2013 Annual Report - American Society of University of Haifa


2013 Annual Report - American Society of University of Haifa
American Society of
the University of Haifa
2013 Annual Report
The University of Haifa has fully embraced the challenge of contributing to its larger
society. The dreams begun here have filtered into the larger world and have benefited
the country at large. This is a grand mission and I am proud to be part of it.
Professor Alfred I. Tauber, Chairman, Board of Governors
Inaugural Address, University of Haifa, June 2013
Unique at Haifa
Home of the new
National Center for
Mediterranean Sea
The Leon H. Charney
School of
Marine Sciences
Israel’s only graduate school
of marine sciences
Israel’s largest
School of Public
Home to
Center of Excellence
in the area of Education and
the New Information Society
Israel’s first such program
Israel’s only
Wheat Research
to improve crop yield
The school of the
arts is integrating artistic
disciplines and cultures
The Only One in Israel
Israel’s only
Department of
Learning Disabilities
The Younes and
Soraya Nazarian
Library Israel’s largest
academic library
The Hecht Museum
the only archaeological
museum on a university
campus in Israel
To learn more visit
www. as uh. o r g
2013 A Year of
Achievement and Growth
Dear Friends,
We are delighted to share the accomplishments and successes of the University of Haifa as it continues
to create a vibrant multicultural environment in which academic excellence and cutting-edge
research thrive in a diverse community marked by openness, tolerance and respect.
This Annual Report will also showcase the programs of the American Society of the University of Haifa
(ASUH) and acknowledge our supporters who enable us to provide the vital resources the University of
Haifa needs to achieve its ambitious and worthy mission.
Since its humble beginnings in 1972 as a satellite campus of The Hebrew University with 472 students,
the University of Haifa has blossomed into the largest comprehensive research university in northern
Israel. Today over 19,000 students and 1,200 tenured faculty from all segments of Israeli society
come together on the University’s stunning Mt. Carmel hilltop campus to study at seven faculties, 65
departments, nine schools, and 64 research centers and institutes.
We are proud that many of our faculties and schools have attained international distinction in such varied
fields as marine sciences, brain research, security training, law, educational therapy and Holocaust studies.
Over the past six years the University has benefited from the inspirational leadership of Leon H. Charney
as Chairman of the Board of Governors. Mr. Charney, now Honorary Chairman, has been succeeded by
Professor Alfred I. Tauber, renowned educator and a committed benefactor of the University. Professor
Tauber, President Amos Shapira and the University management team have developed plans to expand
faculty and research capabilities while maintaining the University’s academic excellence and community
The continued growth of the University is contingent, in large part, on the support of friends and alumni
here in the United States. ASUH, with the participation of hundreds of donors across the country,
provided more than $10 million in grants for scholarships, research, facility improvements and more in the
fiscal year ending July 31, 2013. We are proud of this record performance, and, with regional offices now
well established, we look forward to accelerating our outreach and broadening our list of contributors.
We applaud our generous partners and benefactors from coast to coast and look forward to working
together to strengthen the University of Haifa, extend our knowledge, build bridges between our people,
and help Israel continue on the path to prosperity and security for generations to come.
Warren Gleicher
Chairman, ASUH
Yefet Osery
National Executive Director, ASUH
ASUH Annual Report
The University of Haifa
Energizing Northern Israel
As the largest research
university in the region and
academic home to a community
of students that most closely
mirrors Israeli society, the
University of Haifa is a major
catalyst for growth and
prosperity in northern Israel.
With more than 19,000 talented
and diverse students, the
University is an exciting and
inspiring cultural mosaic.
Jews, Arabs, Druze, new
immigrants and Israel Defense
Force officers come together
to study, exchange ideas and
share knowledge in a pluralistic
environment of openness,
tolerance and mutual respect.
The University of Haifa is a
growing and dynamic institution,
fully committed to academic
excellence. It is Israel’s leading
university in the humanities,
social sciences, and marine
research and is engaged in
many interdisciplinary and
international programs and
collaborations with academic
institutions around the world.
The “Brain Gain”
The University’s many
pioneering initiatives, from
computer science and brain
research to public health
and multicultural leadership
development, are creating
opportunities to advance the
economy and quality of life for
residents of northern Israel, the
entire nation, and beyond.
Many current University
programs are summarized on
these pages and throughout the
Annual Report.
New Yedah School—
Nearly 25% of Israeli scientists work
out of the country. The University of
Haifa is partnering with the Israeli
government’s Returning Scientists
Program and plans to recruit an
additional 100 researchers from
abroad over the next five years.
To facilitate this vital “Brain Gain,”
the University not only needs to
offer attractive compensation, but
must provide additional lab space
and equipment and to provide
optimal conditions for fostering
groundbreaking research.
The University is currently building
an 11,000 square-foot state-ofthe-art scientific facility, the only
center of its kind in northern Israel,
which will be home to a number of
laboratories including two innovating
in the fight against cancer – the
Laboratory of Cell Death and Cancer
Research and the Laboratory of
Tumor Dormancy and Metastasis.
Inspired by KIPP...In collaboration
with the Israeli Ministry of Education
and the Leo Baek Education Center
the University opened Yedah,
Israel’s first school inspired by KIPP,
in Kiryat Bialik, near Haifa, in August.
Based on the model successfully
implemented in the U.S., the
school focuses on disadvantaged
communities and emphasizes
teaching tools for developing
excellence. The goal of the
school is to help students grow
into university graduates who will
contribute significantly to society.
Chosen to Lead
The University of Haifa was
recently awarded two prestigious
tenders by the Israeli Council for
Higher Education and will lead
national initiatives in the fields of
Mediterranean Sea Research
and Education and the New
Information Society.
The Mediterranean Sea Research
Center of Israel – Recent
discoveries of major offshore
gas reserves have propelled
the Mediterranean Sea into the
international spotlight and onto
Israel’s national agenda. The
University of Haifa is leading the new
research center and a consortium of
six other major universities and two
government agencies.
The Leon H. Charney School of
Marine Sciences will serve as the
Center’s academic anchor and
will play a critical role in shaping
Israel’s security, future prosperity
and environmental agenda.
