April 2013 - Columbia River Bassmasters


April 2013 - Columbia River Bassmasters
Board of Directors
Tim Ihle
Gregor Pierce
Chuck Smith
Gary Harral
Tournament Director Mark Forbes
Youth Director:
BASS/FLW Liaison:
Conservation Director:
Member At Large
Member At Large
Bill’s Chicken & Steak House
2200 St. Johns Blvd Vancouver
Phone: 360-695-1591
Meeting Agenda
Call meeting to order ...…….….Tim
Intro of guests ………...…...….Tim
Meeting Minutes ...……………Gary
Fishing Reports ………..…… Members
BASS/FLW Report …..…...…. Ed Chin/Zip
Youth Report …………..….…. Zip
Treasurer’s Report ...……......Chuck
Rule Changes.……………….…Tim
-------------------------------BREAK--------------------------NEW BUSINESS
Celilo Draw..............…….…….Mark
Member Bass Biography
Chatterbait Discussion .…………All
Zip Decker
Ed Chin
Don Abbott
Jim Miller
Renaud Pelletier
Rob Allen
503-492 7949
April 2013
March Meeting Events
President Tim brought the meeting to order.
Prospective member Marc Raabe, a Jim Miller coworker introduced himself. Treasurer Chuck Smith
reported a balance of $1741 and stated that a
number of people have not yet pair or have not
paid the $10 increase in dues. We had a fishing
report from Tim and Chuck who spent 3 ½ days at
Shasta. VP Gregor also reported about his trip to
the Bay Area for some local bass fishing. Ed Chin
reported that the first TBF Oregon event is
scheduled for 30 March and that the field is limited
to 25 boats. Zip reported that all preparations are
being made to support the youth events for 2013
and that boat captains for these events are still
needed. There was a discussion regarding places
to stay for the Boardman tournament. If you plan to
camp, better make your reservation very soon
since the campground gets a lot of use. Jim Miller
discussed the extremely unusual presence of an
article in the Oregonian about something other than
Salmon, Steelhead, and Sturgeon.
March Meeting Events (Continued)
Mark Forbes indicated that he was expecting the
change in harvest limits for bass and other warm
water fish for portions of the Columbia system to be
passed by the Washington DFW. Mark also stated
that for next year, there will be an additional $70
cost for each event that is launched from
Washington. This is in addition to the previous
$24/per event. Mark urged member to write their
congressmen or local representatives regarding
this subject. Gary indicated that Mark would be
getting some help with the weigh in this year.
The following is a summary of the Bylaw and
Tournament Rule changes passed:
1. Bylaws were amended to clearly indicate a
majority is required to make tournament rule
2. Draw Procedure was changed so that both
boaters and non-boaters will be drawn and
that the order drawn will be the blast off
order for the next tournament.
3. Rule 10 modified to indicate that the kill
switch must be attached when the gas motor
is in gear.
4. Replaced “Tournament of Champions” with
“CRB Members Classic”
5. No other changes were approved, however
a proposal to change the payout for the CRB
Member Classic to one payout for every 3
boats was overlooked but will be voted on at
the next meeting.
Club Bylaws require that any changes to
Tournament Rules or Bylaws be presented in one
meeting and approved/ disapproved in the following
meeting or later. Changes in tournament rules can
only be made during the fishing off season.
We heard some good stories from Gary, Chuck and
Zipper Worm during the “Angler Biography”.
Willie did a quick summary of the big event at
Pacific Boatland on 23 March.
Club Dues
Hagg Lake Conservation Project
Don Randolph (Newly appointed Conservation
Director for Oregon TBF), Gary Harral, and
Gregor Pierce were on site to help deploy 100
spider blocks on Henry Hagg Lake on 23 Feb. A
total of 4 boats were utilized for the deployment
which took 2.5 hours. It was a nice event. The
spider blocks were built the previous week with
help from Don Randolph, Ed Chin, Zip Decker,
Gary Harral, and Colby Botts with his wife Kirsten.
The March 3rd Oregonian had an article on the
project. If you didn’t see it, try this link.
Don Randolph, TBF Oregon Conservation Director
Club Dues of $60 can now be paid. Please pay
by check made out to Columbia River
Bassmasters. If you need to delay payment to
some other time prior to your first tournament,
please contact Chuck Smith and let him know
that you intend to stay with the club in 2013.
B.A.S.S. Membership Required
To be a member of this club, you must maintain
membership with B.A.S.S.
Can check your
membership status by going to the following link.
Make sure Chuck Smith has your Membership Number
so that he can update the club records with B.A.S.S.
Gregor Pierce
Gregor & Don & OBPC Members
Don & Gary
Gary, Don, Gregor
Joe Slaven &
5-08 SM
10 Mar 2013
Columbia R.
Pacific Boatland Event
Gut-Hooked (Provided by Don Randolph)
Most of you have probably read about the throughthe-gill method of extracting hooks from deeply
hooked fish. It supposedly works well and seems
simple enough. Try this link:
I have yet to try it and I've never seen it done.
Maybe I could buy one of those singing Billy Bass
and use it as a test dummy. At the Bingen club
tournament in August last year, I hooked a keeper
fish in the throat with a tube. I cut the line and
decided to deal with the situation after the weigh-in.
I asked around for assistance and none of our
members had performed the procedure before.
Check out the following links for keeping fish alive,
failure to do so could cost you a win:
TBF Oregon Qualifier Tournaments
30 March
27 April
28 April
29 June
30 June
@ Ten Mile Lakes
@ Green Peter Reservoir
@ Cottage Grove Reservoir
@ Willamette River (Swan Island)
@ Hood River
Contact Information: http://www.tbforegon.com/
Check out the Pacific Boatland sponsored event on 23
March. Brent Ehrler will be on site. We sent out flyers
for this event on 19 February so check out the details
but the summary as follows:
10:30 Lowrance Intro to Touch Units
11:30 Lunch and Drinks
12:30 Brent Ehrler
2:30 In depth introduction to touch screens and
Structure Scan
If you have a Lowrance it will be a great venue to attend.
Youth Boat Captains
Boat Captains are needed to support Oregon
Youth bass fishing and for the Wounded Warrior
Program. Ed and Zip are looking for a few good
men to be a boat captain for any of the following
events. It is a lot of fun, you might even learn
something or find some new spots!
13 April
12 May
26 May
16 June
23 June
TBF Oregon Youth High School @ Willamette Park
TBF Oregon Youth @ Hood River
B.A.S.S. Oregon Youth @ Willamette Park
B.A.S.S. Oregon Youth @ Prineville
Wounded Warrior Fishing @ Willamette Park
Please Contact Ed or Zip if you can help out
Edward Chin
email - look4chin@msn.com
phone - 503-781-6473
Edward Chin
email - look4chin@msn.com
phone - 503-781-6473
April 13
May 18
June 8 & 9
June 29
July 20
August 17
August 31
September 15
October 5
October 19
Launch Location
Celilo Park
Swan Island
Boardman Marine Park
Silver Lake (Streeters Resort)
Stevenson Cascade Boat Launch
M. James Gleason (Portland)
Bingen Marina & Park
Celilo Park
Dalles Marina
CRB Members Classic
Backup Location
Swan Island
Tri Cities, Wa
Swan Island
Swan Island
Swan Island
Boones Ferry Landing
Boones Ferry Landing
Randy (Zip) Decker