Numerology As Science And Art


Numerology As Science And Art
Numerology As Science And Art
Numerology is a blueprint. Your name, your birth date and the numbers, their combinations and
their relationship to each other are the lines, angles, and dimensions that combine to give you a
picture of the life that you are building each step of the way. All of the relationships between
the numbers in your name and birth date help you to understand the many dimensions of
yourself. Your destiny is a culmination that is more than the sum of its parts.
With a blueprint, you can envision how your house is going to look and you can then imagine how
it will feel when you make it your home. The same can be said for you. You are more than the
sum of your parts and you come with your own blueprint.
A numerology chart, created with information from your birth name and birth date is what is
often referred to as a "spiritual blueprint." Instead of lines, angles and dimensions, it is your
personal numbers, their meanings and their placement that draw the picture of what you
envisioned when coming into this life.
Although they use different sects of science to access the information, I think astrology and
numerology share a similar blueprint. Just as an astrologer uses the placement of planets and
transits to see what is happening and to forecast or predict what might be coming, a
numerologist uses numbers and their placement to dive deeply into everything from when might
be a good time to get married to what brings you the greatest joy. For a numerologist, knowing
how to delineate a chart is the science of numerology. Interpreting the sum of those parts is
the art of numerology.
Remember Pythagoras (600 A.D.) from your high school math class? He definitely knew his lines
and angles, but he also felt that numbers were more than measurement. They were symbols,
connected to universal energy. They had meaning. Numerology today is most commonly based on
some type of Pythagorean numerology, so he was certainly the way-shower, but I doubt even he
could have imagined how our lives would become so governed by numbers. In most current
situations, we are reduced to what seems like a meaningless number (does anyone even
remember their drivers license number?). But how could the numbers connected to your birth
name and date be insignificant? I’ve studied numerology for over 30 years, and I can tell you
that not only are they significant, but they tell your story. They are, indeed, your blueprint.
That is the science.
The art of numerology is a bit more complex. I think of numerology as an art in two separate,
but equal ways. First is the interpretation of all those numbers on your chart or blueprint. What
does that 7 Life Path number really mean? Additionally, how do all those numbers interact with
each other? A person with a 7 Life Path and a 1 Personality number will likely be very different
from someone with the same 7 Life Path and a 3 Personality number. Acknowledging and
understanding the relationships between the numbers is the art. The art of numerology is more
than looking at the facts; it’s interpreting the story.
The second area where we humans have some artistic license with our numbers is what exactly
does one do with all those energies? I learned a big lesson early on in my study of numerology.
Two people in my life had the same numbers in their core chart. I loved one of those people
unconditionally. The other one, not so much!
We all make choices as to how we interpret the energies that each number represents. In other
words, it’s not the numbers’ fault! Does that 7 Life Path give you a strong connection with the
Divine? Does it make you feel lonely and detached from everyone in your life? Maybe both?
Maybe both on the same day? How you choose to interpret each number’s energy and how they
all meld together in your reality is not only the force of numerology, but is a force you can
engage to create the life that you want.
Similar to what we often think of as the combination of our analytical left brain and our more
creative right brain, using the science and art of modalities like numerology give you the best of
both worlds. Whether you want to know more about yourself or your loved ones, choose a
business name, decide on when to make a change in your life, numerology can supple the direction.
It is your blueprint that helps you create something beautiful!
To get more information about Numerology And Numerologist (Jamie Birch, Numerologist) visit
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22357 Welby Way,
Woodland HIlls, CA, 91303-2466
Phone: 1 818 340 4099

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