The Center will be engaged in all
scientific, economic, environmental
and legal aspects of development
of Israel’s Mediterranean Sea
resources. The Center will strive
to create tools for optimizing
the development and use of
the resources found in the
Mediterranean, while protecting
Israel’s national interests and
supporting the formulation of a
national maritime strategy.
Learning in a Networked Society
– The University of Haifa is managing
the nationwide Education and the
New Information Society program.
The new initiative will bring together
experts in the fields of education,
communication, knowledge
management, law, and humancomputer interface to bring about a
paradigm shift in education studies
that will prepare citizens for lifelong
learning in today’s informationbased, networked society.
Among the varied campus-wide
initiatives are two ground-breaking
activities at the Laboratory for
Innovations in Rehabilitation
In one, addressing autism, collaborative technologies are being used
to increase social competence and
social interaction in autistic children.In
another, the creation of virtual reality
stimulations is facilitating rehabilitation
by enabling people to “experience”
real-world situations in which their
specific clinical and therapeutic needs
can be identified.
University Leadership
Professor Alfred Tauber
Chairman, Board of Governors
Ami Ayalon
Chairman, Executive Committe
Amos Shapira
Professor David Faraggi
ASUH Annual Report
Over the past year, the friends and supporters of the American Society of the University of Haifa
participated in a variety of receptions, conferences, meetings and events in the U.S. and Israel,
including inaugural Galas on both the East and West coasts. Here are a few of the highlights:
Launch of Mediterranean Sea Research Center
at Forbes Galleries in New York City
Steve Forbes (left), Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes
Media and host of the reception marking the launch of the
Israel Mediterranean Research Center at the University of
Haifa, with Leon Charney, founder and benefactor of the Leon
H. Charney School of Marine Sciences at the University.
More than 40 friends of the University attended the event,
including Aharon Orlanksy (left), Isabelle Orlansky (center),
and Polly and Herman Hochberg, here with Steve Forbes.
President Shapira in THE Windy City
University of Haifa President Amos Shapira (third from left),
met with donors and friends of the University in early July at a
reception hosted by Ambassador Roey Gilad, Israeli Consul
General in Chicago
ASUH Regional Board Chair Jim Stone attended the reception
with his sister, Ellen (right) and ASUH Midwest Director
Julie Reeder.
Philanthropist Ruth Ziegler Honored
At Los Angeles Gala
Philanthropist Ruth Ziegler (front row center) was honored at the
ASUH Los Angeles Gala at the SLS Hotel in October. Congratulating
Mrs. Ziegler are (clockwise from bottom left), Keynote Speaker Ami
Ayalon, ASUH National Executive Director Yefet Ozery and West
Coast Director Naomi Western, President Amos Shapira and Professor Hanan Alexander, Head of the Center for Jewish Education at
the University.
Ruth Ziegler, a passionate supporter of Jewish cultural
institutions in the U.S. and Israel, with Rabbi Robert Wexler,
President of the American Jewish University.
Rabbi David Wolpe, a featured speaker, with Dr. Stanley
Leiken, a Board Member of the Rieger Foundation, and
Barbara Leikin.
Soraya and Younes Nazarian (front), with members of their
family and President Amos Shapira (back row, third from right).
Their daughter, Dr. Sharon Nazarian (center), was Chair of the
Gala Tribute Committee.
Keynote Speaker Admiral (Ret.) Ami Ayalon, Chairman of
the Executive Committee of the University of Haifa (right),
with guest David Lubarsky.
Herta and Paul Amir with filmmaker and University of Haifa
graduate Dror Soref (left).
ASUH Annual Report
2013 Board of Governors Meeting
Newly elected Chairman of the Board of Governors,
Professor Alfred Tauber (center) is congratulated by President
Amos Shapira (right) and former Chairman of the Board
Professor Manfred Lahnstein at his inauguration.
Yefet Ozery, ASUH’s National Executive Director, and Naomi
Western, West Coast Director, attended the opening of the
Maurice Kanbar Science Pavilion at the University of Haifa.
American Jewish Studies In Israel
Ami Ayalon’s West Coast Visit
Jay and Shira Ruderman were on hand for the launch of
the Ruderman Program for American Jewish Studies at
the University in November. It is the first such graduate
program in Israel. Speaking at the opening ceremonies
was U.S. Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro (right).
Ami Ayalon, Chairman of the University of Haifa Executive Committee (left), visited with donors and partners during a trip to Southern
California in June. He discussed a new academic collaboration between UH and the University of California, Irvine, with UCI Chancellor Dr. Michael Drake (center), and UH Professor Hanan Alexander.
Strengthening the Boston-Haifa Connection
ASUH presented the leadership of the Combined Jewish Philanthropies Boston-Haifa Connection with a Certificate of Appreciation
at a reception at the home of the Israeli Consul General to New England in December. On hand for the presentation were (from left)
University of Haifa President Amos Shapira, Elana Markovitz, Sharon Shapiro, Ruth Kaplan, ASUH National Executive Director Yefey
Ozery, Dena Zigun, Cheryl Aronson, Ariel Libhaber, Harvey Lowell, Steven Sisselman, Tzilla Barone and Carolyn Keller, ASUH New
England Director.
ASUH New York Gala “Celebrates Leadership”
Carmel Award of Merit recipients Irma
and Aaron Spencer (right) with Professor
Yael Latzer, who teaches at the Cheryl
Spencer Department of Nursing, generously supported by the Spencer family.
President Amos Shapira and Board Chairman Professor Alfred Tauber present a Certificate of Appreciation and a model sailboat to Leon Charney. The sailboat represents
Mr. Charney’s early recognition of the vital importance of the Mediterranean Sea to
Leon Charney (center) with his wife,
Tzili Charney, and Keynote Speaker
Wolf Blitzer of CNN. Mr. Charney was
recognized for his six years of visionary
leadership as Chairman of the Board of
Governors of the University of Haifa.
Co-Master of Ceremonies Mili Avital
(right), with presenter Leslie Feldman
(center) and Regina Gottfried, ASUH
East Coast Director.
Renato Strauss (right) accepts an
ASUH Certificate of Appreciation from
University of Haifa Board Chair Prof.
