTY HUMAN RESOURCES/CIVIL SERVICE 01 JAN I 8 AM 3; 51 Date: January 17, 2007 To: Members ofthe Commissioners Court From: Mattye Mauldin Taylor, Ph.D., Director Subject: Policy Change - Division 9, Sections 86-351 through 86-359 Employment Background Verification Policy Background During the 2007 budget process, Commissioners Court authorized the Human Resources/Civil Service Department to conduct background checks on all new hires. Human Resources has modified the policy with old language shown with strikethroughs and new language underlined. We submit the modified policy for Commissioners Court review and immediate approval. Impact on Operations The revised policy provides clarification and guidance to supervisors, managers, employees and applicants. Financial Impact During the FY 2007 budget process, funds were allocated for the implementation of this policy. Recommendation The Human Resources/Civil Service Department recommends Commissioners Court approve the revisions to the Employment Background Verification Policy, Division 9, Sections 86-351 through 86-359 for immediate inclusion in the Dallas Count;v Code. Recommended by: din-Taylor, Ph.D. Attachment Records Building Dallas, Texas Equal Opportunity Employer K:\Briefings 2007\po1icy change_background checks Oll607.doc 214.653.7638 49 DIVISION 9. EMPLOYMENT BACKGROUND VERIFICATION POLICY Sec. 86-351. Policy statement. A pre-employment verification of facts background check will be conducted on all applicants (external and internal) who have been offered positions with the county. In addition, the county may also periodically update the criminal histories and driver's license status of current employees. The sheriff's, juvenile, anEl health/human serliGes Elepartments have their own internal palisies anEl preGeElures anEl may be eXGluEleEl from this paliey. This policy shall apply to all county departments unless the department is specifically exempted from the policy, such as the Sheriff's Department. (Ord. No. 2002-671, 4-9-2002) Sec. 86-352. Policy provisions. The primary purpose of the background investigation is to verify the accuracy of information provided by the applicant in the hiring/selection process and to evaluate the applicant's qualifications for employment. Complete and accurate disclosure of information is the sole responsibility of the individual seeking employment. The minimal information that may be verified includes: (1) Employment history. Employment history of the selected applicant may shall be checked. Areas of inquiry will include dates of employment, job titles, last salaries, reason for leaving, and rehire status for all names under which applicant has worked. (2) Educational background. Verification of educational background will be limited to universities and/or educational institutions listed by the applicant on the employment application. Areas of verification may include high school diploma/GED certification, college degrees, trade school certification, and professional licenses. Applicants may be reqYlreg to present written e'liElenGe of eompletion. who have completed college credit hours but have not received a college degree shall be reguired to provide certified college transcripts from each educational institution listed on the employment application if college credit is desired. (3) Driver's license. If applicable to position sought, a driver's license check shall be conducted. (4) Criminal history or convictions. In accordance with applicable laws, background checks for criminal convictions may shall be conducted. A criminal history may not automatically disqualify an applicant for employment as each situation will be evaluated on a case by case basis utilizing the factors outlined in the section below. (Ord. No. 2002-671, 4-9-2002) Sec. 86-353. Evaluation of criminal records. (a) When making a determination on whether to hire an applicant with a criminal record, the hiring managers/supervisors may should ccnsider the following 50 factors: (b) (1) Nature of the position. Is the position a safety sensitive position? Does it require independent interaction with the public (home visits, etc.)? Does it interact with children, the elderly, handicapped? Does it handle funds? Does it require driving? ... (2) Type, frequency and severity of the violation. Was it a misdemeanor or a felony? If so, what was the nature of the offense? How many convictions are there? Does it relate to your position? (3) Time lapse since last offense. How long has it been since the offense and the completion of the sentence? (4) Evidence of successful rehabilitation. Has the applicant maintained stability in employment, pursuit of education, etc.? Have there been other offenses committed by the applicant? Was the applicant successful with probation or deferred adjudication? (5) Qualifications of the applicant. How strong are the qualifications as they relate to the position? After your assessment of all data collected throughout the hiring process (application, interviews, reference checks, criminal history), is this person the best suited applicant for the position? Other provisions: (1) Minor traffic violations should not be considered as criminal charges. (2) An applicant with outstanding warrants of any kind should cause the applicant to be ineligibleJor employment until the warrant is resolved. (3) Former county employees who were terminated due to violation of the drug and alcohol policy have specific restrictions on rehiring. Please refer to the drug and alcohol policy, section 86·836(4) for additional information. (Ord. No. 2002·671,4·9·2002) Sec. 86-354. Consequences for providing inaccurate or fraudulent information. (a) Any applicant who knOWingly provides misleading, erroneous, or willfully deceptive information to the county on an employment application, any hiring· related document, during any employment interview, or at any time during the selection interview process will may immediately be eliminated from further consideration for employment. This information may include, but is not limited to the following: (1) Criminal information or deferred adjUdication that was not listed on the employment application, pending criminal charges, outstanding warrants of any kind or convictions that surface as a result of the background check. (2) Educational degrees, high school diplomas, licenses, or certifications found to be false or that cannot be verified, such as those from non· accredited institutions. . .. 51 (b) (3) Issues that surface involving dishonesty, theft, or endangerment of persons in the workplace. (4) Extensive, excessive, or serious driving violations that would provide evidence of a habitual history or pattern of potentially dangerous behavior. If the criminal history provided by the applicant does not match wAA the information obtained, the applicant shall be given an opportunity to explain any inaccuracies. If a satisfactory explanation is not given to the elected official/department head, the applicant will not be considered further by the department for the position. (Ord. No. 2002-671,4-9-2002) Sec. 86-355. Procedures for requesting criminal history check. Each department shall require the selected applicant to complete the background check release form and forward the release form along with a copy of the employment application to the human resources/civil service department. determine what aspects ef an applicant's background te verify. The department may verify the informatien er they may centact The human resources/civil service department wAe will coordinate ll:leir the request with the county's selected third party vendor. (Ord. No. 2002-671, 4-9-2002) Sec. 86-356. Confidentiality of background information. All information obtained during the background check is considered strictly confidential. Every effort must be made to protect the privacy of individuals involved in the employment process in accordance with federal and state guidelines. To the extent possible, access to such information will be restricted to designated representatives in the human resources/civil service department and managerial personnel who have a legitimate, work-related reason for having such access. (Ord. No. 2002-671,4-9-2002) Sec. 86-357. Signature on employment applications. All applicants selected for interO/iews must have completed and signed a county employment application which includes the notification and authorization to conduct background checks. (Ord. No. 2002-671, 4-9-2002) Sec. 86-358. Record retention. All documents or records collected or produced as a result of background checks must be maintained in a separate departmental file (not the personnel files) for a period of two years from the creation or receipt of the document or record, whichever is later. (Ord. No. 2002-671, 4-9-2002) 52 Sec. 86·359. Criminal record and driver's license check for current employees. (a) A background verification shall be conducted on employees who are promoted unless such employees have had background verifications within the last twelve months. Employees who are moving into safety-sensitive positions may reguire background verifications more freyuently. {Q2 For Gllrront emfJloyoes, Periodic updates of criminal history records may also be conducted for current employees. J:2l Departments that have safety-sensitive positions and/or positions requiring employees to drive either a county vehicle .or utilize their own vehicles on a routine basis to conduct county business may include periodic criminal and driver's license checks as a standard part of their business process. All requests submitted for criminal background checks on current employees must be forwarded to the county human resources department and must include a written justification for such a review. Background checks will not be conducted by the third party administrator unless authorized by the human resources department. (d) All county employees will be held to the same standards and expectations as applicants. Failure to continuously meet those expectations may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. (Ord. No. 2002-671,4-9-2002) Sees. 86-360--86-380. Reserved. 