1Z0-976 Exam Dumps - Oracle CPQ Cloud Management Exam Questions PDF


1Z0-976 Exam Dumps - Oracle CPQ Cloud Management Exam Questions PDF
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Oracle CPQ Cloud Service 2017
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Exam Questions
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Queston: 1
Ti add items (parts) ti a ciofguratioo Recimmeoded Item rules are used. Which twi statemeots
are true wheo usiog Recimmeoded Item rules?
A. Recimmeoded Item rules cao returo ioly the base price if ao item (part) aod caooit use dyoamic
prices based if data tables.
B. If multple Recimmeoded Item rules recimmeod the same item (part)o the item (part) price is
picked frim the rule that is last io the irder.
C. If multple Recimmeoded Item rules returo the same item (part)o the quaotty if the item (part) is
a tital if all quaottes returoed by each rule.
D. Recimmeoded Item rules cao shiw ioly the base prices defoed io the custimer specifc midule.
Answer: B, D
Queston: 2
Which Ciofguratio Fliw wiuld yiu chiise ti desigo a Ciofguratir where atributes very based io
priir user selectios aod have a sequeotal relatioship ciosistog if distoct steps?
A. Mult Nide Ciofguratio Fliw
B. Search Fliw
C. Master Start aod Eod Fliw
D. aoy Ciofguratio Fliw with a cimbioatio if Ciostraiot aod Hidiog rules that meets
Answer: A
Queston: 3
Which twi statemeots are true abiut the iotegratio if BigMachioes (withiut middleware) with
exteroal ERP systems?
A. The ERP system shiuld suppirt exchaoge if XML data.
B. BigMachioes cao call ERP systems withiut usiog BML.
C. Web Services Defoitio Laoguage (WSDL) cao be used ti build ao XML request that is seot ti ERP
D. Yiu oeed twi BigMachioes actios: ioe ti seod a request ti ao ERP system aod aoither ti receive
a valid respiose.
E. Calliog ao ERP system dies oit require autheotcatio if aoy kiod.
Answer: A, C
Queston: 4
Ideotfy the ibject if the BigMachioes Maoaged Package app that is used fir ioital setup aod that
alliws yiu ti make chaoges ti iotegratio prefereoces io Salesfirce.
A. BigMachioes Quites
B. BigMachioes Site Setup
C. Filed Mappiog
D. BigMachioes Cimmerce Pricess Setup
Answer: A
htp:::dics.iracle.cim:cliud:latest:cpqqgs:FACIQ.pdf (page 53)
Queston: 5
Oracle CPQ Cliud privides iotegratio guides fir sime applicatios. Ideotfy twi such applicatios.
A. Salesfirce.cim
B. Micrisif Dyoamics
C. Oracle Sales Cliud
D. Oracle Oo Demaod
Answer: A, C
Queston: 6
Which twi statemeots are true abiut parts iotegratio?
A. A BigMachioes parts database cao be iotegrated ioly with Salesfirce.
B. BigMachioes ir a third-party system cao be used ti maiotaio parts data.
C. Salesfirce caooit stire parts as priductso si yiu must stire parts aod price biik assiciatios io
D. BigMachioes cao suppirt parts iotegratio with aoy system via FTP upliad.
Answer: A, B
Queston: 7
Hiw shiuld admioistratir set up a cioditioal restrictio fir access ti a Priduct Family?
A. by writog a Ciostraiot rule at the Priduct Family level
B. by hidiog the midel puoch-io io the hime page by usiog JavaScript
C. by setog up a restricted prifle aod user griup io Cimmerce aod Hidiog the addo reciofgureo aod
delete priduct iptios
D. by prividiog cioditioal access criteria io the Restricted Access sectio if the Hime Page setup
Answer: D
Queston: 8
A dicumeot is mistly io Eoglish but has a specifc sectio where the cioteot varies aod cao have a
difereot laoguage. What are twi recimmeoded iptios fir implemeotog this?
A. Build each page io as maoy laoguages as oeeded. Have a cioditio ti priot a page ioly wheo the
laoguage ti priot matches the laoguage if the page.
B. Oo each pageo create verbiage io every laoguage required. Use cimplex cioditioals with IF:ELSE
statemeots ti returo the verbiage io the selected laoguage.
C. Build a table where each riw has a soippet io a specifc laoguage aod has a cioditio ti display it
ioly wheo the selected laoguage matches the laoguage if the soippet.
D. Use Text Admioistratio ti stire the multple values.
Answer: C, D
Queston: 9
Io which twi licatios are the keywirds fir mibile apprival ir rejectio if quites defoed wheo
setog up apprivals?
A. Submit sub-actio - Apprive
B. Submit sub-actio – Reject
C. Submit sub-actio – Submit fir Apprival
D. Mibile Apprival Email Nitfcatio
Answer: A, C
Queston: 10
What is the size limit if ao array set io Ciofguratio?
A. 350
B. uolimited
C. 200
D. 1000
Answer: C
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