Installation Guide


Installation Guide
Installation Guide
ARGUS Symphony 1.6 and Business App Toolkit
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
Installation Guide for ARGUS Symphony 1.600.0
Published by:
ARGUS Software, Inc.
3050 Post Oak Boulevard
Suite 900
Houston, Texas 77056
Telephone (713) 621-4343
Facsimile (713) 621-2787
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and represents no commitment on the part of
ARGUS Software.
This document is copyright © 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is a confidential and
proprietary trade secret of ARGUS Software, made available only under a license agreement and or other
agreements containing obligations of confidentiality.
"ARGUS" and “ARGUS Enterprise” are trademarks of ARGUS Software, Inc. All other trademarks and registered
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© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
ARGUS Symphony 1.6 and Business App Toolkit
Installation Guide
ARGUS Symphony 1.6 and Business App Toolkit Installation Guide ....................................................................... 3
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
ARGUS Symphony ......................................................................................................................................................5
Getting Support .........................................................................................................................................................5
Pre-requisite Software Installation ............................................................................................................................5
Symphony Web Service Installation ...........................................................................................................................6
Create SYM Database ..............................................................................................................................................10
New installation of the Business App Toolkit ...........................................................................................................12
Update Symphony Database ...................................................................................................................................13
Web Application Installation ............................................................................................................................... 18
Miscellaneous ...................................................................................................................................................... 24
Web Service Certificate ............................................................................................................................................24
Additional User Rights .............................................................................................................................................24
Google Maps API .....................................................................................................................................................24
Using SSL ..................................................................................................................................................................24
Configuration Utility ............................................................................................................................................ 25
About .......................................................................................................................................................................25
ARGUS Symphony Database ....................................................................................................................................27
Audit History Settings ..............................................................................................................................................27
QlikView Settings (Not applicable to Business App Toolkit).....................................................................................29
SSRS Settings ............................................................................................................................................................31
Active Directory Settings ..........................................................................................................................................33
Other Settings ..........................................................................................................................................................34
Monitoring Service Settings .....................................................................................................................................35
Monitoring Service Status ........................................................................................................................................36
Status .......................................................................................................................................................................37
Licensing ..................................................................................................................................................................38
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
ARGUS Locations ................................................................................................................................................. 47
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
ARGUS Symphony
The purpose of this document is to provide detailed instructions for installing the components of the ARGUS
Business App Toolkit for ARGUS Enterprise (ARGUS Symphony)
Getting Support
Getting support for ARGUS Symphony / Business App Toolkit is easy. Support issues may be reported online at Listed below are the contact details and hours of operation:
Pre-requisite Software Installation
This section will highlight the steps needed to setup all the required software before installing the main Business
App Toolkit components.
SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2008 R2
It is assumed that an instance of SQL Server is already installed and running. See Hardware and Software
Requirement document for more information.
Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
The Microsoft .NET Framework 4 - Standalone Installer can be downloaded from the following link below: The installer (dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe) can
also be run directly from the Symphony Tools folder.
WCF feature
Use the Add feature option while installing web server (IIS).
Internet Information Services (IIS 7.5 or later)
Verify that IIS 7.5 is installed on the server. Follow the following steps to verify that IIS is installed:
1. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager.
2. In Roles Summary, click Add Roles.
3. In the Select Server Roles window, look for the Web Server (IIS) entry in the list of components.
4. If IIS is already installed, the check box next to it is selected. Otherwise IIS is not installed.
5. To check the version of IIS once IIS has been verified that it’s already installed, simply open your
browser and enter one of these addresses. IIS version should be displayed on the page (top right) that is
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
WCF Services / HTTP Activation Feature (Windows Server 2012 and 2012R2)
For installations on Server 2012 and 2012R2, verify that the HTTP Activation feature is installed on the Server.
Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager.
