09/25/1909 - Atlantic County Library System
09/25/1909 - Atlantic County Library System
"’" ¯,. , . ..... ¯ ..._ -!.?". 5:/ ." :’ " : .’- = +:¯:>-’-?’" " . /.-. 7. ¯-’ -. J- "t :. . ATLXNTIC COUNTY ’]I~ECORD--MAY’S :LANDING, N. J., SATURDAY, 2 sEPTEMBZ 251 :/909. "The itceor&" May’.-+ Lamding, .N¯j. ]." L" ~]]-_~’n £]t.}_.’.dHor a]~d]’ubBsher. , t-:ntrred a] lh,’May’.* Lan~il,’-’. N. J.,l’,).-t-I,~i<,’ a.~~,-c, md-vl.u~ +’Hatter. r~llledy OPTIC/AN. A3,I U SE3IEN"I’8. , .. ,+ ~. ..-. ¯ ~ ~ #a~." *-"¯r. ¯ Eyes examined withou! drops, Newest up-to-date methods¯ Natlsl)~ctlonguarn[lteed.For tl~t-elaa~ Optimal work tBere land nev~slty of olng to Phll~’lelph|a.. My strmkof e Glassesand Spectacles is a~ comte as can be /TJundIn an)" eliy. re~ription ]ensds dupllca~tudat short n0tlc~; Aeenr~v gm~ranteed. Prtce.,~consistentwill) good work. "~kll work dot~’ or] lhe premi>es. .-\. V¢. Ely, 1~)0 All:tulleAvenue, vor¯"Vlr~i~,i;1, ~All:itlt|i’ ~’ity,N.J. 1~:.,q:11 fli~)u:ll I,~/. l~ ; %.-4I .i ~’---"-~---" - ~"-- ,-. . IT2~’ANC’I.A]L. ’ ~ ..’. goung’ Established .1873 . / illionDollar.CamdenSafe Deposit&Trust:Co, )24Feleral St~e_et, camden, N.’J. H[I PIER -capital "7. ............. ........ ....... $]00,000.00 Gvn,,ralAdmissionfoe Afternc~m 3:t0 t- ,~undajy l~.’rening 15e<.1 I TO-~ Evening2.:~ H]PPOI~’ROMEe~ Free SurP!US andUndivided Profits..$95.1~530.53 Assets: ................................ $7,333,826:13. " iil 1 ¯ , ~~n,~,~..-q:.~,+Jm.m : :--. " - r .-+ I-’rl.~, % ..~l.l.,+isE~lelutl)r,trash.., ’,uardmn,-eT,-: Sendfor bookle.t t’eL’lnve toS;lZ-qh.ii)n:ll [211hie a.~ld~VPI’~...\rh-d~. [Hi ". , |[ I|’wills ~tndkin,h’ed subj~.cL-i. (- ’ LORELLOS and n sovereigncure. . - FI N!>~ 3"(’l.kL. ]L-k]g E ll]Jg.’4. I The rapid growtk of the May’s L~},nding Yacht |U lheirwo]]derful.~l:l]Slltion.’ll comedyhigh cablew:leac~,enlith’,l "Elel,h~l.nt Ect-t, lltrhtu t-~." "youbareh,adFair)"l’:,.le..~ m~d M|LtherG~)..-e stories,bm the bile-stand l’,t-stis tlp: one ~)f ~AF]’:])EPO:,II’]" .ilOXj’lS---’f!’:’riY r.nial&2.00and upw~,r,l. Club,whichnow has a membership of ~orethanrift3! Naomi,the humancannonball MAY’8 LAND]NO, N¯ .l.. SATU~1).\Y..’~EPTEMBER 2.5, Ig@,,L promisesa strongorganization at th~ CountySeat]Abbott’s~’De Lyre" Bread ..\ tri;tlwill provethat it has n,)equal¯ for the promotionof yachting on the Great Egg I %Ve al~,)trailyonrattention to rmr C.p C~#kr.*and Pir¯~. In spite of the vituperous’attacks 1 of the outsideHarborRiver.This beautifulwaterwaywill be +Myw-,gonwlllmtll:~ly,mrdr~)rd’~ilywill~ dud i clearedof stumpsand otherobstacles, a pressand the cahlmnious misstatements ~of so-calleddredged n,esh w.nlflasome baker) products. consummation eminently desirable, whicl{willb~ wel-i " " rc4ormers, AtlanticCity,the QueenResortnot only cornedby yach{smen I ABBll’rT’S ", BAMER+I fromthe seacoast munidpalities. } ~w,,,,-~.~: _ T. .-t +,b,,,, >E,pof Americabut of the world,has enjoyedthe most The organizationwill be a powerful factor in l successful and pr,)sperous seasonin the historyof promotingthe growthof the municipality and its popu-’ TheHousewife the municipality. Salubrity of climate, proximity to need ni~t;.,q)end -’ill hvrlimel.,)ol+,in= laritywithSummer.cottagers. large cities and diversityof w~tertainment have over ~ hot slove when securedfor the resorta l,astin~popularity, which of the cannot be injured by the villificafion -of over-zealous The one hundredand fourthanniversary (~ 9~ agitators or themisret,~usentation of spacewriters. oht \Ve.vmouth Meeting House will be observed Untoldthc.usands of peoplefron~,:veryranko[ the prosperity of the oncelivelyvillage lifehavefoundpleasant, restand recreation during,hasoutlived ,~.at her sdrvh’,’. "Lry, l,ur pr,>duets filial[}e t’OllS.’lllt*t-d. the pastseasonin Atlantic City,u hic]ris becomingof \Ve)mouthin whichit was erectedvchosemill+ t)urwng,,n willcall:ltv,)urd,:,ox :o preservethese the Nationalpla.vgTound for rich and poor alike. havelonjzstoodidle_It is wall " I)lik{.ry tla|ly. Fresh v¢lll)l&.+Olllp historic old spot.~, whose associationB art: dear tO pro+lu,.t~. Scoresof importantNationalConventions have been Th~:vforn]a connecting link with tile heldin the resort.F, om ]Castmid West,from+Northposterity. JohnS chusler; Prop., ° " mxa-’,’c~L. and South,men and. wolnenhave gat.heredat this l~l~w Je.rsey. /4ay’s landing, attractive seashore cityto enjoytheirvacations and regain their health Entertainmenthas been proG)~,()("~:]IIE~. vidcdfor everyclass. When a resort has given John Truempy & Sons .plcasur~ to millions’ofpeop!eit mustof necessity .(Sueees~,,rs to D. ~,V. Mc£’lain) estim"~tion of the public that occupya t.)lac~in the Dealera in cannotbe shakenbv its traducers. Fancy.and StapleGr0ceries Th,:~ccessof the resortduringthe seasonof" Hardware, Paints, Baled 19,)9canbestbe learned fron’l the municipal records: of/ ay’s Landingo Hay, Feed, Etc., dt:i,,~sits m the ~ightbanking institutions increased by. hundredsof thousands’ the postalbusinesswas Everymerchantand profifte~:n percent.greater thanlastyeartherailroads gressive busine~ man should carried twentyper cent.morepeopleand the splenctid have a Bank Account and hostelries weretaxedt’o theireat)acity. The number payhisbills with~hecks. His of personswho bathedon the beachwas estimated at ~tanding amongbuslness m en two millionof this numberonly two were drowned, is better" there is no danger and theseit!rough foolhardiness afterthelife-guards ot losingmoney,and every had goneoff duty. checkis a receiptfor the From such a cosmopolitanthrong of visitors paymentmade. some criminalitymight be expected,but it is a In ourinterest Department favprable commentaryon the efficiencyof the wepayyou3 percent. interest splendid Department of.~olice thatth’eFallCalendar on yoursav!ngs, of the CriminalCourtcontainsfewercasesthanin fAs little as onedollar to manyyears,the offences beingof a pettynatureand start with. including not a s~ngleinstance of homicide, burglary Letusstart youright with ¯ "~ or atrocious assautt. Orderwas nph~eldat all times yourBankAccount. and the Department demonstrated its abilityto preservethe peaceof the municipality and safeguard its MAKEPEACE,Presicient, can a cit~;be fn..A citizens andvisitors.Nowhere ....... +~ ~Jp+spopular resort. churches are in a flourishing condition, philanthropicinstitutions are actingthe partof the Good Samaritanto thousandsof poor unfortmmtemen, women and childrenpnd the citizens are highty intelligent and progressi\e. The slightest slatlder on ,the D:OlACof AtlanticCity is an aspersion"on Americanmanhc~-,d. If the regortcontinu~=s to growill popularity it wi]}be nucessary to summon theStatu.Ml,ttta" ’ to move the:Atlantic Oceanseaward to makeroomfor visitors. -, .< o +: The Qr®at+it Number 5chus r Of people don’t givesufficient attent.i6n to theimportantmatterof setectmgan Executor.The o Atlantic SafeDeposit and TrustCo. :is organized underthelaw.Jf.an)of itsofficer.s die,rileym’e succeeded by men eq~.mily ns capabJe.Thetef0re, whentheyare yourExecutor, thereis no chance of t0ss or mismanagementtfirough lhe death of the partyactingin thiscapaciiy. We draw witlsfree_whenappointed Execiators. ----= ..... ;- ,irst ....--- National ,/ " _.. .. - ---~ -_2L-;72-:_ .=" _ ..............."5 ....... -- Thisis the seasonwhencoldsare prevalent.A ATLANTIC COUNTY RECORD. cold is, ordinarily, a triflingillness,makingthe (M.&Y’S LA.~NDLNG RECORD.) possessor uncomfortable, indisposed to mentallabort.. ........ ----T---and provokessudden~emper.It is easyto catch:fhe Puhlished Every Saturday Morning nt May’-~ l_~mding, N-. J. ailment but difficult to get ridoi it unless oneun~erstandsthe physiolo~cal causeand meansof cure.A Readers of ".The Record" may hnv+, their paper mailed tO nn~- cold,primarily, is chusedby the closing of the pores address in the Unitell States w]thoul e.xtr~ charge. Addre~ will be of the skin,wliichmay ensueby meansof draught, chang~l ~ often ,~ de~ire~ Any subscrib~’rwho 5tim t,) rt~-eive "The R~.ord" regularly can exposure to coldair afterbeingoverheated or unwise have the omi.~ionpr,)u)l)tlj"correctedby entering’complaintthe dressing. To curethe illness it is necessary, to open OffiCe¯ "TheRecord" ",,,illbe maih_¯dto i)nymhlrt-s.’, intheUni!edStntes, the pores, whichcat]be doneby nleansof hot drinks lmx~t~.ge prepahl, for $1.25per year.strb’tly in advance¯ and footl)aths. "1"oinduceprespiration willbreak .\dvertiMng patesby .,-atecard~ i!l1~o hlrni.-hcd !tp,)n;tPl)IJ|*;Ltii)I]¯ .~xdd~’t.Lg~"~;All renii|t~,l]L’~iLlid {)t]lt.F bLINI1D "~.~ Ci)IlIIl}l)l]]ea[]D]tS-Iothe eohl in its early stages. This is nature’s / ¯ ".~ ~ .- 8A’F1~ DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT, "I~.00 .L’P. Capital and Profits $460,000 _ , Deposits, $1,600,000 . ’-" :,TheAtlantic 5aleDep0st &.Trust Co., N.E.Cot.Atlantic & NewYorkAyes., Atlantic City, N. J. FL’IIN’tTLrlLE de C.&]{P’E.TS. ® 1!I+11+ ® , ,, X’L’]I~’IT’UIt-~de C.A.RPIgTSf.- an&H gb+ - a N N Let Us FurnishYourSummer Home with Mattingsl Suinmer. Carpets Nand ® Cool,Comfortable: City ~pposite Hall, .Atlantic Gity, . N.J.. , when you buy Pickles ~.50 ~0e0 Capita l...................................................... ~.50,000A~k for tll~eFamous Surplus.. ................................................... ]l~nk, .I" A TLANT’IC CITY, .5". 3". / The benefitof regularattendanevand punctua]its~ in schoolworkis not so wellappreciated by parentsas it should;)e, say the teachers and it will not rc(luircmore than: a cursoryexaminationof the questionto convincethe averagepersonthat theassertion is wet!founded. Certain it is.thechild who presentshimselfat everysessionpromptlyat the opemnghourwill,in the majorityof instances, derivemorelasting benefitfromthe instruction than f the pupilwho attendsirregularly and has a large number of tarav marks to his discreditParents + should see that theirc]]ih]renat,end school regularlyand that they arrive on or beforv the hourfor Opellllig sc.-,sions. $46,000 Undi:vldcd ProflL,~ ...................................... CharlesEvans.]:’resident, Joseph It. BorLon, ~,’]ee-PresidenL" S. D. ttoffman,~econd"Vice-:Pint.ideal, Elwood N. Bartlettf’ash]er. DIREI’TO}’,S Joseph H. Boron, Charles"Evnns J: Hatnes Lipplneottt, ~. D./:loI[man, David Fltzsim,)fis~ Edward S. Lee, {;eorgbAllen, Th/~. K. Reed, .WilliamH. Bl~rlletI. Safe Delx~it Boxes For Rent in Burglar May’s / +. . ~[~-~-[~-[~N No~°IsHouse, The Time Use lib .-¯ N.J.__ To P~int Whena personis in goodhealthis the time to fortifyhimselfagainstdisease,))5"enriching his blood,strengthening his bodyand keepinghis organs it~ good repair¯Low vitality])ringson disease, subj~;cts one to contagionand impairsthe menf"~l ,/ faculties. ]f sickness ensues;a strongconstitution is the best aid to recovery.Good healthis one of the greatestblessings to man and he should’realize the factbeforeit is too fate, . ,.. Landing, i~ILESaqd otherdiseases of -- the re&urnCuredwithout theknife. Treatment painless. Nodelayfrom business.The 1.. Dt:alersin oleomargarine m AtlanticCitywho havebeensupplying hotelsand boarding-houses with tlmtcolnpound in the guiseof butterhavebeendiscouragc~d by the recentarrestof severaIwho broke the pure food law in this manner. Oleo is not poisonous nor is it detrimental to health~ but the law for.bids itssaleas butter andit is important thatthe law be obeyed.There is no restrictionhgainst the saleof oleounderits propername,but fo pawnit off on thepublic as butter is a serious offense. .. ¯ he LargestBottlefor the Priceon the Market. William 1!i+ Lewis, ....... General ]]]turcst attaches to thePrimary b]]ection, which will 1,e hdd throughoutthe State Tuesday next. Voterswho have not been registeredmay do -’soon the day of fht:tAection and casttheirballots ~.-forfavorkccahdidates. The Democrats arc not very activein AtlanticCountythisyearandrthechances are thattheirtick’etwillbe incomplete. Therewill bc -:omeactiveballoting in Atlantic Cityoverseats in (’ouncil"but thereis no do’ubtthat the reg~ar organization candidates will be nominated. The new elc<-tion lawsrelative to the primaries and the keepingo£ s~:parate pollbookswillbe in force¯ J Unequaledin Qualityand Quantity." .. - /, % !J ¯ . .’-_ / o ,. ~ .o / ATLANTIC C<)uNT¥ R.gCORD--MA¥’S LANDINQ N.’J., 4ATURDAY,SEPTeMBER :15, 1909. ’3 7 Freeman, John L., lots 28, 29, block 10, tract A, Induatrlal,Land Development .85 Garsld~,(}eorgeF.,. lot 38, block26, tract A, Industrial Land Development Co.. Oro~,Rudolph,lots 35,’ 36, block10, tractA. Industrial Land Development Co., Hlll,HoraceK,, lots 6, 10, block3, tract A, Industrial Land Development Co.. Hadley,S. B., lots 11, 14, block27, tract, A, Industrial Land Development Co.. Hermlnger;Albert,lot 20, block 12, tract A, Industrial Land Development Cot. Harvey,Josephine,lot 7, block 11, tract C, IndustrialLand DevelopmentCo... Herglshlmer, Annie,lot 40, block 15, tract A, Industrial Land Development Co.. Hergishlmer, Albert,lot ~1, block15, tract A, /ndustrtal Land D~elopment Co.. Jenntng,Frank L, lot 15, block 30, tract A, Industrial Land Development Co.. Love, Jeanette, lot 5, block 8, tract A, IndustrialLand DevelopmentCo ...... Lewis,Orrin F., lot 2, block 10,-tractA, IndustrialLand DevelopmentCo: .... Lee, }]arveyE., lot 11, block10, tractA; IndustrialLand DevelopmentCo ..... Lee. James ~I.. lot 10, block 10, tract A, Industrla] Land Development Co ..... Lounsberry,Arthur-,,M.,lot 1, Mock 30, tract A, IndustrialLand Development / 3.13 Publicnoticeis herebygiven5y ClarkW. Abbott, Collector of TaxesforHamilton Township, Atlantic County, Newdersey,’that he wills6ilat public saie,allthelands, / tenements, hereditaments andrealestate hereinafter mentioned, fortheshortest termforwhichanypers6nor.persons will MclZJnley,.Mary,lot 26, block 1, tractA, . lndustr’la]Land DevelopmentCo ..... Julia, lot 18, block 13, tract A, agree¢o take the sameand’paythe tax s assKssed againstMo:’row, Industrl~dLand DevelopmentCo ..... Mlley. Elizabeth.lot 9: block 1, 10t 35, . b]o(’k9, tractA, IndustrialLand Dethesame,or in feewherenoone-will bid for a shorter term, velopment Co ................... : ........ / .Miller.EdwardW.. lot 37, block27, tract for ~the year 19.08, withtheinterest, andallcosts, fees,Mnrphy, A, Industrial Land DeVelopment Co., ,Maggie,lot 1, block 33, tract A. Industrial Land Deve]opmcnt Co.. The saidsalewilltakeplace’on Mahler. chargesand expenses. Hel.ryA., lot 24, block3, tract’.A: Co ....................... "x at thehourof oneo’clock P. M. at Library Hall.Thesaid lands¯ tenements, hereditaments andrealestate so to be sold O~,,,-n. "f’r;h: 3:" "g," k"i,’lohi," "/i" "t’AJ"£: .-lP.,h~strinl ].a~ndDeVelopment (2o ..... andthenamesof thepersons against whomthesaidtaxeshaveOs:,urn. Mira-W.. lois19, 20, block$. tract B. IndustrialLand Developme’ntCo.. bee leviedon accountof the sameand the amountof taxesPatten.All.-rt.lot 19. block-G""tractA, ln,lui~trial Lan~dDevelopmentCo ..... Proomes.l£}me¢H.. )or 36. block13, tra,’t laidon account of eachparcel, areas follows: B, lndusu’ial Land Development Co.. I’d @- LAND Antonelli. ~.’.~ank A.. lOtS 7b, 3U, section C. Atlanta Lt~nd Co ...................... .-X]’on,)wich. Hvnry¯lot :;73.secttonl]. ~.%th)nt~ LuridCo ...................... ]~;arJ.nt,lome;~. ~]..lois4s1.!£]235.section 13. Atinzzt:~Land Co ................. l~raznn. Giusepp:[ 1ols:]81."2~:;.seclhmC, .\th.’ntaLnnd Co ................... -J l]pllin. FhJllil), Iol :’x.s,’t’li~ l).Atla~ta hand t.’[,............................ Ct*-nlL~lni. Sit]xalt.]’. ]DI~I:~ "~. ]’"4.s~%’t]o~l {.~, Atlanht L-~nd Co ...................... C’arnlt,n;a_ .~a:ni±l’;Llots 162;. -1~7,,sectionB. .~tlanta l.and I’d ..................... ()entile, (]iu.’:PI)l)’:. lots,-,36.i,?i’,,section1~. .,~l]unhl Land t..7o .................... Gr~tl,’ Ht-nry Iot~ ::6, ;9.} 32. 31~.’;5. ~t_*t’lion l-), .~Alanta L.and Cu ............. , Oohhn;tn. t;r,,r~e ]k.lots-tXl. 4.*:’,. set’lion (" .~tlantal.and Co ................ I]LIZZJt:{t’l’l)iJi’do.IOI’T’~. s,’t Ib)n t_’. ALbtDtn ]~,lnd I’t) ..................... OohlmJn. 3;arcus. lots 77. 7:,. 