TTL Super Squad (SS) and Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
TTL Super Squad (SS) and Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
TTL Super Squad (SS) and Physical Fitness Test (PFT) There is something in the Marine Corps called Super Squad. It is a squad of Marines that are handpicked from within each company to be a part of an elite team of stellar performers. The squad of Marines trains twice a day, similar to how we train at the Lab and how we trained during our ruck training ops for the Go Ruck Tough event that several of us did in DC. What Does Being on The TTL Super Squad Actually Mean? Being part of the TTL SS is not for the average individual. It is for the high caliber team player who constantly thrives to be better, not just more FIT. Understand that being able to squat a certain amount of weight or do a certain amount of burpees in record time or run suicides fast is not entirely what SS is about. SS is about persevering and constantly improving yourself and the people around you. What Does Being a Part of TTL Super Squad Mean for you? First, like the patch you get for completing GORUCK event, you will get a special TTL Super Squad patch. You will also be officially listed on TTL’s Super Sqad page. You could also be called upon to complete events in the face of TTL if need be. Any special events that TTL hold, you will be among the individuals to take part. Make no mistake, this accomplishment is not driven by prizes or rewards but by aspiring to be better, by constantly fucking challenging yourself and getting after what you want and can become. Requirements to Be on TTL Super Squad 1.Must be a current member of The Training Lab with a minimum of 20 classes attended within a two month timeframe. 2.Must successfully complete ANY GORUCK TOUGH event after time of application. 3.After completion of GORUCK TOUGH, you must submit a hand written document explaining two things: 1.Explain what you struggled with the most on your TOUGH event and how how you overcame it. 2.Describe what teamwork and comradery mean to you. This will be kept in a binder for SS members ONLY to read as they please so we can all share our experiences and see other people’s perspectives and struggles. 4.PFT First Class Elite score (explained later). 5.Must possess the following character traits: integrity, humility, and unstoppable determination. TTL Physical Fitness Test (PFT) There are 5 areas of fitness to be tested: cardiovascular, mobility, upper body strength, lower body strength, and core strength. Each area is worth a total of 20 points for a total of 100 points.