Alfred Tauber (left) and Board Chairman
Warren Gleicher.
Dr. Romana Strochlitz
Primus receives a Certificate of Appreciation
from ASUH Board Chair
Warren Gleicher and
President Amos Shapira.
Israel and his establishment of the Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences at the
Ambassador Ido Aharoni, the Israeli Consul
General in New York, congratulates Carmel
Award winner Nina Weiner. Mrs. Weiner is
founder and head of the ISEF, which provides hundreds of scholarships each year
to students throughout Israel.
Ambassador Ron Prosor,
Israel’s Permanent Representative to the United
Nations, and Mrs. Prosor
enjoyed the Gala.
Esther Muller and her
son, Richard Dickson,
who served as Co-Master
of Ceremonies.
ASUH Annual Report
Supporter Spotlight
Edith Everett, cofounder and president of
the Everett Foundation,
whose priorities are
education and young
people, has been a
staunch supporter of the
University of Haifa for
more than three decades.
She has served with distinction as President of the
American Society of the University of Haifa and
has generously supported a variety of University
educational initiatives.
“I am happy to be associated with the University of
Haifa for the past 30 years,” Mrs. Everett explains.
“The University has set the standard for providing a
quality higher education to all segments of Israel’s
diverse population.”
Asked what he is most
proud of, MAURICE
KANBAR quotes the
Talmud, “He who saves
one life saves the world.”
So although he owns
more than 40 patents,
and although he created
SKYY vodka (sold to
Campari International for $400 million), he is most
proud of the Safetyglide hypodermic needle protector
he invented which reduced accidental disease
transmissions to hospital workers by 95%.
“I’m the kind of individual that looks at everything with
the thought ‘How can this be improved?’” he says. “In
1972, I’m in a 1,500-seat movie house, but only 120
people are there. I think, I could build four 150-seat
Mrs. Everett and her late husband Henry were
actively involved in significant education projects in
Israel for 45 years. Their first, helping create a school
in the underserved Galilee community of Hatzor, led
to leadership roles with the Israeli Sci-Tech Schools
(formerly ORT). Today ISTS is the largest network
of schools and colleges in Israel, emphasizing
science and technology in its curriculum, leading to
successful careers for many graduates.
For over 40 years Mrs. Everett was senior vice
president of investments at a New York Stock
Exchange member firm. She currently serves on a
number of philanthropic boards, including American
Friends of Israel Sci-Tech Schools (of which she is
founder and chair), The Jewish Book Council, Joint
Distribution Committee, and Blaustein Institute for
Human Rights. For 23 years she was also a board
trustee of the City University of New York.
houses in this location, and then if 150 people show
up in each, I’m doing fine.” That year Mr. Kanbar
created the QUAD Cinemas in New York City, the
first multiplex theater on the East Coast. It was
profitable the first month.
Mr. Kanbar strongly identifies with his Jewish
heritage and passionately supports the State of
Israel. “I’m culturally very Jewish. Even though I don’t
go to synagogue every Sabbath, I am very, very
conscious of what can we do to improve the stature
of Israel in the world.”
At the University of Haifa, The Maurice Kanbar
Natural Sciences Laboratory Complex, unveiled last
June, will house Israeli scientists and provide space
customized for researchers’ needs. Fittingly, they will
be asking the question “How can this be improved?”
Professor Alfred
Tauber, in his first
year as Chairman of the
Board of Governors of
the University of Haifa,
is often asked why he
accepted this high-level,
high-profile volunteer
“I am very intrigued by both the challenge and the
opportunity of the University of Haifa,” he says, “being a
crucible for the integrative and harmonious relationship
between Israeli Jews and Arabs. Every day you just
walk through the campus and you see Jews and Arabs
studying together, faculty which is mixed, and a very
strong sense that this is a special place.”
Professor Tauber has been rising to challenges
throughout his distinguished career as a philosopher,
In the world of
philanthropy, Ruth
Ziegler stands out
for her vision, her
humanitarianism, and her
pacesetting generosity.
A passionate advocate
for Jewish cultural and
educational organizations
here and in Israel, she has
provided critical support for causes large and small.
The only child of a Reform rabbi, Mrs. Ziegler grew
up in St. Joseph, Missouri, and graduated from the
University of Southern California, where she met
Allen Ziegler, a USC law school student.
They married in 1941 and, after serving in the Navy
in the South Pacific, Allen returned home to enter his
family’s business, now known as Westco Products
medical ethicist, and historian. A hematologist and
biochemist by training and an expert on immunology,
he is now Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Zoltan
Kohn Professor Emeritus of Medicine, and Director
Emeritus of the Center for Philosophy and History of
Science at Boston University.
His academic pursuits are matched by his
philanthropic activities. With his sister, Ingrid Tauber,
he directs the Lazlo N. Tauber Family Foundation
which funds diverse programs in Israel and the
United States for the care and rehabilitation of the
mentally ill.
The Foundation established and generously supports
the Tauber Bioinformatics Center at the University
of Haifa for the development of new methods in
genomics and proteomics.
Professor Tauber received an Honorary Degree from
the University in 2011.
Inc., a manufacturer and distributor of bakery
ingredients. During his lifetime, Allen’s enormous
generosity advanced the efforts of numerous Jewish
Mrs. Ziegler’s profound concern for the welfare of
others, her devotion to Jewish causes, and her
intelligent approach to giving have become a model for
philanthropists in Los Angeles and across the country.
For more than a decade Mrs. Ziegler has generously
supported the Center for Jewish Education at the
University of Haifa. The Center is dedicated to the
study, critique and advancement of Jewish, Israeli
and democratic identity in Israel and abroad.
Among the other beneficiaries of her support are the
American Jewish University, Sinai Temple, City of
Hope, the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles,
USC Hillel, the Los Angeles Retarded Citizens
Foundation, and the Venice Family Clinic.
ASUH Annual Report
The American Society of the University of Haifa has served as a focal point for supporters of the University of Haifa for more than three decades. It is through the interest, involvement and generosity of our
donors that the University is able to continue to create new centers of academic excellence for current
and future generations of students, faculty and researchers.
