How to remove Budak Ransomware from your system


How to remove Budak Ransomware from your system
How to remove Budak Ransomware from your system?
Guide to Remove Budak Ransomware
Are you finding it difficult to access pictures, videos & documents on your
system? Do you see an alien extension, .Budak, appended to the filenames?
If so, then there are positives that your system is infected by another devious
variant of STOP (DJVU) Ransomware Family, the Budak Ransomware.
Yes, Budak is a nasty File Encrypting virus that has been discovered by the cybersecurity analysts recently. Just like other stop djvu Ransomware variants, Budak
Ransomware spreads its infection via spam-email campaigns, unreliable software
download sources, peer-to-peer networks & fake software updaters.
Upon infecting the system, it encrypts most of the stored files & appends the
filenames with Budak extension. A unique decryption key is required to restore the
encrypted back, which is stored on the hacker’s server.
Victims are required to pay handsome amount to the hackers in order to purchase
the decryption key & restore their data.
Does paying the ransom helps in getting the encrypted data restored? Is there any
way of preventing .Budak File Virus from infecting your system? Is it possible to
remove Budak Ransomware from infected PC? Read on to learn how to uninstall
Budak & recover .Budak files.
Threat SummaryName
Operating System Impacted
Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla
Threat Behavior of Budak RansomwareThe giant Clan of STOP DJVU Ransomware welcomed another perilous member
recently named Budak Ransomware. It is spreading its infection at an alarming rate
& has infected a large number of systems so far.
Other pernicious Ransomware that are active & posing threat to computer–users
across the world are Ims00ry, Pox & Adame.
According to the reports, spam e-mail Campaigns, online fraudulent advertising &
unreliable software download/install sources are the prime channels of distribution
of stop Budak Ransomware.
This high risk Ransomware infection stealthily gets on to the computer &
scrutinizes the system for the targeted files. When found, it encrypts user & system
files by using a complex Encryption method such as RAS & AES. In addition to
that, Budak delete Shadow Volume Copies from the system.
The encrypted files are appended with .budak extension & hence made
inaccessible to the users.
For example, the file name “presentation.ppt” might be renamed as
“presentation.ppt.budak” after encryption.
The file extensions targeted by the Budak File Virus, may include:
• Document files (.docx, .doc, .odt, .rtf, .text, .pdf, .htm, .ppt)
• Audio Files (.mp3, .aif, .iff, .m3u, .m4u, .mid, .mpa, .wma, .ra, .avi, .mov,
• Video Files (.3gp, .mpeg, .3g2, .asf, .asx, .flv, .mpg, .wmv, .vob)
• Images (.jpg, .jpeg, .raw, .tif, .gif, .png)
• Backup Files (.bck, .bckp, .tmp, .gho)
Ransom Note & Ransom Amount for Budak Ransomware
Hackers behind Stop Budak Ransomware seek to generate illicit revenue by
extorting hefty amount from the victims in return of a decryption key. The
cryptography algorithms used by the hackers to encrypt the files also generate a
unique decryption key for each infected system.
Once the files are encrypted, a ransom-demanding message in text format
(_readme.txt) is dropped in every folder of the infected systems that contains
.budak files.
The note appears every-time the user tries to open the encrypted files. It prompts
the user to contact the hackers & pay the ransom amount (in Bitcoins) in order to
restore the data.
The hackers offer to decrypt one encrypted file (not containing sensitive
information) for absolutely no cost. The restored file is then sent back to the victim
as a proof of decryption.
Impacted users may contact the hackers via e-mail on or
Ransom Amount: The Ransom amount demanded by STOP DJVU Ransomware
hackers remains same for all the variants.
The hackers demand $980 for every decryption key & ask users to contact them to
receive payment & decryption related instructions.
Any victim that contacts the hackers within 72 hours of the encryption can avail
50% discount on the Ransom amount (i.e., $480).
Note: The claim to decrypt the files for absolutely no cost is a mere trick to take
the users into thinking that decryption is possible.
Many of the victims often tend to contact the hackers & pay them the ransom
amount as they fear losing their data. However, the analysis by cyber-security
researchers show that hackers avoid responding the victims after the amount has
been received.
Therefore, we advise you to avoid contacting the hackers, if infected. Do not let
hackers extort money & succeed in their plans.
Rather, be vigilant & act smart. Take a backup on your data regularly on an
external storage device & be cautious wile streaming online. Following good
security practices may help in preventing .Budak File Virus from infecting your
Distribution Techniques of Budak RansomwareCrypto-Virus infections such as Budak Ransomware mainly spread via spam emails containing malicious attachments. Hackers send out a myriad of spam emails with legit subject lines, to trick the users to believe it is from an authentic
source. These may include shipping firms such as DHL or FedEx. The e-mails
suggest that executive tried attempting a delivery to the user, but failed due to
some unexpected circumstances.
Users, out of their curiosity, open the attached files/links embedded inside the email & invite Budak File Virus on their system.
Other common methods used by the hackers to propagate .budak file virus
infection are• Unofficial software download sources
• Freeware/Shareware download websites/sources
• Fake Software Installers/Updaters
Modified/Cracked Versions of Paid Apps
Online Advertising/Discount Coupons, Pop-ups
Malware Laden Suspicious sites/Adult Content Sites/Torrent Sites
Software Bundling
How to remove infection from the systemSTEP A: Reboot your system to Safe Mode
STEP B: Delete the suspicious key from the Configuration Settings
STEP C: Remove Malicious Program from Command Prompt
STEP D: Restore the System Files & Folders
How to prevent Budak Ransomware from infecting your system-