53 DALLAS COUNTY COMMUNICATIONS AND CENTRAL SERVICES DI~LU\S COUNTY COrlr11SSIONERS COURT 07 JAN 17 AM 3; ~3 January 16, 2007 To: Commissioners Court Tbrough: Dan Savage, Assistant Administrator for From: Chris Thompson, Director, Communications & Central ServicesJ..b Subject: Inmate Phone Service op~~s ~~~l~, ~ Background of Issue Inmate phone service is provided through two agreements. One with AT&T for local service and the second with MCI for long distance. The AT&T contract is a licensing agreement first awarded in 1993. The current commission rate is 55% from which approximately $3.5 million was received last year. Under this contract, a call cost $4.10 for up to 15 minutes. The agreement expires on April 20, 2007 and has three annual extension options remaining. Mutual consent is required to execute these extensions but AT&T has advised the County they do not intend to renew the agreement (see attachment I). The MCI contract was competively bid and awarded in 2002. The commission rate is 56.5% and last year's proceeds were approximately $300,000. Under this contract, an average long distance is about $9.00. This agreement is in its last extension and will expire on May 13, 2007. As both agreements will soon expire, this briefing examines options for providing inmate phone servIce. Impact ou Operations A number of options exist for providing inmate phone service. Staff has evaluated the following options: 1. Continue with AT&T. The non-renewal notification included a proposal to continue to provide local service. 2. Continue the present commission structure through new contract(s). 3. Eliminate commissions and provide service at reduced rates. 4. Provide the service with County-owned systems. 509 Main Street • Suite 608 Dallas, Texas 75202 54 Each option is evaluated below: Option 1. Continue with AT&T. AT&T is proposing to continue to provide inmate phone services under the same tenns and conditions of the expiring agreement with two exceptions: service will be provided as a month-tomonth arrangement which may be tenninated upon thirty (30) days notice and the commission rate will be reduced to 25%. Under this proposal, the call rate would remain at the current level ,$4.10, only the commission rate would change. The 30 day notice does not provide sufficient time should another provider be required and the 30% decrease in the commission rate would decrease the County'S proceeds from this contract by almost $2 million a year. Option 2. Continue the present commission structure. AT&T has entered into a contract with Global Tel-Link (GTL) to assume the inmate phone contracts that AT&T is not renewing (see attachment 2). GTL has forwarded a proposal to the County for AT&T with County approval to assign the County's contract to GTL. This proposal contains three options. Under the first, GTL would assume the existing contract's three remaining annual renewals. The 55% commission rate will apply with a $75,000 one time signing bonus. The second option calls for a firm three year agreement with three annual renewal options. For this, GTL will pay a 57% commission rate and a one time signing bonus of $1 00,000. This would generate additional annual revenues of about $125,000. Both of the first options are for local service only. GTL also included a third option which covers both local service and long distance. This will also be a three year agreement with three annual renewal options. In consideration for including the long distance, GTL will pay a 59% commission and a $100,000 one time signing bonus. This would generate additional annual revenue ofmore than $250,000. Each ofthe three options would retain Ascension Communications. The GTL commission offer appears at attachment 3. A complete copy ofthe GTL proposal was provided to the Civil Section ofthe District Attorney's Office and copies are available for Court members to review, if so desired. The current commission structure could also be maintained by issuing an RFP for these services. However, in accordance the Attorney General's Letter Opinion No. 97-030 contracts for these services do not have to be bid. Staff does not anticipate offers higher than the 59%. If such commissions were offered, they would quite probably be supported through higher call rates and based upon the County's previous experience with other inmate phone providers, it may not be possible for smaller companies to sustain such payments. With the completion of the pending acquisition of the inmate platfonn of MCI and Verizon, GTL will be the largest provider in the industry. Through reassigning the existing contract, the County will receive a platfonn that equals or exceeds all capabilities ofthe current platfonn. The proposed commission rate of59% exceeds any contracted rate in the State and GTL has a number of contracts equal to or greater in size than the Dallas County contract. A RFP is unlikely to produce any substantive benefits. Option 3. Eliminate commissions. In response to Staff inquiries, AT&T has offered to reduce the cost of inmate calls if the County would forgo all commissions. This would reduce the cost of a local call from $4. I 0 to $2.00. For long distance calls, they are proposing a rate of$2.00 plus $.2975 per minute on Interstate calls and $3.95 plus $.89 per minute on Intrastate calls. While this represents a savings on local calls and 509 Main Street Suite 608 Dallas, Texas 75202 55 Interstate, there is little or no difference in the proposed Intrastate rates and those currently paid. The offer appears at attachment 4. GTL has also indicated they would support this capability. Option 4. County Provides Service. Providing service at no cost would apply to local calls only as there would be charges for long distance calls but no means of billing them. As such, a separate contract for long distance service would be required. The equipment necessary to provide inmate phone service was quoted at $831,120.10 (see attachment 5). Additionally, in order to provide sufficient lines to support the current volume of calls, monthly recurring costs of$17,500 would be incurred. This option is not a feasible alternative. Financial Considerations Option I. Continuing with AT&T would decrease annual commissions by about $2,000,000 without a decrease in the cost of an inmate call. Option 2. The GTL assumption of the AT&T contract could increase annual commissions as much as $250,000 with a signing bonus of$75,000 - $100,000. Annual commissions would total more than $4,000,000. Option 3 & 4. These options would eliminate commissions in their entirety. Option 3 would reduce the cost oflocal inmate calls and option 4 would provide local calls at no cost. However, option 4 would cost over a $1,000,000 in the first year and more than $200,000 annually thereafter. Legal Considerations Attorney General Letter Opinion No. 97-030 confirms commissioners court ability to enter into a contract with a private vendor to provide telephone services to county jail inmates without a competitive bid. The Civil Section ofthe District Attorney's office researched recent legislation and opinions and determined there have been no changes since the opinion was issued. The Civil Section also reviewed the GTL offer to assume the AT&T contract. Recommendations I. Include local and long distance in the same contract. 2. Ifthe Court wishes to reduce the cost of a call for inmates, option 3 (eliminate commissions and provide service at reduced rates) is the best choice. 3. If the Court wishes to maintain the current commission structure, option 2 (assignment of contract to GTL) is the best option. NOTE: These recommendations make reduced call rates and commissions mutually exclusive. If the court desires, Staff can be authorized to negotiate reducing the cost of calls and retaining some level of commissions. 