The following is a list of our significant donors over the years, through December 31, 2013. It is through
the leadership, passion and foresight of these individuals, families, foundations and organizations, that
the American Society of the University of Haifa has been able contribute to the academic excellence and
diverse community of learners that make the University one of Israel’s most valuable assets. We thank all
these generous donors, and the thousands of others who have supported the University of Haifa over the
years. Todah rabah.
Chairman’s Council
Herta and Paul Amir
Helmsley Charitable Trust
Trustee, Sandy Frankel
The Rieger Foundation
Trustee, Arthur Gaudi
New York, NY
Maurice Kanbar
Richard & Rhoda Goldman
Hymen T. Milgrom Trust
Irma and Aaron D. Spencer
Cheryl Spencer Memorial
Beverly Hills, CA
Tzili and Leon H. Charney
San Francisco, CA
Audrey Gruss
Hope for Depression Research
New York, NY
New York, NY
San Francisco, CA
Chicago, IL
David and Inez Myers Foundation
President, S. Lee Kohrman
Beachwood, OH
Younes and Soraya Nazarian
Y & S Nazarian Foundation
Santa Barbara, CA
Boston, MA
Laurie and Renato Strauss
Strauss Foundation
New York, NY
Professor Alfred Tauber and
Ms. Ingrid Tauber
Laszlo N. Tauber Family Foundation
Los Angeles, CA
North Bethesda, MD
Nathan Ancell
Ethan Allen, Inc.
Enrique Feldman
Atheneus Humanities Foundation
The Audrey & Martin
Gruss Foundation
Theodore and Florence Baumritter
Ralph Green (Estate of)
Alfred Tauber Philanthropic Fund
President’s Circle
$500,000 - $999,000
Danbury, CT
Boca Raton, FL
Bennet Gertrude Berman Foundation
Palm Beach, FL
Boston, MA
New York, NY
New York, NY
Nitza and Gideon Yuval
San Francisco, CA
Honor Society
$100,000 - $499,000
Banner Industries
Norman Krischer
Verona, NJ
Houston, TX
The David Berg Foundation
Mark and Eleanor Lainer
Alan B. Slifka Foundation
Jacob and Hilda Blaustein
Lakeside Properties, LLC
New York, NY
New York, NY
Baltimore, MD
Shepard Broad Foundation
Miami, Fl
Lorne Buchman and
Rochelle Shapell
Piedmont, CA
Combined Jewish Philanthropies
Boston, MA
Commodity Steel & Processing, Inc.
Warren, MI
Joseph & Batsheva Eden
Great Neck, NY
Edith Everett
New York, NY
Margaret Fischer
Rossford, OH
Fohs Foundation
Roseburg, OR
GCE Property Holdings, Inc.
New York, NY
Harriett and Gilbert Gertner
Houston, TX
David Grin and Limor Yoash
New York, NY
Hahn Automotive Warehouse, Inc.
Rochester, NY
Arnold Hiatt
Boston, MA
Michael L. Klein
Houston, TX
Koret Foundation
San Francisco, CA
Van Nuys, CA
Isaac Silverman (Estate of)
New York, NY
Stride Rite Charitable Foundation
Howell, NJ
Boston, MA
Harry and Sadie Lasky Foundation
Sigmund Strochlitz
Chicago, IL
Levin Enterprises
San Jose, CA
Harvey M. Meyerhoff
New London, CT
Ray Tye Medical Aid Foundation
Cambridge, MA
Harry and Helen Weilheimer
Baltimore, MD
Palm Beach, Fl
Donald Newman
Carole M. Weinstein
Dorothy Passer Trust
Alice Weiss (Estate of)
Raoul Pruger
Joshua Weston
Ruderman Family Foundation
Edgar Zantker
Raphael Recanati
The Ziegler Family Trust
Ethel T. Rishman (Estate of)
Philip Zinman
Tulsa, OK
Dallas, TX
Pittsburgh, PA
Newton, MA
New York, NY
Brooklyn, NY
Martin Roth
New York, NY
Richmond, VA
New York, NY
Montclair, NJ
Lexington, KY
Encino, CA
Boca Raton, FL
Barbara and Benjamin Zucker
New York, NY
Allan Rubin Trust
North Palm Beach, FL
Charles Rutenberg
Clearwater, FL
Edward Schneider
Piedmont, CA
David and Fela Shapell
Family Foundation
Beverly Hills, CA
Robert Shay
Rydal, PA
Every effort was made to present an accurate list of donors. Please contact us with any questions or corrections.
ASUH Annual Report
$50,000 - $99,000
Sidney Banon
The Louise Chazen Banon
Family Charitable Trust
New York, NY
Charles J. Bensley
New York, NY
Jeffrey Berman Foundation
Cambridge, MA
Michael Bloch
Dallas, TX
Kenneth Burdman
Youngstown, OH
Burton Cutler
Rolling Hills, CA
Mark Ertes
Arlington Heights, IL
Mike Feldman
Washington, DC
Sidney Frank Foundation
New Rochelle, NY
Frankel Foundation
Los Angeles, CA
The Nathan, Anne, Kim, and
Julian Geller Foundation
Los Angeles, CA
Estate of Arnold Grunfeld
New York, NY
Sylvia Belofsky Ginsberg (Estate of)
Glen Cove, NY
Eugene M. Grant
New York, NY
David A. Jones
Louisville, KY
The Robert and Myra Kraft
Family Foundation
Foxborough, MA
Albert A. List Foundation, Inc.
New York, NY
Rabbi Brian and Caroline
Fromm Lurie
Ross, CA
Magbit Foundation
Beverly Hills, CA
Eva Markus Charitable Trust
Beverly Hills, CA
John H. Ormond
Piedmont, CA
David S. Perry Foundation
Beverly Hills, CA
Abe and Irene Pollin
Washington, DC
Jacob Popkin
Longmeadow, MA
Carl and Ruth Shapiro
Family Foundation
Boston, MA
Helen Sarah Steyer
San Francisco, CA
Tommy Steyer
Vero Beach, FL
Samuel Strasbourger
New York, NY
Ingrid D. Tauber Philanthropic
San Francisco, CA
Franklin W. Weiss
West Springfield, MA
$25,000 - $49,000
Harvey Krueger
New York, NY
Martin & Susan Adelman
Southfield, MI
Bettina Kurowski
Encino, CA
American Jewish Committee
New York, NY
Ted Arison Family Foundation
Miami, FL
Alan L. Aufzien
New York, NY
Carl F. Barron
Cambridge, MA
Arthur Belfer
New York, NY
Boston Jewish Community
Women’s Fund
Boston, MA
Nasser Damaghi
Great Neck, NY
Esko Properties, Inc.