8t, ulJon It, Atlant:~ l.an,l t.’o.................. ¯ .... Ornll]. Henry. lots"_’~,3LL::2.3} 3~}.set:tion1). Athnral.andCo ............ ’.. l, ns ll’~.1:25.sernonD. b:aufnmJ,, l.,,rae], ,\tlnnt~ l.~’~n,l t’o ................... Kurzt,,% )}~r~nard,t,q.115.~,-*tiop13.,Ath~nl;,/].a~ndL’o ....................... ~Marjlott& (]ius,-ppi. lots ~4,x.65, section : B. ,’~hH~tuLan,li’d ]~orri. t,~,ona.l,)t:’,’,6..~e,-r!,-,n ,"Atlanta Land Co ............................... Tax Int. & Costs $ b5 $3.)5 .]3 3.13 .$5 3.15 .43 3.13 .43 3.13 .13 3.13 43 3.I"3 . t3 ,N t!gln}:] ],Ji D0 [’0 Serlo..An;,,ni-. lots.4.354~7. tL .Xtlunta L;ln,t ~’~- 3.18 .43 3.13 .13 3.13 .43 3.13 1.2~ 318 43 2.12 43 3.13 43 3.13 -t:; 3.13 :.l;~ 3.22 ~5 3.15 x5 7,.15 FOSTER ~ EdWard ]{. lot 15, block 12 tract 3.56 .qanson, A. InduStrialLand DevelopmentCcL.q }lenr3", 10t 17. block12, tract~, 4.45..-;anson. Industrial.Land DevelopmentCo ..... Stone, Lyndon K., lot 11, block 3, tract A, 3.56 IndustrialLand DevelopmentCo ..... JamesM.,lots7. 8, 9, 10, block36, " ’-3.56 ."~l~een. troct A. IndustrialLand Development ’. Co .................................... 3.56 ~chQo]e3’, ~HurlJs J.. lot 27. block 10. lract A. IndustrialLand D~’elopmentCo... 3.56 Shove. Robert.lot 2S, block 5, tract 2~. Indust~al Land Develbpment Co ..... 3.56 Stevens, Frank, lot 4, b]oc~ 13, tract A. lnduatrialLand I)eve]opmentCo ..... 5.35 Stone, Frances~., lot 33i block 17, tract A, IndustrialLand DevelopmentCo... 4.00 Stone, :Nathanie], lot 30, block17, tractA. Industrial Lan,.d D~opment Co ..... 4.00 Stone,F.~j’_-",:.{"~ u D~Ve,,Oek 17, tractA, ’ lndu~E~]E~m~ ~opment Co..~.. i~tor~d- " .;-’Z&4~ .~.,. #a~’r- .15 3.15 l?t’ll,~ws I.):]nh-I T. lot 5. bl0;’k ;;t). Ira, ,\. industrial hand Devvh)pnlent Co... 43 3.13 3.56 C,!vmnn.)HchardV.. lot 26, hlock1. trart A. IndustrialLand DevelopmentCo... Cresset..Julia.lot 23. block1i. tractA. ],)ts25.26.blo,.k12.tractt’.Industrial l;]ndl~ev~lopment Co ................ ChafferJoLn~V.. lot 3.% block1.% tract]3. ln,iustrial 1.,andDevelopment Co ...... Chnml),~rlain. VV. H., lots 20 to 40 inclusive.1,lo,-k 1~,.lractA. Industrial Land Development(7o ...................... t~nndit"WilliamE.. lots:;2. :~3. block37, tract A. V’ndustrialLand D~velopment 85 3.15 1.70 3.20 43 3.13 J 1.70 3.20 4.’0 ...... ; ............ - ................ L’admvs.l.:zbert, lot 10, block17, tractA, JL, dustrialLand Develomnent Co ..... ,’or,D~r. EdwardVV.. lots47, 48. block15. --tract A. IndustrialLand Development ~¢i .................................... ~’am[-ron. ]Hvhard. lot :’6,block1. tractA. ]n,h~strialLand DevelopmentCo ...... {’hamb,rlain..Ioseph, lot 29. block3, trm’t A In,]ustrlal I,.,and’Development Co.. ]4,.Rs~,n. Om.,)r,lot.d},blocki0, tractA, IndustrialLand DevelopmentCo ...... l)icks~m.Alvin.lot 5. blo(.k10, tract A. Imh~strlall~nd DevelopmentCo .... D~m~rest. ~’i)]iamE.. lots 32. 33, block16. trm.t A. IndustrialLand :Development (’O ............................... , .... l)ye.-John C.. lot .I. block6, trartB, lndtustrlalLand DevelopmentCo ....... Y)r.xter. :Maryt";..lot42,block13. tractA. IndustrialLan,1 D,we]opmentCo ..... Davidson. Staf’[ord %1,-..lot5. block6. tract A. IndustrialLand Dr.v,lopnwntCo.. l.:]l,P. %’Villi;ira E..lot4. blook10.tractA. ln(~strlalLand DevelopmentCo ..... ]’.~chelbarh..]. G.,lot 26.block12,tract2,, Indnst.rlall~ndDevelopmentCo ..... }.:ls¢l. JohnE., lot~32. 33, block10. tract A. Industrial Land Development Co.. l£1rey. "Harriet E2. lot."~.block1. tractA, ]n,tustria) ].,andDevelopment Co ..... Fray.~on.Anth,my.lots 3. ,t. 5. 6. block 32, tract A. Industrial.Land Dtwetopmerit Co.. Fogletto. Benamin,"lot 22. block2. tractA, . o TnduslrrlalLand DevelopmentCo ..... Fogletto,Angeio,lot 23, block2, tractA. lhdustrlalLand DevelopmentCo ..... Fitzgerald.Joseph,lot 8; block 12. tract B Industrial Land Dqve~opment Co,. :For~rt~an, StaffordG, lats 21. 22. bl~ck3. tract B. Industrial~and Di~velopment ’ Co / j- .85 3.15 43 3.13 .~5 o 3.15 43 3.13 .4-~ 3.13 43 3.13 43 3.13 85 3.15 .43 3.13 .43 3.13 43 3.13 :43 3.1"3 _ .43 3.13 .g5 3.15 .43 3.13 CO 4.45 .43 3.13 3,56 .43 ~ 3.13 .43 3.!3 3.15. 3.13 .43 3.13 .85 3.15 .~3 3.13 .43 3.13 .43 3.13 .43 3.13 :43 3,13 .43 3.13 1.28 3.18 .85 3.15 .43 3.13 .43 3.13 .43¯ 3.13 .43 3.1~ .43 3.13 .43 3.13 .43 3.13 .43 3.13 .43 3.13 .43 3.13 .85 3.15 .85 3.15 .43 3.]3 .85 3.15 .43 3.13 .43 3.13 .43 3.13 .43 3.13 .43 3.13 .43 3.13 .43 3.13. .43 3.13 .85 3.15 ,43 3.13 .43 3,13 3.13. 3.13 .43 3.13 1.28 ~.18 .43 3.13 .43 3.13 .4~1 .3.13 1.70 3.20 .43 3.13 .43 3.13 .4~ 3.13 .43 3.13 .43 3,13 .43 .3.13 ¯ 3.13 3.15 3.40"" ’ 4,11 2.55 4.09 2.55 4.09 .85 3.15 ].70 3.20 1.70 3.20 3.40 4.11 3.40 4.11 .43 3.13 1.28 3.18 1.28 3.18 1.70 3.20 3.13 3%6 3.I3 " 3.56 3.13 3,56 3.13 3.56 3.15 4.00 3.13 3.56 3.13 3.13 i Kill San Jose:Scale" by ~sing " " Bestinsect Destroyer Onthemarket. Manufacturedby the 4.0"0 3.~ . MonmouthChemicalWorks 3.15 3.13 3.15 - 4.00 For ~le by 3.13 "Tax Adams.John I-l.,lois 3, 4, 5, 6, block 5, lots 5. 7, block 2,)0, Mays L~dings 4.00 lmprovementCo ....................... $2.55 3.56 A)le.n,Wilson,lots20, g2, block145,"2days LandingImprovementCo: ......~ ..... .43 3.56 A, ndrews,Virginia,lot 2J,. block24, Mays Landing ImprovementCo ............. .43 3:56Austin, C., lots 33, 34, block 161, Mays Landing/mprovement,Co: ............ .43 3.56 Allen,}leery~M.,lots16,18, block54, :Mays Landing Improvement Co.. .43 3.56 Ackard, Albert-c., lots~9,s0,"t;f&~" D: Mays Landlng Improvement CO...;.. .43 3.56 A]/red.,’~amuel, lots 17, 18, 19, 20, .block 110. Mays LandirrgImlbro.vemen~Co.. = .85 3.56 Alexander, May, lots 1, 2, l,]oL-k175, Ma:ys Landing ImprovementCo ............. .43 3.56 AntSor,:Ferdinand, lots 3’,*.34: block~1, M~.ys I.,andin.gImprovementCo,. .... ¯ .43 3.56 Aml)usll, J. H.. lot 20. block 59. ~Iays Landinglmp~rovementCo. ............ .43 3.56 Bul,’her,Frank, lot 34. block 100, Mays Landing ImprovementCo ............ ". .43 Brewer,J’ohn,lot 35. brock53, ’:MaysLand4.90 ~ng lmpr_ovemcnt Co .................. .43 Bennett.Samuel E.,-lots21, 23, Mock 19, Mays Landing lmDrovement Co ...... .43 4.00 Brown, Joshua, .lot 11, Mock 23, Mays Landing Improvement Co.. .~3 3.56 513.~,s Landing Improvement Co ....... .43 4.00 Benson, "Will-lainK.,lots12,14,15o 18:20, blork 183. 5Iays l.~nding Improve3~56 ment Co. -85 Burough.Helen-E.lot 23~ block 11, ~,lays 3.56 Landing Improvement Co-.. ,..43 Beers. EdwardJ:. lot 23. block "iS."~a~’~ .~ 3.56 l~nding ImprovementCo ............. .43 Brown. Timmas. lots 14. 16. block 151. ~.5~ Mays Landing Improvement Co ...... .43 BfTrow,George,.lots43, 44; 45, block115, 3.56 3lays .Landing ImprovementCo ...... Barrett.Mar)"E., lot 46, block115, :Mays 3.5e Landing Improvement Co .... " . .43 Bach,Philip,lot 6, block132, 2~IaysLand3.58 ing ImprovementCo .................. .43. Bills,Amanda51., lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 15, 17, 3.56 block 150,. Mays Landing Improvement Co .................................... 1.25 4.00 Barbour,.Stephen:M.,-Jots.41 to 46 inclusive,block94, lots 47 to 50 inclusive, block ~ :Mays Landlng Improvement 3.56 CO ................. .. ................. Byrne,John, lots 22, 24, block 182, ~[ays 3.56 Landing JmprovementCo ............. Buckley,:Hat~eL., lot 5, block 150, MaYs 3.56 Landing/=mproyementCo...: ......... Buckiey,Bernardo,lot 6, block 150, Mays 3.56 LandingImprovementCo. : ............ Buckley. Ida V., lot 7, block 150, ’Mays 3.56 Landing ImprovementCo ............. Buckley,Anna M., lot 8, block 150, May‘s Landing ImprovementCo ............. 4.46 Black, ,-Mary E., lot-19,blo~k 22, :Mays l.~nding:ImprovementCo ............ 3.56 Buck¯ James-D., Jots 36,. 38, block 102, Mays Landing Improvement Co. ..... 3.56 Banks.CharlesYV., LOts 5, 6, 7, block152, ~Iays Landing ]morpvement Co ...... 3.56 Batchelo,A]onzo,lots 21, 23, bldck 100, Mays Landing Improvement CO.- ..... "~ Barry, ~ichael, Jot 25, block 97, :Mays 4.90 Landing!reprove.merit Co ............ -r Batt]ey,Robert,Iots 11. )2, block24, :Mays x 3.56: LandingImprovementCv¢ ...........: Barton,ThomasH,lots 17, 19, block ~119, 3.56 ’~Pays Landing improvementCo ...... Burlingame,WilfredE.,-Jott5, block 179, 3.56 2~iays Landtng ImprovementCo ...... John Y.. lots 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 3.56 Basford. block 152, Mays "Landing Improve- " mentCo ....." ....- ...................... 3.56 Braidwood, Eva ~., lot 3, block 24, Mays Landing Improvement Co..3.56 Bryan, Charles, lot 16, block 24:"~Ia~’s =- ,~Oldin hnyQuu;,lity. 3.56. . per-gallon..:....... .............. "............ .4710 cents 3.56 ByPrice thebarxe], pei* ~,allon .................. ..... 40 cents 3.56 3.13 Eieorge HoeneS,, 3.13 3.56.[ 3.13 3.56~ :Int.& Costm TDtall 13.25 $5.80 3.13 3.56 3.]3 3.56 3.13 3.56 CoIogne, N. J. Bought..J Sold and , Exchanged,Mortgage~and Fire lnsur~ce~.- .- 3.~6 WALTERt TOWNSEND, . ¯ 3.56 1 J SouthPennsyh/ania Avet~m~: 3.13 3~13 ’3.15 4.00 -"ATLA.,~°T1C " OITY,~: J. ;5 3.56 3~3, .... 3.56 3.13 3.t3 .3.56 3.1t .3.56 3.13 QuiqkFrint!ng; .3.56 fL .Imn , winiam x.,lot -7: STakTIO~"]~]i-{Xd~ P1RIXTI~Go.... 7" -: .....; ..... .....~ ~z]..~"3.56- ........ Up=to=Date 3A~,3 3.56 3.13 ~ 3.5"6 3.15 4.O0 3.13 3.56 " 3.13" 3.5~ 3.13 "3.56 3.13 3.56 3.13 3.56 .3.13 3.56 3.18 4.48 Stat 0nery: llri st PacificAnd Kentucky Aves., Atlanti¢ City, N.’J.: ". %. 4.44 3.13 3.13 3.56 3.13 3.55 "3.13 3.13 3.~6 : 3;56 3.13 3.56 - JE~W]~LR~’..- _: -. ’: :: M. Friedeberg, : Jeweler/ . ; 3.13 Diamonds, 1 516Atlantic. Ave 3.56Watches, -:" XTLA.~T]C ~T"f, ~. ~" 4.0oJewelry,.FineWatc~’hndClock 3.~60pttcan. .Bell r. .Phone Idl-W 3.13 3.56 3.13 3.15 3.13 t 3.13 2 3.13 3.18 3.13 Berkhelser,William,lots 21, 23, block M, :Mays Landing :ImprovementCo ......." BaB, Theollne,lot 1, block 13, Mays Landlng lmproyementCo ................... Brady.,30sephA., lot 48, block 137, :Mays .Landing ImprovementCO ............. Bartlett,:MamieR., lot 50, block21, :Mays Landing"ImprovementCo .............. Boring, :Mary.F., Jots25,28, 30, 32,34, 36, 38, block 217, ~ay~ Landing Improve, ............ ment Co ............... Brown, Sablna,Jots 9, 10, 11, 12, !3, 14, block 41, Maya Landing Improvement Co CalL, n,Vgl’&’&" E’," 3.40 1.28 1.28 "~O ...... ¯ ........ -,~.. ~o ¯.oo oo,.-~oo~oo Carlisle,Susan,lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Mock 184, ~lays Landing Improvement Co ...... Clainer, "William H., Jot 39, block 115, Mays Landing lmlbrovement Co; ..... Clainer. George1-I.,Jot 1.1,block41, 2~Iays ¯ LandingImprovement-Co............. Colona,Esther,lots 1 to 10 inclusive, block 50, Jot 11, block 204, MaYs Landing ImprovementC0 ...................... Coryell,Albert E., lots 5 to 8 Incluslve, block 53, ~,I~iysLandlng Improvement CO .. : ................................. Cripp,,MarthaE., lots .15, 16, block 110, ~Mays Landing ImprovementCo ....... Cramer, Sarabo l.ot 50, block 208, :MR ys Landing ImprovementCo ............. Carpenter,A. E., lot 5, klock 94, ~lays Landing ImprovementCo .............. Cripp,Alfred,lots 17 tO 30 inclusive, block 110. Mays Landlng’lrnprovementCo.. Corse, Thomas, Jot 9, .block 92, :Mays Landlng .Improvement Co .......... Corse, Wlll i~m~ lot 14, block 92: ,May~ Landing Improvement Co~ ..... Cope, George:F_,,, lot 3, block 104, ~ay~ Landing Improvemen~Co ........." .... Corse~Henry,Rrt 9, block128,."MaysLanding ImprovementCo ...... ............ Cope, Thomas ~]., lot 4, block 114, :Mays Landing ImprowementCo: ............ Cassey,Joim J., lots 9, 10, block48, ,Mays Landinglmpi, ovementCO .......... ..Clarrmr,GeorgeF., lot 41.Tblock115~,Mays Landing. ImprovementCo .........;.¯-Com]ey, James H.. lot 6, block 64, :Mays La~ding lmpruvement Co.. Cla~k. J,mes A..Jotsla.15.Li~ii’ii< Ma.vs Landing ImprovementCo ....... Cook,P,’il]iam }l., lots 1, 2. 3. 4, 9, 11, block"224. lots 40, 42. 47, block20], 10is.l,2. 3, 4, 9, 11, block208,.iM~ys Landinglmpro~:ement .Co ............. Cutler.Silas "W.. lots-18,20, block 152; Mays Landibg Improvement Co .... ,.; Cummings, Charle.% lot 32, block 104, Mays Landing ]:mprovementCo ....... Collins,James1-I.,lots :15,:17, block65, Ma.vs Landing ImprovementCo ....... \ Clark. Alexander,lot 19, block 60, lois 5. 6. tflock93. iVI-aysLandingImprove= .... mPnt Co .......................... ’~4 ." Curran.~IinnieM., .lot36, block2Z , ~Ia~s " Landing ImISrovementCo ........ ..... Currnn,]Bridget,]ots 38, 40, block 224, :Mays Landing Improvement Co.. " Chattln,DanielI4., Jots 1, 2, block161, ~lays Landing Improvement Co." ..... Carpenter,George, lots 6, -7, block 222, :Ma.vs Landtng ImprovementCo ....... Clark. Harry EL, lots 10,. 12, 20, 22, 24, <~" r"block 109~Mays Landing ImprovementCo...-~’. ....... :.,................. Cauley,James H., lot 42. block 202, :Mays Landing Improvement Co ...."... Carry,:MaryJ., lots 39, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46,. block 395, Mays Landing Ir~Pr0vement Co .............. ....,............. Cameron, Wallace, lots 1 to 8 Inclusive, block 217, Jots 1, 2, block 218, :Mays LandlngImprovementCo ...... - ...... Colloren,J. Edgar,lot 49, block15, :Mays LandingImprovementCo- .... -. ........ Doe, John F., lot 9, :block21~ Mays Landing Improvement Co, l~dge,LUCy J., lot 10, "-bi’~lcT’i0","l~la~ LandingImprovementCo.~ ............ Dolan, ~laryB,, lots 9, 11, 13, 15, block 109, :Mays Landing ImprovementCo... Dlxtman,:Fred,lots 1, 2, block 104, Mays Landing:Improvement Co ........,,~.. Delmont,Antonio,lot 14, block_liB,Mays Landing Improvement Co .........~ .. 4.00 I)Rsoh,Har~$"S., lot 16, block104,.:Mays Landit~;ImprovementCo.:::.:.:..-.,. 3.55 " Dobbins, ~orge, mrs 1~, is, .nIOCK ZZ~, Mays :~ar~ding ImprovementCo..~l,. v .T,.lots48, 49, 50, b ocK 4L00 Datle’y,WllllV&qn 105. Ma3"s:I~ndtng Improvement Co.. Davenport,~Vllllam ¯ H.. lot 16, block218, Mays Landing- ImprovementCo ....... 3.16 Dennis. It. O. W,,-lots 3, 4, block 152, :Ma~s Landing ImprovementCo ....... 3.5~ Down, J. W., lots 11.-13, block 28, Mays LandtngImprovementCo ..... ........ I>amell.Laur~ I3., lot 25, blOCk140, Mays 3.55 ’LandingImprovementCo. ............ " Dlckson,Ellen, lots 42, 47, 4g, 49, block 182,. ~.Y% Landing Improvement Co:. 4100 :Daley,Ann,ejtot57, blocg ~, ~ays ~anolag ImproVementCo ........... ,’:’7==: Deaton,Will,tinH., 10ts 19, 21, blocgl-~o, Maya Landing Improvement Co ....... 3.5~ Dickinson.WJlllam,lots 29. $1, block M, Mays LandingImproverr~nt. CO, ;... ~, --|.5~ Both Phones32. -OFFICE, 7= " ATT.,~TIC cErY,N. JJ -~ % -:’. Mill and:-Yard: Missouri AboveBaItic ? ~.28 2.55 2.55 tv 2.55 1.70 .43 .85 1.28 ld0 .$~ ...85.43 .45 ; ,.43. .85 / .43 243 4.49 7..04 3.15 ". .- 3.56 3.13, 3.56 3.13 I - When,You Are In: Need. Lumber -.j 3.56 / ill Werk I. t .1.28 3.]5 ? 4.00 -3.13~ 3.56 ’ Giv£us a Trial.-, 3.13 3:56 We Make. To May’s Landing. 3.13 3.56 ~ 3.13 3.56 3.i~: 4.00 3.13: z~6 3.2,) 4.46 HenryKann:- ::: ,Lumber : -- Phone’2-0a. Egg" 3.20 3.13 ~.56 "’- 3.13" 3.56 "3.13 3.56 3.20 4.90 3.I3 3.56 The 3.13 3[56" 3.13T 3.56 3.13 3.56 K15 4:oo 3.13 3.56 3.13 3.56 3.13 3,56 3,13 3.5 ¯ per:annum, in) 3.15 4.00 3.t3 3.56 "- 3.13 3,55 - 3:15 4..00 " ¯ will be addressin the States, paid, for -¯ : " L_’: - . . . _. -f --’.-5 ~7 ff..L’= .o - N. Missouri o, ;. # .43 1.70 .2 . / 3.13 1.70 . ............................. UnknownOwners,lots 24. 31, 32, 38, Ifloek 18, ~tract B, IndustrialLand DevelopmeritCo ............................. ,. 3.65 unkno~#~’2Owners;lots 36, 39, block 23: traefL~B,IndustrialImnd DeqeJopment 3.56 Co ::,.....: .................. , ............ 1Unk-flownOwnel~;lots 34,. 35, block 1, react C, IndustrialLand Development 4.00 " Co ..." .................................% 43 1:28 co.............................. :"i~" 3.18 3.13 1.70 ¯ ......... Unknown. Owners, . iota. 19, 29, block , tract B, IndustrialLand Development .43 3.40 4.00 Unknown Ownera, lots 27, 28, bl~k 14, tract B, IndustrialLand Development 1.28 .85 ...... 3.15 3.15 , " CHE~HCAL. . .............. ...... -5 ..... ~. ...... 4.00 bloek I8, Mays LandinR Impl’ovement 30. tract A. 4ndustrlalLand Developmen t Co ................................ 