509 Main Street Suite 608 • Dallas, Texas 75202 , 56 Attachment 1 ... ~~W~ at&t Sherman Hennington AT&T Texas T: 972.647.3462 F: 972.660.7743 2522 109TH 8T www.att.com Grand Prairie, TX 75050 December 20, 2006 Chris Thompson Director of Telecommunications Dallas County 600 Main Street Dallas, Texas 75202 Dear Mr. Thompson: Southwestern Bell Telephone, L.P., formerly doing business in Texas as SBC Texas, now d/b/a AT&T Texas ("AT&T"), has valued our relationship with Dallas County ("County"). As you are probably aware, the current term of the Dallas County License Agreement for Placement oflnmate Telephone Equipment dated and effective May 23, 1995 ("Agreement") will expire on April 20, 2007 ("Termination Date"). The Agreement will automatically renew for an additional one (I) year term unless exception is taken by either party thirty (30) days prior to this date. Please be advised and consider this letter formal notice pursuant to Section VIII of the Agreement, that AT&T does!!£!. intend to renew the Agreement for a second renewal term, and hereby cancels the auto renewal term. Consequently, the Agreement will terminate on the above referenced Termination Date. AT&T is proposing, however, effective April 21, 2007, to continue inmate pay phones service to the County on a month-to-month basis. AT&T's provisioning of inmate pay phones services to County on a month-to-month basis will proceed under the same terms and conditions of the expiring Agreement, with the exception of the following: this month-to-month arrangement may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other party. the commission set forth in Section II (b), as amended by Court Order 2005 1363 dated July 26, 2005, on local and intraLATA calls will be reduced to twenty-five percent (25%). No other forms of compensation such as signing bonus, prepaid commission, or any other payments shall apply. If County prefers for service to be discontinued instead of being provided on a month-to-month basis, please provide me with notice to that effect and we will coordinate the removal (or transition to a third party provider) of AT&T's equipment. If you happen to have any questions or comments about this communication, please do not hesitate to contact me at (972) 647-3462. Sincerely, Sherman Hennington Sr. Account Manager Public Communications Division 57 Attachment 2 i€8 at&t ~ ~' PMchael P;lovlk sec So_ RegiOnal Y1Cl! ~re.5;ldent-SaIe-s 7 swn" ST. Lawton. OK 73501 Pyl;lll~ C~"'mu"ie!t1cns T: 400.201.20.1 F: 5BG.581,519S Mn1~5d'b8bc.t".om J<lUuary 11, 2007 Dallas County· Mr. Chris Thompson Director of Communications & Central Services 509 Main Street Suite 608 Dallas, TX 75202 Dear Chris, This letter is in response to our conversation regarding the Inmate Telephone SeI'l'ice Agreement AT&T currently has in place with Dallas County. AT&T has a contractual arrangement with GTL (Global Tel"Link) that allows them to make offers to our current iI1J)jate pl'lyPhone clients. We are also willing to assign the existing c()!Jlract lfthar is the County's preference. Please feel free to call me should you have questions or require additional informlltion. 58 i\ ttachmen t 3 Dallas County Inmate Telephone and Public Phone System December 20th, 2006 COMMISSION BASIS Global Tel*Link (GTl) pays commissions based on the gross revenue generated by inmate calls from all phones covered by the Agreement. Gross Revenue shall mean all revenue generated by every completed call that is accepted by a consumer, but excludes all taxes, billing fees, Federal, State, County or local telecommunications fees that additionally apply to a consumer's monthly telephone bill. Commissions shall be paid monthly and mailed directly to the County. COMMISSION OFFER Global Tel*Link (GTl) offers the following commission rate options to Dallas County: Option 1 - 55% Commission of Total Gross Revenue • $75,000 One Time Signing Bonus • • • • AT&T will assign the existing contract to GTL with three remaining annual renewals. Contract is for Local and IntraLATA only. Current platform will be changed out to GTL LazerNet. Ascension Communications will continue to be a part of the agreement. Option 2 - 57% Commission of Total Gross Revenue • $100,000 One Time Signing Bonus • • • • AT&T will assign the existing contract to GTL for a firm three year agreement (with a like number of annual renewal options) Contract is for Local and IntraLATA only. Current platform will be changed out to GTL LazerNet. Ascension Communications will continue to be a part of the agreement. Option 3 - 59% Commission of Total Gross Revenue • $100,000 One Time Signing Bonus • • • • AT&T will assign the existing contract to GTL for a firm three year agreement (with a like number of annual renewal options) Contract is for Local, IntraLATA, InterLATA and Interstate (all Long Distance). Current platform will be changed out to GTL LazerNet. Ascension Communications will continue to be a part of the agreement. All of the above commission o"ers include: • • • • • • • LazerNet Platform 90 Days Online Storage 819 Inmate Stations 51 Public Phones 2 SATs 6 Workstations 3 VPN Licenses . 62 59 Dallas County Inmate Telephone and Puhlic Phone System December 20th, 2006 RATES GTL commits to full compliance with FCC and state-tariffed rates. GTL's rates will not exceed FCC or PSC authorized rates for long distance station-to-station or person-to-person calls. GTL is currently certified to provide inmate phone service in the State of Texas. proposed inmate telephone rates schedule in this section. 63 See our 60 Dallas County Inmate Telephone and Public Phone System December 20th, 2006 Full Disclosure of Per-Call Charges GTL is well aware of the current market environment to offer fair rates to the families and friends of your inmates. GTL offers prepay options to help families control their expenditures and offers the County a firm commitment to our core value of Corporate Integrity. We provide full disclosure of our per-call charges and pay commission on every dollar of prepaid, as well as collect, charges. We strongly encourage the County to closely look at per-call charges for other inmate telephone suppliers. They often include additional charges to the inmate family and friends for certain technical features and no commission is paid on these charges. In effect, these suppliers are adding significant and unnecessary burden to the inmates' families with no additional benefit to the facility. GTL also cautions the County to carefully review purported "discounts' offered by other vendors on prepaid calls. In these cases a vendor may offer one rate for all call types (local, intralata, interlata, interstate). While this may represent a small savings on long distance calls - it may significantly increase the local call rate to the consumer - sometimes as much as five-fold. This is particularly problematic since, in most county facilities, local calls represent a disproportionate percentage of the total calls. At the request and approval of the facility, GTL can offer a discount off our normal collect call rates on prepaid calls - including our local call rates. These discounts are designed to be flexible and GTL will work with the facility to determine how best to structure any prepay discounts. 61 Attachment 4 at&t Sherman Hennington III AT&T Southwest Senior Account Manager Public Communications 2522 l09th Street Floor 1 T: 972.647.3462 F: 972.660.7742 sh2863@att.com Grand PraIrie, TX 75050 November 8, 2006 Dallas COllnty, TX Chris Thompson 509 Main St. Dalla;;, TX Dear Chris, J received your October 18, 2006 email requesting input on the cost of inmate caBs and suggestions regarding alternatives to the current call rate. Although there ar~ stilI many fixed costs involved in providing inmate calls, including but not limited to, the platform, access lines, bad debt, etc, AT&T can propose the following scenario in \:vhich the County would torgo all commissions in lieu of a reduced call rate for the inmate calls: A two (2) year eXlensinn to tht' ~~urrent Agreement The County WOUld receive zerO perDent. (0~'(,) commjsslon~; on inmate calls Inter!....A TA h>ng distance traffic would be included in the contract extension. The call rates WOUld be reduced based on the lype of call, as folJows: Local IntraLATA InterLATA - Intrastate ImerLATA - Interstate Usage Fee per Minute Initial Fee Type $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $3,95 None See Attached $.2975 $,89 Please call me at the number listed above so we can set up a time to meet at your earliest convenience to discuss this proposal and al~ry,e to address any questions you may have. /-S>h~rman Hennington Sr. Account Manager Public Communications DiVision Attachment 62 MILES 1-17 18-22 23-28 29 - 34 35 -41 42 - 51 52-66 67-81 82-105 106+ DAY INITIAL ADDT'L. MINUTE MINUTE 0.1000 0.0900 0.1500 0.1400 0.2200 0.2000 0.2600 0.2500 0.3300 0.3100 0.3300 0.3100 0.3300 0.3100 0.3600 0.3500 0.3600 0.3500 0.3600 0.3500 EVENING INITIAL ADDT'L. MINUTE MINUTE 0.0800 0.0700 0.1100 0.1100 0.1700 0.1500 0.2000 0.1900 0.2500 0.2300 0.2500 0.2300 0.2500 0.2300 0.2700 0.2600 0.2700 0.2600 0.2700 0.2600 NIGHT/WEEKEND INITIAL ADDT'L. MINUTE MINUTE 0.0600 0.0500 0.0900 0.0800 0.1300 0.1200 0.1600 0.1500 0.2000 0.1900 0.2000 0.1900 0.2000 0.1900 0.2200 0.2100 0.2200 0.2100 0.2200 0.2100 63 Attachment 5 Dallas County Jail Phone System Pricing Overview Equip. Installation & Warranty Final 3,320.05 1,800.00 5,120.05 133 N. Industrial 