Palm Beach, FL
Shirley and William R.
Fleischer Foundation
East Hills, NY
Jerrold and Jane Goodman
Miami Beach, FL
Harriett and Gilbert Gertner
Houston, TX
Alan C. Greenberg
Brooklyn, NY
David and Micah Levinson
Wilmington, DE
Adolph Levis
Del Ray Beach, FL
Joseph Levy
Aventura, FL
Frank Lipshutz
Aventura, FL
Gehard Lowy
New York, NY
David Alan Lubarsky
Santa Monica, CA
The Moncham Foundation
Lafayette, CA
Moises Mondlak
Dallas, TX
Monte Friedkin Properties
Boca Raton, FL
The New-Land Foundation, Inc.
New York, NY
Anita & Benjamin Rabinovitch
Philanthropic Fund
Beverly Hills, CA
Diane Recanati
New York, NY
Maurice Handelman
Metairie, LA
Ben and Esther Rosenbloom
Baltimore, MD
Iranian American Jewish
Los Angeles, CA
Daniel Ross
Henderson, NV
Jewish Community Federation
of San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
Lawrence Katz
Elkins Park, PA
Klarman Family Foundation
Chestnut Hill, MA
Willard G. Rouse
Philadelphia, PA
Haim Saban
Los Angeles, CA
Richard J. Scheuer
New York, NY
International PROGRAMS
The University is expanding academic
activities in the international arena as
it matures into a leading international
Three new international academic
programs – Art Therapy, Maritime
Civilizations and Holocaust Studies –
were added in the past year, bringing the
total of full graduate degree programs in
English to thirteen.
The Holocaust Studies program ensures
the future of Holocaust research and
education, and will prepare a new
generation of Holocaust scholars for
institutions in Israel and around the world.
A record 1,063 students, from Israel and
more than 40 other countries, enrolled in
International School programs in the 201213 school year. In addition, the University
is expanding the options students have to
study at selected overseas universities.
Ben N. Teitel Charitable Trust
Gerald S. Cook, Trustee
S.H. & Helen R. Scheuer
Family Foundation
New York, NY
Farmington Hills, MI
Edward Phillip Schneider
San Francisco, CA
Halina Wachtel
Los Angeles, CA
Sol Seltzer
New York, NY
Dorsha Wallman
San Diego, CA
Herman R. Shepherd
New Canaan, CT
Nina Weiner
New York, NY
Shirley Levy Charitable Trust
Beverly Hills, CA
Ben Weiss
New York, NY
William Smolkin
New Orleans, LA
Edell Nelson Wingers Trust
St. Louis, MO
The Spencer Foundation
Chicago, IL
Maxine and Jack Zarrow Family
Tulsa, OK
Gilbert and Janet Spitzer
Riverdale, NY
Michael Stein
Birmingham, MI
Herbert Steinmann
New York, NY
S. Mort Zimmerman
Dallas, TX
Joseph S. Zuritsky
Philadelphia, PA
$10,000 - $24,000
Melvin Dion
Burton J. Ahrens
New York, NY
Alexander Ebrahimzadeh
Philadelphia, PA
Kathryn Ames Foundation
Towson, MD
Sidney M. Edelstein
Bronx, NY
The Jack & Mimi Leviton
Amsterdam Foundation
Bedford Hills, NY
Educational Services, Inc.
Washington, DC
David Askanase
Houston, TX
Edwin M. Ellman
Columbus, OH
Steven and Pamela Ball
Basking Ridge, NJ
The David Everett Foundation
New York, NY
Robert Ballard
Jake J. Farber
JoAnn Bendetson
Andover, MA
Leonard J. Fassler
Harrison, NY
Stanley and Joyce Black
Beverly Hills, CA
David Faust
New York, NY
Old Lyme, CT
Stanley Bogen
New York, NY
Hyman Bolotin
Los Angeles, CA
Alan V. Bories
New Orleans, LA
Barry Brown
Boston, MA
Philadelphia, PA
Los Angeles, CA
Eugene Feiner
Philadelphia, PA
David Feld
Morsetown, NJ
Jacob Feldman
Dallas, TX
Robert Ford
Wynnewood, PA
Joel Burdman
New York, NY
Forest City Enterprises
Charitable Foundation
Cleveland, OH
Martin Burstein
Metairie, LA
William Frost
New York, NY
Avram Butensky
Marina del Rey, CA
Rose Garfin (Trust of)
Miami Beach, FL
Alan N. Cohen
New York, NY
Elisha Gilboa
Los Angeles, CA
Nina Cohen
McLean, VA
Warren Gleicher
New York, NY
The Dickler Family Foundation
New York, NY
Leonard Goldfine
Elkins Park, PA
ASUH Annual Report
Green Roofs
Research Center
As part of its ecological “green campus” initiative,
the University has launched the Kadas Green
Roofs Ecology Research Center. The Center
studies issues related to the use of green roofs as
habitats to help maintain biodiversity in semi-arid
environments, such as Israel.
The Center brings together ecology experts,
architects and engineers who specialize in
environmental issues.
Jack Lin
Calabasas, CA
Morris Offit
New York, NY
Lucius N. Littauer Foundation
New York, NY
Bruce A. Payne
Amityville, NY
David S. Mack
Rochelle Park, NJ
P.E.F. Israeli Endowment
Funds, Inc.
New York, NY
Ronald Mann
Pound Ridge, NY
Ronald Marlar
Osteen, FL
Seymour Melman
New York, NY
Merck Foundation
Whitehouse Station, NJ
Milton and Helen Monderer
Foundation, Inc.