From the Dashboard choose Features
Select the Server and Installation Type
Skip Server Roles
In the Features list, expand .NET Framework 4.5 Features
Expand the WCF Services node and find HTTP Activation
If HTTP Activation is already checked. No action is necessary. Otherwise, select HTTP Activation and
Click Next and Approve the Installation of the list of Prerequisites
On the Confirm Installation Selections page click Install
ARGUS Enterprise Server Module (10.1 or greater)
For instructions on installing ARGUS Enterprise 10.1 on your server, see the Server License Installation Guide at
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
Symphony Web Service Installation
To install the ARGUS Symphony Web Service component for ARGUS Symphony / ARGUS Business App Toolkit:
1. Run ArgusSymphonyService.msi from the SymphonyService folder. Click Next from the welcome
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
2. Review the Software License Agreement. Select I Accept the terms in the License Agreement and
click Next.
3. Specify the following options for Installation Address:
Web Site: default is Default Web Site. If you have multiple sites within the target server, please specify
the site you want to use for the ARGUS Symphony Web Service.
Application Pool: Select the desired App Pool. The AppPool must match the specified for the service
created earlier.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
Virtual Directory: – The default value is “SymService”. If modified, you must have a unique name for
each virtual directory. User should remember this for installing the Web Application.
Click Back to return to the previous window or Next to continue.
Note: This will determine where the actual web application files will be installed on the server. This information is
necessary later on when modifying the configuration files.
Important Tip: The actual Symphony Service URL will be determined by the selection to the Site and Virtual
Directory entries. You will need this information throughout the configuration of the application.
The standard format is: http://<Site>/<Virtual Directory>/TheArgusService.svc
Use localhost if Site is set to “Default Website.” For example, if the user has the same settings above, the
Symphony service will be under this URL: http://localhost/service/TheArgusService.svc
Note: If the user types in http://localhost/, and the instance is on a separate machine, the user will not be able to
access the environment.
Once all the settings above are set, click Next.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
Create SYM Database
1. Select Create SYM Database under DB Settings.
DB Settings:
Create Sym Database: Select this option to integrate a Symphony module into a pre-existing
instance of ARGUS Enterprise or to create a standalone Symphony instance.
Upgrade Sym Database: Select this option to upgrade a stand-alone Symphony instance or
upgrade an existing Business App Toolkit module within an ARGUS Enterprise database.
Note: Create SYM Database with Live AE is used to install the ARGUS Business App Toolkit.
Live AE: Live AE mode will add the Business App Toolkit to your AE database. A stand-alone Symphony
instance that has already been installed cannot be added to an ARGUS Enterprise instance. An
integrated Symphony module must be installed to a pre-existing ARGUS Enterprise instance.
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Installation Guide
2. The screenshot below illustrates the appropriate configuration for installation of the Business App
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
New installation of the Business App Toolkit
Specify the appropriate SQL server and the appropriate credentials for the installer will connect to it.
Server Host Name/IP: Enter the SQL Server name or IP Address to use. If the specified SQL server is
using a different instance name rather than the default instance name, you will need to specify it here
as well using the following format – < SQL Server name or IP Address>\<instance name>
Use Integrated Windows Authentication: Select this option if you want to connect to the database
using Windows Authentication. Unselect if you want to use a local user.
Note: If Use Integrated Windows Authentication is used, the Windows Service Account will need to have access to
the database. In most cases using a SQL account as described below is recommended. If you select the Use
Integrated Windows Authentication option, the next two fields are not needed and will be disabled.
DBA User Name: SQL server local user with enough rights to create/upgrade the Symphony database
and create a local user if specified in step (iv). This option is only available if Use Integrated Windows
Authentication is unselected.
DBA Password: Password for user specified in step (v). This option is only available if Use Integrated
Windows Authentication is unselected.
Specify Symphony Database Connection and System User.
Symphony Database Name: Enter a unique database name to create or upgrade depending on option
selected in step (i). This should be the same database as your AE installation.
Create User for Symphony Database: Select this option if user specified in step (v) does not exist yet.
Symphony DB User Name: Enter a Local SQL Server user that will be used to connect to the Symphony
Symphony DB Password: Enter a password for the user specified in step (ix).