14,771.75 3,750.00 18,521.75 509 Main St 35,679.90 4,950.00 40,629.90 899 N. Stemmons Freeway 61,023.60 8,375.00 69,398.60 521 N. Industrial 87,860.00 10,575.00 98,435.00 600 Commerce 94,941.70 12,225.00 107,166.70 111 Commerce 212,252.20 25,900.00 238,152.20 113 W. Commerce 225,820.90 27,875.00 253,695.90 2121 French Settlement Final Cost for All Sites $831,120.10 64 DALLAS COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS January 23, 2007 MEMORANDUM: Commissioners Court VIA: Commissioner John Wiley Price Road and Bridge District No.3 FROM: Donald R. Holzwarth, P.E., Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Belt Line Road Project 91-856 (Mercury Road to 5-point intersecxtion Project Supplemental Agreement Funding Agreement with Dallas County Water District No.6 Award of Construction Contract BACKGROUND The subject project has had a long and colorful history in its design with Public Works. The project was included in the 1991 Bond Transportation Program and also has been identified for MClP funding as well. The project includes the improvements within the City ofBalch Springs, Texas from Mercury Road to north of the 5-point intersection of Belt Line Road, Pioneer Road and Eastgate Road. In order to accommodate the necessary features within the right of way available, the roadway was designed with a "round-about" at the 5-point intersection. PROJECT SCHEDULE On August 17, 2006, six bids were received for Bid Number 2006-1 03-2091 for the subject project as listed below. Tiseo Paving Company Ed Bell Construction Company Glenn Thurman Construction Austin Bridge Texas Sterling Texas Standard $6,759,805.05 $6,762,562.50 $7,090,002.05 $7,157,200.00 $7,470,870.32 $11,959,801.95 Once construction begins, the contractor will be allocated 400 working days to complete the project. th 411 Elm Street, 4 Floor Dallas, Texas 75202 214-653-7151 65 Commissioners Court January 23, 2007 Page 2 LEGAL IMPACT Dallas County will use remaining 1991 Bond Project funds to fund a majority ofthe paving and drainage. Other County funds were approved as part of the MClP program. The remainder of the County portion will come from 1985 Bond Funds. The Dallas County Water Improvement District No 6 has requested certain improvements in addition to relocations made necessary by the project. Both the City and the Water District have executed interlocal agreements in support ofthe funding ofthis project and said agreements are attached for execution. FUNDING IMPACT Funding shall be split as detailed in Attachment B to the Interlocal Agreement (PSA), wherein the water district will provide $180,072.25 for their improvements, the City of Balch Springs will fund $866,128.00 with the assistance of their Economic Development funds in addition to shortfall funding of$85 1,225.90. Dallas County participation will include $5,135,710 from 1991 Bond Funds and $851,219 fromMClP funds. The County share of shortfall funding in the amount of $796,666 will come from available funds in the 1991 and 1985 Bond Funds. Fund transfers as follows will be required to fund the shortfall. Transfer 1991 Bond Fnnds as follows: $472,661 from Levee Parkway Project 91-550 (50187) $179,213 from Corinth St. Project 91-862 (50098) $651,874 Utilize 1985 Bond Funds by creating the Belt Line Road Project (50096) in the 1985 Bond Program and transfer funds as follows: $ 7,719 from Fund 481 Project 422 (50024) - Belt Line Road $ 71,999 from Fund 490 Project 422 (50024) - Belt Line Road $ 79,718 $ 24,564 from Fund 481 Project 428 (50027) - Kleberg Road $ 40,510 from Fund 490 Project 428 (50027) - Kleberg Road $ 65,074 Total: $796,666 411 Elm Street, 4th Floor Dallas, Texas 75202 214-653-7151 66 Commissioners Court January 23,2007 Page 3 MWBE INFORMATION Tiseo Paving Company submitted the attached proposed participation totaling $484,000 or 7.2 % of the total contract. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the attached interlocal agreements with the City ofBalch Springs and Dallas County Water Improvement District No 6 be executed and a construction contract be awarded to Tiseo Paving Company for the Belt Line Road Project 91-856. It is further recommended that the above referenced funds from the 1991 and 1985 Bond Funds be utilized to fund the County share of shortfall funds in the amount of $796,666. If Commissioners Court is in agreement, a court order will be placed on the next formal agenda. RECOMMENDED: flttlt/ifj Donald R. Holzwarth, P.E. Director of Public Works Attaclunents (3) jcn :856bmoaward 411 Elm Street, 4lh Floor Dallas, Texas 75202 214-653-7151 67 Of\L.L.i\S COUNTY DALLAS COUNTY ,,~f,j'(·"!(;~JL:Jc; CO 1'1' ....'''"', ~11Li\v CO.· UOT f\ OFFICE OF INFORMATION TECHNBE~:? AM ~:" 7 Date: January 16, 2007 To: IT Steering Committee Through: ROb~', Chieflnfonnation Officer From: Rodney Christian Subject: Implementation of Tools to Manage / Restrict Internet Usage BACKGROUND Dallas County officials have recognized the importance of the internet as a tool used to gather infonnation, take advantage of E-commerce, provide services to the citizens of Dallas County, etc. The Commissioners Court approved Court Order #2004 132 (January 20,2004) which authorized the award of Internet Connectivity to SBC Communications, Inc. (now AT&T). Subsequently, the contract was amended by a Miscellaneous Briefing on October 18, 2005 doubling the throughput capacity of the internet connection to its current level of 40 mbps (megabits per second). This internet connection is the link that provides employee access to the internet and web-based computer applications. It also supports the Dallas County website and the access that citizens have to the County for infonnation and e-commerce. To manage and protect this vital data link, internet access and usage policies have been developed, approved and adopted (see Appendix A for policy details). Additionally, the Office oflnfonnation Technology has, with Commissioners Court approval, purchased and installed software and hardware to manage this important resource. ISSUE Although standard settings are installed with each computer, an intennediate level computer users can modif'y their computer internet usage settings which will bypass the internet proxy. Alternately, non standard internet browsers (e.g. Firefox) can be downloaded and installed - also bypassing the internet proxy, Bypassing the internet proxy, also bypasses the protection and restrictions that this management tool provides and opens up opportunities for internet users to: • access websites that introduce hannful software to the local PC and network; 68 • • over subscribe the County's internet bandwidth with streaming video and or audio (e.g. television, videos and radio); access and download illegal and / or inappropriate material. Examples of recent activities by County internet users include: . • Internet usage spikes during broadcast of football games, due to the online television viewing. • . One user complained that blocking streaming video restricted her from watching soap operas during the day. • A user was visiting inappropriate video sites by using a Firefox browser. • One location in Dallas County was streaming four sites and accounted for 25% of the total internet usage for the County. Websense, was used to limit streaming web connections, reducing the impact to the internet. Although this is not the 'typical' County internet user, this type of activity can negatively impact all of the County's internet users. PROPOSED ACTION The Office ofInformation Technology requests approval to implement additional internet usage rules - using existing software and hardware tools - at no additional cost to Dallas County. Proposal # I : Establish internet usage level groups and assign all County system users to one of the groups. %of Level Users 34% 0 1 50% 2 15% 3 1% Access No Internet Access Standard Internet Access Enhanced Internet Access Open Internet Access Definition No Internet Access. Authorization Default Standard Internet Access- No sites that are: potentially Harmful to Dallas County assets, adult content, entertainment, oamino, streamino audio/video. Enhanced Internet Access- No sites that are: potentially Harmful to Dallas County assets, adult content, entertainment, oamino. No sites that are: potentially Harmful to Dallas County assets. No other restrictions. Used for bona fide inveslioative purposes onlv. Department Head Department Head f'\pproval and filed with IT Steerino Committee Commissioners Court By default, all County users will be assigned to Level I and provided standard internet access. Upon request, and with the appropriate level of authorization, users will be moved to one of the other access levels. Proposal #2: Use Cisco's Web Cache Communication Protocol (WCCP) to force ALL County internet users through the Web Proxy. This will, without exception, force all users of the County's internet access portal to go through the management rules and tools that are in place. 