4.00 UnknownOwners,lots 21, 22, 37, 35, block 31, tract A, IndustrialLand Development Co ............................... 4.90 UnknownOwners,lots 2. 26. 29, 30, 31, 32, 3,3,34. :;8.40,block32, tractA, Indus3.56 trial Land DevelopmentCo ........... UnknownOwners,lots 21, 22, 24. 25. 26, 27. 28, 29. 30, 38, 39, 40, block33, tract 4.90 A. Industrial Land Development Co.. Unknown.Owners,tots 1. 2, 3,-5. 6, 7. 9, ]0. 1], ]2. 16, ~,0,block1, tractB, In4.00 dustrialLand Development’Co........ 3.56 Unknown Owners, lots 10, 24, 25, 33, 34, 37. 38, block 3, tract B, Industrial Land Development¯Co ................. Unknown Owners, lots 24, 25, block 4, 4.00 tract B. Industrial Land Development r C0 ........ ..... ¯ ......... ,. ....... .oo. 3.56 UnknownOwners, lots 24, 25, 39, block 5. tract B, lndustrlal Land Development 3.56 3.56 UnknownOwners,lots I, 2, 5. 22. 24,.39, block 6, tract B, IndustrlalLand Development Co ....................... <.. 3.55 UnknownOwners,]0ts I, 2, 5, 12, 15, 36, 39. 40, .block 7. tract :B, /ndustrlal Land DevelopmentCo... .............. 4,00 Unknown Owners, lots 21, 22, 35, 36, 37. 8, tract]3, Industrial:LandDek’55 block velopmentCo ......................... 3.55 UnknownOwners,lot 38, block 9, tract B, IndustrialLand DevelopmentCo ..... 3.56 I.nknownOwner~,lots 7, 15, 16, 20, block 12. trsrt B.- IndustrialLand Develop% m,-ntCo ................................ 3.56 Unknown Owners. lots 26. 27, block 13, tract :B. IndustrialLand J)evelopment 3.56 .85 .85 mell [ "{~O ............................... I’nknown Owners. )ots 3, 4. 15, 18. block Co .......................... 3.18 I n’J ~nt CO ..................... ’ ......... UnknownOwners, lots 1, "2. 10. 11. block 29. tra,,t A, lndustrlatLandDeveJop4.00 tra,.’~ A..n,lu.-:t.’ial Landl~rvelopm~-nt t,23 -.-~ A, In _ .w_=velopment Co... Total ]~r~re~o~s-2"ff,’30, block 8, tract $’.43 $3.56 Unger, 35, FosterPlan ....... B, Industrial Land Development Co.. 5, 26. 27,28. 37, Fos. ...... 1.28 3.18 4.46 UnknownOwners,lots 4, 6, 7, 12, 14, 16, . ..~ .......... ....... 17, 18; 19, 22, 32, 37, block1, tract~; 3.56 43 3.13 Iota 12. 13. Fo~terPlan.. IndustrialLand DevelopmentCo ..... lots IlL 11. 33. 34. 3.13 3.56 UnknownOwners,lots 8, 10, 11, 12, 25, 26, 43 ,,n ........................... ~7, 28, 29, 30, block~, tractA, Indus/ 3.56 .43 3.13 li],lots 23. 3S. FosterPlan.. trla] Lmmd-I:~velopment Co ........... 3.15 4.00 Unknown .85 lots 397, J98, FosterPlan ~Owners,lots 5, g, 9, 12, 13, 14, .-t3 3.13 3.55 H.; lot 15. FosterPlan.. 15. 30, 33, 34, block3, tractA, IndusOwn,rs.lots 1.% 1.% 20; 21. 39. trial Land DevelopmentCo ........... 42. 43. 44, 45. 46, 49. 50,51. 52 Unknown Owners, lots-8, 21, 23, block 5, "2 Inclusive; 163, 164. 166, Foster tract A, IndustrialLand,Development 5.79 33.33 27.54 C0 .oo.....~..... ....... .o...oo...o.~.UnknownOwners,lots "2, 3, 4, 28, 32,-33, FA ~ S. GLOUCESTER 37, block 9. tract A, IndustrialLand DevelopmentCo ....................... ! Int. & Costs ’Total -~.. Tnx UnknownOwners.lots 1. 9. 12, 19, 20, 23. L:r~’~. ~vnjanlln. 2° IICI’t’S. lot 970. , ,~..all 38, block 10, tract A. IndustrialLand 5(80 ]-~arn]s .................. ’~.55 3.25 ~ DevelopmentCo ....................... 1. Charles. 1o arres, ~ el lot ~67, Glou170 3.20 4.90 UnknownOwners,lots 1, 4. 5. 7. ~, 9, 11, cester Ferns ....................... 12. 20,21. 29,33, 39.40, block11.tract Mary¯10 acr,-s.~.~ of lut 955.LieuA. IndustrialLand DevelopmentCo... 4.90 1.70 3.20 " ces.tcr Farms.......................... Unknown Owners.lots 1. 7, 8. 23. 24, 27. myrt,.Rufus.20 acres.1Ol :)45.Gloucester 29, 34, 35. 36, 37..38,39, 42, block12, 17,) 3.20 4.90 Farms ............................. tra~:t ~, IndustrialLand :Development ,’4~.hmidtz. Fa’nnie.In acres.~ of lot 939, CO .................................... 3[20 4.90 ~tOtlt.es ter Farms ..................... -1.70 Unknown Owners. lots 21. 45. block 13, Smile.Jane.-t0acres.1ot.’~ 1032. 1~)~8. Cloutract A; IndustrialLand Development 6.67" Z.4O 3 27 ts:ster Farms ........................ Co .................................... _ The VVc-sr’a-rsey TitleCo.. 4I) acres,lot Dwners.lots 1. ’22, 23, 27, block 3 27 6.67 Unknown 10,)5.Gloucester -Farms............... 340 14. ~ract A. IndustrialLand DevelopVosteen.J.. 50 acres,lot 999. part o! lots ment Co .............................. 1°.00 !064 1110. 11!1.1128.GloucesterFarms .9,.50 3.55 UnknownOwners,]ot~ 11, 13. 14. 15, 5lock \Vrlgtit. Elias.20 ncres,lot 954. Gloucester 15. tract A, IndustrialLand Develop5.8o Farms 2.55 3 25 meritCo .............. : ............... Unknownt)wnms.~.~.of lot 936. lots 952, Unknown Owners,lots 6, 11, 12, 31, 39, 40, 955.95¢,.96%969.971¯976,989,992.993. block 16. tract A, Industrial Land Dee 996.997.99.~.1004,1011,1013,1030.1031 vclopmentCo ......................... lo3"2.}~. of lot ]h35.~ of 1036,1037. l’nknownOwners,lots " 4, 11, 12, 13, 15, 103.%1012.I *-13 1084,108K Gloucester 16. 17, 18. 25. 26, 28, 35. 36¯ 37, block 2S.9o 5.83 34.73 Farms ................................ 17. tract A. industrialLand Develop- .mentCo .......................... ; .... INDU.~TRIAL LAND DEVELOPMENT CO. UnknownOwners.lots 5. 20. 21," 22, 27, 28, "~ block 18, trnct A, IndustrialLnnd DeTotal Tax Int. & Costs velopment Co ......................... i]arlow Al~nlr. lot 17, block 12. tray/ .A, $3.56 Unknown owners, lots 3 4, 5 2~ block 19, IndustrialLand Devt.lopm;mI (’o ...... .-13 $3.13 - tract A. IndustrialL, ahd "Deve)opment Bunkorb.off.Rnlph. lots 27. :’g. 29. 31, CO ............................ ..o.,... bl~,r, k- ,4){’o tra(t A, Industrial LandDevP/opnl#nt ..........: ........... 4.90 Unka~wn Owners. lots 23. 26. 27. 28, 29, 1 7*) 3 20 30. 3]. 32. b]ocR25, tractA. Industrial ]L~,.,)n. ,+tel. l~yron(’..lot15. hh)ck Land :DevelopmentCo ................ t~tctA. In,h].-.t/-~al Landl>evelopment 3.56 UnknownOwners,lots 1, 14, 15, 17. 20, 3;). 43 3.13 21. 32, blovk 26, tract A. Industrlal l:hi,k[q~.ol:n1".l,~t26.block16 tract:A. Land DevelopmentCo ................. 3.56 tn,lustri-~l l.andDev~-lopl~p’nt ,~,)...... 43 3113 t’nknownOwners. lots ]. 7. 8. 9. 12. 13. lh.(t*]..<:’l’¢nn,~s D..lot22.blo,’k12.tract 15.16.19, 22,28. 29,30. 31,32.33, 34. A. tndusl,ialLu’nd DevelopmentCo.. 3.13 ~.5~ 43 :’~;.t0. block27. tract A. Industrial l;l;t~,~n ]~.el,i-,-t:t o_. ">tract ¯ .I.lot18.block Land De~’elopmentCo ................ A. lndnslrial Land Developnlent Co... 3.56 .43 3.13 l_:nRnown Owners,’-Tats 1, "2. 24. 25, block I~;,k~..". Matlie.lot.21.block3. tractA.. " O ’ ,8. trnr.t A, IndustrialLand Develop3.56 lpduslri’_-ll 1.andl)evPlopme-nt Co ...... .43 3.13 osts $2.13 ];r.?)k. /_".~lar],~sI,.. Iot~ 38..,4"¯".block 17, 3.15 .43 a .43 ma en t (:o ............................... , 3.13 .43 ....... #,’,’Lion 3.13 1.2~ Poli’nll,’. ~¯r~ln, ’ ~- sP a. 1ot "; ~) "-).s{~Ption (*. A tlar~t.n l~tnd t.’u ..................... Y’erkhlll. V. ~V...lots 126.435.-t3~,439,580¯ h;,_....Tier,. ~;ectJon C.Atl;inta l.mnr] Co., ]=lutinr,. Fortunati. lots-t3"i44u,section C¯ i’ar.£er. Josc;.bH.. lot 38. block10. tract t’. hnlustrialLand DevelopmentCo... I’osi.WilliamH.. lol 27, block3. tractA. IndustrialLa~d l)eve]opmentCo ..... l£mma,lot 20. baock25, tract A, Total ;:r)eppe. IndustrialLand DevelopmcntCo ..... Rose.Albert]’i.lot14,1,block2, tracl~a., $4.00 i IndustrialLand DevelopmentCo ..... John ]I,. ]6t ], block25. tractA, 3.56 l,’npp, IndustrialLand Devc]opmentCo ..... Rigg, Mary E., lot 23. block 32. tract A, 4.00 Industriall.~nd 1)eve|opmcnt Co ..... JamesC., lots6, 7, block1, tract 3.56 llobbins. B. Industrial].and DevelopmentCo.. .gchwe’ne.k. Elizabeth B., lot 43, b)ocR12, 3.56 trnet A ]ndnstrlal Land Development {20 ................................. :.. 3.56 Smith. SamuelG.. lot 3-’2, block3, tractB, Industrial l~nd Development Co. .... 3.56 .~tubbs.Samuel,’lot 28, block13. tractA, Industrial~tnd I)evelopmenff Co ..... 3.56 .’~(.lmck. James~V..:lot28,Flock3, tractA, Industrla]Land DevelopmentCo ..... 4.47 -q]ort.SelenaM., lot 17, Mock 1, tractB, IndustrialLand DevelopmentCo ..... 3.56 Sw,’~lh]lke, Robert.lots 15, 16, 17, block 17, tract A. InduStrial/#and Develop3.56 CO. .85 ¯ " ............. IndustrialLand DevelopmentCo ..... Morris,JosephF., lot 11..block7, tract~, IndustrialLand I)evetopment Co** .... Moore.DavfdE. L., lot 3,- block11, It’ract A, Industrial Land Development Co.. Ml-tchner, ]satah,lot 2, block.11, tractA, ]nduslrial]_,andDevelopmentCo ..... Merket.CharlesJ,. lot 3. block 13, tract A, Industrial Land Development Co.. Neal.CastellaJ.. hit 18, block1, tractB. lnd~)strialLand DevelopmentCo ..... Newburn,Alice. lot 18, block 17. tract A. lnduslrialLand DevelopmentCo ..... Nelson.Thomas,lot 23. block 13. tractA. Industriall,and Deve]’opment Co ..... N,.ssler. Charles I’]..lots18. 20.blo’ck16, ,A. Industrial1-and Development .tra,-t Co ..~t................................. N,,wlin..]v_n]vs.E.. lots 19. 20. ’b)oek9, trart A. Industrial1.~nd Deve]~)pment ATLANTA a.15 b UnknownOwners,lots 2, 17, 18, 19, block .. 6, tract C. IndustrialLand Develop4,00 meat Co .............................. ~ .85 Unknown.Owners, lot 22, block12, tract C, Industrial Land Development Co ...... 43 3.56 UnknownOwners,lot 40; block 17, tract C, 4.00 IndustrialLand :Development-Co ..... ~".43 Van Etten,Clara E., lot 2, block 29, tract 4.46 A, IndustrialLa6"d DevelopmentCo~.. .43 Vorhees,PeterE., lot ]0, bloc~k11, tract 4.00 A, ]nd~s~al I~nd DevelopmentCo.,. ¯ .43 Weyeth,Walte~r, lots 22, 23, block1~, tract 3.56 A, Industrial Land Development Co .... 85 Wright,Oeorge,lot 29, block13, tract A, 3.56 IndustrialLand DevelopmentCo ....’. .43 Werter~Simon, lot 30, block 16, tract A, 3.56 Industrial Land Developn~ent <~o. ..... 43 o Williams, J. A., lot 44, block~14, tractA, 3.55 Industrial Land Development Co ....... 43 Wlner,.Harry T:-, lot 13, block29, tractA, 4.00 In~lustrial Land :Development Co. ..... 43 ~¢llllams, :MAyJ, lots 6, 7, block10, tract 3.56 A, !ndustrial-La~dDevelopmentCo... .85 Wtnes,GeorgeS,, lot 2, block30; tract A, 3.5# 7ndustrlalLand De~;elopment~.o ..... .43 "Wesner:John. lots 29, 32, b)ock 31, traet 3.56 A, Industrial Land Development Co .... 85 ~,Vestervelt, Edward.lot 14, block12, tract 3.56 A. IndustrialLafld DevelopmentCo... ~ .43 "~ells.SamuelY.. lot 6. block.30, tra~t.A, lndustrlal Land Development Co ...... 43 3.56 Wells He]?n, lot 5. block 11. tract C, --Ind0strin] Land Development Co ...... 43 3.56, MAYS LANDING I MI~qOVEMENT 4.46 . .- . ¯ ...¯ .. - -" " I Kane, Georg~ 0., lot 12, block 90, Mays Landing Improvement Co ............. ..~. King, Eliza J., lot.s 23. 24, 25, 26, block ¯ 3.56i 204, Mays Landing Improvement Co .... ~5 Kumpf, Kate, lots’t6, 18, 20. block 52, lots 3.56 ’ 1, 2, hlock 159., lots 18, 20, 24, 2(6 b’ock ._.,_ ._ t 169, lots 29. 31, block 172, lots 31, 33. 3.56 35, 36, 37, 35, 39, 40, block 16. Mays Landing Improvement Co ............. 3.40 3.56 Klrkbrlde,.A.. :hi., lots 7, 8, block 7, :Mays Landin~ .Improvement Co ............. .85 4.00 Langston, William 13., lot 33, block 134, Mays Landing Improvement Co ....... .43 3.56 Lewls, Sadie A., lot 32, block 16, :Ma.vs Landlng~ Improvement Co ............. .43 3.56 Llnke, A., lot 18, block 16, iMays Imndlng Improvement Co ........ .¯ ............ .43 3.~,Ai Lee, Elizabeth. lots 26, 28. bloek 100, Mays. Lamling Inu)rovement Co ....... ,43 3.56 Lawler, Jantes. lots 2, 3. blo(’k214. ~,lass l.~indingllnpltovelncnt I_’O ............. .43 3.’56 Lewis..,]amesH.. !oi.s 35, 37, 39. 41, Mock" 116. Alays Landing Improvcment Co. .85 4.00 |~ngston,.’%lsariP.. lots 29, 31. block r04. Mays Landing Improvement Co ....... .43 ;L56 Lenker, P. J.. lots 29, 31, 33. block 145. Mays Landing Improvcment Co ........ 3.56 Lan,h’y, Pete]¯. M., lots 35.:37. 39. 41. 43, 45. 46, .bloek 140, Mays Landing Imi)rovemen t Co ......................... 4.00 1.28 Lyn,:~. Patriek, 10t 19, block 20, Mays Landing Improvement Co ............. .43 3.56 Lee. James 1]., lots 45, 46, block 51, ~lays l~andlng Improvement Co ............. .43 3561 Lewi2,~ So}lie A., lots 28~ "30. block-165, °.,,ay= " Landing lmprovument Co. Lowber, John L.. lot 21, block 193. ~lays Landing improvement Co ............. 3.56 McGovern. Annie. lot 37, blovk 94, :Mays Landing Improvement Co. ............ .4.00 M’cCm’ly. James, lots 36, 38, 40. 42, block 4..~0 ~ 127. Mays Landing Improvement Co. MeC~r,ly. S. J., lot 17, block 145, ~Iay~ J,anding Improvement Co..,...:’/ ..... 4.00 McIlvane. 1-~’udence,lot~ 45. 46, Mock 104. -Mays Landing Improvement Co ....... 4.90 McDaniel, Jolm¯ lots 7, 8, block 51, Mays . Landing Improvement Co ............. 4.00 McCann, George I.’.. lots 18, 20, block 185. Mays Landing Improvement Co ....... 3.56 McCoy. Lawrence, lot 13, block 179, ~Mays Landing Improvement Co ............. 3.~ Mt.(’lelhind. Margaret¯ lots ~7.-2S. 1)lock 1.’,). ~lays ]_a~nr]ingImprove~nent Co. 3.53 3h-Cl,lh)ugh,James. lot 13, block 16, ~lavs I,anding lmprovem~nl Co ............. Fannie. lot 5, block 20, Mays 4.00 McMullin. Landing lmprovenaent Co ............. 3.56 LandingImprovement Co ............. 3.]:~ 3 1:; 2 15 4.20 3.13 3.13 3.15 / 3.56 Mct’arthy.Vi’illiam,lot 10. block 23. 5lays Lan,ling Improvement Co ............. 4.nn M,.C,mamons. L.x-0ia. lots 41. 43. 44. blovk 15,¯ Ma.vs Landing Improvem,.nt (?o. 2.5g McMnhon. Margareq, lot 10. block. Z’2,1, .Ma.vs Landing ]mt)rovement Co.: ..... Estate...Thomas. lots 41, 42. 3.56 McAnr,m block 125¯ Mays Landing lmpi’oventent C’.o........ . ..................... 3.56 McCarty. Rose, lots 3, 4, 5. 6. 9, l:k 15, 17. "7, 2S. 29, 3) 31. 32. 33. 34, :;5. 36. 3.5~ 37. blo(k 127. lots 9. 11. 13¯ 15. 17. 19. 21...,,"" 25, 27. 29, 31. block 223. lots 3.56 23, 25. b]ot’k217. lots :-, 5, 7, 10. 12, 1-t.16. block219¯"lots 1..,’~ 3. 4. block 3.56 240, 5lays Landing l~provement Co. McCallin. Jr., John, lots 47. 48. -19¯ 50, 3.5B l)]ock 169. Ma.vs Landlng Jml)rovement Co ............................. 3.5~ Mcl)owell. ])anicl]I..)ors 29. 3(}, blockll)l). Mays I,andlng Improvement Co ....... 3.56 McFadden. Eugene. 10ts-’[O, 12. block 49, Mays Lan,li~g lmprov~ement C,) ....... 3.56 Moss. William J.. lots ] to 21} incluslve, I)lock 15, *Iays Landing Improvement Co .................................... 4.46 Monloolh Estate. E. A.. ]ots "2, 4. 6, $, 10, 121 17, 18. 19. 20, block 25. 5Iay~ 3.58 Landing Improvement Co ............ : Muhh’od. ~’illiam, lot 10. block 9. 5lays Landing Improvement Co.* ............ 7.51 Meskimen. Chartes ]%. lots 1 to 50 Inelusive, block 60. :Mays Landing Im3.56 provemen t Co ............ , .....: ..... Murta, Charles. lot 6, Mock 12, Mays l.ainding Improvement Co ............. 1.00 Mitehe)L Edward. lots 32. 3t, block 106, Mays Landing Improvement Co ....... 4.90 Maybary. B. J.. lots 1. "L block 97. ~.Mays Landing hnprovement Co ............. 3.56 Mnlock¯ Horn~an G.. lols 1. 2. 3, 4," 5. 6¯ 9, 11. :13,-15, 17, 19, block 121¯ .~lays Lan,]|ng Improvement Co ............. 3.56 Mnrlin. .’Z, idncy A., lots 10. 12. 14. block 2o6. Mays Landing Improvement :Co.. 4.00 Mitchell, ~Char]es D.. lot 21, block 12. Mays Landing hnp~.-ovvment Co.’ .... John L., lots 43, 44, 45, Mock 4.90 Morris, "2"26. 5fays Landing lmprovefi]entCt)... 3.56 Miller. Samuel ].’.. lot 9. block lU8. Mays Landing Improvemenl Co ........ , .... Thomas. lot 29. block 119, 5lays 3.,~6 Miller. Landing Imj)rovement Co.." John" J.. lot 17, block"i:t2."~l’i(.~’; 4.00 Morris. l.:]nt]iilg ]inl)rovem~nt 17o .............. Silos J4.. lots 49. 50. block fi2. 3.56 Malb)ck. ~I"~3"s Landing 1]nproven-~en!{’o ...... ~|ary, lot 49, 1>lock 1-t:,. ~Inys K56 Ma,.omb. 1,andlng Improvement Co ............. ~ Marl,r¯ M ~" -~ .? _’. -o-~ ,~l.v~ ~V17~.’. 7." ........ Martin. John S.. lots 43. 44, 45, 46, "block 3.56 229, Mays "Landing ]mprove, ment Co.. Mur,.er. ~mma .A.. lot 19; blovk 193. Mays ~.SB - Landing Improvement Co.; ........... Marshleck. John. lots 1,,," 9. block. 60. Mays Landing Improvement ~’o ....... 4.4£ Morrow. Elizal,elh.lots 31. 33. 35. block 9. 3h x-s I.nn,ling ]n]provement Co ....... 2.7,6 Maguir’~. 7W. .’¢ .. lots 21. _,~ "’" 25. .... 27, o,} 1,1o,.’Ri2U 51aJ-sl,;,ndinglnrlnovement 3.5fi i’,j. ,25~ I’:~,l,:er.Pt>terH.. lot 20. 