Livingston, NJ
Milton Miller
Metuchen, NJ
Alan Gordon
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Ronne & Donald Hess Foundation
Birmingham, AL
Michael H. Minzer
Dallas, TX
Bernard S. Gottstein
Anchorage, AK
Susan and William D. Hess
New Orleans, LA
Sol Minzer
Dallas, TX
Gould Investor Trust
Great Neck, NY
Jacobson Family Foundation
Boston, MA
Kathryn Greenberg
New York, NY
Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc.
White Plains, NY
The Flora F. Morrell
Charitable Fund
New York, NY
Aranka Greenstein
Laguna Hills, CA
Ronald Katz
New York, NY
Giora Gruenwald
Forest Hills, NY
Solomon Kimerling
Mountain Brook, AL
Isadore & Bertha Gudelsky
Family Foundation
Washington, D.C.
Martin Kimmel
Roslyn, NY
Baron Alain Gunzburg
New York, NY
Hanger Orthopedic Group, Inc.
New York, NY
Emil Hess
Birmingham, AL
Murray Koppelman
New York, NY
Ira Kukin
Livingston, NJ
Jerry Landsberg
Great Neck, NY
Geoffrey Lewis
Wellesley, MA
Ruth Ronall
New York, NY
Herman Rose
Pawtucket, RI
Arnold Rosen
Youngstown, OH
Jeffrey Rosen
Aventura, FL
E. Rosenthal
Fort Worth, TX
The Maks & Lea Rothstein
Charitable Youth Trust
New York, NY
Seymour Rudorfer
Albertson, NY
William Sadowsky
Springfield, MA
Edward M Satell
Malvern, PA
Oscar Morvai
Sacramento, CA
Marvin Saul
Los Angeles, CA
Alfred Moses
Washington, WA
Richard J. and Joan G. Scheuer
Family Foundation
New York, NY
Murray Munves
Dallas, TX
Mark Naim
New York, NY
Noel Nathanson
Great Neck, NY
Ben Neisner
Hollywood, FL
Stephen Offerman
Bayville, NY
Toby Schreiber
San Francisco, CA
Dan Schusterman
Tulsa, OK
Emanuell Sella
New York, NY
Joseph Shane
Beverly Hills, CA
Arie and Erica Sheffer
Cliffside Park, NJ
Terry Katz Shestack
Bala Cynwyd, PA
$5,000 - $9,000
Jack Smith
Houston, TX
Goldie Abers
Los Angeles, CA
Southern California Nessah
Educational & Cultural Center
Beverly Hills, CA
Alexander Abraham
New Rochelle, NY
Abraham Spiegel
Beverly Hills, CA
Robert St. John
Waldorf, MD
Mathew Stacom
New York, NY
Systems Research and
Applications Corporation
Fairfax, VA
Donald Tanselle
Indianapolis, IN
The Sarah Tolchinsky
Intervivos Trust
Van Nuys, CA
Joy Ungerleider
New York, NY
John and Teresa Votruba
San Francisco, CA
Arthur K. Wachtel
San Francisco, CA
Larry Weinberg
Beverly Hills, CA
Jack Wexler
Great Neck, NY
Allen J. Winigrad
Cherry Hill, NJ
Morris Yoffe
Deerfield Beach, FL
Gordon B. Zacks
Columbus, OH
S. Daniel Abraham
West Palm Beach, FL
Susan and Kourosh Adhami
Brookville, NY
Marjorie Aleck
Santa Monica, CA
Altman Family Foundation
Dallas, TX
Michael Altura
Los Angeles, CA
American Jewish League
for Israel
West Palm Beach, FL
Michel and Tamar Amsalem
New York, NY
David Amsterdam
Los Angeles, CA
Atlantic Paper & Foil, LLC
Hauppauge, NY
Ann Bardacke
Vancouver, WA
Joshua Barer
Mendham, NJ
David S. Becker MD
New York, NY
Bernard Bellush
Valhalla, NY
Ronald Binder
Pasadena, CA
Shiman Bokovza
New York, NY
Malcom K. Brachman
Dallas, TX
Advancing Human Rights
The Legal Clinic for Human Rights
in Society’s law students take on
numerous projects designed to promote
legal advocacy and legislative support,
particularly for disadvantaged and
minority groups.
The Clinic also conducts research and
develops and presents cases to the
Knesset and government officials. The
law students participating acquire a
life-long passion for the advancement
of human rights.
ASUH Annual Report
William Bruck
Los Angeles, CA
Morton Charlestein
King of Prussia, PA
Jack Chester Foundation
Miami, FL
Bernard P. Cohen
Stanford, CT
The Leonard and Sophie Davis
West Palm Beach, FL
Mushrooms to
Fight Cancer
Professor of Biology Fuad
Fares, head of the Druze
Section of the Jewish-Arab
Center at the University, and
Professor Solomon Wasser
of the University’s Institute of
Evolution, have discovered that
the Cyathus striatus species
of mushroom, endemic to
Israel, may prove to be a highly
effective treatment for cancer.
The team is now engaged in
further development and testing.
Daniel C. Brown
Deer Park, NY
Mathilda S. Goldman
New York, NY
E. Robert Goodkind
New York, NY
Leonard B. Edelman
Greater Hartford Jewish
Community Center
West Hartford, CT
Baton Rouge, LA
Lisa and Alan Z. Engel
Birmingham, AL
Lawrence Erlbaum
Sattle River, NJ
Eitan Evan
Glenmount, NY
Janet and Jake Farber
Sherman Oaks, CA
Alfred Feinman
Purchase, NY
Mark Friedman
Newton, MA
Herbert M Bridge
Seattle, WA
The Glickenhaus Foundation
New York, NY
Robert and Doris Gordon
Boston, MA
Morris B. Fell
Tulsa, OK
Dora Brechner
New London, CT
Bruce M. Ginsburg
Philadelphia, PA
Oded and Rachel E’dan
East Longmeadow, MA
Dalck Feith
Elkins Park, PA
Randolph L. Braham
Forest Hills, NY
Sidney Gertz & Jacqueline
Gertz Trust
Van Nuys, CA
Harold Friedman
New York, NY
Friends of Jewish High Schools
of Budapest, Inc.