69 Proposal #3: Use Cisco's Websense tool to manage the usage level of the internet connection. This tool takes advantage of a subscription service to provide the most recent website classification by type and content. Access rules will be assigned by use levels and access to various websites will be controlled accordingly. (See Appendix B for site examples) The tool will also allow certain site categories to be limited to a percentage of the overall internet capacity (e.g. limit streaming video to 10% of internet capacity). This will not block site access, but will limit the volume of internet traffic from various site types and ensure that site usage does not negatively impact others in the County. OPERATIONAL IMPACT It is expected that the County will see improved internet performance due to decreased bandwidth usage. There will be less opportunity for harmful software to enter the County's network. Inappropriate internet usage will be restricted. Users with legitimate need to access sites can request access and or identifY those sites. Websense will be updated with legitimate sites. FISCAL IMPACT This will be implemented using existing tools and hardware. No additional cost is expected for technology investments at this time. IT will utilize existing tools to look for anomalies with existing network usage. IT will identifY the causes of the anomalies that occur and correct technical issues and/or report to department management and the IT Steering Committee abuses by employees for appropriate action to be taken. In the event that additional resources are needed to maintain compliance review, the Commissioners Court will be briefed on the resources needed. RECOMMENDATION I. Implement four levels of internet user in Dallas County: %of Level Users 34% 0 1 50% 2 15% 3 1% Access No Internet Access Standard Internet Access Enhanced Internet Access Open Internet Access Definition No Internet Access. !Authorization Default Standard Internet Access- No sites that are: potentially Harmful to Dallas County assets, adult content, "ntertainment, gaming, streaming audio/video. Enhanced Internet Access- No sites that are: potentially Harmful to Dallas County assets, adult content, entertainment, gaming. N9 sites that are: potentially Harmful to Dallas County assets. No other restrictions. Used for bona fide investiaative ourooses onlv. Department Head Department Head f'pproval and filed with IT Steering Committee Commissioners Court 2. Force all County employees to go through the web proxy to manage usage of the internet resources. 3. Use Websense to better manage internet usage by controlling access. 70 Appendix A: Excemts from Dallas County Policy DIVISION 11. ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS· ·Cross references: Computer services, § 70-591 et seq.; computer software, § 74-781 et seq.; electronic cOmmunications re personnel and employment, personal conduct, § 86-946 et seq. Subdivision I. In General Sec. 74-801. Purpose of division. The purpose of this division is to address the legal and legitimate use of the county's electronic communication and Internet access resources. This division will address the standards of acceptable use. . (Ord. No. 2000-1462, 7-25-2000; Ord. No. 2000-1883, 9-19-2000) Sec. 74-802. Objectives of division. The objectives of this division are to define: (1) The resources included under electronic mail and Internet access; (2) Standards ofconduct that are acceptable when using available resources; (3) Define the guidelines for use of the county system. (Ord. No. 2000-1462, 7-25-2000; Ord. No. 2000-1883, 9-19-2000) Sec: 74-803. Statement of policy. (a) The county electronic mail and Internet system is provided to county employees, contractors, vendors and other persons or firms designated by authorized county officials for the purpose of county business. The electronic mail and Internet system is owned by the county. The county reserves the right to monitor any messages, attachments or access of electronic mail and/or Intemet sites on the electronic mail and Internet system, subject to state and federal law. Users of the county electronic mail and Internet system will be subject to administrative and/or criminal actions if policy violations occur. (b) This division is designed to create a recognized legally acceptable exception, known as the "employee consent exception," to the Federal Wiretap Statute, 18 USCA 2510 (1986). This exception requires the county to establish a written policy concerning the interception of business communication. (Ord. No. 2000-1462, 7-25-2000; Ord. No. 2000-1883, 9-19-2000) Sec. 74-804. County computer network system. (a) The technology of a computer network system is defined as all computers, both hardware and software, the LAN (local area network) and all transmitted information. Transmitted information includes, but is not limited to, electronic mail, web browsing, file transfer protocol and any information retrieved via the InterneL The Internet is an electronic .superhighway connecting thousands of computers and users all around the world. The Internet includes both the Internet and intra net applications. Access to electronic mail enables communication with people all over the world; information and news from around the world, as well as the opportunity to correspond with the providers of this information; discussion groups on a wealth of topics; and access to many county . databases. (b) With such access to computers and people all over the world, there exists an availability of material that will have no business value to the county. Therefore, the county has taken all reasonable precautions to restrict access to inappropriate materials. However, on a global network it 71 is impossible to control all materials, and an industrious user may discover inappropriate information. The county firmly believes that the valuable information and interaction available on this worldwide network far outweigh the possibility that users may procure material that is not consistent with the business goals of the county. (Ord. No. 2000-1462,7-25-2000; Ord. No. 2000-1883, 9-19-2000) Sec. 74·805. Standard of conduct. Use of the computer technology of the county is a privilege, not a right, extended to some employees. Each user has the privilege to make use of authorized hardware and software in order to facilitate his/her employment and for other activities with prior approval of the department head or elected official. Transmission and viewing of any material in violation of any federal or state regulation is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, plagiarizing copyrighted material, threatening or obscene materials, or materials protected by trade secret or that are classified government information. Moreover,the viewing, transfer, solicitation, use or storage of pornography or other sexually harassing information is strictly prohibited except in the pursuit of bonafide law enforcement investigations. Initiation of electronic mail and the Internet for commercial ventures, religious or political causes or other non-county sanctioned activities is also prohibited. (Ord. No. 2000-1462, 7-25-2000; Ord. No. 2000-1883,9-19-2000) Secs. 74-806--74-830. Reserved. Subdivision II. Guidelines Sec. 74·831. Employee responsibility for misuse; monitoring and privacy. (a) All county policies and regulations apply to the use of the electronic mail and Internet network to support the business goals of the county. When the county incurs a cost due to employee negligence or misuse, the employee will be responsible for reimbursement of that cost. (b) The county reserves the right to monitor all activity and contents of any county-owned communication system. Employee passwords do not guarantee privacy. Employees deleting electronic mail should know that it will not totally purge the message from the system. Computer servers often retain electronic mail for months, and electronic tracing information remains indefinitely. Further, electronic mail could be subject to the Texas Public Information Act. (Ord. No. 2000-1462, 7-25-2000; Ord. No. 2000-1883, 9-19-2000) Sec. 74·832. County goal. The county recognizes that the electronic communications available on the Internet are an increasingly important part of the daily lives of many employees and can help individuals and families keep up with daily schedules, personal communication, and other important information. The goal of the county when making this system available to employees is to enhance the effectiveness of employees in their work but also to recognize that this technology will be used as routinely as the telephone. (Ord. No. 2000-1462, 7-25-2000; Ord. No. 2000-1883, 9-19-2000) Sec. 74·833. Personal communications. Similar to its policies regarding telephone use, the county expects users of the county electronic network to limit personal communications to those that are necessary, do not incur a charge to the county, do not involve operating a profit-making enterprise on county time, and do not take away from the time required to be devoted to county business. Routine and occasional personal communications, consistent with departmental policies, may be made on break times or in such a way that they do not interfere with the performance of job duties. However, such personal communication shall