Note: The ARGUS Business App Toolkit / Symphony will not run under a Windows Account on the SQL Server. A
Windows Account can be used for script execution (Use Integrated Windows Authentication option) and database
creation, but a native SQL account must be specified to run the application.
Click Next to continue or Cancel to stop this process.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
Update Symphony Database
The Upgrade Symphony Database Option is used to upgrade an existing installation of the ARGUS
Business App Toolkit or Symphony application. In the cases of the first installation of the Business App
Toolkit or a Standalone Symphony application, the Create Symphony Database option should be used
1. Select Upgrade SYM Database under DB Settings. Enter server and database information.
Server Host Name/IP: Enter the SQL Server name or IP Address to use. If the specified SQL server is
using a different instance name rather than the default instance name, you will need to specify it here
as well using the following format – < SQL Server name or IP Address>\<instance name>
Use Integrated Windows Authentication: Select this option if you want to connect to the database
using windows authentication. Unselect if you want to use a local user.
Symphony DB User Name: Enter a Local SQL Server user that will be used to connect to the Symphony
database. This is disabled under Use Integrated Windows Authentication.
Symphony DB Password: Enter a password for the user specified in step (ix). This is disabled under Use
Integrated Windows Authentication.
Symphony Database Name: Enter a unique database name to create or upgrade depending on option
selected in step (i). This should be the same database as your AE installation.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
Web Service Security – X.509 Certificate
ARGUS Symphony / ARGUS Business App Toolkit uses a Web Service and Web Application model to
receive, process and display information to the users. The Web Application and Web Service use a Web
Service Certificate (X.509) to encrypt communications between these pieces of the application.
There are two choices for specifying the Certificate used for securing these communications, Existing
Certificate typically purchased from a reputable Certificate Provider or Web Host, or Generate
Certificate. Please refer to the Web Service Certificate discussion in the Miscellaneous section at the
end of this document for further information.
Generate Certificate: This option will create a Self-Signed Certificate on the Web Server where you are
installing the Web Service portion of the ARGUS Business App Toolkit / ARGUS Symphony. This selfsigned certificate will be used to secure communications between the Web Application and Web
Service. This option is the least secure option as the certificate is not created and validated by a
Certificate Authority (CA) and can create security risks if the Symphony Web Application and Web
Service are configured to communicate over the Public Internet and not entirely behind an
organization’s firewall.
Select Generate Certificate
Enter the desired Certificate Name to be created. (The default is recommended)
Select the level of security for the certificate (2048 is recommended; larger keys can have potential
impacts on the performance of the application)
Specify a Certificate Expiration timeframe in the Expiration Years (10 Years is the default)
Existing Certificate: If you have an existing X.509 certificate issued from your web hosting provider
installed on the server, this certificate can be used with the Symphony application to secure the
communication between the Web Application and the Web Service. This is the most secure option as
the certificate used to secure the communications between the Web Service and Web Application will
be validated and issued by a Certificate Authority (CA). This does not impact the security of the Web
Application itself, which would be determined by the use of HTTPS vs HTTP. In most cases both the Web
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
Application and Web Service will be configured to communicate behind the organization’s firewall and
will not be exposed to the Public Internet.
1. Enter the Subject Name of the Existing Certificate in the Find Value field
2. Choose the applicable Certificate Store Location and Store Name
3. The X.590 Find type will default to Find By Subject Name if a different Find Value is entered in Find
Value, choose the applicable option here.
Click Next.
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Installation Guide
4. The user specified below will be created during the installation process and will be given
administrative rights to the Symphony application and database. Specify a default Symphony
Administrator user and click Next.
5. Click Install to begin the installation.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
6. Once the installation is done, click Finish to complete the installation.
7. To verify Symphony service is running, start a web browser and navigate to the Symphony service
URL. Click Finish to complete this process.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
Web Application Installation
To install the ARGUS Symphony Web Application component:
1. Installation of the Web Application on the same server as the AE Server Component is
Note: If installed on a separate server, Impersonate Permissions may need to be used in Symphony in some cases.