1-,]’oek92, Mays Ldllldin~z J/~-.,21"OVOn]ont 2.55 4.04 43 3.13 .43 3,13 3.I3 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.15 3.13 3.15 3.18 3.13 3.13 .3.13 .43 3.’13 ¯4.~ 3.13 .43 3.15 1.85 3.21 3.1;; .43 3.1: .43 3.13 .43 3.13 .43 ,a.la .i3 3.13¯ - .43 3.13 .43 3.13 .43 3.13 43 3.13 .43 3.13 .85 3. t5 .4& 3.13 .-t3 3.13 4.89 .85 3.15. .43 3.13 .$5 3.1o. .85 3.15 1.70 3.20 .43 3.13 3,40 3.27 43 3.13 .43 3.13 .43 3.13 12.45 3.67 .85 3.15 .,t3 3.13 .85 3.15 .43 3.13 .43 3. I3 .43 3.13 .43 3.13 43 "- .3.13 .$5 3.1L i 1.70 .43 . ]’~ n.-:e,l,nvh’L _ ~ot " 42. b]o°k 92. Ma.vs lAtlldi/l~tr~rovenl ÷n t Co ............. .43 Pntt,nl.Albert. /ms1.%21. Mo,.k 14], ~la3"s 4.5/I I.anding lmm’ov~mont Co ............. .43 }’;u’tingl,m.Geos~t. lots 13. 15. block 151. Mays Lnnding Improvement Co ....... t3 ~;74 I’,,ll,,ck.Annie. ;ots Y.. 4. block 88. Ma.-~ l,anding lmprovcml,>ntCo..- ........... .43 Poll,, k. ~Villiam.lots 5. 6, block 85, 5lays g71 l-on,ling Improvement Co ............. .43 P,)llnck. .Toh/>. lots 1. "2; block $,% Mays a.5£ Landing Improvement Co ............. , .43 I’la).l.1t. lg..lots 3. 4. 5. block17,.lots 7. 4.,)0 % Block 146. lots 7. g. block $6. Mays # l~nding Improvoment (?o ............. 3.S~, I’,)rt~r. Eline. lot 15. block ]52, Mays 1.28 ,, I:anding Improvement Co ............. .43 Port,@. Thomas o.. lots 1. 2. 3, block 195, 4.90 Mays Landing Improvement Co.. .85 Emma F.. lots 9, 11, block t’9"5: 4.00 Porter 5Iays L,’mding Improvement Co ..... 4 .43 P):i)ljl)s.15". H.. lots 43. 44. 45. 46. block91. ~Mavs Landing Improvement Co... .g5 4.00 Phillip.% Ida. lot 41. Mock 91, ~Ia.vs Landing Improvement {2o .................... 3.56 Pike. Irwin 15".. lots 39. 40. block 11; lots .43. 12. 13. 14, 15. block 3, Mays Landing 4.00 Improvement Co ...................... 1.70 Polk. ~l.arj". ]ots 13, 14.15, 16. block 5, 4.90 Mays Landing Improvement Co ...... 1.70 Albert T.. lots 3; 4. block 175. 35~ Peavoek. Mays Landing Improvement Co ...... .~5 ,7. Baln, lot 3, block 167, Ma)’s 3.56 Padln. Landing Improvement Co ............. .43 Emaline A.. lots 18, 9,20, 22, 24, 26, 3.56 Pernot. 2,%-30. 36. 3S. 40, 42; 47. 48. 49, 60, },look 107. Mays Landing Improv.ement 3.Y,6 Co .......... . ............................ 3.40 ]thlnehart. Emily C.. lots 1 to 8 inclusive 3.56 l>]ock 26, lots 39 to 45 Inclusive,block 206, lots 18, 20, 22, 24. block 142, Mays 356 Landing Improvement Co ............. 2.55 3.5~ Rblnehart.Herbert. lot 13. block 215, ~,lays Landing :Improvement Co .............. 43 3.56 P,,qnh¯k,%1/. 1!.. lots 14. 16, block 62, lots 10. 12, 2,% block 62. Mays Landing Improvement Co .......................... ~5 8.74 Reminglon, C. F.,. lot 18; block 24, Mays Landing Improvement Co .............. 43 3..~6 Rund]e. George A.. lots 15, 16. 17. blo6k 28. " Mays Imndlng Tmprovement Co. .85 3.~,6 Rock. Sarah. lots 3B, .28. block I04, M’a~’s Landing lmproveme’nt Co .............. 43 2.~& P, oome. 15-. tI.. lot 10, block 179, ~Iays "" T.a]’*,llng ImProvement Co .............. 43 3 56 P,~’ivbert¯ Josoph. tot 2~, block 179, May~"’" Landing Improvement Co ........ " ...... 43. 4.4~ If:in,loll.Sydne,¢. lots 35,-37, block 104, Mays Landing Improvement Co.. ...... 43 1.56 P, oome. G. W.. lots 7. g, If}. 12. 14, block ]67. Mays Imnd!ng Improvement Co.. " .83 Rndnger, Louise. lots 47, 48. block 104, Mays l,andlng. Improvement Co ..... 43 Rudngo, r. Ella, lots 40, 42, block 104, Mays ! T.andlng Improvement Co. .............. .43 Row}grid. Charles. lots 3{~ to 50 Ineluslve, .. block 199. Mays Landing Tmprovement t Co ............̄, ¯ " 2.56 .. "3.18 ¯3.13 3.15 3.1:] 3.13 3.15 3.15 3.13 3.56 3.5~ 3.13 3.56 3.13 4.44 3.01 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.15 3.13 3.15 3.13 a.20 3.20 3.15 ¯ 3.13 " ,.2.67 3.65 3.13. 3.15 3.13 3.15 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.15 3.13 3.13 3.35 ,t.¯,)0. therl: was fl-mystery In ourfatally, ~.~ lhnl w heh ’1 .was a ~hlld my a~ursb wa~ dismissed~0r the mei~ mentionof it a.5~ to me, though she had given m’o_no 3a;~,a--r~daa of what It Was.Wetl,the even~-¯. h]g before-mymarrlag~while explor~5~: lng a g;lrret:for some need6darticle I eanle upofi a Irunk,Whlcl~lopened /~£.5,: nnd-found :to .comain sund~y knick;1~S.s~ knacks, all evidentlY-very-~ld..0na .s.5r, was a daguerre6type or h ,~Jrl,anoth-.. 3.56 er a pasteboardbo~ tied wlth a laded 3.56 rlbbon.I openedlhe bo-~ and found a ~mall piece of weddingcake, dried to 4.00 a crlsp. Girls, you know, sleep wlth z.56 wedding oaksunder their pillows to-. a.56 h]fluenee thetr dreams. 1_took the =.-~" plece 1 found away -withme and.that 4:00:nightsleptwithit undermy;pillow.3.515 "I dreamedtbi~ dre,-m: ¯ ’1 was .w~kl~gIn One of those 01d 3.56 tashloued gardens s~l common-in old 3.~6 New -England, andmore so In--the .3.56so~erfi states, ln ei0aed.by a high wnli. Through a vista o~, trees and t 3.5s flowersI couldsee the rearof a house. Through a door openiag oa to a porch a-: . : 6.67 camea youngman and a girl.-T.ho ¯ ’a.56 man wore a frock coat wlth brassbuta.5~ tons,"h pr0~slon o~ neckwear and trousers strapped beneath his ehoeK 3.5~" He carrled,a cane. The girl’s dress ) -, a56 was covered, wlth "flowers, .and her bah’,partedIn tho centerof’herhead, 3.56 z.56 was plastered The two came dowu 0vet her temples. toward me over a walk a~56 bordered wlth boxwood, and a~ they drewuear1 recognized theglrl whose 3.5e daguerreotype 1 had seen in k the .try, 3:56IB thegarret: The man’afaceloo~ed butI couldnotplaceit." : 4:00 familiar, "They were talklng excitedly, but 3,56 what the$ sald l dld not hear.Indeed, 1 dldn’thear their?oicea;I only lmeW 4:46 the)’ were discussingsomo su~Ject,of3;5~ rltal Importance to them. Suddenly a woodendoor ln the gardenwall opexi3:56 ed, and anotherman entered.-He,.too, 3.56 was young and dressed In the I a156 fasM(m as theman walking wtth the girl.On his entranceshe gave.a c’i’y, 3.ssandthbtwo},oung menstoodandgiar3.56ed at There was some con. : ftmlon in for awht 3i56 4:00 the girl pu]J b~ 4~00 4~00 3.56 3.56 vargo. Joseph. lots29,a:l:i,io/aT igb; "Xfdi-; Landing/mprovemont Co ............. Vogel.John F.. lots 49, 50, block 203, iMa:ys Landlng Improvement Co ............. V;arner, :Ella B., lots 4a, 44, block 220, 3.56 Mays l.anding Improvement Co ...... Woodward. Susan ]’3., lot 23, block 157._’ 3.56 Mays Landing lmproveTnent Co ...... Welsh. Christopher, lot 17, block 25, ~fays 1.~nding /.mprovement Co .............. 4.90SVo]f."Will.JamL., lots 21, 23, 26, 28, block 143;" Maya Landlng Improvement Co.. 3.56 15"aIson. Louisa. lot 17,. block 227, :Mays , L, andlng Improvement Co ............. " 15r:’Jght; William, lot 32. block 152, 54ays 6.14 Landing ImDrovement Co. ....... :..... YVatt. Peter, lot 17. block 179, ~Iuys Z,anding ’Improvement Co. .... ............ B.74 %Voodson. F. If., lots 20. 22,:.blgek 179. Mays Landing Improvement Co ........ 3.56 Walker. Eliza L.. lots 1 to 10 Inclusive, blm.k 165. Mays I.a~nding- lmprovemeYn 3.56 CO ................ ¯.o. . 15"illiams. 31a.yE.. lots39; "E,’"fffd,’.’f~" 3.56 Mars Lnnding Improvement Co ...... 15"est..Edward L., hats 47. 48. block 87. .~ 3.56 :Mays I.a~ndlmg Improvement Co..:... V?illiams.51artha,lot 10, hlock 171. ,3,Iays 3.56 Landimz Improvement Co ............. 15"illlams.,losej)h"IS.. lots 7¯ 8. block 90¯ 3.56 . -Max’s Imnding Imffrovement Co ....... 15"eidner..Alfred G.. lots 1, 2, block 132. 3.56 Mays Landing :impr6vement Co ...... Wilson. ~rillinm, lots 1 to 20 inclusive, ’block 168. Mays La~nding Improvement 4.86 . Co. - 3.2~) . "’Profeasor," she s~ld."’youretqlam5.8,: bet lhat I once confidedto you that Landing improveinent Co .............. Tholnas, Mrs. C., lots 17, 18, block 5, 3.56 Ma)’~ Landing ]mproveme’nt Co ...... Fruitt,J. ]=[., lots 39, .41. Mock 144, 2Mays 4.00 Landing Improvement Co ...... ".: ..... Thomas. John M., lots 1 to 26inclusive, 4.00 block J6. Mays Landing Improvement t]o .................... - ................. 3.13 3.13 -t.0,)i-l~hellrlngandthe dead.Thisls prelhnhlary to an exPerlenee given mo ?.90 b v on~ of my m0st giftedphpllsshort4.00iy nftershe.b~d .takena husband.... Taylor. Henry. lots So.3-:,, block’ii{£’~a-:-; 3.56 Von O]]l~:n. Catharlne, lots 17, 19, 21, 23, block 143, 5lays Landing Improvement 3.56 CO ......; ..."....... 3.13 the sameamment.In other..words, - 3.5~: we hnre never made a beginning In tbe scienceoi mental telepathy,ei4.47.!!her b@weonllvlngpe.opleor ~,etween rreSsey. F.~V.,lots9, 11,l~,,,r~j"l?, bi’oel¢ 3.13 3.13 4.4, outcroppJngs of nature’s laws: We. ~c]enHstscnn U’ace animal life back" 4[,:o"t~, the. veryelcatrleula of the egg, Wlllenis nn: embryollviagbein$,but 3.56.wo. cm,nottel!whytwo peopl e willfl’e4.4; qumltly think Of /he same thing-~a’~ 2~lays 4.46 3.1",, By SUSAN P.~’LOWR1E. " .3..56ICo~yrlght, :909,by A.r~r!can Press’Assaelatlon.] 4.00 There are many things that are co~4.00 Mdered snpersttttou~-whichmay be. ...: ..-....... l~I.llsl 318 .85 12s 4.00 nyder, A]vesta Land] n g tmpro, 3.13 3.13 4.00 _%ms. ttelen .L, lot ]9, block 17~, 51ays Landlng Improvement 12o ..... ....,... :ciflh-Rhng, Emnm, lot 7, 8, b[Rek-20=t, Ma)s Lanfling Improvement 12o ...... gtel’hens, John, lots 45, 46, block 109, 8.39 Muys Landing Improvement Co ...... .*_’lmon.Est. G. L.. lots 1 to 50 inclusive¯ block 153, Mays La/nding Improvement 4.00 , Co ................. ; .......... ......... Shaff~T, 1,’rank,~ tot 1.,¯ block ¯ >ZS, Max’s Lunding ]mlprovement {2o...- .......... 3.5~ 4mill}.Caroline.lots 16, 1.9.b]o,:k97; "51ajs 4.00 Lan0ing /mprovement Co ............. ¯ ~lmUldingCharles,lot 1, block ~5"-’, iMays Landing lmprovetnent Co ............. 4.00-Sherwood. Esther S., lols 30, 32,1bJock 183, - Mays Landtng lmprovcrnent ’Co ..... : Smith,. Dascem, lots 11, 13,. block 171, 4.90 .Mays .Landing Improvement Co ...... ~tern, J-’tcob V., "lots ]!), J2, block 141, 3.56 5toys Landing I~nprovement Co ...... Smith, .Enoch, lots 26, 2~. block 10G Mays Landing /reprove’merit Co ............ 6.67 Slmon~, HenrT C., lot 17, ))lock 175, 5Says Landing hn/n’ovement Co ............. 3.56 Stokes, John A., lot 25, block’-105, Mays Landing lmpro.vemen~ Co.. 3.56 Scott, Sarah, lots aS, 39, 40, ;’blJc’li"llt: Z4nS-~ Landing. Improvement Co ...... 3.56 Slmmerman, :Michael, lots 45, 46,~block 51, :Mays Landing Improvement Co ...... Sheldon, John N., lots 13. 14, 17, block 27, ~, 16.12 lot 19, block 42, :Mays Landlng Improvement Co ......................... 4.00 Stratzmun. Jacob, lots 36. 38, ~]ock 50, 51ays Landing Improvement Co ...... ’ g.56 Schmoegle, .George, lot 47, block $1, :Malt . Landtng ImproVement Co ........ 4.00 Smith,:Marx,lot 1’), block A~, 2¢/as¯sL’and" ing hnprovement Co... ..... .......... 3.56Schmldt, ,Anna S., lots 15, 16, block 171, 543ys Landing Improvement Co ...... 3.56 -~t.one,--’>~rflliam L., lots 5, 6, block85, May~ 1.a~M’i-hg Improvement Co ............. 3.56 .41roide. Frances J.. lot 4, block 214, Mays l.an,ling Improvement (2o ............. 3.515 Stri,.k.1"rank,lot 5, block 86, Mays Lama,ling lm 3.56 51. Mays Landing Improvement Co .... 3.56 Eappe,H...kL. lots 32, 34, 36, 38,. blOck 92." Mays Landtng Improvement Co ...... 4.00 Fumbal]. Newton, lots 18, 20, 22..24, bloek 150, Mays Landi~g Improvement Co.. 4.00 Fbebant,~’IUcltard.lots 19, 21, blovk 150. ~]aJ"s].~tndingJlnprovtt’n]enl: CO ...... Triel, ~dwar,l j.. lot 1. bloeh ]5, Mars 4.46 Landing lmprovem÷ni~ Co ............. Tucker, Gorden, lots, 1, 2, block 1S5, )ors 3.56 35, 37. block "-’23. 51alas -Landing improvement Co .......................... 4.00 Faylor, Albert E., lot 45, =blo(,k 68, 51ays Landing Improvement Co ............. 3.56 Traveys. James 3., tots 1 to 18 inclusive, b]o(.k 77, ~l;~y.~ J.,anding Improvement ~.56 ~O ................... . ...... .43 4.00 3.56 Sherman,./ennie,lot 7. block au, Mays l_~tndhlg Improvement Co ............. 4.00 3.17 4.OOi 3.55 Rho¢les, ~loses J., lots :tO, gl, block "218, ~la.vs .Landing /mprovement Co ...... 3.56 Ryan, .~la.rwaret,lots 5, 6, 7, ~, block 209, h~a.vs Landing ]ml)rovement Co ...... 3.56 Itaint:%"J.onnII., lots 48, 69. 51), block50, =~daJ:s _L,andlnglnlp]’oven]ent Co ...... ~,56 l~lggs,GeorgeM.. lots 39;-41.43~ 44, 45, 46, nlock 218, .%lays Lan,lin~ lmprovemenl 3.56 Co ................ ~ .................... IIy,ler,.M., luL 28, blo~.R143, lots 4;I. 44. :4.00 block 14~, Mays Landing llnprov~ment , ......................... It L.’O........... 3.56 }~h¯l,,t%Virginia-,lot 13, blovk :)2, ~lays Landing improvelnent Co. ............ 4.00 Rudl,lcerdlnanfl¯ lots 31, ,’$3,,35, 3"/; block 14], Maya Landing improvement Co.. l~.adway, Ahred J., lot 36, Mock 4V. Mays . 4.46 L~n,ling improvement Co .............. F, olh. JosephL., lots ~O; 42, block 192, 1.ots 3.56 l, 2, block I4, Mays L~lding Improveme~t Co ............................... 3.-~6-ltutherlor,1, isabella, lots 4-.,50, blot’,z-13. _,’lay~ Landing improvement Co ..... 3.56 Richman. dames W., lots 21, 23, block .~, 2,lays Landing lmprovemen~ Co ...... 3.56 llo]engerber,~linnle, lols 1, "2_, block 203, .~lays. Landing xmprovement- Co ..... .’ 3.58 P,-oman~, Mary, lots 24, 26, 28, 30, 3~, 34, 36, .tO, 42, Mock 1’.)")., i’Vlny.~Landing 3.56 I n]prov ~n)ent CO ...................... : Strot-lcblne,Henry lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block 177, 5.06 Mays Landing improvement, Co.. Sc!mltz, George~,V.. lots 7. S, ~flock "13"2: 3.56 .:days La~dln~ Improvement (2o...’.. .gimpson, 1:;)vine, lot 17; block 193. Mays 3.5~ .. ~:ndlng.lmprovement Co... ,~pooll~r, M. ~1..lot 2",I.blot:k"9"~,’’Df’ai’s Landing improvement ¢o ............. " 3.56 4ug,-, Albert. lot 14, Mock ll. 2~Iays imnd~ng improvement Co .................. 3.56 ~kellington, James. lot 6, block 1~ 2rdays Landing lmpr0rement Co .............. 3.56 .S~tton, "~Yilliam ].’.,1o( 37,block151,,%.I32,’I -.a~nding Improvement Co ........ . .... 3.56 ScotI, Lucy E., )ors 9 and 10..blo0R 179, ~.56 2,lays Landing Jmprovement #Jo ...... Spitzer. --~dolph, lots 13, 15, block lul, 51ay~ Lunding Improvement Co ...... &56 ~antagala. James, lots 49, 50, block 1L, b. Azay.,, I~nding improvement Co ...... 3.56 Stewart l¢.obert, lots 23, 25, 27, block 150, 3.56 . ,~**a%’s Lan~]lng JmprovemenkCo ...... .3miln.t3. ~V.. lots 3;;, 35. block 150, ~laya . 3.56 t.an,hng l]nproven~ent Co .......... .... osiZnlson,John /-’¯, lot.~ :$7. 3~. block 150. Mays 1.:n~dlng Improvement t?o ...... 4.00 Sob,.l,~\t,r~/liam, luts 1. 2. 3. 4, block145, 3.56 3lays l~in,]ing ]InI~rovement Co ....... ~nlmiei’, Anna t3.. lot 1’9. block 11, .Mars l.undinglnlln’oYeln,~nt CO.’.."........... .t .~n "s"5 .85 CO ............. 4 3¯13 3.56 entered the garden .with-her. portrait, taken when he was about fortyyearsold,hangaIn our-drawing ?fo:. Wood. ~’VJN "i/.:" M""i,""~i’8~£" F~."~a~4 Landing lmproveTnent Co ............. ¯ "V¢,ashtngton, :David, lot 36, block 144, ~Jays.Landing Improvement Co ...... ~Valsh, ~,]tehae].lots 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, .3.56 50, block 44, Mays Landing Improvement Co ....................: .......... 4.00 15"ashlngton, N. F., lot 29, Mock 8, :Mays 1.,anding Impr-ovement CO ............. 3.56 Wolf, ~ichae]. lots 28, 30, block 61. ~lays Landing :improvement Co.. ~ .......... ~,Vi]son,Mary :M., lots 43. 44. 45. 46, block 4,90 47, .l~t 78, block 97, Mays Landing ¯ Improvement Co. 4.90 Wilson, .William J.,ioi~ i:"K""bloc’tU bK 3.56 4.00 room. No llkel~m o! my grandmother rematns,eamaptthe:daguerr.eg~i~, whtch waa tal~en a year beforo the crime, ludeed, she would never bare her portraitpainted,ltvlng:areth~life,burde~aed by th0 thoughtlift,siVa had bee~ the ca~’~ of.tho tragedy. . The weal~n ~ed was a-sword .cane, mueh In vozue in that day." When. the narrator eel-thein- qulrin$lookabe gaveme toldthat she wished to know it I had any ~ ory of the-natm’al eattm~ that had transportedher back: to wlt~e~ what- had.oecu~edmorethanalxtyyear~ before. I saidthisto her: -.’A~ prior to tho fifteenthcentm2r therowaaa vaateo~tineat--Amertea--. :Mays LandingImprovementCo ...... unknown, ",Xt~pt through rel~rl, tO the people ot-the world, the~. l~ ~ "_ 4.00 ~Vib,~on, TIngh, lots 47, 48, block 57, Mays Landing Improvement Co ............ 