Bethesda, MD
Institute for Mediterranean Affairs
Philadelphia, PA
Jewish Communal Fund
New York, NY
Jewish Community Foundation of
Greater Phoenix
Scottsdale, AZ
Jewish Community
Foundation of Minneapolis
Minnetonka, MN
Marvin Josephson
New York, NY
Kaplan Management Consultants
Hauppauge, NY
Abe Katz
Corpus Christi, TX
Irwin Green
Boca Ratan, FL
Michael Kennedy
Philadelphia, PA
Dan Greenberg
Beverly Hills, CA
Jay Kislak
Miami Lakes, FL
David Greenberg
Miami Beach, FL
David Klein
New York, NY
Jacob Greenberg
Houston, TX
The Sidney Kohl Foundation
Palm Beach, FL
Gruber Foundation
Manchester, NH
Fred Lafer
Wayne, NJ
Paul D. Guth
Philadelphia, PA
Richard Landsman
San Antonio, TX
Nat Handel
Beverly Hills, CA
Gerson and Judith Leiber
New York, NY
Gerald Harris
Short Hills, NJ
Shelley Harrison
Dix Hills, NY
Larry Herbert
Moonachie, NJ
Patricia Gantz
Harrison, NY
Ethel Hirsch
New York, NY
Noga Garrison
New York, NY
Jerold C. Hoffberger
Woodbine, MD
Marvin Lender Family
Foundation Inc.
Woodbridge, CT
Ilana Hirsch Lescohier
Brookline, MA
Robert J. Levenson
Essex Falls, NJ
Irv I. Levine
Sacramento, CA
Abraham Luski
Charlotte, NC
Carl H. Reich
North Caldwell, NJ
Mike Hale Stoller
Beverly Hills, CA
Marilyn Ziering
Beverly Hills, CA
Herbert and Marianna Luxenberg
Philanthropic Fund
Burton, OH
John L. Ricketts
Philadelphia, PA
Rose Strochlitz
New London, CT
Herman Zuritsky
Philadelphia, PA
Morris Rodman
Washington, DC
Luci and Stan Sunshine
Family Foundation, Inc.
Atlanta, GA
Siyoun and Sionet Mahfar
Manhasset, NY
Stephen Mann
New York, NY
Stanley Marcus
Portland, OR
Martha Mednick
Washington, DC
William Mehlman
Wellington, FL
Efrahim K. Meniuk
Chevy Chase, MD
Calvin Michelson
San Antonio, TX
Milken Family Foundation
Santa Monica, CA
MZ Foundation
Oakland, CA
Albert Nerken
Glenhead, NY
News America Publishing Inc.
New York, NY
Eric Ostrov
Chicago, IL
Laura Pels Foundation
New York, NY
Baruch and Alisa Pletner
Chestnut Hill, MA
Claire G. Pollack
Sepulveda, CA
Pride Products Corporation
Ronkonkoma, NY
Arthur C. Pultizer
New Orleans, LA
Harry Reed
Houston, TX
Leona Rosenberg
Chicago, IL
Robert A. Rubinstein
La Mesa, CA
Mason Rudd
Louisville, KY
Maxwell and Janet Salter
Beverly Hills, CA
Walter Scheuer
New York, NY
Dov C. Schlein
New York, NY
Irene Seneczko
Cleveland, OH
Judith Shaeffer
Tucson, AZ
Arden Shenker
Portland, OR
Harriette S. Tabas
Bala Cynwyd, PA
Jay Tannenbaum
New York, NY
Henry Taub
Tenafly, NJ
The Leonard and Sophie Davis
Foundation, Inc.
West Palm, FL
Max N. Tobias
New Orleans, LA
Harry Toffel
Lake Worth, FL
Tuttleman Family Foundation
La Jolla, CA
Mel Wasserman
San Francisco, CA
Shofar Cultural Foundation
Great Neck, NY
Dr. Carroll and
Mrs. Charlotte Weinberg
Wynnewood, PA
Irving Shuman
Phoenix, AZ
Helga and Gerardo Weinstein
Dallas, TX
Alan Sieroty
Los Angeles, CA
Harold Weintraub
Chestnut Hill, MA
Larry Silverstein
New York, NY
Andre Weiss
New York, NY
Frederick Simmons
Los Angeles, CA
Harold Wernick
Longmeadow, MA
Eugene Speck
Las Vegas, NV
Morris Werthan
Nashville, TN
Aza Squarer
Highland Park, IL
Bruce Whizin
Sherman Oaks, CA
Martin and Edith Stein
Boca Raton, FL
Bernard Yudowitz
Weston, MA
A Step Closer
to preventing
A research team at the University of
Haifa recently identified a promising
medical intervention that could
potentially render Alzheimer’s
disease a thing of the past.
By selectively manipulating
brain cells at the molecular level,
researchers in the Laboratory for
Research of Molecular and Cellular
Mechanisms Underlying Learning
and Memory have successfully
controlled the production of a
specific protein that plays a key
role in maintaining brain plasticity
and, consequently, in memory
consolidation in healthy brains.
The research group is now poised
to test new pharmacological
and genetic tools with the aim
of producing new and powerful
cognitive enhancers.
ASUH Annual Report
A Banner Year for ASUH
Thanks to the generosity of the donors listed and hundreds of others from across the country, the American Society
of the University of Haifa raised and transferred more than $10 million to support the students and faculty at the
University of Haifa in FY 2013. ASUH was also one of the most efficient non-profit organizations in the nation, with
90¢ of every $1 of expenditures devoted directly to programs, activities and research at the University of Haifa.
ASUH Raised and Transferred
$10.1 Million to the University
of Haifa in FY 2013 and received
$4.2 million in new pledges
Includes direct contributions to the University of Haifa
90% Programs
8% Fundraising
2% Administration
ASUH Grants
Supported a wide
range of student
programs and
faculty research
at the universty
of haifa in fy 2013
22% National
Science Laboratory
17% Faculty Research
15% Student Scholarships
1% Holocaust Studies
2% The International School
2% Academic Programs
6% Returning Scientists
8% General Support
14% Library Services
13% Marine Sciences
For more detailed financial information e-mail info@asuh.org, call 212.685.7880, ext 23, or visit www.asuh.org
Giving Opportunities
The University of Haifa provides its diverse and talented students
and gifted faculty with a supportive environment, offering
opportunities to study and learn together with world-class scholars
and researchers.