2. Run ArgusSymphonyApplication.msi from the SymphonyWebApplication folder.
Click Next from the Welcome page.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
3. Review the End User License Agreement. Select I Accept the terms in the License Agreement and
click Next.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
4. Specify the following options for Installation Address:
Web Site: Default is Default Web Site. If you have multiple sites within the target server, please specify
the site you want to use for the ARGUS Symphony Web Application.
Application Pool: Select the desired App Pool.
Virtual Directory: Enter another virtual directory if you want to use a different path for ARGUS
Symphony Web Application.
Note: This will determine where the actual web application files will be installed on the server. This information is
necessary later on when modifying the configuration files.
Note: The actual Symphony application URL will be determined by the selection to the Site and Virtual Directory
entries. You will need this information throughout the configuration of the application.
The standard format is: http://<Site>/<Virtual Directory>/default.aspx
Use localhost if Web Site is set to “Default Website.” For example, if the user has the same settings above, the
Symphony service will be under this URL: http://localhost/symphony/default.aspx
Note: If the user types in http://localhost/, and the instance is on a separate machine, the user will not be able to
access the environment.
Once all the settings above are set, click Next.
See also the section on Generating a Web Service Security – X.509 Certificate in the Configuration Utility.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
5. Update with changes to the x509 certificate by copying and pasting from the Configuration Utility.
Enter all the required settings for the Symphony Service Settings and click Next.
Is Secured Service: Check this option if the Symphony Service was installed on a secured server using
Symphony Service IP: Enter the IP address of the server where Symphony Service was setup
Symphony Service External IP: Enter an external IP address of the server if it is available. Otherwise,
this can be left blank.
Symphony Service Virtual Directory: Enter the Virtual Directory value specified when Symphony
Service was setup. See step #2 under the Web Service Installation section to determine URL
Certificate Encoded Value: This value should be copied from the Symphony Web Service configuration
utility. The value is located in the Other Settings tab as shown.
See also the section on SSRS option in the Configuration Utility.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
6. After pressing Copy in the Configuration Utility, paste the value in this field and click Next. See the
section on the Configuration Utility for further instruction.
7. Click Install to begin the installation. Click Back to return to the previous window or Install to install
the web application.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
8. Once the installation is done, click Finish to complete the installation.
To verify the Symphony application is running, start a web browser and navigate to the Symphony URL. See step 3
above to check how to determine the Symphony URL.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
Here are the additional steps to complete Symphony initial installation and troubleshooting items to assist with
some common issues with deploying the application.
Web Service Certificate
Symphony web service is using Microsoft’s Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) technology. The security
and authentication is done through WCF which requires a valid X.509 certificate to perform the handshake
between the client and the service. You can use the same certificate if you already have an existing one. If you do
not currently have one, you can purchase a certificate from a trusted certificate authority such as VeriSign, Thawte,
RapidSSL, etc.
Once the certificate is installed, you should be able to generate a public key to be used in the web application
configuration file. See Other Settings in the Configuration Tool.
Additional User Rights
Give built-in IIS group – IIS_IUSRS “modify” rights to C:\INETPUB\WWWROOT\SYMPHONY\APP_DATA folder.
Note: replace “Symphony” with actual web application virtual folder if the default path was not used during the
web application installation.)
Google Maps API
Symphony uses Google Maps API to implement the mapping features within the application. Google Maps requires
each environment to have its own API licence before it is used in a production environment. Please review the links
below for more information about how to acquire a licence and Google Maps licensing terms:
Using SSL
Each user will have to add the Symphony URL to his/her browser’s trusted site if Symphony website is using SSL.
This will ensure that the mapping functionality included in Symphony will function properly.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
Configuration Utility
The ARGUS Symphony Web Service installer also installs the ARGUS Symphony Configuration Utility. This can be
accessed from the Program Menu of the Server where the Web Service is installed. Launching this Utility allows
you to configure the Web Service.
Note: It is recommended you reset Internet Information Services (IIS) after Saving any configuration changes as
these can impact the stability of the application.
You can generate a system report containing the configuration of Argus Symphony along with basic information
about your operating system (no personal information is included). This report may help ARGUS Software to assist
you with any issue you encounter.