3.56 Wllson, ~obln~on, ]ots 4K 50, block 57,. :May~ Landing Improvgme,nt Co ...... Ynst.’Willlam, lots 1. 2. block 20, Mays J~andtng Improvement Co ....... 7.07 Zelgler, John. lots 13. 15, block 25, "i~Ia)"~ L~ndtng Improvement Co .............. hm! alway,been a r~lm of apii~. v m~atr~t~t~ ar~ so. va~~._inwme~_... 3.58 &M Jobs 1:I.. lots 13. 15, btock 15, Po-" 3.56Mead:mon~ .............. . .................... :Ma.yers,.Henry, lot10.block28,Pomona.. Scott,lot22.block24.Pomona.... 5.30Morris, (CoattnU~on Page @ Tax .4.q .43 .43’ :43 .43 .43 .43 ,43 .43 "1.2s l~it.-& L’osts 3.13 3...13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13, 3.13 3.13 .3.13 .4.’1 .43 3.18 3.13 3.13 .43 .43 &13 L.43 ..43 .43 3.13 3.t3 Zr4.~13 3,13 i_ ¯ .-¯ . , ". , - . - . .. . "., .- . .. -. . . - _,. - . - - L. -¯ " C :. .qont.,,-call -it what .yolF ..wlll--~- 6.20 POMONA. 3.56{ A~berL Helen E.. lots 403, 404, Pomona.. Bogg, Samuei, lots 24, 26, Pomona........ 4.0 C~rlisle, Emma I.. lot 11, Pomona.~ ....... Adaline ~’., lot 13, Pomona ..... ¯3.56Car]isle; Canfield, Frank, lot 13, block 11, Pomona. Da~ell, C. W, lot 23, block 140¯ .lot 28, i.00: ¯ " "block. 139. Pomona..............̄ ....... Foster, Mary J¯, lot 14, block 19, Pomone. 3.56 Foley. Thomas. lot 17, block 2. Pomona.. Fishburn, J. K., lot 6¯ block 26, Pomona.. 3.~6 Gordon¯ Cbarle~ l-L, lots 510, 5)I, 51~, 613, 614,- 615, Pomona ....-.,................ 3.56 HolieS. Lea’is, lot I0, block ]6, Pomona,.¯ Harper, Susan,-Iot 5, block 23, :Pomona .... 3.5~I ~KobybeR; Fran~, Io1~-19, 20,, block 23¯ :poniona.. ............................... 4.00 MeGrath.’W: J., lot 19.-block 25, :Pomona) McFate, Mary B., lot 25, block 19, Pomo- . .- ! 3.56 ,~ja)’~Landing/mprovement Co...;., 4.00Iteese, ~’,tman 1.,IotaIV,20,:tJ,block :RIG :May~ Landing ImprovementCo... . 3.15 3.40 4 00 i _ 43 :.~,, X]i~r;~:L:i(. ];)i’ ~ii,i,;/.U A"’Mdl; 3.~’)6.v,. ~-}.at])l]]Ilg In]l~lOVem~.nt I’o ............. ¯4:; Murr;iv ,h)hli lots 43. 4t. block -17. ~lays 3.-’-,I; J.;il),]i/l~ ]InI)rovelTlent Co ............. .~5 Xisp). \~’. J.. lot 21. block DI. ~lays Land:lT, a }ng Imi)rovement Co .................. ’ .43 N, wwOOd. Joseph, lot i3. block 150. ~iavs ?.7,£ ].;Indlng Improvement (!o... " .43[ Norgard.Poter.lots 5. 6. 7, ~, 10~ 12. lflovk a.sc lo~. Mays Landing Improvement Co.. 1.2S Newkirk. G. }I.. lot 3. block 10, ~Iays -t.nn Landtng Improvement Co ............. ..13 N:-i,.e. Ervin K., lots 7, 8, block 21t5, Mays 3.5t~ I,anding lmprovemenl Co ............. 85 C)zenburg¯ ~nmuel. lots 9, 1o. 17. 19. Mock 5,). Mays Lundtng ]mprovemen t Co.. 85 4..t6 O~tran,h¯r. I’. YV., lots 27, 29. block 16~ Mars Landing Improvement Co ....... :43 3.5~ )1,1~ 5~nry M.. lot 1,% bh~ck 167. Mays Landing /mprovement Co ............. 3-,g Pauline Cathnrine E.. lots 2, 3. Mock 9. 43. ~Iays Landing hnprovement Co ...... .43 l>eterson. FreOe]qck. lot 4, Mock 179, Mays lmnding hnprovement Co ............. ~g4 Paris.I,()).lise.lot 8, block 26, Mays frond.t3 " ing lmprov-ement Co .................. 43 40ft Parker, John :A.. )ors 43. 44. block 104. Mays l.,anding Improvement Co ...... .43 4.00 Petvrson, Annie, lots 1 to s inclusive, hlo,.k 156. Mays Landtng Improvement 3 5~" (’o ................................ ~.. 1.70 Paxon. Emma. lots 35. 36. block I51, ~lays 4.00 l.a_n,ling Improvement Co ............. .43 Pah.rmo. Antonio. lots I. 2, 3. 4, 44. 45 46, 4.,-)/) l,],~ek10& lots 4~. 49, 50, block 149. 5lays Landing Improvement CO ..... 1.70 4.90 Pomwlear_ Mnrgaret.lots 39. 4o..-t1¯42. -t3. 47.-is. 5,.blo,.k nding ]niprovoment Co ............. 4.33 43- AnnieF.¯ lot 21. b}ot.k151, .~,lays 3.5i; ?,h’t’lain. Landing Improvement Co ............. .\Ic~’,y. 1:lenry, lots 30. ;;2. ldock1-t2.~hiys 3.7,6 145, Mays l~anding-lmprovcment Co.. l’ennmger, Annie, lot 26, block 1B9, Mays Landing Jmprovement Co ......... ~ ,.. 4,00 Ruth. ].’lorence,. lot 1~, block Z~. ~lays Gandtng amprovement Co ............. .Re’lay, Altred, lots 3,. 4, 5, 6, block 92, -~ays J_,a.nding Improvement Co ...... 7.73 Relay,.L, uelLttM., lots7, 8, 10, 12, tJlock"~2, 3,5:6 3.15 -...- ’"0LIMMER FROM ’°" BI:ttI,,gTHECuRrlIII Relnhart,-F."C.I luts25,.27,30,7,:],l~lock 3,1d _: " i" -=’. : : !. , .,: ":-.,,~_...... :_-_~-’-’.’;,- . . ;. . " ,-..--: T’" ¯ ¯ .- : %T / TIC :Menett, Joseph IL, lot 4, block 241 Pomo:--na ............ ;~ .................... Morris. Mary, lot .4, block 20, Pomona.¯ ~aass, Julius A., lots I, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, ]3, 15. 17. 19. Pomona ..................... O’Connor. Charles, lots 12, :14, block 15, pomona................................. :Farks. HobeTt ~V., 10t 28, block 140, Po- A3 .43 3.1~ 3.13 2.55 3,25 INLAND Bogert, Ge,>rgv S., lot 1512. Shore .Acres lnd Inland 1)evelopment ¢=_’o ..... . ..... Chadburn. John S., lot 1639. Snore Acres and inland Development Co: .......... Colter Fll’~ F. lots .~30, 745 Shore Acres and Inland’ De’velopment Co ........... Colohan. Harry A.. lot 1982. Shore Acres and inh~n~i Development Co ........... Cahiil, Mnry F., lot 461," Shore Acres and Inh~nd Development Co ............. ~. Ouvie 3’:!anol’e lot 714 Shore Acres an~ in’land ])evelopment Co ............... t.:lliott. Harry M., lot 1529, Slmre Acres and lnland I)evelopment Co ........... Jarbot-. ]:uller .R., lot 1386, Shore Acres and Inland Development Co ........... ](e’ll~y, 9ennie M., lot 2381, Shore Acres and I~nland Development Co ........... Owen. G~eorB’e H., lot 99~, Shore .-Xcr~s and Inland Development Co ....... " ......... .. l)c~-h) J~nnie. lot 1048, Shore ’lnl:~nd DevPlopment Co ............... Peelfles. Frances H., lot 1149 Shore Acres and l.nlnnd Development’ Co ........... Tavl,)r, I;eorge H., lot 85T, Shore .Acres " and ]n]an,] Devel6pment Co ........... Young, 1terrirk P../]ot 1767, Shore Acres and Inland De~ elopment Co ............ " ¯ TRACT ~ RISLEY 3.13 3.15 .85 .43 3.15 3.13 .43 3.13 .43 3.13 .43 .43 .3.13 3.13 .43 .43 3,13 3.13 1.70 3.20 .43 3.13 .43 3.13 ~ / - - ~.~ v r / 5.80 3.56 3.56 Logan, Esther, 20 acres, lot 380, Wey4,00 mouth Farms .......................... LutE, ~Latilda, 40 acres, lots 445, 461, Wey4.00 mouth Farms .... ...................... 3.56 McCavin, Charles, 20 acres, lot 285, Weymouth Farms, ........................ 3.56 Mouck, Alfred, 20 acres, lot 375, Weymouth Farms .......................... 3.56 Minch, George C., 20 acres, lot 405, Weymouth Farms .......................... 3.56 Ruth A., 20 acres, lot 143, WeT3.56 Mason, mouth Farms...------- ..., -..=:-Margian, B. P., 20"a’cres,’lot?’JTO,’W~Y 3.56 moutl~ Farms .......................... 3. 56 Marot, William, 20 acres, lot 212, Wey,-" ................... mouth Farms ...... 4.90 Mackltn, James, 20 acres, lot 244, Wey. .......... mouth Farms ............... 3.56 Martin. A. M¯, 20 acres, lot 262, We3"mouth Farms .......................... 3.56 Martin, Mary M., 20 acres, lot 263, Wey¯ mouth Farms.; .............. -~ ......... Nichols, Darlek, z0 acres, lot ],0, Wey: ............. , ~houth Farms ............ Total Navsmith, John, 10 acres, half of lot 165, ¯~’evmouth Farms ...................... ~ "Samued, 20 acres, lot 283, Wey$3.56 lIlsley - .... .......... mc~uth Farms ........... 3.56 Roper, Stanley, 20 acres, mt 138, weymouth Farms .......................... 3.56 Ralth, O. NV., 20 acres, lot 406, Weymouth Farms .............. . .................. 3.56 Shoemaker, C. H.~ 40 acres,’lots 223, 224,. Weymouth Farms... .................. 3.56 S,’hooI, John, 20 adreff, lot 457, Weymouth Farms .................. : ......... " ...... 3.56 Traman, %Viii]am, 20acres, lot 245, Weymouth Farms .......................... 3.56 Prater, Ratth B., 20 acres, lot 332, Weym()llth Farms .......................... 3.56 VCetzei], Jacob, 20 acres, lot 248, Weymouth Farms ........................... 3.56 WEST EGG HARBOR, 3.56 CO. Int. & Costs ,~ ,-, ~ .... DEVELOPMENT Tax ¯~ .~o .. 43 3.] 3 43 3..13 ’.43 3.]3 .43. 3.1:t~ 43 3.1:~ 43 3.13 ,).3.13 ]3 - 43 ,¯, ~.) o. 3.13 43 Acres ..... and ~d . ,~.~3 43 3.13 .__ 3.13 43 ~3.13 43 B]andt, Frederick, 15 acre~, lots 103, 105, " 107, tract D, West Egg Harbor ....... . 3.56 Barnes Emma, 1 acre, lot 345, tract D, "West ~-/gg Harbor ...................... 3.56 Clark. %Vl]]ian] S., ]0 acres, lots 160, 162, tract D, VVest Egg Harbor ............ 3.56 Fink. William, ]0 acres, lots 532, 534, tract D, revised, West Egg Harbor ......... Gan,!v, YV. D., 5 acres, lot 489, ,tract D, revised, West Egg Harbor ............ Lorenza" J-l, 5 acres, lot 114, To"tal tlancock, ti~u’t B, 10 acres, lots 824, 826, tract 1:1. VCe~t Egg Harbor ............ ¯ ...... ¯ $4.46 Huus~er, John, 5 acres, lot 2~7, tract D, ~est Egg Harbor .......... ........... 4.00. Mauler, ~’illiam L.. 2 5-10 acres, S. Yv’. lm’lf of lot 13, tract D, West :Egg Har4.90 ])or: .................................... 4.0!) P~itchard, Mary E., 5 acres, lot .40, tract B, 7 42-100 acres, lot 2,9, tract ]9, West ’ Egg Harbor. ................ .......... 4.00 . Perkins, Joim H., 5 acres, lot 106, ¯tract D, West Egg Harbor ............. ~ .... 4.00 PowerS, S., 5 acres, lot ]48, tract D, West ~,I.00 Egg Harbor ........................... Stein, Conrad, 5 acres, lot 562, ’tract D, West Egg Harbor ............. - ......... "4.00 Sextgn, John G,, 10 acres, lots 89, 90, tract C, West Egg Harbor ............ 4.00 . Vergo, Carlo, ’5 acres, ]gt 496, tract D, re" vised, West Egg l~rbor ............ ... 4.00 Walker, Bertha M,, 10 acres~ lots 71, 72, tract A, West Egg Harbor.: ....... ... 4.90 %Vatkins, John H., 1 acre, lot 326, tl-act D, ~’est Egg Harbor ..................... 4.90 V¢a]tvrs, ~’ll]iam H.,- 5 acres, lot 289, tract D, West Egg Harbor .................. 4.90 Walker, Thomas M., ]0 acre~, lots 253, 268,’tract D. West Egg :Harbor ........ 4.00 Woffender, George, 10 acres, lots 629, 631, tract D, revised, West Egg Harbor... 4.00 %Valters, Frederick A., 2 acres, lots 52, 53, tract E, West Egg Harbor ............. 4_t)0 " PI.AN. Int. & Costs TRACT 14, . .-k]]en. Ge~rge C.. 5 acrvs, lot 631. tract 14 The]nfa ...... : ......................... Arndt. Emil. 1"5 acres, lotg 244. ’_4~. " 246, tract 14. The]ma ....................... Azees. Alice T.. 10 acres, lots 1, " tract : ............ 14. Thelma ............... llcnnett. F. K. -, acres, lot 653. tracl 14. Thelma ................................. . .lot~ . 198~ 199 Che~lev . ~ . . I~o))ert G., l0 seres tract 14. Thelma ....................... G,)hlstein. Mnr,-o.~. t; aries. !ot 78, tract 14. :Harlive, Th,4n~a .......... THELMA, Tax " ................. ~1., 5 acres. !ot ~2,). tract Int. 4.90 4.00 4.00 & Costs $1.2~ $3.18 2~55 3.25 ]¯70 3.20 Total $4.46 1 .i 5.80 4.90 ,$5 3.15 4.00 ].7)} 3.20 4.90 ]. 7*) 3.20 4.90 ].70 3.20 4.90 ~5 3.15 4.00 ~5 3.]5 4.00 ,% 3.15 4.00 ~5 3.15 4.00 ~5 3.15 4.00 $5 3.15 4.00 14. ". M etc-~t f, "~:~ ~ t~6t V~ :" .-.: .................... Stone.. 51. J.. 5 acres, lot "21"2. tract 14, The]n~n ............................... Sohaardt. ~ert~a. 5 acrrs, lot 216. travt ~ ............... ]4. Thelma ........... Smith. Annie. 5 acres. 1~ 174. tract ]4. Th elm~ ............................... Smith. Richurd. 5 acres, lot 173. tract 14, : .................. ’ The]]n:~ .............. \Vint-rhalt_ ~.. 5 arres, lot 282. tract 14, Thclma ................................. "Watkin.~ Amanda. 5 acres, lot 668, tract ]~.Th elm~ ............................ TROT aS, R,CHLAN cOLONY. Tax ]~uchanan. / John L., 5 acres, lot ~", Int. tract 35. ]~ichland Colon)’. .... ¯ ............. t’larkr. E. J.. 23 acres, lots 259. 265, tract 25, fitch]and Colony ................... Davis, Franeis, 4*) acres, lots 208, 215. 21~, trart :15. 1tichlarld Colon)’. ............ E}winger. 1=I,. F., 15 acres, lots 677, 69%699. traC~ 35, Rich]and Colony. ........... Ehvinger. VV. C. 10 acres;" lots 700, 701, tract ?~5. Rh.bland Co]oi~y ............. Fritt.h, IL C.. 5 acres, lot 562, tract 35, llicbland Colony ....................... Ho]mer. E. A., 1] acres, lots 4. 640. tra~t 35, Richland Colony ................... ]-/offmSn. L. H.. 5 acres, 10t 552, tract 35, Richland Colon)-. ...................... Ki]lian. L..C.. ]1 ae]’e~, lot 257. tract.35. ttichland Colony. ...................... Murphy Thomas, 5 acrvs, lot 852, tract 3.5, t~chland Colon)’. ...................... ~Iigro. 1M.. 15’acres, lots 919, 920, 995, tract 25. Richland Colony ................... Oborn. Benjamin, 10 acres, lot 314, tract 35, ltichland ColOny ................... Steel. S. H., 40 acres, lots 2",2, 223, tract 35. t=tichland Colq~ny ................... Stevenson, J. M.. 14 acres, lot 21, tract 35, Rlchland Colon)" ....................... .~tnrto. Pasquale, 50 acres.-lot 792, tract 35. ~lchland Colony ................... XV~h’b. Robert, 5.~cres, lot 623, tract 35, Richland Colony ....................... Weber Charles. 5 acres, lot 437. tract 35. Riehland Colon)’. ...................... "W’hite. Joseph M., 5 acres, lot ~;0, tract 35. ~lchlahd Colon)’. ...................... WEYMOUTH $3.15 $4.00 1.70 3.20 4.90 340 3.27 6.67 2.55 3.25 5.80 1.7o 3.20 4.90 .~5 3.15 4.00 2.13 3.22 5.35 .~5 3.15 4.00 3.20 3.26 6.46 _g5 3.15 4,00 2.55 3.25 5.80 $ .S5 1.28 3.18 4.25 3.33 3.28 3.18 .85 3.15 .4:t 3.13 .~5 3.15 .85 315 FARMB, Tax Armstrong. Edwin. 40 acres, lots 403, 404, VCeymouth Farms ..................... Antil. Roxanna. 20 acres, lot 105. Weymouth Farms ........................ " Attavh. ~I~:lvina. 10 acres, lot ]27. Weymouth Farms ......................... Abel. Pe_’tel" F~,~ 40 acres, lots409, ..4-1,), ~V eymon th ~’F~trms ..................... Bolton, .I. ]~.. 10 acres, lmlf ol lot 317, ~¥eymouth],’arms. : ............. ¯ ...... Brand. A. N.. 20 acrcs, lot 147. ~A’eyrnouth Farms ................................. Brown, John A.. l0 acres, half of lot ]63. NVeymouth Farms ............ ’~ ........ Bland, A. S.. 20 acres¯ lot 169, Weymouth Farms_. :’. ............................ , Crossman;/3ames, 20 acres, lot 309, ~/eymouth Farms .......................... Domphucr. P~. C._ 40 acres, lots 356, 357, ¯%Veymouth :F~[rms ....................... Dixon. Sarah W., 100-acres, lots 234, 235, 264. 265. 266. We.vmouth Farms ...... l)earnnlLy. Isaac. 20 acres, lot 280. Weymouth Farms ...... : ................... Dennison. John S., 20 acres, lot 29~, Weymouth Farins..: ....................... Drutler, Charles. 20 acres, lot 299, Weymouth Farms ............................ Donne]ly, /saac, 20 acres, lot 320, Weymouth Farms .......................... Eh, ins, George W., 40 acre~, lots 243, ~75, Weymouth Farms ...... ......... EIdredge, John, 20 acres, lot 366, "~e)’" mouth Farms .......................... England. Cornelius T., 20 acres, lot 118, Weymouth Farms ..................... Flnks, Ge0rge~ 20 acres,-lot 119, WeYmouth Farms .......................... Fisti4r. S. J., 20 acres, lot 463, Weymouth Farms....... .................. ." ........ ~eters. M. IL, 20 a~res, lot 294. 5 acres, half o~ lot 295. Weymouth Farms ..... Garwo~ D. W.. 20 acres, lot q12, Weymouth Farms... ...... , ,. Green. Samueh. 20 -cry, "io/’~5~: mouth Farms .......................... Hurst, Margaret,10 ~.crea,N. W. half of lot 278, We~nouthFarms ............. Hyde. Ell. 40 acres, lots 186, 214, Weymouth ~arms .............. Hlrst. JOb, 20 acres, lot 149, "’Wey’mouifi Farms., Hemphi]l. ~Iary. 15 acres, three-quarter of lot 295, Weymouth Farms ............. }Iill. John, 40 acres, lots 296, 297, Weymouth Farms .......................... Henderson. A. J.. 10 acres, half of lot ~0g. Weymouth Farms .............. : ...... Herrens, C. T., 20 acres. }ot 348. ~WeymouthFarms..... ; ,’........... ;. i ..... Ireland, Edward4T’., 20 ficres, lot 301, Weymouth Farm| ........................-~. Kelley, A~la, 20 acres, lot 333, WeTmouth " Far,is.......................... ... ,, ,, & Costs $3.40 Int. & Costs $3.27 4.46 3.2~) .85 3.]5 3.40 3.27 .85 !t.15 1.70 3.2O .85 3.]5 1.7o 3.20 1.7~) 3.2o 4.90 3.40 3.27 6.67 6.80 3.46 10.06 ].70 3.20 4.90 1.70 3.20 4.90 1.70 3.20 4.90 1.70 3.20 4.90 3.40 3.27 "6.67 1.70 3.20 4.90 1.70 3.20 ¯1.70 " 4.90 1.70 3.20 4.90 2.13 3.22 5.35 1.70 3.2o 4.90 1.70 3,2o "-’4:9O 1.28 "3.18 4.4~ .3.40 3,27 6.67 1,70 3.20 4.90 1.28 3.18 4.4~ 3.40 3.27 ~.67 .85 3.15 1,70 3.