Common knee problems[1]


Common knee problems[1]
Common knee problems
The knee is a joint that is complex and has many components. Thus, it is prone to get
injuries most of the time. Some of the common knee problems are fractures,
ligament tars, dislocation and sprains.The signs that will show you have a knee
problems are swelling and pain. You can treat most of the knee injuries using simple
measures like exercises.However, there are serious problems that require surgery.
Here are just some of the common knee problems.
Patella is the most common broken bone in the knee.The area where the bones meet to
form the knee joint can get fractured. Most of the fractures are causes by trauma like
motor vehicle collisions. Some of the common knee fractures are patellar, distal femur
fracture, and the fractures of the proximal tibia.You can go for therapy for knee
A dislocation will occur when bone around your knee get out of place; it can be
partially or completely. The tibia or femur can get out of their ligament. Dislocations
are caused by the abnormality in the knee structure. If you have a normal knee
structure, then you can have dislocations due to energy trauma like motor vehicle
Anterior cruciate ligament injury
The cruciate ligament can get injuries during sport activities. Athletes who do high
demand sports such as football, soccer, basketball are likely to injure their cruciate
ligaments. You can also tear the ACL when you change direction rapidly.The anterior
cruciate ligament injuries occur when the structure in the knee get damaged.
Posterior cruciate ligament injuries
The posterior cruciate ligament injuries occur when you get a blow to the front of
your knee when the knee is bent.It occurs mostly during motor vehicle crashes.The
posterior cruciate ligament tears are partial and will normally heal on their own.
Collateral ligament injuries
You can get collateral ligament injuries when there is a force that pushes your knees
sideways. You can experience injury as a result of direct blow to the outside of your
knee. Blows that push your knee outwards can cause lateral collateral ligament. The
collateral ligament tears are less frequent than other knee problems.
Meniscal tears
The meniscal tears occur during sports.The tears in the meniscus occur due to pivoting,
twisting, or cutting. The meniscal tears can also occur due to aging or arthritis. If the menisci
have weakened wit ages, the all it takes is just a simple twist when getting out from a chair
for the meniscal tear.
The above are just some of the common knee pain problems.Some of the will heal on their
own but there are those that will require cure for knee pain. Make sure that you avoid any
problem that will lead to the knee injury and get arthritis knee pain treatment. If you
take good care of your knee, then you will experience few problems.. You can also
opt to do motion exercises which will ensure that your joint moves at its full potential.