not be considered private and may be monitored by the county. No employee shall have an expectation of privacy when using the county's electronic mail and Internet system. (Ord. No. 2000-1462,7-25-2000; Ord. No. 2000-1883, 9-19-2000) 72 Sec. 74-834. Business, political or religious communications. A county network user should not give their county electronic mail address to any person or organization for purposes of receiving business, political, or religious communications. A county network user who receives such communications or any inappropriate non-county electronic message should respond to the sender asking to have such messages terminated or redirected to a non-county address. (Ord. No. 2000-1462, 7-25-2000; Ord. No. 2000-1883, 9-19-2000) Sec. 74-835. User regulations. The following county network user regulations shall be observed: (1) Use of personal codes is not authorized and is strictly prohibited. (2) No expectation of privacy exists for personal electronic communications. (3) Users are bound by federal, state and local laws relating to civil rights, harassment, copyright, licensing, security and other statutes relating to electronic media. Illegal activities will be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agency. (4) Users must recognize that information distributed through the county's computing and networking facilities is a form of publishing, and some of the same standards apply. (5) Anything generated at the county that is available on the Internet represents the county and not just an individual. Even with disclaimers, the county is represented by its employees, and appropriate professional language, behavior and style is warranted. (6) Users may not use the network system in such a way that would disrupt or degrade the county network. (7) Users may not reveal the home address or phone number for any person. (Ord. No. 2000-1462, 7-25-2000; Ord. No. 2000-1883, 9-19-2000) Secs. 74-836-74-860. Reserved. 73 Appendix B: Site types Blocked via Websense: General Categories: Adult Material Bandwidth Impact Sites Internet Radio and TV Internet Telephony Peer-to-peer File Sharing Personal Network Storage and Backup Gambling Games Illegal or Questionable Security Concern Sites Bot Networks Keyloggers Malicius Web Sites Phishing and Other Frauds Potentially Unwanted Software Spyware Tasteless Specific Web Sites: www.toptvbytes.com radaol-prod-web-rr.streamops.aol.com pdl.stream.aol.com www.speaknoevil.com www.movieflix.com www.voutube.com aolradio.122207.net video.yahoo.coom www.ja-entertainment.com www.batanga.com streamtheworld.com www3.youtube.com tallentshow.yahoo.com musicbox.sonybmg.com playlist.yahoo.com music.batanga.com video.msn.com www.ifilm.com 007radio.net Andomedia.com Dallaspeeps.com Video.google.com 74 DALLAS COUNTY OALL\2 i:-0UlHY OFFICE OF BUDGET AND EVALUATI<::tMMt'liSSiUh(J,S COURT 01 JAN \8 M'l Z: '0 January 16, 2007 Commissioners Court TO: THROUGH: RY~own, Budget Officer FROM: Shawn Balusek, Senior Budget and Policy Analyst SUBJECT: Addition of a Public Defender to the 265'h Criminal District Court BACKGROUND Judge Stoltz of the 265 th Criminal District Court is requesting a third Public Defender be assigned to his court. Currently there is one Attorney N and one Attorney ill assigned to the 265 th Criminal District Court. The purpose of this briefing is to present information and provide Commissioners Court a recommendation on the Judges' request. OPERTIONAL IMPACT The assignment of a third Public Defender to the 26Sth Criminal District Court will provide the judge an additional cost effective alternative to court appointed attorneys. A current list of Public Defender assignments for the Criminal District and County Criminal Courts is included as Attachment A. FINANCIAL IMPACT The annual cost, including benefits, of the requested Public Defender N is $87,323. The cost for the new Public Defender will be offset by a reduction in the court appointed attorney cost allocation that was included in each of the court's FY2007 budget. The Judicial Management Report that is compiled by the Office of Budget and Evaluation illustrates the overall cost per case of Public Defenders as compared to court appointed attorneys. For FY2006, the average cost per case for a Public Defender in the Criminal District Courts was $272 as compared to $365 for a court appointed attorney. The relevant page from the Judicial Management Report is included as Attachment B. The new position will require a laptop, desk, bookshelves, file cabinet, office chair and visitor chairs at a cost of $3,404. Funds for the equipment are available in unallocated reserves. 411 Elm Street - 3rd Floor, Dallas Texas 75202-3340 (214) 653-6655. Fax (214) 653-6517. sbalusek<iD,dallascountv.org 75 LEGAL IMPACT None RECOMMENDATION The Office of Budget and Evaluation recommends that Commissioners Court approve a new Public Defender, Attorney IV, for the 265 th Criminal District Court. In addition, it is recommended that the Human Resources/Civil Service Department review the Public Defender position for proper classification. 76 Criminal District Courts Public Defender Assignments 1/16/2007 ATTACHMENT A Criminal District Court #1 ATTORNEY V ATTORNEY III Judge Burns Criminal District Court #2 ATTORNEY IV Judge Adams Criminal District Court #3 ATTORNEY III ATTORNEY IV Judge R. Francis Criminal District Court #4 ATTORNEY IV ATTORNEY III ATTORNEY IV Judge Creuzot Criminal District Court #5 ATTORNEY IV ATTORNEY IV Judge Thompson Criminal District Court #6 ATTORNEY IV Judge Howard Criminal District Court #7 ATTORNEY IV ATTORNEY IV ATTORNEY IV Judge Snipes 194th ATTORNEY IV ATTORNEY III JUdge White 195th ATTORNEY IV ATTORNEY IV Judge Tinsley 203rd ATTORNEY IV ATTORNEY IV Judge McDaniel 204th ATTORNEY IV Judge Levario 265th ATTORNEY IV ATTORNEY III ATTORNEY IV J"dge Stoltz (Requestvd) 282nd ATTORNEY IV ATTORNEY V ATTORNEY III Judge Chatham 283rd ATTORNEY IV Judge Magnis 77 ATTORNEY IV Criminal District Courts Public Defender Assignments Continued 291st ATTORNEY IV ATTORNEY III Judge Hawk 292nd ATTORNEY IV ATTORNEY V Judge Mitchell 363rd ATTORNEY IV ATTORNEY IV ATTORNEY IV Judge Holmes County Criminal Courts Public Defender Assignments County Criminal Court #1 ATTORNEY II ATTORNEY II Judge Patterson County Criminal Court #2 ATTORNEY II ATTORNEY II JudgeBower County Criminal Court #3 ATTORNEY II ATTORNEY II Judge Skemp County Criminal Court #4 ATTORNEY III ATTORNEY II Judge Tolle County Criminal Court #5 ATTORNEY" ATTORNEY I Judge Fuller County Criminal Court #6 ATTORNEY" Judge King County Criminal Court #7 ATTORNEY II Judge Crowder County Criminal Court #8 ATTORNEY" Judge Roden County Criminal Court #9 ATTORNEY " ATTORNEY II Judge Hoffman County Criminal Court #10 ATTORNEY" ATTORNEY" Judge Canas Jr. County Criminal Court #11 ATTORNEY" Judge Frizzell 78 County Criminal Courts Public Defender Assignments Continued County Criminal Court of Appeals #1 Judge Wade NONE County Criminal Court of Appeals #2 ATTORNEY II Judge Rosenfield 79 January 10, 2007 Mr. Brad Lollar Chief Public Defender Dallas County, Texas Re: Public Defenders, 265th Judicial District Court Dear Mr. Lollar, I, Mark Stoltz, Judge of the 265thth Judicial District Court, request assiglunent of one additional public defender to my court, and I commit to use of this J> blic defender for the balance ofFY2007. . / j/ // ;'/ . ,of 80 ·DALLAS COUNTY O/\LLN; COUNTY C0/11'11 SSlONE RS. COURT OFFICE OF BUDGET AND EVALUATIO"N!7 JAN /8 AM~: OJ. January 17, 2007 TO: Commissioners Court THROUGH: Rya~rown Budget Officer th FROM: Catherine Sola Budget & Policy Analyst SUBJECT: Sheriff's Office - becker Law Library Detention Service Officer BACKGROUND The Sheriff's Office has requested the addition ofone Detention Service Officer position for the Decker Detention Center to serve in a library officer capacity. On November 21, 2006, Commissioners Court approved the full staffing of the Decker Detention Center in accordance with Blue Book staffing guidelines and anticipated that Decker Jail would be operating at full capacity through FY2007. The November 21,2006 briefing did not include authorization of additional law library personnel detailed in the Blue Book staffing guidelines. The Office of Budget and Evaluation has reviewed this request and provides a recommendation to Commissioners Court regarding the addition of one Detention Service Office position for Decker Detention Center. IMPACT ON OPERATIONS Current Operations The Sheriffs Office is currently utilizing five library officers who serve across all of the Dallas County Jails. Two of these DSO positions serve North Tower inmates, two DSO positions serve West Tower inmates and one DSO serves inmates housed in both the Kays and George Allen facilities. Each jail has one inmate library which provides access to law books and general reading material. General reading material is brought to inmates by floor officers upon request; however, the library officers serve at law library locations within the jails where inmates must go to access law book materials. Proposed Operations The Sheriffs Office is requesting authorization for (I) additional Detention Servi"Ce Officer position to accommodate library requests from inmates at the Decker Detention Center. It is projected that the FY2007 inmate population will require Decker jail to be filled to capacity. An additional Detention Service Officer position would address Kite requests to access law library material, create daily inmate pull lists, escort inmates to the Decker third floor law library and guard inmates that will be located within the law library. 