~0 4.90 1.70 3.20 4.90 1.70 3,20 4 .~ 1,70 3.20 1.70 - 3.20 1.70 3.20 "1~70 3.20 1.70 3,20 3.40 3, 27 /1.70 1909. .~A.wami~s. 1.70 3.20 1.70 3.20 1.70 3.20 1.70 3.20 -2.70 - 3.20 3.70 3.20 .... 3.20 ,85 "3.15 1.70 -,-].~U 3.20 1.70 ¯ 3.40 3.20 1 70 3.20 1.70 3.20 3.70 3.20 I - 70 3.20 3.27 Int. 3.40 . " . ’ . ¯3.27 ¯ 3’.27 ¯4.35 " 3.20 ].70 3¯20 85 3¯]5 4.25 4.57 1.70 3.’?~ ].70 , 3.20 ].70 ~3.20 " 3.40 3.27 1.70 3.20 3.40 3.27 43 1.70 , , 3.13" " 3.20 3.40 3¯27 3.40 3:27 85 3.15 YOUNG’S PLAN, " Tax Allen, T. Buckle)’, lot 85, block 97, J. L. Young~sPlan .......................... $ .43 Bower, ~,largaret O., lots 2-7, 29, block 58, .43 J. L, Young’s Plan. Burnes, Catharine A., "]o’ti>’ii,"iCYiogi 152, J. L, Young’s Plan ............... .43 Cleever, George B., lot 14, block 51, J. 1., Younge s Plan .......................... .43 Cleever, Mabel lot 22, block 51, J. I., Young’s Plan .......................... ,43 Carter, William P., lot 38, block 117, J. L. Young’s Plan .......................... .43 Fuller, Dwight B., lot 42, block 53, J. L. Young’s Plan .......................... .43 Graham, E. M., lots 5, 6, block 144, J. L. Young’s Plan ................ ~ ...... .43 Heller, Mathias, ]ots 20, 22, block 94, J. L. "Young’sPlan .......... .’ ........ ~ ...... .43 Hilton, Joseph H., lots 1, 2, block 233, J. .43 L. Young’s-Plan ...................... Ja¢]¢son, MarJorie M,, lot !1, block ]3, J. L. Young’s Plan ...................... .43 Joslin, H., lots 14, 16, block 165, J. L. Young’s Plan .......................... .85 Levy, E. Blankman, lot 24, block 144, J. L. : Young’s Plea .......................... .43 Landon. Mlna, lots 3, 4. 5, 6, block 170. J. L. Young’s Plan .................. .’..’. .85 McCamlc, Annle F., lot 38, block 130, J. L. Young’s Plan .......................... .43 McFall, J. T., lot 37. block 139, J. L. Y0"ung’sPlan .......................... .43 Murphy,. John. lot 30. })lock 145, J. L. .Young’s -Plan ........................... .43 Rothebtlds, Theresa, ]0t 29, block 95, J. L. Young’s Plan .......................... .43 Radcliff, T. E.. lots 13, ]5. h]oek 211, J. L. Young’s Plan .......................... .43 ¯ Rothenberger. M.. lots 23. 25. block 96..J. L. Young’s Plan ...................... .85 Schwab, S. D..,lots 20,. 2"2. b]ock 92. J.L. Young’s Plan .................. , ......... 43 Simmons, Harriet¯ lot 37. bloek 2.~. J. L Yonng’s Plan ........................... 43 ¯ 3¯13 5.10 1.70 . & Costs $3.31 3.40 ¯ Int. & Costs $3.],3 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.15 3.13 3.15 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.15 3.~3 3.13 MJSCELLANEOU$, App, Henry M., ,$ acres, lot 1, Edwina .... Berge. George H., 1 61-100 acres, ]and between P, iver and Gra~’e]ly Run Roads, lormer]y Joslln Est ................... Ba]lingull. Sarah H., lot 19. block M. Geh¯ ’ ring Plan .............................. I1artley, "%’i]liam E.. lot 6, block 52, Gehring Plan .............. ................ Bowman: Lena. lots 10. 12, b]oo~ 175. Gehrlng Plan ................... ~. ...... Copeland, Ch~ir]es, lot 53, block69, Jeffries Plan ................................... Cundv E XV. lots 33 34 35 Bowen Aan.."..... : ......... ’... : .... ’ ......... Tax $1.70 v 3.40 3.67 3.13 .43 3.13 .~5 3,]5 .43 3.13 i.70 3.20 .43 will be deductedfromamountof cost. I & Costs $3.20 .43 76.50 6 ..... Int. .85 85 ].28 .85 1.70 .85 43 .43 3.40 85 .85 43 43 I HA LON, 3.20 Tax oF REGISTRY 0F NoA ws PRIMARY ELECTION, A "3.20 1.70 _ VOTERS OF --~:~F-’mFF’S S.~.. ~. P. Connsellor-at-Law. ABSOTT, " AND GEN- O By virtue of ~ .~vrit of fleri faclas,.Io me di- ,t., Master in Chancery, ERAL ELECTION AND MEETINGS OF reeled issued out of th.e NewJersey Court of 4.90 " 3I.A.Y’~ LAXDING, .~. ~o Chancery, will be sold at pub!!c vendue, on ................. THE DISTRICt BOARDS OF REGISTRY 4.90 A.ND ELECTIONS IN AND FOR THE SATURDAY, THE TWP.NTY-THIRD DAX LBERT C. ~LBBOTT. COUIWTY OF ATLA.NTIC, Auorn ey-at-Law. 4,90 OF OCTOBEI~.~NETEE.N ]=IUNNotice is herel~y given that the several Boards ~olicitor and Master in chancery, . DRED ~N f~’N.l NE, 4.90 of Registry and :Fleet_ion in and for the county at two o’clockin the afternoon ofsaldday,"at of Atlantic in the districts out~Ide of cltieshav. and ~uth will Kuehnle~s Hotel, corner Atlanttc 6. 67 ing over thirty thousand Inhabitant, avenues, In tho cry of Atlanti0 Clty, meet on Tuesday, September 7,1909, for the Carolina county.o~ Atlantic and Staleof New Jersey..." Counsellor-at, Law,4.90 purpose of making a complete canvass of all ~li that certain tract or parcel ofland and ¯ the legal voters resldlng in ~he districts en. premises, situate in 1he city of Atlantic City, C~u~tPhone EGG HARBOR ClTY~ l~.-J.. titled to vote thereln at the next general elec4.90 tion. county of Atlantic and State of New Jersey, " ~Notlee is .hereby farther given that the de;ecribodaa follows: 4.90 said H. ~N t1ER~OLL; Boardsof Registryand Election~n dl~ Beginning at a point In the easterly 11I~ of ROBERT CouI~ellor-at-lmw. -Tennessee avenue seventy-five feet south" outside of cities baying over thirty thouOfflce:.--Currie Building, -" 4.90 tricts ~vaTd]y from the-southerly line of Baltic avesand inhabltants will aiso meet on Tu~sday, " Con~,r Atlantic and ~outb Caroline ayes,, nue and runs thence (1) eg.stward]y parallel ¯ Meptember 14, 1909, at the polling places pro.AT~TIf CIT’Y,¯IW. J~ 4.90 vlded for the holdlng of the primary election with Baltic avenue one,hundred feet; %hence and general electhm in the respective election 4.90 districts at one o’clock ifi the afternoon and continue in s~slon unlll nine o’eh)ck in the 4.90 evening for the purpose of .tran.~riblng a~Jd nmking up from the canva.~ing.bobk.~ two 4".90 lists or registers of the names, to L~e ar]-anged In alphabetical order, together with the r.si:h 4.90 dences of all persons in their r~pective elecllondlstricts entitled to therightofsuffrageat 4.90 thenext general election who-shall per~dn"allv appear beforethem forthnt purpo.~, 0r wh~) -1.00 shall be shown to ~he .satisfixctlon of .said Board of Reglstryand Election byan al-Bdffvit .somelegalvoter re~}dingin ll~at 4.90 lnwritlngof ¯district to hc a legal voter. ~Notice is hereby further giyen that the 4.90 ~ald Boards of RegisD-y and Election in all 4,90 districts outside of--cities having over .thirty thousand Inhabit]Dis, will also meet on Tne~ 6.67 day,September28, lg09,ntthepolli-ngplacesprovlded -for the holding of the genend election in 4.90 afternoonthe respectiVeanddistrietS,remain inatsession°ne O’clOCkuntilinninethe o’clock in the evening, for the pur*poseof ~e4.90 vLsing and correcting the originalregisters and addi~jt~ thereto the names0f allpersonsen4.90 of titied td~the right of suffrage in that election district at the next general electlon whosha]l 4.90 appear in person before them or whoshall be shown by thewHtten affidavit of some voterresiding in such election district lobe a legal therein. . Total voter NoticeisherebyfurthergivenihattheBoard.s of Regi~ryandE1,)ctionintheflistrletsouLside $7.13 of cities bavlng over thirty thou.~md Inhabitants, wl]lhold their tlnalmeetlng onOctober 3.5 6 2)6, 1909, at the polling plac~ t~rovided for the holding ()f the genend election in there6.67 spectivedistricLsatoneu’clockintheaftcrnoon and 2emain in ses,slon nntll nine o’clock in.the ~.67 evening for the purpose ol revising and eorreeling the orlginal rcgiste.r~ and of-adding 9.45 thereto the name or names of all persons entitled Io the right of suffrageln that election district at the next general ~qection who shall 4.9~ appear tn person before them, or shall be shown bythe written atlidnvit of some voter 4.90 resldingin such election distriet-tobe~legal voter.therelm _,, Notice is hereby further oiven that the 4.00 Boards of :Registry and Elections -in the distriers In cities havinga l~ppfihdion exceeding thlrty thousand inhabitan~s, will- meet on 8.82 Tuesday, ,’~eptember 21, 1’~, at the .polling places provided for the holdlng of the primaoand generaleleclJon in the respective 4.90 electlon election districLs for lhe purpo~ of org-~antzalion, anda., at satd meeting shall b~electchairman one of its 4,90 members Judge, whoshall of 4.90 3.20 ¯1.70 1,70 4.90 3.20 .43 4.90 3.20 3.20 L, Cartun, et a]., 1500 acres woodland adjoining lands of S. A. Doughty and 7.58 John MeKees Est ..................... 4.46 Drewer, Ti]]ie M., lot 18, block 16, tract A ...................................... F. M., lots 6, 7, 8, 9, sectlon E. 4.00 Doyle, Balcolm Plan .......................... ,, ~H. P., 5 acre~, lot 98. tract ::I.56 Erickson, Glbson, M. A., lots 1. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Mockgl, lot 22, block 63, Cologne ............... 4.00 Gravenstine, E., 5 acres, lot 56, block C, Rlsley Plan ............................ 4.00 Hand. Eat:. Danlel, 9 acres, part ol James Hand Est,, Casmantion ............... Hoy, Est. H. :K., lots 30, 31, 32, sectlon ], lUsley Plan ............................. Total Hall. Thomas. lot ]5. block 67, Jeffries Plan .................................... $6.67 MorleT. William A., lot ]2, block 68, Jeffries Plan ............ , ................. 4.9~ ~Ioore. Alice May, lots 1, 10, 17, 23, 24, 26,- " Z7. Garden Farms .......... . ........... ~. 4.00 Moss, Thomas. lots 18, 20, block 32, Gehring Plan ................................ 6.67 ~llller. NelsonA., lots 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, " block 67, Jeffrtes Plan ................. 4.00 Pattrn, John E.. lot 21, block 73, Jeffries Plan .................................... 4.90 Pine. John C., lot 20,-block M. Gehl:ing Plan .................................... 4.01) Richardson, A., 100 acres woodland adjoining Bacon Farm and Absecon 4.90 ] .7o / 4 Total J, 1270. : $3.82 3.56 P, ruer, C A. 5 acr~--~, lot 53, tract 6, Ris$3.]S $].Z.’I . ley t’]an ............................... Bos]qloshir~-. Lor÷nzo. 5 acres, lot P7, tract ...a.~a ~5 6. Rislcy l’lan .......................... ¯ B~s~ett l:lizubeth ]) acres lots 129 ]1n .......... ", 3..0 1.,0 traod *;. Ris]ey Plan .................. Prower. I’]mr-]es .’;.. ¯ ;," a,.res, " lot 4".’, trart 6, __ -’-a. 1.’) :’., }~isl,..v i’!,n ............................ Bnkt,, A~n )]tl ]l 5 ares lot 115, tract 6, 3 15 ’ ,,,,~,-, "¢,--- ,~,-~-~,a, "’ -................................ ~5 ,’-.s.~in. .’hnmu~l. 7, aer,~s, lot 21. tract 6, .3.15 " ¯ .$5 - Ris]Pv ]’la:) ............................ D"m~!i:~,,~l~’ignU..e.1:.’.’.’~(.’.??:.l?!.!::.tr:a.ct. 6.: 3.]5 .,~5 Kn,.,’ht. Gottl]e]). 5 acres, lot 59, tract 6, b5 3.15 ~Uslev Plan ............................. h:ne,.ht [~o~fried 5 acres. },2t 76, tract 6, .~5 3.]5 "Ris]ev Plan .............................. J Knocht. "l]arburu, 5 acres, lot 77, tract 6. 3.]5 ,~5 l:is]ev P]nn ............................. Kvh:~n. MineTva. It, acres, lots 25. 26, trut’t 3.20 ¯ ~.70 ,;. I~islev Plan ........................ " Krofl John" 9 acres, lot :;~), t~xact ~ llislcy -- 3.20 1.7)) " ......... Pian...: ...................... .Malone. John. 10 acres, lots 3.% 36. tract 6, 3.20 1.70 ’ ]:islev Plan .... *~vh~ M$ta ~ acre_ £lot....................... 46 tract 6, l{islev .85 3.15 "Pl,~n’." ......... ’ ....... " ............... Pierce. F. A 5 arres, lot 43. tract 6, }lis"" 3¯ 15 8~ leo Plan ................................ " Roe. i)harles 1-I.. 5 acres, lot 72. tract 6. 3.15 85 llish-v ])]an ............... .............. ¯ }’ob~.rts.R. F.. 10 acres, lot 68. tract 6, 1.70 -3.20 ]~,isl~v Plan ............................ Snell. T." ]]., 5 acres, lot 48. tract 6, Ris’ 3. 15 , 85 lev Plan ................................ "Walden. Sarah A:. 5 acres, lot 1¢)9, tract 6. 3.15 ]li-sley,.PJan ............................. 85 ¯ ,~ / ~ Tax ~" SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER2.5, LEG~%,L~ gates, Sarah N., 20 acres, !ot-453, Weymouth Fat:ms ............ ~ ............ ; Kates, Horace N., 20 acres, lot 45£ ~’eYmouthFarina ............ : ......... : ¯ ¯, Leeds, Edward G., 20 acres, lot 381, Weymouth Farms ................ .......... IAdecker, John, 20 acres, lot 467, Weymouth Farms .......................... L~viner, Eli, 20 acres, lot 369, Weymouth F~rm~m,,,,,~,,,,,,~,,,.,,,,,.,,,o.oo.. ,43 .85 ]non~l ~ ...................... ** .~ . . ." ..... ¯ 3.56 3,56 3.13 lhtm~e.V.George,lots 8, ]0, Pomona:..... Shaw, William H., lots 2, 4, 6, block 20, Pomona ................................ ’?aylor¯ Jane. lot 17, block 24, Pomona:... Turner, A. P.’, lots 47, 48, block 92, Pomona .................................. Won Mlnmanhoor, F., lot 21. block 23, Pomona ............................ > ..... Wolf. i~,amnel, lots ]0. ]2. block ly Pc- . nlolla ................ : ............. .. .... AVolf. Fnnnie, tot 23, ¯block 12. Pomona .... V,’e~t. Thomas C., lot 6~ block 24, Pomona ...... ¯ ........................... ’’’" "Wynne. J., lot 12, block 24, Pomona ...... ~’olcott. James B., lots I to 7 inclusive, block 2.~. Pomona.. ................... ~Villtams, Henrietta, lots 17, 18, block 2;1, Pomona ............ . .................... ~’ilson, Mary M.. 10ts 9, 11, block 24, Pc.. mona .:. ............................ SHORE ACRES ¯A’ND -AMAY’S: LANDING, N. ft., COUNTYRECORD r (TAX SALE--Continued) ¯ .. .w # . = $ ¯ .. . - satdboard, andanother of iL~members~u~In4.90 spector. " . Notice is hei’eby /urRher ~iven that the. 6.67 Boardsof ReglMry and Elections in thedistriers, in cttie~ h’aving a population excelling 4.90 thirty thonsand Inhabitants, will meet on Tuesday, September 2~, 1909, at the polling 6.67 places providedfort~eho]dingoftheprlmary eleetlon andgeneral e]ectton in the respective 3.56 election districts, atone o’clock in theafternobn, and contbfiueinr~e~sionuntil nineo’clock 4.90 lathe evenlng, for the purposeof reglstering the names of aH persons in the respectlveelec~ 6.67 lion districts entitled to the right of suffrage thereln at thenextgeoeral electlon, whoshal.l 6.67 personally appear before them.fo~ that purpose, and such other ~ersonS asshall be shown 4.00 by the wfitten a~davttof av6ter, .r~identin that same election district to. be legally entitled tovote therelnat the ensuingelection. [ ~Notice is .hereby further given that the Total I B(mrd~of Regis.try and E]ectlbn In all districts and cities ha¥1n~g a popu ,lation exceeding thirty willmeet on.Ttlesday, $3.56 ]thousand inhabitants, ] Oetober 5, 1909, and October 19,1909, re~spectlve3.56 [ ly, at the polling places provided for the holdI lag of the general election in 1he respective 3.56 I election districts, at one o’clock in the after’ noon and remain in session until nine o’clock the evening, for the purpose of revLsing and 3.56 In Correcting the register of voters and of axlding 3.56 thereto the names of all persons entitled to right ofsuffrug~ ~n that election dlstrlct at ~he next before general them election who shall appear per3.56 sou and establish to the in ~ttl~faction of a majority of the board, in ~uch 3.56" eleetlon district .that they are ehtltled to vote In that general-election district at the next 3.56 general election therein or whoshatl be shown by the written affidavit of a voter residing in 3.56 the same election district to be so entitled. Notice is hereby further given that a 3.56. primary election wlll be held in e#ery election dl~r]ct .in the county of Atlantic on Tuesday, 3.56 ~eptember 28, ]909, between the hours of one o’clock In the afternoon and nine o’clock in the 4.00 evening of thesame ch~y~ for ~he nomination of candidates by the vaauou~ polltI~al partles 3.56 In said county. Notice is hereby further given that the Board of Eleetlohs for the county of 4.00 will be-in session Ih the County Court 3.56 ouse, at Mny’s Landing, NewiJer~ey, on October28,1909, and Saturday, OctoreslX~th’ely, from eight o’clock in 3.56 until five o’clock in the afteramon N. CHANUER~" OF..NEW JEtL’~EY. from twelve o’clock until two 3.56 (recess .o’clock in the afternoon) of .,~atd ch~ys Ior 3.56 the purpose,)frevlsing and correcting the afore- To Edwa~’d A. Lovelnnd: -nah! register of w)ters b); ordering enL’~edthereRy vlrtue of an order oflhe Co0rt oft’hun3.56 from the name or names.of any person ,)r persons who shall be shown 16 the .