מספרי וואטסאפ-נוסח מורחב


מספרי וואטסאפ-נוסח מורחב
I am searching for a website(s), or
software(s) which can help me find a
free whatsapp numbers database.
Do you know about such a
Best regards,
Assaf Binyamini,
115 Costa Rica Street,
Entrance A-Apartment 4,
Kiryat Menachem,
Jerusalem, Zip code: 9662592.
Phone numbers: At home-972-26427757.
post Scriptum. 1) My ID number: 029547403.
2) My email addresses: 029547403@walla.co.il or:
asb783a@gmail.com or: assaf197254@yahoo.co.il
or: ass.benyamini@yandex.com or:
a32assaf@outlook.com or:
3) In home computers type / model:
Intel (R) Core (TM) i5-3470 CPU @ 3.20 GHz
Installed memory (RAM): 8.00 GB
(GB 7.88 can be used)
System-type 64-bit operating system, x64-based
Computer Name: 111886-PC
I'm renting it from day one
Monday, December 30, 2019 from the "Computer
Adapters" company.
4) I am using the operating system
windows 10
5) I surf the web using browser chrome, and use a
considerable magnification of the screen letters due
to a vision problem.
6) My Internet Service Provider: Hot.
7) I will note that I am a person who
speaks Hebrew- and my knowledge of
other languages is very little. Except
for medium to low level English and
very low level French, I have no
further knowledge in the field- and I
used a professional translation
company to write this document.
8) Below is a link to the channel youtube in Hebrew which I opened on
28.4.2020-a channel where I occasionally upload content related to the subject
of the disabled:
9) On July 10, 2018, I joined a social movement called "Overcome"- a movement
in which we try to promote the status, rights and quality of life of the transparent
disabled, ie: people like me who suffer from a disease or severe disability that is
not noticeable to the outside- and as a result of this external invisibility Severe
discrimination is taken from us.
The movement's founder and current director is Mrs. Tatiana Kaduchkin, who
can be contacted by phone at 972-52-3708001. Her telephone answering hours
are Sunday to Thursday between 11:00 and 20:00 Israeli time- except for Jewish
holidays and Israeli holidays.
Below is a link to our movement's Hebrew website:
10) Here are some explanatory words about our
movement, as they appeared in the press:
Tatiana Kadochkin, an ordinary citizen, decided to
form the "Overcome" movement with the help of what
she calls the "transparent disabled." So far, about 500
people from all over the the country has gathered for
its movement. In an interview with Channel 7 Diary,
she talks about the project and those disabled people
who do not receive proper and sufficient assistance
from the relevant parties, just because they are
According to her, the disabled population can be
divided into two groups: disabled people with
wheelchairs and disabled people without wheelchairs.
She defines the second group as "transparent disabled"
because she says they do not receive the same services
as the disabled with a wheelchair receive, even though
they are defined as having a 75-100 percent disability.
These people, she explains, cannot make a living on
their own, and they need the extra services that the
disabled with wheelchairs are entitled to. For example,
the transparent disabled receive a low disability
pension from the National Insurance Institute, do not
receive certain supplements such as special services
allowance, escort allowance, mobility allowance and
they also receive a lower allowance from the Ministry
of Housing.
According to a study conducted by Kadochkin, these
transparent disabled people are hungry for bread
despite the attempt to claim that in Israel in 2016 there
are no people hungry for bread. The study she
conducted also states that the suicide rates among them
are high. In the movement she founded, she works to
include the transparent disabled on waiting lists for
public housing. This is because she says they do not
usually enter these lists even though they are supposed
to be eligible. She holds quite a few meetings with
Knesset members and even participates in meetings
and discussions of relevant committees in the Knesset,
but she says those who can help do not listen and the
listeners are in opposition and therefore cannot help..
She is now calling on more and more "transparent"
disabled people to join her, to contact her so that she
can help them. In her opinion, if the situation continues
as it is today, there will be no escape from a
demonstration of the disabled who will claim their
rights and the basic conditions for living.
11) The therapeutic framework in which I find myself:
Reut Association - Avivit Hostel,
6 Avivit Street,
Kiryat Menachem,
Jerusalem, Zip code: 9650816.
Phone numbers at the hostel offices:
972-2-6432551. Or: 972-2-6428351.
The hostel's email address: avivit6@barak.net.il
12)I am treated by a social-worker from avivit hostel.
13) The family doctor with whom I am being
Dr. Brandon Stewart,
"Clalit Health Services" - Promenade Clinic,
6 Daniel Janowski Street,
Jerusalem, Zip code: 9338601.
A phone number at clinic offices: 972-2-6738558.
The fax number at clinic offices: 972-2-6738551.
14) Age: 48. Marital status: Single.