411 Elm Street 3rd Floor, Dallas, Texas 75202~3340 214.653.6386· 214.653.6517{fax) . csola@dallascounty.org 81 FINANCIAL IMPACT/CONSIDERATIONS The total cost to Dallas County including salary and benefits for (1) Detention Service Officer through the remainder ofthe FY2007 is $33,109. The total annual cost to Dallas County including salary and benefits for (1) Detention Service Officer is $49,663. The cost for this additional position will be reimbursed by the Sheriff's Office Commissary Escrow Fund. RECOMMENDATION The Office of Budget and Evaluation recommends Commissioners Court approve the addition of (1) Detention Service Officer position to serve as a library officer at the Decker Detention Center. Additionally, it is recommended that the Human Resources/Civil Service Department review the position to determine proper classification. 82 January 23, 2007 MISCELLANEOUS 1) OFFICE OF BUDGET & EVALUATION - requests approval to: a) utilize the County Training Fund to pay for Judge Foster's registration to attend the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs Seminar for Newly Elected County Judges and Commissioners. The conference will be held in Austin, Texas from January 30 through February 2, 2007. Recommended by the Office of Budget and Evaluation. b) utilize DDA for Judge Rey Chavez and Judge Larry Rayford to attend the State Bar of Texas Juvenile Law Conference. The estimated cost for transportation, hotel, food, and registration fees is $730 per person. Recommend by The Office of Budget and Evaluation. c) reimburse $1,460 to the District Clerk's Office from the County-wide Training Fund to pay for the District Clerk's and Chief Deputy attendance at the 35 th Annual County and District Clerk's Continuing Education Seminar held in College Station, Texas on January gththrough January II, 2007. Recommended by The Office of Budget and Evaluation. d) pay the Election System and Software (ES&S) for additional service day charges not covered by the regular election site support fees. a) for the November 7, 2006 Election, EE&S personnel requested an additional day to assist with unforeseen issues that arose during the testing and counting of ballots prior to the election. Cost is $1,400 and the funding source is 120.1210.5590.0000 (General Fund, Elections Department, Professional Fees, FY 2007) b) for the March 7, 2006 Republican and Democratic Primary Elections, 3.5 additional days of testing were needed from a network technician. This was due to conflicts with the software and the use of the new Omni Drives that needed to be reconfigured and retested. The additional 3.5 days resulted in a total cost of $4,900 in fees. The funding source for this additional cost is the Elections Escrow account (94036.5590.0000). Recommended by The Office of Budget and Evaluation. 83 e) use DDA Account to pay for Traci Enna's travel to Austin, Texas to attend the Partners In Mobility Legislative meeting on March 28-29, 2007. f) assign a County parking space previously assigned to Atos and authorize a $75 a month cell phone allowance to the Assistant CIa (Project Management). Funding is available in the Major Technology Fund. Recommended by Commissioners Court Administration. g) purchase SolarWinds Cirrus Configuration Manager software. This software will replace an existing, less effective product that has not been updated in 5 years and will support network monitoring and management. The cost over the first two years will save Dallas County $500 and $2,500 per year in maintenance costs each year thereafter. This software and associated annual maintenance will continue until such time the County replaces the software or terminates the software maintenance (whichever comes first). Funding to cover this year's cost of $5,875 is available and included in the IT Services budget for software maintenance (00195.1090.06520). Recommended by the Office of Information Technology. TRAVEL REQUESTS 2) PUBLIC WQRKS - requests approval for Tushar Solanki to attend and participate in the FEMA training course in Denton, Texas on January 29, 2007 through February 1,2007: $130 (registration fee) is available in General Fund, Public Works Department, Conference & Staff Development Account, FY Budget 2007, (00120.2010.2050.2007). 3) SHERIFF'S - requests approval for Captain David Mitchell to attend Managing the Training Unit in San Antonio, Texas on February 7-9, 2007, in a County vehicle with gas credit cards and no other expense to Dallas County. 4) INSTITUTE OF FORENSIC SCIENCES - requests approval for: a) Timothy J. Sliter to attend the National Institute of Justice 2007 DNA Summit in Washington, D.C. on February 6-8, 2007: $100 is available in General Fund, Crime Lab Department, Conference Travel Account, FY Budget 2007, (00120.3311.4210.2007). 84 5) b) Keith Pinckard, M.D., Ph.D., to attend a portion of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences meeting in San Antonio, Texas on February 20-22, 2007, at no cost to Dallas County. c) Elizabeth Todd to attend the American Academy of Forensic Sciences meeting in San Antonio, Texas on February 19-24, 2007: $395 (registration fee) is available in General Fund, Forensics Crime Lab Department, Conference Travel Account, FY Budget 2007, (00120.3311.04210.2007). d) Justin Schwane to attend the American Academy of Forensic Sciences meeting in San Antonio, Texas on February 21-24, 2007: $595 ($395 registration fee) is available in General Fund, Forensics Crime Lab Department, Conference Travel Account, FY Budget 2007, (00120.3311.04210.2007). HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES - requests approval for: a) Carol Ingram and Sally Colwell to attend the Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention Program State Conference in Austin, Texas on February 21-22, 2007: $496.24 is available in Grant Fund, Immunization Locals Department, Training Fee Account, FY Budget 2007, (00466.08708.02460.2007). b) Sandra Cannon, Patricia Cook, and Dr. Karine Lancaster to attend the Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention Program State Conference in Austin, Texas on February 21-22, 2007: $883.90 is available in Grant Fund, Immunization Locals Department, Training Fee Account, FY Budget 2007, (00466.08708.02460.2007). EXCEPTION TO TRAVEL REQUESTS UNLESS SPECIFICALLY OBJECTED TO, ALL ITEMS PRESENTED AS EXCEPTIONS ARE CONSIDERED TO BE APPROVED Travel Request with reimbursements going over Dallas County Policy maximum reimbursement schedule: 6) IT SERVICES - requests approval for Robert Clines to attend the GTC SW 2{)07 Executive Leadership Institute and Continuity of Government training in Austin, Texas on January 29-31, 2007: $880.93 ($275 registration fee) is available in General Fund, Commissioners Court Administration, Business Travel Account, FY Budget 0000, (00195.1090.4010.0000). 85 Travel Requests submitted for approval after travel had occurred: 7) INSTITUTE OF FORENSIC SCIENCES - requests approval for Chris Heartsill to attend and speak at the Drug Offender Education Program and DWI Education Program AdministratorlInstructor In-Service in Galveston, Texas on January 21-23,2007, at no cost to Dallas County. MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT (1) DEPARTMENT: ITEMS: ESTIMATED COST: FUNDING SOURCE: EXPENDITURE SOURCE: PROPOSED ACTION: 4812 Justice of the Peace Precinct 1-2 I - Judge Chair ($700) I - Executive Chair ($300) 6 - Side Chairs ($180 each) 1- Jury Table ($475) 5 - Lateral File Cabinets ($165 each) $3,380 Reserves and Contingency, Furniture and Equipment 00120.4812.02090.0000 (General Fund, Precinct 1-2, Propertv Less than $5,000, FY2007) Judge Nash took office in January 2007. Judge Nash is requesting the above listed furniture. Recommended by the Office of Budget and Evaluation. (2) 4450 292 nd Criminal District Court I - Judge Chair $700 Reserves and Contingency, Furniture and Equipment EXPENDITURE SOURCE: 00120.4450.2090 (General Fund, 292 nd Criminal District Court. Property less than $5,000) PROPOSED ACTION: The 292 nd Criminal District Court requests authorization to purchase a replacement judges chair to replace one that can't be repaired. Recommended by the Office of Budget and Evaluation. (3) DEPARTMENT: ITEM: DEPARTMENT: ITEM: ESTIMATED COST: FUNDING SOURCE: 4130 255 th Family District Court I - Low-Volume Fax Machine 86 $554 Reserves and Contingency - Furniture and Equipment 00120.4130.2090 (General Fund, 255 th Family District Court, Property less than $5,000) The 255 th Family District Court requests authorization to purchase a low volume to assist with various high demands of the office. Recommended by the Office of Budget and Evaluation. ESTIMATED