~xtisfiu~’Iion 4.00 of satd b(~rd for any cause~ not to be entitled to vote at the next general election in the wherein he is a resident, and of adding 3.56 district to ~icl register the name or names of any person or persons who shal]prove to the satis3.56 faction of said bcrard by al~davil or otherwise, hls or their right t0 voteat 1he ensuing election. ~’otice. ls herel}y farther given Lhat the Total Justlce ofthe.~upl~eme Court n.~igned 1[) hold L’ourt, and the $4.90 1he Atlantic county circuit Judge of the Court ofComm,mP1e~Ls of Ati’mtte County or one uf salctJudge.% wiJl noldn 7.07 session of the Court of C0mnnmPlus at the County Court House in 31ay’sl,anding on 3.56 Monday, ~’ovember 1, 19130, from eight o’clock in the forenoon until flve o’cl~.k in the]fretto revise nnd correct theregister ofvoter~ 3.56 noon, of the seven~l ele4.1i,)n districts of )\tlantic County. Notice is hereby fnrthergiven tbat the .,4.00 Justtce of the ~upreme Court a.~Igned to hold 3.56 the Atlantic County Circuit Court and the Judge of the Court of Common:Pleas of Atlan4.90 tlc County, or one of said Judges, wlll hold a session of th~{~_@urt of. CommOn’Pleas at the Court House_~I May’s Imndlng, on Tries81.35 d~.ty, ~ovember1~909~ fmni eight o’clock in the forenoon nntil.seven o’clock in the even3.56 ing to inquire whether a person is entitled to vote in the election district in which he is 4.00 re,zistered. " " 4.00 ~otiee is hcreb1" ¯further given tlmt the next general election will be held on Tuesday, 4¯46 November ’2. ]g09, commencing at six.o’clock in the mornmgand cl~ing at .~eveJ~ o’clock in 4.00 the evening. Done in accordance with.an act of the Lcgi~ 4.90 lature of the ~tate of NewJersey, entitled, "’,-in act to regulate elections," (Revision of l~J~), Pursuant to lhe order of EmanuelC. Shaner, .one thousand eight 4.00 approved April fourth, Surro~lte of -the county of All]nile, this flay hundred and ninety-eight, and the supplerrmde on the app]it~tion of the tmdersJgned, 3.56 men|s thereto and amendments thereof. " Executor of the mild decedent, notiee, ls hereby By order of the Counly Board of’Elections. ,riven to the creditor~ of thd said decedent to 3.~6 HARRYJ~.~xI_ws, Chalrman, exhibit to ti~e; subscriber, under oath orm~rm-LOE]S .A. I{~PETTO, -ation, thelr c]ain~s and demands a~inst 1he .... ;:~. 6.67 %’~’ILLIAM HOWE.~.~TX15", ,estate of the .~dd decedent, within nine monlhs " STENOG]tAPH~’, " " :: JoH.wD. CAXVE~,Secretary. from this th~te, or Ihey will be Ibrever barred .................... L ~. ~ " " -’-’,~ 4.00 OFfice of. the County Board of Electioix~. recovering the .~une from pr~.~cuting or " ’ " . .. "%,[YR0~E d~ C HAMPION, 31ay’s Landing, Angust 28~1909. : aga!nst the subscriber. 4.00 Typewriting# . ’:~.~ THEAT]iA,NTIC SAFED~:P~’~]T TRUSTt’O:, --~YJ~ Stendgmphyand " NotaryPubBc, . " ".~. . " - " ~_/~ --Exerutor, " " ColnmLk~oneroia.m~t~ "Atlantic City, N.J. [ 3.56 By Tlrtue of n writ of fleri- faeias, to me dN" rected, Issued oui of the New Jersey Court of .Chancery, will be sold atpub]lc vendee, on -’ , - : - F .: -..- - - ¯--_-f "’ k.. "-. o ¯ "’’’¯" --.-i . . .-(L . z . . - - °...’. 7 - . .o ¯- . ¯ - JK~.~..~,. ATLANTIC COUNTY R]~:COP,.D’MAY’S LANDING, N. a., SATURDAY; SEPTEMBER __ . . over. I ~as to-havu met the real es- ......... .= .- - Z-." . AS he said nothingabout the placebelag occupied.I was ~urprisedto finds . .............. ¯ L_EGAL. ~ERiFF’S SeLF ........ A WOMAN’S WOMAN "iTTHEOiTAGON H’OU,S-i tM,~maUhe for~otlltthethekeys,Sta¯tl°n’so lHewalkedcame’ bUton. . ~" ::-’7 .... -r--’= | } -)lvvirtue ofh wrl’. ofP.Pri ~acia~,t*,.medl- 111It111 i i.snvd out Chancery, of the New Jer~e~ Court .t rLwted, will ber~fld atpublic vendue, on of " By ALMA 8WARTZ. ~ATURDAY~ THE THIRTJE~’H DAY OF tenant." tCopyrt~nt, 1909,bY Xtrmrloan l-’rtma A6m~ O( ~rOBRR, NINETEEN HU~N DRED ciatlon.] ]: it Wasn’ta Burglar That-the Rosamond closed her eyes wearily, AND N IN}l, .o while her brain sought some escape at two o’s:lockIn the afternoon ,ff ~fid d.%y,at "If .-I were thlnliing of marriage," I Pretty Intruder Encountered. Kuehnle’s.I-lotel,corner.AflanXleand =~3outh from her appallingposltl0n.She was said to Edith,"1 .wouldnot trust to Ctlro]ilnt Aveupe.%iu the cityvI AtlanticCity, angryat havingplacedherselfin.,uch my own Judgment of the girl of my Countyof Atlantic=.nd State of New Jersey. AI! that eel:htlntn~et or pai’relorlaP.dand a sltuatlon She might have known ehok’e.I would dl~.overIf she ~tood prem].,~ By CLARI88A MACKIE, hereinafter1.~arth’nlarlY de.~e~bed, this good looking young man was not. ~ituate In Ibe (’It,.-of.All:mile, in thei’onnly [Copyright, 1909.by Associated Literary well with members of her own ~ex." of ¯A+hmtie andSt~h’-of Nt¯’wJ,.r.:,.-v: Press] a burglar She opened her eyes with at a l~fintin the ~A c.sterlyside "If "1 were thinking of marriage," ofB,.giuning suddennt~.-.~ and looked straight" at him. ¯%rkan,%a~ A~’enue one hundred ~md tlftv ~samond Lee walked slowly down Edith, "I ¯would go to tim fl.et Nortbwsrdly frmu. tl~’ No~her]y Hue of °q wlCh you would go away,"’she rep]led the roseborderedpathto the tallstone /’veirle Avenue, and rm~thence(1)W,..qmother of the man 1 thought of mar- xvar,lly parallel gjt,hl’a,’].~’." A.Yenue on,"|~un~ wall that inclosedthe desertedlmuse aidpetulantly. and ~evonty-rixe :e,-t:*.lioli(.P {2) N,,rtb"Of course,ff Sou wish it. But you rying nnd asR her Jf she ceuld recom- dr~1 next dr_x)r. The owners were abroad, ~.vn,-dlv lmmlle’v.q t b. :\ rkanv)~.%:\ V,-hrl.e t’,;’~.lllX’-fl{’e ft*t; ~J-D,’e V}}TL.-~.fward’v ;,qr.,!’,.; andtherewas no prosL;~:_ t of theirIm- are suffering.May ] not call some one mend bLm." ,xi]h}’aeiJ::]c ¯’k~-’pnu( ¯ ,,1! o hundred{ and.~evvmvmediatereturnto ~nhat)itthe Octagon to help you? I will look for your hum ~" could not say whether Edith was rive feot to the ~,Vestprlv tine of .\~khn~:,~ bang if you wiU.tell me hls name." speaklngIronicallyor not. 1 dropped , - . ¯~ :. . ! ~ . *... House,~s it was called. , -¯" , Rosamond h.’td made many excur: He slopped awkwardly: of beginnio/; the plate be.m;¢ ti.,e ~nn’.e to t.’h:t.rh.’~ H. l.’ndt.rdown "I haven’t anYv husband,"she said the-sub)oct. prmnb.e~ t.miveyed sions about the neglectedgroundsand l bad gone to FlorJd~L where Edith l,y ).~.t~,mplI,’*-I’~ndn4~.d= 3l;Ig-~iP b;s wlA. by "’Yousee. l’vebeen ]n the dreamed many dreams beneath the no- recklessly. was spending the winter, to ask her,h,,.,l d:,t,’d thv l"if~h dnv ofJt!.qP,;X. D., ].t}00, / .[ ¯ aTldrPt’ordPd ]n ~}}et’ler’R’s t)t!ie~of Atlantic ble trees that rose fred] the unkept habitof ra]nnlngover here and slttlng to be Iny wife. Slmce we did not ~ t’ou:~tynt 31ay’sLnndi~g. Newaerx~y, in b,,ok turf. She had taken toll of the bloom- on the porch and readlng,and today 1 NO.21to! det~.ls, foliD:~lS, d;c. Saturday 7thwe launched thegreatest saleevergivenpublicity in Atlantic . ,%¯.z,.,l-as thepr,)p,rty ,,f El z fl)vthV. Towh" ing flowers and shmibs tn their sea- saw you lo~,kingIn the window,and I side in the same l)lace when at homo ,’L his. nnq tak,.]] lU vx~:.fltlt!on .Wt’th..~llit Of 1 had had no opportunity of knowing sons, and now she fed the gray squir- thought you were a burglar,and so I t’Oh’lll:ll] ]’¯. 1/e~tlllhPd, .];’., ~.l:d] [,,~msold })y City.Nottheordinary clearance saleof Undesirable goods, butan;absolute selling of rels that raced up and down the green triedto frightenyou away by pretend- how she stood with any one exoept ]’:NOUH h. JL~lt.N.";DN. ing I had a husband.I live next door, myself.Ther0forebeforem.,.ktngher t~h er{1T. everything atsachbigredumion~ thatwillinsure quick selling. branches. ~so a.w~re of my intentiOns1 resolvedto ] b,tid.’4(.lqe.rl)l)eP ~-~, ].c~.). -Her family laughed at her fondness and my name is Rosamond 0f.-J,,n.~ n.l¢,-vv,.~.-." recall ly drawforth*.heopinions Thecutis justone-half on Glothing .andi~ willbe to youradvantage ~ .,~,,,.i,or. l’r’s fro.$2;.50. for the OctagonHouse and predicteda there! You may laugh If you want to." c~)v-e]’t ~l. ......... -’+ ....... "But I don’twant to laugh,"he said certnln .members of her own P.ex. speedy abandonment,when Mrs. PhilEI]’:RI t,¯F’8,’~.XLE. andmakeearlyselections. -girls at the 9’ Hps came home again, for Mrs. Phil-" softly¯"I think it was awfullybrave There were a number of ~ of you. you kn~w. when you believed sam~ hole1 with her: and I tbonght 1 B’vvirtne or :) writ.,)l ~ !!,’;! .ra,¯hF.. h, :uedilips was old and Irascible and much re-ofed,i>,,uPd*,mt~if the New Jets’p;," Uourto: fearedhY I;o,~amr,nd sinceshe was a rp.e to be a despernd-.Now, Miss Lee, might guther evidencefrom thvm. But I¯!mneery, wil!be ~.(,hlat publicxen~ue,t>n { you must !et nm help you home again, after a eoup!e ,If days" .¢my among llttle ch!!d. TIlE THIF.TlY:TH I)AY OF at once¯ th,)m it seemed to me that Edith el- ,’~:\TITt~DAY, But on this gloriousSeptemberday, f¯~rthatnn.k!en¢~]snttont~on ,~ "]’,)],}’:]L..’N ! NiqI’ENN HU N r)REl) Permit rv, as ~ fi,.lghhor and perhaps th~.r k~,n h~rsefl volv.ntnrily afoot t>riree.xaclly 1-2of ~elnngprh:e ¯ "whenthe ],’Hemonthlyre:loswel~bor.%11~’lolhlng Cut ,.,xnetly i] 1-3 AND N !N !¯:. 50c. He st,~op,,,1 and fromrhom o.,’"~.o.dL~-enIeftcut--of ~! lxv~,,,’,q,--k dering ~he path :" dv:;cate swoet- later,,nn f:’~,’:~,i:" In the:Ht,wn,~ni {)i’.~aldday,-’fl armsv.ndcar- t!’.IrIt’t]e,.oterj.e. Lot of Men’sH eavy }10tcl e,,rm,r ,,r".\t!:(.’:tie ;1.1*d .~.b)ulh ] sn,)nbecamegood }(uehnlo’s nes:,Rt,san,,:nu. a fallsweetroseher- ~l,~lh,,rI~:hi~s;r,-,ng t’n:,’]D,:: \x,.nn~.~.h.’ ~b,...itv ,,f.\th~)tie t’i~b’,r One lot of Men’s Suit’., rler2 hpr thr,)ugh quiet bypaths to fHPn0s w~:l~, them an(] proepodF-,i to self,thou;htlirth’of .Xirs.PhJlilps In I’,)Ilt,;Vi)r "~[~;i*l[i~" lllldN( t{,¯ O! Ne%V .JPl.’Svy¯ Overcoats ......... :.’$3.50 Ai: "/h;ttv.q’la~iuIr;u’lor hW ,~r land and $2.50 choice .............. distantBerllu."rh,_~day was made for smn]l~stelh It:.-wallahflihusup the el,]t’tdnbetl}P matter. WLnt was my ])tcp~ o:: ~t’s -iltlaOe i LIt tie.~l,%g~l ¢)~= }]alzlD]onl~en. ~ll:’p,"’-e I0 dtseov~r elm.*n¢~ton,+(,f ]_,~*i,."U,,m:Iy~" A1’an~icn:p!.’a.Dih"of New her--for her n!one--nndthe Octagon rr>se bm’dore8path into her ra:her’s Lot of Men’s Heaw/ Fancy, black, black and .I I),):~l;,Ie,l atl,l tlP.-a~¯ib"d a.-~ f~,lh,’~’~: OnelotofMefl’s Suits, care. t~w:nwould.~n’~-~ .~k"wetto( her,nnd .]~’.~t’v. House.’ B,,~:nin’~ at o M’~R¯’lU the._’6,>u/h~,~_.st li,~:~ Overcoats.. $4.50white-feet; Many times after that David Phillips allkinds; many of *_hem Sl)Ok9 ill of b-r. choice ............... $3.DD 8he f~l]owodthe ~tonewall to an In~I !~.-i]~"V/It".2~vel~P.t"tiR:,’-~,ven.f,~’ta:ld .%UYP1) N,v,.thwv.-:. (,fllw~,ul]:’x* st liceTi)ird tersevtimzfence ~-hi,:hserv~las a strodeup tho rose l~)rd~_redpath to see This was a shock, l ha~ suppo~eV] hl.¯/,,..~ 3 p~irs for .25c ).tql]~ ;IJ’;O tl)eWesler!y corner o[onv Lot o~’ Men’sFancy ol one who s,,eme~] S?r~-’l stepplngstone, in a trlce she had " Ilosam,ndLee, and the fo]!owtngJune, that g,~d_oplnions V,’arren’s h{mhlhonee ,",tendJn~ 1st8~,ulr,One tot of Men’s Suits, i $6.00 ;flung .,aid "~½"I%rFc!t’>|il2e ,)]le ])llllEIrcdt Overcoats ........... jut.apedilghtlyto -the softturfof the I whenth,~roseswereriotingthe ga:’- to me to be ~o 0eserving of- them t~.~vrIy o-% r~ . : 5 choice .$4.00 ali._| fiftr-Pn %,%’! t,);~ ]),)iDt. lhel},’e :~]1,] S,~qt:l. othersideand sped swiftlyacross~-he i den,be clatmedher as hL~ own, and to. ,vould eome merely for the asking. wes,vr]yan[di)’~rallel w:lhBeJIL-Yllt:. AVPI!O,’ gethertheyp’)ssedunderthe portalof o, sixty5.,’t then,-. ¯ :;,’d_Northwe~;I,-,.’lv Lot of Men’sFine " dappiedgre~.ntowardthe house¯ ._. J*~ 110. If I were to, - sum np bPr " ~,)n ].oint; nnd ]mmllr!withfit>tcourseone ]~lindr+’d ~])C],, One lot of Men’s Suits, whlch followed[ the reJuv,mn.’ed Octagon House, ot piazza, upon crooked TL~ cL,:~racter theevld0nce ofthose [ ~l:~,~(.;~ -,,-,_.! tothesoutl.,...:,~:,,:":" side ,,f.’~dd BlackOvercoats...$7.00 ]5c Blue arid white .............. $5.00 Avenne: I|701 ’’’1¯4[-})N:,r|he:t~tvr]y choice ............... ~J.,c,out]l.neof the old house,was coy-[whici~t;o~am,mdbe-~’mmeIn factt.he WhO mast know her. rather ~han mar ! l~,.r,’,_.,-,w {.ah-mg ~:udM,]t.,,fF.,ql*’v;m Av,,:-,.u~" .M.xly fi7"1 FinestBalbriggan.....37c , e=..d with "rlrgt~acreeper,even now mistre.<~ Lotof Men’sExtra 1"3" hPrit ;vou.’d [>9betterforme that{l,,,},.p’,w,,o~ b,g,,~.,,~, c, mt-m]]ng ~:¢ one lot of Men’s Suits, I bnd Dever b~en berl~. One d£~c]art=*d , tit] n:q~F,d n,ne i~.l’.*drrd s,,,mrr ,+t of land tm’rin~to brilliantscarletand gold. :..3,5c B.V.D." ..... He Could~Say"No." F{neOvercoats ....$8.00!Ath!etic, thntshewasvain.t~hothet se]flah an$6.00 l u ..no corner where the vines hung , .,qri,.tmens,~r,’. .’4,,iv[-rl ag th,,pT,)perty.of I ’hnrl~s H. \Vilson choice ............... lo~x- and form+~da curtainwere a long , . "A very dignlfled~young man took a otherunt,_-uthtnl. ,nd*;,k,.n !.nexecution ,alt!:esu.~t Indeed,every one an,~.-th~¯~.~ -÷ Silk . . LotO~ ’Men’s ’wf;:i.er chair’nnda pileof Ro~amond’s , ~nt In a .~m.oklng cnr,"~aldthe ho~t- at.r~,~l:ted~o her some fault¯ Not t .- " ,,,,-,.;v,.~. vn,’ [IFleece lined ~. ~:.... ]:.~ ....30c One lot of Men’s Suits, " " ess, who j, !ned in the a~er tllnner Lined Overcoats. i. $9.00 fav,.rlte books, w!!]:ng to condemn her without a by :$7,00 .~;’;O,’H ,L,;,)I{>’S~L":, choice .............. SL.~ had tlre<l of reading and was~ story tolling. "Near hlm were three hearing, ! asked her why she did not: ! sh,,-!.~. .a Lotof -Rainc6ats, situ,tghall drowsywtth sleep.whena[ traveling~alesme~.well dresst~,Jolly make companions of the other young ’ ;,a:,~t Sro:,.n,be’ ~5,;L,.~). "r_~.~t,~.~.~ E. /"kEY’ :I.iO:,t.ive]>, Onelotof Men’sSuits; step ,>n fh~ piazza roused h0r. Never! fel]own, one ,,f whom suggested a lad:esin thehotel. $7.50 , Monarch, Tuxedo and ,,:,:,,~:,~: J.l;zuc-: ~. cravenette..: ...... ¯ " .{ game of cards, an,1 the others agreed.. $8.00 choic e ............... before had any one trespnssc~]on her other high grade, "all. ..... 75c "Oh," she re~!JL’~ " " ....... : ’ Pr’~ fee. 5"=’2..~’. They appealed fo the young man to ¯ ’they’vegot t~p a mutualads:ration¯ ~t i. eh:,:sen retrent. I take part and make up ~.: four handed All others ......... 15c: and 37c One lot of Men’s Suits, society and hdv. o no use for any girl [].,cn.\.xc~:uY ,IF .XLW JEIL~EY. She parted1 the vines and peeped 4~ thr,_,ughto dl.~overa man’stall form game. exoept the mse]res." choice . .$9.00 I " ’Thnnk you; I never play cards,’ Ilug. bent to lwerinto the halfdrawnshades came the responseto the Invitation. The reply wa~ not sati.~tactory. 1 [T,,.lu.Ua By v|}’Dw ofano-,ler ,,r,huCourt,xft’hanc,,rvof .N~.wJ6rsey, made,m thedayo~ti,e of the long windows.He Straightened WaS bl~erly disappointed. ’.I?hc only Onelotof Men’sSuits, "’I am sorry for that. Will you d;,",-h~.rvm, in :, eertaine:m~,ew;A.reinF~me:s up a~aln,and she saw that his clotI~S have $10.00 A few WashSuits, Hng ix" p-tltiom-r, and v.,~n~.tn’hxA. Hllg] n cigar with usT added the th]n.g for me to do was to go back" .I. choice .............. 5c fronts,¯ 2 for:. ........ d,.]endaL’t, ~,)U are rt..l~2";red to apt:>p-ar, nnd werv gray nnd dusty and that wh~[o nortb and drop FAIth from my rnLod. ,,r,_. 25c Shir( spokesman, producing his case. ph.:ul¯ answ*,r ~;rdtmJU~ ?.~)p;:lititmer’g tpe!_q,¢:n smal side:s; prize ......... dust powder~Y.lhis dark hair. He was ...... 10c BlackTles.... -...... at- ,,n or b,foreth- twenty-.~r,:-ond day nt _~°ovehiam obliged to you, but I never BI}t r.he WaS attractJvo tO mo--ve-r~" 5c WhiteAprons. Wash P~:fits,.’.. : ........... mopping his foreheadvigorouslywith b,n.next. ,,r,.indefault tht.ro,-. ~uchdot.roe tractive. Sbe waS l:rotty nnd engag............. 