1. You can access the System window by clicking System in the left side panel of the Configuration Tool.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
2. Click on the Diagnostics Report button to select a save method in the drop-down list. You may
choose from the following options:
Copy to Clipboard
Save to File
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
ARGUS Symphony Database
You can access the ARGUS Symphony Database window by clicking ARGUS Symphony Database in the left side
panel of the Configuration Tool.
The server name is displayed.
The database name is displayed.
Database Schemas
The database schemas are displayed.
Click Database Wizard to make any changes.
Audit History Settings
You can access the Audit History Settings window by clicking Audit History Settings in the left side panel of the
Configuration Tool.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
Enable Audit History
Select this option to enable complete tracking for data and schema changes in Symphony.
Drop Table
Select this option to drop the table physically. If this option is un-selected, the table will be moved into
archive schema on Dataset Delete.
Click Save to save your changes or Refresh to discard them.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
QlikView Settings (Not applicable to Business App Toolkit)
You can access the QlikView Settings window by clicking QlikView Settings in the left side panel of the
Configuration Tool.
QlikView Server Address
Enter the QlikView Server Address.
Document Path
Enter the document path.
Template Name
Enter the template name.
Qlikview Admin Username
Enter the Qlikview Admin Username.
Qlikview Admin Password
Enter the Qlikview Admin Password.
Confirm Password
Re-enter the Qlickview admin password.
Ticket Service Name/IP
Enter the ticket service name/IP address.
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Ticket Service Virtual Directory
Enter the ticket service virtual directory.
Click Save to save your entries or Refresh to discard them.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
SSRS Settings
You can access the SSRS Settings window by clicking SSRS Settings in the left side panel of the Configuration Tool.
Report Server Mode
Select a report server mode. You may choose from the following options:
 Windows: Uses only Windows User permissions on specified SSRS server.
 Mixed: Uses either Windows User or Report Server User permissions on specified SSRS server.
 Impersonate: Uses only Report Server User permissions on specified SSRS server. This method
is highly recommended.
Report Server Domain
Enter the report server domain.
Report Server Username
Enter the report server username.
Report Server Password
Enter the report server password
Report Server Confirm Password
Re-enter the report server password.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
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Report Server Name/IP
Enter the report serve name/IP address.
Reports Virtual Directory
Enter the reports virtual directory.
Reports Root Path
Enter the reports root path.
Click Save to save your entries or Refresh to discard them and start over.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
Active Directory Settings
You can access the Active Directory Settings window by clicking Active Directory Settings in the left side panel of
the Configuration Tool.
Enter the LDAP URL.
Domain Name
Enter the domain name.
Click Save to save your entries or Refresh to discard them.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
Other Settings
You can access the Other Settings window by clicking Other Settings in the left side panel of the Configuration
Google Maps Client ID
Enter your google maps client ID (if applicable)
Maximum Support Dataset Size (MB)
Enter the max. support dataset size in megabytes.
Culture Settings/Currency Symbol
Enter the culture settings followed by the currency symbol.
Organization ID
Enter the organization ID. (Used for specifying QlikView folder settings)
Symphony Web App IP Address/Host/Name
Enter the web app IP address/host/name. Note: Use of the Host Name over IP address is recommended
AE Integration Web App Virtual Directory
Enter the web app virtual directory.
Encoded Value
This field Displays the encoded value. (Used for Web Application installation.)
Click Save to save your entries or Refresh to discard them and start over.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
Monitoring Service Settings
You can access the Monitoring Service Settings window by clicking Monitoring Service Settings in the left side
panel of the Configuration Tool.
Enable SSL
Click this option to enable SSL.
Mail Server
Enter the mail server name.
SMTP Port Number
Enter the SMTP port number.
From Name
Enter the sender’s name.
From Email
Enter the sender’s email address.
Mail Password
Enter the sender’s email password.
Confirm Password
Re-enter the sender’s email password.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
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Enter the subject line for the message.
Log Information Messages
Select this option to log the information messages.
Trigger Time
Enter the trigger time.
Time Interval/Minutes
Enter the time interval in minutes.