COST: FUNDING SOURCE: EXPENDITURE SOURCE: PROPOSED ACTION: (4) DEPARTMENT: ITEMS: 4842 ESTIMATED COST: FUNDING SOURCE: EXPENDITURE SOURCE: PROPOSED ACTION: Justice of the Peace Precinct 4-2 2 - Four Drawer File Cabinet 1Two drawer legal file cabinet N/A Surplus N/A Judge Whitney requests Commissioners Court approval to transfer the aforementioned items from surplus. Recommended by the Office of Budget and Evaluation. (5) DEPARTMENT: ITEMS: 3220 Constable Precinct 2, Gothard I - Pedestal Desk I -Credenza I - Slide Out Keyboard Platform 1- Credenza Hutch I - Bookcase with Doors ESTIMATED COST: $2,333 FUNDING SOURCE: Departmental Discretionary Account EXPENDITURE SOURCE: 00120.3220.2090.2007.0.0. (General Fund, Constable Precinct 2. Property Less Than $5,000, FY2007) PROPOSED ACTION: Constable Precinct 2 requests Commissioners Court approval to purchase (5) pieces of replacement office furniture for the Constable usmg DDA funds. Recommended by The Office of Budget and Evaluation. (6) DEPARTMENT: ITEMS: ESTIMATED COST: 3240 Constable Precinct 4, Skinner 2 - Cases of Boat-tail Hollow Point Ammunition $800 87 Escrow Fund, Constable Precinct 4 Confiscated Funds 532.0.21310.0.0.91001 (Escrow Fund, Escrow Contributions, Federal: Constable 4 Confiscated Funds) Constable Precinct 4 requests Commissioners Court approval to purchase (2) cases of ammunition using escrow funds. Recommended by The Office of Budget and Evaluation. FUNDING SOURCE: EXPENDITURE SOURCE: PROPOSED ACTION: (7) (8) 3153 . Sheriffs Office, Central Laundry 3,225 - Green and White Strip Inmate Pants $16,126 Reserves and Contingency, Furniture and Equipment 00120.3153.2575.2007.0.0. (General Fund. EXPENDITURE SOURCE: Sheriffs Office-Central Laundry, Clothing & Bedding, FY2007) The Sheriffs Office, Central Laundry PROPOSED ACTION: requests Commissioners Court approval to purchase (3,225) pants which will be assigned to female inmates housed at the Dallas County Jail. Funds expended for inmate clothing in FY2007 will be reimbursed by the Sheriffs Office Commissary Escrow Fund. Recommended by The Office of Budget and Evaluation. DEPARTMENT: ITEMS: ESTIMATED COST: FUNDING SOURCE: DEPARTMENT: ITEMS: ESTIMATED COST: FUNDING SOURCE: EXPENDITURE SOURCE: PROPOSED ACTION: 3153 Sheriffs Office, Central Laundry Division 6 - Battery Foamers 280 - Sprayers $7,628 Reserves and Contingency, Furniture and Equipment 00120.3153.2090.2007.0.0.0 (General Fund, Sheriffs Office - Central Laundry. Property Less Than $5,000. FY2007) The Sheriffs Office request Commissioners Court approval to purchase (6) Battery Foamers and (280) Sprayers which will be utilized as sanitizing equipment for cleaning all inmate housing areas. Recommended by The Office of Budget and Evaluation. 88 (9) 4155 191" Civil District Court 1 - Lanier Recorder ($2,966) 1 - Lanier Transcriber ($1,095) 1 - MP51 0 Headset ($25) 1 - Foot Control ($45) 1 - OmnilUni-directional Microphone ($75) 1 - Desk ($470) $4,676 ESTIMATED COST: Reserves and Contingency, Furniture and FUNDING SOURCE: Equipment 00120.4155.2090.2007 (General Fund, 191" EXPENDITURE SOURCE: Civil District Court, Property less than $5,000) The 191" Civil District Court requests PROPOSED ACTION: authorization to purchase court recording equipment and a desk. The former court reporter owned the equipment and furniture and removed it once she left. Recommended by the Office of Budget and Evaluation. (10) DEPARTMENT: 4450 292nd Criminal District Court 1 - Laptop Computer with docking station ITEMS: $2,415 ESTIMATED COST: Major Technology Fund FUNDING SOURCE: EXPENDITURE SOURCE: 00195.0.2093.2007.0.92014 (Major Technology Fund, Computer Hardware less than $5,000, FY2007, Computer Replacement) PROPOSED ACTION: The 292nd Criminal District Court requests authorization to purchase a laptop to replace a desktop that can not be upgraded. Recommended by the Office of Budget and Evaluation and the IT Services Department. (11) DEPARTMENT: ITEMS: DEPARTMENT: ITEMS: 00105.2520 Road and Bridge District #2 3 - Dell Monitor 1 - Dell Optiplex GXIOO 2 - Dell Pentium 4 1 - HP LaserJet 4 1 - HP LaserJet lIP plus Printer 1 - HP LaserJet 4000 TN 3 - Keyboards 3-Mouse 1 - Isobar TouchMaster Power Supply 2 - Belkin Surge Master N/A ESTIMATED COST: 89 (12) FUNDING SOURCE: EXPENDITURE SOURCE: PROPOSED ACTION: N/A N/A DEPARTMENT: 00105.2530 ITEMS: ESTIMATED COST: FUNDING SOURCE: EXPENDITURE SOURCE: Road and Bridge District #3 2 - Guest Chairs $216 New Program Contingency 00105.2530.2090.0000 (Road and Bridge Fund, Road and Bridge District #3, Property less than $5,000, FY2007) Road and Bridge District #3 requests authorization to purchase two guest chairs for the Executive Assistant's office. Recommended by the Office of Budget and Evaluation. PROPOSED ACTION: Road and Bridge District #2 requests authorization to transfer the above listed surplus computer equipment to the Automotive Service Center. Recommended by the Office of Budget and Evaluation. (13) DEPARTMENT: ITEM: ESTIMATED COST: FUNDING SOURCE: 4405 County Criminal Court #5 I - Shredder $275 Reserves and Contingency, Furniture and Equipment 00120.4405.2090.0000 (General Fund, EXPENDITURE SOURCE: County Criminal Court #5, PropertY less than $5,000) PROPOSED ACTION: County Criminal Court #5 requests authorization to purchase a shredder to destroy confidential files that are not required to be retained. Recommended by the Office of Budget and Evaluation and the Records Management Office. (14) DEPARTMENT: ITEMS: ESTIMATED COST: FUNDING SOURCE: Information Technology Services I-Electronic Lock and Access Badge Reader for the Data Center Server Room and Installation Services from Integrated Access Systems $2,400 00195.08630.2006.0.92058 (Major Technology Fund, Prior Year, Data Center Upgrade) 90 PROPOSED ACTION: Information Technology Services requests Commissioners Court approval to purchase the hardware and installation services to install an electronic lock and access badge reader on the entrance to the Data Center Server Room. Integrated Access Systems is the vendor that installed and supports the card entry system. Funds are available from 00195.0.08630.2006.0.92058 (Major Technology Fund, Prior Year, Data Center Upgrade). Recommended by Information Technology Services. TELECOMMUNICAnONS Parkland Jail Health - requests: D0712001 to install a data-line cable in a temporary exam room in the Central Intake of the LSJC. Installation; $65.50; no recurring cost. Recommended. D0712008 & D0712009 to install two data-line cables in the Medication room next to the nursing office at the GACB. Installation; $129.00; no recurring cost. Recommended. 19Sth Criminal District Court D0712002 requests to install a data-line cable on the 7th floor of the FCCB room C13. Installation; $65.50; no recurring cost. Recommended. 203 rd Criminal District Court D0712003 requests to install a data-line cable on the 7th floor of the FCCB to provide Bailiff access to Forvis. Installation; $65.50; no recurring cost. Recommended. Sheriff Executive D0712004 thru D0712007 requests to install data-lines in offices 8,9,10 and 12 on the 1st floor of the FCCB to provide access to the network. Installation; $258.00; no recurring cost. Recommended. SherifflDSO D0712010 requests to install a data-line cable in the Kays facilities in the Personnel to provide access to the network. Installation; $65.50; no recurring cost. Recommended. 91 Sheriff Detentions D0712011 & M0712012 requests to install a phone line and data-line in office to relocate workstation. Installation; $106.50; no recurring cost. Recommended. CCC # 5 D0712012 & M0712013 requests to install a data-line cable and activate a phone line in room A-8 on the 5th floor of the FCCB. Installation; $65.50; no recurring cost. Recommended. District Clerk - requests: D0712013, D0712014 & D0712015 to install three data-line cables for the Magistrate court in the LSJC. Installation; $193.50; no recurring cost. Recommended. D0712016 to install a data-line cable on the 6th floor room 664to replace the existing cable that has been damaged. Installation; $65.50; no recurring cost. Recommended. Forensic Science Crime Lab D0712017 thru D0712020 requests to install four data-line cables on the 4th floor to support network DNA instruments. Installation; $258.00; no recurring cost. Recommended. Bio-Terrorism D0712021 requests to install a data-line cable on the 5th floor room 521 to relocate existing office. Installation; $65.50; no recurring cost. Recommended. Tax Office D0712023 requests to install a new coaxial cable at the Duncanville Substation in the managers office for a VMVF terminal. Installation; $130.00; no recurring cost. Recommended. Sheriff Intake D0712025 & M0712040 requests to move the phone line and install a data-line cable on the 15t floor of the LSJC B Building. Installation; $106.50; no recurring cost. Recommended. IT Services D0712026 requests to install a data-line cable on the 3rd floor of the Administration building to support a network printer. Installation; $86.00; no recurring cost. Recommended. Funding for the above request is available from countywide Department 800, line item 432, Telephone Contingency.