To continue to meet student and faculty needs in the future, the
University depends on the generous annual and planned giving
support of its American friends. Donations can be targeted to
programs in your favorite areas of interest. 100% of all designated
gifts are transferred by ASUH to the University for the programs and
initiatives for which they are intended.
The University of Haifa and ASUH are proud to recognize your
donations in a number of prominent ways, including permanent
naming opportunities and signage.
Individual Gifts in general
support of the University of Haifa
mission are appreciated at any
time during the year.
Major Gifts over $25,000 offer
many opportunities to support
specific donor interests, including
general and targeted scholarships, research, and educational
planned giving programs offer a broad range of giving opportunities, as well as tax benefits.
Planned giving options include
bequests, whereby donors name
the University of Haifa in their
will. Larger bequests can be
designated to achieve innovative
academic and research goals.
Your financial and legal advisors,
in consultation with ASUH and our
planned giving consultants, can
design a plan suited to your
individual circumstances.
Student scholarships are a driving force behind the University of Haifa’s
success. In keeping with its commitment to educate the best and the
brightest, regardless of their economic status, the University provides
scholarship assistance to more than one-third of its students.
Need-based scholarships benefit students with financial difficulties,
including new immigrants, soldiers, minority groups and single parents.
Merit-based scholarships enable the University to attract promising
students and recognize academic achievement. Scholarships directly
change lives, making your contribution even more meaningful.
To discuss Giving
please contact:
Yefet Ozery
or a Regional Director
listed on page 20
ASUH Annual Report
The American Society of the University of Haifa is dedicated to increasing awareness and financial support
for the University of Haifa to ensure its continued excellence in teaching, research and community service.
ASUH cultivates relationships and serves as a vital connection between the University and its friends, supporters, alumni and partner institutions in the U.S.
SUH hosts a variety of
stimulating cultural, educational
and social programs throughout
the year at which University
of Haifa experts share their
knowledge and insights.
• ASUH strengthens
relationships through frequent print
and electronic communications,
a vibrant website, community
partnerships and the Alumni &
Friends Association.
• ASUH generates critical support
for vital University initiatives
through donor and foundation
engagement throughout America.
SUH offers numerous opportunities to support specific donor interests, including research, scholarships, and special
funding opportunities.
ASUH Board of Directors
Warren Gleicher, Esq.
New York, NY
Dr. Sharon Nazarian
Vice Chair
Los Angeles, CA
Dr. Lillian Sober Ain
New York, NY
Moshe Alon
Los Angeles, CA
Sidney Banon
New York, NY
Geoffrey Lewis, Esq.
Wellesley, MA
JoAnn Bendetson
Andover, MA
Dr. Tobi Richman-Steinhardt
Boca Raton, FL
Joshua Barer
Westfield, NJ
John Bussel
Miami, FL
Dr. Malcolm Dorman
Golden Beach, FL
Dr. Romana Strochlitz Primus
Waterford, CT
Jeffrey Rosen
Aventura, FL
Professor Joseph
New Haven, CT
Benjamin Sigel, Esq.
Boston, MA
Rabbi David Steinhardt
Boca Raton, FL
Michael S. Wahba
New York, NY
U.S. Members of the Board of Governors
Professor Alfred Tauber Chairman
Boscawen, NH
Leon H. Charney, Esq.
Honorary Chairman
New York, NY
Paul Amir
Beverly Hills, CA
Mili Avital
New York, NY
Sidney Banon
New York, NY
Harvey Fuchs
Long Island City, NY
Younes Nazarian
Los Angeles, CA
Lorne Buchman
Piedmont, CA
Geoffrey H. Lewis, Esq.
Wellesley, MA
Ambassador Peter Rosenblatt
Washington, DC
Michael A. Bloch
Dallas, TX
Tzili Charney
New York, NY
Dr. Jacob Frenkel
New York, NY
Warren Gleicher, Esq.
New York, NY
Rabbi Brian Lurie
Ross, CA
Dr. Sharon S. Nazarian
Los Angeles, CA
Andrew Ortony
Evanston, IL
Edward Schneider
San Francisco, CA
Ira Schwartz
Philadelphia, PA
Professor Elie Wiesel
Boston, MA
ASUH Staff
Yefet Ozery
National Executive Director
Larry Geiger
Assistant Director
Regina Gottfried
Director—East Coast Region
Carolyn Keller
Director—New England
Betty Lustig
Director—Southeast Region
Julie Reeder
Director—Midwest Region
Naomi Western
Director—West Coast Region
Lynda Kraar
Development Director
Marcy Rubin
Project and Administrative
The University of Haifa
by the numbers
19,637 Students
8,504 Undergraduates
7,717 Graduate
1,238 Doctoral
1,115 Non-Academic Degree
1,063 International
9 Schools
• Leon H. Charney School
of Marine Sciences
• Graduate School of Creative
Art Therapies
• Schools of Criminology
• School of History
• School of Political Sciences
• School of Public Health
• School of Social Work
• The International School
5,285 Graduates in 2013
2,406 Undergraduates
2,879 Postgraduates
7 Faculties
2,017 Staff
1,233 Research & Teaching Faculty
784 Administrative & Temporary Staff
(65 Departments)
Education | Natural Sciences
Law | Social Sciences
Humanities | Management
Social Welfare and Health Sciences
Research Centers & Institutes
197 Acres
Campus on Mt. Carmel
• The School of the Arts
$230 Million
Government allocations
All statistics relate to the
2012-2013 school year.
“We have an important mission–
to strengthen northern Israel and
create a common denominator
among the diverse Israeli society....
We achieve academic excellence
in an atmosphere of multiculturalism
and tolerance.”
Amos Shapira, President, University of Haifa
245 Fifth Avenue
Suite 1005
New York, NY 10016