Click Save to save your entries or Refresh to discard them and start over.
Monitoring Service Status
You can access the Monitoring Service Status window by clicking Monitoring Service Status in the left side panel of
the Configuration Tool.
Service Name
The service name is displayed.
Service Status
The service status is displayed as either stopped or running.
Service Account
Click the ellipsis button to open the Change Service Account window.
Click Refresh to discard changes and start over.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
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Change Service Account window
Service Account
Select the service account method to use. You may choose from the following options:
 Use Default Account
 Use Specific Account
Account Name: Enter the account name.
Password: Enter the password.
Click OK to confirm your entries or Close to discard them and stop this process.
Choose the Click here to fix hyperlink to resolve any displayed error messages.
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Installation Guide
You can access the Licensing window by clicking Licensing in the left side panel of the Configuration Tool.
Add New Licence
1. Click Add New Licence in the right hand panel.
2. Enter the licence details.
Note: The licence added here is only for limiting the number of Power, Standard, and Viewer users and does not
apply to AE Users who have access to the Symphony component.
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This field displays the current product.
Email Address
Enter the email address to be associated with the licence.
Company Name
Enter your company name.
Licence Keys
Enter all licence keys to be checked out.
Where are you?
Select your region in the drop-down list.
Click Next to continue or Cancel to stop this process.
Check Out Selected Licence
1. Select the licence you want to check out then click Check Out Licence to open the Check Out ARGUS
Software Licence window.
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Installation Guide
Check Out ARGUS Software Licence window
2. Enter the licence details.
This field displays the current product.
Email Address
Enter the email address to be associated with the licence.
Company Name
Enter your company name.
Licence Keys
Enter each licence key to be checked out on a separate line.
Where are you?
Select your region in the drop-down list.
Click Next to continue or Cancel to stop this process.
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Installation Guide
Software Licence Agreement
3. Click I accept the terms of the license agreement and Next to continue.
Click Next to continue or Cancel to stop this process.
Check Out window
4. Select a check out method for your licence. You may choose from the following options:
Check out my licence over the Internet
Check out my licence by telephone
Click Next to continue or Cancel to stop this process.
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Installation Guide
Internet Check Out
1. Click the Check out my licence over the Internet option.
Click Next to continue or Cancel to stop this process.
Successful Checkout
2. Click Finish to complete this process.
Click Finish to close this window.
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Installation Guide
Telephone Check Out window
1. Call the ARGUS Software Support phone number to speak with Support. Enter your licence key and
site code. Enter the authorisation code.
Click Next to continue or Cancel to stop this process.
Check In Selected Licence
1. Select the licence you want to check in then click Check In Selected Licences.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
2. Select a check in method for your licence. You may choose from the following options:
Check in my licenses over the Internet
Check in my licenses by telephone
Click Next to continue or Cancel to stop this process.
3. Select a geographical area in the drop-down list.
Click Next to continue or Cancel to stop this process.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
4. Enter your telephone check in information.
Call the ARGUS Software Support phone number to speak with Support.
Enter your licence key and site code.
Enter the authorization code
Click Next to continue or Cancel to stop this process.
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Installation Guide
Remove Selected Licences
1. Select the licence to be removed. Click Remove Selected Licences on the right side panel.
2. The licence has now been removed from the Licence window.
© 2014 ARGUS Software, Inc.
Installation Guide
ARGUS Locations
ARGUS Software
Houston, TX
Tel : +1 713-621-4343
Fax: +1 713-621-2787
ARGUS Software
Philadelphia, PA
Tel : +1 856-439-2201
Fax: +1 856-439-5019
ARGUS Software (UK)
Tel : +44 (0)20 8906 4059 or 08456 440 440
Fax: +44 (0)20 8959 6079
ARGUS Software
Sydney NSW
Tel : +61 2 9262 1332
Fax: +61 2 9262 1350
ARGUS Software
Tel : +65 6411 2288
Fax: +65 6338 7959
Kozo Keikaku Engineering, Inc.
Tel: 03-5342-1043
Fax: 03-5342-1045
Info email:
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