10c smoke,’ replied the dignified young a Landkerchlef,and she noticed that man. ~ig. I didn’t wi~b to glve her op. I ~lm}l’Vill }),.t])inkhtkenequitnblpug’,~il~lalldYOlljn.,.t.w. "l)el’!mlwel!or Boys’ Suits,¯ light and Trousers "]’l)eobjPel,if~.ai,:l suitis 1,,obtaina decree his hands were bronzedby exposureto Carpenters, Bricklayers, ’.’Theythoughtthey wouldJolly the 1:12000 Ilr) Iny ,d~LD0..however,tO b~ tr12¢ ,,r,livo~,’~. heaw-weights at $1.00and dissa)ivingthe nmrr]ngebetwe~’n the sun. p~iee t0 the prineJph,I had enunciatedLo yoU;H~dlh,’~.a]dp,?tition,?r. l’ri,.eex.~tly 1-2 ofmllin_,z young fellow out of dignity, so the ~ IL’]¢.X’D]V,)T’r_ Painters, etc,,Sweet upwkrds. That the man wns a burglar Ilosaof tbls .\-LLEN .IR., i leaderproduceda ’travelingcoiL(pan- Edithherselfat the begt~oln.: ,.2 ¯ ~t)licilor ,,a l)etiti,,ner. From 75c up to $350"Pants’l mond had not a doubt. Her heflzt alLotGBoys’Corduroy[Orr Overalls. ...........65¢ ~tcry I pachvd my trunk and pald my l’n}on Nation’d Ban_k BnildinL’, lon" nnd asked: -.@ znost stoppedbeatangwhen he glanced .\~am>,ny.";.J. r--.40c " ’,ks you do not play cqrds nor b’ll ar the hotel.Then I dld what men D:,I,,] All other kinds.. 5 to 8, i0cpair :i~/~ Twl:-hl---tir~ d.)v ,,fSe/,1-:n~b-r which is gMn.g them away. care:essly r,,ward&,.rvinecoveredreare constantlydoing when they apply I’ ""--Pr’s re,,, .~.-b:25. .x.I)., ]~.k rrea, before he sat down on the top smoke you wl]l no~ refusreto join us- princlples to thelr love affairs. I sub~: _ in a drlnk:,’ .u stepto lighta plpe t’REI)ITOtls. "’1 thank3"o!],gont]emen, bnt I nov- ordlnatcalmy 3udgmentto my lnc}lna- "~,,.r]L’].:T,) J "Ile’s wond,-r!nphuw to a’et .~n." rio:). Here ware six girls; some of *,E,q:tt¢. ,,f1"..I.L. C:frb.-"rrv. d~-P;fg~d: er drlnk.’ murmuredZb~nm.c:,.’ltt h~rselt."~f J’I.IY’£U~.Illt to the ordi,:r of.]C,m:muel-t’. :Shaner, ; ""With thls a venerable ~rmn with whom refused to spea~ well of Edith, 1)’.vf’,?:.o!v,,f’V~tlfmtic, lht.a(bD" 1~Ier"~l]rr,~g,H*’*,f only 1 were bravo ~.noutzh ¯ I would go" ministerialaspectsittingIn the seat while the rest condemned her. " nmde ,m the nppli,p~ti,;n of the unde].~ig~r(*l,, Out and frlghten him away, but I am t behind the young man reached forward O~W~ , teBt~lT~Ol~y ]]3 her OWn behalf Ex,-.llt,,r~ ,q"tbe~;~1de(x,~de]xt, ]aotiue l~nereDy ; O ".-’--’--"---7.,~ ~ ~: givvn !o the creditors,of thesaiddecedenl -_.~1[i, fearfully afraidof burglars, and yet If would on principles of evldeDce be ’toexhibitto 1he-sub~mrlber~, tappedhl.m on the shoulder. undero~th ~helrel-almsandden:muds he should break In and steal some of-iand’I" have heard what you hate said wortMess.Nevertheless,on the even, or arllrnmtlon, agah~st theestate ofthe.~fid decedent, wlthln " o .41,, 3Ir~ PhiLlips’plctureS] .would feel ,numberers my~eparture I vCalked wl~ nine months from this date~ or they WHl. t~e thesemen.".~aldthe sedateold fel~lreadful.l~ecau~1 hay) enjoyedher to forever),arr/~d from prosecutmg or recovering low,’andI admireyou f’orthe stabilityher ~lnto ao orange groveand asked thom~bsgrlbers. l~ospltallty unasked." 8he smiled of ehnrn,’t~rwhich has ennbledyou to her how she had come to nntagonize the.~ame~m~inst - :\.x¯r]!,)Ny .%.]-]I}L’~T, ,: ,f~’qzs FI’FZI’A’fRIfLK, thoughtfully and then sat veryquietly, shun bad hnb{ts 1 have n daughterIn ~o runnygirlsof her own age. , Exeeut or.~. ¯ Presentlyshe "dropIK’d-a bookon the the parior ear. whom I shouldlike to~ He]" reply was that ff 1 declinedto 21i.%~th ~t..Phi}:tdetphi:t, Pa. I ynv’s l.anding. N..)., .%e},teml,~,r IS, 19~.;. floor a;~ rustledout of her retreat have ~mt meet.’ considerher superiorto everyoI~e o~_ with a haughty expression on her She-had no further use for my ........... LEGAL"’I thankw,u sh’."repliedtheyoung them }~-" t)l’i ~. .’E ,)F.’4E’ITI,EM ENT... sweet fa-’e The strancor JumI~l to mnn. turnln,~ nbt,ut and faclng the acquaintance. hisfeetundfill]led~’.’~hls¢’""vrap 1 confess1 was takenabackby thlS I *.N,,lit.e i’~her,-bv,qventhatlheaccountel pRi)l’~)nALs. gentlemnt~"but th0 faet Is. I never ’q beg y,,ur llleglcat method of handling thest11:)i ~lw~ubM’rii,er. n-* ,\dministmt,)r of will ",bebe e.-lah. of ,\l/red1)i Pahn::. ,leet~x.sffd, nuditvdi Sc-’ak~lhids for.pn)po~als for thPeOnslruetlo~_ " Imrd,)n."he stammered, intendt,, marry.’" ¯ "I didn’t kh,,w any one was around." __ _ Jeer."/’aRetheevidence of one againslI and Mnled bx lhv S’arr~)~.:t,’ nnd rel:mrt,hl for of a ]’r]d~e Tenders :House at :Dorset :Place7 ~,.m,,m,-n! t,*’tiw,)rl,lmn~"~’,ur! of Atlantie l brldget n Ventnor C~tv,N.3.,willbereceived ~o~am,md fixrd him wlth a cold slx: If 1 were to make the most lm- ~’,,untv,,>n ’Tu,.~’dav,lhe txvelfthday ofOeto-ihy 1he Board [)f Chosen FrecholdersofAtlanThe IncorrigibleKid. stare~hih she mentallydt.-ctdedthat [ lic(’ounlT, when~’fl]ed forby*.he Director.of w)rtant dt.~lslon of my lifeon suchevt-b,.r.n,.xt. !-,.Y-s>:., ~3....’3rvm,.x, i I]qll he xv-~too::,,,>d l:c.~klnlz tO be engnged "Isra,..W. Durham.the Philadelphia den,e, hen~~n .help me! 1 called her 1he P.oard, atNew a meeting to be ~eld in 3Iemorlal S,)uth York Avenue, Atlantlc Clty, "" .\,lministn~tor. pollticlnn.’" sl:hla Pennsylvania legisin su a nefariou.~pastimeas burglarAllanticUity, N..l.!N:.l-J, October6,1!~),at ]l o’eloeka. m. nttentlon t,)" the fact that all these lator,",,wud],artof hls successto the Imlt’d~,’pl~nD~.-r lt. A:D..1~..). }:-u,h hid must be aceompaniedwith a certitzlngr~un,,’, upi,_<l ruuntry house~. i’r’t,.:,,r, fine @ay 1~, kel)Lhis followerssubmls- young Indies were her peersand thelr j...~.WEsr,,,Tw. tied check In the sam of fin)-(50.00)dollm.’sa.s Atl:~nti,’~?ily. N.J. Shelllt’tedher prettybrow~inqulr- sireand n)-~,dhmt a gunranIt’ethat the su.ecc-~.fulbidder will -withouthurtingthelr concurrence In condemning her was si~’nthe conl;’~eL lngly|"Y )u v,!sh~lto see someone?" Drldo." not "to be put asideby her bareasserThe plans and sp~.ifit’~ttons.~h be seen ~t the oIltee of fl~e CountyHn~neer 10~ B~rtlett. "W~y--crno. I didn’texpect to see "Mr. Durham could call you to order tion. She replled that ff our acPetit Jurors For O¢:toberTerm. Building,AtlanticCity,~’. J. any she here. I thoughtthe place was without ~ffendingyou. Once, for ex- quaintancewere ~o coutlnueIt must be "]’herightix reserved[ to rejectany or all bi~>x .%l)~,,’r|,n--]’.’. J. 3h’t;:lrthy, AE drewCraven. }"RA NX ENDERLI.~, vacaI~t,"he stammered,knockinghis ample, he ca!led me to order He said upon the condJtlonshe had stated. Allnntie[’lty--l~id ~."t_3rown, VVin.fleldC. Chnirm~n of Bridge Committee, MurIland. ~lpe~gall~:the rnlllngand stuffingIt I was lneorrlglble.He sald. wtth a Egg Hnrbor City, .N.J. We waikod back to the betel In si- [¯J ones,B. Frankl=Inrri.%Cl~risLopher Pr’s fee, $~.7K intol~lspocket. laugh, that 1 was es hard to manage lence,- nud nt parting Edlth didn’t Thmnpson lrv]n, Alberl Stephany, Albert "It ,Is not vacant.I am here,"said as a ltttleboy In a downtownschool. even look at me. I wentto my room -fh’imrod.Tholm~ 31eDexitt;YIenry ~l. Ol~rg H.ev. Char)e:s D..’.3inkinson.SamuelM. Rosamond bravely. "This youth’s teacher told htm he and wr6siled with myself. That night fell, 811OES. Hanstein, Dalflel Carrtgan, Newton Spence, "So~ I---er--~,"wlth nn air of cha- must add withoutcountlngon his fin- I slept but lltUe and the next mornlng Albert Mantiey, John C. Srrm]lw0od, Edgar 8. grin. gers.-The]] she ~avo htm severalmen- awokewith a longuldfoellng,not only Hill,I.e.’isConover,Jolm IX I’orio,tJhar]esM. I ’q’hbh,,useL+ wellln Otected." Ull sums. Iie sv}ved them, but from of body.t, nt of mind.A_llday 1 strug- Np,,idel,.lobuB. Ap)lPg’ale. 3o~hnal:~trl..John J _/ "’Ia~m gludoz thaT,"he saldheart~y, the way be kept looking down at his gled to prevent myself (rom marrying J. t’hrisly, Harry]]: Co~,I{. 3 W s ]~l’n, ’, l{liP1]iI "~’i.%lll"]’,)WIIS}]ip -- l~iC/l{tl¯d Rosam,,nd In#gLued hLs tone was ha nd:aabe kn,,whe wasn’tnflnding her. n girl condemnedby her nssoeiaWs.] [ \Yi;ii.~m 5ort,m. sa_rea:~tic. "’Perliaps y,m wlshL-d to.see so sh,, made hl!n lmt hi.< hand~behind wont t,) tho ral!roadstatlon,but ~.nw t’)m]l,-sN,),’lh. .\iberl "Etectri6aI Engineers and Contractors, rny hn-~lmn0,"she s;,Idlu a waverlng his.’,) l’::-’g l-]nri.or ’ i!’"L4,,)rge l)t)e~fel}, ....nr,,1lh,,nshe ’~"~" ..~avehim an- the trn!n lenve wlthont me E[lltL’ 1 Hilb,’:’!. voh_m.’ others,.]m.I-Ie}mswert~] It.t,~o.cor- wh,u)I ~net t;er vn lhe tennis&tort- F::.’~Harl,,)r"l’,,an~bip--Somv.~ - -" SHOE F:n~li>l). t~a.~andEleetricalFixtnres-,Incarfdescent 22 South TennesseeAve., Tbu man Stalled x l,,l+’ntlb, und hls l’r,’tly. ¯ i took no notice of me. She seemed to Laml~, Electric Sign~ "and Electric ! eyesf,,r<,,.k herf:~:’t, anddrupl),-4 to Atlantic Cit~, N. J; forgozteu Ine over thP net. I1) ].’rank }t. N,,r,’r ;~<. FrederieR Murray. " ’(},~c~ll’ shesald.’Youdidn’tcollnt 8uppIles. I;;d]m{’.ty "l’,uvnsbip--Dnniel 31alhi~,t’onmd the grouhd."’Ofc,,u:seIt wouldL.e a ’~ OoaatPhone. l?~-z: Agents for Croeker-’Wheeler~ Motors on your;ingr-rs-that time.did you’afternoon when she appeared, i I.-,h:v.i.% Frank lh.inhnrdt. Harry }h,lzer. .~le .~ell.Phone ~.;75-Athe pleasur,," h,- sa~d "’1~he around?" , nnd Dynamos.. "’’No’re.On my toes,"sald he." 1)ei~uLifully appareled and with a roe,"-{ Jlalni)tonT,)w;lship--WillhnnLewis,.lo~eph ~osam~nd~,Sged,.loserto the steps In her hair. I rnlsod the white flag.1 i Bau,-r. Eb:.m,zer Ro:gh, John P. Tayl,)r. and ran lightly down to the path bel=[;t?nn:on[~)n--Fr~h~k .\pplegal,, .),)bnHelQuite a Mistake. ~ -. . asked her to walk wlth me in the I ._ CIG,-x~S. .. CIGARS. -....... low "I will call him. He l~ not far A ludy vlsltor at Blaekpool was orange grove. Once there 1 told her{ .~er..\nhm]’iez. ¯ ........... . ...:._....................... ~-........... l.iI ~ :v,)od-.’~I fr,d t’arm on. away," she oried breathlessly.Then bathing and was ou the point of o that If all the saints In heaven e0n.t¯: 31nllica T,)wnMiip -1~owl?s I.. HohielL.h)hn FOR O -¯ : she turned and sped ,~wlftly toward drownlng When a boatman, who is a demned..herI would feel honore~ to :’*- " " " " ¯4 3lick. the wall that dlvld,_~lthe placefrom lo~:al’wag,went to her assistance. ¯-_ . ~__-. When You Want Solid Clgar ComfortSmoke kiss the bern of her garment. NorlhflPld--]b)l~erl 31. Harl. o her home. Once there, her father Later In the day he called where she ¯ ’Youtold mew she reptled,"’tbatIf Pleaamn tviile-\V i li}an)1 ’hanl-pion; W in~e’ld ~:.u]dtblepboneto the villagefor as- .was sraylng and saw a gentlemnnwho, you meditated marriage you would Adam~. ~’]mrk.~],uzt.nher~,John Kolluln. si...taace, an~ thusthe burglary vCot]Id ~edngthe lady In difficulties, had of: dDcover tf the girl of your choice ,~,)mer.~’Poiut~WillL~mHimeb~t-li. be i.revent~, ~A’,.ym,,tHhTownq}ip--BernBrd19odlrey. Let the above¯ ¯trade mark fered +~9 to any one who would rescue stoo.d well with her own sex. You Sb,- tbought she heard swift steps the lady Tht.~ conversationtook know whattl~e girlshere thlnkof me." be your~guide when buying -, The Cigar of Q~t~litM. .2 behh,dher, and she reuewedher speed place ¯’They are unworthY-to express an shoes for your children. ¯ She Is $o Sensitive, tox~a_-’d the wa!i.IIerheartwas l~,at- Boatmm)--I am the man who ~aved "I wishs,)n)epersuns,weren’fso all Our"E]Proctor" and"BrideCigarros" areUnequalled. ing ~.hno~tto ~uffucuti,m. as she step- the lady. slr. nnd I thoughtI’d call .opinionof you." It means that shoes so She laughed. 0 fired sensitive and ready fo see an In. 0 £n pe3 ,m a ],~- stone. She uttered a and see about the .~. "1 admlt,"I stammered,"thnt 1 have suit When none is intended,"remarked -stamped willfitwell,retain ter]l’Sedery as the stone slippedand The Gentleman--Y-e-s. I "know,ffJut gone b~:ek on my principle. Perlmps aber,_qltu.t.~, ground. ~’hen I made the offer 1 thought it the man w]Ih the troubledlook, lo0ktheirshape, andwearwell. j~ Now she heard swift steps In reall- ~ was my wtfe who was In danger, and .I havebeen a fool,hot 1 cant helpIL" lng. for sympathy."NOW, last night I "Yes, you have been very stupid¯ got myself Into an awkward fit Jtlst We carryall leathers and ty as the strangercrossedthe turf and It turned ~ut It was my wife’s In the first place, I knew what yo~ trying to be agreeableand to please bent anxiouslyaboveher. mother. styles of these shoes. Sold by the :Water Power ComlmnY Store, "1 holm you have not hurt yourself." Boatman--Justmy luck’. Well nlr, came down here for. Any~girl woakl. everyb<xl..y.I went to see a..yom~ . _ . Joku Pratt, ~orse & ComlmJay_and ~,orge N. B~. is. ¯ liars known that. I. the second place, he ~id gravely, lady I.thlnk a great deal of--yes, I-do how much do I owe y0u.N-LondonTit, you should not have told me: that you "I save sprained my ankle," admlt- Bits. thlnl~a great deal of her, but I wlsh .owere golng to ask my friends thotr she would be more sensible.¯ Girl ted the g~r~withwhitelips. OlTlntonof me." "WhatWere .you tryingto do.--notto friendof" hers was there,at/d it was Are You Crazy? "Your triendar’ scalethe wall?’ firstvlsltsinceshe’dsent a cra~ "How do you know that you a_-’e not. -yes.¯ MI tl~esogirlsa~e my friend¢ her "~’eS." looking, good for nothing decorated e~amyT" was asked the accused in a ~. toldthem:It you asl/edtheiropinion eup and saucer wRh scalloped edges =____" -I "Why? Wag your husband over lunacy investigationA prize might. of me to condemn me." there?’ a~ a bl~hday gift well be offered for a convincingan"What In ttm uamo o~ eoune~neo A red fltmh crept to her brow~, swer to the questionfrom erie’sper~’ ’When-I was out shopping,’ the dtd you do that for?" CIGARS. ¯ "Yes." ~heenid. saw that ~onal. knowledge.~Lombroaoand other . "Do you suppOSO I wo~id many a girl friend explained,..’and ,"Shall I call htm;" asked the-msefip and saucer I Just thought of yoo, peered i~urglarfrankly,"or shall I- eminentalienistshave held that there man who woald go to Jol~o Othor ¯ Marguerite.’ HARRIS BROS., n taintof Insanity~lponsome sub- man for aa opinion of me?" carry you back to the piazza and get i.~ " ’How? Hand painted,Isn’t it?’ Ject in every human mind; that no ¯Dealers ]n Clgars, ,roe .,~me e~ld ¯ wate]~lWhere are the mind Is absolutelyand correctlybal. ,"Now,the reclpient’scom~le~onIs Wholesale ,.To Suit Her Hab}ts .... ~ervants? Have ybu occupied tl~o anced¯ No man sanonponseveraisub" :natural.as any one ea~ see, and tl~l~ Cigarettes, Tobacco, Etc. She was telllng, how she oncebad a was us reason for her to be eo CMI~ house long? My aunt wrot~ me that Jectswilladmitthathe is crazyat all. canary,a dear littleyellowthhag,but toward me the re~t of th0 evt~Mt~. We ~rry ~he larg~t stock in: 8outh-Jersey. tho place was vacant." He hammered ttow_ as a matter of fact..sloesany she had forgottenand left himout tn ]Rang ~meh-~naRlvenoul"--Now 8oleagents forOlnco~ I)orOtha Dlxand out the questions with remorseless man know, of his own knowledge,that the rain one night,and in the morning -.~l’elegram. ’ insane ?--Exchange.: haste. Oxus 5e. Clara. ;> ! not $ there he iay~ a littleyellow~pitiful Rosamond stared wlth gi’owing hor-[hers ./ Pric~on applRmtion. ¯o~rieao-:-~ for. "Who are you? Who 1~ your-,I The F~ther~Dora, don’t you think heap at the bottomofhis eage,~dead. O0~a~-m)ek~ ~ "BuL" they ~ to her, "If you must v~ tm.~ "0gem. aunt?" she ga~.pedIn return, tt’s past bedtime.The Daughter(enComer Atlantic indVirginia Avenu .~; have a bird you can leavein the Dour- .TI:~ .~o~1 ~’ "I am Mrs. Phillips’ nephew. My ..~r. 3". name’sDavidPhillips,i have bought" tertalnluga caller)--Yes, indeed,papa. !rig rain, why get a e~arY?. Why "mllUon, I get a nicelittleduckl’-’-you up?--l~xchanga. didn’t to look it’ Whnt’skee ame the 2 ¯" Our £n r® $15,000- Stockof To Be Sacrificed One= %lf Usua Priceso i\ S Men’s Su ts I / en’s Overcoats ’ Sweaters H, osiery . ! T Underwear Shirt Widow Jbnes’ Boys’ Suits Kappenheim Waiters,Attention Nt gI N:L 1625 Atlantic Ave. AtlantiC CKy, N: J. I p ? Ingalls:EiectricConsitruc¢ion Co.,- SHO S Boys and Qirls r I | .! May’s Landing Water Power Co. /’.’. ":. ¯_ i.~ J: Lipschut "44" Cigar Co=, philadelphia, Pa: